STARS ON TOP IN MANY DEPARTMENTS OF Leaders in Major Departments of Baseball in the Big Leagues Hornsby and Sisler Continue to Set Batting Pace in Big Leagues AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cardinal Star Hitting .389; . Leads Majors With .413.lias (LIB BATTING. Browns' Leader Has .418 CLI U 'BATTING. P'sve- Club. 0 P. H BP 9B.P0. Player. riub. HP. SB PC, 42 Stoleu Bases to His Fl'ler, Pt. L 122 50(1 10* 209 7 42 .413 Average. Ba rfnot. St. L. 0 rt 140 Cobh, Del 113 45.7 S3 181 1 10 tOO ii"i iipuy ni Ij. . . i.O Tnn i''»j J JU 32 16 .38# Pn.att--, "|-ve.. I'* 4'' .»" l"'l 11 ..'2 Tlemey, Pitts 01 313 43 lit 7 4 .871 Credit. Del 37 92 1". 33 0 0 .3,9 l'on»«a, Cln 51 1TI 28 a:i 2 2 ...«3 Wnodall. New York. 70 23.7 25 66 4 0 566 Hellmann. Det.. ,118 435 92 133 21 8 -li'.S With an average of .889, Rogers Snyder, Haney. I let "SIM 411 II 2 .'US iiiiintro, in'/ iu« oi 4 hi 13 5 .868 Push," N. V 31 7". IS 21 0 0 .347 Honisby of the Cardinals continues to Plgbee, Pitts 119 482 83 174 2 17 .861 Mauser. Phil 82 2."2 in 87 7 0 .343 Tlusacll, Pitts 35 123 30 41 7 3 .aJJ Tohln. St L 120 31.1113 171 11 rt .339 l»ad tho hitters of the National League. Hnllocher. ' hi.!.. 126 402 7H 17.3 3 10 .354 StUTH MOST POWERFUL Schang. N. V 98 314 38 100 1 7 .338 He has made the most hits, 190. and Schmidt, Pitta l» 73 ll 26 U 1 .376. the with 32 homo runs. Stengel, N Y 63 107 34 70 3 4 ..13* Keefe, Pleve 19 3 1 2 0 0 .833 tops sluvgers 11 4 .334 Miller. Phil 112 422 71 140 18 7 ..'132 of Pirates is the leading - Vellowhorse, Pitts. 2"> 17 2 ') 0 0 .153 Galloway, Phil... 123 no 150 4 8 .329 scorer with 112 and Carey shows the Hreesler, Cln.... 42 40 R 14 0 1 .330 Williams. S*. I, 127 479 100 137 32 33 .328 the Speaker Stands for Grace, Col¬ Burns, Bos 110 434 .30 141 10 fi .323 way along paths with forty stolen Cunningham, N.Y. 61 172 32 60 1 1 .34" Bassler, Det 102 314. 33 102 0 1 .825 bares. Lou Nort of the Cardinals takes Mann, St. I, 60 100 3." 38 2 1 .3411 lins for Smartness; Bob Meu- Hipp. N. V 123 47s 79 133 7 4 .324 hurling>"*»onors with nine victories and Harnhart, Fttta... 6.7 18" 27 f.2 1 2 .344 Stephenson, Clev. 72 207 42 07 2 3 .324 two defeats for a pitching percentage Roush, t.'in 23 67 11 23 0 1 .843 Bine. Del 122 494 113 139 0 9 .322 of .818. Kelly, N. Y 123 485 80 166 14 19 .341 sel's Arm Best. Mcuael, N". Y 91 373 Ml in 12 ti .322 Daubert, Cln 120 407 03 170 8 13 .342 Veaeh. Det 129 321 77 107 7 7 321 The Cubs and Phillies created a new Walker. Phil 114 440 83 150 10 0 .341 « CJ i HIP "II 1U 4 4'/ 40 O'Neill, Clev 114 349 27 112 2 2 .321 run scoring record In their tilt of # 19 .310 Hotmann 81 13 2 0 score (llhann. Bos 48 104 II 33 3 2 .337 N. Y.. 32 .'7 .321 August 25, when the combined Harper, Cln 112 401 60 131 2 11 .334 Ooslln. Wash 73 244 33 78 3 2 .320 reached the encumous mark of 49 runs, By DANIEL. Harris. Bos 97 830 42 10.1 3 1 .3:8 Bancroft, N, Y...123 021 08 173 3 13 .334 Hooper. Chi 123 301 93 138 10 13 313 the score reading: 26, Mitchell. Bklyn... 4 1 12 4 14 41 3 0 .331 against 23 runs for Philadelphia. ¦Tohnston, Bklyn.. .108 430 68 1 16 4 11 .338 While the National League holds Pratt, Bos 123 489 94 1.33 5 7 .313 LI 10 .830 the world championship and has its Beverel<1. St. I,. ..110 411 41 138 2 1 .313 This Is the biggest score for one game McManus, Pt. 77 9 In of c.noch. Pitta 00 315 42 104 1 1 .330 full share of ball the L .128 501 1.78 11 .311 the forty-seven years major league St. I,... 00 271 41 «o 2 0 .320 great players, Fothergill, Det... 10 43 4 14 O 0 .311 baseball, the second highest score was Toporcer, leadership in a great many deparf- Collins, Chi 120 497 09 1.74 I 12 .310 Schultl. St. L... 83 234 34 76 2 2 .83# wilt, N. Y 118 423 79 131 1 .7 .310 In the game of July 12, 1890, between FriSCh, N. Y 102 401 73 131 3 23 .327 ments must be conceded to the Amer¬ Wood. Clev 123 430 08 139 7 0 .309 the Brooklyn and Buffalo Players Cowdy. II'is 61 1TM) 20 64 1 1 .327 ican An of the Ruth, N. Y 81 31.1 70 97 28 when those worthies Duncan, Cln 121 481 71 137 5 14 .826 League. analysis 1 .308 League Clubs, Margrave. Cln.... 73 234 37 78 6 8 .32# major league emphasizes the cLsss of Rlgney, Det 129 430 .38 138 2 9 .307 flashed a total of 4 4, as their run output, Plainer. St. I. 37 77 17 23 1 0 .823 Jamleson, Clev.. .121 479 77 110 3 l) .303 Brooklyn with Bill Sowders and Con 12 6 .823 those top notchers: sneel). Chi ,1 14M .18 U7 tt 1 .303 Murphy defeating Buffalo, who had John 4 HI Tit? I < O 4 10 6 .321 Greatest in power.Babe Huth, Zachary, Wash... 27 39 2 18 0 0 .301 Beecher and Lewis the Voting, N. Y 110 4'8 83 144 7 18 .321 Yankees. Nunantaker, Clev 21 43 8 13 0 n .302 doing pitching, Smith. St. 1 116 412 83 132 7 16 .320 Sisler, Jaeobnon, St. L. 119 411 87 110 7 17 .300 the flnal count reading 28 to 16. p. Griffith. Bklyn 83 284 37 8i 2 4 .818 Greatest bitter.George Van Glider, 81. L 30 70 11 21 1 0 .300 O'Farrell. chl 100330 <11103 4 3 .318 Brown#. Julge. Wash. 12U 41.3 0.1 1U 9 1 .299 Record for Callaghan. 