Animism Exhibition Conference
16.3. – 6.5.2012 Animism Exhibition Conference English Table of Contents Preface Bernd M. Scherer 4 Chapter 6: Soul Design 59 Al Clah, Erik Steinbrecher, Daria Martin, Roee Rosen, Adam Curtis, Exhibition 6 Antje Majewski, archival material Introduction Anselm Franke 7 Chapter 7: The Politics of Animism / Ecology / Nature 71 Walon Green, Jean Painlevé, Didier Demorcy, Angela Melitopoulos / Maurizio Lazzarato, Paulo Tavares, archival material Chapter 1: Background 11 Archival material Guided Tours 81 Chapter 2: Objectification 16 Chris Marker / Alain Resnais, Jimmie Durham, Candida Höfer, Victor Grippo, kids&teens@hkw 82 Agency, Vincent Monnikendam, Artefakte // anti-humboldt, archival material Conference: Roundtables, Lectures 85 Chapter 3: The Great Divide 27 León Ferrari, Walt Disney, Len Lye, David Maljkovic, Hans Richter, Anna and Publication 92 Bernhard Blume, archival material In Context: Contemporary Realism and Materialism 93 Chapter 4: Symptoms & Media 37 Heinz Schott / Erhard Schüttpelz / Ehler Voss, Anja Dreschke / Martin Credits 94 Zillinger, Camillo Negro, Lars Laumann, Rosemarie Trockel, Yayoi Kusama, archival material Chapter 5: Capitalism & Phantasmagoria 47 Ken Jacobs, Marcel Broodthaers, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Fernand Léger, Thomas Alva Edison, Dierk Schmidt, Tom Holert, archival material 2 3 Preface In close interaction with techno- In terms of the latter, ethnology Against the backdrop of the exis- to the many artists and academics logical inventions, and fueled by a placed itself in the service of a tential crisis currently confronting who have collaborated with us Capitalist economic system, the modernity defined by the natural us, the Haus der Kulturen der on the project, without whom we natural sciences finally began to sciences, and described the prac- Welt sees its primary challenge could not have achieved the de- establish themselves and their tices of non-European societies as reappraising the relationship sired complexity and multiplicity world view in the 19th century.
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