manafted. You can't make a manager out of an ac­ Coggswell wa«, In hin d*y, one tive player. He must be free to act with perfect in- man paying ^H. nftSitthi? always ta Liffh LATE NEWS. dcpendenep. There is no money for me la Trov. iauK . neMwiiyn led..ff(it tho top of (ho batting list What would 9200 at the end of tbe season te, even If I tor ManchfKter. IIis only weakness as u ball player should come out so much nhead?" Sullivan left tow a was his Inability to throw well. yes'erday morning, fie will uot return unless it be A League Special Meeting for tho purpose of selling the nine. FRO3I INDIANAPOLIS. What Is Going On in Va­ THE CENTRAL LEAGUE. The Hoosiers Klated Over Three Straight Assured. From the Champions Club News aad rious Bodies. To Go On With Seven Clubs A Schedule Gossip. Committee Appointed. INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 2. Editor SPORTING Importance of the Wldner Case special to SPORTING LIFB. LIFE: The town was wild with enthusiasm last EASTOS, Pa., Aug. 4. At the meeting of the Central The Association's Special Meet­ League, held at the United Stutes Hotel, Eas'on, to- night over tho news from Detroit, and just at ^Base Ball and General dav, the seven remaining clubs of the astociation were this time tbe Indianapolis ball team is the great­ ing A League Collapses represented, ft wiia decided unanimously that the est organisation in tho country. The Hoosiers season be completed and that every effort be made to bave had such poor luck against the Michigan Sporting Intelligence. obtain a club to take the place of Blngham- men that the public here really only expected The Sunday Question. ton. Under article 26 of laws, etc!, all tho BinRhamton players are under contract to the boys to take one game, but when they THE TVIDXER CASE. the Central League, aad It was agrred to downed the Wolverines the second time the THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. asMgu ttiem to the remaining clnba. A committee on friends of Captain I>enny and hisnoblo followers 0ow Xew Orleans' Move Is Kegarded in the tho oew pche lule, consisting of the Atlentown, Scran- were greatly pleased, and when the third game An Official Call For a Meeting Issued at Capital. t; n and Nowask repregeuttttive^, were appointed to win taken with such ease the Hoosiers became the w Brooklyn's Demand. Bjwcial to STORTING Live. nitet at Allenton u n«xt Tuesday to report results at a meeting of the League to be held at Scran tun on the heroes of the hour. Indianapolis has at least had The American Association special meeting WASHINGTOX, Aug. 1. The New Orleans Club 9th inot. The following ros ! tit ion w«s unanimou-ly the 8iitisfncti-;n of pulling Chicago and Detroit duwn will now be held sure enough, an cfScial call evidently is trying to blackmail the Washington adapted: Resolved, Tliat tho Central Loapu* inanage- to third and second places respectively, and tlmt is having been issuoi fur the same, to be held at management in the Widncr case, for under meiitprct^stxagalnHt the actions of certain clnbs, parties Boniti coneolutior at lea*-t. Iho humiliation of being beaten aix straights by PitlaMirj? haa ot-ea parliiilly tuc Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, Tuesday, ba^e ball law they have no claim upon him and to the NiitSinal Agreemtnt for neg"tir*ting directly with players nuiler contract with Central League clubs wiped outt th,-',; sh that wi.s a bitter dose. Theteim Aug. 7. This meeting was to have been heU a their injunction is invalid. They propose, how­ instead of with the club manazeia. Resolved, That the Is iu Chicago to day and will 61; out the wet b. there. week ago, but for some reason Mr. Yon der Aho ever, to take the matter into the courts and hare action of the management of the Toronto, Chicago, Wo hope to get two of the three garner, but .will be was not reudy. President Byrne thereupon the case tried according to the common law. Cincinnati and Cleveland clubs be especially con­ satisfied with ono. The Hoosiers promise 1o make a brought matter* to a climax by the following m this trip than it did on the Inst one, The subject has caused President Young no demned. Resolved, That this resolution be forwarded, better record demand for a meeting, following which the call to ths secretary of the Board of Arbitration and be though no 8pt?cial complaint \vaettoitseries Club, tl>at I, as tlie r resident of tbe Brooklyn Ba*e qu*-:tion. decidtd to call the directors of the League together aud did some timely btick vorK. The boys go from Bud Association, had tampered with oueot the players t-o much has been said on this subject, that Mr. John !ii special meeting at Asbury Park on Aug. 16. The Chicago to New York, and f hope to set them keep up of the St. Lon in team, viz., Jame) O'Neil, in other I. Roger*, toiicitor of the League, concludes tirai The place of rendezvous is tho Coleman Hotis* and the hoor their fine playing. word*, that I h«d been eudvavoiing t> make bioi dii- Wulner case tails up an eotiie^ »*tr question ULder 10A.M. A full attendance is expected, as it is desir­ . NOTES. Katisfied with hi-* position iu ii;e St. Lou's Club by tempting offers to join the Brooklyn (earn, bate ball law, aqd therefore suyrgesU that a special able that the various controversy pending may bo ^''^^^ffi*-^ President Brush Is going np to Chicaco to-morrow ttee.'::,^ of ijjo Board of Direetms be called todit-p'ise dispose d of sffectTially. It Is also expected that the *•::%,••- •••.>^c^;f^.<:j-; •;.^;..:-:.->i :-.%->* at;d bad thereby caused him to neglect tiia to see ihe last game with Aiison mid his ni"D. work and play negligently so ua to secure hia of this Hud uther pending matters. The ca'l wiil be Ltapuo maguatei will play a game of ball on the The- Ilocsiern will hm-e new uniform*", but just what ma>1e in a few tiayg as soon as President Young can beach and afterwards take their annual bath In old release. Furthermore it was charged (hat I had thev will be has not yet been determined upon. iufluenced Sir. Rcbert Ft-rguson, one of the official obtain an expression of opinion a« to when the ocean. A telegram was received at League head­ MOTT, McGeachy, who played left field for De'roit in'85, meeting can be most conveniently held pr>haMy quarters thfa morning announcing th*t the Detroita umpires of the Association, to pri-stttute Ma position, The Sporting Life's Baltimore Correspondent, put up a great pame a^aiust Ms old friends in tlu- two for tlie bent-fit rf the Brooklj n Club and to tbe direct on the 15th inKt. The IMUsburg-Philadelphia had signed Schtffler, late of the Lancaster, Pu., Club. fiist contests. Ilin timely stick woik brought in the and the Pittsburg-New York COD tested games R. M. LAHNER. carnage of the .St. Louis CIu!>. At first I deemed tl.e-» Known to Fame as "T. T. T." winning rune In both. merely the result ot piquo and disappoint­ will ah?o be cou»iderrd at the special meeting, together Deriny's core finger will not heop him off third base emanations With several appeals of individual players. Gilllgno A Ball Player Overcome by the Heat. ment resulting from the St. lonis Club scff«iiug and Gardner ea< h have claims fur salary due them but a ftw day*. Btickley filled his place in good atjle defeat at (he hands of tiio Brooklyn team, and I bore Special to SPOKTCNG Lire. yesterday. iu silence it not in patience. I find, how­ from the Washington Club. NEW YORK NEWS. Tbe rumor that Boyle had the suUa and wonld not the charges To give tbe Widner case additional importance, Mr. CLEVELAND, Aug. 4. "T>arby" O'Brien, Cleveland's PITTSBURG PENCILLING^. ever, i hey are Wing conslaLtiy reiterated until now pitcher, had a close call last night. Ue suffered from pitch in Detroit is probably a fairy Ule. Albert Rrach. prt-sideut of the Philadelphia Club, ha* The Home Team Now Trotting a Fast Pace Joy In Gotham Over the Giants' Lead- my patience ia txbau.-tfd nrid 1'uriber tileries must the heat all during the game and upon his return Though gpo1 ball was played in the Detroit-Indian- notoriety tiieoa foinmlty piUie-ted the games in which the former par­ bhamefully pmall. De­ needs imply a tense of fcuilt. The ticipated. It id fluid Mr. Reach was moved to take from tho grounds was completely prcstrated. He weg The Maul Case Nothing in the Miller The Brooklyn Players Also Confident of apilis S'-rilg the crowds were charges ha? achieved let.ders it propertbai the Amer­ found by Zimmei1 lying in ol<* room uncon­ Story Local Brevities. Winning Keefe Will Last All Right, troit is a great ball town, in your mind's eye; Ho­ this step to place hia club on the M»fe side of the con­ ratio. ican Association should take etepa promptly to investi­ troversy should the b >»rd of directors decide the scious. Dr. Minor WHS summoned, and for a time PITTSBURG, Aug 2. Editor SPORTIMQ LIFE: Never Fear Another New Ground Fake gate them. The faith of the public und the prt-ss iu thought It all over with O'Brien, and he advised Man­ There is only one J. N. Glasscock, and we've got player in question ineligible. In (he meantime Wld­ At it again. That is what the Pittsburjc Club is Gotham Squibs. him. the integrity ot the National gaaio can not lung be ner continues to gr^w in furor in the city and the free ager Loftus to send for a priest. "Darby" rallied after maintained if charges of this na'ure ran Le luada they had worked with him for an hour. He will nut doing. Record breaking. The last one broken NEW YORK, Aug. 3. Editor SPORTING LIFR: Thero has been a r Timor (.float io tbe effect that tlie any person iiie-.iiified with it, and remain un­ advertising in tbis connection helps the Senatorial roaring* i^put of the lotal club would not Le arerse to against treasury. it. M, LAEMEB. be able to pitch again (or some days. KuonfT joined is perhaps the best of the season. Five straight There is more genuine base ball hilarity answered or uninvettigutfd. the Cleueland^ here to-day, coming direct from Hot three from Indianapolis at home and two from spread around ia this neighborhood at present making H irade by which iShomberg would be released, With me in tliis ma-ttr there can be no middla Spilngs. He savs his arm Is all light DOW. The Heds but fi<:thitij; definite in known of any de *1. Shanitmg If L am guilty il ia manifestly the duty of BROKEN UP DETROIT. Chicago. Truly, the past two weeks has been a than I ever remember seeing before. It is pure, iDiintielalt pl:iyer mid while Itulmiupolls may not ground. are demoralized In their catching department, Kec- deliberate jov and that is al! you can make of it. the Association to take action towards riddirjg itself of n«n'a hands hnvo given out, Baldwin's teems ru*ty, tail-enders* period, for all three hare been turn­ need him, lie will not be released without a valmble the presence, of a \ erson indulging in such question­ A New Catcher to Be Secured Laroque O'Connor's, of course, rustler. A telegram from Ed. ing tbe me elves loose. Wo are not hilarious over the prospects of the man is teeureU in hia place. A. G OVKNS. able methods. If these charges are not bur-tamed, it id Will be Released, Etc. Blight to-day announces that he will leave New Or­ The Piltsburg team has been playing ball to a Jersey City Club, nor even over those of the equally the duty uf the Association to so act us to ef­ Special to SPORTING LIFE. leans at once for Cincinnati. He Is need»d. The Bal­ man aiid the batteries have been working to­ Brooklyn team, but we are contented and enthu­ TONY MUL/LANE'S AKKEST. fectually put a stop to this habit of making un«ar- DETBOIT, August 4. The management will sign a timore s play here Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday i an.ted charges against club officials and umpire*, which instead of the Reds there. KEN MTJLFOBD, Ja gether like a machine. The club was a long siastic over our glorious old reliable, unreliable, catcher to-day. The choice lies between a well-known while getting at it, but It feat it now in earnett. A certain, uncertain, tantalizing Giants. Local The Cincinnati IMtcher in Durance Vile for ter d to discredit the American Association and bring catcher, cue in the New England League, and the National game into d:s.-epute. League man with records was in luck this week, for everybody enthusiasts bave been waiting a long time for Three l>uys for Debt. two in tbe Western Association. Lar(;que is to be re­ Bicycle Tournament. Section 17 of the constitution empowers you to call wanttJ to know Bonifthiug about ttmt streak in iho this glorious sight of seeing the Giants sitting BROOKLYN, Aug. 2. Editor SPOTTING LIFR: a speciiit inciting of the Association who;] you may leased. lie is a g KM! hitter aod nwift runner, bat he Special to SPORTINU Lire. Association days of 18S6 when the nine won 1C out of play second b*we well enough for This morning I was (surprised by a message from "deem it uecet-sary,'' 1 and I trust that yuii will con­ cannot at present KINGSTON, N. Y., Aug. 4. A bicyclers* to ornament, 18 games, or something like that. Can It be that the on top of the League ladder and using their Detroit. Lady Baldwin will be disposed of to come feet to push down other climbers. They see it pitcher Mullune, of the Cincinnati Club, icque^- clude that tho uect-tsity has arisen and wiil issue u call in nhich wheelmen from a'ong the Hudson river par­ club fa going to do something like this agalL? The accordingly, meanwhile notifying the person prefer­ minor league club. Sam Thompson will resume hja record H now 12 out of 14. that same old chestnut, "Can ing to see me at the sheriff's office. Having no tla-e in rixht field to-day and doubtless Twite-bell ticipated, WHS held here ye«terday kfternoon. The and rejoice, but ring tin se cl arges to be present with nls evidence to refills were as follows: One-mile dash Herman Vca- This spurt may be the result of Phillips* fall control they keep it up?" is still heard on every hand. personal acquaintance with him I could not ac­ will take a rest, Cam pa u going to left. Conway has a and it may not be, but the club has been piny ing ball. sul st;uit.ate them. Beuneit sure hamu, auJ with Richardson dei linden, of Puughkeepuie, winner; time, 3:25. Half- I think they can, and think they will do it, just count for the request, especially as I had had I would respectfully suggest that jon call the meet­ lame arm, mile dash Edward Merrllt, of Kingston, winner; time, One will observe that thh is In the jait tense, for it is off the team the Detrjltd are badly ctippltu. rliky to make it present. This surely must le "good aa flrmly aa I believe tbat tbe Brooklyn Club will stop occasion at times to severely criticize gome of hi? ing for Aug. 7 in Philadelphia, us that will be conven­ The Detroit Club yesterday signed T. J. Sheffler, of 1:44. One-mile dash W. U. Bc«h*rt, of Poughkeepsfe, ita monkey ehliiea and capturu the American Assenta­ ball world. But I went to ient for most of the clubs anft further, that you nmkei wluuei; time, 3:26. There were other minor eveoti. results," and Phillips need not be alarmed. Detnxt la doings in the ba.«e the Mancheaters, and he will report for duty at Wash­ tion pennant. TLo t is ter cities havu the teams to do see him, as he was in trouble, and I did so on a temporary transfer of umpires to enable Mr. Rubett at hand to-day. News from tbe seat of war had cot Ferguson to be present. Very truly yours, ing -n Monday. The probability is that be will take arrived at the last report. I feel certain the nine will It, and if they do nut capture the two rttgc, \7 ^bsflior was with There waa the usual mystery about the Maul deal, Louin judividuaHy, remember as the Mew York great trouble over his arrest. It was a new and - - '-- " : -- - They ha^l uo fault to flod with and DO one en the outside knows what club was bid- for all time, and that Chris mu«t either Manchester, lie played in 80 gamed and stood fitV to cut down exptaees. They team is Bvperiur t--> the Kan(*B!«ry I went over Jo Washington Park, Brooklyn, yttiter- day, and aa It wan an oft' l plenty of time to IB, it dtd not Impugn bis intttgrtly, but WPIB Fluiply n him, or he (Byrne) will show tho world what an season Sl.effler haa played with Manchester. His bat­ Is \veai Isome to urer\body. Maul t* ou the market case cf imprudence in a busings mutter for oite Hi'ng, ting uv i'iage up to a recent d«t j was .351 and total now. Two messenger t>oyg were discharge I for selling get a few points from the BrooKh n pla^ era. The men unmitigated ass Yon der Ahe is. Mr. Byrne appear t.> be confident and contt-nttd, and eny they and of iijnoraiice of the routim* of l*iral affairs in an­ batting average .583, or nearly two bases to a ^ J|e_ the content* of the telegrams sent out by Manager other. C'n Tiu-sday last BlulUne wa-t served \vith a will also make an effort to have the meeting au bas uia-:ie lul runs iu 208 times atbaV-Vie IT consid­ Noisy Coaching Condemined A Nevr Fea­ Philli(>s, asking the clubs to waive claim to Mtul. A will be preity sure of capturing ilie silk. Th<> gtu. open one, f-o that the proceedings sh;:!l go on nil sentiment anictu' the flayers seems to be th;it summons to appear at c>jurt t:> answtr a tx ntplnint for ered \£jf 'uOV'rtrn'gtAVb? VjuWNew England League. ture Secured, Etc. newspaper TIIHU {iromisul them a dollar for it mid tbeu iudfbted.-iebs ou ttie part of a partner of his record. In fact, he will insist upon having the did not giro it. The father ot* one of the Ittdp, in a card iheir team's cl.ancea are far bett.-r than those of any TORONTO, August 2. Editor Spoimwr, Lnr.:— An­ other club. They buy that they do not cart- if they fcnm* vears ago, and, as the summons was full proceedings made public. Von der Ahe other black-eje for Hie Salt City Ki-kew. Thi« time to an evening paper jes'erday, denounce* the news­ to Thon,i;s J. Mullane iuetead of A TURN-UP AT BROOKLYX. paper nmu's action. He sayH that he has been ill do haro to finish tbe season in tho Wfer, thut they directed will be represented by his counsel, Congressman tht-y were compelled to sufftjr the exquisite torture of will piny juat as strong u game away from home Anthony J. Mullnue, Tony treateJ it with hollow-eyed defeat at both gamea. Of course they lately aud the boy's earnings helped the family greatly. contempt and tore it np. The officer reported John J. O'Ncil. The Kansas City dispute will Orr Deposed from the Captaincy and The toy who secured the message was a new boy. grounds as they do at Washington Park. The club's also be settled at thi;* meeting. Concerning that Suspended. raved, and ranted, and howled in their wonted kicker record ceitainiy fehoxvs this to be a fact eo far this this to the court, ami then followe.l an order Htued by style, but all their clamor ttnd uproar went for naught. An older messenger induced him to sell it. Judge Innraham, fining bltn ?'J.r>0 for contempt of matter Mr. Byrne writes THE SPORTING LIFE, Special to SPORTING LITE. ear. S<>me of tho Brooklyn pitchert" hare been ail- When we have Atkis^o and Decker in the points, the LIKK THE MAN IS THE WELL. Jng of late and thnt fact has haii'llcapp. d the -team court, this order inrolving hia being placed aa in reply to a query: BaocKLTN, Aa»r. 4. 1 find m?s;-lfln Gowanns this Syracii'-ans might just ea well attempt to scale the per­ Now that Billy Blafr has made a aui-ceta with the consider.) lit}'. I wan a^re-jably surprised to flod a prisoner in R»> niond street juil. Wednesday "Of the rteult of that case I have no ftar. It fl morning, so shall telegra]h you a bit of news from pendicular Wrdla of an Iceberg a* to win the gam« by Athletics a gcod many of the local bo>s who predicted another thing over there in romantic Gowanu,-. Th« afternoon Justice Bart let t, of the Supreme Court, a plain question \\v uro right or wrong. If our here. There is a little rumpus In the Brooklyn Club, their customary contemptible tactics aud fn imidntory tbat he would be home in two week?, becans-j he players not only nil wty that they think New York K< anted a writ of h.itxag corpus, directing the manager, Mr. McGuunlgle, or Captain Fontz vio­ but I hope the trouble is ouly temporary and that the outcries. I am puzzled to know why Secretary AVhite hadn't any carves of consequence anil WHS wild, feel has a ainch on tlie Lciigue me"*, but say they are sheriff to produce hint in court on Thurs­ lated uny rule, we are liuble; but we do uct pro better sense of tbe player will son assert itself. had not his attention called to the Infringement ot the like tiking a milk shake. They all wish the BHndy- clad of it and wi«h wltli all their hearts tUt the day. Hi;) discharge wa< iisked for on the ground that p.ist-, when two umpires go on the nVld, to have tlie Dave Orr, the captain of the (eim, is no longer act- coaching rules, by the howling and yelling, not t-y \\&v h id red young man success with Sharo'g'e future cham­ Giants will win. I don't think that tho eamu fra­ the attachment cal's for the arrest of 1 honing J. Mul­ captain < teven playing on of necessary instruction to the base-runners, hut fur pions. ternal feeling exists between the hca>\& acro-s the nothing short of disreputable, notably, the outrageous The men were still playing with the White*. The Eait Rirer every succefs. So jou can tee that tht-re nesses, wlio sworo that Tony waa well known in Cin- THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Thursday moiningOrr sent word to President Byrne proceeding on part ofMurpliy, Hesrd and MrQuery. old-timer, who is considered a good judge, cent word cinuatf as Titotnus J. Mullane, the case went agniust that ilia fo.rJ to Watbinglon Park that he thoroughly rnbbed in the deleit of Saturday. Until heart to i-Uy good ball with such a team." So oue TIM KEEFE WILL LAST. Cincinnati after hi.s fine by Umpire Burtlrtt for di-- 112,000 people witnessed the game, which was wa^ too ill to play. That settled it, and both Presi­ the Bisoni »re strengthend in tha pltchh.g department will observe that it is dangerous to recommend players. Having heard that chestnut thnt is going the rounds puting a d*ci-ion on a quesiioii of an alleged foul hit. won by Syracuse by 0 to 3. Trov and Albany, dent Byrue and Director Doyle Liganto mop their they cannot hope to climb. There appears to be a NOTHING Itf IT. of the country to the effect thut Koeic would bo use- Mnlliiuu ttHviin custody thrfu days, an.1 lie got thin encouraged by the 5ucfe$s of the venture, also collars. strong prejudice among the players against having teas as soou as the cold wiather came on I tturUd out under tho operation. His evidence win very plain, arranged for exhibition games. The experi­ "Ji;et when we needed him, too," said they. "V, Grant, tbe colon-d second baa: aitist, on the team. "Nine thousand for Miller." This was tho lurid to luresUgatc it. The New York players laugh at and few iu the court approved uf the decision. he pld>cJ tbe same trick ou theild Met?, but he won'i Some freeh jwucil-pusher ha* started a parngraph to head on the Pittsbnrg gossip in an Eastern 'porting auch an Ide.i, so I a-k*d Billy lIolber-% Keefe V old HENRY CHADWICK. ment, however, aroused a great deal of opposi­ play it on us. We wanted him especially la these tha eftect that Manager Cushman encourages his phett last week. There ia nothing In ih* story at all. catcher In the Troy nine of years ato. If there is any­ tion in International Association circle?, the three games with St. Louis." players to kick long and loud, and deploring the An- It was a surmise and nothing nto3. MallclousDe-s is appar­ Sodeu'a ftateiiniit settled matters. Miller is a mighty klvodle* aod rabhita it Is Timothy Keefe. Holbert GEO. K. STACKHOUSE. ent In every one of its crude sentence*. The cham­ says that Keefe is the greutt-st twtrler that ever HveJ, What Ho Thinks Would Put a Stop to All and Pieoidimt Cushnmn, hoklinp that Kochta;er aud valuable man. on« of the most valuable In the team. will ho. "Bresk down wlih Syritcusp hud violated the constitution, cul!ed a special pions are admittedly the best conducted eet of players but I feel certain tbe big three did not make euch an always was, and always Kicking. THE SCULL CHAMPIONSHIP. both on and off the field lu the International Associa­ the approach of cold weather, will he?" said Billy. Uioetnifi; to ccn-ider the mnttt-r. Tho meeting was held offer for him; In fact, no offer at all. The Fittsburg Umpire Gnffnoy while in this city last week, Aug. 2 hi Buffalo, every club IMMDK represented. Lon­ tion. Club couldn't afford tj sell Hi Her. He ia a game Mui- "Rats! Whv Keefe will stand it just as well ax Welch Gaudaur ami McKay Defeat Teemer and Weldman, the well-known pitcher, lately released by or any other pitcher In the country will, lie fools the to a North American reporter, advanced a novel don offered » resolution censuring Syracuse ami Roch­ elf some days. ester for pliiying ou Sunday, aad ButT:Uo, Toronto, Haui in. the New Yorks, has been secured. coM weather in Ihe spring like all \eterau pitchers do, idea to prevent kicking. Said he: "I don't Atkiison has pitibed ten consecutive winning gamefe. MCSQUITOES. but as Hoon as liis muscles are wtll oiled aud In good Ilainiltoii atd London vu'cd in the affirmative, the Special toSpORTTKO LIFE. Toronto's good showing has been largely due to his Mark Baldwin's friends think Captain A neon don't working order he ia good for the icst of iho seaeon. If know that it cm be done away with altogether, oiht-r four clubs votintr in the negative. lh" deadlock SARATOGA, Aug. 4. The double scull race for great work. treat Baldy right, aud they have reason to think so, the pennant depends «^n Keefe or Welch, either for but it can be reduced to a minimum speedily wns not broken by discussion, and the Suodav g*imes Decker is playing the greatest game of his life. The for who hasi been taken out of the boi as many times that, New York will get It. There U about as much and effectively by the adoption of a very sinip!e will with ,ut duiibt continue. the championship of the United States and The Murphy-Griffin row was also considered, and $2,500 aside, between Teemer and Hamm and more I see of him the more his value to the team as Baldwin (bis st-ason. And Van Ilaltren, well be chance of thoie two pitchers breaking down as there plan. The umpire is compelled to stand all the strikes me. bo4 been pounded hard, but he stays out the game. ia of ADSOD becoming eociab'e. liiick Kwiug U tho Secretary >Vhitn was ijistrnr.ted to secure atfidavita Gaudaur and McKay, which was postponed abuse the spectators and playe;s may chooso to heap Eddie Burke has been getting In more of his marvel- After awhile many will believe that Van has a con­ man you waut to watc's. If Buck holds out the Giants upon him. You fine tbo pbtyere. What does it from ax men, eacli of tho Rochester aud SjracuKe, from Thursday on account of the roughness of ous catches recently, one was a phenomenal piece of ditional contract with Anson. Kill win. A good deal depends on him. Uo is a great ann-uut to? It'* likely they'll give you trie laugh concpriiing the row and submit tho same at tho No­ the water, was rowed yesterday morning. The work, trapping a hit of Andrus' near the fcul line, The home management didn't study very long over catcher. I think about the best in the busings. Now vember meeting. and toll >ou to 'fine and be damned; Umpire Jerry Sullivan wai conditions were all favorable. There was taken on a dead , resulting in a double play, and the Detroit management's request to wave claim to we will go back to Keefe. People say that Ward, the club will pay It anyhow.'* But let th« As-ociation Tim matter of rpleasiug Pitcher Gruber. They don't need him now. Harry Morrill have g<>t great bate ball Lead*. So aleo considered, but no action was taken. Fecr^tary very little wind, and the water was as smooth as which came within an ace^f being a triple. PABVO. Anson ai:d pa*t> a rule giving all fines to the umpire who may as- Staley seems to be a bet er man all around. they hnv*-; so has Tim. Tho business part of Tioi'a fiOis them, aud you'll see how quicKly 'kicking' will White stated that there ate but two protest a Roches­ gUua. B< th pairs at the signal to go struck ihe water The Keystones ar« being reorganized preparatory to head (s just as well balanced and loaded as that of any ter and Toronto ugttiust S'lllivan. The pro'csts r.-re* simultaneously, ncd tbe lace was stubbornly con­ BUFFALO BITS. become ono of the I>;st arts. IJeru'd Iho wity somo of the battle fur the colored championship. Woldy ball pUjer in the countiy. Keefe has a groat head, the gentlemanly j-lay^nt will argue: 'Well, I'll iiot 8outer] by Haaiilloii had been wilhdr.iVn. Mr. tested throughout. It was pal u fully appareot Walkei,the catcher "who got de 75." has again been and there IB no danger tf his arm giyiug out." White said Sullivan wonld probably wall; tlm plnuk as when Tierner and Hamm started off that Popular Mickey Welsh Keleased Another opt n my head to that sucker and let him nuo m« a feigned. The boys have forgiven him. They needed touiier.' If such a rule wero ntadu Iho plnvciH would soon a? a good umpire could be found to take his nlac* tht ir tactics would te main ttrengh, as Pitcher Signer seen for professiutHl oarsmen. Gauduur year ago Mickey Welsh pitched one of his (treatest Smith and Jocko Fields ever since Pop told Jocko tbat rectors will be held in your burg ou Tuesday. It and McKay showed 37 to the minute to 36 etrohes of would have been held last Monday, but some of the It w;i- Niifege>t^d that such a rule would give tbe games against the Rochester team and retired them Fuller, of Washington, had lo!s of money, owning the niupira rat'ter dautrerotis authority. "Not at all," an­ To Go ou With Five Clubs Until September their stalwart rivals. Teemer rtcognlztd that ihcy without a run, after which ihe team left for a trip. earth. Jocko ioquired further and was told "Fuller's Wehtcin directors aeked for more time aud it was Third, at Leant. had B'joie \vork cut out for them that they had not grunted. The session will be quiet and orderly to all swered GatTney. "Do yon t-npuoMi if such a ru'e had One week later ho strained hie arm In Wllkesbane earth." been in ftnce atirin^ tho AtbU-tic games at Cincinnati, of the New England Leagua bargained for, and consequently put every oucce of aud although n-» seiions consequences was feared he Von der Aho will get a good one if he secures Gum- outward appearances, but you need not b« surprised if A special meeting yon eee more ther Crescent Beach, July 28. The Man­ strength that remained into tbe stroke, bat of no was *;lven a t&t, and pitched tut two additional guinea bert. Ad can pitch and is demonstrating it every week 86t popular pitcher that ever wore Buf­ Farmer's fiicnds wioh him success with the Athletics. dent Byrue will be there, and to will Bob Fc-rgu-ron. was u walk-over fur Gaudaur and McKay, as llnmm Each will do some t-tlkfug aud Von der Ahe will hear rule on Mondty, aud in one mouth a bail fiiiuifj will be would play out the sea-son. Salem reported that falo's red sto'jkin ;?, or ever «ill, mule or no mute. This This man played but four tuning* in a championship as orderly ad a prayer meeting." was iiuable to respond to Teemers demands for season his arm WHS in no condition ana his work was game at home, but he made scores of friends In that every word that is eald. Mr. Byrne say a he courts the it would continue until September 3 lit any rate. Ipurta ai.d tbe two were beaten by four to fire not up to tiis o!d standard. So on Monday lasr, after game. fullest investigation iriio hid me I hods; in fact, demands The resignation of the Lyrin Club wus ^resented ttnd lengths. Time, 19m. 25s. Saturday's defeat, Mickey Wcl»h was released. Your Nlghtengale, Ppeer, Tonngman, England, and a few it. He says those cliargts made muht be substantiated, Eastern International league In Ti-oul»le. acc'.-ptt'd. It was voted tlmt the rnlu r-lntivu to the correspondent has noticed no one weariug tackcluth other well-known local professionals, are playing or withdrawn and nmplo public apologies make patronage at home aud finauuial einbarrmanu'iif. At Lyuii gnm fl, itid(-pt'ti(leut of ihe Port;i)ioitth gainer. The Senators Unable to "Win Without HIg base ball lovers of the town, and his admirers In every cago on Wedoes

Detroit...... 101 3000000 0 5 Boston...... _ 10000010 0 2 Earned runs New York 4, Boston 3. Two-bftee hit abiiftt fn silence and not resent If, hnt all will confesg Indianapolis...... 320000000 1 6 Philadelphia...... _ 20000020 x 4 Homung. Three-baso hits Brown, Ewinjr. Double BALTIMORE BULLETIN. that it H better to do s.) better both forthennipiruand BASE Earned runs Detroit 3, Indianapolis 2. Two-base K irn»« rnns Boslon 1, PMIadelpbl* 1. Two-base plays Ewing, Ward: Brown, Wi.»; Nnsh, Wise. for the general gamfj. To attempt t'> recent but invite* BALL. No Sunday Games hits Bruutlitra. BIcGeachy, Buckley. Stolen bases hits Fog»rty, Wise,. Stolen b:ises Morrill, Fofarty, First on ball* Gore, N»sh, Connor, Ii:rhnrd>on, Kins­ for the Monumental additional abuse, and certainly Mr. Doescher ma$t be Hauluu, Glasscock, Esterbnuk. MoNATIONAL LEAGUE. Twitchell. First on errors Detroit 3, IndUnap- tian, Bufflnton, Farrar, W<^od 2. Hit by pitcher Bos'on 2. Stru. k out Connor 2, Horireng, K«*fe, lease Advice to an Umpire, Etc. confirm one of his deci+ions to Iho hoodlums and Tom olis 2. Struck ont Getoein 2, Hunluti, Illnes. Passed Fogarty'. First on errors Philadelphia 3. struck out Kinsman, Tit-man, Crane, T. O'Bourke. Passed b:lll» did to he oaly added fuel to the flame by making tha Games to be Played. balls Sulcliffe 1, Buckley 1. Wild yiten burdick. Bush, Oouw»y, W:se, Kinsman, JJoirill 2, Brown 2, Ewing 2. Wild pitt-hes Keefe 2, Sowders 2, Crane 1. BALTIMORE, Au$. 5. Editor SPORTING Lira: abiit-e still more in volume, even if more sennoleta. August 6, 7, 8, Philadelphia T*. Chicago at Phllad*. Umplr* Lynch. Time 2:10. Suwdcrs, Wo d, Irwin. B^tian. Wild pitches Bufltu- Umpire Knight". Tim« 2:15. Clever Hen Mulford refers to Baltimore aa a Now, trnlv, th» only way for a sensible and dhzmfiwl ugust.-_ 6, -7, _8, -Waahiugton ,, . vs. Detroit at Wanhington. KEW YORK vs. WASHINGTON AT K>.w YORK JULY 30. ton 1, Sowders 1. Umpire Kuight. Time 1:50. possible Sunday ball town, and that hurts so umpire to do la to announce his deepens in conviction ... .. r York Whitney pitched a reaiarhable game. Up to tbe CHICAGO vs. PnrsnuRfl AT CHICAGO An;usT 1. THK LKAttUK HACK. badly and ia so really without foundation, ex­ of his own judgment, and then kaep silence, nnlesi eighth inning he disposed of the home team without a The home club, while not batting Galvin hard, mvle fl-itloiitd by proper authority. The proper authority bit, HFii evt-u then e abut-out seemed certain, but in cept by occasional reference in public prints, its few hits te.l for three earned runs out of four Tbe Becord Mail* by the Clubs During the captain of the team and no other, and to Mm ft the ninth inuing Ward got a double and second on two scored, but lost the game by bad fielding. Not a Pitts­ that it must be attended to first and any false respectful hearing should be given and then a firm ... 400 8 00 O'Brirn, Ib... 410 7 0 0 DurTv"rf ' 3 * l 2210 Coleman, rf 4 1 2 3 U 0 which put an entirely new face on the contest sionally, when too much latitude is taken by the who, like the crossroads sii^n board, cannot travel tht - UiackJey, lb..6 1 1 24 10 thoroughfare H points out to others. position they should be able to hold, with steady O'Kuurke. If 4 0 0 0 0 0 Doouelly, 3b4 1 0 0 21 Ansm,lb.'.':'.5 1 1 18 for first place, inasmuch aa Chicago took a de- lawless, the lines are strictly drawn until an WWti.ey, 3b3 0012 0 Mack, c'..'.... 401 6 10 PfsS-r 2b... 5 0 0 5 8 llDonlap, Zo...; playing, until tho end, as they, with the present «ul**il tujuble in the running, while New York equilibrium is established, and then relaxed CHATTER. lead, have the advantages Brown, c..... 301 8 21 Whithey, p.. 4 0 2 2 41 WilllHUi'n,»5 0 0 3 I 0 fVroll. If.... 4 0 0 0 00 Manager Barnie has lx*en invited by President of a long home series Crane, p.__301 0 4 1 ihoch, put on an Mtolll:^ * 8P urt» whion SaTe that again when all is running quietly and smoothly. and good condition, while the only two ss...... 3 2 1 220 Burns, 3b....5 0 0 2 1 2 Kuehne, Sb.. 6 2 0 Oil Stoarns, of the Detroit Club, to make a bid for th* clubs from Baldwin.p... team quite an interesting app*Hr''3C9 as a Occasionally, too, these laws are strictly en­ which they stand in danger are more or leg* Total...... 32 1 3 24 17 S Total...... 37 9 U 27 11 3 5 0 1 0 15 1 Smith, B8...... 4 1 1 1100 services of Baldwin and McGnire. crippled, promising and in bad position to make a winning fUht The New York...... 00000000 1 1 Daley, c...... 400 6 62 Galvin, p..... 501 1 70 pennant winner. Auothor feature o! >lle forced under tbo Inspiration of some individuals who. Tommy Tucker has recovered his y«Ip under Cap­ race, however, is stiil a long one. The Philadelphia Washingt.n ...... 0 0202131 x » Total...... 43 4 5 36 37 8| Total...... 45 6 11 36 24 3 past mouth's rnuntng In the ia>e has been the marked thus slr.7" to m*ka them oiiaoii-.-us in an effort to tain Hums. Improvement Club bus again crptured fourth place from Boston, the Earned rnns Washington 6, New York 1. Two-base Chicago...... 01201000000 0 4 shown by Indisnapolis and Washington, have them repealed. But the laws stanu anu J",7C*2b!j si =~T ^hc strsi; s»y, i(0h, if only that bey Shindte latter going down to fifth place. The three t«il-euders hila Crtuie, Ward. lloy. Stolen lases Pittsburi...... 02020000000 2 6 botb of which teams surpassed any previous month's always will remain ou the btatute book*, as the uni­ could bat, what a valuable player he wou'.d be." In the race have be«» putting up great ball of late, anil, Ward, lloy 2, Wllmot, Myers 2, O'Brien, Dounelly. Karuid runs Chicago 3. Tw.>-base hit Smith. record since tbt-y entered tho League, a result highly versal public sentiment is in favor of a quiet Sunday Joe Stunmer plays second like a crab monkeying although out of the race themselves, are making their First on balls TitTnan, Shoch, II ,y 2. First on errors Stolen base Sunday. Home ruus l>uffy, Sullivan. cre-iitrtble to the effective management of Messrs. after u busy week. This Sundny sentiment is so strong with a harpoon. If Joe could only stay long eaou^h work tell on the leaders; indeed, it was through the NHW York 3, Washington 4. Struck ont By Crane Double pluys Dunlap, Beckley; Wetter, Anson. Wil- Spenceand Sullivan. Detroit has only been able to that uiy effui i to evade the law or minster Sunday in one place to learn the position, he would be in success of Pitlsburg and Indianapolis over Detroit 3, by Whitnoy 4. Wild pitch Crane. Uniwro Dan­ llamson; Pfeffer, Ansou. First ou balls -Ryau, Cjle- hold its own aod it tailed to do that the last week of gauie-t to a couvanieut itlaco lu tho vicinity of the uty , ecstucies. and the Chicago tbat the New Yorks were enabled to secure iels." Tinw-'-I'M. man, Dnnlap, Carroll 8, Kuehne, Smith. Hit by month. The surprise of the month was Chicago's would eventually kill the week day patronage. This 1 Ilurna Is playing shoit about at good as any of them lose of fourteen their commanding lead BO ROOD. The recoid below ia CHICAGO vs. PITTSDCRO AT CHICAGO JULY 30.r- pitch'r Coleman. First on errors Chicago 3, Pitts- games out of twenty-four, after win­ ia well underBitHxi by the man a gem ant. Mr. Baruie, they all make errors in that hot territory. ning foui teen out of twenty-three up to Friday, Aug. 3, inclusive: Plt'aburg had the game won until the ninth Inning, burj! 3. Struck out Sullivan, Duffy, Dulev 2, Sunday the previous In his Haiti more caret rt hits refused teveral very ! Griffin still covers all of centre and half of left and when the Ohicagos, with two man ont, batted lour ruus, 2. Carroll 2, Knehne 2. Passed ball Daley. Wild month. But New York's jump from thirtf en victories tempting utlors to play Sunday games at Bay Ridge right. T. T. t. e Hi*' I Pitt-b't Percen but the visitors turned around lu tbeir ' ulf aud got pitches Baldwin 2. Umpire Kelly. Time 2:15. out of twenty-three games In June to eighteen ont of and elsewhere, well knowing that the first step in that '. i twenty-three in July, was the great surprise party of CLOTS. 3 f two more runs and fought for victory. Huffs by Kyan direction would ba to >ound the death-knell of the I 1 nd Sullivau aud PfeSer's wild throw did th* work. Games Played Thursday, August 3. the month. This advance was due to a change of geutU>£tt*uly ppurt Iu the city. Bo plt-aae record it us i "> . policy In the management, and that was in placing the WASHINGTON WHISPERS. * : f 3 ! Near the oloso of the. game a foul tip knocked out WASHINGTON vs. PHILADELPHIA AT WASHINGTON an oataUliglietl fact that y -u will never see successful Flint and Farrell fiuithed for him. Score: team upLn their mettle by siviug thorn into tbe con­ Sunday professional ball in Baltimore or its vicinity. 7 AUGUST 2. The Senators were more fortunate in Bod ton...... 5 4 4 { 4 9 37 .456 CHICAGO. AB.R.B. P. A.E'PITTSBURO. AB.R a P. A. E trol of out, man, Captain Ewing having been given the Bettide« tho regular Association priza for winning Poor Umpiring: How Kwing Works th« fi 41; .536 placing their hits than their opponents and scared uu Chicago...... « « iy 7 7 t> Ryan, cf_.... 4 1 3 2 0 1'Snndaj, cf... 5 1 0 100 eiilire control ol tho team in July, and it seems to have firsr, gecoD'.l and third positions, the xpubager °as League Staff The Protested Philadel­ Detroit...... _ ...... 5 7 8 5 Ti 7 8 47 .602 earned ruu in the second iunin* on Daily's tw.i-base had a magical effect. Tbe Philailelpbians fell off in Snllivau, If.. 5 1 1 1 0 liCarroli, C.....4 2 1 310 hit and Donnelly's triple. In the following offered bis men phia-PI ttsburg Giiuie Hoy's Wonderful Indianapolis...... 4 3 6 3 4| 2 9 31 ;tus iunin«c they their running iu July from thirteen victories out of Duffy, rf...... 5 2 3 1 0 0; Colemau, rf..i 1 2 210 doan unearned run. Mack taking first by bti!i^ hit FARTHER PRIZB9 Kas^-runiiiiig;, Etc. New York ...... » 4 6 B 1C S 9 51 .646 Anson, In.... 5 1 2 11 1 0 Beckley.lo... 5 9 2 10 01 twenty-three gitmea in June to but nine victories out Philadelphia...... 9 4 2 4 4 9 5 37 .480 with a pitched ball, rencht-d tliird ou slugles by Shnch of twenty-tour wames in July. But Boston did far In the hope of enticing them to more auc-je&tful efforts WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. Editor SPORTING Pfeffer, 2b... 5 1 2 4 3 2 Dunlap, 2b... 4 0 1 8 60 and UOV ^n(l crossatl the plate on MyerV LIFB: Pitt-buiv...... 7 5 8 2 0 4 32 .444 Ijog hit to worse than this, as in June they wou th-Tteeu out of iu playing. To each player he promiso-* 8200 if first WiirWn.BBS 0113 ll : Dalrymple.lf3 12100 Wcod. The visitor-, h^ oien ou baeos frequently, but place is won; $150 for second place, and #60 for third. This has been quite an eventful week so far Washington ...... * 3 2 it 4 8 6 2i) .372 Burns, 3b..... 401 twenty-three, while In July they only won five out of 1 4 u Knehue. 8b..4 11012 not ot;e got beyond second ba£:. Score: The offer corner riizvs were offeie*. in good faith and without any pre­ Chicago ... 47 32 .51)5 Indiana's. 31 47 .398 Chicago...... 20000100 4 7 liminary mathematical Dounelly,3b3 0 2 0 2 0 Irwiu, 8S....4 0 2 1 out of tweuty gamvs in June they raliiej" ";* to thir­ calculation as to tbe probability necessity for me to dwell upon it at length. Tha Philadi...- 37 40 .480 Washin'n. 29 49 .372 Piitsburif...... 00400800 2 8 Whiln-y, p.. 3 0 0 0 70 Bastian, 2b... 3004 of ii8 being earned. Certulnly there was no harm done Earned runt Chicago 3, Pittsbnrg 4. Two-base teen victories out of twouty-twj games lu July. Bui New Yorks appreciated the fact that they would JaLk.C...... 211 7 30 Oisey, p...... 300 0 here is the complete record showiug the games won iu m*Xln^4'M1 ^ff|jr to the meu. have to play good ball to down the Senators, and Games Played Saturday, July 28. hits Uynn, Sullivan, Kitehna. Three-base hit An­ Shocb.,88__302 1 2 0 ichrrrer, c..3 0 2 8 son. Home ruus Duffy, Smith. and lost euch week of the month: THH WORK OF ^ORGANIZATION they are well satisfied to get away with two oul Kiw YOEK vs. PHILADELPHIA *T NEW YOKE JCLT Double plays Total...... 