National Sororities
Installation of National Sororities EMORY UNIVERSITY May 8-10, 1959 INSTALLATION OF NATIONAL SORORITIES . :·. ,' EMORY UNIVERSITY MAY 8-10, .1959 PROGRAM THURSDAY, MAY 7 1 :00- 4:00 P.M. Installation Teams Register at the Interclub Council House 1293. Clifton Road, N. E . FRIDAY, MAY 8 9:30 A.M. Meeting of National Presidents and University officials .. Board of Trustees' Room, Administration Building 11 :00-12 :30 Brunch· Reception honoring installation teams. Given by Dr. and Mrs. S. Walter Martin, 1722 North Decatur Road, N. E. 1:30- 2:30 P.M. University Presentation of Charters. Glenn Memorial Methodist Church The remainder of Friday and Saturday, May 9, 1959, will be st aside for initiation and installation of chapters by the nationals i their customary manner. PROGRAM of the GRANTING OF CHARTERS to the Chapters of National Sororities of EMORY UNIVERSITY GLENN MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM May 8, 1959. ONE-THIRTY P.M. PROGRAM PRELUDE Piece Heroiqu<--------------------------------------------Cesar Franck PROCESSIONAL March Romaine _______________________________________________ Go11110J ORDER OF PROCESSION The Marshals of the University The President of the University and the Speaker The Dean of Women and the President of the Panhellenic Council The members of the Student Organization• and Activities Committee The President of the lnterfraternity Council The Charter Members of the Chapters of National Sororities INVOCATION }ACK s. BoozER, n.D. Ph.D. Chairman, Department of Bible MEDLEY OF SoRoRITY SoNGs SORORITY CHORUS Alpha Chi Omega "Give Me the Lyre" Alpha Delta pj "Adelphean, I've Lost My Heart to You" Alpha Epsilon Phi "Alpha Epsilon Phi Hymn" Chl Omega "There's a Long, Long Trail" Delta Delta Delta "Anchors Awe_igh" Delta Gamma "This Night is a Delta Night" Kappa Alpha Theta uTheta'> Kappa Delta "Deep Down in My Heart" Kappa Kappa Gamma "One, Two, Three Words" Phi Mu uPic:ture a Girl" ADDRESS ELLIS fuBER REc!!., A.M.
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