PUNISH DESERTERS SAMMIES ASTONISH LONDONERS BY PLAY- . No itar« for Jackson, Wil- WALTER'S OLD Dario Resta Becomes Lowly Pirates Smite Cubs TINKER JAY liimi, »nd Lynn were included ING CATCH IN STREET in the new service flag which President Comiskey of the Factor In Auto Races At A result of the presence of PAY PENALTY White Sox has just raised. The RIVAL GOES And New York Draws Nearer large bodiei of Americans in Mg h«s thirteen start for Scott, London ii the throwing and Haas, Von Kolniti, Faber, Jen- catching' of bas«balla in the kins. Kaiier, Lees, Henry, Payne, TO ; Has Chance To Win To National League Leaders streets during the noon hour. FOR Constantine, Clark, Bernoudy, This is a familiar sight in the and Lake. The players omitted streets of all American cities broke their contracts to work in Brewers Trade Rankin THJSVETEEANIS Daring Italian Duplicate^ De RACE FOR SPEED but Londoners were horrified .\. A. Heads Have Taken no shipyards. . ' STILL REAL STAR Receipts of "Hostess Day" at when the practice waa first at- Palma's Fast Trial and Ex- TITLE AT MOLINE tempted.. Near the junction of Johnson to St. Louis Tear.i Turned Over Kingsway and the Strand there Action Yet on Kule Which Contest Between Tveo World i.i a large Y. M. C. A, hut and BALL TEAMS PAY in National League perts Think His Car for Soldiers' and Sailors' on an adjoining vacant plot Provides Heavy Fine Champions is Feature Event soldiers and sailors can be seen May Take First on Program at all hours of the day playing Benefit "fur.gos" or tossing HIGH RJ. FARES • 's old rival is go- MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.—No word ing back to the big leagues for an- back and forth while crowds was received here Thursday from A championship contest for the of staid Englishmen watch the New Rates Which' Went Into other trial. Milwaukee has com- For the 100 mile derby, th" b! national spe<;d title is the feature American association headquarters pleted the deal by which Rankin feature of Saturday aftemoor.V r.. CHICAGO — The White Sox cel- performance with' amazement. in Chicago as to what action, if any, Effect on June 10 Add $10,000 onrJ 0:1 tin.' power boat meet which Johnson, the Washington pitcher's ing program, in the big .i<_:-:,y ; ebrated ''Hostess any" by trimming would be- taken by the league heads to Expenses of Each Club namesake, will go to .the St. Louis Chicago, the wiseacres :>ro \,r-L- -. the in ten innings wi'l be held in Moline, II!.. July 4. against Joseph Tinker, manager of Nationals . in exchange for Pitcher ning to think Dario P,est:t i" r::::-.< ,^.-1"'. i.:id C, under the auspices of the the Crlumbus team, who refused to more of a likely candidate iV :•'. to the count of 5 to 4. A Ualtin;: r:i!- i play Wednesday night's twilight The increase in railroad far^j, Konzelnick. ly in the seventh tied '.h'.- s.Tnr< and I Mis/uji'.ipi Valley Power Boat asso- Rankin has been a big factor in honors than appeared in ti,-: to- game with Minneapolis, claiming it which, went into effect June 10, wi',1 days of practice. The Italian's :.• Enother spurt in tl:e tenth won. was too dark and his players were cost each club ir the big leagues keeping the Brewers at the top of the American association. His car, which he put together hir/.rc- The entire receipt:, oi' the gan-.v. "Jliis De'roit II," present world liable to be injured. A rule of the about $10.,000 more in traveling ex- last winter, is an_ unknown T^r.:- association prescribes a fine of $250 penses. This means a total for six- place will be hard to fill though the throjgh the consent oi I'ruJHlenU .•h>impen, and "Miss Minneapolis," RESULTS OF THURSDAY'S left hander who comes to Milwaukee so far as performance in a ?:••••• • champion in 1017, will com- GAMES ' for forfeit games. teen clubs in the two major organ- concerned, but Resta is beginn:;:;: Corr.iskey and Dunn uf the Lhicn^o izations of 'more than $150.000. in the trade, has been making a End Cleveland duos, n.'specti'.