31 2 8 27 16 ll Total...... 33 0 7 27 13 2 28. Both cluttf placed an evon game, and it waa not Pfeffer, Wiliiamsou, Burns; Kuehne, Dunlup, Beckley; First ;Sec'd Thl'd Foh Filth atill goes on. Sam Trott waa roleta?.! Tue^ay and Is of three of the series. Smith, Dunlap, Beckiey. First on Washington...... 01100000 0 2 Tota1 now froo to sign with any club. It u oi>i7f**r to nntil thu tenth liming that the home club could con­ balls Off Morris 7, Philadelphia...... we-.»k week week , week Woek From all accounts the umpiring of Mr. Daniels olT Krock 2. Stolen bases Ryau, WilHitni3»'ii, 00000000 0 0 Trott to say here that his release is HS much caused by nect 1(3 hita, a single by Gore aud double by Ktchard- Sun^lav. Earued run Washington, First on errors Chicago Two-base hit Daily. a wise eftort to reduce c-xpeuats us anything else. The must hav~£ b*®n very unsatisfactory, for whea Bon and Ward then yielding two runs and the gaoie. 3, Pittsbur^ 3. Struck out Three-base hit Donnelly. Double plays Bastian, W L W Ij W L W:L W L W|L By Krock 6, by Morris 1. Passed balls UHrroll 2. club l.ad JTuimer, O'Brien, Trott »nJ Cacti us , a New York paper admiio ti:^ 1 a visiting club received The New York men wore their new "Na-ljv" uniforms Mulvey; Wood, Irwiu, Mulvey. Hit by pitcher Mack. Wild pitches Krock 2. Umpire Kelly. mid losing Kamee and money evury day. As there were the wurst of tbe umpire's deciMous IiiS rntiujpi must fur the first time aud made a fine appearance in tight- Time 2:15. Stolen base Daily. First on errois Washington 1, New York...... 4 1 3 ?. 4 1 A 0 1 1:18! 5 fitting black jersey suits, with white belts and white Detroit...... •>, 3 4 1 4 o 4 9 0 2ll4 10 more buck stops than nect-se-ury, whht was mor» natural have been "rotten." I met several ot the uiuiaber» cf Games Flayed Tuesday, July 31. Philadelphia 1. Struck out Wilmot 2, Myers, O'Brien o than todi'op tbe highest-salaried one? True, Trott the home team Thursday morning, after their return tetters on the shirrs. Score: 2, Wood, Fogarty, Irwin 2, Casey 2, Schnver. Passed Pitisburg...... 2 S S 2 3 4| 2 1 0 13' 9 MEW YORK. AB.R.B. NEW YOIIK vs. WASHINGTON AT NEW YORK Jwt 0 1311 had not been throwing to bat-en very well, but neither from Now York, and I was not altogether surprised at P. A. B PHtLA. AB.B.B. P. A.E bails Schnver. Umpire Valentiutj. Time 1.30. Indiauapolis ... 4 2 2 3 2 3 31 3 2 Goro,cf...... 4 1 2 2 0 0 Wood, If...... 2 1 0 401 31. Tne local club out1, atted Its opponents aud won Wushiu^ton..... 2 3 2 4 2 3 4 1 1 lill 12 are HUT of the others. It is a toas-np with them all. soiue of their statements regarding Buck Ewiug'a CHICAGO vs. INDIANAPOLIS AT CHICAGO AUGUST 2. Sum's back stop work ia almost perfect and his batting methods of bulltluziug au umpire. Walter Wilmot, B:casrd'n,2b 4 1 1 3 2 0 Andrews, cf..5 0 0 100 with ease, thus taking the had in the League race. With Borchers in tho box the home team finally Chicago...... 3 2 4 2 2 4 1 5 0 1 10 ! 14 Ward, ss ..... 52114 1'Sauders, p.... 502 0 10 0 The Washington meu scored their only run in the Philadelphia.... 2 4 2 3 31 2 0 6 2 0 9;15 good. 11^ is way above the average in education and who is perhaps ouo of the most quiet aud gentle­ managed to score a victory over the Hcosiers. Both native intelligence, and requires absolutely no looking manly players ia the League, gave me a Tiernan,rf... 4 0 1 0 0 OlFogarty, rf... 5 0 1 100 fourtti iuDiug on errors by Ward and Gore and a hit pitchers were eflVctive, l-aittcularly Bun'.ick, but the Boston...... 2 3 1 * 1 4 1 4 0 2 517 Connor. Ib... 50213 00 Farrar, lt>.._ 5 1 2 13 01 by Diily. A brilliant catch by Wilinnt in the fourth after whatever in the way of discipline. Hut, with tbo detail oil description of how Buck works an uwpiro Hoosiers fielded badly and this enabled the home team patronage the club is receiving, Mr. Baruie is ju-tifiVd iu b- half ot the Giants, and also how well trained ar* 0'Kourke,lf.6 01301 Mulvey, 3b... 4 00100 aud another by Suoch iu the filth were features. Score: to win. Rain prevented more than seven Totals...... 21 121 21 21 21 21 23 23 7 7 93:98 NKWVORK. AB.R.B. tunings. Score: ia letting any man on the team go if it is to 1m finan­ a certain cla^s of the spectators at the Polo Gruunda. Ewing, c..... 300 5 31 Bastian, 2b.. 401 0 61 P. A.E WASH'TON. AB.I1. B P. A.E CHICAGO. AB.R.B. P. A. K INDIANA? S.AB.R. Gore, cf...... 6 0 0 1 0 B. P. A. B cial interest to do so. Bam was, and Is, a general fa­ According to Wilrnot, Ewing keeps up a continual Whitney ,3b..4 0 1 1 4 Ojlrwin, 88...... 3 0 C 150 IjHov, cf...... 3 1 0 100 Byan.cf...... 3 0020 OlSeery, If...... 2 00000 Keefe, p.._ 4 0 0 2 8 0 Schriyer, c.._ 401 9 21 Richar'n, 2b5 0 2 1 5 0 Wilmot, lf...^ 0 0 301 THE GAME IN NEW EXGI^ANJX vorite, and many, very many, dislike to miss his good- conversation wtth the umpire, from the time the gain* Sullivan, If..3 0010 oWkley, C....3 0 0 6 0~ - natured, cheerful presence, but none have been heard begins until the last inning is played. Xhe success of Total...... 38 4 9 30 21 3| Total...... 37 2 7 30 23 4 Ward.ss...... 5 1 1 3 4 1 Myers, 2D....3 0 0 031 Tiernan, rf..2 1 1 0 0 OiDaily, Dally,rf.... .3 0 1 0 0 o;tliues, cf...... 3 0 0 1 0 1 The Short-sighted Policy of the Managers to greatly blame the management. Some time ago bis club of late has made him a howliug favorite and New York ...... 200000000 2—4 rf...... 4 0 1 4 10 Anson, 1D....3 0 0 9 0 O'Glasscock.ss. 1 1 0 2 Connor, lb...2 2 1 12 0 1 O'Brien, Ib. 4 0 0 11 01 3 2 Killing It Players Worth Keeping tin President Young, who is a special admirer of him, everything he says goes with the crowd. A certain Philadelphia...... 100000010 0-2 Pfeffer, 20...3 10 34 lIBassett, 2t>... 3 1 1 220 wiote yuur correspondent in the interest of Trott, and portion of the people who occupy the seats seem to bo Earued runs New York 2. Two-base hits Ilicu- O'R'.urke, Ifi 1 2 3 0 0 Donnelly. 3b 3 0 2 121 Eye Upon. William'n,ss3 1 1 0 2 OiEsterbr'k.lbS 1 3 8 0 1 thnt illustrates the estimation In which geuial well trained by Kwiug, so that he has only to give arilson, Whitney, 3b3 1 1 0 30 Mack, c...... 3 00510 £am is Tiernan. Three-base hit Fogarty. Total Bums, 3t>..... 3 1 0 1 2 1 McGeachy,rf 3 0 0 1 0 0 HAVEHHILL, July 31. Editor SPORTING LIFE: held umoiiK all of character who kuow him welL th*m a wink and they set up a howl at the umpire. base bits New York 11, Philadelphia9. Stolen bases- Ewinj, C...... 4 0 1 5 3 0.O'Day, p...... 3 0 0 061 Welch,p...._.4 0 0 2 4 0 Shoch.ss...... 3* 0 200 Borchers, p.. 3 0 0 0 50 Myers, 3b....3 00030 Base ball in Massachusetts is doomed. Once Among the changes lately made The result is that the latter becomes unnerved aud re­ Gore, Richardson 2, "\Vard, Tiernan, Whitnt>y, Wood, Daley.c...... 3 1 1^ 5 4 OiBurdick, p... 2 0 1 1 50 sorts to the evoning-up proce-s, which injures hid stand­ Total...... 34 6 9 27 19 3 Total...... 30 more, Cassandra like, I give vent to the direful WALTER GOLD9RT Sanders 3, Fogarty. Double play Ward, Richardson, 1 3 27 13 5 Total...... 27 4 3 21 17 l| Total...... 23 3 5 21 13 6 ing alike with player and s;>ectutor. Mr. Connor. New York...... 0 0030120 prophesy with vchich I have several times tried comes the nearest to a winning ball player. He !s Dauiels.wbo First on balls Wood 3, Irwin, Gore, Rh h- 0 6 Chicago...... was once exceedingly popular whenever he appeared Washington...... 0 20020 0 4 full of urit and pluck, and plays with an intelligence ardaoD, Ewing. Hit by pitcher Tieruan. First on er­ 00010000 0 1 udlau»|Kiiis...... 010000 to turn the efforts and aims of the base ball and alway-i commanded tbe respect of alt interested fn Earned ruus New York 2 3 not very common on the Orioles. He id very far from rors Philadelphia 2. Struck out By Keefe 5, by 3. Two-base hits Earued ruus Ctiicago 2. Home run Williamson. magnates of the New England League. But the game, baa, by allowing Ewing Connor, O'Kourke. Three-base hits Ewing, a record player and does not eeeni to care in the least to influence his de- Sanders 4. Pussed ball £»ing. Umpire Dauiela. Ward. Double plays Pfeffer four clubs remain of that once proud organiza­ cisioua, lost tbo esteem ofjuiauy of his most unleut Double play Whitney, Ward, Connor. First on aud Ansou; Willianisou, l>a!y, for tha fcrcat bugbear of an error. He goes for a ball sup­ Time 2:1(8. Pfeffer; Myers, Glasscock, Esterbrook. First ou balls porters. He is capable of doing good wurk, aud hit CHICAGO vs. DETROIT AT CHICAOO bills Tiernan 2, Connor, Whitney, Hoy, Myers. tion, since Lowed, Worcester, Portsmouth and on the grouud or iu the air in a shape to be able to do JULY 28. This Ryan, Glarscock 2, Seery. Struck ont By Borchers friends regret to sue him sacrifice his manliness aud wai the heaviest batting game of tbe teason locally. Hit by pitcher Connor. First ou errors N'ew Ynrk Manchester, are the only ones which can con­ something with it when he gets if, aud If he misses It, 4, by Burdick 3. Wild pitches Borchers 4." Umpire it does uot disheurten him m the least. Against such reputation to gratifying any particular player or club. Both Baldwins were knocked out of the box. Mark 3, Washington 2. Struck out Whitney, Welch, Wil- tinue. Salem will probnbly be out before this Several ugly rumors have reached League headquarter^ mrt, l>»ity 2, O'Day. Stolen bases Richardson, Kelly. liuif-l:40. a player you may chalk up all the errors you please, went out iu the secoud inning and Ryan finished tbe Tier- BOSTON letter is published. Of the four which remain, concerning his personal nan, Connor. Umpire Daniels. Time 1:46. vs. NEW YORK AT BOSTON AUGUST 2. The and yet the public who see his style of play will set habits, and tbef game. In the sixth inuing ''Lady" Baldwin was re­ l>attini; and fielding uf both clubs was about even, emanate from such a source that they BOSTON vs. PHILADELPHIA AT but Worcester is the only one which would be in the him down in its estimation as a winning pluyer and lieved by Twitchell, who wasalgohit hard. The "Lady" BOSTON JULY 31. Morrill was unfortunate enough to make all of Bos­ command consideration. It is but just to The Philties defeated the Bostons for the eight con­ leiiot likely to support a team another year. one of the most valuable men the club has ever had, went iu again in the eeventh inning aud was pounded ton's errors, and the two netted say that the Waohiugtons are not tbo only kicker* secutive time the visitors four runs The both for the result of his own work and the effect of mo=t unmercifully. The score: in an exciting eleven-Inning contest. and enabled them to win. The score: list of slain includes Lawrence, Lynn, againat the partiality displayed by Mr. Daniels in &iror The Phillhs outbatted their opponents. With the score bis example on tho members of tbe team. He has a CHICAGO. Afl.R.B. P. A. E! DETROIT. AB.R.B. P. A.E NEW YORK. AB.R.B. P. A.EI BOSTON. AR.It.B. P. Haverhill, Portland, Newburyport, Salem cer­ of the New York Club. No reasonable person^rill 5 to 1 against them the visitors went A.E faculty of batting opportunely and., runs ba^es with By»r.,cf,p....6 3 5 1 5 1 Hanlon, cf... 6 3 3 1 02 in and butted out Gore, cf...... 4 1020 OlRny, ss...... 4 1 1 0 2 U tainly a goodly array, and one which under the complain if an umpire should occasionally give tha Sullivan, If... 5 0 1 1 1 1 Brouth's, four earued runs in the pevonth inning. Mulvey made most excellent juJpment, Ho ban numerous qualities Ib. 5 2 3 10 10 Richnrd'n,2b4 1 2 2. 2 OJNash, 3b...._ 4 0 1 home dub the benefit of the doubt in a clo^e decision, Duffy, rf..... 683 2 02 Bowe, ss...... the winning run on Wise's fumble, 200 beneficent workings of THE SPORTING LIFE'S when at the but that make Welch, Lathain and others ti 32151 a passed ball, an Ward, ss...... 4 12240 J.,Imston, cf.4 0 0 2 00 but as soon as au umpire permits himself to be In­ Anaon,lb.... 6 3 2 10 1 IjWhite, out and Bastlan's safe hit. Sc.ire: Millenium Plan would be for many years to valuable to their teams, which had best not be ex­ 3b..... 6 2 3 1 41 Ttern»n, rf.. 4 1 0 1 0 0|Wise, lb...... 4 00800 fluenced by either players or crowd, his usefulness is Pt'effer, 2b....6 0 0 1 5 l.Ganzul, BOSTON. AB.R.B. P. A.E| FHtLA. AB.R. B. P. A.E come a aursery to young players, and a feeder to the plained, but which will be apparent to the close ob­ 21>... B 1 1 862 Connor, Ib... 4 1 1 11 0 1 Horainig, lf.4 1 gone, as nt ither tt-aui nor spectators respect his deci- Kelly, c...... 5 0 0 10 3 OiWooJ, 2 1 00 major lo^gue*. Wh*t h»s killeJ the sport in New server. One game la barely sufficient to base an esti- Willi'son.ES. 4 3 3 2 5 1 Sutcliffo, c. .. 6 1 1 550 If...... 5 11300 O'Uourke. If4 1 1 1 0 0 Morrill, 20...4 0 1 3 42 sious as the bent Interest of the game demand. Theae Burns, 3b...... 5 3 3 0 2 0 Twitch 'I,lf,|j6 Ray, 2b, BS... 5 1014 2lAndrews, Eiifflaud? Too high ealarit*, snlaries made too high niatu of a player's worth aud so not much can be fairly 1 0 022 ct.5 01 4 00 Whituey, 3b.4 0123 u'Brown, rf.... 300 0 00 few reflections are thrown out in a friendly spirit, uot Baldwin,i.,cf 4 2 1 1 0 0 Baldwin.p.lt.O 2 2 020 Nash, 3b...... o 1 2 3 2 iVSanderB, p.... 5 0 0 050 by the inoatlftk1 greed of ei;ch m?n as the triumvirate ?ald of tho litiw acquisition, Ewing.c...... 2 1 1 6 2 OiTnte, C...... 3 1 1 710 which prcaidt'S over Bostou'8 fortunes. only for the benefit of Mr. Daniels, but lor his col­ Dalcy, c...... 5 4 3 9 0 1 Campatl.rf... 5 2 1^ L ° 9 Johnston, cf. 5 1 3 1 0 l|Kogarty,rf.._3 0 1 100 PITCHER WALKER, leagues also. But I am wandering away Welch, p...... 3 0 0 1 4 ljRadbourn,p..8 0 1 140 Mfcdsn*. Sodeu, billings and Gwant from tha Total...... 47212027 19 8. Total...... 52171627 25 8 Wise.-s, 2b..5 1 0 0 3 llFarrar, Ib... 5 1 3 14 00 are good men, who officiated In Wednesday's game. He was then hit other events. When one gets onto the umpire subject, Total...... 88 7 8 27 15 2| Total...... 33 3 7 24 fl 2 Lnsiners men, sensible luon, men who have fulK-n Chicago...... 22043322 3 21 Horuung, If. 5 0 2 1 0 0|Mnlvey, 3b..6 1 0 2 41 into bard and was rather heavy in his movements, but this there is so much New York...... 30020020 x 7 .their good foituno despite their iuexpeiiencc, who that might be eaU, it is difficult to ^^^uj^,...... 16103006 0 17 Morrill, lb._3 0 0 13 1 Ojlnvin, ss..... 5 1 2 1 41 may be accounted for by a temporary physical weak - decide when to let up. I have never indulged in a Boston ...... 08^0000.02 1 3 have br.-ught their illifoitHne upon thenj^lres, but ^^H^l nuu-^&ilesgo 13, Bsttot!?; JVsi^base hirs ~£irnied"'r"«iafr:-~3r'.?:p~7orfcr ^ Boston ~~%. 1Ew'D-t~~tntfm¥r5=- "SMte'ine. hlts Ewiug. Richardson, Ward. Three-base hits are hard enough to h.>e witltout any Comment from . Three-base hils Ejau Total...... 4f takt-s. Tim star in ba-e bail must go. Me^ra. S>;den, ing strength of the^utuu^J^niay be well 2, Daley. Home runs Ryan, 5 »«3T 24 i| Total...... 42 ii 12 33 19 2 Whituey, Nash, Hurmiug. Home not to lose me, but it would be to tht-ir individual interest to Duffy, Auson 2, Burns, Haulon. Winning run made ruu Connor. Billincs and Coumit fee thin, and you can pit all of sight of the ouce ~~-^- ^_^^ Total base hits with one out. Double play Effing, Ward. First on balls Ewing, strive to win tbe confidence and esteem of the public Chicago 43, Detroit 23. Double play Sullivan, Boston...... 1001120000 0 5 Oaylor'B pius on thi-j lice, that they will never give big generally. Daley. Brown. Hit by pitcher Tale. Stolen base Hornuu^. KIYG KILROY, ^^ -v^ It may be a hard task, but Gaffu*y, Kelly Tiwt on balls Sullivan, WilliHmaon 2, Burns, money, t»veu HS au advertisement for any moie edu­ Mark Philadelphia...... 0010004000 1—6 First on errors Xew York 2, Boston 2. Struck out who has again pnt In an appearance and professes" ,anJ_ others have reached that height in the profession, Baldwin 2, Campan, Brouthers, Twitchell 2. Hit by Earued runs Boston 4, Philadelphia cated ball men, when the woods are full of ambitious, 1^ 4. Two-base Goio, Tiernan, flay, Blown, Welch, Johustou, WJSQ. have continence in his ability to agnin fool the slug­ "^ " ~7fi'2'-J4iNTG-HITTING SUBJECT. pitcher Ganzel, Twitcbell. First on errors Chicago hits Nash, Johuston. Three-base hits Brown, hard working men who wtll do batter work for less Umpire Kuight. Time 1:20. gers. He has made boasts before of this kind 6, Detroit Johnaton, price. this My companion in cnine7~£ajrte'r,~weiT? aiY ttt^ ww.T tff 4. ((truck ont Hanlon, Lady Baldwin 2, Irwin. Stolen bases Johnston, Wood, Demon1 vs. PITTSBURG AT DETROIT AUGUST 2. season and when put to the tost haa failed, but still Mark Baldwin 2, Fogartv 3, Irffin. Mike Kelly is a great ball player, but Bay is of far St. Paul, Minnesota, to take exception to an alleged Pffffor, Daley 2. Pas-ed balls First on balls Morriil 2, Fograrty The champions outbaUed the visitors, but the latter tht re are hope? that Daley 1, Satellite 2. Wild 2. Fir«t on errors Boston Diuro real value to the Boston team. John ClarkdOM ia Kil is himself again. Anyway, ruling of President Youug on the subject of "how a pitches Rvan 2, Lady 4, Philadelphia 4. Struck excelled iu long hits uml also buuched to Kilroy ia not yet an t-xploded Bn!dwin 1. Umpire Lynch. Time 2:50. better ad­ a great pitcher, but So^dera has done this year, and little son-of-a-gun, fur long hit should be scored which drives home the win­ out Wise, Wcod2, Andrews, Fogarty, Irwiu. P.issed vantage, Getzeiu being hit hard. Score: from the character of his w. aknees the present season BOSTON va. WASHINGTON AT BOSTON JULY 28. tails Schriver 1, Kelly 1. Wild pitches Sanders 2. will iu the future, better wrrk. It ia nselew fo dis­ ning run." Now, if Mr. Cay lor proposes to keep up DKTROIT. AJl.R. B. P. A. E'PITTSBURG. AB.R. R. P. A.E it Is almost certain that another year will Me him The home team woke up and did more hittiug than it Umpire Powers. Time 2:05. guise the fact. The pennant haa been l^st to Boston at with tho base ball procession and it has been ob­ H.iulon, cf... 4 1220 olSilnday, cf...4 0 1 2 0 C by its star players, purchased at great prices and his best. Of all the pitchers served that he has of late been straggling along had done for a month, O'Day getting his worit pound­ DETROIT vs. INDIANAPOLIS AT DETROIT JULY 31. Brouth's, Ib 4 1 1 13 0 01 Mj||t,r,c...... 400 5 32 ing of the season. Clarkson, ou the contrary, pitched The champions ontbatted the visitors, but the latter boomed beyond all reason. I said that the triumvirate CUNMINGHAV almost hopelessly in the rear he must read Tm Rowe, S8.....6 0113 llColeman. rf. 4 0 0 2 00 had a'ready begun to realize their mistake, and sot!i*-y Is doing tho best work In fact, Is about the only relia­ SPOUTING LIFE carefully and regularly. In all well- superbly. The visitors fielded miserably, Donuelly novel theless won by good fielding. Larocquo. the now White, 3b... 50422 0;Beckley,lb... 4 0 1 13 00 alone escaping an error. Score: secoud basoman, did some very poor work. Score: hare, but not fully. What they wmut to rto is to hire a ble man the club baa to put iu the points, and yet regulated newspaper offices the members of the edi­ G»nzel,2b....4 0 1 0 4 2 Dunlap, 2b...4 2 2 331 manager, attend to the financial part of tb« L.ugim-ts even he >s many tims, and let Johu Morrill play first base apd do or else the club is outdated as bat tew. Whichever oughly tht-ir own i-aper. I originally made the state* cf...... 4 0 0 501 Twitchell, If4 1 2 0 0 0 ; Kuohue, 3b..4 2 Kay,'2b...... 632 2 01 Wilmot, Brouthers.lb 5 1 2 15 1 1 2 1 60 nothing el«e. They want a catcher, and yet they have It is, tht) team do as not win enough games to create nu'Ut to which Brother Cay lor takes exception as com­ If... 401 3 02 Denny, 3b... 4 1 2 201 Campau, rf.,4 1 1 0 1 0 Smith, S8...... 4 1 2 Rowe, M...... 6 1 1 1 4 0 llnckley, 131 in Tom O'Hourke a man who, if worked regularly and tbe enthusiasm necessary to make base l all a successful ing from Prtaident Young. Through a miVundir- Nash, 3b...... 6 1 2 0 3 0 Myer«, 2b....4 0 0 222 3b. 1 0 0 100 Getaoin, p... 4 0 0 0 6 O.Sluley, p...... 3 U 0 0 50 Johmton, cf. 6 1 3 2 01 Dailey, rf..... 400 2 01 White, 3b....o 1 3 3 2 1 Hinss, cf.. .. 5 1 1 3 00 often, can not le excelled In most particulars which ^o financial venture litre. It makes us feel rather sick to standing of a conversation I had with that official n* Wise, ss...... 411 2 60 O'Brieu, lb..4 0 0 T 0 1 Ganzel, c..... 5 0 1 7 2 l,Glasscock,ss.5 2 1 331 Total...... 38 5f2 24 20 e| Total ..... 35 6 9 27 19 4 to make up a buck stop by ?.ny man la the League a watch Siireve's work for ludlanauotla, and Wt-dnes.lay, the subject the impression wa* given out lhat Hori.uns:, If. 6 2 1 2 00 Dounelly, 3b3 1 0 0 20 Laroc»tf>n would but he la no bettor a thrower than in a victory for the others and is decidedly weak at the bat. But Time 2h. ley, Healy. Pasted bnlls^Ganzel 1. Umpire Lynch. the latter club, although they were not finish better than fourth. The with The contested game between Pitteburgaud Philadel­ death of Fergu*OD all his PiTTSurRO vs. INDIANAPOLIS AT PITTSBT/BO JULY outbatted two to oue. The fielding of the Washinptons WHS a factor not to be reckoned on, und mediocrity he appears to be the pnblio favorite phia, (trowing out of the playing of Frank Gardner Games Played TVednedday, Angnst 1. the intrinsic as a back stop, 28. Tho Uoosiers were shut out' by Staley, who gave was generally good, but a single wild pitch and Doas- canals of weakness have early develi-i»ed themselves. and this is accounted fur in a great with tbe latter clnb, has been tho subject of consider­ measure by hid earnestness. The people are BO tired them but »ne'base hit. The home team played bril­ NEW YORK vs. WASHINGTON AT NEW YORK AL-QUST 1. ley's wild throw gave the visitors a run iu the first Drunkenness, dweipationt jealousy, back-capping, able comment in various quarters during the past a of listless, don't-care liantly and batted Boyle almost ont of the box. Score: The home team outbatted the visitors and played Inning, and in the filth a low throw by O'Brien lack of team work and a surplus of record playiuff are playing that they welcome the week, iu spite of the f;tct that THB SPORTING LIFB hu change ID Cnntz HOI! Gddsby. A good, live PITTSBUKO. AB.R. B. P. A. E'lNDIANAP 8.AB.R.B. P. A.E without error. Nevertheless the Senators played a contributed toward another run. The batting by the the chief characteristics of manlike frcqcntly explained the situation from an official the Bostons of 1888. May Cftntz Is worth a dozen half-dead back stops, Carroll, cf.... 50210 O'Seery, It...... 200 4 11 sploudid up-bill game, and when, w4th ono run to tie Washington* was hard, but not opportune, as no less we see a radical change lu 1889. and standpoint. At tho present wiiiin^ all current state­ Miller,c...... 5 0 1 6 S 2 Denny, In the ninth inning, one man on third base and two than twelve men were left on bawee. The ninth inning patrons appreciate it. They are even ready to excuse ments of the standing of tlie various clubs lathe Leagua 3b... 4 0 0 220 MEN WORTH HAVING. Colemau, rf.. 5 1 1 1 0 l|Hlnes, cf...... 3 0 0 ont, Wilmot was th: jwn out from Richardson to Con­ was very exciting, the Washingtons eci/rlug o.ie any mis-plays due to snch a source rather than go to must credit the game in question to the Philadelphia 100 There Beckley, Ib.. 4 1 3 13 0 OjGlaascock, S3 3 0 1 220 nor, a great cheer went up. Widner made his first earned inn, and whun O'Brien popped np a short fly are many men wonh having in the New sleep WittcMug the drowsy efforts of some whose en­ Club as a victory, until the Board of Directors of th« England Dnnlap", 2b... 4. 1 2 2 5 o|Bassett, 2b... 3 0 0 160 appearance In this city and was hit freely. All the to Irwin three n.en were on the bases. Ful'.cr and Lea^ue; men lit to fill almist any position. ergy is only noticeable on pay day. Of cours* im­ Lewgue decide otherwise. The Philadelphia Club en­ Tbe best Dalrymple If4 0 1 0 0 0:Esterbr'k,lb3 0 0 12 01 ruus made were earned. Score: Irwin played excellently, while Hoy hit the ball safely yf whom, t> an unprejudiced observer, aro as provement is slow In the team just now, but atill there gaged Frank Gardner in good taith,upon conditions that tol!>>w«: First base John Carney, Knehne, 3b..4 1 2 2 3 0 McGmchy.rfS 0 0 NEW YOEK. AB.R.B. P. A. F.lWASHING'S.AB.B.B. P. A.I every time he went to the bat. Score: of Manchester. te enough of it to be distinguished since Tom Burns Chiklfl would bi?n to play with the Washington Club. 110 Secuud Smith, BJ...... 3 21241 Myers, c...... 300 4 82 Gore, cf...... 4 0 0 2 0 0;Hoy, cf...... 3 0 0 200 WtSHIliO'N.AB.B. B. P. A. El PHILA. AD.B. B. P. A, E bast Long, of Sftlem. Third base Canipe*i;a, took hold of the men. Amoug tho The latter refused t.t do so, and consequently Gardner of Manchester; Doyle, of Lynn. Khort stop Tniak, Staley, p...... 4 2 1^ 0 6 0 Boyle, p...... 3 0 0 040 Richard'n,2b5 1 1 3 1 OjWilmot, If... 6 2 1 200 Hoy CI...... 3 1 5 0 0 0 Fnrrar, Ib... A 0 0 810 OTHER PLAYERS reverted to the Washington Club. In tbe meantime Ward, ss...... 5 1 1 0 6 0| Myers, 2b....3 Wilmot, If... 500 1 0 olAndrews, cf.4 1 3 1 10 of Salem. OutfieMers Sueffler, of Manchester; Ham­ Gardner, believing that he waa eligible to play with Total...... 38 8 1427 204 Total...... 27 01 2f 18 4 0 1 710 Farrell Is suffering from a temporary Illness Tiernan, rf... 4 1 3 1 0 0:Dally, rf.....4 01300 Myers, 2b.... 4 0 2 2 3 0 Fogarty, rf..4 0 0 2 00 ilton, of Worcester; Knowlton, of Salem; Black, of which tbo Philadelphias. and uot being aware of Childs' fail­ Pittsburg...... 02100020 3—8 Lriin. Catchers Mtthonny, of Manchester; Terrien, has caused him to lay off. It is a ca<-:e of genuine ma­ Indianapolis...... 00000000 0—0 Connor, Ib... 4 0 0 13 0 0 O'Brien, Ib... 3 01601 Dailv rf...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 Del-banty, 114 0 0 200 ure to carry out his part of ihe deal, was placed on sec­ O'Bourke.lf. 4 1 1 2. 0 0 Donnelly,3b 4 00812 O'Br'len.lb... 4 0 0 6 0 1 Mulvey, Sb...4 0 0 010 of Lynn; Murphy, of Lowell. Pitchers Burns, of laria and not driuk. Greenwood is also bora dti com­ ond base by Manager W right nnd participated in ft Earned runs Pittsburg 4. Two-base hits Carroll, bat with an injured finger, and for soma reason Pur- Wldtuej,3b.3 1 1 2 3 0 Mack, C...... 3 Donnelly,8b4 0 2 0 I lllrwln, «..._2 0 0 4 01 Lowell; Turner, of Sulem; Ffcrson, of Manchester. championship game against Pittsburg. The next Beckley, Dalrymplo, StMey. Total base hits Pittsburg 1 1 820 cell has uot been lately playing. Of .all the Ewing, c...... 3 0 2 S 0 O:\Vidner, p.... 4 0 Deatley, C.....4 0 1 11 2 1! Bastian, 2b... 3 0 1 430 Almost any Association ami many a League Uiaoi men on day the mistake was discovered aud Gardner did 18, Indianapolis 1. First on balls Smith, Seery 2. 0 070 the team therein not one more gentlemanly in Keefe, p...... 4 0 1^ 1 7 0 Sbocb, ss..... 3 1 1 O'Day, p...... 3 0 0 1 8 OJCJlemente, c.. 3 I 1 510 could be atreDtthoued by any one of these men. de­ not play with the Phillips a^ain. Bnh clubs fully un­ First on errors Pittsburg 1, Inditinaprlls 2. Struck 030 portment Fuller, 68..... 3_l_\ 2 2 0 Buffinton, p.. 2 1 1 020 Goodwin, of tbe Salems, need* about one more (as tar aa your correspondent has seen) than derstood how the accident occurred, and they promptly ont By Staley 4, by Boyle 2. Pawed balU MyerB 2. Total...... 36 510 27 17 5| Total...... 32 4 6 27 14 3 year's practice in a minor league, a ad he will boa Blondie Purcell, and he has been u faithful, painstak­ Umpire Kelly. Time 1:33. New York...... 00111002 0 5 Total...... 36 212 24 16 s| Total...... 29 S 6 27 15 T volunteered to play the game off at ihe first conven­ dandy for somo observing manager. ing player. But for some occult reason he has not ient opportunity. Thai is all right as far as the two Washington...... 000001 02 1 4 Washington...... 00001000 1 2 been a favorite with patrons. The only way to ac- Games Played Monday, July 30. Frank G. Seelye, of Omab*, would make a good clubs are concerned, but the League muet decide th* Earned runs New York 4, Washington 4. Two- Philadelphia...... 10101000 x 3 manager for the Bostons. couut for It Is thia. AA captain of the team he stood in Earned runs Washington 2, Philadelphia qiK'^tton of whether the gurae shall be played over. BOSTON vs. PHILADELPHIA AT BOSTON JULY 30. base hit Myers. Three-huso hits Ward, O'Rourke. 1. Two- Jiniiiiie Cooney, of tho JJaverhllla of 1886 ond the the way of the people's favorite, Tom Burns, and as a This was a hotly-contested gftme of eleven Innings. Home ruu Richardson. Double pliys Conner baso hit Myors. Stolen bases Hoy, Daily, Donn'-lly, At present It is reported at League headquarters ai a Oshko^h of 1887, now with Omaha, ought to be gob­ fioMer he caused another favorite, Joe Summer, to regular championship gnno, credited as a victoiy for After two men were out in the eleventh inning Wise (unassisted); Shoch, Donnelly. First ou balls Hoy Andrews. Double plays Bastian, Irwiu; Farrar; bled by some Lo:*gue ma:iag*r this fall. He Is a mag­ warm the bench. Of course, Blondie was not respon­ dropped Clements' pop fly and Wood and Andrews fol­ 2, Shoch, Mack. O'Brien, Mytrs, Gjro, Whitney, Ew­ Andrews. Clements. Sit by pitcher Farrar. First ou tbe Philadelphlas, and therefore it must he counted In nificent catcher, a flitt-clssa all-round fielder and has sible for either, as it was the manager's act in each nil official statements on the subject. [Nevertheless, lowed with singles, enabling Clements to score the ing. Stolen bases Richardson, Koefo. First on er­ errors Washington 1, Philadelphia 1. Struck ont developed Into a more liian average hat'er. cane, but still spectators very unjustly visited their winning ran. Kay presented the Phillles with rors New York 1. Struck out By Keefe 3, by Wid- Farrur, Focarty 2, Dt'l'-hanly 3. Pnsstd ball Clem­ tbe game is uot couulctl ai all iu TUB SPURTING Lirc't Poor Jake Morse. He told ttie truth about Kelly indignation upon him. Now Bl<-ndie cannot wtll be Table. ED.] run in the tenth. Irwin was responsible for ner 4. Passed balls Ewing 3, Mack 1. Wild pitche ents. Wild pitch O'Day. Umpire Valentine. Time spared, for he is one of Baltimore's very few batters, 2h. und several other* of the Boston nine on tbe last Boston's ran In the game inning, while Umpire Pow­ Keefe 2. Umpire Dat iels. Time 1:50. Western trip, aud has been "getting it in the back of and yet there are rumors that he Is to be released. GOOD RUNNING WITHOUT NOISY COACHINO. ers ptesented the homo team with a score in the fifth, DETROIT vs. INDIANAPOLIS AT DETROIT AUGUST 1. CHICAGO vs. INDIANAPOLIS AT CHICAGO AUOTST 3. the neck1 ' from scrlbss without one tithe of bis courage What foundation there is for the announcement is uot In view of the remarkable exhibitions of shrewd declaring Homung safe at eecoud when he was plainly This was the Boosters' third straight victory over the ^Chicago tiled her new pitcher, Mains, and or base ball knowledge ever since. known, but anything may happen during the reor­ base-running, yiven by Hoy, a deaf and dumb centre- out. Score: champions. Shrove pitched a remarkable game, so far as a gamo with Indianapolis c;iu indicate he will It looks from this distance as if Boston needs a bit­ ganization. It is said also that Greenwood Is to walk fielder, iluriug the present season, it would seem that BOSTON. AB.R. B. P. A.Hl PHILA. AB.R.B. P. A.E holding the League's heaviest slugcers down to three be a success. He has great snead and good comaiand ting first baseman. John Morrlll would look well the plank. Grr-euwood's usefulness to Baltimore is there Is no necessity for loud and boisterous coaching, Kelly, C...... 5 0 0 2 3 1 Wood, If...... 6 0 2 010 hit*, two of which, by Hanlon aud Rowe, earned De­ of the ball. Although Indianapolis got four runs in and field well on second, and a release fioni man­ past, undoubtedly, and quite as undoubtedly be would which is so popular in certain cities. Wherever Hoy Bay, 21)...... 4 0 0 0 2 2| Andrews, cf.. 5 0 2 3 00 troit only one run. Gauzel replaced Lfiricijuo at the first iming through Chicago fielding errors the agerial care* would undoubtedly improve his batting, be a valuable man for some other clnb for the space of has aj.pfared his base-running ha** been favorably new pitcher pulled his team out of Kash,3b...... 4 0 1 2 1 IjFogarty, rf..4 1 1 1 00 secoud. Score: the hole later on. although Johu carves the air with too vigorous a a season or so. You know how it is with these men commented upon, even by the most biased writers. DETROIT. AB.R.B. P. A.I'lNDIANAP'B. Tho other features of the game Johnston, cf. 4 1 1 6 0 0 Farrar, Ib.... 4 0 1 11 20 AB.R.B. ». A.I were Pfeffer's work on stroke, they wear out on one club and recuperate on another His success on the bases Is not due to "tips" given him Wise, ss...... 4 1234 I Unlvey, 3b..4 02011 Hanlon, cf... 4 1 1 0 0 0 Seery, lf...... 4 1 0 3 00 second an-1 Glasecock's bt short. Score: Walter J. Prince, of North Andovar, Is a slaggfr a very good argumentin favor of tbe pooling feature by coach era, but to his own keenness In watch ins tha Bornnng,lf..4 1 1 2 0 0 Irwin, ss..... 4 1 1 762 Brouthers,lb4 0 0 14 0 l : Buckley, 3b. 4 0 2 0 30 CHICAGO. AB.B.B. P. A. T. IND1ANAP S.AB.B.B. P. A.B from way back. While In hia position, first base, he ia of the Millennium Plan. b;tll and takin^ prompt advantage of every opportunity Morrill, lb._ 4 0 0 14 2 0 Bastlan, 2b.. 5 1 1 6 30 Rowe, E8...... 4 0 1 1 4 2 Hines, cf...... 4 1 0 1 00 Ryan cf...... 4 0 1 1 1 .0 Seery, 1I...... 4 0 0 0 0 0 a good fielder. He was released by Salem for no fault "We have Lad the to gain an additional base. He never loses siifht of th* Brown, rf.....4 0 1 2 0 o! Bufflnton, p. 6 0 0 280 White,3h.....4 0 0 2 0 O.GIas«cock,ss.3 0 1 110 VanHal'u,lf4 11000 Denny, 31....4 100 2 0 and ought to get a position at bis own price at on<;e. LOUISVILLE CLUB b;ill for an instant and even the tricky Williamson, Eowdtrs, p... 4 0 0 2 4 OlClementt, c.. 5 1 0 440 Ganzel, 2h... 3 0 0 2 6 0 B-tssett, 2b... 2 0 0 330 Duffy, rf...... 41140 0 Hinfs, cf...... 4101 0 0 Johu Ward's book is a maatertlece; it should open Pfeffer, Glass ,-ock and other veterans have repeatedly ond Kansas City Total...... 37" 3 6*32 16 «l Total...... 42 410 33 24 3 Sutclifl'e, c... 300 3 32 Eslorbr'k, Ib3 0 0 7 01 Ausou,lb.....4 0 1 12 0 IJGlnssiscoek.ss.4 ' ' 13161 the ejeaof all flayers and managers to the lm;ort- during the week. The reorganized hut ineffectually tried to catch him napping on a bass. Louis vi UPS are another *Wiuniug run made with two out. Twitchell, !f.3 0 0 0 0 Oi*lcGcnchy,rt'3 0 1 700 Pteffer, 2b... 4 1024 IjiBassett, 2b....4 12840 ance of team play, and. its careful observance would team altogether In appearance If nttfer piny era would follow his example in this at- | and play. Boston...... 0000101001 0 3 Carapau.rf... 3 0 0 0 0 OjMyere, c...... 3 1 1 500 Wiiliam'n.834 11161 Esterbr'k,lb.4 0 0 14 00 render ba-e ball iw scientific a game as whist. The men Sfem wide awake and play b^ll tractive feature of the guruo there would be less blun­ every minute to Philadelphia ...... 0100010001 1 4 Gruber.p..... 3 0 1 0 4 0 Shrevo, p..... 3 1 1 030 Burns,3b.....4 0 1 3 0 1 M'Gcachy, cf 4 0 1 0 00 Tbe total break-up of the New England League will win. Ro'ldy Mack talked BO much dering and fewer disputes bat wean coachers and btua- rind so fast that Umpire Doescher clapped Earued run Boston. Two-baso hit Andrews. Total...... 31 T 3 *22 17 51 Total...... 29 4 0 27 1"6I Maius, P...... 4 1106 0 Boyle, p...... S 00170 unquestionably work to Boston's disadvantage, as a fine of ten ru Liners, Furrell, C.....4 0 1 4 4 2|ilyers,o...... 3 0 0 710 dollars on him Tuesday. But fine or no flue, Louis­ Stolen bases Johnaton, Wise, Horbung, Fogarty 2, *Glasscock out for running out of line; Beckley for many a thoroughbred crank received his primary SENATORIAL SAYI-V09. Farrnr. Mulvey, Ba^tian 2. Double plays Nash, Interfering with ball. Total...... 3? 5 8 27 19 5| Total...... 32 4 6 27 20 1 education at tbe minor leazue games. ville captured two games of tbe series of three and earned them, Monill; Wise, Morrill; Farrar, Buffioton; Irwin Detroit...... 10000000 0 1 Chicago ...... 03008002 0 5 Titcomb ought to outlast tho majority of left-handers too. The game won by the Orioles was The Senators arrived home Thursday morulnt; and (alone). First on balls Andrews, Fogarty, Farrar, Indianapolis...... 01000102 x 4 Indianapolis...... 40000000 0 4 under his present careful management. The New when Heokor pitched. The birdliog-t arwaya do take the same afternoon they received au enthusiastic wel­ kindly to Guy iu Mulvey. Hit by pitcher Irwin. First on errors Earned runs Detroit 1, Indianapolis 3. Two-base Earned runs Chicago 4. Three-base hite Duffy, Yurks ou,jht to give their culia a phow now rather Bdltfmoro, and it is strange the man­ come. Each player as ha t>ed the rubber for tho first Boston 2, Philadelphia 4. Struck ont Andrews, Ir­ hit Uuckley. Stolen bases Seory. Glasscock, Siireve. Glusscock. Double play Pftffer, Atsm. Fin-t ou than be compelled t-> in tU« critical future. agement hasn't noted the fact. Chamberlain an! time was greeted with applause. From th« Cross were sent win, Nash, Wise, liornur.g, Brown 2. Passed ball Double play Sutcliffe, Gauzel. Hit by pitcher I!as- balls Ryan, Seery, Myers. Hit by pitcher Myors. Is uot tbe pitclior of the Des Moiu&s' name Hiitch- home, Mr. Davidson being patlsfifd sound it was difficult to determine which one was most with the Clements. Wild pitches Sowders 2. Umpire Powers. iett. First on errors Detroit 1, luilianapolls 3. First on errors Indianapolis 3. Struck out Seeiy, erdun and WHS he not short stop rather than three remaining batteries. It is not tho cus­ popular, and in consequence every member of the t>*ani pitcher tom of this correspondent Time 2;10. Struck out Bronthe-ri, Twitcholl, Campau; Passed Denny 2, Boyle 2. Willi&mi.-ni, Burns, Mains, Farrell for the Yalts? to find fault with umiirea, went Into tho game fueling comfortably. There wu DETROIT vs. INDIANAPOLIS AT DETROIT JULY 30. ball Sutcliffe. Umpire Lynch. Time 1:45. 2. Wild pitchea Mains 1, Boyle 1. Umulrs Kelly. Stearus, of North Andover, (0 a young pitcher only recognizing the fact that we are all fallible mortals, a noticeable improvement iu their general work. The The Hntisiors played an exciting ana very interesting BOSTON vs. PHILADELPHIA AT BOSTON AUGUST 1. TJmc 1:46. 17 years ofago whom managers should lo*.'k out for. and so, If activity of Hyerd at second was especially commented gamo with the Detroit Club, the visitors scoring The home club was considerably shaken up, Johutton BOSTON vs. NEW 'V'ORK AT BOSTON AUGUST 3. Kecfe He (s tho finest yoiuig emuteur any preparatory school MH. DOESCHBR upon. a victory in tbe eleventh inning. Larocque, tho new being sick and Hornung suspended for insubordination. and Sodden? wen; both disabKd bj h--t hi!s and Mad- evar showed up, Viutou aud "Junipiug-Jatk" Junes will listen to and heed advice kindly offered in his Dun nelly seems to have learned the knack of hitting second baseman, made his flrstappearance and created Buffluton pi'.ched as effectively as u-ual against the don and Crane finished. Brown's triple, with three notwithstanding. own interest as well as that of the game, he will save the ball tmfely. It would be well for him to give Billy a good impression. His throwing was very accurate. home team. The latter got but f. ur hits and was men on bases, was the'feature. Score: It "Connie" Murphy was a deaf mute he would himself much annoyance and actually leave himself O'Biien a straight tip on hi-* system. Bnrdlck pitched well and showed groat nerve at criti­ be*teu for the seventh consecutive time by the Quak­ NKW YORK. AB.B.B. P. A.E] BOSTON. AB.B.B. r. A.E command a s^ary of 31,000 a game. uutrtmmiultd to do bettor work. Not that his work is If tho.-te people who imagine ttiat Arthur Irwin u| cal movements. Score: ers. Poweis WAS taken sick after the first inning and Gore,cf...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 Ray. 88...... 6 1 2 220 Among his other ace niplisTtmexits "Patsy" Poao- not well enough now, but wheu in &better frame of losing his grip aa a ball player, cuuld have witnessed DETROIT. AB.R.B, P. A.EIINDIA.TAP B.AB.R.B, P. A.E Lon Knight umpired afterward satisfactorily. Score: Kidiard'u,2b4 1 0 2 5 0;Nash, 2b..... 4 1 0 310 van, of the Londous, used to be a star coacher. lie is mind he can improve It. When a man shows a pro­ hi-* work at (.'»pit .1 P.»rk Thursday, they would chang* Hanlon, of... 6 1 1 3 0 0,'Ssery, If...... 6 0 1 3 00 BOSTON. AB.K.B. p. A. El PHILA. AB R. B. P. A. K Wind s»...... 5 1 2 1 2 I'Juhuston.cf.^ 0 0 200 tho only man who ever rattled "Connie" Murphy. longed state of ill temper he publicly confesses himself their opinion. His head wurk. at critical points waf Brouthe'e.lb 6 1 1 12 0 liDennv. 3b... 5 00231 Ray,ss...... 3 1021 0'Woo.l, If...... 3 10100 Tiornan, rf.. 5 1 1 1 0 0 Wise, Ib...... 4 I 1 610 Let me end thia wandering screed us I commenced incapable of the best judgment for the time being, HIK! simply admirable. B. M. LAB NEE, Bowc.ss...... 5 0 2 0 0 O'Hlluu.cf...... 5 0 1 BOO Nash, 3b...... 4 0001 liAndiows,cf..4 22000 Connor, Ib... 4 1 0 10 0 O.IIornung, lf.4 1 2 8 00 by an arraignment of the grab-all, impolitic system It b a very dull spectator who does not realize it. and White, 30....4 1 0 1 2 1 GlRSScock.ss.B 1 1 220 Conwny, rf...3 0 0 1 0 O'Fogarty, rf..3 1 2 3 00 O'Rciirke, l r. 4 2 2 0 0 0 Kinsman. 2b3 1 0 120 of many of tbe owners of League and Association a very amiable one who does not resent it. While ia EEIOR to the Manchester-Portsmouth game at Man- A Futcliffe, c... 601 62 2jftiesett, 2b... 500 1 30 Wise If...... 4 0 1 3 0 I'Fi.rrnr, Ib... 2 0 0 8 00 Whituey, 3V 4 1 3 4 1 1 Brown, rf..... 4 I 2 810 teams who ee^m determined to kilt tbe goose which Baltimore Mr. Doeacher was exceedingly Irritated by cheater, July Su, there was a prize competition among I L»ro,q«e.2b. 50444 liE?!erbr'k,lb.5 2 2 11 10 Kinsman, 2b4 0 0 1 2 0. Mulvey, 3D...4 0 0 000 Ewing, c..... 42373 0 O'Rourke, c.4 0 1 7-02 lays the golJou egg aud a comrmmUtiua of TUB the abusive remarks of spectators and the nncalled-for the players, Murray and Ciirmvan turning the hases ia Twitchell,lf..4 1 1 S 1 1 McGoachy,rf5 24300 Mnrrlll, lb...S 1 1 9 3 OJIrvin, M...... 4 0 0 310 Ktefe, P...... 3 0 0 0 2 0 Sawders, p... 1 0 0 010 SPOBTING LIFE'S Millenium Plan and the work of its chatter of play ore, and actually bundled word* and quar­ 15s, and dividing first money; Kills, 2d, 15^ On» Campau, rf... 4 1 2 3 0 liBncklcy, c... 4 1 1 3 02 Hr"wn, of....3 0 1 1 0 0 Bistinn, 2b... 3 0 0 020 Crane, p...... 1 0008 0!M»dden,p....3 01060 comspocdeiits In advancing and advocating nil that is reled with patrons and players. He himself knows hundred yar-ia dash Murray, let, in 10%*.; Sheffler, Getzein,p.....5_ 0 0 0 8 llUnrdicIc, p... 4 0 1 340 O'Rourke, c. 3 0 0 4 01 ClemenU,c... 4 0 1 11 11 Total...... 88 U f2 27 f62l Total...... 3(3 6 9 27 13 2 for the beat interest? of the uoblest, most athletic eport how much of thia took place, and only God known Its 2d. Throwing ball Clarko, 1st, .V>9ft. Oiu.; 0 ughlin, To:al...... 44 5 12*3~2 15 Si Total...... 44 Gil 33 13 ii 8'iwden, p.,.3 0 1 3 6 2 Bufflnton, p..2 0 0 1131 NewYtwfc ...... 0 1016001 0 9 on earth America's Xatiocal gamo base ball. Ex- effect, for neither Mr. Doeschor or his witnesses do. 356ft. 2In.; Bheflk-r, 34«ft.; Madigau, 343ft. 3inj *Winuing run made vritb. two out. Total...... SO 2 I 24 13 U Tut»l...... 28 \3, ft fl 2 Vustou...... „.,...... -I 0000600 0 6 ve the rule. Wuaw. Now certainly U la bard for a man to bear all thig Wheeler, 338tt.; D*vin, 331ft. 5iu. A.ug. 8. THE LIFE.