31 yers, r'.klvn 1 S3 40(1 0 4 137 4 8 .317 Greatest throwing arm.Bob Meu- J. Pewal!. Cleve. .108 4.8« 72 12t 2 7 .299 Barber, Chl 67 103 £>0 60 0 7 .318 sel, Yankees. Falk, CM 114 428 6.7 128'12 2 299 Yet another record was equalled In Southtvorth. Pos. 30 r40 23 46 3 3 .313 Smartest ., Mrlnnlu. Clev ...117 447 Ill 11 1 .243 the Cubs-Phillies contest when Marty T. Griffith, P.klyn 73 2.73 31 73 3 6 .312 Collins, St. I, 49 3( to 27 7 0 ,2'>8 Caliaghan went three times to bat in Fns, Pitts 42 133 1" 42 0 3 .311 W hite Sox. Pugan, Bos, N. Y.117 488 73 114 4 2 .29.7 the Cubs' big inning, the fourth, in which Henllne, rhll 08 336 38 104 7 2 .310 Most graceful . Trls nark Det 70 1.4 30 71 .'t I .203 Plnelli, Cln 126 437 60 4 .390 Brower. Wash.. 114 393 48 110 8 .7 .294 Chicago tallied fourteen runs. Only nine 133 1 Speaker, Indians. have faced three times Frthorg, Chl 83 233 42 78 0 7 .308 ltase runner.George Sis¬ Gardner, Cl»v 110 382 67 112 1 8 .293 players pitching pntvell. Bos 112 428 6.7 131 3 3 .396 Fastest Mngrldge, Wash. 27 0.7 5 19 1 0 .292 In an Inning, once in the old American Meadows. Phil.... 26 60 7 "1 0 0 .394 ler, Browns. M* .V mil, I'M 11(4 343 33 lou 3 9 29' Association and eight times in the Na¬ ft/vk, fit. T 120 4.-.I1 63 138 5 6 .393 Austin, Ft. L 13 31 0 9 0 0 .290 Mi-Henry, St. I,... 61 238 31 72 5 2 .303 Of course you could get up quite a GEORGE Helmaeh, Phil .72 4.7 5 13 0 1 .289 tional League. .Tanvrln, Prooklyn. 24 43 7 13 0 9 .302 number of subdivisions, such as best Manlon. Detroit.. 3« HO 9 19 n o .'>(. On September 6. 18 83, , Adams, Pittsburgh 21 43 3 13 0 0 .392 , best Becond baseman, RlOe, Washington. 120 622 70 1.70 5 17 .237 , and Fred Wrlghtstona, Phil. 416 106 27 30 3 4 .391 SiSLER, Fhar.ks. Wash 78 217 33 73 1 0 .284 Goldsmith of the Cubs fueod George 14 2 .20? and so on. But the above headings <© Smith, Bos.-N. Y. 83 248 44 TO 7 0 .2.32 State, Chicago. 82 343 f.R 102 0 13 .207 Weidman and Dick Burns, hurling for Rohwer.Pittsburgh 32 128 10 38 1 take into consideration the major fac¬ /froto Cutshaw, Detroit .103 40.7 52 111 2 7 .281 N' 3 °!*7 v 4tyft*»n ("BROwnS") Bronkle, 61. Louis 23 01 0 18 0 0 .281 tho Detroits, three times apiece in the hf, >Vjr 7"ork. 20 Ri 7 24 1 9 .206 tors.and In each depart¬ 30 7.7 4 0 set the '""-"t *-43' 111 o ,J-t ni» 11 2 .'506 supremacy Druggy. Phlla 21 1 .2.30 seventh round, in which the Cubs Burns, ment appears to he well defined. Sis¬ Kolp. fit. Lot11:1... 21 30 .7 14 O 0 .'Jell major league record for scoring most Cincinnati.126 609 84 119 0 23 .203 Leverbtte, Chicago 2.7 01 4 17 9 0 .279 18 times, Robertaon. N. Y... S3 41 r, 12 1 0 .203 ler. it will be noted, has the greatest Dykes, phlla 119 41.7 .74 11.7 9 .7 .273 runs hi an inning, by scoring llolke, Boston 10.7 304 85 11.7 0 6 .202 number of accomplishments to Ijis Etrtink, Chi a ?o 71 271 .70 71 n 3 .273 the ?r?t fourteen hitters reaching first Terry, Chicago... .108 .806 48 116 9 2 .200 Maker, New York. 01 230 30 04 7 1 .278 Juno Oroh, New 7'crk.. 01335 00 4 He is a ball Cle-eland. I? 9.7 |3 23 safely. Again on 17, 1891, Morgan 32 2 .287 credit. truly great player Chi-, 0 1 .277 of the American P" Berry,Brooklyn 70 2"0 24 60 3 3 .287 time £c°M, New York. 127 40.7 3(1123 7 2 .270 Murphy Washington Fletohef, Phlla ...102 271 46 100 2 .and every 40 11 1 ft 1 club took three battiitg 7 .280 to tear a .*27." Association* Le Bourveau, Phil, ill 174 21 14 1 0 280 thinks of him he is inclined 78 121 0 10 turns against George Van Haltxan. Olson, Brooklyn... 107 132 30 p'7 0 0 .285 few hairs from his head. Barney 40 02 ft 4 97 On June 18, 1894, Herman Long, Hugh Maranvtlle, Pitts..124 348 01 136 0 16 .265 he when George V) 37 0 10 .274 Tom McCarthy and Bob Lowe Grimm, Pitta 123 179 46 156 0 a .264 thought had.Sis'.er Robertson. 