Coastal Encounter Tables Gos = Ghosts of Saltmarsh
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Coastal Encounter Tables GoS = Ghosts of Saltmarsh. Low Level Encounters (Levels 1-4) d8+d12 Low-level Coastal Encounter 2 1 Air Elemental or 1 Living Iron Statue (GoS) 2d6 Pirates (Bandits) lead by a Bandit Captain or 1 Assassin Vine 3 (GoS) 4 1 Manticore or 1d3 Plesiosauruses 5 1d3 Scouts with a rowing boat or 2d6 Kobolds with 1d4 Giant Toads 6 1d2 Merrow or 1 Fathomer (GoS) 7 1 Giant Coral Snake (GoS) or 1 Deep Scion (GoS) 8 2d4 Winged Kobolds or 1 Giant Constrictor Snake 9 1d4+1 Locathah (Gos) or 2d4 Tribal Warriors 10 2d4 Lizardfolk or 1 Giant Octopus 1d6 Commoners with a rowing boat or roll on Coastal Civilized 11 Encounters 12 1d4+1 Sahuagin or 2d4 Giant Wolf Spiders 13 1d3 Giant Toads or roll on Coastal Civilized Encounters 14 1d4+1 Sea Lions (GoS) or 1d3 Griffons Coastal Civilized (Levels 1-4) 2d6 Giant Crabs or 1d4 Sahuagin led by 1 Sahuagin Coral Smasher d8+d12 Coastal Civilized 15 (GoS) 2d4 Bandits (pirates) led by 1 Pirate Deck Wizard (GoS) with 1 Bosun 2 16 2d6 Stirges or roll on Port Encounters (GoS) 17 1d3 Perytons or 1d4+1 Giant Lizards 3 1d3 Scouts 1d4+1 Merfolk and 1 Merfolk Salvager (GoS) or roll on Port 4 1d6 Bandits (pirates) led by 1 Pirate Captain (GoS) with a rowing boat 18 Encounters 5 2d6 Commoners (fisher-folk) with 1d3 rowing boats 19 2d6 Bloodhawks or 2d4 Pteranodons 6 2d4+2 Guards 20 1 Sea Hag or 1 Harpy Matriarch (GoS) 7 2d4 Bandits led by 1 Bandit Captain 8 1 Druid Mid Level Encounters (Levels 5-10) 9 1 Rip Tide Priest (GoS) with 1d6 Cultists d8+d12 Mid-level Coastal Encounter 10 2d6 Tribal Warriors 2 1 Monstrous Peryton (GoS)* or 1 Djinni* 3 1 Young Dragon (blue or bronze) or 1 Vampiric Jade Statue (GoS) Port Encounters (Levels 1-4) 4 1 Deep Scion (GoS) or 2d4 Berserkers d8+d12 Port Encounters 5 3d6 Sahuagin lead by a Sahuagin Champion (GoS) 2 1d2 Veterans 6 1d3 Water Elementals or 1 Kraken Priest (GoS) and 1d4 Cult Fanatics 3 1 Water Weird or 2d6 Commoners 1d3 Air Elementals or 2d6 Locathah (GoS) led by 1d2 Locathah 4 2d4 Bandits (pirates) and 1 Pirate Deck Wizard (GoS) 7 Hunters (GoS) 5 2d4+2 Guards 8 2d6+6 Sahuagin lead by 1d2 Sahuagin Priestesses 6 2d4 Bandits (pirates) and 1 Pirate First Mate (GoS) 9 1d3 Air Elementals 7 2d6 Bandits 10 2d6 Merrow or 1d6+1 Deep Scions (GoS) 8 1d4+1 Thugs or 1 Noble and 2d4 Guards 11 1d3 Chuuls or 2d6 Pegasi 9 1 Bard (GoS) 1 Cyclops with 1d3 Sea Li2d4 Berserkers ons (GoS) or 1d6+1 12 10 1 Kraken Priest (GoS) Veterans 4d6 Pirates (Bandits) led by 1 Pirate Captain (GoS) or 2d6 13 Plesiosaures 2d6 Koalinth (GoS) led by 1d2 Koalinth Sergeants (GoS) or 1d4+1 14 Coral Snakes (GoS) 15 2d4 Ogres or 2d4 Sahuagin led by 1 Sahuagin Blademaster (GoS) 16 2d6 Giant Toads or 1 Minotaur Living Crystal Statue (GoS) 2d6 Sea