www.manxmusic.com KIAULL MANNINAGH JIU manx music today mee boaldyn - may 2011 New CD from Brian Stowell A new CD entitled Arraneyn Beeal-Arrish Vannin (‘songs from the oral tradition’) has been released by the Manx Heritage Foundation and it features the Island’s most well-known and respected speaker of Manx Gaelic, Brian Stowell. Originally recorded in Peel in 1973, this collection of unaccompanied Manx ballads and songs was fi rst released on vinyl represents some of the earliest recordings of traditional Manx songs on public release. With such recordings of the Manx tradition in short supply, this new CD provides a window on the early stages of the Manx music revival. The songs are performed in a straightforward style, and the clarity and energy of the unaccompanied singing means that the CD is perfect for singers who want to learn Manx songs. One of the songs from the CD, ‘Arrane Sooree’ (‘The Courting Song’) was selected to represent the on Nascente’s Beginner’s Guide to Celtic CD put together by BBC broadcaster and award-winning Scottish Gaelic singer and harpist, Mary Ann Kennedy. Mary Ann totally fell in love with Brian’s voice and the strength of the songs he was singing. Arraneyn contains some of the fi nest Manx ballads – songs of love, songs of the sea and popular ballads like ‘Ny kirree fo niaghtey’ (‘The sheep under the snow’) as well as lighter songs about dead hens and witches in corsets! In fact, the original Manx versions of many well-known songs from the Manx National Song Book are here – including ‘Graih my Chree’ (‘Love of my Heart’) and ‘Arrane Oie Vie’ (‘The Goodnight Song’). Full lyrics, translations and the extensive notes which accompanied the original recording are included on the disc as a PDF fi le. This CD re-issue will prove intriguing to those who already know and love Manx music and to those who have yet to discover it. Arraneyn is available in all good bookshops and at Museum sites around the Island priced £12.00. Online sales: www.manxmusic.com

Congratulations to Manx Gaelic singing HOT OFF THE PRESS! group Falga on their success in the traditional song Reports from the Pan-Celtic Song Contest group competition at the Pan Celtic Festival in Dingle, are that Manx group Ny Jinnyn came a Ireland. Falga is made up of three members of the close second to the Welsh entry with their northern Manx Gaelic choir, Cliogaree Twoaie: Fiona song ‘Sy Ghrianane’. There was only one McArdle, Clare Kilgallon and Margaid Bird. The group mark between 1st and 2nd places, with Ny has just won the traditional singing competition with Jinnyn - Dave & Laura Rowles, Dave McLean Cadlee ny Moidyn Moirrey and My Chaillin Veg Dhone. and Barry Nelson - being awarded a very Moylley as soylley diu! creditable 33 marks. Jeant dy mie!

~ SSESSIONSESSIONS ~ THURS 9pm Singing session at The Brit, Ramsey FRI 8.30pm Inn, St. Johns FRI 9pm Irish at The Mitre, Ramsey Folk at the Club (1st or 2nd Fri of month), 8pm, Peel Golf Club Last FRI of month 9pm, Kiaull as Gaelg, Albert, Port St Mary SAT 10pm Manx at The White House, Peel

SUN 9pm Colby Glen, Colby kiaull manninagh jiu 5/11 manx heritage foundation both Douglas Youth Centre between 2–5pmon The two trainingworkshops willtakeplace at to behad!! fortune musicisrequiredManx andthere’s fameand school years 7–13,where noexperience of for young singersandmusiciansin secondary The Bree bandcampisback!Free workshops on Cruinnaght Aeg musiccompetitions Manx inthe on arrangementsespeciallyto takepart young musicianswillform newbandsandwork guidance ofBree tutors,Under theexpert the competitions. to getadvice onarranging material for the any musicalgenre are alsowelcome to attend evening. Establishedchoirsorschoolbandsof Aeg ontheMonday concert/competition Sunday andfor afternoons theCruinnaght must beavailable for bothSaturday and [email protected] More information isavailable from: Foundation musicteam by (see endofnewsletter) to Heritage the Manx Camp shouldreturn theirapplicationform Students whowishto attend theBree Band £50 cashprize percategory. winning groups atCruinnaghtAeg willreceive a Sponsored by HeritageFoundation, theManx songormelody.Manx instrumental andimaginative interpretation ofa classes ofgroup group singing and/orchoir; Centre. inthe Bandswilloptto takepart Bree BandCamp can beviewed onlinehere: Fullpupils from theNorth. results Perree Boulton’s Bane andMike successes attheGuild-including There were many music Manx Youth Orchestra inAustria. by are the Manx beingperformed Frank Woolley’s arrangements Manx Monday 16thMay NEWS www.manxmusicfestival.org Saturday 14thandSunday 15thMay