St Louis...... _...._ 52000000 i—7 Earned runs Cincinnati I, Brooklyn 3. Two-base avail. AB.R. 8. P. A.E CLEVELAND. AB.R. B. P. A.E Ing propensftifa, and will probably be sadly disap­ Cleveland...... 000020002-4 hit Badford. Double plays Smith, Burdock, Orrj Nicol, rf...... 6 2 2 I 0 O'Strlcker, 2b..4 1 1 3 61 CHICAGCH5LEANINGS. pointed should he fall to tear up the t*5-c b;ijjfl and BASEBALL. Earned runs St. Loan 2, Cleveland 2. Two-base Corkhill, Rellly. First on balls McPliee, O'Brien 2, McPhee, 2b..5 1 2 6 2 O1 McKesn, ss..5 1 1 0 31 fl'ftu/hter the umpire when we p!*y there. Hut I am hits Zimmer 2, Lathinn. Total bn«e hits St. Louis Caruthers, Radford, Burdock. Hit by pitcher O'Brien Reilly, lb.....6 1 2 8 2 0 Faatz, lb..... 4 3 2 12 00 The Downfall of the Black Stockings Rx-« wl!) : nx to bet they will think on awful 9. Cleveland lot of him 10. Double plays King. Lalham; Al- 2, For.tz. First on error* Cincinnati 2, Brooklyn 3. Keenan, c.... 6 1 1 8 2 0 H:,ta!ing,cf..4 2 3 0 00 aggeratod Reports of Dissensions Sp::ld- when thev sre liim and bec.'in'j ttcq-iHinted with him 2, Struck out Burdock, Fennclly, O'Brien, Smith, Bald­ Corkhill, cf..5 2 4 3 0 OjGilks, If...... 4 0 1 0 02 liigN Opinion of the "Bring the old man out here," eaid a theatrical win. Passed balls Baldwin New YorkK Vrelimi- "AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. 4. Wild pitches Viau Carpenter,3b4 010 lWGo.,dfell'w,rf4 11221 uaries fr.en.l of mine in 'Frisco, i:anil we'll treat 2. Umpire McQuaid. Time 1:27. Fount lly,ss..4 0 0 1 2 1'Alhert, 3b....4 0 1 5 60 to the Australian Trip, Etc. Games to be' Played. him an well as we would treat the President ATHLETIC vs. KANSAS CITY AT PHILADELPHIA Auo. O'CV.nner, If.. 4 1100 2 Zimmer, C....4 12440 C'Hfcxoo, Aug. 1. Editwr SPOHTIN-G LIFE: hiime'f. Wo are all ttuck to eej him oa /riff. 6, 7. 8, Atljl,-tic vs. St. L ui« «t I'inladetph'*. 1. Alter bavin? been blanked for twenty-six consecu­ Smith, p...... 2 0 2 0 8 OjO'Brien, p.... 4 fl 0 1 81 Like unto the scene between Richarii and King the diamond. AI:J. 'Frisco people nrike no bonea 6, T, 8, Brooklyn vs. Louisville at Bnvklin. tive Innings Kansas City managed to score a run in Total...... 39 815*2617 31 Total...... 37 9 1227 23 6 Henry is that being enacted just at present with fn expre'cinLr their likes and dislikes aud one does not Ai:£. 6, 7, 8, Cleveland vs. Kansaa City at Cleveland. Games Played Monday, July SO. the ninth inning ol t':ls game on 'Phillips' three-bade *Two men out when winning run was made. old Anse ifc the role of the unfortunate descend­ have to thlk to thein lon^ to find out how mr Eastern Au<. 6, 7, 8, Baltimore vf. Cincinnati at Bullimore. ATHLETIC vs. KANSAS CITY AT PHILADELPHIA JULY bit and an awkward bound taken by the ball on the Cincinnati...... ball placers Btand amonp: 21103100 0 8 ant of the house of Lancaster, and them. Ed. WiUiamsou is * 30. Both pitcher* were effective, Mattlmore more so, throw-in. Both pitchers were effective, and both Cleveland...... 50002100 1 9 the remain­ grent favorite amon^ them. So is Kurus and Pftffer as but three bits two of them scratches were made teams did brilliant fteldinx at times. The soeond bsse E-trned runs Cincinnati 5, Cleveland 7. Two-liase ing League teams as the merciless hunchback. an I R.vnu and Jobu WHR!, Lnt Wull. there ara off him and not a run. Welch made both of the Ath­ play of Barkley and Bierbauer wosremnrkable. Welch hit Carpenter. Tliree-bafe hits Rellly, Jammer. Indianapolis, Detroit and Pittsburg have, one a few cf the boy* who have visited the coatt during letics' runs, one in tbe third on the his double and Lyons' again scored all of the Athletics' runs. Score: Double plays Zimmer, Albert; Keilly, McPIiee; after the other, put tho knife to the old man, pa«t two or three years whom Iho peoi-le there are by Bingle, itnd the other in the fifth on singles by him­ ATHLETIC. AB.R. B. P. A.E 1 KAS. CITY. The Record. AB.B. 8. P. A.E Gotdfcllow Fuatz; Allert, Stricker, Fa«U. First ou arid, in the lanKua^o of Richard, I we bi I tho ancient uo mi-HP a afurk ou. I do not care, however, to men­ self, Stovey and Lyons. The Cow-loys were retired in Welch, cf....3 2 2 1 0 <1\ Humiltnn,lf..4 0 1 2 00 balls Smith 2, Stricker, Hotaliug. Hit by pitcher tion (he r names." order in eix out of the nine innlogs, and got only four kicktr juuriuy Mdfwn, rfuir/i to holl and e«y we sent The fight between the first four clubs in this Stovey, If..... 3 0 1 0 0 OX'line, rf...... 4 0 0 0 00 Faatz. Siolen bases Nicol, Mcl'hee 2, Beilly, Slricker, tbee thither we that bav^ neither pity, lor* nor fear." "Will you go ftvm here direct to Denver?** face is celling closer with each men to fiist and one to eccoud during the game. The Lyons, 3b._4 0002 1 Bark ley, 2b..4 00760 McKean, F'-atz 3, Hotaling, Altert. First on errors "I canuot say yet. It was the iutarjlkm to go to St. week and the Athletics plajed without an error. And ban old Aus<.n taken the hint au«l journeyed? Score: Larkin, lb.... 4 0 0 17 11 l'hilllp», lb..3 1 1 12 10 Cincinnati 3, Cleveland 1. Struck out By O'Brien 3, Surely, noone Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha aud a d<-zeu other points, battle is the prettiest in the history of the Asso­ ATHLETIC. AB.R.D. P. A.Ej KA8. CITY. who has not been Blumbt-riiiK through AB.R.B. P. A.E Bierb»uer,2b 4 0146 0 Pavis, 3b..... 401 1 62 by Smith 6. Passed Dalle Keenan 3. Wild pilches- these days of and if we can (eel rcuaniiaUy certain that we can ciation. St. Louis ftill leads at this writing by Welch, cf... 3 2 2 3 0 OCliue, rf...... 4 Turkish baths uud hydrppLoMtt will a*k 0 0 1 00 Gleaaon, SS....4 0 2 1 8 C JlcTama'y,cf4 0 1 0 00 Smith 1, O'Brieu 1. Umpire McQnald. Time 2:15. tbe question aori^usly. sirike fiivorab'c weather in Minnejtota at that time of Storey, If.... 4 0 2 2 0 0: McTatna'y.cf 3 0 Verily he has tumbled. Mai - » small margin over Brooklyn, bat the per­ 0 100 Robinson, C..4 0 0 2 0 O'Donohne, C..4 0 2 681 BALTIMORE vs. KANSAS CITY AT BALTIMORE AUG. 3. hap the ye:ir, we shall probably make tho trip tliat way." Lyons, Sb....4 0213 0 not down to hell, but fj.fr.* the precipice of defeat, centages of both have been materially reduced, Berkley, 2l>..4 00330 Blalr.p..._.402 1 8 OiKateiday, s«..3 0 1 061 The game was lost by the homo team's poor battery if not "Is Friico the only joint you will touch on the Liirkin, lb... 4 0 0 14 0 0! I'hillips.lb... iu'o tbe dark depths of dfspn-ir. Ilia cca-i?" the Cincinnati 4 0 1 16 00 Poorman, rf.. 3 0 0 1 0 OjPoiter, p.....3 0 0 030 work. Fulmer's muff of a third strike gave the first shield and buckler and Athletic clubs gaining. The Bierbauer,2b4 0 0 1 1 were bunt nnd In-areu into 0 Uavis, 30...... 3 0 0 062 Total...... 33 2 8 27 24 2! Total...... 33 1 7 27 22 4 run, and a base on ballp, followed by a single and a a state of uwIf*-?ness at 'I cannot tell that yet. We have received several latter cliii* iutleed lia* once more regained third place, Oleason, M... 4 0 1 0 6 O.Donohue, the bnttle of Indiana; oils, and c.. 3 0 0 441 Athletic...... 10100000 0 2 three-bugger, gave tbe other two. Both eide^ did although hit f8ca|.ed from the fluid urgent letters from Spokane Falls, up near Portland, la treadiiiff -veiy closely «[>on the h-els of the leadeift, Townsend,c..4 0051 0 K-teidny, w..3 of cama^e with 0 0 1 41 Kansas City...... 00000000 1 1 some good fielding, aud the contest was exciting his fullowertt aud fled to life stamping >;rouLda Oregon, to play there. They Hre wild to have u* come Mattimore.pS 0 0 0 7 iu tho Oi Brenni>n, If.. 3 0 1 0 00 Ean:e not Athletic...... 00101000 0 2 sas City 5. Struck out Lyons, Blair, Hamilton, Por­ Griffin, cf..... 401 3 00 McTania'y.cf 4 01400 bled without our city's walla in anticipation of tho old yet having completed if. It is tafe to say, however, low is complete up to Friday, Aug. 3, inclusive: Kansas City...... 0 0000000 0 0 ter. Double plays L*rklu, Blair; Bicrbaner, Lnrkin; Greenw'd,2b4 0 2 1 2 0 Baikley, 2K. 4 0 0 0 41 ancient's return. that twelve of the Chicago players and an equal num­ Earned runs Athletic 1. Two-base hit Welch. Gleason, flierbaner, Larkin; KstenUy. Barkley, Phll- Tucker, lb... 3 0 0 8 0 I'Phillips, lb.,4 0 0 11 10 ber to be selected from the crack teams of tho League Three-base hit Stovey. Stolen ba«es Welch, Stovey, llr*; Davls, Barkley. Philllpi. Fint on errors Ath­ Gohltliy.lf.... 400 0 00 Hamilton, if 3 0 0 2 00 DID THEY FALL TTPON US? and Agf-ocialiun will cnmprisi the Itet. It is alan f-afe Aye, verily, nnd with Lyons 2. Lett on bases Athletic tt, Kansas City 3. letic 3, Kansas City 2. First on balls Welch, Stovey, Farrell, ss... 3 0 0 0 2 0 Donohue, C..2 0 0 630 their w«gon-tongue clmetcra to s:iy that lovers of hsg-:- ball in the American cities to iniote ti'liip a-)d th'^h uutil, Struck out Townseud, McTaumuy, Phillips, E-terday Phillips. Passed ball Donohue. Umplrs Gaffney. Shindle, 3b... 3 0 0 2 3 OlOlenn, lf...... « with ono windalolfmii be visited en route will like the make-up of the teams, 0 0 000 his UDplunted lit-Inn4 hauling over 3. First on balls McTamany. Hit by pitcher- Time 1:25. Fulnier, C.....2 1 0 7 0 l ! E«lcrday, BS..3 0 1 one e}e, tiie as it will appear in THE SPORTING LIFE just as sojn 221 weather-bentt-n, war-scarred It-ader of Welch. Umpire Gaff-ey. Time 1:25. BALTIMORE vs. LOVISVII.LE AT BALTIMORE Auo. 1. Smith, p...... 3 1 1 0 8 l>orter, p...... 2 1 0 161 tho house of as it can be secured for publication. Athletic...... BALTIMORE vs. LOUISVILLE AT BALTIMORE JULY 30. Walker, late of the New England Leigue, was put In Spalding fl«d from the fiel-J.aud gathered his forces Brootljn...... Total...... 30 2 5 24 15 Si Total...... 29 3 4 27 17 3 aKut him for final council. cunnsvr GOSSIP. The home batsmen could only get four scattering to pitch for Brtltimo-e, and proved an easy mark for Baltimore...... 0 0200000 0 2 Walter Spalding is in the city and will lengthen hta Baltimore...... single hits off Enii.g, while the LouUville team batted the Louisville batsmen. Both tiams fielded badly, There was merry making r.moug tbe forces of Wat- Cincinnati...... Kansas City...... 10200000 X 3 kins at thid time. The carcase of tbe fatted visit through the mor.t'i of August. Cunningham freely. Goldsby made the only Balti­ Werrick's work »t third for the visitors b-ing particu­ Earnod runs Baltimore 2, Kansas City 2. T«o- Darlfnjc has nppearcJ behind the bat but once dur­ Cleveland...... more run on his single a steal and an out. Score: larly poor. The batting of Browning and Cook, and l«mb dropped fftrory juices , fruii0 the bas« bit Davis. Three-base hits Smith, Burns, spit, and ttio vincag« of many years ing the p.K"t six weekc. Kansas City...... BALTO. AB.B. B. P. A. f LOVISVILLK.AB.R. B. P. A. E the lattet's bale-running were the pleasing features ago, Louisville...... McTamany. Double plays Smith, Shindle, Tucker; ltd bottles c^'Vtred with the dust ai-d webs of H^S, Hauloo captured three flies to centre in one inning .;n* Burns, M.....4 0 1 4 2 1 Mack, 2b..... 4 2 1 210 of the game. Shlndle's fielding WHS remarkably clean Barkley, Phillips, Donohue. First on balls Off Smith dt:r:u|r Fndiij'g ^ame wiih Di-tn it( de^i-e the fact 8t Loui;...... Griffln, cf..._4 0 0 3 0 o:Bro«ulng,cf4 1 1 1 00 and strong. Score: sparkled iu tlie crystal service of the House of Tie- 4, cff Porter 2. Fireton errors Baltimore 2, Kansas Diout. ihr.t iho Bun was in his eyeg? How w thin, Jimnr.y? Farrell, 2b... 4 0 0 1 4 1 Wolf. as...... 4 0 3 2 20 BALTO. AB.R.B. P. A. (iLOUISVILLI.AB.R.B. P. A. X Victory cercbed hijth uion tl;e banut-rs of the Lost...... City 2. Struck out By Smith 6. by Porter 4. Passed invaders and with the downfall of Chicaf.'o cuine to Thirty-tight runs vere scored by the Detroit a ad Tucker.lb... 3 0 0 9 0 0 Kerius, rf... 4 0 2 3 00 Burns, ss..... 6 1 1 1 4 l ! Mack, 2b.....5 0 0 351 ball Fulmer. Stolen bases Greenwood, Shiudlfl, Haiu- Cliicogu teams juinily iu Saturuay'sRame. This is the Gol.lsby, tht« Wolverines gloomy visions of other victories that If... 3 1 1 2 0 l[Audr«w«,lb..4 1 1 9 00 Griffln, cf..... 5 0 0 2 1 O.Coilins, lf...... 5 3 1 310 u, Donohue. Umpire Gaffmy. Time 1:50. Invest aggregate score yet made by League fe«im SUMMARY. Summer, rf..3 8li< uld leu\e tl.om alone uE>on the fit-Id, auprtine iu on 0100 ijwerrick, 3b4 1 1 1 30 Fulmer, rf...S 0110 O.Wulf, M...... 5 12 4 30 Iho CLicHK0 grouQ'fs. During (he game Ans.m made Won. Txwt. Per Ct. Won. I** t. PerCt. Shiudle, 8b.. 3 0 0 2 3 OlColllns, Tucker, lb... 4 0 0 their mijfht und sighiuK for mo-.e teams to conquer fit. T.onis... lf.....4 0 0 200 10 0 1 Browning, cf 4 3 3 2 00 two, and Dotty, Buros and Kyaii one home run each. 52 27 .658 Baltimore. 25 46 .432 Cautz, c...... 3 0 0 3 1 0 Vaug'm,c.....3 GoMslv, lf....4 0 0 0 0 liKeriD8,rf.....4 THE AMEKICAN RACE. and other pennants to win. Brooklyn. 52 30 .634 0 1 7 10 1 1 001 President Srwldicg and wife, accnmfanie.i by Mr. Cleveland. 30 49 .385 Cunning'm,p3 0 1 0 4 OJEwing, p..... 3 0 * 040 Somme'r, 2b..4 2 2 1 3 l!AbdrewB,lh..4 1 1 12 00 Outside, iu the darkness of tbe niftht, oil Anton'a Athletic.... 48 30 .615 Louisville. 30 50 .375 Tlie July Record of the Clubs Peculiar men were wrupt w.thiu their mantles, that tht-y and Mrs. Jolm P.hike and othern, are attending thu an­ Total...... 30 1 4 24 14 4i Shiudle, 3b...3 1 0 6 2 0, Werrick, 3b..4 1 2 044 Clncinn'i.. 48 31 .60S K. City..... 23 55 .295 Total...... 34 51127 11 0 iFeatureg ml>;ht secure a little lutich-notHlecl icst for the jireut nual tournament of the Western Lawn Tennis Associa­ Baltimore...... 00001000 0 1 Cui,tz,c...... 4 0 2 4 1 OiSiralton, p...4 0 I 1 01 of tlie Campaign. tion »t Lake Minnetonka this week. Walker, p...... 4 0004 O'Cook, c..._4 03241 Btrugtilfc of the morrow wliich htid been det-'iiniufd Games Flayed Saturday, July 28. Louisville...... 00220010 1 5 By all odds the most interesting pennant race on. And, readtrs Billy PiiDrtay ie re big n favorite a? ev«r with Chl- Earued oi THE SroaiiNa LIFB, it wwt a run? Baltimore 1, Louisville 3. Two-base Total..... 36 4 6 21 16 4| Total...... 39101427 17 8 the American Association has ever had is that of strugglo. cazonr.s likewise Abner Dalrymple. ATULETIC vs. CINCINNATI AT PIIII,AI>KLPHIA hit Andrews. Home run Browning. Base stolen Baltimore...... 1 00201000 4 this year, and judging from The populace gathered upon The tenm leaves S»turduy ni^ht upon ita next East­ Jn.Y 28: Over 12,000 people saw the game, Summer. Firctou tho July record it the walls and house­ errors Louisville 2. Struck cut Louisville...... 03201130 X 10 tops of tho city, and, with tbe reckl^siifcss ern trip. May good luck go with it. which By is going to be a very hot contest between the born of the required ten innings to finish. The Cin- Cunnlngham 3, Ewing 2. Umpire Uoescher. Earned runs Louisville 4. Two-base hits Som- unconquerable interest IlABRY PAtMF.tt. Time 1:35. Brooklyn, Athletic, Cincinnati and St. Louis iu the struggle, prtsaed about einnatis played a fine fielding game and the mer, Werrick, Cdlius, Browning. Double play the battle-grounds in thousands. CLEVELAND vs. Athletics also played magnificently, excepting ST. Louis AT CLEVELAND JULY 30. Shindle, Tucker. Bases on balls Off Stratton 2. Stolen teams, as all the others may now be fairly fakl ?tun^ by the mortification of defeat, and incited to Both pitchers were remarkably effective, the home bases Burn*, Tucker. Goldaby, Sommer, Shindle, Col- to be out of the race, except as one or other of heroic woik by Ih" memory of past victories, the BRUNELL'S Robinson, who was badly "off" in his throwing team played without error and forces BUDGET. St. Louis received linf, Wolf, Andrews, Cook 4. First on errors Balti­ of Auson raiide a st\nd that no other tribe C"it!d have to bases. It was a pitchers' contest between her first whitewash. The only run the coming four tail-enders. When the Juno in the game WHS more 3, LouiiVille 3. Struck out By Walker 2. made against tlie invading giaute, and uftcr one of the The Association Tariff Cincinnati's League Beward and Viau, and the latter got a trifle the heet < ! made by IJotaliug on hits by himself, record closed St. Louis was in the van with a Gilks and Good- Passed balls Canta 2, Cook 1. Wild pilches Walker most n;enurttble baitlos ever eecti withiu our ciiy'u Leaning; A New Good It. Corkhill mad" a scratch in front of the plate, fellow. Score: 2. Stratton 1. percentage of .700 to Brooklyn's '634 and Cin­ and Idea Cleve­ Umpire Dooscher. Time 2h. wails route,! tbe enemy and drove tbtin whip|>ed aud land Club News. which was the only hit Cincinnati htid off SewarU up CLEVELAND. AO.R.B. P. A .El ST. LOUIS. AB.R.B. P. A.E CLEVELAND vs. ST. Louis AT CLEVELAND Auo. 1. cinnati's .592, the Athletics being third in posi­ to the eolith inning. Of the seven hits made beaten from the fu-ld. Slricker, 2b..4 0013 o]Latbam, 3b..4 00030 King proved the stumbling block to the homo tenm. tion on the 30th of Juno. Since then fet. Louis Tho nrtdlery wo k WHS simply grand. Anson's bats­ CLEVELAND, Aug. 3. Editor Spoim\G LIFE: only three were clean. Viau was almost iu- MtK.-un, (S..4 0 1 1 2 0;Robinun.2b4 0 1 3 30 but three bits teiug made off hitn. The Browns hit Cay lor is getting too statuesque. C;u-thnge, Tinciblo after the Hist inning, and he was fine­ and Brooklyn have fallen off In ttieir running in the men eotit their bhot and sln-11 bcrftching through the Faatz. lb...... 4 0190 0 O'Neil, If..... 4 012 Bakely freely, but sharp fieldinc ktpt the score close race and Cincinnati ranks of the uppo-ing Jc-rces so Inrioiiely Mo., ly supported by Baldwin, who threw beauti­ liotaliuir,cf..4 and the Athletics have pulled up, that tbe isn't the place from which to view tho b.ise 1 1 2 0 OiCumlikey, Ib3 0 1 9 aud the fame uncertain until tho last man was re­ the end of Wolverines fell b;wk appalled at the ot.slau^lit. Can­ fully to bases. The Athletics had the game Gilk«. If...... 4 0130 July seeing St. Louis in the van by a low­ ball situation and estimate crowds and plays. o:McCKrtby,rf3 001 tired. Score: ered percentage of noneers whose arms l:ad teemed to be paraljx;-d up to won up to the eighth inning when Cincinnati man­ Goodfell'w,rf4 .6'50, Bro-klyn bein? second with Sarcastic reaches for the enemy come as well 0 2 0 0 0 Lyons, cf..... 3 0 1 1 ST. LOUIS. AB.R.B. P. A. V CLEVELAND. AB.H. B. P. A. X .037, while Cincinnati had pulled up from .592 to .024, the time of the memorable battle now worked like age:! to score, Kobiimm'3 bad throw bring mainly re­ Albert, 3D....3 0 0 2 2 0 White, is.....3 0 0 2 Latham, 3b..4 11010 Slricker, 2b..4 00110 frotn the edge of the promised land as from any­ sponsible for it, and the error practically lost the while tbo Athletics bad lost ground by a lowering of Turkish pirates.while the long-rmigo sharpnhooitrs in Snyilcr, c..... 400' ' * 9" 80- " Undson.p..... 3002 Bx.blnson, 2b4 0 1 3 2 0 McKean, ss.,4 0 0 161 percentage from .634 to .600. Louisville and Cleveland the outtjeld eeized upou tbe missiles of tho inviulera where else. I beseech the sage of Carthago to Athletics the game. However, a little sacrificing on Bakely, p..... 501090 Milligan, c..3 0 0 7 21 O'Neil, If...... 401 0 00 Faatz, lb..... 421 7 10 had also improve I. especially Louisville, as they had and used them to retire tue enemy froui active service sick Parnic, Byrne and the rest, but not to t'Uk the part of Larkin in the ninth, when there were two Total...... 34 1 7 27 18 5| Total...... 30 Comiskoy,lb4 0 I 6 0 0: Hotaling.cf.. 4 1 2 3 00 men on bases, 0 4 27 18 2 advanced from .296 in June to .377 in July. Cincin­ iu one, two, three order. about Cleveland being a weak contributor to the would have won it. Tbe Athletics Cleveland...... 010000000-1 McCarthy, rf3 0 0 1 0 OlGilkn, lf...... 4 0 0 211 nati rallied in cored their solitary run in tho first on Stovey's June, from ten victories out of tweuty- A RIFT IN THE CLOUD. St. Louis...... 00000000 0—O Lyons, cf.....4 1 I 1 0 1 Goodfell'w,rf3 0 0 0 01 two g.imes in June to sixteen victories out of twenty- Association pool when we are drawing more two-bagger, Lyons1 single and McPhee's poor throw Eirned runs Cleveland 1. Two-base hits Mc­ White, ss..... 4 0 2 4 0 liAlbert, 3b....2 0 0 1 00 All the cr.nnoimdiup waa not done by the followers money to our games than Cincinnati or any to tbe plate. Cincinnati lied the score in the eighth three games In July, while St. Louis fell off fr< m of Anpon, howwer. Tiie work of the Wolverines was Kean, O'Neil. Stolen base Holaliug. Hit by pitcher King, p...... 2 21 1 10 1 Snyder, C...... 3 0 0 10 30 sixteen vktiries out of twenty-three games in June Western city. And Cleveland ia not dodging on Carpenter's scratch, Robinson's rnor throw, Fen- AllK-rt. Firit on error* Cleveland 1, St. Luuis 1. Milligan, c..3 0^ 1_ 11 0 0!Bukely, p...... 3 00070 alm<>6t as terrific, and at times it looked aa though to filteen victories out of twenty-seven games in July. eveo the wild de^nir the new tariff by way of big boys' tickets, cigar- nelly's out and Tebeaa's well-placed hit over Larkin's Struck out Faatz, Hutuliug, Albert, Snyder 3, La- Total...... 32 4 9 27 13 3J Total...... of the old veteran fcrcts 31 3 3*25 18 8 But Brooklyn did almost a? poorly, as from fourteen would not save them fioni ultimate stora seal pin £, or any such iiirkkill made a scratch aLd thuui, McCarthy, Ljons, White, Hudson, Milli^ac. Winning run made with one out. defeat. victories out of twenty-four games iu June they fell off Wht-u it was all «.iver, however, tho for the 50-cent tariff iu good faith, and will etaud by cored the winning run on two clean singles by Car­ Umpire Ferguson. Time 1:55 St. Louis...... 11000010 banners of the 1 4 to but twelve out of twenty-three games. Baltimore lnv!idn captured, 2, by King 1. Hit by figure*. but Ansou had lo;t st-veiitvuii, bitter company." Larkin, lb....3 0 0 11 0 0 Baldwin,!-..... 4 0 0 460 errors and the visitors ba'l but twenty-five men at l>at pitcher Goodfellow. Firbt on errors St. tmd bad not the battle Louis 2, endi-d when it Bi4 00301 Corkhill, cf... 4 1 2 S 0 0 In a full nine-inning game. In the second inning Cleveland 2. Struck out By King 9, FirsuSec'd Thi'di Fo'h (Fifth! To.-,. did. defeat mutt surely Lave been the IS ST. LOUIS OUT $8,000 OS THE 8EASOV. by Bakely 6. portion of Ibe Black Gl.osori, «... 4 00030 Carpenter,3b 4 12030 Weyhing hit Davis with a pitched ball, but McTam- Umpire Fergusou. Time 1:50. week [week week; week »eek! i0-1"*- Stocking^. Sir. PrttcharJ and Eddie You der Abe must see Chrii Robinson, c.. 4 0 1 6 4 3 Feuoelly.si.. 4 0 1 0 70 auy forced him out at second aud Townsend caught Ail honor to Hyan, for it w»a he who ftnpped into about my statement as to the Browns being £8,000 be­ Beward, p..... 4 01 0 11 0 Tebeau, If... 301 1 00 the latter In attempting to purloin Bierbaucr's tag. names Played Thursday, Aug. Z. L W W LJW L W the breach, wbeu Baldwin fell and tlie battle jeeaied hind on the season. He is on record here PS to that Poorman,rf..4 0 1^ 2 0 0 Viau, p...... 3 0 0 370 Cline got his base ou balls in tlie fourth, but he also hopele»s!y lost, to win the day. statement, and his opaque ton hud teller leave his Total...... 32 1 6*27 18 5 Total...... 34 2 7 30 24 1 wai nailed at second l>y Townseud. These were the ATHLETIC vs. LOUISVILLE AT PHILADELPHIA Auo. 2. Cincinnati ...... 4 1 ll 1 16 7)23 Never did a captaiu eet a belter exnmple to his fol­ s'a'emeuts abuut imaginative talk to some one else. Winning run made with no one out. only two players of the visiting team who reached Thirteen inniug-i were needed to decide tre game, St. Louis ...... 2 3 2( 1 IS 12127 lowers than know. Aa to my estimate Cincinnati...... 000000010 1 2 In one, two, three order in every inning, and not one Mack's many bad errors tbe Louisville Club wonl-1 Brooklyn ...... SJ 2 3 1 2S work with tbe cimiter incited Ryan, Duffy and Burns of tho Biowna* place iu th« race, I may as Hell warn. Earned runs Cincinnati 1. Two-base hits Stovey. of them WM left on b.ises. Score: have won hands down. He gave the Athletic Club Athlciia ...... 2i 2 to equally great work. Priichard that tho season is young and the BroWds lew Bases stolen Storey, Lyons, Beill.v, Corkhill, Carpen­ ATHLETIC. AB.R.B. P. A.E; KAP. CITY. AB.B. B. P. A.B three of its five runs. Umpire Doeacber failed to ap­ Cleveland...... 2! 2 12 13J25 The trains was the bilk of the town Faturday night strong at Ihe bat than they wuht be. ter, Tebeau. Left on basts Athletic n, Cincinnati 5. Welch, of.... 4 0 0 1 0 0 Ilami1ton,lf..3 0 0 1 00 pear, and tho double-umpire scheme was tried. Baltimore ...... 6 1 9 n!2c and all tUiy Sunday, and wo:d »HH p-is-sed from nmii to Stovey, Hecker and Matlimore were the players selected to Kansas City .... 4 0 man that tbo Chicajfos had brokeo their attack of bat­ THE DISTINCTIVK I'XIFORM inEA. Struck out Stovey, Larkin 2, Gle:isou 2. Robins m, If..... 3 1 1 2 0 0 Cline, rf...... 2 0-0 0 00 Mr. Larnt-r's "very uovel" idea of eign Lyonn.Sb..... act, and they did weil. Gleason scored the winning ting pant])sis nt last. unitorinn { Nicol 2, l'?illy, Baldwin, Tebeau, Viau. Double play 2 1 1 0 0 0 Barkley, 2b..3 0 0 231 not ut.heard of. Alon- in 1882 and 1883 Larkio, lb... run on Wolfs overthrow to first and hit* by Robimon Totals...... 24 24 21 21 23 23 21 2ll 1 itt--burg came do«n upon us Monday and our boyn, it r«ged St-waru, Robin.on, Lyons. First on errors CiLcin- 40080 n 1 Phillips, lb..3 0 0 11 10 broadly, ond in 1883 I think the League clubs .uni­ nati 1. First Bierbaner,2b3 0 1 5 1 0 I>avts.3h...... 2 and Seward. Score: though still suffering from their h«rd work ugrrnst on balls Stovey, Lyi ns 2, Wild pitch 0 0 361 A feature of the j-a^t month's games was the marked formed i oil lions a-) do tho CiucinntUis of this fCHe^u. Gleason, ss.. 4 0 ATHLETIC. AB.R.B. P. A. E| LOUISVILLE. AB.R.B, P. A.E Dftruit, gave them bittle in go< d ntyle. Tbe work of Seward. Umpire Gafln<-y. Time 1:55. 0 1 2 0 McTauia'y.cf 3 0 0 1 00 snccet-s of the Brooklyn team againut St. L; uU aud Cin­ But the oair.o old sccidtnis'and changes went on in BALTIMORE Townsend, c 4 0 0 7 3 Welch, cf.....O 0 2 S 0 0'Slack, 2b..... 5 1 1 3 65 our bat-smeo was everything that could 1'ave btea vs. ST. l.ocis AT BALTIMORE JULY 28. OjE*trnl«r, M.. 8 0 0 0 40 cinnati, and their equally marked failure tha taniu ol'i way, and after a thort time the idea was Both King and Weyhing. p4 12 1 8 0;Brennan,c... Stovey, If..... 5 2 0 1 0 OjColliue, lf...... 6 2 2 310 against askall and each was effective, but iho home tpam played with Poornian, rf..4 1 1 2 0 0 Sullivan, P..300 2 50 Lyons, 3b.....5 1124 l;Wolf, ss...... C 02311 mnks of t'if Pittibiirg triiie for the ten they «ave us Larkin, lb._.C 0 1 IS 0 ljBro»;ning,cf St. Louis In June and July they won teven, and out of in return, but game as a clerk fur a hotel, though t herb's KB much more spirit ttian usual and won the game, though the Total...... 32 4 6 5 0 1 6 00 nf our skirmishers Ryan and Sullivan 27 14 ol Total...... 25 0 0 27 20 3 Biertiauer,lih ten with Cincinnati they won -even; while out of six were weik, and under difference between tl.em a« (litre can be. The ucyre visitors did the beat with the stick, Smith was lather Athletic...... 6 0 1 1 5 HKerins.if..... 5 0 0 100 cnverof the n.i«li-cc:c! cross­ 00021010 0-4 Glraion, ss... 6 1 1 1 2 0 : Andrcw*, tames with (.levelatid dining Juuc and July they lost fire of Lieu'.eiiHiit Pft-ftVr cards are nut kept a-j clear or correctly o,s they sh »tild wild, but he WHS supported in fine style. Score: Kaunas City...... 00000000 Ib5 0 U 13 00 the iu%aders scoied the 0 0 Robinson, c.. G (I 1 14 3 li Werrick, 3b.. 5 0 0 301 three and out of s^ven with KanflAS City they lost point-* that won the battle. be by the clnU<, aud at tiie nu*t meeting t.f the .-\nso- BALTO- AB.R. B. P. A. 11 ST. LOUIS. AB.R. B. P. A. E Earned runs Athletic 2. Two-base hit Wejhing, Sownrd, p.... 4 0 1 0 14 Ol Vaugbn, three. While St. Louis runs u;> their average against Tuesday's gume was interrupted by rain c'atiou a law to keep them in better trim shouUI be Burns, 3b..... 3 1 1 2 3 0 Lathanj, 3I...5 0 1 3 31 Three-base hits itovey, Weyhluif. Total base c... 500 7 41 fust KS Ar­ hits- Poormnn.rf.. 4 1 2 2 0 ll Ewing, p.....5 the tail-euder*, Brooklyn offsets noteworthy victories son's batsmen seemed to ims-tt^l (ind adtiured to. And every club should have Tr«tt, rf...... 4 1 1 1 0 0 BoMiimn, 2b3 0 0 1 21 Athletic 11. Bines stolen Stovey 2, Lyots, Poorman 1 0 071 be *olviti£ tbo niyste y of over tlte leaders by com spending defeats with the Calvin's curv(-K, »mi had the tlemeiits upou its ground* facing th« t-tands a Urge ei^u bo-.rd Griffin, cf.....4 1 0 3 0 0 O'Neill, If....5 0 1 1 00 2. Left on bases Athletic 5. Struck out Lyons, Total...... 50 51039 28 5! Total...... 47 4 6 39 18 9 proved i:ivor- lower class teams. Augu.-t's games will be watched ab!o there 18 htttodoubt but on which five minutes be ore iho gune begi'.s the Farrell, 2b... 41214 OlComiskey.lbS 1 0 10 02 Bicrbaner, Towiavnd, C'llne, Barklej, Thillips, Sulli­ Athktic..... 101000011000 1 5 thai tiie Blocks would huve LouUville.. with keen interest by tho Brooklyn, Athletic, Cincin­ added another to their list of victories. narnps of tlio men in the g^me and their positions Tucker, lb.... 2 0 0 8 1 0 McCary, rf,p3 0 3 120 vau 3. Doubly plays ilrennan, Pavis; Berkley (un- 000030100000 0 4 Bhould be Earned runs Athletic nati and St. Louis magnates. displayed. And changes ID the team should GoUeby, If... 4 0 2 3 0 0 Lyoui, ct...... 4 0 0 4 00 Sfcsitited). First on errors Athletic '2. First on balls 2. Two-base hits Larkin, CONGRATULATING NKW YOttK. bring changes on tvie board. Pooru;an, Wolf. Tlwee-bftse hits Lvons, Such an nrrattuement fiomruer, ss.,4 0 0 2 1 0 White, si..... 4 1 1 1 41 Stovey, Lyons, Cline. Hit by pitcher Lyons, Da- Poorman. Indianapolis closes the week and (he preset home could be made Total lane hits Athletic fot f2'», aud while it might not inertase Fulmer, C.....4 0 0 7 1 2 ! Boy!o, c...... 4 0 0 6 20 vis. Wild pitches Sullivan 2. Umpire Gafiuey. 1C, Louisville 7. Stolen fcrit fl in Cnicago, and whether or not they will repeat the s-ile ol' score cards it «t-nl hauM Wtlch 2, Stovey 2, Glea«on, DETERMIN^DETROIT. 1 increase the coir.foit of "mith, p...... 4 2 0 0 4 0|Klujr, p, rf... 2 1 2 0 40 Time l:3i). Seward, Wolf. tho tnmncing tiioy £:ive u* at tiiy Horsier c;tpit:il re­ the I'atroae of ti'e gamp. T.iia eternal Left on Lases Athletic 11, Louisville 9. cry of: "Ifr-re Total...... 33 tt 6 27 14 2| Total...... 33 3 8 27 17 5 BALTIMORE vs. LOUISVILLE AT BALTIMORE JULV 31. Stiuck out mains to be seen. Chicago, by (he way, has a wonderful yar score cards; canitelleuiwiihoutcni," Stovry, Gleason, Seward, Mack In Second Place, But Coitflclent of Again always ha* Baltimore...... 21000120 0 6 Tlie visitors could do nothing witli Smith, while 4, Browning 2, Ker- amount of respect for the Hoos'*-r*. Not ouly ditt they s.ruck me its < ne of tho email ins, Andrews 3, Wei lick, Vallgbu, Coming Out buuko games to whiclj Bt. Louis...... 00010000 2 3 Hecker waa batted fieely after tho sixth inning, and Ewing. Double at the Top of tlie Heap- teach us how tj p'» y the little gauio of weaieall CvUtributuis. Earned runs Baltimore 4, St. Louis home wretched errors were made behind hfm. kartell play C'ollii.s, Vai:ghii. First on errors Athletic 4, News ami Gossip. "Tit, tat, toe, 2. Two-bate CINCINNATI SAID TO HAVE T.EAGVK LEAHING3 hits Gfldsby, McCarthy. Three-base hlh Burns, was taken sick iu ihe fourth inning and Summer took Louisville 4. First on balls Stovey, Lyons, Seward 2, Three iu a row," DKTKOIT, Aug 1. Editor STORTIXG LIKE: And so "iirither" King. Total base hits Uiiltimore 9, St. Louis Kll. his place, Cuniz going feinuht fiild. Score: Mack, Browning, Kerin*, Andrews, Werrick. Hit by but at this writing the probab litiei are excellent f>r Stent, with his wealth of lineage^ pitcher Welch. Wild pitches Wo don't exactly knoy? whether a mule kicked wardrobe aud tlmt efTervcfitont material of which Double plays Farrell, Tucker, Sotnmor; Boylo, BALTO. AUB.B. P. A. E LOUISVILLE. AB.B. B. P. A.E ocward 1. Ewing 1. th' ir aui jeciing IJetroit to a eiuiilar course of met ruc­ Gim- George Tebcaa tek«v; Latham (urm solve Cun- tho worla's champions al*o of that year b«iiij; n't know, he EHJH, but I met uu ex-baso At any rate when we extricated ourselves from ball Cincinna'idii a Boyle. Umpire Doescher. Tim*- 2h. Tucker, lb... 5 0280 O.Kerim, rf... 3 11101 niutthani's curves, while Sullivan was batted freely, knocked out of firat pltica ty Sp^-ucfa'a team. Verily, day or t\vo ago who swore to me the debris and scraped tho dust and splinters by his btard tbnt he did knew CLEVELAND vs. LOUISVILLE AT CLEVELAND JULY G( U«by, If... 4 1 3 3 0 0|Andre»-s,lb..2 0 0 800 and tho home team won with ease. Score: off It ia tough. and that Stern wiw teoing 28. to jump. But The home (earn us..... 4 01050 McTainuy.cf 4 01001 League race and that Manhattan Island threat­ How the buys iu the other metropolis mu-*t b^> re­ in the League for Mr. Griffin, rf..... 4 22100 Hamilton, Stein. He is IK! in the right position for Iho L^n^ue, error, and in the face of the terrific batting tbe infield Fulmer, c..... 3 1 0 7 0 0 C>ok, c...... '2 0 0 601 If 4 0 0 0 00 ened to break away from its moorings and float joicing about now. Wol!, I for one am «!(ul to ce? tho GieenwM,2bo 32030 Divis, lib..... 4 00120 which ia »t nredfnt the upper dog iu tho scrimmage, of tbe Louisville team went to piece-. Score: Sini!h, p...... 3 1^1 0 5 Oi Total...... 28 a 3 27 20 6 out into the occnu. Thf?re IB no g'KiiuK Giants iu tho lead.atd there are liiintie'.'s ot C'hi- Tucker, II:.... 6 2 3 14 1 0 Itarklry, 20..4 2 2 330 around the and id looking to better ii8 |>o iti n at the expfiino of CLEVT. LAND. AB.R. R. P. A.EILOVISVILLE. AH. R. B. P. A. E Tofcil...... 38 71327 1C II fttct that the Hoo-iere cagonu-j who will clvdly join me in cou^fHtuUtin g Goldsly, lf....4 1 2 1 0 0 Phillii*, lb..4 0 0 13 pLiyeU thrt'o iim»rka''lo tunnies the Aesocitiiion. If theic in an Association addition to Stricker, 2&.. 5 2 1 3 1 UjMack, 2h...... 4 0 1 5 20 Baltimore...... 00 of ba.ll Biutrie, Kwing, Cvimor, Welch, ICeefe, (^t-nirke, 0 0000013 3 7 Sommur, rf..4 0030 (I Cline, rf...... 4 here, ami a coniiuuHiice of t a' surt of plnjing the League it will bo r.n tniirely novel aiid unex­ McKean, K..5 1207 C lirowiilug.cf 4 01101 Ixmisville...... 0 2000000 00300 ui!I make trouble Whitney, aud the rest of the manly, Imrd working 0 2 Shiudle, Sb..5 01031 Eilerdny, us.. 2 all wlong ttto Hue. Th<> f.ict that pected on**. I do not mean to hiiit that Cleveland will raatz.lt>...... 4 1 2 10 0 o|Wolf, fs...... 4 12121 Earned runs Baltimore 1. Louisville 1. Two-base 20241 Iixlinrapulia wink wtiuld Albert, 3b.....5'"'2 0 1 0 OS.ratton, p....4 0 Baltimore...... 20113100 2 10 the past 25 or 30 painoa tho te«ni Ims plased, and ho declare a7«in that' I am no advocate of Sunday 1 071 Tucker; Wolf (uiiiisaistud); Wolf, Mack, Andrew*; for the Giants. I'll" niea from I ml innate! id ba*e bull, though I tuil*t fttlmitthiit us play CM! Snyder, 0 OjOock, C...... 3 00731 Kansas City...... 0.01200001 4 may w< H feel proud of tut- hoiio.s that have crowded here it U C.....5 100 Collins, Cook. Bases on bulls Off Smith 5, Hecker 2. outl-atted, Out!!elded and ontiati the chain; ion*, wiiielt vastly to th>3 financial protit of the Cleveland Club. Bakely, p..... 3 1 0 4 4 0, Vaughn.lf... 3 0 0 000 Hit by pitcher Mack. First on errors Baltimore 1, Eaniedruiis Baltimore 6. Two-base hits Tucker, will porftapa tie accepto-l as ihe cause lor ih« three dc- eo thick »:itt fu-:t upon him. * Total...... 4212 f327 12 0, Total...... 33 1 6 27 1910 Louisville 1. Struck out By Smith 5, Hecker 4. Cnni.ingham, Greenwood 2. Home run Tucker. fvilla. The WolverintB couldn't bit ttio fall a little Uif, "If Chicago docy nut Ufco the cltampionship,"' said CLKVer.ANI) CLUB NEWS. Cleveland...... 20010510 3 12 Passed ball Fulmer. Wild pitch flecker. Umpire Stolen bases Giilfin, Gieenwood, Ciolduby, Es'eiiluy 2, nnd tieldttlin a very duveiilv itiiiuncr. Littlo filc- Presit'ent t pa'ding t(> me the other day, "I look to nee Tlie Clfvo'and Club is doiug quite well financially Loiiierille...... Uoeschor. Time 1:50. First on balU OfT Cuuniiigham 2, off Sul!ivan 4. Gt-av-hy uut speak ilispar«giogly of nnd artistically at this time. Each Sunday ^ttme at 000100000 1 \vin- l»«-troir, Earned run Cleveland 5, Louisville 1. Two-base CLEVELAND vs. ST. Louis AT CLEVELAND JULY 31. Hit by pitcher Eeterday. Flint ou errors Baltimore uing runs in two of th« parties, mid he aUo pltiyoJ understood, but it will bo dimVult, indeed, for Geaii{;a Lak« turiiS In SI.000 i-r so, the week-day aver­ ttuy hit* Fantz, Iliitalinr, Oilk". Time-lube hits Wolf The ho:ne team won with tne greatest ta^o by ham­ 2, Kansas City 1. Struck out By Cunntnguam 4, bv niAKiiilicttitly in the fold. It uow i^iimins fur tho L'tll t fiiu iu evisteuoe to he^id the New Yci'k team age crowd ii I,0o0, aud tho team ia playing a* good t. Tolul bas^ hits Cleveland 10, Louisville 10. First mering Hudtou at will. Tbe Brawns plsiyed loosely Snllivan 4. Passed balls Canlz 1, Brennnii 3. Wild HoosftT* (" give the New Yorks ilirjo etruight, and if it continue* to play the ball it iu putting up at bull as any in tho AsKcciulioti. McGlone ha-» been I«W on lialts By Biikely 1 , by Stnilt.n 1. Hit by pitcher in the field, and were ineffective with tho bat at criti­ pitches Cnnningliam 2, Sullivan 1. Umpire Gaff- thc-n it will luive done ^onitthing to l>e proud of. Al­ prest»t.M off and Ali'ei t is at third and doing well. Bakely aud F»«tz. Firat on "eirore Cleveland 5. Struck out cal moments. Score: ney. Timo 2:05. though ChoGiant-4 arc I wo gamrH ahead of us, there is EXiOGKRATED RKPORTS OF BISSKNSIO-VS. O'Brien and Zimmer and fclnydirare doing superb Giok, Andrews, Bakelv, Faiit/., Goo-ifellow, Pnyder. CLEVELAND. AB.H.B. P. A.« ST. LOUIS. AB.R. B. P. A.I NOTE. The Cleveland-Cincinnati game was post­ no great unensinc-a in this vicinity. We tiuip'y lay lleanwhiie, how is Chicago furin^;? battery work, aud, barriiip: a tendency to sta:gt-r in its hitting, Pas.ed ball Sinder. \Vild pitch Strattun. Umpire Stricker. 2b..4 11310 Latbam, 3b..4 00242 poned on account of the races and will be. played bore- back und a\v»it tbe tumble which it fs believed the Only to-so, thank you. t see t!io Alarmist has Iieen the 1 cam's work has ln-en very fine. Tuoi Ft rgnson. Time li.lj. McKean, se_5 1 2 2 C 0 Robinson, 2b5 0 1 3 20 after In Cincinnati. New York* will sooner or la'i-r take. Jint nbotit th:it getting in his \vork from Miventl pttints «gain-t the Lcftua stirkfi t.> the bench aod has mado MrKeaii cap­ BROOKLYN vs. KANSAS CITY AT BROOKLYN JULY 28. Faatz lb..... 423 8 1 0 O'Neil, If...... 3 0 1 000 time the Wolvfriuea will climb to the tup uni stay Hp-ildiiiff uggrettition. One IUHU draws an beruic tain. Faat/ and he are doiug some lino coaching, and pic­ when, The IIOUIH team hit Sulltvan harJ ftom the start, llotallng,cf..4 0110 OjComiskey, 11)4 1 1 12 10 Games Played Friday, Ang. 3. there. That1.* the way «o feel about it hi-re. ture ofiisofuc between An»,;ii and Senator It^an in to-morrow, Jlogan und Kd KuoutT gi't in from while the visitor* could do nothing with Foutz, and Gilks, lf...... 4 --221 - o OMcUuthy, rf3 1 2 2 00 ATHLETIC The Detroit Club it* ID a rather ua^ettlol condition the homo club hoiibe with Ed \Villtnmson Hot Springs mid get to playiag, the present good work vs. LOUISVILLE AT PHILADELPHIA Auo. 3. aesum- ought barely escajel a whi ewa*;h, Duv^s (--coring the only Goodf»ll'w,rf4 12000 Lyons, cf..... 4 01111 llecke-r's deliveiy wai latud all over the field, at present. Jjart-cqu*,', the Lynn pbtyer, lieral'k-d by ing the rule of p-j.icniuiker. Koiiseuse. Anson, I be­ to be itnproveJ. run o'n his double and Uukhoiig'i* wild throw over first: Albert, 3b....4 0 0 4 OOWhite.es_.400 022 while Weyhing kept the visitors down to three scat­ Bos'clique as a great bull t<-»sfr, canxi on und made u lieve, told Jimmy after Thursday's gaiuo with Detroit now riicHfiii cni;BRR WAS inssr.n. BOOKI.YN. A».R.». P. A.C HAS. CITY. AB. R. B. P. A E Zimmer, c.... 4 0 0 7 2 2 Hud*on,p..... 2 0 2 240 tering hits. Stuvey rni the Wo have bet'U re-aching out fyr a fomih iiitclter. Pincl.ney,3b4 0 0 0 0 0 Cline, rf...... 3 0 1 0 00 O'Brim, p... 4 1 2171 Boyle, c...... 3 01541 Lyons ft home run and two singles, Welch and Glea­ GubXttl was returned t<» tbe bas.1 and playa it to the outfield, find Jimmy, coii'tciouH of tlifl fact that he li;«d Charles 15.,hn didn't want the job und went to Saa- OTlrieu. If... 5 1200 i;McTama'y,cf4 00600 Total...... 37 81327 17 3 Total...... 32 2 9 27 18 G son tach three singles, and Poormari a single and a Quct'n'd tast'1. l^'trticquo claims that ttia outfield is done his U'st, sasted the old man qui'.e pert like. du>ky, itnd thero have boon a dozen nets thread to get Cam, hers, r'3 333 10 Tarklev, 2b.. 400 1 20 Cleveland...... 00010025 0-8 double. Weybing was given fi.-ie support nil nrounl. his bobt bold and he will bo givoii a trial thore. This Then Anse pot hot nnd gave Kvan an impromptu but the rislit man. One of the nets is drugging y«t and Fuiit/, p...... 5 1 1 0 10 0 I'hillipn.lb... 4 0 0 11 00 St. Louis...... 01000108 0—2 The Athletics plaved an errorless game for eight inn- of c-iurne, w«aki-i s the t-.nni bt-liinou di*- at a later (lay I thall bo able to loll you a readable Orr, lb...... 4 0 1 9 0 0 Davis. 3h.....4 1 2 210 Earned rnus Cleveland 5, St. Louis 1. Two-base Ings. In the ninth, however, Larkin madeawi.d nett'a liflnd-< are in bail frhnpe, nnd Sutcliffe is the oiily HUaleiily remarked, "Oh, shut up, C^.p; fur ChrbtnW tt ry of how au Eastern pitcher worked eiphtorteu Smith, S3. ...4 0 1 1 4 l|Dou<.liu?,ir,c3 0 1 110 hits McKean, Giiks, O'Neil, IlobiiifOU. McCarthy. throw, which er.or gave the Louisvilles their only niu: catcher we have f» fall b«ck en. Dlroctor Stonriis in, sake, ehut up,'1 und thus die'.v tbe old man's wiiith clubs one against another. Tin; libcMc'ttt deal waj one H«df.,rd, if.. 4 2210 O.E-'ord..)-, s*.. 3 01032 Three-bapo hits Faatz, Stricker, Coroickey. Bases ATHLETIC. AB.R.B. P. A. E LOUISVILLE. AII.R. B. P. A.E bouert-r, hustling fur an outfit Itlor and a catcher and from Jimmy tuwu'vl timsulf, with the result that the by which Detroit was to huve seciircd Grult<.-r'B club Burdock, 2b4 0131 0|T!renl>an,c.lf 3 00302 stolen Faatz, Hotaliup, Albeit, Latham, McCarthy, Welch, cf....5 23 2 00 Muck, 21...... 3 11432 will without doubt BOOH till tlie gap. only ancient forget all about Kjau aud tho hitter's and Intone iclease HIM! turned him over to us. i got Boshong, c.. 4 1 1 10 21 Sullivan, p... 300 0 40 L\on§ 2, lltidrou. Double plajs McKt-an, Albert; Stovey, If..... 5 2210 o'OIIii.s, If..... 3 00 5 no Sum Thompson surf-rifled evervbo*'y by going out to costly error. M»'?srs. >t :rs rns and Rol-i.-ou together 0:1 t!iis biitiimss Total...... 37 81^27 18 3| Total...... 31 1 5 24 11 4 Lyons, Comieke} ; Boyle, Comibkev; I.athani, Ilobin- Lyons, 3b...... 5 1 3 0 2 (II Wolf, (S...... 4 0 0 062 the park thia morning m»d throwing ue veil us ha Then some fellow comes out niiil says Pfeffer has ut Detroit la*t wtt-k, and the deal wad mi thf edge "f Kansiw City...... 00001000 0 I son, tomiskey. First on halls o'itrieu 5, Hud*ou 1. Lurkiu, lb... 3 1 0 10 0 llBr»wi.lnjr,cr4 0 0 1 00 ever did. Having 6lK>\vn that he could play ball his been fined $10 forciirpfd inftulU work, and has got an couipleiiou when Lady Baldwin made one of his j eri- 2-~>klyu...... 30100112 x 8 Firnt on errors Cleveland 2, St. Louis 1. Struck out Bierbauer,2b5 2 1 7 3 OiKerius, rf_... 3 0 0 100 pay in full wag given him und he will go on next Sat­ attack of the sulks in cou-eqiif nee. odical broak-dow n«, nnd 0:1 Tuesday the offer on Gru- Earned n,;:* ErooSlvn 5, Ransis City 1. First on By O'Brien C, by Hudson 3. ruN.il bulIs Zimmer Cllrason, If ... 6 0 3 1 2 0|Audrews,lb..3 0 0 12 10 urday. A crunk composed the following aueui the Now this is not ri^ht. Jitntny Ityan has made some bcc «HS ^ itltdrnwn. Tough! I I'd (test not lo rest aud balls I'inckney, Can..'"" - Hit by_ pitcher Ca- 2, Boyb 1. Umpire Fergueon. Time l:.v>. Townscnd,c..5 1 0 6 2 0; Werrick, 3b.. 1 0 0 042 awful dieHSt"r: very ba<\ break* iu tlie ctritre tic'd, KIK! yet ho haa off­ wobble cu these lit lie niitierfl. set them witli somo of nitliera, Cline. First ou errors Broo«i.>Vi '2, h»nsas BROOKLYN vs. CIKCINXATI AT BKOOKLY.N JULY 31. WeyhinK, p.. 5 1116 O^Hecker, p..... 3 01130 "Tho windy city base ball {lie pjvttUMt wortc ever SIH-U in A PKCITMAR PLAV AND DECIStOH. club any outfield. City 1. Struck out O'Brien, Burdock, Bushong, Tula "'?> a pitchor's battle, in which Elmer Smith Poorman, rf.. 5 3 2 0 0 OiCook, c...... 3 0 1 320 Ha" writ and gab find gall; Po with J'feflVr. Through his monkey Unipiio rergi;s"ii made a peculiar decision in loat business ixud circus work around Btiklov, Phillips 2. Donohne, Bionnnn, Esterday, Sul­ carried off,-all honor*. ;- ho koi't the home team's few Total...... 431315 27 14 l| Total...... 27 1 3 27 19 6 Tbo Wolveriru-H have nerve aud pluck, ecc<>nd Frfrt iuis let Monday's jaiir- whicii Cleveland won from St. Louis. many a man to his ba«', and although through livan. Pa-si d balls Doiiohue 2. Wild pitclns Sul- hits «o Well scattered that they we::1 ! * able to score Athletic...... 00161122 0 13 And etern tll.y twipo tho ball. Joss of 1 to 0. Tlio ojtly run canio in the second inning when Louisville...... teiuj>er he ban given am*u tor aoine harsh Pete IfntiUirg bit over third aud fbturted to steal (j hit Stovey. Home runs Siovey, he readies tlio boundmy line of toleracce. Until Fc-ivrgon crossed and got it in tlie neck. Tbe ball pitch, a It kn-ck.s the leader^ all to h 11 Pfeffer obtnin.i the inahtery BROOKLYN vs. CINCINNATI AT BIIOOKLYN JULY 29. three-bagger by O'Conner and Smith's sacrifice. They Lyots. Total hw gr'ja* rf4 0 0 1 00 on balls Lurkin, Collinp, Werriok 2. Hit by pitcher his repiitr,""". They have hurt Fred Dun Nip; they O'Brien, If... 4 0 0 2 0 0: McPhce, 2b.. 5 0 0 130 Keenan, c.,.4 0061 l;Font2, p...... 4 00061 Larkio, Muck. fintliy weakeoed. Lynch has backbone, if his voice ST. I.OITIS AFTER ED CTUXE. Passed ball Cook. Umpire Gold­ have injure*! George C,">; they have retarded tlte «<1- Cnrulhm, p4 I 1 0 8 l! lieilly, lb. _ 401 910 OrkMIl, cf..4 0010 n Orr, lb...... 3 0 1 14 00 smith. Time 1:45. Id weak, Tin- St. Loui* Hrowits have liopi.3 of fiacrrina; Ed F,.u(z,rf...... 4 1 0 0 0 0 'Baldwin, c... 3 0 0 4 03 CariKiub-r,3b4 1010 0 Smith, us..... 3 00061 BROOKLYN vs. ST. Louis AT BROOKLYN Auo. 3. St. Glatwcock and Kst<*rbn>ok acted Hko a connle of vancement of MuHann and Lattmm, r.::'! !"< ruined Crane frc:» th'J New York-. An -iKcr «aa made for Orr, lb...... 3 0 1 14 0 0 Corkhill, ct. ..4 0 0 220 Fcunelly,«8..2 0 0 0 4 OIRadford. cf..3 0 1 200 Louis won by bunchiug their hit-i. Two bases on tougbs during the gam** lit-re. Glasscock iuduiged ID f«overnl ball placers whoso names ha\o now a f most him l«foro iiii grr.:it gaui* «sn: n»t Hill idel|>hi i. After Smith, M..... 3 0 0 1 ft 1 Carnenlcr,3b4 11011 0'C',nncr,lf..4 1210 llBnrdi«k,2t>..3 00 1 10 loud profanity on the field, yelled at J'etroit fielders been furifi-tton in base InII circles. it John 1!. Dny "wired bails in tlio fifth inning, followed by Comiskey's home However, Vmi ,J.*f Ahe that Crane would McC'lollnn.cfa 0 0 2 0 l.F<.uuellr,M..3 1 0 422 Smith, p...... 3 0 0 1 4 fl|l)U!honj:, C..300 443 run, gave St. Louii tbreo runs. Itobinton's three- in order to mMcad tlit-m, und conducted himself in a without attempting to moralize further, I not bo reloised. Since that ho ii^ hail some hard livtrdock 2b..3 22 3 will p«y that there- 1^ ftb#ylutely m> foundntioc for 60 Tehean, If... 300 4 00 Total...... 32 3 4 27 13 5| Total...... 31 0 4" 27 17 5 bagger In the tenth Inning and O'Neil's fly to McClel- diHKtistlug manner. Ksterbivok ran into Urouthenj luck htid negotiations live a~aiti gcjn^ ou. }f« wants B'ishoiig,c...3 1 2 4 1 0 Mnllii!ie,p....3 0 1 0 21 lau won the game. while tho latter w«s trying to catch a fly ball. Their chargAs'of discord among tbo Chicago plaj ers at p' cs- t-> go vitlt SitCartliy hii'l Cincinnati...... 00002100 0 3 Score: eut. The/y feel hot and dwf,'ti«t*rd at thegerirstif de­ llo'-'luson, ami once out of ti Totl.1...... 31 5 8 27 19 3 Total...... 33 2 3 24 11 7 BROoKI.tN. AT.R. B. P. A.E! ST. LOUIS. AB.R.B. P. A. K conduct see me to bo couiagions, for evv-n the quiet teani whiro there are r.itch'.Vf enough to prcvi-nl Brooklyn...... 00000000 0 0 feats they have met with, to be Mire. Would they be him Dnx>klyn...... 00210021 x 0 Two-base hits O'Coniier. Orr. Three-base hit Piuckni v, 3ho 1110 OjLaiham, 8b.. 4 11010 Batvett tried to prevent t-u;c iffe throwing to second doing great, work and |.!euty of it i'rane voul.l IV' the Cit.cinnali...... 00001010 O'Biicu.'lf... 6 2310 O.ltobiiKOU, by swinging hU but up and down. men and bull players if they did not fed so? While fame 0 2 O'Conner. Daws s olen-Nicol V!, Ueilly, I'inckney. 2b4 21 4 60 Ityan and s'lcsi-m us he wa« with th« Tor.'iitos o! 15SS. Tho Earned run Brooklyn. Two-ba-c hit Orr. Thrce- Carnlh»r», p6 1 2 M>tiiflg*r Spruce cnutradicted the etory tliat Boyle Pfe.rtV-r are pcrhKjw a little leaa tnictitl le Doable play McPhto. Keilly. Firjt on bulls Slcol, 2 6 0 O'Niil. If..... 4 2 1 2 00 than other members briso hils Piiiaui f it is dollar^ lb cents Fennelly 2. Firnt ou eirors Uim-inutitl 3, Brooklyn 0 1 11 1 OComiakcy.lbS 2 2 12 01 that they lu'iv. .^ifford Me^t i*ftpr '/.<-\*. < f Alle::town, and found I'.rookljn II, Cincinnati 5. Double ubivs Smith, Smilh, SS...... 6 them. Ho ami Hoy le are on good terms and ho IB will each do all in thtir power towunl tho ami lit ng!it l:a<;l; Sterling. 2. Struck out McPh*t, Bellly. Oarpcnlrr, Fennelly, 0023 ij JUCiirthy, rf4 0 1 4 00 team's sttc^t^n eo long as they wear fts ui.iform. !!< was tried on Boyle and Burdock, Orr; Corkhill, Fennelly. Ba*e< on ball-* McClsllin.rf 4 0 1 4 0 OlLjcns, cf.....3 0 0 0 00 perfectly satisfied with Harry's work. Milii^'&u, W!MI decliiro thtvt ho bail no curve*, Pinckney, O'Brien, O. Smitb. Passed bulls liushong Enough, therefore, of these unfor.!;di;d ehargea of di*- and Pinckney, Foutz, McC'hllan, 1! niock. Hit by pitcher Radford, c(.4 0 0 2 0 0; Whllf, 9S.....4 0 0 0 GrutK-r U !o bo pitcbotl regularly with Cotiway aud shiiHiud homw without fjo'ng into a 2. Wild pitch Foutz. Umpire HcQiuul. Time 1:40. 31 en-ioitfl and ri«:*9 purports. There 11 &o (:it.me. The Olere- Bnahonc. Fir.it on errors Hrooklyn 3, Cincinnati Burdock, 2t>4 0 0 2 6 OjMilligan, c... 4 0 0 711 Get»iu ben-after. roora fur htndcf are not as ea-y as t'ley 'M'^d t': t>e, HIM' tin's 8ucb UMiong the (Jbicri^o players at pr> s^-nt. in t. Struck out O'Brien, Smith, Itcilly 2, Baldwin, Garner Played Wednesday, Aug. I. Bmhong.c... 3 2 1^ 6 2 0 King, p...... 4 0 0 170 Camp an mado bis first error in Monday's game. no IcuKer a to-ra i'j which new m;it"rh! can be tried. It can Cariwnti-r. Pa«s>-d bull Uildwii-. Wild pitches BROOKLYN v». CIXCIXXATI AT HHOOKLVX Avo. 1. Total ..... 40 6 9 30 16 1| Total...... 36 7 6 30 17 3 bo set down as about certain that U.ildxvlu THE ATSTKALIAN TRIP. XOTLS, x::ws ASH roMJirNis. Mullanc 3, Ctnithers 1. Cmjiiies McQuaid and llol- Carutbers pitched one of the games thnt made him Brooklyn...... 003300000 0-6 will do DO more pitching fur Detroit. MAT. Leigh Lynch got back Irotn California this m->rntn« BIIIv Crow-ell li her'/ ar..| as yet inieiiaagcd. biM-r. Time 1:45. famous oft a member of the St. I":ro( t, is in town. Pan In a Cn:vi:i.ANi) vs. ST. Louin AT CLEVELAND JULY 29. home team easily won a game from the Cincinnati Earner! runs Brooklyn 5, St. Louis 7. Two-base Opposition to .Sunday Gamea at Lit lift. datts for the AutitntliAii teum at 'Frisco iour piaie? victim to ilie eraziO't kind of a CIM/.;> aHer t:vfttlDg The l.'1'.'VL-lund Club lost to th(; Browns by unlucky Club. On the other baud Viau waa bit rather fre­ hiu O'lirleu. Caruthers, Latnaro. Three-base hits- LIMA, 0., August 1. Yesterday afternoon B.C. Fan- and «ls> ul Denver and Salt Luke City. lie mijs that i IHTS'J-?, and declares trottir.g to be t'.c fa-ste^t sport oo Mt!in£ tiud a bud first inning. Alberl's work nt ti'i-d quently. Score: Robinson, Foutz. Home run Comfckoy. First on rot, owner of the park leased by tlie Lima Httse Bill tho Itojn w-ill IKT well received and duly ht/ii*n'*'l at c«rth. win i-rilliant. Ferguson '1:111 ireJ \ory poorly and tbe C1XCIX. AB.lt.J. P. A.I IttlOOKlYN. AB.R.B. P. A. C balli Bmbonp, Latham, Robkwn, O'Neil. Base* Association, nerved notlcei ou Alanagi r W. U. KHT- each point aiid Ui'it no far as he t of liis deci.-ioiis: I, r(...... 4 01000 PiorKue.f.SbS 10300 oitn O'Brton, Caruthen, Smith. FInt on errors ringtcn, Preaiut'tit ilahaflyy aud tbo entire board of b-i « big attendwnco at all the gumeB arranged f''r. ting i.T tl'.e «:IU;OT> of 1£S? no"'. The [.iteherj hre get­ 6T. LOt'IR. AB.R.B. P. A. E|CL«M'LA\D.AB.R. B. P. A. E Mcl'ho.),2u... 3 1 0 1 2 0 0'3iiin.'lf... 3 3 1 1 00 Brooklyn 2, St. Louis 1. Struck out Smith 3, Coml-!- dirt'Clore, that after th*i duto DO Sunday ganros of ball " 'Friwo pwpirt are cru/.j to sec AUKOU," fM'J JTr. ting lliere.aiul the lines cf try map are beci.niing mor» , 31... 2 2 1 2 0 OSIrii-Xi-r, 2U.4 01210 B(il!v,H'.....4 1 1 11 0 fl <.Vnlher«, p4 0 0 131 key 3, McCarthy, White 2, King. l'a«od ball Milli­ must be played ou the grousids. This move on tho Lytich. It has NK-I, yentb t-fnco tbo oIO nmn ha-= TIS- Kubliilun.2b3 2 0 3 2 li.VrKtnn,, SB..4 01131 Baldwin, c... 4 0 1 S 0 l|Fo;:U,rf...... 6 0 1 110 gan. Urcpire FerguB'.'U Time 1:00. part of Mr. Fiiurut is tlie cultuioatiou of tlie bit^ct/war- iied tl'.o coaH aud tb-'i younter 6«-n^ruti«.n of ttv« b-:M If nci-id oi:e wfil !cU :i ir.fTv'flnK an.1 very >iuc!i In- O'Seil, If..... 4 1 Z 2 0 0>'ufltf, U...... 4 I 0 12 10 Ourkh!!!, cf.4 0 1 6 1 l|0:r, IK...... 5 0 S 10 00 CINCINNATI v». CI.EILLASD AT CINCINNATI Ana. 3. fitie made up >n Sunday ball by the local press. A re­ enthtwfa^tshave, of couive, never BWTI him. I wtult I Itren't'l puUi; what Mil:.' Kill)- isn't ijc.!ng lo do nexl Gittiiice-r.lul 1 1 8 0 Oii(»tnl!us», cf..3 fl 0 1 00 Cnrpcnfer.SbS 0018 l^mlth. U.....S 1 2 1 The first five UlUrs in the Cincinnati team to face porter iurernev.f.l Sir. Malriflby, but ho was not pre- had kept u*. on the inqi-irfc^ thnt wore rirrd at mo "inter, he will do a great i!cal. Answers (ike "keop Mi-C'artlii-,tf4 1 1 1 1 O'CilX If...... 4 2 2 1 10 Fenuelly,»>..3 0 (I 0 2 1'rdfurd, cf..3 2 1 2 O'Biien hit nfely Ic the opening inning, but only two pttied to *ay u bother they would continue Sunday cor.cerninKhitn. It was laughable. One fellow \vnn(*l tyci.t, cf..._.4 0 0 1 0 olComliVi'w.rl 4 0 1 2 00 O'Coimer, lf.,3 0 0 1 0 1 Burdock, 2b.. 3 0 1 iuntcios«,Mh« plate. The same ill-luck followed gamts or mrf. Tlicre is nothing in tho loasf, ho taiti, to know how mnuj umpires Ant-ou hud lulled llmnnr has it that Caj-loi nrJ Jim Mutrie ate in »ne While, » ..... 4 0 1 2 0 (VAllxrt, .1l>.....3 1 1 1 21 Via:i, p...... 3 0 0 fl 7 iri!u»hou(t,c....4 1 2 6 01 the local mcc throughout the name and they lost the to prevent It, and aw fcuiuwy Kum'-sare the beet patron­ and would not beh'cre mo when I told continual .< hirl of p!A<.nrc, KIII! t'>at tlulr meeting King, p...... 4 0229 OiXimmrr, c... 3 028 21 Total...... Sf 2 4 24 13 Si Tola!...... 37 »fli! 13 4 rtctcrr, though, thoj ov.tbatted au-1 lUtlU-Wcd fheir op- ized of any in the week, they will liardly be discon­ him that the "nig fellow wm one -*f tho mildoot-tmn- WHS cnan?"C for tlie purpo^ of h'lyln^ :nater!«l ac'l c..4 0 0 » 1 0.0'Rilcn, p....300 62 CI:icir,imtl...... 0000 » 100 1 2 poncn'tp. Ti;« batting of Corkhill and the floW.'ig of tinued, uolwitl-fetatiUingtbe fact thut a IiovtuH over tho poted and ploa^;iiiti^t men in the biwine-w. Th.ey Total...... 33 7 8 27 13 ll loUI.. ... 32 4 8 24 16 5 Biwklju...... 0 0 0 ^ 1 1 1 S AlUrt and ilcl'tK im« the f««l'ul».«. Scoia; ^oe:«w:va cf '.liO ga>uud« viil Uo llie icaulf. * i»vd a I ivnl tlw oxatig'-rnlcU reyovU of An^oa'a kick- THE SPOUTING 3LIFE. . 8.