8t. i.. ]0 22 ft 0 1 Duffy, iivi, art M. ...1IO i*3" BH Jlin 10 7 .264 was a student at Michigan, but the Ward, New Y'ork.127 470 63 128 7 r> .2/1 of Boston each faced Tony Mullane ttnd Bn«*ekH, Boston... JHJ 54 0M 6 12 .262 National Commission handed George Goebci, Wash 70 39 13 10 1 1 .27j Bert Inks of Baltimore three limes in Rawlings, X. Y... 78 278 41 7.8 1 7 .281 Flagstead, Det... 32 67 14 18 3 0 .260 the first inning. ' Flack, Chl.. St. L. 88 321 33 00 2 . .260 over to the St. Louis Americans. J. Collin*. Bos 103 312 28 04 1 ft .267 National Kopf, Boston 04 330 37 02 1 5 .270 Menoskey. 11ns. .117 337 4« 0<) 2 7 .2H7 The record high score In the Mueller, St. Louis. 32 136 18 38 3 1 .270 Leading; Hitter With .4I«. Ht. Louis 48 120 20 32 2 n .267 came on June 29» 1897, when TVi Inert, Phlla.... 26 43 o 12 0 1 .270 Shorten, League Phlla of 413 Sisler PROBLEM 'c.Mlllan N. Y 29 71 0 20 0 f .20" Anson's Colts licked Louisville hy 36 Winters, 26 36 3 10 0 0 .278 a HARVARD'S With batting average Hiker, Phlla .120 448 80 110 32 1 .266 hurled for Cadore, Brooklyn. 22 "4 6 17 1 0 .274 leads the leagues. With a base cNttlly, N. Y 49 143 20 38 0 3 .2»> runs to 7. Jimmy Callahan Pitts major while Chick Ft azer and Jones | Traynor. 111 443 67 123 3 10 .276 record of 42 Sisler again leads .lOhl snr,, Chlcaro. 117 479 00 132 0 11 .26,7 Anson, High, Brooklyn... 123 47 4 00 130 r. a .279 stealing Hchnlk, Chicago. .118 309 r»o 07 4 11 .263 twirled for tho Colonels. Chicago got Ward, Brooklyn... 32 01 II 23 0 i .273 not a mar¬ RESTS ALONG LINE N.Y.-B 31 111 \ I 0 ft .26 \ turned in 14. Cincinnati. 7o 226 22 the Big Show.though by big Mitchell, 30 32 hits, while Louisville Wlngo. 02 3 l .274 Max Carey of the Pirates presses Coster, Bos.-St. 1.. 04 172 24 43 0 1 .261 Anson's Colts scored in every round, Krug. Chicago 104 407 6.7 111 4 6 .273 gin. Baghy, CleYeland. 23 12 4 11 0 0 .'2»«L of tallies In Aldrldge, Chicago. .50 89 7 24 9 1 .270 him closely, with 40 bases. Frankie Geiber, Pt. Louis. 127 3401 73 133 1 5 .26! getting th<-ir largest flock Bohne. Cincinnati. SS 313 40 80 3 12 .26# Harris, Wnsli 120 491 83 127 2 23 .230 the ninth, when they ecored eight runs. Carlson, Pitts 33 32 0 14 1 0 .200 Frisch. who should be the leader, has Crimson Xcetl Not Worry O'Rourke, Boa.... 44 131 21 <>."> 1 4 .270 Parkinson, Phil... 114 431 70 121 8 2 .268 only 23 to his credit. Jones, Detroit.... 11.7 418 57.1 108JU« 3 7 .238 Still Another MnrU. Smith. New York. 77 20.7 28 .73 8 1 .268 About Backs for Its Foot¬ Llebold, Boston.. 79 208 42 0009 1 1 .25" Miller. Brooklyn.. M 131 17 41) 9 A .267 Sisler is the greatest first baseman in Courtney, W.-Chl. 22 31 3 0 0 ft .237 The Cubs and Phillies set another Mattox. Pittsburgh 26 40 9 13 0 9 .268 14. 219 2S 1ft .251 Cruise. Boston.... 75 217 3 the game. There are some who believe IVwatcr, N. Y. 08 56 cord in their recent tilt by punching 32 64 3 .264 ball Team. Johnson, l'lilla.... 03 251 40 ft4 1 0 .23." between the best H'thc®to,St.L.,Chi. |»4 307 45 80 1 r. .2*10 that he Is than eve,n Hal Chase L. Scwell, Clev... 23 47 10 12 0 0 .2.3," hits them, previous Sehmandt. Bklyn.. 87 513 41 81 1 5 .25# greater P.uel. Burton M 2U 0 3 .23 cord since 1900 being 43. The Giants, Icslie, Phlla 107 38.1 30 'Ml 2 3 .236 In his prime. The star of the Browns Peck.'pa'li, Wash.119 413 ?0 1U"» 1 11 .23] th Billy Phyle pitching, got 31 hits, Mokan, Phlla 66 225 27 58 3 1 .286 Pullerton, Boa.... 29 8 u 2 0 ft .230 Bill Phil- Ford, Boston ....113 no 4 1 197 1 1 .237 Is a more accomplished hitter and run¬ 47 1,73 14 33 0 2 .248 die the Reds, who worked Special Dispatch to Tin New York Hinx.o. Plttengcr, Boston. McFadden, smote Nicholson, Boston. 74 210 30 54 2 6 .257 ner than Chase was at the top of his Gutsto, Clev 32 77 0 10 0 ft .247 >s, Amos Rusie arid 31 Cambridge, Mass.. Sept. 2..Of the 11 20 1 .246 was June 1901, and Marqtiard, Boston. 31 s 13 0 9 .256 career is GILHOOLEY i bits. This On 9, Nixon, Boston 77 205 31 73 1 4 .234 with thfe Yankees.but Sisler men STILL who 3 .243 twenty-four Harvard earned 34 78 0 e one of the to attend a St. thetr football letters Yale last 37 78 1 1 .243 crowd, largest Pfeffer, Louis. 35 67 17 0 0 .274 not a Chase of that era when it comes against 0 1 .24ft ime in Cincinnati, roamed over the Cheeves, Chicago.. 28 48 4 12 1 0 .270 November eleven will be available 10 31 57 120 to his There never has only 0 id toward the close of the game, so Callashnn.Chlcngo 24 80 0 1 .254 fielding position. for season. the eleven Bayne, St. Louis.. 24 2.7 2 ft 0 .21ft Cooper, Pittsburgh 33 83 It 21 3 0 .247 the team this Of STRONG WITH BAT Calloway. Piilla.. 18 33 3 ft 0 0 .24U at with two out In the ninth been another Chase fdr coming In on the Smith, Brooklyn... 20 33 5. 