RAVINDRA GUPTA of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations,

The Cen.us Enume. ,)to,.~·ln which $tote were you born?"

"Wcll:'hesHoTcd the biulihlng spinster. Er.•. er nude!'


Page No.





5. MAPS AND CHARTS 29-51 (i) Rural population, 1981 31 (ii) Urban population, 1981 33 (iii) Growth of rural population, 1971-81 35 (iv) Growth of urban population, 1971-81 37 (v) Growth of cities, 1971-81 39 (vi) Main workers, 1981 41 (vii) Main workers by broad categories, 1981 43 (viii) Chart showing the growth of population, 1901-81 45 (ix) Chart showing the decadal variation of population, 1901-81 47 (x) Chart showing the area and population of districts, 1981 49 (xii) Chart showing the growth of urban population, 1901-81 51


7. TABLES AND PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACTS 75-220 (i) Table I-Rural and urban composition of population 76-77 (ii) Table 2-Population of towns 78-106 (;;;) Table 3-Distribution of main workers 107-111 \~ . ) Table 4-Distribution of main workers by cultivators, agricultural labourers, household industry and other workers 112-119 (v) Union Primary Census Abstract 120-147 (vi) District Primary Census Abstract 148-215 (vii) Table 5-Disabled population by type of disability 216-220


Soon after the 1981 Census enumeration, it was my privilege to present on March 23, 1981, Paper I of 1981 containing the provisional population totals. It contained basic information on popula~ tion by sex, sex-ratio and percentage ofliterates for this State and each district of Uttar Pradesh. Besides, decennial growth rate since 1901, population ofliterates, density of population etc. for the State and its districts as also population figures of towns/urban agglomerations whose population exceeded hundred thousand were also given. It is now my proud privilege to present Supplement to Paper I which contains the following tables : (i) Rural and Urban composition of Population (ii) Population of Towns (iii) Distribution of Main Workers (iv) Distribution of Main Workers by Cultivators, Agricultural Labourers, Household Industry and Other workers. (v) Union Primary Census Abstract. (vi) District Primary Census Abstract. It is hoped that this document will meet most of the needs of different data~users till a year hence when it will be possible to release the more detailed and final figures down to the village/ward level. The information for this Supplement has been compiled from the charge abstracts received from different charges whereas the district level figures presented in Paper I were those received directly from districts. There are minor differences at places in district figures from those given in Paper I, for obvious reasons. These figures are still strictly provisional as they may further change, though marginally, when thorough processing of census records is completed. The whole hearted co-operation afforded by the vast fleet of workers drawn from all nooks and corners of this vast, heterogenous and most populous state of the Country to make the 1981 Census a success deserves individual acknowledgement. My thanks are due to them right from the District Officers and Administrators of Nagarmahapalikas down to the enUIT.erators. Monitoring at the regional level by my Deputy Directors of Census Operations assisted by their subordinate staff did lighten my burden. They deserve my appreciation. lowe a deep gratitude to Shri P. Padmanabha, Registrar General-cum-Census Commissioner} India, for the continuous inspiration and guidance. Grateful thanks are also due to Shri V. P. Pandey, Deputy Registrar General, for ready help in all administrative matters and to Shri K. K. Chakravorty, Dy. Registrar General) in all technical matters, pertaining to this gigantic task. My thanks are also due to Mis. Prem Printing Press, for their quality printing of this publication in time. Lastly, I will be failing in my duty if I don't express my appreciation to members of the Plann­ ing and Co-ordination cell of my office who most ungrudgingly and silently worked, most of the days beyond office hours and even over night and on holidays, not only during the hectic days of Census Operations but also in the generation of the large tabulations and drafting of Paper I and this supple­ ment to it. The Map unit also deserves my thanks for the maps and charts and the Printing Section in looking through the printing with utmost expedition and grace. The yeoman's task of typing out the manuscripts with voluminous tables within the shortest possible time by SjShri Ram Dass, Narendra Kumar and Surya Kant Prasad of my office is also acknowledged.

RAVINDRA GUPTA Lucknow. Director of Census Operations, U. P. Dated June 6, 1981. Officers Associated With This Publication

1. Shri Lal Krishan Deputy Director

2. Shri M. C. Padalia Deputy Director

3. Shri J. P. Baranwal Assistant Director

4. Shri J. C. Srivastava Senior Geographer

5. Shri K. C. Upadhyaya Investigator

6. Shri P. C. Tewari Investigator

7. Shri Rafiq Uddin Investigator

3. Shri Dashrath Singh Geographer

9. Shri R. K. Saxena Printing Inspector

10. Shri V. K. Jain Artist

11. Shri T. N. Srivastava Senior Draughtsman

12. Shri S. P. Saxena Senior Draughtsman

13. Shri V. K. Srivastava Statistical Assistant

14. Shri M. K. Sharma Statistical Assistant

15. Shri R. A. Gupta Statistical Assistant

16. Shri R. P. Srivastava Statistical Assistant




A. POPULATION OF Persons Males Females UTTAR PRADESH Total 1l0,885,874 58,793,073 52,092,801 Rural 90,912,651 47,974,536 42,938,115 Urban 19,973,223 10,818,537 9,154,686

B. PROPORTION TO TOTAL Rural 81.99 Percent POPULATION Urban 18.01 Percent

C. DECENNIAL POPULATION Total 25.52 Percent GROWTH (1971-81) Rural 19.70 Percent Urban 61.22 Percent

D. DENSITY OF POPULATION Total 377 Rural 313 Urban 455

E. SEX RATIO Total 886 Rural 895 Urban 846

F. LITERACY RATE (CRUDE) Persons Males Females (Percentage) Total 27.40 38.90 14.42 Rural 23.34 35.40 9.86 Urban 45.91 54.44 35.82

G. PROPORTION OF MAIN WORKERS Persons Males Females TO TOTAL POPULATION Total 29.13 49.61 6.02 (Percentage) Rural 29.57 50.17 6.54 Urban 27.15 47.10 3.58

H. PROPORTION OF MAIN WORKERS Persons Males Females BY BROAD CATEGORIES Cultivators 58.02 59.26 46.43 Agricultural 16.32 14.42 34.00 Labourers At Household 4.39 4.24 5.86 Industry Other Workers 21.27 22.08 13.77




The State of Uttar Pradesh is divided into 56 administrative districts including two new dis­ tricts- Ghaziabad and Lalitpur, which were created during the decade 1971-81. The old dis­ trict has also been bifurcated into Kanpur Nagar and Kanpur Dehat districts-effective April 23rd, 1981. The former covers the Kanpur tahsil including Kanpur Nagar Mahapalika and the latter comp­ rises the remaining tahsils ofBilhaur, , Akbarpur, and . Since this has come about after the completion of Census Operations, separate figures have not been presented. They can, however, be obtained from the tables presented, after allocating relevant figures of the different con­ stituent units of Kanpur Dehat and Kanpur Nagar. In addition, some new tahsils were also constituted during the decade as per details given in Appendix. 1.


2. Census data have always been presented for rural and urban areas separately. In fact, this is the practice allover the world. Any clear-cut distinction between rural and urban has yet not been possible anywhere, far less to have a uniform definition for all the countries. However, after giving consi­ derable thought, the following criteria were adopted for treating a place as urban for the 1981 Census:- (a) All statutory towns, i.e., all places with a municipal corporation, municipal board or cantonment board or notified town area. (b) All other places which satisfy the following criteria : (i) A minimum population of 5,000; (ii) 75% of the male working population engaged In non-agricultural (and allied) activity; and (iii) A density of population of at least 400 per sq. km. (or 1,000 per sq. mile).

Occupations of fishing, livestock, hunting, logging, plantations and orchards etc. falling in industrial category III were treated as non-agricultural activities while classifying towns for the 1961 and 1971 Censuses. A small but meaningful change was made for the 1981 Census by treating 'fishing, logging etc.' as allied agricultural activities for examination under (b) (ii) above. Places which qualify as urban under (b) above have been termed 'Census Towns' (CT) since they have no local body viz. MC, MB, Cantt., NA, TA. Most ofthe Town Areas do not satisfy the criteria laid under (b) above. However, since (a) and (b) are mutually exclusive, all statutory towns have to be classified as urban. Consequently, in 1981, all Town Areas irrespective of their characteristics were treated as urban. The number of towns in the state has, therefore, gone up from 325 in 1971 to 704 in 1981. A city in census parlance is a town with a population of one hundred thousand and above.


The concept of urban agglomeration (UA) adopted for the 1971 Census continued for the 1981 Census. The UA defined the continuous urban spread at a place which may cover more than one town, with their urban outgrowths. This was an improvement on the Town group concept of 1961 where the urban spread was necessarily not continuous. It is common knowledge that some urban settlements like residential colonies, campuses etc. come up outside the notified limits of a town, but adjoining it. Such settlements may not by themselves qualify under clause (b) of the definition to be treated as census town but if they form a continuous spread with the adjoining town, it would only be realistic to treat them as urban. Such settlements have been termed as outgrowths COG) and may cover a whole village or part of a village. Two or more towns may also lie contiguous to one another. A census

7 town (i. e. without a local body) may also lie contiguous to a notified town. An urban agglomeration, therefore, constitutes :- (a) A city or town with contiguous outgrowth(s) (the outgrowth being outside the statutory limits but falling within the boundaries of the adjoining village or villages); or (b) two or more adjoining towns with their outgrowth(s) as in (a) ;or (c) a city with one or more adjoining towns with their outgrowths all of which form a conti­ nuous spread. An urban agglomeration exceeding a population of one hundred thousand is called a city UA, otherwise, it is a town U A. Mter finalising the list of towns and urban agglomerations in each district and tahsil, what re­ mains is rural. The basic unit in rural areas is a revenue village which has normally well defined survey boundaries. In unsurveyed villages in forest/hill areas, locally recognised natural boundaries are adopted to define the village areas. In case of reserved forest areas which are not part of any revenue village, forest range officer's beat was treated as one forest village. This mention of a village etc. is only of topical interest here as we are not going below tahsillevel presently. Out of 382 towns which were added to the list of towns in 1981, 198 are entirely new and 184 existed as towns prior to the 1961 Census but were declassified as such in 1961 and 1971. -cum­ M. B. of 1971 has been bifurcated into two towns, vi'!;., Faizabad M. B. and Ayodhya M. B. in 1981. Two towns of 1971 Census, viz., Rasulpur Dhulri C. T. of Meerut and Markundi C. T. of Mirzapur which did not satisfy the conditions necessary for treating a place as urban were taken out from the list of towns for the 1981 Census. Further, two independent towns of 1971 Census lost their identity having merged with other towns. They are Malyana and Kaila towns which got merged in Meerut MB and Ghaziabad MB respectively after the 1971 Census. A list of towns treated as such for the first time in 1981 is given at Appendix 2. The 704 towns of the State consist of 5 Municipal Corporations, 187 Municipal Boards, 22 Cantonment Boards, 47 Notified Areas, 418 Town Areas and 25 Census Towns. Districtwise breakup of the towns by local status is given at Appendix 3. The list of 26 urban agglo­ merations in the State is at Appendix 4. After clubbing constituent towns of each urban agglomeration, the number of urban agglomerations and independent towns comes to 659. Table 2 of this Supplement gives the population figures ofeach town/city/UA by 6 size groups: Class I Above 100,000 Class II 50,000 - 99,999 Class III 20,000 - 49,999 Class IV 10,000 - 19,999 Class V 5,000 - 9,999 Class VI Below 5,000


The population is divisible into workers and non-workers which is arrived at on the basis of entries against economic questions (14 A to 16) included in the individual slip. At the 1981 Census, instead of a dichotomy of workers and non-workers, a trichotomy of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers has been adopted. For main workers, a time criterion of engagement in work for major part of preceding year, i.e., atleast six months or 183 days, was adopted while those who worked for some time during the preceding year but not for the major part, have been treated as marginal workers. By work is meant participation in any economically productive work through physical or mental activity. It involves not only actual work but also effective supervision and direction of work. The main workers have further been classified as (i) Cultivators, (ii) Agricultural labourers, (iii) in Household industry and (iv) Other workers, as defined below:

Cultivator For purposes of the Census a person is working as cultivator if he or she is engaged either as employer, single worker or family worker in cultivation of land owned or held from Govt. or held from private persons or institutions for payment in money, kind or share. Cultivation includes supervision or direction of cultivation.