Weckbecker. Wild pitches—Jones 1, Gran! 1. Um­ Earned rnoa—Wllkesbarrsjl, Newark 1. Two-base Omaha ...... 0 0010400 0—S pire—Braily. Time—1:40. CENTRAL LEAGUE. hits—Dowse 2, Coogan. Three-base hit—Beecher. WESTERN ASSOCIATION. Chicago ...... 01002000 0—3 BASE BALL. —TORONTO vs. SYHACUSB AT TORONTO JUT.Y 27: Stolen bases—Irwin 3, Black 5, Cl.adwick 2, Dowse | Two-base hits— McGarr, O'Connell, Khelms, Sohoe- TORONTO. AB.B.B. P. A.B, 8VRACC8E. AB.H.B. P. A.B Games to toe Played. Coogan 2. FleMe, Johnson, Smith. First on balls— Games to be Flayed. neck. Fir»t on ball>— Oft' Spraguo 3. off Sl.afrr 1. Hit M'Laug'n, s»4 1 0 3 b 1, Wright, cf... 4 0 0 301 AUR. 6, Eluiira at Jer^jy City, Bingbamton at Now* Irwin, Cbadwick. Struck out—Newark 3, Wilkea- August B, Pes Moines at Chicago. by pitcher — By Sh*fer 1, bjfc^prasiiic- 1. Struck nut— Connors, If... 4 11200 Marr, rf...... 4 11100 ark, Scranton at Ea^ton, W^cgbarre at AHt^nt^wn. b,trre 7. Left on bases—Newark 7, Wilkeabarre 6. August 5, Gt Milwaukee atOmaua, Minneapolis at Kan­ By Slmfcr 1, by Sprague 1. ]'a*«d bull— Ho .ver. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCI'N. Decker, c..... 4 0 0 6 1 1 McQuery, Ib 4 0 1 10 00 mr. 7, 8, Jersey City at SciantoD, Newark at \Vilkea- Passed balls—Sullivan 2, Dowse 3. Wild pitch—Fitz­ sas Cily. Wild jiiThcs— >h:ifer 1, Si-rague 2. Umjiire— Brin- Rickley, 3b..4 1 1 2 1 l!l)eanl, M....4 0 1 8 20 barre, Eastjn at Eltnira, Alleiit^wn at Binghaaiton. gerald. Umpire—Latham. Time—1:40. August 5, 0, 7, St. Paul Sio-.ix City. ran. Time — 1:35. Games to be Flayed. Koarns, 2b... 3 1 1 2 4 0:Ely, If...... 4 1 1 1 01 Ang. 9, 11, Alleiitown at CImira, Kaaton at Binghaai- EASTOK vs. BIXGIIAMTOS AT EASTOS JDLY 28: August, 0, 7, Chicago at Des MoiueB. Ui:s Moi's vs. MISXHA'S AT DES Moi's JULY 21: Ang 6, 7, Troy Ht Rochester, Aitaoy at Syracuse, Burke, rl_... 3 0 0 0 0 1 Murphy, p... 4 0 0 230 ton, Newark at Scrauton, Jersey City at Willtesbarre. BASTON. AB.R.B. P. A. Bj RlNGHAa'S. AB.R. II. P. A.B August?, Mtnneaiollaal Chicago. UES MuINkS. AB.B.B. P. A. E MIKNBAPV AB.Il. B. P. A.B - Mansell, cf.. 3 0 0 1 00 Battin, 3b... 401 0 40 M'Derm't,2b6 1 2 3 0 0 Kiogaley, 3b4 0 1 310 August 8, 9, 10, Ontaha at Des Moines, Minneapolis at Ihift.ilo Ht Hamilton. The Record. Shaler, if..... 3 00 1 0 (J IUw-« lb.....4 21701 Aug. !', 10, Rt cheater (it Toronto, Syracuse at Buffalo, Bartuett, Ib2 0 0 10 1 0 Higgins, 21).. 4 0 0 230 Becanuon,3b5 1 1 0 2 Oj UcQnirk.lb.4 0 1 911 Milwaukee. An:, Is, 2b..... 4 1 1 3 2 O'WiMi.m...... 4 1 1 2 20 Troy «t L.nulou, All>any at Himiiitou. Atkiason, p...3 0 1 1 80: Walker, c... 4 0 1 221 The appended record, ioclmling the games played Ryman, rf... 6 0 2 0 0 o!l!ou.*ey, 6S...4 0 0 151 August S, 9,10,11, St. Paul at Chicago, Kansas City Siearus.lb... 4 1 1 10 0 0 1 Brosn»ii.2b._» 1 1 221 Aug. 11, Syracime at Toronto, .Albany at London. Total...... 30 4 4 27 18 4J Total...... st 2 ? 27 14 3 Aug. 2, shows 110 change In the standing of the clut>d, McKe»ver,c.6 1 1 10 1 O^M'Gnckiu.lf. 3 0 1 310 at Sioux City. Ilolliil'iy, cf. 3 0 0 3 0 0 T.-lxwu, 3b....4 1 1 3 00 AUK- II, M, Koct:fcnter ai II'iDiilton, Troy at But.nlo. Syracuse...... 01100000 0—2 Newark still leiu'-iug, followed by Jersey City, Alien- Quinn, lb....6 2 2 10 10iFilzgerM.2u.300 232 Aitfu.it 11,12,14, Omaha at Minneapolis, Dos Molnea Mftcullar,«>..3 1 2 0 2 0 ;;,,we rf...... 4 0 1 0 00 Aug. 14, lo, ltoctiest«T at Lond-.u, Syrticuse at Hamil- Toronto...... 00020020 0—4 town, Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Eastoc, Eliuira and Biug- Sullivan, If-6 2 2 2 0 0 iCw»l.l, rf..... 3 0 0 100 at Milwaukee, Alvoid, 3U....4 0 1 1 3 3 Jovne, if...... 4 0 0 1 00 tou, Troy at Torouto, Albany »t Uuffalo. •> Earned runs—Toronto 1, Syracuse 1. Two-base hit hamton in the order ntuned: Collius, s^.... 6 2 2 0 8 2 Chilyuuin, p. 3 0 0 060 Traffic, c.... 4 0 0 5 1 2 McCul.um,cf4 0 1 200 —Bickley. First on balls—Hartuett. Stolen bases— McCarron.cf.5 1 3 1 0 llFee, cf...... S 0 0 1 01 The Kecord. (.'luhnmn, p.. 4 0 1 0 40 "Jroiijihlou.c 4 0 0 10 08 The Kecord. Connors 2, Rickley, Eeanu. Struck out—Burke, Mc­ Snow, p...... 5 2 2 1 9 OiCollliis, o._..3 0 0 710 The standing of tho clubs in this Association up Co Vau Djke,lf.4 0 0 1 0 (J Sawders, p... 410 0 13 0 The Syracuse Club atill bohls the lead in this race. Query, Kly, Murphy, Higgins. Passed balls—Walker. Total...... 511217 27 16 3i Total...... 31) 0 3 27 175 and including July 30, it* as follows: ?•"( =' Total...... 33 S 6 24 12 5j Total...... 35 8 6 17 T72 Toronto fell oft slightly while ilamilto incrcnise-i h*-r Wild pitch— Atkisoou. Umuu-e—Curry. Time—1:35. Easton...... 0 3000422 1—12 Des Moinus...... 00020000 1—3 p'TctMihiL't-, mid the otlier clubs siill occupy the same Biughamtou...... 00000000 0— 0 Miuueapoiii ...... 31001010 x— 8 ivliitive pcfl'tions. The apptnU«d record ia cum pie to Games Flayed July 38. Allentown...... in .583 Earned runs—Easton 3. Two-base hits—Sullivan, Earned nii;s— D&s Moinea 2. Throe-baie hits— • up to July 81, inclusive: LONDON vs. HAMILTON AT LONDON JULY 23: BiDghamton..,.. .238 Quinn. Three-baao bit—Mcfrucltin. First on balls— Stosrns, B:oscftn. Double plays — Walsh, Brosmm, > >S HAMILTON. AB.R. A. P. A.E; LONDON. AB.R.B. P. A.B Kistoii...... 410 Easton 1. .Struck out—Eaiton 5. Bmglvamton 8. Loft Hawes. First on balk — By Cushman 1, by Sowileis 4, Hamil'n Toronto Andrns, 2b... 5 3 2 2 1 1 Schiebeck, ss 5 1 0 110 Elmira...... 292 on buses—Easton 10, Bin^liamton 4. Hit by pitcher— St. Paul...... S.ruck out— By Cusliman 2, by SuwJers 7. Passed CLCBS. ra. f | p*1 | t t Bainey, 3b... 5 21110 Douovan,cf...3 01210 Jersey City...... 742 Becanuon. Umpire—Pearce. lima—1:10. Pes Moiues...... balk— Traffley 2. Wild pitches— Cushman 2. Unipir* js* : p ri Knight, if...4 1 2 3 0 o'Dickers'n. 2b4 0 2 030 Newark...... 8| 6| 8 .821 ALLKNTCTWN vs. ELMIRA AT ALLENTOWS JULY 28: Milwaukee...... — lli.gan. Time— 1:50. Visner, cf.....4 1220 0: Sowdera,rf....3 10000 Scranton...... „„ .45* ALIBNTO'N. AH.B. B. P. A.F.I ELM1R.V. All. 8.8. P. A. B Omaha...... SiorxCiTYVs. MILWA'E AT Sioux CITY JULY 24: Albany ...... 2 3 1 2 I 1 14 .225 Lyncb, Ib..... 4 0 1 6 0 O'Quinn, If..... 3 0 0 111 Wilkesbarre..... 5 6 70 .461 Fonlkroil,2b.4 2 3 4 6 ljCr<-e8!36'46ilo|l2:30 35|257 Tomney, ss.. 5 0 0 4 4 OjShngart,cf... 4 021 0 0 Minneapolis...... RfCcius, 3b..5 0 0 2 0 Ol Maskrey, if..5 2 1 3 00 8 6 3 4 2 2 6 31 .492 Phillips, ss... 4 1 0 2 3 OGeiss, P...... 3 0 0 062 Roche, c...... 4 0 0 4 3 O'Sheron, p....4 0 0 0 5 0 St. Louis...... Powell, Ib... 501 8 01 Str«u-8, 3b... 612 3 10 Thayer, c...... 3 0 1 8 1 ljKiuslow,c....4 0 1 320 SDMMAHY. Zell.rf...... 4 1 2 00 Sioux 6 6 5 4 5 G 5 37 Won.Loat.PerCt.l Won.Lo»t.PerCt. 0 0 0!Shay, Ib...... 4 0 0 14 City...... I'hrlao, 2b...5 1 1 1 1 1: Fuller, lb....4 1 1 14 00 £vracii!-e ...... 6 11 6 9 5 7 49 .731 Total...... 36 »1027 15 ij Total...... 32 2 5 23 19 9 Newark..... 5J 12 .821 Scranton.... 30 36 .454 MeUter, 3b..4 0021 liPitz, c...... 4 1 1 5 1 0 Whitely, lf..5 0 2 3 0 0 Lowe, If...... 4 1 2 2 00 Toronto...... 6 1 6 11 44 .656 Hamilton...... 23012100 x—9 Jersey City. 46 16 .742 Eaeton...... 28 36 .419 Breunan, Ib. 4 0 1 10 1 UTaylor, 8S....4 0 0 2 7 0 Force,, S8...... 5..... 0 0 2 0 Ol Foster, fs..... 4 0 0 2 1 Troy...... 1 6 3! 3 20J.333 Baker,If...... 4 0 0 0 0 0 ! CoIe,lf...... 3 0 1 2 0 0 London...... 00110000 0—2 Alleiitown.. 38 28 .563 Elmira...... 19 46 .292 SLllMABY. Genins, cf....5 0 0 0 uiPettop, 2b.....4 0 0 I 4 1 Struck out—London 8, Hamilton 5. Left on bass's Wilkestw'e. 30 33 .461 Biugham'n. 15 48 .238 Barrett, p.... 4 1_ 1_ 2 5 01 McCarthy, rf 3 0 0 0 iMidxer.p...... * 1 1 1 1 0< Warner, c... 4 0 0 6 2 0 Lost ...... |S041 24 32J31J18 23 4i)i2l>5i —Londou 8, Hamilton 2. First on balls—London 5, Won. Lost. P,-r Ct. Won. Lost. Per Ct. Prnuter, C....4 1 0 8 Total...... 38 4 8 27 20 3 Total...... 34 1 6 27 17 1 St. Paul...... 42 20 .677 Kansas City 28 33 .459 1 0 Stephens, p.. 4 0 0 0 5 0 Hamilton 2. Passed ball—Thayer. Double play— Games Flayed July HO. Alleutown...... 10010020 0—4 Total...... 43 4 6 30 1 2! Total...... 3ii 5 7 3 a 1 8 » 8CMUAHY. Phillips, Andrns. Lynch. Two-baso bits—Dickerson, Omaha...... 35 26 .574 Chicago...... " 29 36 .4-16 ALI.EXTOW.I vs.NEWARK AT ALLESTOWX JULY 26: Elmira...... 00000001 0—1 D«s Moiues. 34 30 .531 Sioux" City. 11 15 .423 Si.iux City...... 0030001000 0—* Won. Lost. Per Ct Won. tost. Per Ct. Kainey, Visuer 2, Knight. Three-base hit—Dickerson. Earued runs—Allentown 1. Two-bnse hits—Bren- Milwaukee...... 0003100000 1—4 Syracuse... London...., 31 32 .492 Umpire—Sullivan. Time—2h. AI.LENTO'N. AB.R.B. p. A.EI NEWARK. AB.E.B. P. A.B Milwaukee. 37 31 .531 Miuneapo's 26 38 .897 49 IS .731 t'oulkrod,3b.5 1 2 2 4 0 Casey, cf...... 5 1 0 000 nao, Zell. Stolen bases—Foulkrod 3, Shugart, Van Eained rune— Sioux C : ty 1, Milwaiikco S. Three- Toronto.... 44 23 .(566 Buffalo..... 26 41 .389 SYRAC^E vs. ALBANY AT SYRACUSE JULY 28: Ahtine 2, Zell. First on balla— Ml,.ntown I. Struck base hU8 — Sneed, I'o'vtll, Lowe, M^skr^y. Stolen Hamilton.. Troy...... '10 46 .333 Tomuey, ss..4 1 1 2 6 llCoofum, rf... 6 2 ii 002 Games Played July 31. 44 24 .647 SYRACUSE. AB.B.B. P. A.E: ALBANY. AB.R.B. P. A.B Zell, p...... 4 1026 OlFields, lb.....5 1 2 13 00 out—Allentown 3, Elmira 3. Lett on bases—Allentown liHses— Snceil, Piielnn 2, Foice, Genius, McAleer 2, liochsattr.. 37 31 .944 Albauy..... 14 50 .225 Wright, cf... 4 0 1 2 0 0 Nelson, ss.... 4 0 0 411 6, Elmira 4. Hit by pitcher—Zell. Double plays— OMAHA vs. Sioux CITY AT OSIABA JULY 21: Jlaskrey 2, Strati* 2, Lowe 2. Doublf play— Fores, Meister, 2b...5 1 2 3 4 IjJoblMon, lf...S 1 2 000 OMAHA. Marr, 11...... 5 0 1 0 1 0 Roseman, If. 4 0 0 2 0 0 Breuuan, Ib.o 1 2 10 1 1'Joncs, 3b.....6 0 1 0 82 Tomuey, Foulkrod, Biounan; Foulkrod, Breonan. A1I.K.D. P. A. E SIOUX CITY. AU.R.B. P. A.E Phflan. Triple pUy — Force, Fudger. Firnt on balls Games Played July 85. NcQuery,lb.5 0 0 1 6 0:Hoover.rf.... 3 2 1 2 0 0 Passed balls—Roche 1, Pitz 2. Wild pitch—Damtt. Crooks, 2b....3 0 0 3 3 2 Snoed, rf...... 6'3 2 100 — By JTudjrer 4, Stephens 2. Struck out — By Fudger Baker, If..... 5 0 1 1 0 OjSullivan.c... 5 0 0 11 00 Annis, cf..... 4 0 1 1 0 1 Ueccuu, ToRO.r-.-c vs. ROCHESTER AT TOHOSTO JITI.Y 25: Beard, 8S.....5 1 2 2 5 l:Duau, ib..... 4 0 1 9 1 1 brady, cf.....4 0111 OiSiuimons,2b.5 02222 Umpire—McLean. Time—1:30. 3b. 6 2 3 3 60 1. by Stephens 5. 1'assed bail? — Printer 2, Wnruer 1. TORONTO. AB.R.B. P. A. K JROCHE8TEE. AB.n. B. P. A.E Ely, If...... 523 1 00 Halpin, 3b... 301 2 4 1 Cooney, ss... .4 I 2 0 4 ol Powell, IK.. 8 2 2 12 00 Wild pitch— Fudge--. Umpire— Ousick. Tim'.— 2.10. Corcoran, rf. 4 1 0 0 0 0 Smith, ss.._..5 0 2 160 Games Played July SO. O'Conu'l, Ib4 1 2 9 0 3:Phel*n, 2b... 6226 2 0 McU\ug'u,ss3, 0 2 3 4 2|Sulton, 3b....4 1 1 1 10 Diindon, p... 412 0 40 Quiun, c...... 300 4 00 Williams, c.. 4 1_ 1^ 6 2 OJ Baker, p...... 4 1 1 0100 10 OJSiujon. Burns.lf...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 Whit-jly, If... 6 3 4 1 0 0 Connors, II.... 4 00 If..... 3 12000 Battin, 3b.... 400 0 62 Foreman, p.. 3 0 0 1 40 Total...... 40710 27 24 3i Tolal...... EASTOIT vs. BINGHAMTOX AT KASTON JCI.Y 30: Games Played July 23. Blckley, Griffln, cf.....4 003 W.Higg's,2b4 1044 0 Kuox, 2b...... 3 00040 46613 2f 2"6 i! Lovett, rf.....4 13102 Force, ss...... 5 231 4 0 3h..4 00 1 Alleutown _...... „...... 00000150 1—7 EASTON. AB.B.B. P. A. E BINOHA.-il'N. AB.B. B. P. A.B OMAHA vs. CHICAGO AT OMAHA JULY 25: D«k»r, C.....4 0 0 6 Collina, 2b...3 11 3 1 II Shellhasse, c 4 2 2 2 2 1, Weckbe'r, cf 3 0 0 300 M'Dern>'t,2b4 1242 l!Kiugsley,3b.4 10101 Miller 3b..... 4 0 1 2 0 0 Genius, cf...4 1 3 2 0 0 Kevark...... 2 0310000 0—6 Wilson, C....3 0172 0|Wells, p...... 4 12130 OMAUV. AB.B.B. P. A. Bi CHICAGO. AD.R. B. f. A.B Kearns, 2b... 412 6 31 Peltz, rf.....4 11100 Total...... 40 7 11 27 2~24j Total...... 30 2 3 27 143 Becanuon,3b5 1 2 2 3 0|.McGuirk.lb. 4 1 1 10 10 Burns. If...... 6 2 3 1 0 Oj l\lor,arity,cf.4 0 0 Bnrke, Konnedy,lb.4 0 1 14 Earned rnns—Allentown 1, Newark 1. Two-base Shater; p.... 30007 o'Schildku't,c. 422 1 21 101 rf..... 400 0 00 00 Syracuse...... 00130120 0—7 hiu—Coogan 2, Baker, Johnson, Baker, Wtist?r. M'Keever.lbS 1 2 11 0 2!BuU*i>Y, SS..4 12 2 40 Annie, cf..._.2 0 0 2 0 0 lilieims, 3b..4 1 1 2 00 Jlantell. cf... 401 2 00 Miller, ss..... 3 02190 Albany...... 00010010 0—2 Sullivan, p...5 2 3 0 11 0|M'Gink'u,lf.4 0 1 1 00 Total...... 33 310 24 16 s| Total...... 40 18 'A 27 16 1 Crooks, llartnett.lb.3 Stolen bases—Jones, Foulkrod, Corcoran, Tomney 2. 2b... 5 2 3 3 6 0| ilaurali>in,s.s 4 0 0 160 01512 M'Keough.cS 00420 Earned runs—Syracuse 1, Albany 1. Three-base bit First on balla—Alleutown 2, Newark 2. Struck out— McCarron.ll. 5 1120 l!Fitzaer'd,2b. 4 00324 Omaha...... 10000001 1—3 Cooncyss..... 5 1224 0 Il3ligle,2b... 4 11620 Bheppard, p.. 4 0 0 1 5 IjCalilian, p... 4 0 0 050 —Hoover. Twc-baso hit;—Shellhasse, Beard, Duu­ Collius, 88....4 0 0 0 1 l!E»aM, C...... 3 0 0 820 Sioux (ity...... 00221742 x—18 O'Connell,lb4 Alleiitown 9, Newark 7. Left ou bases—AHentown 9, Earued runs—Sionx City 8, Omnha 2. 0 1 10 0 0 Shoeu.jck,lb.4 0 1 10 00 Total...... 34 16 27 178] Total...... 32 4 8 27 181 don. First on balls—Oil' Duudon 1, off Foreman 1. Newark 8. Hit by pitcher— t'asev, Baker. Double Burke.c...... 4 0 0 2 1 0 Cuspman.if. 3 0 0 2 0 0 Two-base McGarr. rf...4 0 1 1 0 OjDwyer, p.....3 1 1 0 20 Toronto...... _...... 00000000 1—1 Struck out—By Dnndon 3. by Foreman 3. Wild pitch Snow, rf .....4 00000 Feo, p...... 3 000 8 0 hits—Siieed, Reccius 2, Whitely, Schildknecbt, Cooney. Miller, piays—Jone*, Siuimons,Fields; Tomuoy, Mtister, Bren­ Three-base hit—Schildknecht. Home runs—O'Cou- 3b....3 0 1 0 2 0 Uoorrr, C.....3 1 1 4 40 Boche»ter ...... 10000003 x—4 —Foreman. Double plays—Duudon, Sbellhas^e Uig- nan. Passed balls—Williams 1, sullivau 3. Wild Hassttt, cf... 4 1 1 1 _0 _0 Collias, rl....S 0 0 012 I^.vett, p...... 4 0 0 0 9 OlSprague, If... 3 0 1 0 00 Earned runs—Rochester 2. Two-base hits—Mc- frins; Beard, Higgius, McQuery. Left ou basee— Total...... 40711 27 17 4| Total...... 323 4 27 187 nell, Whitely, Sneed. First on b,Us—Oft Wolls 2, off fcagle, c...... pitches—Baker 2, Zell 1. Umpire—Pearce. Time— Shafer 1. Struck out—By Shafer 2, bv Wells 1. Passed 4 0 1 8 2 oil ady, rf...... 3 0 1 310 TjHUghlm, Mansell, Doublo plays—Kearns. McLaugh- Syracuse 7, Albany 2. Umpire—Brady. 1:50. Ea%ton ...... 20002102 0—7 Total...... 31 5 12 27 23 6 To'al...... 32 4 7 27 14 1 lin; Sbepvard, Decker, Haituett; McLaiigulin, Kearns. ROCHESTER vs. TROY AT ROCHESTER JULY 28: Bingbamton...... 00000000 3—3 balls— Wilson 2, Schildknecht 1. Wild pitches—bbafer SCKASTOX vs. ELMIRA AT SCRAXTOX JULY 26: 7. Umpire—Ciuick. Time—2:15. Omaha ...... 20000210 0—5 First on balls—Kearns, Simon, Collins, Miller, Mc- ROCHESTER. AB.R.B. P. A. El TBOY. AB.U.B. P. A.B Earned runs—Eastou 2. Two-base bite—Becinoon, Chicago ...... 0 0000003 Keough. Hit by pitcher—Haituctt. Passed ball— 8CEASIOX. AB.B. B. P. A. B| F.L11IRA. AB.B.B. P. A.B MINNEAP'S vs. CHICAGO AT MINHEAP'S JULY 21: 1—4 Sutton, 3i>.... 4 0 1 2 3 O'Stewart, rf... 4 0 0 400 Burns, cf..... 5 1 2 3 0 1 Creesau, 2I>.. 5 1 1 430 Sullivan. Stolen bases—HIcDermott 2, Becannon, Col- Karned rung— Oumha 5, Chicago 4. Two-baso hi;s McKeough. Wild pitch—Caliban. Stolen bases- Simon, If..... 3 1 0 0 0 0;Baker,lb..... 4 1 1 9 00 lina, Hassett 3, McGnirk. First ou balls—Eastou 1. MINNKAP'8. AB.H.B. P. A.BI CHICAGO. AB.R. B. P. A.B C'Oviuey, Uenglo, Hoover, Sprague. Three-base hit* Connors 2, Kearns 3, Burke, Sutton, Simon, Collins, Murphy, rf... 4 1 1 1 0 O.VanAUfe^bS 0 2 2 0 0 Hawes, Ib... 4 0 1 10 OOMorlarity.ct.310 Griffln, cf..... 3 0 0 2 0 0:S\veeuev,3b..2 0 0 Oil Say, 3b...... _5 0 3 1 0 0 3nugart,cl... 4 0 1 2 0 1 Struck out—Easton 6, Binghamton 8. Left on bases— 3 00 Burns, Cooney. Stolen bases — Burns, Crocks. First lliller. Struck out—Hansell, Hartnelt, Shoppard, Collius, 2b... 220 1 81 Troy. 2b...... 400 3 20 Eastou 7, BinKh«mton2. Hit by pitcher—McDermott, Walsh, B3.....4 0 0 0 2 0 Bbeilns,3b... 4 0 1 220 on bails— Off Dwycr 4. Struck out— Lovctt 8, Dwyer fiinion, McKeough. Umpire—Curry. Time—1:45. Taylor, Ib... 5 0 2 9 0 0 Goodail, p.... 4 0 0 2 7 0 Brosnan,2b..4 0 0 3 3 OjCady, If...... 3 0 0 1 01 Peltz, rf...... 4 00000 Werden. cf... 2 00200 Ha.ves, C...... 5 0013 OTaykr, 88....4 001 1 1 Becanuon. Wild pitch—Fee. Umpire—Poarce. Time 2. Wild pitch— Lovett. Umpire— Brennan. Time— 1:40. LONDON vs. SYRACUSK AT LONDON JULY 25: To..le, Ib...... 3 1 1 14 0 liBanning, c.,.3 0 0 823 ~ —1:40. Tebean, 3D...4 0 0 2 6 0|Dwver,p...... 3 0 1 020 Galligan,"•• If..•- 4• 0- 1- 1- 0 o.Shay, Ib...... 4 127 0 0 Kowe, rf...... 3 0100 0 Ilengle 2b... 3 01630 KAS. CITY vs. ST. PAUL AT KAN. CITY JULY 25: LONDON. AB.R.B. P. A. K jSYnACt'SB. AB.B. B. P. A.B Miller, ss..... 410 0 2 0 Haddock, If.. 2 0 0 0 00 Crane, 2U....3 124 5 OiCole, If...... 3 00 0 0 JERSEY C'Y vs. SCRANTON AT JERSEY C'Y JDLY 30: KAN. CITT. AB.B.B. P. A. P.! ST. PAUL. AB.R.B. P. A. E Shiebeck, fs.. 3 2 2 1 4 li Wright. cf... 4 0 1 3 00 Toy, c...... 4 0 1 8 0 0!W.Hacko'l,ss3 0 0 120 Wiukle'n, lf.3 0 0 0 1 IjShoenock.lbS 1 1 12 00 Carey,H_.....3 215 3 O.Pitz, c...... 3 22 2 1 JEHgEVC'Y. A8.R.B. P. A.E! 8CHAN10N. AD.E.B. P. A.B McCnllu:n,cf 3 0 1 0 0 OJDugdale.se... 3 0 1 062 Long,, rt...... 510 6 00 Carroll, If.... 512 5 00 I>onovan,ct'.5 2210 0 Jlarr, rf...... 4 11000 Barr, p...... 4 0 0 0 0 OiKeefe. p...... 3 l^0_ 070 Lynoh,p...... 4 0 0 2 2 0 UcCartby,rf4 01200 Ililand, cf... 4 0 0 4 1 o! Burns, cf..... 5 0 1 3 00 DlHiiuing,cf..4 22 401 Murphy, cf..4 11 1 10 Dickers'n.2b 5 0041 0 E ;y. If...... 4 11101 Krelg,c...... S 0 1 8 1 0! Hoover, c.... 3 0 0 120 Total...... 3l o 3 27 132| Total...... 27 1 1 27 14 4 Total...... 38512 27 131 Total...... 36 4 9 27 14 3 O'Brien, 10..4 00 6 0 01 Murphy,If... 6 0 2 1 00 Bradley, if... 4 21 000 M.jrrisey, Ib. 4 1 1 12 12 Bowders, rf.. 4 2 2 2 0 0 Br.i'rd, ss...... 4 I 1 1 60 Rochester...... 20010000 Knowles, 3b. 4 0 0 0 0 1 Say, 3b...... 4 0 0 020 Klopf, p...... 2 000 " OJSprague, rf...3 01200 2—5 Scranton...... 2 2010000 0—5 Sowders, p... 100 1 30 Johnson, 3b..5 1 2 1 0 0 Karle.c...... 4 0 0 402 Quinn, If...... 3 1120 1'McQuery, Ib4 0 0 13 00 Trov...... 000000001—1 Frit-1, If...... 4 0200 OITaylor, lb...5 0 1 12 01 Total...... 2S 2~ 5 2~7 15 3 Lange, 89..... 5 1 0 0 0 0 1'atton.rf..... 4 0 1 3 1 0 Geiss, 3b...... Elmira...... _...... 0 0000201 1—4 Total...... 3104 2421T 4 0 0 2 1 O^nudnn, p... 3 0 0 060 First on balls—Simon, Celling 2, Toolo, Griffln, Had­ Earned runs—Scrantou 2, Elrnlra 3. Two-base hits Corcoran, C..4 1 1 5 3 2 Haves, c...... 3 1 0 330 Cartvni't,lb.4 11601 P:ckert, ss.... 4 211 1 0 Benner, lb...4 1 2 6 1 l ! Hiagins, 2b..4 0 1 3 50 dock, Sweeuey 2, Werden. Stolen bases—Simon 2, 6erhardt,2b. 3 1130 1 Gallizan, If. 4 112 Minneapolis...... 00000000 0—0 Arduer, 2I1....4 2 3 0 1 1 Riugo, 2b.....4 0 2 0 2 0 Jordan, c_ .4 0281 1: Martin, 3b... 4 00020 —Crane, Pitz. Three-base hit—Say. Stolen base*— Chicago...... 00011000 0—2 Collins, BaKer2, Haddock. First on errors— Rochester Bnrns, Murphy, Crane 3, Oarey 2, Shugart, Pllz. First Brady, rf..... 2 0 0 1 0 0:C.-aul, 2b..... 4 0 0 341 McCatthy p..4 0 0 0 12 0 Kiley, 3b...... 4 0 0 1 3 1 Busted, P...... 4 0 0 1 9 0; jbellbasse.c. 4 1 1 511 1, Troy 2. Struck out—Rochester 6, Troy 6. Double Khiues, p.... 2 0 0 0 6 C. Carey, aa...... 4 2 2 320 Earned run—Chicago. Double play—Henele, un­ Wells, C...... 4 1 1 12 2 0 ( liiyuan, p.... 4 0 1 071 on balls—Mm pby, Crane, Carey, Cole, Pilz. Struck assisted. First on balls—Off Klopf 1. Struck out— Total...... 38 5 11 27 17 41 Total...... 35 4 6 27 20 2 plays—Miller, Collius, Toole. Passed halls.—Toy 1, out—Say, Galligau, Lynch, Goodail. Left on bases— Lang, SS...... 3 0 0 6 2 OJLyucb, D...... 4 1 2 030 Total...... 3S11 10 27 152; Total...... 37 5 9 27169 London...... 02102120 0—8 Banning 1. Wild pitches—Barr 1, Keefe 2. Umpire Total...... 302 4 24 13 il Total."..... 38 5 9 27 143 By Klopf 3, by Sowders 2, by Dwyer 1. First on Scrautou 7, Kimira 6. Hit by pitcher—Shugart. eirors—Minneapolis 3, Chicago 1. Left on bases— Kansas City...... 00002070 2—11 Syracuse ...... 00400000 0—4 Double plays—Creesan,Shay; Taylor, Creegau, Shay. Jersey City...... 02000000 0—2 St. Paul...... 101002001— S Earned runs—London 6. Struck out—Syracuse 7, Scrantou...... 04010000 Minneapolis 4, Chicago 3. Umpire—Hogau. Time BUFFALO vs. TORONTO AT BUFFALO JULY 28: Passed ball—Pill. Wild pitches—Lynch 1, Goodall 1. x-5 —1:30. Eained runs—Kansas City 4, St. Paul 2. Two- London 6. Left on bases—London 4, Syracuse 3. BVFFALO. AB.R.B. P. A. B| TORONTO. AB.B.B. P. A.E Umpire—Lathain. Time—2h. Earned runs—Jersey City 1, ficranton 3. Two-base base hits—Manning, Bradley, Jobnson, Carroll, Mor- DES Moi's vs. KAN. CITY AT DKS Moi's JULY 21: Double plays—Shiebeck, Dickerson, Ronner; Dumlon, Carroll, CF.....5 1 1 3 0 0 M'Laug'n.ss. 6 1 2 361 WILKESBA'E vs. BINGHA'N AT WILKES'E JULY26: hits—Gerhardt, Bums, Lynch. Three-base hit—G.J- risfcey, Patton, Pickett. Double play—Palton, Mor- HipKins, McQuery. Stolen bases—Quinn, Beuner, DESMOINE3.AD.B.B. P. A. Kl KAX. CITY. AB.B. B. P. .A.E Hamburg, lf.4 0 1 0 10 Connors, If. 6 1 2 0 02 WILKESA'E. AB.R.B. p. A.B BINOHAM'N.AB.R.B. p. A. B ligan. First on balls—Say, Hayes, Brady, Rh^nes. rlssey, Rellly, Murphy, Earle. Stolen bases—Man­ JorJau, Marr, Shellhasse 2. Passed balls—Slielhasse Lebane, lb...5 0 3 7 2 1 Rickley, 3b.. 5 1 4 300 Struck out—Murphy, Say, Taylor 2, Carey. O'Brien, Shafer, rf..... 5 1 2 1 0 llLong,rf...... 5 0 2 3 00 ning, Bradley, Johnson 2, Cartwiifbt, Anlnei-2, Wells, 2. Wild pitches—Busted 4. Two-base hits—Donovan, Corcoran, ss. 6 2 » 0 3 0 Kingsley,3b. 5 2 2 140 Quinn, 2b.....5 1 1 2 4 O'Mauninyt, cf.4 2 2 2 00 Eeidy. 3b...... 5 0002 0, Kearns, 2b... 623 0 31 Irwin, 3b..... 4 0 1 2 1 O'M'Guirk, Ib. 5 2 3 11 00 hnowles2. Left on bases—Jersey City 4, Scraotou 3. Carrrll, Pickett 2. First on balla—By Brynau 1. Sowders, Quinn, Ely. Throe-base hits—Sowders, Bon- Hart.rf...... 4 0 0 0 0 U Burke, rf..... 5 1 1 300 Double play—Hiland, Lang. Wild pitches—Lynch 2, Stearns, lb.,.4 0 0 12 1 I'Ciirtls, 1D....4 0 0 12 00 Struck out—By McCarthy 12, by llrynau 4. Wild aier. Umpire—Enislie.. lime—2h. Brill lb...... 4 0 0 8 0 0 Roussey, ss...5 1 1 341 Morton, cf._.5 I 1 3 0 0 Johnson, 3D..4 0 0 140 Flynn, SS...... 2 2 1 4 7 2 Mansell cf... 3 3 1 000 McKoe, rf... 4 0021 0;Lavin, cf.....5 11200 Rhinee 1. Umiiire—Holland. Time—1:50. pitches—McCarthy 1, Brynan 1. Passed balls—Wells HAMILTON vs. TROY AT HAMILTON JULY 25: Bitlman. 2b.. 3 2172 li Hartnett, Ib4 1 2 10 00 NEWARK VS.WILKESBARRS AT NEWARK JULY 30: Macullar, ss. 3 1 1 2 4 0, Lange, B4....2 0 0 1 20 1, Earle 4. Umpire—Fa«Brfudsn. Tinid—2h. Beecber, If... 4 2220 i;M'Guckin,!f.4 12000 Alvor.1, 3D...4 0 2 0 2 Oj Arduer,2b...4 0 2 322 HAMILTON. A3. B. B. P. A. El TBOY, AB.R.B. P. A.E Kappel, C.....4 1 1 6 2 0 Oldfleld, c... 4 0 1 810 Chadwlck,2b4 1 1 3 1 4 F.tzgerM,2b.4 1 1 222 NEWARK. AB.R. B. P. A. K'WILKESB'E. AB.B, B. P. A. K NOTE.—The Sioux City-Des Sloiues gamy was post­ Andrus, 21.....7 1124 I 1 Baker, Ib.... 4 11401 Walsh, P.....4 1 0 0 B IjSheppard.p.. 4 1 2 0110 Ca-ey, cf...... 2 0 0 0 0 OiBlack.cf...... Trafflay, c... 4 1 2 6 0 1 Bradley, If... 4 0 0 110 poned on account of rain. Cain,cf...... 4 0 1 1 0 1'Ewald, rf..._4 0 0 300 4 2 1 3 00 Hutchi'n, Bainey, 3b... 6 2 1 0 0 01 Sweoney,8b..5 2 2 2 0 1 Total...... 36 7 8 27 Coogan, rf... 6 0 2 0 0 lilrwin, 3b.....4 0 0 321 p.. 4 1007 0!Gunson,c...... 3 10420 25 51 Total...... 43 1118 27 21 4 Dowse, c...... 4 1 1 5 2 0: Ubapman, p. 4 1 1 1 40 Van Dyks,lf.4 00100 Conway. p.... 400 0 40 Knight, If... 7 3 3 2 0 0|Troy, 2b...... 5 2 1 2 3 4 Toronto...... 02000900 0—11 Shannon, p.. j 1 1 I 6 OiCollins, c..... 4 1^ 1_ 411 Fields. Ib..... 6 0 1 13 1 0|Corcoran, ss.3 0 0 0- 42 Games Played July VS. Yisuer, cf..... 0 1 Total...... 38 6 9 27 183 Total...... 34 3 « 27 15 2 7 1 2 1 0 0 Werden, ct... 5 1 1 S Buffalo...... 020000104—7 Total...... SttflT) 24 14 6i Total...... 401012 27 15 4 Johnson, If... 6 2210 Ol Brill, Ib...... 3 1 0 19 01 DES Moi's vs. MIXSBA'S AT DBS Moi's JULY 28s Lynch, Ib.... 3 11720 M.Hackett, c 4 2 2 7 0 0 Jones 3D..... 3 0 0 1 1 OIMcKee, Des Moines...... 00010200 3—6 Earned runs—Toronto 2, Buffalo 2. Two-base hit— Wilkesbarre...... 000131011—7 rf... 4 « 1 1 00 DESMOINES.AB. R, B. P. A.E MINNCAPo'3-AB.U. B. P. A. • Wood, p...... 6 352 Haddock, If.. 4 002 0 0 Kearns. Three-base hits—Lehauo 2. Home run— Duffj-, c...... 5 2 2 8 4 O'Beecber, If... 4 0 1 111 Kansas City...... 10200000 0—3 Swaitwo'd.rfS 122 Stewart, rf.... 4234 0 0 Bingbamton...... 60020200 x—10 Earned runs—Des Moines 4. Stolon bases—Quinn Holliday, cf..5 1210 0 Hawes,Ib..... 4 1 0 15 01 " - ' ' - Rickley. Lfft on bases—Buffalo 5, Toronto 10. Firs', Earned run*—Wilkesbarre 5, Binghamton 4. Two- SimmoU8,2b.5 2 0 3 6 1 Chadwick,2b4 0 0 3100 Quinn, 2b.....5 0 1 2 4 li Waloh, SS...... 4 0 1 240 Phillips, 6S...5 3 1 1 3 0 Keefe. p...... 4 0 0 0 5 1 ou balls—Hamburg, Flyun 2, Bittman, Rlckloy, Smith, SS.....5 1 1 3 3 OJCuff, c...... 4 0 0 1 50 3, Mortou, Alvonl, Long. Double plays—Quinn, Tbaye'r,' c..... 6 2 4 10 01: Banning, 89.. 4^1 base bits—Corcor.in, Collins-, McGuirk. Three-base Stearns, Alvord, M"rton. First ou balls—By Hutch- Stearns, Ib... 4 0 1 14 0 1 Bronnan,2b..3 1 0 1 30 1 11 Burke, Mabsell, Hartnett 2, OldBe'.d, Sheppard. Struck hits—Roussey, Beecher, Corcoran. Homerun—Kings- I) ami, p.... 5 02 1 10 0 Koach.p...... 4 0 1270 Macullar, ss. 2 I) 0 0 0 0 Trbeau, 3l>... 4 0 1 230 Total...... 62172027 17 4~| Total...... 39 11 1127 99 out—By Walsh 4, by Shcppard 7. Double play—Mc- Sullivan, cf.. 3^ 1_ 300 Total...... 34 3 4 33 29 5 inson 3, by Conway 1. Hit by pitcher—By Hntchin- ley. Stolen bases—Irniii 2, Beecher, Cain, McGuckiu. son 2, by Conway 1. Struck out—By Hutchinson 5, Alvord 3b.... 4 0 1 1 1 1 W inkle'n, p.4 0 1 0 60 Hamiltou...... 011010 11 2 1—17 Lauguiln, Hartnett. Passed balls—Kappel 3. Wild F.rst on balls—Shannon, Irwin. Struck out—By Total...... 48811 33 242 , Shafcr,rf...... 3 0 3 1 2 0 Ro»e, rf...... 4 0 2 000 Troy...... 53000003 0—11 pitch—Sheppard. Stolen bases—Hamburg 2, Kappel, Newark...... 0000210000 by Conway 1. Passed ball—Truffley. Wild pitch— Shannon 5, by Chapman 4. Left on bases—Wilkes­ 5—8 Hutchiason. Umpire—Fesgemien. Timo—2a. Hutchin'n. p4 00060 Jevne, If...... 3 00000 Earned runs—Hamilton 13, Troy 5. First on balla Connors, Hickley 3, Mansell 3, Sheppard. Umpire— barre 6, Binghamton 3. Passed balls—Dowse 1, Col­ Wilkesbarre...... 0110000010 0—3 Truffley, c... 400 4 00 McCullum.cf 3 00200 —Lynch 2, Phillips. Hit by pitcher—Kaiuey, Lynch, Curry. lime—2-.15. lins 1. Umpire—Holland. Time—1:25. Earued ruus—Newark 1. Two-base hits—Coogan, Games Played July 22. V«nDyke,lf.4 0 1 2 1 0:Brouglit'n,c..2 0 1 600 Swartwood, Baker, M. llackett. Two-base hits— Black. Stolen bases—Sullivan, Coogan, Johnson 3, Total...... Knight, Wood, Thayer, Swceney. Three-base hits— Games Flayed July 30. EASTON vs. JERSEY CITY AT EASTON JULY 26: ST. PAUL vs. MILWAUKEB AT ST. PAUL JULY 22: 35 1 9 251231 Total...... 31 2 ft 27151 EASTON. AB.R.B. P. A. K JERSEY C'Y. AB.B. B. P. A.E Jones, Duffy, Smith, Simmons, Dooms, Black 3, Mc­ Des Jloinen..._...... 00000010 0—I Knight, Visner, Wood, Troy, M. Hackett. Home runs SYHACUSF. vs. ALBANY AT SYRACUSE JULY 30: Kee. First on balls—Wilkesbarre 3. Struck out— ST. PAUL. AB.B.B. P. A. BjMILW'KEE. AD.R. B. P. A.B Minneapolis...... —Werden, ttewarf. Left ou bases—Hamiltou 14, Troy M'Derm't,2b4 1 0 3 1 1 Hiland, cf.... 5 0 1 4 00 00000100 1—2 SYRACUSE. AB. R. B. P. A.Ei ALBANY. AB.R. B. P. A.B Becauuou,3b4 00 0 00 O'Brieu, Ib.. 5 12960 Newark 3, Wilkesbarre 7. Left on bases—Newark 6, Carroll, If....4 0 0 1 0 0 McMeer, cf.5 0 2 3 00 Two-base hits—Holllday 2. Double plays—Alvord. 3. Stolen b.'ise*—Andrus, Raiuoy 2, Knight 2, Lynch, llnrpby, cf..4 2230 0 Hoover, rf... 3 11110 Wilkesbarre 3. Hit by pitcher—Caeey, Corcoran. Murphy, cf... 3100 00 Maskrey, rf. 4 110 Quinn, ISwartnrood 4, Phillips 0, Tbayer 3, Troy, Stewart. Ryman, rf... 51210 0 Knowles, 3b.4 0 0 0 00 Stearns; Macullar, Stearns, Alvord. Stolen base* Marr, rf...... 411 1 1 liWeckbec'r,ss5 11044 McKeever.lfS Passed balla—Duffy 2, Cuff 6. Umpire—Latbaiu. Pickett, 81....4 Oil 2 1 Shenkel, If... 5 021 —Quiun 2, Stearns 3, Maciillar, Sbafer, Hawes. First Struck out—Rainoy, Thayer 2, Sweenoy 2, Troy, M. I 1 2 1 1 Friel, If...... 3 0 1 2 00 Fuller Ib..... 4 1 5 Ely, If...... 4 1 1 0 0 o'Dunn, Ib..... 4 0 1 10 10 Quinn, lb....4 1 1 4 1 0 Brady, rf.....4 0 0 1 00 Time—2h. Morrissev.lb 4 0 1 10 11 13 on balls—By Hutchinson 2. by Winklrman 3. Hit Hackett 2, Stewart, Koefe. Unaccepted chance—Baker. Beard,ss...... 4 1 1 2 6 0 Halpin. 3b... 3 0 0 410 ALLKNTOWN vs. ELMIRA AT ALLENTOWN JULY 30: Ringo, 2b.... 400 0 10 Lowe,3b...... 4111 by pitcher—By Wiukleman 1. Struck out—By Wild pitches— Keffe 2. Passed bulls—Thayer, ilaclytt. Sullivan, p...4 0 1 0 9 0 Gerhardt, 2h. 4 0 0 240 _ .. . - - - .McQuery.lb. 3 0 1 16 0 0>Forem'n,cf,lf 3 00110 ALLENTOWN.AB.R. B. P. A. Bj ELMIRA. AB.R.B. P. A. E Patton. rt... 400 0 01 Foster.3S...... 3101 Hutchinson 3, by Winklemau 2. Passed b.ills— Umpire—Brady. Time—2:10. McCarron,cf4 0 1 6 0 0 !lofford,c.....4 0 2 920 R.Higgins,p4 0 0 0 4 l : Q.iinn, c...... 3 1 2 731 Collii.s, Foulkrod^b.4 1 2 1 2 0 Cree'n,2b,lb.2 0 1 810 Biley, 3b...... 4 0 1 2 1 0 Pet'ee,2b_... 4 0 0 2 Broughton 2. Wild pitch—HiUchiusoD. Umpire ss.... 4 1 0 2 1 1 Daly, p...... 4 1 1 0 81 Kemmler, c. 3 0 1 10 2 0 Griffith p.....3 3 1 0 Game* Played Jaly 30. Battin, 3b... 3 1 0 0 2 0:Graff, lf,cf...»3 1 0 0 02 Burke, C...... 4 0 1 9 1 1 Lang, ss...... 4 2 1 021 Gnnsha'n.cf.S 0130 OIGoodall. p.... 5 01050 —Uogan. Time—2:10. W.Higg'e,2b2 2 1 2 4 2 Kuox, 2b..... 4 1 2 4 60 Tomnev, 88..-i 0 0 4 2 0[VanAl»'e,3b.5 1 2 230 Andersou p.. 4 0 2 0 12 1 Mills, c...... 4 126 Sioux CITV vs. MILW'E AT Sioux CITY JULY 26: BUFFALO va. TROY AT BUFFALO JULY 28: Shellhasse^.4 0 1 3 0 0: Dow ney, p... 4 0 0 080 Total...... 385 7 27 144, Total...... 38 4 8 27 16 2 Easton...... 10000102 1—5 Meister, 3h.-4 0 0 2 2 0 Shugart, cf..4 0 0 2 01 Total...... 34 1 6 24 194 Total...... 36 8 10 27 24 3 8IOI-X CITY. AB.R.B. P. A B IIIL-.v'KEE. AB.B.B. P. A.B BUFFALO. AB.R.B. P. A.BI TROY. AB.B.B. P. A.B Total....*32 8 8 27 1741 Total...... 32 5 7 27 25 7 Breunnn, Ib. 4 0 1 8 0 OiTaylor, M.....4 0 1 240 St. Paul...... 10000000 0—1 Sneed, rf...... 4 0120 O'Mc.Unir, of.. 4 11000 Carroll, cf.... 5 3030 O'Baker, Ib..... 4 01601 Jersey City...... _ 00301000 0—4 Syracuse...... 24001100 0—8 Earued runs—Jersey City 1. Three-base hit—Burke. Baker, )f.....3 0 1 0 0 0 Si.ay, Ib...... 4 0 0 4 00 Milwaukee...... 03201101 x—8 Roccius,3b... 4 0114 OjM.iskrey, rf.. 4 0 1 3 10 Hamburg, If S 2 1 1 0 0 Siveeney,3b..3 00222 Albapy...... 00000050 0—5 Brady, rf...... 4 1 1 2 0 OiPilz, C...... 4 0 I 630 Earned runs—St. Paul 1, Milwaukee 6. Home run Powell, lb....4 0 0 10 0 0 Sirauss, 3b....4 111 2 0 1.ebane. Ib.. 6 2 4 6 0 O'Troy, 2b...... 4 0 1 516 Stolen bases—Rymau, McKeever, O'Brien. First ou —Lowe. Earued rum—Syracuse 2, Albany 4. Three-base hit balls—Kastou 2, Ji-rsey City 2. -Struck out—Eaatou 7, Williims, c..4 1 2 7 4 OjCole.lf...... 4 0 1 1 00 Two-base hit—McAlcer, Sheukel. Double Phelan, 2b...4 0 0 2 3 I 1 fuilur, Ib..... 4 1 1 16 0 0 Heidy, 3b.... a 1 1 1 1 1 Werden, cf...4 0 0 2 02 —Mair. Two-base hits—Murphy, Kuox, Weck- German, p... 4 0 0 0 6 01 McCarthy, rf 4 0 1 010 plays—Pettee, Fuller, Kemmler, Morriajey. Bases on Whitely, lf...4 0 0 1 0 0, Lowe, If...... 4 0 1 2 00 Hart, rf...... 5 2 2 2 0 O'M.Hackett,c4 1 1 3 10 Jersey City 4. Left on bases—Easton 6, Jersey City o. becktr. First on bails—Off Downey 5, off Higgins 5. Hit by pitcher— Collins, M.Dermott. Passe-l balls— Total...... 373 8 27 16 oparan.ib..... 1 1 1 2 1 0 bulls—Off Anderson 4, off Griffith 2. Struck out—By Force, at...., 4 0 0 0 3 0 ! Foster, ss...... 4 1 1 2 4 0 Flynn, 68...... 6 1 2 0 1 li Haddock, lf..4 0 1 1 02 Hit by piicher—By L>owoey 2, by Higgins 1. Stolen I Total...... 39 2 9 27 18 1 Anderson 9, by Griffith 5. First on errors—f-t. Paul Genins, cf.... 4 1 3 4 0 0 ( lVttee, 2b...... 4 1 2 0 3 0 Bittman, 2t>. 3 1 3 4 10 Stewart, rf...4 11300 Hofford 2, Burke 1. Wild pitches—Daly 2k* Umpire— 3, Milwaukee 3. Left on bases—St. Paul 8, Milwaukee base*—Marr, Ely, McQuery, Battin, W. Hiagins, McLean. ______Allentown...... 10001010 0—3 Geht, p...... 4 0 1 0 4 0 GMiti-h, p....3 0 1 0 4 0 Welch, c...... 611 9 20 U,inuing, ss.4 12281 Hoover. Struck out—By Dow ney 4. Wild pitches— Elmira...... 00010000 1—2 8. Wild pitch—Griffith. Passed balls—Kemmler 2, Barues, c...... 300 4 00 Mills, C...... 3 104 1 0 Fanning, p..43_l_ 1 0 0 White, p..... 300 053 Mills 1. Umpire— Brennan. Time—2:1)5. Dowuey 3. Passed'balls—Quinn 2. Loft on ba^os Games Playe'd July 87. Earued ruus—Allentown 1. Two-base hits—Mc­ Tlttal...... 351 6 24 14 I Total...... 346 9 27 1~50 Total...... 4916152711 2 : Total...... 34 3 7 241717 —Syracuse 4, Albany 6. Doublo plays—Beard, Hig- SCRANTON vs. ELMIRA AT SCRASTOX JULY 27: Carthy, Doran. Stolen basea—Foulkrod, German, OMAHA va. Sioux CITY AT OMAHA JULY 22: Sioux City...... 01000000 0—1 Troy...... 0 10010100—3 cius, McQueryjHiifgins, Beard, McQuery: Weckbecker, SCBANTON. AB.R.B. P. A. BI BLM1RA. AB.R.B. P. A. B Williams, Doran. First on bails—Alleniown 2. OMAHA. AB R. B. P. A. EjSIOIJX CITY. AU.tt.B. P. A. R Milwaukee...... 20030010 0—« Buffalo...... 01011346 0—16 Knox, Duon; Quiun, Dunn. Umpire—Brady. Struck out.—Allentowu 3, Elmira 6. Left on bases— Burns, If...... f 2 2 1 0 0 Sneed, rf.....4 1 1 1 00 Earned Karned Burns, cf ...5 1 2 4 1 0 Creegao, 2b.. 2 1 0 540 runs—Sioux City 1. Milwaukee 4. Two- runs—Buffalo 1. Two-base hit—Stpwart ROCHESTER vs. TROY AT ROCHESTER JULY 30: Murphy, C...5 0 0 5 2 0 VanAK-t'e,3b 4 0 0 000 Allentown 4, Elmira 3. Hit by pitcher—Creegan, Auuis, cf...... 5 1 1 2 0 0 Reccius, 3b... 4 0 0 261 base hit—Lowo. Three-base hits—McAleer, Strange. Three-base bit—I.ehaue. First on balls—By Whito ROCHESTER. AD B.B. P. A. K TBOY. AB.R.B. P. A.B Say, 3b...... -5 1 2 1 3 1 Augart, cf...4 1 0 200 Baker, Guushannon. Doublo play—Creegan, Taylor. Crooks, 2b.... 6 1 0 2 3 llPowoll, Ib... 4 0 2 17 11 Stolen bases—Sneed 2, Kec-ius, Geninj 4, McAleor^ 2. by Fanning 1. Hit by pitcher—Carroll. Fanning. Sutton, 3b....6 1 0 2 C 2 BaKor, lb....,7 1 0 23 00 Taylor, Ib... 5 2 2 11 00 Chamhe'n.ssS 10031 Passed balls—Williams 2. Wild pitchei—Goodall 2. Lovett,p...... 4 1 3 1 8 l|Plielan, 2b... 4 0 0 062 Maskrey, Foster, Griffith. First ou balls—Si,.ux City Passed balls—Welch 1, Hnckott 1. Stolen bases—Hart Simon, lf.....7 2 3 1 0 O'Sweeney, 3b.7 0 2 311 Umpire—McLean. Tune—1:50. O'Connell.lb 5 1 3 10 0 OlWhitely, lf..3 10000 1, Milwaukee 2. Struck out—Bv Geist 2, by 3. Bittman Jacobs, rf.....5 12 0 10 Shay, lb...... 4 00700 Griffith 2, Swoeuoy, Troy. Wild pitches—Fanning Griffln, cf.....7 0230 l'Tioy,2b...... 7 13 3 10 3 Gaillgau, If..5 1 1 2 1 0 Pitz, C...... 4 0 3 8 32 Miller, 3b..... 5 0 0 0 1 2|Force, SS...... 3 0 0 800 1. Passed balls—Barue» 1, Mills 1. Wild pitch— 3, Whito 1. Left ou base.v-Buflalo 12, Troy 4. Um­ Collins, 21.... 7 1 1 4 3 0 Werdfn,cf....7 1 1 000 Crane, 2l>..._4 1213 0 Cole, lf...... 4 00300 Games Flayed July 31. McGarr, rf._ 3 2 1 4 0 0 denim, cf... 300 2 01 Octet. Umpire—Cusick. Time—1:55. pire—Sullivan. Timiv- 2:10. Peltz, rl...... 7 0 4 4 0 0,M.Hackett, c 6 0 1 7 41 Carey, SB.....4 1112 0 1'oran, p...... 4 00072 ALLRNTO'N vs. BINGHAM'N AT ALI.ENT'N JuLYSl: Cooney^s..... 8 2 2 0 3 0 Siebel p...... 3 0 0 000 KAM. CITY vs. ST. PAUL AT KAN. CITY JULY 26: HAMILTON vs. ALBANY AT HAMILTON JULY 2(1: Kennedy, Nagle,c...... » 2 3 7 3 0 Shell, C...... 3 0 0 010 Ib6 0 1 16 0 0 Haddock. If..6 0 0 1 00 Swift, p...... 4 0 1 1 6 2 McCarthy, rf 4 0 0 200 ALLBNTO'N. AR.B. B. P. A. EjBISGHAM 'N. AB.R. B. P. A.E KAX. CITY. AB B B. P. A. K ST. PAUL. AB.R. B. P. A. B HAMILTON'. AR.R. B. P. A. El ALBANV. AB.R.B. P. A.B Miller, 83....7 0 0 1 t ll W.Hack'tt,ss6 0 1 740 Total...... 4~i813*26193| Total...... 33 3 3 27 17 3 Foulkrod,2b. 6 1 2 3 2 0 Kiuipiley,3l>. 4 0 1 310 Total...... 411215 27 1841 Total...... 31 2 3 27145 Long, rf...... 001 1 00 Carrol I, If... 7 0 5 2 01 Andnu, 2b... 4 1 1 0 3 O'Nelson.se..... 5 2 2 160 MclCeougli.c 6 0 0 17 5 2!Ste\vart, rf... 601 4 11 •McCarthy out For batting out of order. Gunsha'n,cf.4' ' 013' - - 1 OMcGuirk.lb.3 008 Omaha....._...... 00080004 0—11 Manuing,cf..7 0 0 2 0 1 Murphy, cf.. 6 3 3 1 10 Bainey, 3b... 5 1103 2l Bowman, If. 5 1 1 4 11 Calihan, p... 602 0 16 0 Kecfe, p..._. 600 0 10 0 Scranton...... 03200000 3—8 Tomuey, ss..4 013 5 0 Roussey, SB. 3 1 1 Sioux City...... 000000110—2 Brndloy, It... 6 2 1 2 0 1 MoriBsoy,lb6 3 1 12 01 Knight, If... 5 2 1 1 0 ollloover, rf....o 1 2 2 01 Total...... 59 4 13 48 34 6 Total...... 57 3 9 48 30 6 Elmira...... 30000000 0—3 Zell, P...... O 020 7 0 Lavin, cf...... 4 00 Earned runs—Omaha 10. Two-baso hits—Baj-nes, Johnson, 3b.. 6 2 2 2 2 1 Pitkett, »s... 7 2 1 0 6» Visuer, C...... 5 1 1 7 1 OtUunu, Ib..... 5 0 0 10 01 Rochester. 0001 00020000000 1—4 Earued runs—Scrauton 6. Two-base hits—Taylor Roctie, c...... 5 025 0 0 M'Guckin,lf.3 00 Ka^le. Stolen bases—Burns 3, Ann;s, Crooks 2, Mc­ Lauge, ss..... B 4 3 2 4 liPalton, rf.... 0 2 3 400 L)BCb, lb.....5 2 2 17 1 o|H.lpin,3b... 4 0 0 412 Troy...... 100002000000000 0—3 2, Pitz 2. Stolen bases—Taylor,Galligan. Ctane, Carey Meister, 31).. 4 1 1 2 1 1 Filzger'd,2b.3 00 Garr 5, Cooney, Sneed, Powell. Double plays—Itoc- Cartwri't,lb.7 2 1 18 0 2 Siiafer, 2b...6 12633 Wood, ,-f...... 5 1 2 3 0 0 Foreman,p..4 0 0 070 Karned runs—Rochester 2, Troy 1. Two-liase hits— 2. First ou balls—Taylor, Crane, Carey, Chamberlain. Breunan,Ik3 1 1 9 0 OJEwald, rf.....3 0 0 1 1 cius, Powell, Force; Force, Phelan. First ou balls— Ardner, 2b...7 4 2 2 0 2:Kiley,3b...... 5 1 1 2 3S Swart-vo'd.rfS 0 2 0 0 O.We kbec'r.c.4 0 0 522 Griffin, Caliban, Sweeney, Werdt-n, Troy. Three-base Struck out—Burns, Taylor, Galligan, Crane, Swift 2, Baker, If..... 4 0120 OlChaimian, p. 3 0 0 1 ' BySiebel2. Hit by pitcher— Siebel. Struck out Gunson, C....7 1 4 5 0 OjK> mmlor. c..l 1 1 420 Phillips, ss... 5 0 1 1 5 o'Orau-.cf...... 4 1 1 201 hits—Peltz, Troy. Home run—Simon. First ou balls Shugart. Doran, McCarthy. Left on bases—Scranton Biady, rf....4 1 1 0 0 0 Collins, c..... 3 0 0 7 —By Lovett 1. Passed ball—Shell 2. Wild pltchrl— Michaels, p. 7 0 1 0 9 OJEarle, c...... 5 2 1 522 Oreou, P...... O 0 1 1 9 l;Knox, 2b..... 3 1^0 222 Lovett 1, Siebel 1. —Off Caliban 2, off Keefe 2. Stolen bases—Sultou. 5, Elmira 3. Hit by pitcher—Creegan2,Sliay. Double Total...... 384 12 27 16 l| Total...... SO 1 2 27 17 0 Umpire—Cuiick. Titno—1:43. Tot»1...... 5915r334208jDuryea,p.....5 10 0 10 0 Total...... 44 8 12 30 2231 Total...... 396 6301810 Simon, Collins. Peltz, W. Hackett, Stewart. First ou plays—Burns, Murphj, Carty; Carry, Crane, Taylor; Allentown...... 04000000 0—4 I Total...... 631615 3«27 IS Hamilton...... 010002000 5—8 errors—Rochester 2, Troy 3. Struck out—By Calihan Creegan, Shty; Chamberlain, Cree.... 4 0 0 4 3 uory.lb. 4 0 1 12 22 03000000 x—3 A. F. J3I INNBAP'3. AB.R. B. P. A.I * Fanning out; hit by batted ball. Earued runs—Newark 2. Two-bato hit—Fields. Simmous,2b. 4 0 0 1 1 llCrane, 2b.....3 0 0 331 bases—Maskrey, Strauss, Lowe, Pettee 2, Sneod, Wells. Hollidny, cf..4 0 0 3 0 olKrieg, lb....4 1 1 700 Burke, rf...... 2 1 0 2 0 Ol Murphy, p... 4 0 0 1 30 Toronto...... 00002010 0—3 Stolen bases—Meister, Tomney. First on balla—Alien- Smith, S3..... 3 1084 OjCarey, 88..... 2 01 0 30 Two-base hits—Rercius, McAleer. Doublo plays— Jlanvll.cl.... 4 0000 liilijr.iu-, 2b..4 00661 Quiun, 2II.....4 0 2 3 3 OlWalsu, M.....3 1 1 211 Buffalo...... 00000000 0—0 town 3, Newark 4. Struck out—Allentown 7, Newark Baker, p...... 4^ 00 1 0 Oj Jacobs, p.... 3 0 0 061 Force, Reccius, Puwell; Pettee, Fuller. First on balls Stearns, Ib... 4 0 0 6 0 diltrosuan, 2b..4 0 1 420 llartnett.tu.. 4 0 0 7 1 0 Ilauiliv 31>.... 4 0 0 120 Earned runs—Toronto 2. Two-base hits—Fanning 8. Left on bases—Alleutown 4, Newark —Sioux City 2. struck out—By Wells 3, bv Shenkel Atkisson, p... 4 0 0 0 13 Oj Walker, C....4 0 1^ 511 6. Double Total...... 37 6 9 27 20 21 Total...... 32 1 4 27 17 6 Macnllar, B3.3 0 1 3 0 0 Tel,eau.»li_...4 1 2 1 20 2. Three-base hit—Atkisnon. Left on bases—Buffalo play—Smith, Simmons, Fields. Passed ball—Duffy. Newark...... 02021000 1—6 5. Passed lalls-Pranter 2, Warnor 1. Wild pitch— Shafer, rf.....3 1 1 1 0 1 P.OWB, rf...... 4 0 2 1 00 Total...... S3 4 6 30 2TJ 3! Total...... 38 2 8 30 17 5 9, Toronto 2. First on halls—Flynn, Bittman, Welch, Umpire—Pearce. Time—1:45. Scrauton...... ™.... 00000001 0—1 Sbenkel. Umpire—Cusick. Time—1:05. Alroru,c3 0 1 920 Atkision. Stolen bases—Bnrke WILKESB'E. AB.R.B. P. A. *[B1NOIIAH'N. AB.B. B. P. A.E Kuniod runs—Syracueo 2. Two-lias* hits—Marr, 2, ManJell, Barinett. Corcorau, 88.5 0 0 1 3 0;McGuckin,lf4 0 mons, Smith, Galligan, Carey, First on balls—Smith, Long, rf...... 4 0 0 0 0 OlShafor, rf..... 4 0 0 1 00 Tun Dyke.lf. 4 0 1 5 0 OJSowders.p... 3 0 0 060 McQiio;y. Three-l-ano hit—Wiight. Dobblo play— Umpire—Curry. Time—1:45. 0 301 Irwin, 3h..... 5 2 2 0 0 l:Uou8rty, as. 4 0 1 232 Craur. Struck oufc— Newark 5, Scrautou 8. Left on Manning, cf.4 0 1 1 0 OlQuinn, 2b....4 0 1 140 Totil...... 34 3 8 27 12 l| Total...... :»1 8 ft 13 f Atkisson, Decker, Keirns. Fliet on balls—Bntka 2. LONDON' vs. HAMILTON AT IiONixm JTJLT 30: bases—Newark 6, Kcranton 3. Passed balls—Murphy Bradley, If... 31051 o'stoarns.lb... 4 0 1 14 00 Hit by piicher—Writrht. Rtol.-.-u bases—McLaughlm, Brill, 1D...... 5 3 1 » 0 IjLavln, cf.....4 0 1 202 Des Moiuos...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 J o_J HAMILTON. AB.R... B.. P. A.Ej LONDON. AB.B. B. P. A.B JlcKee, rf.... 5 3 2 2 0 OiKiugsley, 3b4 0 0 112 2. Umpire—Latbam. Time—1:40. Johnson, 3b. 4 0 1 0 0 2| Holliday,cf..4 1 1 1 00 Mi'meapolis...... 02^5 U |)io 0—t, Do.k.-r, KuirnB, Uuik., Marr. Beard. Struck out— Andnu,2b... 5 0 0 2 I'Shiekeck,**.. 5 00220 Beecher, If... 4 2200 0 Fttzgera'd,2b3 10201 Lange, 8S.....4 0044 OiMacullar, ee.8 00010 JI,-l.a>i'{Mi:i, Huike. Marr, Ely 3, MoQuery, Murphy 2, EASTON vs. ELJIIRA AT EASTON JULY 31: Knrued r^—'^rt eio'.rua 3, Minneapolis 2. Two- Rainey, 3h...5 0 1 2 l:D<,novan. cf. 5 2 2 Chadwick,2b5 0 0 2 1 0 McGuirk,lb.3 0 0 601 BASTON. AB.B.B. P. Carlwrl't.lb.S 0 1 11 0 fll Alvord, 3b... 4 2 8 0 40 IIitgi.,8 3, Ualiin. Pa«s<-d balls—DecUor 1, Walker 1. Kniglit.lF.... 2 1 1 0 0 ! l)ioker-!on,2b4 1 2 A. Bj BI.MIBA. AB.R.B. P. A. K biw hits—Alvord, Ketmoily, Tebsau. Threo-baso Cain,cf...... 5 0 0 1 0 OlEwald, rf.....3 0 0 Oil M'Derm't,2b4 1139 2|3hngart, of.4 10300 Ardner. 2b... 3 0 0 1 6 OJTiaffiVy. c.. 150 S 00 bit—Krleg. Doublo piny—Quinn, Stoarnj. Kint ou Wild pilch—Murphy. Umpire—Curry. Time—1:15. Visuer; C.....4 11 2 o[Quinn, If.....4 1 I Swartzel, p... 3 1 I 0 T Sinatch:u'n,p4 0 2 0110 NOTE.—At London, rain. Cuff, c...... 8 1 1 8 2 HFee, p...... 3 1 0 160 Becannon,3b5 0 0 0 0 2|3heron, p.....4 0 1 042 balls—By Kennedy l,by Sowders 2. Struck out—By Lvnch, Ib.... 4 11 0 O'Kinslow, C....4 1 1 Roach, p...... 6 1 3 1 12 0 Collins, c..... 3 0 0 801 McKeever.c. 6 1 I 6 2 0 Taylor, ss....3 0 0 3 80 Reynold^;..;; v 0 3 1 OjVan Dyke, If 3 0 0 100 Wood, cf...... 4 1 1 0 OJMessltt, 3b....4 1 1 Kennedy 3, by S'lwdora 5. Passed bulls—Trcftloy 1. Game* Flayed July 37. Total...... 4412il24 18 3 Chapman, oF.l 00001 Sullivan, lf-4 00101 Corcoran,lb. 4 0061" Total...'... 3l 2 4 27 18 21 Tolal...... 34 3 8 27 2'0 0 Wild [iltch— towdors. Uniplrt—Uogan. Time—1:25. Svvartwo'd,rf3 11 0 rGoiss, Ib..... 300 Quinn, Ib... 4 1 2 11 01 Creegan, 2b.. 3 0 0 z 4 6 BUFFALO vs. TROY AT BUFFALO JULY 27: Pnlllipa,e«....4 0 1 4 0! Hunted, p..... 4 01020 I Total...... 322 2 24 if 12 Des Moines...... 0 0000020 1—3 KANS. CITY vs. ST. PAUL AT KANS. CITY JULY 27: Wilkesbarre...... 2081030 0—12 McCarron,rf4 0 » 2 0 C V»n-Attre,3b.3 1 2 210 Kansas City...... 00000100 1—2 BUFFALO. AB.R.B. P. A.El TROY. AB.R.B. P. A.B Green'p...... 4 0204 OJSowders, rf...3 11020 HAS. CITT. Ail R. B. P, A. R| ST.riUl.. AB.R.B. P. A.I Binghamtou...... 00110000—2 Hf.li, «'... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Pitz, C...... 2 0 0 720 Earned runs—Des Moioes 3, Kansas City 1. Two- Long, rf—— 6 1 0 2 0 Ojl.'arroll, If... 3 2 2 200 Carroll, cf... o 1 1 1 0 1 Baki-r, lb.....4 0 0 0 00 Total...... 3"i 5 B 27 ft si Total...... 36 7 9 27 131 Earned runs—Wilkesbarre 2. Two-base base hit— Hulchinsou. -- - - ....-.„ 0U| ui.p|,y_ cf._5 2 j 3 Hamhurp, If 5 1 1 0 1 0;S\veeney, 3b 4 1 0 1 bV-_^r)11. Colli ns, 88... 3 0 0 1 3 4 Cole, If...... 3 1 0 2 00 Three-base hits—Alvonl, Manning, cf. 0 0 London...... 00060010 0—7 Home run—Roach. Stolen base«-_Jrw1ti 2, Brill, Mc- Suow, p...... 4 0 2 1 4 0 M'Carthy, rf. 3 1 0 100 Manning. Double play—Arduer, Lange, Cartwright. Lohiinc, Ib... 4 1 2 10 0 0;Troy, 2b...... 3 1 1 5 Hamilton ...... 00001400 0—5 B-adl»y, If..-4 I 1 0 0 Morrisscy,ll>4 1 2 12 00 Kee 2, Beecber, R ms!";;-, iicGutkiu. Struck out—By Total...... 363 8 241810 Total...... 29 4 3*26 15 2 First on balls—By Swartzel 1. Hit by jitchcr—By Johnson, 3b.. 4 0 1 3 oa'ickett, «.... 4 01031 licidy. :ib..... 4 2 1 0 0 1 Wcrclon.ct... 4 0 1 4 Earned runs—London 4, Hamilton 3. Two-base hit Hntchlnson 1. Hart,rf...... 4 1 2 2 0 0; M.Mockett,c.4 0 0 5 Roach 6 J;y Tee 3. Left on bases—Wilkesbarre 5, *Sullivan declared out for iLterfering with catcher. Struck out—Bv Hu'chlusoii 7, by Lauge.M.....4 0 0 2 0 I'atton, rf..... 412 2 00 —MoKltt. Three-base hit—Douovan. First on balls Swertzel 5. Wild pitches—Hutchiusou 2. Umpire— Flynn, SS...... 2" 202" " 2 1 I'nr.'i'-'k, ".4 212 —London 2, Hamilton 3. Hit by pltcher^.]^,,^ Binghamtou 3. Hit by pitcher—Beechur. Passed ball Fj>ston...... 11000100 0—3 Canwri't.lb.S 0 0 0 1 HIHEO, 2b... 4001 3 1 —Cuff. Umpire—Holland. Fessenden. Time—1:40. ISU'tnSu, £1). 4 127 8 lists wart, rf... 4 0 0 Struck out—London Time—1:34. Elmira...... _ 00003100 x—4 Ardner, 2b...4 0 3 2 1 0 Riloj, 3b...._3 2 1 1 2 1 4, nan^i^i, a. Passed ball— NOTB—At Easton, tain OMAHA vs. CHICAGO AT OMAHA JULY Welch, C...... 4 015 3 2! Dunning, fl».. 4 0 1 0 Visner. wi" j,;^o—Hustod. Umpire—Sullivan. Earned runs—Easton 1. Two-ba*« hits—McDer­ 23: Gnnsnn, C..-.4 01 8 42 Karlo, C...... 4 226 2 0 Vanning,..,.--__ p.. 4 I 0 0 8 Oi^cering, p.... 301 0 ". _ —time—2:05. mott, Quinn. Stolen bases—McKeever, Quinn, Collins, OMAHA. AB.R.B. P. A. Bl CHICAGO. AB.B.B. P. A.B Conway, p.... 40 0 1^ 7 l! Amlerxon, p.4 0 0 051 Games Flayed July 28. Taylor, Van Alstlne, Co)e. First on balls—Easton 3, Burns, lf..._5 2220 I'Moriarity.cf.S 00100 T'.t.I...... 354 624173 Total...... 35'lU 11 27 15 4 Total...... 3? 10 1027 13 (j| Ssts!...... 34 4 5 24 137 Elmira 1. Struck out—Easton 3, Elmira 3. Left on Annis, cf.....6 0 1 2 2 OIRheims,3b... 5 0 0 012 Troy...... J11100000 4 SAI>LY SIGHING SANDUSKY. JERSEY C'Y vs. SCRANTON AT JERSEY C'Y JULY 28: Kansas City...... 0 00220000—4 JERSEY C'Y. AB.R.B. P. A.E SCRANTON. AB.B. B. P. A.B hases—Easton 6, Elmira 6. iasied balls—Pitz 2. Crooks, 2b... 5 0 1 7 0 2!Hanrahau,ss4 1 1 3 8 1 St. Paul...... 30004210 x— 10 Buffalo...... 03200600 x-10 Wild pitch—Sheron. Umpire—Pearce. Time—1:35. O'Conuell.lbS 1 2 6 2 0 Henxle, 2b...5 1 1 4 4 0 !i.iood runa—Bumilo 1, Troy 1. Two-base hit— A Gloomy Outlook for the Trl-State League Hiland. cf....5 1 0 0 0 0 Burns, cf-... 5 0 0 400 Earned runs— St. Paul 9. Homo rnn— Patiou. O'Brien, lb..5 0 0 3 0 0 Murphy, c... 4 1 0 401 JERS'Y C'Y vs.WILKESB'E AT JERS'Y C'Y JULY 31: Cooney, s«....4 121 Shoeneck, Ib4 1 2 11 0 0 Tliret -!)»'(• hit— Morrlswy. Doublo play— Earle, Mor- 'Welch. Double play—Stowarl, Troy. First on balla— The Jlillenium Plan Advocated. Miller, 3b.... 3 102 0 0 Dwyer, If...... 4111 0 0 By laiiniiiK 1, by Si>e:iug 1. Hit by pitcher—1'lynn. Knowles, 3b.5 1142 l.Siy, 3b...... _ 4 00 1 20 JERSEY C'r. AB.B. B. P. A.E WILKESB'B. AB.R.B. P. A.B rlssoy. Buses stolen— Manning 2, Carroll 3, Mniphr SANBCSSY, 0., July 30.—Editor SPORTINB LITE:— Friel, If...... 4 11100 Taylor. Ib... 4 1 0 12 00 Hilaud, cf.... 521 1 10 Black, p...... 600 0 71 McUarr, rf...3 1 1 0 4 0 Dugdale, C...4 111 0 1 4, MorriSioy, Riloy 2, Earle 3. Firy Con- ting up a stiff article of ball, winning seven out of tne Gerhardt,2b.4 1 1 2 0 O'Cran-, 2b.....4 0 2 1 60 Knowles 3b. 5 1 1 1 2 (I Corcorau, us. 4 0 1 442 Clark, p...... 400 140 Ca.. 4 2 a 1 4 f''l:!i.-inw,3li,c.4 Kaight,»'.... 4203 211 or Ohio League next year. There 21810001 0—11 1 1 7 10 is no disguising the Galligan, Daly. Three-1-ase hits—Friel, Gerliardt, Wilki-sbarrv ...... 0 00200101—4 by Cady 5. Passed" halls—Nagle 1, Duguale 2. Wild Powell, lb...3 0 0 13 0 OiHnurali«n,w4 024 31 Visner, C.....5 126 2 1 Dil-m. Ib...... 5 1 I 10 fact that, with the exception perhapi of Wheeling, Lang. Strurk'out—Jersey pilches—Clark 1, Cadj 1. Umpire—Brennan. Time l.vnrh.lb..... 1 2 3 8 (t o'llalp'.ii, 3b... 4 121 City 2, Scran tin 12. Um­ Earned runs— Jersey City 6, Wilkesbarre 3. Two- Phrlan, 2b...4 0 1 6 2 ODIjugli-.Zh.... 4 0 2 2(1 Bvery town in this League ban lost money, and lots of pire—Holland. Time—2:201 bftpe hits — Knowles, Daly, Beecher. Tin ee— base —Jib. Whitely, lf..3 0 1 0 0 o;sii-wnocli,lb4 0 2 d.cf...... 5 2 2 2 0 Oi?o tinon, cf..4 010 It. Why? Ask any one or all ol the officials of any hils — 0\ Swnrlwn'J.iTo 1220 0,W(!tliUc'rlc.4 011 NEWARK vs. WILKESBA'B AT NMVARK JPLY 28: O'Bti, rf... 300 0 HO rhiilirB, s«...4 1 1 1 3 oiKaor, 2b.....4 1 1 5 41 Thin end of the circuit has kicked on the salary ques­ WII.KEJBE. AR.H.B. P. A.BI NKWAIIK. AB.R.B. P. A.X Joiu-s, p...... 4 0 2 1 2 010 alT, P...... 4 0 0 0 0 2 Corcoran,s?.. 5 0 1 0 2 O.C'uwy, CI...... 4 tt 0 100 — Jersey City 8, Wilkeebaire 8. First on errors — Jersey OMAHA vs. Cuicvao AT OMAHA JTLY 24: Siebel, p...... 3 0 0 8 4 O'lLwor. 0.....0 0 1 200 tion since lust year, but without any apparent effi-ct. Ciiy 6, \Mlkesbnrre 1. Wild pitches— D«ly 2. Passed Tl.e i-aoe set by Lima and Irwlu, 3b....,4 1 1 2 4 0;'.Voi!nn,rl....4 0 3 010 OMAHA. AB «.». P. A. E! CntC.lOO. AB.R. B. P. A .* Prauter, C....8 0 0_ 5 0 OlCndy, p...... 4 01110 Totil...... 41 C) 1827144: Total...... 3951127158 Wheeling forced the otlier balls— Hoffoid 2. Umpire— Holland. Time— 2:05. Total...... 2JP3 4 27 14 oiDupl.nle, If... 4 00100 n.'.niilKin ...... 1 0 0 2 0 S 2 0 0—10 rluba to .strengthen or play to empty benohev. The re* Brill, Ib..... 8 1 0 12 00 Fields, U...... 400 9 10 Burns, lf.....4 0041 OlSoria'y.cf.. .4 00 0 00 A,l.an...... 0 U001T030—5 gult coul-l be r-asily forenoon—t-mpty coffers aa well as McKee, rf... 8 1000 0 Johnson, If... 4 11100 AnnKcf...... 4 2 1 2 0 0:Rl!eim«,3b...3 0 1 142 I Total...... 361 9 fl » i T)ai.i-d rr.u~Himiltou 5, Albany 2. T\v-!,we empty 1'Oi.ch'». Till SP< HTINO LIFB Millenium Plan Bee. her,If...4 0 1 3 0 0 J"iies, 3b.....4 0 0 321 AMOSO th» youngsters who have made a b!g nit this Crooks, 2b... 3 1 0 2 4 0!Hanralinri,».4 0 0 140 Sioux City...... 10001100 0-3 h); a._Woj!, PbliHpf, .lonoB, Ht'so^i, itoo^m'tn, Rr.jit. hat g'-t to com* out here or good-bye to base ball. Black, cf.....4 1 3 3 0 OjSullivan.c... 4 0 1 763 seas n mid bid fair to remain in the League for years Mjl!er,3l...... 3 0 1 1 1 OJHengie, 2S....2 1 0 271 Chicaip...... 00000001 0— I 1hri-B-U»i Lit—Wcx'd. Firi\t on Irillt--Kniul't, Wb*( Oo you way, Plckwlclc, Bad, Leonard, Krank and Chailwiok.2b3 2 1 1 2 2;3iinm<>!u.,2b.3 0 0 1 31 to como are Slattery, of New York; Farrull, of Chicago; McGarr, rf... 4 1120 0;.Shoencek, Ib4 2 1 12 11 Earned mm— Sioux City 1, Chicago 1. Twob.s* HcMiier. J(itby ilwhei—Lynch. S!i Irii l*»'t—A.n- th« balance of the Tii-Stu!c Lia^uo Bcribee? Shall we Dowse,e...... 4 0 3 5 0 ojjmith, S-...... 3 0 1 140 Euckley, of Indianapol's; Wilmot and Hoy, of Wash- Na*ie, c...... 3 1 0 7 0 O'tiwyer, If.... 4 0 0 1 00 h : l»— Hiiiirahan, Ktrciiu. First on bull*— W Cadv 4. oo'l force H>me of our mazi-at,'* t,1 adi,pt the Millenium Fit»ger»id,p. 4 0 0 I 8 Ojl'akcr, |!...... :( 00 1 91 ingtoti; Beckley, of Pitts'mrg; So\vd( rs, of Boston; Hun- 0-Connell.lbt 0 1 » 0 •VJIoorw, C.....4 0 1 7 01 Ji:t by v!li-litr— I'owall. Struck out— I'.r .Slebel 3, bjr 3. Phill -a. if,)j>er, Ilalpiu, Forom.u, W»kb»ck«r. Plan an'l thereby insure HK oi:;.> year in Te, at leaat, of Total...... 38610 27 11 ri\ Total...... 3"5 1 6 24 25 6 dels, of Philadelphia; Kroc*, of Chicago, and a f-w Comey, M... 4 0 1 1 3 2 Sprnglio, j>...4 0 0 1 CO i'.iiivS. l'««el Nills--Pr«iitor 2, lfcov»rl, Rhei'.isi. Bnvck out—By Join's 2. Loflo.i !,»-v-j— !!.ini:U.-,n 0, bsll, or shall we h»i th« cat tiio uoiv? Everybody yell. Wilkesbarre...... 50000100 x—6 ijioiv if the youngsters premise to push to the front as Shafor, p..... 40107 ICCa !y, if...... 4 01 2 00 I,i. ft on biui-s—Sioux City 2, C:iieajo7. Umj

