and weighs 170 pounds. and Joyce, who was wanted here to play Miah Murray have seen him pitch, and ST. LOUIS SIFTINGS. third Heiman Pietz has signed and BASE BALL pronounce him O. K. There ought to ho may serve to please in lieu of Joyce. be a grab for him. THE BOSS TALKS ABOUT CHAR­ Werden will remain, and if Richardson It cones straight from President LEY COMISKEY. ia signed he will play at short and Young that Fall Kiver's claim to Shugart sent to the outfield to earn, Mercer is not good, and that he will He "Will Sign and Try his "cakes" on the strength of his ­ have to enter Mr. Schmelz's fold if he ting. FROM DOWN EAJT intends to play ball the coming summer. For Richardson Jobnny Ward and Joe Quinn's batting- will surely tell I saw this young man pitch last year Billy Taylor lave Gossip. next season. I never in my life saw and think that he will come around all favorites lengthen out into long shots as THE BASE BALL SITUATION IN THE right under the efficient tutelage of the St. Louis, Feb. 18. Editor "Sporting did many of Joes long drives last sea­ Washington . Life:" The dull tenor of life between son that looked like nits, doubles and HEW ENGLAND SECTION. Capt. Fred Doe, of the New Bedford seasons was broken, as also were a few singles and fell the victims of perverse Holler Polo Club, and of the Brockton Mttles at the soiree of the Sportsman's winds or brilliant fielding. Base Ball Club of last season, is in "'liib Park to-day. Theodore Breitenstein will not be a An Interview With Harry fright- hard luck. He took off a $150 diamond Tho spirits of past achievements on Union, man at $3.50 a day in a stove ring when he went to wash his hands the emerald sward, of the triumphs of foundry after all. This ostensible de- the other day and forgot to put it on the Comiskey campaigns were recalled tormina tiou of Breit's sounded patriotic Tbe Veteran on the Browns and again. When he went to look for it it and flitted like shadowy sea views over till George Munxon poured a little com­ was gone. Doe offered a reward of !*C>0 the flood of a feast that the boun­ mon sense into Breit's noddle. Breit will Phillies-The Team Com­ to the one who would bring it back. tiful Vou der Ahe is ever ready to pro­ get about $1500 for next season's work. Fred has been in hard luck, for it was vide for the kindred souls that are wont NOTES. plete- News. not so long ago that he lost a tidy sum to patronize the game. George Craft, the Philadelphia turf through the rascality of a bank official. Among the guests that Col. Bountiful writer who came to St. Louis last De­ There has been a lively tussle in Wor­ Von der Ahe entertained wers Lieut. cember and issued a form sheet on the Boston, Feb. 22. Editor "Sporting cester for the franchise of that club. Gov. John B. O'Mara, Col. Lew Jones, races, has abandoned his scent. Cause Life:" My dear old friend, Manager Kx- Patrick J. Murphy, who Assistant City Assessor Hon. Rufus J. financial exigencies. George is still Harry Wright, of the St. Louis, called lives in that city, and Laverty, of Marl- Delano, and Attorney Charles Stark. here tampering with the Fickle Deity upon me last week, and I enjoyed his boro, have been after it. The latter One base ball penman on the local as she flits on second-class race tracks. visit greatly. One of the first things seems to have done the better work press with a superfluity of beer and in- Jack Creoks is employed at Madison, I asked him was about his reputed en­ and looks like the winner. discretton suggested that Mr. Von der and East St. Louis placing money for gagement to go West. Ho said that he It would not be at all surprising if the Ahe reach out for as Fred Foster, the Minneapolis horseman. had heard nothing from President Von Circuit Committee of the New England the manager for the next season's ____ JOB. OAMPBELU der Ahe up to date. Mr. Von der Ahe League located John Irwin in Bangor. Browns. SAVANNAH SAYINGS. wanted him to come to Cincinnati when John is ready to take hold somewhere. Comiskey is popular in St. Louis. He the meeting of the Rules Committee J. Louis Bacon, of Danvers, who would be a card here, and could get Gratified AVith the Reorganization of was held there, but he found himself un­ handled Providence so cleverly last sea­ more effective work out of the players able to do so. Then it was decided that the Southern League. son, is another good man who could be than Harry Wright. That was the argu­ Savannah, Ga., Feb. IS. Editor he should meet the St. Louis president secured to take hold of a club anywhere. ment of the indiscreet and irrelevant in New York at the schedule meeting. "uportiug Life:" Like Jim Bludsoe, in The New Bedford people are claim- base ball penman. Wilton