-e.y, pcto f'H- the title. Poth boats have American Association strong showing in the Western show what it can do. li;:i" hotter Hum fiO miles an hour. Milwaukee 2, Indianapolis 2, In ante-bellum days the rate Makes Lap Under 1:01 were turned over to n lonimitt-';: throughout the various states includ- league this season. John Beall, fa- (called in ninth to allow Indianap- vorite outfielder, may accompany In his afternoon tryoui Tinr which will build a region liuu:.e or. TIvSKEAU QUITS GIANTS • olis to catch a train). "SHINE BAIT IS" ed jn a major league circuit averag- turned one two-mile lap in a !':•;: t'.it lake front her.-, tor tl;e tK-ivjtr. ed about two and one-half cents per Johnon to the Cards. NU'.V \OHK-Jeff Tesreau. who Toledo -1, St. Paul o. mile per member of the party. Th.3 tion under 1:04. which is t:i" <:';•.::•. of the soldiers am! S..L.•..!•_. •::.:!!!.• I.) tl;e N'-'w Vork N' Gi- Kansas. City 5. Louisville 3. MYSTERY TO BAN lent of about 113 miles :ir, iio'jr ;:; 1-rior to the stas.i .u o« thi; «a::i •;v.s :.s a pitcher Ironi the- Texas Columbus 5. Minneapolis 2, gave a total of about $2,500 T>-' ESCOBA OUT OF virtually duplicates De Palm.Vs .-•• gut- m J.ilO, left tli= club yes- player per season with several hun- sational performance of the <::iy !, three autographed :.•.< eoa..s «- American League Denies Making Any Ruling on dred dollars additional for Pullman RACES THIS. FALL auctioned on". The aatOKrap". rdaj to juin the Bethlehem club Washington 4, New York 1. reservations during long trips. This fore. It was the first, time R..-- by Billy Sunday, r oui-.n t-f'. (..•: . Ih'c i>teel league. John B. Fos- Philadelphia 2-0, Boston 0-3. Subject Which Has Been had really "opened up" on the >. • t!\ sec: etaiy of the New York particular item was offset to some Favorite in Latonia Derby for cago track with the r.ev.- car. r::": by Mrs. Woodrow .v'iison wa , s >\ Chicago 5, Cleveland 4 (ten m- Hanging Fire for Long Period extent by the saving in hotel bills for ?1.-150 and one ocai.ii;: ihj au.t. ub, s:;i;l '.hat Tesrciiu recently Next Saturday Bows a Ten- seemed to confirm what ha? 'y:( graph of the presit'»nt W;IL told ..> ,'ui Manajv^r :Vl-jGrr.w ho v/ns "dis- r.iTigs). where night jumps were made. said of it—that it will prove i:;.: No others scheduled. War Tax Added $y,is50. The score. ;..ned v, !,n jusuLJI ami wanted to National League "•No ruling has been made 'against don in Race With Beaverkill one of the fastest racing mu'.-!-..:-. .Cleveland r ,ti into some other business." Tes- the shine ball," said President John- Under the new ruling the rate in- ever built. Pittsburg: 3, Chicago 1. creases almost a cent a mile, in ad- Johnston, lb eau, aci-crdivg lo Foster, :s fil New York G, Brooklyn 0. son a day or two ago. "I have LATONIA. Ky. — K. D. Alexan- Duray, Mulford and C!:<:v:-,: Chapman, ss lass 4 oi' the draft, sc that his dition to regular charges, for speciax have been working tirelessly i Boston 6-4, Philadelphia 4-5. never seen a shine ball, although 1 reservation and the travel war tat. der's fine colt Escoba,' which would Speaker, cf .hang: was not actuated by desire Cincinnati-St. Louis; postponed; have been hearing a lot about it. have 'been one of the favorites fcr their fast little Frontenacs, ar.d •_ Kpth, rf o es,t.ipe military service. H all the traveling is done in Full- cars are now .geared up to trtm,--:: \vct -rounds. Last Saturday when Griffith was in mans the rate is three andI one-ha£ the Latonia Derby next Saturday, Warn by, 2b my office, I tried without success to will not start in that event. _ Ho ous speed, so that any or a!: of -.:.