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246 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. DECEl!tffiER 17, Brown, Buckner, Buffinton, Bundy, Burch.'ll'd, Burleigh, Burrows, B(_llljamin F. But a bill for the r elief of the Southern Methodist publishing house at ler, Cannon, Cason, Freeman Clarke, Clymor, Coburn, Con~r, Corwm, Cotton, Cox, Nashville, Tennessee. Cmtis, Danforc.l, Dawes, Donnan, Duell, Dunnell, ~llJ!leS, J:<'ort, ~ostcr, Frye, Gar field, Gunckol, Eugene Hale, Robert S. Hale, B eDJamm \V. Hams, H enry R. Har By Mr. CHAFFEE : ·.A. petition of citizens of Colorado Territory, ris, Johu T. Harris, Havens, John B. Hawley, Joseph R. Hawley, Gerry \V. Ha~el asking that the branch mint at Denver be put upon a coinago ton, Hendee, Hereford, E . Rockwood Hoar, George F. Hoar, Holman, Hoskins, basis. HublJell, Hunter, Hurlbut, Hyde, Jewett; Ka so. n, K ellog!?.l Knap~Lawrence, By Mr. COTTON : The petition of J . .A.. Robinson and 53 others, Lawson, Lofland, Loughrid~_e, J::owe, McCr~~ A;lcxan~er 8. _ M<;~D' ,JaJ?eS W. McDill McLean, McNUlta, JUornam, Monroe, .lllOITlSOD, cal, 0 Bnen, Neill, Orr, asking a modification of the postal laws. Orth, Pa-ckard, Pa-cker, Ho.·ea W. Parker, Phillips, Pierce, Thomas C. Platt~ By .Mr. EDEN: The petition of Hannaman & Rhodes and others, Potter Pratt, Ray, Rice, Robbins, Ellis H. Roberta, William R. lwberts, James W. druggists of Shelbyville, illinois, for the repeal of that part of the Robin 'on Ro s l{usk, Sawyer, H enry B. Sayler_~ Milton Sayler, John G. Schumaker, revenue laws requiring the use of stamps by druggists. Scofield Isaac W. Scudder, Sessions. Sherwoou, Lazarus D. Shoemaker, Smart, A. Herr S~itb, H. Boardman Smith, J ohll Q. Smith.,J)prague, StandeforQ..._Starkweather, By Mr. HARMER: .A. petition signed by over 800 citizens, asking Stone, Strait Taylor, Tremain, Tyner, Vance, waldron, MarcusL. ward, Wheeler, that means may be taken as promptly as possible, in co-opera Whitehead, \Vhltehouse, Whitthorne, Wilber, Charles W. Willard, George Willard, tion with other governments, for the settlement of internationaJ. Charles G. Williams, John M. S. Williams, \Villiam B. Williams, James Wilson, J eremialt M. \Vilson, Wolfe, Woodford, \Vooc.lworth, and Pierce M. B. Young-134. difficulties by the plan of ·arbitration and the formation of a high NO'l' VOTING-Messrs. Banning, llegole, Bland, John B. Clark, jr., Stephen A. comt of nations for the adjustment of all d.i:fl'erences without a resort Cobb Creamer, Crittenden, Crooke, Farwell, Field, Gooch, Hersey~..!loopcr, Howe, to arms. Kend;u_l Lamar, Lamison, Lamport, McKee, Mitchell, Morey, ..Nunn, Parsons, By Mr. HYNES: A memorial of the Legislature of Arkansas, for Phelps, 'James H . Platt{, jr., P oland, Randall, James C. Robinson, Sheats, ~loss, William A. Smith, Southard, Stephens, St. John, Thomas, Walls, and Ephraim K. relief of the Southern Methodist publishing house, with accompany Wilson-:J7. ing petitions from various conferences and citizens of Arkansas. So the motion to adjourn was not agreed to. By Mr. LANSING: .A. petition for the relief of the Southern Metho Mr. BUTLER, of Massa.chusetts. _I rise to a pnvileged motion. I dist publishing house at Nashville, Tennessee. move to reconsider the vote by which the amendment I offered was lost. By 1-.1r. MYERS: The petition of Louis Sonntag, of Philadelphia, The SPEAKER. Did the gentleman vote with the prevailing side f for bounty unuer act of July 28, 1866. 