Nobles' comedy of "The Phoe­ As Mr. Von der Ahe has given it out Ing that pitcher Sexton will be with But the response of Mr. Von der Ahe that Mr. Wright would handle his club nix," the Southern League has risen them again the coming season and that was an indictment of Comiskey that from the ashes of an unfortunate sea­ next season, it would seem that all that he has signed a contract. That young MR. FRITZ MOLLENHAUER. carried home a few facts with it. would be necessary would be to define man intimated a short time ago that son (1803), and is gradually assuming Mr. Wright's responsibilities. I have The above cut represents one of Charleston's most popular citizens, and the OHRIS ON CHARLEY. the proportions of a well-provided-for en­ he would like to play with the Bostons. "I am prepared," said the boss, "to terprise. seen it stated that Mr. Wright would Has he again changed his mind? best known and best liked man in his line of business, in that city. He is the have full charge of the club, and would foremost in all charities. Mr. Mollenhauer is one of the directors of the engage the best manager and the best The meeting in Atlanta on the 15th, President Nick Young could do noth­ players that money can buy, and throw­ was harmonious, and the business trans­ not be hampered in the least, and so ing butter than adopt Harry Wright's Charleston Base Ball Association, and the moving man in all base ball matters. it should be. His restaurant is the headquarters of all the Charleston cranks, and it is due ing aside all prejudice I may bear for acted shows conclusively that the mag­ suggestion to invite the official scorers and Comiskey I want to be reasonable. nates propose to make the season of 1894 WHAT HE SAID, AND DID NOT SAT. umpires to meet him at the spring largely to him that things have taken the shape they have to ensure base ball Harry deprecated emphatically a great in the South the coming summer. He is a great lover of all manly sports. What did Comiskey do with the Chi­ successful, if it is within the power of deal that had been printed about him, meeting for the purpose of a proper cago Brotherhood team after he de­ ingenuity, push and economy to do so. though it was done in a spirit of the understanding of the rules. serted St. Louis? What did he do the The salary limit has been placed nt Utmost friendliness. He has so many says that Harry Wright CALIFORNIA CULLINGS. custom of playing in San Francisco year following, when he returned to $1000, which i consider ample. Tho friends up among the writers that it is is better posted on base ball rules than week after week should be abandoned. St. Louis? And can you tell mo what form of contract prevents a violation of any other man in this country; he can The home grounds should be closed when he has done in Cincinnati that would this limit, unless fraud is practiced, and not at all to be wondered that exag- THE PROFESSIONAL GAME DEAD irations have appeared in the papers. lose such men as Ward, Hanlon, Irwin the home team is playing elsewhere and recommend him for the management of 1 sincerely hope for the welfare of the garry said that he never boasted of and Anson. ON THE PACIFIC COAST. the old practice of making the Oakland the Browns, if there is any possible sport that not a club in the League will having brought the Philadelphias from Brown University has added another toam a quasi-Frisco outfit should be chance of securing him?" stoop to underhand and dishonest meth­ weaklings to be the leading players of crack player to its already formidable There AVill Not be Any League of frowned down. If Oakland is not capa­ FLATTERY FOR MR. WRIGFIT. ods, in their effort to win the coveted list in the person o£ Lowncy, formerly the country, though everybody knows Importance Organized This Year ble of taking care of its own team with Then Mr. Von der Ahe sat down, and championship. Because if they do, it that this is so. Nor has he commented with Holy Cross. its large population then it is not en­ when it came time for the feast and will certainly wreck the League in the at all upon the past management of the Manager Selee has heard from Char­ Causes That Contributed to the titled to a place in a league circuit. the Bow to dissolve, which was well on long , and cause dissatisfaction all St. Louis Club, or anything concerning ley Ganzel. The latter is looking after Lack of Interest Ebright as a The hope that the street railway com­ to the hour when hell itself breathes along the line. Then, too, the guarantee his fish business in Kalamazoo, and says panies would take a hand in reviving the the personnel of that club. Mr. Wright Manager. out contamination to the world, as a to the visiting teams will prevent hard­ was strong