club recegnize this and are making strenuous efforts It Is said the now American Association club, Kan­ lhan • tail-enrier in first claw, and that Is what tha to overcome it. The n»rt few days however, will sea sas City, is looking for a macager, and it is doubtful if two clubs will he. Kansas City with ft manager at its helm, makirg in- they could make a better selection than Dan O'Leary, The article tigned "Hatch1* in week before last'* LATE NEWS. THATFBMCHISE. who Is now living quietly iu this citv. There is THE MINORS. defati£AOle endeavors to gather a team of which this SPORTING LIFT, from Uuicbimon, Ka*., where Will city hopes to be proud. ground for the belief that Duo has taken hold of more Bryan is starting a club, sounds for all the world likf The fctockhulders of the new club mot yesterday new ball towns and put winning teams in them than the festive William hinwlf. 0. S. H. afternoon.witb President Htim in the chair, and unani­ any other manager In the bueineas, llii ia an adept A Sweeping Challenge to mously accepted Jim Whitfield's detailed report of the Can the Association Hold at getting together a strong team out of nothing. Dan Two More Leagues Fully Cincinnati meetiug. The bond of 810,000 demanded has foresworn tho cup that cheer*, not having tasted a THE TECUMSEIIS. by the magnates of the American Association was or­ drop for more than a year, and he intends to continue All Athletes. dered forwarded to President Stern. In order to place New York? on that basis. Organized. The Men so Far Engaged by Manager Phil the club on a sound business basis it was voted to in­ There are two players in Detroit still unengaged Powers for London. crease the capital of the association, whereby it will whom managers appear to be overlooking. I refer lo be on equal footing with the other teams, financially Malcolm McArtlmr and Billy Collver. The former LONDON, Ont., Jan. 21. Editor SPORTING Tebeau Signs with Cincinnati speaking. An Opinion by Ex-President will he remembered as pitching for Indianapolis, LIFE: In my last letter to you I intimated that It cannot yet be definitely said what players will Hamilton and Savannah, ami Collver last season The Southern League at Last I would give your readers a list of the Te- The Association Schedule comprise the new team, but with a considerable A. G. Mills in the played with the Mansfield and Kalamazoo clubs of cumsehs of 18SS. Manager Powers has been amount of assurance, I venture to say the t»-am will the 0*1 io League. Ho plays the outfield or short Secures Six Clubs The given full scope and has so far signed Bishop^ be made up something on this order: Catchers. Greer, stop and Is a heavy hitter. Committee Conferring. Donahue and Clark; , Toole, Harliins and Affirmative. There may be nothing in the rnmor that Ed An­ Geiss, , Crowley, Kelly, Dicken- Porter; on the bases, Phillips, Knowles, Hauklnuon drews is to leave Philadelphia, but tbat his holding Texas League. son, Swan ton, Rcid, Rowens, Howcr, Ilenner* and Davia, while Swat twood, Jones and Alien will out means something more than a desire for an in- Hassett, D. Quinn, Donovan, Player, AlcArthui* guard the outfit-Id. The team looks formidable THE 3IETS' FRANCHISE.

and he will reap his reward this season. His salary In our midst we'd resign before April 1ft. Meanwhile and Stewart hare both been down with the; measles. BRUNELI/SJULLETIN. I have nled J. A.'s prediction for future uae when we ST. LOUIS SIFTINGS. The boy Stewart, who, by the way, is a chip off of tb* last ytar was 51,75o. This >ear he get* the limit a ad old block, pulled through all right, but little Alfo* he is worth it. are "smothering" hia old Louisville*, aa we "smoth­ BASE BALL. Comment on Col. Rogers* Opinion Anent ered" 'em last fall. Why a Number of the Browns Were Sold— is still very weak. The "Doctor" will remain her* Young McCarihy haa hef-n missed for a week or two the Metropolitan Franchise— So;a» Sam­ Your Des Moines man aaid lost week: "Mwngw A Popular Player's Two-base —The till the children are all right. from tho loft where all tbe Sonth Bortoa boys prac­ Barncs, according to Mr. Brunell, seeing to run both Beer Selling Nuisance, Etc. Tim Ki-eff, Now York's great pitcher, has a great tice. Tommy is too happy to play ball, for he is a ples of Protection— Advice to the SicorefSf of sens>'( and ho has shown this to be a fact by ~t. Paul and Mitmeiipolis in the base ball line, he ST. Louis, Jan. 26. Editor SPORTING LIFE: deal HUB HAPPENINGS. father. It's a girl, and a bouncing big one. Ktc. says T^ues wanted 'so much* for Billy Hawes. refusing to go into the box when acked to during tho Mike Kelly will undoubtedly be the next to put It is next to impossible to pick up a sporting Something Important in the TFind—The CLEVELAND, 0., Jan. 27. Editor SPORTING Hawea belong *°. tue hitter city and Barces didn't New Yorka* sojourn on the Pacific coast. Tim is de­ hi.s name to a Boston contract. He is expected in town LIFE: Colonel John Iridescent Rogers' pro­ have the soiling of u!OJ." I don't know how Barue* paper nowadays without seeing this question sirous of arriving in Gotham in ship-shape and he i* Case of Smith, of Pittsburg Minor News to-morrow, and undoubtedly he will not be here long got in, but I do know tii".* he was iu, and seut the & hiring you in the face: "Why did Von der Ahe right. deforo he is signed for another year for §4,000, tbe found, sound and varicose exposition of base Notes. foolish telegram about which I wr^te. sell his men?" It is true that the Brown Stock­ Joe Murphy, the edit or-pi toiler, now sporting editor salary he got in L8S7. There was a (tood deal of dis­ ball law in at least two languages strikes us uu? a solicitor, I of the Globe-Democrat, declares he will not pitch H ball BOSTON, Jan. 27. Editor SPORTIXQ LIFE: cussion alt last summer about "Kell's" salary, and it And now that tho National League ing management released five players, viz.: Five minutes ago I laft Treasurer J. B. Billings. in the West as silently and mysteriously as the should like to see Triumvir Connut appointed f-han- n»xt season, unless he takes part ia an occasional was placed everywhere from ?4.(KX) to $5,000, but he Unknown struok the historical and rather Such officiaio Bushong, Gleason, Welch, Caruthers and Foutz, amateur contest. I don't doubt but that Joe means We had been talking for half an hour or more received exactly $4,000 for his season's work, and got Great laiu, and Giant AppU-ton physician. the law is sound, may be needed En the days at hand. and these men were all released for as many thia right now, but I am of the opinion that he will about things tbat may be or may not be, when $i,('00 of it the day he signed the paper at Pough- aged William Patterson. That be found on the Brown Stocking pay roll next summer. as suited to the wants and '.yi^hes of the League, I am with Caylor, and against Sunday ball. I am different reJlS?«s. It cannot be denied that the suddenly tho keeper of our club's money buttoned keepsie a year ago next muntb. He will get the same being the drag on Caylor and several other contributors to Tag SPORT­ advance this year. As souu as Kelly haa signed «ome- becoming a thorough believer in it money consideration 772* the first inducement to up his coat as he said in his impulsive way: "I there is no doubt. Neither is it uncertain that the Association, and have an idea that even St. Louis, ING LIFE want to see Sunday beer selling at ball ^amea thing definite will be dee Mod about the management that eminent member of the National League, ('iuciunati and Louisville could do without it. scatter the best ball team thai *as ever organ­ topped. A good id.a. The peddling of beer in the don't know as thero is a thing new, but we are That ia, something official will be made of the team. wbich was dandled in the fond and rosined arms Tbe C!-*veland Club u thoroughly impressed with ized. Big money H hard to refuse, and the grand stand on any day of the week is a nuisance to going to have a confounded good nine here. known. As yet each of the directors is keeping up a the idea tbat the £"'X>hlyn Cluh means to stick by the president of the Brown Stocking club displayed th- patrons of the game, and it ought to be legislated lot of thinking and saying very little to each other of James Mutrte and suckled on the golden teat Thai's straight." Association, and thinks linit ?b$ Sunday games at his usual good judgment when he sold the re­ agr*: n"t. In St. L-juis wo have a great nuny religion* about the matter. Morrill hai not been approached on into hardihood and affluence by John B. Day, people who attend the gamas, and this class of people I knew tho spell was broken. There was the matter of signing yet by any one of the directors, Ridgewood will be the binding plzs!"1'. I _ don't. leases of the men that will play elsewhere nothing more to bo learned to-day, and I turned would be glad to have the Metropolitan fran­ There would seem to be moro money for Brooki/P. - n would uo doubicomo C!! r- in larger numbers if they but will be very soon. MUGWUMP. th£2 in St. Louis next season. Mr. wen- not obliged to sit in the grand stand and b» to go when he snapped out aftor me: "Don't chise of the American Association of Base Ball a symmetrical league with easy jumps and larger Clubs declared knocked out by a board of six crowds, to say nothing of A possible percentage eys- Von der Ahe considers the price paid stumbled ever by a beer ped-.llor every fov? !!*mutea. you print a word of what I have said. If you It is a nuisance, to say tho least. referees. But it will not be knocked out. Tue tom. for Caruthers a big GT.e, and although do well, I don't know but that there will be a THE SCORERS. Again does it seem necessary to warn the Associa­ the young Chicagtmn to be iua best all- Beckley will play first base for the White Stocking*, Association is not ia the mood to have it knocked he knows our Western League team. funeral in your family." The National Association Gro« ing—Man­ tion a^aiuat a schedule of 140 games with Kansas City round player in the Association, he frayed a sigh of lie has told me that belore but I am still out, even though its .seconi the Brooklyn Club and Brooklyn on the ends. Leave some open dates relief, HO 'tia said, when he received my teloprjai In­ The Whites will down the *iouisvillea this spring. ager Schmelz on Rase Stealing—The Phil­ of 11;> games. Dun't stick a pin here. here. I suppose it is because I will not give would be willing to have it smothered, which and inako a schedule forming him that the deal had been consummated. adelphia Scorers Scored. I do not believe. And it will live, and the day Ed Seward is out and gaining strength faster than I lie reali/ed the fact fully that he would have trouble, Tub Louisville scribes continue to call Sam Smith away anything I promise not to, even though Saiith. 'Tferg is no Jack Smith about it that CINCINNATI, Jan, 28. Editor SPORTING LIFE: may come when the American Association thought ho would. He will begin pitching practice and great trouble, too, in signing Bob, if he secured his Jack I may get left and some one else may como Slowly but surely the Base Ball Reporters' early in February with Jiin McGuire. iguature at all, and the money that he received from I know of. "" Sinjm hits been signed to play first things we talked (long life to it in an improved form) club in F. H. BBUNKLL. for the B >ttoville ginnta. cut with it ahead. Some day the Association of America ia growing. From the the Brooklyn Club for the groat pitcher's release was over IhU morning will he ripe and tlien THE SPORT­ New York City will be the lavorito club and the just like finding it. Carutherg had declared himself Long John Healey will be a regular Jnne-cntter ING LITE readsrs shall have them. Iu iny experience, queries that have come to me from scorers in money-making club in tbat greatest of all towns. npon several occasions, and his family also declared, under the new rules. His great speed willouabla Mi a news gatherer. I have found tliat it dou'i do to tell other associations, other than the League ani Association club ever gets to the point ot. PENGILLINGS. that Robert should not again play ball under Mr. Von him to cover tho increased distance without any If the PITTSBURG trouble. all jou knuw. How ofien I have itarted in to write a American Association, it is evident that interest excellence which characterized the Browns der Ahe. The latter knew all this, and this is the n-a- Bcrecd fnr THE SPORTINCJ LIFE, and wished I could The Work of the League Schedule Commit­ eon tbat Caruthers' release was soM to the Brooklyns. The season oponocl last year on the 19th of April, in the cause is attaining national proportions of 1687, and ia well bonded on Manhattan the Browns playing on that date in Louisville. This give out all I had learned of protmaed deals and [aland, it will be in the ascendant. I am tee Slow Work in Signing the Recalci­ Bushong'n release was sold for several reasons. Mr. chttoges in the base ball world. But T gave my word just as it was intended that it should. As a Von dor Ahe was under the impression that the "Doc­ year the Kaunas City team will probably open the lo kt*p scimo ihings to myself. And it Las paid THE director of the Association applications for the one of the sceptics when I hear a paen trant Players A Tale by TVatkins, Ktc. season in this city uii the 19:h of April. And won't of Mutiietic SOD* flooding tbe land and seeding tor's" beat dnys behiml the bat had pasaed and gone. SPORTING LIFE dozens of times. official records of tbe Association are still arriv­ PITTSBURG, Jan. 26. Editor SPORTING LIFE: (I differ with him, however). He believed that Bush- we knock the baby sprawling. AH winter ihe three monied men who ron Boston's up a refrain which aa>>: "James A. Mutrie, he of It is said that "Bu.i" Hulliday cannot hit a ball ing from all directions, and I take it as a straw truth and acumen, swingeth thu town by the base bull No more deals. We have enough star players. ong could not throw as accurately to the bases as in base ball nine have been receiving let'ers ab >ut tlioir Thia is the announcement made by the Pitts- days gone by, and he ako thought that the Doctor wag when delivered ab<>ve his waist. that the remaining members of the "official tail and squelcheth opposition as a No. 10 boot spread- Perry Werden and a gasoline lamp indulged in s> players, some of whom are on the market, and writing eth the juice bug." Not I! I know Jiin and hid strong burg Club directory. Afttfr a long fipht for a little afraid of the ball, the acci Jeut that befel h»m letters abont players they would like to get So far board" have experienced tbe same evi­ in Louisville last season making him a little cautious little catch-as-catch-can exercise the other evening, all this correspondence. dences of popularity and a spirit of "holla" and weak "pint<*,M and love him wben he be- player?, beginning with the fruitless chase in and tho New Orleaus centre ftVldcr came out second l>ut little, line resulted from hav<>8 hini^olf. But I think I have divined the de^th when facing a speedy num. I have also beard it whis­ The purchase of Pitcher Sawders is the sum tutal. Cut jenerous co- operation which bas been so the Northwest, President Nimick thinka it about pered around that the Browns' president and Bush best in tho Perry now carries his hand I for deals that may of the loveableuees 1 ivished ou the New York manage­ forget whether it is his right or his left mawloy fn the letters have paved Ibe way awfully lacking in the make-up of a few ment by the most flckle populace in tho world a popu­ time to quit. He has left the scene of action in had a little set-to on nv/uey matters that caused the culminate at the League schedule meeting in March. the hands of lieutenants and gone West. Maybe breach to widen. Of this, however, I am only speak­ a slinjr, but he says he will be all right by the 16th couM see things aa they unhappy souls who seem to be nine-tenths or lace which reaches for the best thai's out, and regards of next mouth the time that he u to report ia If Boston's base ball magnates that most succe-sful as ihe best, having no time of its ing from hearsay, as I was never able to get at the appear to Pittsburgh managers, or Ihe gi'ntlooieu of the eleven-twelfths jealousy. Among the managers this Western trip is like the one last spring, facts in the case. The ^rtat performance of young New Orleans. own to sieve aud sort things for itself, when he captured the great Van Haltren. He The widening of the space between the battor and Smoky City rated their pla.vera as they are sized up by who were present at tbe birtb of the Scorers' "And give to dust, that is a little gilt, Jack. Boyle behind the bat also led Von der Ahe to be­ the tnunivire, several transfer* between these two League waa Mr.Gua H. Schmlz, of the Cincin­ says "no," but it may be a denial for "business lieve that with a couple of assistants the young Cin­ the home plate is grently in favor of pitchers, still it the last League meet­ Blure laud than ^iit o'er dusted," it a change that wits demanded by tho public. The clubs might be effected. Since nati Club. Tbere isn't u man who occupies the as o;ir esteemed und deud-and-gouu iheud, outside the purpose?/* t cinnati boy could do the work better than the old and ing in New York there has been a (rood deal of talk tried veteran. old space allowed a tricky batter to' swing either hia press box at the bait park here who can score a base bull business, Troilus, son of Priam, once hid it, As usual, this season local base ball players body or his leg around in such a position that he would from time to time about Smith, of the Pittabnrgs, or is so quoted by Shakespeare, a more or less esteenud In regard to Foutz's release: Mr. Von der Ahe was coming to Boston. His release was offered to Boston game more conscientiously or with more skill will havo difficulty in getting a good place to fully convinced (but by whom I cannot say) that the obstruct the ball and thereby gain the initial bag. Of President Nimick, and contemporary of such high mitidd as Mu trie's in their train. Pittsburg really boasts of one gymna­ conrse, this was playing ball, and this trick has been at the New York meeting by than can Gus Scbmelz. He watches every game me Uo \vw-t uf moments and earliest stata. But I btarted old reliable was growing weaker an a pitcher as the - has been resunu-d through letter. The Fittsburg Club with a score card before him and many a time sium, and that is conducted by the Y. M. C, A. yenrs rolled by. lie did not need Dave on first base, resorted to time and time again when a run or two a mouey consideration, in on Colonel Rogers, solicitor of the League, and no was needed to tie the sc.ire or win a game. I know of is ready to sell his release for organization ever had a better one, when roseate Several days ago members of the Pittsburg Club and he could secure a good man for right field that hut thev are more anxious to exchange him for Sam after the close of the contest have we compared would cover that territory just as well as Dave ever several very "cute" bitters that will now be obliged to Nimick has of­ results and found that we tallied on base hits visions of Jim and John, counting out their polo made application for membership. To-day they hit the ball instead of stand up over the home plate Wise. "As a matter of fact, President profits, headed me off. But I am back and wimt to did for less money tha-i Foutz would sien for. He fered to throw in another player with Smith for and errors. I don't say that we both were received word that no professional athlete would realized the fact that Dave was an excellent sticker and allow the ball to hit them. The change is a just say ior one club in (ha American Association that as> and sensible one. Wisa. correct in our judgments, but I refer to this lung aa there s a shot in the locker aud a court of law be admitted. Perhaps a hall can be engaged, and a valuable man to have on the club, but ho be­ THB CASE OF SMITH. weight to his clearly but one well suited for the work is as scarce as lieved that he could get along juat as well without Juhn T. Magnor, the old-time Brown Stocking, has custom of his, for it will give other than base ball in this "land of the free and signed (no I hear) a Dallas, Texas, contract, and ha A couple of weeks ago I did not think there was expressed opinion of the mission and the work of tfce the home of tho brave," the New York Association gymnasiums in this city. him as he could with him and be in pocket a good roll the slightest possibility of Smith's coming to Boston. When I said to of money, and Foutz was transferred. If Foutz can will be found in the Texas State League next season. Base Ball Reporters' Association. franchise will not be vacated, but will hang on and There will be an exodus of players from Old John ts under ihe impression that he can do just Now it is one of the probabilities, but not in ex­ him: "You know how we have been criticised. Can­ last long enough for an energetic and honest effort to be judged from the work he has beea doing out West change for \Vise. Perhaps the Dig short stop will this city far in excess of last season. About this winter he will prove a bonanza for the Brook­ as good work next season as in days of yore, and hi* didly, what do you think of our Association?" He re­ be made to secure grounds upon which to put the St. Louis friendu hope that he will not be disappointed. not wear a Boston uniform this year. There is one plied: frajichigeinto active use. And grounds wiilbo secured thirty-five will leave. The Gas City will soon rival lyn Club, and I, for one. hope that he will turn out chance iu a hundred. He wants to quit the town. Philadelphia iu this respect. wetl. John used to baa good general player, a sure batter, ' It is a good thing. The avowed intention of scor­ aud an American Association team will bo playing a crack fielder and a speedy and daring base-runner. Tbat is he says so now, but developments may make ing iu as nearly uniform a manner as possible makes it upon it before the season of 1888 closes if all the A BATTLE TO THE FINISH. The main cause of Billy Gleason's release to Billy in hia feelings. Even should he not play Sharsig's team was his poor work in the Detroit- I exp?ct to see him do well in the Texas League. a chauge that. The constructions put upon certain rules at the suitable land in the town is not covered. 1 am also The schedule committee ffave up the ghoat last Pitcher Dug Crothers has this to say of the new here, it will not be in Pittaburg tor money or for Cincinnati meeting are excellent. Especially do I able io announce, upon the authority of President night. It was a long, hard struggle. Chicn^o, De­ Browns world's championship series. Before the aud another one of the old Alleghenies. And Browns returned home from their successful (?) tour, rules: ''The fact that the pitcher's box hat been moved Smith consider the decision not to score the catcher or seconi Rohison. of the Cleveland Club, that there are two troit and Pittsburg bucked against Philadelphia, Bos­ farther back will spoil the effe :tiveness of rising ba!U the retaining or releasing of Wise will not effect bogenian an on an attempt to steal second unless men in the American Association, one an official in an ton and New York. had all the Satur­ it was given out publicly by Mr. Von der Ahe, that possibility of Smiths' coming. With Wise on the Uleason's release was for sale and tbat Robinson and a rising ball is generally pretty hard to hit. the the runner alsj reaches third on the play an excclleii Kastern aud the other in a Western Club, who stand days an J holidays for his team he could get and held Otherwise the pitcher is bwnefitted. Every pitcher ia te»m Smith would play second, but otherwise he one. In the first place there are three men involves ready, with twenty-four hours' notice, to turnish the one and he was beuton. would be played at short next season and that a to the la-it, but it was two to new man would be played in Robbie's position at the country is, of cour e, helped by the return to three would leplace Sam at short. in the play of catching a man on s«coud in an attemp mouoy with which to bay oue of the best teams in the But he gave them a good fight, and every now aud strikes. The removal of tho batter's Hue farther from "Pop" Sml'.h is a, weak batter. That cannot be to steal that base. Your pitcher must hold the runnor Americun Association, equip aground for it in New second. Chris was anxious to get rid of Gloason and then Watkins aud Phillips would leave the hotel and me on several occa­ Ihe plate will, in my opinion, affect nobody. Not one denied, but the directors of our League club have a reasonably close to first, your catcher must make a York City, transfer the team to ih«in and play out its take a walk around the block to talk over matters. vice versa. Gleason declared lo theory that the.infield must he strong, even at the sions that he would quit the diamond for good be­ batter in ten will know the difference.1' quick and accurate throw and your second bnsenmn gchodale dates there. This team maybe secured be- Schedule after schedule waa made out and torn dowu Jou PaiTCiiABD. expense of hard hitters. They thiuk, very rightly, uiiwt make a harried touch^ As the play haa been f.>re, or during the season, or uot at all. But if oppor­ fore he would sign to play another season with the agaiu. AU sides wanted to save traveling expenses, the team, but he was that than stop and second base are two extremely scored in the past either the catcher or second bmon: tunity offers aud ttio Now York ground can be secured but yet wanted the good diya. Boston must have Browns, lie liked the hoys of important positions, aud are bound to have brill-ttiit, havo been given an errur that three times out of 11 the money will be ready and the big deal made. not in lovo with Mr. Vou der Aho. GKa-ion'd work Bunker Hill day and Pittsburg the, convention week with the Athletics noKt season will be watched with and at thw same time steady, fielders iu them this might, with moro justice, have been Then will the Association be properly represented in in Chicago. Juat what waa done will puzzle the best WASHING TON WHISPERS. year. Smith is certainly a great fielder, if he can­ considerable interest. I wish him success, as he is CHARGED UP TO THE PITCHER, New York, aa well almost as if the Browns had beaten of gueasers. Tbe season, it is known, will open Thurs­ More League Umpire Appointed The not bat, aud that ia why he is a possibility here this Detroit iu the world's aeries and bteu transferred, or ;ti an honest and hard-working player. One either for not holding tbe runner more closely to flrs day, April 26 and will wind up Oct. 13. This extends Curt Welch (last, "but by no menus the smallest), .Senators' Third Base— A Chat with a year. or for being so slow to get tho ball out of his ham if the cream of the Brooklyn team had been ferritd the season one week from what waa originally When I asked John Morrill to-day what he thought across the river and been labelled "Bleta" in transit. was released because he and the Browns' president Home Player, Etc. that the man has got half way to second before the talked of. could not work very we'l in double harness. The of Smith he said: "In my opinion Pittabnrg maae a ball reaches the catcher. Still another instance in And never until the beat team ia tbe Association is "Can't give a thing away until March 5," said Man­ WASHINGTON, I>. C., Jan. 27. Editor SPORTING mistake when Smith was replaced by Dnulap." iu the Mets1 uniforms and is playing under fifty -ceut two did not seem to harmonize. This winter one which the error might with justice he charged to th ager Watkins to-day. **The percentage plan was a year ago Welch spent in St. Louis, and it seems that LIFE: By degrees the League staff of umpires "You don't consider Smith eqoal to Dunlap?" pitcher instead of to the catcher or second ba^cmar, tariff, will the Association hive cast off the chains of factor in fixing up this schedule. Why, Pittsburg "As a fielder Smith is every bit Dunlup's equal. He inferiority and email profits is New York City. In the Browns' president and the Browns' centre fielder is being organized. The latest addition il is where the pitcher, either through nmunderstwnd- and Detroit even took the longest mileage in order to would pata and repass each other on the same flag­ it not so ^ood a hitter, but I would as soon have iug the hign or through lact of control, deliver* Col. Rogers' exposition of the law he altogether misses make everything satisfactory. It is an evenly-bal­ Charles F. Daniels, whose contract was promul­ Smith as Dunlap on any team I was connected with. the idea of the Association being wiiabteto get grounds stone pavement without even a nod of recognition. this week by President Young. During a ball the exact reverse of which the catche anced schedule and I think will give satisfaction to Chris claimed that he did not like Welch because he gated Smith ia a great fielder, either at second or short. has signed for just as the base-runner starts to steal in New York. lathe National Agreement cast-iron a£, even to tbe Association." the coming season the League proposes, to sup­ He nevei- troos to sleep, hut is always on the move and enough to make a piece of bad fortune a fault? And drank, and Welch claimed that he did not like Chris Then, loo, there has been the chance of a difference o THE BOYS DISGUISED THEMSELVES. its umpires with a regulation uniform, which he keeps his eyes oyen." there's too much legal statement in the talk about the because Chris drank. What a foolish notion, as ply opinion as to whether the second ba*eman or the management in­ there was enough for both of them in St. Louis, John Clarkaon is also a great admirer of- Smith. catcher should be given the black mark ou certain Mets moving to a new city every year. Of course, if The statement that the Boston is to consist of a light gray flannel suit with cap Tue star pitcher dou't put anybody ahead of PfetTer as there was a purpose for such dodgiujr, such a slate of tended to have a cor pa of detectives to watch the men and plenty to spare besides. 1 kuow that I have to match. Last season Doescher WAS the only throws. The ball, say, is thrown so far to the right o recalls the work been out with good-sized parties on one or two oc­ second baseraan, but he says Smith i-) a great man for the second baeemaa that he can just reach it, but cau- things might be mads to exist, provided, as Col. Hogors of that team every now aud th«n member of the League staff who umpired every a pitcher to throw to at s:coud. "He U always ready says, base ball law was elastic enough to permit it. d-jno by the Vidocqs and the Pitfslmrg and Philadel­ casions when we tried to drink the town dry, but iiot recover in time to touch the runner. One score we alwaja failed. Lust spring when the men wete game in uniform} and his neat and comfortable fir the Lull. No matter where he is standing, if you would say: 'Tho stupid cbuinp had tbe ball JD plent; But in the present case the Mets are homeless, through phia hoys last eebsou. \Vhiie talking about it to-day tnra suddenly «nd shoot tho ball at the bag, Smith is uo fault of the owucr of tbo Mt-ts' franchise, and base with several members of the local nine I waa told a called together for gymnasium practice, and a appearance was always favorably commented of time to lunch thai man and didn't; I am goiug to day or two before they had started in to work, always there auoad of it." That is the way Olarksou give him an crr<>r for that.' Another would sci»re it a ball law und ihe law of the land oueht to bo one iu story about two of the Phillita who were always on upon. puts it. It is not known oti'side of Boston that Smith, protecting him iu his rights uutil he has provon that tho alert after their discovery laHt season. "Why," the boys weragathered at theclnb house and were pass­ It was not until last week that my attention , while yet another would charge an err^r other articles to ing the afternoon playing John Kelly'sgime of hearts. wuo lives iu Cambridge, was the first catcher Clarkson up to the catcher. The latter scort-r would reason as he does uot ni' rit protection. I regard ihe case a^ far mid he, "thp" uaed to wear wigs and was directed to Joe Pritchard's grind on me con­ had as an amateur pitcher. friym settled with iull fond ho isb themselves whenever they left their boarding Daring the afternoon Welch entered the saloon and fullowe: 'Here I charge the catcher with an error i his clothes were the worse for mud he had been out cerning a statement I made some time ago to There is one man in the Pittfhurg team whom he throws to high that the second luwenian, by a phe­ traitors in tbe Astociat i in the evening. One wore a huge black board, Boston's "big three" would like to jrer. Little Miller " the other usod blonde side whiskers. Whenever taking a drive and ho was also in a condition tbat the effect that Mr. Phel;>s had said that ha nomenal jump, ju-t succeeds in stopping thrt ball; wbj would lead one to l>eltve that he had teen looking on is the man. Ho has been a favorite here from the tirst shouldn't I cliurge him with one iu tlm case? It was w.:at] it Ji«s paid for cached their points off went tho wij?8. Thia is a had never exceeded the £2,000 limit in securing BuineheTilsvfd/vt th» w hij drlnjc and they all refus«j}. _/Xb.ajoregoing sentence players for the Louisville team. Now my ^ i'jn^i f.Vo iu:?ner in tha one case iis in languages will te I'uown t&ty fwtWanft-' JK.«,V, Jitf/ «*jw£ jtoesasxdxf* by '' the dodge more than once, $o they say. Anybo^ i*lhe'gOt$feil iYuih.) Xod just at this tim& r. Kfir Sod.n 'me Otner.' ^is safe to say that no two men hereto­ THK CASH OF ZJM.HER. a 'S&'n'M; ^"AmVrs fore ever scored three successive second iia.*e plays familiar with the team can pick out the ladd." "tf".-r Ahe put in his appenranre, when Wulch invited SPORTING LIFE too valuable to break a Couant dcti't qrrte think ihey wunt him.. On the THE SPOUTING LIFE can t»et itself against any of its him to take a drmk, and at the same time boisterously lance with the critical Joseph, but I will other hand tin, . ._«, .,,, gentlr-ment,--^. UJ>... are - quite of the alike. Thero is no point in the game in reference to imitators a dollar a^iinat a biittou---ili*t the GOXK WITH A HEAVY HEART. which there ban beea a wider range of 'use your own ordered a forty-cent drink for Chris and a dollar drink opiolou that they would like Badboui'n. Cleveland Club never had « / difference with cntchur President Nimick was compelled to go to New for himself. I don't know whether they drank to- simply state that an intelligent reading judgment' possible in scoring. Coder the ruling uf the Xi turner. When I negotiated with tho Rochester Btuxico without huving the pleasure of capturing of the paragraph, which Joe attempts to belittle, will THE FIRST STEPS. Importers'Ass'Ciation there is absolute uuifurmity. g^ther or not. but this action of Welch's is said to Club for hia release and that of John McGlonr-, we Jimmy G«!vin as th,s balance of the strikers. A final have caused Mr. Von der Ahe to say that Welch would show that I made that statement upon tho authority A few daya ago President Soden took the first step I havo ventured to give my opinion at length on this agreed ou a salary for 1S88. and it waa ratified by the t-ftjrt was made on Jim ye*ter!ay afternoon, but he of President Nick Young, who repented to me certain towards lauding Smith in the Ilub. Ke wroto a letter particular point, because it is the action of your Asso­ n?t play on the Browns in 1888. Whether Chris was Cleveland Club. Zimmer signed wlu-u he wanted to, declined theguffer, said to U 82.SOO. It begins to look angry because Welch was under the influence of Ger­ remarks made by Mr, Phelps at tho recent meeting of to President Nimick, of Pitteburg, making an offer for ciation in thla case which aeeuis to have met with the and in a personal letter John McGlone say» io me: more likw victory for the bo^s every day. The man- the Arbitration C^mmitteu when the proposition to do Smith's release. It is not $2,500, the price the Pitts­ most adverse criticism." man le**^r whether he was angry because Welch 'I am ready to sign at any time.'* Neither is there ayeni'mt is responsible for this htate of affairs, and ordered T dollar drink for himself and only a forty- away with the $2,l;00 limit WHS mude and defeated, burg management set ou Smith some time ago. It I will neither add nor take away a line from the any difficulty with McKean. Mac is enjoying him­ should not complain. President Nimick denies tbat principally upon the statements advanced by tfr. will not cf»me far from half tbat figure, but it i" - opinion. You scorers who have beoa terming th* Cin­ cent drink for Chris, I am unable to say. self this winter, and told me a day or two ago that McCormick received $4,enee be regarded a* games or the services of "Bu.i" Haiasey is nut very well Watkins, "but you can bet the boys paid for it." tahe a walk around the Mammoth Cave and be al­ the superior of Dounelly, who pi a; ed third IMS:J for the I wrote tho committee that I wanted no >vt> recognized us! Yea, sir; actually recognized us, I will inform scheduled for our gnmuda until tbe middle of May. after following in tho wake of the Cincinnati meeting. rrounded. We wera after t'ie man hard enough to A NEV7 COCKTAIL. lowed to emerge without a murmur. Senators last season. It is admitted that the latter haa not be lonseut to r^ad a letter in which he offered us his your able Cleveland scribe that we aro not built that not a very high record as a bakman, but In the Unit place the new grand stand will [ have been reading fl. Nile*' explanation, coupled "What is this Volapuk I see in the newspapers?" anyone treads on ready until tbeu, and what is more, the weather is cold with the very queer resolutions he foistad upon the Bervtcea at a fabulous salary. asked Jiin Calvin of Moms, while the ttro were en­ way in this neck-o'-the-wooda. , If his fii-ldiug, base-running and general depoi'tmcnt on here early in May." our St. Louis corns we will jump on their carbuncle and off the field render him a much more desirable Quaker City delegation. Let me quote from tha SOME NEWS ABOUT DETROIT. gaged in a game of "Sausage," yesterday. Brunell is like a Then, according to thn reported pchednle, the Bos­ amendment: "The Philadelphia Base Ball Scorers* "What! A tirst-clasa barkeeper, and don't know with b<.'th feet and a meat axe, too. player thau Davis. Duunelly is an aggressive batter, A Detroit man, v horn I have every reason to be- great many other men that I know of. They will ad­ does nut foar to face the best pitchers in th* tons nr-» iriven as away from home Decoration Day and Association baa received from the National Base Ball _ieve knows of what he talked, told me a day or two that?" said Kd. "Why, that's a now kind of a cock­ who Fourth of vise you to allow your neighbor to come in jour barn­ League. He goes at the ball in a determined manner Bunker Hill Buy, and at home on the Scorera' Association otlicial information relative to its ago that the Detroit management had made up its tail." you to keep quiet Jiily. Tlmt is exactly the reverse of what il should otjects; and, whereas, this association has been misled "Is that so? Ge, Pll have to learn how to mix yard and steal your chicken* and toll and helps home nriny runs, without improving his in­ mind to buy Kd Andrews of the Philadelphia Club, and not raise a fuss. But just let anyone dare-to med­ batting record. Ho is young and ambitious be. The Bostons always play on the South End by reason of inaccurate newspaper reports as to tho and that Ed Andrews had made up his mind to go to 'em," said Jiin. dividual Grounds un May 30 and June 17. Tbere is au un­ dle with their ''hennery" or "cockery" and there'll be and must imurove, while Davis haa evidently reached methods adopted by the National Association the Detroit Club. If the deed is done it will boon NATURAL OA9 CIXDERS. than it takea to relate it. written base ball law to that effect. The base bitll Now, the very a fight quicker his limit. If the latter is not good enough for Balti­ :o accomplish its objects." the payment of 35,000 or more for Eds rel- ase. The "I tell you that Ilarry \Vright is a great man," said And Caylor. 