Investigating Profiled Side-Channel Attacks Against the DES Key
IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems ISSN 2569-2925, Vol. 2020, No. 3, pp. 22–72. DOI:10.13154/tches.v2020.i3.22-72 Investigating Profiled Side-Channel Attacks Against the DES Key Schedule Johann Heyszl1[0000−0002−8425−3114], Katja Miller1, Florian Unterstein1[0000−0002−8384−2021], Marc Schink1, Alexander Wagner1, Horst Gieser2, Sven Freud3, Tobias Damm3[0000−0003−3221−7207], Dominik Klein3[0000−0001−8174−7445] and Dennis Kügler3 1 Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security (AISEC), Germany, 2 Fraunhofer Research Institution for Microsystems and Solid State Technologies (EMFT), Germany, 3 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI), Germany, Abstract. Recent publications describe profiled single trace side-channel attacks (SCAs) against the DES key-schedule of a “commercially available security controller”. They report a significant reduction of the average remaining entropy of cryptographic keys after the attack, with surprisingly large, key-dependent variations of attack results, and individual cases with remaining key entropies as low as a few bits. Unfortunately, they leave important questions unanswered: Are the reported wide distributions of results plausible - can this be explained? Are the results device- specific or more generally applicable to other devices? What is the actual impact on the security of 3-key triple DES? We systematically answer those and several other questions by analyzing two commercial security controllers and a general purpose microcontroller. We observe a significant overall reduction and, importantly, also observe a large key-dependent variation in single DES key security levels, i.e.
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