in the conviction that it was that he will report In first-class condi­ sport proved to have been based upon pessimistic party, one Hamlet, has it, ships, and the necessity at the last mo­ the cripnling of his club by the injury tion, and appreciates the fact that he nothing of a substantial nature. As the I asked the boss if he had singled out ment of wiring home for funds to get to Hamilton that kept his players from will have plenty to do to fill Benuett s San Francisco, Feb. 15. Editor ball grounds and the Midwinter Fair a manager for next season. Aud I am them to the next town. finishing winners last season. "Take a shoes. Charley can do it. "Sporting Life:" It is with varied emo­ are located in the same end of the city glad to chronicle the fact that he said The indiscriminate issuing of passes player like Hamilton, out of my club," does not have to go to tions that I take up my pen to write the companies have, and will continue his mind was fixed on Harry Wright, will bo abolished, and the press will be said he, "and it left a. very big hole. Boston to see roller polo since the this letter the last of five years steady to have, all the traffic they can attend whom he would sign at the League the only recipients of free admission to He was a great man to reach first base, Brockton Club was transferred to Lynn. correspondence with the "Sporting Life." to for several months. With their lines meeting at Harry's figure. the games. This is a good move in the and not only that, but to score his run He often acts as timer at the games in Professional baseball is dead in Cali­ thus busy they are not likely to make The old Maud Muller pet line of re­ line of economy. Of course there will be after getting there. ' that city. Latham was once clever in fornia, not beyond resurrection, any outlay for the re-establishment o) gret, "it might have been," is applicable howls from tho legion of deadheads, who "It is admitted that if he had not polo playing. let us hope, and my mission of en­ the game on a professional basis. The heretofore crowded the ball-parks; but deavoring to keep your readers posted to the remorse of President Von der Ahe been prevented from finishing the sea­ According to newspaper reports, Mike grounds will probably be rented out to whenever he thinks of his parting with then it won't last long, and cannot ma­ Kelly has given out that he will play on events of the game on the Pacific some big side show and may eventually terially effect the true lovers of the na­ son he would have led the League slope, Mr. Editor, Is, therefore, at an Brodie. in run getting, for he was well ahead first base for Chicago the coming season be cut up into building lots. Brodie's sale was no work of the boss. tional pastime. and catch for the Bostons. Anson says end. I had hesitated to write the words THE IDLE PLAYERS. I believe the schedule is satisfactory, al­ when he ceased playing. The one run telling the followers of the great game It was urged and advocated by Wat- that he was able to make again and that he will play first in his city and What will become of the many players kins, and this cheap-jack stroke of man­ though I haven't had the opportunity of Boston already has four , and that California had finally fallen by the looking into it carefully. One thing, again was the means of winning many wayside, hoping something would occur now idle in California, who last year agement is one of the very reasons that a game. Take the Boston Club. I President Soden says that his club is earned a livelihood on the diamond has prompted Mr. Von der Ahe to do however, that I do not like, and it is the complete. to reanimate the daily lessening interest, continuous season. This will undoubt­ think it was its good fortune in avoid­ the end has come at last, and the would be difficult to say. There are business with Harry Wright. The ing serious injuries to its players that Harvard and Brown will play five but dozens of clever minor league men here edly enhance the interest of the "fans" games this season, two each on the op­ announcement cannot be honestly post­ Browns will be extensively billed and played a great part in its winning the yet, and owing to the dearth of offers advertised in their Eastern towns next from start to finish. Especially if the pennant." posing grounds, and one on neutral ter- poned. from the East it is probable that the race be a close one. The causes that brought about the season, and that indefatigable worker, Now if President Nicklin is only lucky THINKS WELL OP ST. LOTUS. death of professional baseball in Cali­ majority of them will be forced into George Munson, will see to it through Mr. Wright thought the coming sea­ JACOB C. MORSE. other channels