0. P. was really dumbfounded io know he certainly Ciiuoot strengthen the home club. craiika of the city would not know what to do with dea advanced in that resolution is laughable. The Delroit Chib is said to be afraid ;hat Sum ThoDipsou'fl more themselves if there were no ball gumes iu town on Pop Smith to-day. "He can see through a stone." that a fat man was possessed of enough get-up-a&d- Donneily might pan out well as abort stop, in view of Public Ledger and THE SPOKTTXG LIFE both leg will give out and leave the team io bad shape and "How's that?" inquired Kucnne. "Well, ho wears get to take his OM n part. In my very mild attack on those days. But there will be. In epeaking of the with few chances to strengthen. Thug if Kd is trans­ the fact that ho is considered uncertain on fly balbj matter Preafdent Suden say*: "You can bet on this. PUBLISHED THE OFFICIAL DOINO8 Braz'lian pebble cye-glasseB." Time was called and the Philadelphia gentleman I said only what I theught back of third. of the Base Ball Ex-porters' Association. I think I am ferred he will play Rome times in centre and some­ Cimilh saved from a knock-out. was right and proper to say. Had Brother Caj lor contract with Chicago waa promulgated thii Our leant viill play here ou Decoration Ditv, Bunker times in right, if Thompson should be able to play. Ansou's Hill Day and Labor Day. Where shall w«" open the competent to make that assertion, for, acting as secre- "We don't care much whether McCormick comee been in my shoes well, his letter would have con­ week, in order that there may be no question about ary of the meeting of the directors thatWn-tpoed out The sauio man also told me that Mr. Stearns withdraw back or not," said Director O'Neill yesterday. Hia re­ tained Bi:ch a large amount of brat that THE SPORTING allegiance to the able Albert, Spalding. Ihe season? I don't kn-.w that exactly. It will be from the presidency of the Detroit Club on account bis somewhere in the East. We shall prob-tbly open the the rules there adopted, I know from the original mark is somewhat significant. Although tho manage­ LIFK would have arrived in St. Louis in a scorched It has been proposed to the home management that manuscripts I revised tho findings of the Association of a little war, over Mr. Stearns' way of doing busi­ ment claims to have heard nothing from Jim since he condition. Whitney is not pitching he should be played in New York grounds. I hope to. And ao Mr. D.yv also ness, among the directors, and that business pressure when wiflhM eucli an arrangHnent that is what, it will j»iob- word for word. That knocks tbo only prop out from went home, it ia thought th*t they have been dicker­ I'll bet a big red apple that Caylor and Bntnell will the field, and thus enable him to take general charge bentath the Philadelphia Ba*e Ball Scorers' Asvocia- was not tbe real reaimi for Mr. Stearns1 retirement. ing and Jim msists ou $4,000 again for this season and be fighting iiko two Kilkenny cats before another year team. He is unquestionably the moat level­ nbly lie." Until within tbree yoais it was the regular At any rate the club will miss him. of the thing for the Chicago*- to play hero on Dtcrarion Day tiou who, subjected to a croes-fire of ridicule from maybe more. This won't b« paid, I feel confident. I rolls arou&d, and I wilt enjoy the mill. headed and experienced player on the team, and to and a return to the old custom would please everyone mper* all ovfer the country, have crawled from under A FIXE SAMPLE OF PROTECTION. heard to-day from a Pittsburger who was in New "Mat" eays that I resemble a dime museum skeleton said to be just the man for captain. By this means the here. .he bed to declare th:u "it'finds with pleasure that tho The new ciub seems to bo doing fairly well, and the York la^t week and he says he met McCormick at an because I know that tho Browns cannot eud the sea­ Senators would have the benefit of bla batting, which supposed points of differnuce between the two associa- base ball world seems to be fairly satisfied with its Klk benefit. Ho wa* all bunged up with rheumatism son better than fourth. I believe that our club will is far above the general average. When Whitney to VIXQB MATTERS. ;ions do not and never did ox ist." prospects. I judge this because tho Association ciuba and could not hit the performance ont. wind up in the third notch, and if it does not why, I in the box should be utilized in the field, be- Captain Anron h Riving himself a lot of unnecessary To Brother "Hex" Uezekiah Niles, of the Tran­ say it's all right, and the League clubs say it's all Manager Walkius received a gocd offer to take will neither commit suicide or lose any sleep. cauae of his good stick work. trouble about Billy Sowders' arm. I have a letter frum script, a p-iper that baa never been seen this fur away wrong. There's nothing. like interest, you know, and, charge of the Kansas ttity team, but he declined, with ZDWARD SILCH, There ia not a base ball paper in the country that a gentleman in Indianapolis who sees Sowders every 'rum Philadelphia let mt> dedicate this littlo "gom" as Caylor s«ys, the man who'll throw it out of hia th a iik 3. Brooklyn's right fielder, called at my office the other has heretofore spelled the name of the Nationals' prob­ tew days. lie writes that the boy is all right and hia :rom the New OiK-ans States, from the pen of Walker eye aud think and write honestly id a true friend of Mrs. Horace Phillips haa joined her husband at the morning, and he was in the be^t of spirits, yet he ex­ able ri^ht fielder correctly, notwithstanding he hai arm in great fix. Sour grapes, **Ana." Bugs, who gHs up a better column of bull news than the game. Mengea may be able to care for him­ Centra.1 Uotel. hibited an uneasiness that could aot help but bo no­ been well known on tho diamond for several seasons. Jim Whitney has gone to Hanover to coach the ;ho"je published in half the paper? that have been self in Kan-saa City, and he may be a Lew Diclterson dropped in town yesterday, and of I refer to Shock. I have seen his name spelled Shock, Dartmouth College players. It is a soft job with fancy ticed by the most casual observer. -ay. quoted as against the National Association: wolf, as they say he is. In either case I need not work course he could not resist talking about the old Pitta- "What's the matter with you this morning, Ed?" I Schock aud Sbocke. Ho dropped into my offlce a tew pay "Now, that the Association h-ia been firmly estab- my pencil in bin favor. But as sure a^ that 1 live and burga of '8i. "Yes, they were a f^aug of luahors," asked. even fugs ago and talked very entertainingly to ma President SMeo, with half hia hody-gnAnl, Director i-hed, now that its membership embraces many of write the precedent set by the Association in putting said Lew, "but, oh, myl what hitters when they "What's the matter with me? Why, do you see any­ about the home team and base ball matters generally. Conant, paw Mike Daly and Jack McAnliffo in three the reputable base ball editors of representative pupers au Association club ia a minor league town aud in op­ were sober. But they were seldom sol>er. I can thing wrong? Do I act like I was off my box? Two Ho Ut at present employed in the Agricultural De­ hot rounds at the latter'a benefit the other night. iliroughout tho country, an effort ia bein^ roadi* by a position tu a minor league club is a bad one, and a only mind one day, and tbat waa at Columbus. Wo or threo of my friends have made the same remark to partment at ft comfortable salary, aud is vary well Con Daily was not t'*r from them. Ho came up from jandftil of Philadelphia writers, who are disappointed villainously unjust one. There u too ranch "crush had no money to got thtre, and my, but we hit that me. This thing is preying on my mind. I can't satisfied with his Washing toil home. He haa not 'WooGsackct, his home, where he is workiu^ this it tbe distribution of office*, to cry down and belittle out" about it, and the qtiesti >n comes at once: Where man Mountain- He was in his prime than. We hardSy wait till the time arrives." yet signed a contract for next seneon, but winter. :lie organization and to form an association of their in ihe protection for which the Western League is to lined them to the fence, J«ck Lynch and Tim Keefe "Explain yourself, Kd, tell me juat what yon are whenever his signature is wanted he will cheerful I j The players in town are stuck on tobogganing. n that will never pass beyond local eignificanco aud pay §2oU a club or $2 toUO a league? It doesn't matter, used to hate to pitch against us when the boys were talking about. If jou aro in trouble I am the one give it, as he is quite willing to romuin a senator. He Last year's "Cheese box" Club has been revived, and which it is foalifeh to suppose tho National League in weigniug the justice of the case, whether the fee fairly straight." that will lend you a helping hand. Now unbosom is an inJustiioiM, reliable and sober man, fully capable the nu'mbe-rs slide at the chutes tiu tlio o d Union hall or American Association would it-cognize." has been, or ii to be paid, or whether the act waa in­ "Yes, I will give Nimick 8100 if I cannot go away yourself." of attending to his own business, aud notgiven to com­ ground. Jos Uurnung, Lon Knight nnd Tim Murnnn I'd like to see the Philadelphia Scorers' Association augurated before a certain dato or cot. The spiiit of from here aud get 82,500 for the season," eaid Smith, "I would like to tell you about my trouble no, not menting upon or criticising the actions of hia club ore gome of ihe most active members, Tbov miss a success, but then "indorsement" of the National selnshnt-sa and arrngauee shown in the matter is de- to-day. *'He wanted to sign me for §1,800 at first, my trouble but roy joy; but I don't want any of the mates. He considers tho outlook for the home team Arlie L ithani and little R 'binson greatly. Association is not of mom on t. Ttiuee who are not for dnc table, is opposed tc< every idea of base ball protec­ sHviug 'bat he gave me $2,00o last year, and out of it boys to get on until the thin? is a diy or two old, and quite promising if the new men hhow up as well at The other day I heard Juhn Clarkson say: "If H are against as. The place for our friends is within tion, and its spectre will pinch the Association so hard £ 200 was for captaining the team. This, he *«aid, then I can bear up under their congratulations." they are expected to do; besides, the doubts and fear* t he-re ia another man equal to Anson for getting work ;ho Association not wort-hipping (itrange gide with­ in one of its future tourneys, that it will wriggle and wiien I called ou him a day or so ago, was stipulated After this little speech I immediately asked him expressed by certain frieiidd of the club will probably out of a nine I should like to see him. You* can't out. Let Hough, Campbell, Gillani, Vultz, Hart- grotto, and wifth it bad been wiser in early 1888. No in a special agreement. I said no, and we referred to who the lucky young lady might bo, and ho answered stimulate the players to put forth their boat efforts. match him." When asked how be thought Comifkey man, and othor writers ou tho d;uly papers come into one preteuds tbat the right of the Whitfield-Heim the agreement. I waa correct. I received nothing Miss Rose Keary. Shoeh admits that thero is a vast difference betweem compared with Anpon, he replied: "We can tell bet­ .ho fold. There is lota of room for tliwn and men of faction in Kansas City was weighed as heavily as it Ior captaining (he team. There ia nothing in that In one of the morning papers of last Wednesday, a tho pitchers of the minor leagues aud those of the ter at tue end of uext maton. He bai had a lot of their worth. BKX MVLFOBD, Ja, should have been at the Cincinnati meeting. The tulk about Boston approaching me. Boston is my notice something like this appeared: "Brooklyn's older associations. He claims that a player may be ft player* who kuew the j^imo about aa well as he did. Association simply looked to see if Whitrield & Co. home, and 1 have a number of brothers who keep rightfielder captured At St. Michael's Church, lait terrific fclugger against minor league pitclu-rn, but Now he is going to have a lot of youngsters to bring AT A STANDSTILL. had tho fovst of it, financially, and geographically, and me posted on what (s going on." evening, in the northwestern part of the city, Edward who ii ho faces such men aa Keefe, (Jlarkson, Fergu- up. An»on iias already brought out a lot, and I cw and if he bad good curves to back up Father Knste.n." A large number of the contracting and falls an easy victim to their deceptive curvet* thero ia none there." WUkesliarre Scrantou Scraps. month before. Personally, and in the interest of fair bis pitching he would be a good one. There are, of course, exceptions, such as 0 Brien, Look out for a breeze in the Detroit wigwam. Presi­ party's friends were present, and after the ceremony SCRANTOX, Jan. 26. Editor SPOUTING LIFE: play.1 say good luck to the Kansas City Western Corporal Fritz, who pitched and pb.yed In the out­ had been performed they adjourned to the Neary resi­ Tiernau aud others, but aa a rule it requires the be«t dent Sm :th say?: ''Certainly, AVatkinn will be retained League team, if it goes ou. But I Jin inclined to think field for the U. S. A. teams at Forta Sill and Reoo last dence, where congratulations were received by the part of a season to got a fair idea of how to stand up es malinger aiid he will attend to the signing of the Central League matters are at a standstill for that Mengcs "wolfed" tbe Association crowd, that he summer, wants to eoter the arena. He made quite a to the average League pitcher's delivery. Ho says Ed the players, too," That means aome of the happy couple. Miss Koto Noary, the bride, was born rest ot the present on account of tbe inactivity of will compromiie with them, and that there will be reputation among the army clubs. He says he will and grew up to womanhood in St. LOUH. She is Daily will probably be one of Washington's pitcheri men who kicked tho hardest must knuckle dowu or Nothing has been done there as only on<^ good strong club in Kansas City next season, accept an offer at a low salary in order to H'IOW what thin aea$on, in which event ho contends that hut few make a bteak. Wilkesbarre. highly educated, and for several years past has served yet in regard to organizing and securing new See if thia prophecy isn't right. he can do, Fritz can be addressed rare of Jim Galvin. as a teacher in one of the public schools. Mr. Silch clubs will be abend of us so far as the pitching depart­ Sadio Hoiick has left us. His advance money daily in the Turners' ment is concerned. ground?, and a call for funds seems to have WHAT THE SCOIIERS SHOULD DO. Mark Baldwin is practicing will play with Byrno's Brooklyn team next year, but finally mm* from the ty,uth, and immediately Sadie gym, South Mary street. CIRCLE, he will not take his wife to the City of Churches till Shoch has a brother Bill living in Philadelphia, who bought a ticket for Washington. Thu money clerk at L*eeu met with a feeble response. Twas ever thus I am glad that the good sense which I was euro pre­ is said to be quite a clever pitcher. The latter hai tho express office say a tliat with a few more days de­ with Wilkeshnrre. They are all the time boasting of vailed in tbe Philadelphia Scorers' Association haa had season after next. Tho happy couple were tho recipi­ to find vent at last, and that the Philadtl- ents of a great many handsome and costly ^resents. been practicing for several mouths with "Snowy" Ri­ lay hti would have had the nightmare, ami* in Ms thair grout sporting ineu, but whWi th<:y are called on n chttoce LIST. mer, who formerly caught for the Oil City team. Billy drenrns would have wen t-'ailio rush iuto tho office io subscribe money tu keep up their hall team they phiuns are with us. The gamo needs one Association We have in our care letters or telegrams for FROSTED CHESTNUTS. Shoch and Kimer might prove a valuable find for some with tlmt queBiiou: "Has my money conie jet." shove their dollars deep d;wn in their pockets and of scorers, aud it needs thai one Association to put it Tour Milwaukee correspondent says that Sylvester's uew habiliments. So far as I can see, uith the persona named below, which will be promptly of the mln'ir league teama iu search of an expert- Tho little short stop went around tu tho* expre-s office wldreM in Scmutaii, Pn. and AMocitttion and ttrnre for the new scoring rules the Phil Tourney. John Clements. player. Because I refused to tign with Milwaukee would not have had anything to do with it if it had that the fituud will not bo dune for the first League Jr. Ed Wolclmmn, of Philadelphia, aud lurmerly of -$ ; itil stamp* If THE SPOBTINO LIFK can editorially Poter Wood. Catcher Nicholas. unless I obtained a salary that wait satisfactory, this not been for Mr. Sharaig, who wanted me to act u Kiituu, IIH* made application fur the position of um­ endorse this plan the trick is done. There must be no Burke, of Scranton. Walter Burnbam. knight of the pencil wants to give me a little bhaking such. Mr. SIi are Is; has always been a good friend to Things ore beginning to look up a little. One more pire ou the Kutwutil League stuff. Mr. Wetchmau is more hurry. Ted filillivan. Chas. Morton. up." me, and I have always done the right thing by him. player hits been sinned, milking the number four. No tii'-roughly conversant with tlm ruli>s of tho guaie, is LITTLS PIKCE3 OP NEWS AND COMMENT. >Mauager Hazletou Club. W. Tuckerman. A letter WRB received from "Doc" Buehong a few I think pretty well of your Millenium plan and I deal thin ti;nt«. Dick Johi'btuu ia tho man, and >r Cleveland will be ia the ItfSd ruce. Tlmt settle* it. Chas. Lowis. Pitcher Small. dart East last Monday, and that they would "mate a not base ball will be itm in the ground, and then we ttn fi«*Kk'f in tht) bu«int*s, tlmn tho flcet-fo'iti'd Johns- iid*tiuna fivm tliiu section aro of tho bJgU,-4i order. i'oor Cleveland! Poor Slmrstg! And after all th Martin C. Sullivan. President Nimick. short stop" in Salt Lake City and lay over a day or poor ball player* will have to eat t>now bills. tun. Hw wutk in tho fluid Uat aetuitu vsas uhouumoual H, u*L]m£ jf Uat fali, tool Hut for a d Mfotiajdr Koclit*t<>r Club. two at Denver, JBuskong'* two little children Alice Buspacifully yours, UAKRI D. SIOVKY. Feb. 1. THE

ever they get together, and after the ppeechea are all have arranged Its prominent Eastern club teams so aa Kaneas City and play no game at all. There arethre* over then they begin to get down to business. There CHADWICK'S CHAT. to have made the contest for championship honors as CAYLOR'S COMMENT. or four good players nmoug then;, but they will not BASE BALL. Isn't an old reporter in Cincinnati who would not between Brooklyn, New York and Philadelphia a re­ play with any heart. Hankinaon and Donohue would r«ther got au assignment to go to a funeral than a Estimating Earned Rung — The Yeteran minder of the old-time excitement and rivalry between Preparation for the Next Association Ban­ be valuable men in any other company, but they'll meeting of the school board. Ask 0. P. Caylor about Scorer's Opinion in Full —Some Hints the Atlantic, Mutual and Athletic clubs over a dozen quet—The Kansas City Deal Sharply Criti­ play with no he-irt at all in that crowd. And now let it) lie has suffered in his time, like all of tbe unfortu­ to Minor Reporters' Associations — The years ago. But they have missed the opportunity, and cized—A Point on Pitchers — Schedule me prophecy to the Kansas City people that any team CINCINNATKIHIPS. nates who have served their apprenticeship in the Brooklyn Club and the League—Caylor thia season's campaign will find Its special interest Matters, Etc. made up from the fragmentsof the Mets and Brooklyn newspaper business. centered in the contests between the Brooklyn Club and His Grave-yard—What the Associa­ teams will not win twenty-five gamca out of 140, with Kansas City's Probable Team—President Now that many of the boys have gone to work team and the teams of Cincinnati aud St. Louis, with NEW YORK, Jan. 27. Editor SPORTING LIFE the other seven clubs. I know all th«e men, and I Stern on the Situation—The Case of Te- swinging Indian clnba aud going through a course of tion Missed Doing—A "Fake" Frize Fight thb other clubs participating chiefly as assistants in At the earnest request of my old friends and have made no mistake. Tlie Kaneas Cily people may beau—Schedule Pointers, Etc. calisthenics for their muscles' Bakes at the Gym, in Brooklyn Ending in Sudden Death. the conflict. At> hitherto, there is likely to bo but futir and former associates from Kaintmky, San Col. feel decidedly unfriendly with me now, for saying there has been a diminution c.f attendance at "the NEW YORK, Jan. 24. Editor STORTING LIFE: clubs in the American arena this >ear who will be In what I have, but iho season will show them conclu­ CINCINNATI, Jan. 25. Editor SPORTING LTFB: difference Zachariah Phelps, Esq., and Major John Vesu­ headquarters." I bave been so busy with other mat­ When I introduced the scoring of earned rung the loading positions from the start, the only sively lhat I havo ii)t been writing without good Out toward Kansas City everything looks serene ters that I'd forgotten to chronicle being that there will be no one club so much iu the vius Botto, I have composed a few topical semi- grounds for everything I have said. in the game, twenty odd years ago two or three uid the Baby may not have such a rocky time A ROA9TOLOGY CLUB BANQUET, asceiidant aa to make the contest for championship tropical verses tb be sung by ex-member of the of it after all. Newspaper team makers are at which was given by "Cup" Reed the other evening. chapters on tho subject may be found in the first hoEorsa one-side.l fight, as it has been tor the past Association Lew Simmons at the next banquet Mr. Chadwick'a little lecture last week on tha work patching up a nine and '*Lodestar," of the Cap is tbe jolly treasurer of the club, and the other volume of The American Chronicle of 1867, three years. "Taking one consideration with an­ if he is there. I send you a couple sample necessity of a pitcher keeping hij temper waa timely other" I don't know but what the lottery plan of the and to the point. He says to two members of the Kansas City Journal, has predicted that npon tight, when he went Into Harry Baumgartuer's, whioh I then edited my sole object in view milleuium scheme would not have yielded far more verses; "Buramy" met him with a smile. was to get at reliable data on which to base a team an even temper is always necessary, viz., the Porter, Hark in?, Too!e and Fagin, pitchers; "Cap, old man," said Mr. President, "I've got a little satisfactory results than the American Association I. pitcher and the captain. I would RO still further Donahue, Kinslow and Greer, catchers; Phillips, present for you." And with that he reached over and sure criterion of excellence in pitching, and the legislation of the past three months haa brought about. They say that the Mets will coma back to earth, and add the catcher to the list. A cranky, hot­ data which yielded what I wanted was simply ____ HENRV CHADWICS. But I doubt if it ever occurs; headed catcher can break up a whole team and first base; Knowlcs, second base; Davis, short brought ont a hara~a real nice, fat, sugar-cured ham That I and Joe Pritchard can wear the same girth, top; Hankin-on, third base; Jones, left field; It was to all intents and purposes. the record of base hits. Experience had plainly especially the pitcber. I have seen it done over and But I doubt if it ever occurs; StrauM Bubbling over with gratitude, Cap accepted tbe pointed out that it was not justice to a That Three Ts' idea of a toboggan sled over again. I do not recollect where Joe McTanjmany, centre field, and Swartwood, right gift. CHICAGO GOSSIP. played last season, but the recollection of the day he field, the mantle of the Cowboys will fall. They pitcher to charge his work in tho position To precipitate wisdom from Bnrnle'a slick head, "That's & dandyl" ho declared. "It mast weigh Van Haltren to be the Star Pitcher of the Wda tried by the Cincinnati Club some years ago. ay Hankinson won't go West, so that Lt's*him with the result of any errors committed by any By tho SunderUnd Sisters will be busted, by Ged, comes to me a^ a good point for illustration. I fifteen pounds!" Chicago Club Next Season if Clarksou But 1 doubt if it ever occurs. out and Fagin, Knowles and Kinslow have no And it did. "Cap" got & lot of the boys together, of the eight players engaged to support his thick Hen Deagle w«3 pitching, and Joe'a friends Drops Out. record in either Association or League, but I captured a knife and fork and declined t!u time had pitching, whether tho?e errors were such glaring IT. had induced the club to give him a trial behind the come to sample that present of "Bummy's." ones as tfeose of dropped fly balls, fumbled or CHICAGO, Jan. 22. Editor SPORTIXG LIFE: I am told that Jim White will soon quit plajing ball, bat. The impression was a good one from tho etart palled down the official data on the others and But I doubt if it ever occurs; and before the first inning waa over Joe w-w a hero "Juat smell that," he said as he pulled out tho tines balls, Pfefier and Williamson have not reached hero as after a deal of figuring found that the batting of the fork from its canvas bark, and took a sniff at mufled batted balls, or of muffed thrown That Byrne will now try to buy Yon der Ahe'a gall, and the officials of the Cincinnati Club wet« discuss­ average of that team is .314, while them himself." '-Isn't that rich?" or were secondary errors such as those arising yet from California; Tommy Burns has skipped But I doubt if it over occurs. ing the ei/e of hia salary, trying to fix it high in fielding their average compiled from I'd better ftnuh the story in Cap's own words. He from failures to prevent successful base-running, out for Connecticut; not a ball player is in town, Did you happen to catch on to the latest on ditsf enough to be compensate, to his great worth. In avowed: "Do yoifc know I made just one s-.vipe at or from a lack of judgment in not accepting and things are just a little bit more than flat Billy Crowell next season will make ten base hitt the second inoin.' Deagle gave a butter a base on Ihe record of '87 is .893. Coinpari- that 'ham' with a sharp knife, and guess what I And tbe Cowboys will purchase the Brooklyn)1 misfits, balls. Then be gave Joe oue sign and pitched a contrary eona with the Baby clubs of previous years plain chances for catches off the bat in cases around base ball headquarters in this town at struck? Sawdust! 'Bummy' had that thing iu eoak this writing. But /doubt if it ever occurs. ball. It went rolling back towanls the grand stand. are impossible, for "phantoms" last year made I" where tho falling ball was not handled. Any Joe straightened up, looked at Deagle, paid him the for me for a week. It was heavy as the deuce I waa chatting with a regular patron of White III. batting averages fat. This year they will go The treasurer will get there himself blmeby. class of earned runs other than those earned Caruthera will go into Uuaineas some day, compliments of the occasion in strong terms and then Stocking Park the other day when tho subject turned to see if the tail had stopped rolling. Tbo fel­ back to their usual leanness. Now, .314 isn't eo DONE UP IN SMALL PACKAGES. from base hits I did not care about, as they But I doubt if it ever occurs; afforded no criterion of individual excellence aa of Clarkson and his present attitude toward the And sumo of the hoys out in 'Frisco might atav. low on first ran i!o*vu to stcond and stopped. Noticing awfully bad. It is 5 points obovo Cleveland's President Stern has received a letter from little tbat ytrauss was addressing eome remarks to Deagle, Bo'oby Gurus, who WHS oue of the star pitchers of the regards the pitcher's work. To runs earned Chicago Club came up. "Do you know," said But I doubt t/it ever occur?. record last reason, just the same as that attained by And now let the N. A. B. B. R. U. S., oh Lord, he started for third just aa Joe turned uud began to the Mets,and only 7 points below CincInnntPa rtcordct Cincinnati "Onions" before ftlcOormick jumped. from the pitching, therefore, find to those only my friend, "that every day which passes lessens up Bobby is now at Uolyoke, Muse. He wants a- chance Have into its councils sweet harmony poured walk toward the back fit>p. Deaglo was jumping .321, and 8 points below Brooklyn. In point of field- did I pay any attention, and I want this fact the desire upon the part of the Chicago public to Till all of the scorers ehill score in accord, and down in the box, dividing bis gaze between Ing they do uut upbear so strong, for .893 is 2 points to play ia the field for the Reds, and thinks he will be Straues and tho base-runner. The latter reached able to do some pitching as well next season. Burns borne in mind by those who since then have have John back hero with us again. When it Still I doubt if it over occurs. lower than the Mots' record laet year aiid they brought was first intimated that Clarkson would not be third, aod, noticing Strau«-s' giand march after the op the tail end of the prucesnion. It ia 9 iwiuts lower was one of the most popular players iu the dead-and- added to the record of earned runs such runs as If Mr. Simuions will carefully note the ball, he started home. Dearie rushed to the plate and than Cleveland and Brooklvu, which clu 1-8 were tied gout* association. are only earned off the fielding and not off the found with tho White Stockings again next sea­ different words accented in the last two verses as Where in (he world has Tom Sullivan gone? Dame continued his encouragement to his catcher, and eome for tlt« miik of sixth place in fielding. Until Kaunas pitching, and just here I want to show the son many a man felt sufficiently concerned over denoted by italics and will euiphazise his melody fellow in the giand stand stood up and yelled: "Why City really moves in iho matter, it would be foolit-h to Humor and the's tha most unreliable old woman In the whole world declared that Tom had departed for difference between runs earned off the pitching it to drop into Spalding's store and inquire what accordingly, ho will be much uioro effective. in hell don't you huro?" Tl-a* wns the la^t straw. resurrect individual average". But ''lumped" thia and those earned off the fielding. A run earned th^re waa in the report. Of late, however, I am in- Joe shook his fist at tho follow and shouted: "You son record is not uninteresting. It shows that Kamas Springfield, Ohio, the scene of farmer base ball tri­ cliued to think that it would break nobody'a heart out The song would be an excellent preface to the of a gun, yoost come down dot grand stand oud und I City will imve a fighting chance in the great coming umphs, and found a wife tbero in the person of a off the pitching is only scored when it has been this way if John were to sign to-morrow with Boa- story of Maginnis' dog, but he must be careful Till lick d-.t tarn bead off mit ymi." Ti.e fellow sat itrogglo for p'ace. sweethtart of oldi-n days. There is nothing like hav­ the result of a clem homo ruu, made before tm. The reasou of this change U that during not to sing it for at least half an hour after down aud then Joe, l-'aviug the ball lay, made a rush With Jack Frost trimming the windows with icicles ing au umpire over one's home, and that's why ball three chances for outs have been given off the up players have been rushing ia such great numbers to the paet month or two the eyes of mr friend I should say ex-friend Phelps has re­ for tbe steps of the grand t>ta,ud. He waa goiug and filling the whiskers of pedestrians with snow pitching. This to begin with. Secondly, when local lovers of the game havo been turned towsrd after the fellow who had advised him to hurry. He the Cincin­ hymen's aitur. lated the anecdote of the man who didn't smoke. balls, I dropped into the clothiLg palace of a three-base hit is made, and the runner sent George, Van Haltren, as a reault of the very creditable hod begun to run at la,st, ami it require i the combined nati Club's presidrnt to-day, aLd fouud the counters Minneapolis is after Kappel. A letter has been re­ work he haa been doing on the Pacific slope, and the I make thia suggestion at the earnest request of efforts of two ground-keepers Io ktep him oat of the piled high wiih seersuckeral It gave » man chills and ceived from the niauatrer of that club station that if home by another two-b:igger. In other words a manner in which he has atarted in out thero to im­ Mr. Phelps, who imagines that tho two best stand. I might add iliat Joj waa not engaged after fever to look at them. his release is for sale they'd like to buy it. Of course, run is earned off tlie pitching only where it is Kappe 1 will be restnved, and if he was to leave Cincin­ prove his style acd effectiveness in the box. There is things of the evening coming together mijeht the game, but it would be superfluity. THE WANDERER FBOM THE WEST scored solely by the aid of base hits, and not uo question, if Clarkaou signs with Boston this eprios, it were. nati Kansas City would doubtlt-sa get him. clog the course of the banquet, as of fa home again. Mr. Stern is well pleased over (be se­ Wheeling claims one Cincinnati boy iu her team through the assistance of successful buso-run- !mt that Van Haltren will bs the star twirler of the I have lately read several articles upon the work lection of Kansas City, and ia the coarse of a lone- Chicago Club next aeaaon, and I, for one, pre­ pitchers of to-day compared to the work of the stars Jake Steuzel. He is one of the best catchers in that ning, with one exception, and that ij when a And I am reminded that I lately saw a news­ ia drawn-out trtlk on bane ball affairs he declared: *'I West Virginia club. dict that barring accidents, of course his career among them all ot sjine ytars a^o. Tbe question predict that we will have in Kansas City oue of the runner steals a base through the plain failure of with tho White Stockings will be even more brilliant paper paragraph which stated the'fact that the asked why pitchers now cannot stand playing aa Jack O'Connor's contract has been forwarded to him tho pitcher to watch the bases properly, and this much as was formerly the case. [lab it ever occurred tteit paying clubs in the Association. I wouldn't at St. Louie and Jack will soon be in the fold a^aio. :han Clarkson's h«a beeu. Why? Well, because he Brooklyn Club officials were already at work, mind taking^few shares of stock ia it myself, if there is an excepdonal case. A run eirned off the lias all tin-physical and mental requirements to that busily getting ready for that banquet in March. to any of your readers what a vast diiT. rence thero la Several bids for the new roof over the bleaching now in the strain put upon a pitcher to what there was any in tne market. Do you know I think thero boards have been received, but the figure is two or fielding is scored when a runner, after reach­ end. Physically he is more of a than Clarkaon if, Such diligence is commendable, and shows a de­ b» good deal of unnecessary talk thero in the Ewst even admitting tliat John is an athlete of the highest was four or five years ago. The time was when strat­ three times mere than tho anticipated expanse. The ing first base by a safe hit, steals to second sire on past of the Brooklyn strategists not to egy waa half a piuher'd strength. But the law about the Metropolitan franchise? I wouldn't walk club has but two more years' lease on the grounds. cia^e. Van Haltren ia taller, stronger and, I think, across the street to save it. There isn't any through the failure of the catcher or sec­ josaessed of more endurance than tho Saglnaw miss any market job lots that may have been tinkers took away the strategy privileges one by one The Ked-i bave given up the idea of going to Wheel­ and bave finally made a machine of a pitcher. He danger of the Association putting a club in ing and Piitaburtf late in Apiil. They will doubtless ond bascman to play his position properly, ;w:rler is. To look at him in citizens' dres-*, when left over from the holiday trade, I also under­ New York again very soon. The Meta and when such runner gets to third base and ifl drops in at headquarters for a few momenta' stand that Billy Holbeithii* been engaged as tbe must depend ou speed now ;mj he has u > chance to play the Coving ton Stars here onbothjth«4tb and 11 tli deceive the bataiucn. The strategist who lias braina were a dismal financial failure, and if there is anybody of April. then home in a similar manner, that ia through the chat with tho rest of tho boys, one cannot chef for that grand and glorious occasion and who watits my share of iho New York franchisA he can failuro of the catcher or third ^aseman or the short help admiring his firmly knit and pow­ and ideas for his position cannot uae them; he 10, Tonv Mullane is homesick and he has been working erful frame, his erect figure and athletic bearing. that he is now hard at work on the averages I therefore, useless aud must give way to the young have it. I'll never fight for it. It is amuPing to me the wires in great shape for succor. Tonv writes that stop to check the ruuuere successful prcgres*. Now, to see the Eastern league papers talking about the to charge a pitcher with au earned ruu against his Ho is quick'er in his movements than any other man should eay the mcnut at his home, Cold Spring*, fellow who has a treinen*lo'is physique which will the California tourists have spent all the money they of his weight I ever looked at. Ho is fully aa make a pitcher uf him for several years, while Mat* terrible j u nips the Association teams will have to made. He aud his wife will return to Cincinnati, for pitching when a rnuisecored under such circumstance.* on the Hudson. In parenthesis lot me say that make. They forget that we have a club in tit. Louis is gross injustice, inasmuch aa only a siugle base hit good a general plai er as Clarkson ever was, is for ten days past cold sprung not only from the thews, SpahUug, Bond and Bradley would be uutg for President Stern has advanced the wherewithal. younger, stronger, more ambitious, and to my mind battera under the present rule. SCO miles from Kaneaa City and that the echedule All the police at the ball park will be signed on bad been uiudo ott' his pitching, the run scored beikg Hudson, but from the Ej^t River too. Bill has can be so arranged that there will be no such jumj a as more promising than Clarkson ever was. These pointa regular contracts. Lost year they struck too often actually the result of tho failure of the fielders to do submitted to me the following invoice of the The pitcher must now hold the ball before him IQ they fear. Right here would be a good opportunity and this new departure will prevent any such trouble. their work properly, aud Ihis, too, without taking iato ire not the only ones in hia favor either. Clarkson has for me to refer to the stories about Cincinnati and calculation uuy gross Gelding errors. Runs earned off had three years of hard work in the League, and no coming banquet. ^ plain sight of the batter before delivering it. That Gus Schmelz's little boy is wrestling with chicken- oue will deny my assertion that he was far leas effec­ eiids all deceptiou. Tbe batter who k«epa hia eyea Biooklyn deserting the Association for the League. pox at his home in Columbus Gus thinks his young­ the fielding couut for nothing an against any indivi­ sorps. As long as we are fairly treated Cincinnati will re- tive during tho last months of hia service against Pure Peace. KnocUmecillie. open may uow tell just aa easy as seeing exactly what sters will play a great game behind the bat. They dual player, each as base hits do ugaiust the pitcher, Brotherhood Broth. kind of ball the pitcher is going to deliver by the way nain just where it is to-day. This is an Association catch everything. aud I have therefore never taken them into account ia League batsmen thau he has been at »ny time sinco be FISH. city. The club 1ms done well here and expects to do first signed a Chicago contract. Well, it only stands he holds the ball; this is true against two out of every Harry Wtldon is slowly convalescing at his home In my estimate of earned runs. I wanted to get at a re- Fried Schmeltz, Cincinnati Style. three pitcheis. Neither H 'here that chance to con­ just as well in the future. Getting back to the Baby, Circlet i lie. liahlo criterion of a pitchers work in tho box, and I to reason that such should bo the case. Batsmen will, Uaktd First Baaa Slu3ed with Sawdust. jou tau say that I have forwardud that 510,000 guar­ found it iu i he data of runs scored against his pitching in time, drop to the delivery of any pitcher who ever ceal the speed of the ball as there was when the The toboggan-slide people have been notified tbat euterc-d a box, and League batsmen have had plenty Fresh Cod, California Style. pitcber V.