NEWS , 7pmatDouglas Youth Friday 6thMay

NEWS Attendees

NEWS . . DIFFERENT class. they may beamemberofanothergroup ina member ofmore thanonegroup, although 11). Anindividualmay notenter aclassas (age 17-18)(infull-timeschooleducation2010- ofoldermembers education, and/oraMINORITY members (age10-11)stillinupperprimary * Groups MAY ofyounger includeaMINORITY a CONCERT only. performance competition. Any of solos/duets would form part classesintheirprogramme alsoenteredcertain in programmepurely asaconcert ORto have ofaround 5–10minutesperformances EITHER may choosetoAll groups enter participating categories. Vannin, NationalHeritagetrophies Manx inthese music willwintheannualEiraghtAshoonagh COMPETITION entriesinsongandinstrumental The winningoverall SECONDARY GROUP prizes of£50perwinninggroup. SECONDARY GROUPCOMPETITION entrieswith Foundation, hasthisyear againagreed to sponsor Undinys Eiraght Vannin, Heritage theManx 37 Imaginative interpretation ofatraditional 36 Group Instrumental, with orwithout PLEASE SEERULE7BEFOREENTERING THIS CLASS 20 Group singing, arrangementofatraditional choir,19 Senior (boys, girls, ormixed), songin EVENING CONCERTEVENING &COMPETITIONS MANX MUSICANDSONGCONCERT AND Further competitions willbeheldinJune/July. For fulldetails ofallcompetitions, contact the SECONDARY GROUPS(Years 7-13*) sound eff pre-recorded material, e.g. acoustic ornatural of voices and/orinstruments. May include songortune,Manx usingany combination (2contrastingconductor tunes) song,Manx orEnglish inManx Gaelic Manx Dept ofEducation,Dept Fiona on: McArdle DOUGLAS YOUTH CENTRE, 7pm Monday 16thMAY, 2011 COMPETITION CLASSES ects, butNOTects, pre-recorded music [email protected] MUSIC ANDSONG organiser forMNH& COMPETITIONS