of employment. A few enough to secure honest, impartial and fornia have been so often dwelt upon the medium of the Eastern press that ( competent umpires, I must say, em­ son would be a grand one. He said in these letters that it is not again neces­ have already given up hope of obtaining the coming of the Browns is exten­ that It would be difficult to pick a win­ DETROIT nOTLETS. Eastern engagements and are numbtrec phatically, that the oatlook is very bright sary to extensively refer to them. It sively hailed, while Harry Wright will indeed. Since Manager McCloskey re­ ner from such clubs as Boston, Cleve­ is sufficient to say that bad management among the working mechanics and play star parts in the write ups. land, Pittsburg, New York and Phila­ No Gronnds Yet Secured A Large ported for duty on the 3rd, he has been, Scrap on Vanderbcck's Hands. in past seasons, and the public distrust tradespeople. __ MTJNSON'S SCHEME. delphia. There never was a year when of a close syndicate controlling the ma­ LINCOLN'S NEW MANAGER, busily 'engaged in getting together Detroit, Feb. 18. Editor "Sporting Mr. Munson, a practical newspaper a team that will keep them all guessing. the indications were so bright that the jority of the clubs, were largely re­ I had a call a few days ago from man, who appreciates fully the value Interest would be sustained from the Life:" Van Dorbcck, who holds the sponsible for present conditions. A. fac­ Hiram Elbright, more familiarly known He has already received quite a number Western League franchise for Detroit, of advertising, has a suggestion that of applications for places on the team, beginning to the end. Speaking of the tor, too, that should not be overlooked as "Buck" on the coast. He informed is worthy of consideration at the next St. Louis Club, ha did not want to see has not yet found grounds, but he has was continuous playing for over 10 that he had signed to manage the but has only signed, up to date, Sam a large-sized scrap on his hands. This me League meeting. Larooue, Frank Butler, Jack McCann, pitcher Gleascn allowed to leave the years, from January 1 to December 31. Lincoln, Neb., team for the coming Mr. Munson's plan Is the establish­ club. He had a high opinion of young may be taken as a sure indication that The baseball goose was worked to death, season. Ho will play an infield position and Frank Wilson. McCloskny seems to Clarksou, and thought Breitenstein not the season approaches, and that it will ment of a press bureau of the National have become thoroughly iinb.ied with the ho Ai»e>>» <«i«» Tlu» trouble nvoai- over and its goldei) ej-'gs have disappeared _ju, ^ii addition to handling the men, juid' in­ League, to be opened on the identical .that there are a nuiubu of catiahiB- only the leading V \n \h(, 'front'1 ranlE the effort to revive it. ~"~ tends to make up his outfit chicliy from I ;^ua players, and, as a matter of fact, they NO ^PROFESSIONAL; BASEBALL THIS YEAR. HUPS of the newspaper department itf' youngsters rn rtfesr7 Tinted. Suites of ours are the hone of con tendon in jiearly all * * ? connection with a tug tneatncal or who only want the chance to play profes­ roriiia this 'season that "is, one' ot'irAjj- circus enterprise. The duties of this allowed to leave, and thought.. he would in'disnutuTrc Fred Can-oil, once'known from, and he should not httS .'^j- v'- sional ball to bring out their latent abil­ pretentious. There will, of coursej__JJe bureau would be to prepare matter foi ities and astonish the world. The idea do finely in Boston. With such strength as "Handsome Fred Catroll," of Pitts- the usual formations of am^te'jfiiiHl in getting together a fim ^-'^^ »* 'rs publication in the various newspapers III -tb.0 batteries, St. Louis ought to be burg, and Billy George, who formerly Elbright will make a good rii.'i:! :'W -'ho is a food one, if (and there i; always an semi-professional organizations, but no a few days in advance of the appear if), you can only lay your hands on them. in the fight nil summer. held the wild pitch record for New association of salaried players. This de­ Lincoln Club. He has had pieuu of ance of a foreign team in a home city Harry has beem receiving the greet­ York. Both men now play in the out­ experience in the Hue of controlling The history of base ball, from its crea­ cision was reached a. -few days, ago by For instance, if the Philadelphias were tion up to the present time is full of ings of hosts of friends while here. It field. Away back In September, before Mr. J. B. Gilbert, after his conversa­ players, and twice captained the San scheduled for St. Louis on May 1. an was suggested that it would be a grace­ the Western League was organized, tion with Jatnes