ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT O Seat: ORGANIZACJA I KIEROWANIE R Division I Polish Academy of Science G The Committee on Organizational AN and Management Sciences Wydział I PAN iz PKiN, Plac Defilad 1 AT 00-901 Warszawa I MANA AND ON Address: Warsaw School of Economics Collegium of Management and Finance al. Niepodległości 162 NO. 1B (160) YEAR 2014 02-554 Warszawa e-mail:
[email protected] Indeks 367850 ISSN 0137-5466 G EMENT NO. 1B (160) YEAR 2014 (160) 1B NO. ISSN 0137-5466 thE commIttEE oN orgANIzAtIoNAl AND mANAgEmENt ScIENcES WArSaw School of EcoNomIcS collEgIum of mANAgEmENt AND fINANcE ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT ORGANIZACJA I KIEROWANIE OiK 2014-01B.indd 1 9-02-15 11:34:54 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT ORGANIZACJA I KIEROWANIE MEMBERS OF “ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT” QUARTERLY PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Bogdan Nogalski (University of Gdansk) – President of the Committee Ryszard Borowiecki (Cracow University of Economics) – Vice President of the Committee Maria Romanowska (Warsaw School of Economics) – Vice President of the Committee Wiesław M. Grudzewski (Institute of Organization and Management in Industry ORGMASZ) Jan Jeżak (University of Lodz) Andrzej K. Koźmiński (Kozminski University) Kazimierz Krzakiewicz (Poznan University of Economics) Tadeusz Listwan (Social Academy of Science in Lodz) Janusz Strużyna (University of Economics in Katowice) Michał Trocki (Warsaw School of Economics) Wiktor Askanas (University of New Brunswick, Canada) Klaus Brockhoff (Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany) Zbigniew J. Czajkiewicz (University of Houston, USA) William Egelhoff (Graduale School of Business. Fordham University, New York, USA) Frank Krawiec (Pennsylvania University, USA) Rainer Marr (Bundeswehr University Munchen, Germany) Claude Martin (University of Grenoble, France) Jurij Pawlenko (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) Zdenek Soucek (Univeristy of Economics, Prague, Czech Rep.) Norbert Thom (University of Bern, Switzerland) OiK 2014-01B.indd 2 9-02-15 11:34:54 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT ORGANIZACJA I KIEROWANIE N0.