Area Action Plan Sherborne Area Action2010-2013 Plan 2014-2017

May 2014



I am pleased to commend this new Area Action Plan to everyone who lives in the town of Sherborne and its surrounding parishes. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed in any way whatsoever to the evolution of this important document.

Clearly the challenge now is to select specific items from the plan which can be addressed by the Partnership and which can be progressed in the immediate future. It is for this reason that it has been decided we will continue to update, on a six-monthly basis, the key priorities which we are going to concentrate on at any one time. Self-evidently, this is an extremely important development since it will enable us to focus on those concerns which we can address. In this way we hope to be able to make a real difference to the quality of life of local people as we work together towards a stronger community.

The Sherborne Area Partnership has been created to play an effective role in community planning and looks forward to working together with all its partners to achieve the goals that have been identified and which are articulated in this Action Plan.

David Fifield Chairman


INTRODUCTION Local Area Partnerships (LAPs), including that serving the Sherborne Area, were set up as a result of the Local Government Act 2000 which gave local authorities a duty to prepare community strategies that would “improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of each area and its inhabitants and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development in the UK”. The role of LAPs has been further strengthened by the Localism Act 2011 and the introduction of new local powers and community rights in relation to land use planning, housing, local services and assets of community value. Sherborne Area Partnership (SAP) came into being in October 2003. It is jointly funded by West District Council (WDDC) and Sherborne Town Council (STC). It is the LAP for Sherborne and its surrounding parishes: Queen Thorne, Over & Nether Compton, Trent, Sandford Orcas, , , Castleton, , , Clifton Maybank, , Beer Hackett, Ryme Intrinseca, Yetminster, Chetnole, Stockwood, Melbury Bubb, Batcombe, Hilfield, Leigh, , Lillington, Leweston, , , , North Wootton, Haydon, , Bishop’s Caundle, Holwell and Purse Caundle. Some of these parishes (in italics) have already produced or are in the process of producing their own Parish Plans which feed into the work of SAP. SAP is a member of the Partnership (WDP) which has the overall responsibility for community planning in West Dorset. Since starting work in October 2003 it has produced a series of 3 year Area Action Plans. The 2014-2017 version is the latest. Consultation on changes to its predecessor 2010-2013 Plan began last year. Months of consultation with local people on what should be included in the new Sherborne Area Action Plan ended with the launch of the draft version of the 2014-2017 Plan at the Digby Hall on Thursday 27th November 2013. 50 people attended, from local villages as well as the town, keen to ensure that the actions they had suggested were all included. A leaflet summarising the 7 themes (Activities & Opportunities, Environment, Health & Wellbeing, Housing, Local Prosperity, Safer Communities and Transport) and their associated actions in the revised Draft Plan was then circulated for further consultation to the Town and Parish Councils, voluntary, statutory and commercial organisations large and small, schools and local residents asking them to respond by 28th February 2014 with suggested changes and additions. They were also asked to indicate a top priority action within each theme. Over 80 people responded, either as individuals or on behalf of organisations, and this Plan is the result. SAP is what it says, a joint enterprise involving many of the organisations who participated in the consultation. Our collaborative work is overseen by a 16 strong Management Committee who meet quarterly and from whose ranks a small Executive has been drawn that has day-to-day oversight of the work of our small staff team. The Action Plan will be delivered by a wide range of partners and, as our Chairman says, SAP itself will focus on a small number of selected actions that will be given priority for a 6 month period on the grounds that they are achievable within this time scale and have been chosen as priorities by a significant number of respondents. They will be reviewed and actions added or deleted at the end of each period. An annexe, to help you interpret the various acronyms and access links to other strategies in the Plan, is included at the end of this document. For more information about SAP, see Nigel Engert, Partnership Co-ordinator 2