A. Hart, of Chicago. Jose team through hot work to cham­ "ifs," and I hope John J. will be some­ Van Derbeck, who is a early bird sort interesting .story of the Philadelphia thing more than ordinarily suc­ ful tribute to give him a banquet, and A", Mr. Gilbert controls the key to the pionship honors. Under his care the San team published four or five days previoui the matter is already under way. Ex- of fellow, signed Carroll and George, situation as possessor of the Haight Jose players developed a degree of team cessful, because he deserves to be; for and paid them advance money! If any with a brief review of the team s work, a more energetic, hard-working and sin. Mamiger , of (he Bostons, street grounds, what he determines upon work never before seen in this State. El the personnel, and chatty, breezj has the matter in hand, and the affair other players in the country have re­ will be the law of the case. bright himself is a hard-working, earnest cere fellow does not breathe. ceived advance money this winter, will stories, followed by a few interesting But confidentially, why shouldn't Mc­ promises to be most delightful in every He has studied tho situation very care­ player, who never loses interest in a squibs from day to day, would usually respect. they please step forward and take seats fully in all its phases, and after mature game no matter how heavy the odds Closkey be able to get together a winning on the stage? Having signed Carroll work up an interest. This method sys­ team? He has carte blanche to go ahead, FAST DAY KNOCKED OUT. deliberation concluded to throw up all of may he against him. As a batter he tematically pursued throughout the By a decisive vote the House of Repre­ and George, the natuial inference would his plans, any one of which would possesses more than average ability, anc and sign who he pleases; sufficient be that Detroit was entitled to their League circuit, reinforced by pithy, gos­ means is at his disposal for the purpose. sentatives abolished Fast Day and it have, under more favorable circum­ as a fielder takes desperate chances sipy paragraphs confined to the coming looks as though the Senate would follow services. But lo! now comes Banshee stances been undoubtedly highly success­ He is a sure thrower, and has the arm He is not hampered by outside influ­ suit. As this course was recommended Johnson, president of the Western of such and such a team would, so Mr. ences, nor is he handicapped by inquisi­ League, and gravely announces that ful. His scheme to bring out to the of a young man at his first season's Munson thinks, prove a paying invest­ tive and meddling officials. Further by the Governor in his inaugural, it coast an entire new lot of players would play. Above all, he is a reliable man ment. will receive his signature. The result Carroll and Geoige dp not belong to have in my judgment been the only way personally, and I am sure will give sat­ than this, it is an established fact that will be to give Boston another playing Detroit, but must play in Grand Kapids, of vivifying the pastime here. He had isfaction in Lincoln. MEMORIES OF "JAX." Savnnah has always been a great baso championship holiday and it already had which town has not signed the men, the means at his command to start the With the absence of base hall there I forgot to tell you that I mot Johnnie ball city, and has never failed to more than any other League city. June and cannot sign thc?m without smash­ ball rolling for '04, but was wise Ward and his setter at Jacksonville. make the sport profitable to tho owners ing the National Agreement into bits. is a scarcity of news of the diamond, Johnnie had Billy Taylor on his staff of the franchise; and does not now owe 17 is a great holiday here, and Boston Mr. Johnson kindly explains that at enough to see that a salaried league and as I am about to close this cor­ penny and has never failed to pay will therefore have at home April 19, could not live through the season. I do respondence I feel impelled to express as sort of a bottle holder and second. one tho organization of the. League it was not think anyone else will have the "What's Billy doing in Jacksonville?" every obligation. This truth should make May 30, June 17 and Labor Day. I agreed that each club should send to him my regret at a step rendered necessary comparatively easy for the manage­ wonder what city will get the first plum. boldness to start up the game this year. by the existing order of things on the I asked Ward. it get a list of fourteen players desired, which All experienced mcn^ agree that the peo­ "Oh, the same old thing, and same ment to secure players of ability, and On Fast Day the Bostons used to list he would glance over, and if