8 Agricultural Labourer A person who works in another person's land for wages in money, kind or share is regarded as an agricultural labourer. He or she has no risk in the cultivation and has no right of lease or contract on land on which he/she works. However, one was classified as a cultivator or agricultural labourer only when he was engaged in the growing of the following crops:­ (i) Cereal and millet crops (ii) Pulses (iii) Fibre crops: Raw cotton, jute, mesta, sunhemp, and kindred fibre crops (iv) Oilseeds (v) Cash crops : sugarcane The growing of plantation, orchards, flowers, vegetables, medicinal, spices crops etc. was not considered as cultivation.

Household Industry Household Industry is defined as an industry conducted by the head of the household himselfi herself and/or by the members of the household at home or within the village in the case of rural areas and only within the precincts of the house in which the household lives in the case of urban areas. The workers in a household industry should largely consist of members of the household including the head. The industry should not be run on the scale of a registered factory which would qualify or has to be registered under the Indian Factories Act. Lastly, a household industry should relate to production, processing, servicing, repairing or making and selling (but not merely selling) of goods.

Other Workers All other workers, i. e., those who have been engaged in some economic actlvlty during the last one year, but are not cultivators or agricultural labourers or in household industry, are 'other workers'.

It may be pertinent here to mention the concepts of work adopted at the 1961 and 1971 Censuses. At the 1961 census, a person qualified as worker if he had worked regularly during the last season or if he had worked at least a day in regular (non-seasonal) work during the preceding fortnight. At the 1971 Census a person was treated as worker only ifhe spent his time mainly in work or if he worked at least a day in regular (non-seasonal) work during the preceding week. During the 1981 Census, the usual status approach has been adopted uniformly for all work. Non-workers are those who did not work any time during the preceding year. They comprise those engaged whole time in household duties, as students, dependents, retired persons or rentiers, beggars etc., inmates of institutions and other non-workers. Facsimiles of Household Schedule and Individual slip canvassed at the 1981 Census are given as Appendices 5 and 6 respectively. The individual slip canvassed universally consisted of questions 1-16 only. Additional 6 questions on migration and fertility were canvassed in a 20% sample of enumeration blocks.


During the Houselisting operations the number of totally blind, totally crippled and totally dumb persons normally residing with the households was collected. The houseless persons were, of course, not covered. The information thrown up is presented in Table 5"by each district and its rural and urban areas separately.

9 ApPENDIx-l


Name of the District/Tahsil ~ame of District(s)fTahsil(s) from which the new District/Tahsil (1981 Census) mentioned in column 1 was created


Newly created Districts 1. Ghaziabad District Entire Tahsil Ghaziabad (Distt. Meerut) and portions of Tahsils Hapur (Distt. Meerut) and Sikandarabad (Distt. Bulandshahr). 2. Lalitpur District Entire Tahsils Lalitpur & Mahroni of Distt. .

Newly created Tahsils 1. Bageshwar Tahsil (Distt. Almora) Portion of Tahsil Almora (Distt. Almora) 2. Kotdwara Tahsil (Distt. Garhwal) Portion of Tahsil Lansdowne (Distt. Garhwal) 3. Sitarganj Tahsil (Distt. Nainital) Portion of Tahsil Khatima (Distt. Nainital) 4. Tahsil (Distt. Ghaziabad) Portions of T ahsils Sikandrabad (Distt. Bulandshahr) and Ghazia­ bad (Distt. Meerut) 5. Garhmukteshwar Tahsil Portion of Tahsil Hapur (Distt. Ghaziabad) (Distt. Ghaziabad) 6. Dhaurehra Tahsil (Distt. Kheri) Portion of Tahsil Nighasan (Distt. Kheri) 7. Mahmudabad Tahsil (Distt. Sitapur) .. Portion of Tahsil Sidhauli (Distt. Sitapur) 8. Bhinga Tahsil (Distt. Bahraich) Portion of Tahsil Bahraich (Distt. Bahraich) 9. Talbehat Tahsil (Distt. Lalitpur) Portion of Tahsils Lalitpur & Mahroni (Distt. Jhansi) 10. Kulpahar Tahsil (Distt. Hamirpur) Portions of Tahsils Charkhari & Mahoba (Distt. Hamirpur)

Note: Though the old tahsil Karchhana (Distt. ) was bifurcated into two tahsils Bara and Karchhana effective November 11, 1980, the Census data is being presented for the old Karchhana tahsil only as this change was effected after the houselisting operation.

10 ApPENDlx-2


District Town Class

I. U ttarkashi 1. Barkot T. A. VI 2. Bhatwari T. A. VI 2. Chamoli 3. Karnaprayag N. A. VI 4. Gauchar T. A. VI 5. Nandprayag N. A. VI 6. Kedarnath N. A. VI 3. Dehra Dun 7. Majra C. T. VI 8. Virbhadra N. A. IV 4. Garhwal 9. Rudraprayag T. A. VI 10. Kalagarh N. A. IV 5. Pithoragarh 11. Dharchula T. A. VI 12. Didihat T. A. VI 13. Lohaghat N. A. VI 14. Champawat T. A. VI 6. Almora 15. Dwarahat N. A. VI 7. Nainital 16. Bhimtal T. A. VI 17. Lalkuan T. A. VI 18. Kaladhungi T. A. VI 19. SuItanpur T. A. VI 20. Bazpur T. A. IV 21. Kichha T. A. IV 22. Gadarpur T. A. V 23. Sitarganj T. A. V 24. Khatima T. A. V 8. 25. Landhaura T. A. V 9. 26. Garhi Pukhta T. A. V 27. Un T. A. IV 28. Bhokarhedi T. A. IV 10. Bijnor 29. Jalalabad T. A. V 30. Warhapur T. A. IV 31. Noorpur T. A. IV 11. Meerut 32. Tikri T. A. .. IV 33. Karnawal T. A. V 34. Doghat T. A. IV 35. Bahsuma T. A. V 36. Sewalkhas T. A IV 12. Ghaziabad 37. Begumabad Budbana C. T. V 38. Loni T. A. IV 39. Patala T. A. V 40. -Niwadi T. A. V 13. Bulandshahr 41. Bhawan Bahadurnagar T. A. V 42. Jahangirpur T. A. V 43. Naraura T. A. V 14. Moradabad 44. T. A. IV



District Town Class

45. Joya T. A. . . VI 46. Umri Kalan T. A. V 47. Bhojpur Dharampur T. A. IV 48. Narauli T. A. IV 15. Rampur 49. Maswasi T. A. V 16. 50. Babrala T. A. V 51. T. A. V 52. Saidpur T. A. V 53. T. A. V 54. Rudayan T. A. VI 55. T. A. VI 56. Gulariya T. A. VI 57. T. A. V 58. T. A. VI 17. Bareilly 59. Shergarh T. A. V 60. Clutterbuckganj T. A. " IV 61. Thiriya Nizamat Khan T. A. IV 62. Dhaura Tanda T. A. IV 63. Rithaura T. A. V 64. Mirganj T. A. V 65. Pashchhirni T. A. V 66. Bisharatganj T. A. V 18. Pilibhit 67. Gulariya T. A. VI 19. .. 68. Khutar T. A. V 69. Kant T. A. V 70. Allahganj T. A. V 20. 71. Qf!.simpur Power House Colony C. T. IV 72. Iglas T. A. V 21. 73. Chaumunha T. A. V 74. Nandgaon T. A. V 75. Barsana T. A. V 76. Bajna T. A. VI 22. 77. Kheragarh T. A. V 78. SuklunaIpur Nizamabad C. T. VI 79. Datauji C. T. VI 23. Etah 80. Sidhpura T. A. V 81. Bhargain T. A. IV 82. Jaithara T. A. VI 24. 83. Kusmara T. A. V 84. Kishni T. A. VI 25. .. 85. Kampil T. A. VI 86. Gursahaiganj T. A. IV 87. Sikanderpur T. A. V 26. 88. T. A. IV 89. T. A. V 90. T. A. IV 91. T. A. V 92. Atsu T. A. V



District Town Class

27. Kanpur 93. T. A. V 94. Akbarpur T. A. IV 95. Rum T. A V 96. Shiwali T. A. V 97. Sikandra T. A. V 9S. T. A. V 99. Ghatampur M. B. IV 28. Fatehpur .. 100. Bahuwa T. A. V 29. Allahabad · . 1Ol. Sirathu T. A. V 102. Ajhuwa T. A. V 103. Manjhanpur T. A. V 104. Karari T. A. V 105. Chail T. A. VI 106. Nindura T. A. IV 107. Handia T. A. V lOS. Shankergarh T. A. V 30. Jalaun · . 109. Nadigaon T. A. V 1lO. Kotra T. A. V 31. Jhansi ., Ill. Tondi Fatehpur T. A. V 112. Kathera T. A. VI 113. Baragaon T. A. V 32. Lalitpm · . 114. Pali T. A. V 33. Hamirpur · . 115. Kurara T. A. V 116. Sarila T. A. V 117. Gohand T. A. V 118. Kharela T. A. IV 119. Kabrai T. A. V 34. Banda · . 120. Mataundh T. A. V 121. Bahetu T. A. V 122. Oran T. A. VI 123, Bisanda Buzurg T. A. V 35. Kheri · . 124. Mailani T. A. V 36. Sitapur · . 125. Maholi T. A. IV 126. Sidhaul.i T. A. V 127. Paintepur T. A. V 37. 128. Gopamau T. A. V 129. Kursath T. A. VI 130. Kachhauna Patseni T. A. V 38. 131. Kursath T. A. VI 132. T. A. V 133. T. A. .. V 134. Fatehpur Chaurasi T. A .. , VI 135. Mohan T. A. V 136. Nawabganj T. A. V 137. Niyotani T. A. VI 138. T. A. V 139. Hyderabad T. A. VI 140. Auras T. A. VI



District Town Class

141. Ganga Ghat T. A. III 142. T. A. V 39. Lucknow 143. Mahona T. A. VI 144. Itaunja T. A. VI 145. Nagram T. A. V 40. Bahraich 146. Jarwal T. A. V 41. Gonda .. 147. Pachperwa T. A. V 148. Mankapur T. A. VI 149. Intai Rampur C. T. IV 42. Bara Banki 150. Raidergarh T. A. V 151. Siddhaur T. A. V 43. Faizabad .. 152. T. A. V 44. Sultanpur . . 153. Amethi T. A. V 154. Dostpur T. A. V 155. Koeripur T. A. VI 45. Pratapgarh .. 156. Kunda T. A. IV 157. Antu T. A. VI 158. Patti T. A. V 46. Basti 159. Tetri Bazar T. A. IV 160. Barhni Bazar T. A. V 161. Shohratgarh T. A. V 162. Rariharpur T. A. V 163. Maghar N. A. IV 164. Ledwa Mahuwa C. T. .. V 47. Gorakhpur 165. Anandnagar T. A. V 166. Pipiganj T. A. V 167. Gorakhpur Fertilizer N. A. V 168. Mundera Bazar T. A. V 169. Nichlaul T. A. V 48. Deoria . . 170. Ramkola T. A. V 171. Rata T. A. V 172. Kushinagar T. A. V 173. Gauri Bazar T. A. VI 174. Majhauli Raj T. A. IV 175. Bhatni Bazar T. A. V 176. Bhatpar Rani T. A. V 177. Salempur T. A. V 49. " 178. T. A. V 179. T. A. V 180. Maharajganj T. A. VI 181. T. A. V 182. Adari T. A. V 183. Ghosi T. A. IV 184. Amilo C. T. VI 185. Khairahad C. T. V 186. Katghar (Lalganj) T. A. V 187. T. A. V 50. Ballia ,. 188. Bilthara Road T. A. IV