kiaull manninagh jiu 5/11 manx heritage foundation work andcommitment. Commissioners, Malpass,of Ramsey for Nigel hisgreat hard-working team andwassingledoutby Chairman the festival. Festival Director, JuanGarrett, praisedhis Heritage Foundation, whichisthemainsponsorof the work oftheManx passionately about Brian Stowell spoke could follow that. question how they musicians to visiting Irish prompting the offi atthe performed Greenwood, Royle andFrankie of these, Mera Boulton. Mike Two by theindefatigable inspired andtaught of young many performers, ofwhomhave been festival’s emphasisonyouth showcased thetalents andStJohns, the throughout theNorth performances Flungtalented Highly dancers andmusicians. With groupjoined Irish SmacktheDonkeyandmost -he Davila, turnedupashehadawindow inhisdiary Long-time friendto thefestival, piperAnton Galician between countries oftheirmission. were attheheart musicians anddancers, itshowed thatfriendships from visitingandManx stunning performances Celtic Youth Festival wasanothertriumph. Featuring With afi What theyneed –30minute setsfrom four bands. to getyourself heard byopportunity anewcrowd. This againisagreat event, playing on thestageonbeachoutside The Bay, Port Erin–an Friday 15thJuly–8to10ishPort Erin Regatta What theyneed–40minute setsfrom four bands eachafternoon. in front ofanaudience andsellCDsenjoy somefree food anddrinkfrom Tim Croft. This isagreat bigcrowds event, whichattracts Saturday 2ndandSunday 3rd July Ballafesson, Rushen.Informal sessionby thetea tent – Saturday 28thMay Can you helpout? There are three events community coming intheSouth upwhichwould love tomusic. includeManx Community events needing musicians! Shennaghys Jiu2011 cial reception, rm emphasison ‘family’, Shennaghys Jiu www.shennaghys.org Can youso, helpout? If emailBreesha on: – 1 to 3.30pm Southern Befrienders Country Fair– 1to BefriendersCountry 3.30pmSouthern atStanClucas’ orchard fi –12.30to 4.30pmQueenieFestival, PSM if theweather isgood. Take to practise theopportunity all welcome. [email protected] get intouch withusintheoffi Island andplaying music, Manx please ‘permanent loan’ whileyou are onthe is interested onborrowing themon instruments are played -ifanyone thingisthatthe The mostimportant pipes, bodhran. bombarde, chanter for practice uillean The instrumentsincludewhistles, fl Jiu YouthFestival. musician andafounder ofShennaghys Andrew wasatalented dancer and belonged to theirlate son,Andrew. donated instrumentsto MHFwhich Hazel andMalHannan [email protected] have kindly orphone or695784 ce: eld, 695784 utes, . kiaull manninagh jiu 5/11 manx heritage foundation which, thisyear, is17December 2011. traditional date, thelast Saturday before Christmas Choral’sThe Ramsey willbeonits Christmas Concert onMonday,will start 2011at7.15pm. 12September Practices for Choral’s theRamsey ChristmasConcert URC, Waterloo Lane, off join. onMonday nights. practising whilst itssister choir, theSummerSingers, takesover During theSummer, Choraltakesarest theRamsey their facilities. and thewardens ofSt.Paul’s for allowing usto use of theirhallandto thevicar, Rev. David Greenwood, elders andmembersof Trinity URC for theprovision for providing fundingfor thehire ofthemusic, to the Council Arts Our specialthanksgoto the IsleofMan cause.worthy atotal of£1,382.90wasraisedforthe concert, this fair duringtheday at theendof andthecollection Between thetableatFaith for inAction Mann This year’s wasinaidofHelpfor concert Heroes. the adhan. Abdallawasinvited,El-Rasheed asmuezzin,to sing Griffi Mandy The Choralwere joinedby soloistsEmilyCoates, hehasever beento.Choral concerts remarked thatthiswasby faroneofthebestRamsey MHK alsoattended Bell asguestoftheChoral. Mr Richardson astheirhonoured guests. AlanBell Excellency AdamHis Wood andhiswife, Katie Choralwerechurch, andRamsey delighted to have to apacked The wasperformed Armed Man calling for andpeace. mercy the adhan,thenliturgy ofthechristianchurch, song from thetimeofcrusades, contrasted with took theaudience through from The a ArmedMan, andvideosastheperformance pictures by aseriesofcontemporary supported Jenkins’Karl geniusasacomposer was service. members ofthearmedforces wounded in for Heroes, for providing acharity support for Peace, The inaidofHelp ArmedMan, Jenkins’ Karl the Choralperformed Mass 2011. Underthebaton ofChristaMcCartney, Choral’shosted Ramsey for Easter Concert On 16April2011,St.Paul’s Church, Ramsey Ramsey Choral PerformanceRamsey of Karl Jenkins’Karl The ArmedMan Practices are intheBasementHallof Trinity in aidofHelpfor Heroes www.ramseychoral.org n, Nicholas Roberts, andGeoff Roberts, n, Nicholas Waterloo Road, Ramsey. All are welcome to Collier. Dr. name andmobilephonenumberto: Festival,Inter-Celtic thenemailyour to dowith everything Yn Chruinnaght with you wanttoIf bekeptup-to-date visiting artists, see: visiting artists, For fulldetails oftheprogramme and Angus Lyon andRossMartin Sun 24thMaeve MacKinnonwith andShoostring 23rdSat GiantCeili featuring Kemysk Fri 22ndGuidewires entertainment: this year, sponsoringthree nightsof Ynare supporting Chruinnaghtagain Manx Telecom Sign upnow! running low. tickets are and when go onsale when tickets fi also bethe You’llartists. workshops aswell as info aboutvisiting displays, lectures, food &folk sessions, able to aboutgigs, let you know Once you’ve signed up, we’ll be rst to hear wwww.ynchruinnaght.com [email protected] w n w c Sign up h . r y u text service from service text n Manx Telecom!Manx i n c n h a r g for afree SMS u h i n t @ n m a g a h n x t . . n c o e t m

