

Magenta is a new awned, semi-dwarf, mid season wheat maturing slightly CHARACTERISTICS 1 10 Characteristics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Characteristics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 earlier than Yitpi. Magenta has a long coleoptile, good early vigour, is taller MATURITY mid-season CLASSIFICATION APW Maturity Early/mid Maturity Early/mid and a later maturing than Wyalkatchem whilst providing useful resistance to LEAF RUST r leaf spot particularly where close wheat rotations exist. Magenta can STEM RUST r STRIPE WA ms Classification AH Classification AH be sown early in lower rainfall regions or typically May sown in medium rainfall RUST YR17 ms # Resistant to WA Camm strain. *Resistant to WA Camm strain. environments. Magenta also allows for improved establishment in difficult yellow leaf spot mR # Stem Rust MR/MS* MR/MS to all other strains. R-WA Camm* Stem Rust MR to all other strains. ResistantMR R sowing conditions such as dry sowing. type awned Stripe Rust MR/MS feature Long Coleoptile Length & Yellow Spot Stripe Rust MS # Resistant to WA strain. R # Areas best suited: Main season cropping regions. YIELD Refer to yield data Refer to the NVT website www.nvtonline.com.au for national disease rating guide. Leaf Rust R Leaf Rust R Yield: Magenta shows excellent yield potential in Long Term NVT data across Victoria. CCN R VICTORIAN MAIN SEASON NVT LONG TERM PREDICTED YIELD DATA 2000-2007 CCN R Maturity: Slightly earlier than Yitpi. NORTH NORTH MALLEE WIMMERA STATE Boron Tolerant VARIETY EAST CENTRAL WIDE Boron Moderately Tolerant Quality: AWB Limited has classified this variety as receivable into the APW TRIALS TRIALS TRIALS TRIALS TRIALS grade in Victoria and ASW in South Australia. This wheat has good physical Height Medium/short MAGENTA 4.03 N/A 2.13 2.79 2.81 Height Short grain characteristics with average milling quality and good dough properties. Yield Refer to yield data YOUNG 3.95 2.94 2.16 2.76 2.79 Yield Refer to yield data Disease: Moderately resistant to yellow leaf spot, equivalent to Wyalkatchem. CORRELL 3.92 2.97 2.15 2.78 2.78 Refer to the NVT website www.nvtonline.com.au for national disease rating guide. Intermediate resistance to septoria nodorum blotch and MR/MS to septoria Refer to the NVT website www.nvtonline.com.au for national disease rating guide. LINCOLN 3.93 N/A 2.08 2.73 2.75 tritici blotch. Provides full rust resistance to stem and leaf rust. Moderately CCN RESISTANT, HIGH YIELDING AH WHEAT, WIDELY ADAPTED TO YITPI 3.83 2.94 2.11 2.76 2.74 susceptible to stripe rust, equivalent to Wyalkatchem. Susceptible to CCN. SHORT STRAWED, CCN RESISTANT, AH WHEAT WITH EXCELLENT YIELDS. LOW TO MEDIUM RAINFALL AREAS OF VICTORIA. GUARDIAN 3.93 2.97 2.06 2.73 2.74 WIDELY ADAPTED TO SOWING THROUGHOUT VICTORIA. Characteristics: Magenta coleoptiles length is classified as long (range LIVINGSTON 3.93 2.96 2.05 2.72 2.73 70‑89mm) and has been measured at 85mm using standard ACAS protocols. Peake (NGSP006) is a new awned, medium-short Yield: Peake has demonstrated excellent yield potential WYALKATCHEM 3.76 2.89 2.09 2.71 2.70 Derrimut (NGSP005) is a new awned, short‑strawed Yield: Out-yields Yitpi, Frame, Mitre and Annuello and Plant Height: Short/medium (taller than Wyalkatchem, similar to Yitpi). strawed, early-mid maturing variety (5-6 days earlier than in Mallee environments and is an ideal alternative for CATALINA 3.79 2.87 2.03 2.63 2.66 variety that is ideal for stubble management in minimum competes favourably against Correll and Young. PBR/EPR: This variety is protected by Plant Breeder’s Rights and is subject to MITRE 3.69 2.92 2.01 2.69 2.65 Yitpi) ideal for growing in low and medium rainfall zones. the