District Town Class

51. Ghazipur 189. Sadat T. A. V 190. Jangipur T. A. V 191. Dildarnagar Fatehpur Bazar T. A. V 52. Varanasi 192. Khamaria T. A. IV 193. Ghosia Bazar T. A. V 194. Suriyawan T. A. V 195. Nai Bazar T. A. VI 196. Phulwaria T. A. V 197. Kotwa C. T. V 198. Saiyed Raja T. A. V



District M.G. M.B. Gantt. N.A. T.A. G. T. Total

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I. U ttarkashi 2 3 2. Ghamoli 6 7 3. Tehri-Garhwal 2 3 5 4. Dehra Dun 4 4 1 2 11 5. Garhwal 4 1 1 8 6. Pithoragarh 3 5 7. AImora :2 -" 5 8. Nainital 7 1 9 18 9. Saharanpur 6 2 9 18 10. Muzaffarnagar 5 13 18 11. Bijnor 10 8 19 12. Meerut 4 2 18 1 26 13. Ghaziabad 6 I 5 3 15 14. Bulandshahr 6 16 22 15. Moradabad 10 3 7 21 16. Rampur 2 6 8 17. Budaun 5 17 22 18. Bareilly 4 15 21 19. Pilibhit 3 3 6 20. Shahjahanpur 3 6 II 21. Aligarh 4 15 20 22. Mathura 3 1 15 19 23. Agra 4 1 9 3 18 24. Etah 7 12 19 25. Mainpuri 3 8 11 26. Farrukhabad 4 7 12 27. Etawah 4 8 12 28. Kanpur 2 9 4 17 29. Fatehpur 2 4 6 30. Allahabad 15 17 31. Jalaun 4 6 10 32. Jhansi 5 2 7 16 33. Lalitpur I 3 4 34. Hamirpur 5 7 12 35. Banda 3 7 10 36. Kheri 4 5 9



District M.C. M.B. Cantt. N.A. T. A. C. T. Total

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ------37. Sitapur 5 5 10 38. Hardoi 6 7 13 39. Unnao 2 16 18 40. Lucknow 7 10 41. Rae Bareli 6 7 {2. Bahraich 2 2 5 43. Gonda 4 2 4 11 44. Bara Banki 10 13 45. Faizabad 4 4- 9 4·6. Sultanpur 1 3 4 47. Pratapgarh 6 7 48. Basti 1 2 6 10 49. Gorakhpur 2 8 11 50. Deoria 3 13 16 51. Azamgarh 3 16 2 21 52. jaunpur 3 4 7 53. Ballia 4 4 9 54. Ghazipur 1 1 7 9 55. Varanasi 3 3 11 2 21 56. Mirzapur 4 5 3 12

TOTAL 5 187 22 47 418 25 704



Name of district Name of U. A./Constituents


1. DehraDun 1. Dehra Dun U. A. (a) Dehra Dun M. B., F. R. I. and College Area O. G. and Adhoiwala O. G. (i) Dehra Dun M. B. (ii) F. R. 1. and College Area O. G. (iii) Adhoiwala O. G. (b) Dehra Dun Cantt. (c) Clement Town Cantt. (d) Raipur C. T. 2. Mussoorie U. A. (a) Mussoorie M. B. (b) Landour Cantt. 2. Almora 3. Almora U. A. (a) Almora M. B. (b) Almora Cantt. 3. Nainital 4. Nainital U. A. (a) Nainital M. B. (b) Nainital Cantt. 4. Saharanpur 5. Hardwar U. A. (a) Hardwar M. B., Gurukul Kangri O. G. and Jwalapur Mahavidyalaya O. G. (i) Hardwar M. B. (ii) Gurukul Kangri O. G. (iii) Jwalapur Mahavidyalaya O. G. (b) Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. Ranipur N. A. 6. Roorkee U. A. (a) Roorkee M. B. (b) Roorkee Cantt. 5. Meerut 7. Meerut U. A. (a) Meerut M. B. (b) Meerut Cantt. (c) Kankar Khera T. A. (d) Khera T. A. 6. Ghaziabad 8. Ghaziabad U. A. (a) Ghaziabad M. B. and Razapur (Kamla Nehru and Shastri­ nagar) O. G. (i) Ghaziabad M. B. (ii) Razapur (Kamla Nehru and Shastrinagar) O. G. (b) Ghaziabad Rly. Colony C. T. 9. Modinagar U. A. (a) Modinagar M. B. (b) Begrunabad C. T.


Name of district Name of U. A/Constituents


7. Moradabad 10. Moradabad U. A (a) 110radabad M.B. (b) Moradabad Rly. Settlement N. A. 11. Bilarj V. A (a) Bilari M. B. (b) Rustamnagar Saha~pur C. T. il. Bareilly 12. Bareilly U. A. (a) Bareilly M. B.. , N. Rly. Colony O. G., Kudesia Colony O. G., 1. V.R. 1. ColonyO. G. and Newada Jogiyana O. G. (i) Bareilly M. B. (ii) N. Rly. Colony O. G. (iii) Kudesia Colony O. G. (iv) 1. V. R. I. Colony O. G. (v) Newada Jogiyana O. G. (b) Bareilly Cantt. (c) Izatnagar Rly. Settlement N. A., Central Jail & Kishore Sadan O. G. and I. W. P. Colony. O. G. (i) Izatnagar Rly. Settlement N. A. (ii) Central Jail and Kishore Sadan O. G. (iii) I. W. P. Colony O. G. (d) Clutterbuckganj T. A. 9. Shahj£1.hanpur 13. Shahjahanpur U. A. (a) Shahjahanpur M. B. and Lodhipur O. G. (i) Shahjahanpur M. B. (ii) Lodhipur O. G. (b) Shahjahanpur Cantt. 10. Mathura 14. Mathura V. A. (a) Mathur£1. M. B. (b) Mathura Cantt. II. Agra 15. Agra U. A. (a) Agra M. C. (b) Agra Cantt. (c) Dayalbagh T. A (d) Swamibagh T. A. 16. Tundla U. A (a) Tundla T. A (b) Tundla Rly. Colony. C. T. 12. Farrukhabad 17. Farrukhabad-cum- U. A (a) Farrukhabad-cum-Fatehgarh M. B. (b) Fatehgarh Cantt. 13. Kanpur 18. Kanpur U. A. (a) Kanpur M. C., Station Yard O.G. and Central Rly. Colony O. G. (i) Kanpur M. C. (ii) Rawatpur Station Yard O. G. (iii) Central Rly. Colony O. G.

19 ApPENDJx-4


Name of district Name of U. A./Comtitucnts


13. Kanpur (concld.) (b) Kanpur Cantt. (c) Armapur Estate C. 1'. (d) Northern Rly. Colony C. T. (e) C. T. (f) I. 1. T. Kanpur C. T. 14. Allahabad 19. Allahabad U. A. (a) Allahabad M. C. and Subeda.rganj Rly. Colony O. G. (i) Allahabad M. C. (ii) Subedarganj Rly. Colony. O. G. (b) Allahabad Cantt. 15. Jhansi .. 20. Jhansi U. A. (a) Jhansi M. B. (b) Jhansi Cantt. (c) Jhansi Rly. Settlement N. A. (d) Hansarigird C. T. 16. Lucknow 21. Lucknow U. A. (a) Lucknow M. C., Ramsagar Misra Nagar and H. A. L. Colony O. G., Aliganj Extension Scheme O.G., and Hindnagar Colony and P. A. C. Area O. G. (i) Lucknow M. C. (ii) Ramsagar Misra Nagar and H.A.L Colony O. G. (iii) Aliganj Extension Scheme O. G. (iv) Hindnagar Colony and P. A. C. Area O. G. (b) Lucknow Cantt. (c) Charbagh Alamhagh N. A. 17. Bara Banki 22. Bara Banki U. A. (a) Nawabganj M. B. & Military Petrol Depot O. G. (i) Nawabganj M. B. (ii) Military Petrol Depot O. G. (b) Banki T. A. 18. Faizabad 23. Faizabad U. A. (a) Faizabad M. B. (b) . (c) Ayodhya M. B. 19. Gorakhpur 24. Gorakhpur U. A. (a) Gorakhpur M. B., Basharatpur O. G., Jatepur Uttari O.G. and Humayunpur Uttari O. G. (i) Gorakhpur M. B. (ii) Basharatpur O. G. (iii) Jatepur Uttari O. G. (iv) Humayunpur Uttari O. G. 20. Varanasi 25. Varanasi U. A. (a) Varanasi M. C., Varanasi illy. Colony O. G., Tulsipur O. G., Sheodaspur O. G., Karaundi O. G. and Ashapur O. G. (i) Varanasi M. C.



Name of district Name of U. A/Constituents


20. Varanasi (concld.) (ii) Varanasi Rly. Colony O. G. (iii) Tulsipur O. G. (iv) Sheodaspur O. G. (v) Karaundi O. G. (vi) Ashapur O. G. (b) Varanasi Cantt. (c) Kashi Vishwavidyalaya N. A. (d) Maruadih N. A. and Maruadih O. G. (i) Maruadih N. A. (ii) Maruadih O. G. (e) Ramnagar M. B. (f) Phulwaria T.A 26. Mughalsarai U. A (a) Mughalsarai M. B. (b) Mughalsarai Rly. Settlement N. A

Note: The abbreviations stand for the following : UA = Urban Agglomeration MC = Municipal Corporation MB = Municipa(Board Cantt. = Cantonment Board NA = Notified Area TA = Town Area CT = Census Town OG =Out Growth


ApPENDIX-5 CONFIDENTIAL CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 INDIV1DUAL SLIP ( Universal ) Pad No...... Slip No...... Location Code ...... ( ) SI. No. of Household [ ]

1 Name

2 Relationship to head .. ------'r- ..... l...... 1 8 Religion ... ". - -. -.. ------~-- ~ ...... f ..... r..... : --" ------·-:...... ·:.. ·.... 0' : 3 ~:;~~~-)~~~~:~~'(;-)-::~~:~~~ 9 Whether S.C. (1) or S.T. (2). ____ .... __ .. 4 Age______c:==] 10 Name of caste/tribe ______,...... : : : : 6 Marital status ______. __ .. ______1...... ; ------. ----. ------.:· .... j_ ...... r~~-l 6 Mothertongue ______. ~ ...... l...... T...... ~ ...... ~ 11 Literate (1)flllitarate (2) _. ______~ ______L_,_....J .. __ ., ___ . ______... _. _" .;...... : ...... :...... :...... 112 Educational attainment ______

7 Two other languages known ...... ------f···"···~······-·~· ...... ~ ; ~ ; i ~ . : . ! • . . . ------... ---~ ...... ':...... -... -...... ~ --~- - _------....:·······~·······r-i _...... __ . ______. :...... :...... :...... :...... ! 13 Attending :.;chOO:,'::0!!~-·~.'G,y:;:.;{'l )/No(?'_'. _ !.. __ J

. ? Yes 14A Worked any time at all las! year. No (H/ST(D/R_!Bj!(O)

148 If yes in 14A, did you work for major part of last yea,? Y:3 (~) I;~G (2) ______..______. ___ '.

• • • <- ? Yes in 148 (C/ALlHHI!OW) 15A MaIO activity las, year. No in 148 (H/ST;DjR;B,Tjo)'------

If HHIJOW in 15A (i) Name of establishment _. ______... ______. ------: ...... : ...... :...... '; (ii) Description of work ______. ______1...... 1...... :.. .. __ .)

