Feb. 24. THE SPORTING LIFE. and weighs 170 pounds. John Irwin and Joyce, who was wanted here to play Miah Murray have seen him pitch, and ST. LOUIS SIFTINGS. third Heiman Pietz has signed and BASE BALL pronounce him O. K. There ought to ho may serve to please in lieu of Joyce. be a grab for him. THE BOSS TALKS ABOUT CHAR­ Werden will remain, and if Richardson It cones straight from President LEY COMISKEY. ia signed he will play at short and Young that Fall Kiver's claim to pitcher Shugart sent to the outfield to earn, Mercer is not good, and that he will He "Will Sign Harry Wright and Try his "cakes" on the strength of his hit­ have to enter Mr. Schmelz's fold if he ting. FROM DOWN EAJT intends to play ball the coming summer. For Richardson Jobnny Ward and Joe Quinn's batting- will surely tell I saw this young man pitch last year Billy Taylor lave Gossip. next season. I never in my life saw and think that he will come around all favorites lengthen out into long shots as THE BASE BALL SITUATION IN THE right under the efficient tutelage of the St. Louis, Feb. 18. Editor "Sporting did many of Joes long drives last sea­ Washington manager. Life:" The dull tenor of life between son that looked like nits, doubles and HEW ENGLAND SECTION. Capt. Fred Doe, of the New Bedford seasons was broken, as also were a few singles and fell the victims of perverse Holler Polo Club, and of the Brockton Mttles at the soiree of the Sportsman's winds or brilliant fielding. Base Ball Club of last season, is in "'liib Park to-day. Theodore Breitenstein will not be a An Interview With Harry fright- hard luck. He took off a $150 diamond Tho spirits of past achievements on Union, man at $3.50 a day in a stove ring when he went to wash his hands the emerald sward, of the triumphs of foundry after all. This ostensible de- the other day and forgot to put it on the Comiskey campaigns were recalled tormina tiou of Breit's sounded patriotic Tbe Veteran on the Browns and again. When he went to look for it it and flitted like shadowy sea views over till George Munxon poured a little com­ was gone. Doe offered a reward of !*C>0 the flood of a feast that the boun­ mon sense into Breit's noddle. Breit will Phillies-The Boston Team Com­ to the one who would bring it back. tiful Vou der Ahe is ever ready to pro­ get about $1500 for next season's work. Fred has been in hard luck, for it was vide for the kindred souls that are wont NOTES. plete-New England League News. not so long ago that he lost a tidy sum to patronize the game. George Craft, the Philadelphia turf through the rascality of a bank official. Among the guests that Col. Bountiful writer who came to St. Louis last De­ There has been a lively tussle in Wor­ Von der Ahe entertained wers Lieut. cember and issued a form sheet on the Boston, Feb. 22. Editor "Sporting cester for the franchise of that club. Gov. John B. O'Mara, Col. Lew Jones, races, has abandoned his scent. Cause Life:" My dear old friend, Manager Kx-catcher Patrick J. Murphy, who Assistant City Assessor Hon. Rufus J. financial exigencies. George is still Harry Wright, of the St. Louis, called lives in that city, and Laverty, of Marl- Delano, and Attorney Charles Stark. here tampering with the Fickle Deity upon me last week, and I enjoyed his boro, have been after it. The latter One base ball penman on the local as she flits on second-class race tracks. visit greatly. One of the first things seems to have done the better work press with a superfluity of beer and in- Jack Creoks is employed at Madison, I asked him was about his reputed en­ and looks like the winner. discretton suggested that Mr. Von der and East St. Louis placing money for gagement to go West. Ho said that he It would not be at all surprising if the Ahe reach out for Charles Comiskey as Fred Foster, the Minneapolis horseman. had heard nothing from President Von Circuit Committee of the New England the manager for the next season's ____ JOB. OAMPBELU der Ahe up to date. Mr. Von der Ahe League located John Irwin in Bangor. Browns. SAVANNAH SAYINGS. wanted him to come to Cincinnati when John is ready to take hold somewhere. Comiskey is popular in St. Louis. He the meeting of the Rules Committee J. Louis Bacon, of Danvers, who would be a card here, and could get Gratified AVith the Reorganization of was held there, but he found himself un­ handled Providence so cleverly