varieties Frame, Yitpi, and Annuello. tillage farming practices. Derrimut displays excellent Maturity: Early/mid season variety. Derrimut is also a an end point royalty of $3.00/Tonne GST Exclusive. FRAME 3.76 2.85 1.99 2.59 2.62 resistance to current stem and leaf rust strains and is very good early maturing (risk management) option for Peake displays resistance to leaf rust and is rated Maturity: Early/mid maturing variety (5-6 days earlier Developed by: Mr Robin Wilson and Chris Moore and the Wheat South Team. CHARA 3.76 2.89 1.88 2.58 2.58 rated MS for the new stripe rust strain. medium/high and high rainfall cropping zones. MR/MS to stem rust and the new stripe rust strain. than Yitpi). Yield represented in tonnes per Ha Derrimut is early/mid maturing (5-6 days earlier than Disease: Along with its CCN resistance, Derrimut Peake is CCN resistant, boron tolerant and is thus Disease: Peake is resistant to CCN and provides very Yitpi) making it ideal for growing in medium and low offers a good level of resistance to all three rusts. widely adapted across a range of soil types and growing good levels of resistance to all three rusts. Monitoring rainfall zones. Derrimut is also very well suited to later Observations of stripe rust infections in 2008 suggest conditions in Victoria, South Australia and NSW. regularly for rusts and implementing a fungicide sowings in medium to high rainfall zones. crops with high yield potential need regular monitoring As is the case for most varieties its disease reactions to management program where required is advisable. Boron tolerance and CCN resistance of Derrimut make it and an adequate fungicide management package. Yellow Leaf Spot and Septoria tritici are rated as MS-S Plant height: Medium/short. widely adapted across a range of soil types. Plant height: Short/medium. and S respectively. PBR/EPR: Peake is protected by Plant Breeders As is the case for most varieties its disease reactions to PBR/EPR: Derrimut is protected by Plant Breeders Peake has shown excellent yield potential under dry Yellow Leaf Spot and Septoria tritici are rated as MS-S. Rights and is subject to an End Point Royalty of Rights and is subject to an End Point Royalty of conditions in NVT trials. Derrimut has shown outstanding yield potential in long $2.95/Tonne GST exclusive. $2.95/Tonne GST exclusive. term NVT trials. Developed by: Dr Gururaj Kadkol from wheat lines A high yielding AH Wheat, Peake is widely adapted for Developed by: Nugrain Plant Breeder, Dr Gururaj HIGH YIELDING MID–LONG SEASON WHEAT WITH AN EXCELLENT DISEASE PACKAGE Derrimut is an AH variety that demonstrates excellent sourced and partly advanced by Victorian DPI (Horsham). low to medium rainfall zones. Kadkol, from wheat derived germplasm bred by the EGA BOUNTY was entered in the 2008 Victorian NVT CHARACTERISTICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 yield potential in a range of cropping environments Areas best suited: Mallee, Wimmera, North Central Victorian Department of Primary Industries (Horsham). MATURITY MID–LONG CLASSIFICATION APW across Victoria. AWBI 1000 Grain AWBI 1000 Grain trials. Results can be viewed on-line early in 2009 by Variety Screenings Recommended regions for Derrimut indicated and North East. Good height option over Derrimut Variety Screenings Recommended regions for Peake indicated Classification weight Classification weight LEAF RUST r Areas best suited: Mallee, Wimmera, Western Districts, on this map are to be used as a guide only. on this map are to be used as a guide only. derrimut AH 30.3* 0.9* for growers aiming to utilise canopy management in visiting: www.nvtonline.com.au STEM RUST mr Peake AH 32.9* 1.4* WA r North Central and