SHERBORNE AREA ACTION PLAN 2014-2017 1. Housing Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies High 1.1 Address lack Parish Plans / 1.1.1 Encourage local 2014 Up to date information to Support & Housing Parish Plans & of appropriate Local people who are eligible to support planning facilitate Forum Neighbourhood and affordable residents / register on housing list applications for affordable Housing Forum STC / Parish Plans / Joint housing for local Sherborne housing developments Councils / Health & people across Children’s 1.1.2 Address shortage of 2016 WDDC / DCC / Wellbeing Sherborne Area Centre / St alternative Ensure that local people Registered Strategy for Paul’s Church accommodation for social are aware of opportunities Housing Dorset 2013-2016 / Youth Group housing tenants affected for low cost home Providers WDDC &WPBC / Gryphon by the new Housing ownership operating in Joint Housing School / Benefit regulations the Sherborne Strategy 2014-19 Sherborne Appropriate number of Area / Centre for 1.1.3 Increase local supply 2016 flats within affordable Housing Wellbeing / of affordable housing units to be built at Developers / Pine Tree accommodation for young Barton Farm RSLs / Group / POPP adults Monitor BCHA’s Community Land Trust / 1.1.4 Campaign for 2015 Supported Housing WDDC adequate accommodation contract with DCC to Elected and support for vulnerable supply accommodation Members / young adults and support for vulnerable Parish young adults in Sherborne Councils / 1.1.5 Identify Parishes 2017 Rendezvous / without up to date Housing Increased supply of Sherborne & Need statistics agricultural and District horticultural dwellings via Council for 1.1.6 Carry out Housing 2017 affordable housing the Protection Need Surveys in Parishes development of Rural within Sherborne Area (CPRE)


Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies 1.1.7 Promote 2014 At least one new collaborative working affordable development across Parish Councils to within a village in explore joint solutions to Sherborne Area, with local housing needs Bishops Caundle a priority

1.1.8 Enable more 2017 controlled, mixed development to take place within Defined Development Boundaries (DDB)

1.1.9 Lobby for agricultural 2017 and horticultural dwelling(s) to be included as part of any future development High 1.2 Enable older Parish Plans / 1.2.1 Campaign for more 2017 New developments to Support & Housing Joint Health & people and Sherborne dedicated housing for over include housing facilitate Forum Wellbeing people with Area Over 55s in villages specifically designed for Housing Forum DCC / Housing Strategy for special needs to 50s Group / older people, including at Associations / Dorset 2013-2016 / remain within Local 1.2.2 Ensure availability of 2017 least one Extra Care WDDC / CCG / DCC Older their own homes residents / two as well as one Sheltered Housing Sherborne People’s Housing for as long as POPP / STC bedroom sheltered Scheme in Sherborne Area Over 50s Plan 2013-2018 / possible housing units Group WDDC & WPBC Enough local Supported Joint Housing 1.2.3 Lobby for provision of 2017 Housing to allow people Strategy 2014-19 Extra/Intermediate Care with special needs to Sheltered Housing in remain in the Sherborne Sherborne, including for Area people with dementia


Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies 1.2.4 Ensure adequate 2017 supply of supported housing for people with special needs

1.2.5 Supported Housing 2015 to be included within the Barton Farm development High 1.3 Encourage STC / Parish 1.3.1 Encourage 2014 Joint working with Town Facilitate & Housing WDDC and local people to Plans / Local participation in planning and Parish Councils to support Forum W&PBC Joint contribute to residents process by local residents, ensure local people are Housing Forum Statement of major planning including consultation on made aware of all WDDC / Community decisions Community Infrastructure opportunities to Parish Involvement / Levy spending participate Councils West Dorset Community Plan 1.3.2 Make use of As agreed 2010-2026 Neighbourhood Plans to with STC maximise opportunities to and Parish deliver affordable housing Councils

1.3.3 Promote and 2014 encourage young people’s interest in affordable housing, including Barton Farm development


SHERBORNE AREA ACTION PLAN 2014-2017 2. Transport & Accessibility Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies High 2.1 Increase the Gryphon 2.1.1 Improved access to 2015 Bus passes issued to Set up Schools West Dorset availability of School / affordable transport for students and people on campaign with Transport Community Plan flexible, Sherborne teenagers, young adults benefits Gryphon Action Group 2010-2026 / appropriate, Youth Centre / and people on benefits to More efficient use of School, (TAG) / South , accessible and Rendezvous / enable them to obtain Public & Community Sherborne West Coaches & Dorset affordable TAG / local employment Transport services, School, / Schools / Local transport to local Sherborne including neighbourhood Sherborne Rendezvous / Transport Plan people Centre for 2.1.2 Collate statistical 2015 car and volunteer driver School for Girls, College (Dorset LTP) / Wellbeing / evidence from teenagers, schemes in Sherborne Youth Advisors / Sherborne 2011-26 Dorset Local young adults and people Area. and other Centre for LTO / residents / on benefits of need for partner Wellbeing / Dorset Sherborne bus pass, then lobby for Increased awareness of organisations CAB / TAG / Sustainable Children’s students in full-time local Community DCC / WDP Community Centre Parish education or on benefits Transport schemes Transport Sub Strategy Plans / to receive them Group / DCC / Schools / Develop a new integrated NORDCAT / Sherborne 2.1.3 Publicise Car Share 2014 transport service to help POPP / Yeo Area Over 50s Dorset to promote the Valley Health Group / independence of local Transport / Pine Tree 2.1.4 Lobby for change in 2015 residents on low incomes First Bus / Group / POPP competition rules to who lack personal Parish enable First Bus and South transport Councils / West Coaches to operate CPRE Sherborne to Yeovil route Enable people with special jointly and significantly needs to attend day reduce fares services


Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies 2.1.5 Lobby for improved 2016 public and community transport services that link local parishes with Sherborne

2.1.6 Lobby to lift pre 2015 09.30 restriction on use of bus passes to promote independent living for people with special needs High 2.2 Improve STC / Parish 2.2.1 Lobby for increased 2017 Well maintained, safe and Discuss DCC Dorset Rights of maintenance of Plans / Local DCC support to STC and easily accessible footpaths resolution of STC / Parish Way Improvement footpaths, both residents Parish Councils for path specific Council Plan urban and rural maintenance problems with Footpath all concerned Officers / Tourism Forum / CPRE Medium 2.3 Encourage TAG / Parish 2.3.1 Develop new, safe 2017 Local progress on Liaise with TAG DCC West Dorset greater and safer Plans / cycle routes in Sherborne National Cycle Route Community Plan use of cycles Local Area where landowner TAG / WDDC / 2010-2026 / within Sherborne residents consent has been Local Dorset LTP / WDP Area obtained landowners / DCC / Dorset Rights of Way Improvement Plan Medium 2.4 Promote Pine Tree 2.4.1 Prevention of illegal 2015 Commission external Identify ACCESS Joint Health & easier access to Group / Local parking that blocks access audit of accessibility of external auditor DORSET Wellbeing town centre for residents to dropped kerbs central Sherborne for DCC / Dorset Strategy for all people who people with disabilities Police / COT / Dorset have a disability 2.4.2 Lobby for badly sited 2015 Tourism 2013- 2016 street furniture to be Produce Buggy Safety Forum / removed Guide Health Forum / Pine Tree Group / POPP / Access Dorset


Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies 2.4.3 Investigate 2015 opportunities for improved access for people with poor mobility Low 2.5 Need for STC / Tourism 2.5.1 Carry out survey of 2017 Improved information for Support and DCC Sherborne Visitor improved signage Forum existing signage in visitors about services in facilitate Tourism Strategy in Sherborne Sherborne town centre Tourism Forum Forum / WDDC / STC / CPRE Low 2.6 Ensure that Local 2.6.1 Lobby for the 2017 Enable people with Liaise with WDDC fully accessible residents provision of a Changing disabilities to visit Changing STC / personal care Places personal care Sherborne Places to Changing facilities are facility in Sherborne explore Places / available for use possibility of Tourism by people with installation of Forum disabilities in personal care Sherborne facility in Sherborne


SHERBORNE AREA ACTION PLAN 2014-2017 3. Our environment Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies High 3.1 Raise Parish 3.1.1 Publicise ways of 2017 Improved public Facilitate Parish West Dorset awareness of Plans/Local reducing energy understanding of Housing Forum Councils Climate Change local residents consumption and environmental issues in its efforts to Dorset Waste Strategy / West opportunities for improving the energy promote Partnership Dorset environmentally efficiency of local housing Greater energy efficiency sustainable (DWP) / Community Plan friendly energy stock and lower energy cost of construction Dorset 2010-2026 / generation and local housing stock and and energy Wildlife Trust W&PBC Joint energy saving 3.1.2 Encourage schools 2017 public buildings efficiency (DWT) / Housing Strategy and developers to employ Natural 2014-19 ecologically sound Successful bid for funding Explore the England / 2026 construction techniques for viable renewable possibility of West Dorset and renewable energy energy projects restarting the Climate systems . Environment Change Forum as a Steering 3.1.3 Explore viable 2017 vehicle for Group / options for generating developing local Schools / renewable energy within environmental Youth Centres Sherborne Area projects / DCC / WDDC / STC / 3.1.4 Facilitate the 2017 Circulate Sherborne development of detailed information Area Over 50s environmental plans for from Dorset Group / parishes Community Housing Sustainable Forum / Energy Group Schools / EDF and West Dorset Climate Change Strategy Group


Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies High 3.2 Achieve Campaign for 3.2.1 Campaign for new 2017 Enhanced protection for Assist CPRE to CPRE Heritage Town the Protection legislation granting historic character of town bring this to WDDC / status for of Rural Heritage Town status fruition. Douzelage / Sherborne England STC (CPRE) / Local 3.2.2 Limit inappropriate 2017 Facilitate residents development within Tourism Forum Sherborne