he saw coast. I hope, however, that in the near no doubt it will. the entire receipts, for the guarantee to ple should get a rest in basebaH and that future I may be enabled to pen the people, eh Bill," said Mr. Ward. some college club did not amount to no objection the requests would be it would be foolhardy in the face of the "Yes, the same. Do you remember One thing I am sure of, and that is, granted. It was further understood, so pleasing intelligence that America's no­ when we met in Peoria about urn that McCloskey is fully alive to the fact very much. Now they will have to lack of patronage to attempt a revival blest game has again taken root on far share with some League club. April says Mr. Johnson, that if any disputes at present. The depression is not con­ yes, I'll take a beer; thanks about 17 that he must have a team of fine hall arose he should settle them according Western soil and thrives and flourishes. years ago wasn't it, Johnnie," strained players that will represent this city, both weather is a very doubtful quantity fined to this section alone, but apparently J. M. OARROLL. hereabouts and we will be lucky if it is to his best judgment. As a poetess of extends over the whole State. The Bos­ Billy's bass through . a stein that he on and off the field, and with this end not inclement. passion might murmur, that would be a tons played at Los Angeles last Sunday, transferred to the already capacious in view, he is working slowly, carefully NO CHANCE FOR DEAI5. sweetly delicious and ecstatically charm­ and the "Times" of that city briefly MILWAUKEE MEMS. cargo beyond his face. and cautiously to sign such a team. I do not doubt in the least that Cin­ ing, not to say odorously delightful sort renders an account of the game as fol­ Then they began to talk of ages and Where the ball park for '94 is to be cinnati would like to exchange Chamber­ of game. Mr. Johnson further sets lows: "That base ball has lost its charms Ward, with soubrette-like coyness, for situated has not yet been determined forth that in the list of names sent by The Dates For the Team's Spring upon. There are two excellent places lain and Murphy for Jack Stivetts. I for the ISs Angeles public was strik­ Trip Now Arranged. ball players, like soubrettes, are t9uchy see that President Brush was interview­ Detroit, Carroll and George were omit­ ingly illustrated yesterday afternoon on the point of years immediately within the city limits, and also Wheel­ ted, and as Grand Rapids included thorn, Milwaukee, Feb. 21. The Milwaukee changed the topic. man's Park. If the latter place is ed on this matter the other day, but to when the Bostons played against Pete I base ball team will make a tour of what purpose? President Soden said to Grand Rapids they must go. The Lohman's nine out in the Athletic Park "I have a funny one on Bill," said selected a monetary consideration will facts are that Vanderbeck was on tho Southern and Eastern cities prior to the Johnnie. "When Mitchell gave his ex­ have something to do with it. some time ago that the Boston Club for diamond to an indifferent sort of a opening of the Western League season, gives us 21 days at home 1894 was complete, so that there will be Pacific coast at the time of the meeting, crowd. The game resulted in a score of hibition in Jacksonville the day after he The schedule being unable to leave there owing to April 20. Manager Cushman has ar­ arrived, Bill was chosen by Mitchell's when the season begins, Memorial Day no deals for players as far as Boston is 7 to 4 in favor of the visitors, after some ranged games for the following dates: and Fourth of July. This is good. concerned. Jack Stivetts is a great business, and John S. Barries was dele­ fairly good playing which lasted for manager, Billy Thompson, to referee gated to look after Detroit's interests. April 7 and 8, Cincinnati; April 9, the sparring bouts. The first bout was The base ball people of Lincoln, Neb., favorite in this city. The corps of nearly two hours." The paper evidently 10 and 11, Cleveland; April 12, 13, and seem to be hot around tho collar about catchers here is complete. Connaughton Vanderbeck told Barnes that Carroll shared the apathy manifested by the between two light-weight Florida crack­ and George were on the Detroit's list, 14, Pittsburg; April 15, open; April 1(5 er negroes. In the second round one of the alleged ill-treatment they received at is a far better batsman and base runner public, as it did not publish the score of and 17, Louisville: April 18, 19 and 20, the hands of Manager McCloskey. Why than Murphy, whose whole playing is but Barnes forgot to notify President the play. the crackers fell from a right hand cross Johnson. Nashville; April 21 