last sea­ more effective work out of the players able to do so. Then it was decided that the Southern League. son, is another good man who could be than Harry Wright. That was the argu­ Savannah, Ga., Feb. IS. Editor he should meet the St. Louis president secured to take hold of a club anywhere. ment of the indiscreet and irrelevant in New York at the schedule meeting. "uportiug Life:" Like Jim Bludsoe, in The New Bedford people are claim- base ball penman. Wilton Nobles' comedy of "The Phoe­ As Mr. Von der Ahe has given it out Ing that pitcher Sexton will be with But the response of Mr. Von der Ahe that Mr. Wright would handle his club nix," the Southern League has risen them again the coming season and that was an indictment of Comiskey that from the ashes of an unfortunate sea­ next season, it would seem that all that he has signed a contract. That young MR. FRITZ MOLLENHAUER. carried home a few facts with it. would be necessary would be to define man intimated a short time ago that son (1803), and is gradually assuming Mr. Wright's responsibilities. I have The above cut represents one of Charleston's most popular citizens, and the OHRIS ON CHARLEY. the proportions of a well-provided-for en­ he would like to play with the Bostons. "I am prepared," said the boss, "to terprise. seen it stated that Mr. Wright would Has he again changed his mind? best known and best liked man in his line of business, in that city. He is the have full charge of the club, and would foremost in all charities. Mr. Mollenhauer is one of the directors of the engage the best manager and the best The meeting in Atlanta on the 15th, President Nick Young could do noth­ players that money can buy, and throw­ was harmonious, and the business trans­ not be hampered in the least, and so ing butter than adopt Harry Wright's Charleston Base Ball Association, and the moving man in all base ball matters. it should be. His restaurant is the headquarters of all the Charleston cranks, and it is due ing aside all prejudice I may bear for acted shows conclusively that the mag­ suggestion to invite the official scorers and Comiskey I want to be reasonable. nates propose to make the season of 1894 WHAT HE SAID, AND DID NOT SAT. umpires to meet him at the spring largely to him that things have taken the shape they have to ensure base ball Harry deprecated emphatically a great in the South the coming summer. He is a great lover of all manly sports. What did Comiskey do with the Chi­ successful, if it is within the power of deal that had been printed about him, meeting for the purpose of a proper cago Brotherhood team after he de­ ingenuity, push and economy to do so. though it was done in a spirit of the understanding of the rules. serted St. Louis? What did he do the The salary limit has been placed nt Utmost friendliness. He has so many Tim Murnane says that Harry Wright CALIFORNIA CULLINGS. custom of playing in San Francisco year following, when he returned to $1000, which i consider ample. Tho friends up among the writers that it is is better posted on base ball rules than week after week should be abandoned. St. Louis? And can you tell mo what form of contract prevents a violation of any other man in this country; he can The home grounds should be closed when he has done in Cincinnati that would this limit, unless fraud is practiced, and not at all to be wondered that exag- THE PROFESSIONAL GAME DEAD irations have appeared in the papers. lose such men as Ward, Hanlon, Irwin the home team is playing elsewhere and recommend him for the management of 1 sincerely hope for the welfare of the garry said that he never boasted of and Anson. ON THE PACIFIC COAST. the old practice of making the Oakland the Browns, if there is any possible sport that not a club in the League will having brought the Philadelphias from Brown University has added another toam a quasi-Frisco outfit should be chance of securing him?" stoop to underhand and dishonest meth­ weaklings to be the leading players of crack player to its already formidable There AVill Not be Any League of frowned down. If Oakland is not capa­ FLATTERY FOR MR. WRIGFIT. ods, in their effort to win the coveted list in the person o£ Lowncy, formerly the country, though everybody knows Importance Organized This Year ble of taking care of its own team with Then Mr.
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