3.2.3 Promote traditional 2017 sign writing on shop fascias Medium 3.3 Promote local Parish Plans / 3.3.1 Promote maximum 2014 Increased production of Facilitate Tourism West Dorset food production Local use of allotments within and demand for locally Tourism Forum Forum Climate Change and its residents / Sherborne Area produced foods COT / Strategy consumption by POPP/STC Research level Sherborne local people 3.3.2 Identify and support From 2015 of interest in Castle Estate / local food producers onwards setting up local Sherborne (via LAG) Food Co-op Gardeners’ 3.3.3 Set up local Food Co- and, if Association / op sufficient, Sherborne in delivery partner Bloom / STC / Parish Councils / Schools / Dorset Farmers Market / CPRE Low 3.4 Investigate CPRE / Local 3.4.1 Research possible 2015 Enhanced protection for Assist CPRE to CPRE possible residents expansion of AONB biodiversity within explore this Natural expansion of Sherborne Area possibility England / AONB to cover Dorset AONB whole of / Dorset Sherborne Area Wildlife Trust / CPRE / DCC


SHERBORNE AREA ACTION PLAN 2014-2017 4. Local prosperity Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies High 4.1 Increase the Sherborne 4.1.1 Encourage local 2017 Increased access to job Work alongside Schools W&PBC Joint range of local job Centre for employers to provide and training opportunities Gryphon COT / WDDC / Housing opportunities, Wellbeing / more apprenticeships and for young adults and School, LEP /Chalk & Strategy 2014- especially for Schools / jobs for young people people on benefits Sherborne Cheese / Parish 19 young adults Local School and Councils / DCC / wishing to remain residents / 4.1.2 More effective links 2015 Wider range of Sherborne Sherborne Area in the Sherborne Sherborne between schools and local employment School for Girls Over 50s Group / Area and local Children’s businesses (Job Shop) opportunities to develop Sherborne Youth people with Centre / St closer links Partnership / special needs Paul’s Church 4.1.3 Actively promote the 2017 Boost to village between local Dorset Youth Youth Group / development of rural economies employers and Partnership / Gryphon small businesses and Increased retention of schools Rendezvous / DCA School / establish the necessary young adults in local / DAPTC / CPRE Parish infrastructure to support community Work alongside Plans/Pine them DCA and Tree Group DAPTC to 4.1.4 Set up new 2015 Work experience for disseminate Community Gardening people with special needs information Service run by people with about attracting special needs New garden maintenance and retaining service provided for older small people in Sherborne businesses in local parishes


Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies High 4.2 Improve Parish Plans / 4.2.1 Negotiate with 2017 Improved coverage across Joint lobby of Mobile phone mobile phone Rendezvous / mobile phone companies Sherborne Area mobile phone companies coverage in Schools / to upgrade signal companies WDDC / C OT / villages Sherborne Greater safety and offering a Parish Councils / Youth Club / security for young people service in DAPTC / Tourism Local Sherborne Area Forum / Schools / residents / with School &, POPP / CPRE POPP / Easier social contact for POPP Sherborne isolated older people Children’s Centre / St Paul’s Church Youth Group / Gryphon School High 4.3 Increase Parish Plans / 4.3.1 Implement strategy 2015 Ensure continuing Support and Superfast Dorset West Dorset Broadband Local developed by Superfast competitiveness of local facilitate Parish Councils / Community speeds across residents / Dorset businesses Tourism Forum COT / Tourism Plan 2010- Sherborne Area POPP Forum / DCC / BT / 2026 to national Monitor LEP / CPRE standard Superfast Dorset’s roll-out programme in Sherborne Area Medium 4.4 Higher profile Tourism 4.4.1 Implement Visitor 2015 More day and overnight Support & Tourism Forum Dorset for Sherborne Forum / Local Strategy for Sherborne stays. facilitate WDDC / DCC / Rights of Way Area as a residents / Tourism Forum STC / COT / Improvement destination for STC 4.4.2 Evaluate and 2015 Sherborne Castle Plan / tourists. support projects in the Increased visitor stay and Estates / TAG / Sherborne Encourage day area that attract tourists, spend in Sherborne. Sherborne Visitor visitors to come especially those relating Community Arts Strategy and stay for to the arts, culture, Centre / longer periods in heritage, food and Britain Sherborne House Sherborne in Bloom Trust / CPRE


Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies 4.4.3 Run seasonal events 2017 to attract visitors

4.4.4 Set up fully 2015 comprehensive website, linked to Young People’s website, promoting the town’s attractions, hotel listings, businesses and events in a dynamic and vibrant manner.