Lions (GoS) or 2d4 Sahuagin led by 1 Sahuagin Wave Shaper 17 (GoS) 18 1d3+1 Manticores or 1 Harpy Matriarch (GoS) and 1d4 Harpies 1 ship or wreck with 6d6 Pirates (Bandits) and 1 Ship Deck Wizard 19 Sample(GoS) led by 1 Pirate Captain (GoS) file 20 Coven of 3 Sea Hags Table Rolls - Saltmarsh Encounter Tables Open Sea Encounters and Hazards Ship Encounter Tables on next page. Ship types in GoS page 209-210. More sahuagin in Underwater Encounter Tables. Aerial Encounters - Low (Levels 1-4) d4+d6 Aerial Encounters Low-level Low Level Encounters (Levels 1-4) 2 1d2 Dragon Wyrmling (Black, Blue or Bronze) d8+d12 Low-level Open Sea Encounters 3 1d3 Perytons 2 1 Giant Shark or 1 Kraken Priest (GoS) 4 1d3 Griffons or 2d4 Blood Hawks 3 1 passenger sailing boat or roll on Low-Level Ship Encounters 5 1d4 Steam Mephits 1d3 Locathah Hunters (GoS) or 1 Sahuagin Priestess with 1d3 6 1d3 Pegasi 4 Hunter Sharks 7 1d4+1 Ice Mephits or 1d4+1 Dust Mephits 5 1 cargo longship or roll on Low-Level Ship Encounters 8 1d4 Giant Eagles or 1d4 Pteranodons 6 2d4 Merfolk with 2d4 Giant Sea Horses or 1d4+2 Locathah (GoS) 9 1 Manticore or 1d4 Swarms of Seabirds (as Swarms of Raven stats) 7 1 fishing keelboat or roll on Low-Level Ship Encounters 10 1 Air Elemental or 1 Harpy Matriarch (GoS) 8 1d4+1 Sea Lions (GoS) or 1d3 Shell Sharks (GoS) 9 1 row boat with 1d4 scouts or roll on Low-Level Ship Encounters Aerial Encounters - Mid (Levels 5-10) 10 1d4+1 Sahuagin and 1d4 Reef Sharks or 1d3 Giant Octopi d4+d6 Aerial Encounters Mid-level 11 1d6 Merfolk with 1 Merfolk Slavager (GoS) or 1d2 Merrow 2 1 Monstrous Peryton (GoS) or 1 Roc 12 2d6 Giant Seahorses or 1d4+1 Giant Sea Eels (GoS) 3 1 Young Dragon (Black, Blue or Bronze) 13 2d4 Steam Mephits or roll on Aerial Low-level Encounters 1 Harpy Matriarch (GoS) with 1d6 Harpies or 1 Night Hag mounted on 4 14 1d3 Killer Whales or 1d4 Merfolk Salvagers (Gos) a Nightmare 15 1d3 Griffons or roll on Aerial Low-level Encounters 5 1d2 Invisible Stalkers 16 1d4+2 Koalinths (GoS) or 1d4+1 Reef Sharks 6 2d4 Griffons 17 1 Manticore or roll on Aerial Low-level Encounters 7 1d3 Air Elementals 1 Sea Hag and 1d3 Swarms of Quippers or 1d4 Tritons (GoS, use 8 1d2 Wyverns or 1 Deva 18 stats of Kysh) 9 1d2 Chimeras or 2d4+2 Pegasi 1 Giant Coral Snake (GoS) or 2d4 Sea Elves (GoS, use stats of 10 1 Djinni 19 Oceanus) 20 1 Water Elemental or 1d2+1 Plesiosauri Hazards, Events and Islands d8+d12 Hazards, Events and Islands Mid Level Encounters (Levels 5-10) Magical Storm (GoS pg 205) or Whirlpool to another realm (rank 2 or 2 d8+d12 Mid-level Open Sea Encounters rank 4, GoS pg 206) 2d4 Sahuagin with 1 Sahuagin Blademaster (GoS) led by 1 Sahuagin 3 Very Heavy Fog (GoS pg 201) 2 High Priestess (GoS) Cursed Island (GoS pg 212) or Whirlpool to another realm (rank 1 or 4 3 1 ghost sailing boat or