kiaull manninagh jiu 5/11 manx heritage foundation TTRANSCRIPTION OFTHEMONTH [email protected] material orgenerating touch sothatwe have     composers andsong- with Manx traditional with Manx interested inworking R Gaelic, pleasegetin new songs in Manx new songsinManx The Heritage Manx your nameonfi to time. you If are writers from time A commissions     Foundation     N   D D   see   S Bm D     C www.manxmusic.com   le:   R     I  P    Harp-tastic! taught andplayed atfestivals andstandalonegigs ontheIsland. occasional hasagreat basis. Rachel enthusiasmfor music, Manx having Celtic harplessonsto school-agestudentsfrom late May onwards onan Internationally renowned harpplayer Hairwillbegiving andteacher Rachel T  compositions willbeavailable in Dresses, Pobble andtheIOMCeilidh Band. ofherlatest Some of groups over theyears including The Bugganes, The Newspaper the University ofNewcastle. hasplayed Beccy withawholehost player, Hurst,whoiscurrently studyingtraditionalmusicat Beccy This fabulousjigcomes from talented whistleandconcertina   Cow inaBap I O  A  F A F   © N   m ©   m name to thewaitinglist. please email: youIf own orhave access to aharp andare inyear 6to 13, lists heldby Music Service. Places haveService. beenfi continuation ofwhatwaspreviously delivered by the IOMMusic Funded by HeritageFoundation, theManx thelessons are a

  O     F   formoreprintablepiecesofManxmusic   F

© T    m H [email protected]  Bm Bm  E G   www.rachelhair.com 

   M     Kiaull ynTheay4 Kiaull O  lled by taking namesfrom existing lled by taking     N     T   H A  A7  A  A   .    Beccy Hurst   to addyour     D  D            kiaull manninagh jiu 5/11 manx heritage foundation competitions atCRHS&ScoillPhurtleMoirrey 28th-30th CruinnaghtAeg:YJiass(South), www.erinartscentre.com Erin ArtsCentre,PortErin,8pm 20th KingChiaulleeattheManananFestival, June Orchard, Ballafesson,Rushen,1-4pm 30th ManxmusicattheMayFair,Clucas German’s Cathedral,Peel,7.45pm 24th CaarjynCooidjaghManxGaelicchoir,St 7pm -**NOWCANCELLED**] Competition -Dance,DouglasYouthCentre, [17th CruinnaghtAegSecondaryGroups Centre, 7pm Competition -Music&Song,DouglasYouth 16th CruinnaghtAegSecondaryGroups Centre, 2-5pm 15th BreeBandCamp2,DouglasYouth place (placeslimited),2-5pm [email protected] Cruinnaght Aegcompetitions.Email to gettogetherinpreparationforthe for secondarymusiciansandsingers 14th BreeBandCamp1-freeopportunity online: Tickets from£12.50(£10conc)600555or Leyland Band,GaietyTheatre,Douglas,8pm. 14th RushenSilverBandinconcertwith competition entrydeadline 13th CruinnaghtAegSecondaryGroups ‘Show Willing’,PeelGolfClub,8pm 6th FolkattheClub(openmic)featuring of ManannanSpringFayre,Peel,1pm 1st StGerman’shandbellringersattheHouse May or writeto: Call: For informationonManxmusic&dance contact: Manx MusicSpecialist(Education) Manx MusicDevelopmentOf Please sendinanydatesforthemonths PRESS: please feelfreetopickupany articlesandusethem to spreadthewordabout Manxculture Breesha:01624695784or www.villagaiety.com publicise eventshere&online CCALENDAR manx heritagefoundation~undinys eiraghtvannin ahead sothatwecan The Editorwelcomes submissionsbut reservestherighttoedit forstyleandspace MHF MusicTeam,TheStableBuilding,University Centre, Old CastletownRoad, Douglas,IsleofManIM21QB Written and edited byBreeshaMaddrell fortheManxHeritage Foundation A L E N www.manxmusic.com D A fi cer cer R tobooka DrChloëWoolley Dr