8 1 0 24* players who started against Ells Oldham, Detroit 28 (i7 8 1ft 0 1 .230 rb Emslio was compelled to forfeit the Ohrlstenbury, Bos. 56 133 29 32 1 2 .241 a dead run for a and throwing out Henry Clark at center and Charley Moore, Phil -L>»t.. 22 21 3 5 0 0 .238 of ulazner. I'ltts 28 541 4 New York.. .70 70 3 18 0 0 .2.<7 ime to New York 9 to 0 In'vplace 12 1 0 .240 man Hubbard at right tackle are the only Hnyt, score Klmmlck, Cln 35 88 19 21 0 0 .230 his at third from any old position. Murray, N. Y 20 17 1 1 t 0 .233 e Giants winning by the actual 20 linemen available again, but the entire Yank Takes Place of Gharrity, Wash.. 82 23.' 3 J .37 4 2 .234 Grimes, Brooklyn.. 76 13 18 0 1 .2.17 He was a marvel, was Hal.when he Former 1ft ft o .23- 25 to 13. Nels, Brooklyn 52 68 15 16 1 3 .238 opening backfleid, consisting of Capt. Jones, New York. 3.7 09 12 Curtis Walker of the Phillies was Ruether, Brooklyn. 38 107 11 23 2 0 .234 wanted to his best. .. 37 09 8 1ft 0 0 .23* play Charley Buell at quarter and George Recalled as Milan, YVaah.. Joe Ocschger after Ki lit her, Chicago. 40 130 19 33 9 3 .233 Fotherjrill 01 100 1 7 .228 ilted Aug. 31 by Neale, 05 In the Datter of tremendous power Owen, Phil Coburn and Roacoe Fitta Karr, Bob 76 89 7 20 0 .825 tting safely his last 12 gafhes. Dur- Cincinnati.. 43 11 10 0 5 .233 r» 0 11 .22" Httnglliwr, Bklyn... 29 74 0 17 1 2 .2.10 stands alone. as his running mates. Is down to try 'Int.' Leader. M:ivt, N. Y. 31 80 18 g his of hitting Walker poled Caveney, ''In 197 754 34 80 to hold Us 1921 honors. McGowan, Phil... 75 219 27 40 1 4 .221 period 3 4 .2*8 tops him in home runs thus far this sea¬ hits in 42 tries for a mark of .152. .1. Smith. Phlla 33 103 12 23 1 1 .223 Harvard Is lucky to have a captain Mulligan. Chi 92 342 33 7ft ft it .222 Grimes of the Cubs had safely Peters, Phlla 41 91 7 22 2 0 .222 son, but that doesn't count for any¬ McClallan, Chi 00223 22 40 2 2 .229 Ray Barbara, Boston.. 80 284 .71 62 0 2 .218 like Charley Buell. His drop kicking n r 11 contests when Lee Mea- several With Bob Fotherglll recalled by De¬ Johnson, Del 21 19 4 4 0 .211 straight O'Neil, Boston.... 58 174 It 38 0 0 .'.'8 thing. There la just one king crasher has pulled the Crimson through Plrlnleh, YVush... 60 163 15 38 0 1 .£ws stopped him Aug. 26. While get- Lavan, St. Louis.. 81 234 20 r.7 0 1 .217 two seasons and troit from Rochester, Frank Gllhooley of " «» In of them all.and his name is Ruth. The narrow places the past DeVormer, N. Y.. 22 38 12 0 2'(7 iK his hits, Ray garnered 17 hits Rapp, Philadelphia 86 352 35 9 has his team much needed Reading Is the actual batting leader of John*on. Wash... 31 88 8 18 1 0 .20* of .405. 76 4 .210 brought <> batting tries for a mark Vance. Brooklyn.. 39 74 16 9 0 .215 rower which he puts behind the ball is has been a man the International L>ague with an aver¬ Olsen, Det 32 33 1 7 0 .2(8 sea¬ f lemons. St. 36 9 9 to points. Buell always L 3o 2.7 1 Ti (1 (1 ,2 .197 m's record, for rapid play by staging 31 ol the old timers such as Dolehanty and There is no an average of .366. but he has not two I.unue, Cln 76 7 16 9 0 .211 behind quarterback. flashy play niuegn, Wash.... 19 01 i 12 ft 1 .197 -header consisting of Shot ton. St. L.... 32 29 5 6 « 0 .207 Broutherg put t4ie(r swing. In his He follows played In as many games as the former 107 7 21 0 0 l'K fast time of 2 hours repertoire. implicitly Yankee. Faber. Chi 3.7 li1 games In the Morrison, Pitts 33 79 4 15 0 9 All the Instructions given him by the Walters, Bos 33 97 ? 10 ft 0 ,11s id 31 minute;* Th's is believed to be Hartnett, Chl 23 50 4 12 0 9 .208 Speaker I* Grace. When Fotherslll left for the big league W. Collins, Bos. 21 61 1 10 0 n 1 Jl, Mamaux. Bklyn... 82 1.7 3 1 O .290 coaches, who know that his judgment In ft le twin bill ever etaged. The behind a mark of .3S9. Wlngo. Naylor, Phil 29 40 0 0 1 19t quickest Ptrtlca. St. L 28 30 3 6 0 0 In the matter of graceful fielding In the pinches will be perfectly reasonable he left 4 11 ft .195 rst which lasted nine innincs. .1 .200 sent to Toronto the Yankees, leads Modae. Chi 34 0 eontest, Barnes, N. y... 32 66. 