roll on Mid-Level Ship Encounters rank 3, GoS pg 206) 2d6 Merfolk and 1d4 Merfolk Salvagers with 3d6 Giant Seahorses or 5 Heavy Fog (GoS pg 201) 4 2d6+3 Locathah (GoS) led by 1d3 Locathah Hunters (GoS) 6 Wild Island (GoS pg 214) or Whirlpool (rank 2 or rank 4, GoS pg 206) 5 1 pirate warship or roll on Mid-Level Ship Encounters 7 Moderate Fog (GoS pg 201) 1d8 Sahuagin Coral Smashers and 1 Sauagin Wave Shaper (GoS) led Sanctum Island (GoS page 213) or Whirlpool (rank 1 or rank 3, GoS 6 8 by 1 Sahuagin Baron or 2d6 Merrow pg 206) 7 1 military galley or roll on Mid-Level Ship Encounters Light Fog (GoS pg 201) or inquisitive sea creatures (sea horses, 9 8 1d3+1 Giant Sharks or 1d6+1 Deep Scions (GoS) dolphins, whales etc) that follow the ship 9 1 mercenary longship or roll on Mid-Level Ship Encounters 10 Fire (GoS pg 201) or signs of a Shipwreck (GoS pg 206) 2d4 Sahuagin with 1d4 Sahuagin Coral Smashers (GoS) led by 1 Ship - roll on Low or Mid-level Ship Encounter Tables below or 10 11 Sahuagin Champion (Gos) Current (GoS page 203) Roll on Sea Encounters Levels 1-4 table or a ship (roll on Ship 12 Sandbar (GoS page 205) or Crew Conflict (GoS pg 200) 11 Encounters and Ship Mid-level Crew) 13 Welcoming Island (GoS page 213) or Shadowfell Fog (GoS pg 204) 12 1d4+2 Killer Whales or 1d3 Water Elementals Storm - Heavy Gale (GoS pg 202) or Rain or sleet storm (heavy 14 13 1d4 Air Elementals or roll on Aerial Mid-level Encounters precipitation, DMG pg 110) 14 2d4 Hunter Sharks or 2d6 Plesiosauri Infestation (GoS pg 202) or Blue Hole (GoS pg 203, optionally use 15 15 1d6+1 Scouts on Griffons or roll on Aerial Mid-level Encounters low or medium Underwater Encounter to populate contents) 2d6+3 Koalinth (GoS) led by 1d3 Koalinth Sergeants (GoS) or 1 Sea 16 Storm - Strong Storm (GoS pg 202) 16 Hag and 1d6+1 Merrow Ghost Fog (GoS pg 204) or a Ship (ship encounter tables below) on 17 1 Young Dragon (black, bronze or blue) or roll on Aerial Mid-level Fire (GoS pg 201) coming out of the sea fog 17 Encounters 18 Storm - Typical Hurricane (GoS pg 202) 18 Sample1d4+2 Giant Coral Snakes (GoS) or 1d4+2 Ghosts 19 Hostile Island (GoS pg 2 12) or Wfileild Magic Fog (GoS pg 204) A coven of 3 Sea Hags or 1 Kraken Priest (GoS) with 1d4+1 Deep Storm - Overwhelming Hurricane (GoS pg 202) or Alien Island (GoS 19 20 Scions (GoS) pg 211) 20 1 Marid or 1 Maw of Sekolah (GoS) and 1d6 Sahuagin Priestesses Table Rolls - Saltmarsh Encounter Tables Ship Encounter Tables Ship details in the Dungeon Master's Guide (page 199) or Ship Stat Blocks in Ghosts of Saltmarsh (pages 186-195) Mid Level Encounters (Levels 5-10) d8+d12 Mid-level Open Sea Encounters Upgrades - Many of the vessels have upgrades from Ghost of The Green Gnome is an airship used by hobgoblin mercenaries. Crew Saltmarsh that can be easily removed or ignored.