Berlin Painter 5Th C. Vases Exhibition in Washington, Kotzias Says US
S o C V st ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ W ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ E 101 ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald anniversa ry N A weeKly GReeK-AMeRicAN PUblicAtioN 1915-2016 VOL. 20, ISSUE 1014 March 18-24, 2017 c v $1.50 Berlin In Washington, Kotzias Painter 5th Says US Backs Greek C. Vases Debt Relief, Talks Exhibition TNH Staff heading back to Athens, with US National Security Adviser Lt. WASHINGTON, D.C. – Visit - Gen. H.R. McMaster, Kotzias Works by the Ancient ing Foreign Minister Nikos outlined the importance of the Kotzias told reporters after ties Greece has nurtured, along Greek master at meeting top US officials that with key ally Cyprus, with Is - America supports Greece’s effort rael, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan Princeton Univ. Art to get debt relief from its inter - and the Palestinian authority, national creditors and discussed the report said. TNH Staff its’ role as a potential Mediter - He also referred to efforts to ranean hub and wanted calming boost ties with Armenia and PRINCETON, NJ – A major in - of provocations from Turkey Georgia. ternational exhibition of classi - over the Aegean. The collapsed United Na - cal Greek vases opened on During his two-day trip to tions-backed Cyprus unity talks March 4 at the Princeton Uni - the US, Kotzias portrayed cash- were also raised, with Kotzias versity Art Museum. The Berlin crunched Greece, in the depths saying it was because of Painter and His World: Athenian of a seven-year economic crisis, Turkey’s insistence on keeping Vase-Painting in the Early Fifth as nonetheless a stable partner an army and military interven - Century BC runs through June in the volatile Balkans and tion rights over the island di - 11 and “is a celebration of an - prospects for being a conduit for vided since an unlawful inva - cient Greece and of the ideals energy from the Middle East, sion in 1974.
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