8 13 9 0 .127 the work In the outfield we believe that and likely to boar fruit If the prear¬ by Hasty, Phil "2 68 3 11 t .190 >nsunned I hour and 17 minutes, while C'schger. Bos 42 56 3 11 9 0 .106 run v4th 27. and Arrh- 11 1 4» .190 ( the title will go without a dUsenting ranged plans fall through. In home hitting DaUS». Det 31 68 2 ie nightcap, which went 8*^ innings, lflxey, In S3 89 7 17 0 1 .105 vote Tris Is deacon of Rochester with 42. tops the 1 1 .T-s King, Phil.. N. Y. 28 67 13 13 2 0 to Speaker. slowing up. Harvard's rush line problem look.s Phocker, 8». L.... 39 9rt 13 18 >ok 1 hour and 14 minutes. P .134 is no stealers. The averages follow: Clev 30 09 4 13 0 ft 18s erdel. St. L 30 73 H 11 1 0 .102 There doubt about It. His bad real this fall. The line will very likely LETTER I'baRe Morton, Reb Russell of the Pirates, after hit- Bet 32 61 5 13 0 ft .is ng safely in Ryan, 1! 190 deal and then he Is getting older every on who may Fothentlll, Roch... SO 3t»l 73 1.-.2 ft 0 1 .182 28 Vance. Dur- Al"xnniler. Oil.... 31 79 4 IS O 0 190 husky players the squad Po«t. Reading 36 173 34 «4 O 0 .368 Skinner, N. Y'.... 27 33 1 opped Aug. by Dazzy season. He is past the forty mark. come and make good. Esky 0 .364 Clev 23 22 1 4 0 ft .Pi ills of "hitting, Russell came Htibbell, Phil 27 54 19 9 0 .183 through Gllhooley, Read. ..133 B23 108 191 22 Llndsey, <. g period Pitts.... Y'et a FOR Phil 12 i3 3 13 0 ITS in T6 bat- Hamilton, 28 49 2 9 0 0 .184 his in after ball, Dan WITH BACK 30 <1 .3".7 blows DEIBLE SANFORD IS Remind, safe grace MEN I 32 and 12 9» easy going Clark, the 167 pound center, Parnham, Rait.. 03 2 11 0 0 .175 trough with Osborne,'Chl 33 49 tl 0 0 9 .164 It a or a marks as 132 493 94 177 tl 9 .333 6"rancls, Wash... 31 a of .421. be fly grounjder, him Holder, his substitute, are available Boley, Rait " " . ng tries for hatting figure Kaufmann, Chl.... 2* 38 4 7 1 0 .184 Rent ley, Rait 127 311 92 17S 17 Yarynn, Chi 29 9 7 6 10 1 1 .175 runs In Chl 29 38 6 9 the leader. again. Henry Grew, a stubby 200 110".'ton 4KJC I>0on 2« 0 5 11 2 ft .1H7 uasell also poled three home TVlrts, 7 1 .184 Public, Syra 280 *51? Hchecr, Phil ."0 00 on 25 Flillnsrtrn, Bos..,.. 2." 9 7 9 0 .104 Is no mear outfielder. George should be a regular guard this Toronto. .186 4*7 94 163 7 16 .339 t 38 84 7 11 0 ft .167 ie double-header staged Aug. pounder, Tackle Makes Onslow, O Dlirtke, p. r»onohue, Cln 2i» 66 12 9 9 .182 Burns of the Reds is a marvel for tak¬ fall. An set him back consid¬ Kcturn of Big Rutgers Football Coaeli Will Al'enburg, New... 74 270 41 91 4 .33. Bos 23 24 1 4 M 0 .107 ralnst the Dodgers. Chl 6 9 Injury 03 197 42 0 9 .337 Plcrcey, ft ft .If2 Mattel, 31 78 It 1 ing a ball and making tough chances last fall. The freshmen have Bafton. *dg.,Buf. 5> Robertson. Chi .. 31 74 t 12 Y.ot> Terry of tho Cubs had hit safely North, St. L 41 34 2 6 9 O .170 erably Chanres Start Work on Merkle, "Rodi 133 3,0 117 1.4 3 2- .3.,6 Clev 20 51 2 5 ft 0 JM look easy. But Tris Is the king. Be¬ to otter in the line of weight. Football With Squad 327 107 170 10 29 .33.. Malls, ts last 13 games when Markle, Cln 18 18 0 3 9 0 .187 little Jacobs. J. C. 130 19 4.7 ft 7 ft fl ViNamara, Bos... lit 6 1 1 0 0 .187 hind that grace of Speaker's is a batting Joe a end, is the Roch... .130 499 99 107 3 19 .333 Davis. St. T, spiled the brakes on Aug. 27. Dur- Hartley, lightweight Rosier, 12. Connolly, 124 439 133 0 12 .KB Orana.v, Clev 17 .>8 ft 0 O 0 .155 Plueland, Chl 25 27 1 4 9 0 .180 average of .372. Behind that ability of veteran for this position. The September T.awry, n*It 103 20 1 4 ft .151 ig his stretch of hitting. Terry punched St L 27 til 5 9 9 9 only Walsh. Bait .133 321 109 173 4 « .832 Cole, pet 23 0 for a Haines. .148 Cohb's Is a hitting average of .400. will need of work and a 110 399 93 0 .324 Pt L.... 27 47 ft 7 0 ft .119 Jt 22 hits in 61 attempts per- Couch. Cln 33 77 3 11 9 0 .147 wings plenty Butler Ruff 131 10 Vright, .ft ft 1 .117 9 Titans both.and good managers to may be developed, as has been Ready Roch 137 MO 112 173 O 22 .321 Chaplin. Boa 13 34 3 .ntase of -361 and scored 11 runs. Ring. Phil. 31 79 3 10 1 .14.1 good pair 40 122 11 39 0 2 .320 Pennock, 14os 20 0 4 7 (1 ft .1 M Mann of the Cardinals crashed lmak, St. L. 29 30 1 0 9 .140 boot. the case before here. Special Dispatch to This Nrw York Heater Spteial Dispatch to Tub Nnr Ton* H»«in. viek. Byro 4 ft ft .199 Leslie Phil.... 17 29 .1 4 O 9 Ruff 32 1.94 21 44 3 0 .319 Covclcskie. Clev.. 36 101 11 run with tho bases full on Aug. Singleton, .128 The greatest arm In baseball Is pos¬ With Vinton Winnie Churchill. 2.. Meltman, 0 home Keck, t in 21 35 1 4 0 0 .114 CUapln. Eabton, Fa.. Sept. 2..Football pros¬ New Brunswick, N. J.. Sept. Wingo, Vortnto. .133 319 1M R.4 21 12 .317 p.lankenOilp, Chi 15 29 2 3 0 .107 off Garland Braxton. sessed by Bob Meusel of tho Y'ankees. Percy Jenkins and Frenchy RouiUard Archdeacon. Roch 1.VI 319 124 1M 3 42 .816 14os 2 7 (1 ft .OOrt Miller, Bos 26 30 4 5 0 0 .190 at Lafayette College were bent Rutgers will start Its football work on 9 Ciitnn. 