4.4.5 Include social media 2015

4.4.6 Replace timed 2016 parking tickets with pay- on-departure Medium 4.5 Develop Tourism 4.5.1 Broader range of arts 2017 New community arts Support & Tourism Forum West Dorset Sherborne’s Forum / Local events and facilities facilities. facilitate COT / DCC / Community potential as a residents Tourism Forum WDDC / Plan 2010- Regional Arts & 4.5.2 Optimise 2017 Broader Artslink Artslink / 2026 / Culture Centre relationship with Artslink programme and Sherborne Sherborne geographic reach. Community Arts Visitor Centre / Strategy Sherborne House Medium 4.6 Promote COT / Local 4.6.1 Keep Sherborne 2017 Encourage visitors and Support & COT Sherborne local retail and residents Shopping Guide up to local residents to shop facilitate Tourism Forum / Visitor other businesses date locally. Tourism Forum WDDC / CPRE Strategy

4.6.2 Set up a Shop Local 2015 loyalty scheme


Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies Medium 4.7 Encourage Parish Plans / 4.7.1 Support retention of 2017 Accessible shopping for Work alongside Parish Councils support for Local local shops in villages essentials as well as for DCA and parish DAPTC / WDDC / existing services residents locally sourced products councils to Bishops Caundle and create new 4.7.2 Share expertise 2017 share expertise Community Shop retail outlets and around setting up / The Plunkett other services in Community Shops Foundation / DCA villages / CPRE Low 4.8 Improve Sherborne 4.8.1 Lobby for review of 2015 Support CAB in Dept for incentives for Centre for current benefits system their efforts to Employment people on Wellbeing that addresses achieve policy CAB benefits to train disincentives, especially change at and seek paid for single parents national level work Low 4.9 Increase Sherborne 4.9.1 More child care 2015 Increased number of local Assist CYPFP to Children, Young Dorset availability of Centre for provision, including in the people, especially single monitor local People & Children and affordable child Wellbeing / evenings and at weekends parents, available for provision Families Young care provision in local residents employment Partnership People’s Plan the Sherborne (CYPFP) 2011 – 2014 Area, including Sherborne children with Children’s Centre / special needs. DCC Low 4.10 Make better Local 4.10.1 Consider 2017 Wider range of retail Support & WDDC use of centre of residents developing central car opportunities in facilitate STC / COT / town sites park sites for retail use, Sherborne Tourism Forum Tourism Forum / currently devoted retaining parking area CPRE to car parking underneath


SHERBORNE AREA ACTION PLAN 2014-2017 5. Safer communities Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies High 5.1 Reduce Parish Plans / 5.1.1 Investigate solutions 2017 Solutions to specific traffic Publicise drop- DCC & volume of traffic, TAG / to specific problems problems identified within in sessions in Dorset Police / Crime Plan especially HGVs, Consultation Sherborne Area Sherborne WDDC / 2013-17 / West and excessive in Bishops Library on STC / Parish Dorset traffic speeds on Caundle Thursdays from Councils / CPRE Community some roads Community 11.30am- Plan 2010- Shop / Local 1.30pm 2026 / Joint residents / Health & STC Raise specific Wellbeing concerns with Strategy for DCC and/or Dorset 2013- Dorset Police 2016 / Dorset Local Transport Plan / Dorset Rights of Way Improvement Plan High 5.2 User-friendly Local 5.2.1 Retain caller service 2015 Retain face-to-face Lobby PCC / Dorset Police services at residents / at Sherborne Police contact between Police Dorset Police Police & Crime Sherborne Police Sherborne Station and local people for service to be Commissioner Station Area Over 50s retained (PCC) Group / Local residents Medium 5.3 Support SAP / Local 5.3.1 Encourage Dorset 2015 Real progress on resolving Liaise with Dorset Police WDP closer working residents / Police to use SAP as its specific issues, including Dorset Police PCC / Community between Dorset POPP local consultative partner local solutions to crime Neighbourhood Plan 2010- Police and SAP organisation and vandalism Watch / West 2026 / Dorset Dorset Police & Partnership Crime Plan (WDP) / 2013-17 /


Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies 5.3.2 Maintain current low 2017 Publicise Dorset Police Magna & other Dorset level of crime and website, including Housing Community vandalism in villages Crime stoppers Associations / Safety Plan CPRE 2011-14 / 5.3.3 Regular police 2017 WDDC / presence in villages W&PBC Joint Housing 5.3.4 Introduce Rural 2015 Strategy 2014- Special Constables 19