(Hi) Nature of industry, trade or service ------______.______~ .... o.': ...... :.. -.< •. . . ------_. -' -- - - ~ ...... : ... , .. ~ ~., . (iv) Class of worker ______~

15 14B Yes-Any other work any time last year? Yes (CjALlHH!jOVi)/No ,'" ": 8 148 No-Work done any time last year? (C/AL.'t~HI/OW) ---- ·------L ..... 3

If HHI/OW in 158 (i) Name of establishment . ______~_. ______: ...... : ...... ;...... : (ii) 'Description of work ______l...... L..... L..... !

(iii) Na1!Jre of industry, trade or service ------.------~ ..... T.... T..... 1

------_ ------~ ------~ ...... : ...... : .. ~ ..... ~ CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 INDIVIDUAL SLIP CONFIDENTIAL (Sample)

1 Blnh place 5 For all ever-married women only (a) Age at marriage___ • ______(a) Place of binh ------0 D (b) Rural (1 )/Urban (2) ______...... (b) Number of children surviving at present : : : 'c) District ------r ... +...... ~ ...... 1 (d) Statel Country ___ ••• ______1...... L ...l_J Male D Female D Total 0 2 Last residence

(a) Place of last residence (b) Rural (1)/Urban (2) __ ~~~~_-_-~~~_-_-~:~.~.~~D (c) Number of children ever born alive (c) District l ------_. ----:...... :l ...... l:...... ~ (d) State/Country ______L.... L .... L ... .J Male 0 Female D Total 0 3 Reasons for migration from place of last residence (Code)· - ______D 6 For currently married women only 4 Duration of residence at the village Or Any child born alive during ...... , town of enumeration ______D last one year ______L. .. .J

·Employment (1) Education (2) Family moved (3) Marriage (4) others (5)

24 _, q [J[l « i i O[JDit i , . 11 ... -1 I i ~ I i n l ~ I I i ; L ....." Q l I l u: .I ,; z i ~ i r~~ f l : I 8 ; i · I.. I I ~ (5 m j.. l!J

e: 00a::'" .. ~ oc: (J o •

= '5<> a::'" c: ~ q :; "e: (5 Q. IV o ai' g II. e: ..c ..:: E ~ , III'" ~ i N '0 I ..... 1'1 i...... 8 I ~ .. I '0 '0 ·sf - ==

00 -...0) m -~ oLI. l!J '0 .8 E :::J Z ..c:i -

0 .... -.,..Q)~

III 0 01 ....I ....- Z N .S , --~

.~ In CD C .. N « w >-

« 0 ,... Z N ~ ~ .5 I <0 ! I >-* N III on u>- "'Jl!Ja~!1I1 N

..:;i ...... eJ8Ja~!1 N

,.. C

.!l.. (') - N .! ~ ~ ~ OJ U'" ~ ] ::> 'i I .:: <> (J) 2., N '0 to N u I ..E. z'" ~ ~

0 ;;:j (i;.t;;~~ z 'i·!:~.c .::.::.- ~ ~!~c .. 0 "'- >-II> N w

3: 01 0 - « on :I: CD :I: .S- - ~ ....J ..... C « w - I u <0....

III 0 10 .... Z - -.S >- :=c lB .... w >- - ;;; . . - 0 liiz (J) - I a. I.t) MCIO W o ~ ~ - E It) CO :::J E cO'+-'" Q) E U B ::s '0 (.) .....c:

Q) .. .s:::. "0- "E c,e o :::J co (.) 0"0 ... C. ::::I Q) o a::: (ij :::J >c: c"O >.. 0 o C c: .c >- ,_ 'c;; co cof.c1i; .s; ~ -«1'2::::1 •2 o ~ .., a. ~:c 10 0 52 co Q) a>Q. a.c ... '"co ~en ... c Q) ...... u- '0::: C >Q)!! §.s u :::J 0 ::) O.J:l 8'i;:: c:'O&i.E co I! o.... .­.- ....N ....M .- •! c ... c o ~i z ... :::J co "i co o ... C "'5 Q. >e e­ ~ .... ::::I o o ~ C III: (.) c a.. c .co CD o ~ CU 0 co ..... a. ~ .~ o c c: o '0 CD :e en ... " E - o ~ & .... ~ o...... '"Q) '"Cl) "0 "'coC ::l E E "'0 E"O .r::. ::s :~ ~ ~ .i Q) -"0 en o C ::J (.) ._ o ... CD en .r::. c: .> ~ C c CD 'e :E co o! i Cl) 1» e - ~ -aJ2 ~ .!!.,:;. ... Q) o (.) .e.c "0 '0 0 c J5 15"'2 o .. c 0 C o ::l o u o o~ O~ o .. N (") 23 MAPS AND CI--lARTS




3000 & ,._tn It ~ 5 00 - I) 99

2')00 - 2~9? [3 &.1 .... -5,o0 10-00 - 1099 State A¥era~e Ii 01




A " D

'OVNDA~IES: INTE.RNATIONAL STATE 81STAICT • Km20 0 20 .. 0 60 ,0 100 b¢9Jr= II 201?1 0

o 10

PEP CENT INCREASE ~ 30 OO&. Abo .... e b:=::::I I


,.. STAn .. , ..•..•.•. OIST'-'CT...... _._. __

IQI' of Gr.enwlch 18




C ENT INCREASE 1it}7..,ji OOa."[~ .. bo,. r:=::=:=J~ ~0'01' 5500 rL,LJ 130 f0"'TI 8.,ow 40,00 _ B~ 01-130'00 ~

~ 5~'01 - 8S' ~Oel 2? ~ Sta'e ""ver09

, I --27

A o

UNDAIIIES, _._._._ 00 INTERNATIONAl .. ___ ._._._ STATE·· ....·,·...... _,_._ OISTRICT...... ~_ ...._.




30'00 .. Bf')ow

30·01 - <1000

CD 40 0'- ~O 00

• 50 O' - .00 00

• 100 00 & Above

~r')f-­ ..<1 ! I I



I o 2,l' 25

o Z4

Ea.' 0' Or •• nwlch 18

ened u,o,. Sur".., 0' ,,,.,•• ., wi'" ,... pUlnl .. ion of thl Surveyor Gln,rot Qr India.


AGE OF WORKERS I'f:RCENT POPULATION TO TOTAL 0 ••.•n r77:l 33 · 50 & Above r-"71I:::.==::J 26·0 -. _ 0 0-33'4Q t:.:....:..:..: 26'00 ~ 31 ~.'I.'"'J; ~ Slah AvcrO\9e 2913 ~2e50- 3O

80'J~DARIES: TJONA1...... _~_._._._ 'NTERNA _. __ ._ $TAT£ __ ...... _·· .. _ ._._ OtSTRICT_...... __._



ERCENTAG£ TO TOTAL• POPULATION OF WORKE~! S .....,. '. ) _ 2849 ~1~""::IIII".'.' I,.:. J r;,,.. :.' .:.: r., '. 20.00 •• - .!'llllli. ;',~ II.~

I A ()

OlJNDARIES: _._._.._ 9 ,NTERN,AT,ONAL.__ ._._._ STATE. ____ • ____ .. __._

DISTR\CT_.... _ .. _~ ... _ the lop 0 f the elrel" F·9urc~ al Main Worhrc. Ind1cote lotol



.--~_fOO.OOO.OOO ~~~-75.000.000 50,000,000



ffij RURAL [I URBAN 90



V'l z 60 0 -....J -....J 50 ~ 50 z z 40 40 0 l-- e:( ...J ::::::> a... 30 0 30 a...

20 20

10 10

0 0 1901 II 21 31 41 51 61 71 1981 Y f A R


















''''~,2 A. 1'" F A ~~AGAR


o;'Jl TANPUP = -- HIR2AP uR LUC'WO...v

8·'\RA BANKI rr -$ ;2y KHEf:l1 : J GYAZfPUR -:....ror=n ] ~------,- BA.ll1A -'------, BIJl'!OR -----,-J RAE BARE L! ---,-- - GHAzrt..f>,,t.D 1-- --'-----_"'" £TAH ------", U',NAO 1-- ;:PATAPGARH




HA~II::PUR r rrzz33Pt,.m~ RAMPUR ~~--=------, NAINITAl JI-!ANSI - PI ... IBHIT







PERSON IN 000,000

12 14 16 18





. 1~31

- 1921


..... --.. ------.--. 1901

Class V .. VI towns CI a ~$ II town (Pop. Below 10,000) (Pop. 50.000-Q9,999) Class IV town """",,,...,,...,,,,,,, Class 1 town (Pop. 10,000-19,999) (Pop. 100,000 .. Above) Class In town Provisional (Pop. 20,000-49,999) .*" --_;;___


ANAL YSIS OF DATA ~""'" RURAL- URBAN COMPOSITION OF POPULATION ~""'~\$\'I " •. m ~~~\"l" •.• " IN DISTRICTS, 1981 1&~~'$l"Ll" IUITPUR .m~~~'$l,.,.l" (PROVISIONAl) ~&~~\\\lOl ... l~9 ~~~~~'»~~"'.'" ~~W&"$1""'" ~~%~~~~~ •• ,.• " &»~~~~~'%11.""'" §10.~~~",,,,,,,

IIAIMIUl ~~'&~~~~,.",.", ~~~~,.I".'" ~'@~~~~~""." ~~,»~~~,«&~~~~"s".", ~~'m~'0&~~~"""", &~~~~'m.~~~~~"""'" ~~,»~~~~~,&~,.I"A" ~"~~~~"'~~~~~~~''''''''' ~"0.~~~~~~" ... ,JlI ~ ~ ~~

~",W&~~~~~~W&.~~'$II."~,,, _ UAeAN POPUI,ATION ~,*,~~~~~"~~~~~~"'"'''' %~~~\'&o.,*"~~\'&o.~'.",.". ~ AURAL 'O,"\ ..TIO" &,%~,,&~\.\\~\\\~~'N'." ..... 0-"~~'\.'&.'0-:\\~~~~~~'\.~~~I.O'I.~,

1M.. '"NII ~~~~\\\~~W~~~~~~~I.'''.". ~'~~~~'&."''''~I.o,'.,rl l~t'NOW




~uliffAR~A',I,1I "AROal !olrA9UR




"'OAAO.l8J~ OEOfl.t,l,






Uttar Pradesh recorded a population (provisional) of 110,885,874 at the sun-rise of 1st March, 1981, comprising 58,793,073 males and 52,092,801 females. Of these 90,912,651 are in the rural areas and 19,973,223 in the urban. Gorakhpur (3,795,735) ranks first amongst the 56 districts in population followed by Kanpur, Allahabad, Varanasi, Basti and Azamgarh which all have a population above 3 million. The hill district of U ttarkashi has the lowest population of 190,571 only in the state.