•; Wood;" If LX-in't V.'ait. DO IT NOW. Buv cents per mile, or a total for a full L ABIES SCHEDULED FOR FRI- find out from him what a .ahine ball bowed a tendon in his race Thursday should give De Palma and Re;ia Evans, 3b j iY:tv-bavingi Stumps. season of $3,500 per player, plus a strenuous battle. DAY is." war tax of eight per cent, equal -J with Beaverkill and can hardly b---. O'Neil, c made ready for another race before Eighteen to Start in Derby Jlorton,, p. American Association , manager of the It has been definitely decided, : Louisville aS Milwaukee. Senators, has been doing a lot of $2T°o' this will be added the regular nutumun. This leaves fight starter's Covelskie, p for the Derby, of which H. P. Wh.t- cording to the management, ir. Indianapolis nt Kansas City. kicking about the "shine" ball used extra charge for sleeping berths or eighteen starters will line up for ; Toledo at Minneapolis. by Eddie Cicotte. The fight has chairs where long night or day trips, ney's Johren will be a strong fa- Totals Totals .. . . 30 4 21 15 Derby. This means that either T> Chicago Columbus at St. Paul. lasted about two years. Thus far, are made. vorite. i'iltsburg AB H P A "Griff" has got no satisfaction. Alley's Bender Special or !::;:• Murphy, rf Caton. ss...... 1 * 1 DEMPSEY TO TIGHT Harkness' second Del.ige, for v,:.< Mc.Mullcn. Sb Cleveland at Chicago. "Katie" Caton, the - •- — -- , , no. driver has been named, will r 0 Bigber, If ... . 4 1 stop is another Kid Elberfield. The , j,,,cll :aroy, cf. . . . . -1 2 St. Louis at . IN OKLAHOMA RING i be permitted to enter. Weaver, 3b 1 ' Washington nt New York. BOXING A BUSINESS? resemblance between the two short- 3 Jut.h;uv. .^b. 3 stops is striking. Caton has all the E. Collir.. 2b Mollwitz, lb. 4 1 13 Philadelphia at Boston. Felsch,, cf 4 MACON, Ga.—Pugilism i» not fire and pep of the Tabasco_ kid. He TULSA. Okla.— The first heavy- DEMPSEY CASE WILL Hinch'an, rf ...... 3 3 National League a business and therefore any- weight contest staged in Tulsa m Gandil, lb ...... 3 3 walks like him and has the same NOT STOP JULY 4 GO J.Collins.,, lb McKcchnie, 3b New York at Brooklyn. one following that calling as a belligerent swagger. Moreover, he more than a year will take place 2 4 Schmidt, c Boston at Philadelphia. means of 'livelihood is a com- June 24, when Jack Dempsey, one of Jake Daubert. ' MILWAUKEE, Wis— Because of Leibold.-lf Sanders, p can handle a and a bat al- the failure of John Reisler. bo:;:;:,: Risberg, ss Chicago at Pittsburg. mon loiterer, according to Re- most as well as the the -most popular heavies in th,s 10 7^ Cooper, p Cincinnati at St. Louis. corder Maynard of the Macon northwest, will clash with Tommy Jake Daubert, in his ninth year on promoter and manager, to appear ir. Schalk, c f.rst base for the Brooklyn Dodgers, Judge Gregory's chamber in Cir- Cicotte, p 0 0 Police court, and because of, that Despite the fact that the St. Louis Me Carty of Lewiston, Mont., in a is froir-K like a house on fire. He has Totals ...... 30 10 27 15 STANDING OF THE TEAMS decision Pete Shaughnessy • paid twelve round no decision bout. cuit court yesterday in his exami- tJourdan 1 ° R. H. E. Browns lead the American league in been bitting the apple at better tnan nation in the legal tangle with .Jji-J: Danforth.p 0 0 American Association a fine ol ?25 for loitering and hitting, the team is in 6th place. i .300 clip and fieldinj: well. Chicago — $10.75 more for imbibing too M1EDAL GOES TO SWIMMER Dempsey, Attorney Ray Car.r.or. JMostil _ 00000010 0—1 4 1 Won Lost Pet. Which goes to show that it takes acting for Dempsey, refused to al- Pittsburg— Milwaukee 27 .628 freely. more than hitting to win ball games, Walter -Earle, one of the great- low the continuation of the exami- Totals ...... 36 9 30 31 00200100 *— 3 10 2 Kansas City .. 2fi 16 .619 as Fielder Jones once demonstrated est swimmers ever turned out in EDDIE CAMPI DIES nation until Reisler makc^ his :i;i "Ran 'for McMullin in seventh. Columbus .. 