&B allowed to conceal the baud behind his antee bond to Director "Whitfield. It was drawn op they will have to get out of the park by March 4. If entirely by l-ase hits aud nothing else. In regard to Jim White FUh.Farui Style. seven sheets of timo and opportunity to tumble to Clirkson's body before pitching. Agaiu he haa been robbed of by oar attorney, Louis Kramer, covered they don't Brother Aaron owns tho whole business. bases given on called balla being taken in aa data in Stuffed Suckers, Kansas City Style. hia privileges whereby he formerly made it very un­ of legal cap, and was aa strong a bond aa I have ever Yew Jeunlngs, a clever catcher from Clermoat the estimate of earned ruin, I ignore them altogether, trlckc. Farther than this, I believe that Clarkson ia •een." inasniucti aa they certainly canuot be credited to the feeling the effects of his work of last season. I know COLD. certain fPete Browning's Favorite. tiojc. One ie to quietly throw the Western League always treated this matter of advance in a strictly The Red* are going South on the 16th. The order being organiztd in several cities, beginning with club off ita guard. about Smith and Mullane has been revoked and ihey Philadelphia, that no natttr how many of fur the winf'T, dd Anson met him in 'the store1 one My Dearie. Corrugated Crude Oil buflioess manner. I give notes for the amounts, and afternoon itu him fur ft nr, Rnrnsey's Beady Belief. on the day they are due the players have to call at will leave with the rest of the te>im oa the C. & 0. En these city associations may spring into existence, during v. ! gave the the bank and take them up. I agreed to send route homo tney will play in Birmingham, Ala., on neither the National League and American Association m plainly ee<\ Tebeau thu amount of fare for Mmsett'aod wife-tare," will offlouMy ttcorik;>i fl:!7-fe- -- but not the J200." extent ot" adntiuiug a Epecialh >,o com- ence with Liio Asnuchitiuu committee so tliut tii^i* dates While writing of Tebeau I might take occasion mittee (. 1 'journalists at ilieir < : mooting '"Yon ft:- PB^r^vaD,' said the old man, Ditty not clash. That 1ms bor?u tho Lr^t; '-- \\.-.\- for here to aay that I got a lelter from Alec Vois this INDIANAPOLIS MENTION. than the "Hep-.rters* Association uf America," already 'and I tl. 1 >ell of you, judging entirely, AV<> hour all sorts of complaints about the As- several ^ earn an) I have uo d >ubt a >w week,rtu which he embodied many officially countenanced by the American Association. of coui'ft x you l^avfi done and the man­ Boci;ui»i.' mistake in taking up Kansas City as will do about the sam^ good it did The New Manager Spence Now in Charge The organization started in Cincinnati laat Decem­ you the hmiji «: the eighth club, and most of the , when I worked so hard to hu.\, . , .,h iw io NEWS ECHOES "FROM DENVER. ber waa intended to be a national association ner in \vliiv.. j- ...c conducted yourself unco Alec IB a Cincinnati boy one of the old Cnrarolne- —The Impression Made by Him—The have been with the Chicago Club. But yon need complaints arc that it is a League cast off. That :oncede something to the Association. On both of ville Blue Stockings aud down in Charleston this Flans for the Future, Etc. of base ball journalists, and the objects in view seasoning my boy, seasoning! You want to steady that heae occasions tho League compared their schedule were simply to advance the welfare of the argument is in itself not a good one. If it were with ours and asked us to timke inuunieraMe changes year he will make hid worth known. He wrote: "I INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 26. Editor SPORTING nut of yours a little, so that it will not get away with will have a good catcher to back me up this season in National game through the medium of the playing you every time the other fcllowa commence to pound "t might be turned against the National Leugue, o avoid conflict. If there bo no conflict in Philadel G. W. Whyte, of Leadviile. He is a dandy, too. I am LIFE: Harry L. Spence, who will manage the uud scoring rules of the game, it being considered you a little. You know how to bat, you cover for that body took up two of the Association's ibia it will not be tho League's fault. Perhaps the in good shape and will do good work for Charleston. Indianapolis base ball team next season, has that needed improvements would be more likely to be yonr position well and you are first-rate cast-offtf, viz.: Washington and Indianapolis. Athletic people realize by thin time how fliuisily they 1 have been working at my trade (decorating) all win­ arrived from New York and practically taken made by those practically experienced iu scoriugaud between buses in fact there id no point wens treated and how dearly it will cost them in thf in reporting the gaiue, thau by those who only re­ Because a certain city fuils in one association it nd. ter here. My wife has been sick since last June, when charge of the club'g affairs. Mr. Spence reached that I can talk to yon aside from in ny little girl died of scarlet fever. Then she took a garded their special club interests in tho matter, and your lack of self-command. A 2:20 horse cannot trot is by no means certain it would be a failure rtlapse when onr little boy died, in October, and siace the city early in the week, and will remain until who, as a rule, had no practical experience to guide in 2:*0 with it green driver holding the lioea. I be­ another. Often circumstances compel the Some one in THE SPORTING LIFE la«t week made the first guu ia fired next spring. This is his them. Tho Kepurters' Asaociaiiou does not propose to lieve you have got a 2:08% gait iu jou, and all that i* abandonment of a city by a base ball league or an awful thoughcledi gue»& that Iho Athletics would then she has been very ill. George Tebeau la here, have anything to d>> with any questions involving im- bat he hasn't been doing any work this winter. He's first visit to Indianapolis since his engagement, left for you to do ia to bring it out. Now, when you association such as an unsuccessful team or day in Cincinnati Decoration Day, and that Cin- been laking It easy. We have several ball toners provud club legislation in any base ball league or as­ go out to 'Frisco thia fall, work for self-command innati would play in Philadelphia on July 4th. and as he has acquired a wide reputation on ac­ sociation, or with individual club management, or poor management, or its unbuainess-like situa­ -Vhat a blundering idta! Did that writer know that wintering in Denver. Joe Straub old Detroit Joe count of his past success as a manager, local en­ rather than for speed or new styles of delivery. Let to making trunks. He hasn't signed, anywhere as yet, with the methods of governing professional that be ft point with you in every game you pitch, tion all of which may be remedied by a rival Decoration Day in Cincinnati is a worse base ball Joe is a good one. Then there are Trick McSorely thusiasts were quite anxious to see him. Your pldjera. That is not of their liue of work eniiiely. and if you follow my advice you will thank me for it organization of base ball club?. There is not day than any ordinary Saturday? And did he know (Lou Myers' best friend, in a horn), Ira Phillips and correspondent met Mr. Spence, and at once con­ But they have to do largely with improving the play­ when you come back here.' the least doubt in tho world that Kansas city, Wash­ [hat July 4th, in Cincinnati, is worth more than it John Kyan, who are running a cigar store on Larimor cluded that the confidence the home manage­ ing rules (jf (he game, with making plain every doubt­ "Welt," said my friend, "I havo been watching ington or Indinnapolis would eiiherof ibem aupport a i* worth to a club in any other Western Association ful interpretation, aud especially with a proper revi­ cfty? I have already made a guess based upon good treet. And George Graham well, he is running the ment had reposed in him had not been mis­ tho toy since he n ached California and I cau see that first-class team or one that was even oiudenttely suc­ sion ot iho scoring rules as applicable to an improve­ he has been following his team captain's advice. No cessful. But the diiuper is that iu tlie cuaa of each of grounds that Cincinnati will j.l»y in Brooklyn, town. Asa Braiuerd, onr old Cincinnati Red Stock- in fog pitcher of '68 and '69 fame, takes as much interest placed. He has made a splendid impression ment of the playing codo it-eit', aud especially with on« was more pleased than myself when I these cities it is more thai: doubtful whether they Decoration Day, and Brooklyn will j.Jay in Louis­ in the game aa ever. He is running the Cullender Indianapolis, and unless I misjudge the charac­ a view to making up data from tho teaaunV B tat is tics r*-ad of tbe great game he pitched against iho would support teams that huug to tbe tail-end for ville, on July 4ih. I 6uppi so the Athletics will be Billiard Hall here in Denver, and talks of managing ter and ability of the man, Mr, Spence from which to arrive at a correct and reliable system B:owns in which he carried them through more tb»n one season.- In the case of the KaQdart City compelled to go to Cincinnati or Kansas City for the new club in the Western Leagun this summer. T. will make a good record as a Leugue manager. He of averages likely to prove an authoritative criterion nine innings without a single base hit Club in the Association the trouble lies, however, in ito July 4th. ttcAndrewd, a fine second btsernan, is also here." will, I predict, be very popular with the public, and of individual excellence of play In each department of being made, off his delivery. I think it shows that extreme Western location and in the hardship it will Alec's friends in Cincinnati and ihey are legion hid manner is that of a man who will naturally com­ the gume. Even in thia respect onr organization, as I he haa not forgotten 'the old manV parting words. entail ou the other cluld traveling out there and Before I shj off, I must shiver a lanre, as Brunell jmpaihlze with him in his losses and hope that fate mand the reaped and beat efforts of tho men under understand its objects, do^s uot pretend to dictate for a I saw a letter from Van Haltren to President Spald- necessarily losing: time which oiwjht to be dovoted to would say, with Stackhonse, and I want S'ackhouse to baa no more trouble in store for him. He expects to his direction. He id starting out on the right track. moment to this, tbat or the other of the existing pro­ ing ihe other day in which Van wrote: 'I am playing instead it traveling. It throws Cleveland into istinctly undeniand that he has pulled this down on pend the winter of '88 here. Manager Gus Schmelz He does not claim tbe championship, and very wisely fessional associations what should be dune with the rapidly gtttting over being wild in the box and feel tlie Da-tern hemitnhero of the circuit ami makes it ox- himself. He has at diverso timra accused me of es­ arrived in town this morning, and, of course, ho and refuses to say whero the team will rank in the League playing or scoring rulea, but only to suggest aud ad­ that when I come Ka>t this spring, I etmll bo in tremvly awkward. Cleveland id about 240 mites from saying to be funny of being the strained author of President Stern have been race, in his opinion. He talk* like a practual b)is<3 vise, aa occasion may require, such improvements and shape to do some good work.' I believe he will do thu nearest Western city Cinciuuati and about 700 alleged humor. Now, he may be right, and I may be revision as their valuable experience may teach. miles from the nearest Eastern cily Brooklyn. an infernal failure as a humorist; but, so help me TALKING ABOUT THE SCHEDULE. bill man, not a theorist. Manager Spence appears to some of tho prettier) and most effective work of the be a gentleman of more thim average intelligence aud In regard to the method of orgaumittou adopted at year," said my friend in conclusion, "and while I heaven, I never appropriated some other fellow's wit Mr. Schmelz will represent the Cincinnati Club on business training. He seems to be free from brag and Cincinnati, it may justly be said that the wholu alfair should rather gee Clarksou with us than to see him go, Besides, whether the Association has right on its and paraphrased it tor my own use. Do you remem­ £e schedule committee, and he leaves to-uig)it in re­ bluster, and, though a pleasant talker when ap­ was but a starting of tho ball in motion, and it is uot I have an idea tbat in Van Haltren we havo a man side or not, bad blood is going to come out of this deal. ber George's Btory iu bis last letter about Jini Mutrie sponse to a telegraphic summons to meet Mr. Byrne in proached, is rather reserved in manner, something surprising that the hurried work accomplished was who can fill John's shoes, if tho latti-r does go." It cannot bo otherwise. Already the muttering* are trying to get on a moving street car in Park Row; of Kew York. "Fairness to every club will be the in­ very unusual among base ball men, with all due somewhat crude and unsatisfactory. But the credit­ I know that both Spalding and Anson are expecting beard and the Association purtisans are beginning a de­ hia falling to the street; of a boy howling "Hi, Mister! structions I shall give Mr. Schme^," said Mr. Stern respect to the profession. President Brush, who has able feature was thd harmony which prevailed and great thinga of the Calitoruiau during the coming sea­ fense before an attack is made. It w moreover a selfish you didn't catch on." uud of Jim's astute reply: "Yea, to-day. "I shall ask but for one date. Cincinnati has a great deal of confidence In Mr. Spence, tho rapidity with which certain conclusions were son, and I believe that were it uot lor having motive which has gone behind the whole affair and I did; I tumbled." AVel). sir, when I read that, 1 played In both Baltimore and Philadelphia on Decora­ tells me that ho will practically turn the club's reached aa to an intelligent interpretation ot some of possession of Van Haltren, that A. G. would which thieatens to get the entire base ball burfiupaa in wanted to go out and ring the church bell across the tion Day, and I thluk ii only fair that we play in affairs over to tbo manager, and no doubt he will do tho most important of the scoring rulea of tho game. long ago havo made a final effort, even though it aBnarl. There isn't a particle of doubt that either street. I had read the same ntory minu* its applica­ Brooklyn on May 30." so, but at the same timo I suspect the able president I ItiOt to the joint mooting of tho League and Ameri­ necessitated bis going to Boston in person to secure Albany, Troy or Buffalo would hav,.- boeu better cities tion to Jim Mutrie every day for two weeks past, Noting Mr. Kames' promise to keep the Athletics will sleep with one eye open and not lose sight of can Association, in their respective conventions at St. Clarkson's services. Aa it is I am under the impres­ for tho Association at large tbtiu Kiiti«w City, but, as twice in one papor, until f swuro I'd quit buying the out of Philadelphia on Decoration Day in return for a the organization's interests, merely from a force of Louis next December, for tho opportunity of effecting sion that tlie Chicago Club ia honestly indifferent aa Mulford would say, there was a wuallv heaa sticking next paper I saw it in. Aud tu thirik the next paper free field on July 4, I asked Mr. Stern if that would be habit. Tho manager talkn hopefully of the coming a more complete organization of tho National Asso­ to whether John signs its contract or not. Tho club out of the Association wood pile, aud I'ui goiug to uig should be Tun SPORTING LIFE, and it should be rushed done, and the inference was made that there is such a season and predicts a prosperous year for Indian­ ciation of lias s Ball Reporters of Ameiica than h^s has pitcherd enough to do without the S;tjilnaw man's it up. before me by my esteemed friend, the secretary. I thing as promising goods that cannot be delivered. It apolis. Ho thinks the local team outfit to make a hitherto been [K)BHibie under the circumstances of tho services, and it will go right along through the shall take steps immediately ai a one-case member of is nonsense to think that Cincinnati will play io good ehowiug. Tbat the club has the individual Cincinnati organization, and I think I but express the schedule with John or without him, just as the latter Frauk Brunell could if he would tell tho story just the N. A. B. B. K. U. S. to bring him before that body Philadelphia July 4, as Mr. Kames suggests. The players, no one will doubt. Harmony and team work, opinion of my brethren of the Keporters' Associa­ pleases, meanwhile holding him in reserve until ho as I shall tell it, and I believe he will mark my stutc- at its next meeting and have him impeached upon two Beds will be here at home,and the "Fourth" hero will especially tho Matter, la all the team needs to make tion in question when I say that we t>hd\\ be happy to consents to play, or until some other ciub will offer meuts with a perfection mark of 10'J per root. Now, charges firet, for calling a brother member an alleged be the biggest day in a hundred years. Cincinnati's receive the assistance of every lespectable base ball Mr. Spaldiug a satisfactory sum for hU release. this is the whole key t-> thy luttei settlement of the humorist;second, for paraphraaiuK a moth-eaten chest­ Centennial Kxposition opens its doors then, and teas of it a great one. Mr. Spence expresses the opinion that the club's poor record lust btasoo was chiefly reporter ia the United States aud Canada in. accom­ PI OK-U 1*3. Association vacancy. The aelt-ctiou i f a proper city nut. thousands of strangers will be within our gates. An the plishing tho objects we sought to attain at our Cin­ was not uearly HO important a step m to ntfeci one whose ffort will be made to fix the games to be played that due to this cause, coupled with the fact that Old Anse looks considerably broken up since the Your correspondent, T. B. G , suggests a way the As­ men were alt opposed to coming here and labored cinnati meeting. death of his little boy. The little fellow arrived wbile club would purchase the Brooklyn Club's remnants. day so that they will not conflict with the time for the under the impression that tbe tpam would not go MINOR COMMENT. Neither Albany nor Troy were willing tu take the As- sociation or League c-uld prevent Morrill or Snyder Centennial inaugural ceremonies. President Zack Anson waa on his last Eastern tour with the ciub la-t from quitting ball playing *or their own club and go­ through, the season. These difficulties will not So Caylor wants mo "to keep out of hia graveyard," season, and dropped nut of existence just as he was be­ si.'daiion vacancy aud pay the Brooklyn Club from Phelps is expected to meet the other members of the figure next year for the reason that the players are does he? Just tell him from uie that I had 110 inteu- $8,000 to 810,000 for in* leavings cf two teams. Neither ing to managing for another. Mr. Mills' able answer, committee in the East. ginning to look Iik» his father. Auaon lias the warm through bis letter to Mr. Cliadwick, settles that much- now satisfied with the city and the Indianapolis man­ tentiou of disturbing the rest of hia murdered victims, sympathy of hia many friends in bin affliction. w*d Buffalo, and they nil three sliMved extreme wis­ Jerusalem! a fortnight ago Joe Pr it chard was wild agement, and will not object to playing here the but only went m thero to cull a few stray flowers tbat dom. Now, that ia why thetc cities couldn't sh.»w tlie discussed question, but I wish Io wiy a 1'uw words in tnd throwing red-hot soup all over Harry I)h!dlebock Sam Norton thinks that if it ia to be a fight between reply to T. B. G.'s theory, vi/,., that it could be pre­ coming season. He said the directors intended to be had sprung up from their graves. By the way, tbat the American and tho Wet-tern Association at Kansas proper "strength" or oncouragempnt. Kansas City and now George Stackhouse ia bol! Boye! boys! liberal with the men when it came to signing con­ was a right good parody on, "Young Lochiuvar" which waa iii'tre nnboj'histocated, and out there Bynin found vented by a nesulution to blacklist such a player, juat Gently fall tho dewa of eve! Still, you can't blame City that tho Western will win. So does Spnlding. as the Association proposed to do lust spring to any tract* and no trouble was expected. The item going Oit> lor got off last weok. Old Point-Comfort writes a HARRY PAI.MF.B. a sale for his shorts*. It accordingly followed lhat StWck for bulling over. When a man is the rounds to tho effect that the club has had trouble most readable letter when he is iu his best mood and Kanpas City must go iu no matter whtttthe result would player who would not si^n a certain contract before a STUFFED CLEAR TO THE NECK with George Myers is untrue. Myera has not been gels off bis good-humored "aarka&nis." But when he TALE'S BAIX MEN AT WORK. be to the circuit. A Cincinnati wiiteraay* the Kansas certain time. Does not T. B. G. kno'v that mich with what he accepts as good news and finds he baa asked to elgn unless it was within the last few days. dips his pen in gall the result H not pleasant. City people are to pay tb(* Brooklyn* *7,000 for that blacklisting wouldn't aland a moment in u court of been swallowing fairy tales there is good reason for George will be here just the game. Ue is a The absence of Voii der Abe, in Germany, enabled bunch of players, though they asked (10,000. If they equity? The law will not interfere in a cnso of Practicing in Gymnasium and Cage for blacklistiDg; except where Ihe blacklisted person An explosion. And weren't the newspaper boys hood­ great favonto in Indianapolis aud is a fine the Association magnates to keep the Kansas City deal Coming Intercollegiate Contests. pay $7,000 for those players then the Brooklvns will winked? Why, Kansas City in the eyes of the pen- catcher, as everybody knows. None of the men have private from the scribes, much to their disgust. How bav-j paid about {S.-WO for May*, IMbert, 'O'Drlen, has been found dishonest in throwing Buahing prophets had no more chance of success than been officially notified of Manager Spence'n engagement tbe boya do hate to be beat in this way Stackhouso NEW HAVEN, Conn., Jan. 24. Base ball be­ Badford and Orr, which is a very good bargain. games or in breaking a contract, or cveu the traditional icicle would have In the regions over yet, but that will be done at ooco, and tbe work of especially. He is hungry for tips all the time. Cfiar- gins booming in Yale, and there is every pros­ in engaging in disgraceful conduct, for tho maxim of which Old Nick presides. Director WhitSeld said to signing will commence immediately. It is the inten­ ley By rue must have, had a quiet chuckle "all to bis- pect that the season of 1888 will be as suc­ That is the secret history of tlie Kansas City dual as all courts is that he who asks far justice must come attain­ with clean hands. But in a case auch a.s haa been wje:-r"Why, we have been corresponding with Mr. tion to have all the men report by the middle of March. self" when be was talking Albany to George. cessful as any that the university has ever the official minutes would show, if they were Byrne for three weeks." Manager Spence does not favor a trip South. He We had a prize fight sensation in this vicinity last able. I will go farther and state thiit if tbe Bi^ok- quoted, where tbe man blacklisted has doiio nothing *'Well, you certainly m&de no fuss about it," I re- thinks while tht- practice ia excellent training for the week, aud it was the outcome of one of the rascally experienced. The candidates are now doing lyii people could by uoy uit-aus have dumped their dishonorable, illegal or harmful the courts would not arked. "I didn't see a Hue about your coming men, the change of climate has a bad effect when the *'fake" elove contests whicii abound in the metropoli­ general gymnasium work, the object being to white vlephaDt upon any credulous Now Yoik crank permit it, and an injunction could be obtained agaiust Csre in any Kansas City paper." players come North again, and it oftfn Ukes quite tan district this winter. The fight in question tjolc harden their muscles and get them in good or cranks to the tune of eight or ten thoiidiind dol­ such a high-banded outrage upon a mere application. **Wedidu't careio make our plans known," declared a while to get them acclimated. He will put the men place in the low gin mill near Fort Hamilton, where a lars they would have done it. Their originui inten­ That infamous blacklirttiuir law parsed at the Cleve­ condition. The new men occupy the base ball tion was to sell the fragmentary paialytical club to land meeting eleven mouths ago still stands upon the tfilfl little man. "It wouldn't do to go to work with ia the gymnasium until the weather will permit of murder waa committed eomo year or tu o ago, and the cage for practice each day. jocr batteries all exposed to the enemy," field practice, and at the ?:trlie»t possible moment will outcome of it was that ono of the parties to the fight some party or parties who would plant it hero in NO-.V Association's records aa a disgraceful mark, but no Bat when I look back and remember all that Stack go into active practice at the Seventh street grounds. waa knocked out forever iu two rounds. It is a pity This cage work will, for the present, consist York, and for that reason the story was started lhat player need ever fear it will bo put into practice. A wrote about Troy and Albany and Hartford well, I Mr. Spence does not know yet how the men will be that more faUil issues to those blackguard contests do almost entirely of batting. In the rest of the they raid 825,000 for the franchise and that it waa good law becomes odious when used for a mean pur­ ton't wonder that he has jerked tho valve wide* open played. He will experiment during the preliminary not occure. If they did the Legislature would prob­ winter and spring there will be quite an inno­ surely to bo ri'-oatablitthed in Now York *Jity. Your pose. and is lotting off steam of wrath upon tho gay de­ season. He speaks encouragingly of Esterbrt/uk, and ably take effective means to stop them. Their growth vation in the batting practice, and free hitting readers will all recall tbo various Ittunchaiifeoninh ceivers of the town by the Big Bridge. President seems to think Thomas will get back to bis old form. up to the pjint now reached is due entirely to news­ stories ami pn miscfl which for a white were nudu I wish Brunell would produce a uligM swelling Bteru was an avowed chrmpion of Kansas City, aud be Of Bogert, tbe now flrst baseman, Manager Spence paper notoriety. Tho leading journals could stop it at will be carried on. Captain Stagg says that if weekly on this subject. Tlioy :iwy remember how I somewhere on his body so ttiat I might laiico him. was quoted in a St. Louia journal to that effect several bfcs many good things to say. He is, of course, unable once by simply refusing to publish a line about the this system ia followed out conscientiously the asserted all tbe time that to far as New York was con­ I'm getting tirod of sticking tbo barb into Gentleman dajs before the Association met to take action. I to say what tho big fellow will do Iu League company, brutes who take part in them. Aa tho New York men will be trained to bit any ball which comes ovor cerned the Mets were as dead as the mummy of George all the time. Besides, Brunell is about my DOW it was a shift of the base ball winda that sur­ but rather expects him to travel with tho best of them. Tribune very truthfully eaya, in commenting on tho the homo plate. After the candidates have practiced Kameses III. The reason wae evident. I was posi­ own thickness and we have more trouble hitting one prised mo, but that interview reproduced here in tho He is a man of good habits, and has been playing great Kilrain-Smith "lake fight:" l*The whole manage­ three or four weeks so that it can be found out who tive there was no man living in New York so gre3U aucther's jugulara. 0. P. CAYLOB. T\me*-SUir was taken Into the meeting and crammed ball during tho past two seasons wtth fiemi-profea- ment and direction of the affair wa^ ID the bauds uf are the best the-list of candidates will be weeded out that ho could be successfully steered up a^aiiifct snch down the throats of the members who were still on aional clubs about New York. the choicest selection of blackguards and ruffians that to fifteen men, and it is thought that this will in­ a bunco game. There might be a t'-;w who have not The Crawforclsviile Team. heard of tho man who Him just drawn n pri'/o at a lottery the fence. When I got to the Grand Hotel, the morn­ Henry Boyle ie still in the city and will probably the two citit-e of London and New York could furuisth." clude about all tho old play era in the college, who CRAWFCKDSVIM.!, Ind., Jan. 24. Editor SPORTING ing of the convention, and felt the pulse of the out- remain. He says he may make a short visit to his If this fraudulent kind of business is characteristic of will constitute the team. and needs help financially to get uut the prize, but everybody hereabouts !ias bean! of tho dear old Mets LIVK: The outlook fyroiir club seom» to grow brighter idero. I confer I was "kerfiumaxed"' when in re- home in Philadelphia before the season opens, but auch prominent events a* this fight between Kilrain, Dalzell, of Pittsburg, ia the new pitcher, and they Ho as theseapoit draw* nearer. No mati-r where we may ponse to the inquiry: "Who'll get that franchise?" will be here when tLe first bugle sounds. Boyle is aud Smith, whnt may not be said of the rascality daily say that he promises to bo equal to Stagg in his best and iu the words of the street: ''The entire popula­ tion is onto that racket." stand when "the Kavc-b tie-gin to turn," wo are to start geoige Munsou drew me off to one eide and whispered, rather mashed on Indianapolis and hopes to see the practiced at the minor prize ring contests of our large days. He haa many good points and ia a very swift with a troabury in ft plethoric condition. The last city boom in base- ball next season. He promises to cities, a striking example of which was afforded ou runner. He has aeverul things to learn yet, aud needs "Kansas City." And so the bunco victim was found away out ou tho acquisition 10 Jaiuew Sderlock, of Dajton, 0. Jim "Come down, George." do his beat work and seems confident that the local Long Leland hist Saturday in tho "fake" fight ending some coaching in order to develop accuracy and curv­ played left field for in last year, and numbered hie "Oh, that is straight Roods, and If yon make that team will make them all hustle. He is keeping iu death which I above refer to? What a disgusting ilinear excellence. Missouri river. No doubt the Cowboy genera'H will friends by (ho Acore. lie was by far the best fielder prediction, you'll not miss it.' 1 himself iu good shape and looks in fine condition. business it is. It is supposed by good Judge1* that the composition waut to deny it. The Urooklyu contingent may, in ever seen on cnr grounds, hml tUcf*st<«t runner in the That advice was followed out, and tbe sequel proved In my opinion Buylo is one of the beet I notice that there is considerable talk about the of the coming Yule nine will be about as follows: ltd forcible way, say it^j a duug&d Ue. But be HO good teuui. In addition to Sherloi-k tne fuUowiug players pitchers In the League when he goes in to Brooklyn Club's going into the League in 1889, and io The-e will be two batteries, the reliable Stag,; and as to pin down what I have said heroin and preserve tbat the "pointer" was all right. Now, I don't know for futuro rfforonce. I have been called a faUifior bavo been nigntd:--.!. II. Cumpbell. John Green, A! tbat tho Eastern people gained anything by deception. win. He admits that he did some indifferent this regard I wish to say, upon the authority cf Mr. Danu, and the new ftien will bo Halzell aud Oaborn Shrievo, Richard. Graves, A. W. tiuydor, Sam Bates, J. They have certainly aroused a storm of criticism about work last year, but he was in poor condition much of By roe, that that club will no( leave the American As­ Spencer, first base; McConkey, second,aud Noyoa, before bccnmo I Imd tho courage to tell tho tiuth and J. EanYrty, A. \Vt-txel, D. Karn-fl and Fred New man. their ears that h cot of a pleasant nature. Out thia the time aud unable to do himself justice. Iu the sociation until it baa won the Aseociation's champion­ short stop. The third basunian will have to bo devel­ time proved who was the liar, aa witnoas my assertion Iu the matter of uniforms, tho boys are to b** well way we cannot complain, for Mr. Byrne, Mr. Vonder- spring he proposes to take the best possible care of his ship pennant. When it has reached this goal of tho oped in future. It will probubiy be either N. McCUn- aucl their Jeubl tbat tho Mets would never be re­ provided for. They are to havo t*vo suits, one of old fcoret and Mr, Barnio took it upon their shoulders to arm, and ia Anxious to start out in good shape. I pre­ club's ambition it may possibly accept the League's tock, Root or Poole, of the class of 1891, with tho planted in Nt-,w York City. An-rl have the Kansas ft old with red and black hose and cap, the other of a ee that the doings of the Association were given fully dict great things for Henry next season, and trust he Invitation to join IU ranks, aod when it does enter the chances in favor of the former. Stewart, who waa oue City people Iven buncoed? Just as surely us though dark gray color with brown hoso aud cap. Thia is « to tbe newspaper men. One thing la certain, if the will not disappoint his friends in Indianapolis. He League championship arena the patrons of tho gamo of Yale's best players, is DOW in the Law School, and they had paid 87,000 for Stf.OOO.WO of green goods. great improvement ovor th* "imliutlotw" the boji neetlngaof League and Association were thrown open and Manager Speoco are personal friends, having in the metropolitan district are ju-t going to witness probably will not play third base unless he ia needed Why, look nt tho work of tho Mets last yf-ar. Then wore last year. ____ PUNCH. to tbe pros?, there would bo an end of tho loug-wiuded played in the same team at oue time. tho most exciting contests and the moat earnest very badly. Hunt, also in tho JAW School, will fuke take t\way Mays, Ilolbert, O'Brien, Ka Iford, Orr, Uo- dlscuwioue. I Imagine their sessions must be some­ President Brv.nh is now laboring with tho plans of rivalry for League honors known in the history of the his old place in the outfield. The other two places gau aud Tom'iG'Brien, what is left? Can Phillips, will bo filled by either Wurtemburg, A,G. UcCliatock, Porter aud Greer fill that holt? Those uie-u tho reui- THE mayor of Chitiauooga is the president of t lit thing like tbe meetings of tho Cincinnati Board of the new grand stand, and is anxious to get tbe matter organization. new Southern League club to beiivlwl in that city. Education, where oratory for hours w ben- fixed. Ue is al-out ready iu receive bids. A, G. 0. It WAS iu tho power of tbe American Association to Hey w..rtti o the old UeUopolitau Club will go out to THE 1LIFE. Feb. 1.

