! II I 1 * * 1 i i puttday pM WASHINGTON, D. C., SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 18, 1915. Superior All-Row)d Play Etables Alationals t Clevelanid Twice LEAVE FOR TOURNEY. SCOTT WINS TWO EVENTS. FIRST OF NA.TIONALS' PI"!rCHERS TO CAPTURE Takes Medal Plav Event and Handi- TAKETWOGAMES Local Professional Golfers to J REDSOXINLEAD at New London. Compete cap Match Against Par. G. F. Scott captured honors in two _ George Sargent and Fred McL-eod. BOTH GALMES OF DOU(BLE-HEADER THIS SEASON professionals at events at the Chevy Chase Club Chevy Chase and Richards, respectively, expect to leave afternoon. He and George yesterday mm\whill FROMCLEVELAND Columbia, John W. Childress and R. Hayden were here Wednesday night for New and Conn., where they will compete in tied in last week's medal play event, London, in the play-off he took first prize, with the annual open invitation tournament Race After First For First Time This Season of the Shenecossett Club. The a card of 90.IS.72, while George Top Winning Country net him second calls for an eighty-one gave Richards' program eighteen-hole prize. of Bill From Chicago, Nationals Win Both Ends amateur-professional four-ball match, a (/Mfl ) Yesterday's regularly scheduled event a I professional competition, driving J? was a handicap match against par and 6-4. of Double-Header. professional approaching and putting Scott also was first in this, being even event and a thirty-six-hole open event with par. H. R. Duiancy, jr., and T. A. at medal play for the championship. liHM Glavtor were second, both being one' Sargent expects to pair up with Wil- down to par. Thirty-six. entered the BOEHLING FANS TEN MEN; liam S. Reyburn of the Chevy Chase event, but the following cards were the ROWLAND'S MEN REGAIN Club, who now is on a vacation there, only ones turned in: in the amateur-professional event. SHAW ALSO DOES WELL will pick up his partner whenMcLeodhe G. F. Scott even HONOR IN SECOND GAME II. It. Hdau v. jr I « i.vis arrives. T. A. Clayfor 1 down It. W. MeV-ely ii down A. O. Loft I a down Is Brilliant Sloufeds Increase Stock. f*. (J. Trent :t down Tex Russell Blanks Boston, 4-0, v Opening Contest Capital It. A. I'oore 4 down Struggle, JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.. July 17.. W. I,. H illyer 4 down When His Team Heeds 3 to 2, But Second Is Won The stock of -the St. Louis George -hard* > down capital W. C. Mendenhall *" down 10 to 4. Federal League Base Ball Company H. A. Gillis 7 down to Win. Easily, was increased from $135,000 to $300,000 W. E. IVareon 4 down today with the approval of Secretary of State Roach. The filed statement BY J. ED DUELLO. showed the liabilities of the club were CHICAGO, July 17..White $148,542 and the assets $270,155. and Red Sox a CLEVELAND, July 17..For *' ''' ' split r m 'J | s : a. a. two the Red the first time this season the Z/M OTmarksfall! ways today, doubleheader Hose Griffmen today won a Company winning the first They accomplisheddoubleheader.this GETSANOTHER^TITLE Records Broken in Western half, 6 to 4, and Chicago's Sox dual victory by reason of far taking the second, 4 to 0. \ Try-Outs at Chicago. Poor Scott superior all-around playing over Wins in support given Jim the Indians. The first game was McLoughlin Singles was responsible for Chicago's for the first was a nerve-racking struggle, which Frisco Tennis Tourney. COLORED ATHLETES STAR game tosseddefeat, the visitors won, 3 to 2, while the off after it had been won. Tex once { Russell and Tris two second game was a runaway T». n 4- HTA-U Speaker, PLAYS A GREAT MATCH JSlSillUilU ttUU X9UL1CZ UV UXCttl, W U1& the second was over. I natives of Texas, were responsible inning Joe ** in Trials for Panama Fair for the victories. Russell the first **^ > .-." pitched Boehling pitched game ^Wwtfr*' "^Hffr ^wnjflP^ ^ and struck out ten. He was Johnston Compels World Champion Meet. a brilliant game against the Car- '" capable in the pinches, and his to Do His Best Every / rigans, holding them down to six * no two of.which came team did to "Z:v ... CHICAGO, July 17..Athletes of the hits, hitting enough give Minute. - *wm%% f l central states in the try-outs for the He was him three runs, which was Panama-Pacific meet today smashed given splendidtogether. i:'.