Minutes of Council Meeting held on Wednesday January 18th 2017 at 1900 hrs in Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs. Rogers, Simpson, Pope, Lewis, Parish Clerk General Public 4 1.Apologies: Cllr. Hewson; C.Cllr. Hall 2.Declaration of Interests: No interests declared. 3.Minutes of last meeting of November 16th 2016. Minutes unanimously approved and signed by the Chairman. 4.Matters Arising: (a) Beer Hackett: Speed limit: Paul Thatcher had responded to the invitation to a site meeting at Beer Hackett. He saw no purpose in the meeting because a speed limit could only result from data accumulated from a monitoring device. Peter Bell had written to the Council, the Leader of DCC and Paul Thatcher. In his letter Mr. Bell outlined the long campaign waged by residents to tackle the growing problem of speeding. Although he felt that it was primarily an issue of inappropriate driving, he asked that a 30 mile limit should be introduced as a first measure. However, he felt that the cost associated with a monitoring appliance was an imposition in the circumstances, given that the residents had produced a consistent stream of reliable evidence over a sustained period of time. Cllr.Pope agreed that speed was a relative factor: larger vehicles needed a longer stopping distance in emergency. Members decided to await Paul Thatcher’s reply before taking any further action.

(b) Neighbourhood Plan:

1. Correspondence: (a) D.C.C. Financial help for those on slowest Broadband. (Sent to Contact) (b) HMRC Paying PAYE (c) WDDC Confirmation of Tax Base 2017/18 (d) NALC Council referendum (e) DAPTC Chief Exec’s Circular. Buckingham Palace Garden Party. (f) PI Interim Inspection Report (g) DAPTC Local government structure in (h) DAPTC Clinical Services Review: Few returns so far received. Residents encouraged to complete questionnaires. (i) DAPTC Social Media policy (j) WDDC Register of Electors (k) DAPTC email scams (l) DAPTC Avian flu (m) Superfast Broadband-update (n) Town Council. Working together. Working group at Sherborne Town Council would like to explore whether owing to future Local Government reorganisation the Town Council could assist and support the surrounding parishes in the delivery of services. Parish Clustering is under consideration. Action: Cllr. Rogers and Clerk to attend meeting on Friday January 27 2017 at 2.30 (o) DAPTC Sport : Fund to enhance spaces in local communities that give people the opportunity to be active: Action: Clerk to explore this online information. (p) DAPT: Dorset Community innovation fund. Action: Clerk to explore online information. (q) DAPTC Publication Scheme: Publication Scheme had been updated and was available at meeting: Action: Clerk to forward a copy to DAPTC

2. Planning: Application: WD/D/16/002820, 3, The Drove, Thornford. Erect single storey and 2 storey extensions at rear. 3. Finance: SSE Quote for replacement lamp-post. SSE contracting would charge £800 (incl VAT) to install a replacement street light in Church Road. There would be an additional cost to disconnect and reconnect supply, bringing the overall figure in the area of £1000 incl VAT. Cllr. Pope questioned whether such an expense was warranted for this particular light. Members agreed to explore public feedback to the proposition that the sum in question could be better spent on other local services. Action: Clerk to outline situation in Contact requesting that residents in support of this expenditure to rescue the street lamp should get in touch. Replacement maintenance gate: A metal replacement could be purchased from Mole Valley for £70 (VAT reclaimable, plus delivery) A quote for installation had been received at £35. Members were unanimous in approving this expenditure from the Play Area Fund. Action: Clerk to order from Mole Valley. Play Area fencing: 11 posts needed replacing. They were available from Mole Valley at £25. A quote for installation and restoration of the stock-proof fencing had been received for £100.Members were unanimous in approving this repair from Play Area funds. Action: Clerk to order from Mole Valley. SLCC Annual Subscription 55 PI Agreement of continuation of all in deal for interim and annual inspection per annum 205 for 2017/2018 SSE Repair of street lights 165 Richard King Grass cutting Oct/ Nov Hedge cutting path/ play area 175 (Retro) PI Interim inspection 60 (Retro) DAPTC Annual subscription 2017/2018 (Payable April 2017) 404 Clerk’s salary November/ December 2016 HMRC PAYE Feb, March April 2017 85.40 Matthew Green, Laptop on blink 5.00 Village Hall Management Hire of Hall November 44.50 4. Public Forum: A gentleman from Beer Hackett (apologies cannot source name from register) reported on a recent unnerving incident of a tractor driver speeding over the bridge at Beer Hackett and monopolising the whole road. Large white delivery , courier vans en route to Higher Knighton were consistent offenders, He commented on the deterioration of the verges from Beer Hackett up to Knighton.