Cliff House. If you're asked, "Who Is the bow second whether I could or not, but that if I did want them each other, at once became the attraction, and sine* baseman?" and you answer any other than Richard­ TEAM EQUALIZATION. the terms would be so and so, and that in case I tele­ LOUISVILLE LACONICS. they had not opposed each other beiore during th« son, you're Looked for Stockton. Following ii the score: graphed them to come I instructed him jnst how to get season the people were aaxiutu to see thorn, and BASE BALL. Practical Ball Players Experimenting with President Fhelps Talking of the Late Cin­ BT. I/triS. AB.R.B. P. A.EJNEWYORK. AB.R.B. P. A.I tickets and so forth. Well, I never telegraphed them flncked to the games," Latham, 3b.. 40010 0 Fogarty, cf.. 4 0 0 5 00 That Feature of "Th« Sporting Life" Mil­ to come. So there waa no chance for tbeai to have ex­ cinnati Meeting— Why He Opposed Kan­ "How in Hart doing now?" McPhee, 2K. 40002 o'Tiernan, If... 434 1 00 lenium Plan—The Results. penses guaranteed, aa we did not noed them. Those sas City's A<1 mission— The Fifty- Cent Ad­ "He stiil holds the Chicagos and the Philadelphia*, WINTER BALL. O'Neil, If..... 3 0010 OjWard, fs..... 4 11120 are but a few sample cases whore J.. A. haa uncon­ mission Rate A Chat with Fred Pfeffer. and he is not losing money, although the other chibi Coraiakpy.rf. 40020 O'Ewm*, rt..... 411 2 00 SAS FRANCISCO, Jan. 14. Editor SPOUTING sciously misstated me, so I will quietly give him a call. have oade a big hole in 1m receipts. This opposition, Editor SPORTING The^Tables Turned 011 the Browns—Lots of Foutz, lb..... 30080 1 Van Halt'o,p 400 0 70 LIFE: The weather since Christmas haa been A few weeks ago Curry Foley aLio gave me a call upon LOUISVILLE, Ky., Jan. 24. however, wilt uot lust long, since the New Yorka wiU Welch, cf..'... 30040 0 Denny, 3b... 400 0 62 beastly rainy and cold, so that ball playing has a subject upon which he is not posted. I don't know LIFE: We have had plenty of base ball news disband next week and come home, and that will leav» Gossip— Fresli and Interesting News and BL,binion,ss.. 3 0 0 1 4 0! Kichar'n, 2b 4 0 1 221 been out of the question. Though the New Curry personally, hut am told that he is an awfully here during the past week, and in relating it to the St. Louis U-am out in the dtold. Hart will then A Talk with Bushong. Kin*, p...... 30008 0! Brown, c..... 401 3 00 Yorks and Browns had a good crowd (5,200) good fellow but decidedly out of luck. If such is tbe case THE SPORTING LIFE I will begin at the begin­ form a nine out of the remaining members of th« Bnshong, c.. 3 0 0 10 1 lJK>efe,lb..... 4 0 0 13 00 and Curry really needs und would accept financial aid Chicago and Philadelphia teams and play againat s SAN FRAXCISCO, Jan. 15. Editor SPORTING weather, we, at ning. After the Cincinnati meeting President Tohtl...... 000 0 27 1621 Total...!!. 3ti 5 8 27 17 3 last Sunday despite the cold I will be one of forty to subscribe fr^.iX) to * thousand nine picked from the professional players of California. LIFE: The sensation of the week and topic of New York...... 3 0100001 0-6 Central Park, overshadowed by the extra attrac­ dollar purse to be given him as a present. This is to Phelps talked quite liberally about the eighth This, everybody here thinka, will form a strong at­ conversation in all our public resorts has been St. Louis...... 0 0000000 0 0 tion at the other grounds, did no business on prove to him that though " is always look­ club and other base ball matters. I questioned traction, and Hart's receipts again will be large. Hart, tbe great game of last Sunday "out at the Earned runs New York 2. First on errors Now that day and have not played since. After the ing out for Jim Mart1 ' in making money he can think him in the first place as to the reasons of the as you may suppose, i<* pretty sore against St. Louig, of others when he comes to spending it. I will write he will have anything to do League grounds." At the theatres' entre acte, Y- rlc 1, St. Louis 3. Left on bases New York 5, St. Browns and New Vorks get through, which will admission of Kansas City as the eighth club. and I do not think that Louis 4. First on balls New York 1, St. Louia 1. yon soon regarding Milwaukee ball matters. with that team in the future." instead of comments upon the pity, one hears of Struck ont By Van Haltren 3, by King 7. Passed be Sunday week, we will again push things and JAMES A. HAET. "I was really opposed to the admission of "Why did you leave the Chicago team and com* nothing but the game, and King is the lion of balls Bushing 2. Kin*. Stolen base* try and do business. We will organize our re­ Kansas City," said he, "for various reasons, home from California?" the hour. The we:Uher during the week has St. Louis 1, New York'6. Iflttpire Sheridan. maining players into a team called the Easterns chiefly on account of size and location, I pre­ "I did so not that I disliked California or IIart's been glorious, but the "nipping and an eager and play them against a team made up of Cali­ NEW YORK NEWS. ferred Buffalo. I soon found that we could not management. It was simply because I wanted a reat. Interesting Chat with Busliong. I have been playing steadily for three seasons without of by Billy Shakespere Feb. 15, when all get the latter. Therefore, when the question air," so tersely written SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 21. Editor Sroimsu LIFK: fornia players and play until What Is Going on in Gotham—Day on laying off, having been a member of the nine in New (Donnelly to the contrary notwithstanding) That little game of seu-eaw between King, St. Louis* of the Easterns will go East. During a cold, Gambling The Giauts Anxious to Get at came up, I fought for what I considej-ed the best Orleans last winter, and I am badly iu need of a va­ cation." about excesses the state of the atmosphere to­ joy and pride, aad Van Halrren, Chicago's coming boi disagreeable day of this week a good many ol the Association Clubs—Jim Mutrie's To- bargain. At first rny chief objection to Kansas "There has been a great deal of talk about jour re­ day. Wednesday last was a good day for a man, at tho contest of last Spnday, bas left tbe latter our players were seated around the fire in the JK>jrtjan Oog—Polo Bursts Little Bits of city was the distance of that town from the up in tho air, with King touching ground. The bril­ regular Association circuit. You see, Kansas fusal to sign wi*h Chicago next season. Have yo« game at1 Central Park, but for some reason best smoking rcoin of our hotel discussing matters News. signed with Spalding yet?" liant achievement of tbe young Californian has aroused City is away off, and it will cost a pretty good known to the management, the twirlers did vof an extraordinary degree of enthusiasm, and if the in general when THE SPORTING LIFE plan came NEW YORK, Jan. 27. Editor SPORTIJTG LIFE: "Not yet, and I do;t: t know whether I will or not. sum of money to transport the clubs backwards twirl, and en pa taunt, neither did they ?pin weather is clear, which is dubious at this writing (Sat­ up. Somebody proposed that we get to work Baie ball interests are beginning to thaw out I could bolter myself very much if I could "only ob­ and forwards between St. Louis and the cowboy tain my release, and I do not want to play in Chicago around yesterday. One by one the Easterns, urday, 11 A. M.), tho League grounds, enormous, as the and form ourselves into a committee and pro­ a little in spite of the continued cold weather. having fulfilled their contracts, are going and picture of them which Captain Bob Blackiston sent ceed to make up the teams of the League aud town." again. I would sooner come here than to any other you shows them to be, will bo packed to repletion. Although the average New Yorker is still par­ pi (ice in the country. Several days ago, while I wu have gone home. The studious Burns, a natty, Association according to the plan. We made "That then was your principal reason for op­ in S:m Francisco, I received letters from Mr. Spalding. Van Hiiltren certainly has pitched great ball this win­ tially wrapped up in tobogganing and other posing Kansas City?" chatty gentleman, and withal a thorough ball ter, and deserves the encomiums he receives on all up the League first as follows: We first selected cold weather sports, they are talking more He stated that under no clrcnm.-tanoes would he re­ "Yes. I thought I saw a good opportunity to that not onlj did he want mo plaTer, left us last week with many a regret (on aide?, and the best of it is his head hns not swollen a a captain for each team and put him in his reg­ base ball than they have done since Christinas. lease me. He also said our side, at least). Tom Foster, who, by clever little bit. Until this winter I havo not acknowledged ular position. We then selected eight pitchers do something that would be of benefit to the for this season, but for the next ten years at least. I Even at this early date mental calculations accepted his tilitimatum and sent him my terms. work and estimable qualities, much enhanced a tbat he amounted to much as a pitcher, although al­ whom we rated first-class and then eight more American Association, and therefore I joined ways conceding liis ability as a fine general player. I are being made and questions asked how the the contest against Kansas City, just as if I which were pretty steep I can assure you, and I told good reputation, has also gone. The most nota­ have gone by his record of the past KRHSOU, having in which wo called second class, making in the Giants will be placed the coming season. Will him that I would sign if he would accede to them, aame way iu all four classes of eight each. The catch­ were opposed to her admission in any form. To ble departure, however, was that of Pfeffer, the mind his games againrt New York and Detroit, and Brooklyn put up or shut up? Whether St. I have received no answer from him as yet, bnt I will ers we ranked in the same manner, except that we show how hotly the matter was contested I will go to Chicago in a few days and ihen find out what scientific can I usothe term? second baseman. liave not joined in the silly adulation of our local Louis will get fourth or fifth place, and what in press, and also thuir condemnation of tuch an umpire made but three clasps. We then selected eight mtn state that wo had a deadlock on it from 0 o'clock be intends to do. I will then return to thig city and Fred's friends on the coast are legion, and last for each other position, except that where a captain the devil kind of dyspepsia is gnawing at Cay- Monday at least fifty ladies And gentlemen ace >m- as Herman Docschar. But now that the young man one morning until. 1 o'clock the next morning. probably remain here the rest of tho winter." bad been assigned we made the number correspond­ lor's vitals? A reserved Giant will occasionally "What club do you think will win the League pen­ panied him as fur aa the Sixteenth Street Station, has earned his spurs, and "beard his honors meekly," We were all so interested that nobody left the I shall also be unstinted in piaiee. He but reflects the ingly leea. We then took th« names of the first rank pop up in the city, hold a confab with John B. nant?" Oakland, to wish him Uod speed ou hisjouruey. His catchers and dropped them in a hat. A child was room for lunch or anything else, fearing that the "That is a pretty hard question to answer. The rac* section was literally crowded with tlowers, and lunch wise discrimination of Ausou and Spaldiug, than Bay, ask for a mortgage on the bridge, a slice of side might get iu some work during hia ab­ whom there cannot be any better judgesof ball players called upon to draw from the bat one name. The other will be mere interesting lhan it was last year, bnt th« basket", deftly packed by fair hands, wherewith to names of tho clubs, in the meantime, had been placed Coney Island, the city below Canal street, and sence. Mr. Byrue was warmly In favor of Kansas Detroits might to have the best of it. Y; u can, how­ while awuy tlie tedium of his long jouruey, were than they, aod if there is anything iu a man, they're in rotation promiscuously. The name thus first drawn City. Cincinnati took tho same position as eoon as plentiful. Tbe great pla3'er will always nod a hearty bound to develop it. I see that I am still retained for then get mad and go home. Mr. Day can, of ever, keep your eye on Chicago. You will find that another season with the little was marked under the name of the first club, and BO course, give each player a piece of New York, she learned that Louisville opposed the Missouri she will land close at the top, If not right at th» welcome in Calif iruia. That throwing match between on until each club had one catcher, aa was done town. Finally, however, what I thought was a salis- top." WilUiuiison and C-auo, still talked of, started me to RED POCKETBOOK but as he has not purchased Coney Island thioughout the whole list until each club had three factory compromise was effected and my vote went for THE CLUB'8 PRESIDENCY. thinking of a once-prominent California player who Company as "second old man" aud I presume that Cay- catchers, four pitchers and seven fielders, or fourteen be cannot supply the demand fn t!if»t direction as yet Kansas City." could throw with any of them, Will Booth, Esq., lor will look after the "eccentric comedy;" Chadwick, men in all. The same plan waa carried out with the One or two players have insinuated that their services "That compromise has been pnblishud, but you can After giving these talks with Phelps and Pfeffor I now a prosperous broker of Chicago, when whom "first old man;" Palmer, the "juvenile;" Stackliouse, Association, except that we only gave them three bat­ would be better appreciated in eonie lees populous be a little fuller in your explanation of it, can you come to the m/jst important part of my letter. For should I run into this morning but the identical gen­ "responsible business;" Pritcbard, "heavies," (verj); teries instead of three catchers and four pitchers, as in town than New York, but the loss flourishing cities not? several d*ys past a rumor has been prevalent that tleman, out here ou his annual "escape" from the will not appreciate these players except as visitors. Mr. Thelps would shortly resign bis pos'itson as presi­ Brunell, "serious business;" Mugwump, "leading," the League. The teams as they appeared were as fol­ THE COMPR03IISB. rigorous Eastern winter. Hi* id a warm friend of the while the rest of the (press) gang, will, as general lows: The players are uot signing especially fast at present, dent of the Louisville Club. I have whiten you some­ g»me aud particularly of tbe Chicago Cluh, retains but nearly all the Giants will bavo signed Brother­ 'It was jnst this, aud after all it was really what I thing about the probability ihat he would be elected "utilities"," continue with the best company in the coun­ wa.-j lighting for: Kansas City, you know, agreeing to hie magnificent physique, and'aa short Btop in the try.'* Everyone on for the lancers." No game to-day. LEAGUE TEAMS. hood contracts before four more weeks come arouud. assistant district attorney of Louisville, and the fact Banio nine with Rosa Barnea at second, swoops down The Greenhood and Moruua were announced to com­ PHILADELPHIA Kelly, O'ltourke, Tate, catchers; The ink on Gore'a contract has been dry for some lime pay the transportation of all clubs between St. Louis ihat be might be in such a re-pousible office was as- upon the. amateur nines ot Chicago and adjacent Radbouru, Buffinton, Madden, Krock, pitchers; Hines, aud that on Titcomb's contract dried on Tuesday. aud that place. She also agrees to play all schedale feigned as the causa of his resignation from the presi­ pete with the Browns, bnt the weather prevents. of towns just for pastime. It's amusing to read in ocr None last Wednesday, to-day, nor yet to-morrow for licet base; Smith, second base; Denny, third base; /new, Titcomb talked three minutes, and Day six aud a half, games cr pay the $130 guarantee in the evt-nt dency of the ball club. In order to set these matter! Eastern exchanges lotters purporting to emanate from Central Park. Perhaps it's the calm before the storm, short stop; Seery, left field; Johnson, centre field; Fo- and, as everything was lovely, the player was secured. failure. At the end of the season she will allow her­ at rest I went yesterday to aee Mr. Phelps. In an­ players, condemnatory of our winter season, when garty, right field. Hid salary will be entirely satisfactory to himself, self to be put out of the Association, if the results are swer to my questions he taid: and when the Browns und Giauts next week shake uot satisfactory to the other clubs. Moreover, she sucu an attendance as that of last Sunday, and every our dust, or rather mud, from their feet, the manage­ BOSTON liennett, Ganzel, Farrell, catchers; Forgu- and consequently the figures concern nobody else. "I aiu not going to resign the presidi&cy of tha seat sold in the grand stand far to-day's Con­ son, Crane, 0'Bay, Sowders, pitchers; SJorrill, first base; who havo passed the hardest gives tis a 520,000 bond to perform her part of the con­ Louisville Club. There is no necessity of my doing so, ment may gather the remaining Easterners together The New York players tract." test, gives the lie direct. Won't Mr. Chadwick, for a new season. It's among the possibilities. Wa:d Burdock, second base; Whitney, third* base; J. Irwin, part of winter in California are expected back now at as our annual election occurs next month. How th« in his entertaining reminiscences, please touch upon aud party will "do" Mount Hamilton, with its niagni- short stop; Sullivan, left field; Andrews, centre field; almost any time. Judging from the letters they have "What do you ttiink the result of all this will be?" rumors that I would resign were started I cannot telL the seasons between the years '60 and "67, when tbe ficant Lick Observatory before they return. Fred C. Carroll, right fie'd. eent to local friends of late, they have d >ne themselves "It will accomplish two excellent results that It is true that I havo told several persons tbat I would Jewell buys, Flanly, Jue Leggett and Tom Dakiu, of Curroll und Denuy can make as much money here as INDIANAPOLIS Ewiug, Dniley, Hoover, catchers; no harm, and Lave accomplished good results in a we can see now. It will tave about 82,500 in not be president next year, and they must have started the Excelsiors; Frank Norton, Pierce, Crane, Smilh, in the East aud will probably remain. Tom Brown, Ga!vin, Healey, Richart Conway, Clark, pitchers; financial way. traveling ex pen see to the other clubs, or about £350 from that." Start, Johnny Galvin aud Happy , uf the it's more than likely, will go to Brooklyn. There was O'Bnen, first base; My en, second baee; White, third apiece. We will also have a strong club in an tx- 'Yuu will not resign then you will simply declina base; GlasscocJc, short stop; Wood, kft field; Fudtor, MUTRTK'S TOBOGGAN KTOQDLB. c colleot ball city." a re-election?" Atlantic^; Suyder, Whiting, Gram and Mills, ol the an excellent attendance at the polo game, Mission Jim Matrieis a happy and contented man and there E^kfords; AI Keach, McBride and Ned Cuthbert, of the Rink, last Thursday, and again did the Easterns van­ contra field; Thompson, right field. "Dueau't the Association guarantee something in "That is correct. I will not, under any circum­ WASHINGTON Clements, Brown, Darling, catchers; soems to b« no excuse why he should be otherrt'ise. He return?" stances, be a candidate for re-election." Athletic?; Dick Huiit, Pattorson, John Guldie and quish the home team, by a score of 15 ro 16. The fal­ !H ihe ideal of Gotham's small boy, the leader of the Billy McJIahon, ot the Mutuals, all were in their Keete, IVte Con way, Van Haltren, Titcomb, pitchers; "Ou, yea, you have seen that in the daily papers, "Can you tell me, Mr. Phelps, why you wish to glv» lowing are the mines of the players and the order in Giants and the owner of a Harloua kioodle of great of prime? There are a great many old-time Brooklyn which they played: Eastern players Latham and Brouthers, first base; Basaett, second ba*e; J)onneUyt have yuu uot? It Kaunas City is put out at tho eud up the office, and whether or not you will sever all boys out here, amongst whom the paternal progenitors third base; Williamson, short stop; Slattery, left field; intelligence. Jim is proud of that dop. and tbe latter the season we agree to buy from her all the players connection with the club?" Ryan, rushers; Powers, centre; Ma^krey, half-back, just dotes on the former. Next to family ties, base at of Ed Morris, Divy Conn and Tom Feuu may be men­ Irwla, goal-keeper. Mission team Caswell and Hose, Kyau, centre field; Pettit, right field. she has purchased from the other Association clubs "To the latter I will say no. There are three or PrrTSBpRG Flint, Gilligan, Arnndel, catchers; ball and a good c^ar, Mutrie loves thatpiip. The dog thi) fig urea she has paid." four of us who practically own the Louisville Club. I tioned, who would be much interested. By the way, rushers; Itichnvnd Laziler^ centre; Dude Gardine, had a tender hot-house existence until this week. He Billy MiMuhon visited the coast with the Veteran half-back; Lazilere, goal-keeper. Irwin, the goal­ Clarkaon, Welch, Morris, Bryiian, pitchers; Connor, "What do you think of the outlook in connection have from time to time and without making any the very first base; Itunlap, second base; Burns, third base; has always been a bHshfnl, retiring kind of an animal with Kansas City?" special effort to do so, accumulated considerable stock Fireman's Association of New York, aud was keeper for the Eastern players, did Rome excellent I mean the dog, you know and he did not care for life of the party. A coincidence it was, that in the work in front of the netting and stopped many a swift Kuehne, short ttop; Twitchell, left field; Hoy, centre "I consider it most excellent Kansas City, includ­ in the club. I have been iu the habit of buying single machine, field; Shomberx, right field. the society of tin se of his kind. Howla of neighboring ing the p Ttiona in both Kansas and Missouri, lias shares from small holders, who came to me for ths parade, be "held the tongue" for the visitors* ball. Liitham did some flue playing, aud, as a rusher, doga did not m?\ke his dogship yeara to go out and while John L. Durkee, our own "grand old man," did he excelled. Cat>w«ll and Rich Lazilere, of the Mis­ CHICAGU Miller, McGuire, Deasley, catchers; Whit- abi>ut '225,000 inhabitants. Every Saturday they have purpose of selling. I took them because I considered ney.Bo.yle, Btatin, Shreve, pitchers; Auson, first base; chew d.ig ears in chorus, in fact you could not get the a half holiday aud everybody turns out. On Suuday them a good investment. Now, I want some one else the like for the local crew. Tho boya had a sharp sion team, played a really splendid gnmo and were quadruped out of the house with a broom handle. He game of r-olo out at the Mission Kink last Thursday several times tbe recipients of cheers. The goal­ Pfeffer, second baae; Mulvey, third base; Rove, short the people are all out also. It ia a splendid Saturday to take a turn. My legal business has increased very stop; Horuung, left field; BIcGeachy, centre field; Cole- had always nestled in tlie bosom of human spmpathy and Sunday town and the people are very fond uf base much within the last two or throe years, aud it re­ with the local team, whom they easily defeated. keeper on the Mission tide excelled U> his courageous and love Bnd he cared little for the cold onWde world. Hart haa given up hia project of leasing the and cat-like movements I'efore the nettiug. mau, right fit-Id. ball. Tiie club they had there last year cleared $5,000, quires all my time at the office. In addition to thifl DETUOIT D:ily, Mack, Field1), catchers; Casey, There was a dilemma oifTijeadny. Mr. and Mrs. Mntrie and of course they expect to do much better this year, ior the past year it has been understood among the Mechanics' Pavilion for tbe game, mainly There ha.^ been much discussion as to whether or and the Mutrie hopeful wanted to go tobogganing, for the reason of the early departure of the not onr local players will profit by the visit of the McCormick, Gilrnore, Gruber, pitchers; Bark ley, firsl as the American Association is a fur greater attraction directors that I would retire from the presidency at who bas base; Richardson, second baso; Hat field, third base; and the question arose what was to be than the Western Association." the end of this term. It tieeim to me that it is but playeis. Ryau, the best of them, aud Easterners as to improvement in their stylo of play. done with the dog. Our manager settled hit us hard, not only with his splendid playing ability, Judging by last season, I think but little. White Wise, short stop; Dairyniple, left field; Haulon, centre 4> Wbat strength will ihe Kansas City Cluh have to ripht that someone elsn should try it awhile,and I only field; Shock, right field. tne di^cussi^n by tucking the kiondle under hia arm start with?" accepted it at the iast election on the condition that I bet hia sunny good nature as well, takes the "over­ and Ruddy Mack played the points of their position to for the Polo Grounds- A. land11 on the 24th. Some of the little ones at the a nicety, and yet I looked in vain for the kinks they NEW YORK Myers, Carroll, Murphy, catchers; aud the quartette started "It will begin on an excellent footing one rMich -^jiild be ullowed to retire this year." Getzein, C. Baldwin, M. Baldwin, Maul, pitchers; Far- family toboggan was procured and preparations made better than the Cleveland Club had last year. When 'There is a rumor that your brother John will tw Windsor, ihrough illness, have given their parent* i otroduced by onr short stops aud basemen all The lady and child got great uneasiness, hut I am glad to write that they are the season. Personally, I have enjoyed the visit of rar, first bast; D. ttichardson, second base; Kash, third for a shoot through space. U conies tu financial backing, I believe that the Kan­ your successor. Is it true?" Iwae; Ward, short stop; Wilrnot, left field; Gore, centre onto the bow part of the mrxchioe and our manager, sas City Club will have more of it than an> other team "ft is impossible foi me this early to say who my happily convalescent, umoug them Irwin'a little girl the Browns, Phillifs, Giants and the Chicasros vary Ms arm, got ready to "rud­ and "iisU'r" Bnsbong. "Doc" is much pleased with much, and my intercourse with Messrs. Pfeffer, Wil- field; Tieruan, right field. with the dog still under in the American Association has. As for players, I successor will be, but my brother John is in the placa Com my der"' the ruunorleas, wheelless thing;. That dog got can already name you some which it will have. They where we want him, aud I do not thiuk that he will be California, and I have it direct from Captain hauHon, Irwin, Bn>hong, Powers, Ryau, Ward, Koefe, ASSOCIATION TEAMS. frightened, kicked, yelped and clawed, but by the that he ia l:quite willing to arrange for another Buries Kelly, Ewing, Mullane aud others has indeed been BALTIMORE Baldwin, Holbert, Goodfellow, catchers; are Hankiuson, late third baseman of the Metropoli­ changed. He is treasurer, you know, and he suita th« time he did the latter the toboggan hal started on tans; Porter and Harkius, late pitchers of the Brook­ place exactly.'* of games." Despite that chilliness in the air which pleasant and to me instructive. The circumstances of Mnilano, Terry, Porter, pitchers; Smith, first baso; onto dog and toboggan until calls tjrth the chestnut-flavored exclamation about a Ward's trip has prevented my seeing as much of him itsjourney. Jim hold lyns; Greer, the well-known fielder aud batter; Davia, "You have some idea, do yon not, who will succeed McClellan, second base; Burn*, third baaefHouck.shori the end of the ran way was reached, when the pup of the Baltimore*, and Alien, "brass monkey," etc., there was a goodly gathering of as I otherwise would, but I do know that he has stoo; Soramers, loft field; Welch, centre field; Wolf, formerly third baseman you?" at the escaped into obscurity in a wink. Adjacent snow who played left field for the Clevelands last year. 'I should not be at all surprised if the choice of tha enthusiasts, players, a&d five enwrapped ladies enjoyed every minute of his time here and he is the right field. heapa were searched, but T>O dog could be found. game yesterday. Up in a sheltered corner of the recipient of much attention. A solid friendship has BROOKLYN Boyle, Trott, Townsend, catchers; Ram- would like mighty well, too, to get our Sam board fell upou Mr. M. H. Davidson. He is a cool, Har- Mutrie, Riipposiog that the dog had gone home, Smith, bnt there is no hope for them in that case. clear-headed, prudent man, and would, I think, maka grand stand, in comiyou3 ia now a prosperous broker (Cuba, New Orleans, De- thing that attracts persons towards t aoh other, I know right field. to h*ve Toole, the Brooklyn pitcher, and she will "Is there any salary attached to the office of presi­ please manner to be taken down again. That dog is no probably get him, as they have the refusal in hia case dent of the Louisville Club?" tnit, Portland, Me., aud lleadville, Pa., papers not, but I am sure that I have profited greatly by his ATHLETIC Cook, Zinimer, O'Connor, catchers; longer of the hot-house sp»cies and frequently takes .ring ciij->yed the advantages of travel, and visits to tbe office. Ho aud Oap'.ain Cummy posi­ Kin;, Mays, Hudson, pitchers; Lwkin, first base; as well as that of Swartwood and Phillips.'* "There is nothing fixed. Our by-laws provide that crowd I'm slides all by himself. Mntrie is having a toboggan "Do you think that Kaunas City ought to stand up the board msy give the president such compensation at '"ibver raconteur, entertained the tively go Ea-jt on the Monday morning's "Overland," RobinsoD, second base; Lyons, third baso; Smith, short made for his pet's use, to be called the "Dog-on-it." i'i me infuiirelv more than did the f* so aa to enjoy the uRirveleas ecenery of Slop; Siovey, left fiald; Me Party, ceutre field; KicoJ l>Tr ~ ~~ ""'pretty well next season amoug the Aadouation """clubs?" it desires at the t-ndj^f the season, aud you can easily "NO POOLS." 'see ttist tiTat"Smount will depend upon the linaicial celebrities were in tne gtar.d. Ward, with his t-ifenued which they will reach at about three o'clock in the NEW CIA B Fnlmer^^H^^^^fc1, Donahiie, catch­ Tho recent flutter in the racing world, caused by the "You seem convinced then that the admission was a returns of the club during the season. If it makes wife ..u \ -;ater; Mr. aud Mrs. Tuny Mullsne, aftoruooii. Doc dropped in for a good-bye call ou ers; ^Camtherd, Chamberlam^^ffijlaudijr, pitchers; organization of the Bookmakers' Alliauce, haa opened good one?" plenty of money the president gets more money than a y pretty Mrs. Faulkner, wife of the Thursday, and I cannot forbear giving you some of lUilly, first base. McPhee, second base; Latham, third up some discussions about betting 011 base ball. Some "Under the provisions attached to the admittance of he would if it does not."' v :-<-stk-r ami accomplished instructor of his Heas expressed on that occasfon. In answer to of the bookmakers seem to think they will run the Kansas City, I think it most certainly is. I would "I suppose that when yon retire yon will wot be base; Gke&on, short stop; j'ebeau, left field; Browning, unconditional admission. Byrne at:. - Olympic Club; T. J. K^efe. Walter Ap- some iuterogatcries I propounded to him concemiug centre tield; Hogan, right field. racing associations next year, and if they go on they not have agrte 1 to*an sorry to escape the ctticbm which the head of abase pleiuu, Ewiug, J. J. Mone, Hon. John Hunt, Judge the Brooklyns, which, f;r the reason tlmt they represent may, after awhile, want to have a fin»or in the base aud Cincinnati came over to our side as soon as they ball club ia always subjected to?" ST. Louis Bnshoug, Clark, O'Brfon, catchers; Fotitz, "Yes; I am quite willing for somebody else to be Pftttersoo, of ihe Supreme Bench, Senator De Long my native city aud are controlled by tbatbraceof thor­ J. Smith, Heiiderson, pitchers; Coiniskeyt first baae; ball pie. Several of these gentleim-n who take sach eaw what we are after." aad many others. Jim Hamilton, once our great Ath­ oughbred gentlemen, Messrs. Byrue and Abtll, I take good cara of the racing public's money were swapping TUB SCHEDULE AND OTHER MATTERS. abused when the club does not win, for everybody Stricker, second base; Carpenter, third base; McKeou, thinks it ought to." letic third baseman, I was glad to see employed on a great interest, he said: "Speaking of the strength of the short stop; Green, left field; Swart wood, centre field; prospects in on up-town hotel the other night. Ttase Mr. Phelps, during his stay in Cincinnati had some the gate. Contrary to expectation, the eanie tnraed Brooklyn team of 'S3 makes meutiiink that such a sub­ ball came up, and the lively and lucrative field it printed about him in the The fact that Mr. Phelps will retire haa created a Portrman, right field. pretty mean paragraphs ereat deal of talk among base ball people. Mr. M. H. oat to be a rittling good one, which, had I foreseen, ject has be.en well ventilated by two very able writers, CINCINNATI Robinson, Milligan, Daniels, catchers; offered to the sporting mind was at once apparent to papers of that city. I asked him the cause of it. I would have sat owt. However, I was fortunate Messrs. Cay lor and Mulford, bnt Cay lor has not spo­ all. This set the "b *okie3" to thinking, and they are ''That amounted to nothing," he replied. "It was Davidson, who h<* indicates will succeed him, is in the E. Smith, Seward, Knouff, pitchers; Phillips, first base; furniture business and is prosperous. He has been enough to see the deciding feature. A fly was raised to ken, to my notion, really the way nt; thinks. He cer­ Mai:fc, second base; Werrick, third base; Fennelly, short irobably thinking yet. Licensed bookmakers' stands morelv a surface indication of (treat rivalry which has right centre, which Brown, with the spped of the tainly knows that when it comes to ;i question of bat­ or mutual pool boxes on the hall grounds of the always prevailed between Louisville and Cincinnati. secretary of the Louisville Club since its formation, story Collins, Itft field; Griffin, centre field; Lyous, and has made an excellent officer. He is all tbat Mr. wind, ran well in for (Perrier giving way to him), teries the Brooklyns far excel the Ciudnn.-.tis, which right field. country would be a lucrative buainosa for a time. It Porkopolis is very gore because we won the series from nailed it aad lined it over to Nick Smith in time to he places at the top of the American Association for will never be done, however, if all of our base ball them last season. Even now they are boasting what PLeips says, and will, no doubt, make a cupaiiln t>reni- LOUISVILLE Kerins, Snyder, Cross, catchers; Hecker, dent should he be elected, aud it now seema that he "doubli? up" McPhee. Curt Welch, and Jack and 'S3. Caruthers and Clarfce, Terry and Peoples and Weying, 8erad;0rr, first base; Greenwood, second base; resident-* are men of the John B. Day calibre. Said they are going to do with na next season. Of course, Hugh Smith did not put iu an appearance, but their Holbert and Mayo. Are they not just as good as Smith McOlone, third base; Davis, short etop; Jones, left field; he, after the substance of the above had been toll: the Cincinnati^ are proud of their team and they will. absence was not felt in the presence of Hanly, \VU- and Baldwin, Mullann and Keenan, r.r ViauandO'Con- McTamany,'centre field; Carroll, right field. ;There will be no gambling in base ball ta long as I think it will win. It is the same with all the other BIT3 OF liamFon and Maloney. Latham, who was to Lave nor? The infield of the Cincinnati Club fielding aud CLEVELAND Peoples, Keenan, Cantz, catchers; Kil- have anything to do with the game. Thoae gentlemen Association cities, however. All think their clubs There is some prospect that tbe Louisville Club will caught, suffered with a sore nand and gave way to batting Is their strongest part, and then they only roy, Gilks, Hart, pitchers; Fortts, first base; Gerhardt, are not wantf d in base ball and will not bo tolerated. are Eolue to win the pennant." secure reduced railroad rates next season, notwith­ tho Doctor. The two assists credited to Arlio were average with the Brooklyn nine, while the chances second base; Haukinson, third base; McGarr, short When open betting is allowed on base hall games, "Tell something about the meeting of the schedule standing the Interstate Commerce Law. President made on tosses to Foutz arid Bobbie, who, perforce, are, with Foutz or Orr at first base, they will bo mnch stop; O'Neill, left field; Hotaltng, centre field; Purcell, good-bye to our National game. The managers will committee. It has bean arranged. Has it not?" Pbelps ia quite hopeful that he will, aud I believe that had to drive them in to Cummy very swiftly in order stronger at the bat." "What do you think of the right field. not soon forget the trouble and blow to base ball "No, but I suppose it will meet here in about two several of tbe local railroads are able to make arrange­ to make the play, and maybe the elongated Charles threes-strike restoration?" "Well, it don't help weak OPINIONS OP PLATERS. ed by such practices a few years ago, and they will weeks. The first regular championship game occurs ments for convenient terms. He had reduced rates didn't ''beef." Ho stood just two innings of it and batteries any, and it may bo set dtnru for a cure fact After ' organizing" the League teams, each person not fall into error azain." Thursday, April 19. That ia the date fixed for the last year. Before the interstate Commerce Bill be­ then made tho change? noted m the score. Gagus that with a selection from Caruthers, O'Brkn. Radford present \vas given a slip of paper and requested to THK NEW YORKERS OX THE RAMPAGE. opening of the Association season. It ia probable that came a law he made transportation contracts covering and Powers were stimulated by their illustiions neigh­ or McTamany no poor batters will be found anvmgst write the name of the team which he considered the The Giant*, or rather the ruler* of th« Giants, want our first contest will be with Cincinnati. St. Louia the entire season, and, of course, no subsequent law bor, whose example they followed. Fontz kept the them, but, rather, all are considered above the average. best, and sign his own name to the slip »nd drop it in to smite their Association rivals hip and thigh. Tbsy will open the contest with Kansas City. I would pre­ could violate them. Reduced ratea for next ie.ason ten hits off him well scattered. Purcell, for the first So, a person who knows the make-up of the Brooklyn a hat. We all did so, and almost e*

Jack Nelson will be » great card for Buffalo next THB Cincinnati* bave canceled th» Pittatnrg datea MASCHESTFB has seventeen players nnder contract, PHILADELPHIA POINTERS. season. Everyone has heard of tbe veteran. 17th, 18th and 19th of April. The chauge ia tho as follows; Kriiest W. Ellla, John T. Burke, William THE RING. THE SPORTING LIFE. Reidy may p!ay thiid base again for us. He Ifl aa schedule knocked that plan in tbe head. F. Irwin, John StnUt, Michael H. McDermott, E. Detroit After Andrews President Reach's good an all-i.,tin J player as there is re the Association. IT NOW app3ars that the Detroit players do not ob­ HeMin^steld, pitchen; John J. Sweouey.Owen Clarke, PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT Views on Tampering With Players Gos­ Our big first baaeman is working' for the Western ject to Wtttkins as manager, but they do not uara to Daniel J. Mahnney, catchers; John J. Carney. William nervine Thompson, known in pugilistic circles M sip About Local Clubs and Players. Union Telegraph Company in Brooklyn, lie will do have him on ihe bench as field director. F. KIm-man, David F. Cougblin, John H. S'h-.npe, in- Th« Cleveland Thunderbolt,'T and who was origin­ No. 202 South Ninth Street, Philada. groat work this season. LITTLE BOOK, Ark., claims to have an expert girl fielrterrt in the order named; James L. Clinton (mana­ ally brought oat an tht. man to wrest championship The Detroit Club has been making vain efforts Sandy Griffin will do good work for Rochester next ge!). Edward Doyle, John K. J. Kelly, Theodore J. honor* from John L. Sullivan, was knocked oat In ft to secure Ed Andrews, and it is hinted that that pitcher who can also run the baa** well aud slide ten BY THE season. He said that he. was not in condition to do him- foet. Little Ruck ia entitled to the bakery. Shuffler. glove fight m Cleveland, on Jau. 16. by John OL club is really at the bottom of the young man'd se!f justice last season, but would be all right for 1888. Peters, a colored heavy-weight, THK latest addition to the list of players secured by "HENRY DOOMS, tbe pitcher who has created so much of Detroit. Peters if disaffection. The Detroit Club, it appears, waa He cei tainly did not play up to his standard ot '86 talk between Newark and Birmingham, in quietly a clever man, a hard hitter, and tipped the scale at Sporting Life Publishing Company, while here. the Londoo management is Levi Lovely, of South willing to give either Ed Hanlon or Twitchell Bridge, Mius., a good batter and fast runner, awaiting the decision of the Arbitration Committee in 165 pounds. Thompson weighed 215 pounds. Tw» 2b whose order all Checks, Sid Clark, the crack runner of Western New York, hia carte. Ho is not tlie least worried over the nmttw, hundred persons paid 85 each to see the mil). Two-* Drafts, Money Orders, and a bonus in exchange for Andrews, but the THE (,'aliforuia winter trip has bruught the and Bemittancee mutl be made payable. practices a whiia every day at the Park Lake. yearly as be aay« nothing can be done to iiim no matter how ounce gloves were used, and Queeusberry rules gov­ Philadelphia Club did not bite at the offer, but OLYMPIC. contract plan close home to the managers, and it is tbe caae pans out. He think* Newark had the beat erned. Thorn peon waa knocked squarely oat at tiw POST OFFICE BOX, 948. made a counter proposition ba^ed on an ex­ now receiving more thought than ever before. claim to his services, aud that tlie decision of the Ar­ end of the fifth round. Thompson says he WM change of Hardie Richarvteoa for Andrews. HOUSTON ASTIR. PITCHER PWANTON, of Detroit; McLaren, of St. bitration Committee will place him in that city." St. knocked out by a chance blow and haa challenged FRANCIS C. KICHTEK, Editor-in-chief. Mury's, a fielder, and Francis, of Harrisburg, Pa., a Louis exchange. Peters for another fight. Thi?, in turn, has been declined by Detroit, A Club Organized and Well-known Play­ catcher, will be given a trial by the Tecumsaha. President Reach will say but lictie either about THK Resolute Base Ball Club, amateur champions of Jem Fell has arrived in New York City from Grand er* Secured. THE new International Association club at Albany Hudson County, N. J.," have reorganized for the sea­ Rapids, Mich., and lias challenged any pugilist to ft TERMS: the offers he has received for Andrews, or in re­ HOUSTOX, Tex., Jan. 21. Editor Spoimss has already signed the fallowing players: M, Walsh, son. The club hai retained all of last season's players, glove contest for ten or fifteen rounds or to a finish. Subscription, per annum (postage paid)...... 82.?5 lation to the latter's recently published tirade LIFE: Houston, one of th» greatest railroad Frank Foreman, A. G. Wilson and Walter Fisher. and will be ready to meet all comers when tlie season as may be agreed upon, for §500 a side with small SU montlis...... " " ...... 1.25 against the Philadelphia Club. Mr. Reach says points in Texas, will put a. strong professional THE Indianapolis Club will not make a Southern tour opens. The Resolntes have in excellent record for gloves, winner to take all stakes and 75 per cent, of Three months...... " " ...... 65 he does not think it g)od policy to raise a a3 at first intended, as Manager Spence thinks it would the past two years. In 1880 the Resolutea did not lose the net gate receipts, Georire Le Blanche, Jack Fo- team in the Texas League for the season of 1888, gartyand Jack Fallen are preferred. LaBlat.che hi* Single copies...... " " ...... 5c. newspaper controversy with one of his play­ be both unprofitable and injurious to the players. a siugle game. Last season they lost but four games INVARIABLY IX ADVANCE. and have secured the following well-known play­ MANAOEB BARNES, of St. Paul, invreted the money out of twenty-six played. Tho club will appear on accepted the challenge and the two will fight with two ers, and for that reason he does not care to ers to represent it: received for Sowders in St. Paul real estate and al­ the diamond this season in now uniforms. ounce gloves some time during the next three week* be interviewed upon the subject. All he haa within one hundred miles of New York City. ADVERTISING RATES: D. J. Murphy, who last season caught Tit- ready has an offer of $4,000 ovar the purchasing price. "MOST fighters, especially of the higher class, have a to say ia that he will pay no attention comb for the Giants, of very exalted idea of the v Uue of their brawu| and a At au early hour on th<- morning of Jan. 17, at Well (FIXED AND FINAL.) Xew York. This player CHRIS Fri.MER, catcher of the Baltimore Club, was, Albany, N. Y., Bill Hoy, of Albany, and Billy Gablg. to what Andrews writes or say*. He expects tbe cen- has the on the 24th iust., married to Miss Al»iie Carney, of very limited appreciation of the importance of brain. Ope insertion...... £O ceuts per line, Nonparefl tte fie IdfT to i e on deck wheu the season opens. When reputation of being one of the finest They Ijok upon every dollar given or taken by a of PiHsburg, entered the prize rin* and began a flgfal back Tamaqua, Pa. Tbo couple are now on a Southern fix months...... 