Base Ball. Anyone Can Buy Me out at Fifty Forward Rejoinder
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COPYRIGHT. 1690, BY THE SPORTING LIFE PUB. CO. ENTERED AT PHILA. P. O. AS GCCOND CLASS MATTER. VOLUME 16, NO. 19. PHILADELPHIA, PA., FEBRUARY 7, 1891. PRICE, TEN CENT S. urcd of its formal adoption by some members 'oom for two hours during the afternoon. Fyour Board at the time. When he took the evening train for his home LATE NEWSBY.HRE. "I must, therefore, state very distinctly for he Cleveland official was in poor humor, my organization that the suspensions made by besides his saehel he carried with him that TBURMAN'S IDEAS. 'ie Racing Board under that rule had the full same feeling of supreme disgust to which he FRESH ROWS IN EVERY DIRECTION eight of official sanction, and were considered tave vent-yesterday. Before stepping on the s the legitimate result of the violations cum- rain he again declared himself plainly as HOW HE WODLD ELEYATE AMERICA'S OVER STAR PLAYERS. lained of. lieing dissatisfied with thctreatmentaecorded "Recognizing and respecting the good faith of liim by the National League. If spoken by GREAT NATIONAL GAME. our statement that the adoution of the former in official less sportsmanlike than Robison is ule was not properly made known to some inown to be his words might easily have More Work Cut Oat For the Board Vmateur Athletic Union clubs, my committee leen construed as a menace to the welfare of Players to be Judged ulhorizes me to recommend to the Racing -he organization. Robison says he has been by Morals ol Control-Important National o*rd and other proper authorities of the tossed about in a most unsatisfactory way by >eague that tho suspensions above referred-to :iis associates, and he thinks the game has WeU as Playing Skill-A Way to League Statistics. o raised, such action to bo predicated upon ;oue far enough. He can see no break in his nd in consideration of the adoption by iavor, although the opening of the ball sea- Bounce Undesirable (Ms. our organization of the rule of expenses laid ssn is far distant. O'NEILL MORE CHEERFUL. own by this report. JAMES R. Duss, President GENERAL SPORTING INTELLIGENCE Chairman L. A. W. Committee." J. Palmer O'Neil) does not look at things Thurnian has just given out ft in the same light. He, too, says freely that new plan, which hots, or will be, approved by FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. his trip West bore no tangible results, but he the base ball Hoard of Control, tending to is sanguine. In face of the hardest luck, elevate the game. It is a novel scheme LEAGDE STATISTICS. O'Neill was never known to get rattled. His which Mr. Thurman hopes will bring about A LEAGDE The Uniting ami Fielding Averages of the historical experience of last season was a an improvement not only in ths work of the CLUB'S CONTEMPT. Teams For the Season of 1890. brilliant example of the Pittsburger's nerve. players on the field, but their private char boston Takes Stovey, an Association !p«cial to SPOBTIKO Lire. O'Neill never quits until he is beaten, and acters. In an interview President Thurman. IMayor, Without Waiting For a Decision WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 6. President therefore he may, perhaps, induce Robison to says: in tho Blcrbaacr Case. Young has just completed and arranged in look upon his cause more brightly during "I recognize tho fncttbat heretofore the pri Bjierlal to SPORTING T.IFB. abular form the official batting and fielding their trip to Cleveland. vate or personal character of a ball player, how national League team averages for 1890. ever good or uncxcnption:il, b:ul little or no BOSTON, Feb. 6. President Soden suc bearing upon the ceeded in getting Harry Stovey's lere are the interesting figures: KOBISON'S PLAIN LANGUAGE. price t-et upon his services, his name to a record on the diamond nlnno governing man Boston League Club contract yesterday after :---!C O CO I noon. Stovey was not reserved by the Ath The Theory and Practice of the Sales Sys agers and proprietors of clubs. So thut it has letics in the fall of 1889, and, like Bierbauer, tem us Kxemplitied by Spalding. como to jiap?, HS you knuw only too well, that claims to have a perfect right to sign with CLEVELAND, Feb. 4. President Robison, men have been rurohaseJ at steep figures on whoever he pleases. of the Cleveland Base Ball Club, arrived their record as given in tabulate 1 form in tho President Prince, of the Boston Association home yesterday morning. In spite of the fact book, turned out anything but valuable acqui Club, wasseen at his residence last night, and that his mission to Chicago bore no fruit not sition?, mainly on account of tbcir personal faid that it was the same fight as that of the even a quartered dried apple he was by no (biid) babits. As a. general thins, with, of AthletiC'CIub. and he had no doubt, the Na means ill-humored. "I went," said he, "I course, many noted exceptions, this class of tional Board of Control would see that Stovey N* rf* *. 