SVC Seattle 1 Thursdays 6:30pm – 9:30pm

instructor Jeff Barlow

206 979 2271 — [email protected]

Objective The intent of this class is to give students a foundational understanding of typography and spark a desire to continually improve type knowledge and skill. If we do it right, students will also find a love for typography that will sustain (haunt) them for the rest of their careers.

We will learn about several aspects of typography

Letter type anatomy, classification, font identification

Word type choice based on meaning, spacing, arrangement

Sentence using type choice and hierarchy to bring meaning to display copy.

Paragraph leading, tracking, alignment, color, justification and rags.

System grid, hierarchy, concept and commanding larger amounts of text.

expectations This is a ten-week course. The study of typography can take a lifetime. I would expect that to internalize the concepts taught you will need to spend at least four hours per week outside class doing research and project work. Expose yourself to the best typography work out there. It’s easy to find typography. It’s much more difficult to find GOOD typography.

Let’s keep class as an open dialog. Class discussion is encouraged and expected.

resources It is my goal to be available to you as much as you need me. I always answer my phone when I can, and I usually answer email within 24 hours (longer on weekends). The SVC library is a great for books about typography.

Book We will be using the book “Thinking with Type” by Ellen Lupton. Although purchasing the book is not required, it is a valuable resource for learning the nuts and bolts of beginning typography. Much of the content is also available through the website: Level 1 Typography Course Outline

Thursdays 6:30pm – 9:30pm

WEEK 1 jun27 TALK ABOUT: Cool stuff

– Mr. Miyagi:

– Type History:

Why does type matter, Thinking With type, Type flash cards, Parts of Type, Pass out first and second assignments

DO IN CLASS: Trace type

HOMEWORK: At least two type journal entries: one drawn, one found —show as “cool stuff.” Assignment 2, Letter composition

BRING NEXT WEEK: Cool stuff, Lupton book, Tracing paper & pencil(s), Grid paper (better if it’s small grids)

WEEK 2 jly11 DUE: Cool stuff. At least two type journal entries: one drawn, one found. Assignment 2, ready for critique

TALK ABOUT: The history of , Classifications of type, Font Design. Matthew Carter — Man of Letters, What is the purpose of your typeface?

DO IN CLASS: Critique letterform compositions, Start drawing your alphabet

HOMEWORK: At least two type journal entries: one drawn, one found—show as “cool stuff.” Read “Matthew Carter” article. Complete assignment 3: design a font

WEEK 3 jly18 DUE: Cool stuff, Font Design project specimen sheet.

TALK ABOUT: Matthew Carter Article. New Type Family handout. Critique projects. Enhancing meaning through typography. Type Word project

DO IN CLASS: Work on word project. Trace type (maybe)

HOMEWORK: At least two type journal entries: one drawn, one found—show as “cool stuff.” Assignment 4: Typeset words in a way that both illustrates and enhances the meaning. Level 1 Typography Course Outline

Thursdays 6:30pm – 9:30pm

WEEK 4 jly25 DUE: Cool stuff, Word project

TALK ABOUT: Utility type vs. Expressive type. Mixing fonts vs. matching fonts (from book/website).

DO IN CLASS: Critique word projects. Introduce Wordmark-as-Identity project.

HOMEWORK: At least two type journal entries: one drawn, one found—show as “cool stuff.” Assignment 5 — Wordmark as Identity (practice font mixing).

WEEK 5 aug1 DUE: Cool stuff, Wordmark as Identity project.

TALK ABOUT: Hierarchy. Weblink. Single steps of differentiation.

DO IN CLASS: Critique projects. Introduce Projects 6 & 7 — Modular Grid & Hierarchy Exercise. Hand out Modular Grid electronic file.

HOMEWORK: At least two type journal entries: one drawn, one found—show as “cool stuff.” Modular grid exercise—Eight options. Be prepared to show in two weeks.

WEEK 6 aug8 DUE: Cool stuff, Modular Grid—put aside for critique next week.

TALK ABOUT: Type choice. Word spacing. Tracking. Kerning. The process of letterpress printing.

DO IN CLASS: Draw some text out of the hat. — LETTERPRESS EXERCISE!

HOMEWORK: At least two type journal entries: one drawn, one found—show as “cool stuff.” Hierarchy Exercise—Three favorite options ready for critique. Be prepared to also show with modular grid.

WEEK 7 aug15 DUE: Cool stuff, Modular Grid assignment. Hierarchy assignment.

TALK ABOUT: Critique projects. Poster design. How to discover a great idea.

DO IN CLASS: Critique both projects. Introduce poster project.

HOMEWORK: At least two journal entries: one drawn, one found—show as “cool stuff.” Start concepting poster. Print two favorites small, final favorite at actual size for crit. Level 1 Typography Course Outline

Thursdays 6:30pm – 9:30pm

WEEK 8 aug22 DUE: Cool stuff, Small versions of poster concepts, favorite concept printed (tiled) at full size for critique.

TALK ABOUT: Dana Tanamichi. Critique poster concepts. The 50/50 rule. ABA. The four corners rule.

DO IN CLASS: 50% Exercise.

HOMEWORK: At least two type journal entries: one drawn, one found—show as “cool stuff.” Refine Poster. Print tiled at full size for critique.

WEEK 9 aug29 DUE: Journal/Cool stuff. Revised poster concept printed at full size for critique.

TALK ABOUT: Marmalade Bleue. Type crimes. Printing big posters.

DO IN CLASS: Crit posters. Review layout, hierarchy and overall composition.

HOMEWORK: At least two type journal entries: one drawn, one found—show as “cool stuff.” Finish poster based on critique. Send final poster art to Instructor by Monday morning, 8:am. Bring treats!

WEEK 10 Sep5 DUE: Cool stuff, Posters printed at full size

TALK ABOUT: Last crit on final projects