Breesha Maddrell Chloë: 01624695787 Festival 18th-24th YnChruinnaghtInter-Celtic for PortErinRegatta,8pm 15th EryTraie-Manxmusiconthebeach & AuldynInfants’School competitions atRamseyGrammarSchool 4th-7th CruinnaghtAegYTwoaie(North), 5th TynwaldFairDay,StJohns 3rd QueenieFestival,PortStMary Association CentenaryCelebrations2nd- 1st weekNationalWeek-WorldManx July Fri July 8th -Farewell reception Th Cooidjagh Marlene Hendy and Dilys Sowrey and Caarjyn John Kennaugh, Mike Gray, Chris Corkhill, and featuring Dot Tilbury AnnaGoldsmith, and music hosted bypoetry Geoff Suite, Villa Marina, Anevening Douglas. of Weds July Promenade 6th Concert, -Centenary Mon July 4th -Tour around Island the Crosby Silver and Band Encore. Centre, With Douglas. John speaker Kennaugh, Sun 3rd grounds July of Th -Service, Seft Sat 2ndJuly -Annual Gathering and Dinner Fri 1stJuly -reception Programme of events visit -who Island. the ancestry and welcome homecomers -persons with Manx aims to unite throughout world the WMA isanon-political organisation which Founded in1911by Richard Cain OBE, the iscelebratingwhich its year. centenary this Congratulations to the urs July 7th -Tours and Civic Receptions Futher details can beobtained by contacting the on Hotel, Douglas. www.worldmanxassociation.co.uk : [email protected] www.ynchruinnaght.com [email protected] :

[email protected] Secretary, Carol Gray at World Manx Association Corkish MHK Corkish e University

kiaull manninagh jiu 5/11 manx heritage foundation Bree Band Bree Band Camp 2011 & CRUINNAGHT AEG CONCERT & COMPS Camp  ApplicationForm  2011 NameofStudent……………………………………………………………….………… School…………………….……………….…SchoolYear…………Age...... …. for secondary school age Address…………………………………………………………………..…………………… singers and musicians ………………………………………………………………………………………..…………..  Tel.no/s.ofparent/guardian…………………………………………………..…. Joinusfortwoafternoonworkshopsand Email…………………………………………………………………………………..……... formyourownbandinpreparationforthe  CruinnaghtAegsecondarygroups’ Choose your option for the workshops & competitions: concertandcompetitions SingingƑ PlayingƑBOTHSingingandPlayingƑ  Douglas Youth Centre Nameyourinstrument/s……………………………………………………………….. TheworkshopswillpreparematerialfortheGroupSingingandthe th GroupInstrumentalclassesatCruinnaghtAeg. Saturday14 May 2–5pm WORKSHOP AllparticipantswilltakepartintheImaginativeInterpretationcompetition. Sunday15thMay 2–5pm WORKSHOP Monday16thMay 7pm  CRUINNAGHTAEG    *Photosmaybetakenduringtheworkshopandusedforfuture promotionaluse.Parents–pleasesignhereifyouobjecttoyourchild £50 prizes for winning acts!! appearinginphotographs:......   *Pleaseinformusifthereareanymedicalconditionsweshouldbeawareof Studentsmust:  Ɖ  beatsecondaryschoolaged11Ͳ18 Ɖ  committoallthreedates  Please return this application form by Friday 6th May to: Ɖ  bringtheirowninstrumentandmusicstand Bree/Manx Music Specialist, Manx Heritage Foundation, Ɖ  bringtheirowndrinksandsnacks The Stable Building, The University Centre, Ɖ  bringwrittenpermissionfromparentsiftheyneedto Old Castletown Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 1QB  leavethebuildingduringtheday(under16sonly)  For more information: *nocampingrequired!! Freeofcharge email [email protected] or tel. 695787/695784  kiaull manninagh jiu 5/11 manx heritage foundation Leyland Band and fromthe World ClassEntertainersinBrass Tickets £12.50(£10)/£16(£12.50)(concessions 18andunder) Tickets Rushen Silver Band in concert with concert Rushen SilverBandin Ticket hotline tel Ticket Saturday 14May2011,8pm John Doyle-conductor Gaiety Theatre,Douglas IOM WelcomeCentre 600555 Supported by , online at online , Sea Terminal, Douglas , www.villagaiety.com

kiaull manninagh jiu 5/11 manx heritage foundation