17>^ " " " " asked whether he thought that Andrews had been stops in the profession, and Houston should trip, manager RS so much money extorted from them with­ without ffloves. At the end of the third round Hoy had decidedly the ail vantage and had drawn firat One j-fnr...... 15 " * " Umpered wiih he replied: "I would not like to accuse well feel proud of having secured the services of out return. Aa a consequence, faw men of business any chib of doinp s'», init it certainly does look a little BILL CROWLET hasn't caughtaince 1880, nevertheless ability or with a protective'pull' will have anything blood. In the middle of the next round the 200 spec­ AIWiamsEK-* should forward their favors so as to so valuable a man. He will in all probability he saya that if Phil Power* bos the gall to attempt to that way. It' clubs finally resort to such methods, the be at the receiving end for Fred Nichols, better to do with them as managers.'1 "Macou's" letter. tators were surprised by the entrance of the polio*, reach usby 3 1* M. Saturday, as this pa|>ercoe« to pms game will soon die out. If there fire such people catch for London next season he to will go behind the And doesn't this hit ball players to a largo degree? who managed to arrest Gabig. Hoy escaped. Many con­ known as "Tricky," who in '79 and '80 twirled bat. KVKKY SATUEIUY AT 5 P. M. nected with base ball I am sorry for the game. Why THE New York 8nn states that "J. Meegan will have member* of the State Legislature were present and last summer eomethiug happened that was aimjat the sphere for the Hop Bitters team, and who THB Louisville team will go to the Hot Springs a strong professional team located at New London paid an ad-niasion foe of $2. PiirLADKH'HIA, FEBRUARY 1, 1888. wi>rae thmi direct tampering with players. The Phila­ they pay has not lost any of his "cunning." T. March 10 and play there two weeks with the Chi­ next season, to be kuown as the Arctics of New Lon­ A feather-woiyht fight between Tom HanTey, weigh­ delphia Club was plajiug iu a certain city when J Flood, of the Southwestern League of'87, and Joe cago team. Manager Kelly Las perfected all arrange­ don. Tbe following players have been engaged for ing 125 pounds, and Frank McHugh, 107 pounds, fora one of our players was indirecily tampered Lohbeck, of last season's Houston Heralds, ments. ths team: McGurk, first base; Carey, second base; D. $100 purse to the victor, fought st Cincinnati, Jan. 21, IS w o 3.-H. with. It happened this way. The president will comprise a battery and will make a good ZANESVII.LE has asked for thirty daya more time to White, short stop; Howe, late of Kansas City, third resulted In favoi of McHugh in twenty-one round*. and mntmjrcr ot the club in question walked 'un. Harry Howard, who for a short while in poet the nuarantee. The request M'ill be refusi-d, and base; Duun, pitcher; Hodges, late of Oshkosh, catcher; The victor is a Cincinnatian, the vanquished is from 4O,OOO up to within a few feat of where our '37 played with the Mobile Cldb, of tbe Southern Lima will perhaps have to give up the title of "Baby" Murphy and McQuade, change battery and fielders. Pay ton. The fight was with the lightest gloves, and players were sitting and this d alofcu-) took place: League, will fill short; his brilliant work last season to Toledo. The club will play Sunday gamts iu the vicinity of was in an old log farm notice southeast of Newport. 'It' we could only get (mentioning the namo of in this city made him a big favorite, and when it was IT is now given out in Washington trat Gardner Brooklyn." Ky. Hauler forced the fighting from the first and oar player) we would he much stronger than wu are,' decided to enter a team of professionals Harry was the will pUy third base aud Donnelly short stop for tbe "SOME of tho friends of Kelly are reported to have was severely punished, being knocked insensible iB eaid one of their. 'YfiB,' replied th« other, 'that's first to si?n a Houston contract. He and Lohbeck are Wanhingtons, Irwin acting in the capacity of travel­ complained because the Boston papers have said the last round. so. I think he is foolish in remaining in Phila­ wintering here. H. Klapp, J. H. Vofle, R. H. Craig, ing manager. nothing but ill of that player for several weeks. Tbe An English pugilist, named Jacfr Davis, on delphia anolhor year. He conld #et much move P. Flaberty, J. H. Horau and J. Dantheil will consti­ GLASSCOCK, Barkley, Moffet and Miller went into worst that has been sttid of him is thnt, as captain of challenged Kilrain, Smith or Sullivan to fight Tor BASE BALL. money elsewhere. Why we would give him $1,000 tute the balance of tho team, and from what the practice at a gymnasium in Wheeling laat Tuesday. tbe Boston team last BOMOD, he was a failure, and the $500 a side. Jake Kilrain and Jem Smith both replied more than he now receives.' Aa the two fce»tlem«n writer can ascertain will be a very strong arr»y of They will keep in daily practice from now on uutil same has been said iu tbe past of many other good to the sweeping chalk-age of J«ick Davis, each algal* referred epoke in a loud tone of voice the player talent, and one that »ill be able, after two weeks' the season opens. players. A man may bo a great ball player and yet, fying hii willingness to accommodate the challenger, coulJ not help but hear every word of it» Is there PHILADELPHIA practice, to eompete with any club. Cincinnati will THE Brooklyn Club will remain on home grounds aa captain of a b.ine ball team, with all tbe responsi­ and'Kilrain offered to wager £100 that he would SCORERS. any wonder why BO many players are disssuisflod and be here Mairh 7 and 8; the bojs don't expect to van­ bilities the position entails and qualifications it calls km** Davis out in six rounds. Davis then weakened doing their utmost to secure their releases? This quish the famous "Beds," for the early spriug games, and an interesting series of Another Blunder on - K«oord Malicious butwill kee.pthern guessing. preliminary contests will be arranged to be played at for, ho may jvrove a uon-succeas. That is Kelly's case." and announced that he would not be ready to entet thin£ must be stopped sooner or laff'r. What's the The Houston Oity Kailroad Company, owners of the Boston Hvrald. the ring under six months. Attack Upon Two Reputable Newspapers use of having rules if they are not lived up to? I Washiugton Park. by park, have signified their willingness to make any A SPECIAL from Kansas City says: "E. E. Menges, Simon Be*ser and Billy Dempaey, two feather­ Very Small Fry "Journalists." wonld rather have ft manager of another club ap­ reasonunle improvements, such as enlarging tho grand IT is possible that the \Voodstock (Canada) Opera Company will phty the "Chimes of Normandy" in owner of the Kansas City Western Association team, weight pugilists, fought at Fort Hamilton, L. I., Jan, The motley aggregation of base ball scorers, proach on« of our players and tamper with him iu a stand and potting up a suitable back stop. Regarding declares that he will not exercise his alleged right to 22. The fight was to a finish withi skin-tight glovea, direct way than to go about it in an iudirtct way. thn latter, I would augsest they erect a two-story London, the proceeds to be used for the purchase of local reporters, office boys and nondescript the club uniforms. prevent the location of an American Association team for a parse. "Swipes" knocked his man out in one> newspaper men, which styles itself the Phila­ The law r^ould he very clear on this point, and any "ladies' stand" immediately behind the home plate, and-a-half minutes with a punch in the stomach, club official caught tampering with a player should E. J. FLYNN, third baseman, late of Cleveland and* iu Kansas City. He said that his team was much delphia Base Ball Scorer's Association, held with wire screen. The ground floor could be made stronger, could play better ball and he felt confident from which Dempsey never recovered, but soon after* be blftckllialed." into ft players' dressing aud reporters' room. This Minneapolis, writes us from Otiica^o, denying the wards died. The coroner's jury found that death wM another meeting last Saturday, and as usual, report that that he could make a good fight against the Association ANDREWS ON RECORD. would form a good b;tck stop, and, furthermore, be the be has signed with Kalaiuozoo. He is club that caused by shock or excittmeut, and not by the blow, proceeded to still on the market. is, in the way of patronage. Menges thinks hold itself u]> by the tail to public In this connection President Reach, of the Phila­ cause of getting the gentler sex to attend ball games, be will Sfltle the new club in a few months. This which exonerated Besaer. gaze. After electing Messrs. A. L. Frazicr and delphia Club, has rectived a greut many letters the as no one but ladies and their escorts would be allowed CAPTAIN ANSON, of the Chicago team, lost an infant settles tbe matter, so far as appealing to tbe Arbitra­ The annual championship contests of the National A. B. Young, amateur reporters, und Win. past week from admirera of the local club expressing there. With these improvements we would have one son Adrian C. Anson, Jr. by death laet week. Ho tion Committee is concerned." APS ;ciation A. A. A., were held under the auspiceeof regret of the finest ball parks in the State. has two children living, namely, Grace, aged 9 years, the Nassau Athletic Club in theCIermont Awriue Rink Smith, a local reporter, to membership, the As­ that Andrews should pursue his preseut course. aud Adole, aged 4 years. PITCHER BOYLE, who still lingers in Indianapolis, sociation, with a view to vindicating the much- Amontc the nutnevous communications received waa writes: "I believe our club will be stronger ID '83, Aa Jan. 17. Here are the gentlemen who won the pugi­ the followiijg Notes and Comments. KEMSEN and Nelson, the old Atlantic veteran man­ listic championships:' Heavy-weight, William A. persecute-] president fmm Mr, C. I.. Flauagan, the millionaire for myself, if my good health will-continue, I will do of the honorable body, and tuff boitt o\vmr of this city: LEN SOWDF.RS has signed with Omaha. agers, are once rnorf together in the same It-am, and, my utmost to get a better place in next season's race. Rooke.New York City; mid die-weight J. McCormickj snarling under the merciless ridicule that bad PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 27. Mn. A. J. BEACH Jfy EDWARD GREEN has signed with Hamilton. singularly, uudcr the management of another old At­ I would like to be well for one whole season to let 8. A. A. C.; light-weight, P. F. Frolan, M. V. CL| been heaped upon it, adopted the following reso­ Dear Sir; I am very much surprised to hear of the DU-VILI.E is negotiating lantic player Jack Chapman. myself out. I had tnimgh sickness last season to do frather-weieht, C. McCarthy, S. A. A. "C.; bantam- with catcher Legg. weight, M. Moran. lution coEOocted and presented by one Hezckiah apparent difficulty between }our club and uiy friend Tm; London Club has signed catcher Fred O'Neii. OUR bright contributor, Charlie Foley, despite hia me for a lonjr time. I believe they ar« going to play Nilos, a crank of the most pronounced type in Mr. Ed Amlrowe. It scorns to me thut none of tbe*-e illness, keeps well posted on the rising young players, Hiues at first base, and he will be a power at the bat A bare-knuckle prize fight took place near Con- silly reports emannted from him. The Detroit, Boston CAPTAIN ANSON haa sijnod with the Chicago Club. and gets engagements for the youngsters very often. for us. Centre is well taken care of by HcGeachy, nellsville, Pa., Jan. 15, between James Melton, alias name, cliaracter, attire and appearance, and and other cluba would no doubt like to have his ser­ THE Minneapolis Club has released Michael Lynch. He got Dunn for New Orleans. and I don't think he is behind many as a fielder. The Jem Smith, of Now York, and Michael O'Malley, of whose cnmkiness has been largely responsible vices, aa he is a tine fh*ver. Mr. Andrews u-ually BASSKTI occasionally plays polo at Pawtucket, R. I. "!T is said that the Buffalo Club will buy Davis' re­ three-strike rule is well accepted by all twirlers." Young&town, Ohio. Melton had the best of the fight for the blunders of the Association. c.Uls at tun office at the commencement and clo^e of tlie JACK U'BBIKN reports hiving trained off 20 pounds lease from Baltimore if tbe other Association clubs will A SPECIAL from Othkosh, sayi: "The base ball fever from the start, and in the fourteenth round knocked \VntREA0, The Philadelphia Base Ball Scorers' As­ base ball season, and wo naturally talk a good deal keep hamte off." Ledger. But they won't, so long aa has not been allayed und there is still hope cherished his opponent out. The mill was for the gate receipts, about the D. J. CLOSE is a new player just signed by Worces­ sociation tVt-U lh*t the reports of its sessions us pub­ National game. Last spring I wns par­ ter. ' Kansas Oity needs ju&t such playtra. among the enthusiasts, that Onhkoeh will in the end and was witnessed by about 200 persons. Both men lished in the Public Ledger and SPORTING LIFE have ticularly interested in the Philadelphia Club MICHIGAN colleges are considering the question of havo a team. There are numbers of citizens who are were badly punished. greatly iu!bT''[>vesented having a good team for 1887, and I aeked PITCHES TITCOMB has signed with the New York it and placed it in a false Club. forming a State Intercollegiate Base Ball Association, ready to pledge support to a team, but E. P. Sawyer, Articles of agreement have been signed for ft position; therefore be it Andrews if he knew what tbe team would to be composed of the clubs at Ann, Arbor, Adrian, the leading spirit last year, has lost his interest, and fight to a finish. Queansberry rules, with skin-tight Mesolveil, That this asiociati n deplores the misrep­ be and if Ferpnson had signed. He s*id FBED CARROLL would rather play first base than liillsdale, Albion, Olivet and Lansiug. unless be would assume the responsibility of running glove?, betweeu John Uaverlin, of Boston, and Jobm resentation aforesaid; and ho it further he hoped tbe Phillies would bare a strong nine aud catch. a team, there would be none to fill the gap. Mr. Farrell, of New York. The fight will take plac* ha was very desirous that they BOTH Hatfield and Cleveland will be given every Ketolrtil, That the PtMic Ledger und SPJr.Ttso LIFE would again sign CKNTRE FIELUER JOHNSTONE haa accepted Boston's ghuw to demonstrate their ability, says Manager S-twyer undoubtedly wonld have furnished support to about March 5, withiu one hundred miles of New he rrsuectluliy requested to make corrections based Fergus >n, of which he hadn't much doubt. I asked terms. a first-class nine, had Oshkosh nut been treated *> York. The men will have to weigh in at 112 pound* if the nine were satMied Mutrie, and whichever one turns out best will be­ upon the official minutes of the secretary of this as­ a$ far a* he knew, and he JAS. HARMON haa been released by Portland at his come New Yorka permanent third baseman. shabbily by tbe balauce of the base ball managers.1 ' twenty-four hours before the flght. The match k sociation. said yes. He then said: "I get what I want, and request. "Xow let all the members of the Base Ball Reporters' AT THK Fifth Avenue Hotel. New York, Jan. 21, tbe for $500 a side and a purse. as long M I do I aio perfectly satisfied with the College League of Base Bull Players elected N. L. On Jan. These resolutions were rushed through in the Phillies, and would rath or play in Philadelphia than TONV MCLLAKE has blossomed ont as a polo player Association of America get down on their marrow 23, on Staten Island, Joe Rusaell, of Yon- absence of the representatives of the two papers in 'Frisco. bonea aud shout. They've been 'recognized' by tbe Velie, of Yale, president; C. W. McAIpine,, of Prince- kere, knocked out James Connors, of New York, ia in any othor city." He complimented Mr. Wright ton, vice president; Thornton Woodbury, of Harvard, two rounds. Both are light-weights aimed at, under the goad of Hczekiah Niles, who very highly and seemed to b« perfectly contented. THE Portland Club has released James Harmon at Philadelphia joints." Cincinnati Times-Star. and this wa* his request. secretary and treasurer. Tlio delegates preseut were Rnsseira first appearance in the ring. Counors had seems to hold the whip hand of the majority of I cannot remember ever hearing him say anything JAMES McCoKMiCK, the well-known pitcher of the Messrs. Stager, Danu and Velie, from Yale; Waejen- fought in seventeen battles, sixteen of which he won the Philadelphia scorer?, and can apparently to the contrary. Youra very respectfully, BROOKLYN will play no spring exhibition games away Pitlsbur^ Club, intends retiring from the professional huist and McAlpiue, from Princeton; Heushaw, and the other, from arena, and will follow the rare track when uot ac­ Wril- with Johnny Banks, resulted in force C. L. FLASAOAH. home. lard and Woodbury, from Harvard. The pennant was draw. The fight waa for §300 with ekin gloves. them to follow him in all his crazy moves, OHARLIY LEVIS ia to manage the Dallas (Texas) tively engaged fit hia saloon in Paterson, N. J. such as the famous "recognition" resolution and LOCAL JOTTINGS. awarded to Yale. The convention adjonrned to the George Godfrey, of Boston, and McHenry Joh»* League Clnb. THE Minneapolis Club h\ar with Duluth, catcher. took a man to become un exi«ert ball player, and badly whip[ied, was given the fight on a foul in tb« "Heze," though a superficial, weak, illogical sylvania; Aptil 5 and 6, at Washington; April 7, third baseman. THOMAS E. BURNS, tho third bowman of tho Chicago promptly replied three je.ira. Deacon White eaid it fourth round, Godfrey having refused to break away Bnae Bill Club, was tendered a complimentary and rambling writer when he ventures beyond a Princetun. The local championship games will begin reports flourishing business at his New dinner took nil of three years aud sometimes five. Amateurs frum a clinch when ordered by the referee. by his New Britain frieu-ia last Tups-lay nigUt. are not ea-iily molded into professionals. three-line paragraph, has the faculty of "roast­ on April 9. York hatsto.e. There are John Murray, of New York, defeated Ed Daly, of Tho Athletic team will practice in the Elite Rink, Twenty-two gues H sat around the well-lnde;i board. tricks of the trade with which the general public are Providence i a a boxing bout for a purse of ?200, Jan. ing" and slandering better people than himself, SWARTWOOD and Toole have no objections to playing Twenty-third aud Cliestnut streets, tor three weeks in Kansas City. A CINCINNATI exchango aaye: "Instead of buying not at all familiar or evt*n acquainted. It takes longer 13, in a barn near Carlstadt, New Jersey, in 9 rounds* while cunningly keeping just within the line of III March. out a 'hotel,' as some of tbe papers have had it, Kad- to make a good player out of au amateur, Andrews Marquis of Quot-n^berry rules. Daly was put to sleep The gentlemen interested in the 'formation of a K. J. CALLAHAS, a Boston amateur, wants to rn, of the Bostons, is simply miming a barroom at says, than out of a green man. The trouble with the the libel law. He has, too, the advantage over League umpire. In the ninth r«ind by a right-hander, and it took him decent writers, in that he is totally unscrupulous semi-prof'er'fiionai lencue held a mo^tinK last Tues­ ington, 111. President Stem saw hint there last amateur is he thinks ht- knows it all before he becomes 30 minutes to wake up. Murray weighed 125 pound*, day evening at the Press cffice. The Leacue wai or­ OAPFNEy thinks that Jack Manning would a professional. That is why so many promising ama­ and serves a paper, which, in character like him­ Daly weighed 115 pounds. ganized by the elect i-n of Mr. George W. Cotton, of excellent umpire. Turk Farrell's contract with teurs are failures they are not williug to It-arn. A new Australian fighter has appeared in Safe self, gives him ample leave to vent his spleen on the Quaker City Club, as president, aud Mr. A. L, THE International Association has decided ;>n>e during the THE new Amsterdam, N. Y., Club, has ore.-inized for Francisco aud showed so well in a fight with Dan those who choose to differ with "Kiah" and arc Frazier, of the Presi, us secretary. A number of clubs no Sucday games. sec- the- season• of '1888, with ...... the following players selected *' fight Tom either unable or TtTiwiViTrr^'tiy nAwrt-V&ViTr^ - - ______cr thow ^CtfCTTi In passing these resolutions the Association R3 to which clubs would he accepted was hfld ojwn bis rccout Odcapadf'. stances. ____ Kocentrtcs: Pitchm-a, Curaey and Holland; catchers, until next meeting, which will he held on January glove-*, in San Francisco, February 3. T^PH5w man put itself on record as a collection of either T. J. Sli'HPHY, '38, will manage the Boston College Q, of the League, has taken an In­ Kraftwnd Cohen; first base, Mount; second base, F. is knowu as "The Australian Comet," acd hia cam* 31. The secretary was empowered to receive all com­ Craft; third base, Carey; short stop, Nolan; left dupes or deliberate falsifiers. The Ledger pub­ ball It-am n-xt season. ventory of the applications on file for positions on tb.3 field, is Sam Fiizgerald. munications from managers desiring so enter their stuff of umpires for uexv season. Up to 'lute ho h,as I>u^n; centre field, Maybie; right field, McEnroe; sub- lished only the barest facts, almost identical in c:»l# in the League. BROOKLYN haa nade exhibition dates with Amherst Jack Fallen, heavy-weight ch»mri^" r\f "Brooklyn, and Williams colleges. received something over 360, and the mails briQg.more , aiiHitfcj, Barry and Kirschnor. The club is negotiating a'»d Denny Kolleher, of Peiin*>-l«aiii« n^t Un *W, la language with the reports of the other local Mulvey will spend the balance of the winter at hia for an encloued ground iu the upper pait of the city, home in Provide*;ce, K. I. THE Kansas City patera are giving the new Asso­ *-ach day. ; a nix-round glove contest at Hn-lson tian, Uoboken, papers, and tho only comment ever made in that ADAM KIEFER, of Indianapolis, who made an excel­ and would like to arrange games with all first-class Fallou forced the fighting and had his man whipped ! Sid Farrar lives at Molrose, Maes., but is employed ciation team a fair deal. clubs within a radius of 100 miles of New York City. paper was the mildly expressed opinion that in a Boston paper box factory. SAM BARKLF.Y thinks Wheeling has the winning lent reputation with the Union City, Iiid., team last the third round, but Kelleher held out for six ronnd% season, will probably sign with Allentown. Kiefer For games address Wilfred Caraey, 285 W. 141st street. the Association, having been organized on a Sanders, the Phillie*' young hopeful, is studying team iu the Ohio League. is New York City. when Fallon was declared the winner. Kelleher wu civil engineering. He is a pitcher of the thunderbolt a fine young backstop, heavy hitter, strong thrower badly used up. purely local hasis, could hardly expect to exert CATCHER JOSEPH BOHANKOM has signed with tbe and good all-round player. WHY is it that all attempts at imitation, represen­ kind like Ned Craoe. He can also hit hard aud run Dallas Jimmy Lark ins, of Jersey City, and Jack Delanoey, a national influence. Nothing more was ever (Texas) League Club. THE Kansas City franchise is the tation or burlesque of tho National game upon tbe bft«es better. property of the stage a clever pupil of Bill Dacey, fought with hard gloves eaid in tus Ledyer columns, for or against the It i* quite likely that Bobby Matthews will be FEROY MALONE has filially signed a contract to Association, and the club can be dropped next winter are wretched failures? Every ball player and on Staten Island, Jan. 23, for a purse of $200. Larkla organization. manage the Allentown team. if it dot'sn't pan out satisfactorily. Should Kansas every friend or the game blushed AS he witnessed the won In the ninth round by a right-hand retained by the Attilutic Club as a coach fcr the many miserable attempt mode by a company early this sea- smash oa THK SPORTING LIFE has nothing to retract. pitchers the club now h.-w on its team. JOHN IRWIN, when last heard from, was clerking City, however, be dropped, the Association ia bound to Delancey's jaw which laid the latter insensible npoa in a South Boston wine store. sou to put upoa tho stage a play called "A Home It published elaborate reports of the meeting, A meetiug was held at the Item office last Wed­ repay the club what it paid for players. his back. Both are light-weights. nesday evening to orjrauize THE Indianapolis Club has abandoned its intention of Run," and rejoiced when the slander was compelled and narrated events just as they occurred. a League of Trades THK matrimonial fever has raged with unprecedented to suspend operations in this city. Then there have The much-talked-of fight between Ike Weir and That club*. Keprecentativefl were present from the follow­ making a spring Southern tour. viok-ace among ball players during the past winter. Tommy Miller came off at Minneapolis, Jan. 23, fa the members said more than they intended or been numerous minor attempts, with little better ing club1?: Mercantile, Mnhr & Sons, McNeely & Co., TOM QUINS, late of thf Biu^hamtoa Club, married ThU woul'i indie ate that tbe to.-acrs are becoming lens success. Then talented Charley Hoyt has mode a the presencb of 2,500 spectators. Miller was no match expected to see in print and that they put them­ W.J. H^sington, Keystone Slute Wurka. Mtindell A a Braihiock, Pa., girl a week ago. nomadic iu disposition and have greater faith ia the failure of it. His creation of the "base ball umpire," for the "Spider," and the latter put "the pride of selves on record time andle in the Ground," is so poor aa Omaha" to sleep in the seventh round. to the National organization is no fault of THB Amos J. E^glcton, of McNeely & Co., was elected play first biue for the Lowell Club. SHOMCERO will demand an increase of S300 in bis Danny Needhum, li^-ht-weight champion of tha president; J. P. ('.impbell, financial secretary, nnd^ to almost spoil the remainder of tho play. SPORTINC^I-IFE which never has and never will LATHABI is running in practice with Harry Bethune, salary for next season. He feels confident that he "THERE is a wide difference between the expeuioa of Northwest, and Jimmy Griffin, of Grand K;ipion of inaccurate newspaper reports aa to is long and tiresome enough to turn a player's hair THE Cowb>ys of the billy, l.uf flourishing, Western teett for $300 a *e it an excellent third base­ other rilat-claas bull team for next season, notwith­ sium, Jan. 24. man for Buffalo, but UMPIRE DANIELS and Manager Jim Donuelly have club that loses nearly all its games will not lose much liecotreJ, Tliat the Philadelphia Base Ball Scorers' as he cannot be had we money. standing our four most valued pUyers will leave us, Charley McCarthy, the amateur feather-weight Aasuciu;io:l do extend to must b°en appointed referees in the Connecticut Polo champion, and James Collins, also an amateur, fought the XiUioii^l Association ita look around for another. Manager Chap­ LeHgue. THE stockholders of the Mansfield Ohio League namely, Ike aod Will Sawhill, Ed Lane and Frank J. hearty co-opt-ration, and pledge itself to work with it man is on the hunt for a good third baseman, B-tyd. These are very promising players. Ike and a ten-round draw for a $100 gold watch at Kidgewood, for the fia-iherauce of thuir CARUTHERS is spending the winter quietly In Chi­ Club met Saturday night, Jan. 21, and elected Captain N. J., Jan. 24. common objects, which pitcher and catcher. He was in Baltimore last W. H. Tavlor, Charles Voejrele, J. H. Burns, M. D. Will Sawhitl havo already played professionally. The are Identiral; and be it further cago iu the hardware store belonging to himself and other two, Lane and Bo.\ d, were tho star battery of our John L. Sullivan offers to deposit £100 at once to Rffolned, That a copy of week, sizing up the material there. brother. Ward, S. B. Day and John Hosfield as a board of di­ tliese resolutions bo trans­ rectors. The latter have selected Captain W, H. Tay- team for t'troe seasons, and we part with them with bind a match with Jem Smith, tho money to be for- mitted t'» the Secretary of the National Base Bail Scor­ Following are pome figures about tho players THE ST. Louis Club ban signed Heber N. Mont­ the de7 .302 .978 takiug tho team to Texas, as it will cost Jos. Kaprel...... 5 10 1C8 .308 .879 whimpered the title will be "What I Know About Not too much the who!" of last neason. Notwithstanding the loss of Jack Keefe, tlie Philadelphia boxer, was jailed at presume to dictate to clubs how to conduct their Signing." money. It is bard to get the Southern cities to ataure our esteemed players, we will have a team that will J. J. Kemn«-u...... 5 11 169 .391 .914 a reasonable guarantee, but it is Minneapolis last week for an assault upon a gambler, business involving vast sums of money, who J. J.Keidy...... 5 9 155 .333 .947 THK London Club has signed J. Quin, left-hinded likely the club will come out cliampiona again. T. A. Stewarc was elected committed last summer. would arbitrate all spend a few week*, iu New Orleuus, Savannah and one manager and captain to fill the vacancy can-ed by the the disputes arising, inter­ Cha). Hamburg...... 5 11^ 175 .345 .930 pitcher, late of Portland, and the once famous Larry Sullivan hatt so fur made 525,000 on his tour of Great J. J. Fanning...... 175 or twr> other cities before entering upon this exhibi­ re-igmxtioo of Boyd. Bas^ ball ia hot here now. Tho pret the laws, and run the base ball business of 5 9V£ .233 .964 Corcorao. tion series proper at home. Britain. M. F. Walsh...... 6 ^% 152 .164 .958 boys are being trallied by Lane and Boyd, who still re­ the entire country according their way of think MANAGER-CAPTAIN CIIAS. HAI.STROM, of tbo Dan­ main at borne. ing, and who, nevertheless cannot Frank Grant...... 5 7l| 155 .366 .911 ville, III., Club, was married in Chicago a couple of CHARLES S. MAXWELL, second baseman ami out- successfully J^hn Nelson...... 5 7 155 .361 .880 fidder of the Marlboroa, champions of the Massachu­ organize so small and pitiful a thing as this weeks ago, SOMETHING NOVEL. QUESTIONS ANSWERED. K. A. Williams...... 5 5% 145 .254 .883 SECRETARY WHITE has issued official notice of Al­ setts State League, heads the League in batting with Philadelphia Scorers' Association without mak' Chas. Gibbs, Jr...... 5 8 147 .320 .890 bany's admission to membership in the International an average of .518. Until the dHb»ntlment of the A Team Made np Exclusively of Ex-College LixroiN Miir.ER, Milwaukee, Wis. (1) Yes. (2) ing themselves the laughing stock of the entire The men all field quickly and accurately and Association. Montpeliers in the Northeastern* League his batting Pluyers. E. L. Jlills. outline, .290; fielding, .824; Wni. Shcnkle, nvt-rage was .440. Any inquiries through THE SPORT­ base ball world. are nearly the best fielding tenm (if not the best) CHAS. F. DANIELS is the second League umpire ap­ .316, .773; Win. Fuller, .3:10, .014; A. Fi-rson, .310, .674; ING LIFE will receive prompt reply. A number of college men, most of them gradu­ P. E. PCttee, .351, .933; ,los. Strauss, .340, .884; B. L. One word more as to the resolutions aimed at in the Intel-national Association. The team's pointed bv P/esideut Young, Thos. J. Lynch having ates, met in Chicago, Jan. 26 and organized a been the tirst. JACKSON, the giant first b.iseman, left Union City, Lowe, no average; D. J. Davio, .394, .914; W. F. Hor- THK SPORTING LIVE and Lcdyer. They were average is .942. All but four are good batters. » L'nivcsity Bivse Ball Association, with A. L. Pack­ ' HICK" CARPENTER and Ftank Flint are gettimr up Ind., for Hot SpringH, Ark., on Jan. 25. He expects to, .304. [litchiuj; average, r-er c^nt. of earned rnn^ evidently conceived in deliberate malice and With the admission of Albany the Interna­ find a number of professionals at that place, with ard as president, F. If. Parker as vice president, 2.23; E. H. tVaraer, .217. .925; Leach Maskrey, .886^ passed through spite, tional Association has complt-ted one of the a ball tpam in New Orleans to play the Ausun, Texas, 91S; Theo. Foster, .30"., .917; although it is just possible best Club next week. whom he wints to practice until .^prinKtime. He and F. M. Tilden as treasurer. They contem­ Auiirow Ciisick, no art-r- circuits in the wants to play in Indianapolis next p*»ason, ftiiJ has re­ ai;^ last year. (3) O'Neii, Anw», B rout herd, Brown­ that they, too, are due to a spirit of "levity," country. The cities are all in a IN 1887 the combined Western teams of tbe League plate forming a nine for the purpose of taking like the ^recognition" resolution. Certainly line and close to each other. Manager York will fined a number of minor league club offers, among ing, Thompson, Kelly, benny Lyons, Hines, Stovey and As-ociation defeated the combined Eastern toaim' them being an Eastern circuit during the sprinc and summer aud Connor. (4) No. that portion of them relating to the corrections, doubtless get a pood team together. Great rivalry will Columhua, Davenport and London. college months. It is the intention of the association exist between Albany and Troy, which will prove 333 £ atiies to 260. P. D. Q., Morfoik, Va. Now York Kepfe, Titcomln "based upon the official minutes," must be a TIIE farmer Louisville president, Mr. J. H. Pank, is MANAGER BURNHAM of the Worcester Base Ball to form the best amateur nine In the country made up beneficial to tbe club coffers generally. The three C'ub, has signed pitcher_ Daniel J. Clare, of Brooklyn, of college men. Most of those who have already Crane, Welch, Kwing, Brown, Mnrjihy, O'K"Uikt\ Con­ joke. There are no official records; at least, Canadian clubs are getting, or have got, good teams nuw a Chicago maltster. His malt house has a capacity nor, Richardson, Ward, Clewlanrt, HntneM, DnrRan, of 30fi,000 bushels. for the season, of 1888. ' Clare pitched for the Boston been selected have graduated uithin the last five years, Secretary Nash would not permit THK SPORT­ together, and wilt show up well, as will also Rochester, Blues and Ilaverhills last season under the manage­ and all of them are known as excellent players. The Gore, Tiern*n, Foster and Slalt-r.v; .St. LOUIB King, ING LIFK representative to wiio h«s dinned some first-class players. As to Syra­ WE ARI indebted to our Canton correspondent, Mr. ment of Mr. Btirnham. When in proper condition Knouff, Soinors, Nyce, Fludaon, IJoyle, Million, Com- see them, because Geo. L. Morelaod, for a handsome first nine men are: Fred. M. Tilden, Harvard; F. H. they bud not yet been "fixed up," as he naively cuse arffi jinrMo it is not necessary for me to give my group photo of last C'are in not only an effective pitcher, but he is a Parker, Dartmouth; Dr. C. W. Plummer, Northwestern nmky, Robinson, Mcdarr, Lmlnira, O'Neii, Mann and opinion. You know what it is. This will bo a rery year's Canton team. heavy batter and a remarkably fiue first baseman, University; A. T. Packard, Ann Arbor: H. F. Burket, McCarthy. This is the li«t of rcsorved players and now remarked. But whether these resolutions wore successful season for tbe International Association. THB Indianapolis Clab recently secured a three ones ginned. THE season of Idleness for the professional base ball Oberliu; W. A. Gardner, Yule; Hubbard, Yale; Alien, due to malice, spite or levity, .their passage SMALL TALK. years' ie;m^ of their ball grounds, with tbe privilege of Yale; llibbard, Ann Arbor. Several of these mon HOBESTIO, Kensington, Conn. Sullivan was backed making it five yeara. player ami his zealous manager is almost over. Many was quite in keeping with the character of Joo Knppel writes that be and Ms brother (Henry, of the players will go into active training in the gytn- have pltyed in professional club?, but the nine will be by n num'ier of personal tru-nds, the principal one of an association which has been one huge blunder of Oincinmili) have been practicing for some time, THE Wilkosbarre Clab will have to get new ground*, n-ittium on the first of the final month in winter. By played as a strictly ama^enr nine. It will start on an which was Jim Keeuan, of Boston, and Richard K. from the beginning to tho present tiuic, and besides walking five miles a day when the weather ia aa tbe owners of the old park decline to lease it again F-.-bruary 15 the plavers will be hard at work re­ Eastern trip In May or before, and will play the lead- Fox \>as Ityun's t acker. which stultified itself by putting good. for base ball purposes. ducing superfluous flesh, and a month from that date lug college and amateur clubs. LITTLE BROOKLYN, N. Y. (!) Re is living in PTOT|- forward as its Hamburg is down In Columbus, Ga., where he played d»nci>, R. I. (2) No. (:t) We do not know the l»dj"i representative » man whose base ball and news­ THE Des Moiiies Clnb has asked for George Sbaefer's th<>y will have themselves in condition to go on the in '85. He tays the weather is fiue there (nol so fine terms. Goori:e, however, won't play in a minor leagae fluid. Balls and Uniforms. inaideu^jmiue. paper record is such that he is practically de­ that you can't see it, though), and he gets lots of if he can possibly avoid it. Say what you will, but there is uo discounting the BEGI'LAR READER, Baltimore. Kartell's 1884 arer- barred from all association with members of practice beside, hunting rabbits. He sai'a a friend and UMPIRE GAFFNEI is of the opinion that the three- fact that the Reach American Association tho THK Birmingham Club is reported M having signed strike rule will uot be a popular one, inasmuch as it ball is a a;es were: Baiting, .220; fi. Mtng, .921. profession he is not an ornnmcnt of. save those himself killed 104 Jau. 13. a deaf mute batu-ry James Lynch and Fred Hargiaves. superior article; in fact there is nothing made to equal A. W. KABFAB, X«w York. Wo do not know th« Gtbb?, our Cazeuovia twirler, besides being a pitcher, greatly decreases the opportunities for batting. Tha or surpass it. This is thn testimony of every of this Scorers' Association, he having been a Both hHil from DuLville, III. games will be considerably ahorter from the effects of pi'ch'.T exact distance. claims to be a good all-round player outside of BOSTON ijtili has a faint very faint hope of securing or fielder who has over bandied it, and of every bats­ " TEXAS," Houston, lex. (1) Kaua-ss City. (2) Yet, twice-rejected applicant for membership in the catcher. tins rule,and, viewing tbe matter in this light from man who bay had the plensuro of making , ot Ha'timore. If he could be secured Sain the standpoint of an umpire, be favors the rule, but a dean hit P. J. Mui'i-by. ______Journalists' Club, of Philadelphia, an organi­ Fanning is practicing every day in Oasey's hind Wise would probably l>e gold. with It. The ball never loses its size, weight, sh ipe ball court in Brooklyn. When Jack is iu a tight would be opposed to it if compelled to witness gauiea or elasticity, and is just as good zation which carries upon its roll about every A BOSTONIAN stauds ready to bear half the expense as a spectator. and strong iu the Base Mull Score Cards. reputable newspaper man in the Oil y of place he exhibits the most terrific speed I ever Haw. ninth inning as in the first. All thli excellence is Tlie attention of i««e ball clubs »»'! of r*rtiMi own­ Mickey Welsh is j.'ajinc ball in Wateibury, of nutting a New E upland League team in Boston for DURING the special meeting of the International due lo certain patented processes which are controlled ing score card {irivilegra is called lo the ailvei tisement Brotherlv Love. Need more be said ? and praclico* pitching a littl« every day. '88, but be can find no partners. Association Tod Sullivan, of Troy, inquired conoeruing exclu-ively by Reach A Co. The utme firm ia now in another column of John B. Snge, of Baflal-i, who Jack Reinscn PJTTSBURG says that it has all the player? it wants Well Thought is in Sbaron, Ma**., which is about his right to play Sunday games with Albany. Presi- getting ready for its usual spring uniform business, in advertises a c-.rd in twenty d(»il<;m and li'licg»!i;jhid ia Of. twenty miles out of Boston. Rtrngen is uot a young and will bustle no more. The club will now wrestle pent Cox said that Sunday games, championship or which it has achieved deserved reputation, and clubs six colors. Tliis is said to be ll.e best curd published. Nv\v York .Mail and Express. blood, but he can play ball as good as one. with the oil recalcitrant pUyers. otherwise, were prohibited during tbe season, Tbe and managers should not neglect to send for sami'l- Aa Sage has h«(l years of experience in, and extended Tilt Sl'oitTiNG LIFE'S Milleninni p!:u:, >vit!i tho ex­ Kid Willimni will inmv from Alleulown to Phila­ PR^CE, the crack fiist baseman of the Now Eogland opinion prevailed among the delegati'i? tliat Sunday HnfB of flitnnela with prices for complete uniforms. refutation for, DHSI* ball Rflvi rrising specialties, hii ception of UiO oqnaliZKtion of play;u:; strength, u well delphia some time this week, aud go ia training with League in 18*5, ,ind once of the Detroit^, bos been pani''s. except, iicrhaj*, before and after the season, Tbe tirm will reniuve to its new and largestoro ut card (H worth tiie serious attvatn.'a of everybody in­ received by all the ihnureut lobe l>al! or^uizatioua. si^ued by the t'urtiaiu would be Udiuiful to tue Iutmu*tu/mil Actuation. 021 Market street, rhiUuMyhu, after Fub. 1. terested in tunt line. THE LIFE. Feb. 1.