Leagud In July. In the American Association arena The mo*t iunocflnt victim of Ch:ipmau'a caprice* there were several three-straight defeats given in AN UMPIRE'S TALE. however, ia your hnmble servant. In every way <1id PHILADELPHIA POINTERS. July, bceinninij with thoae of tho four-straight series Chapman try to win me over to him. Hla sweet, flat- THE SPORTING LIFE. BASE BALL. How AflTalra Are Run in the International Iu St. Louie creJlted to the Brooklyn?, a series which t'-ring words had no effect, whereupon he positively The Athletics Pull Up Into Third Place riled Oirta Vsu ed tho Athletics from sns- (FIXED AND FIXAL.) handled the ash beautifully on thatoccasion. In doing way back iu '76, your humble servant has 'observed guidance, surrounding Remseu iu a threatening man­ lainii.g a defeat in this eer oa. ID the first game the you will got is utter indifference, as far as any that the "press" has a mighty influence in moulding interests their work in the fiolcl, at the bat and in base-run uing, ner. Chapman now turna B< mson over to the mot', Cowboys ouly made ono clean hit of Mattiniure aud 2O Cents Per Line Nonpareil Measurement. the abuse may damagingly affect out­ every team desirous of winning pennant* should adopt public opinion. In base ball this power is even greater, while lie himself sneaka toward the dressing room. were shut out; Iu the second match Weyhing shut AI'VERTISEBS ehuuld forward their favors so ns to side of gate receipts. But show them that it de­ the well-known motto of "Tbe Three Guardsmen" M ihe cold facta (?) of the tgoornnii that generally fttnmen was struck with bottled and cushions rather tli em out without a hit or a run, aud In tho third con- leacli us by 3 P. M. Satnnlay, as this paper goes to pres-a pletes their treasuries and then they will take "One for all and all for one." That Is what the Now hold tbe positions as base t»;i!l editors slr:ko with freely and would have beeu struck with nVs but for teat Blair pitched so fffeciivt-ly that U wai Lot until doable effect on the prejudiced and biased feelirifra of a EVKBY SATURDAY AT 5 P. II. measures to put a stop to it. They are now be­ York team have been doing thb month, ard that is tho police that arrived in time to save hie life. the last iuning thaf they got a mau across the plate, why they have been enabled to jump trooi fourth place thousand senHeless bane ball crank-i. All that is neo- Now, Mr. Editor, these are facts skjen with my own which, by the way, wtts tin- only ruu they made dnr- ginning to realize that a player in their team eessry for a disturbance on the field Is for the smart who is intemperate In hia habiU is too cosily a man to in Juue to first place in July. eyes and published both by "Traveller" and the Buf­ ing iheir three* days1 stay iu thl* city. The Louisville* PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST 8, 18S8. yonng newspaper man to say on the day of game that falo papers. Being facts as they are, what should be came ou Thurs-Iay, nnd they gave the locals a hard have in the nine, no mutter how great* player he may umpire so-and-so is d^-ad sore against "our" club and he in his hjmo I am glad to see the vett-rau Galvln recovering his done with Chapman? But 110, he ia bucked by the tussle to win, it requiring 13 iuuiu^a to decide theeon- position. Tliero fn not a *iu£le club iu lo^t gr-und in pitching. During July he has ltd all the said umpire Bo-nnJ-ao la devoid of character, or Boffdlo Club, which rules aud ruins the International test. Iu this gitinv Sew ard pitched superbly, ouly 3 of the National League or the American Association that in ijpnent, or both, and the object for his uncalled-for haa not, at seme time or other In its history, lo.it the tha Pittsburg pitchers, Morris being second and Staley Association, only to leave it next year for tho Ameri­ the 6 hiU made off him bting clean aud outside tha third iu perctDtage of victories Something or other scribbling la accomplished. Mr. Chadv.'ick has re­ can. Had Bern90n been hurt or killed by the mob no diamond. On Friday they won easily, batting Hecter'g opportunity to take the lead iu tbe season's pennant peatedly pointed out this pernicious habit without 45,OOO race through drunRi-uncas iu Its club ranbs, and it is demoralized Ga'.vin iu the «arly part of the season, one would have l>ecn more rosponaible for ine violt'uca delivery hard, while 3 scattering hits wai Lwdea which uot h*vin$ hi8 plucky catcher, Miller, avail. It will never cease. offered than Jack Ch'-.pman, th» "erratic" manager of all the Colonels could get »ff Weyning. Tha only since club directors and stockholders havo real­ Mr. Kditor, with the newspapers against the umpire ized by practical experience the costiy nature of allow­ to help him for over a mouth was a drawback. Gal- the Buflalo Club. Athletics are iu great fhaps just now aud playing vin is OUH of the ablest strategists in the box, ai.d that ho can never succeed. His rina and fall, his up3 and Thaukiitg you, afl wol! aa your patient readers, for the kind of ball lh*t will win ai! the time. That they ing this ttbuae to exist that any gerioui efforts have downs, dejteud uot so much on his own individual work bei'ii mtide to check the evil. Ju the near future I i3 the class of pitchers I want to seo succeed, and not the attention given me, I tun as ever, do nt t lack giit 1^ proven by the tact that whhin the your striking out, mtimi Utinir, wild, awift pitcbeis. as on the favor or diefuvor of the prtss. No matter Respectfully yours, B«N F. YOUNG. part two weeks they won two ibirteeu-inuing con- hope to seo the etrirte-t rules of temperance enforced how much tue crowd may howl on day of game, let ttists. The men are all in excellent shape and confi­ QUESTIONS ANSWERED. in the professional rauks irooi the be£iuniii£ to tbe the newspapers say "he's all ri^ht" aud the grievances end of eai-h What » difference It has made in the Chicago team's dent of winning the pennant. Their fielding cannot championship season, and then (>nly can gnmes with Indianapolis in tho latter team not having of yesterday become the graces of to-day. But what be excelled, aud they are also running the bases as FRANK 3. BOTH, West Middleton, Pa. You were success in team playing be looked fur in either of the Deony and GUtucock to help them m Mar last. Tho has all this to do with the International? A good LOUISVILLE LACONICS. well and hitting the ball oftencr than any club in the wrung. The man did not have to to back on a strike­ prominent professional associations. Chica^os have uot won a game with Indianapolis since deal, sir, and, though I'm wearing out tbe patience of Association. The Athletics'batteries are doin^ phe­ out. To effect a double play in a ca-e like that tbere the 4th of May. Up to that date they had won eight some of the superficial readers, tho student of base tall Kamsoy's Case Still the Talk of the Town nomenal work. Srward an* Weyhing have lately must be a force. If the batsman bad fouled out, then Next to yle nuil the Syracuse papers are most fair aud smack lugs of a Continued Good Work, Etc. of pitchers in the country, and M-ittiinore and Blair play would have counted; but ou a btrike-out, the ba«e- which only alleged errors ot judgment are involved. Shreve, backed up by two crock in fielders, combined dt-sire to "roast ctuau to the bone" tlmii those of other are aluo more than holding thuir own. Sharalg baa a runners can advance Hi-m^eKes oa baaea the semens I don't care what plan in the st-lecttoo of umpires, or with SpeuCo*s able management, Indianapolis IB uow cities. Thrre may b« a reaecu for thi*, as the club is LOUISVILLE, Ky., July 31. Editor Sponrixo quartette of young pitchers that are hard to beat, and If; there bttd been a put-out from one of the iuflelJers what method of governing umpires, the League or the in first place by a goud majority, and likely to stay LIFB: Kamsey's recent adventures t<:-t!'iy t!i'» Athletics are as strong in the to first base. A-eocia'iou may adopt, they can never reach the point giving An&m considerable trouble. with the pitching de- there, in spite of Cushinan'a unprincipled tactics. constable have been pa^meut as nuy club in the country. If the Athletic* STUART HOLT, Spuyten Duyvll, N. T. (1) Ten cents. of satisfactory work in the position as loug aa p'uyers Syracuse papers, public, club aud management may be all the talk among the Manager Loft us, I see, trains the Cleveland team in people of this city. can knock the Browns out this week they will be ia (2) Write to A. G. Spaldin* Broa., 241 Broadway, N. are allowed to kick a^aius-t decisions as they ate uow. playing for the Kde Iu their morning practice, alike in able to stand more than the ottier clubs, but, whether Ramsey, as was briefly the lead inside of ten days. On Monday, Tuesday and Y., Hud tliey will tell you whither they have back Tt-.e existing rules protecting umpires against this batting us in fielding. Some of these days my lessons or no, they do it, and there is less said about the um­ stated last week, was released ou the Thursday Wednesday tbe Athletics will be home, having for their numbere and at what price they will eel! them. (3) abu^fi are mere deaJ-1-tter laws. Club people nullify pire iu that city by the representative press than in nitiht following his arrest by taking the in­ th.-m by paying the fiuos of offending players when In this respect, giveu out twenty years ago, will yield opponents tho champion Browns. Back's Band will Stitl'm-es and soreues* all over the body, contraciion of gO'.d truit. It takes years to get ball players out of uuy of the others. And thus U ia that au umpire solvent debtor's oath. Ramsey was taken be­ b^ [Tffteut and give instrumental concert! ou Tuesday muscles, etc., caused by overwork, eliding to bases, etc. penalties are enforced; aud umpires theru^lves violate ruts. It took me four years to change tho rules so as always haa an easy time of it in Syracuse. In Hamil­ ami M'educ.-day. Tiie team will t-o West on Wednesday the rules made so protect them by their constant ton it is much the saaio way. The press criticisms on fore Justice McCann. A friend had furnished CONSTANT RBADEB, Youogstown, 0. Postponed failure to enforce to abolish the old boyish bound catch of a fair ball, a night, pluyiug at St. Louis on Friday, Saturday and RamtB do not count in a g-.'ries; if you made a wager them. Talk about ball players get­ rulw the old Atlantic* favored for years. 1 liope to see an umpire there are most lenient, and abstaining of him $7.50 to pay the costs in the ease. There Sunday. ting into "rutd" in their method* of playing, fcfifre are extreme abuse or ridicule. Troy, too, is disposed lo do was a large crowd collected in and around the on a series only those games included in that series no greHter "rut"-walkers the equally boyish practice of fungo batting dune away THE PHILLIKS DOIXG BETTER. count. than your kicking c.-»ptnins with, aud regular pitching practice substituted tor it the fair thing, and, say what they will about West magistrate's office to seo the grtat pitcher take the and players. The ev«ry-day working motto cf these Troy, with its uow twice pugilbllc "Dabher," I'll tako oath. Ramsey presented to the magistrate a document, Since our la-ut feivej a team m the last part of a game? Toronto shall not be forgotten. Of the press and too long given him­ in good trim, and their success the past we«k should Kitteon paid. Kicking uuaus this and nothing 1*93, Is uot the habit you have all of yon got In to of sending public there I c&iiuot speak too highly. Would that self up to dissipation, and has been too much in the D. V. C., Oakland, CaK Yes; a balk always advances Of course I do not rrfer to decisions the correctLess of h^bit of acting as If he thought he have the effect of diving them renewed confidence. which involve the visitors to the field tii'St one of the many ruts you as much could be said of Its manager Chaa. Cush- weru the entire The coming week they will have six gamed on their » baae-runner a base, and if he id on third it advances misinterpretation of the rule*, but ouly have not intu? Tho old Atlantic^ Athletics. Bed inan. "Cush" has evidently forgotten the days when Louisville Clu'i, and could do just as he pleased. They him home. to the general clasa of ui-puted decisions in which eay hU impmonrneut will teach him a lesson, will l«-arn own ground* with Chicago and Detroit, and, aa the lat­ only eirors of judgement are involved. Stockings et a!, thought they bad lost a telling chance he was au umpire of the yellowest tint and the tonicst ter two clubs are uot tn very good shape nnd have not A COXSTAHT BE.VDEB, Cincinnati. The League, by to win when they failed to win the toes aud thereby flnvor. Bring back once more to your memory, and him that the Louisville Club can get along without been playinjc winning ball lately, the home team reason of having Boston, New York and Chicago in lost the opportunity to take thu fiela iu the olden time. though uuchorished be the thought, my dear Misttr biui, aud show h :m that he will have to stop dis--ipa- What does the law say, to begin with? Bule 60, Sec­ C'lshman, think ayain of those fond days when your tiou if he wants to keopout of the way of the law. Bhould be able to win u majority of these games. Baa- its circuit. tion 1, says; "The umpire w the auk tmd absolute judge tian ia back at second ba^a and is playing the game of S. L. K., Savannah, Ga Savannah, because It has If tbis season's experience has shown anything It Is own SCH!L> was so deservedly demanded by, perhaps, a Now for thp other side of the case. There is a good of piny. In no instance sir-ill an)* person be a i lowed to justified mob, no doubt deal of sympathy for Ramsey among many and they hia life. The popular little second baseinau never the highest percentage. Columbus second, At!au:a question the correctness of any decision inade by him extent that your class*i-f swift, wild, strikiug-t>ut pitchers will righteously incensed at oue of fielded better nor batted as well in his life as he haa third. not win pennants. They cost too much in the wear your own "original" decisions. Forg«>«eu? No, 'tis assort that he wns unjustly treated. They any that he the captains of the couteudinx nines, and no other bad been a constant patron of the saloou-keepers who bieu doing sitice Manager Wiight put him bai k Into J. Q. Z., Elizabeth, plater ah ill and tear uf catchers, for one thing, and when they do not possible that but three brief revolutions round Old his old position. Mulvey has fully recovered and N. J. (1) No. (2) Yes; after ho nt tuch time leave his position in the happen to win a game the exhibition wearies the ppoo- Sol sboutd ihtw have taken from you the "fond recol­ had him »rre-:tt-d, that they had made out of him roes Lack aud touches the ba^e. (3) No. (4) N». (5) field, his place at the bat, on the bases or players' many times as much as wasowinj? them and that it is playing his dashing game at third, but bench, to approach tntors from beiiin a mere pitchers' game. Strategic lections of scenes BO dodoes not count. (2) Yes. (3) With Omaba. K rucks aud Cranes. Furmtv, 1 said, for we are all rejoicing that you no goiten their money, and evon had they not It was not SWIMMER, Uennselaervllle, N. Y. You are a profes­ sion shall be lined by said umpire ten dollars tor each longer lower the trust right for them to act as they did. It is also claimed, teliape, especially Buffinton, Sanders and the three offtnce. Neither fib all any manager or other officer of whicn once you held and catchers. Casey seems to weakeu about the seventh sional as soon as you compete for stake**. Brother Harris says that the New York and Athletic brought to disgrace. Ask Billy Me Lean how yellow and on good authority, too, that Ramsey'a arrest was either club except tho captains before mentioned be illegal. I consulted a good lawyer on this point. tuning, and until he Kt-ta his ana int> first-ela^ shape W. C. M., Irontou.0. Yes; the pitcher has no busi­ permitted to go clubs will play f T the world's championship in Octo­ you once were or how crimson you now are. Aak again, he cannot be clat-ed with Bnftintou atid Sunder* ness to listen to what the batoman says. upon the field or address the umpire ber. I say that Brooklyn will be far rnort* Itkoly to be Jack McQuaid, George Frank, Tony Suck, etc. Since in regard to such cihputed decision n Liter a penalty ot yon bave forgotten RAMSEY'S ARREST ILLEGAL. as one of the club's reliable pitchers. Gk-ason ha* SUBSCRIBER, Milwaukee, Wis. (1) Yefl. (2) In the a forfeiture of the game to the opposing ciub. The New York's competitor. What immense crowds these the past, tot me recall to you a not beeu doiug any pitching lately. Just why he li two team4 will draw at the Polo Grounds and at Wash­ scene or two Jrorn your owu famous (?) umpiring ' It was illegal. There is no doubt of that," said he. ecoudgamo. (3) 3 to 2. umpire shall iu no ctise appeal to any spectator for in­ "In this State yon can only street a mau when yon not worked more we cannot say, but Mr. Wnubt ne ington Pork. career. True, you didn't last very long aa a League doubt has good reason- for not putting him iu the box E. J.-(I) YOB. (2) Corner Fifth Avenue and Fourth formation in regard lo any such case, but may a«k for umpire, but long enough to so oxaspera'e Henry V. can produce good evidence that he Is about to leave the Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Information, if be so desires, from ono or more of the State with debts unpaid. Ramsey had no intention of oftenar. Sanders IH mnkmx rapid progress iu his work players." What is coming over the professionals lately? Here Lucas, of Union fame, as to compel him to leave the and be bids fair to develop into the star [ it:her of the CONSTANT READER, Utica, N. Y. (1) The ran counts. I find a report that Beilly and Nicol came to blows ID grand stand, step ou the diamond and there oj>enly leaving heie. Tbere was no evidence of such a pur­ (2) Mo. (3) Broutheru. This law is plain enough, yet what captain or player pose on hla part, and his creditors did not even allege club. Tbe Chicago? will pUy a< the Pbil.idelptiia obeys it, or what umpire enforces it? I hate yet to seo their club room, aud that the eld Chicago pitcher, and publicly denounce you for your blissful ignorance, Ball Park Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, a..d De­ CRKAM CITY, Milwaukee, Wls. Anson eleventh, Corcorau, and IIowe, of the London Ciub, Out., had a or your barefaced robbery, whichever It may have anything of that kind. Therefore Ilamaey could sue Broil there sixteenth, it properly enforced in any match game 1 have re­ them for damages, and he could get a vordict against troit will be here Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ported this sensoii. Moreover, Rule 58 says: uTfce fight. If these "ecnipj" were only announced aa likely been. T. S. T., Danville. Va. (1) Yoa. (2) Fool. (3) He to~com« off, what pihs of hoodlum gate money they It was in '84, at Fort Wayne, one bright May after­ them. too. Ramsey can also force the Lonisvllle Club KO TROUBLE IN THB PHILADELPHIA CLUB. captain ouly may address the umptm, aud then only, to either reinstate him at full saUry or release In an interview with a rep-trier a couple of d.ys ago hould be given out. upon a question of interpretation of the rules. Auy viola- would draw. Players who engage-in such affairs sluipiy noon that Cuahman'a "Bijazus" style of umpiring so disgrace their clnl-s arid the game at large, nut exasperit-ed a blonde youth of but 1G summers, that he him. According to both the common and statute laws President Rt-ach emphatically denies ih« existence of WM. ATKIXSON, London, Ont. Address Paul Eaton, ti.>nof \hs rule shall subject the offender to a flue of of the laud one man does not have any right to de­ any tiouble iu the Philadelphia Club. Said in-: Tbere Washington, D. C. five dollars by the umpire." counting themselves, for in most cases they have (tho blonde), struck the "Big I am of the Universe" reached tue disgraceful point before. on the top of the shell, where, on account of au exist­ prive another of the powers of earning his living. iti m-t now, nor has th*Tr been in the past, this year or SUBSCRIBER, Beacon, Mien. We never heard of that If this rule means anything It means that even the ing total absence of protecting hair, the skull received The Louisville Club has deprived Eamsey < f that right. any other year, any trouble between Mi*s8rn. Wright, battery bat ore, captain canuot dispute the correctness of any decision Any court of law would give him his salary for tho Rogers or myself. Mr. Wright since his coom:ftSour ~ In which a more error of judgment is involved, aud yet Catcher Billy Lennon, with charactfrstic eood- such a severe shock, that judging by his recent tactics E. G. B., WilHamaport, Pa. He ie playing with To­ beartedntsg, seut me a letter from Baltimore last week ou the bduch recovery \vas impossible! timo he was laid off and compel the club to do cne of with the Phil.idelpliia Base Ball Club, has ha«t fmt and ronto. where is the single cap tarn of a League team, and still the two thingi I have moniloned above. This Is an absolute control of the plajers. An article which I see lees of an American Asdvciatiun team, who obeys this which read as follows: Now, in spite of such a brief, though checkered L. J. R., Chicago, 111. (1) Three. (2) Seven. (3) "Learning tlmt Oscar Walker was very slch and In career as umpire, beside which the escapes of McCue, assertion which, as you see, d<.e^ nol apply to Ramaey lia« been ^eut to Detroit from Philadelphia, states I hat rule, or au umpire ou either staff who enforces it? I alone. It applies equally well to any base ball player Mr, Wiight bas in the past suxtM'ated play*re who Good. have yet to e.-** either. poor circumstances I thought I could do no better act I'liutou, lirennau, Phil Powers, Jenniugs, Bradley, CONSTANT RBADEB, Pottatowo.Pa. The bet Is a diaw. ot charity than to st-nd him eoma financial ai I as Decker, YaSeotine, Kllick, Jerry tiullivuu, Bugjjinno, who is laid off by his club without salary. It Is the would have strengthened th- club, but ihtU Mr. Rogers same point in law that one man has uo right to de­ and myself refused to secure tiie men. All I have READER, Savannah, Ga. A. wins. I want to ask Captains Ewing and 31orrill both of mncH as I could possibly spire. I send ten dollars, Eph \Vood and Ittat but not least, myself, may be which I hope will relieve him for a^hort time at lea-t. likened unto mere nothing. Cu*hman turns right prive ttse other of a living. Bate ball manners will to say in regard to that eta reman t ia that it iti untrue. W. L. !>., Rutland, Vt. Na-th. whom violated thesw rule* with impunity last week have to find some other way of punishing their re­ I cannot remember any pl;ty»T Mr. Wright su^g-'stc-d what they g»in by the course they pursue in this re­ I send to you because I do not ku-.w his address, lie aruuud ai.d pays back with vengeance the abuse was always a favorito of mine and I am exceedingly heaped upon him elf. fractory players. It is strange that they could have but what has been secured. No player ha* h* *n re­ spect? Do they violate the League laws, on the prin­ followed this plan so long. The only thing which leased without ni§ approval. Mr. \Yrixht i« iu Boston STAB SCINTILLATIONS. ciple that "if we don't kick we'll never get our right*.?" sorry to hear of his condition." Mr. Kditor. please excuse me for using so much of This I* characteristic of Lennon's generous Iri-h your valuable sr«cet but realty I've uot got lairly could have allowed it was the lack of bask hone on with the club, but I am sine ho will endorse what I If they do, then I question the policy of Iheir course, Om part of the players. When some of tht-m assert say. One of our local pnper* last Sunday in comment- s Engaging in Disgraceful Wrangling ou tbo baai* of a comm"ii-sense view of tbe point at heart. I ha-xled tho amount to Charley Ebbetts, who started as yet. au.1 since nil this is written above my is the custodian of funds seat for Walker's assUtaace. owu name tiiid iu future I'll promise to be siieut and their richts In courts, tho managers will have to stop in^ on the Philadelphia Club, gave the impression that Upon the Field, Etc. issue. Iu tbe first place questioning a decision in­ since have been rather so iu the past, please let me the cuatom. Discipline Is the correct thing, but it there was trouble and Ufk of harmony, which i* not volving merely an error of judgment, and not that of proceed. You see, the foulness of at least two meu in should be enforced in base bill as well as in other correct in auy particular. Mr. Wright's three-year SYRACUSE, N. Y., A up. 2. Editor SPORTING LIFE: au illegal interpretation ot the ruled cannot possibly A correspondent writes to me to know whether the things in the proper manner." contract with our club expires this year and I nee no Star Park yesterday afternoon was the scene of the base-runner was out as decided by the umpire iu the has* b^ll, I uiust depict ju^t a? it is. I want tho public bring about a reversal of the disputed decision, aud to know the true inwardness of two leading men in The point raised by my lawyer friend ia not new I reason from the present standpoint why it should not moat di»giaceful affair that ever occurred on a ball therefore what do you gam by tho kick? "It will following case, which occurred iu the New Y»rk- know, I'Ut nil good lawyers say that it will hold, if it be icuewed. field iu this city, atd two members of the visiting Philadflpiiia game of July 21. The play in question the International now. Of a score of otheis iu other make him more catvfnl afterwards," says ono. "V\MI leagues they shall be told in my book '-The Ups and is only tried. But to return to Ramsey. President Bochest'-r team, who have heretofore bt-eu prime it? I think not. Ou the coatrary it Is very,apt to occurred iu the first inning, when Richardson made a Pavidaou is away with the club In the East. It Is LOCAL JOTTINGS. favorites in Syracuse, brought disgrace upon them- make him c< minit nif-re errors. I want to ask "Buck*** cafe hit aud w->nt to second on Ward's bunting the Downa%f a Bas« Ba',1 Umpire." In it I ehalJ conceal Frod Corey, the old Athletic pla>er, Is In the city notaiug and in it I shall dismantle and wash clean the known that be is willing to dispose of Ranisey If he without employment. selves nnd tfcHr fellow-players and upon the National and John what they would be likely to do in the ball. Each was advanced one base ou Ticrnan's get­ can make a good exchange. Kameey has asserted that He recently lost one of hla chil- game. The affair incurred in thy third inning. Pitcher ting his base on balls. Then Connor lifted the ball stained garments of many base b.tll saints. drrn by death. position of having one of their decision* disputed in So far nothing has been shown against Manager he will nover pitch another bull across tho plale for Con Murphy, of tha SUr team, had reached first ba-*e the mauuer in which they both did tbose ot Umpire high iu the air for two bates. RicharJson scored, but the Louisville Club, sodas he is very stubborn he ia John Coleman talks of starting a saloon iu tbU city ou a feafe hit and started to steal second. Catcher Toy Daniels in the Boston-New York games last week? Ward stopped on third to see If the ball would bo Cmhman H.S manager. Only his record as a three- next year if he cau get a license, month umpire ha* becu touched upon. Hut I've got likely to ke

n bere in '-, well back of the basa line, and entirely clear of they did that of Daniel a, whou it came to their ren­ touched Tiernau while standing on third btise and Louis is mott anxious of all to ob'ain him. Yon der which but one ball was used. hy. The throw was sunewhat wild, and Mmpby then thiew home to catch. Ward, but too late. Umpire him, but facts, sir, undeniable, indelible facts, such us Tbe jug-handled porte^ta^e bu^inettd is b'«in- dering a decision In a clorbtful case? Not a bit of it. I defy the contradiction of or If contradicted out and Abe greatly needs another good pitcher, and Comiskoy »»,._.-g into the air feet foremost anil reached the base" If there was a possible doubt to hang a decision on Daniels declared Tiernan out. Tho q-ieotion ! «, was thinks he could control Riunsey all right. I thiuR ninp to sit heavily on th» Athletic etooiach. S:nce iu saleiy. (JolliiiS deliberately mada a rush at Mui-pliy, Tieruan legally declared out? Tbe Clippers&ya he was. out I'm bound to be heard of again, and this would be the 25-cent rate went into effect ou its grounds the they would jiclvo it iigaiust the player who kicked. It most deplorable, as your readers would bo made to that a fter all Ramsey will bo traded fur Joe He'rr and and holding '.he bill la both hands brought it down would not be human nature to do otherwise, and most I sav he was not. No runner is forced to leave a base a bonus in spite of Mr, Davids'm's first refusal of that Athletic Club baa been compelled t> pay 30 per cent, heavily on Murphy's back, while the Star pitcher lay assuredly he bus ooce touched except by the action of the butts- suffer untold agonies. lam not going to fay all I of each admission, or 7% ceni* out of every '25, to the not base ball human nature. What, then, is kn-jw now, but will keep back another more powerful offor. We need a good shorl stop. St. Louia does not flat upon ih" ground. Murphy spiang to his feat and gained by the kick? Nothing. What is, ou the other mau in making a fair hit. The Clipper states that in need Joe Herr, and the trade would be suitable for vMting club, while away from home the AtU-tic Club struck at Oollin*, who warded the Uow and backed off hand, lost by it? Ever) thing. First, the cbauce of the above play "Ward occupied third ba^e nutil he load, which when discharged will leave nothing of will get but 15 per cent., or 7% cei.ta out of eveiy 5O- Cushmanbut a gtease e^ot on tho floor. both parties. Ramsey would probably pitch fine ball cout admission, Ihis toward tl,o field. It was thon th.it the most disgrace­ having a doubtful pnint decided in your favor, and reached home and, therefore. Tier nan had no right to in t'iB St. Louis Club under euch a disciplinarian OB the home club is beginning to ful i>j»it of the whol*- affair occurred. "Sandy" Griffin, secondly, the confusing of tbe umpire's judgment and be on that base." By this 1* mwaut th'U Ward held CUSHMAX'8 METHODS. Co mid key. consider hatd lines. capmin and centre nt-Wcruf the Rochester team, who the loss of his desire to act impartially in his work. the right to third base until he touched home baao, and No?\ what does Gush man do on the field that Tho Solar Tips on Saturday last played the Young had run in from 'ho field to back up the thrjw therefore no o;her runner could legally occupy it. makfS him such *n eyesore to viaUinif players? At TUB TEAM'S GOOD SHOWING. America a th« first gums ot a series tor the local Hina- to secun i base, jumped on Murphy and beiziug him I>y I claim that tho disputing 01 decisions of umpires Suppose flr^t and a-, cond bases be occupied when the e*ch nnd very unfavorable decision, even tho moat The Louisvllles are continuing to play first-class ti-ur championship. The Young Am cries had Tyng in tho tlin at with t>otli hands, forced him to the ground. which make errors of judgment, aud these ouly, shows batsman makes u fair hit, iu snch case each occuraut righteous, lie incites his players to kick, and assures bail. The game they are putting up now is just as the box, but were nevertheless heat«-u 4 to 1. On Fri­ Irnnifduiely th»ro was great commotion among tiie bluL-dering work by the field captain who Indulges in of tho bases is forced to leave each base aud go to the them that if fined by the umpire the club will pay the good a* that ot any other club in the Association. I day, however, the Young America* turned the tablea, Bpectalor.i aud players and a number of the latter it, anu inci-'iup^tent muuajcemfnt on the part of the next. But in such caie only can a runner be .forced to same. lie often falks so loudly to his meu on the want to present to THE SpvBTiso LIFE a few figures winning 8 tn 6. rushed into the fleiil, ami Griffin was torn away from club maunder who allows his field captain to be guilty leave a buss. ID the cas? of Ward and Tiernan, there bench, which by the way, he places as near the home which will open the eyes of many of your readers. I Clmrtie Householder la in the city without on *n- Murphy. Sheriff O'Neil appeared on the scene at this of euch a blunder. Not only Is it a shortsighted policy being no forcing act by the batsman. Ward was not plate aj the Jaw allows, that the umjdro can hoar his wniit to show you what the Louisville Club has been gag«'iii'Hit. moment and led Griffin uIT tho diamond. Alter con­ on the part of a captain to kick, but it is a death blow forced to leave third, and when he left it voluntarily strong words of disapproval, not very pleasant to sny doing since it reully went to work under the active At Boston, last Monday, Arthur Irwin was presented siderable iqnabbliug, Griffin decided to make an apology to Eiu.:isfactory umpiring, as kicking at ouce arouses Tiernan had the right to occupy third base as lonj? as the least, yet clearly showing the character and dispo­ management of Mr. Davidson. Here we generally with a hand-oine gold-head: d cane when ho came to for hi-j hanty action, which he did through U^upiro public prejudice to act against the umpire and thi?, of Ward chose to leave It to try and get homo. But if sition of tho ex-umpire, but now manager. His players d-tte that event from the time when the Brooklyns first the bat, from Miah Murray and other South lloaton James Device, and the gnmo proceeded. Colling says, Itself, htlps to demoralize liim In bi* difficult work. Ward, finding thut he could not get home safely, had are not naturally kickers, but under his tutelage the appeared here for the series of four K<*mea. Th»t was frit-nda. Thorn were time me-i on the ba-ea at the In dttfeine oftii* action in ntriking Mnrphy, that the But there is another thin? involved in this "kicking" tried to get back to ihird, it then became necees-uy for Biont docile are bound in time to become the mo;t ex­ tho time when Mr. DavidaoD took the active manage­ time, but tho captain could only drive the sphere a* far St*r ptt'-''er dwlib^rately attempted to spike him nnd bush.PCS, iui'l sh.it is tho feeling of enmity it creates Tieruan to leave third and return to second, but in tiie acting and moat chronic of kickers. Several of bis ment of the club and made the changes which have as the pitcher. bad nmde his bottstd that he would do so nt the first op­ against the individual umpire, nutoiily in the ranks Interim he had a right to occupy the base until Ward own I'lnyers whose names I could easily mention if served so well. Since then we have played twenty-six Sanders and Andrews are doing tbe beat battiug for portunity. It this is correct and can be eubi-tantiftteii, of tho contesting teams, but iu. thu crowd of spectators, returned to it, when he would be obliged to run tack doubted, told me frequently that Cushman made them teamen, winning fifteen and loMng eleven. Our vin- thePhilli-.-s. the Star directors owe It to themselves and tho fair tho majority of whom are very prone to iudulge iu to second, and In such case had bo:h Ward and Tior- tired by his demands for uiore kicks. On the 13th of ntng percentage since that timo is, tlutreforo, .577. Substitute Sullivan waa released hy the Athletic Club fame of Syracuse to ptmisli the offender in such a man­ cowardly attacks verbal or otherwise ou tho oue de- nan been standing on the third baso, then Tiernan July, at Toronto, when London was touching up Ober- During this period we :iave faced every club in the As­ la-*t week, there beinx no place for him iu the team ner that it will be"ft terrible warning to all 1*1! players fencole>a and almost friendless num who act* as um­ could have beeu legally touched out, even lauder tor thirteen earned runs, I respectfully re­ sociation except Kansas City, so the record was not aud no nwmli.v for a BUb^titut". hereafter. The most lamentable part of tho wholo pire in a base ball contest. It d%*?s scorn to me ao un* while standing on the' base, while Ward could quested a drink of waier. It was refused outright! made off tho weaker tame. Another thing, which U Lyons aud Lark in havo fallen off woefully In bat- affair was Griffin's part iu the business. "Sandy" uiauly, so mean and cowardly, ia fact, to hiss, and juer, not. But as it was, Tiernan legally held the Has the like of this over been heard of before? It cer­ still moro to the credit of tho Louisville team, to that tint;. Of coun>e this makes happy these poeple who in- Griffiu h.ts heretofore bovoo an excellent reputation as and iuoult the umpire, an the great majority do at base until Ward returned to it, and Daniels was wrong tainly eclipsed the record. Not only this, I was told of the eleven games on the wrong side of the ledger tidied that Lyons' wonderful stick work W8I due U an honorable bull player, but bv his hasty break in nearly overy cloaely-contested match, and all because in his interpretation of the case, and he decided Tier- to miod my own business and that he would attend to only two of them were lost by one-siced scores,namely, much to hick as to skill. yesterday's game he will forovcr bo under a cloud in tho crowd is led into prejudice a^aioat tiio naau by nan out Illegally. Jiu]6 59 ia Tery eiplicit in this ca*e. the supply of water. What did I do? His crankiness 11 to 5 In favor of the Athlutlcd anl 12 to 1 in favor of Ed Kusselbach, of tho Worcester Club, WM in town Syracuse. The International Association convene at tho kicking propensities of tho cai-tii^ C; bluvn of It states that the lasf-rnnner "shall onlv be consid­ was so uncalled /or that i could not help laughing, and Cleveland. The others were bard fought, well played last wouk taking a brief re^t. He has been Buffering Buffalo to-day, and if some action ia cot taken on this the rontoetlijff tCl.r;5. ered as holding a l>ase after touching it, and shall theu in turn simply asked what was getting into him, 01 if and lost ouly by a very narrow mnr^m for Instance, from m thrift. affair base ball will bavo rfcceivinl a blow iu 1 his ell}' I say that until tho Association magnates stop this be entitled to hold such base until he ha* legally he wasn't feeling well. But to deny an umpire a driuk a 3 to 2 tan-inning name to Brooklyn; 4 to 1 to the In ttie Athletic-Kansas City aeries the Athletics ac­ iroui which it will be har^ ^ *wwver. kickiuK business effectually eatlsfa.'tory umpiring will touched the next ba-so in order, or has been legally forced of water is not the greatest of Cuahnmu's crimes. In Atlilotics; 4 to 3 and 5 to 3 to St. Louis; 4 to 1 and 1 to cepted 137 chances out of J39 otfered. The CoWboyg be out of tho question, no matter what syitoin you to vacate it for a succeeding base-runner." your notes last week a reference was made to a letter 0 to Cincinnati. The Louisville Club is playing good took 15U mt of 1G'2. The Athlettcn played the first two NOTKS. adopt, and without &atiBf;ictcry umiirlou you cannot This rule plainly cive* the right of a base-runnor to that umpire Jerry Sullivan had belonging to Cush­ ball. That has been demonstrated. It began too lab) giimi-fl without a fl^Ming error. Jiinioa Dovlno officiated as umpire In yesterday's havo contests which will attract the reputable patrons return to a base he ha* left provided he ia not forced man, aud that if published would prove choice reading In tho season to have any chance of winning the cham­ Tho Kivertou Club wan liap^y lft"t Weilncedny ntirht, Syracuse-Rochester canno, uml is a vast improvement t'f the game. I know of bundled* of people who have off by the batsmin until he touches the base he is and show up the manager's true inwardness. It was pionship. We can't get the pennant, but we may having that day beaten the strong Staten Irkiud Club on -oiiiC' f»f the umpires semi hero this df-asoa. said that thry will not go to n match again until what running to, but it does not state that a runner, occupy­ a puzzle to ins then, what this letter might contain, knock some other club out of It. by 5 to 4. Tl-e Syrncuio team is suing down slltrhtly in per- they torm "the Infernal nuisance of kicking" Is put a ing an unoccupied base, when not forc*d by the bats­ but have since heard it all. It seems that Sullivan In­ Collius has rojoin(d the club, having recovered from At tho opening of the wnson a Boston paper made eeniaice. but still maintains a good lead over Toronto. stop to. man to occupy it, ha* no title to hold such unoccupied curred Cushmaa'a dfsplttasure in common with all his sprnln, and Is pla.'ltig his old position of left the assertion that the Pliilliei were nut Iu the same Br-uly, tho newly-i*ppdinti'd umpire, u hardly a buc- base. Section 11 of Bule 53 provides for the only case umpires that happen to meet him (Cushmao). The fisld, while Wolf has been placed at short fctop. Man­ clas^ with tho Boston Club, and, wben wo come to think ces'. A T ell-known and noted player, residing In Pitti- in which a base-ruuner c*u be forced off a base and Toronto papers, instead of roasting the umpire, gave ager Davidson has rot lately mndo any stops towards it over, it id doubtful if thi y ar«. Nine straight vic- Bob Harr U the Star "hoodoo." Tho boys don't soem burg, recently soiit me a letter in which ho makei the cau therefore be legally touched out while occupying Sullivan a fairsbow by complimenting hiyp. This so reinforcing his Infield, as he formerly talked of doing. toilcs should advance Harry Wilghl'a team to tho ntxt to be ubits to do (inythiu^ with him. folltfwlni; suggestion, lie says: *'I should like to see it, and this rule does not apply in Tlernan's case. enraged t'ushmau that be in&tanter wrote a letter to lie may get a new short stop, but I dou't think there bltfhcr class. Prrti'lent O'Noil nnd Manager Hochett will repre­ a rule embodied in the natioual codo which would ad­ the editor of the Toronto Afiif Imploring him to roast will be any other changes this season. Good baseincn The New York Sun states that O'Rourko and Rich* sent Syracuse at the International Association meeting mit of the captalu of a team having the privilege of Sullivan an sue tbe Philadelphia Times for lilmK It is sincerely hoped thM action allowing h's pitcher to go to the l-at or not wheo his pect Park, Brooklyn, last week, which shows what ronto. If this were done, said Cushman, the umpires ing good work now, and It ia uot likely that they will will be taken on yesteid >y's disgraceful event aud tho turn camo." lie very poiuteJly sajs, In advocating will weakeu and the pennant will fly ia Toronto be replaced. Tlio ;'hililo-< now have n word uf nina consecutive participators therein severely puulsbed. peculiar Ideas some players have iu re?ard to their agalo. defeats eac*! ovor l)t».tou aud Pittsburg. this now rulo, that "pitchers, «a a rulo, aro rather interpret»tion of the rule* when umpiring. Two men BASS HITS. The HaiiiilUm team bids fair to bt a strong contest- wrak batter*, and, besides this, when they coiue out of A nice letter for ft manager to write a feat at the Catcher William Farmer, late of the Pittsburg tf-am, ftnt lor chumpioiiahip liuiiors. Tho "Hunw" are put­ were on bases, when the batsman hit a j^onnd ball very thought of which a decent man would blush wittf Chamberlain made a successful debut tn his old was signed last week hy the Athletic* and wan t.» hnvo tho box on a hot day at the close of a lively inning they along the foul line which went outside ofwiiM ba^e, home, pitching for the Lonlsvillec against tbe Buffalo*, ting up fctr->Mjc ball, and, with Peter Wood in tho box, are likely to be pretty well fatigued, aud are then in sh»me. Yet how did Jerry pet hold of this letter? caught Wtyhluc Woducs4;ty, but inju ed ht-< band at present ;* strung front. aud whl'^h foul hit the crowd thought was fair and Through an accident only. Cushmau had written the and winning easily. practice. Woyhing is stuck on him, as he is livelier no condition to go to the but or to rue bases. Then, they yelled accordingly. The umpire, however, called Sam Smith is still Iu town. Ift la not known what I'lio Trojans will loom up here to-morrow for two too, iu case be does go to tho bat after a long inning:, foul, but the letter just bffore a game, but n glee ted to mall it. H« than Townwnd and better abl> to bundle a h^h ball. gantf*, nnd always put tip a good game ut Star Park. players did not bear him, and they flehled placed it iu hj-t inside coat pocket. Prior to the game club he will go with. Tom Gunnfug wit), it is thong!.t, be n-lengj'l, a* hli and happens t<> get M4 base on talla or to in^ke a hir, the ball in as if it had be-n fair, one run b»In»r scored Wolf in doing wonderful batting. He makes from The Truy learn w a good ono, but are handicapped iu and in couseqnence haa to run bases, ho comes iu frum and one man put out by the play. Ouali b'mywed .Sullivan's ba-e bail guide, and having throwing ha* b^en b- lo\v tho mark of late. ninny wuys. When the play was gotten through with it, placid the samo in the identi­ two to four hit-i In every gaoie. He is uow ahead of Wi'ile the Phill!