THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN The oldest circulating Greek newspaper outside VEMA Greece FEBRUARY 2015 Tel. (02) 9559 7022 Fax: (02) 9559 7033 E-mail:
[email protected] DIGITAL MOSAIC Capturing theDISCIPLINE True Woman: IN THE Tori HOME Ava Photography PAGE 16/34 GREEK PM HOPES TO VISIT Opening of the Law Term Service in NSW On Tuesday 10 F ebruary 2015, a t the Ca- thedral of the Annuncia tion of the Theot o- kos, His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos con- ducted the Service of the Opening of the Law Term 2015 in NSW. AUSTRALIA PAGE 14/32 He is particularly interested in the Greek Diaspora Greece's new Prime Minis ter, Alexis Tsipras, met with the Australian Ambas- sador in Gr eece John Grif fin and e x- pressed his in terest in visiting the land down under. Official Opening The Prime Minis ter and Mr Grif fin of the Taigum were said t o have discussed the strengthening of bi lateral cooperation Child Care Centre between Greece and Aus tralia, namely On Sunday 8 February 2015, His Grace Bish- in the economic sector. op Seraphim officially opened the St Paraskevi Mr Tsipras showed particular interest Child Care Centre and unveiled the Friendship in the Greek diaspora of Australia, stat- Garden plaque at the Parish of St Paraskevi in ing that he hoped to visit "as soon as the Taigum, Queensland. conditions [in Greece] allowed for it". The two discussed the Greek diaspora PAGE 13/31 and the support such a community pres- ence abroad provides for Greece, acting as a connecting bridge between the two countries.