North East. ARR situations. STRIPE Janz AH 29.4* 1.8* Janz AH 29.4* 1.8* An early to mid sowing variety of intermediate maturity, EGA BOUNTY provides RUST YR17 r/mr Classification: AH classification for Victoria. (APW for yellow spot ms Yitpi AH 35.5* 1.4* very high yield throughout Southern NSW. EGA Bounty also boasts an excellent Classification: AH. Yitpi AH 35.5* 1.4* crown rot ms Southern NSW). disease profile. Frame AH 36.8* 0.9* Frame AH 36.8* 0.9* straw strength mr YIELD Refer to yield data *Source: Grain quality data from Maturity: Early to mid-season sowing variety of intermediate maturity. Nuseed in-house yield trials. *Source: Grain quality data from Nuseed in-house yield trials. Slightly earlier maturing than EGA Gregory. Refer to the NVT website www.nvtonline.com.au for national disease rating guide. VICTORIAN MAIN SEASON NVT DATA 2005-2007 TONNES PER HA VICTORIAN MAIN SEASON NVT DATA 2005-2007 TONNES PER HA Yield: EGA Bounty has shown significant yield advantages over commonly grown, commercially available wheats in Southern and Northern NSW. Refer to southern NSW mean EARLY Season NVT DATA 2007 North East North Central Mallee Wimmera Overall North East North Central Mallee Wimmera Overall (across all 5 sites) Variety Variety the graphs for yield performance from 2007 NVT trials. Trials Mean Y Trials Mean Y Trials Mean Y Trials Mean Y Trials Mean Y Trials Mean Y Trials Mean Y Trials Mean Y Trials Mean Y Trials Mean Y EGA Bounty Derrimut 8 2.42 5 1.88 10 2.20 24 1.91 47 2.05 Peake 8 2.14 5 1.77 10 2.20 24 1.92 47 2.00 Disease: EGA Bounty has an outstanding combination of resistance to Stem, Sunzell Peake 8 2.14 5 1.77 10 2.20 24 1.92 47 2.00 Derrimut 8 2.42 5 1.88 10 2.20 24 1.91 47 2.05 Stripe and Leaf Rusts as well as good tolerance to root lesion nematodes. EGA Bounty also provides very acceptable resistance to yellow‑spot. Annuello 8 2.02 5 1.67 10 1.94 24 1.65 47 1.78 Annuello 8 2.02 5 1.67 10 1.94 24 1.65 47 1.78 EGA Gregory EGA Bounty may be vulnerable to point in conditions that suit Carinya 8 2.45 5 1.67 10 1.90 24 1.74 47 1.89 Carinya 8 2.45 5 1.67 10 1.90 24 1.74 47 1.89 EGA Wills this disease. Correll 8 2.40 5 1.82 10 2.16 24 1.97 47 2.07 Correll 8 2.40 5 1.82 10 2.16 24 1.97 47 2.07 EGA Wedgetail PBR/EPR: EGA Bounty is covered by Plant Breeders Rights and is subject to Frame 8 2.50 5 1.71 10 1.80 24 1.78 47 1.90 Frame 8 2.50 5 1.71 10 1.80 24 1.78 47 1.90 an End Point Royalty of $3.00 per Tonne (GST Exclusive). Chara Mitre 5 2.14 3 2.27 10 1.95 23 1.73 41 1.87 Mitre 5 2.14 3 2.27 10 1.95 23 1.73 41 1.87 Bred by: Enterprise Grains Australia, a joint venture of NSW DPI, QDPI & F Whistler Wyalkatchem 8 1.91 5 1.63 10 2.01 24 1.85 47 1.87 Wyalkatchem 8 1.91 5 1.63 10 2.01 24 1.85 47 1.87 and GRDC. Yitpi 8 2.49 5 1.88 10 2.03 24 1.93 47 2.04 Yitpi 8 2.49 5 1.88 10 2.03 24 1.93 47 2.04 Tonnes Young 8 2.56 5 1.86 10 2.09 24 1.97 47 2.08 Young 8 2.56 5 1.86 10 2.09 24 1.97 47 2.08 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 per Ha Crop Care Seed Technologies is proud to announce a recently formed alliance with prominent and progressive seed sheds in Eastern Australia to create SeedCell. The SeedCell alliance will ensure, high quality seed, of Crop Care Seed Technologies wheat varieties crop care seed treatments will be available in the volumes required for Eastern States wheat growers on a regional basis. Seed Technologies SeedCell members are now responsible for the production, processing and sales of the following PROTECTION AGAINST Soil Borne Crop Care Seed Technologies wheat varieties for 2009: Seed Borne Disease Airborne Disease Disease Bunt and Flag Smut Loose Smut Stipe Rust Leaf Rust Septoria Take-all 1.0 Litre 1.0 Litre VICTORIA

