Manx Heritage Foundation Members approved

8. The Chief Minister to move:

That in accordance with section 1(2) of the Manx Heritage Foundation Act 1982, approves the appointment of the following persons as members of the Manx Heritage Foundation – Miss Patricia Skillicorn Mr Liam O’Neill Dr Brian Stowell

The Deputy President: We turn now to Item 8, Manx Heritage Foundation. I call on the Chief Minister to move.

The Chief Minister (Mr Bell): Mr Deputy President, the Council of Ministers is pleased to nominate Miss Patricia Skillicorn, Mr Liam O’Neill and Dr Brian Stowell for appointment as lay members of the Manx Heritage Foundation. As Hon. Members will be aware from the information circulated regarding these appointments, the individuals proposed by Council have extensive experience and skills relevant to the work of the Foundation and were selected following an open and transparent public appointment recruitment process. The Manx Heritage Foundation Act requires the Foundation, amongst other things, to promote and assist in the permanent preservation of the cultural heritage of the Island. Miss Skillicorn and Dr Stowell are previous lay members of the Foundation and Council are pleased to propose that they are appointed to the Foundation for another term. Dr Stowell will be well-known to Hon. Members through his pioneering and tireless work to promote the teaching and use of Manx language. This includes writing Manx language courses and presenting programmes on Manx Radio. Miss Skillicorn is a leading figure in local historical circles, being a lecturer to students on the MA course in Manx Studies, participating in research programmes on the Island’s experience in World War I and a published author of titles mixing social history and memoires. The Council of Ministers is pleased to propose the appointment of a new member to the Foundation, Mr Liam O’Neill. Mr O’Neill is the founder and driving force behind the Archibald Knox Society, which has grown substantially since its inception six years ago and has a contingent of international members. Mr O’Neill has recently conducted a lecture tour of the United States, promoting the work of Archibald Knox. Finally, Mr Deputy President, I would like to take this opportunity to place on record the thanks, on behalf of this Hon. Court, to an outgoing lay member, Mrs Melanie Jansen, who did not apply for appointment on this occasion. Mr Deputy President, I beg to move.

The Deputy President: Mr Gawne, Hon. Member.

Mr Gawne: Gura mie eu, Lhiass-loayreyder. I am delighted to second this motion. I believe that the Manx Heritage Foundation does have a fundamental role to play in our society. I am delighted, personally, to be in the position of being Chairman of the Foundation. There is quite a lot of work, obviously, that the Foundation does. I am absolutely sure that the three members on the Order Paper will provide the sort of experience and skills required to ensure that we make good decisions about the future of the culture of the . I think it is really important. Again, we have heard lots of negative voices in recent weeks, in particular about support for our culture and the language of the Isle of Man. If our Government, if our parliament, cannot support our own culture, our own indigenous culture and language, then, quite frankly, no other government in the world is going to do that. It is important that we have organisations like the Manx Heritage Foundation to give that level of support and it is also important to remember that, primarily, the Foundation is funded out of duties raised through betting tax, so it is not directly out of other taxpaying funds. I am more than happy to support this motion and pleased to second.

The Deputy President: Chief Minister, do you wish to reply, sir?

Tynwald 20 Mar 2012 The Chief Minister: No, thank you.

The Deputy President: In that case, I put the Item set out at Item 8 Manx Heritage Foundation. Those in favour, please say aye; against, no. The ayes have it. The ayes have it.

Tynwald 20 Mar 2012