24 17 .585 •.vith his "Hitless Wonders," yclept American college -circles, was tBatted for Cicotte in seventh. Runs— Deal.. Bigbee,, McKechnie,, War-Savings Stamps are Wor^r FROM SHOTGUN WOUND pearance. It is not known if ivJ- Schmidt. Errors — Hollocher, Carey, Louisville .. 24 2L .623 .he Chicago Sox. awarded the gold conference medaf ward Yockey, attorney for Reis'.i-r. JKan'for Weaver in ninth. Indianapolis 21 20 .512 at the University of Chicago for the Mollwitz. Two base — McKech- HOLLISTER, Cal.— Eddie Campi, will demand his appearance. I:; -.he nie. St. Paul 20 23 .465 year. The award is based on ath- meantime the local hearing will be 12 31 .279 letic honort;, scholarship, and gen- San Francisco bantamweight boxer, 0-4 7 4 Toledo local hospital Thursday dropped. Giants, 6; Dodgers, 0 Minneapolis 15 .375 eral esteem in campus affairs. dieed in a Attorney Cannon announced tha: American League |. SPORT EVENTS OF THE DAY from a shotgun wound in the abdo- 0 0 0 3 0 0 1-5 9 -1 BROOKLYN — The Giants hit SPORT DOPE men. Campi accidentally shot him- there-is no possibility of Reiser in- Runs — Johnston, Speaker, 2, Jack Coombs in timely fashion Boston 34 24 .593 self while hunting in the Panoche terfering with Dempsey's sched- Warabsganss, Gandil, Lcibold, R:.- Thursday'while ''Red" Causey was New York 31 23 .574 Little George Munroe is dead. All uled bout with Fred Fulton or. Ju!" favored by brilliant support, New .542 A boxing tournament at Madison Square Garden, New the fight fans knew the fellow who valley. 4 at Baltimore, lid. Dempsey iia> borg, Jourdan, Mostil. Errors- Cleveland 32 27 fought Terry IlcGovern three Johnston,' Chapman. Wamhsganss, York winning 0 to 0. Holke made Chicago 27 24 .529 Eddie Foster holds the longest stated that he is confident r.o:h.::p a home in the eighth with , , .492 York netted $18,000 for the benefit of wounded American times. With his smiling face, keen will prevent the f.ght in Ba!ti:r.jrt. Morton; McMullin, Gandil, Leibold, 'wo Washington 29 30 eyes and E now-white hair, George hitting streak of the present feeason, Riaberg. Two base hits— Murphy, on bujcs. Coombs has had unusual St. Louis 25 29 .403 soldiers. Several prominent boxers took part in the tourna- twenty-one games. Eddie quit re- Johnston. Three base hits— Roth, 'J; success against. New York in th-j Detroit 20 30 .400 made a picturesque figure. He died r ment, including Fred Fulton, who boxed three rounds with cently against Stanley Coveleskie of > Lcibold, Risberg. past, earning the title "Giant Kille Philadelphia , 21 33 .500 in New Haven, Conn, the other day, where he had gone to organize a the Indians. During his run Foster DIAMOND PASTIM several years ago. National League Oscar Anderson. got twenty-six safe ones in eighty- Senators, 4; Yanks, 1 fnc score: boxing school. Munroe had one ob- Chicago 36 16 .692 * * * session. He thought that his past eight tries, for an average of .236. NEW YORK — Washington de- R. H. E. New York— New York 35 17 .6731 F A Campbell and Frank Griggs of Topeka, Kansas; performances had been forgotten, Bert Shotton went on a batting spree feated New York in the second game Boston 28 27 .509 | and toward the end did not hesitate and had hit safely in eleven games of the series 4 to 1 here Thursday. 1 0 0 11003 0—6 10 1 Brooklyn— Cincinnati 23 28 .451 j B G Bush, Jr., of New Orleans, and G. L. Conley of Kansas to say that his friends and the box- straight when Coveleskie halted him 23 28 .451 I Bert getting fourteen hits in forty- R. H. E. 00000000 0—0 7 Philadelphia • City, moved into semi-finals of the trans-Mississippi golf ing public in general looked upon Causey and McCarty; Coombs, Brooklyn . .. 21 30 .412 him as a has-been. Nothing was six tries for .304. Hehl, and Miller. Pittsburg -. 21 30 .412 tournament at Kansas City. further from the truth. Another reason for calling George St. Loui? .. 