Appointment to the Community Planning

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Appointment to the Community Planning THIS REPORT RELATES STIRLING COUNCIL TO ITEM 10 ON THE AGENDA STIRLING COUNCIL CORPORATE OPERATIONS 8 OCTOBER 2015 NOT EXEMPT APPOINTMENTS TO THE COMMUNITY PLA NNING & REGENERATION COMMITTEE, PETITIONS PANEL, HEALTH & SAFETY PANEL AND CENTRAL SCOTLAND VALUATION JOINT BOARD 1 SUMMARY 1.1 A By-Election will be held on 1 October 2015 to elect a Councillor to the Stirling East Ward (Ward 6) following the resignation of Steven Paterson MP. The result of the By-Election will be known before the Council meeting. The Council is now asked to appoint Elected Members to positions formerly held by Steven Paterson. 1.2 In addition, Councillor Callum Campbell has resigned from the Health & Safety Panel. The Council is asked to appoint a Member to fill that vacancy. As Councillor Campbell was the Chair of the Panel, Council is also asked to appoint a new Chair. 2 OFFICER RECOMMENDATION(S) The Council agrees:- 2.1 to appoint an Elected Member to each of the vacant positions on the • Community Planning & Regeneration Committee • Petitions Panel • Health & Safety Panel • Central Scotland Valuation Joint Board 2.2 to appoint a Chair to the Petitions Panel; and 2.3 to appoint a Chair to the Health & Safety Panel. 3 CONSIDERATIONS 3.1 On 7 May 2015 Steven Paterson was elected as Member of Parliament (MP) for the Stirling County Constituency. He subsequently tendered his resignation from his position as a Councillor for the Stirling East Ward (Ward 6) and ceased to be an Elected Member of Stirling Council on Saturday 8 August 2015. 3.2 The Returning Officer determined that a By-Election would be held on 1 October 2015 and the result of this By-Election will be known before the Council meeting. 3.3 Positions previously held by former Councillor Steven Paterson will now require to be filled as undernoted. Community Planning & Regeneration Committee - The composition of the Community Planning & Regeneration Committee is 6 members – 4 from the Administration and 2 from the SNP Group. The current members are Councillors Johanna Boyd, Martin Earl, Scott Farmer, Corrie McChord and Violet Weir, leaving one vacancy to be filled from the SNP Group. Petitions Panel - The composition of the Petitions Panel is 4 members – 1 from each political Group and the Green Party representative. The current members are Councillors Neil Benny, Corrie McChord and Mark Ruskell. Former Councillor Paterson was the fourth member of the Panel and also its Chair. Council is asked to fill the vacancy from the SNP Group and appoint a new Chair. Central Scotland Valuation Joint Board - At its meeting on 25 June 2015 (SC386 refers) Council considered an earlier resignation by former Councillor Paterson from the Central Scotland Valuation Joint Board. No nominations were made at that time and the Council is now asked to reconsider this position. Stirling Council’s membership on the Board comprises:- 4 Members: currently Councillors Neil Benny, Margaret Brisley, Corrie McChord and 1 vacancy. 4 Named Substitute Members: currently Councillors Callum Campbell, John Hendry, Christine Simpson and Jim Thomson If one of the current substitutes is appointed to fill the vacancy a new named substitute member would also require to be appointed. District of Stirling Licencing Board – There is another report on this agenda which asks that Council fills the vacancy left by the resignation of former Councillor Steven Paterson along with two pre-existing vacancies. 3.4 Health & Safety Panel - Councillor Callum Campbell has resigned from the Health & Safety Panel. The Council is asked to appoint a Member to fill that vacancy. As Councillor Campbell was the Chair of the Panel, Council is also asked to appoint a new Chair. The composition of the Health & Safety Panel is 5 Members – 3 from the Administration and 2 from the SNP Group. The current members are Councillors Graham Houston, Corrie McChord, Christine Simpson and Fergus Wood, leaving 1 vacancy to be filled by the Administration. 4 POLICY/RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS AND CONSULTATIONS Policy Implications Equality Impact Assessment No Strategic Environmental Assessment No Serving Stirling No Single Outcome Agreement Yes Diversity (age, disability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation) No Sustainability (community, economic, environmental) No Effect on Council’s green house gas emissions No Effect Strategic/Service Plan No Existing Policy or Strategy No Risk No Resource Implications Financial No People Yes Land and Property or IT Systems No Consultations Internal or External Consultations No Equality Impact Assessment 4.1 The contents of this report were assessed using the EqIA Relevance Assessment Form (Appendix 1). It was determined that an Equality Impact Assessment was not required as the vacancies can only be filled by Elected Members of Stirling Council. Strategic Environmental Assessment 4.2 This report does not relate to a Plan, Policy, Programme or Strategy therefore Strategic Environmental Assessment does not apply. Serving Stirling 4.3 Not applicable. Single Outcome Agreement 4.4 The proposals set out in this report support the following outcome in the Single Outcome Agreement: Communities are well served, better connected and safe Other Policy Implications 4.5 Following consideration of the policy implications of this report no relevant issues have been identified. Resource Implications 4.6 There will be a time commitment for the Members appointed. Consultations 4.7 Chief Governance Officer Tick ( ) to confirm and add relevant initials The appropriate Convener(s), Vice Convener(s), Portfolio Holder and N/A Depute Portfolio Holder have been consulted on this report The Chief Executive or Director has been consulted on this report as N/A appropriate 5 BACKGROUND PAPERS 5.1 None 6 APPENDICES 6.1 Appendix 1 – EqIA Relevance Assessment Form. Author(s) Name Designation Telephone Number/E-mail Claire Dunbar Committee Officer 01786 233101 Karen Swan Support Officer 01786 233081 Approved by Name Designation Signature Gerard O’Sullivan Director of Corporate Operations Date 28 August 2015 Service Reference Appendix 1 Stirling Council: EqIA Relevance Check (June 2014) Completing this form will help you determine whether or not an equality impact assessment is required and provide a record of your decision. This is a screening process to help you decide if the proposal under consideration requires an EqIA - it is not an EqIA and the impact of the proposal will be determined by the EqIA itself. The Guidance: Equality Impact Assessment Toolkit June 2014 may help when completing this form this can be accessed via the following link - The term proposal used below is intended to include “policy, strategy, service, function, procedure or project.” When is an EqIA required? While each proposal must be considered individually, it is anticipated that an EqIA will always be required when: • introducing a new policy/strategy/service/function • reviewing a current policy/strategy/service/function • reducing / discontinuing an existing service • considering budget proposals resulting in any of the above Reports on technical or procedural matters or which confirm progress on previously considered proposals, may be less likely to require an EqIA but this can only be determined by using this form. SUMMARY DETAILS 1. Title of Proposal: Service PBB Ref (if applicable) Appointments Corporate Operations N/A 2. Service, and Lead Officer (Head of Service/ Service Manager) undertaking assessment Service Lead Officer Democratic Support Director of Corporate Operations 3. What is the nature of the proposal? (Tick/complete all that apply) Review of an existing policy/strategy Review of an existing service/function Reduction in an existing service / function Removal of an existing service Introduction of a new policy/ strategy Introduction of new service/function Other e.g. technical, progress, procedural report PBB category e.g. transformational change 4. For proposals with implications for budgets complete the following: (£ 000s) Current expenditure on activity In Council area as a whole In/for specific community/ies Total anticipated savings or In/for Council area as a whole proposed increased spend In/ for specific community/ies Start date for savings/increased spend End Date for savings/increased spend Savings/increased spend Year 1 Delivery Timescale and Phasing Savings/increased spend Year 2 Savings/increased spend Year 3 Savings/increased spend Year 4 Savings/increased spend Year 5 AIMS & OBJECTIVES Answering questions 5 - 7 will help you decide whether or not your proposal needs to be accompanied by an EqIA. 5. What longer term outcomes is the proposal expected to achieve? The appointment of Elected Members to various vacancies. 6. What are the main aims of this proposal? If this proposal revises an existing policy have its aims changed? As above. 7. Who is most likely to be affected by this proposal? Consider current and potential future service users including people with particular needs, specific geographical communities and current and prospective employees. Elected Members of Stirling Council. POTENTIAL IMPACT Answering Questions 8 -12 will help you consider the potential impact of the proposal. 8. What potential impact will this proposal have on people in terms of the needs of the public sector equality duty and the Council’s responsibilities to:- • eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation • advance equality of opportunity • foster good relations - including the need to tackle prejudice and promote understanding • See guidance for additional information. None. 9. Will this proposal have a potential impact on people with “protected characteristics”*? Please consider all protected groups listed below. A detailed explanation of these is provided in the guidance. Group Impact Group Impact Group Impact Yes/No/Unclear Yes/No/Unclear Yes/No/Unclear Age No Disability No Gender No Reassignment Marriage No Pregnancy No Race No and Civil and Maternity Partnership Religion No Sex No Sexual No and Belief Orientation 10. Will this proposal have an impact on communities, household groups or individuals with a higher risk of experiencing poverty? Please answer Yes/No/Unclear.
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