There has been an increase in the percentage of urban population in the State from 14.02 to 18.01 since 1971. Obviously nearly 82 per cent of the State as a whole is still rural. Amongst districts, Lucknow, Dehra Dun, Kanpur, Agra and Jhansi are highest on the ladder of urbanization with percentages of 52.48,49.21,47.03,38.93 and 37.69 respectively. These districts have maintained their order in urbanisa­ tion during the decade. At the lowest rung of the ladder stand Sultanpur, Tehri-Garhwal, Basti, Pratap­ garh and Pithoragarh where urbanisation ranges from 3.31 per cent to 5.64 per cent. Almora is the only striking case where the percentage of urban pqpulation has gone down by 0.04 per cent during the decade, due to higher growth rate of 19.22 per cent in the rural areas as against 18.42 per cent in 1971. The following statement summarises the position as obtained in 1971 vis-a-vis 1981 regarding the first five districts with maximum and minimum percentages of urbanisation in the State


First five districts having JDaxiJDUlD and JDiniJDUDl percentage of urban to total population 1971 and 1981

Districts having maximum percentage State average Districts having minimum percentage

1971 1. Lucknow (50.90) 14.02 l. Pratapgarh ( 1.96) 2. Dehra Dun (47.08) 2. Sultanpur (l.97) 3. Kanpur (42.80) 3. Basti (2.52) 4. Agra (36.61) 4. Unnao (2.57) 5. Jhansi (32.10) 5. Tehri-Garhwal (2.65)

1981 1. Lucknow (52.48) 18.01 1. Sultanpur (3.31 ) 2. Dehra Dun (49.21) 2. Tehri-Garhwal (4.17) 3. Kanpur (47.03) 3. Basti (4.81 ) 4. Agra (38.93) 4. Pratapgarh (5.07) 5. Jhansi (37.69) 5. Pithoragarh (5.64)

In absolute term, district Basti has the largest component of rural popUlation (3,404,916) followed by Gorakhpur (3,394,899), Deoria (3,255,923), Azamgarh (3,215,334) and Allahabad (3,010,921). On the other hand Kanpur district has the largest urban population (1,782,665) followed by Agra (1,110,364) and Lucknow (1,058,633). Smallest rural population is in Uttarkashi (177,308) followed up by Chamoli (335,507), Dehra Dun (384,607), Pithoragarh (452,547) and Tehri-Garhwal (472,665). The hill districts have also very small urban components: U ttarkashi (13,263), Tehri-Garhwal (20,580), Pithoragarh (27,053) and Chamoli (28,780). Amongst the districts of the Plains and Jhansi Upland smallest rural population (509,635) is in the newly formed Lalitpur district while in urban

55 population Sultanpur comes at the bottom with a figure of only 67,379. Barring the districts (excluding Dehra Dun and Nainital) of Himalayan Hills, Sultanpur and Pratapgarh of the Plains and Lalitpur of Jhansi Upland, all districts of the state have an urban population exceeding one lakh.

U. P. in all India Context Excluding Assam and Jammu & Kashmir amongst the remaining 20 states, U. P. stands 14th in urbanisation. Maharashtra stands on top while Himachal is at the bottom. However, in terms of absolute urban population, U. P. is only exceeded by Maharashtra. Statement 2 gives the urban population in the States and Union Territories as per the 1981 Census;

STATEMENT-2 Urban Population in the States and Union Territories, 1981 (Provisional)

81. India/State/Union Territory Total population Urban population Urban population No. per cent of total population

1 2 3 4 5

INDIA * 658,140,676 156,188,507 23.73 States 1. Andhra Pradesh 53,592,605 12,457,709 23.25 2. Bihar 69,823,154 8,699,013 12.46 3. Gujarat 33,960,905 10,556,431 31.08 4. Haryana 12,850,902 2,821,829 21.96 5. Himachal Pradesh 4,237,569 327,162 7.72 6. Karnataka 37,043,451 10,711,103 28.92 7. Kerala 25,403,217 4,770,929 18.78 8. Madhya Pradesh 52,138,467 10,588,653 20.31 9. Maharashtra 62,715,300 21,966,806 35.03 10. Manipur 1,411,375 373,215 26.44 11. Meghalaya 1,328,343 239,501 18.03 12. Nagaland 773,281 120,180 15.54 13. Orissa 26,272,054 3,105,635 11.82 14. Pu~jab 16,669,755 4,620,495 27.72 IS. Rajasthan 34,108,292 7,140,421 20.93 16. Sikkim 314,999 51,110 16.23 17. Tamil Nadu 48,297,456 15,927,952 32.98 18. Tripura 2,047,351 224,881 10.98 19. Uttar Pradesh 110,885,874 19,973,223 18.Ql 20. West Bengal 54,485,560 14,433,486 26.49 Union Territories 1. A. & N. Islands 188,254 49,632 26.36 2. Arunachal Pradesh 628,050 39,715 6.32 3. Chandigarh 450,061 421,256 93.60 4. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 103,677 6,914 6.67 5. 6,196,414 5,752,538 94.84 6. Goa, Daman & Diu 1,082,117 351,235 32.46 7. Lakshadweep 40,237 18,633 46.31 8. Mizoram 487,774 122,765 25.17 9. Pondicherry 604,182 316,085 52.32

*Excludes Assam and Jammu & Kashmir



~ (;\.ASS VI TOWN ~ (Pop Below 5.000) '0'119' CLASS V TOW" CPU~ 5.000-0',9091 •

~'~:~""~I~:W. CLASS IV TOWN .. 01 I~~IIII~~~II:I'I (Pop 10,000 - 19.999'

_ CLASS III TOWN t1O~ ~ 'Pop 20,000-49,0001 I CLASS II TOWN I Pop 50,000-00,999) • 16()~ CLASS 1 TOWN I P"P 100000 &. Abov~) i • FI,ures ;1,1 the lOp 0' lhe han In.lute the "'~ total urbtn popllbtioll. I"~ "'

:t: '" ¥: 'It ...J 110 ~ Z 0 100 j:: 'It :::a...J &- " Q. 10



I' ..

" "

, I 19QI 1911 t92t 1941 19!:l1 1961 YEAR


The population of U. P. h:-ls gone up by 25.52 per 20 GROWTH OF cent in 1~71-81 as against 19.7B per cent in 1961-71. It - - is higher than the decadal growth rate of the country as URBAN POPULATION /9 a whole (24.75%). Uttar Pradesh is one of the two (IN MILLIONS) states (the other being Karnataka) which haw shown higher growth rates than the all India average in 1981. 18 though they had, since 1901, a lower growth rate than the all India average in all the decades. 17 Since 1901 the population of this state has gone up from a mere 48.6 million to 110.9 million which means 16 more than doubling itself. During 1901-11, the popula­ tion declined by half a million. It further went down IS by one and a half million during 1911-21. Thereafter ~. ~f:s during 1921-31 it went up by 3 million and further mar­ 14 ked an increase of 6.8 million during 1931-41. The ~~ increase remaining' nearly static in the next decade, 13 ~ .~ heighten~d its pace in subsequent decades. The decade :S:S1 1971-81 ,ferns to have touched the peak growth rate. 12 Z /~ ...~. 0 1/ I 1=. GROWTH OF «I- ..J /0 RURAL POPULATION ::> 0.. (IN MILLIONS) 0 9 a.. -, 100 ). ~; 1 Itt. e

7 I.L ~l~ 90 'V~~-"' .~ 5 ~ / 'I '~ ~~. 80 -4 "·~·O~~;::- 1901 1/ 21 31 4/ 51 61 71 1981 oz YEAR f-- 70 « Amongst districts, the highest growth rate has been ..J recorded by the Nainital district (43.42%) followed by ::> Ghaziabad (39.22%). The districts showing a growth 0.. o rate of 25% above the state average are Lalitpur (34.42 0.. 60 %), Pilibhit (33.80%), Kheri (32.04%) and Mirzapur (31.97%). The other districts are more or less evenly distributed on either side of the mean. The rural population has more than doubled since so 1901 from a mere 43.2 million to a staggering 90.9 million. The rural growth rate ranges from 7.91 % (Garhwal) to 33.16% (Nainital). The districts which are above the state average are Uttarkashi of Kumaon 40 Himalaya North, Dehra Dun and Tehri.Garhwal of /901 If 21 3! 41 SI 61 7/ 198; Western Kumaon Himalaya Siwalik and Doons, Nainital YEAR of Kumaon HimalayaEast, Saharanpur, Ghaziabad and

58 Moradabad of Northern upper Ganga Plain, Pilibhit, Shahjahanpur, Farrukhabad and Kheri of Southern upper Ganga Plain, Allahabad, Sitapur, Lucknow, Rae Bareli, Bahraich, Gonda, Faizabad, Sultanpw' and Pratapgarh of Middle Ganga Plain West, Gorakhpur, Jaunpur, Ghazipur and Varanasi of Middle Ganga Plain East, Banda and Lalitpur of Jhansi uplands and MirzaplU' of Mirzapur upland. The urban population has quadrupled from a mere 5.4 million in 1901 to 20 million to-day. During the last decade it has shown a percentage increase of 61.22 per cent. Striking growth rate has been registered in the urban areas of Unnao (465.69%), Pratapgarh (228.32%), Deoria (178.46%). Rae Bareli (172.03%), Ballia (142.00,)~), Chamoli (135.79%), Basti (128.25%), Ghazipul' (123.53%), Uttarkashi (120.32%), Azamg'1.,rh(113.31%) Sultanpur (108.41 %), Budaun (106.50%), Kheri (105.78)%, and Hamirpm (102.43%). Thus in these districts, urban population has more than doubled itself during the preceding 10 years. The lowest growth rate in urban areas has been recorded in Almora. It is noteworthy that in Almora the nITal growth rate is higher than the urban growth rate. Districts where the urban growth rate is much lower (i. e., below 45 percent) than the State average are: Almora (18.42%), Lucknow (28.56%), Agra (31.37%), Jaunpur (35.45%), Dehra Dun (37.12%), Et.ah (37.36%), Varanasi (38.23%), Kl.llpur (39.02%), Allahabad (41.99%) and Mirzapur (44.29%). It is note­ worthy that all the five KAVAL city districts figlll'e in them. As the big cities fonn a major chunk of urban population in their districts, the urban growth rate is highly weighted by their population. Excepting Almora, Jaunpw', Mirzaplll' and Etah the remaining districts with a comparatively lower ill'ban growth rate have a high percentage of w'ban population. The strikingly high lll'ban growth is mainly clue to the inclusion of a number of new towns due to the definitional change adopted for the 1981 Census .