1-.1r. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. I donotthink I did. By Mr. NIBLACK : The petition of J ames F. Blunt, of Spencer · The SPEAKER. Then the gentleman cannot make that motion. County, Indiana, praying for compensation for military service . Mr. HALE, of Maine. Upon the appeal of many members, who Also, the petition of William May, sr., of Spencer County, Indiana, have been voting in the same direction I have, and as this matter will praying for an increase of pension to his insane· son. come up the first thing after the reading of the Journal to-morrow Also, the petition of .Andrew J. Baldwin, of Spencer County, Indi morning, I move that the House now adjourn. ana, praying for a pension. Many MEl\ffiERS. 0, no. Also, the petition of Edward Winchell, of Spencer County, Indiana, The SPEAKER. That motion is not now in order, a similar motion praying compensation for military services. having just been voted down. The question now is upon the amend .Also, the petition of L. D. J ay and 45 others, of P erry County, ment of the gentleman from Iowa, [Ur. KASSON.] Indiana, praying that all mail matter, whether letters, merchandise, }.fr. COBURN, and Mr. BUTLER of Massachusetts, called for the newspapers, or other printed matter, shall be prepaid. yeas and nays. By 1-.1r. ROBINSON, of Ohio : The petition of H . Peters and others, Mr. LEACH. P ending the call for the yeas and nays I move that of :Marion County, Ohio; also the petition of J. N. McCoy aud others, the ·House now adjourn. of Hardin County, Ohio, asking the repeal of the stamp tax on cer Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts, and others. 0, no. tain classes of drugs. The motion to adjourn was not agreed to. By Ur. SW.ANN : A petition of citizens of Maryland in behalf of The yeas and nays were then ordered o.n the amendment moved by the Southern Methodist publishing house at Nashville, Tennessee, for Mr. KAssoN. the use and destruction of its property by the United States. The question was taken ; and there were-yeas 172, nays 76, not Also, the petition of John Rutter, of Baltimore, late a private in voting 37; as follows : Company G, Voltigeur Regiment, in the war with Mexico, praying for a back pension. YEAS-Messrs. Albright, Arr.her, Arthur, Ashe, Atkins, Banning, Barrera, Barry Bass, Beck, Berry, Bowen, Bright, Brown, Buckner, Bundy, Burchard, By Mr. '\VILLLUIS, of Massachusetts : The petition of Edwin C. Burlmgh,1 Burrows, Benjamin F. Butler, Cannon, Cason,. Amos Clark, jr., John B. Morse, late additional paymaster United States Army, praying for Cla;rk, Jr., Clements, Clymer, Stephen A . Cobb, Coburn, Con~er, Cook, Corwin, Cot relief. ton, Cox, Crittenden, Crocker, Crutchfield, Curtis, Danforc.l, Dawes, De Witt, Dob· bins, Donnan, Dunnell, Eames, Eden, Fort, Foster, Frye, Garfield, Gooch, Gnnckel, Also, the petition of William Thwing, for a new register to the ship Eugene Hale, Hamilton, John T. Ha...'Tis, Hatcher, Hathorn, Havens, John B. Hawl ey, Alhambra. Gerry W. Hazelton, John W. Hazelton, Hendee, Hereford, E . Rockwood Hoar, George Also, the petition of Francis L ow, for