The University of North Texas Health Science Center Campus Master Plan August 2007
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The University of North Texas Health Science Center CAMPUS MASTER PLAN August 2007 STEERING COMMITTEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE J. Warren Anderson, EdD COMMUNITY MEMBERS INCLUDE EMBERS NCLUDE YSTEM EMBERS NCLUDE Senor Vce Presdent, Academc Affars UNTHSC M I UNT S M I Dean, School of Health Professons Garland Asher Warren Anderson, EdD Richard Escalante Montcello Neghborhood Representatve Senor Vce Presdent of Academc Affars and Vce Chancellor for Admnstratve Servces for Stephen Barrett Dean of the School of Health Professons UNT System Drector of Facltes Management Ed Bass Cultural Dstrct & Stock Show Representatve Stephen Barrett Richard Escalante Drector of Facltes Management Vce Chancellor for Admnstratve Servces Fernando Costa Cty Plannng Representatve Thomas Fairchild, PhD Marc Hahn, DO Assocate Vce Presdent for Insttutonal Senor Vce Presdent, Clncal Affars Marty Craddock Plannng Dean, Texas College of Osteopathc Medcne General Neghborhood Representatve Marc Hahn, DO M. Christine Kalish Geraldine Herman Senor Vce Presdent for Clncal Affars & Dean Executve Drector to the Presdent Arlngton Heghts Neghborhood of the Texas College of Osteopathc Medcne Representatve Fernando Trevino, MPH, PhD Fernando Treviño, PhD Dean, School of Publc Health Bill Meadows Dean of the School of Publc Health Stock Show Representatve Greg Upp Greg Upp Senor Vce Presdent Cathy Moates Senor Vce Presdent for Communty Communty Engagement North H Mount Neghborhood Representatve Engagement Thomas Yorio, PhD Phillip Poole Thomas Yorio, PhD Senor Vce Presdent for Research Assocated Busnesses of the Cultural Dstrct Senor Vce Presdent for Research and Dean Dean, Graduate School of Bomedcal Representatve of the Graduate School of Bomedcal Scences Scences John Robinson Carter Foundaton & Museum Representatve Chris Kalish Executve Drector to the Presdent Amy Kalina TCOM Student Representatve UNTHSC Master Plan and Design Guidelines ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 777 Main Street CARTER & BURGESS, INC. Fort Worth, TX 76102 817.735.6000 Charles W. Nxon, AIA Prncpal In Charge Bryan Floth, AIA Project Manager Pete Thomas Facltes Programmer Bob Lundeen, AIA Medcal Plannng Specalst Ed Werth, AIA Senor Desgn Archtect Davd Gustaf, AIA, LEED Project Archtect Tas Hnes, AIA Interor Desgn Randy Sorensen, FASLA Landscape Archtect Kevn Fox, PE, LEED, CEM Mechancal Engneer Chrs McEnery, PE Electrcal Engneer Cesar Vallenlla, PE Structural Engneer 320 West 13th Street POLSHEK PARTNERSHIP ARCHITECTS, LLP New York City, NY 10014 212.807.7171 James S. Polshek FAIA Prncpal Desgn Planner Joseph L. Flescher FAIA Qualty Control Manager Kevn P. McClurkan AIA Project Manager Wm. Jack T. Phllps AIA Senor Desgn Planner 912 S. Capital of Texas Hwy, Suite 320 JANKEDESIGN Austin, TX 78746 512.329.8343 Kamela Janke, SEGD Graphcs/Wayfindng Consultant Tm Janke, SEGD Graphcs/Wayfindng Consultant 17311 Dallas Parkway, Suite 300 DAL-TECH ENGINEERING, INC. Dallas, TX 75248 972.250.2727 Wayne Barton, PE Cvl Engneer UNTHSC Master Plan and Design Guidelines ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Creatng a campus master plan s an exctng, Whle ths process has been exctng and re- all nclusve process nvolvng numerous stake- wardng, the publcaton of ths master plan wll holders from the cty, communty and campus. create much more exctement on our campus At the core of any campus master plan s the as we look to growng and expandng our n- algnment of the physcal development of the sttuton wth the addton of new facltes and campus to the strategc or academc plan. other programs. I wsh to take ths opportunty Ths ensures that specfic plannng prortes to thank all nvolved n ths process, and to are supported, furtherng the msson of the express my deepest thanks and grattude to nsttuton. the campus master plan Advsory and Steer- ng Commttees, and our consultng team of The Unversty of North Texas Health Scence Carter & Burgess, Inc. (Fort Worth, Texas) and Center boasts a long hstory of successful Polshek Partnershp Archtects, Inc. (New York health educaton programs. Wth these pro- Cty, New York). grams comes the need for a long term vson for the campus whch allows for populaton Sncerely, growth as well as collaboraton between ex- stng departments. The future of the Health Scence Center s contngent upon a strate- Scott Ransom, DO, MBA, MPH gc, approprate master plan geared toward future goals of expandng campus facltes to meet the needs of ncreased growth. Also, a gude to campus development s needed to allow the UNTHSC to become a unque but complmentary character n the fabrc of the surroundng area. Influences from the Cultural Dstrct to the south and tradtonal neghbor- hoods to the north and east nfluence the UN- THSC ambence. UNTHSC Master Plan and Design Guidelines ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFORWARD v A. INTRODUCTION C. FINAL PLAN E. APPENDIX Introducton A-3 Introducton C-3 Traffic Study E-2 Health Scence Center Msson Statement A-5 Plannng Concepts C-5 The Campus Master Plan Process A-7 Long Term Vson C-8 Gudng Prncples A-8 Final Plan Strategies Campus Spne C-10 Campus Quads C-12 B. OBSERVATIONS Campus Gardens C-14 Introducton B-3 Landscape Connectons C-17 Campus Hstory B-4 Campus Front Door C-18 Exstng Campus B-6 Montgomery Street Plan C-19 Precnct Walks B-8 Phase I Plan C-20 Representatve Campus Buldngs B-10 Sgnange and Wayfindng C-22 Nearby Developments B-16 Traffic and Parkng C-26 Campus Observations Utlty Infrastructure C-31 Major Roadways & Lnkages B-18 Perphery Use B-20 D. GUIDELINES Easements B-22 Exstng Massng B-23 Introducton D-3 Topography B-24 Architectural Design Guidelines Vstas B-26 Concepts D-4 Fgure Ground B-27 Ste - Buldng Poston and Setbacks D-6 Exstng Parkng B-28 Ste Entrances D-7 Impervous Surface B-29 Crculaton / Vew Corrdors D-8 Campus Edges B-30 Buldng Edge Flexblty D-9 Landscape B-32 Buldng Edges to Street D-10 Sgnage and Wayfindng B-34 Massng Concepts D-12 Electrcal Dstrbuton B-38 Massng Strateges D-13 Storm Sewer B-39 Artculaton Varatons D-14 Potable Water B-40 Facade Relatonshp D-17 Santary Sewer B-41 Buldng Materals D-18 Programmng B-42 Buldng Colors D-19 Lghtng Character Concepts D-20 Landscape Desgn Gudelnes D-22 UNTHSC Master Plan and Design Guidelines ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS v INTRODUCTION A A-2 INTRODUCTION UNTHSC Master Plan and Design Guidelines INTRODUCTION In the summer of 2005, The Unversty of The plannng team began by studyng the sur- North Texas Health Scence Center (UNTHSC) roundng context, developng key strateges at Fort Worth purchased the adjacent Texas to unte the campus wth the msson of the Osteopathc Hosptal and addtonal land sur- Unversty and develop concepts whch brng roundng ths faclty (approxmately 15 acres), connectons and a sense of communty to the almost doublng the sze of the campus. Wth areas many consttuents. A seres of Gud- ths addtonal land ncrease and projected stu- ng Prncples were developed wth the Unver- dent and research growth, the UNTHSC em- sty to descrbe the deals and aspratons ths barked on a strategc plannng process to help master plan s to foster. Although t s a Health shape the future development of the campus’s Scence Center, the UNTHSC boldly shfted bult envronment. from conventon and embraced the dea of the academc campus. Ths ‘collegal envron- A campus master plan allows for the opportu- ment’ for the campus creates both nteractve nty of an nsttuton to reflect upon ts hstory, ndoor as well as outdoor spaces that support assess ts current condton, and establsh a not only the faculty, staff, and students but vson for ts future growth and prosperty. The also the surroundng communty. master plannng team of Carter & Burgess, Inc. and Polshek Partnershp Archtects, LLP were The Fnal Vson Plan sets out to strategcally chosen n early 2006 to lead the plannng pro- outlne the responsble growth of the Unversty cess and help n translatng these nsttutonal over tme whle mantanng the consstency goals and objectves of the Unversty. Con- and values establshed by the Gudng Prn- trbutons from an Advsory Commttee made cples. up of leaders from the communty, members of nearby neghborhoods, and faculty and staff from the UNTHSC were nvaluable to the master plannng team through meetngs and workshops n dentfyng and prortzng objec- tves and goals for the Unversty and the sur- roundng area. UNTHSC Master Plan and Design Guidelines INTRODUCTION A-3 A-4 INTRODUCTION UNTHSC Master Plan and Design Guidelines THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER The Unversty of North Texas Health Scence MISSION STATEMENT Center s a research, teachng, and publc ser- To mprove the health and qualty of lfe for the vce nsttuton that focuses on the health and people of Texas and beyond through excel- well-beng of ts patents, students, faculty, staff lence n educaton, research, clncal care and and admnstraton. Recognzng the campus communty engagement and to provde na- tself as a “lvng entty,” the UNTHSC s lookng tonal leadershp n prmary care. to the master plan as an outlne of ts specfic needs, wthn the campus tself as well as the larger communty. Optons for planned growth and change at the UNTHSC should support the ntegraton of the deals of healthy lfestyles and communty that are taught and practced daly wthn the classrooms and health care facltes of the campus. Wth a planned cam- pus that reflects the aspratons and tradtons of the Health Scence Center and regon, the unversty can contnue attractng and retanng the best faculty, staff, and students. UNTHSC Master Plan and Design Guidelines INTRODUCTION A-5 1. OBSERVATIONS / PRINCIPLES 2. DATA GATHERING / ANALYSIS GERIATRIC ANNEX FOUNDERS ACTIVITY CENTER PATIENT CARE FACILITIES CENTER GEN. SERVICES/ POLICE CENTER FOR BIOHEALTH WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH WEDNESDAY, GIBSON D.