Russia As an Alternative Security Provider: the Greek Perspective On
ІДЕОЛОГІЯ І ПОЛІТИКА ИДЕОЛОГИЯ И ПОЛИТИКА IDEOLOGY AND POLITICS © 2017 Foundation for Good Politics ISSN 2227-6068 RUSSIA AS AN ALTERNATIVE SECURITY PROVIDER: THE GREEK PERSPECTIVE ON THE “UKRAINE CRISIS” Nadiia Koval Ukrainian Institute for the Future, OCRid 0000-0001-9638-2434 Abstract. The article explores the Greek policies with regards to the “Ukraine crisis” through security provider approach. As NATO and EU proved unable to address the entire range of Greece’s security concerns, Athens regularly sought for an alternative security provider, considering that Russia could assume this position after the dissolution of the USSR and provide support to Greek positions on Cyprus, relations with Turkey, Balkan politics, and energy security. This strategy required that Greece support stronger EU-Russia relations, which had direct influence the Greek vision of Ukraine’s place in regional integration processes. To illustrate how this security provider optics influenced Greece’s political choices with regards to the “Ukraine crisis”, policies of the pro- European coalition government of Antonis Samaras and then the “geopolitical turn” by a populist SYRIZA-ANEL coalition of Alexis Tsipras are analyzed. Keywords: Ukraine, Russia, crisis, Greece, NATO, EU, security, Cyprus. № 1(7), 2017 131 ІДЕОЛОГІЯ І ПОЛІТИКА ИДЕОЛОГИЯ И ПОЛИТИКА IDEOLOGY AND POLITICS © 2017 Foundation for Good Politics ISSN 2227-6068 Introduction In mid-winter 2015 the remnants of the first Minsk ceasefire1 were crumbling under the renewed Russian and separatist attacks in the East of Ukraine. On January 27, 2015, three days after an especially deadly attack on Mariupol, which took lives of 30 civilians and one soldier, the European Council issued a statement, which, inter alia, announced: “We note evidence of continued and growing support given to the separatists by Russia, which underlines Russia's responsibility.
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