Spalding's Base Ball Guide, and Official League Book for ... : a Complete
| s"sr 1 A. G. SPALDING & BROS., 108 Madison St., 241 Eroadway | 5 y Chicago, 111. New York. m V THE OFFICIAL BALL FOB 1885. As certain unprincipled manufacturers of inferior goods are endeavoring- to convey the impression that other than the “Spalding League Ball ” has been adopted as the official ball for 1885, we print the following fac-simile letter fr m the Secretary of the National League, which explains itself. At every match game played under League rules, this ball must be used. (s V ^bd/h/y?/] (/^JcyiAy, /s./m nmcnm. (AAAL O ncy> clOjOuviaj (/.e/yiAy 'AATi/f. W Cjoim/utd A/lAAAj), OUlf/L/ AA Q Taa/iaJ viaaJ -vPa^ctia crxAjV} <baao Gj 'OiA/gy &/Li <7vm For further information address _A.. <3-. SPALDING &o BEOS. 108 Madison Street, CHICAGO. 241 Broadway, HEM YORK . Lj^ r • THE LARGEST SPORTING GOODS HOUSE IN AMERICA. t' A. Ij. ^ALDINIJ \ B^O^. MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN General Sporting Gorfds, m i gh Turns Base Ball Supplies^ Lawn Tennis, Cricket, Croquet, ice and Roller Skates, Foot Bails, Lacrosse, Po/o, Cutlery Gymnasium, Theatrical and General Sporting Goods, Send for Illustrated Catalogue, designating kinds of Goods wanted. Address, V A. G. SPALDING & BROS., 108 Madison Street, CHICAGO. 241 Broadway, NEW YOB.K. OUR PUBLICATIONS. The popular encouragement given to the pursuit of Athletic Sports, Recreative Amusements, Gymnastic Exercises, etc., and the comparative scarcity of mediums of instruction on these subjects, suggested the publi- cation of our Library of Athletic Sports. The benefits of Athletic and other manly exercises, from an educational as well as from a moral and recreative point of view, are now so generally recognized that the right method of promoting man’s physical welfare should be readily accessible.
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