addition to those recognized by the N. A. A. A Havre de Grace, Alexandria, and finally, Lynchfcurg, the eiecu'ive coainiilloe has appointed a tub commit­ following: Bowling, foot ball, lawn It and the bird Posena* r arrived together and were re­ tee to consider tbe whole matter and at tha next meet- A., are the ported in the same telegram. From Lynchburg, 610 betterment of the condition ATHLETIC. tennis, racquets, skating, fencing, gymattics, HOMING. AQUATIC Ing report a p'an for the miles, the two were found In the loft very early in the of the club in its relation to amateurs. The club ha« quoiU and lacrosse. DEVOTED TO PIGEOJt FLTIN6 NEWS AMD RECORDS morning, beating the existing record In both miles and teen admitted to membership pending tbe action of PENNSYLVANIA'S SPORTS. bourn. This record they held until 1885, when it was THE SCULLING CHAMPIONSHIP. tho committee. Pointers. broken by Ned Damon, the son of Lady Florence, Outside of Australia, everybody has wondered bow for A V«ry Successful Indoor Meeting of th< Ooneff arrived In New York on th« Servta, Jtn. 28 FEDERATION MATTERS. making tbe distance in the day a record which, Who is the Champion of-the World? The it came about tlmt Peter Kemp had any claim upon Athletic Association. He was given a warm reception by the Manhattan the direction and distance, remains unbroken,although Question FuHy Considered. the sculling championship of the world, and how it tried for many times through each season since. happened that IJanlan recognized th*t claim by chal­ The 6rst indoor winter games of the TJniver Athletic Club. The Field of Pigeon-Flying Why "The In 1884 Mr. Damon was compelled, by ill health, to One of the leading sporting authorities of At Lowell, Maw., January 24, John Meagher beat Life" Entered It The Policy Jt lenging him for the title. A correspondent, who evi­ Aty of Pennsylvania wore held in the Academy Sporting give up his birds, and these two, Lady Florence and England, the London liefa-te, discusses the dently knew what wm in the win* writing from Dtnnia Dritcnll in a tqunre heel and toe walk of ten Intends to Pursue Pertinent Reply to an Pusenaer, passed Into the possession of bis friend, Mr. of Music, Philadelphia, on Monday evening miles in Ib. 21m. 52^9. anomalous condition of the rowing champion­ Sydney directly after the Uanlan-Bt ach race, says of Impertinent Question. E. S. Raymond, Fall River, Mass., and for all purpose very ably as follows: The sculling cham-' the "future champion*': "Already Peter Kt-mp has Jan. 23. The house was crowded from pit to Alexander Miller, of Philadelphia, defeated Patrick and mention wer» practically lost until the autumn of ship dome with a fashionable assemblage. This fact, race at To ihe Editor of THE SPORTING LI*E: Believing It Dionship situation is in a muddle. Beach was advertised a challenge to Beach for £500 a aide and Birmingham, of Trenton, in a five-mile foot to be your honest purpose and desire to advance and 1S86, when they were purchased by Mr. C. 0. Barrett, the championship, the race to take placo ou the Para­ and the presence among the competitors o: Trenton, Jan. 14. The time was 26%m encourage the sport of pigeon flying, don't you think Boston. Mr. Barrett learned that Posenaer waa not fairly and squarely the boss till, on beating Han- matta. Beach will probally accept tbe challenge and prominent athletes of different New York clubs, At Worcester, Mass., Jan. 21, Peter Golden won * It would be more in keeping with a spirit of impar­ the Lady'8 old-time mate. This, tbe imported cock lan a third time, the New South Walesman from men forfeit bis deposit and title to Kemp. Then, very rendered the occasion one to be remembered. three-mile race, J. Shea a mile walk, J. Kennedy a tiality to report the doings of all associations and clubs Silver Chief, he found in the loft of H. P. Dutch, Surrey accomplished hia greatest act, and em­ likely, there will be a r^ce between Kemp and Ban­ five-mile run, and Faye a five-mile walk in 37 min­ and not «Imply those of a few (a mere handful) who Goldsboro, N. C., and purchased. The pair are now ian." This is probably what was done. Beach throw­ The management was admirable, and the com­ utes. mated as when in the Damon loft. braced a fitting moment for a dignified retirement may be marshalled or, more correctly speaking, from activepursuitof his profession. Frequently ing in the way of Keuip, his trainer, all the favors h« petitions generally both interesting and ex­ Bethnn«, who Is laid to be In San Francisco, hu an­ coached finder the lead of one who has been deposed Tbe first youngsters for the year were hatched the could. citing. nounced hia intention to try and break the sprinting from the original and only bona fide Federation 22d inst. and are to be«ent as a present to the Edwards th«judgment has been willing in men simi­ The executive board of the Northwestern Amateur The first prize gold medals offered by the nine record for 100 and 126 yards at the coming games of of American Homing Pigeon Fan­ loft, Jersey City. All others thatcan be raised through larly conditioned to Beach, but conceit has been "The Federation reserved for the home flight or Rowing Association met in tho parlor ot" the Russell kading newspapers of Philadelphia to the First the Olympic Club, soon to be held in that city. ciers." I refer to E. 3. Starr, etc. Awaiting an early tbe seasou are either weak or strong as you like to put it. In my House, in Detroit, last week, the following mem­ and JACOB C. BOCKIUS. to win honors for the lofts of the owner's friends. The Annual Midwinter Indoor Meeting of the Ath­ Jack Wanuop, the heavy-weight wrestler reply, Beapectfully, Lady's register number is 210 and was given it in 1833. opinion nothing so greatly became Bea;h's bers 1 eing present: George II. Lesher, president, letic Club of the University of Pennsylvania boxer, leaves England early next monlh for the "We always may be what we might have career as his judicious but altogether justifiable Detroit; C. W. Chauncey, secretary, Grand Rapids; United Staten, where ho wilt wrestle Evau Lewis, of deposed from a position Chas. S. French, Hil^hile; H. C. Avery, Chicago; were won as follows: The tne-of-war medal Chicago. Wanuop says he will wrestle any man in been/' but to have been General News Notes. quitting it. Until he took that final step let James J. Lynn, Port Huron; M. J. Bnrk, L:irising; offered by the Ledger, by the Twenty-second America. I never occupied ra^e secretary of the Federa­ The Patersun, N. J., Club Is the first to semi tbe lo­ us hope it is final, and that the veteran may not J. C, Sterling, Monroe. Tbe charges made by the at tion of American Homing Pigeon Fanciers is a cation of ita lofts for its distance?. The lofts desig­ be cajoled into a reappearance on the stage Port Hurou Boat Club, against J. F. Ourbett, of the Regiment, of New York; THE SPORTING LIFE Before obtaining a degree, all undergraduates nated are those cf the Messrs. Clark, Boltan, Byrom, high jump, by J. E. Johns Hopkius University, Baltimore, are required to poser only a club record-maker would attempt to wo knew all about the championship. Now Farragut Boat Club, of Chicago, weie uot sustained, medal, for the running Tiers, Munson, Gerve, Atttrbury and Hopson. The tbe Association recognizing that Curbott is an Am­ Terry, of the Athletic Club of the Sohuylkill pa&i an examination in gymnastics, vaulting, jump­ satisfy. last that the greatest sculler of my time has gone, ing and simple exercises on the horizontal and parallel Messrs. Kershaw and Powers tried club records ateur oarsman in good standing. Although he is Havy; the North American medal, mile run, by Do you remember, Jacob, that about a year year, and have had enough. Proven records will be his mantle is in danger of being riven into champion of the United States he is not a profes­ bars and the ladder being included in the list. made a bet but I forget, you never bet good enough for 1888. P. D. Skillman, of the Manhattan Athletic Club, The Boyal Blue Athletic Association of Halifax, N. ago you rags by claimants for the succession. If you sional oarsman. Tbe next meeting of tho Associa­ unless "nothing shall be said about it." You Mr. Clark, president of the club says, Atterbary to first principles, the championship tion will be held ftt the Russell H.-u e, tho first Kew York; the Press medal, 40 yards dash, by S., held their annual meeting Jan. 9, and elected the has a lot of Power's young bird*, and if he has any come PcesideQt, Dr. Fluck; first vice "offered" a dollar, and it ICO.B a good bit of of the world is an arbitrary possession, whose Thursday in May, 1883. Corbett, the sculler, against S. J. King, of Princeton College; the Times following officers: lock, he will make things warm for us. We shall whom the charges w«re made, won tho Northwest­ medal, 440 yards dash, by W. G. Johnson, Dni- president, W. E. Thompson; second vice president, A. money for you to bo willing to risk, to anyone have another competitor before flying time, a Bel­ holder may or may not show just cause for and treasurer, W. A. Ernmerson. ern championship at Grand Rapids, in ISSti, and Pennsylvania; the Item medal, half- B. Caldwell; secretary who could show the title of "Federation of gian gentleman. His birds are all imported. He wearing it. It is not governed by any rules or National championship at Chautauqua, lust sum­ Tereity of the Tloga Ath­ the mile run, by S. W. Smith, University of Penn- As soon as the weather will permit American Fanciers of Pigeon Flying" to have haa never flown in this country, but has at home. regulations except public opinion's moral action. mer. letic Club intends building a cfuder bicycio track appeared in print previous to December, 1836. Our stations for the old bird flying will be Cul- ylvania; the Record medal, one mile walk, by around its new grounds at Bellevue. The track is to pepper, 256 miles; Liberty, 380; Concord, 610, and So big a style had never been thought of till 8. M. G. Mitcheson, University of Pennsyl- be a quarter-mile one, will have a gravel foundation Do you remembeV, but of course you do, since finally from 300 miles further South. young Ned Trickett downed old Joe Sadler. Tania; the Ecening Telegraph medal, pole under the cinders, and will be raised upon the outer you paid your dollar for it, how Mr. Goldman The IlutUon Club, Brooklyn, at its meeting last Hanlan beat Trickett, and was ceded peaceful vault, by A. R. Chne, University of edge. entered for that dollar, and, turning to his 61e5, week re-elected George K. Bradshaw, president, and tenancy by virtue of conquest. The Canadian, FINANCIAL. president is Pennsylvania, and the Inquirer medal, A foot race for |50 a side between Sid Clark, of found the mention in the New York Herald Joseph S. Iversen, treasurer. The vice unluckily for him, waived choice of water, and, Buffalo, and George H. Cooley, of Orangevllle, Ont., through both 1885 and 1886. And, do you re­ John Bollard. The most important question before potting the shot, by J. P. Kane, Jr., of the Ath­ took place Jan. 19, on the park lake, Buffalo. The the meeting waa the awarding of tho badge ofieml by rather than miss what could be made out of letic Club of the Schuylkill Navy. Thus it will distance wa? seven-five yards, and Cooley was given member, but of course you do, since you the club for the best average speed by a youngster beatingBeacb, went after his challenger, and was SPORTS IN WALL STREET. thought if it had only come a little earlier it from £30 be seen that six out of the nine medals remain four yards start; nevertheless, Clark won with com­ wearing the recogniaed bauds of the year decisively beaten for his pains. Beach in turn Dangerous Stocks to Httudle The Manipu­ two go to New York parative ease. rould have saved your dollar, how you were re­ miles or over previous to Nov. 1, 1887, aud won by the left home to be tackled. We are all clear about in Philadelphia. Only birds Akron and Magoffin, owned by C. D. Barrett, lations in the Gould Stocks The Rising nd the other one to Princeton. The New The committee of the Athletic Club of the Schuylkill ferred to the files of the Philadelphia Press for Trickett and Hanlan and Beach, and so we Navy appointed to select a site for a new gymnasium, Boston, in the journey from Akron, K. Y., 373 miles. Coal Stocks The Changes of the Fast Yorkers, who sent their best representatives ol Feb. 11,1886, for the mention you so desired The question with the mf niters was not whether should have been about Ilanlan had he beaten Week. haa reported td the . board of directors that it had not to find. their four leading athletic clubs over here, ex­ agreed upon a site on North Broad street, but the these birds were entitled to the prizo, tbe report of Beach, or if the last-named had urge-i on his I mentioned last week it would bo unsafe to pected to capture every one of these medals and board of directors decided to call a full meeting of the I only refer to this to call to your mind points the race secretary of tho Federation settled that, but victorious career. Now Beach, the victorious, stand in the way of your falsificat- whether the club should pive it up. The Messrs. bank tx> much on the apparent weakness of the they were not a little disappointed in securing club before taking final action. which might lays down the art and practice, and for the time me ing, if you were so inclined! Bradshaw, Billiard and Iversen weie in favor of giv­ Gould stocks, and facts have rather borne fcut two, and these by the skin of their teeth, George Hamilton, the American, was beaten In his ing it as won, but Mr. Juhu C. Lass was f>. r keeping there is no championship ot the world, and, I out in this assertion. The traders, from all ap­ great jumping match with Darby, the English cham­ TOE SPORTING LIFE has entered the field of submit, no champion. Kemp wants to jump the They certainly cannot claim unfair treatment, pion, at Manchester, England, last week. The betting it for the club to fly for the coming season uuder pearances, have fallen into the trap, and are not M the referee, Mr. Curti?, was also a New pigeon flying with a two-fold mission. First, the club rules, and those who wcuU agree with him, the berth; Hanlan wants to scull Kemp for it, or will ffas three to cne on Darby, and he proved an easy not being present, he only short of a line of Missouri Pacific and other Yorker, and it was noticeable that he was per- winner. Darby covered 112 feet 4 inches to Hamil­ protection of and full honor to the record. Sec­ Messrs. Mt-ade and Kenraing8, race Trickett for priority. Cliiford is prepared in ond, to hit at a fradd in whatever guise it shows advised that the matter be laid over to the next meet­ Gould properties, but have likewise been,shaken onally acquainted with all the contestants en­ ton's 107 feet 10% iuches. The men jumped ten ing. Carried. a general way to swear anything or match speculatives as well. Jumps without weights. itself. out of the general tered from Gotham. New York fared little straight John Ballard, Brooklyn, has added four pairs of DOW himself against anyone who says he is not the I have never advised the purchase of the Gould won four. Frank Henderson has taken the measurements of It intends to publish all the news of the sport breeders, jiH.impoited birds, to his loft. Three pairs peer and superior of English or Canadian, better in second prizes, as she only the Schuylkill group, except Western Union, and believe, in Philadelphia also secured four, Baltimore one 100 members of the Athletic Club of and in a form that shall prove of interest to the ,re blue checkers and one pair black checkers. United States or Australian production far or Navy and made out the average. The men were not Miss Jessie K. Stevens, the two-year-old danghtfr the long run, it is wiser to stick to more repu­ nd Yale one. Philadelphia also furnished W. The averagts are general reader. It has taken the means to be near. Teenier, having beaten Hanlan for the chosen, but taken indiscriminately. in having all proofs in its posses­ of Mr. F. H. Bievens, Plaiufield, N. J., is probably the table stocks. So much underhand work, and Byrd Page, champion high jumper of the world, as follows:. Age, 25 years 8 months; weight, 142% able to vouch, Her photo- American, a right up and down free, but ac­ sion, of all that should be recognized as claim? youngest pigeon fancier iu the country. selhVnne-s and trickery must be taken when one wiioee jumping was undoubtedly the event of pounds; height, 6ft. 8l^in.; calf, 14in.; thigh, 19%in. for public recognition. Whatever comes to it deals in this class that tie evening. Following is a summary of the one arm and a pigeon in Ihe other. Her influence in the matter. George Bubear, also an accepted uncommon nerve and an extra degree of faith, rents: . The Crescent Athletic Club, of Brooklyn, held its of news and general interest and is vouched for over birds is something woudeiful. 4 Lately her lather champion, does not intend to be left out in the second paper chase Jan. 21. The course was five miles by the sender's signature, will be published over procured a lot of quail fcr liberating in the viciuite of he is sure to be deceived in the lon£ run and forty yards dash (scratch)—Firtt heat—S. J. King, over the enow toward Fort Hamilton and return, and home. Tbe birds were very sby and Mr. Stevenswaa coid. finds himself selling invariably at the wrong Irlnceton College, 1st; Charli* C. Kurtz, Warreo Ath- many a fall the men had. Smythe and Ford were the that signature, thus appearing for what it is would act toward Miss Jessie. The very evident game engineered by the letic Club, 2d; J. P. Hyalt, Warren AthleiK Club. curious to know how they time. He never has the support of the commu­ hares, and they finished six minutes ahead of the worth. He writes: "She handles them without their sec-ruing Australians, not forgetting Hanlan, is to fiikeup against time, 69. Second heat— K. L. Arnes, Princeton Col- had to be thawed out laid aside, nity with him, but plays invariably Navy, 2U; J. P. leading hound, Chapman. Ford Nothing thus far sent in has been to mind it, which is more strange than the control she some sort of championship to justify whomso­ Itge, 1st; J. W. Bobinson, Rchujlkill before bis frozen moustache would allow him to speak. to the second annual has cf the pigeons, as the quail are so exceedingly fraud and trickery, and should he gain he may Barton, Philadelphia Fencing and Sparring Club; J. excepting a letter referring ever obtains it in demanding that his challengers However, they The time was 41 minutes. of your Federation held in Newark, wild." be sure some bigger man loses. B. Cameron, Schnylkill Navy; L. J. Kotb, Univereify; meeting must come to him to dispute possession. That is to sell short. A few years 6. H. Butter, Y. M. C. A. Time, 6s. Third heat—G. The recently organized Commercial Athletic Asso­ last December, in connection with the show of are dangerous stocks ciation, of this city, was tendered a be nt fit at the From Correspondence. very well in its way, but seeing that there are no ago Missouri Pacific was sold down in the 60a I. Schuyler, N. Y. i. C., 1st; J. H. Templeton, Schnyl- homing pigeons. This letter characterized the practice or tlll Navy, 2d; H. P. Smith, University, disqualified; Chestnnt Street Opera House on Jan. 23 by Fanny "I hope Bunny and Baby Bnutiug won't bring a written laws on the subject, general and Mr. Gould was reported broken, but in three Alfred Croskey, Sonthwark Turners; W. 0. WMte, N. Davenport. The association cleared nearly S500, election at that meeting as "that same old n. g. 545,000 suit into the Plait loft." H. A. McCoy. precedent will, I fancy, veto the dodging. These whir.h, In addition to the money on hand, will swell the with new bangles." "Some of the birds sbi) ped by tbe Pataisco Club to week*' time the sellers were unwilling purchasers T. A. C., disqualified. Time, 4 4-5s. Fourth heat—If. ring teach that a champion must defend hij title so long stocks. receipts now in the club treasury to about 81,000. This to the-fact that your by­ fly from Frederick City, Md., without ban-is, came again at 100. It has been so with alibis C. Adams, Manhattan A. 0., 1st; H. S. Youn2, Jr., It called attention as he wishes to occupy the position, and that it was sell­ Manhattan, A. C., 2d; A. A. Jordon, N. Y. A. C.; 0. T. amount mil be utilized in beginning operations upon for the nominations for election in home with bands on. When sltippi d they hud tbe Manhattan was bankrupt when the improvements of the Girard cricket ground?, laws oiled owner's name and address on their feather*, so if lost he loses it through defeat or admitted un­ it seemed only a matter Wiegand, N. Y. A. 0. Time, 4 4-5«. Fifth heat— December, to have been made by the vote of the ing at 20, and (horge Brinton, Univeraity, 1st; J. B. White, Univer- which have been leased by this association. they might be reported. If the trapper had, like Mr. willingness or incapacity to deal with a chal­ of a few days when it would go to the entire membership, and published at least a put his name on the feathers we tftj; C. L. Weeks, Y. M. 0. A.; A. F. Copeland, M. A. Gilbert H. Badeau, who for years wa3 president of F. J. Cartel, of Boston, lenger. So far as my memory serves me, wall, yet it never stopped until it had reached ft, disqualified. Time, 6s. Final heat—S. J. King, the old Williamsburg Athletic Club, and later of the month previous to the time of the election, and could have returned thibks for his hospitality through challenged the winner of the Beach- stations for the Teemer had 170, when it was so tempting a purchase as to htncetoD, 1st; G. F.Schuyler, N. Y. A. C., 2d; K. L. National Association of Amateur Athletes of America, tbat John Shepherd was publicly announced in all these weeks. In making up our Hanlan match before that engagement was ful­ Ameo, Princeton; W. C. Adams, II. A. 0.;George Brin died at hia home in Williamsburg, L. 1., on Friday, for spriug flying we shall avoid S;r John's Run, on the B. make that inveterate bear, Addison Cammack, an illness of some weeks. He was a sou November as being the unanimous choice and 0. 11. R. Birds liberated from there come bonie filled.- My idea is that the McKee^port man In, University. Time, is. Jan. 20, after no other name recommend it as a desirable investment, and it In Salf-mtie nut, handicap—S. W. Sm(th, University of Isaac Bar*on Clark, Ptiterson, N. J., Zeroand Cold Wave, along, defeating opposition, staving "inclining me to wish to be certain that n Hanlan beat Beach the former must seek a proceedings, and biding his time, as he Iksdfl by three-quarters ot an fncb. Grounds, Edinburgh, Scotland, was decided Jan. 3, were buttoned over."' And " of Trenton, hou of "that Alien bird,"' wt-ie sional ttter-acadenw four hundred and forty yards dash E. pockets ^ morning (23d Jntt.) The thermometer in match with Teeiner or confess himself only That time has come at last. All op­ the winner being the favorite G. Grant (with IS^yds. pleading with alone can. IJUmsdell, GtrmaDtown Academy, 1st; H. C. Blair, start),, with J.. McDonald (10yds.), 2d; J. McGrepor of your members klili0, ai:d «nit«4« in Forest, ont., for the 540-niiles to make it a solid, permanent and attractive in- (16yyds.), 5th. Afterward, at the same grounds, a amongst, .ug^-a^ -ttneut. Tins he ia doing and in the proper with hia best t ia ni^ht of liuiue. "Poor leliow. * * * Ii Joes his position to equality with that Yankee. But manner. The stock i-eems always well sup­ taken by G. Gardntr (44yds. start); T. Gaviu (37yds.), adding the clincher; Bl N»TJ (Sin.), 5ft. Tin., 1st; II. W. Macdenuott, Bal- 2.5; C. Munro (29yds.), 3d. and J. Brown (18yds.), 4th. aisle, seem hard ibut be should UHV J. gonb off thus \vh.ja when you get beyond John, of McKeesjjort, al­ ported and never declines rapidly; its fluctua­ Bore Athletic Club (6in.), 6ft. Tin., 2d; W. Bjrd Hutchens and Gent both started from the scratch, and This was not news, but place can no doubt be withiu a few iioursof sufety, and after having survived most the only thing certain is that -\ve do not tions are moderate, and it is fast attracting a kge, University (scratch), 6ft.; J. T. Belnhart, New were beaten, the farmer losing the third heat to W. found for it if you want it to appear. so many perils. But so it was. Allan Qimtermair." know who cannot, by any rational train of ar­ conservative element to its invedtmeuis. I don't look ork Athletic Club (4in.), 5ft. 6ln ; A. A. Jordan, New South (llyda.) and J. Quirk (Hyde.), the trio finishing Your Association is doing good work for the By George Di? Lara, New- York City, Prince and and for any phenomenal rise while the Congressional di*- De Lara fur the two birds, progeny of Tbe gument, be accepted as Beach's successor ork Athletic Club (4in.), 6ft. Bin.. 0. T. Wiegand, within a yard in 31 3-68. legitimate sport. Like a boil, it is drawing to Princfss is Peter Keai;i, who has custiioue about postal telegraphy are conducted, but it few York Athlelic Club (4in.), 5ft. 4in.; A. Schroder, Cjiieiii, purchased from George Wi«itt, Key port, erro­ the unaccountable one of par this year not­ Late reports from Scotland give an account of an a centre all the bad blood and poison scattered single creditable item to show in his whole will sell in the neighborhood ew fork Athletic Club (4io.), 5ft. 4m.; H. A. Little, American "ringer," who was exposed in one of the neously mentioned elsewhere as the Count and not a withstanding, aud it ia worth it, too. Biwsity (61n.), 5ft. 4in.; B. M. Church, University big foot handicaps which were held about ten days through the system. Once at a bend, we can Countes D La:a. want of a record, unless you count a solitary win Of course, I h:ive no means of knowing about the i ID.), 5ft. 4in.; Geo. T. Hepbnrn, Warren Athletic ago at Edinburgh. The man was Collins. who liaila treat it. What we have wished to guard against By George E. Smith, Brookly, Jctmbt for reg. 9,827. against Matterson, who, by all accounts, has manipulations going on in the other Gould stock*. It ' fob (6in ), 6ft. 2in.; P. B. Howard, University, 6ft. lin. from some little town near Milwaukee, and who will was any check in that gathering that should goceback since he was in England. is mere guesb-Wurk at Lest, but as the street and finan­ Four hundred and forty vards daih, handicap First be remembered as the man who beat H. H. Johnson evif back into the system. The say­ Transfers of Slock. cial [>ena aro certainly bearing these stocks at tha l*rt J. S. Appleby, M. A'. 0., 1st; 0. M. Smith, N. Y. throw the Iho other aide. in 10 fiat laat spring. Collins is a great man at 300 ing is current: "Let any one do a mean, con­ From tbe loft of G. E. Smith, Brooklyn, N. Y., to prt-seut time, I am inclined to work A. C., 2d; F. H. Babirck, N. Y. A. C. Time, 5m. 4«. yards, however. He entered in the big handicap as Bert West, Brc okljn, the b. c. 1,123; b. c. 1,124; r. h. Kipples. Mr. Gould is always working against the moneyed Becexd tea* W. O. Johnsoo, University, 1st; J. P. an Englishman, won his trial with ease and had a temptible act, and in his next breath he shouts S27; blk.c. 828. Teemer, Hamm and McKay have entered for tho Bide the email fry don't attract hia attention. Laat Thornton, K. Y. A. C.; W. E. Strond, University; John certainty ou first money, when some persons sus­ for the confederacy; let him contemplate an un­ To the U.ft of \V. E. Nice, Elizabeth, N. J., 1 from regattas at Punta Cordn, Fla., Feb. 10 auri 11. summer he "went*1 for Field in the Manhattan camp, t. Hyatt. Warren A. C. Time, 1m. 2a. Third htat— pected him, entered protest and he was baried from or untoward work, and he first E. Brechaw, Elizabeth, two blue birds; 2 from Fred Daii GaJunaugb, tho well-known Phlia Ulphia this year he may go after some of these prominent II. L. Mitchell, M. lawful design Qurlee C. Kurlz, Warren A. C., 1st; the final. The event was won by a man two yards joins with you." And the fact bears out the Robimon, Klizat-eth, one blue checker. sculler, will endeavor to get on matches in Ihe tpring bears. His tactics remind me very much of-agame A. 0.;H. H. Syi'her, University; George Masters; E. behind him, showing almost conclusively that Col­ with Peter Priddy, Casey, Broc-n and Deinp^y. of roulette I once saw played, and which waa notori- W. Vail, Philadelphia. Time, 1m. 7 4-6s. Fourth statement. By the way, Jacob, a year ago you lins would have made a stake had he not been dis­ The Metropolitan Rowing Club of New York will oualy unfair. I asked a friend, who waa pluying, why ttat—/i. F. Copelaud, M. A. C., 1st; A. W. Cochran, N. covered. were going to boom the sport in the Item; were he so fi o!iah!y squandered*his money at a tuble which A.C., 2d;C. M. Haskins, Schujlklll Navy; T. W. put a crack racing eiyht OB tho water this year, and it Y. The fechuylkill Navy Athletic Club gave another going to change its ciphers into significant figures THE WHEEL. will try to secure the reinstatement was noloiiousty corrupt, as if tlie chances weie not Holme, University. Time, 1m. 3 4-6a. Fifth heat— is slated that they Ueavy tnou^h against him as they were. He answered A. C., one of its seiios of monthly entertainments at ihfi of a high order. You carried a fair faue and gf Jim Pilkington in order to get a good man to stroke A. Peverelly, M. A. C., 1st; W. C. Wbite, N. Y. club house, Nineteenth and Market streets, Jan. 21. lie invariably won Ht the game, because be merely M; T. 0. Oewps, Y. M. C. A. Final heat—W. O. John- a glib tongue, and they trusted you. They Tho Century Wheelmen, of this ci'y, during the the crew. ''coppered1 ' the hesivy player^ for he knew the bank C., dead Among the event* that took place were the follt-wiug: gave you space, they gave .you a prize to angle pa>t year, off- red nunla s to all who covi-rtd 1.000 milts Ttie Base Ball Association of Harvard CYllege has Ka, University, and J. S. App!eby, M. A. One mile walk J. P. Muria 1st; time, 8m. 15s,; S. was utter their money and i^ot hia. So it is with the beat. Time, 1m. 1 4-5s. Run-of—Jobnson 1st, Ap- with, and they gave you Fitz to help you out. ur more during the year. Th^ is of bronze, cETtrtd the Eo;B6bar f >? each additional thousand to pay off its d--ht of stout £1,800, provided that or­ Jleby 2d. Time, between I'rof. Coup and pupil, resulted in the former What did you ever do with it al), except to dig speculation in llu-nj, that it h generally &;tfe 10 copper One mile run J. M. G. Mitcheeon, University, 1st; miles ridden, and eacii 5:000 niil< s is marktd by a sil­ ganization ehall raioe the remaining £300 before the the public Bailment no matter how blue or roseate winning both falls, in 2 and 3 minutes, respectively the grave I buried you in? Does anybody, did ver bar. These medals have been presented t» W. T. close of the year. W. A. BeiTian, New York, 2d; 0. P. Chamberlain, There were three contostanta in the running hij^li the situation looks. Hence my advice l;ist week not tniveraity, 3d; E. D. Lance, M. A. C.; F. A. Ware, M. anybody, ever know from the Item,through your Fleming, P. S. Collins. R. L. Shaffttt, H. EL Levrttc, The B.f-t-iii Yacht Club on Jan. 25, elected officers as to be guidtd 1-y any sii.!d-,-n dashut ihe "Uoulds.11 Y. M. C. Jump, viz., J. E. Terry (scratch), B, TouKherty and T. H.GHrritrueB, Charles Snlzker, W. G. Spier, M. J. J. A. C.; 0. I. Nicoll, M. A. C.; E. H. Schofleld, J. W. Bobmsou, buth being allowed 3 inches. Terry telling, that anybody was booming the sport of follows Comm< dure, Aug. Rt^s; vice commodore, There are plenty of ^ood stocks to trade in without A.; G. P. Walker, Y. M. C. A.; F. S. Rose, Y. M. C. A.; Bailey, A. W. Barnett, E. S. Little and D. A. Pedrick. B.Mtt-r; rear commodore, J. P. Phuicty; secretary, .ndul^ing in this erratic group, and chances always cleared the beum at 5ft. 4fn.; D.mgherty and Robinson pigeon-flying; with yonr assistance? In addition to tlie above priz??, two hamlspiuo gold J. P. Slurta, Schnjlkill Navy; M. D. Wilt, University. The tug-of-war teams were made up as Finally, Jacob, a suggestion: When any Tliomiia Dean; treasurer, Dudley A. Don; mtasurcrs, favor tin,- plucky speculator who buys a good stock Time, 7:39. at 5it. 3io. medals wer.j offered to*the first to cover 1,000 miles, D. J. Lawlor, J. B. Smith, when lie knows it's clu ap, or vice versa. Manipulation, handicap—P. D. Skillman, M. A. C., let; follows: Beda - VV. J. FitzpatricK (anchor), Wm. E. managing editor needs your advice or assistance and th>y were won by Messrs. Fleming and CulHns. One mile run, Jenks, Andrew J. Carty and Samuel B. Hecht. Blues In HU interview in Melbourne Jan. 4, Edward Han- may defer events for awhile, but it cannot hold out W. Uurmer, Yale, 2d; H. B. Foreman, Swarthmore; E. he will, without doubt, feel no hesitation in The Eliz;iloth. N. J., wheelmen last week elected l*n announced that he hid almost fully made up his long ai:ainbt viie ttotiriuif law of supply and demand. Schuylkill Charles F, Blarlow (anchor), Jarnc* Kane, fr., J. F. officers, as follows: President, George C. Pennell; vice W. Lapp, Y. M. C. A.; W. B. Myrtetu.!. Alien. The Beds won bv 9%in. sending for you to give it. At least, such has mind to visit England this year. Ha has authorized Take the coal stt.cks, for instance. No cla-ss of stocks Havy; E. F. Wnlker, Schuylkill Navy; Mort West, O'Connell and T. H. president, Walter Chandler; secretary, A. N. Lukens; so terrifically assaulted as this one has tho usder the been my experience. E. S. STARR. the ^snance of a challenge to row any nuin in the lias bv-cn University; E. H. Kelly, Y. M. C. A.; J. O. McCul- The old-time American sprinter, who ran captain, Samuel J. Jtferry, Jr.; first lieutenant, L. B. world ou tiio Tyne river next September fur £500 a ia»t tour months. Reading Lackawauna, Jersey Cen­ longh, Y. M. C. A.; J. F. Taylor. Y. M. C. A.; Henry name of George M. Wells, and who is now a sporting Bonnett; second lieutenant, F. C. Gilbert; sergeant, A. side. tral and DeUuvai e and Hudson have all been ham- fearoQ, Y. M. C. A. Time, 4:54. reporter on a paper published in ShefnVld, Eog., writes - toft Notes. C. Jyukin*; color bearer, W. N. Caldwell; bugler, A. mere i to death by tlie beHrs, but the constant absorp­ as follows about the American flyers who were en- Mr. J. 8. Iversen, Brooklyn, bae builta new 6 by 10 ques- The Springfield, Mass.. Canoe Club has these new Putting the shot—J. P. Kaue, Jr., Schuylkill Navy, N. Lnken-; surgeon, D. M. Milltr, M. P. Tho officers: Captain, C. M. Shedd; lieutenant, Dr. II. E. tion of their sales by knowing inventors has brought lift, l^in.; B. Bowser, University, 40ft. 2^in.; A. tertd In the Christmas handicap there: "Jim Quirk coop in tbe rear of tbe old one, the new structure, tiou as to the E. W. should remain aa L. A. them at latt into the great, st prominence, uutil they are and Fred Stoue were both backed to win a lot of money, like the old, beiug upon "stilts.1' Tbe birds are to Rice; purser, Nathan D. Bill; secretary, H. D. Marsh; Schroder, N. Y. A. C., 39ft. llin.; C. A. Qucckberner, W, club was decided in the affirmative by nil almo&t executive committee, the above and Frank D. Foot; re­ now leading the market, aud two of them, at least, aro ». Y. A. C., 36ft. 9K' D -; James F. Hunt, Yale, Sift. but, unfortunately for Quirk, he broke*down on the enter through drop holes anJ will pass ibruughbobs unanimous vote. The club boasts the largest lady selling at the hightst prices for many months. The first day, and, although he managed to win his heat, intu the loft.- "Time" will probably be when tho bird gatta committee, C. M. Shedd, George M. Bttrney and U^in.; George Bnnton, University, 32ft. skin.; E. J. membership of auy club iu tlio country. F. A. Niekerson. . two Delawarcs have just presented their annual etate- Ciannini, D. K. C., 32ft. 5%in.; Ellis W. Harvey, he was unable to run, and the American party, which has passed the dfop. Tbe o'd coffee-pot arrangement It has been decided to tianie the new local c3-cliDg meuts, both showing net eartiiugd of about twelve per Bwarthmore, 31ft. 7^in.; H. S. Young, Jr., M. A. 0., comprised Homer Pennock, of Leadville; T. Conner, by whicb, in pulling a s-tring, hemp-seed was scattered organization the "Associated Cycling Clubs of Phila­ Charles Carr, of Newcastle, England, has issued a jenf. on the stock, and tliia iu tut) face of the alarming A., 29ft. 9%in. Frank Rodebush, BIcCuIlough and Connors, all backed iu the enclosure below to tempt the arriving birds to challenge to row the winuer of tho Rosa-Bitb^ar race lift. 3%in.; L. Kirchuer, Y. SI. C. delphia." The constitution and by-laWP, as drafted by and intelligence that sleel rails are unsalable at 832 per Pole rault—A.. B. Cline, University of Pennsylvania, Stone. Altogether Stone was supported to win J18.000 go in at once that was the prominent feature of the tlie committee, will be submitted to the clubs fur their within three mouths of the present time for £200 ton, and tlmt the iron furnaces of tho country of Pennsylvania, 9ft.; without ever taking less odds than Certain!} old coop which lias bt^-u taken down. The new coop the Sportsman Cup. The lUsa-Bubt-ar rare is set for Ml. 9in.; G. P. Quinn. University approval at tbe February meeting, and tho delegates aud be ire til going out of blast! Of course, theso earnings A. B. Johnson, N. Y. A. C'., 8ft.'llin.; A. Schroder, 8ft. Stoue was quoted at 10 to 1 ou Friday night, but it is is to be kept for the fly*re, and tbe old one is to be to represent them will be elected at the same time. Ft-bruary 13. Carr wants to row o& ihe Ti ne, re due in great measure to tbe extraordinary con- llin.; Alexander Stevens, N. Y. A. C., 8ft. 7in. doubtful if the Americans ever took less than 20 to 1 stocked with imported breeders, A. week ago Mr. Tbe firet meeting of tho board of delegates will be held will allow £25 for expenses. He has already put up a Bumption of coal last year, but any one who exam­ against Fred, who walked over for his heat on the first Iveracu BHW a red checker making persistent efforts en the 'hud Tuesday in March, when the officers to deposit of £25. ines the statistic* must see that tuis consumption ia THE NEW ATHLETIC UNION. day, and ou the second day was beaten in the first heat by to wutor the old coop, and thinking it belonged to a serve for the ensuing year will be electei. The clubs There is a scheme on foot among the oarimen of the growing greater, not less, year by year, and the time , who gave Stoae four yards' sltrt in 120^, flight in Twenty-third street, he was equally persist­ included are the Germantown, Pennsylvania, Century, University for building a temporary boat house on the is n jt far off when tho anthracite coal fields will be Complete Organization Effected The Offi­ and woo on the post, Martin running his distance, ent in barring it out. At night the biid sought the Philadelphia, Tioga aud South End. Schuylkill river, below the Soutii street bii.lge, so as taxed to their utmost to supply this .great demand for or equal to '1% yards Inside cers Elected The Amateur Definition, 120V£ yards, In 11 4-6s., shelter of the Ballaid loft in Fifth avenue. Mr. At the next meeting of the board of officers of the to enable them to pave time now required to go to coal. A pt rm inent bolder of coal stocks cannot go far even time." Irersen eaw it there next niorning, and stid, "Mv their Fairmount Park house, und also to make ;\ four- astray, for iha day will come when Lackttwauua will Etc. it over New Yoik pmsion, L. A. W., provision will bo made The entries for the international six days' go-as- Dfwdrop." He took it in bund, and looking for tl.e organization cf a Ro*d Improvement Associa­ mile ptraiglitawity pull possible, which c tin not Le bad ae unpurchasable at 250 and Reading be considered A meeting of delegates to the new body of you-please at Madison Square Garden have closed. found peculiarly marked feaiutr.-;, which coiifirmid tion, having for its object the inauguration of a legis­ abuve the dam. cheap at half that price. It is merely a question of Amateur athletes was held at the club house of The list is as follows: George Cartwright, Dick Hales, him In the opinion tbat it was tlie bird he had lust ia lative campaign toward tbe improvement of tRe road The Cape Ann Yacht Club held its annual election time and honest management, for the coal fit-Ids are John Dillon, Ben Currau, Peter Panchot, Anton Stro- October, 1886, in the second trial from RtppalMii- ist week, Frank II. Gaffney was re-tleoled ccmni'jdoro limited aud the demand is not, imd while the maa the New York Athletic Club on the evening of Cer­ eystem of the State. The object id a laudable oue and kel, Peter H'-gelman, Dau Herty. James Alberts, Al­ nock, Vft., for the piize of honor for the season. the New Jersey Division would do well to follow tho fur ibo ensuing yfar. F. A. Dobfrty was rc-ek-ctetl who first fioM quinine little dreamed of the possibili­ Jan. 24, at which a permanent organization was fred Elson, E. C. Moore, Frank Hart, George Noremae, tain red checkers have black marks through their secielary; I. U. Hiagiu?, vice commodore; Julm H. ties tlmt profits could be so greatly enhanced by solv­ of these officers: Presi­ example set, as it would have the support of all citi­ effected by the election Qua Guercro, Tom Cox, C. F. Adams, "Old Sport" Cam- feathers, but us a rule tLis is fuuod only in runle zens who aie compelled to use the roads for driving as Brooks, fleet captain; Frank C. Smothers, treasurer; ing the question of Kiipply aud demand, neither can, dent, W. H. McJIillan; vice president, F. W. pana, J. W. Callahan, P. Golden, Nat Collins, George birds. Belgians say tho male of the young in the Frank E. Davis, measurer; G. T. Gifford, Walter Rowe the enthusiast be blamed for asserting: tho day will bo Tilley, A. Graham, Chris Kanhofer, Ben McLaughlin, nest can be distinguished by this marking. Dew- well as of 'cyclers. Eddy; secretary, Otto Ruhl; treasurer, Howard The new club house of the Buffalo Bicycle Club was and F. H. Gaffuey, truattes. wheu anthracite will be sold in the drug stores. of managers, the above officers, W. T. Moore, F. Selin, Emil Paul, George Dufrane, L. drop was tbe only known exception to this rule in Theru is some prospect of an international yacht There have been some changes for tho better the Perry; board A. Thomps< n, Noimau Taylor, Joseph Wcnte, P. F. being the only ben known to have these markings. o|;en to the members of the club for the first time on to the- coiisiaot absorption of the better together with D. G. French, IRrvey McMillan, tbe evening of Jan. 21. A large nuoiber were on hand race next fall. This year, however, the contest will be t>ast week, due Kersuonp, Jack Golding, James Call, M. Koran, Thos. Tbe bird is still at tbe Ballard loft, but the first day between steam yachts for the International i/hullenge ;lass of bonds (the demand largely coming from J. E. Sullivan, W. 0. Eschwege, J. E. Rayburn. W. Sin­ that all can be present at the Iversen loft it is to to do houor to the occasion, and many were tbe ex­ Hong, John Johnson, Dave Beunett, Archie pressions of satisfaction at the beauty and complete­ cup of the American Yacht Club. Mr. G. L. Watson, abroad) and the indications that tbe Ut-admg strike is t. Or. Janssen, F. Uhlerhaut, C. C. Marshall and clair, William Griffin Marlybone, George Conner, liberated. If it takes the old perch that Dewdrop of Glasgow, Scotland, the British designer, ha* written ibout collapsing. While ihe miners still thow some W. F. Norris, Dan O'Leary, A. Carpen­ claimed as its own it will be considered that its ness of their new quarters. On Friday, Jan. 27, tho 6. B. C. Thornton. Walter Hegeman, of the George Muson. house was formally opened, when the club entertained for all information concerning the conditions signs ol resistance, it is evident they are breaking ter, W. A. Hoagland, A. Hofftnan, A. Newhard, M. D. identity is established beyond a doubt. tho challenge cup, and intimates an intention to chal­ ranks and their solid front is no longer discernible. N. A. A. A. A., was recognized as official handi- Scnlly, H. Williams, Wm. Duy, Dan Burns, William The loft ot Frank Goedeke, of the Pafapeco Club, its members and lady friends. Mr. Corbin. is to be congratulated on the speedy termi­ Club bus presented the club prizes lenge on the pirt -jf the Scotch sjndicate whicb was emppor. The following delegates were present Buirell, William Pittilla, E. E. Blood, S. S. Ball, Jerry Baltimore, is in the second ttory of a building. It is The Tio^u Wheel tbe owner of the Thistle. nation of the question, and as it is now settled perma­ about 14 by 15ft., and 5ft. at the highest, sloping to for the year's riding as fallows: Fur the greatest num­ at the meeting: F. Uhlerhaut, Stevens Insti­ Croniu, H. t. Larkey. Charles Sweuk, John Richards, John Teemer has changed his mind about claiming nently, the stockholders must feel much relieved. tute; George Thornton, Chester City Cricket A. P. Thomas, A. G. Munsou and 's "Un­ 1ft. At the lowest point there ia a dormer window, ber of miles during 1887, to Richard Dallett, 2,502 Tbe manner ia which bonds of all descriptions have through which the birds must pass to get into tho miles, the silver cnp and gold medal. For the greatest tbe title of champion oars man. Wriiing fruoi Florida A. C.; A. G. Miller, known." few dajs since I sent a challenge to a advanct d the past week, argues well for the new Head­ Clob; W. F. Kurtz, Warren wired-in area on the roof. This area is 10ft. by 4ft. number of rides cf over three miles each, to 1. Vau he i»ays: "But a ing; loan which I understand is shortly to be approved. W. S. Schuyler. Otto Ruble, N. Y. A. C.; F. W. 6ft. high. The trap through which tbe Deusen, Jr., eold medal. For the longest ride in one reputable paper iu the E>wt -ttatitu tbat I desired to and about from Denver 4a at 79, Jersey Central 5s at 101 ami Northern Janssen, J. W. Edwards, G. M. McKellar, Staten FOOT BALL XOTES. bird must enter the loft is attached to this area. This day, to C. S. Liesen, 103 miles, a gold meJal. ninko it racn against tho world fur any amount Pacific 3d at 87J^, and all in active demand, makes trap haa bob wires, also an electric attachment, by Dr. Key burn, oue of President Garfioid's surgical at­ $1,000 to 55,000. This challenge I will leave open for Island A. C.; Edward Milligan, Chicago A. C.; one month, und dnrmir that time, should it not be ac­ this new Reading issue an absolute cerUiuly of suc­ W. 0. Eschwege, Thos. Chalwell, Nassau A. A. George E. Manchester, of Wlnsted, Conn., has been which tbe bird in dropping upon the alighting board tendant-', Dr. John Walter and Dr. J. Tiber Johusou, cess. This accounts for Ihu treat strength of Reading elected captain of the Wesleyan University toot ball rings a bell elsewhere. Above tbe trap is a door, %lio was Charles Hum tier's physician, ride tricycles cepted, I will claim atd hold the world's championship geuorals, and holder* of these bonds may as C.; J. E. Suilivan, W. H. Robinson, Pastime A. eleven. Ho has played halt-back on the team for whicb, when raised, give* tbe birds their liberty. when making professional calls. It is said that at least title against all comers." well make up their minds they will receive C.; J. E. Rayburn, Max Reiback, Q. W. Boyd, :hree years. The loft has nest boxes for about twenty pairs, also twenty physicians, young and old, in Washington, are J. D. R. Putnam, who for nearly fifty years was con- par and interest for them on July 1 next Cape May City A. C.; C. E. Amnett, New Jersey Word comes from Melbourne, Australia, that Messrs. self-feeding hoppers, water fonntains, bath tub, aiid tricyclers. necled with the New York Herald, although during 1 cannot conceive any better purchase than C. Stevens, C. C. Marshall, Howard A. E. Stoddart, C. A. Smith and G. £ranu are likely to he mixture of gravel, salt and old mortar birds are Ten membeis of the South End Wheelmen enjoyed tho last fifteen ye*rs he bad not bocu. actively en- tho Reading securities at maiket prices. Speculation A. C.; A. John Treechmau's loft is so nearly like gxge'i, died ou Jan. 11 at his home in Brooklyn of Perry, Columbia A. C., Washington; Eugene H. stay behind when the rest of the Shrewsbury team so fond of. two ou door fporta last Suu lay. They started from for the moment is running in bonds, and must soon aku their departure, and will form a part of the foot tfr. Goedeke's that to we one ia to see the other. their club house ou tueir machines, takiug their skates paralysis. When rowing was in its infancy 411 this catch these 1 turner. The incomes and second series 5n Pomeroy, F. W. Eddy, George J. Bradburn, to be brought out. The Tresclmmn stock is in all about thirty birds, they reached the Schuylkill, all country Mr. Putnam was identified with the pastime, .re both ten points too low, and 40 is tho stock. It is )all combination with them, and when which was hia favorite recreation, at;d ho was the Detroit A. A. C.; M. W. Phillips, W. T. Wallace, An Association Foot Ball Club is to be established in among others the old 705 bird Blair Atliol and the put iu some guod exercise in skating. going 10 be an active year for Reading. All the de­ irst aud second birds that ever returned to Baltimore author of the first work ou the art i.-*t active o! auy ceased nas born in Duaneabug, Schenectttdy county, in the list. Activity iu a bull tuaikct means great terially from that of the National Association, to the old Rugby rules of playing, being attended with tourney will probably start Feb. 22. The entries will N. Y., Nov. 26, 1817. iittle or no danger from kicks and wrestling iu scrim­ I>arifte and dismay it was the first to arrive at home, en- without menaces or angry moU staring us in the face. nd regulations of this organization. ering the loft just before his very best bird und prime which autoinitically closes up close to the back-bone, had rowed for trifling money prizes at picnic regattas. Watt, G. G. McClean, C. Cockburn, J. G. McKay, S. W. from i f. the National Association could In a progresfiivo coxtntry this means only orio thing: Clubs composed of at least fifty members Smith. Tho president and secretary were appointed avoiite, Posenaer, dropped upon tbe alighting board. when the foot is removed At that time officers of eligi­ The Century Wheelmen will give a "smoker" on see no way for them 10 become amateurs. Since then We are at hard IMD. Auy change roust be for tb* which subscribe to the above definition are delegates to confer with representatives from other tfr. Danum was not pleased tu see it again, ami the soerns ucur at hand. more so that it had beaten his best bird, and he seut it Thurs lay evening, at 8 o'clock, at th-jir club house, the gentlemen have modified their views somewhat, Leittir, aLd tho change ble to join the Union. Tho athletie exercises clubs In the 'Varsity with a view to forming an Ath- and on applicutigu of tut) W«&t £nd Club, of Buffalo. v«r which the Union assumes jurisdiction, in etlc Association. ftgaia and again, but from New Yoik, Bcrdtutown, iih Broad Blieet. Feb. 1. THE SPORTHSTQ LIFE.