.390 l'""":::-:::--"l"".. --,.------. ~r----'r---...--. DENSITY OF POPULATION DEN TV OF The overall density of population (i. e. persons per POPULATfONI . sq. km. area) in the State comes to 377, as against 300 ,]60 I Pir :lQ k m. )_ .. J-._ .-+o--+----U in 1971. Thus 77 more persons are occupying a square i t kilometre area than in 1971. It has more than doubled i since 1901 when it was 165. Amongst all the 22 states of India, Uttar Pradesh stands fourth, the top three being Kerala (654) West Bengal (614) and Bihar (402). It is worthy of note that in 1901, U. P. had the same density (165) as that in Kerala, a little lower than that of West Bengal (191) and little higher than in Bihar (157). The density for the country as a whole now stands at 221, excluding Jammu and Kashmir, as against only 77 in 1901. Amongst districts the density varies from 24 (Uttar­ kashi) to 798 (Lucknow). On top are Lucknow, Varanasi (726), Ghaziabad (721), Meerut (707) and Deoria (640) while at the bottom come Uttarkashi, Chamoli (40), . !: Pithoragarh (54), Tehri-Garhwal (l12) and Garhwal (115). In the rlll'aI areas of the state, the density of popula­ tion stands at 313. It varies from 22 in Uttarkashi to 607 in Deoria. The rmal areas of eastern U. P. are noted for high density varying from 537 (Ghazipur) to 2/0 607 (Deoria). At the bottom come the hill districts and Lalitpur. In case of urban areas it stands at 455 for the state as a whole varying from 432 (Chamoli) to a staggering 18e 9537 (Varanasi). A density of over 7500 persons per sq. km. obtains in Varanasi, Shahjahanpur, Gorakhpur, Pilibhit, Agra, Moradabad and Muzaffarnagar. It is lower than the state average only in Chamoli, followed by the other Hill districts of Pithoragarh, Uttarkashi, II 21 31 41 51 lSI 71 Tehri-Garhwal, Garhwal and AImora. YEAR


The world over empirical studies have revealed that abou.t 106 :males are born against 100 famales. This imbalance is evened by age 4 due to comparatively sornewhat higher mortality amongst male children as against female. Thus if one lived where one was bom there should nearly be equal sex ratio in all arcas. Rut due to migration basically, the sex ratio, i. e., the number of females per one thousand males, varics from one administrative area to other. The sex ratio of the sti1.tc as a whole stands at 886 in 1981 as against 935 at the country level. It 1\


I 890 -:

aao NO. of famCJIlZs per 1000 males

1901 /I 21 31 4/ 51 6/ 71 1981

60 Nagaland, Sikkim, Delhi, Chandigarh and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Sex ratio in this State has from Census to Census been always below the all India average right from 1901 to date. The districts where females outnumber males are Garhwal, Tehri-Garhwal, Almora, Pithoragarh and Chamoli, all in the Himalayan hills, and Azamgarh, Pratapgarh, Jaunpur in the Eastern Uttar Pradesh. It appears basically due to males migrating out in large number for employment. The sex ratio is higher (895) in the rural areas as compared to the urban areas (846) of the state. In urban areas, the lowest sex ratio is in the hill districts: 555 in Tehri-Garhwal, 568 in Uttarkashi, 615 in Chamoli, 654 in Almora, 671 in Garhwal and 717 in Pithoragarh, while highest obtains in the far eastern districts of Ballia (912), Azamgarh (907) and Ghazipur (901). Sex ratio in cities and towns will be commented upon subsequently. The rural areas of hill districts come on top in the matter of sex ratio; Garhwal (1204) and Tehri-Garhwal and Almora (1I36 each). At the bottom come Budaun (798), Shahjahanpur (801) and Mathura (807).


The crude literacy rate which refers to the percent­ age of persons who can read and write with understand­ ing in atleast one language, now stands at 27.40 per cent as against 21. 70 per cent in 1971, in the whole state. The word 'crude' has been used because we have not been able to exclude children in age group 0-4 who for obvious reasons should be excluded while measuring the literacy rate. Crude literacy in the rural areas of the state is 23.34 per cent while it is 15.91 per cent in the urban areas. Uttar Pradesh ranks 25th amongst all the States and Union Territories excluding Jammu & Kashmir and Assam. of the country in this respect. It has gone down by one position since 1971. It is way behind, the all India average of 36.1 7 per cent. The states, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Bihar which encirrle Uttar Pradesh, are all below the all India average and the former two slightlY above and the latter below the U. P. rate. Kerala stands right on top with a literacy as high as 69.17 per cent. Uttar Pradesh has, however, achieved an increase of 26.18% in literacy over 1971. Only 8 States and 2 Union Territories are above it in this respect. They are Bihar, Manipur, Nagaland, Himachal Pradesh, Tripura, Haryana, Orissa and Sikkim and Dadra and Nagar Haveli, and Arunachal Pradesh. It is, however, worthy of note that in absolute terms, U. P. exceeds all the other States and Union Territories in the total population literate which equally holds good in case of males but in the case of females, only Maharashtra, Kerala, Tamil /I 21 31 4/ 5' 6; 1/ 1981 Nadu and West Bengal outstrip it. YEAR There has been a consistent increase during the decade in both male (38.90 per cent from 31.50 per cent in 1971) and female literacy (14.42 per cent from!0.55 per cent in 1971). In absolute terms also literate population has marked an increase of over II million persons (8 million males and 3 million females). It is worthy of note that female literacy is picking up faster than the male literacy which in turn is bound to have a salutary effect on the pace of literacy. Need for intensifying the literacy campaign in this largest state of the country, in the context of general demographic situa.tion, however, merits serious consideration. Districts having the highest literacy are Debra Dun (52.02%), Kanpur (43.73%), Garhwal (11.90%), Lucknow (40.20%) and Almora (38.90%). In the case of rural areas, districts Garhwal (39.16%), Debra Dun

61 (38.19%), Almora (36.49%), Pithoragarh (36.08%) and Chamoli (35.27%), are on top while the districts Rampur (11.61%), Budaun (13.33%), Bahraich (14.44%), Bareilly (15.01 %) and Gonda (15.51 %), are at the bottom. Similarly in the case of urban, districts Almora (76.70%), Pithoragarh (69.14%), Tehri-Garhwal (67.56%), Dttarkashi (67.16%) and Dehra Dun (66.30%) are on the top and districts Rampur (~.32%), Budaun (30.02%), Bijnof (33.62°~), Moradabad (34.13%) and Bulandshahr (36.57%) at the bottom. District Almora is on tl)P and Rampur and Budaun at the bottom in male literacy, both in their rural and urban areas. In female literacy, Dehra Dun is on top in its rural area and Almora in its urban area while Rampur is at the bottom both in its rural and urban areas. Both males and females have highest literacy in Almora (83.77 per cent; 65.87 per cent) and lowest in Rampur; (35.70 per cent; 22.08 per cent.)


Considering each urban agglomeration as one unit, the number of urban agglomerations/towns has increased from 293 in 1971 to 659 in 1981. The distribution orDAs/towns by each size class is given in the following statement:


Distribution of UAs/Towns by size class of towns, 1971 and 1981

Number ofDAs/Towns Size class 1971 1981

2 3

All Classes 293 659 Class I 22 30 Class II 20 37 Class III 67 85 Class IV 91 194 Class V 80 231 Class VI 13 82

Cities and city urban agglomerations are now 13 and 17 respectively. They comprise 51.48 per cent of the total urban chunk. The remaining urban population is distributed amongst the other size classes as follows: class II (12.71 per cent), class III (12.34 per cent), class IV (13.36 per cent), class V (8.65 per cent) and class VI (1.46 per cent). The increase in the number of towns since 1971 has brought about changes in the proportion of population in each size class also. The percentage of population in class I has gone down from 57.06 to 51,48. Similarly there is a decrease in the proportion of population in size class III from 16.70 to 12.34. On the other hand, there is an increase in the proportion of population in classes II, IV, V and VI. A marked increase in class V and VI is basically due to new towns added in 1981. The growth rate in urban population during the decades 197 J -81 vis-a-vis 1961-71 also tells the same story excepting that the growth rate has been higher in 1971-81 as compared to 1961-71 inspite of reduction in the proportion of population in size class I. The sex ratio, i. e., females per 1000 males stands at 846 in the urban areas of U. P. It hl!.S increased by 25 points during the last ten years. In every size class the sex ratio has increased, the maximum increase being in class VI, where it has gone up from 743 to 821. In 1981 the highest sex ratio is in class IV towns followed by cla.ss HI and then by class V. Lowest sex ratio of 821 in class VI is noteworthy. A low sex ratio indirectly reflects a high rate of net immigration. Therefore, the new towns added in 1981 seem to satisfy the basic qualification of having a more urban infrastructure which despite their low population of less than 5,000 each is responsible for their being declared urban at the 1981 Census. Similarly, a low sex ratio in class Vas compared to class III and IV is also indicative.

6.2 The following inset table summarises the position.

STATEMENT-4 Proportion to urban population growth rate and sex ratio, 1971 and 1981

Proportion ofPopulati,m in Sex ratio (Females each size class to urhan Growth Rate per 1000 males) Size class Population

1971 1981 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 5 6 7

All Classes 100.00 100.00 +30.68 + 61.22 821 846 Class I 57.06 51.48 t 37.00 + 45.47 814 838 Class II 10.83 12.71 +20.37 + 89.30 833 844 Class III 16.70 12.34 +31.07 + 19.16 837 861 Class IV 10.44 13.36 +23.85 + 106.27 833 866 Class V 4.74 8.65 + 4.64 + 194.06 803 853 Class VI 0.23 1.46 +32.14 +909.39 743 821

The sex ratio in the urban areas of the state IlH6) is obviously unfavourable to females. In only 5 towns, viz., MehnagarT. A. and Bi1ariagaJ1i T. A. (Azamgarh), Bansdih T. A. and Maniyar N.A. (BaHia), and Karari T. A. (Allahabad) the females outnumber males. The highest sex ratio being in Mehnagar T. A. (1,039). Kedarnath N. A. situated at a height of 3584 meters has a very low sex ratio of 8. Other towns where the male population i$ more than double of the female population are Chakrata Cantt. (Dehra Dun), Lansdowne Cantt. (Garhwal), Muni-ki-Reti N. A. (Tehri-Garhwal), Rudraprayag T. A. (Garhwal) and Ranikhet Cantt. (Almora), all lying in the Himalayan Hills. The following statement gives the distribution of urban agglomerations/towns by ranges of high, medium, average, low and very low sex ratio by size class of towns :


Distribution of Urban Agglomerations/Towns by ranges of high, medium, average, low and very low sex ratio by size class of towns, 1981 (State average: 846)

Size No.ofU.A.s/ High (Above Medium Average Low Very low Class Towns 1,000) (900-999) (800-899) (700-799) (Below 700)

2 3 4 5 6 7 ---- I 30 27 3 II 37 35 III 85 5 73 6 IV 194 2 43 140 5 4 V 231 3 37 175 9 7 VI 82 11 43 13 15

TOTAL 659 5 97 493 36 28

Growth of Urban Agglomerations/Towns During the decade 1971-81, the highest growth has been recorded by Chopan N. A. (Mirzapur) of class V where the population has increased by nearly two "nd halftimes (245.14 per cent). Other towns

63 ~

LLJ N U) l: Q ~ <. Z ..J 0 ?; Z ...n Q « I- eI) ~ z q; 0 -' -I ;;) § Q. :::> > 0 0 Q. a. IX Q. 0a. u fu ~ i= ~~: U l, I·[, "'I

'\ t,< t'~ i\1 ~IIUUIII~~ 0 - ',' 11111111

ai « i :i .( !Ii lD a: <. ::> 0 z 0 z :i lD ;:; ::i ~ ~ :i Q, z - Z :i ;;) 1: « « 1: a: 0 a: :i ... a: III ::;: :r 0 ::>' «.. I- -' « l: ::t « 0 « a: m a: q; ::> « « « 0 cr: .., c( ... lC n. l: ::> 0 !:/ ;;) z Z l: ::) := :.:: a: « ~ iii ::> ... ;;) ::> ~ m l: J: Q. Z a: Il z u II: -' W a: a: a: l: l: « q; « ::;: N a: a: ::;: ::> ..J Q. a: W :; a: \( cr !::! a: ::;: ~ '" q; :t « :> C> J « 0 " 0 « w 1: ::t 1: « ::> « « I- « « ::;: ::;: 'Ill 0 ") III ~ ::;; c( W III , II: ... ~ « « lD « C> " cr ::i it l: "- i '" .:t CD where the population has doubled are Ghaziabad U. A. (128.63) of class I, Mughal Sarai U. A. (141.48) and Rae Bareli M. B. (133.31) of class II, Renukoot N. A. (108'71) and Chunar M. B. (108.18) of class III, Robertsganj M. B. (127'39) and Tehri M. B. (123'50) of class IV and Muni-ki-Reti N. A. (101'95) of class VI. In 3 towns the population has gone down. These are Chakrata Cantt. (-14.56) of class V, Mussoorie U. A. ( -10.54) of class IV and Bah Bazar ( -4.66) of class VI. In Nainital U.A. (7.29),Almora U. A. (2.59) of class III, Babina Cantt. (4.08), Marehra M. B. (5.91) of class IV, Talbehat T. A. (2.19), Churk Ghurma N. A. (0.79) of class V and Bageshwar M. B. (1.32) of class VI, the decada} growth was less than 10 per cent. Lower or negative growth in the towns of hill areas may perhaps be inter-alia due to the difference in the reference dates in 1971 and 1981. Due to mid-termLok Sabha Polls the enumeration in 1971 had to be postponed by one month with reference date the sunrise of April 1, 1971, whereas the reference date in 1981 was as usual the sunrise of March 1, 1981. The following statement gives the distribution of U. As/towns by high, medium, average, low and very low growth during 1971-81 by class of towns:

Distribution ofU.A.s/Towns by high, medium, average, low and very low growth during 1971-81 b, class of towns

Size No. of High growth Medium growth Average Low (Between Very low Class U.As./ (more than 50 per (between (± 25 per 25-50 per cent (Below 50 per Towns cent above the 25-50 per cent cent of the state below the state cent of the state state average in above the state average in each average in each average in each each size class) average in each size class) size class) size class or ne- size class) gative growth)

2 3 4 5 6 7

I 30 3 11 13 3 II 37 I 1 4 10 21 III 80 62 12 4 2 IV 89 2 10 77 V 37 36 VI 7 7

TOTAL 280 66 14 21 33 146 ---- For the purpose of the above statement only those urban agglomerations/towns have been considered which existed in 1971. The number of U.As./towns in 1971 was 293. RasuIpur Dhulri (Meerut) and Markundi (Mirzapur) census towns of 1971 have been declassified in 1981. KaiIa (Meerut) census town has been merged in Ghaziabad M. B. while Badrinathpuri N. A. was unpopulated in 1971. Thefollowing 9 towns which were independent towns in 1971 now form part of Urban agglomerations: Town Urban agglomeration

1. Clement Town Cantt. Dehra Dun 2. Raipur C. T. Dehra Dun 3. Landour Cantt. Mussoorie 4. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., Ranipur N. A. Hardwar 5. Kankar Khera T. A. Meerut 6. Rus~nagar Sahaspur Bilari 7. Hansarigird C. T. jhansi 8. Maruadih N. A. Varanasi 9. Ramnagar M. B. Varanasi


The main workers (32,303 thousand) comprise a little less than one third (29.13 %) of the total population (110,886 thousand) of the state. Nearly half (49.61 %) of the male population and only 6.02 per cent of the female population is engaged full time in some economic activity or the other. The participation rate of both males and females has gone down as compared to the 1971 census mainly due to the definitional change highlighted in the Background Note. Amongst the districts, Uttarkashi has the highest percentage (54.03) of main workers followed by Chamoli (44.59), Tehri-Garhwal (41.59), Pithoragarh (37.66) and Garhwal (35.60), all in Hima.layan Hills. The lowest percentage is in district BalIia (24.98 per cent) which is even less than one fourth of its total population. Other districts having markedly low participation rate are Aligarh (25.03), Jaunpur (25.31), Ghazipur (25.54) and Bulandshahr (25.74).

Male Participation Against the state level percentage of 49.61, districts having more than 55 per cent of male participation are Uttarkashi (58.69), Sitapur (56.72), Budaun (55.82), Shahjahanpur (55.41) and Gonda (55.33). The lowest rate is in Almora (36.47) followed by Garhwal (39.64), Ballia (41.85), Pratapgarh (42.60) and Pithoragarh (42.86).

FeDlale Participation There is a marked disparity among the districts so far as female participation rate is concerned. While in districts Uttarkashi (48.74), Chamoli (43.54), Tehri-Garhwal (39.83), Pithoragarh (32.73) and Garhwal (32.03), the percentage participation is more than 5 times the state average (6.02), it is as low as 0.64 per cent in case of Mainpuri. Other districts where it is lower than I (5th of the state average are: Shahjahanpur (0.84), Rampur (1.01), Budaun (1.03) and Bareilly (1.07). In 1971, Uttarkashi district had the highest percentage (63.54) of main workers and other districts having more than 25 per cent of state average (30.94) were Chamoli (58.02), Tehri-Garhwal (51.48), Gahrwal (45.40) and Pithoragarh (43.25). In 1981, the districts at the highest rung of the ladder remain at their places with Pithoragarh moving above Garhwal. Bulandshahr (25.74) had the lowest participation rate in 1971, followed by Jaunpur (26.85), lEtawah (27.30),'Agra (27.14)tand Aligarh (27.32). Bulandshahr, Jaunpur and Aligarh are amongst the 5 districts which have kept at their low participation rate both in 1971 and 1981. The remaining two districts (Agra and Etawah) have lost their positions to Ballia and Ghazipur in 1981.

66 The following summarises the variations in male and female participation rates in 1981 vis-a-vis 1971, restricting to the state averages and five districts each at the maximum and minimum positions :-


First five districts having maximum and minimum percentage of workers to total population by sex. 1971 and 1981

Districts having maximum percentage State Average District having mInImum percentage

1971 Persons 1. Uttarkashi (63.54) 30.94 1. Bulandshahr (25.74) 2. Chamoli (58.02) 2. Jaunpur (26.85) 3. T cohri-Garhwal (51.48) 3. Agra (27.14) 4. Garhwal (45.40) 4. Etawah (27.30) 5. Pithoragarh (43.25) 5. Aligarh (27.32)

Males 1. Uttarkashi (65.36) 52.24 1. Jaunpur (46.42) 2. Bahraich (61.49) 2. BaHia (46.50) 3. Gonda (59.+4) 3. Bulandshahr (46.66) 4. Kheri (59.36) 4. Almora (47.47) 5. Bara Banki (58.46) 5. Garhwal (47.64)

Females 1. U ttarkashi (61.53) 6.71 1. Mainpuri (0.81 ) 2. Chamoli (60.59) 2. Bareilly (0.93) 3. Tehri-Garhwal (50.91 ) 3. Etah (0.94) 4. Garhwal (43.41) 4. Rampur (0.98) 5. Pithoragarh (36.50) 5. Budaun (1.04 )

1981 Persons 1. Uttarkashi (54.03) 29.13 1. Ballia (24.98) 2. Chamoli (44.59) 2. Aligarh (25.03) 3. Tehri-Garhwal (41.59) 3. Jaunpur (25.31 ) 4. Pithoragarh (37.66) 4. Ghazipur (25.54) 5. Garhwal (35.60) 5. Bulandshahr (25.74)

Males l. Uttar kashi (58.69) 49.61 1. Almora (36.47) 2. Sitapur (56.72) 2. Garhwal (39.64) 3. Budaun (55.82) 3. BaHia (41.85) 4. Shahjahanpur (55.41) 4. Pratapgarh (42.60) 5. Gonda (55.33) 5. Pithoragarh (42.86)

Females 1. Uttarkashi (48.74) 6.02 1. Mainpuri (0.64) 2. Chamoli (43.54) 2. Shahjahanpur (0.84) 3. Tehri-Garhwal (39.83) 3. Rampur (1.01) 4. Pithoragarh (32.73) 4. Budaun ( 1.03) 5. Garhwal (32.03) 5. Bareilly (1.07)

67 Main workers by four broad categories of work Coming to the distribution of main workers by categories of work, it will be observed that the Cultivators account for the highest proportion of main workers both in 1971 and 1981, the respective percentages being (57.43) and (58.02). The Agricultural Labourers who occupied the second place in 1971, have come down to the 3rd place below 'Other Workers' in 1981. Household Industry continues to have the lowest percentage both in 1971 and 1981. Similar trend is observed in the case of male workers. So far as females are concerned, in 1971 Agricultural Labourers (44.49) had the highest percentage followed by Cultivators (42.64). In 1981 the position has reversed with Cultivators forming 45.43 per cent and Agricultural Labourers 34.00 per cent. The following statement gives the number of districts where percentage of workers by each category has increased or decreased in 1981 as compared to 1971.


NUlDber of districts where the percentage of each category has increased or decreased in 1981 as cOlDpared to 1971

Category of worker Sex Districts where percentage Districts where percentage of workers has gone up of workers has gone down

2 3 4 ---. 1. Cultivators Male 25 31 2. Agricultural Labourers 16 40 3. Household Industry " 33 23 4. Other workers " 48 8 " 1. Cultivators Female 30 26 2. Agricultural labourers 7 48 3. Household Industry " 48 8 4. Other workers " 43 13 "

Cultivators Coming to individual categories ofmmn work it is observed that in as many as 31 districts the proportion of male Cultivators has gone down. The districts where such a decrease is appreciable are: Uttarkashi (75.89 : 66.79), Chamoli (73.31 ; 64.42), Almora (70.89 : 61.80) and Sitapur (78.03: 74.77). Amongst females, similar tendency is found in 26 districts among which districts Bijnor (23.55: 13.15), Moradabad (40.95 : 20.57), Rampur (34.02 : 19.04) Budaun (50.33 : 39.23), Bareilly (34.42 : 15.24), Shahjahanpur (38.48 : 22.24), Etah (45.33 : 34.38), Farrukhabad (27.41 : 11.01), Kheri (47.97 : 26.19), Sitapur (55.29 : 27.47) and Pratapgarh (42.49 : 30.52) show striking variation.

Agricultural Labourers Both amongst males as well as females the proportion of Agricultural Labourers has gone down during the last decade. Districts showing opposite trends in males and females number 16 and 7 only res· pectively. In district Pratapgarh the proportion of male Agricultural Labourers has marked a phenomenal }ncrcase fr()IH 19.66 in 1971 to 25.07 in 1981. Amongst females, similar trend is observed in district Kheri, 'where the proportion has gone up from 33.48 in 1971 to 46.16 in 1981.

Household Industry The proportion of main workers in Household Industry has gone up for both the sexes since 1971. Disfricts showing a reverse trend number 23 in case of males and 8 for females. The decline in the proportions is, however, not noteworthy, the steepest being in Ghaziabad both for males as well as females from 6.30 to 4.20 and from 11,92 to 9.02 respectively.


I Cultivators

II Agricultural labourttrs m Household industry nr Other workers







Lu 18 CD ~ 16 ~ Lu a:~ 14 Lu Q.. 12


o 1971 1981

69 Other Workers By and large the districts conform to the state trend of increase in the proportion of Other Workers during the last decade. The exceptions are only 7 and 12 districts for males and females respect,,' vely. As far as males are concerned, the decline is marginal, steepest being in district Lucknow (from 50.02 to 46.70). Amongst females the districts where the decrease is appreciable are Dehra Dun (42.88 : 36.05), Bijnor (38.46 : 33.46), Meerut (56.75 : 49.18), Aligarh (49.61 : 43.18), Mathura (46.61 : 40.62) and Agra (60.15 : 50.83).