- were in B >ston last weak, An­ th« double fatigue in uo ttitn to do justice to himself over someone who had heard tho umpire's call of foul Browning for the batting honors of th» Louisville It »cf'in« that Dick Bnckloy, tho old Syracuse catcher, In the I ox Iu the next inning." This point is well cal pocket w i tli the letter. Ou returning the guide drews told a reporter that tha:t* was no truth In tha hm d into a s'm^ger. lie is second on the In- told the fielders of it, and they called for judgment on the tfttal leder was found wedxed in among the leave* Club, and if ho keeps up his proai'ut puce will lead the story going the round* th.it he want* Harry Wrltrl't'* worthy of consideration bj the conference committee. the run in. To their astonishment, the Solomon de­ American Association. dianftpolis' batting order. G. WHIZ. Of tho truth of the efforts described by ray correspon­ and thus Jerry got hold of it, auJ promises to make Jimrale undoubtedly has hU place. "Mr. Wright tuid myself," i-aid ho, ''are tho beet cided ibar, though he had called foul, aa they played public the exact language rf this epistle whenever he eye on tho ball. of frionda, and I would iudtx-d bo u:!Krn,tt>fi:l to try aud dent I myself can testify by a case In paint, which oc­ the tall as if it were fair, the decision wa* that fair it Cleveland, the first of this season, won tho first four curred in Brooklyn in June last. Caruthers was pitch­ is released from the In Cm-national staff. injure a man who Is my friend.'' Art'nur Iiwin was GOING INTO BUSINESS, was. HKNRY CHADWICK. jjatjit's with Louisville; then Louisville wou six ^trdlght very oarno.it when be eauJ: "Take Hurry W right** ing, aud doing well ia the box, too. When bis turn CHATM.VX PILLORIED. from Cleveland. citino to the bat he made a home run, and almost By this time it seenn to IUB enough haa bf**>n said of place? W--1I, I £uo*9 not. I never felt bolter in my The Two Kollys and Barkley JLooklnff Out An Unpunished Attack Upon an Umpire. The ecoias nho» that Phil Tl°>ccius Is doing excellent life, iirtd nil I can do ia to chase groini-lur* ana 'o'.-kout directly aftorwarda weut into the pitcher's box. In Toronto'^ manager to prove him anything but a caJnt. work with the team of Sioux City, la. His friends Loro for the Rainy Day. thu very next inning he made another home run, aud TOLEDO, 0., July 27. Editor SNORTING Lir*. \Vtthere is little choice 'twiit him and Manager for tho iMiys on the field." kindly ask the favor of you to give me a few linos iu are glad of It. A change has been made tn the Phil lies* batting, MlchnelJ. Kelly, the "$J 0,000 beauty," and "Colo- on his return to the box he was hit for four bases, ChapniHU. The latter is on the ragged edge in Buf­ Jack Kerins (s Improving considerably in his batting;. Aol" J.ihn Kelly, the umpire, have decided to quit the when before the home runs not a hit had been made your next tane of THE SIGHTING Lfrs. Ou July 14 I falo by this time and resorts to the chetttuut of blaming Farrar now lead* off. wnsfulAliliiK my position as umpire of the Tri-State Paul C>K>k has Improved gn-atly in bia work aud The Athletic* and Kansae C!tyq will ptay off u po*t- tall (If lil after this season and go into business. The off bis pitching. Now, If he had twen privileged to the umpire in order to keep himself solid a few m >nt?is tbere is uow no talk of relenMng him. pair bavii formed H partnership uudcr the iirm nimo lay off fiotn going to the bat until he had had a League at Canton, m a game between Jackson ami longer. It is s«fe to say Buffalo will dispense with his p- nod cltaini-iGiialiip game at GK-ueester Sau^ay wftor- Canton, and W*H compelled to fine Stickney, of the Andrews has proven himself a good batter. Ho gets ncon, Aug. 5. of Ktilty A Kelly, auJ have unnounced their intention needed rest, ha would not have been overworked. I valuable (?) services at the close of the present season. a great many long hits. of opening <* rcstauraLtund ii:iloou in New Yoik. Tbt> ace nothing against the change and considerable in Its Jacks.,-n Club, $5 for insubordination, and \vhilo I was Tin- press demands it, the public clamors for his re- Biurbnuor is piayiug a phenomenal ga:»o at sicon4 in my position he came behind me and also struck me Chamterlaln IB doing very little pitching. Ho had base. ma i tor wa-t d^tinitely arranged in Pitfal>urg \vben the favor. Lot it be thought oror between now aud It ase and the directory alone is divider! on the qa-'stioD. been sick. Bcstonp were there l;tst. "Colonel" John siid he and November. twice, for which I fined him 550. I reported the case The crowds auk for better ball aud Chapmuu's ouly Tho ve^ran Hi 11 Higue would like to becotn-3 an to tbe proper headquarters, but nothing set*ms to hy moflUrly piny In the Buffalo Club I tJonnl Uunk, and bis brutlior, who Is now iu Calfibniitt his life from the Texas League, induced tho Canton nub ss he refuses some one before breakfast or signs PHREVK wouM be a handy man for Harnlf now, aud IiurHUam fl«n.>iug the I -junction to rosirtvin tlw de- . fur hi-* isealtb, aud thej will ujion a who'esalo liquor Club to give him a trial. The ;ernis euce of ilila man pomo one eUi« before sundown. Jack Nelaou, who is perhaps Cincinnati wouldn't like to have \Viduer vow! jinr uic t of public ncrlts from openiiig 0"'-' Ht'udrod ftu-l tntHc.:o store. If the venture proves eucces^l'ul It in seefcfujf eugHgeniMits knowing thjit he can uot fill row d>.-itig brilliant work for Albany, had to go, and Brooklyn let Porter and McTamniauy go to ha^tit ftu;l Kit-venth «troot, No d^ciaioa cun bo rondoiot until js moro th,iu like!/ th.J. &uu will uut Lw &«eu oa tie the bill ia wooderfu 1 , aud forces the conclusion that the latest victim la Baldy Sllch, for a time good enough them, and St. Louis dropped Staley. Mistake s will October, *; th« club will }>l:iy uat tbU s^&sua, a1, batt, fa* is a mobomauiac ou the subject of pitching. for Brookjfik happeu in «hu beat regulu; ttucu ibt j^iound. 6 THE LIFE. i 8.

Jackson ...... 1 00001000 I LIMA vs. CAHTOH AT LIMA JULY 26: derhnm, Madfgan 2. Stolen bases—Wheeler, Clarke1 and St. Lonil will remain just where she is for tha Zanesville...... 80402011 x 11 LIMA. AB.R.I. F. A. El CANTON. Al.R.B. P. A.I NEW ENGLAND LEAGUE. Willis 3, Leighton, M«di san, Kills. Hit b> pitcher— same cause. I actually bdiuve, however, that tiia Earned runs Jackson 2, Zanesville 2. First on er­ Klrby, 3b.....6 1103 0 : r)elant.y, :«>.. 4 10321 Sli< Iflcr, Kellogg. Fir^t on errors—Manchester 4, Assoclaiion chibs «oi:ll make just »s much monej in BASE BALL. Games to be Played. Portsmouth 5. Passe-1 ball—Rvan. Wild pitches— a yvar without Sunday M*mes us they do u .w with rors Jackson 1, Zanesville 6. First on balls By Bur- Books, rf....6 2121 0 Day, 2b...... 4 11830 chard 2. Struck ont By Parsons 7, by Burchard 4. Hillcry, lb..4 1 3 11 1 0|Virtue, lb....4 11800 August 6, Portsmouth at Manchester, Salem at Low el I. Ferson 1, O'Connor 1. Struck out—Lelghlon 2, Fcrs n, Ihem. IVo,d« who can Httend Siindav g'^m •» wiihout Passed balls Chrismun 2, Johnson 4. Two-base hits McMillen, If. 4 1 0 2 0 Oi Wood, rf..... 4 0 1 101 August 7, Salem nt Worcester, Portsmouth at Lowell. Clarke, CanaVHD. Total liase hits—Manchester 22, any inconvenience to themselves w 11 n< t bother to ao TRI-STATELEAGUE. Dunn, Minnehan. Home run Johnson. Wild pitches Sommers, c.. 4 0 1 6 2 O.Zecber.ss..... 4 0 0 280 August 8, Lowell T9. Salem at Lynii, Worcester at Portsmouth 11. Umpire!—Carney and Kittredge. out and see a came <1 ball MI any oilier day in Ihsj —Parsons 2. Left on b*ees—Jackson 2, Zanesville 1. Grim, 2b...... 4 0 1 2 2 0,Sbarp, If...... 3 0 0 6 00 Purttmioiith. Time—2:30. week, but ttiey will vait for Sni.d«y t) roll around. August 0, Worcester ftt Salem, Manchester at Lowell. Sunday bull no doubt detracts from tho week-day Games to be Played. Stolen bases—Chrisman. Johnson, Laner, Humbert, Fuller, BS.....4 0 0 1 4 0|Donohue,cf..3 0 1 200 LOWELL TS. SALEM AT LOWELL JPI.Y 30: Gumberl 2. Ump're—Barnum. Time—1:40, August 10, !„< well at Portuniuuih, Salem at MaucheetHr. AB. R. B. P. A.fi SALEM. AD.R.B. P. A.E g.aines, and I am under the impression that some Aug. 6, 7. K«I.im.izoo at Sandusky, Jxcksou at Lima, Miller, cf..._4 01200 Bausewine.pS 00031 NOTE.—The Canton-Sandusky game wan prevented Uallst.om,p.4 p 0 1 6 0 Sinrnith, c.. 3 0 1^ 300 August 11, Portsmouth at \V'or:eater, Lowell at Man­ Toffi'iip, 21'.. 4 01560 long, 2b, M.. '.', 1 1 3 91 cities do better in a financial way without Sunday Canton at Mansfield, Wheeling t£ Columbus. by rain. chester. Campion,!''. 6 2 2 14 0 0 Iliu^, cf. lib. 4 10311 ball than tiiey would Jo \v;tlt it. Ann 8, 9, Jackson at Sandusky, Toledo at Lima, Can­ Tolal...... 98 5 8 27 19 Oi Total...... 82 35 27 11 3 Codvvotth, cf 5 2 2 2 00 Knowlti.n, c.3 1 1 6 12 HOT WEATima CHIPS. ton st Columbus, Wheeling «t Zanetville. Game* Played July 24. Lima...... 2000000S 0-5 The Record. Canton ...... 30000000 0 3 Polhemr.s, rf S 2 1 0 2 0;K.irle,lb .....?• 0 1 11 0 2 Jim Keenan's many St. Louis friends are sorry to Aim. 10,11, Ja< k»< n at Kalmnazoo, Toledo at San­ There has been uo m*tfrinl change In the standing Kennedy, M..5 3 4 1 3 0 iii O'lwir,. lib. 4 1 1 0 1 1 dusky, Mansfield at Co umlus, Cantou at Zanesville. TOLEDO vs. MANSFIELD AT TOLEDO JOLT 24: Earned runs Lima 4, Canton 2. Two-base hit heur that his hunils are iu Mien bad ecu iiti'iu. Kek, ss, p..'l 0 0 152 head work is what «o.-s in b ice ball t.»-day. Driscbell, Sb 4 0 1 2 0 2|Darrah, 2b...3 0 0 140 Bauteulnu 2. Siruck out By Hafbtroiu 6, by Bause- Murphy,c....5 0033 3 ; llenry, r'.....2 11120 '•Silver'"' King de-erves c..-nsit]er*iule credit for his Following is tho standing iif the clubein this League Strotheis, Ib4 0 0 6 1 IjGreeu, ef...... 4 0 0 101 Vinrou, p.....5 11 0 37 Uingh m,l>,ct4 11 0 30 up to July 31, inclusive: wioe. 3. Passed ball Sixsmith. Umpire O'Brien. great work .,u the present Caetern trip of the Browns. Legg. cf...... 4 1 1 2 0 llFaalx, Ib..... 3 0 0 9 00 Time 1:40. Total...... 4513172717"12 Total...... 31 0 6 27 229 Had h» *howu a disi>"Ub!f plays— Pike, C...... 3 0 0 8 2 0 Dillou/c...... 3 0 0 6 . . Manchester...... 3 9 5 1 31 .4(11 Vinton, Murphy, ToffllDir, Campion; Henry, l*mg. Thtj repori tint Joe Herr ha I offeiel SoOO for his re- Welsh,cf..... 4 1 2 0 0 l]Nlcho!*>u,2b4 1 2 830 Firrt on bulls—Vlntou 4. Trask 2. Stolen bases—Cum- Total...... * 2 6 24 16 4l Total...... 28 3 6 27 13 2 Duun, p...... 2 1008 0|Yaik, rf...... 4 0 0 0 0 I Portland...... 1 0 0 0 2 .090 lease was untrue. Joe asked for his release, but he Toledo ...... 00100010 0 2 Curry, 2D.....4 0 2 2 2 llflrodie, If..... 4 0 0 000 Salem...... 9 6 8 0 33 .4113 n, Cudworlh, Kennedy 2, Staitz, Shinnick. Good- di'.l not offer u penny for it. Mansfield ...... 01001010 i 3 Worcester...... 8 4 5 3 31 .525 win. Hit by pitcher—Earle. First on erron—Lowell A Sunday morning pnjvr pnbllshed iu the Mound Myers, c...... 4 0 0 4 1 0: Vau Sant,3b4 1 0 220 5. Salem 2. Passed balls—Murphy 2, Kmnvlton 2. Karned runs—Tole lo 1. Two-base hits—Sales, Legg. Flagg, if...... 4 1 » 1 0 OiStapletou,lb.3 0 1 801 Portsmouth...... 0 0 1 0 3 .428 City Donates about linen-quarters of a column every Double pl»y—Sales, Peak, Strothers. First on balli— Wild pitches—Vinton 2. Struck out—Viiit m, Tof- Sunday in advising Messrs. Vi,n iler Alie, Coiui-kvy, Eagan, If...... 40020 olotterson, ss.,3 00161 fling, Htnes, Murphy 2, Cudworth. Total ba^-e hits— By HcEllloue 2. Stolen basis—Toledo 1. MansBtld 2. Bafferty, «...2 p 0 p 5 1 Morrison, p.!M 2 2 40 3C 20 34 28 4 171 Gifiord ami Mtmsou bow to run a -lub. Said p.tpor Struck oat—lly McElhone 4, by Hale 2. l'a<«cd balis— Lowell 19, solem 8. Umpire—Manning. Time.—2:20 advi>es that tl'e Browns,' president keep two or three Plhel, Dillon 2. Wild pitch—Dale. Umpire—Fitz- Total ..... 34 37 24 18 41 Total...... S3 4 7 «26 16 4 SUMMARY. extra infielders, tn many extra ontfieldtrs and about Elmmons. Time—1:25. Eagau out for bunting foul third strike. Won. Lost. Per Ct.l Won. Lost. PerCl. Games Pljtyeil July 31. five or six pitchers and ca'cher*. Talk is clieup, but it Jackson...... 0 0010001 1 3 KALAMAZOO vs. WHEELINO AT KALA'O JULY 24: Lowell...... 36 24 .600 SlancheVr. 31 36 .461 WORCESTER vs. MANOHKSTER AT WOH'H Jt7i.Y 31: takes good big money to piy off ball players. Wheeling ...... 00200200 x 4 Portsm'tb.. 3 4 .428 P. A. El WHEtLINO. AB R. B. P. A. Lynu...... 35 25 .583 MANCHES'H. AB.R. B. p. A.E'WoucEsi-Kit. AB.K. n. p. A.E Bnck Ewing {the \veakener) lm§ ciuiKlit in irpward Lost...... 43 30 53,32 22 44 39 « 26 29 363| KALANAZOO.AB.B. B. Earned runs—J^icksjn 1. First on errors—Jackson .525 Portland-. 2 20 .090 Hiley.cf...... 2 3 1 0 0 OlYiik, C...... 4 1 0 111 Worcister.31 28 Sch.fflcr, ct..4 (I 2 3 0 0' WheeWk.ss 4 0 0 1 11 of thirty cons- cutive games, and tile New Yorkers tiro 3, Wheeling 2. First on bat's— By Morrieon 4. Struck Salem...... 33 34 .493 ___ SUMMARY. Childs. 2b....6 1 0 3 2 3'Nichol, cf.....5 1 1 3 00 Wheeler, If.. 4 1 1 1 0 0| Derby, 1P....3 12710 going wild over whtit they call a great tiat. Lust out—By Morrison 4, by Dunu 4. Passed balls—Sten­ 4 l^Mersler, 2b..2 1 1 230 WOE Lost.Per Ct. Won.Lout. PcrCt O'Neill, ss... 52121 oiXichol«on,2t>3 00301 zel 2. D-Xlble play—Van t^ant, Slapleton. Two-base Games Playe' Briggs, 3b... 4 0 0 112 never has, nor probably never will.be equalled. He Nicholaon,lb4 1 1 10 00 Flauagan, p.4 0 1 Oil 8ANni'*KY AB.R. B. P. A. E MANSFIELD. AC.R. B. P. A. E Knowllon.c.3 1 0 5 1 3 Campana, 3b 5 1 0 121 McDerm'tt,p4 2 1 1 4 7lDeniaria, p... 4 0 0 183 caught Foiitz, Cttruthers ai:d fludsuti with equal suc- Games Flayed July 21. Routcliffe, If 3 0 0 0 0 0 Lemons, K... 5 1 1 331 Karle, lb...... 3 0 1 11 0 0 Cla-ke, rf..... 502 0-00 Tutiil...... 3?) S i) 2715^1l| Total...... 3l 2 5 24 16 9 ces", iind his throwing to bises wa> tb.8 tain of the Total...... 371310 27 20 ol Total ..... SC o 8 23 11 8 Rhue, cf...... 5 0 0 3 0 o'Darrah,p.....4 0 3 161 x—13 Godwin, 3b. 4 2 2 2 0 0 Ellis, p...... 5 0 0 013 Manchester...... 00410310 i—9 com try. Ewins's record is iu tho shade when coui- TOLEDO vs. ^YHEKLING AT TOLEDO JULY 21: Kalannzoo...... 43220002 Byn, rf...... 5 0 0 1 0 0 ! Green, cf ... 4 0 1 1 00 0 I'avin, cf...... 4 01200 Wheeling...... 212000000 5 Burke, If..... 1 2250 Worcester...... 20000000 0—2 pirerl to Jack Poyles. TOLEDO. AB.R.B. P. A. E, WHEELING. AB R. B. P. A.I Williams, 2b3 1 0 1 1 0 McVey, 2b... 4 0 0 130 Trask, 6S.....3 2 1 0 4 2lKellogg. BS...4 1 1 172 Earned runs—Manchester I.Worcester 2. Two-base Wt-11! I don't object to tits Browns losing a game Bale?, SS...... 6 2 0 1 0 2 Sffnzel, C.....3 0 0 821 Earned runs—Kalamazoo 4. Two-base hits—Daily Shnpe, ss..... 4 1 1 0 2 0 Alcott, 3b..... 4 0 0 1 21 2, OlterS'.n. First on balls—By Flanlgsn 4, by Swee- Henry, rf.....4 11101 Manning, 2b 3 20821 hit—Clare, Clarke. Home run—Kills. Double plays occasionally, but I think it rc.il unkind in Tom Loftns' Legg, C...... 5 0 1 13 1 OjNithul, cf.....4 0 0 6 00 Connor, Ib... 4 1 1 15 0 o! Buyer, c...... 4 1 1 10 00 Bingharo.p.. 3. 0 0 0 4 3 Mahoney.c... 4 ^ 1_ 1^ 21 team in shutting out tlto clmmpious one day iitid then 3 0 1 0 0 0 | NichoLsou,2b4 00311 ney 4. Hit by pitcher—By Swef-ney 1, by KlanagHH 1. —Kellogg (unassisted); Whee'ock, Mel*t»r, Derby. Driscbell, 3b R Westi'e,3b 3 2 1 1 6 l|Faa'z, lb.....4 0 0 700 Total...... 32 8 9*2613 U Total...... 38 7 7 24 15 8 Fir>t on balls—By Deuiaris 1, McDermott 6. Mo!eM capturing another game tbe n»xt. St. Louis ins don't Btrotbers, Ib4 0 0 7 0 0 Crogati, rf... 4 1 2 1 00 Struck out—By Sweenoy 7. Left ou bases—Kalamazuo Cliilds, c...... 4 1 3 6 2 l;Ler«ch, rf.....4 0 0 1 00 4, Wbeeling 8. Wild pitch— Flauagan. Passed b«ll>— •Clarke out lor running out of base line. bases—Mahoney. First on errors—Worcepter 3, Man­ relish a sbut-out nor a defeat just now. Not by a D. S. Crowley, U...4 0 2 2 0 Oi.Slapleton, Ib 3 1 1 801 O'Brieu, p... 4 0 0 p 9 p Dillou, If..... 3 1^ 2 0 0 1 se^ by the Enquirer that limb. Sicol aud Long Lencrd'n, cf.4 0 2 1 0 olflrodie. If..... 4 0 1 2 00 Yaik 2. Double play—Van Suut, N'ic!iolson, St^pleton. Balem...... 12000041 x-« chester 4. Passed ball—Terrien. Wild pitches—I>e- Stolen bases—Eik-y, Childs, O'Neill, Dwyer, Daily, Total...... 36T> 6 27 20 2J Total...... 3ti 3 7 27 13 3 Manchester...... 00100120 3 7 n aris 2 Struck out—Brings, Demaiis, Walt-ridge, illy bad LI regular pitched battle a fib'irt lime ago. Pe.k, 2b...... 3 0 0 2 £ I) VanSaut,3b.3 0 1 100 Sandusky ...... 02001012 0 6 That they actually caiu-3 to bb»s. Both of thes- gen­ Oai field, p... 310 0 11 0 Ottersou,s?...4 00 2 12 8wot-ney, Ott»rcvU 4, Xicholsou 2. Van Sant, Crodte. Earned rune Manchester 4, Salem 1. Two-bai« bits Daviu, Manning, Mal.oney 2, McDermott. Total bise Tin.e—2:15. Mansfield ...... 10100100 0—:f —DaTin, Henry Trask. Three-base hits— Krllogg, hitt—Manchester 13, Wortmter 6. Umpire—J. Man­ tlemen are ptr-ona! frienita of mine, but 1 would have B.iwhill, 1L...4 0 1 1 0 0 Morrisou, p..4 0 0 0 70 Uulpiie—McDeimott. Earned runs—Sandusky 3, Hsnafield 2. Three-bsse given up u dollar note to hava wline«scd tile b-ut. SANDUSKY vs. CASTOS AT SAXDUSKY JULY 24: Miihonej. I!a»es St. leo—Shtfner C, Knuwltun, nlun- ning. Time—1:50. Totil...... 35 3 7 27 16 zl Totil...... 332 6 27 ll 5 hit—Childs. Two-bus* hits—Childs, Connor, Lemons. ninir, Long, Trask, Wheeler, C'arke, Ellis. First on PoKTSMoi'TH vs. SALEM AT PORTSMOUTH JULY :it: From a private letter I learn that Nicol stationed him­ Toledo...... 00200010 0 3 SANDVIKV. AB.B.B. P. A. tj CANTON. AB.R.B. P. A. E First ou balls—By Darrah 2, by O'Brien 1. Hit by balls—Kills2, Biuxhaiit 3. Ifirst on erron—Manchester self upon fie roof of the club house and tapped John Routcliff, if..6 1300 0'Pelaney,3b..3 22141 POIil>3i'H. AJl.B.B, P. A.C! PAI.KM. AB.R.H P. A. E Wheeling...... 00020000 0—2 pitcher—By Darrah 2. Wild pitc:us—0'Bri«n 2. 4, Siilem 3. Struck out—Clarke, Davin 2. Passed bal.s Ciriaran, i>..5 1114 0 ! Tx)ng. a...... 3 0026 0 on the coconnnt with a btit as he was past-iug In to Three-t.abe bit—Brodie. Fii>t on balls—By Garfield Rhue, cf...... 6 2 3 0 1 Day, 2b...... 4 1 0 2 Passed ball—Childs. First on errors—Saiidusky 2, change his rlo hes, and fiat John reached np, caileht 0 0 0 Vittue, lb....5 0 2 14 —-Kuowllon 3- T. ttll base hits—Salem 11, Mnuchester 1'xley, IC...... K 2 2 1 0 0 Iline«, C...... 3 0 0*9 03 2. by MornKiu 'i Hit by pitcher—By Garneld 1. Stolen Kyn, rf...... 5 2 2 Btaiitfield 2. Struck out—By O'Brien 8, by Can ah 3. 12. Umpire—Manning. Time—1:50. *->;ic" by the pants and 8't him astride thy picket l;«a«.,—Toledo 5, Wheelings. Struck out—lly Garfield Williams, 2b 5 0 2 S 4 \ Woo-l, rf...... 4 0 2 Lelghtou, cf.O 1 1 1 0 O^Kuowlt .n.ct'S 0 1 000 Left ou bases—Saudunky 6, Mausneld 5. Stolen buses— LYNX vs. PORTSMOUTH AT LY.IX JULY 25: Murray, lb..5 2 3 11 1 0;Eurle. Ib..... 4 0 1 11 00 fence we rend BO much about in the Cincinnati pnpers. 8, by Morris.'U 6. Wi d pitclus—Garfield 1, Morrison Shupe, BS.....5 1 1 3 2 0 Zechcr,ss.....4 0 0 1 Bontcllffe, Rime, Williams, B. Wtstlake 4, ChiUs, I see l.y "Miit'«" letter Ihls wejk that Bob LeailKiy 1. Umpire—Hall. Time—'J:20. Couuor, lb....5 0 1 11 0 1'Sharp, If...... 3 101 PORTSM'H. AB R.B. p. A. El LVNN. AB.R.B. p. A. E Willis, p...... 4 2317 0'G..od«ln,;ib..4 0 0 1. 1 2 Berger 2. Umpire—St.-llbergor. Tlmf—1:45. Cai.avau, sf..6 0161 1 LaBoqiie,2b..5 00631 Couglilin, if..3 1 1 0 0 0 : l!mke,lf...... 3 0 0 1 01 was presciit'-d with a silver service, recently. Bob LIMA vs. MANSFIELD AT LIMA JULY 21: R. Wesll'e,3b5 0 1 0 3 0 Pouohue, cf.4 1 1 2 KAI.AMA700 VS. COLUMBUS AT KALAMA'o JULY 26: was presented with a service l;ist winter in Cirit-irmnti, Ch.ldn, C...... 4 3 1 8 2 0 Fitzsilu'uc, c4 0 1 6 Daley, lf...... G 1 2 2 0 0 Lauiuan. 11'.. 5 2 2 14 U 0 Madigun, Sb.5 0 0 1 4 0 Trask, ss..... 3 0 0 1 41 LIMA. AB.R. B. P. A. E,MANSFIELD. AB.R. B. P. A.E El CJLt'MBL'S. AB.R. B. P. A. E but the: c VAB no silver about it. I waa there, aud I Kaston, p..... 4 1 1 0 10 0'Mnnrcr, p....3 1 0 0 _ KALAUAZOO.AB.R. B. P. A. Leighton, cf6 0 2 4 0 0 Corcoran, 3b. 5 110 4 3 Kud'ler'iD,2b4 0131 l;Henry, if.... 2 (10 2 00 Kirby, cf.... 4 3 2 2 0 0:Lerm.ns,ss... 4 0 0 1 Riley, CI...... 4 0200 0; West,cf...... 400 2 00 Murray, Ib... 5 1 0 14 0 0 Black, cf...... 6 1 0 1 0 2 Kittredge, c.3^ 1^0^ 8_ 2 OITurner, p.....3 0 0 071 am postei. Books, rf.... 621 2 2 0, Darrah, p.... 4 022 Total...... 431015 27213 ! Total...... 34 6 8 2722 6 Child*, 2b....4 0037 2 Gilnmn.lf.... 400 4 01 3 1 BTbe picture of Mr. Henry W. Cliadwick that adorn* Sundusky...... 02000142 1 10 C,,uKhlln, rf.5 2 2 2 0 rSpill, BS...... 6 1 3 6 TotU*.... 40""10 12 27 11 ll Total...... 28 0 2 27 IS 8 Hillery, Ib... 6 1 3 10 0 0 Green, cf..... 4 022 O'Neill. ss.... 4 1 0 1 3 o'0'Brien,2b._ 3 0 0 260 Mailignn, 3b. (i 2 3 0 4 2i l.y rich, If.... 6 2 2 0 0 0 the front p«ge of las; week's issue of THE SPORTING Canton...... 000031002—6 PorUmouth...... 01011023 2—10 LIFE is Ctrtain'ya good one of the "Daddy of the MeXilien, If 6 I 0 0 0 0|Berger, C...... 4 .1 0 3 Daily, lb.....4 2 1 15 00 Mann,rf...... 4 00100 Rudder'in,2b5 3228 OCcok if...... 6 110 00 Salem...... 000000000—0 Sommers, C...5 2 4 6 2 Oj Alcotl, 3b.... 3 2 1 3 Ennreti runs—Sanduaky 5, Canton 1. Twe-basehits— Dwjcr, rl.... 4 1 1 0 0 0 Muujan, c.. 4 0 0 610 4 1 National Game." I took a good KM k at t!ie likeness Koutcliffe. Williams, Dclaney. Fint cm balls—By O'Connor, p..6 0 1 1 9 3 Ten Sen, o...... 5 0 1 8 _. Earned runs—Portsmouth 4. Two-base hits—Willis Grim, 3b...... 5 1113 CjHale.lb...... 4 0 1 U ConiK-11, 3b..4 1 3 0 2 1 Hamilton,11.4 0 1 8 00 Byan, c...... 6 p 3 6 4 5!IIuntler. p...5 0 0 170 and then I cnnled, as it ivcitllad to inv memory the Kasmn 4. Hit by pitcher—By E«ston 3. First on errors 3, l'nle*' 2, Murray 1. Home run—Canavan. B;iss on story that Mr. ('hadwlck told on Jimmy Williams at Cornell, 2b... 42143 2 McVey, If.... 3113 Sweeuey, It.. 3 0 1 3 0 0'C.iliill, 3t>..._4 1 0 321 balls—Portsmouth 8, Salem 4. Buses stolen—Murray, Fuller, ss..... 4 2 1 1 4 0 Lerreh.rf..... 3 0 1 2 —Sandnsky 3, CHI ton 1. Wild pitches—Kart'in 3. Total...... 51 9 fl! 3G261*| Total...... 48 8 1U30 2114 the Cincinnati lanquet last Dc-cembtr. Aldrich, p... 4 1103 0'Hoeueui'n.ss 3 01110 Portsmouth.... 00001402000 2—9 Cotigh'in, Knd Irrh-tm, Kittredge, (xing. First on Miller, p...... 5 1 2 1 9 0 Stickney, 2b 4 p 0 0 Pas ed baits—Childs 1, Filz-simDions 2. Scruck out—By Cdlhiun, C...4 O 1 5 0 1 N.lland'e, p. 3 p O 010 Ans;n is in a bad box, but I'll bet dollars to cents Ea«t»n 7. by Monroe 4. Lc.lt on bases—Sauiiusky 5, Lynn...... 00010420000 1 8 errors—Portsmouth 3, Salem 1. i'assed tails —Hiiies 3. that he dtcs ii'-t rare a patticle wiiat the Chicago Total...... 44 1515 27 23 21 Total...... 33 3 8 27 11 7 Tolal...... 35610 27 16 4 1 Total...... S3 1 4 24 10 2 Buna earned rortsniouth 1, Lynn 3. Tw, -bass Lits Wild pitch—Turner. Struck o'lt—Cunuvau, Leigtitoi", Lima ...... 0 0 4 1 0 I 3 C 0—15 Canton 4. Double play?—Sbupe, \\ il IJIIIH, Cblbls; press is eayina: about him or what the Chicago people Douohue, Da}. Stolen bases—II.ntcliff.-, Ithue2, Ityn, Kalamazoo ...... 00010410 x 6 —Daley 2, Sp:ll. Tbree-bj*e hit—Spill. Bases stolen Madigau 3, Kittredge, Kud.lerlmni, Hinos, Enr'.e, think about him. The big Swede has succeeded in get- MinsSeld ...... 000000201—3 Columbus...... 00100000 0—1 —lludderliam, Lynch, Cook, Tt-rrien, Ma-ligan, LHU- Burke, Goodwin. Total base htu—Port.-moulh 21, Karued runs—Limi 10, Miinsfield 1. TVVO-'.HSQ bit— Williamn, S-hupe, < 'onnor, H. We»ti«ke. Cliilds 2, Dou­ tiug good ba I playing out of hu job lot, and there is ohue. Umpire—Sttllberger. Time—'2:15. E*iued runs—Kalamazoo 4. Two-base hits—Daily, ruau, Coivoran, ^pill, Murray. First on balls—O'Cou- Salem 2. Umpires—"Ryan and ningbam. Time—2:20. Green. Three-ban* I,its—Rooks. Ilillery 2, liarnib, Riley, Aldrich. Struck out—By Aldrich 3. First ou no telling just where he will end the seapou. His ZANESVILLE! v.«. JACKSON AT ZAXESV'E JCLY 24: nor 2, HungKr 2. First on errors—I'ortsmouth 6, chances of winning the pennant are slim, indeed, but Alcott. Stolen bases—Kirby 5, Rooks 2, llillery 3, balls—Uy Aldrich 1, by Handiboe 1. Passed ball— Lynn 4. Struck out—Madigau, Hungler 3. Ityan 2, Bummers 3, Miller, Alcolt. Ikmbla plays—Fuller. Cnr- JACKSON. AB.F.B. P. A. ElZAN E3VI1.1E.AB.B. D. P. A.E Calh-jaii 1, Munyan 2. S:olen bases—Klley, Daily, who knows but what the Whites may show their teeth 3 2'johnsi'U, c.... 52413 20 Black, Cook, D:.ley, Spill, Rudderliam, Coughiin. and make the -ther siven clubs hump themselves be­ bett, Hillery; Miller, Corbftt, Hill.-ry; Lemo: s, Da'e, Mntieirn,3b4 013 D»'5*r, Sweecey, Cahill. Double piays—Cliilds, Daily. I)ouble plav—Rudderham, Muriay. Passed tails— ST. LOUIS SIFTINGS. Berber. First on balls—By Miller 2, by Dan ah 6. Clirl«man,lb4 009 0 1 M'¥ha'iiic,3b4 20001 O'Neill, Child-, Daily. Left on bacefc—Kalamazx) 6, fore the season is over. I sympathize with iiarry Pal­ 0 llSwift,2b...... 5 12"'" Bj.n 3. Wild pitches—Hungler 3. Hit by pitcher— mer in this, Ihe darkest (liiys of his sweet, youn-4 life, Hit hv pitcher—Uy Miller 1. Struck out—1'y Miller WVlsh, cf..... 4 002 Columbus G. Umpire—McDermott. Time—1:30. Murray, Corconu. Total buso lilis—Portsmouth 18, The Mound City Xow Hungry for the Asso­ 6, by Dnrrah 1. Wild pitches—Dan ah z. Umpire— Dunn, p...... 3 0 0 1 4 0 Fry, Ib...... lt>...... 5 1i z2 9 ciation Pennant Hwrd-Losing Manapers but Hitrry may be able at the end of the te'tson to ex­ Linn 13. Unions—QiiigK-y and Koach. Timi—2li. claim: •'! told you so." I would like to see tlie League Btelliiirger. Time—2:fl5. Curry, 2b.....3 0 0 2~ 3 2ll.«utr,' cf.....' 4• 001- - - Games Played July 27. Optimistic View of the Association's Milh"r',c...... 4 0 2 I 1 2 llumlort.n-.. 3 2 0 0 JACKSON vs. COLUMBUS AT JACKSOX JULY 27: WORCESTER vs. LOWELL AT WORCESTER JULY 25: championship come West ttjis year, and I believe it JACKSOX vs. CANTON AT JACKSO.I Jri.Y 21: LOWELL. AB.R B. P. A.E, WORCESTER. AB tt. B. P. A.E Future News Notes. Eagan, If..... 4 00110 MrCann, If... 4 10200 JACKSON. AH.R.B. P. A.E COLVHBt'S. AB.R.B. P. A.E will. JACKSOX. AB.R. B. P. A.El CANTON. A9.R.*. P. A.K Tufflin-2b..,4 1 2 3 5 0|Wlteeluck. ts2 0 0 261 Cayljr needs a pair of shot s and the fat rascal wants Mini.eh'o,3b5 000 1 2|DiUney, 3b..2 101 10 Flagg, rf...... 4 0 2 2 0 O.llutchi'u, rf. 4 1 Z 100 Miller, C...... 4 0 1 4 0 1 Wtst.cf...... 4 0 0 000 ST. Louis, Aug. 1.—Editor SPORTING LIFE!— , Rafferty, ss... 30002 2] Watson, p.... 400 0 17 0 Chiiitnaii,3b4 00031 Manu, rf...... 4 101 Campion, lb.4 2 2 7 2 0;Haniilton,cf. 4 0 2 000 The season is now over half finished and the to make me piy for them. Mr. Editor, he actually Cbrisuiao,c..5, 1 0 C 0 l|Dav,2b"...... 4 00 4 60 Polhcmus, r:4 1 1 1 0 o:LVrby,3b..... 4 01011 wanted me to b*t him an S3 pair of shoes that the WeUi.cf...... 3 1 1 2 0 1'Virlne, lb....4 1 0 12 01 Tolal...... 32 0 5 24 14 101 Total...... 381010 27 22 1 W.lsb, cf..... 4 00201 O'llrieu, 21... 4 114 Browns have again taken the lead, but Dunn, if...... 4 11100 Hamilton, Ib4 2 2 12 Kennedy, ss.4 0 0 2 3 l|Kel!y, II...... 4 0 0 0 00 Browns would win the pentnint, but I am too warm Dunn 2b...... i 0 1 2 4 0|Wood,rf...... 3 2 1 1 00 Jackson ...... 0 0000000 0 0 Cud«orth.cf.4 0 1 1 0 O'Meister, 2U..4 1 1 1 20 whether they will finish in that position time th's secoirl day of Auj:u=t to run up against a bet like JUimUrd, 11,3 1 1 10 1 0[Zecln r,B».....3 3 1 221 Zanesville ...... 00312031 x 10 Curry, 2b.....3 00160 iluuran, c.. 4 0 0 Earned ruus— Z-uiesTille 3. Firet on errors—Z«nes- Myers, Ib.....4 0 1 15 1 0 Gllmau, If... 4 2 2 1 Si»ltz, If...... * 0000 0;&are, Ib...... 4 1 1 16 02 alone will tell. The Browns huvc won the cham­ that. No, eirl Caylor can go barefooted the rent of the Mi.lrr, rf.....S 0 0 0 0 l;Shar|., If...... 4 0 1 400 Murphj, C....4 2 2 12 0 l!d»liill, rf...... 2 0 0 2 00 siimmrr. Eacan, If..... 4 1120 (I .Donoliiw, ct..4 00002 ville7. First on balls—By Du.ni 2. by Wateou 4. E/.gau. If..... 411 1 00 Cahill, 3b ... 3 0 1 0 pionship three consecutive sensons ;ind their Struck i ul—Hy Dunu 3, bv Wwtsoa 13. Left ou bas js— KtffeMy, M.. .1 0 0 0 3 1 Backer, p.... 3 0 0 0 Shimiick, 3b3 0 0 0 2 o'Brigss,c...... 2 0 0 321 During tho absence of tlio chimplons on tlu-ir pres­ Jiaffertv, es... 1 1013 (P, Join P. p...... 3 10 0 30 Burns, p...... 4 1 0 1 7 eJO'Counell, p.4 00082 friends in St. Louis had made up their minds ent Easieru trip Sportsman's I'arlsj is occupie I every Plialcc, i>.....4 1 2 1 7 l;Sixsinith.c...:! 0 1 3 11 Jwknou 8, Zanesi ille 5. Paased balls—Miller 1, John- Par.-oiu, p.... 3 1 2 0 8 p lloenem'n.ss 3 1 1 061 early in the season that it was of little conse­ sou 1. Wild pitches—Dunu 3, Watson 1. Two-base Total...... 35 7 8 27 19 8J To'al...... 30 2 5 24 18 7 Sunday nftetnoon by the Missouri Amateur Athletic Total...... 32 (i 0 24 1C ci Totil...... 30 8 4 27 13 5 Total...... 333 6 2420 4 Total...... 33 7 7 27173 quence whether they again won the pennant or Association, w!;o give a series of athletic sports and hits—Swiff. Fry, Johnson. Stolen lasts—Johust'U, jHckson.....__...... 00111000 0 3 Lowell...... 1 0310200 x—7 Jnckson __ ...... 04000002 0—0 Worcester...... 02000000 0—2 not. The uiany changes thi»t wero made in the Win 1 up with n game of lull. The attract oils have Can:o:i ...... 02101 103 x 8 BIcSI ant.ic, Hnict'itison, Fry 2. Double play—Curry, Columbus...... t~ 0 0 0 0 2 t 0 x—7 Time—2h. Earned runs Lowell 3, Worcester 1. Two-base bits champions lust winter undoubtedly weakened been pood and the crowd" large ;ind appreciative. Earned mii*— Jnfkhou '2, Canton 2. First on ba'l — Chrisinau. Uu.pire—Biair. E.trued runs—Jacks >u 2, Columbus 2. First on And Bruuell fiucge.-ts that President Yon ch-r Alie errors—Jackson 1, Colnmbus 3. Struck out—By 1'ar- —Campion, Polhelnus, Cudworth, Hamilton, (.'lure. the tuain to a certain extent, as the old club's By I'hnlivi 4, by Juu s 5. Struck out— lly Pbaljn 6, Garnet Played July 25. BKSO &t,.!en—Shhnick. liases eu bulls—liurus 0, i'lmp Sr. Louis with nis champion club an 1 establish by Jones 1. Passed bulls— Clirisinau 2, Sixsii'itli 1. soiis 5, by Biicker 5. Pa.-«e.l ball—Muuyan. Two-base strong forte was team work, find in this the reor­ himself iiu.i Ms team iu Cleveland. If tl;e boss mana- AT TOLKDO JULY 25: hits—Dunn. Hoenenmn. Three-base bit—PMrsons. G'Connell 1. First on errors—Lowell 4, Worcfs or 1. Hit by pifh-r— Loir.bar.l, NVood. • UunLlv plav — TOLEDO vs. ZANLSVILLL Struck out—Derby, Ktlty 2, Clare, Brij;v«, UVoune.II, ganized team was short at the beginning of the ter ever haves St. Louis it g .es without saiiur that Alt R. B. P. A. E Hit by pitcher—Curly, Cahill. Left on Uses—Jacks n Zeclier, Par, Virtue. \Vilil Intend — Plinleu 2. SJoleu TOLKDO. ABP.B. P. A. EIZANCSYIL'E Keunely, Stallz, liurns, Campion. Doubl- pl«J — H' ison ftnd many a g;ime was lost on this account be will never stop in a town the *i/.e of Cleveland. It ba<. Uuipm— McOi-nnotf. Tinie— l:4i>. DilschcII, rf.4 0 1 1 0 li:.H'Sba'ic. 3b4 1 0 0 SANDUSKY vs. ZAXKSV'E AT SANDUSKY JULY 27: 1, Murphy 1. Wild pitch—O'Connell. Total l;lsc bits Your co r re 0. P. Cayli i- arrived In tho city Yesterday morning i:yu, Ib...... 5 0 1 16 0 OJllamilton.lbS 0 1 14 10 Li nard'n, 3b 3 11 1 0McCaun, If... 411 1 William-, 2b4 0 0 2 2 0 Fry, Ib...... 4 0 1 16 10 LOWELL vs. WORCESTKU AT LOWEI.L JULY 26: pulling for them for a>l thfy uro wov'.h. from Cincinnati and left tlie same day lor hia home in --V'ili:aiu«,2b..a 0 1 2 4 ojU'e-t, cf...... 5 0 0 010 P 1 2 1 0 OiMnn.vari, «_5 0 0 2 33 To'nl...... 34 36 27 18 ll Total...... 35 3 8 27 la 4 G. Wnfe,3b3 0013 OJMcCann, lf...4 10 0' 0 0 wo'il'l be Jike 4 ship without u ru...... 4 1 2 OHO 0 0|Kelty, I1...... 3 00 dies n u-ftii! «u the iliitiuciid to-vlny. Ho is quick to dannde in winuiti^games auu 2, Cudworth, Ken­ nny man in the country, Gua Schmclz uut excfpted. Et-ilan l»s«i— ItoutclifTf, Sdiell, Oilman 2, O'Brien, Cnrn, 2b.....5 0 0 1 5 1 Stapleton, Ib4 0 0 KALAMAZOO vs.MANSF'D AT KAI.AHAZOO JULY 27: nedy Stidtz:!, Shinulck.Guiuusso, Hamilton, Derby 2, The Club Still in Hard Luck Rose-man's Munj.lii. Umpire — O'Urie^i. Time — 2:4fl. Myers, lb.....3 0 0 10 0 liRrodii-. II..... 4 0 0 0 0 KAI.AMAft O.AB.R. B. P. A. I: MANgFIELD. AB.R. B. P. A.E A ad while speaking of Chire, Cnhiil. Fust on balls—Uy Sullivan 3, by Staf- Explanation The Advance Money Kvil. KALAHAZOOVS. ZANKSV'K AT KALAM'O JULY 21: Eapiu, If....4 0 0 3 0 o'Van Sant, 3b3 1 0 200 Riley, cf...... 5 232 0 0 Lemoi.8. ss... 4 C 1 140 2. Struck out— HART) LOSERS Hatferty, BS.. 3 0013 OOltersoi, 83. t I 1 2 31 fonl 2. First on errors—Worcester KALAMAZOO .AB . = .B. P. A E ZAS FSVII.I.E.AB. R.B. P. A.E Childs, 21'.... 5 1 2 2 5 llDinah,2l..... 4 0 0,3 1 2 Care. Cahill 2, Sullivan, Shiunick, Derby, Briggs 2, it wilUnot be out of place tu m^ntiou a few of them ALBANY, Aug. 2—Editor ?poiiTi.\'G LIFE:—We, hav Kil-y, cf...... 5 3 2 1 0 0: Humbert, ss. 4 1 1 1 60 Parsjus, p....4 1 0 0 10 p;Kimber, p...3 0 0 040 O'Neill, it.... 4013 Green, cf...... 4 0 O wl Kelly 2. Stafford. Passed bilin—Gutnarrii 2. Ijripgs 2. %ight here. Whenever an oppo-itig team Is kn ckiug begun the thiid intcr-Kastern series by dropping, two ChiWs, 2b....S 1 3 2 2 OjHut l.i'li, 3I>3 0 0 230 Tolal...... 3~8 7 9 27 18 ii Total...... 33 3 5 27 ll 3 Daily, c...... 4 216 SIcVfV, If.... 3111 Ull by pitcher—date, llamilion. ToUl base hits— tho Browns out President You dt-r Alie getie.ully ^ames to Troy. The first game was o»e o! ihe most O'Nnill.n.... t 2 1 1 5 OjFiy, Ib...... 3 0 0 13 00 Jacks<.n ...... 23000020 0—7- Dwyer, rf.....4 010 AlcU:',3b.... .3 0 0 4 Lowell 37, Worcetter 6, makes a bte line for the b^iich, ami he always Ins his exHSperatini: to lone ihut t ever paw. If uny ono of D«yer, if..... 4 0 0 2 0 OjUcPanii, lf._4 0 0 002 Whei-liug...... 00200001 0 3 Conncll, 3b... 3 001 Dillon, C...... 3 013 SALKM vs. PORTSMOUTH AT SALEM JULY 26: litily say, which haa the cftVct of l-ratinu tho bojs u;» bix wiiil ihruws had not b--ca iiu.do (he gaitie would Earned runs— .Jackson 3, Whetlingl. Firht on errots Sweencv, lb.4 1 2 11 Dale, p...... 3 Oil ft l.ttlc. Johu Kriiy was an awful Imrd hwer, but us have bee a ours. There WAS not a nsuff in-r u luaible of Ilail.V, Ib..... 3 1 1 12 0 0 J.iliugoii.cf.pt 10120 SAL'M. AB.K.B. P. A.E; PORTfJl'11. AB.R. B. P. A.E Council, 3b..4 0214 l|nviifi,2l>...... 4 00251 —Jackoon 3, \Vlir«linz 2. First on balls—Hv Kimber AMrich", If.... 4 002 L«csch, rf... 3001 he is out ot the mananeml business 1 will a'!ow him any kind, but i-ome of t'ne worst throwiiig tint ever 2. Struck t>ut—By l'ars.ms S, by Kiuib-r3. Ta-ted NLholson, p4 2 2 0 6 OJFaatz.'lb..... 3 0 0 9 Long 2b...... o 2227 0 Caoavan. M. 4 3 2 2 43 to pas?. Jack KiridB would ruther take a licking than disgraced a diamond. Downey, an nmateur, pitchtd Aldrli:b,|i...... 4 1 0 0 8 l;Gumb't, p,cf.3 0 1 0 50 lllues,cf.rf...6 3 4 3 1 0 Diley, !f...... 5 2 3 0 Swc-ney, If.. 4 1 0 1 0 0!l!nrchord, rf.3 0 1 0 00 ballt—Minneluin 1, Stenzel 2. Wild pilch—Kimber. To-al...... 37 8 U 27 21 2J Total...... 30 1 4 21 1'J 4 to *et- ttie LoiHsville t*-«ui cl.iutti^-d, but Jack i-t a man for us. nuil hfhl tho Trt-yfj dcwn t» time h:!-", but ho Two-bast, hits—Welsh, Huun, Kichol. Three-base hit— Kuowlt, n, c fi 3 5 6 0 l! Lcigliton, ci.5 123 of lew wonts, no he smothors his troubles within his was terribly wild nml jiuvc first I ast to e.ght men. Ho Calllnnn, C....4 1 2 7 0 Oillj-i«, C...... 2 0 0 602 Kalamazoo ...... 00013031 x—8 Earle, lb...... O 3 2 14 0 l|Muiray. Ib.. 5 1 2 10 T..tal...... 37 10 11 27 la 21 Total...... 30 i 3 25 21 5 Ottentou. Hit by iiitcliT—Mjers. Left on bases— Mansfield...... 01000 000 0—1 own manly b '8om. Saui Iturkley, of the Kaiv-a-* l-'itys, has not bct-n i-igtu-d hj YoiU, a« he wnutt-d a ^ood por- Jackssm 1, Whtelii g 3. Stolon bases—Mlniirlian, Go..dwiu,3b. 5 0 0 0 1 olCViuchlin, rf.5 1 1 has a habit of jumping around on ouo leg wheutver ti>>n of the ehr:h and most cf it in advance, and we KalauiHZOo ...... 11202400 x— 1(1 Famed runs—Kulumazoo 7. Three-base hit—Childs. BurUe, If..... 4 10211 SladUali,3b..2 1 1 Zanearlllo ...... 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 — 2 Chrisaiar., Welsh, Duun, Nicholson. Umpire—Biair. Two-base lilts—Nkhols-n 2, Sweenev, Daily, Dwyer, his ttaui is t>tken into camp, and tho big «>.:orid base- Ut'ii't find it p/ilic) tii p«y players btforo they earn Ti»sk, ...... 5 111 3 0 Kudiler'ui,2b4 1 1 man ban done considorablo hopjtiQ^ ttiis 5"(;son. \Vhen their faUiritrfa. unless they HTO pretty \VQ\\ known. It Kai u^d ru";* — KaUmaxoo 4, Zaneavllle 1. Two-base Time—1:45. Lemon*. First on balli—By Pale 1. Siruck out—lly 1 2 ..511 ATgAirnusKY JULY 25: Heury, rf, p.. 5 120 the Cowboys wt-ro here last I e*t with 1'ortor. tho ba- always bwn a mystery to me why bill plnyera hits — Fry, Daily. Kirnt on balls — Kalaimzoo 1. Znuee- SANDUSKY vs. MANSrir-LP D»le 3, by Nicholson 4. P.iseed halls—Dillon 2. JIitchell,p,cf5 1 1 0 4 4 .tacli, p...... 512 ville 4. Struck oul— KaUmazoo 2, Zanesville 7. Left HANUISKY. AB.R.B. P. A. E MA.VSFIILD. AB.R B. P. A.E Left on bases—Kalamazoo 5, Mansfield 2. Double pitcher, during tho wliole of one game and the nul'ject should always dtin.ind and expect advance mouey plays—Childs, O'Neill, Sweeney; Alcott, Darrah; Dar- Total...... 47 15 17 2718 9| Total..... of h<*r. iVrter lunehed n.s ho when they are signed. There iau'i H.N.V other bu-ioesa on Iwtos— Kaluma// o 3, Z;iueKville 6. Double pUys — Uoutcliffe, If. 6 2300 Oj Lemons, ss... 400 0 20 000 0 0—15 C.mndl, Childs, Palli; O'Neill, Daily. Slolou bases— Rhue,cf...... 4 1 1 1 0 0 Dariah, 2b....5 0 0 312 nh, Faalz, l>arrab; Alcoll, K»atz, Darrah. Stolen Salem...... 61 remarked:—"I)i3 1 1 6 2 l|F..atz,r...... 4 0 0 741 inott. Time—1:25. tfiun I used tu take particular notice of those wrinkle. an exception is taken in base bhl1 . Yiit nine out of —Knowlton, Daley, Kiile. Home run—Leightou. NVlienever wo won a gani'j the wrinklos were fe v and ten U'legrams that * inan;ig.,r reccivt-s read:—"I will Sliupf, 8X...... 4 0 1 1 8 3]Alcott,3b..... 3 1 1 110 TOLEDO vs. CANTON AT TOLEDO JULY 27: Stolen bases—Henry, Mitcbell, Kudd>rhatn 2, Rjan. Games Played July 23. Connor, 1I....4 0 1 13 0 0 McVey. lf...... 4 1 1 1 10 far between, but wheueTcr we lout, whi<-h wus pret-y comu for so much and SloOor toadvai'C,''.' Why don't TOLEI10. AB H. B. P. A.E[ CANTON. AB.R.B. P. A.E First on lialls—Long, Burke, Ru-tderlmm, 5Iadi^;tti, often, the wrinkles were nunnroiH. Ja-*t ask any they c juic aluiig and show \vh»t tli^-y are worth in to LIMA vs. COLI:MLI s AT LIMA JULY 22: R W«itl'tvU>. 1 1 0 2 5 OjDaie, lb...... 4 1 1 12 10 falef, (S...... 6 2 3 1 3 0|De]aney, 3b..5 0 0 3 40 Canavnn. First ou errors—Salem 6, Portsmouth 2. Cl.ilds, c...... 4 1 1 S 0 0 Lertch, rf.....4 0 1 1 00 meniberof tho old Bro-iklyn team and they will tell bmiuvfcs-iiUc wuy? Tlto tec.-ud frumo vas won by LIMA. AB.K.B. P. A. E{ COLFMDUfl. AB.R B. P. A.I Drischell rf. 6 4 3 2 0 IjDay, 2b...... 4 3 3 0 43 S:ruck out—Goodwin, Mitchell 2, lioach, Tr«sk,Cough- Bonn, p...... 4 p 0 0 « plSommX p...4 1_ 2 1111 yuii tho same tiling. However, I caa &ay that Mr. Troy on i's meritp. Cout-'lilin, from, the Chicago ?.(a- Kirby, r'..... 5 0 0 1 0 OiGilniau. If... 4 0 0 3 00 Str. thers, Ibo 4 3 6 0 iilv.rlue, Ib... 5 0 1 H 00 liu Double plays— Loli«r, Kaile; Kyau, Kudilerhatit. liyrne wn* uniformly plfasanr, whether \ve won or roons, ma Jo LU ibbut. IIo was wild the lirst two in- Hcwki. CF.....4 1 2 2 2 0| II aim, r-'...... 4 1 2 1 00 Tntil...... 336 8 2721 4 Total...... 27 4 6 2721 5 1 e,"g, C...... 3 2 3 8 2 0 Wood,rf...... 4 V 2 000 P»swd tails—Ityan 2. Wild pitch—lioach 5. Henry I. lo-t." Billy B^trnie wouM ra'her lo.-o Ihrfce halts out uiug!', and five bases on biiU, f.vc hit^ and a cou[ lo of Hil'crv, lh....4 2 3 6 0 0]Hamilton,lb4 1 1 13 00 Sandu.ky ...... 10000013 1 C Crowley, If... 5 0 0 2 0 o'Zrcher,s>.....6 0 1 0 20 Hit by pitcher—Madigan 2. Total bus; hill—Salem 19, of his head than lose a tame. Now you tau judge error* gave tho Troys c glit run?. After that he held SK-Miih-1!, |f. 5 1 2 C 0 0:\V,.«r, cf...... 4 2 2 110 Mausftebl...... 0 1030000 0—4 Ltnnrd''n, 3b5 0 1 4 0 Ojsharp, If...... 4 0 2 1 01 P,,rtimi.nth 20. Umpires—Bemis and "'" —••- ft-r yourself wliether lie Is a hanl loser or n »t. Billy the Tri'ys down to five liit-t and two runs, aud 6ho\ved guninum, C...5 1 2 12 I 0^0 Brnn,2^...4 11330 Earned luns—Sandusky 2, Monsfielil 1. Three-base Peak,2b...... 5 0 1 4 3 0 Doauhuc.cf.4 0 0 201 Time—2:05. ______is a little bit suneis itious. and whenever his boys are that he DiiKhr mal:e a fair pnch'-r lit tituo. Griui, 3b...... 6 1 2 1 0 liMi.nyHl), w.. 4 1 1 130 hit—Ler-cli. Fir«t on balls—By Bolm 2, by Sommrrs Cook,cf ...... 6 1 2 0 0 0 Fitzslm'iw, c4 0 0 901 iieUing trouncfd be will clmiitfo Itia t-e-it, put his hat Knox, lie new n> cond biuem«n. made his first bow Corbelt, 2b... 3 1 0 2 3 0 CeUiiil, 3t'...... 4 I 2 1 42 4. Fir t ou enors—Saudnsky 1, Slan-lield 3. Wild Gaifield, p... 5 0 p p 7 IJMonroe, p....4 1 0 190 Games Played Jtily «8. on ono tide, crm* bis le^s and sonictjiiifs ho will nudietico on Wed us lay. and b^rrin^ a 1. Sommers 1. Passed ball—F«atz 3, befoic a h .tiiie Fuller, ss..... 4 0 1 1 3 3'Sniith, c...... 4 1 1 4 00 pitches—Bohn Total...... 45f3162715 4: Total...... 35 4 9 27 19 « WORCKSTEU VS. LoWKLL AT WoKC'KSTBK JuI.Y 28: go dcwn out of tho jrraud stainl, in c«>upl« of wild throws, mad * a very favorable impros- Chillis 1. Siruck out—By Ivihn 4, by S mn:er» 7. Halls roin.p. 4 0 1 0 9 1 Backer, p.... 4 0 1 050 Toledo...... 3 4-030003 0 13 LOWCI.L. AB.R.B. P. A. K i WORCESTER. AB.B. B. P. A.K hopes that hU team will take a 1 atti'ig si.jn. Ho hit well at.d run ba?ej fairly. All his move­ Tulal...... IU 71:1*25 18 5! Total...... 