81^13 0 ft of the Giants, after hlt- Braxton. Bos 17 10 0 1 9 9 .190 . Not since the of Jack Mur¬ work some of last pects Holt. J. C. 120 434 74 143 IB 313 20 11 O 1 .091 Enill Meuset palmy days available for backfleid Fckert, Phil was Jones, Chl 34 41 2 3 9 9 . .121 437 (10 143 20 6 .313 4 ft ft O80 iast ten games, .973 of the on last week with the September 12 with no less than fifteen Kelly, R'ig Tor. Bos. .. .11 60 1 ng safely his ray Giants, king thrower of his year's regulars may find themselves skyward appearance T 114 400 97 1 27 5 19 .81.4 Ferguson, ft ft Gillespie, Cln 25 14 1 1 9 0 .971 C . 1 3 977 Doak and Lou time, have we seen a man with a steel season. Owen Is ex¬ all Zl'man. l.rlcksnn. Wash. 27 30 ilted Aug. 26 by Bill 23 14 1 9 0 the bench this here of Arthur Delble, the giant tackle letter men. veterans from last fall Miller. Buff ... 117 440 70 .4 4 27 .311 28 0 2 II ft .1)71 Decatur, Bklyn.... 1 .971 Brlllhenrt, Wash.. 26 orth. During his period of hitting, G. Phil 31 51 1 3 9 0 trap wing like that of the Y'ankee left pected to have his best season, but he of Maroon White tlin last two and several from the 1920 team. In ad¬ Wlg'sworth, New 90334 87 103 2 3 .311 Rdw.ardt. Clev.... IT 14 0 1 ft ft .071 Smith, .09# the and pyn. Ruff 111 409 7.1 127 3 13 .310 30 2 0 0 .05(1 eusel spanked out 19 hits in 46 trials ¦Jonnard, N Y 23 19 3 1 9 9 983 fielder. Meusel has learned to put will need coworkers of the proper type seasons. been Russ. 11. Bos -0 0 O 9 0 direction It had reported previous¬ dition the Invitations sent out by George Barry. Rait 24 33 3 14 0 0 .810 r a percentage of .413. Shrtver, Bklyn.... 29 18 .'too behind bis power and ha* to get away with his line gains. Chapin that Delble would not be those Tir ..131 439 94 142 12 19 .309 a Lansing, Bos 1.7 11 1 0 0 0 .000 las' ly among Foster Sanford went ten more vet¬ Anderson. PITCHING. of the Braves ended made himself the most feared thrower and Churchill made their letters to Jaeohson. Bait. . 124 480 83 139 6 4 .309 to don Lafayette moleskins this fall. 70 1 20 .307 ttlng streak of 12 straight games hy I'l T( II I Mi. in years. Among the Infielder* the as substitutes. Jenkins sustained re¬ erans of last yenr, but whose Donation. C....113430 1.14 Pltrher. Hub. w. L. Fc. year The arrival of Delble. however, playing Haines. J.C.. Rdg 109 .197 84 122 1 S3 .307 4 0 1 to >ing hitlesa Aug. 26 to Eppa Rlxey. greatest arm is that of at an Injury early in the season which all these reports. He came did not 113 407 99 142 9 23 .304 Johnaon. Detroit 14 . Club. W. L. PC. pudiated entitle them to the big "R." Mtl'el, Rait Bush. New York 22 5 .907 'hila hitting them Kopf smote North, Ht. Ieul* 9 2 .*U the Giants. His throw across the dia¬ broke his .. 4.3 0 9 slowed him up and Roulllard here from his home in Clinton. Ohio, and This nucleus is above and In addition Wibb. Newark 98 338 102 .301 8t. Louis 1- 4 tC" in 34 tries for a mark of .412. New York 4 .WW mond to third Is a classic. seemed set for a Rait.... 91271 33 92 7 2 -308 Kolp. « fetles Jonnard, 1 leg when he straight stated that he would be among tlie to any men who may have been Inell- McAvoy, 113 331 B3 108 11 3 .302, Plllette, 17 of the Reds scored his Oabortia. Chlcaao 6 2 .750 Vow for a question which Styles, Bait 20 11 .6 - Eppa Rlxey may arouse letter. forty-odd men to answer roll call Sep¬ gible a year ago, and also In addition to Roch.. 36 129 21 39 B 2 .302 Rommel. Philadelphia victory of the season on Aug, Yallowhoraa, Plttuburgh S 1 .750 a debate. Fiddle Collins, we believe, Is Dr. "Jock" Sutherland Gagnon, Bhawbey, New York V th Scott, Now York 3 1 "W tember 5. when the horde of freshman newcomers who Chlrsro !£10 50 .6-7 over the Braves. Rlxey is the first Cincinnati 4 the smartest Infielder In the business. rakes command of the preliminary train¬ have HTCUINO KK( ORIIS. Leverette. 20 Couch. .14 .7(10 neatest These Ball Clubs Played sent In their matriculation papers. Lost. 8hock-r. 6' Louie -1 13 atlonal League hurler to garner Stueland. ChlciM 7 3 .700 He Is tl^e and most graceful ing. most Pitcher. Club. Won. Zachary. Washington 1- 8 .JIM.000 Cooper. 10 1° -O'S , a fielder who in One Incidentally Rutgers men confi¬ 1.1 1 rjjH.929 9 0 .