Dorsetshj Re
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212 THOhNCOMBE. DORSETSHJ RE. [KELLY'& Letters for Tuck Mill Farm should be addressed Hswk- shire, of which county it was a part until annexed lie) church, Axminster Dorsetshire by the Acts 2 & 3 William IV. cap. 64 & 1 ._ Schools. 8 Vict. cap. 61 ; it is 2 miles south from Chard Jnnctioa The Free School was founded by the Rev. Thomas Cook, railway station and 5 east from Axminster, in the petty in 1734, for eleven children; the funds, about {,2 1os. sessional division of Bridport and Thorncombe, union of yearly, derived from Ashcombe farm, Wayford, Somer Beaminster, hundred of Uerne. This place has been taken set, are now given to the Elementary school into Thorncombe under the "Divided Parishes Act." Th& Elementary, Thorncombe, rebuilt in 1875, for 140 chil inhabitants of Beerhall attend the church at Hawkchuroh. dren; average attendance, 68; Frederick A. Wool Capt. John Arthur Bragge is lord of the manor and nough, master principal landowner. The soil is stone brash and Elementary, Holditch, built in 1875, for 6o children; clayey; subsoil, flint and clay. The chief crops are average attendance, 47; Mrs. Ellen Jane Lock,mistress wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 441 acres. Letters for Beerhall arrive at 9 a.m. & should be BEERHALL was a tithing, consisting of the farms of addressed Hawkchurch, Axminster. Hawkchurch a Beerhall and Easthay, in this county, now included in the the nearest post, money order & telegraph office parish of Thorncombe, but formerly belonging to Devon- Police Station, Alfred Farley, police constable PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cross Sidney, farmer, Maudlin farm medical officer & public vaccinator Marke-d thus * should be addrPssed (postal address, Winsham, Chard) to Thorncombe district of Hawkchurch Axminster Dare Arthur Hy. farmer, Synderford minsteT union! Greenhill Bragge Capt. Jn. Arth. J.P. S~dborow Dare George, farmer, Chaffeigh . Meech William, farmer, Laymore Bragge Rev. Canon Charles Albert Dark Charles, thatcher. Miller Alfred, -dairyman, Vembery M.A. (vicar & rural dean),Vicarage Dol"set & Somerset Dairy Company Pade~· William, farmer, Westlears Mathew Charles Pynsent Greenhill Ebdon Samue. ..nason Paull George, blacksmith, Holditch noper-Freeman .r P. Forde abbey ~orsey Mary (Mr,s ), tral? hirer Pau11 Wait. Llewellyn,Royal Oak P.H Wise John Owen Ferndale l' owler Henry 1om, m1ller (water), Phelps George, mason ' We-stford mill Phippen Frank,Squirrel inn,Laymore COMMERCIAL. Foxwell George H. miller (water), Pile Francis, farmer Adams Wm. dairyman, Holditch crt Sadborow mill Pinny Martha (Mrs. ),shpkpr.Hewood Bailey George, baker & shopkeeper French John, boot maker Potter Reuben,frmr.Forde Abbey frm Banks Harry Sidney,artist,Lynderfrd Gibbs Alfred, blacksmith Potter 'lhomas, farmer, Schoolhouse Bentley George, farmer, Coggins Holdway Joseph Jn. frmr. Synderfrd farm & Thorncombe farm Bentle-y William, farmer, Gribb Hurford Fred William, farmer & Quick Fras. farmr. Forde Grange fm Bentlq Wm. Thos. farmer, Holditch assistant overseer & collector of Seward Thomas, Golden Fleece P.H. Berry James, farmer, Workhouse farm taxes, Holditch Holditch Bonfield Albert Edward, draper & Hurford Peter, farmer, Yew Tree farm *Smith William, farmer, Tuck mill grocer, Post office Hussey George, mason Snell George1 farmer Bonfield William John, blacksmith, & Hussey Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Spiller Robert, dairyman, Grighay Crown inn L<I wrence John, Golden Lion Stoodley Thomas, carpenter Bowyer Arthur, farmer, Holditch Leaves Albert, farmer, Saddle street Stuckey James, carpenter Bragg Mary (Mrs.) & James,farmers, Loud Eli Pinney, farmer, Hewood Sutton Waiter, farmer, Holditch Yawlings *Lnmhard .Ambrose,frmr.Beer Hall fm Thorncombe Club, Jubilee hall Bragg William, farmer, Broadbridge Manley Rt. farmer, Westford Pk. frm Vickery Henry, farmer, Elmore Bridle Job, farmer, Easthay farm Mathew Chas.Pynsent L.R.C.P.Lond.,j Wheaton Bowden, farmer, Westford Coombes Thomas, builder :M:.R C.S.Eng., L.S.A. surgeon, & Wheaton Fredk. cattle dlr. Abbey view THORNFORD is a parish, 2 miles north from Yetmin- C'ambridge, who is also rector of Beer Hackett. Here ster station on the Weymouth branch of the Great West- is a Wesleyan chapel. In the centre of the village is ern railway, 3! south-west from Sherborne and 5 south- a clock, erected in 1897, to commemorate the sixtieth east from Yeovil, in the. Northern division ?f the ~O"?