-V ;.< in contrast to that to land the bacon. ButsufficientJoe SAN FRANCISCO, July 17..Before '.f national and central A. A. U. records support, great in a fast meet on Stagg Field. was in me largest crow a tnai ever watcnea which was not given Scott. The many tight places, good Binga Dismond, colored runner of the a tennis match on the Pacific coast, ^1«* '' won two runs ^ of a new na- Sox the game with fielding helping him out time and Maurice E. world's ^ University Chicago, set McDoughlin, tional A. A. U. record of 0.48 3-5 in the champion, today won the in the third, which resulted from again. singles 440-yard dash, the old mark, held by saw exposition tennis Panama-Pacific a boot a The second game the early in men's He defeated Burke of the Boston A. A. since 1896. by Speaker, converting singles. championship ' ' a second slower. a round for of "Doc" four William a * being single into trip Eddie undoing Avers, but Johnston in desperate < 'f' && ox five runs, Scott was to help game. Johnston was handicapped in the last carrying the Chicago A. A. colors, he netted tionals did some timely hitting: and two sets by a blistered hand. made the best time of the day in a trial hit hard and had poor control in to his The visitors showed well on the bases. Boehling! Team Pressed Directum I and Other Great Horses heat of the century which he won in poor support. addition The Western Men Tired. Windy City Closely By J. EI) grillo. 0.9 4-5, being pressed to the finish by also made costly errors behind Foster, was given good 'support. game Dewey Knight of the University of but the home team earned two of its was and all the way. In the doubles, which followed, the Californians. to Try for the Large The scores: close interesting: by Winning CLEVELAND, July 17..Fn)m some unknown source Comes a Chicago.tallies. The Nationals got under way in the local men, weary and apparently Four. Prizes. Lichter of the Illinois Athletic Club second, when they scored twice. There nervous, lost the first two games, but by story that Manager Clark Griffithi is on a fair way to make a big deal won the 410-yard hurdle in 0.56 2-5, FIRST GAME. were two out when Henry wad hit by in the third, with none of the four lowering tha record of W. A. Meanlx of B'tttou. AB.H.U.A.E. Chicago. AB.H.O.A.E. next few which \,vill startle the base ball world. He the Boston A. who 4 1 II 0 O Murphy, rf. 3 2 o 0 1 a ball. McBride hit to right for men fifteen feet from the beat within the days A., took the new Hooper.rf.. pitched net, they DETROIT, Mich., July 17..For its event last year in 0.57 4-5. Jauvriii.as. 4 1 o 3 I W'ver.ss... 3 1 3 2 0 two bases and Boehling was walked. down Mathey and Church in hot CLEVELAND, July 17..Chicago is said to have offered McBride. and Moeller in Spraker.cf 3 1 3 0 U EOol'nts.ilt) 4 13 3 1 scored their win of Boehling. Morgan grand circuit races here Julyannual26 Sol Butler, colored athlete, set a Gaiuur.ll>. 3 Oil 3 1 l-Tiior.il... 3 IMS I Moeller singled to center, scoring This seemed to straighten thorn eighth successive golfers broad record of 24 feet 2 volleys. when the team for and of the Cleveland team, to 30 the Detroit Driving- Club claims jump Vi» inches, Hob'zel.lb 1 1 3 0 0 l.«ohold.«f. 2 0 3 1® Henry and McBride. Boehling had a out and they took the set. The next the Olympic cup, /exchange Ray Chapman Joe Jackson The summaries. 1 ewis.lt. r.410 0 Fe!seli.!f.. 3 3 3 0 «> the District Golf the greatest list of paid-up staJte 1 O 3 O 3 0 3 hard task retiring the Indians in their one, however, showed that Johnston Chicago representingThis would be a real deal, hut unf there is not the 120-yard high hurdles.Simpson. of Ganl"r.3b. Sciuilk.c... 5 0 won twelfth annual ortunately slightest. tries in the history of the light harness University ltarry.3b.. 3 13 3 O B'fcb'i),3b.. 3 o 3 3 1 half, Kirke got a lift when Foster was dead on his feet. He double the competition Missouri, won. Time, 0.15 1-5. Others dhquali- 0 3 0 o >» Association President Somers both in turf. With twenty-two trotters stillenj tied. Thomas,)-.. 