«no ctorles. Pmiburfh makes Six Games Day Milt O'Connell. varsity end of two dently expect this will be last yeat 19 6 .760 Palls. Pt. Louis Van -", Brooklyn 17 9 .t>54 difficult chances seem easy and who thq Murray. New York 3 _ .600 rurc. lllxey, Cln, Innatl 20 II .MS was the greatest of all bargain campaigns, also ha:- decided to return that freshmen are the var- OgOeo, Belilmore ..... 21 8 .724 Slsler Cnntlnnf* moves without ostentatlousness. He Here eligible for 1.4 3 .722 York 14 10 .56.1 Rdiether, Brooklyn 17 10 ,0'lfl for baseball fans. Back In 1889 to college. He had Intended to drop his sity. Kcenao, Rochester Hovt. New Cincinnati 13 * seems to glide into the right spot un¬ lays of the business world. Moliart. Buffalo 19 7 ,720 Morion. Cleveland 11 10 .HM Oeorge Slsler of the Browns heads Bonnhll", .013 he Portland nnd Manchester teama studies and enter There are letter veterans for every po- Jersey City... 16 7 .696 Fhle, Cleveland 16 1- .571 the American League Nehf, New York 10 10 .013 assumingly. He has the Intuition which alx O'Connell Is a member of this year's Metlvler, 8 « the hitters of Sl.erdel. Ht. J-oula 1". 10 «00 he New England League played sltlon and the non-letter holdovers In¬ Wlsner. Rochester .... 16 9 667 Wright. Pt. T axil* of .413. Slsler has comes only to great hall players and morning 'ind four In Junior class. The decision of Deibh- clude Rhelnhart. Syracuse.... 4 2 .667 Van Glider. Pt Leuts 14 It with a percentage Ryan, New York 15 10 .tkO a "nose a :ames.two in the many backfield men. Those who most hits, 209, and 10 11 .1103 has remarkable for plav." was for- and O'Connell to return now gives La¬ have fisher, Buffalo 19 10 .6.3,3 Johnson. YVs-hlngton 17 1- crashed out the Alexander, Chicago He can the he afternoon. The last game won their "R" and who will be Bnltlmore 14 9 6.1(1 Coveleskle. CI. veland 1. 14 -4* the way alontf the base path with J Barnee, New 7'ork II 0 .67? diagnose enemy's tactics. Man- fayette four members of last season'* back are Groves. shows Aldrld*.', 11 He can sense an Impending move. And etted In the second Inning, giving Capt. Howard Raub, the giant Thomas, Ualtlmore 14 9 .8.16 Mogrblg" Washington 17 11 M- 42 stolen bases. L,u Blue of the Tigers Chicago »....10 .6/7 hester a clean sweep. famous line.Capt. "Dutch" Schwab, all- tackle; the other tackle; 13 4 .619 Hodge, Chicago t 0 .878: 113 Hamilton. Pittsburgh o 0 .3 . I when he puts hla defense Into operation as Smith, regular 17 17 .571 Is the leading run scorer with tal¬ Bar Ht iAiitl* 4 3 .371 It never can happen again, for In Amerlcan guard Charley Berry, who Feller, Joha and 17 11 .607 Fsher, Chicago foot, he Is all efficiency, all smoothness; as end Scudder, Kingman 6 4 .600 BnbcrMon. Chicago 12 11 62- lies. Kenneth "Williams of the Bjowns MnrrUnn, Pltteburgh 13 10 .1.03 a was setting the limit a fresliman was picked the best Keller, 1 10 910 rule passed and Delble. guards; Dickenson, Brennan, PisVr. Rochester.. 13 9 .391 Fhmke, Detroit 14 13 .519 and Clnrenee Walker of the Athletic^ Pfeffer, Ht. 1.7 .501 Bancroft Grneefnl . >f games in one day to two. in the State, and O'Connell Gibson and Loppacker, ends; Alien, Rochester.. 10 7 .399 32 home runs Halnra, Ht. l,oute * < '503 played It also was announced on the bill that Msloney, Jones. New Y ork 11 brad the sluggers with Kr.-k, Cincinnati 5 4 .350 quurterback.; Dana Scndder and Bander, 11 4 .379 Panes, Detroit II J11J TOO Bush of the Yankees holds Among the the ralm In "Dock" Elliott, the sensational rlp- 9 7 .361 6 6 ..("1 apieoe. .Too Milter, Boeton 10 -320 Coach. centers, and Benkert and Chandler, .360 (Yleen. Detroit.* the pltchera with 22 Vic¬ Crimea, Brooklyn 13 12J ..>20 grace and In smartness goes to Dave Foster to Become tearlng fullback w-ho left the cohere hacks. In all 14 11 I.lrdsey, 4 4 .509 tlie lend among Bancroft of the has prohnblllty Keller will be 12 10 .343 Cleveland^ 3 3 500 tories and 5 defeats for a pitching per¬ J'.nea. Chlcaro ? J Giants. Rannie Boston, Sept. 2.. shortly after the opening of the second transferred from to the 14 12 .339 Brlllheart, WasMngton Prrtlca, Ht l^illa -JOO lost a number of gnmea with errors In would also return guard backfield. Rii*sell. Boston 'I< -4(4. centage of ,315. , Cincinnati 3J 3I .300JJJ? Eddie Foster of the St. I/OUia Browns term February, The substitutes Include Noble. Beat, Toronto 7 6 .3.19 New York 11 13 .478 hit of the (lllleapla, this season, hut he has more than made those Gldley. Rochester 16 13 .516 Mavs, S islet* turned In his 200th Pecntur, Brooklyn - - declares that this Is his last sssson as a this fall. But, according to high ISnander, Anderson, Pfaffhau- Hughes, Qulnn, Itovton.. 11 13 .4 8 off Sam .