PARISH OF THORNHACKETT Notice of Meeting of Parish Council. Dear Sir/Madam, I hereby give notice of a Meeting of Thornhackett Parish Council to be held at Village Hall on Wednesday July 18th 2018 at 19.00 hrs. All members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal opportunities, Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety, Human Rights. July 2018 P.G. Routledge Clerk of the Parish. AGENDA

1. Apologies: 2. Declaration of interests 3. Minutes of last meeting; May 16th 2018 4. Matters arising: (a) : grant application/ defibrillator initiative./ Woodland Trust. (c) Milestone (d) Play Area: damage to and repair of Play Area fence/ operational inspection report (e) Recreation Ground perimeter./ Section 106 monies. (f) Conformity with Data Protection Act

5 Correspondence: (a) Judy Nash. Damage to fence and gate at Potkins Mead. DAPTC: New Model Standing Orders 2018 Colin Mogg: Confirmation of order to cut Recreation Ground Hedges: need to co-ordinate with any fencing initiative as above. Process Team: New online Planning Portal access DAPTC: New urgent care team. DAPTC: AGM timetable and proposal process Bill Brickell: Footpath issues. Terry Gough: travel update. WDDC. West , Weymouth and Portland Local Plan Review Lynne; Renewal of Allotment lease. SSE Electricity Rate Change Ian Morgan: Centenary 1914-18 Dorset Planning: Consultation Yetminster Plan

(b). Previously circulated to members: Highways Working Together Update 21/06/18 DAPTC Newsletter 09 18/05/18 WDDC: Your guide to district council services 2016 DAPTC Proposed warding arrangements for unitary councils. Briefing: 25/06/18 DAPTC : LGR update: DAPTC chair makes statement. 12/06/18 Carmil: Resumee of Meeting on Devolution of services. Sent 02/07/18 Local Boundary Commission: Have your say on draft Recommendation. Council Ward Boundaries for Dorset 03/07/18. DAPTC; Unitary Council Wards: Boundary Commission. 03/07/18 DAPTC Marine conservation zones. FA 10 year vision of football

3.Signage, missing or damaged: Village sign / Longford Road.

4.Planning: Approval: WD/D/18/000717. Wynchard, Thornoford. Erection of a three bat detatched garage. Schedule of three conditions. Application: WD/D/18/001117. Thornford House, Church Road, T1 Yew, crown lift over road 5m T2: Ilex Oak. Fell ground level. T3: Beech, crown lift over road 5m and remove deadwood. T4: Ilex oak, decayed at base, reduce in height and radius 2.5m. Crown lift 5m over the road. (Conservation Area).

5.Finance: Play Inspection Company, Operational Inspection. 60 (Retro) Talk Talk Broadband Rental February/ March 32 HMRC PAYE August, September, October 85.40 Clerk’s salary: May, June Smith of Derby. Clock Maintenance 321.60 Clerks’ Seminar. September 70 DAPTC Annual Subscription 2018/19 311.44 Reconciliation to June 31st 2018.+++ Glasdon: Black bags 36 S. Rowe: Clock Tower water damage quote awaited 6. Public Forum:
