Hanns Eisler’S Anakreontische Fragmente and Hölderlin-Fragmente
THE ART OF REMEMBERING: TEXT ADAPTATION AND SETTING IN HANNS EISLER’S ANAKREONTISCHE FRAGMENTE AND HÖLDERLIN-FRAGMENTE BY ALAN DUNBAR Submitted to the faculty of the Jacobs School of Music in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, Doctor of Music, Indiana University August, 2014 Accepted by the faculty of the Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Music. ___________________________________ Mary Ann Hart, Research Director __________________________________ Costanza Cuccaro, Chairperson __________________________________ Robert Harrison __________________________________ Lynn Hooker ii Copyright © 2014 Alan Dunbar iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS There are many people I must thank, for without their help, this project would not have seen completion. First, the members of my committee: Prof. Thomas Sparks, for the inspiration to continuously explore areas beyond the expected and familiar; Dr. Lynn Hooker, for her knowledge and guidance through scholarship on twentieth-century music and politics; Dr. Robert Harrison, for his refreshingly honest feedback and encouragement of my singing and scholarly work; Prof. Mary Ann Hart, for serving as my research director and for first introducing me to the songs of Hanns Eisler; and Chancellor’s Professor Costanza Cuccaro, not only for serving as the chair of my committee, but for teaching me more than I thought possible about what it means to be a singer. I would also like to thank Davis Hart, for his friendship and willingness to play anything I throw at him; Shawn M. H. Allison, for his composer/theorist perspective on Eisler’s harmonic language; Bailey McDaniel, for her insight into Brecht; Kelvin Chan, for sharing his own work on Eisler; Dr.
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