Engagedinhomeric Contest for The
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BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS Title Registered la U. S. Patent Office, Vol. 52 No. 6 Philadelphia, October 17, 1908 Price 5 Gents A BATTLE OF TITANS! The Chicagos, N. EngagedinHomeric L Champions, Contest for the and theDetroits, Championship of Champions of the the Entire Base A. L., are Now Ball World. BY FRANCIS O. BIOHTER. team cannot be disgraced if it do it* b«ai and behave manfully and decently. The great series for the championship of the world between the Chicago team, cham Details of Series Arranged. pions of the National League, and the De This Fall the National ConunauHon WM troit team, champions of the American sadly hampered in its plans for the starting League is under way as "Sporting Life" of the World©s Championship, owing to the goes to press. The series is being played, closeness of the race in each major league, for the fourth time, under the supervision and the New York-Chicago embroglio over of the National Commission, with conditions the disputed game of September 23, which, just and fair to the two leagues which have required the intervention of the League Di so much at stake, and to the players who rectors for settlement. .Their decision that are engaged in the crowning events of their the game should be played off a day after professional careers. These conditions are the regular League season still further de also designed to keep the series absolutely layed the World©s Championship series. above reproach, to bring out the best Heretofore the contestants in the -world©s in the players, and to make the ser FRANK L. CHANCE HUGH JENNINGS series have been so well determined about ies what it should be the greatest Manager of the Chicago National Manager of the Detroit American a week before the close of the major teagoa and most imposing annual event in the races that the Commission could safrfy pro base ball calendar. That it will be a League Club. League ,Club. ceed with its arrangements of dates and huge financial success goes without saying, Frank 1>. Chanca, the great c.iptain, manager and Hugh Jennings, in his day one of the greatest other details. This year the National Com considering that the games will be played in flrstf* baseman of the Chicago National League Club, and most famous ball players the game ever pro mission©s hands have been tied. In order two of the most enthusiastic base ball cities was originally a catcher, and a great one. He is duced, is now the energetic and magnetic manager not to be caught napping, the Commission, in the country populous Chicago and enter a college graduate. He was bom September 9, of the Detroit team, of the American League, which decided to frame up schedules for every pos 18T7, in Fresno County, Cal., and ^earned to play under his able leadership has twice won the Ameri prising Detroit. The public interest in the ball while attending school. From 1892 to 189C he can League championship. Jennings was born April sible contingency, providing lor any one of series is intense in all sections of the coun attended Washington College, California, and the 1, 1870, at Pittston, Pa., and first played pro three cities in the National League and any try, and a vast amount of money has been Dental College, at San Francisco. He obtained the fessionally during the latter, part of the season of one of four in the American. In tliis way wagered on the outcome. That the bettors degree of doctor of dental science, and qualified 1890 when he caught for the Allentown team, of the schedule for the series could be an and the partisans of each league will get a to practice as such. Not caring particularly for the Eastern League, and had an excellent record. nounced as soon as the championships were the sedentary life of his profession, he took to base both in fielding and batting. Jennings commenced splendid run for their money and faith is ball. He was playing with a local team at Fresno, the next season as catcher of the Lehighton (Pa.) determined. This was accomplished at a well assured, as the contesting teams are Cal., where he was seen by the veteran Cal McVey, Club, and while with this team he distinguished conference week before test by Messrs. the representatives© of their respective of the famous Cincinnati Bed Stockings of 1869, himself to the extent that Manager Jack Chapman Herrmann and Pulliam. In addition, ad leagues, are well matched in all respects, and and on his recommendation the Chicago Club made signed him for the Louisville Club, then -of the mission tickets were printed for any pos Chance a liberal offer to join its team in 1898. American Association. He started, as Louisville©s sible combination that could resalt out of are absolutely in all ways and at all times When he came East to join the Chicagos he was first baseman and made a good impression. When on the level. The two teams are on a par given an opportunity during the preliminary prac Harry Taylor returned to the team Jennings was the first three clubs in the National and thei as to management, method and individual tice of whipping the ball around the bases, and it shifted to short field and here, too, he nrtide good. first four in the American, so that no tints skill, and in this series neither team will was soon seen that he had great speed and ac In 1893, Jeunings was traded, along with Taylor, should be lost when the winners became have the advantage of superior condition, curacy. He at once became the Chicagos© mainstay by Louisville©s new manager, Billy Barnie, to the finally known. When therefore it was set behind the bat and remained so until five years Baltimore Club, which had just come under Han- tled that the Chicago and Detroit teams as happened in 1905, when the Athletics, ago when he was tried at first base and made such lon©s control. Jennings fitted in well with the spent after their hard race, had to combat the a success of it that he was retained in that posi hustling, ambitious team Hanlon had gathered, would be the contestants in the 1908 World comparatively fresh Giants; and, as hap tion in which only Tenney, Chase and Davis are and he, McGraw, Kelley and Keeler formed the Championship series, the Commission at Once pened in 1907 when exhausted Detroit ranked as his equals. When Mr. Selee was com famous quartette which was the backbone of the issued its arrangements for the series. The faced the carefully-groomed Chicago Cubs. pelled by ill-health to relinquish the management champion Baltimore team for three seasons. During following players were named as eligible to of the Chicago Club in 1905 Chance was appointed the years 1894-95-96 Jennings played wonderful ball participate in the series: This year we will have a series between two his successor. Chance at once laid his lines to and was rated in point of dash, speed, brains, well-matched teams, each of which had to go strengthen the team and it was at his suggestion strong batting and base running the greatest short- Chicago National League Club Brown, the limit to the very end to win its that the deals were then made which added Sheck- stop the game has yet produced. In 1899 he was Chance, Durbin, Evers, Fraser, Howard, transferred to Brooklyn when the Baltimore and Hofman, Kling, Kroh, Lundgren, Marshall, league championship. Neither team will, ard, Steinfeldt and Moran to the team, and which Brooklyn clubs were consolidated. He injured his therefore, have any advantage of condition., made of it the National League champion team arm to such an extent that he had to give up Moran, Overall, Pfeister, Beulbach, Sheck- of 1906 and 1907 by the greatest margin of victories ard, Slagle, Schulte, Steinfeldt, Tinker and This may to some extent affect the bril ever recorded in 1906 and by an unprecedented total short field and play first base. In 1901-02 he played liancy of the coming world©s championship for the two yeara. Under Chance©s able manage with the Philadelphia team as first baseman and Zimmerman. series, ,but the compensation will lie in the ment the Chicago team participated in two World©s captain and manager. In 1903 he retired from the Detroit American League Club Coughlin, equality of the contests and the elimination Championship series, losing to the White Sox in National League and went back to his first love. Cobb, Crawford, Downs, Donovan, Jones, 1906 and © winning from Detroit in 1907. Chance©s Baltimore, whose Eastern League teams he man Jennings, Killian, Killifer, MJullin, O©Leary, of conditions which have on previous occa value to his team lies not only in his judgment, aged in 1903-04-05-06. In between times he studied sions served as pegs upon which to hang knowledge of the game, and ability to handle and law and two yetrs ago was admitted to the Mary Rossman, Schmidt, Summers, Suggs, Schaef- excuses for the defeated or detraction for the land bar. He had intended retiring to devote him er, Thomas, Willett, Winter and Mclntyre. lead men, but also in his superlative ability as a self to tie practice of the law but the Detroit Chairman Herrmann also announced that victor. All things considered, the public at ball player, he being a first-class exponent of the Club made him so tempting an offer that he could large and the partisans of the rival leagues game ill every department.