3(1811 2716 2 Left on bases—5andusky 5, Mansfield 1. Stolen bases— Canton...... 000120100—4 sinak. Billy Sliarnltf, when }\it temn IOPC-H, a]wtt\it ments are th sc of a mau w ho knows how to play ball. William". SliU[0 2. Couuor, B. Toffling iib..3 1023 OiWheelock,KS4 00 0 '.10 *\ViDiiing rua made witli one man out. Kouiclifle 3f Khilf, Earned runs Toledo 10, Canton 2. Two-base hits Campion lb.6 1 0 8 2 1 IfUiuiltoli, ct 3 0 1 210 oiTt-rs «ome phuisiMe excuse t > himself and others why I am inclined lo think tlmt second base is at Itut takoc I inm ...... 3 0010002 1—7 Wtttiake 2, Chl.di, Gn-rn, Aleut, McVey, Sommers. Drischell, Ltnardton. Three-base hits Drischfll, Day. they did not win, and lie has! nt very link-to any lo*iiy- Timf—2:15. Cudworth,cf4 1010 O'Derbj. 3b.... 3 00 0 13 care of. toluni'ous...... 00001500 2—8 llmrire—Stt llberifer. First ou tails By Monroe 2. Hit by pitcher By Polhemu«,rf4 I 1 2 0 OlKelty, H...... 3 0 0 2 00 one whfii liin boys ct-t knocked out. Aarou Stern Rfeciuan played liia last pa me with i:« to-day. He Karue I riliis — Lim 1 1;, Columlina 6. Two-base, bitii— KAL'O vs. COLUMBUS AT GUAXD RAPIDS JULY 25: Garneld 2. Stolen base. Toledo 7, Canton 4. ftr.ick Kennedy, ss. 5 2 3 0 2 OiMeister, 2b..3 0 0 322 would radior lose his best diamond (aud he !ms u rare has novtr hee.D under contract to tho club but ['laved B( arnum. Time 2:15. Sbiuuick,3b2 1 '2 3 I OiBriggs, ?..-...3 0 0 7 02 yanks the cookie, \\heu Ihe Kods are behind, Gus away, and hv> id toing to devote himself 11 tlmt tho re­ ilton. First tu biillt— liy Backet- 2. Struck out — Bv O'Neill, 3b... 4 0 0 Hamilton, Ib 4 I 1 0 0 Burke, p...... 3 0017 4 O'Counell, p.3 00 p 25 \vill *~ i:ii "?*» ^n a email hole that h«s been mnde in mainder of the season. We nre sorry to loss him. I Haiisirom S, by liarkrr 2. Wild (.itchw— Backer 2. Daily, lb,c.... 4 1 1 10 0 0 West.cf...... 5 2 2 3 00 Total 35910271651 Total...... 30 0 3 24 1512 he ground by John Corititili'u enCC I'!*tc. aud he will promised to get the truth of that il^chostcr iucii'.eat, Uinpirij — O'Brien. Time— 2:05. Dwyer, rf... 3 0 2 1 0 1 0'Brien,2b... 5 1 1 1 11 TEXAS-SOUTHERN LEAGUE wish and wish that the holo was larger HO tluii ^C ,"."'! J'-ra it I* votichel for by rtliabio aut'jorilic':— Sweency, lf..3 12101"Munyau.es c5.--... 2 2 Lowell...... 0 0121600 x-9 Worcester...... 00000000 0—0 mi^ht crawl into it and hide him a-If. Gus docs not lioseman was walking iiirc::^> tbocaraRud bit hi* Games Played July 23. Calhonu,c,ss4 00611 Cah.ll.3b..... 4 02110 Games to be Flayed. pull at his wtiiskers any mor^, as I HI has jvrked out nil kne« Hgiiiii'-t a l:viy*g (larr.sol which si::c!; -?V* tUrougU Hoeue'n, c,ss4 10933 Karned runs—Lowell 2. Two-base hits—Cihill, TOLEDO vs. MANSFIELD AT TOLEDO JULY 23: Nich'n, M,lb4 00022 An (cast 5. 6, 7, Galvestoii at New Orleans, Dallas at Murphy. Stolen bases—Hamilton 2, Kelty. Cahill, the loose ones before ihia time, and the ecitsatum id the teat iutu tho uiale, tns;i]>ing it apart. Tinning TOLEDO. AB.U. B. P. A. E MANfiFItLD.AB.C. B. P. A.E Irwin, P...... 4 0 0 040 J.Haudi'e, p.4 1^ 3 0 80 Houston. Ciimplou, Cudworth, Polhemus 2, Kennedy, Murphy, anything but pleasant if be ^rabd a handful that rp- around he said:—*:I beg your p?.nluu; hov much uo £ Fnles, if...... '.', 1 1 2 1 OjLciiiGQ., S-... 4 0 0 050 Total...... 362 8 24 13 8, Total...... 37111327144 August 8, 9,10, 11, Dallas at Galveston, San A o ton to liases on ballit— By O'Counell 5, by Burns 4. First (.n fuse to yield to hts pulK Tom I^jftus has always been owe you." The lady stated what the parasol cost l.ec Driscbtll, ob3 1 0 0 2 1 Dar.a.'i, 2b....4 0 1 550 Columbus...... 00020720 0—11 at Houston. ______errors—Lowell 3,Worcester 1. Stiuck out—Wheelock, looked upon as u hard loser, aud his (U>fi-at« will 1>« and koscmau pai-1 her. On reaching Mochovter Mun- Strothers, Ib4 0 2 8 0 l,Cr«>u, cf...... 3 0 1 3 00 Kalamazoo...... 010000100 2 dunbiy hard lo l^ear this season, as Uo IB very anxious nger Leonnrcl, while at supper, nm:fo wnno rtnmrks to The Record. Hamilton, Derby, Briggs 2, O'Counell, Campion. Leg s, cf...... 4 0 I 0 0 OjKi.atz, c...... 3 0 0 410 Karued runs—Columbus 2. Kalniuazoo 2. Two-base lA>ubl« plays—Hamilton, BriKg>; Wheelock, Meister, t-j pull the ClbveUndd Uir.-u^h. tho chief as to his coiniliion ami would have bot-n Cru«!oy, lf...4 II 1 1 0 OJAl. ott, 3h_..2 1 1 010 hit*—West, O'Brien, Mnnyan, Handlboe 2, Child". the race la beginning to grow rather one-sided, knocked dow n for his pains if ho had not tukcn to hia Houatin and CMv«sttii beiug iippareiitlj toj weak to Walbridgc. IVsseci ball—Briggs. Hit by pitcher— A LITTLE INFORMATION FOR THE BEKKPIT OF Len::r.rn, rf. 2 1 0 3 0 o'McViy, If.... 401 2 00 Double play—Childn, Daily. First on balls— Hamil­ Khinnick. Total ba«e hits—Ixiwell 11, Worcester 4. heeU ro-.k,2b...... 4 0 0 4 1 OPalc. 1U...... 4 0 0 12 00 ton, Sweeney Dwyer. First on errors—Columbus 6; cope witb Dallas, New Oilcans and San Antonio, who ZACII FBKLl'S. (":q)tfiin Hoover la laid up with jvtplit thumb. We are away ahead ofthtm. The Ittst-uained clulw are Cmpire—Guinasw. Time—2h. Tour Louisvlllo correfl|>oiident says that ex-Presl- Pike, C...... 4 0 0 9 2 0 Uncli, rf_..3 0 1 1 00 KalaniHzoo 1. Siruck ont—Oilman, West, Munvan, MANCHISTER vs. SALEM AT MANCHES'B JULY 28: lolKii his batting very nincli. Cook, [i...... 3 0 1 0 13 OKOinm«rs,p._3 1 0 060 Ilo.-nenian, Kiley, O'Xeill, Daily. Dwyer, Irwin 4. baviug a red-hot fight for firbt place, nn, Mui.BlWId...... 01001000 0—2 LIVA. AB.R.B. P. A. E CANToN. AB.RB. P. A E , on tho t'ip. There ^eems to bo K great deal of trouble iheir rc8|tective Camriana,3b. 1 0 0 0 1 oiKnowllon.cf3 0 1 1 00 and his reltaao cost Blr.Byi ne ju»t$8,250. Thi.-Iam posi- working the combination, however. tari,ej run^— Tol.rto 2, Mansfleld 1. Two base lilt— Kirbv, rf...... 4 00200 Delauey,3b..5 21022 lb...... 3 0 1 10 01 in z Elli«, lb...... 4 1191 IJEarle, tivo of. Atd be^idej this the player receives u falary Zeke, AHen, late of the. Kansas C'itj s, joined the team C'rowley. Tdrce base bit — !J;,r;ab. Double plays — Rooks, cf..... 411 2 10 Day, 2b...... 5 0 0 340 ?l? Kellogg SB. 4 1 1 6 3 1 Goodwin, 3b.3 02 2 10 of J5,000, of which he was [aid $1,500 in ndvauco just Salci, P(ak; Sirotlur-, Donah. First 0:1 balls— By Virtue, Ib... 5 2 3 10 00 jf ? t? to-day jii time for the Troy grtmu and made a good Hil!ery, lb...4 11511 CUBS. c Davin' rf ...I 1300 OjUnrke, If..... 300 0 00 as soon as he- signed au agreement with tho Brooklyn COOK 4, by SoQimer* 3. Hit 03 pit^ber — liy Sommers Me Mil leu, If. 4 01000 Wood, rf...... 613 1 00 ll « i > s impreaf-ioii. r* Manning 2b 4 0 2 3 3 0 Trask, U.....3 0 0 0 20 Club to play with that aggregation during the year 1. Sioleu biurii— Tol«U> U. Stmckoiit — By Cook 8. by Summers, c... 4 1 0 10 02 Zecher, 8S.....5 00020 = = .'- ! Secretary White la a letter siMniu* Hoovcr't poil- r Mahoney, C...4 0 1 6 3 2 Henry, rf.....3 1 1 2 00 1888. Beudfs this big boojlo of "rclense" money and tidii in regard to the protected IHiffHlo^-AIh^ny t'lnio Sommcrs 4. Parsed tails— Faatz 3. Umpire— Ball. Grlm,3b.'.....4 11200 Sharp, If...... 5 01301 Person, P.....2 1 0 0 6 O'Turner, p.... 3^0 0 076 the fat salary, an agent was also paid by the BrookHu Time— 2h. Donobue, cf.40 3801 Dallas...... 3 3 3 0 .750 last July, whyu Uobpiro Youtig il'-cla^e! both Nelson Corbelt, 2D..4 00121 e Cliiike, 3b.... 1 I 1 0 1 l| Total...... 27 2 5 21 IB 9 people, aliil said player was «teo ])re.-ent*d with a dia­ KAL.UIAZOO vs. WHEELING AT KALA'O JULY 23: Fuller, es...... 4 0 2 1 30 Jones, p...... 401 1 60 Galveston...... 0 0 1 4 «HO au«l Foreman out on a double play when tho fly ball 1 2 0 1 Total...... 32 7 12211851 mond stud by the Brooklyn Club which cost $lfiO. only ton cited tho innelder's haml without his holding XALAMAZi'O.AB.R. B. P. A. E: WHEELING. AB.B. B. P. A.E Bowlers, p.... 4 00 1 10 p Sixi-mitb, c.. 4 2 1 6 10 Houston ...... 4 f.m it wus Bob Curuthers that tell 1 2 7 12 Manchester...... 011012 2—7 This man'i* name—well, it. It will prjbjtbly result !u tho gamo being pl.iyed Cctiaell,3b...6 1 2 4 8 2[ Vnik, C...... 4 0 0 732 Total...... 8"64 6 24 17 4 Total...... 42713 27144 New Orlean9...... 2 ,706 into this Larrel of honey. Mr. Phclps claims t!mt ho San Autonio...... 1 3 3 2 » .692 Salem...... —. 100010 0—2 over. UAD . O'Neill, V....4 1 I 0 4 Oj.Vichol, ct'..... 4 0 1 0 00 Llma...... l 1100000 1 4 Earned runs—Manchester 4, Salem 1. Two-base hit bus been iu the base halt business himself and ho Daily, Ib..... 30312 0 OiNioh. Ison,2b4 01231 Clinton...... 10301011 x 7 knows just what he is talking ab-.mt. Zach lias been Lost ...... 3 10 16 6 4 38 —Clarkc. Home run—Davin. Stolen bases—Wheeler Dwjcr. rf...... 3 1 0 0 1 oiC.ojrau, rf... 4 0 0 1 10 KarDed runs—Lima 2, Canton 5. Two-base hit— 4, Camjana, Ferson 2, Shefder, Henry 2, Manning. in the business, 'tis true, but ho never had the b odle ALL RIGHT NOW. Cliilds, 2b..... 421 3 0 (liSiapIeton, Ib4 0 0 10 00 Virlue. Three-base hits— Hillery, McMilltn, Sixtuiilh. SUMMARY. First on balls—Turner 2. First on errors— Manchester at bis back that ie at thy back of tho Brooklyn Club. Riley, cf...... 4 1 2 1 0 0:Br,xJif .If...... 3 0 1 1 00 Home runs—Rookf, Virtue. First on balls—By Sow- Won. Lost. Per Ct. Won. Lost. Per Ct. 1, Salem 3. Struck out—Davin. Long, Heury, Kel­ Tho Minneapolis Club Confident of Wea­ bwetney, lf_ 4 0 2 4 0 0[ Van Sant, 31)3 00 1 31 dersS, by Jones 1. Stiuck out—By Sowders 9, by BROOKLYN AND ClNCI.VNATf, thering the Season. Dallas...... 9 3 .750 Galveston. 4 10 .286 logg, Enrle, Morke 2, Ferson 2, Mahoney. Passed balls Jn my bumbJe opiniou, will remain jutt where they Caihoi.n, c... 4 0 1 3 1 o|OU,.rjon,6s...3 0 1 2 10 Jones 5. Passed ball—bixsmitb. Wild pitch—Jones. N.Orleans. 12 5 .706 Houston... 4 16 .200 — Hines 1, Mahoney 1. Wild pitches—Turner 3. Hit MINNEAPOLIS, July 30.—Editor SPOKTINO Lirr:— Invin, p...... 4 1 0 0 4 OiKiianfs, p..... 2 0 0 0100 Umpire—O'Brieo. Time—2:10. are iu 1888, notwithstanding all talk to the contriti-y. San Ant'o. 9 4 .692 by pitcher—Campana. Total base hits—Manchester I notice that several of your corespondents place Tbcro is now o Rood pnwpfct of now life bcinjr infu^a Total...... 357V2 27 15 2J To'al ..... 310 4 24244 16, Salem 5. Umpire—Doyle. Time—1:45. into our clnb. Davenport's oiler for tho liMnchise haa 02002030 i— 7 Games Played July 26. LooANepORT (I-ND.) NoTis.—Jlo» enimn and Flynn, these two clubs in the older orgnnizati'.u next year, K.ilaiim/.oo ...... and they also eoy that bt. Louis is liable to desert tho been refiisod mid tho orKaniH'itiO!i of a stock ooinptisy Wlioeliiie ...... 00000000 0—0 TOLEDO vs. ZAICESVILLE AT TOLEDO JULY 28: the former a catcher and tiio latter a third basemtn, Games Played July 30. will probably b*1 completed in a day or two. .Siau'icor left here, taking with them two suits belonging to the American Aesocint'on. Just about this timo every turned rons— Kalainnzoo 4. Three-base hit— Otter- TOLtDO. AB.R.B. P. A. ElZASESVl'LE.AB.B.B. P. A. E MANCHESTER vs. PORTSM'H AT MANCH'B JULY 30: yoar the newspapers of the country, especially th<*e Gooding v.ill relaiu out-ua'f th«» ^t"ck as a c«L*idcr- ion. T-\o-b.t.se ima — Brodio, Daily, Ciilhonn, Childs, Sale* SS...... 502 4 0 0 Johnson, c.500 6 31 Logi>u»|orts...... The citiy.em here have sub'Cr bed ation f«-r tho franchise at:«l players. Sunday ^ciet $400 per ntonth toward sustaining the locnl c ub...... MARCHES R. AB.R. B. P. A: E PORTSM'H. AB.R.B. P. A.E published in League cities, raise the cry tlmt thlt club Ki'ey, Sweency. Sun ;k oi:t — By Irwin 3, by Kuaum Dri8Chell, rf.5 1 2 2 0 1 M'Shau'c,3bo 0 0 211 League, but will be abandoned and erouuds more cenirnlly Ij^>ttfld Yalk 2. The directors chum they have made no money so far Shiffler, cf... 311 2 00 CVtt,avan,ss .5 01 1 22 and that club intends to jump into the 6. First on balls— Bv K: auei 2. IV.eseJ ball-— Strothers, Ib 4 0 1 8 0 1 Swift, 2b...... 4 0 1 810 Wbceier,"ir.'..5------I 3 4- -1 o0 Willis, If...... 5lf...... 5 232 3 1 10 vou never ln'Ar snvone say that tho B^ stuns, New eocured, probably °n tl'c Motor Liny. Uy n«vt»eit«on Left on bases — Kaltniazo i 5, Wheeling 5. Stole-i bases L*gK 3b...... 6 1 1 0 0 1 Fry, lb...... _3 1 0 8 01 this season. It is strange, too, as the attenr';mcc has ------"O Vorks or Chicago^ intend to join forces with the wo can have winning a nine which will, wiMiout tio'ii't, us. There is Clarkf, rf...... 4 0 2 _ 0 Lelghtjn, cf. 4 1 1 3 00 — Kicbolnon, lirodic, Otterson, Conncll, O'Neill, Dally. Crowley, lf...4 1 0 0 0 OiLauer.cf...... 4 1 1 1 00 been excellent wth on«<>rt«o ex<-epli 1 2 Murray, lb...5 229 Anit-rican Association. TUe two gr--at bodies {(he AH- pr"ve a pacing invstmcnt. Slt:co Icnv^tiK homo tho Double flay — fjjnnell, CUllds. Umpire— McDcrmott. L*nard"'n, cf 5 0 0 2 1 2 Humbert, el. 4 1 2 341 some talk cf a reorguiizati n, v.iih a tew manuger Elli', Ib ...... 5 3 3 boys have tm-n playing pood ball, winning thro» Davm, 3b.....& 1 3 061 Coughlin,rf..3 111 Bociatkm and League) have different mot bods of trans­ Time— 1:15. Peak, 2b...... 4 1 2 4 5 OiMcCann, If... 3 0 1 Z 00 ...... Billy Bottenus, formerly of the Toledoc, is here 0 0 Kudder'iu.2b4 006 acting their business. The bntducps of the League is straight games at DM .Moitit-e, and tlth.im^h they have Cook p ...311060 Gumbert, rf.. 4 12 3 00 and playing good ball. He is a^ excellent neMer, and Kellojlg, s»...4 118 JACKSON vs. ZAXKSVILLE AT JACKSON JOLY 23: Mani.iiig,S»4 1 1 4 2 1 Uadlgan, 3b 3 0 2 2 kept from the public, while the Association "rirrle" so far Io=t two garnet; ftt Oiuuha, by very clos'.' »coro», JACKSON. AB.R.B. P. A. E'ZANEPVILLf.AB.R. B. P. A.E Pike, C...... 3 1 0 7 2 1 Burchard, p. 3 0 1 060 as a good a batter as there Is iu the club...... Breckeu- has uo atcretp, aud I am so:ry that I am speaking the In one, at least, the Ouiahns wero outplayed at every ridge is devel .ping into a nrst-class pitcher. The In­ Mahoney', c.! 5 I 1 7 2 1 Ryan>...... 6 0 0 6 52 Hiunrh'u.3b4 1122 llJohnson, C...5 21610 Total...... 88 6 9 27 13 6 Total...... 35 4 8 27 15 4 Ferson, p...... 4 1 1 1 4 7 O'Counor, p.4 0 p 067 truth in this particular instance. The Association point. dianapolis League Club g"t but (.ne hit off him in six Ihivo Jlawe 1ms bten fludlu;; tLe hall on the p<*e*fnt Cbr'«raau, c. 3 1 1 0 1 1 Al'Slia'nlc,3b4 2 0 0 20 Tokdo ...... 10022000 1 6 Total .. ..3910f627 17 12 Total...... 88 610272114 grinds mo: o axes in public in on*1 year than tlio it.*.Wel-h, 1.1, cf.....~r 400i n /i n0 n0 ct'a«-ir>0[Swift, ou2b...... A4322 Q o O Q n Zane«»Ille...... 0 1010000 2 4 Innings, and in three g^mes against V.,0 Couth Ben.Is, League will in a dozco. The Association magnates trip aud is fielding his pwitiou more satisfactorily ihao Earned runs—Toledo 5, Zmtsviile 3. Two-base hits acknowledged to be one of the best clubs iu Indiana, Mauche.Ur...... 11110210 3-10 at first. DUIID, rf..... 4 01 4 0 0 Fry, lb...... 4 2 1 14 PorHinuilli...... 000000033-6 are Always quarreling among tbem«clvo

with Brooklyn and either Indianapolis or Fittsburg about PorkopoIU The fair ones of the Tillage THE Mansfield stockholders have raised enough PRELIMINARY sters have r«»-n taken towards furmlng could pair off with Cincinnati. Tbe League wants CINCINNATI. CHIPS. turn out in large numbers to chet-r t(the boys" 01* ~fo money to see the club thr. ugh the season. Catcher a league among the employes «,f the Pennsylvania th.se two cities. Ask Rogers, Sown, Sptlding and The Cincinnati Club** 1'uture—What is Be­ vi'.tory and after a recent extraordinary fine contest atz has btieu released. Railroad Company. Negotiations »re now under way BALL. sup­ at Marion. BASE members of the team a jiriund:i from the company say the Well won they gave the towards gettiug Pay whether they don't. Mr. Day may hind All the League Talk—A Proposed NEW YORK has played more errorless games tban any League baa not asked them to couie over, but will h« per, and Lock laud also lays claim to a ataud, and tlie other League team. The Athletics excel tue Associa­ It is thought tlmt if the leaxue ia a t-ucceas that ihs say that the League will not receive them if they Minor League Conference — Catcher attendance of ladies in the Leagu>- subur! j is a feature tion clubtt in this respect. c- nipuiiy will erect a C!UD house and stands on th« CAYLOR/SJJOMMENT. couu1? It ia probably not necessary to argue this case llligh'8 Caae, Kto.* of tho contests. In the Hamilton County League, NKXT to the Detroits the ITooeiera can connt a greater ; n u iids. all through tho summar bu$ when November c^mes CUHCINHATI, Aug. 1. EJitor SPORTING LIPB Madisonviile and Collage Hill are MM for first placo, number of rocognlxed sluggers in their ranks than any THK Worcester directors believe that tho comln| The Folly of the Tliree- Strike Kule Be­ And we hav« elected the next president, don't forget and iu the Miami VttHvy the Lin woods are now but other club in the League. year will sew a division in ihe i^nka ot tbe American I am Dot anxious to get mixed up in any con­ one game behind National Hills. There is a rupture coming Apparent— The Coming Associa­ to keep one eye on Cincinnati and the other on Brook­ IN Rio JANEIRO they occasionally play onr game, but A*»ociation and that a new league, cnmi'^sel of tion's Meeting— The Association's Busi­ lyn. Both teams would make formidable material In troversy over the probable action of the Cincin­ in the latter organization which may lo->e them the eaattrn clubs and to include Brooklyn, Philadelphia, on pennant and that, too, after they hud flv« straight the Brazilians are too t : red to run bases and Iudiar;s ness Methods— Possible Future Changes. tho League. Make no mistake about it, nati Club next winter, for there is no man are hired to do it for Ihem. Newark, Troy and otbwr ci(ieear* Mulluue faruiiy is certainly doing quite well. | arrangements have all been completed for Sj nate to sleep in the same ward with T. T. T., let alone reports. Ouo tiling i» certain, if Cincinnati dooa rutnro THE result is an unusual state of suffering in St. to her old love, the League it will not hare the tin of has lust twice as many gameu a* he has won there. I |GsoRGE SMITH, who promised to do great work for colored championship totiroament at the P;lo Grounds, in tho same bed. Surely, this is not part of the Mil­ His fielding Louis. In the course of human events, I fell dect-p'ion to answer for. Weldou say a of the Cincin­ Jack O'Conuor IA certainty striking a popular chord Brooklyn tbla year, la falling off rapidly. commencing Aug. 18. The chances are th:-t (here will lenium Plan already la operation. in tlie public heart. Bo seems to be able to wield the fcj poor enough, but hlg batting oh! be four snth -m it 11 up by shouting 'Old Divorce* AaSooUtion alone, and the League to him ia second He did not stop here Ion*;. game on is own gioundathH season. at him all during the eamo." Cincinnati Times-Star. strike every time we meet. Joe informs me that at the same time. That has been tried, and failed. So The Reds leave here Sunday n1ghkan<1 play In Balti­ would tbe cjsraospohtan base ball club. fiddle in the base ball orchestra. "Association reople, WORCESTER has derived $1,900 from the sale of play- Arlie sto-e secoi-d »md third in the eighth tuning and he has accepted that shoe bet which I hurled at tried and true." No i>ne h*a denied that, but they are more on Monday. They return to Cincinnati in time : the-i he said: "Did y- u see me get a 'diTorcw' from to open with Brooklyn on fc'riday, the 10th. They re­ era; Salem, $1.750; Manchester, $1,350; Lynn, §600. him last week on the strength of my faith that I fear Brunell ba00. And th* end Is not yet. tin-so hags?" And the laugh was turned on the man the Browns will not win the"cnampeeu" flag, I shall a circuit that has not paid thin year. Cincinnati Is In main here then until the 22J, when they go East once in Louisville who aspired to be funny. or something thut has more foam to it than solidity. more. j "THK base ball pitcher la a pretty dangerous rhap to therefore Imve niv present South west Missouri moc­ He should return at once to Cleveland, look at the the bminesa for the money there is in it, Tbe owner stand iu front of, but the pitcher of ice water has THB Worcester Club s-Md its crack ontfielder, Hamil- casins patched up and patiently wait till the fifteenth of the largeat 6h*r» of stock irt the club cares nothing Two out of three from the Athletics was more tban City for §1,;XK). He joined tho club at viaduct and come into his proper mtnd again. This the most banicuiue expected. One from that club Is don bled up mure men." A. J. Reach. t n, to Kansas of October, then I can draw on your St. Louia cor­ thing of breaking th« strong imaginations of your cor­ for the game It-* If, and it Is not material to him Philadelphia last week. The Hait-as City CUib ban respondent fur a pair of Waukouphttste. whether tbe money flows Into Its coffers through pretty hard to get. ^WORCESTER has signed Demaris, Hnngler, Corcoran, respondents by bringing them together should b» and Terrien, of the late Lynn also signed Eddie Qionn, late of Hmrle ton. Glenn is League or A&iocUtlon channel*. Cincinnati opens its The Kada ara pulling together nicely now. It is Connie Doyle, Lynch a colt, as he has played with several stopped. Mat says he had always pictured Bruuell hard to account tor Mullane's wilduesa tn the two team, and haa released C«hill and Derby. by no means I rode over from Cincinnati to St. Louis with George "a tall man with black side whiskers and a deep gales on Sunday fVr the mouey that there is in it, and American Association clubs, including the Columbus Tebeau who was called home from Brooklyn to the If Cincinnati saw morn woaltn Ahead in the League, games he lost on the trip. ' CINCINNATI papers think if it wasn't for their team and Allegheny teams. He was unlv a fair hitfer then, voice," probably because Frank's writing usually Cleveland will give Cincinnati a tnssle for those fact." St. bedside of his futlier, who is very sick. George says 1 with Ibe additional attraoti'.ns of new faces to draw the Asfl'>c:ation would go under. It's a but his two years' experience in tho South has im* means a fall beard. Now that Mat haa be*-n surprise three games here. Louis paper. Why not include Brooklyn? that with tho return of Elmer Smith to usefulness, the he'll jump upon the Cleveland seer with both feet and at home, do you suppose that If the way was opened proved his batting wonderfully,and he alwajs was a, t'Min id confident they will win the Association pen­ for them to got Into tho rouks with Chicago, New Cooney Bowers has quit base ball for this year and THE Manchester reutre field fence is 364 feet from clever fielder aud base-runner. a i>nvin£ ram. Mnlf.ttd, Brunei! and I all together has been signed ait general agent of Walter Lawrence nant. ooul In't carry an old-time bat bag from the diamond to York and Boston, they would refuse to walk therein? tho homo plute. Duffy, of the Ohicagos, is the only ADVERSITY is a good teachrr. Says a Boston corres­ N.', sir. Sunday gum-is would be abandoned, for there and Helon Vaughn's "Monte Cristo" Company. player who ever* put a 1»11 over this fence. the club house. But wo can push oar pens across the It is bot as pepper pot bere n'*w torrid enough to pondent: *'U is getting t> be a well-recognized faot My eonipUm&nts to Frank Bran ell, nnd will yon paper aud drag them baok again. would be m'-re than enough money to he drawn In THE ^ener^l feeling among the Association clubs, that the pitching rnlei will again be touched i.ext sea- please rrutiud him that it is now timo that he and those three cities to offset tho fiimuciil loss tbat would cook egirs on the home plate. We'll try and save a few more for Brooklyn next week. outside i,f Brooklyn, Cincinnati and Cleveland is fora BI n. It has now come to bo a f;\ct th?.t the ;il>oliti n of I should pick up a few pins. I have been waiting I am glad to welcome Mulford to the anti-Sunday be felt if tbe receipt* on the first day of the week were return of the long estiblished 25-cent tariff. four a'likes was a mistake and those who favored its on him to do the woik. but he seems to have for­ dropped. George Wlnkk-inan, Joe Gerhardt's brother-in-law, side of base ball. It is the wlnurng side. Sunday ball Is visiting his old home bere. George broke his arm THB Cuban Giants are brtt-r off for catchers and abolition a'lmit that som thing should have replaced it gotten tho i-ast, and will not lake advautngo of the Is uliea ly becumin* iinpro.'Hiible. I **m told In five of eight of tho Association cities tbe 50-cent Every Kithor tho pitcher sir u»d have be<>n put Iwck five feel playing tariff bas-^betn a failure. Cincinnati's gross receipts while pitching here one day and he gave up ball after pitchers than any other club in the country. harvest that time has brought forward. He and 1 on good auth>>rity that tiie Sunday crowds in Cincin­ man on Ihe team can p'ay a battery position. further or the high and low ball sh»uld have t>een re­ ?rved a timely warning as to the result of the tbrev- at home have exceeded thoso of a year ago, but OTer that. He it. living In New York. nati have fallen off wonderfully, and the same may be John Nifhoff is a curd writer at ths Centennial Ex­ UMPIHK KELLY is quoted as saying that Anson will tained. Ni.turally, the kicking on high and l-»w balls strike foolishness. Wl.ile tho pitchers were new und said of SUE day at tea dance in Brooklyn. In Louisville the "net'1 they are sirging no pagans of praise. Both would be immediately brought up, but there could not their arms somewhat weak, the result of the change the Eastern and Western and the Twelve-club League position. He is adexterouH penman. never bulldoze him "gain He Fays thiit he wilt fine aud St. Louis it is not enough to make amends for the Ed. Roe-ler, who has been released by Toledo, Is him to a standstill if he ever makes the attempt. well be more kicking than there is at present" was not so apparent, and the advocates of what is, is week-day game which it has killed. Just as sure as schemed st-ein foolish and visionary.* Cincinnati aud Brooklyn have proved that if they play 50-cent ball playing ball with the Shamrocks. They go to Dayton DETROIT has wsked the other League clubs to waive "THEY talk about me being tinder obligations to cer­ right, were screaming with delight whenever a team the sun will rise to-morrow Sunday base ball playing tain men in the American As-ocHtion, :*nd t'-at I must made double figures iu Us base hit column. We dou't they are sure of good patronage, no matter in what or­ on the 5th to play the third and deciding game with claim on l'L«dy" Baldwin, and has so far vainly nffered has seen its best days, and clnbs will &ocn begin, as a the Mi anils. league clubs. favor them to get oven," paid Bob Fergnson the other hear from these fellows now. Bruuell and I told them of self-preservation, to cater to week-day at­ ganization they are fixed. The attendance hero has him for sale to Association and minor mutter It in a foot that the As­ Tom Sulllvau's wife is at Kansas City. He wtll day. "Now the newspaper man that talks tha' way to wait till midsummer days should come. They have tendance aud let the unprofitable Sunday folly alone. 11 «t been cut d >wti materially. SHOULD the New Yor!(s win the pennant what a know me. I was liever U'.der obligations to any­ sociation to-day would be selling tickets at the old spend the winter here at his old home. be in the esti­ don't waited aud now not* the result. It will be exactly the excuse Cincinnati and Brooklyn BEN MULFORD, JB. "brainy, sklllful" manager Mutrle will body. I never feared a man In mv lifo, and I car no playing a membership in rates had not Brooklyn sugg- sted that if a change be mation of those who have been wont to call him a dub. will need to drop Sunday be Iu tiie whole plan, from the more for President B\rue, of the Brooklyn^, than I do Games are becoming frequent where no base hits are the League. made* at all it should NEITHER Kinsman nor Ray have FO far been able to for your grouisd-keeper. I have no friends to reward nwde on either a We. We had several insJau-'es of it percentage back to the guarantee. There are months Notes and Comments. fill Burdock's place at Boston's second baso. Why not over the matter, but keep your eyes or enemies to punish. When I fp on a IMISO ball field I during the last few weeks. Yesterday the Kansas City I have Jnat been looking at the kind, considerate !n which to study GORK has a split hand. put Wiae at first, Morril! at second and Ray at short. go there to give my decisions as I honestly see them. team sent but 27 men to bat in nine full inn tugs. face of Mr, Chad wick as it appears In tbe Idst issue of well fixed on the base ball barometer and look ont for GUY HECKEB makes a good umpire. Anl if you have a tor tune you want to lose DARBY O'BiuEN will hereafter captain the Brooklyn I may make mistakes, but every man is liable to do Thoy didn't make a hit or anything that had the ap­ THE SPORTING LIFE. I fail to sea any signs of sar­ storing DAVIS is playing an excellent third bass. tcum. Darby can. practically show men what to do that." pearance of a hit. In Brooklyn the two teams com­ casm in it, aud theiofore I cannot explain his seem­ real badly but that the orgauiZHtlon of the two leading will be tho same in '89 as it is now. THE tail-onder-t had lots of fun last week. and then get them to do It. He is hitting the ball, too. VON DBH AHE lias been scouring tho country for an­ bined managed to knock out eight base hit*, or less ing irony when he quotes one of Von der Abo's trav­ baseball associations other pi'cher. He endeavored to m >ke :i deal for Zell, than a biise bit to an inning, while only 62 men went If Harry WeMon's assertions and Ihe declarations of STOVET has returned to the Cuban Giants. THE silly praise given to short stop Smith, of Brook­ eling proverbs on club discipline and gives It apparent lyn, has upset the young man. His recent work with of Alleurown, but that club wanted 81,500, too mack to bat, which Is only e'ght nv>re than the necessary 54. know that no man iu the country President t»tt-rn, as made in last week's SPITING LIF», GKOBQE STBIKF hag been signed by Toledo. belief. Doesn't he would the stick nnd in the field has been of a very low order. money for the experimental twirler. A young fellow In New York the Wa*hingtcus made three hits. talks more of himself and duos less of what is alleged were placed in "deadly parallel" the difference THE Eos ton Club has released Micklejohn, A short time with Ash'and. be star liugly apparent. One says at 1 the Association DOESCHER'S wife la seriously ill at Lanaiugbur?, N named Sterling, who played There were only six bits made In the Athletic game. than der boss manager. Can't Mr. C. recall the lime McVEY Is captaining the New Orleans team. was picked up in this city and sent to Cleveland to join Tbe Louisvillea mads three hits In their Bulthuoie him a clubs are doing "fairly well," aod the oiher declares Y., and while umpiring Wednesday's game in Baltimore when Chrin expelled Fred Lewis and reinstated 'JuioK" LATHAM is not a success as an umpire. telling him to come home at the Browns, but Comiskey decided that he wouldn't do. game. Glancing over the scores in THE SPOBTISQ Line half hour later from tlie fortifications of the club that In neaily all the games played away from home he recived a telegram the Cincinnati Club hat a<-ceitfd the guarantee instead McGARB is playing right field for the Omahas. once. Chris now has a line out for Ad. Gumb^rt, of thcZanes* of this week I notice the following b*>e hit records: hous«. W'ea Chris hasn't somebody to accnse of vi'Ie Club. At Columbus Chris was treated to some of Ou Friday, July 20, Cleveland made 6 base bits. On gets of the percentage. Ouo thing is cei t«in, the manage­ WILKF.SRARRR has lehased centre fielder Cain. GEOBQE PINOKXBT Is doing the finest third base work crookedness or of tampering with his players he any in the his own medicine. When he asked for terms f r Niok Saturdny the Athletics made 2, the T.ouisvilles 4 and In on personal anecdotes and autobiograph­ ment of ihe Cincinnati Club id as shrewd as THE Cowboys are playing a strong game at present. of any man in the Association. "Josh" Is there every his work land, Slid U is capable of looking out for A No. 1. Handiboe the sum was fixed at §10.000, for a joke, of St. Louis 7. Ou Suuday the Athletics made 6, the ical sketches from his managerial life and experiences. UMPIRE VALENTINE was off on sick leave last week. day aud always does the right thing at the proper course. Brcoklyns 5, the Louisville 6, St. Louis 7, Cleveland 4 Thorn's not much darig--v of tho Association perishing, time. What Chris knows about base ball would nil a book of Gus ALBERT plays third base better than short field. WHAT has Eobin^on, of the Browns, done to Harry and Baltimore 6. On Monday aud Tuesday, July 23 two pages if printed in large type and heavily leaded. even if Cincinnati and Biookhn do make ANSON, for ten years the best all-round batsmen In TEXAS LEAHUK UMPIRB FLAHERTY has been released. Weldou? Only « cuuple of weolis ago the Oiuclnuatt and 24, Baltimore made 4, St Louis 7, Brooklyn and TIIE MOVE LEAGUEWARD. tru* League, has not esc-tped the general batting decline Enquirer extolled Bobby to the skies as the greatest the AihloMcs 12 each In tbirteen io kings, Cincinnati 7 Chadwick'a chat la^t week was very interesting. But there is time enough for much speculation TH E Jack son Club his released Lombard and Bafferty. of the Chicago team. He doosu't average a hit to a gonernl p'aj'er iu the profession. Now it goes for him and KansHS City 6. Next day Baltimore aud St. Louis His plea for the expulsion of the Ratmeys of the pro- before any definite line of action is maiked out. CAIN, late of the Wilfeeabarrea, has signed with liazle- game. savagely as follows: "Robinson is, in tho > pinion ot scored 11 hits together. Thursday Cincinnati Oidirt fe :sion >honld receive the sanction of every member of Buffalo, Toledo aud Milwaukee all have Association ton. TOM KSTERBROOK has been playing first base so well differeiit Association umpires uud managers, th» xouke ft hit, and the Athletics got 8, the Baltimrres 6, roar st-vff. That man and his class have done base aspirations, but before they would think of entering that r.o place could be found for Shomboix in the 'trickiest,' or, Iu other words, tbe 'dirtiest' ba'l playsr the PITCH BE RHIHSS has not boea a success with Jersey the Clevfclands 6 anJ the Louisvillea 6. Oil Friday ball more barm immeasurably than they have ever the old tariff of 25 cents would have to be restored. A City. Hoosler team, and he was accordingly released last In the country. Talk about Jack Gasscock's tricky Cincinnatia secured 4, the Athletics 6, the Baltnnorts fuw moments ago I enjoyed a brief call from Mr. J. W. done It good. The newspaper account^ of his short­ WAGONHUHST declined the proffered Kaston engage­ wrek. : work; he is not a 'marker' to Robinson. The St. Louts 8, St. LouiaS and Kansas City 6. In the Leitguo the comings during tbe last month or two make adver­ He*rn, of N<-w Orleans, "Creole" of THB SPORTING mau will give a runner the 'leg' or 'shoulder,' block result has been little better. On July 23 New York saw a finer audience ment. "3AM BARKLEY'S Cowboys are the most peaceful sot tising /or the National game that is rather exr-en?tve. LIFB. He tell* me tbat he never of fellows in the profession. They wouldn't hit any­ him off a b*Be, or do anything to prevent him from ad­ made 4 hits, Boston 3 and Indianapolis 0. Ou the 21st The defense Mr. Chad wick gives Umpire Ferguson h in any Association cily, r-iuce his sojourn in the North, THE London Club has released in fielder Lewis Is Reuner. thing not even a base ball." Philadelphia North vancing. What nvihes his 'dirty' work effective Philadelphia bagged 3, Washington 4 and Boston 4. also to be commended, though It it hardly necoa»ary. thrtn attended a recent game at liuHalo. There were that he does it so ulcelj that he ia rarely called down On Wednesday of last week New York got 8, BostOD 4 2,500 people In the stand, and remember, it was at a CATCHER FRANK GRAVES has been signed by Hew American, No one believed You der A he's charge- no ono at Clark by the umpire." aud Philadelphia 4. Next dav Philadelphia got 2, Chi­ the two mon. There are some in­ contest fullowlitg sixteen consecutive defeats. I think Orleans. BVRHONG Is doing good work for Brooklyn. least who kaows is in good shape, it is said, and ready to jump In anv ELMER SMITH'S arm seems to bo (til right again and cago 4, Detroit 4. Boston 6, Washington 8, Pittaburg 6 stances where silence it better thau a defense. This id tbpre ia something in the stoiy of the BUona* anibi- JERRY DENNY has decided not to go on tbe Austra­ with him in good shap;; Cincinnati can be counted as and Indianapolis 8. So it goes. If any batter gets an tiiijns and with tbe old rales in vogue Buffalo would be time. Peoples and Holbcrt are ready when pressed one of them. lian trip. iiilo service. surely in the championship race. Smith ascribes bis average of 300 per cent, this year it will be only such a good city to cultivate. They say, but I know 11 t recovery almost entirely to Turkish baths and massag* RICKLRT, of tbe Tqrontos, Is said to be a native born at second base this men as Anson, Rellly, Stovey,0'NeiI, Connor. They'll When Nick Tonng comes to Fer^uson's rescue he is with what dftgn-e of tmtb, that Jack Ilowe is anxious German. THE record f<-r clean chances treatment. His arm became very sore soon after tho be few, however, very few. probably actuated by a fyllow feeling. NicK was an to get away Irom Detroit to manage Buffalo next season is thus far held by Aiidrus, of Hamilton, who, opening of the s.asou, and fur months he used nil sorts year. What a generous welcome he w;>uld have as a THK Jersey City Clnb has released catcher Rein­ iu H recent game ut Albany, had eight put-outs and umpire himsalf long ago. He WAS telling me once sert! a^er. of 'iniments and tried to worlt the serene-s out. No­ The rules committee made a number of very yellow about a game which he umpired on the Chicago representative of the "big four'* who went f:i>nx Buf­ eight assists. thing seemed to avail, and he became badly disconr- mistakes in Its last conference. Mistakes of which only grounds. The Chlcagos were ahead when the vfsltiug falo to help tbe Wolverines on to fame and victory. NASH made his first home run of the season last THB Bult'-ilos are to have new gnunds on the corner aged. I'innllv, as a last resort, he tried Turkish baths s praciichl exemplification could convince them. They club went to bat in the ninth inning. There were a I ^e Secretary Munson, of the St. Luuis Browns, Is Saturday. of Michigriti and Ferry streets. They are a'm st HS on the rectimmct dati n of a friend. He pave the at­ have wiped ont the putting of battery errors in the couple of close decisions to make Ju the visitors' half making the prediction to Eastern writers that either LIMA has released Hallstrom and Corbett to cut down near as the present Olympic Park, and have beeu leased tendant n little pxtr* money, and received a liftle ex­ error column. They will have to go back to the four- close, but not douitful, and he gave them as Buffalo or Rochester will bo in the Afsoci»tion next expenses. for five years. tra nibbing. The attendant confined the mnssaga strike rulu or restore the high and low ball. If they th*y seemed to him. Those decisions lest year. If he speaks by the *"ard St. Louis must expect TOBY LYONS, formerly of the Lowell Club, has signed IF McGuNNiQLE, of Brooklyn, expects his team, to treatment to Ms sore arm, aud it beaan to get hetrer do the latter they wtll restore the old system of con­ the game to Chicago and the crowd be­ one vacancy to fill. Kansas City's early demand for a with Troy. win the i eniiaut, he had Wtter stop tbe coaxing bnsi- from the fir?t bath. After a dozen or KO taths his arm dividing line of the high and low franc QUO bhov. s a disunion to hang on tention over the came wonderfully incensed. Tlie game closed perpetual ALL the International clubs fear Rochester with Barr ueas. Byrne tried that and It failed. No work, no became nearly well, and it is now marly as strong as limit. What they should have done was to have and the crowd began to surround him. Just as ho until the last bell Hogs that is commendable. While pay, is the only rule. it ever was. let the rules aloue last year. The committee, bow- on this qu-t-lion cf Kansas City's desire, Mr. Stern In the box. bfgan to fm- violence some on'e locked arms with him and C. L. AT ATLANTIC CITY on Tuesday last the members of THS ''xood young lawyer," of Loulsvillfl, who bobbed ever, had several new men on It and there was an enough for all to hear. made a go<-rl thing of it by securing the transfer of THB Sioux City Club has released H. Bader and a hearty voice said loud Blanchard. the Margaret Mather Club, summering at that popular up last week as ach^mpion of Ramsey'e down-trodden eager desire among them to rip something. Thoy "Nick, I want you to go home ani take supper with the SeptemUr ser es to this city. He will give the rights, Is evidently seeking for a ch-ap notoriety to ripped. Cowboys 87.">0 at least for the sories, and as tho Reds FRANK HANKINSON is In New York nursing a badly seaside resort, beat the Crescent Club, a local organiza­ me.*1 It was president Hulbert. The result waa tion, at base bull by 7 to C. give him a booat in his pr< fessJnn, but be is playing arm in expect to still be iu the race at tbat time the chances spiked leg. magical. Mr. Hulbert walked away with Nick by the success of short the wrong kind of a racket. If he thinks he can There seems to bo ft wide-spread intere§t manifested arm and the crowed scattered without an additional are that the receipts will greatly exceed tbat gum. CATCH KR DANIELS, of Kansas City, la laid up with a IT is rumored thwt, inspired work up pympathy for Louisville's tough young in the coming American Association meeting. The Kven if they do not the railroad fare and-hotel bllla sprr.ined leg. stop Ward's work ou btse ball, Capt-iin Anson is murmur. Suc­ pitcher, he is a bigger fool than bis client. He can not magnates bare, as usual, been trying their grievances will be saved, and tbat is a little item. Getting back writing an ess»y on "The Mouth as au Klemeutuf by an unselfish con­ TUB New Orleans Club will sign Grser, formerly of cess in Our National G;ime.w claim to be moved in the matter In tho p*p<-rir interests ar* and seal the breach male by my absence. That Chris Kelly iu Foiut. Gisguatcd would be tbe better term to use. Ho is a WILLIAMSON'S latest trick to block a man la to fall lumber, but they went out in a cluster." mutual, and those who would interfere are either fools aod Charley should fall out and eay nirau things of BOSTON, Aug. 3. Editor SPORTIXO LIFE: director of the Crescent City Club. H<^ propows to re­ down in his path. THE Chicago Club will give n pitcher named Wm. or meddlers, and are thofrlendsof neither Rumee? iior each other is most unfortunate, for we shall probably Yes, the Bostons have lost a game or two during sign from that position, sail what stock he owns in the THE Portsmouth* have signed Will Coughlln, of the Shannon, hailing from Springfield, 111, a trial. He Is the club. hear some real harsh things said of each other by club and go out to enjoy the games as a spectator Chicago Maroona. 