relief. F. Ho:tr, Holman, Hoskins, Hunter, Hyde, J ewett, Ka,sson, Killinger, Knapp, Law Also, the memorial of Cornelia .A. Washburn, of Newton Lower r ence, Lawson, L each, Loug_l~iclge, Lowe, Luttrell, M~ee, Marshall, !L'l>rt.iu, Falls, Massachusetts, praying for a pension. McCrary, James W. McDill, .lllcDou~all, McJunkin, Mr.Lean, McNulta, Mellish, Merriam, Mills, Monroe, Moore, MoiTison, Neal, Negley, Nesmith, Niblack, O'Brien, By Mr. WILLIAMS, of Michigan : The petition of Barbara Rich Orr, Orth, Packer, Page, Hosea W . Parker Isaac C. Parker Pendleton, Perry Phil ards, for a pension to the minor heirs of :Micha.el Weisse, deceased. lips, Pierce, Pike, Thomas B. Platt, Poland, Potter, Pratt, Rainey, Ransier, Read, By Mr. WILSON, of Iowa: The petition of Captain I saac V. Den :&ichmond,Robbins, Ellis H. Roberts, William.R.Roberts,James W.Robinsou, Ross, Rusk, Henry B. Sayler, l.lliton Sayler, Scofield, Henry J. Scudder, Isaac W . Scud nis, Twenty-second Iowa Volunteer Infantry, for arrears of pen der, Sessions, Shelc.lon, Sherwood, Lazarus D . Shoemaker, Smart, A. H err Smith, John sions. Q. Smith, Southard, Speer, S:pmgue, Stanarcl, Starkweather, Stone, Storm, Strait, Also, the petition of Sophronia Austin, praying for a pension. Swann, Taylor, Todd, Tremam, Tyner, Vance, Waldron, Walls, Ja,sper D. Ward,· Also, the petition of .A.. J ackson and others, citizens of Tama Cotmty, Marcus L. Ward, Wells, Wheeler, Whitehouse, Whitthorne, Wilber, Charles W. Willard, George Willard, Charles G. Williams John M.S. Williams, William B. Iowa, praying for the r emoval of the Sac and Fox Indians to their Williams, EpbJ:iam K. Wilson, J ames Wilson, Jeremiah M. Wilson, Wolfe, Wood, reservation in the Indian Territory. Woodford, Woodworth, John D. Young, and Pierce M. B. Young- 172. Also, a petition of citizens of Marshall, Grundy, and Tama Counties, NAYS-Me srs. AdamR, Albert, Averill, Barnum, Bell, Biery, Blount, Bradley, Iowa, praying for the establishment of a post-route from Traer, via Bromber~ Buffinton,~. Rouerick R. Butler, Cain, Caldwell, Cessna, Clayton, Clinton L. Cobb, lirossland, lironnse, Davis, Durham, Eldredge, Elliott, Freeman, Giddinf?S, Crystal and Badger Hill, Tama County, and Wadaloup, Grundy Glover, RobertS. Hale, Hancock, Harmer Benjamin \V. Harris, Henry R.' Han-1s, County, to Liscomb, Marshall County. Harrison, Josesh R. Hawley, Hays, .Herndon, Houghton, Hubbell, Hunton, H":u~ By J'lir. WOLFE: .A. petition of sundry citizens of W ashington but, Hynes, Kello~rg Lansing, LeWls, Lofland, Lowndes, Lynch, Maynard, Milli County, Indi:ma, praying for an increase in the currency, by provid ken, Myers, O'Neill:; Packard, Parsons, Pelham, Purman, Rawls', Ray, Rice, Saw yer, John G. Schumaker, Sener, Shanks, Small, U . Boardma,n Smith, J. Ambler 8mith, ing for the deposit of Government bonds, &c. Snyd5 Standeford, Stowell, Strawbridge, S;ryher, Thornburgh, Townsend, Wad delL wallace, White, Whlteheacl, William WilliaUlS, and Willie-76. N'OT VOTING-Messrs. Barber, Begole, Blanc!, Freeman Clarke, Comingo, Crea mer, Crooke, Darrall, Duell, Farwell, Field, Hersey, Hooper, Howe, Kelley, K endall, Lamar, Lamison, Lamport, Alexander S. McDill, McKee, Mitchell, Morey, Kilos, £unn, Phelp~ James H. Platt, jr., Randall, Rapier, James C. Robinson, Sheats, IN SENATE.