-f!ty, }ear of the reign of H~r l~te Majesty Queen Yictoria. Sherborne hundred, umon and petty sesswnal diVISIOn, In the valley below th1s VIllage, especially near Brad Yeovil county co:urt district, rural deanery of Shafte~bury ford, Roman remains are frequently met with, and in (Sherborne portwn), archdeaconry of Dorset and dwcese one field there is a considerable portion of Roman of Salisbury; its situation is remarkably beautiful, over- tesselated pavement, apparently the floor of some of looking t hP valley o_f the. Yeo towar~s S~erborne on t~e the offices of a villa. F. J. B. Wingfield·Digby esq. east, and commanding v1ews extendmg m to Devonshire J .P. of Sherborne Castle, is lord of the manor and and the hil~ count~ of J? The ch_urch of St. Mary principal landowner. The soil is Oxford clay; mbsoil, Magdalen IS an edifice m the Perpendrcular style, con· gravel. The chief crops are corn; some land is in sisting of chancel, nave of three bays, north aisl~, .bouth p"1sture. The area is 1,465 acres; rateable value-~ porch, and an embattle_d we~teTIL tower contammg 5 £2,317; the population in 1901 was 370. bells: there are memorml wmdows to the Rev. C. R. Sexton John Gould Dumpier and ihe Rev. R. H. Wingfield-Digby, both former ' . ·. rectors, and to Mrs. Place; the reredos and pulpit are Post Office.- -Miss M ana Ehzabeth Toop, sub-postmu- of stone, the former consisting of five panels, filled with tres-s Letters through Sherborne, arrive at 6.55 Dr. Salviati's mosaics, and the latter of eight panels of a.m. & through Leigh, 12 noon; dispatched at 12= inlaid marble : the church has been restored at a cost of noon & 6.40 ; no sunday delivery or dispatch. about [1,ooo, Rnd affords 220 sittings: at the entrance to Yetminster is the nearest money order office & Brad- the churchyard stands a stone and oak lych-gate, flanked ford .Abbas, 2 miles distant, is the nearest telegraph by yew trees. The register dates from the year 1677. office The living "'s a rectory, net yearly value £rso, in- Non-Provided Elementary School, with mistress's resi- eluding 34 acres of glebe with residence, in the gift of dence, founded by the late G. D. K. Wingfield-Digby F. J. B. Wingfield-Digby esq . .T.P. and held since rgo6 esq. in 1865; the school will hold 76 children; -aver- bv the Rev. Arthur John Shields M.A. of Jesus College, age attendance, 74; Miss Edith Cooper, mistress PRIVATE :RESIDENTS. Brister George, assistant overseer & Garrett Simon, thatcher clerl to Parish Council Gould David, farmer Clay 1\:laj.-Gen.Alex.Davidsn.Glebe cot Buckland Chas. shopkeeper & baker Hellier Herbert, coffee tavern Cornish Mrs. Pyt house Cornish Anne Maria (Mrs.), breeder ot Hellyar Henry, mason Gadesden Miss, Thornford house .Jersey cattle Hellyar Robert, carpenter Shields Rev. Arthur John M.A Dorset Public House Trust Co. Ltd. Lane Gt-org-e, shopkeeper (rector), Rectory (The) (Simon Priddle, manager), Moore Stephen, farmer King's Arms inn Payne Frederick, dairy, Court house ro I[Vl<'l?CT-\ T. Drake Janws, corn dealer & farmer Perhnm Thos.& Sons,frmrs.Lake frm Andrews John, cow keeper Drake William Gait on, farmer Roberts Harri~ Francis(Mrs. ),shopkpr Andrews Wilfred, builder Gabe Thomas & Sons, blacksmiths & Ryall Caleb, farmer Brister Charles, carpenteT saw mill owners THREE CROSS, see Verwood. TINCLETON is a parish and compact village, on the division, union and county court disbict, rural deanery north bank of the river Frome, 3 miles north-west from of Dorcht>ster (Dorcbester portion), archdeaconry of Moreton station on the Bournemouth and Weymouth Dorset and diocese of Salisbury. The church of St. section of the London and South Western railway and 6 John the Evangelist, erected in t851, is an edifice of east from Dorchester, m the Southern division of the stone in the Early Decorated style, consisting of chancel, county, Puddle-town hundred, Dorcbester petty se•sional nave, north poTch, and a western turret C()ntaining a .