3 3 3 0 Scoll.p 4 fumbled his grounder. Smith forced faulted on his own service, and Church at the Mayfleld Country Club today, with truth in it. Manager Griffith and denying Foster,p... :p 0 0 ti O Jteuz.p.... O 0 o 0 to the Merchants and 440-yard -high hurdles.Lighter. I. A. ('., Both* 1 I o o ® at second when he hit to a total of 651. The District Golf eligible won; A. second: C. Kirke sent drive after drive past him down Chicago a most manner that an y such thing was ever dreamed of. $10,000 event and twenty-five (Joelitz. A., Smart. A. A., Hoffman's fly was dropped by the middle of the court. The Association team won at Grand Rapids emphatic Manufacturers'third. Time, 0.50 2-5. New record. Totals. .30 13 37 19 3 Total*. .27 8 37 31 4 b Connoily. visitors Three-mile <'. A. won: filling pacers in the Chamber of Commerce walk.Darkens. C\, * Moeller and Wambsy walked, concentrated on him with rapid last year, previous to which the Western When the Nationals were last h 1 0.4 The fourth proved a disappointment the in victories. Ahearn. I. A. C.. second: Hoskins. A. with a Lobbing protected westerners :s. the quartet of world Kuns.Janvriii. Sneaker. Hobiitzel, I.ewis. (iard* for the GrilTmen. Henry opened the first of the third a be learned from the two magnate third. Distance, 24 feet 2Vi inches. New record. ncr. K. <2'. on wild part set, and Chicago today was closely pressed by Anna Bradford and Barry. Colilus Founder. Feiscli. hit and took second a pitch. coo! wind put new life into Johnston. I, William, champions.DirectumItuniftng high jump.Kienards. 1. A. won; Two Lase hit Lewis. Three-base hit*.- ]:. Collin*. McBride was out at first and Henry was the quartet representing the California were hot at the b;ill afternoon Flower IjcMiisiis, »'. A. U.. second: Porter, a. C., With the score 5 all he and Stranchan j The wires park yesterday giving Fiank Bogash, jr..the speedy third. 0 feet 2 iuches. I ]Home .Felscli. Stolen thrown out at the plate on Boehling's breached and took the set Golf Association, which came home with a 2:01, has been added to the Height. Liinieil runs.Chicago. 2: Boston, t>. to Gandil started 7.5. The a but when the was over and Direct, Pole vault.tinihaiu. C. A. A., wu: Krinwek. tee hits base-Muri»L\.Felaeb g-ounder Wambsy. last set was a runaway for the total of 655. These were the only teams this story wide circulation, game free-for-all which is I. A. second: Hole. unattached. third. Weaver t2i, Junvriu. S|»euker. ijarriJ xne sixcn wnn a. nil. V,uiuiwnj vumcu $5,000 pace, j C.t ! Height, rji, Bieckiiurne. Foster. Lcilsdd. Left <>u ha*, s. Californians.in the as the western never or new race records, 12 feet 7% inches. lb. First base on err«.ia toward third, but Hoffman's throw to really running, fith was asked about it he said: mentioned thoughtGrif"1of pected to establish ex: Throwing the discus-Mucks, University of Chicago. 7; Boston, Gandil was low and both runners Chicago. I'. Bo-ton. 4. Bases oil balls.Off catch Pennsylvania four, carrying one weak Entries iri the leading" stakes follow: won: Rachnuui. Notre Dame. second: Wisconsin. IT -4 Off i'l iu were safe. Henry moved them up with such a and neither did CI" Somers. It's rot, Kansas Athletic thud. -4: Scott. Hits .S.-ott, eitfhtFalter. man, liad C76, while the New Central Golf thing larley just plain M. ami M. stake.Alhalorna. Axtieu. P.iislit iK»tt, Pity Club, Distance, and on -third innings; off B *nz. uo:;e in a sacrifice. McBride sent a fly to Gra* Rumny.ton. Brooklyn Hall, Duchess, 1511 feet S'/a inches. > Ta!! Association, the and in sonle Chinese laundry." .Axworthy, Sinil h. A. A., w.ui; Lo birds inning. Hit by pite'ier By Foster, twoIt ney. on which Gandil tried to score, but Trans-Mississippi, which some one coeked Marshal, .Junior Warts. Jack K. King 100-yard dash «»nt :> «* t. STANDING, SCHEDULES up i<;rHa