when the music was first played to the Colonel h« re­ melodies and delightful orchestration. It Is too bad to 10, 1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 2, 7, 3, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1. 0, 3, 4, 2, THE CONNECTICUT TOURNEY. garded it as hopeless; but he WAS induced to look into shelve a work which, in Uptime, was as successful 0, 0, 6, 8, 4, 1, 13, 0, 1. 0, 3, 0, 8, 0, 0, (V, 1, 1, 0, 0, it THE STAGE. and >~ee what could be done with a fow profes­ as any of the triumphs of Gilbert and Sullivan. 0, 5, 1, 0, 4, 3, 0, 1, 1, 4, 1, 6, 4, 1, 6, 0, lt 3, 0, 1, Record of the On men Played During the sional touches BILLIARDS. here and there and, lo, be finds that he 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2. 1. Total, 131. Highest run, 13. now possesses an opera wuh as big a fortune in it as "Le Baiser" (The Kiss), an»w bft!M which is taking Average, 177-104. Referee, McLaugblin. Past Week. "The Little Tycoon," or oven "The Mikado." I In the Peris by storm, has a sto-y which is singularly appro­ THE STATE TOURNAMENT. THE FINAL GAS1K ON JAN. 26. third game, Jan. 19, of the tournament AMERICAN DRAMA. ej*ciaUy mention Willard tfp?neer's opera in front of priate to an American audience. Pierrot, & magnifi­ for the championship of Connecticut now ia Gilbert and Sullivan s as another marked instance of cent-looking youug man, meets the fairy I 'rs&l'm a The twenty-eighth aud concluding game of the McLaughliii Wins the Championship and touruarnent was played on Tbursdtty evening between progress in Matt liowina' room in Hartford, th» Modern Stage I>eaths — Catering to the tho success of American effort. Probably the imme­ wood, but as her appearance is that of an old woman, diate boom which "Little McLaughlin and iJurris. Neither player had It/at a contestants were John H. Kingsbury, of New JVIorbttl and filing 011 the Agony—Maggie Tycoon" received was owing he has no notion that he ia in such distinguwhed com­ the Bronze Trophy. to the Japanejju craze. Well, there » surely enough pany. It has been decreed that the fairy, in order to g»me so Jar, and while Burrid liod played the fuli Haven, and Matt He win*, who took the place Miteheirs Reappearance in Philadelphia The twenty-first game of the tournament on stiength of Ms game repeatedly, Me Laughlin seemed interest ia base ball for a stage venture. regain her former state of happiness, must obtain the Saturday afternoon, 21st of William II. White, of Birmingham. The —A New Hauilet—Mrs. Potter's Objections kiss of innocence. Tho old woman asks Pierrot for a inst., was between to be Baffuriiig from a sort cf di.-gust which he con­ Burris and Palmer. The attendance was un- tracted oil the op«Diog ni^ht of the tournament. game was a thoroughly exciting and interesting to Interviewers—A Base Ball Opera on Colonel McCauH tells me that "The Begum'* has kiss, and he, with unexpected gallantry, bestows one, and from the start until the finish fcept the Deck Clarke'a not only Leeu one of the surpriaoa, but one of tbe most it. Suddenly ha finds himself in (he presence of a uduaHy light, there being less than forty specta­ Although he not ouly won, but itatle the largest ru*n Successful Season—Stage of thu tournament 32. In his most voluble ino- spectators on the qui vive. Score: facts and Fancies. pleasant experiences, of his career. Every singer in beautiful iraiden.whom h« withrg to marry on the tors present, whigh included experts and at­ the cast is pleased with his or her role; the author and spot The transform**! {V«f rejects his suit, after re­ tendants. Palmer played tolerably well during meuts, however, McLaughlin is not given to be talka­ Hewiu.-i (for Mr. White) 0, 0, 0,10,3, 2. 0. 0, 0. 4 4, turning his kiss, and flies away to join in the revels tive. He became disgusted, us already stated, on the 0, 4, 8,5, 0. 0, 3, 2, 7. 0, 5, 0. 13, 2, 2, 2, 2, fi', 4, 0, 3, 8, 0. THE LOCAL BILLS. composer are in complete harmony with the conductor, of the first 75 or 100 points, but in the last hun­ first night the stage manager and the scene shifter, and the box her sister immortals. Pierrot then thinks of hanging of the tournauitiut, for reax>n«* wnicb. will 4, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1. 1, 5, 1, 7, 2, 0, 4, 6, 0, 3, 3, 0,0( 18, S, WAIM-T...... Maggie Mitchell. himsrlf, b'it turning his eyes on the audience, dred most, if not all, of the playing was done by be explained in good time, and it was feared by his 0, 0, 0, 4, 2, 12, 0, 3, 3,1, 1, 4, 4, 6, 0, 2, 15, 1, 2, 1, 3 5. ortke just com* wealth. Well, I wrote one of the first per­ fiiendd BROAU STKKET THEATBE...... J. S. Clarke. notices e*-er written of "The Begum,'* and prophesied ceives there so many pretty women that he very prop­ Burris. The latter, in his quiet and unpreten­ that he would remain so to the ond of tho tour­ 6, 6, 9. Total, 250, Avt-ia^e, :j 7-8. Highest run_18. KATION AT.,...... "Alvin Jon.t*! and Modjeska, is coming hero with a new society star Bullock, viz.: 31, 28, 22, and 17. The seore is On the evening of Jan. 20, Jake Pletcher'f LYCMUM...... "Exciteuu-nt." many were turned away as those who And oh! tlie satisfaction from England a Mrs. E. V. Churchill-Jodrell, a cousin as follows: were fortunate enough to witnea* the con­ proxy, John A. Hendrick, of New Haven, met DIMS JlusEi'M...... Freaka, Etc. Of peaceable inaction, of th« Diiko of Marlborough, and possessed of a large Burris 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3,1, 2, 0,1, 0, test. In the Fred Sunderson, of Willtmantic. The*o two men play And ohl the peaceful joy of looking 0, 0, 4, 0,1, opening shot, which McLaugblm ELirrxra Kra^Er OPERA Hou3E..Carncross Minstrels. after number one! fortune iu her own light. She is said to be far from 0, 2,1, 0, 9, 0,1, 0,1, 0,1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14,1, 0, won, he made 17, which was followed with 9, 8 and 7. exactly the same kind of a gttme dashing, risky and g.K>d-liioking and a terribly bad actress, so I see little 0, 0,4, 0. 1,1, 0, 5, 0, 0,1, 3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, brill ant and in consequence one ol tbe best, if not tbe ACADEMY OF Music (Feb. 21,,..,,....National Opera Co. The Broad Street Theatre, under 3, 0, 2, 1, B* fore Bonn had time to realize that he was really Mr. Clarke's per­ chance for her here. 5, ti, 8, 9, 1, 2,0, 0, 12, 1, 0, 4, 7, 0, 1, 5, 0, 1, 1, 27, 3,0,8, playing McLaughlin was 50 or GO points ahead ( f him, best, contest of the seiies was witnessed by tha specta­ sonal management, is fast becoming one of the most 0.5,3,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1. tors. Score: Current -Gossip and Comment. f-j-hiojinWe Total, 200. Best run, 27. which lead McLaughlin kept up to the dose. It was and popular theatres of the city. Not Charles L. Davls, the only actor who ventures to Average, 1 93-107. in no senSe of the word an interesting contest, and Heudrfck (Pletcher'sproxv) 0, 0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 0, 4, PHILADELPHIA. Saturday, Jan. 2S. How we only is the ceiebr^tad comedian the attraction, but cover himself with $100,000 worth of diamonds, will Palmer 3,1, 0, 0, 0,1, 0, 3, 0, 2, 0, 1, 6, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 9, 5, 10, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 18, 2, 5, 2, 4, 6, 0, 3, 3, 3. the splendid 0, 2,3, should at no period be regarded as such, inasmuch as die on the stage is apparently the lesson of the company which supports him. His son own the National next week. His play, "Alvin Joa- 0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0. 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0,1,1, 1, 0,1, 2,1,0, that Burris, who is really a very promising expert for 3, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 5. 3, 6, 2, 6, 0, 1, 4, 6, 0, 4, 1 1_ Crtston is so promising an actor that people are be­ hn," gives 2, 1, 2, 3, week. Mrs. Langtry pants, paws the air, him tho bestjaf opportunities for the dis­ 3, 0, 0, 2, 1, 3, 1, * 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, I, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, a man of his speed, is no match t..»r McLaughlin. 4, 4, 5, 1, 6, 0, 4, 1, 0, 7, 1, 0, 4, 0. 11, 10, ginning to compare him with his Illustrious uncle and play of hia peculiar, but undoubted, talents. The 1, 4, 0, 4, 8, 4, 5, 21, 0, 10. Total, 250. Highest run, Bhrieks, twists herself in circles, throws herself 0, 0, 3, 0. 3, 0, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0,1,1, 0, While Burrla halph Reiser's room, 1221 Bedford avenue, Brooklyn, in "A Possible One," to be done at the Union Square noon was between tlie v- tenm Jinnus P*tiuier and the ley Kavanagh and Capt. James E. Boyle. It >n Jan. 30. dying scene which closes the play! Theatre, New York City, ai'ter "The Henrietta." youiifrsttT Thomas Pollard. In many respects it was a "Natural Gas," which was produced has since been conducted by Tbatcher, from St. A challenge has been issued hv Lou Shaw, tho fancy this week- at the Mis. Nellie Wetherili, whose foot was recently am­ memorable sort of contest and deserves a niche in bil­ Arch, is from the p*" of n !""*n! jonnmJHt, Mr. Grattan liard history, if c-nly for its comic or ludicrous side. It Louis, John Russell Sloat, P. D. Kilduff, Ex- lot billiardist of B;jstyu, t^^a^iuy man, barring Veil, we get rid of two death scenes after to­ putated, ha* been removed from th» New York Hospital :haefQr.aiui al-i^Kon, ifl^^^^B^MfcfcAgJfc^jij^^ T- ' ' " - ' ' -idta to her home, U w«V. V.vrowr. ttml P&UueT feaa an w*d>iD£ antipathy Coroner Wi: :> ' ~<^^^^ttA^^l*MM*fc ne. iii^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ night. Langtry gives place to Maggie Mitchell it is and is able to walk with crutches. manager, J Steelo Mackaye says it is not true that he has written or opposition towards playing with anyone who is not 'n and Dudley Kava- and Fannie Davenport to the McCuull Opera i. "man, as ohl as' iS'-'lou Shingle's" grandfather, who "fit in nagh in pan: , , o. But an soon as everything is settled Agnes Heudersou's possession for production at Minne­ 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 6, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, fail to add zeat and tone to it, but club house Keojih, but it certainly robbed Manager Flfwhman of a mure conspicuous merit is that he reverted to first in New York with his fine hardwood man­ troubles begin. Mr. John Grant has for confidential apolis, Miiiu. 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2,1, 7, 0,1, 5, 0. 0, 1,0, 1, 0,1, 4. 9, 6, 0,1, ufacturing wares, of which specialty youug Coilendef no email amount of dollars. Tnat little affair about clerk principles, for he had at tho outset promised to pluy. as ugly a scoundrel as was ever aeen on the stage An injunction obtained by A. M. Palmer was served 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0 4, 0,1, 1. is one of the largest manufactured in this country. the fence in front of her house ia New York and her or off it. This worthy, Mirhael Severn, with a Greek Total, 200. Beet run, 18. Average, 1 67-133. Perhaps another chanco of mind may now be locked neighbors flattening their noses to get a glimpse of on Walter S. Baldwin and Pearl Melville, at Ithaca, for. Bttlbo and Mabne gave John D. O'Connor, He runs his father's muiiufactunug establishment at adventurer./Vrtiwtt, and Jim Dixon, another clerk, half Palmer 4,1, 0,1, 0, 2(9* 1, 0, 0, 4, 0, 5, 0,0, 4, 0, 0,0, the Stamford, Coun., and seeouis to be monarch her at dinner is not a bad piece of work and helps her confederate N. Y., Jan. 21, restraining them from playing "Hazel stakeholder, to understand that they would play their of all ha and half dupe, niauage to steal, forge and Kirko'* without his consent. 0, 1,1,1, 0, 4, 4, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 7, 0, 0, 0, 1, a little thia week, but just think of her ingratitude! embezzle to such an extent that, when a plain-spoken 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 3,1, 8, 1, 0, 2,1, 3, 0,1, 2,1, 0, 0, match for the pool championship on hia table and in Good-natured pens made the most of tho feuce story Yorkshiremnn demands tho return of some securities, William Sidney, the English stage manager (father 3, 2, 1,1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, the private room of tlie Columbian. Tho rules of the for her 1,1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 4, 5, 0, and v«t alie refuses to help along the boys Grant cannot furnish them. At this point Frank de­ of Fred W. Sidney), will come to America again to as­ 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1. 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,1, 0, 0, 0, 1, championship do not require them to play ou any par­ who livo on The space they get in a newspaper 'by giv­ clares that his fortune nhall be sacrificed to redeem sist William Seymour to stag9 "The Bells of Haale- 2, 3, 5, 0, 0,1, 1,1, 7, 0,5.2,4, 0, 4, 3, 0, 0.2, 0, 4, 0, L, 0, ticular one. Tbia is a hindrance to true sport, in be­ THE WHEEL. ing them some amusing c bat tor on the subject. Grant** honor, and he will return to Africa if Lillian mere" at the Boston, Mass., Museum. 0. Total, 165. Best run, 8. Average, 1 32-133. Re­ ing an invitation to the encroachments of an essen­ will wait for him. She will not wait. "Whither thou The following is the roster of Lillian Lewis' Co.: feree, Edward McLaughlin. tially commercial spirit, and it ia illogical, in the sense There Is, of course, another side to this Interviewing goest I will go," she says, and down comes the curtain Lillian Lewis, Lawrence Marston, Mario Brainard, The twenty-fifth game was between McLaughlin that either there is uo need for any rules at all, or they The Buffalo Ramblers' Club last wpek elfctfd thea* question. Pretty little Mrs. Potter voices H io a re­ on a frtsh aud moving situation. Bessie Taylor, Minnie Gilbert, S. S. Simpson, Alien and Levy on Tuesday night. As tho result wan should be prescriptive as to everything liEely to beget officer^: President, John S. Kenner, vice president, cent interview: "Such awful-looking men came to Dumond, Frederick Monte, Ralph Boll. known before a ball had been hit, (he attendance dissonance. F. A. Barnea; corresponding secretary, Louis Kath* was no man; financial Bee me." she remarked, "and some of them were one But the villains do not allow the pair any peace, even Fannie Louise Buckingham, of "Miizeppa" fame, ia better than that during the afternoon. There is not a Balbo is thinking; of calling npon Malone to play secretary, C. O. Wan en rancher; treas­ entire flavor of a liquid which I underatand is called in Madagascar. Frank id the rightful'owner of a gjld at her home player in this tournament now who ia not the match in Cuba. It seems that the championship urer, Albert Keiman; captain, John Haneusteia. Tn» in LurJlow, Ky., suffering from spinal Buffering annual rum." Now there are reporters and reporters, just as mine supposed to be worthless, but which is turning up trouble caused by being thrown fiom her sister's (Miss from what is known iu vulgar parlance aa a "swelled code ia silent as to thid alao. Time was whou codes report of the captain showed there had been a there is every kind of work on a newspaper. A city trumps I mean nugget*. So he must be got rid of, Ward) carriage in Baltimore, Md., eome time ago. head," who is not of the opinion that McLanghlin were not so generous, or careless, or possibly ely. An very good attendance at tlie weekly runs during tha season, and about 30,000 miles ridden by the memben. editor ought to show some discriininaiioii. He should aud, with tho aid of a vengeful Malagasy servant, it is It is announced should have handicapped all. Had this been done the inevitable consequence of permitting a champion to as signed and scaled that J. C. Duff name the place of contoat must be repression of whole­ The impress upon the gentlemen about to undertake an made to appear tbat our hero baa seat poisoned wine will play tho London Gaiety Theatre Co. at tho Stan­ financial success of the tournament might have been Chicago Bicycle Club is going to bnild a club interview with a lady that a clean collar, clean boots, to some French settlera suffering from fever. He would dard Theatre, different, while the result would, in all probability, be some apurt. The right of absolutism was first claimed house, and $1,000 toward it was subscribed at a meet­ New York, for a long season, commenc­ with respect to the championship of caroms instituted ing a shaven chin and A clove are courtesies due to the be arrested, but an English commander gives him ing Nov. 12, 1888, under J. H. Cobbe's managi Jiwt the same. The score Is given: of the club at the Lcland Hotel on Wednesday fair sex, and see that his hints to that in 1883, and it was conceded in spite of protests in the evening. The annual dues were raised from 812 to effect are re­ sanctuary on board bis ship, and, amid patriotic cheer?, ment. McLaughliu 0, 7, 0, 6, 5, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1,1, 0, 3, 3, 0, 1, garded as commands. In Philadelphia I do not thick the second act ends. Next the pair are seen living 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 5, 0, 2. 0, 5, 0,1, 4, 1, G, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0,1, 0, 0, interests of billiards as a public pastime. The fore- $24. The following officers for 18£8 were elected: any such suggestions are needed, es the journalists A Berlin artist, Krnst Topper, claims to hare devised Bight of the experienced had to yield to the potential President, W. C. Tiiorne; vice president, L. W. Conk- poorly at Uampstead, and Franli is decoyed on tb» a method of securing 0, 2, 1, 1,1, 0, 0, 3, 4,1, 3, 4, 4,1, 2,1, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 3, 0, rather pride themselves on being lacking Jn the un­ heath incombustible scenery for 1, 5, 4, energy of tho fresh. There was but one match for lin; captain, F. A. In gal Is; secretary treasurer, R. B, by night on pretence of visiting a sick person. theatres. Instead of canvas he uses fine wire gauze 0, 2, 4,0, 2, 1, 1, I, 0, 5, 1,1,1,0, 0, 2, 0. 0, 1, 0, washed attributes of Bohemia. Indeed, I doubt if Whilo one scoundrel engages his attention another 1, 3, 1, 2, 3,1, 1,1, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0,1, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, that championship, and tho contests for all the carom Schmilt, and Librarian, B. B. Ayers. take them altogether you will find a better-dressed anicovers it with a peculiar kind of paste, which championships since that concession was unwisely The official attacks him from behind and fells him with a uiaRea a good material for painting. 4, 2, 6, 0, 2, 0, 8, 0, 2, 2,1,3, 0, 3, 2, 2. Total, 200. Best Bulletin of the League of American or more gentlemanly set of men than the newspaper heavy blow. Lillian, suspecting mischief, has fol- run, 8. Average, 1 19-31. made can be counted upon the nngerg of one hand Wheelmen says: "The League will reorguuize, will fraternity of the Quaker City. Bnt it does not follow , lowed her husband, and comes up just aa Frank Harribt Elizabeth Coffin, a wealthy young lady of Levy 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 2, 2, 0, 0,0, 0,1,1, 0, 0, 2, 5, 0, without touching all. turn over a new leaf, and start with a new lease of that everybody is aware of that fact. Some of the ' has staggered to his feet and Is threaten­ New York, has recently become possessed of strange 1,1, 2, 0,1,1, 0, 2,1, 4,1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,1, 2,1,1, 3, 2, 4, No matter where Malone and Balbo play, look out life. The organization has outgrown its preoont rules, questions put to Mrs. Potter in other cities were ing his assailants with a revolver. She takes the pis­ hallucinations. She imagines she is in love with Kyrle 0, 0,0, 0,1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0,1, 0, «^ 1, 2,1, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, for the former. He ia in fine physique, and steadfast aud new ones mnst be framed in order that work enough to make her debate the rj^ht of a newspaper tol from his band, and, In so doing, unintentionally Beliew, and that he has wronged her. The actor never 2, 4,1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 1, 3, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 6, in his practicing. may be done more effectually. The new leaf will not man. For instance, such demands upon her as "How fires it. The shot dangerously wounds one of the vil­ saw her, he eays. A commiasion has been appointed to 0, 5, 0,1,1, 0, 0, 0,1, 5, 2,1,1, 5, 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 2, Charles T. Sbean, who drops me an alluring line aa be turned till later iu the year, and not before ever/ old are you?" "What does your husband think of you?" lains. He swears that he has been attacked by her. take testimony as to her sanity. 1, 3,1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0. Total, 135. Best run, 5. Aver­ to the quality of the sleighing in Springfield, Mass., step is well considered." states "How old is y^ur child?" were not even the least im­ She is arrested, tried, and sentenced to a term of im­ Tho seventeenth annual benefit of Philadelphia age, 1 12-123. Referee, Lewis Flanagan. that his town has voted to grant licenses, and Thomas Roe, of Minneapolis, who backed McCurdj pertinent demands of her inquisitors, Lodge, No. 2, B. P. 0. E., was hold at tbe Academy that after Hay I. billiards and beer may again be in prisonment. The immediate object of this arrest is of GAMES PLAYED WEDNESDAY, JAS. 25. In hia bicycle race with Whit taker at Minneapolis two doubtless to give a picture of female prison life, and a Music, Philadelphia, Jan. 19. The receipts amounted affinity. He ia getting up a tournament of all new weeds ago, has forwarded $6,000 to H. A. Peurose, ot I see by the Press that she does not like the publi­ very dramatic albeit terribly harrowiug picture it is. to nearly $3,000, which is the largest sum ever taken The twenr^-sixth game, on Wednesday afternoon, Enelaud at eight-inch balk-line. was between BuMock and Woods. The attendance Omaha, with authority and orders to make a match cation of the number of sets she possesses and the Frank interviews hia wife, with a warder in a division by the Philadelphia Elks in a similar benefit. Every The bookmakers' cuehion-carom tournament, now between J. S. Prince and McCurdy for that amount, color of her undergarments; which H very natural. between them, and she learns that her child is pining seat in the vast auditorium was occupied, and a large was very light not numbering over twenty-five or progressing at the Columbian Room, is vital with all I thirty. Woods had his usual run of the distance not to be more than ten nor letts than cv* am not overburdened with modesty myseif, but I to death for its mother. Eventually, by a not alto­ number had to stand. luck in this the deadly earnestness of this peculiarly literary con­ miles. McCurdy ia now in Omaha. game, inasmuch as that while he bnd not for an op- fraternity whenever a chance offera to win a tyn dollar know I should not lifce to see a detailed description of gether novel, but still effective device, she managps to Manager Hill has engaged Miss Grace Hendorson to The records committee of the National Cyclleta' xnj own wardrobe in print. escape, and shortly afterwords justice overtakes Severn play one of the leading roles ia Sydney Rosenfeld's IHtnent a man who played for safety at every other or higher note from one another. John T. Reeves, shot, ie had a boil in his right armpit which neces­ who with hia father kept two billiard rooms on Broad­ Union have- passed the claim of G. P. Wills to the 100- »nd Peranza, Dixon having turned Qneen's evidence. CfHHHiy, "A Possible Ctse," which will be seen at the mile tricycle record (road) time, 7:46:33 on Sept. 24, So the top of the golden bidder of adversity has been Union Square, New York City, at the conclusion of sitated big playing the game nearly all through with way for many yeara, ia carrying the top weight. But I had better get onto the drama or my worthy his left hand. We give tbe score: " A letter that looks as if it had been anowed in aome- in N. R. C. C. 100-mile race. Tho claim of C. W. editor will revile me, and so hero goes for "Maggie, reached, and FrctnkTJiornhiltBniveya the serene pros­ the long tun of "The Henrietta" at that home. Miss Brown, with respect to his 100-mile tricycle ride oa pect with his Lillian, his child and his gold mine. Bullock 1,1, 0,1, 5, 3, 3, 0, 1,10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 4, 4, where this side of Chicago described lue St. Louis the Midget," which ia the new play in which Miss Hendetson is at present a member of the Lyceum 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, Oct. 21, has not been allowed,as the evidence aa to time company, playing-in "Tbe Wife." 0, 0, 4, 4, 0,1, 5, 0, 4, 0, 2, 3, 0, 0, 8, 0,1, 0, fourteen-inch balk-line tournament aa ''a big auccess in Maggie Mitchell will appear on Monday night at tbe 1, 4, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2,1, 1, 0, 0, 0,1, 3, 5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 3, 3, every way. The apace was half the time not large is not satisfactory. Walnut. It hardly se«ms like eight years since she The play will be produced in this city next winter, Minnie Miiddern will bpgin a snlt for divorce from 4, 0,1,1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0,1, 1. 0,1, 0,1, 0, 2, 1, 0,1, 0, 1, 0. enough to hold The Ramblers' Club, of Denver, Col., has elected probably the people." Ytt that tournament, but was last with us, and judging by the glimpse I caught under the author's direction. her husbaii'i, La Grand White, during the spring term 0, 4, 0,1, 4, 0, 0, 0,1, 2, 3, 2, 0, 0,1,1, 2,1, 2, 0, 0, 2y 0, for the lesson taught last November in Chicago, would these officers for six months: President. J. F. Alters; of her smiling face and sprightly little figure in Now of tho Wayne Circuit Court, Detroit, Mich. They have 3. 0, 8,1, 0. 1. 0, 1, 5, 3, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0,1, 1, 5, 7, 0, 3, 2, have been at cushion caroms. captain, Robert Uerwiug; sacretary, W. E. Perkins; York the other day, it does uoi look like eight weeks. Miss Jeffreys Lewis, who has reappeared in New bef-n married six or seven y^ars, but have not lived 0, 2. Total, 200. Highest run, 10. Average, 1 Co-135. The jest of one becomes the reality of another. treasurer, W. L. Van Horn; first lieutenant, A. A. However, her absence ia now bridged by her return, York after a long tour South and Tfcest, managed to together more than half of that time. General incom­ Woods 0,1, 0,1,1. 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, I bhall never forget the disgust of Michael Phelan Morris; bugler, A. T. Hoevet; color bearer, U. (J. Koa- and her new play, written by Fred Williams, will en­ get some interesting free advertising on Tuesday. patibility se%njs to be the cause, Mr. White supposed 3, 0, 2, 0. 0, 0, 4,1, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2,1, 3, 0, 1, wheu he was told that an expert who had left this nedy; club poet and editor, W. JE. Perkins. able her to more than delight us with all her arts and There was no performance at the Windsor, and the the case had already been begun, and filed a premature 2, 0, 2,1, 0, 0, 4, 2, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, £ 1, city to play an important mutch had taken big wife The Rockinghnin Bicycle Club, of Portsmouth, N. graces. ''Maggie, the Midget" was written expressly audience were told that two important persons in the answer in court Jan. 17. 3,1, 0, 3, 0, 6, 3, 2, 0, 4, 2, 0, 2, 0,1, 0, 1, 0, 3,1, 0, 0, 0, with him. The marriage of Albert Froy on the eve of H., has elected these new officers: President, C, A, i for Miss Mitchttll, It baa new and pretty music by company were sick. A general belief prevailed, how­ Sol. Smith Russell has decided to play very short o, o, i, o, o, i, i, o, i; o, i, o, o, o, i, o, o, i, 2, o, o, o, o, the Brooklyn tournament and at loast the reported Haziett; secretary und treasurer, W. 0. Walton; cap- I Dave Braham aud characteristic dances arranged by ever, that too much juice of the grape had got a-ound, Bt-aiona in the future, and it ia prc-babla that hereafter 0,1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 0,1, 0, 2, 0, 1,1, 2,1, 0, 0, 1, 0,1, 1, 3, 1, marriage of G. F. Slosson while the St. Louis tourna­ tain, G. E. Philbrick; first lieutenant, F. JI. WarJj ^ Sig. A. Novissimo. The play is a well-constructed which was probably true. When Mias Lewis was in he will beaten only in the larger cities. He has ar­ Total, 135, Highest run, 6. Average, 11-134. Referee, ment was m act, cannot be without significance to second lieutenant, 0. W. Gray; bugler, W. W. US- ^ tonr-act comedy, sprightly in action and dialogue. Philadelphia some four or five years ago, she was at­ ranged for a season of twentj weeks, beginning next Mr. Gooduian. those who lived when sport was engaged in chiefly Intire; color bearer, H. P. Montgomery. The main motive of the strong plot is a murder, of tended by a tall, thin Englishman of belligerent aspect, September, under the management of Fred Btrger, On Wednesday evening Po'Iard and Burris came to­ for its own sake and its contributory honors. A man which the hoydenish heroine, Maggie, is wrongly sus­ Encouraged by the success of Binghamton, N. Y., who took charge of her from a newspaper point of and be announces bin intention to spend at least six gether in the twenty-seventh game of the tourna­ then with a match on his hands would put off tils wheelmen in building a path to Union, tho Holyok* pected. This gives rise to some teiliiig sensational in­ view. He went from office to office, accompanied by months of every year in the future with his family. ment. The hall was packed to ita utmost capa­ wedding, first, to see if procrastination would not help cidents which admirably contrast the buuiurous Bicycle Club at its 1*81 meeting elected a committee of two sallow individuals in baggy trousers, whom he in­ Mr. Russell enjoys an income large enough to enable city, and the game waa one of the closest and him to win, and next, because a girl of the spirit that three to raise the scenes. cidentally money and build a path to North­ introduced aa"my bootmaker" and "my him to invest in this kind of home luxury. must interesting ever aeon in this city. At one stage pervadtd the old dajs would refuse to risk jibing by ampton, nine and a half miles, aud a subscription list secretary." The d»y generally closed with master, Rose Coghlan was admitted to membership In of tbe game Burris was over thirty ahead, only, how­ mating with one who might prove a loser. Now, a has been started for this purpose. Hiss Mitchell is a capital dancer and shows her secretary and bootmaker r^turoing to the hotel in a United Council, No.. 1,035, A. L. H., in New York ever, to be outplayed by Pollard, who took tho lead, champion in any line of sport is liable to stop short in The new terpeii'horean accompli.-hments iu the "Bull-fighter's coupe with their legs sticking out of the windows. which he did three times during officers of the Fraukford Bicycle Club arej City, Jan. 22. United Council is composed largely of the game. The ex­ the thick of battle and go fishing, or hor?e racing or President, Richard Craukshaw; vice president, Wm. Dance" and the "Tarantella." She is supported by This peculiar method of drawing attention to the star citement was a little straining on the nerves, although spooning, afterwards murmuring because his friends Biich capital people as Clms. Abbott, JanaeaT. Galloway, actors and actresses, and ntarly every stock company Deun; treasurer, Charles Denn; secretary, Georga had r «trance to say, very decent financial results, but in New York City, with many traveling organiza­ wonderfully just to the expert3, there being no per­ do not throw their money upon him as of yore. Let B. F. McClannin, Frank Doud, Earle Stirling, Miss it killed '*the bootmaker." Hare; captain, James Dyson; lieutenant. Walter O. tions, is represented in its membership, which is sonal reeling, each player coming in for his share of us not blame individuals for this glaring fault. It has Dtna. Lillian Andrews, Miss Marion P. Clifton, Miss Kliza S, the applause as the playing warranted. The playing crept in with the age. * Hudson and ethers. "Lorelei; or, the Artist's Dream," larger than that of any other council in the order. Mr. A. B. Rich, the noted New York amatmir racing That is rather a nonsensical piece of "news'1 In A special dispensation of the Supreme Council permits was wonderfully careful on each side, prob­ There is talk of a professional tournament at ball ia billed for Wednesday afternoon and, by special re­ some of tbe New York papers that Mr. Abbey is ne­ ably more so than should be desired, as pool iu this city. Men like Gus Grote, who have spent man, will shortly marry a Boston lady and bid a per­ quest, "Fanchou" will be given at the Saturday mati­ it to hold itd meosiugs on Sunday afternoons, in order manent farewell to the racing pain. Crist, of Wash­ gotiating with Mrs. Potter with a view to engaging to accommodate the profession. the game lasted over three hours. It is due years in fostering billiards, do not approve of the hall nee. her as leading lady of his company in Miss Coghlan's Pollard to state that whatever bad luck there was was in which it has boen proposed to hold it. ington, will soon be left alone in his glory. place. The leading lady at Wallack's must be able to The six weeks' tour of Mr. Gillette with "The Great entirely on hia side, although Burris is entitled to his There ought to be uo better judge of stroke than one The Massachusetts Road B .ok will b*sent out March I went with half a dozen men the other night to act, an>l M:s. Potter has not yet achieved that portion Pink Pearl" and "Editha's Burglar" euded in Pitts- victory. There is abundant material in these young­ whose own Is the perfection of natural flow aud force. 1. It will be ready before that time, but It has been listen to the music of a new comic opera, written by a of her dramatic education. Besides, Abbey c«n find burg on Saturday night, and the company was dis­ sters to make flue players of them later on, and the These words are written me from St. Loo is by a mas­ thought l#bt to wait until the close of the renewal young roan named Paul Eaton, bailing from Washing­ no theatre large eoongh for Miss Florence Geiard and banded. Mme. Naucaze, who started out with the only regret we entertain is that both could not win. ter of billiards: "There was one player in the tourna­ season before delivering them to members. ton. It was only a piano rehears*!, 8", beyond tho re­ Mrs. Potter to exiat tiuiler one roof. A moie interest­ cumpany. is still severely ill iu Chicago, where she has There waa considerable talk ir.dulged ia at the cUwe of ment just closed to whom I would like to direct your Henry E. Ducker intends to build a half-milo blcjcU cognition of one or two charming balUds and an ex­ ing paragraph, going the rounds of Gotham, is the been prostrated for three weeks. Her physicians say the game by Burris' friends (which was no fault of attention. In my opinion, he has the best stroke of track at Buffalo, and says that before the setwon Is far ceptionally promising waltz measure, it is difficult to description of a stage view by a youog actress, who that she will recover slowly, but it will be a long time Burris') that the latter could defeat Pollard. Pollard's all the young billiarditts. His improvement latterly advanced he will give thereou the biggest tournament give any pronounced opinion regarding tbe merits of remarks that when the audience sees a handsomely before ehe is able to resume he^ professional career. friends were numerous, however, and wanted to make has boen remarkable. His games herd show him to the world has ever seen. ^ Mr. Gillette's next appearance behind the footlights the composition. The plot ia''baao ball," and amusing, dre-sed young man, good looking and well moustuched, a match then for from $500 to $1,000 a side and put up be fully the equal of McLaughlin or Heiaer." The The Bugly Corps of the South End Wheelman is pro­ and there certainly ought to be a field for an opera fervently embracing thu leading lady, that the opera­ will be iu Boston, where he is to play "Tbe Private the money. The proposition was nol accepted, which player who ia smartly peeping out over the instep of Secretary" under the management of A. M. Palmer. gressing favorably, and now comprises a membership founded on the national game. Mr. Eaton aj pears tion, kissing; included, may not be genuine, but must only proves tbat while money does not literally speak the nearly invincible Jacob Schaefer Is John Moulds, of eight. The corps is under the leadership of W. W. to be a singularly gifted young man, and not iu the at any rate be agreeable. "Shall I ever forget my first Mrs. Letitia McCulkmgh, widow of John BTcCulIougb, it is wonderfully potent at times fn silencing thofce who beat Slos&on and Carter without using np any of Roberts. least unwilling to take advice. He has sufficient ex­ kiss ?" she continues. "I found a face beside my own the tragedian, died Jan. 21 at ber residence, No. 219 East who like to bear themselves talk. The following is the handicap. Schaefer adds: "1 beat him, but he W. C. Boak, ot Le Roy, N. Y., has invented a blcycl* cellent material in his opera to place it in the ba&ds besmeared with rouge, incrusted with powder and Thompson street, Philadelphia. For some time past the score: gave me quite a race." lamp which of a professional for orchestration, he claims cannot be put out by aay ac­ and with the intro­ moist with cosmetics. It was pressed to mine, and to h«r health had been failing through intense sufferings Burris—3, 1, 0, 1, 0, 9, 0, 2. 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, Sovt-ral of the employes of "The Voile Elephant" cidental overturning, or by any of the ordinary mi«- duction of a little more "catuby" melody, I am sure it froai a cauc&r 2, 1, 0, 0, 8, add to its horror, iu mouth was redolent with garlic.'' in the left breast, which was tbe imme­ 4, 3, 4, 0, 4, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 5, 0, 7, 0, have been arrested for em aging in the Sunday traffic. hapa. will be worth the while of a manager to give it a diate caur-e of her death. Mrs. McCuIlough was the 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 6, 0, 1, 9, 3, 1, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, The place may have its liquor license revoked. Ita bearing. In London there is a revival of "Grande Duchfww*," daughter of the late John McCain, and was bora in 1832. 0, 0, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 4, 11, 2, 4, billiard room has been one of the phenomenal suc­ Mr. S. F. Edge, an English cycle rider, covered 7,201 which ia drawing great houses at the Royalty Theatre. In 1849 she married the gn-at tragedian, who had 0, 2, I, 2, 1, 7, 1, 1, 2, 0, 2. 0, 0, 0, 1, 1. 4. 2, 0, 4, 0, cesses of this decade. Latterly its proprietor has been miles last year, 5,638 miios ou a safety, 723 on a trl- Talking of successful amateur effort, look at "The I believe that would gx> eqnally well in thia country, even then established for himself a reputation. In 1, 5, 4, 9, 0, 0, 2. Total, 200. Highest run, 11. Aver­ venturing into theatrical management on the quiet. cyck', 529 on a timdtin and 311 on an ordinary. Begum," the opera by Reginald De Koron and Harry and I really sh-.-uld like to see an En#Ii?h opera com­ 1850 her eldest sou, James, was born, and ten years age, 1 95-105. Professionalism will tell, and it looks as if John T. In all likelihood tbe next meet of the Canadian B. Smith, which McCautI reproduces on Monday eight pany iu Philadelphia for a couple of we*1!*it, giving: us later her second. The latter died ia 183ti shortly after Pollard (, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 5, 0, 4, 1, 1, Reevee, the ei-room-keeper, is to escape with thft con­ Wheelmen's Association will be held in Ottawa. TU» at tho Chestnut fcireet Opera Home. I am toU that the incomparable music of Offeubach.with id sprightly his father. T, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1. Q, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, «,3, 2, tingent wealth of the bookmakers' tournament. date will be July 1. THE Feb. 1.