EGA STAMPEDE ® SeedCell members now have good volumes of seed available for sowing in 2009. 0.75-1.5 Litres 0.75-1.5 Litres 1.5 Litres 0.75-1.5 Litres All seed of Crop Care Seed Technologies varieties grown, processed and sold through SeedCell members, WHEAT GUIDE 2009 will be required to pass high, minimum QA standards, including paddock inspections, and minimum purity and germination standards. 2009 Enquiries and Orders for these wheat varieties can be placed through your local seed supplier. 4.5 Litres 4.5 Litres 4.5 Litres 4.5 Litres 4.5 Litres 4.5 Litres Plant Breeders Rights and End Point Royalties apply to all of the above varieties. Further information can be found at: Rates are on a per 1000kg (1MT) basis. Where a rate range is offered, higher rates offer a longer protection period against foliar diseases. www.seedcell.com.au in-furrow

Intake Combi is a highly effective broad spectrum fungicide that controls both foliar and root diseases in one application. Intake Combi is an PROTECTION AGAINST MAGENTA easy to use SC liquid which suits granular and liquid fertiliser programs. Soil Borne Airborne Disease Disease The high solubility and exceptional plant mobility of Intake Combi provides StRipe Rust Septoria Take-all VICTORIAN for rapid uptake through roots leading to outstanding disease protection. 200 or 400 mL 400 mL The proven length of protection offered by Intake Combi provides growers 400 mL Apply at a rate which will deposit the specific rate on the quantity of MEMBERS: with the peace of mind that their crops are protected from diseases. fertilizer to be sown in-furrow per Ha. Rates are on a per hectare basis.

contact details for your local Crop Care Seed Technologies representative: location company PHONE CONTACT VIC/sA Benalla Mildura Horsham Melbourne customer service Rutherglen BAKER SEED CO. 02 6032 9484 Ashley Fraser/Murray Wallace Hamish Mines Colin McGillivray Duncan Tomlinson Rob Launder Sandy Luddington ESTHER JORGENSEN Technical Sales Technical Sales Technical Sales Technical Sales Technical Sales Freecall phone: Representative Seed Representative Representative Representative Representative 1800 993 573 Smeaton HIGHLEAZE SEEDS 03 5345 6431 David Toose/Tim Mobile: Mobile: Mobile: Mobile: Mobile: Freecall fax: 0427 400 575 0427 101 899 0413 334 862 0419 560 426 0401 143 373 1800 302 884

Horsham PB SEEDS 03 5383 2212 Peter Blair/David Marshman For more info visit us on the web at: www.cropcare.com.au or email: [email protected]

Nullawil ACCESS GRAIN 03 5493 5333 Glenn Hogan/Cam Warne Seed available from your authorised local rural retail store COPYRIGHT: All material appearing in this publication is copyright. All or parts of this publication may not be reproduced in any way without the consent of Crop Care ST. DISCLAIMER: The information in this publication is intended as a guide only. Whilst Crop Care ST has taken all due care to ensure this information provided is accurate at the time of publication, Crop Care ST cannot guarantee that every statement is without flaw of any kind. Crop Care ST and its agents or employees shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of any of the contents herein. Whether such loss or damage arises from the negligence Bordertown (S.A.) TATIARA SEEDS 08 8752 0024 Adrian Carter or misrepresentation or any act or omission of Crop Care ST or its agents or employees. Premis, Real and Jockey are registered trademarks of BASF.

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