Ready Reckoner
READY RECKONER Of CENTRAL INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT CENTRE, GORAKHPUR, UTTAR PRADESH भारत सरकार/ Government of India कृ ष एवं कसान कयाण मंालय / Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare कृ ष, सहकारता एवं कसानक याण वभाग/ Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare वनपत संरण, संगरोध एवं संह नदेशालय / Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage कय एककृ त नाशीजीवी बंधनके / Central Integrated Pest Management Centre "जैवक भवन", खजनी रोड, गोरखपुर, उर देश/ "Jaivik Bhavan", Khajani Road, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh INDEX S. No. Description Page No. 1. Organogram 1 2. Officers Details and brief description of duties 2-6 3. Work Allocation to individual official & staff 7-11 4. Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage 12 5. Brief Note on Central IPM Centre, Gorakhpur 13 6. Objectives , Activities / Functions of CIPMC, GKP 14 7. Milestone achieved by Central IPM Centre, Gorakhpur 15-19 8. Priority areas i. Survey & surveillance work 20-21 ii. Bio-control activities 22 iii. Human Resource Development Programme a) Farmers Field School 23-45 b) Two Days Orientation Training Programme 46-47 c) Five Days Orientation Training Programme 48-49 d) Sesaon Long Training Programme 50 9. Other Activities- a) One day Awareness Program on Safe use of Pesticides 51 b) IPM Seva Kendra 52 c) Farm Gate Sampling-‘Monitoring of Pesticide Resides at 53 National Level’ d) Publication 54 10. Charter of duties and level of disposal 55-57 11. Statements of File 58 1. ORGANOGRAM Plant Protection Adviser Additional Plant Protection Adviser (IPM) Joint Director (PP) Joint Director (E) Joint Director (PP), RCIPMC Deputy Director, Officer in charge CIPMC, Gorakhpur (U.P) Technical Officers/Officials Administrative Staff Assistant Director (E) Upper Divisional Clerk (01) Plant Protection Officer (WS) Lower Divisional Clerk (01) Driver cum Mechanic (02) Scientific Assistant (03) Mechanic (01) Technical Assistant (02) Multi-Tasking Staff (3) Technical Officer (02) 1 READY RECKONER C.I.P.M.C., GORAKHPUR Officer/ Officials details Presently Working at CIPMC, Gorakhpur S.
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