4k rf- 4. *- :*ta~l saw, and I smile. When I left Cleveland I players are record players. That i.«, they play was returned to that club. It is said that was laboring under a delusion I was the vic for position in the guide book, and accept no Columbus and St. Louis have also made tim of an irridescent dream. I anticipated chances unless dead sure ones on the field. i*--fO p»joog 8a ti that I might get at least one player claim to Stovey's services. Manager Irwin o -fci to £ £c ^i c 2 from the ''Now, the rule ffe havo made is this: Every talks wildly about Stovey's three-year con N. E. YOUNG, Chicago surplus. I didn't care for more than month each manner of a club files with our tract (Players' League?) with Boston. ^bio^JJi'-'-b one, because we expected to get other men in «. yk -J -J tOW 35 C President of the National Base Ball League and Secretary- Board a private report containing a full, perso KASII.Y MADE HAPPY. Treasurer of the New National Board of Control. different directions. In view of Mr. Spald- nal history of every pTiyer in his club. This Manager Irwin succeeded in signing Mor ing's most excellent endorsement of my pro history shall detail his hubits, temperate or the gan Murphy for the Boston Association Club position to abolish the sales system among reverse; his obedience, traetability, etc., his de to-day, and Mr. Prince is happy to-day, as clubs of the National League, and in view of portment and action on ths diamond, his ago, the local League people had worked hard to the further fact thut.Chicngo undoubtedly height, weight, physique, etc. Those reports sign this phenomenal young catcher. N.Y. AND PA. LEAGUE. HOT A HAPPY FAMILY. had some players that would not be needed arc by that organization next season, I said to filed with us once a mon'h. Tho record myself: 'Now Chicago will undoubtedly be u.suatty kept by the official scorers will also be THE ClNCmTJ_MUDDLE. THIS PLUCKY LITTLE MINOR LEAGUE TROUBLE SAID TO BE BROODING IN willing to render Cleveland a littleassistance filed. Now, the advantages resulting to the iu this matter,' and Chicago would have been national game from the enforcement of thia \ Tluirmnn to Confer With Johnson Stern - "^ y- c^ o t-^ ai S I overjoyed to assist us upon their terms, which rule, among others, are: «hCCCK!C*WWK5 TO MAINTAIN EXISTENCE. THE LEAGDE. "First. Managers or proprietors of clubs de on the Situation. '-JOaKJO-JOl areC. O.D." Bpeclnl to SroKTlNO l.ln. * r^ -3 tv »- O< I "Yon informed the Chicago newspaper re siring information other than the tabulated re CLEVELAND. Feb. 6. Yesterday morning porters that you were too disgusted to talk. cord of the guide book ab'iut any player they President A. W. Thurman wired Al Johnson _ _ An Eight Club Circuit Mapped Out For Dissatisfaction Existing Among Mag' Would you be willing to state upon what may bo contemplating signing can obtain full, : to come to Columbus. Johnson answered aaSiSSEtSc-Tti "iTc; *' c-: iTw~i - - - -ino grounds your disgust was based?" complete and reliable infuruKition frotn tho Na that hecould not come, but invited Thurman Next Season-Other Plans ol nates Over Details In Connection THE CHICAGO WAY OF DOING BUSINESS. tional Board, not only as to tbo player's ability here, and he is expected in the morning. "Upon the whole I do not know but that I on the Geld, but also his personal habits, de Either Thurman is going between Johnson » <§ c * S 5 fej3j would," was the reply. "Last week the portment, etc. and Brush as a peacemaker, or else a new the Managers. With Reorganization. Cleveland Club received letters from every "Second. Tbe player has the reciprocal aJ- base ball deal is on by which Brush will take -i m at tc »- ^ »- t National League Club but Brooklyn com vontage, if ho is a qualified and worthy man, his National League franchise to Indian p|j.\v pafl euo A meeting of the New York and Pennsyl CHICAGO, Feb. 4.—All is not serene in the mending the position that we took upon-the of an official send-olF, which must in the nature apolis, and Johnson will be left a clear field vania Base Ball League was held at Mend- League ranks, according to the Herald, ol sales system.