22 years of ago, a strong hitter, fleet base-runner and thea moguU. Aud now Barnie Is going to have some the past week, but we don't like to dwell on hereafter. There is much more enjoyment in that way THE Newark Clnb la laying back and receiving bids the possessor of speed and all the curves. legislation done all by himsrlf. He will relnce the those "slaughters of the innocents." Inability tbau the other. to twenty-five cents. He doesn't think ha has a a nut­ for Nor mau Uaker. NEW YORK owes Indianapolis a hu;e di-bt of grati­ BILLIARDS. tariff to play ball is the story of the defeats in "It is a mi-take to think that there Is a minor lengne tude. Thuuks to the three defeats of Chicago and the twenty-five cent base ball team. Maybe he hasn't. shell. Why they can't win ia the text for some city In the country that can pay out over Si ,2001 month MANCHESTER Is negotiating with pitcher Gil mo re, William changes bis mind ofteuer every lata of Washington, two of Detroit. New York waa ahlo to step iu to first Probably scores of sermons, but it won't do me this time. for plnyers," he aborted. "And yet some of them place much sooner thau hoped or expected. ANOTHER VKTEKAN GONE. year than the most fickle woman living. There are so that amount. The men 13 ASTON has atoned short stop Moorhead, of the New A little case of tweodle-dee and tweedle-dum obligate themselves for double THE New England element Is pretty well repre­ mtuy oi jectionable tilings to him in this life I very who are backing base ball to day are disheartened. York Monitor Club. Thomas Nalms, the Ouce-Noted Expert much wonder whether Mr. Baruie Is on good terms holds the boards this week. Buffa!os, was made a happy father sented in the New York team; for instance O'Rourke, They either have losses to contemplate or mental HAMBUBO, of the Titcomb, and Professional, Passes Away. with hhnstlf. I know that Chris Von der Ahe has On tho first of the month our ball players re­ offsets the few dollars last week. It's H boy. Connor, Gore, Murphy, Crana, SUttery, worrimeut that more than Whitney,T!m Reefs and Manager Ji:u Mutrle. Thomas Nelms, brother to the late E. U. fallen out with der boss manager, anO it need not sur­ ceive their pay that is, those who have not made." THE New Yorka have won more games at home than prise your readers to see tiny day the an u ounce tuent And he is il^ht. The high salary Dvll, If confined to any other League club. DAVB ORu's deserting his club ou the day of the Neluis, died at his home at Staten Island, N. Y., made that Chris has released himself. overdrawn what should be due them. "Wednes­ mjst important game of the season will nevwr be for­ on July 24, in the fifty-second year of his age. went big leagues aud cities that could aland the t-train,wuuld IT is ?afd that Von der Ahe has his eye on "Bob" day was boodle day, and Treasurer Billings work no harm, but there aie players drawing salaries given. It Is not the first time ho has played a like of heart disease, up to the grounds with tbe club's strong-box. When Barr, of the Rochester*. It is said that Nelms died It will be observed by THE SPORTING LIFE readers In minor leagues tbat would push aome of the big trick. He will hardly repeat it with Brooklyn, while out riding nt tbe request of his physician, that lavs and rule^, whether constitutional or of the a men kicks on p&y day there must be something leagues if called ujxrn tc pay them. If base ball Jives, THIRD BASEMAS McGioffB has been laid off by Kx-UHPiitE HOOVER is running a saloon In Ro­ resolution kind, are practically for ornament and to wrong. When Joe Horuuuj; came up for bis little pile salaries will have to go down, and would not lower Cleveland at his request. chester, and his "drawing card" reads: "You're out. and that he was not out over fifteen minutes be­ belp Al. Reach out iu filling up the Association bo'tk. and counted out the bills be couldn't make them figure salaries ana leagues that lived all thr-ugh the season WHEN will ex-Umpire Decker begin that threatened Come In." Billy says this decision has aflerted a great fore he was brought home dead. There is just Those rules which cume handy to the magnates are up right. Then he went through them again with the be tetter than a big salary for a month or two aud suit against the League? many people, and trade is booming in consequence. a tinge of romance about the death of Mr. observed. Otherwise it is different. The thick-headed same result. The roH was 325 abort. then collapse? The reaction is bound to come. It will KEKFE h«s not yet dropped a game to. Detroit, In­ IN THE game at Allentown, Pa., July 28, between the When it ia remembered, however, that latest base ball anar­ "I guess you have made a mistake in sountlng oat Nelms. magnate from Baltimore is the have to come if base ball is to thrive. Tht> tombstones dia iiiipolia or Washington. Alloiitowus and Jersey Citys, the Intter nude only one we are writing of a Nelaia, anything but the chist lo take the bit iu'o h^ie mouth and gallop off down my jay," broke out Joe. in Ihe has*) ball grave}ard of 1888 are already sife hit from off Cell's pitching in eleven Innings, and "I giifss not,"replied Treasurer Billings. "What's JACK NELSON is fU-lding and batting finely In the natural or expected should be looked for. an alley. Billy Boy bag got tired of the fifty-cent rule, numerous, and now they cay tho New England League International Association. that was a scratch hit. Alltmtown won by a scoro aua*nes. Common Mr. Byrne did a good thing In giving John a trial was only indulged in while Ned was physically B. B. comes to his own rescue. It is announced on **Do you mean to say that fine goes?" sense ninat resume its swuy in the base ball world if ment cares to acknowledge. crowd of spec­ MI certainly do. Moriill fined you §25 for refusing 59,000 for when every one was against him. Johu will show, too, sound; when the "angel of death" hovered the Baltimore grounds to au assembled the era of prosperity la to coutii-iie. The fictitious THE Boston directory denies having offered that he appreciates it. tators and in the local newspapers that tickets of ud- to play, aud tbat is all there is about it." catcher Miller, of Pitisburg. around hit couch no one waa more anxious to receive exaggerations of £10,000 ealcs must cease, for, shorn a pat­ iuissloti to the base ball games at On Jo Park can bo "But It is an outrage, a small piece of business to still In the J. W. SAUEK, MilwAakep, Wis., has obtained "Christian bunal'* than £. B. Nelms, which burial hs of th< ir advertising qua'ities, th«y a':t as a boomerang, MANAGER SPKNCE says the Chicago* are ent, July 10, on his new invention in catchers* gloves bought at either of two places down town for twenty- kepp a man'a pay away from him. I *' creating false value* aud educating ihe pluyer to ex­ race and will be all summer. received a little over a year iijio. Thomad Neluis, his "bon'tsay another word to mo, Joe. I have no time which prevent all injury cauied through speedy pitch­ tea five rents. That practically reduces the admission, for pect greater things than are r^aHy possible. COMB now, that three-strike rule seems to have hurt brother, moved to Staten Island, N. Y.. nearly Dearly everybody will (;u rchr.se from the down-town to discuss the matter with you, and what'a more, I ing or low curved balls. They are used by the leaders years ago, where he entered business for himself, that "New Orleans nt ouo Umo could have realized $4,600 the batting after all, don t it? throughout the country. * stands. "Visiting clubs will get 30 per cent of the won't hear any more tftlK from you. If you have any­ for tbree of her players," said Mr. Heart! to me. "We of gold beater, which was his trade in this city. Al­ quarter of a dollar instead of fifty cents as was in­ thing more to say you will have to have it out with SAH MOFFBTT, the pitcher, released by Indianapolis, MICHIGAN papers are hot after a State League next though being a gold beater by trade, as just stated, were offend 51,000 for Fuller, $1,500 for Widner and siyned with the Omaha Club. tended. Jobu Morrill." 32,000 for Webber. It wonld have been the sensible yenr. Tdt-y aty tho Tri-State League is too expensive, Nelraa was almost as welt kuown in the billiard world Joe went out, but there were signs of an approach- thing to do to have let them go, but such an action WHY is Boston like Boulanger? Because she gets it and suggest the following cities: Grand Rapids, Kala- of this city as his brother "Ned," aud it was only when What are the other magnates going to do about It? Ing storm. would have brought out a strong newspaper protest in the nock, says an exchange. mazoo. Jackson, East Sugiuaw, Bay City, Muakegon he took up his local habitation at Htaten Is'aud tbat Louisville will do the same thing when she gets bflck. Manager Morrtll had been backed np by the direc­ that no minor It-ague clab could stand." THE New England League is indebted to Its umpires Lunsiiig and South Bend, Ind. local professionals began to forget him or realize that You tUr Abe will stand by Barnie and the Athletics tors In this, and Hornung'a fine goes. One of the ideas to be advanced at this conference Is and bas no money to pay them. DAVE ORH hats at last worn ont the patience of the he waa reiliy not an expert, although we strongly will not v<-tc against him. There you have it. That's This J3 twae-ile-dee. that no club has a right to refuse to part with any CATCHER KINSLOW, of London, canght a $100 fine for Brooklyn management. Dismissal from the captaincy suspect that the subject in question imagined himself what ihe Association constitution Is worth. That's But Ubbo Uornunji was not to be quieted so easily player were ono of the larger organizations to offer a week's absence without leave. and laid off without pay will cause him to open hia such up to the time ot his duuth. wlmt the Association has come to. So !onjr as Cleve­ He was mad yes, boiling over aud consequently a say 81,500 or 52,000 for his release. Newspapers are eyes. He is employed by Brooklyn this year and hia As far back as thirty yean ago Thomas Nelms was little rattled. Ho went out for tho aftomocm game IT is paid that Kid Baldwin proposes to get married one of the beat cushion-carom piny era in this couu try. land hi ild* out thHt article of the constitution cannot often cruelly wrong in their criticisms, which are next winter to a s'ove pr.-bably. Metropolitan tricks "don't go." be revokf-d, and Cincinnati, Brooklyn aud Cleveland still in a rage, which soon broke. He met Manager About twenty years ago, or, when it was firdt seriously bomeiiuies ill-timed and ruinous and undeserved. NED HANLON and Fred Carroll are tbe latest add/- CHICAGO'S new pitcher, Mains, is one of the tallest will continue to charge fifty cent?, which they conM Morrill at the playeis' bench, and In a way tbst was Paul papers lambasted the manage­ of Indian­ co u si tiered to abolish the push shot, at which style of him Some of the St. tions to the Australian contingent. men in the business, taller even than Healy, do without it, while the other five will be back on the forcible, if not fleyaut, gave John hfa opinion of ment for letting Sowders go to Boston, yet St. Paul la apolis. He is aaid to depend altogether upon speed and game his brother ranked probably next to John Mo- old cheap rate again. Tbe fifty-cent amendment will without even l-elcg nsked to. What he said milters now at the front, and words of abuse have been fol­ NEWARK has a new left-handed phenom named in reported to be a man-killer, having an unenviable Devltt, Tom Nelms was considered equal aa a genural take its stand alongside the Von der Abe black-Hating not. The great left fielder apparently forgot that he lowed by honeyed syllables of praiso. Now, If some Bet tie Slarcell ready for slaughter. reputation as a hitter of batsmon. player to any American expert. Indeird, so confident amendment, and the two will form a beautiful double actod like a child out In Logansport, where he was sort of a rule was made to that effect it would check a BANCROFT'S New Bedford team has fallen by the were the Nclnu boys of their prowess as experts of ths justly fined for refusing to play because someone had "THE New York papers declare th*t Glasscock has game that they challenged any two brothers iu ths columned monument to tb,^ Association's compilation tendency to such criticism that is not without In­ wayside owing to lack of patronage. Injured more men at second baso this season than his of square deallng_and wisdom. stolon bis bat. He lashed his manager with abuse until of the opin­ world to play ihoru a match. The challenge wa?, of jurious effect. THK Chicago Base Ball Club is no longer services nre w.-rth to the National League. Anyone of Mont­ Mornll could rtaud it no longer, and finally put a short Tve bad, during the week, ion that I r, diai) a 13 a doubtful State. course, iutended for Joseph and CyriDe I»ion, st >p to the trouble by ordering Hornnng out of im cf the Associations clubs will take him off tho hands real, but the ganie was never plaved. This ended ths Have you ever observed how (treat minds always Plain B^unell and uuiturrn aud suspending him for the day. Joe's name SEVERAL TALKS ABOUT BUGH RYAS was the first League pla> cr to make 100 safe of tho League and run all risks." Cleveland professional career of Thomas Reims aa a match player fun in the same channel. Now, there is is still on Saturday. I. Wo w^ro many mile* apart last wr-ek, but onr was on the acoro card, but tLat made no difference. It who Is the Reds' alleged new catcher. BJlgh hite. He crossed the line Dealer. if he ever had one, which we aid In day comes around Mr. Hor^ung will be just one day's heart and soul games on the Polo Grounds thau it lost uniform* laot ?oturday. Black suits aud a big crowd wati not be-rioudly considered as a great master of thft pay ?hort. though hie contract as a member of the Cincinnati OUTFIELDER CrRTis has bceu released by the Kansas they »egarded us Jonahs. But their victory was a game even iu local billiard circles. He was, however, bis inet week's letter: doesn't stars to plav for 81, 500 In That Wednesday will be a memorable pay-day. learn was promulgated ten days *KO. "Creole" City Blues and W. Hassamer re-sl^md. triumph over snperstiiion. Now that they are In black an inveterate player for small stakea and piobably "And it is tough to «*k the think Bltgh would 1* heavy enough for the Associa­ a town where the annual receipts aro £100,000, be­ Hornnng was not the only ot:e to raise a breeze. BKCKI.KT is already in the front rank of League bats­ t!itir title should bo changed from "Giants" to "Happy played ;is many If not more such "contests" In hia day Since the Bostons returned home Mike Kelly has been tion, but George Washington Biadloy, who is "at Hottentots." thau any othur expert of this city. Of course tUaM cause the managers ara making too much. Th« plan his family at Nt-wport, is of the opinion men. It didn't take long to season him. of pooling ie-eipfa would be u grand one, if feasible. treated both by triumvir* and spectator, just the fame home' 1 with THE cry still goes up against Umpire Valentine, and petty £aui«*'uever got into the newspaporv, and it was that he hue the stuff of another Benuett in him. He Ir is said that every man in the Kalomazoo team has consid­ Hut it isn't aud there are but two solutions of the as hef'tre the Chicago llascn. No reference has been money to his credit in one of the < ity tanka. it.begins to look as though thU is an organized effort to owing to the fact that while 1'oni Nelms ever must either made to it by any ouo until Mike went in to get his is young &nd if he takes good care of himself will make try aud run him out of the League. He may not be ered himself a full-fledged expert aud was ever ready ruiLou- salary ptoblem. Bus-? ball towns Bligb throws like a shot, so Bind saya, aud authorities who employ be clawed anJ grouped according to their ability to pay money on Wednesday. lie is burnt thing of n ftgurer, hia mark. THE Chicago custom house the equal of Oatfney or John Kelty, but he ia regarded to play for "blood," tbe amount would be so Inbig- as Cleve­ an-J it did not take him long to discover tbat the without much effort. Before Pregidant Stern weat Dave Sullivan have put a ttop to hi.-> umpiring. as a good umpire in several cities uot Including Boston uiflcaut that he was ostracized by such players as prices, or else two or even three towns such him about Bligh'a case, and the exact land, Detroit and Buffalo niu>t bo included in one amount missing iu bid bunch made just a, flue of 825 East I asked S&THE New Oileans Clab ia negotiating with Sam aud Chicago. 1'lnukett, Estephe, Byatl and his brother, who in­ aud two davs' pay. status of the affair. He replied: Smith, whom the Loulsvilles recently released. variably regarded him as a sort of Bohemian. franchise and the schedule games assigned to the club We don't WITH the exception of Chicago, at which place they In the two or three towns. "This Js all right, Is it, Mr. Billings?" "Whenever we want him he will come. A NEW YORK exchange states th it the Giants all ap- AH tbe tmune, boo over, Tom Nolnia waa ever ready under it must be distributed need him just now, and as be Is getting good practice wou three games and lost Ihree, and Boston, where Thi* latter plan might bo worth EV trial by the League." "I think so." pe-ir bow-leggod in their new skiu-tight uniforms. th«-y wou two and lost two gam< s, the New Yorks won to play his ou u peculiar sort of "match games," and "Two days' pay and a fine of $25 goes then?" in the South, I can't complain." while iht-amouist of cash played fur was never v«ry Then on the next ; age you will find these remarks I've been looking at Biigh's record In the last few LATHAM la tho latest player who aspires to histrionic ti:e majority of games pluyed abroad. Th«y mado the from niy miglry peL: "I gnes* it does." « honors. He says ho'll go ou the ftage next winter. biwt record at ludiai apolia, at which place they won larg<>, the cash, such as it was, was always there. That was enough for "Kell." He wa* fully as mad game 1, and he ha« been <1oiDj; some hitting and base- Th mas Nelms was the originator of one shot which it ' It b»a struck me, however, that thfp rate territory He refused TORONTO is a terror to all International clubs but five games out of seven. up with satisfaction to as Horuung, but he took a different way to show running f»9 well as good hack stop work. is to be hoped died with him. That shot was In shoot­ tni^bt to more evenly divided to jump his cltib in Texa«, although anxious to accept Hamilton; to that team Custiinan'g chappies aro pie. TOMMY POLLARD ia said to be tho greatest short stop all. Let WaaMiigioa and Indianapolis go tito the It. He told some friends tbat the fine of $25 in the Central Pennsylvania League in every depart­ ing a ball over tho chandelier p.nd catching; the ball in and WHS all right; he expected that, but he would not Cincinnati's terms, and stuck to them all through the THE Baltimore Club has re'eased pitcher Shaw. He UH left band, which Nelms could do nine times out of Association under the 2o-cent rate of admission I doubt whether he has signed a ment. Hw is the greatest ba&e-ni &ner the League has Cincinnati and Bro>klyu replace them in the League. give up two day s* pay. I f 1 hey kept t hat Lone Star State. wou two of tho four championship games be pitched in. t-n on a 6x12 table. On a 5x10 tsble be would prob­ Texas League contract. "Brad" left the South of bis bus any nerve when opposed to St. over seen. He wins many games by his daring steals The two last-named club* are likely lo go to the back they inudt suffer the consequences. What he BALTIMORE never works hard ably never miss it, for the simple reason that tit ths own accord. He was anxious to get back to see "the Louis. Tbe Jast series proved no exception to tho rule. and slides. He Is ala > an earnest playor aud not permit him to League anyhow, aud they being cut of the way. the meant by that was shown later in tho day. "Kell" tor the benc-fit of hie club. present day room-keepers would tlio cbt-aps waa not expected to piny on Wednesday, owing to a folks" whom ho loft in February, and he had an idea THE Scranton Club has released Kelley and Moriarty, attempt It. It was uot billiards iu any sen--* of tlis Aa-iucJRliorj could easily emu I back to pick up something to do round about THE interesting question arises, have DeWolf Hop­ again. The League will Lever surrender thu 50-ont very bud huml. eo bis absence from the game excited that he could and has changed Its white blockings to maroon colored vvorti any more than the push shot, while it watt both no surprise. He did not cool off a bit iu his excite­ home the rest of the season. Buffalo waa after him per and Difiby Bell hoo-doued the Chicago Base Boll destructive and demoralising in its general effect. rights of admission as long as men of wisdom control several weeks ago. "Brad" looks well. He thinks hosiery. Club? As long as they followed New Y;.rk that ciub its councils. Tbo Association, however, is bound to ment, but prepared to make a break that would bare THS Toledo Club has signed an outflelder named Tom Nelrss served his billiard apprenticeship, if ws tapped tho climax iu base ball sensations. It mis­ with a cheaper club Kew Orleans will do first-rate in li>st. As rioon as they transferred themselves to the are not mistaken, with Cbris Bird. Ho way at one lima pet the six votes for a r* traction, and Brooklyn and AH away, released Fritz Grumbling and reinstated to go down hill t»nch a policy enacted carried, however. When Kelly left tbe grounds he the Texas League. Chicago Club (hat organization began the owner of a billiard roum in Comden, aud worked C'Ucinimti will get out bt-ttffe 'I did tho b"St I knew how for the Pellcann," he Gastright. like a greased man on a toboggan slide, v-ould get them irrevocably back upon a 25-ceut went down the snore, wheie he slops when the Boston answer to for a time as manager for &tward AlcLau^hliu at declared. "I took the position of captain without ask­ JOHN M. WARD has, it is said, written an DETROIT uu-1 a number *>f other clubs have been " Club ia lu-re, paid bis hotel bill, and with his wit'a Pixfc Proctor, maintaining that base ball is not derived Eleventh and Market street*, this city. cauio up to town to tako tlie late train for Uyle Park, ing or receiving a cent extra, and when I kicked for niter Donovan, ot Toronto, the leading bat^umu of tho Although a harui!es» surt ut munin >iJs way Thomas the club I got a little geutle roasting from some of the from rounders. N. V. HP £ot as far as ihy depot wben he ran Into an the cham­ JnU-rnatiun»l Association, but the club's excessive price Neluis uever took kindly to local profrs-ionals, yet hs papers. It wasn't right, for I was kicking for the THE cliances of the New Yorka winning for the mau 83,5aft neede ho must not leave the city, as it would be a bad blun­ * ith any club until he heart Boston's offer. Association, and one of the flrst to permit hia namy to man, and he left there with every cent that was due THE London Club places too high a price on Dono- BURDOCK Is the bestsacrifice liittero:i the Brooklyn drop from the roll of that i>r^ani/ation. Ui* lust vldit hutlc? der. He),ceded their coubwl, unpacked his trunk, else he would now b« playing in one of and settled down again. hmi In Inn clothes. vau's release, nine. He cares Httle whether or not h<» sets a base hit t<> t'lis city waa mude about eighteen months ago, upon the early part of the season, the Miami the big leagues. You will hrar lots ef denial* from Association Kow for the third act in this little farce. When, In so long as he can advance the luuner a baso or bend in loarniue tliat his brother waa on his death bed. "ftly Yulley League was organized, arid I was complimented H.VHIMK RICHARDSON Is expected to bs In condition Burdock lajRJso pla>ing romnrk«bly well txt carriage is at the door," satd Tom, us he called on a lo- organs when this subject of Cincinnati and Brooklyn Kellv docs not lose the two da>>' pny. What brought by th<* middle of the month. He wilt start In a run. the triumvirs, I don't with the office of president, I had no idea tlmt so much to plav second base. His fielding id something wonderful, and ctil room-keeper to ttud out his brother's address. Ths in the tongue Is meiiti uied. It amounts to no morn abuut tbt> change ot heart in playing left field. th-.in bait the political siuff of )x>th parties we find in know. I only know tlmtthey have net a premium on INTEREST IN AMATEUR BALL he greatly strengthens the toam in a heretofore weak lompous airssp inc?used tbe room-keeper that hi*t re­ could be aroused ahoot Cincinnati. That League was CHICAGO first built up the lead at the start of the ply wa»: -"If yu have any mom-y to spare you bad tin; newspapers nowadays. A H;tle business reason­ insubordination anJ coin pie ety overthrown all dis­ penson at TudiannpolU' expense and now has lost it si>ot, cipline in the team. How can this move be otherwise? followed by the formation of the Highland and Ham­ totter jjlve it to your brother »nd uot upend It in car- ing is worth ten times more (ban all tho ImiKuunt through that club. "ANSON sHll thinks ho will win the cbTJipIonship," dcululs that can bo printed Hi a week. Both Ciuciu- Supposing even that Morrill is cot the man for man­ ilton Cuuuty leagues. These gamer* and tliose of the a;ijs the Chicago Herald. \Vltat a text in these few liuge rtiJlntr." This was tbe last time that Thomai couple of h'mdred Independent clubs are witnessed CLEVELAND'S progress under Tom Lottos has been Ne'nw ever visited this city living. He was twice uiar- j.ati »nd Brooklyn \\iii uivaily benefit bv goiiip; into ager, ho was giv<.*u full authority to ruu the iiino as his brfllUut even thau that of Washington undt-i words! Who ever heard of Ai;s''n when tie didn't BO aud fined Kvlly two every wek by crowds tbat ruu up into the thousands. more rie:l aud left a *TI by bis flist wii'e. HM bo'ly was tii*1 Lra-ueainl atickiug to a fifty-cent rato of ndruia- judgement dictated. He did Manager Sullivan. think his team would win the penuant? Tho Id war eion. Mow, if Ihtre be any League city which It - day's pay which don't go. I went out to SJadi-onville the other day. That town !jnr§e well knnw? that It's poor judgment to allow his brought on t'.j (his City by his -»on and placed «i'ie by has clubd iu Ixtth the Miami Valley und Hamilton DAVS FOL-TZ Is getting back to bliold pitching form. -H,- with hia father and mother at Mount Moriat) Jie^esit w.-n!d fare better to play tw. aty-fivo- tent This Is tweedle-diim. too, at flrst baso, «> Biouklyu wtll u-1 HH-U to tliink tuoy are not the greatest playsrg ou Horuung'a puaMiuioiit coes; Kclly'g don't. -Andyet C-mntv leagues, and can boast of a stand and as en- H" Is doing well C«iittt«ry. fcmoH WAS*. ball it e. «ld rasily cwap pluies wiih Ciutiui.ati uiiH Ou to any ex tout. %ud L!r.j LI^IL WiuL'in^tc-B would (.wtuiuly irude we wonder why the uiue dcu't wiu. Uvawuur. tuuwtio a crowd a* oaa U found anywhere THE iLIITE. -A-tig.

clpllDO and to study the effect ot the general influence of your exhibition upon the Indiana with yon, I wfsh. PIGEONS. by this note, to express my gratification with it all, I have seen the Indiana learuiog promptness, regu­ larity, cleanliness in person and food; and also learning to do i?eU ihe w,;rk for which they were employed. THE PRIZES_OP HONOR. That anything in shape of evil wil! n t do, bnt mutt onrrp up to a s'p.n'tartt. I eaw t^eni te^cing to re-i1iz-> HK SPITING LH-E Ci:p, off- red for the best aver- tlmt tho) Wfi'd not tiired merely io receive their pay ;iL"- ?;o.-d f r 200 miles or over in the seas< n of or if [lossibln to boss the job and have their own way 1^8 i>:'i>v:i>ns (o Jrcly 1. Awarded to John Blood, about It. Knowing that tbe brotlicra of many of the^o 1'l.ilj Mihid, for Ms Unl Jim Binlne.for tlicj-mr- wicn have off-ctd to take care of their families, sto^k n-y ir-.in (j«;rJousvIUo to Philadelphia, 208 miles, and farms, wbile th'-r-c go away to earn racuey to he'p Without any expensive.paraphernalia ia 1,3*7 janU per minute. ttll. I can but class your greni txhibUkm as an industry which will beiiefit India 1 a of Pi at- Ilidg-) Be 19... 206.8 777 .y ards. National Thentre The Season to Open C. Aclr-.m, H.iia-lelphia, May 27... 32*5 924 Witli "From Sire to Son." the most costly kind of play known. Buy J. Knt:gljerger, niilala., June 8... 3G5.7 878 Fml Bowtra. Fall Kite;', July 12... 3C6.7 900 A most interesting theatrical event will be the J. Bit»d, Phila.telj.hiB, J'l'y 12... 386.5 1002 reopening of Mr. Thomas F. Kelly's National C. 0. Barmr, Ikutou, July 2t)...... 415.3 IU91 Theatre, on Aug. 18, after extensive and costly Mundell's Solar Tip Shoes for your chil­ JOURNEYS rOK RECORD. alterations and improvement?. The theatre will bo practically a new house, and when com­ Afuiiy Try for Distnuc« in tlio Day Excel­ pleted there will be no more handsome place of dren, good for all seasons, at school or lent Showing fur tlio Bedford Late Re­ amusement in America than this fine building turns. on Tenth and Callovvhill street?. The four wails play. Ask for them and take no imitation. The ?IgM birds ^f the first Uam of the C. 0. Ibrrett alone remain from the old building, the whole loir, fcogfoii, w*i-w iibri: 415 miles mat!*.* b.v the Becoud team, setts than the Fea'intr capacity of the old theatre. Jn1> 20. The distance from Wattrrfrid Is about 4t>5 The scats will be corum diou-s I'andsuiuely upholstered nii w. and so anaogtd that the entire stai-e can be eet*n from The Hr.bC.nb'-i bird* wtre UUrnfed at Sloadville, any (art tt the hou-c. Ei^ht \ r.vate boxes uf unique UNDELL&GO. P:!., euty ihe i.iurning of tite 2(Jih. l»ut none were at design Jiiive botn 1 iiilt, each BUT mounted by a canopy h< nte at tvi-iiiug. The air-line dUtuuco in about -165 which will he fu.ished off in gold «nd c earn color. mil.s. T:!6 vt-eiibults, reception rooms and offices will be PHILADELPHIA. The birds of the Pate won, N. J., Club, shipped the large and m< st luxuriously furnishfd, while the stair­ SXth dr., w. r«'n^t liberated, oiviiiff to La-i weather, ways wilt bo uumuaUy broad and attractive looking. until the .limiting or' tl'oteventh day hfier. The start In Teutilntiug and heatiue the most novel appliances was from Hi^ii Poiut, N. C., at six o1 l-.jck. The eotiy have been used, ttnd Mr. Kelly claims that his new AMUSEMENTS. WhH J. J. B>niiu 3, Edward Boiton 12, W. MuDeou 2, house \\\\\ be tlio ni >st perfectly lighted theatre ia M(Tton CUrk 3. Tliere wore no retmti* at tveiJing Americ ». The llluiiiinauu^ is under tho charge of ihe To our practical knowledge T);e distance to be covered WHS about 465 mi lee. Edffoti Com pa* y, and compri-es over 5idea twcuty arc of the requirements of the ttft'tin Knits'* Mom Urn, July 27, wad Silvvr King, lights. In the Cviling there will l>c a brilliuut and A FAMILY OUTING COMFOBTA1JLV With these sroorts we are better sup» reported ihe Uf. The second, Tipi*cnuo<*, was re- mitssivo chaudeMvr holding fifty lights. Tho s'a.-o ARRANGED FOB. Athlete and Sportsman we at­ porled Hi?- 3d, "uothine but Imuva and hat lit HI." opening hai bom nmde ei«ht feet higtier and four feet plied than ever before. The lltdfoL'd Club has repuitcU MjtteMi of its twenty CHEAP AND EAST ACCESS TO wider. Tho thent.e will bo as far we possible ab- tribute our success in busi­ Anioujr our stfjck wo mention: b:ids » :.t to Murg.meuu, N. C.; fourteen to G. B. E1- wjliUfly fire proof aii-I an asbestos curtain has been ward.4, MS milt^; two to T. F. Keid, 532 miles. This secured for the proscenium. Tile 1'reccolug of the ness. This, with our twelve 250 MIXED FLAXNEL HOUSE AND gives Mr. Re id all nt horn ; that ho sent, and, amal] ceiling aud the mural deronitlons are of b«untifnl and Western American History, though it l-e, il.e dis'am-y record for thi-seadcD. ' artistic desigiiH, 1'ght coUirs iirirvailing in ail theo;'orn- years' experience in' an exclu­ OFFICE COATS, Mr. Fnink Ihirlin leport* letums to iheGunion loft ment*, which will give the ihtatro a very Lright appear­ DEPICTED TRUTHFULLY AND PICTURESQUE­ AT Sa.SO EACH. from the a^art in Uiffh Point, July 2, «f the Phila- ance. LY BY GENUINE PIONEERS AND sively Athletic and Sporting dclphi;! Club's birds, one July 21, one thu 30th, Mr. Kelly's ptirate office will be In the corner of tho ABORIGINES, 150 ENGLISH COATS in CLUB STRIPES Mr. Jantea MtG.tnirhey ri-jK-rts Tise News at home huildii-g. ITe expresses himself as highly please Iwlt'i goods business, makes our From Welch, Margetson & Co., London. from the I'anvitie tty, July 25, one we*-k late. This his latest venture. Everything ns*-d i-. th«' be-t, and 1ED BY A FRONTIERSMAN, HUNTER, AT S3.75 EACH. gives the loft the record tr.'in 323 miles for rivo young- many of the ioii-r.'Vemeiits art? such as no oihor hovi to GUIDE ANI> SCOUT. house unquestionably the Selling ncuiilly for fS.no. liters, but tour of the five urc etitl out from the start m ho>>. It is a well-known lact thut fliiHuctally the Na- Charlotte, 442 niilefl. tionnt Tluatre wa-- far more feucc&trful last teasou thin leaders in styles as well as in The Dmidy Club bad twenty-tbree birds to seud for WHITE FLANNEL COATS, aLy other bcfur'j in Piiiladelphia and its popularity is A MAN WITH A RECRD, AT !£5.OO EACH. libiTatiiig in Clsur'.otte, N. C.,"4t2 miles. Theae were likely to be incrt-ascd by tho attractions of the new the quality of the goods re­ owned, Ja-i.j McUaughey 4 (ail youngster*), B.W. Au- acd beautiful il-.tat.v uud u ]on^ Httof tho best theat­ From Welch, Margi-leou 4 Co., London. drews 10, T. I'. Green 9. TU« fctart was at 5:30 o'clock rical combitui tons that ran be eecnred, a majority of A HISTORY, AND A NAME, quired. the morning of the 2d. There were no returns at which Lave oul> pluyed in high-priced tlieaTi-a. Tho HOMESPUN COATS, evening. "1 h;vl uo idea," taki Mr. Andrews, ''that theatre will be opened with <'uc ceremony on Satur­ We are prepared to supply AT S5.OO EACH. there waa u biril in my loit that could not c^ver 450 day evening, August 18, when Milton Nobles' new From Vlrgo«, Mlddle'.on & Co., London. milee iu the d.iy ami do it ca^v!" melo-dnmi t, "From Sire to Son," will be given for the COL¥.F.CODY, you at all times with the best And many otiipr novelties in The same nu'riiinjj two ioti of Philadelphia birds flr?t time in Philadelj'hiii. This play has madeau im­ were let go in Kings Mountain, N. C., 474 milea from mense Miccesa in the We-it and Mr. and Mrs. Nobles of everything used by the base SILK STKIPED AM) FANCY FLANNEL home. The first start was of two owned by Mr. 1). and other popular ftritsta wil) be in the csBt. Geretlauer. Thes.', let go at 6:35, circled over the city ball player, the angler, the COATS, four minutes and Butlly entered u btorelioiise. Tlu en ft able for outdoor sports uud other uses. eeccud lot, also of two birds, was lei po at 5:40. Thest New American Opera Company. tennis expert, the bicycle jave one t iru, then touk their count* t-jwttidd liome, At the Grand Opera House to-morrow night A'so complete lines of the Gersilaoer pair joining th^m at 5:47. Shortly the new Am«ri can Opera Company begins tho rider, the gymnast and all MOHAIR and ALPACA COATS, FLAX- Alter four o'clock, the tame nKernocM, u eleventh week of its success and an attractive ORIGINALLY ORIGINATED AND CONSEQUENT­ a telegram, properly ceitifi' d, was received, LY ONLY OKIC.INAL HISTORICAL, AND others who follow any sport or NEL COATS and VESTS and PON- giving 3:58 as tnc time the message WHS receive.) bill of favorite operau is offered for the week. INTERNATIONALLY INDORSED GEE SILK COATS and VESTS. by the operator and telliug all of the marks vie hud Mr. Hinrichs' line company has, perhaps, made athletic game. plactd np->n:he wiu^ of on-.; of thn Gorstauer birds. its strongest impression in its recent production A Tory Inrge line of Counting from the operator's time, we have an of Verdi's grand opera, ''La Traviata." This You may send iis your or­ average tpe?d of about 1,340 yards per minute, .and FANCY DUCK VESTS, this wiih the utuio*ptitro h^avy ai.d the wind cod^ beautiful opera will bo heard this week to-mor­ ders and money, too with From Yirgoc, Middletou & Co. trary; w- lither in M hich tweuiy-^ix otlier birds row, Wednesday and Friday nighte. Louise wou'd not travel. Neither of the ll^rnberger entry Natali creates a positive furore by her brilliant perfect confidence that you haa been reported. singing in the elaborate fiorituri assigned to the Eut. part of Violetta, and Charles Ba^ett has achieved will receive fair and prompt It fs not enough for a record nnler THE SPORT- IKG LIFE rules thut thu nmil.s wo have placed upon his greatest success here as Alfred. The per­ attention. We don't propose the buds' wings are reported. There are two other form tnce to-morrow ni^ht will be for the bene­ eeEentials, »nd unless these are BHtisfied the nurks fit of William S. Moore, and it is already known America's National Entertainment. to haggle with our customers. might ai well hnve been shomed from th? hous-tops that there will be a crowded audience. An nt- Whose province has been instruction at home, aud IMPORTANT REDUCTIONS IN MEN'S ATHLETIC GOODS, for all value they arc as proof of a journey niaae. tractive feature of thi:i week's programme will whose effect has been education h»e and abroad; We prefer to satisfy all if it is The^e e-ecutit! are, 1st, that the basket shall not have who« eflortu in the prelect aim at results in ttie future We have made aonio rcry imiiortaut reductions iu our finest quality of Men's Atiitetic Golds. be*n tampered witU while on its way to the liberator. be the first Hppcanince with tho Xew American Or era C'lmpatiy of tho beautiful young soprino, Cauiille in an organization in our povfrer. If you have We offer. TENNIS SHIRTS 2d, that the birds efarttil are those reswrted at home. GREATER, LARGER, GRANDER THAN EVER, We do not accept (hi* journey sinc« wo have the Muori, laMv prim a. doiin-i of the Hostouians. Miss not received our catalogiie, 30-GUAGE WORSTED, SLEEVE­ with laco fronts evicence in our possession of an irregular proceeding Mnori will be hc:ird as Arlinein the "lioheuran Girl" Returning from Foreign Triumph* where the Ameri­ AT S5.5O EACH. in ci/nut'cti»ii with it of an intent to deceive. Just on Tii'B'iay nigiit, and an Marguerite ia "Faust 11 on can Flag was carried witU uouor and credit to the send for one at once. Mailed LESS ROWING SHIRTS, bow far this was crtrn-.-d we cau only awai: the result Thnrslwy night nnd at the Saturday matinee. "The Nation, receiving the full regular made, in White, Jlaroou, Block and BATHING SUITS, of inveatipatious now in i-rogrc-ss to prove. Of tue Bohemian Girl," which is one of the most popular PLAUDITS OF ROYALTY AND THE VIVAS OF Navy. !n colors, operas of the season, wilt be given on Saturday night, free. Mention class of goods speed we wil! say, that it was nut greater w*s only be­ THE MASSES. AT 83.00 EACH. PLAIN AXD STRIPKD AT $6.50 EACH. cause the telegram giviug the time of with A!idu Varena as Arline. (he start was not This excerpt frnm Pages of Pawinc We«tern History wanted. The above mo received earlier by th se rfpurt:ittr tlio ma.ks. The first matiiif* of''F«u-'t,,t which will tako place will bo Presented In a series of Vividly Animated Pic- THE SAME GOODS IN SAME all tho very beat quality, fall Sara nut, o \\ntd by John H.Kuubbergcr, Phiiitilelpiiia, on Sr.turdny t.ext, Bhoisld draw a treat many visitors faabiuiied goods aud are fust colors. from out of to-vu. Mr. Sto.M:ir.l \vw suddenly cnlled COLORS, Has wnt awa\ with ih^- Gered.-uier and Hi'i-.ibfrut-r We have also a choice lino of birdf, hot to ho let go at Oncc.nl, N'. C., 482 mile-?. away t*tat week owing to the dangerous illness of his with quarter Eleevca sou. Mr. Stoddard's abac: ce lias nfct-MJt^ted a hrief '" GEWLEMEN'S DRIVING PARK, A. G.Spading & Bros, We h-ive not received word t.ther of Its arrival at AT 983.50 EACH. MEN'S WHITE FLANNEL the btatiuu or of its being liberated. IK gtponement of tho pro luctior: of "The Rosa of MONDAY, AUGUST 13. Cast.lf." Tlrs CRICKET PANTS, opera will, h-iworer, be iciv. n on Mon­ DAILY EVERY AFTERNOON AT 3 O'CLOCK, KNEE TIGHTS OR ROWING day, Aiifr. 13, and on Tharcday, Atig. 1C, Mr. Hinricln 108 Madison StJ24i Broadway, made 'oy Welch, MiirgelFcn & Co., London. Caught or Shot. RAIN Oil SHINE. TRUNKS, 22-GUAGE, (Hate your birds registered nmi mark each one. proposes to produce Btllini'u favorite Oiera, "La Sum- Comfort, Chf»p nml Ea«y ACCOM Assured. 6,000 REDUCED TO S4.OO PER PAIR. ' If Caiirflit or S!iot report thid number to nam^nla." Covere I Grand Stand Si-ats trectid. 6,000 Shaded Free Chicago. i New York. AT S3.0O EACH. Wiriani S. JToore, who baa ft complimentftry benefit STRIPED BLAZERS OR TENNIS THE SPOKTIXG LIFE, I'HlLAiJfiLPIllA, PA." Stand Seat* erected. All Street Cars to Belm'ont and STRIPED AND PLAIN COLORED We will act the owner's plenum re in pnblitdiin^ at thf Griind Opem IIou*e to-rm.rrow night, hits in- Elm Avenues. Busses, Reading Railroad to Belmont COATS, those reported to UH, but we wilt not on respond num*-raMe friend* in thi-< ci'y, and it io alreadj* as­ Station, etc., us Formerly. PENNSYLVANIA H. R. TENNIS JERSEYS. made hy Welch. M»rn<1on* with finders except in case of birds t nte red in a sured that the Grand Ojiern House will bo pncked to RAPID TBASSIT-SE'W ROUTE. A Specially AT 84.50 EACH. KI:I>UCI:D TO 83.75 KACH. journey fur rccurd.] the doors on this occasion. "La Travitila"' will be the Erected Station at Wiunell Avenue. Three Squares op ra. from Driving I'ark. 15 Minutes' Ride from Brond Cann'Me Muori, a young soprano, wlt'i a most attnc- Mr. Oyrua Van Horn, D, I ojgton, Pa., reports a visitor Street Depot. BASEBALL wearing the bund H L B. tke*tfige pres nee and fynipathetic vice, will join the N<-w American Opera Omjany this week, and Cheap Round Trip Excursion, Including ' The Slate Pej artmcnt was vi.ited tJ-day by a car­ Admission Ticket,icKet, rier pigfou, through uuo (-f the windows of tl.e ('on­ will make her first appearance on Tuesday as Afline in FROM BROAD STREET DEPOT, to lar Bur au. Everyone who t&w It was the"IJ>i.einmnG,rl." intt-re»'led, POWEI.TOS AVENUE, and roujecturtR ns to its ttartiug jviitit and minion Lizzie Macnichol wiil htve a promiwent part in the were made on every baud. On the bird's light le,r w»» production of "Tho Rose cf Cas;ile" at the Grand FORTIETH STRKET. INTERMEDIATE STATIONS, r 165) cts. UNIFORMS MARKET STREET, EIGHTH STREET, FILBERT STREET, a baud, on which was printed 'G 2 Co.1 Ttte white feathers ou the tight wing were s'amued in red indeli­ Remember, Round Trip Tickets, Including Admld- ble mk with th« following lignres: '20-2-G, 20-1-6, slou to WILD WEST. Mnniyunk, 55c.; Connho- 15-1-9,786.' Before the bird wh8 jekam-d ito winx WANAMAKER'S. hookeD, 75c-; Norrintown UOc. From Bryn Mawr, wwa marked: ;Stata DejiiirtiiH-nt, 2 p. M,, July 30, Paoli, Chestnut Hill, Wilmlngton, Del., Media and 1888.' After leaving the building the pigeon waa seen Intermediate Stations, and all Suburban Towns, Re­ to fly ia u northeasterly direction." Washington Some Tennis experts put duced Excursion Rates, Including Admission and JUST OUT. letter to New York SUM, Landing ftt Ground-, Returning Directly After Exhi­ [The bird wag r< turning In the Dan do Club's race the Sears Special Racket bition. For Local itatts, See Small Bills, Circulars and from Danville, Va. It is owned by Mr. Theo. P. Station Agents. CAP, SHIRT, BELT, PANTS AND Green, Woodbury, N. J. Ko.j ahead. It's a hummer, sure ADMISSION - - - BOc A. J. CHILIJKEN - - - «5c STOCKINGS. The Government Loft. enough. We've a table full CODY 4 SALSBUUY...... Proprietors. SHOES AND PLATES $1.00 EXTRA. ENTITLED WASHINGTON CITY, July 27. Editor SPORTING LIFE: J. M. BURKE...... General Manager. Send for Samples and Catalogue. Training (.f the young birds at the Key West loft of them at $7. Tables full of has t?KU!i an'! the progn-s1) made points to a successful RAND OPERA HOUSE. IsBue of the euterjTise. other Rackets ihirty-five G Corner Broad aud Montgomery Avenue. H. H. KIFFE, HYGIENE It Is only fair to *ay that much of the pnccess at­ T. F. Kelley...... MiiiMK*i 318 FULTON ST., Brooklyn, N. Y. tained thus far is due to vour niitirinpr efTort-t. sorts) but we believe the Wan- FOR A. W. GRIELT, Cuitf Signal Officer. THE COOLEST THEATRE IN AMERICA. amaker Specials Fairmount NEW, NOVEL AND ATTRACTIVE. Tlio Autumn Races. $2, Ardmore $3, Belmont $4 BEGINNING MONDAY. AUGUST 6, The Oxford Club, Itrookljn, names ifadatp-; and J"O O11/M3-SO Of O«1-S» ment has been perfected with the Pennsylvania n UAi'.RY" leive RACE Street every 45 minutes, press, or P. 0. Order tn CHICAGO, ILL- from 9 A. M. until 9 P. M., touching at CHBISTIAN for paascngers of any class. Between the Eatt and Railroad to a newly-erected station, WynnefiuM J. H. BURNS, West it is tbe Street each «ay. 25 50 75 99 Carroll St., Cleveland, O. Avenue, close to the ground?. In fifteen luin- Fare, 10 Cents.___Excursion, 15 Cents. c c c utes from Broad Street iJepot and intermediate Seats now on Sale at Grand Opera House and al ONLY LINE VIA WASHINGTON. stations the seeker of education in his country's Owen & SimpsonX 1423 Chestnut street. J3-SPECIAL ATTENTION is gitcn to Theatrical SPRATT8 PATENT .history, given in an enjoyable, animated volume BILLIARDS. NEXT THE BOSK OF CASTILE. MacINTIRE BROS., Companies, Ball ClubB, and all kinds of orgnuized par­ (readily read by a, ghmcc), will be whirled at HEADQUARTERS FOR FIXE ties. the low [-rice i»f 6.1 cents a r«nnd trip, incluiling ad­ WEEK LA SOMNAMBULA. mission virtually ot,ly 15 cents round tt ip fare. Ex­ BILLIARD TABLES, CAROM, PHOTOGRAPHEKS, Information In regard to rates of fare, timo of cursion r-ilea fr>m all stations within a radius t-f tlihty COMBINATION AND POOL. T5ASE BALL FOR THIS WEEK. No. 1528 Ridge Avenue, trains, through-car arrangements, etc., will be milep, iiicludfue aJminion tn the WilJ Weef, have MANUFACTURED ONLY BY promptly furulehed, upon application, bj any of the OF ALL SPORTING GOODS btca arr.-tused f^r, so that Indian life au-1 the lu.Jfan The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. PHILADELPHIA. following named representatives: quttallon, one (jieat thciuc of the future, may be grasped Athletic Grounds, 26th and Jefferson Sts. lore readily au-1 clio«i*r than the tariff to the average Orders from all parts of the world pr< mptly attended to . PICTURES OF BALL PLAYERS. C. P. CBAIG. Gen'1 Eastern Pass'g'r Agt, 416 Broad­ Tottr. Ten tl'ou.'aiul additional selling capacity has JOHN CREAHAN, THREE GREAT CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES. way, New York. DEALERS AND GROCERS, been H'lda-i to the accommodation?, nntl uoUiiiix will Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. C. K. MACKENZIE, District Piaa'g'r Agt., 833 Chest­ bo left undone to eusine a pU'fcsatit memory of the REAPPEARANCE OF THE CHAMPION ST. LOUIS. MAKER OF FINE SHOES nut street, rhiladelplila. T;i-ita- to ihlatofsiblv last appearance of W. F. Cody MONDAY, Aug. 8, ") ATHLETIC. MILES, No. 23 S. llth St., Fhila. P. G. SMITH, Passcncer Agent, 1351 Pennsylvania (BafT^lo l^ili). H. J. BERCMAN, TUESDAY, Aug. 7, J- n. Special care given to our ready-made Avenue, Washington, D. C. DOC BUYERS' CUIDE0 . Thoful!owiu£ letfento W. r. Cody (Buffalo Bill) DEALER IN WEDNESDAY, Aug. 8j ST. LOUIS: Colored plated, 1OO enirravinf!» J r'j a suniplo of hundreds dally rwcived by tin? noted E. D. SMITH, Division Passenger Agt., Pittstmrg, Pa. LAST APPEARANCE Off THE ATHLETICS. department. of diffare:it breeds, price;* they aro I tccut, enli'^Izinx th« ^rubd work he ia acvomplUMug. The Brims wick-Balkc-Collemler Co.'s W. E. BEPPEKT, Division Pass'g'r Agt., Columbus, 0. worth, ar.d ^vhrro to buy them. The Kw. John Kohiii-iftc<.>i>-il inis- Billiard and Pool Tables, Bar Fix- Admission, 25 Cts. Pavilion, JO Cts. Play at 4 p. H. Mailed for 15 Cents. licnaiy, h.w spent bia life aruou^ tl;e Ind au^, aiid for J. F. MCCARTHY, District Passenger Agent, 109 ASSOCIATED FANCIERS, i whom Mrs. \V. K. Var.d^ibllt hiw ere, moral aud phyt-ical welfaro ot his prot**«ej, and Bttnrn of tbe Philadelphia^ who will play No. 506 NOKT11 SECOND ST, whim visit ng eunie relutirea at Giuehohocken tfftities DECOHATIONS. THREE GAMES WITH CHICAGO, above Uuce, Ph" tn thb rcMiitH if hia iti8i^< tion of Buffalo Bill'* Wild Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 6, 7 and 8. CANAUIKSond all other Fancy West caoip, Thu letter from Mr. Tarpy explains itself: FIRE PROOF! It IKTtlmic fl»<- in the tvril-.l. Kilhcr .-I CoiMy .. THREE GAMES WITH DETROIT, Cage Birds, Faucy PixeoDB. Dogs, emui»>:KB. Ait'tr..B. TKC* A Co., AiiKUi Trail all forms ol nervr.ua .lobll- AN INDIAN M1SMONAHY TOW. F. CODY. WATER PROOF! Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 9, 10 and II. BdbblU, Pet Animals,etc. Gold Flab and globes, Cages, iry an-1 bloctl poison. Ket.»bliihe4 CONSHOHOCKKX, Pa., July 30. MESSRS. CODY A FIDELITY WALL PAPER CO., Tickets for sale at Lasa i Millos' Scgar Stores, 802 Seed*, etc. Fine-bred Fowlg. Eges for hatching from 40 >c:irs at No. 200. Office liounl 4ALSKU&V Dear .Sirs: Having had *Tt-ry opportunity Chestnut and 29 South Eleventh itreets. best etrain. Poultry Buppltes, Food, etc. 8«ud lor price LICHTEXBKOS, '«-» «"» »-'«*-'« ' from S to '2 an