and 22, St. Louis, they should be is beyond my compre­ in his superb backstopping and wonder­ LOOKING FORWARD. providing the season on the jaw and laid for a minute while hension, for McCloskey never signed ful throwing. It was only a few weeks The association's action was nonsensi­ It seems to be the general impression Billy fought a mouth fight with the cal. This is proven by Nick Young's does not open on April 19, but if it other man's seconds. This gave the oth­ with them. He merely hail under con­ ago that I was called down for making that the only way by which base ball should the games will be transferred to sideration their favorable offer, and sign­ the suggestion, and a suggestion only, response to a request by Johnson to can be made a success hereafter will be er coon time to sleep out his nap and consider the fourteen players named by St. Joe; April 23, Peoria. ed with Savannah because he" believed that Murphy would be a good man for the formation of a league taking in six This will give the men ample time to as he picked himself up Billy ran over it to his interest to do so. That is all us, and a Cincinnati correspondent went each club as "reserved." The gentle or eight of the leading cities of Califor­ to him, pushed him back in a sleeping Nick replied that such a thing would get in condition for the regular cham­ there is about the matter. in the nir thereat. nia, Oregon and Washington. While the pionship season and also give the public [jpsition and counted ten seconds over "Marguerite" seems to be in the ONE MAN SHOT FOR NEW YORK. be impossible, and advised the clubs to distance between the two sections is uim. After the exhibition Bill Thomp­ jump in and sign as many eligible play­ an idea as to their strength. "Cush" wim again. I wonder if he wouldn't I was really flustered to think that great aud transportation rates are high has arangcd games with some of the son gave the boxers $1 apiece and Billy like to locate in Montgomery, Ala., emanating from this burg ers as possible. it is thought that sectional rivalry, the same amount. Billy went on a anything If Johnson, or anybody in the Western strongest teams in the National League, again? should attract the attention of a New coupled with a year's rest and good play­ and it will be a severe test on the young strike for five and Thompson finally The management promises me a few York writer. It is true, of course, that Association, labors under the delusion ing will bring out enough patronage to compromised on $2.50. that Detroit will submit to any such and catchers. Milwaukee will surprises in the near future, so I will we take all our cues from Gotham and more than meet the extra expense. I open the season away from home. "The day after the fight Billy was content myself temporarily. would be dead if it were not for what gold brick game as the one now being met Mr. Kockwell, who managed the explaining how easy it came for Corbett. JAY R. BFF. attempted they will do well to stand UNIFOHMS ORDERED. 'It was as easy as beat­ we got thence. What would become Taeoma team for a couple of seasons, Mr. Cushman this morning sent an of base ball if it were not for New from under, * the other day. I asked him if he came ing in a Dutch dia­ NOTES. order to Spalding & Bros., of Chicago, lect imitation of Chris,' said Billy." York? I want to say right here that I here in connection with the game, and he for the Milwaukee Club's uniforms. He simply made the suggestion that Tim Vanderbeck has now signed the fol­ promptly replied: "No base ball for me Ward shot birds and craps and got Billy lowing men: Cobb, Harper and Balz, until 1895. The game is as flat in the has selected chocolate gray with maroon Taylor half shot on numerous occasions Keefe would make a good man for Bos­ pitchers; Lohman and Kreig, catchers; trimmings for the traveling suits. The ERYSIPELAS ton. I say so to-day. Tim is in fine Pacific-northwest as it is in California." during his stay in Jacksonville. Earl, Cross and Kverett, infielders; Car- stockings will be of maroon and the THE BURBIIIDGES. condition and is fit to do good work. I Rockwell and Gilbert may hold a con­ caps of chocolate gray with a wouldn't dare, of course, to intimate roll, George and McGuckin, outfield. ference in the near future to discuss a To George Burbridge I am Indebted Health, Appetite and Strength Re­ A second baseman is needed. Van says band of maroon. The home suits will newed by Hood's Sarsaparilla. that ue would do for New York. The big league for next year, but, of course, be of white with black trimmings with For a wilderness of courtesies and kind­ funny thing is that a New York writer his players are the cream of the Cali­ that is a long way ahead and naught