19 29 .396 * * * * K V Sisler "the king of baseball" is seen in the records which "^.Q 0000001 0—1 S Braves. 6, -1 ; Phils, 4 ,5 Lee Magee had . hit safely in PHILADELPHIA — Wild throws A YEAR AGO Miss Molla Bjurstedt, national champion, and F. P. A. twelve games in a row when Joe show the young St. Louis star to Harper and Pidnich; Finncrman J Oeschger dad Mule Watson halted be leading the American league and Hannah. by Scott pave Boston the first game National League Alexander, of New York, and Mrs. Wightman and Irving of Thursday's header, 6 tu him. Magee punched out twenty field with twice as good an average Won Lost Pet. C Wright, of Boston, will meet today for the final round as any of his rivals. R«d Sox, 0, 3; Macks. 2. 0 4, in 10 innings, but Philadelphia's New York 29 16 .641 hits in fifty-one trials for .392. ' BOSTON — Boston and Philaclei- first inning was enough to win th^ Philadelphia ... 29 16 .644 ioi mixed doubles championship at the women's national second, 5 to 4. Chicago 30 33 .566 Dutch Lenoard of the Boston Red hia divided a double header hera tennis tournament at the Philadelphia Cricket club. Sox hurled the first no hit game of THE LEADING HITTERS hursday, Philadelphia winning th--> The score: St. Louis "7 22 .551 § First Game * * * the'season when he flashed a hitless first 2 to 0, and Boston the seconj Cincinnati 1' I 31 .436 } American League R. H. E. Boston 17 2! .415 and runless same- against the lieroit B to 0. Sergeant Earl Caddock and Yussiff Hussane will meet Tigers. It was his second hitless ? Player— AB. H. Pet. The score: Boston— Brooklyn 17 25 .405 110000020 2—6 12 1 Pittsburs 16 32 .333 at Casper, Wyo., July 4th, in a wrestling bout for the -contest. In. 1916 Leonard turned { Burns, Athletics ...206 75 .364 R. H. E Philadelphia — back the Browns without a hit on ! Sisler, St. Louis . ...218 75 .341 • 000310000 0_4 12 2 American League championship of the world. August 30, 1916. Leonard is unques- j Baker, New York...215 72 .33i „ 34 17 .667 2-2 7 0 Nehf and Wilson; Prendergast Chicago * « * tionably the most effective pitcher on 4 Shocker, St. Louis .. 30 40 .333 1 Burns. Boston 30 18 .625 manager Barrow's staff, and is doing J Walker. Athletics ..195 64 .323 ' oston— 0 0 0 0 0 0 Second Game New York ., 27 20 .574 E. D. Demunn, of Kirkland, 111., made the high score yeoman service in keeping the Bos- ^ National League 27 Jones and The score: Cleveland .. 26 .491 in the trapshooting tournament at Beloit, Wis., breaking ton crowd in the race for the cham- Player— AB. H. Pet. Gregg and McAvoy; R. H. E, Detroit 22 25 .486 pionship. Ruth, of course, is another Doyle, New York . .54 23 .425 Agnew: Boston — St. Louis ... 20 29 .400 144 targets out of a possible 150. wonderful pitcher, but his playing Markle, Chicago ...174 66 .379 SeC°nd: R. H. E. 01000200 1—1 10 0 Philadelphia VI Ii> .378 * * * 'n the outfield and at first base has- Daubert, Brooklyn -129 43. .333 Philadelphia — Washington 1* 30 .375 n't added to his skill as a boxman, Kauff, New York...204 68 .333? 50000000 0—5 9 0 Camp Grant, Rockford, baseball team defeated the though it has increased his fame as J. C. Smith, Boston. 186 62 .333 » jpOOOOOO 3—3 6 0 Don't be a SPENDER, BE A Philadelphia— Racran, Hearnc, and Henry; Wit- 'Great Lakes-naval station team, 18 to 8, at Palmyra, Wis. batsman considerably • 00000000 0—0 4 0 son. Watson and Adams. SAVER! Buy War-Savings Stamps! — Perry and Perkins; Leonard, -^^--\^-~^~^--—>w^^i—-—X---^-''Xrf- *w-*~*v-"—-~V--~^ By GALE Molynca'ux, and SchanR. Gosh! How Mr. Wad does love his leading man! Hugh High. NATIONAL LEAGUE Husrhey High of the Yanks, was sold to tha Athletics and " Cubs Lose Stride subsequently suspended by • PITTSBURGH. Pa.— Those first. HuKgins because he refused to re- nlace Cubs were pretty far from port to Connie Mack, is said to nava Iheir first place stride Thursday