&§? up for his lapses with brilliant stops In at Elliott will Glatsel, Public. Syracuse 9 a .(9(0 10 12 .41 current season on August 25 Cheevaa. Chicago 2 '2 regular player. Foster added that authority Lafayette, sen and Klernon, backs; Lincoln and Carruthers. Jersey City.. 4 4< ,6(m Nsylor. Phl'sdelphla Is the first leaguer (llaen-r, Pltt«b1»rgh 0 .47t and fine throws. Scott of the l*ank»e« not. be to ball this Courtney, Chicago 6 6 .455 Jones. Slsler major < J Manager Lee Fohl planned to use him eligible play varsity and a Llewellyn, Buffalo 4 4 .600 Kaufmann, tilcago 7 .407 Is close to Bonnie, but the deacon Is He be to Scrlmgeour, ends, Stockcl, tackle. Detroit 9 11 .430 to garner 200 hits and tleorge secured 11 «J .4» on ths trip as coach of year. will, liowever, permitted The squad will number about yellars. Tcsey City 12 13 ,4SO ddhatn. earlier this season Ding. Philadelphia pot quite as fast as the Giant. Ban¬ Brown lnrtelders. play In 1923. forty. Reddv, Buffalo 11 12 479 TV Collins, p.-ton 8 19 .444 'da double century hit Poak, Ht l/oula 10 13 4* croft hits harder the Worm. Jer-ey city 10 11 476 CI-veland .» 7 4M In more than ten years Carbon, Plttabufgh ...... o 11 .«5f than Scottle. too, and While li Is expected that the team Ragliy. 5 than any player Saw York... 9 12 moves .. Karpfi, Reading 10 11 .476 Pisftkenshln, Chicago 7 .417 McQuillan. Boat on. 410 faster on the bases. Hollocher ^ this fell «*T1 not be as strong as that Makes Four Successive Errors. 6 7 .462 Pennnek, Boston 9 13 ,4'St psst. Meadow*. Philadelphia of the Cubs. Maranvllle of the Pirates went through the Toronto. 9 St 4 6 In 1915 Tv Cobb produced his 200th « »'J of la-t year, which Quits Ball Game in Geooalty, 11 ,490 pruett l/vols .460 next A dame, Pltteburgh «nd Johnstori of the Dodsers also shine. Baseball Umpires Dislike .. son undefeated and was awarded the Huff Klrcher, Byracusa. 10 1.1 .413 Ha-ty. Philsdetnhla 7 11 .389 hit on September 23. The yesr. Winter*. Philadelphia * . **> Coming around to third basepjen we the Franklin, Pa.. Sept. 6 4 .429 Valla, Clevoland. 4 Trls smote the first 200; MantuarO. Boalon " 10 Third Strike IEastern championship trophy by 2..Shortstop 9 .413 Boston 6 12 1910. Speaker 1 -''JB find ourselves In hot water. Oroh Is Calling the dinger of the Rocky Grove team In the 7 De.euaon, .375. was on 21. It was Cobh Htolth. Brooklyn J Veteran Athletes' Association of Phila¬ Townserid. Toronto 6 9 .400 Krtckson, Washington 3 10 .533 this September I llllnglm. Do-ton 9 « -J"?i»7 pot the Heinle of his prime, but he delphia. Coaches Sutherland, Seldel anil Twilight league fumbled four ground¬ gchacbt, Reading 3 3 .400 again In 1917 to show the first 200. I.untie. Clhrlr atl 1t -353 still Is there. Jo# HESITANCY on the part of um¬ ers In In a Newark Va-r. Boston 3 10 393 15. Slsler 2?11 .311 Dtigan of the Yankees Gktugler hope to develop a represen¬ succession recent game hcr< Blllshlfter, 7 It .399 F.-Imwl.. Philadelphia 5 10 .335 Tills occurred on September Canore, Br. klyn Is plavtng one of the games pires to call a third strike is and became so disgusted with hlmsel c.nrclniiler, Reading-Rochet 5 4 .843 first double century for 1920 on IV.'Inert. Philadelphia 4J 0 .333 greatest tative team from the letter nun. scrubs 7, Boon# Cleveland 2 4 377 got th" « 2 -30 seen srnund third In msnv seasons. causing many of the wrangles that he the S'.artr, Reading .1 .373 Cleveland.. 1 Ifellmann of Walker, H> I On and freshmen who are to be here Sep¬ quit game, refusing the Barnes, Newark 10 17 .970 Pofhoron. 2 .37.7 September 4. and Marry IVater,n, Bo«t..ii " >3 -31" their form Just now Pitman lies the this season. An umpire hales to call tember 5. plesdtngs of the to resume Ills Martin. Toronto Reading. 4 14 .364 Mark, CMoaen .3331 the Tigers bung up the first 200 hits on Hnhh-ll. IT iladetphla o 11 .313 edge, hut It Is not a big martin. In the third one. and unless a pitcher position. Bender, Reading. 9 14 .264 t?»rr|e, pv iladntphla T 16 .304 2 of last season. No player Hmlth. 7 :.60 r-anvD. Washington d II ,30o September Bl//klyn jS hitting they are about on a cuts the piste he Is to find the His team had no Stewart, Syracuse 9 16 the aeasons of C. ' Philadelphia 1. .291 par. likely substitutes on the 9 16 738 Fdvard*. Cleveland 2 .7 .266 turned In 200 hits for Minim/. 2 3 ISO The American League holda a ad- umpire It a hall. Pitches No Hit Ball Gimc and the PI.river, klvn big calling bench manager of the opposing t.ueey. Jersey City... 3 6 .338 Payne. Ft. t.otila 1913, 1914. 191