nesses in Jacksonville. George is out ' C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: fornia League, and he scouts the sug­ maroon coats. The stockings will be of himself having been condemned to live may result from the matter. black as will the caps. The word "Mil­ of base ball and is in the stationery busi- "Hood's Sarsaparilla is splendid. I had long more less under the shadow of Boston's gestion that as the season advances they THE BOLD COLONEL. iess. He says the game in Florida isn't >een troubled with erysipelas, and three times gilded dome should make such cracks. may develope into whipped cream. There is only one man here I know waukee" will be worked in big letters 'ikely to be over prosperous next season, md It in my head and face. I became nt-arly Ono of Boston's best newspapermen, Judge Collnm was in Detroit a few who would boldly tackle the difficult job across the breast, .jeorge's brother, Colonel Jim Burbridge, "blind and my hair all came out. My husband days ago. He is in fine voice. MAY BE "PHBN051S." vished me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I only George Dickinson, of the New York of trying to put base ball on its feet, and :s the proprietor of the Jacksonville took three bottles before '"Telegram," got his early training here, a F. MATHISON. that man is Colonel Robinson. The William Roberts, whom Manager Opera House. Jim will branch out in so did that hard and faithful worker, Colonel, to give him is due, is a hustling Cushman has signed to play behind the the show business on an extensive basis I Was Free poor Bill Harris, who killed himself by BUFFALO'S LOSS. fellow who easily rides down obstacles bat, is said to be a young Hercules. He next season, and will be interested with rom my old-time trouble and long suffering*. the hard work he had in "New York. that would conquer most people and I is over six feet tall and weighs 185 my fat and tawny friend Billy Iveogh, It has never returned until last winter while I It is a pity, indeed, that such writers aa Outflelder Armour Seriously, Per- am sure if he had half a chance he pounds. He is only 21 years of age. of Charleston, S. C., in a theatrical eu- was 111 with the grip, a sliffht attack broku out Iiaps Fatally, Injured. For the past two seasons he has played on my face. After my sickness I was not well: Tim Murnane, Billy Sullivan, Ed. Ste- would come right to the front again. .erprise. became easily tired and lost my appetite. I vens and Walter Barues cannot dish up Homestead, Pa., Feb. 17. As a result But he has lost nearly all, if not all of with semi-professional clubs In Pennsyl­ IN PROSPBOT. esumed taking Hood's Sarsaparilla aud am news fit for New Yorkers to read. of the Ann street coasting at this place his old prestige, he has no capital to vania, and his record was one to be Mr. Von der Ahe will endeavor to Wow! Will Armour, the base ball player who back him such a venture, I under­ proud of. Carish and Roberts will make ?ivo an imitation of his countryman, SPOKES FROM THE HUB. is signed with the Buffalos for this stand, and, I do not think, could secure i a splendid battery, providing they come 3ismark, at the League meeting in'a dip- Hood's5>P"Cures Here's another phenom. His name is season, Miss Polly Murdoch, James Slo- the needed cash in these days of "tho : up to the expectations of "Papa." Car­ omatic effort to sign Danny Richardson. Henry Lampe, and he lives in South cum, a prominent citizen of the town, stringency." I ish, who is only 18 years of age, lives believe Mr. Byrne would give Richard- now using the fourth bottle and can run up and and Dan Louis are confined to their REFORMS NEEDED. ! at Aima, Wis., and is over six feet tall. down stairs as spry as ever. The tired feeling Boston. He has been pitching effective­ ion and say ?500 for Willie Gleason. s gone and I have a good appetite " MRS. W'u. ly hereabouts, and has been prevented beds suffering from injuries sustained When the game is resumed here the i When he played with La Crosse two low is it fbout Donnolly? i. BARINGER, Olive Kidge, New Yo;k. heretofore from playing professionally on the hill last night. It is believed by managers should bear in miiid that there j years ago he pitched against the The boss is very much addicted to on account of the opposition of his par­ his physicians that Armour cannot re­ is a *^0ibility of sickening the uuHic strongest seiiii-prtfessional team in Min­ lichardson and Burns, but Burns is evi­ Hood's Pills cure all liver ills, bilious- ents. He comes near being a six-footer, cover. with too much of a good thing. The j neapolis and struck out twentjr-one men. dently out of the question. So is Billy ness, jaundice, indigestion, sick headache.