5.3.5 Improved liaison 2014 between Police and Housing Associations Medium 5.4 Promote Parish 5.4.1 Road Safety training 2015 Fewer serious road traffic Disseminate Dorset Fire & Dorset Rights Driver Awareness Plans/Schools/ for all age groups accidents (RTA) information Safety of Way Training Sherborne about training Improvement Youth courses Police / Schools / Plan / Dorset Centre/Rende DCC / Road Safety zvous Sherborne Youth Partnership Centre / Rendezvous / Sherborne Area Over 50s Group Medium 5.5 Counter Anti Local 5.5.1 Explore the potential 2015 Discourage ASB and Support & COT Dorset Police & Social Behaviour residents of making use of CCTV identify offenders facilitate STC/Dorset Crime Plan (ASB) and protect already in use by local Tourism Forum Police/Tourism 2013-17 local people traders to identify Forum offenders Medium 5.6 Ensure rapid Local 5.6.1 Monitor broken and 2014 Reduce risk of accidents Stop the Litter DCC Joint Health & repair of broken residents dangerous pavements and to pedestrians Campaign STC / Sherborne Wellbeing and dangerous speed of repairs volunteers to Area Over 50s Strategy for pavements in monitor and Group / Pine Tree Dorset 2013- Sherborne report damaged Group / Access 2016 pavements to Dorset / CPRE DCC


Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies Use Gryphon School research into problem to identify pavements that are still unrepaired Medium 5.7 Reduce the Dorset Fire & 5.7.1 Encourage older 2014 Increased numbers of Disseminate Dorset Fire & West Dorset risk of Rescue people and those in older people receiving information Rescue Community preventable fire Service contact with them to Home Safety Checks about Home Parish Councils / Plan 2010- deaths amongst apply to Dorset Fire & safety checks POPP / GPs / 2026 60+ year olds Rescue Service for free DCC / Voluntary Home Safety Checks Organisations / Sherborne Area Over 50s Group Low 5.8 Promote Local resident 5.8.1 Collate and review 2015 Research extent of Bring specific Barton Farm easier access to / STC specific access problems existing problems with problems to the Developer centre of with for pedestrians in access for people with attention of DCC / STC / Sherborne for Sherborne disabilities, including “A” partner Gryphon School / pedestrians boards on pavements organisations Healthwatch-CAB Lobby for safe pedestrian access from Barton Farm development to centre of town


SHERBORNE AREA ACTION PLAN 2014-2017 6. Health & well-being Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies High 6.1 Improved out Local 6.1.1 Improved co- 2015 Eliminate duplication of Support & Clinical Healthwatch of hours health residents / ordination between local some day services and facilitate Commissioning Dorset services POPP / STC / GP practices, the Minor address lack of evening, Sherborne Area Group (CCG) Friends of Injury Unit at the weekend and Bank Health Forum GP practices / Yeatman Yeatman Hospital and Holiday primary health Dorset Healthcare Hospital A&E at YDH services Publicise University NHS (FOY) services Trust / YDH / 6.1.2 GP practices to open 2016 available in Healthwatch-CAB on Bank Holidays Minor Injury / Friends of Unit (MIU) at Yeatman Hospital Yeatman (FOY) Hospital High 6.2 Enable Parish Plans / 6.2.1 Regular advice 2015 Comprehensive and Support & CCG DCC Adult vulnerable people, GP practices / clinics run by POPP for readily accessible facilitate CAB / DCC / Services including those Sherborne patients, based in GP information about the Sherborne Area Sherborne Area Strategy / with long-term Area Over 50s practices in Sherborne range of statutory and Health Forum Over 50’s Group / Joint Health & health problems, to Group / Local Area voluntary care and Sherborne Good Wellbeing live as residents / support services available Neighbours / Strategy 2013- independently as POPP 6.2.2 Joint CCG/DCC 2017 for patients with long POPP / 2016 / West possible Community Care strategy term health problems Healthwatch / Dorset designed to meet living in the Sherborne NDHN Community increased demand, Area. Plan 2010- especially from older 2026 / Dorset people Flexible and effective CCG Strategy community care services 2013-18 High 6.3 Improve access Parish Plans / 6.3.1 Set up volunteer 2015 Bespoke transport Support & CCG West Dorset to medical services Local driver schemes across service for patients facilitate NORDCAT / DCC / Community for people with residents / Sherborne Area travelling to and from Sherborne Area Sherborne Area Plan 2010- poor mobility POPP local medical services Health Forum Over 50’s Group / 2026 / Dorset and/or no personal POPP / CCG Strategy transport Yeo Valley Health 2013-18


Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies 6.3.2 Explore possibility 2015 Establish mobile health Transport / PPGs / of setting up mobile drop-in centres in villages Healthwatch / health drop-in centres in in Sherborne Area Sherborne Good villages, with opening Neighbours times that are convenient for people in employment

6.3.3 Investigate use 2015 village shops as collection points for prescriptions for local residents Medium 6.4 Local and Sherborne 6.4.1 Residential and/or 2017 Local provision of Support & CCG Dorset CCG accessible Area Over 50s Nursing Homes in villages specialist medical facilitate DCC / WDDC Strategy 2013- specialist services Group/ services Sherborne Area Healthwatch / 18 / West for people of all Parish 6.4.2 Protect and make 2017 Health Forum Voluntary & Dorset ages with chronic Plans/GP full use of The Willows Community Community conditions practices/local intermediate care clinic Sector Plan 2010- residents/POP for older people Organisations 2026 P/Local (VSC / FOY) residents 6.4.3 Hydrotherapy Pool 2017 in Sherborne Medium 6.5 Address Sherborne 6.5.1 Restore in-patient 2017 Improved recovery rate Support & CCG shortage of acute Centre for beds at Stewart Lodge in for patients undergoing facilitate Local GPs/Dorset mental health beds Wellbeing/Loc the Yeatman Hospital acute mental health Sherborne Area Healthcare NHS in Sherborne Area al residents episodes Health Forum Trust/DCC/ Healthwatch/FOY Medium 6.6 Retain and Sherborne 6.6.1 Closer partnership 2017 Coherent, easy to Support & DCC Joint Health & improve Area Over 50s working between understand, affordable facilitate CCG / Dorset Wellbeing community care Group / Local statutory services and and accessible Sherborne Area Healthcare NHS Strategy for services within residents / community care community care services Health Forum Trust / Dorset Sherborne Area POPP providers for those who need them Healthwatch 2013- 2016


SHERBORNE AREA ACTION PLAN 2014-2017 7. Activities & opportunities for the community Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies High 7.1 Easier access to Parish Plans / 7.1.1 Set up bespoke 2015 Bespoke website to Assist with new Schools West Dorset a wider range of Local website for young people enable young people projects (Gryphon Community facilities for residents / living in the Sherborne living in the Sherborne including those School/Sherborn Plan 2010- teenagers & young Schools / Area Area to find out what is generated via e School / 2026 adults in Sherborne Rendezvous / going on locally and the Young Sherborne Area Local 7.1.2 Extended opening 2015 create new People’s School for Girls) residents / hours at Rendezvous opportunities for website Sherborne Youth Gryphon themselves Partnership / School / STC Assist with the Artslink / New meeting places and regeneration of Artsreach / activities for teenagers Sherborne WDDC / and young adults in Youth Sherborne Youth Sherborne Partnership Centre / DCC Children’s Assist with Services / DCA / grant Schools / Parish applications, Councils / COT / use SAP bank STC / Sherborne account to hold Community Arts funds for new Centre / projects and Rendezvous monitor their income and expenditure


Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies Medium 7.2 Develop Schools / 7.2.1 Maximise potential of 2015 Youth Advisors to be Encourage and Schools West Dorset opportunities for Local existing Youth Advisors to elected by their support Youth (Gryphon School Community young people to residents / STC to act as spokespeople constituencies (pupils at Advisors to be / Sherborne Plan 2010- contribute to the Gryphon for young people in Gryphon School, as effective as School / 2026 decision making School Sherborne Sherborne School and possible Sherborne processes for local Sherborne School for School for Girls) people Girls) to represent them STC / WDDC / on both STC and SAP DCC / Douzelage Medium 7.3 Improved sports Tourism 7.3.1 Develop 2017 Much more diverse and Continue to Artslink West Dorset and community Forum / contemporary art gallery accessible range of arts facilitate Tourism Forum / Community facilities in villages Parish Plans / and community arts centre and other activities for Tourism Forum DCC / TakepArt / Plan 2010- Pine Tree local people Sherborne House 2026

Group / Local 7.3.2 Parish Councils to 2017 Liaise with Trust / Sherborne residents / organise arts and other Easily accessible Adult Skills & Community Arts POPP events learning opportunities Learning to Centre / promote Adult Douzelage / 7.3.3 Reinstate Carnival in 2017 Improved quality of life Learning WDDC / STC / Sherborne for older people in opportunities Skills & Learning / villages within Sherborne Youth 7.3.4 Ensure that there is 2017 Sherborne Area Centre / sufficient equipment and Rendezvous / facilities for providers of Share Parish Councils / adult learning information Sports, Social with parish Clubs & 7.3.5 Lobby DCC to retain 2017 councils about Community qualified librarian in arts and Organisations Sherborne as well as learning Mobile Library Service in opportunities Sherborne Area Participate in consultations on future of library services


Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies Medium 7.4 Improved Parish Plans / 7.4.1 Consult with families 2015 Promote more choice as Work with DCA Dorset West Dorset sports and Sherborne with younger children on well as easier to ensure that Community Community community Centre for their needs access to sporting parishes in Action (DCA) Plan 2010- facilities in villages Wellbeing / opportunities for people Sherborne Area 2026 / Dorset Local 7.4.2 Investigate 2015 of all ages know about Sherborne Children and Residents availability of play areas opportunities Children’s Centre Young within Sherborne Area More public for external / STC / DCA / People’s Plan engagement in sports funding for new Schools / Artslink 2011 – 2014 7.4.3 Wider range of 2017 facilities / DCC / WDDC / facilities for families with Parish Councils / younger children in Assist SYF in DAPTC Sherborne Area, especially consulting girls families exploring 7.4.4 Rebuild or renovate 2017 opportunities village halls. For example, for additional new Multi-Use Hall on play areas Thornford Primary School site. Rebuild Holwell Explore Village Hall. Renovate opportunities, Alweston Village Hall via Health Forum, for linking health education more effectively with sport and recreation


Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies Medium 7.5 Promote Voluntary & 7.5.1 Run networking 2014 More effective VCS Work alongside DCA West Dorset capacity building of Community events for VCS DCA and Community voluntary Sector (VCS) organisations Greater awareness of Volunteer VCS in Sherborne Plan 2010- organisations in Networking range of services and Centre Dorset Area / WDDC / 2026 / Sherborne Area Event June 7.5.2 Provide ongoing 2014 opportunities available to promote Volunteer Centre 2013 / POPP / training and support for locally their activities Dorset Douzelage VCS organisations on such within VolunTEAMi issues as fundraising, Sherborne Area ng Project / governance and Pine Tree volunteering Publish new Group Community 7.5.3 Promote local 2014 Services opportunities for Directory volunteering in association with Volunteer Centre Dorset

7.5.4 Publish new online 2015 edition of the Community Services Directory to enable local people to find out about the full range of voluntary and statutory services in the Sherborne Area Medium 7.6 Ensure that WDDC 7.6.1 Ensure that 2015 Community Facilities Invite developer WDDC West Dorset new community Barton Farm Community Hall, Play incorporated to join Housing Community facilities are Consultation Area, Allotments and within the approved plan Forum Developer / STC / Plan 2010- included within / Local Public Open Space are for the Barton Farm Housing Forum 2026 / West Barton Farm residents provided at Barton Farm development Dorset, development Weymouth & Portland Housing Strategy 2013


Priority Action Plan Aim Evidence Specific Actions Timescale Target SAP Role Lead & Key Link to other Partners strategies Medium 7.7 Improve local Parish Plans / 7.7.1 Create and maintain 2017 Greater community Share Parish Councils communication Local village websites integration and information DATPC / WDDC / within and about residents involvement about DCC / DCA events and issues in successful local parishes village websites with local parishes


Annexe Guide to acronyms  CCG – Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group: for Dorset CCG Strategy 2013-18  COT – Sherborne Chamber of Trade & Commerce  DAPTC – Dorset Association of Parish & Town Councils  DCA – Dorset Community Action  DCC –  LAG – Local Action Group  LEP – Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership  NORDCAT – North Dorset Community Accessible Transport  PCC – Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner  STC – Sherborne Town Council  VCS – Voluntary & Community Sector  WDDC – West Dorset District Council  WDP – West Dorset Partnership

Links to other strategies  Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group: Dorset CCG Strategy 2013-18  Sherborne Chamber of Trade & Commerce:  Dorset Association of Parish & Town Councils: Dorset Community Action:  Dorset County Council: 1) Dorset Young People’s Plan 2011-2014, 2) Dorset Health & Wellbeing Board / Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy for Dorset 2013- 2016 see 3) DCC Older People’s Housing Plan 2013-19 4) Dorset Rights of Way Improvement Plan 5) Bournemouth, Poole & Dorset Local Transport Plan 2011-2016 information/road-and-transport-improvement-schemes/local-transport-plan-3


 Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership  Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner: Dorset Police & Crime Plan 2013-17 Plan-2013-17.aspx  Sherborne Town Council:  West Dorset District Council: West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland Housing Strategy Review 2013 2013/weymouth-portland-and-west-dorset  West Dorset Partnership: West Dorset Community Plan 2010-2026