withdraw from the A. K. C." "It is wonderful what a noise such a diminutive minority can KENNEL. make." And so on along the line of supporters THE TURF. of the obnoxious rule 2. . * The Rochester Driving Park has hung up the DOGS AND THEIR OWNERS. Flour City Guarantee Slakes, 310,000, O\KU to all sub­ The first tests to which rule 2 have been sub­ scribers, for trotting horses that have nover leateo is :DOTT:BT The Petered-out Hydrophobia Scare A jected were the sweepstakes of the Collie and 2:30 prior to the closing of ihi« sttikf, Monday, April Noted Physician's Opinion Rule 3 Again Philadelphia clubs, both of which failed so 2, 1888. The stake h*s be&n guaranteed not to bo less lamentably that the stakes were reopened only, than 510,000 and the entrance foe lixed at 5 per cf'iif. Touched Upon Some A. K. C. Financial of purse, f!25 of which must accompany any snbscrip- Statistics. I feel assured, to meet with a similar fate later tion, the other insiaiini'-uts of Si'23 euch IMCOIUIUK due "THE BALL OF THE COUNTRY, Whafhas become of hydrophobia? Petered on. The third test ia even more to the point, aud payable respectively on Tuesday, May 16; Mon­ oot, seemingly. Died from want of the food re­ and should set the supporters of rule 2 thinking. day, Jnly 2, anl Wednpsdiy, Aug. 1, 188?, on which IT WILL WEAR LONGER, KEEP ITS SHAPE ALWAYS UNDER THE SEVEREST TESTS, and Beyond quired to feed the death supply nervous ex­ The president of the Spaniel Club having re­ latter (fate the horses shall bo named. The stake will ceived some communications respecting the posi­ be trotted for during the circuit meeting, Au£. 14, 15, Question it is Preferred by the PROFESSIONAL PLAYERS to Any Other. citement and fancy. That would seem to be 16 and 17, the (Ute to he dwciilt-d by the as-ociatioo. about the exact state of the case. tion of the club on rule 2, it was decided by the Twenty-live, fifteen aud ten per cent, of pursed will go THE 'FOU.OWIXG WILL EXPLAIN WHY IT is THE BEST: committee to take a mail vote, and at the end of to second, third ai>d fourth homes. I have never been of the opinion of the ex­ the five days allowed for the recording of votes General W. T Withers' famous stallion, happy Me­ OUR SYSTEM OF WINDING makes each bail exactly alike, forty-four out of tho half hundred members had dium, died Jan. 25 at Fairview farm, Loxington, Ky., tremists at either end of the controversy on the of spinal meningitis. HH was one of th-5 most famous Bubjcct of rabies and hydrophobia. I was willing to been heard from, and the vote was 35 against giving club funds at shows enforcing registra­ sires of trotting clock, an t, although 25 years old, was and our PATENT PLASTIC COMPOSITION applied to the acknowledge that such a disease as rabies did valued at KU.OOO. He \vus fvaVd in I8G3. He was by tion and 9 in favor. How do you like that, my exist, but to an extremely limited extent. This, Kvedyk's Hambletonian, out of the famous California yarn makes it impossible for a sipgle strand of yarn to shift rot upon any personal knowledge of my own, masters? trotting mare Princess (record 2:30) by Andrews' » . * Hambletonian, son of Jmlson's Humble toman, who for I have never seen a dog with rabies, nor have was by Bishop's Hiiinbletonian, a sou of imported under the cover, thus insuring a perfect ball. I ever met a person competent to give a All that is necked ia for exhibitors to be of Mee»eneer. Happy Medium h tmclf gained a record "OKIE HIDE C6 diagnosis of a case who could assert that he had the same mind at the closing of tho registration of 2:3'2% in I860 In 1871 Mr. Kohprt Stoel, of Phila­ Been a rabid dog. Yet, it is not for a layman to show entries. If they decline to take the course delphia, purchased him, and in 187!) n>U him to Gen­ REACH't eral W. T. Withers. As a siro Happy Medium was positively contradict, upon supposition or belief to get support they cannot blame the exhibitors. famous the country through. Thirty-uine of vhia get ERICAN ASSOC1 A. J. REACH & CO., only, the assertions of scientists who have It is only a question of two shows and ftie thing have records of 2:30 or lower. facilities presented for observation which do is done. News cornea from Mobile, Ala, where Cap'ain 9. S. PATENTEES AND SGLE MANUFACTURERS of j not occur to everyone. . * Brown's stable is wintering, that trainer.Rogers, not satisfiwd wi'h the two cripples, Blue Wioz ai;d B.*b the American Association Ball. « . * Mr. W. H. Child said to me the other day: Fiaher, he has in hand, id anxious to try and tret On the subject of hydrophobia, however, there "Do you think you can att'ord to lose the repu­ TfMiiiadour into racing trim again. Xlmt famous is a general and fortunitely a rapidly growing tation of winning at Xew York?" "I have not suburban. vium-r, who U*t yt-ar mitde The Bard lower Clubs and Managers are Invited to send for our sample line of opinion that fancy and fear are most important shown at New York for two years for reasons his color", is reported to be in Rpleudid trim. But accessories to death in a vast number of cases. sufficient to myself," was the reply, "and I can Captain Crown thinks the old ft How Iris earned a loiig rest, and so insists up-ii his previously expressed Base Ball Flannels, with prices for Complete Uniforms. This, I always supposed, was almost entirely, if as well afford now to do that as I could then. detennin uion to retire bini and put him at tin- hc:id not quite, confined to dog owners of a thinking Exhibitors no longer, Mr. Child, say 'I was first of his breeding establishment. The first of his gtt turn of mind, physicians being more inclined at New York,' but 'Mr. gave this dog first.' will be nominated lor the Coney Island Futurity of to accept without question the common belief. It is tho judge that gives reputation, not the 1891, an thor $100,000 stake. COMPLETE UNIFORMS FROM $5.00 UPWARD I do not suppose that all physicians would be show." We did not argue the point further. The refusal of the English Jockey Club to renew the . 33. actuated by the business point of licenses of Jockeys \Vm»d and G. Barn-it, iwo of the view in at­ » very ere »m of English riders, has created a great sen­ tending a case of alleged hydrophobia, but Mr. Cngle sends me word that the Yale stu­ sation there and much ralk here. Both are charged doubtless in some cases, at least, the benefit of dent Pnvin having failed to carry out the terms with having thrown races, and, ihtnigh the fact can­ WE REMOVE TO OUR NEW STORE, 1022 MARKET STREET, AFTER FEBRUARY 1st. free and prominent notices in the press was not of purchase of the bulldog?, Merry Monarch, not he proved, tlm clnh can punish severely, «s it has overlooked. done, by withholding licenses. If some such course Tostig, Soudan, Beatrice and the bull terrier could l»e puraui'd here it would be a good thing for the * « * Jackson, the dogs are now in the late owner's tuif and prevent the recurrence of «uch H scindnl ai I am led to make these remarks by having possession. I fancied that would be the result followed Fi"hburu's riding of Racelnnd in the Fl«t- A. J. REACH & CO., met a phvsician of prominence, who?e views ap­ after the recent exposures of the Mexican ad­ busd Stakes at Coney ItUnd last September, when Sir proach the other extreme, that hydrophobia is a Dixon and three others finished in front of him. venturers. Colonel It. G. Sioner, nf Hambletoninn Stock Farm, 1022 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA. myth as a specific disease. I refer to Charles . * has sold to Dr. J. T. McMIIIan, of Paris, Ky., the bay , W. Dulles, surgeon to outpatient department in Report from W. K.'C. end of the A. K. C. colt Bourbon Enssell, foiled May IS, 18S4* by Mam- the hospital of the University of Pennsylvania room: "We already have 900 entries" [Jan. lirlno Bii'adl. sire of 1 In Man", 4_Y p»r-tld, 2:2. \%; and in the Presbyterian Hospital, Fellow of the Hippy Rntwell, 3-yewr-old, pacer, 2:201^; Priner-gg 26]. Story from the other end: "We have Hu««ll, 3-year-old, 2:3% OH bi.H-mi.r track; dam, College of Physicians and the Academy of Sur­ already had 200 dogs registered this month." S elnelte, tiy Stein way, 2:-6;V£; own brother to Sulo, gery of Philadelphia, etc. Dr. Dulles has de­ They should agree better before making state­ 2:28%, and Soprano, dam of C. F. Clay. 5-year-oM voted much time and attention to the investiga­ stallinn, record 2:18, and Eminence, 3-yp.i---oH, record ments. 2:27%. Steinctte is a half si-ter to ClemuiieG.,2:15U' EtlL tion of hydrophobia cases, and in 18S4 read a paper before the Medical Society of the State of . P.-Bt Boy. 2:23; Alice Stoner, 2:24\£ and Mystery, Pennsylvania, entitled, "The Disorders Mistaken Entries for the Utica show close on Feb. 4, 2:25^. "Price, $3,000. and don't forget that New Haven and Boston The Indiana Trotting and Pacing Honio Association, TWENTY DESIGNS, for Hydrophobia." meeting at Tnduntp ills Jan. 25. vot«d will recognize wins there. That will insure a on the question how to decide tne nativity of a C"tr. Lithographed in Six Colors, and the Best Published, This paper I have not seen, and only know of good entry from all along the line. Utica is which has been vexing the National Trotting Assoc-'tx- worth visiting, if for no other reason than to tion. After a prolonged dig. u«sion it was decided that Special Price to Clubs or Parties Owning the Privilege. Its existence from a reference made thereto in a th« State in which the owner of the colt lived at the "Report on Hydrophobia; Pasteur's Method; by heur the porter at Boggs' Hotel announce the departure of trains. I hope he is still to the time of its birth should determine its nativity. The Charles W. Dulles, M. D.," reprinted from the question id an important one in State rac«l«. Tim fol­ fore, though I havo not heard him, or of him, JOHN B. SAGE, transactions of the above-named society for 1887. lowing officers were elected: President, W. I*. Ijums, I think that this pamphlet and all others of a since the days I used to "do" the trotting cir­ Tt*rre Haute; vice prwdent, M. Ij. Hare, Fisher's cuit. Talk about your foghorn coachers and Switch; pocretary, J. S. Daruell, Lebanon; treasurer, A. Base Ball Advertising Specialties, kindred nature should be in the possession of C. Daly, Lebanon. owners of doge, whether recognized authorities umpires, he could give any of them a handicap of half a mile and then win. Even "Uncle The entries for the Latonis Jockey Club have been or not, and every opportunity taken to propa­ received, showing a total number of 1,054 to the four­ BUFFALO, N. Y. gate the view advanced by Dr. Dulles. It is to Dick" ought to be able to hear him. By the teen, stakes, an average of over seventy-five to each be obtained at tho office of the Medical and Sur­ way, there are kennel prizes at Utiuaof $10 each stake. This does nut include en'iies to the Derby, for beagles, cocker spaniels and greyhounds. Oaks and Ilimyar, which closed a year airo, nor the gical Itfvorter, Thirteenth and AValnut streets, Matron stake?, for 1890. Among the leading owners Philadelphia. At the same time I should re­ PORCUPINE. 4OO Choice Recitations and Readings, represented are: A. G. McCampbell, Melbourne bound in handsome lithograph paper cover, to nay a-liires.1, P"H paid, for 00 cents ;n stamps. This boot commend the procuring of copies of the Reporter stables. R. Prvor & Co., D. T. Puisifer, fi. A. Swigert, Kennel Notes. contains gems for Heading, and we guarantee eatiefactinn or we wiil refund the ni:>uey. containing Dr. Whittaker's lecture on a supposed B. G. Thomas W. K. Thomas, D. A. llouijr, Sm.ta Address J. S. OGILVIE & CO., Publishers, 07 Rose St., New York. case of hydrophobia and the subsequent editorial Mr. F. K. Hilchcock has sold the well-known pointrr Anita atablt-s, Chicago stable,-*, Fleetwood stablce, J. M. remarks by Dr. Dulles. Tbe best cure for "hy­ dog Springbok (by Mainspring, out of Cnrfew) to Mr. Bronn & Co., LaboU Broj, W. 11. Letcher, and 0 0 W. B. Sheldon. West. Jr. AMUSKMEXTS. drophobia" seems to be light on the subject. In the Texas Field Trial*, J"hn L. Phillips, Crofton, Final arrangements have at la«t beon perfected by * » * won the Derby Stake and Walter Cook's Res», won which the Coney Island Jockey Club will bo able to LARKE'S BROAD STREET THEATRE. make the straight trm-e-quarter The A. K. C. secretary has issued a statement the A11-Aged Stake. track, with the. privi­ OPPOSITE ACADEMY OF JIUSIC. Arrangements liave been completed for a dop show lege of cioss-.n? Iho lane, of which there wan some C of receipts and expenditures in connection with (loubt at one tim-1. For the lower end of tl;« track, 44TH TO SOTHCOMRDY PERFOKMAXCE. the "Official, Sir" (to quote Mr. Wade.) to be held on a grand ecule at t!io People's Palace, Mr. London, March 9, 10 and 12. which will l.e 200 feet wide at the starting poinf, eight CONT1 NUED SUCCESS OF THK Cugle would be fully entitled to call it "faked," Tbe dog owners who suffered by the Columbus fire, and rfhalf acres were bougiit from Mr. Connver, and for upon rny life it is the worst piece of cooking have about decided to bnn^ suit against tho Columbus seven and a half acms from Mr. Biaaier, noar the DOUBLE COMEDY BILL I ever came across. It is aa follows; bench show to recover damages. track. The new straiL-ht course will narrow down to 80 feet wide at tlio po:ut where it will enter the prcdeut ' A NEW PLAY AXD AX OLD COMEDY. SIATBMEJiT OP RECEIPTS AKB EXPENSES OP THE The well-known English exhibitor of bloodhounds. track. LAST APPEARANCE OF A. K. C. 3. B. FOR THE YEAR, ENDING-DEC. 31, Mr. BroiiKh. is eendiug three or four of hia kennel over the Atlantic to compete at the forthcoming West- One of Honmou'h Park's stockholders is Mrs. G. L. MR. 1SS7. Lorillard, and i-he wa- la«t season the only woman mlu.ster Kennel Club £how. who ran n racing ftalile in her own n^iine. This year Mr. Fia'ik F. Dule bnsjust imported the well-known ebe will have i rival, for Mrs. John M. Cl»y, widow nf Received dues from A. K. V. m*m- Btud bull*terrier dog B.r.n. Jlr. Do>e has alao jn^i btra (not uaed for stud the reci-B'ly deceased son of "the great commoner," CREAHAN'S pnrrhased champion J'lbiloo and Linle Dorritt from ha* concluded not to sell the produce ot" the mares hook purposes...... ? 236.25 Mr. Walter Comstock, Providence, E I. " Entries for Vol. IV...... 1,089.50 left her by lu-r liu*i-and, but will hive them trained " Advertisements. Vol. IV., Tbe American Mastiff Club advifars us ihat the special and run und'T trm «11 col-rs. She lia^ a l--*rsre breed­ NOISE JOnnUUE (Part prize* offered by them, to be competed for at the forth- ing farm, and some fine btock on it, ID the heart of T.A'T MGHTS OF " ' " gangland Kennel Club, have toe Kentucky blue- grass regioo. _ . __,... SUBDUER. in .fjinnoo onl r...... :ci>nnt of tucir s&esaiou from There is an Australian jockey that makes all the SOCIAL EVENTS -and PAUL PRY " Cash salts, '. '-/, Parti tho American Kennel Clnb. American jocks enviuuj. Sounders is his uamo and he OVER SOCIAL EVENTS and PAUL PRY I., II. mid III. (I'art IV. It tsBtated uo to -ka will be open in Kntrlnod rode Dunlop to victory in the rice for the He!lourne not jet published)...... 213.50 on the Waterloo Cupun'i! the night of the i!r=iw. This Cup. He backed his mount, who had run second for 500.000 SOLD ! SOCIAL EVENTS and PAUL PRY " Cash sales, Vols. I., II. and is rather a ch;mge from the old do« plunging days, but ihe Melbourne S akes thr»« days before, to the extent EACH IN THKKK ACTS. MATfXEK SATUP.DAY. III...... 7600 the knights of the pencil have done b-idly over the of £'.310 at odds of 20 to 1. He won the race easily, " Tubulated pedigrees...... 11000 last tw-j and are conseqtieiitly chary of making a and gifts from Dunlop's owner acd otheis, added to his book. H. J. BERCMAN, MR. J. S. CLAEKE'S " Donation for a bwikraae..... 10.00 winning fn the books, netted him 827,000 for riding UKALKll IN FIFTIETH AND LAST PKIiKnU;.]AM E FOE THK " Fees, charged for collections .05 The annnal meeting of tho American Kennel Club that one raw. It also made him at once the most S2.453.15 will Be held on Thursday, Feb. 23, Rt 10:30 A.M., at the prominent jockey in Australia. The Brunswick-Ualke-Collender Co.'s PRESENT. Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1888...... SG50.04 office of the club, No. 44 Broadway, New York. The Lima, 0., has formed a irotlinc association. J. A. Billiard and Pool Tables, Bar Fix­ SATURDAY EVENING. FEHRUAIiY 4 PRODUC­ quarterly meeting of tho executive committee of tbe Lee has been elected president and T. D. Robb, eem-- tures, Saloon Furniture, Check TION" OK Paid for cluboxpeases fn m A. K. C. club is call«-d for the same date and at the same place, tary. M«frs. J. W. Vandyke, T. C. Calvert and E. B. and Cash Keiyislers, Etc. iaa'...... 9 58.27 to follow the annual meeting. Mitchellare a committee ti draw up nriicles for ihe 1OO2 AROII STREET, PHILADELPHIA.___ HAMLET, PRIME OF DEHARK. Librarian of Coiifrress, Copyright...... 4 00 The Meadow Brook Clnb has chopen these new government of the association. It is the intention of CRESTON CUKKE AS PRINCE HAMLET. Feefl charged I'y bank for collections. 6.50 oflicers fur the ensuing year: President, William the association to join the American Trotting Asso­ GENERAL ADMISSION...... 50 on 25 CENTS. Petty exDcnses (telegrams, express, ~ Jay; vi'-o president, H. L. Herbert; secretary, Thomas ciation aiid hold meetings this summer. ED. McLAUGHLIN'S Son's reserved in advance dnilv at Oitsuu's, 1228 etc.) ...... 8 C3 H. Tern: treasurer, R. W. Stuart; mailer of hounds, E. S. Sluir & Son, of Dunercfl. Ky., havo sold to Cues'nut, or the Theatre Ticket Offi -e. Gas bilh...... 11.19 E. D. Morcan; stewards, F. R. Appleton, Thomas William Redoing, ot New York, the bay mare Mottle Tbe Sale for H.imlet will open Monday.______Hitchcock, Jr., B. W. Stuart and K. D. Wimhrop. Billiard Parlors, We are now taking orders for these superb bats from P-stage, stamps...... 67.75 U'ilkes, G yearn old, by Yunnt Jim, dam Auensla by managers ;m'l \ layer*. Every one perfect aud made on Office furniture...... 07.95 A member of the American English Beugle Clnb, Allie West, second dam by Kriwson, for 810,000. S'ie ST. ATIONAL THEATRE, ^ I'0;11-E Bi(OAl) bT.STATIUN. most "appiovtd models nf th«roni;lily Ke;isonod, son- Pa.d for Vols. I. 11. and III...... 5050 offers a t-iH'eiul prizo of a haiKl.-om* engraving for lost only one race la-t sert«on, and gained a rerorl of Ridge Avenue, Tenth and Callowhlll Sto. dried timber. Will lit- rea-ly to deliver Feb. 1. Office rent...... 1C458 coniivtitiiiu at the Bench Show, to be held by the Phil­ 2:22^. Shy will go to lleddiug'a plantation in Cuba. N Printinar etiul booh, Purla I., U. and adelphia Kennel Club Feb. 28-20-March 1-2. This W. H.Wilson, Cymhiana, Ky., has sold to Thonma Reserved Orchestra Chairs Only 50 Cents. A G. SPALDING & BROS., III. (including a new ipsite of prize ia to l.e limited to Beagle dogs or bitches, that havo Welch, Paw Paw, Mich., the bay stallion Bay Wilb'-g, MONDAY, JANUARY 30. 108 MAUISON ST., 241 BROADWAY, Vol. II. and 5,000 copies of the been hunted during tho season jhst closed, and have foalo'1187-i, got by George Wilkes; dam Kate Smith, JHE AMERICAN CYCLES CHICAGO. NEW YORK. bench Khi'Wediltort, distributed had not lisa than ten rabbits killed over them during the o. t. b., by Rod Eye, sou of Boston; second dim bv DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE MATINEFS TUESDAY,THURSDAY IND S \TURD \Y at the nj'ring shows for tho aame period. Owners desiring to rompete will please Revenue, son of imported Trustee. Snch a combina­ benefit of advertisers...... 954.74 flie with Win. If. Cliilds, secretary, a certificate »tftt- tion can scarcely fail to produce speed. ON APPLICATION. CHARLES L DAVIS' , Salary of Secretary...... 400.00 ing that enterics made are eligible under the con­ Juhn Madden, of Philadelphia, has sold the gray Balance on ham1...... 650.04 ditions as akove stated. gel.iitg Class I^aric-r (2:22^1 to Colonel Louden Snow- :ORMULlY&JEFEERY WOKI.D-BESOWVFD 52,453.15 d-^n, who will use him as » road hone. Class Leadi-r The true statement should be as follows: is f.'ift, having trotted R mi!e at Detroit last summer in 2:1SJ.'2, and will j,iflt about head ihe Philadelphia pro- CHICAGO, ILL. ALVIN JOSLIN Ei.lrlpp...... 1....!...... 81,089.50 THE TRIGGER. CMftinn of r^ad horses. " Advertisement*...... 496.25 Edwin Thorne contem; Htes a large reduction of h!a Comedy Company, HO1^ subscribers (the % price one ia for a BENNETT'S REVOLVER RECORD. trotting fctud this spring, amounting in effect to a child)...... /...... 221.00 practical disbandment of the breed ng department. CELEBRATED Cash Bales 427 copies...... 2W.50 Chevalier Paine's Statement Refuted by All his PtalHon5!, except Thornd ile, 2:22',^, and every SPRATTS PATENT Commission on sale of old volumes...... 16.50 brood mare in his catalogue, will be consigned foraale OPERATIC SOLO ORCHESTRA Official Affidavits. AND On Jan. 15 there appeared in the Boston at auction in Match. »2,036.75 Kentucky Prince, Jr., alre of J. Q.,2:17%, etc., will DOG CAKES. Expenditures. Herald a Jelter from Ira Paine casting doubts make the svasoii of 1888 at the Red Bank stock farm, $10,000 CHAiLEME BAXD. librarian of Consrreas...... S 4.00 on the score of 914 points made by W. W. Ben- Quebec. This great son of Kentucky Prince and NEW SCENERY. Tecs for collections...... 6.60 nett at Walnut Hill. As this letter reflected on Patchienie, by M«mbrino Patch/n. ig the most snc- OF ALL SPORTING GOODS Petty expenses...... 8G1 the characters of several gentlemen identified cewful sire thtit evir at od in Quebec. 180 LAUGHS IN ISO MINUTES. Gas, stamps, furn.lure...... 14689 The charter of tho Gentlemen's Driving Associa­ Secure S^ats During the D*v, ft to 0. Bent...... 104.58 with one of the largest and most honorable rifle DEALERS AND GROCERST clubs in America, they, on Jan. 17, appeared tion, of Pittsburg, has beon dissolved by the County NEXT "WEEK, FEB. 6 "ALONE IN" LONDON.." Printing...... 954.74 Court, on motion by the attorneys for the Fame. The WINTEK TENNIS. PnW si crotary on account of $1,200 salary...... 400.00 before a justice of the peace and deposed the assets amounts to £7,440 and are ordered to be distri­ Balance on hand...... 351.41 following: buted among the stockholders. A Tournament Proposed for St. Axigus- ALXUT STREET THEATRE. There having appeared 'in various newspapers a Tbo next annual meeting of the Northwestern Trot­ tluc, Fla. W I. FJ.,EISHMAN...... SoIo Lessee »uj Manager. 12.036.75 statement from Ira Paine, intimating that the ting Horse Breeders' Association will he held at ENGAGEMKXT FOR ONE WKEK ON[ Y PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. THE SPORTING LIFB is in receipt of the follow- COMMENUING MONDAY, JiN~:jU, ' score of 914 points on the Standard Ameiican target Washington Park, Chicago, Aug. 14, 15,16 and 17. inz circular, which ia of sufficient importance Receipt*. was ucv(T made by W. W. BvnnHt, the underuiened, Jay-Eye-Sae will tn-t then against time or in a race, to America's Fnvorlto Artiste Cash on hand...... S351.41 beinc under oath, do hereby elate that the said W. provided he is in condition. tennis devotees to publish in full: Sales of t'nrt IV. estimated...... 75.00 W.Bennctt visited the raniro of the Massachusetts Mr. Wm. Redding, of New York, hns bought of E. A seaBrn of exceptional brilliancy is assured tills Advertising Part IV...... 175.00 RihV Association at Walnut Hill, Mass., Dec. 23, 1887, winter at St. Augustine, by tho opening of the new MAGGIE MITCHELL S. Muir & SOD, of Donerail, Ky., the bay mare Mollie palatial liotels. Among the events of intoreit proponed and iu our presence fired I'M consecutive shots on the Wilkfis, 6 years old, by Young Jim, dam Augusta, 1-y Supported t.y MI!. CHARLES AHBOTT and J601.-I1 Srnudard American 50yd. pistol target, at a distance of is a series ot out-dour tennis tournaments, for both Expenditure*. Allie West, for $10,000. Mollie Wilkea has a record ladies and gentlemen, in singles, doubles aud pairs, to HER OWN EFF1CIKNT DKA3IATIC ('oMPAXT. fifty measured yards, with a Smith A Wesson .44-cali- of2:22^ Monday and Etery Evening Tula Week, Balance of secretary's salary...... $800.00 bre Russian Model Army revolver, and scored an ag­ be held the middle of Marrh, for which entries are Picture Printing Part IV...... 200.00 The young trotting horse Sam Jonea, owned by solicited by the undersigned committee. It will bean gregate of 914 points, using regular factory ammuni­ John Wesfall, of Perry, Mo., and tion of the U. M. C. Co. Manufacture. WH. T. KEN- who made a good unique affair, amid semi-tropical surroundings, of un­ $1,000.00 record" in the trotting races in the West last teagon, usual interest and beauty. "Maggie, the Midget" PALL, IMice Officer, Rant;e Keeper; AVSTIX McCitt- has been purchased by Mr. Budy, of St. Louie, for loss on the year 1887...... $398.59 THV, Official Scorer; BARNABAS RICHARDSON. A permanent orpanization will be effected and a Weiln-s''.'!!- Matii:?", Frames, COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS,) 51,325. valuable prize ottered by residents loY annual compe­ The noted sorrel trotting gelding Wells Fargo, The Bonanza builder must take Carlyle's es­ Middlesex, s?. /Jan. 17. 18S8. 2:18%, tition. A feature of interest ia the expected entry of "LORLE-The Artist's Dream." &0., &0. Then personally appeared the above named William by George II. Patchen, Jr., hag been suld at public well-known Englishmen. .. Saturday Mafm^e, timate of dog men and believe they are mostly T. K^ndtill.Aiutin McCarthy and Barnabas Richard- auction to Secretary Cook, of the Speed Association of Fares, accommodations, etc. Excursion rates, good fools all fool?, apparently, when he asks ns to Oii, and made rath that the statements contained in San Fraccifco, for $1,275. until May, from New York, all lail, will bo about ESS, "FANCHON, THE CEICKET." accept his "statement" as correct. the foregoing affidavit by them subscribed are true. J. I. C«se is on a trip to the Pacific coast. It la not through to St. Augustine and it-turn a very reason­ Next Wiek K. 11. SOTHEKX in r able charge for a journey of 2,600 miles. -Fifteen days * . - * Before me, JOHN G. MAOCIRE, impossible that he may take a fancy to ei'hcr Guy "THE HIGHEST BIDDER." Justice of the Peace. Wilkes (2:15^) or his phenomenal 3-year-old BOD, are allowed en route each way, giving a month to see Old Frames Re-gilded Let as go ba^k a year. We were to have Sable Wilkes (2:18). the country between terminals. First-clnes 6:eam- 3,000 entries, $1,500; advertising, 1,100; sales of William Miller, of Buffalo, has sold his 3-year-old sbips leave New Y..rk for Sevaunah and Charleston, LARKE'S BROAD STREET THEATRE. current volume, $1,000. We will put it out in Random Shots. colt A. J. Feehe. sired by H. C. Jewett's Shermac, with a Ihrough rale of about !45 to St. Augustine and C SATURDAY NTGIIT, FEBRUARY 4. SHAKES!' EISEAN riiollf i'HJN REMOVAL. a&ul&r form: A team of fifteen members of the- Newark Gnn 2:23%, to William Alien, of Uniontown, Pa. Price, return.which incluSesstateroom and living while atsca C!i:b shot a pigeon match at Easton, Pa., Jan. 26, 82,000. At St. Augustine the Ponce de Leon and Cana Mo­ - r THE BONANZA. I COLD TACTS. with fifteenfrom the Eaeton Gun Club. Newark won nica hotels afford most luxurious comforts at rates not CBESTON CluVUKE iis llio l-i;IM i: uF DENMARK, Bntrlw...... fl,500|Entrie«...... S1.0S950 Over £30,000 has been anbscrlbed by wealthy resi­ WITH AN APPROVED HEPKE-jKXTATIVJS IN by 84 to 77. dents of San Francisco to defray the cost of con- averaging more than a city hotel of less splendor. Advertising...... l,100[Advertibing ...... 675.00 The Cincinnati Rifle Association haa elected offi­ The Alcazar, or Casino, whoso court will be utilized EVEBY OTIIKIl CHARACTER. Bales...... 1,000 Sales...... 600.00 atructing a speed-drive through Golden Gate Park. for the tournament, is a complete hotel itself on the The sale of Seats will commence Monday and con­ cers as follows: President, Peter Gibson; vice presi­ Stable* to accommodate one dent, AI Bandlc; treasurer, Louis Stegner; secretary, hundred more horses are European plan, with restaurant and -bachelor apart­ tinue every day at llilsou' anil at the Tlicutie. "The J3,600| $2,264.60 Jacob Best; captain, Mat Gindete. to be built at the Brooklyn Jockey Club's grounds be­ ments of all grades. The Casa Monica cottages af­ Story of Hamlet," by Chtw. I>amb, m-itiy printed, will Deficit...... 1,335.60 fore the spring meeting opens on May 15 next. At Reading, Pa., Jan. 26, Hill and Weidcer shot ford less expensive accommodations on the American befnrniahedfreeatDITSON'SOR THE THEATRE. James Dustin has a l*rge stable of trotters at the plan, and guests of either have every advantage of the $3,600.00 off their tie match for $200 a side and the cham­ pionship of the county. Tbe contest Jan. 26 Oakland track, Oakland, Cal. Qua Wilkea, 2:22}^, aud main hotels, ol which each is part. ORLD'S INTERNATIONAL SIX-DAY Fancy getting $675 for advertising in a thing was Daisy 9., 2:23J^, are the fastest In hia string. at 25 live birda, aud was wou by Weidner, who killed An entrance fee of three dollars will be charged. W GO-AS-YOU-PLEASE RACE. MADISON ith only a total circulation of 2,000 for the 15 to llilPs 11. Milton Young's itallion Pizarro, by Adventurer, by Complete details may be had on application to the SQUARE GARDEN, NEW YORK. 'TOIMENCIXG money paid. I would sooner spend $20 direct Milener, by Rataplan, valued at 815,000, died at Lex- secretary of the committee, at St. Anguttine, Fla. MIDNIGHT, FEBRUARY 6, ENDING SATURDAY, The Ridgetown Gun Club, of London, Out, haa theae BICHARD D. SEABS. Boston. in printer's ink and postage stamps. The Amer­ new officers J. A. McKellar, president; II. A. Mal- ington on Wednesday night of pneumonia. FEBRUARY 12, 18«8. $20,1100 will be expended on Capt Sam Brown DOW has 33 thoroughbreds in VAN B. STUTVESANT, New York. this Race. Entrance fee, $25.00, Open to tho World. ican Kennel Keijister has a circulation of monthly lory, secretary-treasurer; Jame* Grant and C. H. East- L. HARBISOK DULI.KS, Philadelphia. lake, finance committee; Joseph. Laing, custodian; H. training on the Batcomb course at Mobile. His string All communications to be addressed to FI1ANK HALL, parts of at least 6,000 and yet tho publishers say ia particularly atrong in 2-year-olds. GKO. SIUABT SMITH, Secretary, Madison Square Garden, New York Gty, U. S. A. Catton, captain. St. Augustine, Fla. "our circulation is so small that it would be rob­ The Win^ohocking Gunning Club haa elected tho The Terre Haute (Ind.) Trotting Association has $1,000 for the man who breaks the record, in addition bery for us to take money from advertisers." following officers for the eneniny year: President, withdrawn from the Columbus (0.) circuit, and joined The National Amateur Skating Association's first to the prize money. No wonder that we never eee a copy o* the "Offi­ Joseph Thurman; vice president, Frank Henson, the Freeport (111.) circuit. daj's championship races of the season, scheduled for cial, Sir," if it is only bought by 251 people. secretary> S. Kephait; treasurer, R. Frovoat; captain, The American Jockey Club haa accepted the resigna­ Van Oortlandt Lake and Fleetwood Park, took place The Sixth Annual Bench Show Harry Thurojau. tion of Captain Carter, and elected Mr. Fred A. Love- Jan. 20. The 220-jards race was won by O'Brlen, of Do you doubt the statement? Well, there are craft as bis successor. OF THE PHILADELPHIA KENNEL CLUB 110 men and the child, at half prize, who contri­ The Buffalo Rifle Club haa new officers as follows: the West Side Athletic Club, by three yards, in 22 2-5 PreeiJent, George Hodgdon; vice president, E. H. Mr. D. D. Withers haa loat from lung fever his seconds; Charles J. Gordon, of Montreal, wa^ second. Will be hold at the buted the annual subscription of $221, at $2 a Stower; secretary, J. B. Jonae; treasurer, J. A. Hug- handsome colt Stonebuck, by Stonehedge out of A protest was entered againit O'Biien on the charge BINK 23D AND CHESTNUT STREETS, year. Then $213.50 for three parts makes it gins; directors, Messrs. Weible, Ramsdy, Jacobs, ftlletta. that ho had entered professional races last winter. FEB. 28, 20, MAUCH 1, 2. $284 for the year, or another HI subscribers. Brehro, Winslow and Patterson. The Homowood Driving Park Association, of Pitta- The tweDty-five mile race was contested at Flectwood Entries Close February 18. For Particulars, Address, What a fizzle! With all its booming and the W. W. Eynnett says he will shoot Ira Paine a six- burg, has claimed July 10 to 13 for a summer trotting Park, Jan. 21. F. W. Craft, of St. John, N. B., won W. H. CHILD, Secretary, CHAS. E. MASON day revolver match, an admipaicn fee to be charged, meeting. Urst prize; S. O.'Brien, of the West Side Athletic Club, N. E Cor. Thirteenth and Market Streets, Phila. HAS KKHOVED TO prestige of being "Offlcial, Sir" only 251J peo­ second, and S. D. Lee, Manhattan Athletic Club, third. ple buy it out of the and the proceeds given to such charitable institutions John Splan baa added to hl> 18S8 string the bay 70,000,000 inhabitants of as the referee may decide upon, the rulet lately adopted gslding Governor Hill, 2:20, by Star Edmund. Time, Ih. and 61m. The judges reserved decision on the United States. by the Massucliuaetta Association to govern the shoot­ Lucky Baldwin haa been trying to secure Barnes to the figur.! skating contest. The quarler and mile races 137 N. Eighth Street, ing. do the light-weight riding for hia stable. were contested atSouth Paw, N. J., Jan.24. Tim Don- * * ohue, of Newburg, a member of the Manhattan Athletic "It is only a few kickers who »re opposed to A pigeon match waa shot Jan. 27 at East Chester, Vincent ia the heavy-weight and Belong the light­ weight for Ed Corrigan this season. Club, added further lustre to the "cherry diamond" rule 2." "A few friend* N. Y., between C*pt. Sherry, of New Rvchelle, and banner by winning Tanelit as nccpmfnlly ihrough the of Watsen are making Mr. McCoit, Green Morria eaya that Sir Dixon will start In the both of them. He captured both all the fuss." "One or two malcontents are re- of Mount Vernon. Sherry killed 28 out races, carrying the rtralght-away quarter of a mile id for 15 Cents. .'lll V m-M a* can bo <1r aid*. purchased Young Fullertou,