
Planning Committee 8 December, 2016 WD/D/16/000483

Application Number: WD/D/16/000483 Full

Registration Date: 18 April, 2016

Application Site: THE GRANGE, FOLKE LANE, , , DT9 5HR

Proposal: Convert existing tractor/implement building to holiday let as incidental use to the main dwelling house


Ward Members: Cllr R A S Legg, Cllr M Lawrence

Case Officer: Katrina Trevett

1. Summary Recommendation


2. Description of development

2.1 This application seeks planning permission to convert the existing tractor/implement store adjacent to The Grange to a unit of holiday accommodation.

2.2 The Grange is a large detached residential dwelling situated on the south east corner of the Alweston crossroads with access off of Folke Lane. The tractor/implement store was granted permission in 2008 and is located directly north east to The Grange. It is situated within a large paddock area that abuts the residential curtilage of The Grange; the paddock is within the applicants ownership.

2.3 The overall footprint of the existing building will remain as is; three dormer windows are being added to its south (front) facing roof slope with four rooflights and a flue being added to its rear (north) facing roof. Two existing openings will be modified to provide windows instead on the ground floor. Following alterations, the building will provide a three bedroom unit.

2.4 The site is outside of a DDB.

3. Main planning issues

· Principle of the development/Impact on the rural economy · Impact on neighbouring amenities and amenities of the surrounding area · Impact on highway safety · Impact on protected species

4. Statutory Consultations

Parish/Town Council

4.1 == Objection == It was agreed not to approve this planning application as it was felt further holiday cottages within Folke would dominate local housing.

Highway Authority

4.2 No comments

5. Other consultations

5.1 MOD - No safeguarding objections

6. Other representations 6.1 No letters received.

7. Human Rights 7.1 Article 6 - Right to a fair trial. 7.2 Article 8 - Right to respect for private and family life and home. 7.3 The first protocol of Article 1 Protection of property

8. Relevant Planning History

App. No Type Proposal Decision Date Officer 1/D/08/001045 COU Erect tractor/storage and stables A 05 BB buildings Septembe r 2008 1/N/01/000598 FUL Demolish bungalow and A 15 June JL outbuildings. Erect house and 2001 garage 1/N/02/001662 FUL Erect garage (alternative location A 14 CW to that approved) Novembe r 2002

9. The Development Plan

West , Weymouth & Portland Local Plan (Adopted 2016) INT1 Presumption in favour of sustainable development ENV1 Landscape, seascape & sites of other geological interest ENV2 Wildlife & habitats ENV10 The landscape & townscape setting ENV12 The design & positioning of buildings ENV16 Amenity SUS2 Distribution of development SUS3 Adaptation and re-use of buildings outside DDB's ECON6 Built tourist accommodation COM7 Creating a safe & efficient transport network

10. Other Material Planning Considerations 10.1 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF): Section 1 - Building a strong competitive economy Section 3 - Supporting a prosperous rural economy Section 7 - Requiring good design Section 10 - Meeting the challenge of climate change Section 11 - Conserving and enhancing the natural environment

Para 56 - The Government attaches great importance to the design of the built environment. Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible from good planning, and should contribute positively to making places better for people.

Para 57 - It is important to plan positively for the achievement of high quality and inclusive design for all development, including individual buildings, public and private spaces and wider area development schemes.

Decision taking: Para 186 - Local planning authorities should approach decision-taking in a positive way to foster the delivery of sustainable development. The relationship between decision-taking and plan-making should be seamless, translating plans into high quality development on the ground.

Para 187 - Local planning authorities should look for solutions rather than problems, and decision-takers at every level should seek to approve applications for sustainable development where possible. Local planning authorities should work proactively with applicants to secure developments that improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area

11. Planning issues

11.1 Principle of development: Policy ECON6 (Built tourist accommodation) of the adopted local plan (2015) states that new built tourist accommodation will be supported through the re-use of an existing building.

11.2 Policy SUS3 (Adaptation and re-use of buildings outside DDB's) states that the adaptation and re-use of rural buildings will be permitted where: · The existing building is of permanent and substantial construction, makes a positive contribution to the local character, and would not need to be substantially rebuilt or extended; and · their proposed form, bulk and design will make a positive contribution to the local character; and where development is for one of the following uses: · built tourist accommodation where the building adjoins an existing serviced residential building, and will be tied to the wider holding/main property and where the building was in existence in 2011.

11.3 The proposal does comprise the re-use of an existing building that was built prior to 2011. The existing building is of suitable construction so that modest works are required only to enable its re-use as a holiday unit. The form, bulk and design of the converted building still appears modest, traditional and subservient to The Grange. The proposal does not result in loss of overall character or appearance.

11.4 The applicant has entered into a S106 agreement to tie the new unit of holiday accommodation to the wider holding within the applicants ownership.

11.5 As such, it is considered that this proposal fully complies with policies ECON6 & SUS3 of the , Weymouth & Portland Local Plan (Adopted 2015).

11.6 Policies within the Adopted Local Plan (2015) do not restrict or limit the amount of holiday accommodation within the plan area; each proposal is considered on its own merits. Whilst the Parish Council are concerned over increased holiday accommodation, the benefits to the rural economy and local community/shops/services from holiday accommodation can be considerable. Therefore, there is considered to be no harm or policy restriction that outweighs the benefits of converting and re-using this building as a holiday unit.

11.7 Impact on neighbouring amenity & amenities of the surrounding area: Having regard to the self contained nature of the site given the extent of land pertaining to The Grange and the well established and mature hedgerows that line its boundaries; there is considered to be no significant impact on the surrounding area from this proposal. The alterations to the building to allow its conversion are modest & minimal.

11.8 No neighbour letters have been received.

11.9 Impact on protected species: A Biodiversity Mitigation Plan has been submitted, having gained approval by the DCC Ecology team. Any approval should be carried out in accordance with the BMP. No objections have been raised to the proposed development.

11.10 Impact on highway safety: The existing access will be utilised for future holiday occupiers. The existing access point and seperate field access to the holiday unit is considered acceptable. DCC Highways have no objections to this proposal.

12. Summary

12.1 The proposed conversion of the former tractor/implement store to a unit of holiday accommodation is considered acceptable and will accord with policies within the development plan.

13. Recommendation 13.1 APPROVE i. Plans list condition ii. Three years time condition iii. The proposed conversion hereby approved shall be used for holiday purposes only and shall not be used as the main, or sole, residence of the occupier or other persons.

REASON: Given the location of the site outside of a DDB, the use of the building as an unrestricted private dwellinghouse would be unsustainable and inappropriate.

iv. A register of all persons occupying the holiday accommodation hereby approved shall be kept by, or on behalf of, the owner/ owners of the holiday accommodation. The said register shall be made available for inspection during all reasonable hours at the request of a duly authorised officer of the Local Planning Authority, for such time as the development continues to be used as holiday accommodation.

REASON: To ensure that the accommodation is used for holiday purposes only.

v. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations/on-site enhancement measures contained within the approved Biodiversity Mitigation Plan (BMP) (undertaken by Lowans Ecology and Associates). Furthermore, the nests as detailed in the BMP shall be erected prior to first use of the holiday accommodation hereby approved and shall be retained thereafter.

REASONS: In the interests of protected species