AlDongst all the categories of work Category 'Cultivator' has the highest percentage of male workers in 51 districts of the state. In the remaining 5, viz. Dehra Dun, Ghaziabad, Agra, Kanpur and Lucknow 'Other Workers' form highest proportion of Workers. These districts are marked for a high proportion of m'ban population. In 20 districts 'Other workers' account for the highest percentage of female workers while Cultivators and Agricultural Labourers have the highest proportion in 19 and 16 districts respectively. Bijnor is the only district of the state where highest proportion of female workers is in Household Industry. The lowest proportion of male workers in case of 48 districts is found in Household industry, whereas the remaining 8 districts have the lowest proportion of Agricultmal Labourers. As far as lowest proportion of female workers is concerned, the maximum number (39) of districts fall in the category 'Household Industry' followed by 13 districts where Agricultmal Labom'ers come at the bottom. Saharan­ pm' has the lowest proportion of female workers amongst Cultivators and ~'h:,,,:"IBasti and Azamgarh I in 'Other Workers'. In the following statement, first five dish'icts having maximum and minimum percentage of workers in each category of work by sex for 1981 have been given:


First five districts having lDaxiD1UID and D1inilDulD percentage of workers in each broad category of work by sex, 1981

Districts having highest proportion State average Districts having lowest proportion

2 3

Males Cultivators 1. Hahraich (80.70) 59.26 1. Dehra Dun (25.65) 2. Hardoi (79.78) 2. Ghaziabad (33.72) 3. Kheri (79.56) 3. Saharanpur (35.53) 4. Budaun (79.05) 4. Varanasi (35.90) 5. Gonda (78.58) 5. Meerut (37.83) Agricultural Labourers 1. Muzaffarnagar (28.51) 14.42 1- Chamoli ( 0.53) 2. Saharanpur (28.41) 2. Tehri-Garhwal ( 0.74) 3. Pratapgarh (25.07) 3. Uttarkashi ( 0.77) 4. Hamirpur (24.ol) 4. Pithoragarh ( 1.03) 5. Bijnor (23.85) 5. Garhwal ( 1.58) Household Industry 1. Agra ( 8.75) 4.24 1. Bahraich ( 1.24) 2. Lucknow ( 7.26) 2. Kheri ( 1.33) 3. Bijnor ( 7.10) 3. Budaun ( 1.46) 4. Allahabad ( 6.54) 4. Gonda ( 1.49) 5. Meerut ( 6.21) 5. Pilibhit ( 1.58)


First five districts having JDaXilDum and minimum percentage of workers in each broad category of work by sex, 1981-Concld.

Districts having highest proportion State average District having lowest proportion

2 3

Other Workers 1. Dehra Dun (63.03) 22.08 1. Bahraich ( 9.05) 2. Ghaziabad (49.72) 2. Gonda ( 9.36) 3. Lucknow (46.70) 3. Basti ( 9.66) 4. Kanpur (44.57) 4. Pratapgarh ( 9.85) 5. Agra (40.99) 5. Hardoi (10.46)

Females Cultivators 1. Tehri-Garhwal (98.11) 46.43 1. Farrukhabad (11.01) 2. Garhwal (97.29) 2. Saharanpur (12.29) 3. Uttarkashi (97.25) 3. Bijnor (13.15) 4. Chamoli (97.23) 4. Bareilly (15.24) 5. Pithoragarh (95.76) 5. Ghaziabad (15.29) Agricultural Labourers 1. Ballia (63.63) 34.00 l. Chamoli ( 0.23) 2. Gorakhpur (59.61 ) 2. Tehri-Garhwal ( 0.26) 3. Mirzapur (57.84) 3. Uttarkashi ( 0.28) 4. Hamirpur (56.29) 4. Pithoragarh ( 0.46) 5. Sultanpur (50.34) 5. Garhwal ( 0.53) Household Industry 1. Bijnor (43.26) 5.86 1. Garhwal ( 0.13) 2. Farrukhabad (32.74) 2. Tehri-Garhwal ( 0.17) 3. Etah (26.35) 3. Almora ( 0.65) 4. Moradabad (26.00) 4. Uttarkashi ( 0.85) 5. Etawah (18.87) 5. Chamoli ( 1.27) Other Workers 1. Bareilly (68.79) 13.71 1. Chamoli ( 1.27) 2. Ghaziabad (53.48) 2. Tehri-Garhwal ( 1.46) 3. ~pur (52.79) 3. Uttarkashi ( 1.62) 4. Agra (50.83) 4. Pithoragarh ( 1.91) 5. Shahjahanpur (50.80) 5. Garhwal ( 2.05) Males It will be observed that proportion of Cultivators ranges from 80.70 in district Bahraich to 25'.65 in district Dehra Dun around the State average of 59.26. Amongst Agricultural Labourers the highest percentage is'in district Muzaffarnagar (28.51) while in Chamoli it is as low as 0.53 per cent. In Household Industry, district Agra (8.75 per cent) is at the top while Bahraich (1.24 per cent) occupie~ the last position. 'Other Workers' predominate in the districts of Dehra Dun (63.03), Ghaziabad (49.72), Lucknow (46.70), Kanpur (44.57) and Agra (40.99), where except Agra the percentage of workers in this category is more than double of the State average (22.08). All these districts have a high proportion of urban population. Bahraich (9.05) has the lowest proportion. Females More than 95 per cent of the female workers in the hill districts of Tehri-Garhwal (98.1l), Garh_wal (97.29), Uttarkashi (97.25), Chamoli(97.23) and Pithoragarh (95.76) are cultivators. It shows

71 that there is no taboo on female parti~fion in cultivation in hill areas of the state. District Farrukhabad. (11.01) has the lowest percentage in this category in the state. Districts BaHia (63.63) and Bijnor (43.26) have the highest percentage in the state in Agricultural Labourers and Household Industry respectively. Districts Bareilly (68.79), Ghaziabad (53.48), Rampur (52.79), Agra (50.83) and Shahjahanpur (50.80) have more than half of the female workers in category 'Other Workers'. All these districts have cities in them. T~e extremely low percentage of female workers in Agricultural Labour, Household Indus­ try and 'Other Workers' in the hill districts of Chamoli, Tehri-Garhwal, Uttarkashi, Pithoragarh and Garhwal is due to over 95 per cent of female workers engaged is Cultivators in these districts. As mentioned at the outset, concept of marginal worker was introduced in the 1981 Census. These are workers who worked for less than 6 months during the preceding year. It will be interesting to look at the following statement:-


1981 Persons Males Females 1. Percentage of main workers to total population 29.13 49.61 6.02 2. Marginal workers 2,965,462 1,1l7,732 1,847,7SQ 3. Percentage of marginal workers to total population 2.67 1.90 3.55 4. Percentage of main & marginal workers to total population 31.81 51.51 9.57

1971 5. Percentage of main workers to total population 30.94 52.24 6.71

It would appear that the percentage of main workers in 1981 dropped by 1.81 % as against 1971. This does not present the correct picture since the main workers of 1981 do not include all workers. If the marginal workers are taken together with the main workers, the percentage of workers to total population in 1981 has marginally increased by nearly 1 %. What is more notable is that more women . are going out to work as the increase in the number of female workers is nearly 3% against a drop of 0.73% in the male workers. It will be more interesting to note the absolute growth in the number of workers as per the following statement:-


Persons Males Females 1. Total Population 22,544,730 11,776,652 10,768,078 2. Main workers 4,968,221 4,603,043 365,178 (i) Cultivators 3,042,490 2,767,977 274,513 (ii) Agricultural Labourers (-)181,122 (-)14,630 (-)166,492 (iii) Household Industry 417,626 342,601 75,025 (iv) Other, Workers 1,689,227 1,507,095 182,132 3. Main workers + Marginal workers 7,933,683 5,720,775 2,212,908 4. Non-workers 14,611,047 6,055,877 8,555,170

The total number of main workers increased by nearly 5 million over the 1971 Census figure. Majority of these i.e. 61.2 % are Cultivators and 34% Other Workers. The most notable feature is that the number of Agricultural Labourers has decreased by 181,122~ However, when seen in the background of percentage decrease in Agricultural Labourers during the decade (from 5,453,829 to 5,272,707) which is only 3.3% (0.3% amongst males and 13.5% amongst females), the most plausible explanation appears to be the difference in the definition of a worker between the two censuses. The 1971 definition with a

72 limited time reference period of preceding week could operate with impunity in case of persons, in parti­ cular females, reporting as Agricultural Labourers. One may, however, venture to forecast that the population of Agricultural Labourers seems to be stabilising. Though, proportional share of workers in Household Industry in the over all growth of all main workers comes to 8.4% over the decade, they have shown a magnificent growth rate of 41.1% (38.4% males, 69.0% females) which augurs well for the type of economy we are trying to build up. 'Other Workers' have also shown a growth rate of 32.6% (30.6% males, 73.4% females). It is note­ worthy that the growth rate"'of female workers in Cultivation, Household Industry, and Other Work is consistently higher than that of males though their participation is still quite low. The total number of non-workers is 75.6 million forming 68.2% of total population. They consist of housewives, students, dependents, retired persons, beggars, invalids etc. They are about 61.3 million in the rural and 14:6 million in the urban areas forming 67.4 and 71.7 per cent of the total rural and urban populations.



RURAL AND URBAN COMPOSITION OF POPULATION 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) State/ District Population 1981 Percentage of Decennial Growth Rate Urban to Total (1971 - 81) Population

Total Rural Urban 1971 1981 Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 UTT AR PRADESH 110,815,814 90,911,651 19,913,223 14.02 18.01 +25.52 +19.70 + 61.11 I. Uttarkashi 190,571 177,308 13,263 4.07 6.96 +28.93 +25.05 +120.32 2. Chamoli 364,287 335,507 28,780 4.17 7.90 +24.51 +19.67 +135.79 3. Tehri-Garhwal 493,245 472,665 20,580 2.65 4.17 +24.12 +22.18 + 95.57 4. Dehra Dun 757,259 384,607 372,652 47.08 49.21 +31.17 +25.88 + 37.12 5. Garhwal 624,259 559,167 65,092 6.30 10.43 +12.88 + 7.91 + 86.79 6. Pithoragarh 479,600 452,547 27,053 2.88 5.64 +15.52 +1·2.23 +126.54 7. Almora 772,994 726,679 46,315 6.03 5.99 +19.17 .+ 19.22 t 18.42 8. Nainital 1,133,111 819,205 313,906 22.13 27.70 +43.42 +33.16 + 79.50 9. Saharanpur 2,673,653 1,949,995 723,658 23.50 27.07 +30.12 +29.02 + 49.89 10. Muzaffarnagar 2.288,410 1,793,366 495,044 13.86 21.63 +26.97 +15.52 + 98.16 II. Bijnor 1,925,637 1,445,271 480,366 18. JO 24.95 +29.22 +18.42 + 78.11 12. Meerut 2,766,496 1,900,858 865,638 22.64 31.29 +25.30 +11.28 + 73.20 13. Ghaziabad 1,866,778 1,234,612 632,166 24.63 33.86 +39.22 +20.62 + 99.30 14. Bulandshahr 2,349,530 1,888,639 460,891 13.92 19.62 +24.22 +17.22 + 65.13 15. Moradabad 3,151,044 2,300,209 850,835 23.77 27.00 +29.73 +24.22 + 49.39 16. Rampur 1,177,022 863,047 313,975 19.53 26.68 +30.60 +19.01 + 78.35 17. Budaun 1,964,094 1,646,351 317,743 9.35 16.18 +19.33 +10.34 +106.50 18. Bareilly 2,264,770 1,613,628 651,142 22.28 28.75 +27.24 +16.64 + 64.22 19. Pilibhlt 1,006,336 842,769 163,567 13.67 16.25 +33.80 +29.80 + 59.10 20. Shahjahanpur 1,648,659 1,329,009 319.650 15.24 19.39 +28.19 +21.92 + 63.07 21. Aligarh 2,565,450 1,974,113 591,337 17.85 23.05 +21.48 +13.79 + 56.84 22. Mathura 1,543,568 1.215,350 328,218 16.49 21.26 +19.63 +12.79 + 54.24 23. Agra 2,852,474 1,742,110 1.110,364 36.61 38.93 +23.56 +19.05 + 31.37 24. Etah 1,837,575 1,548.634 288,941 9.82 15.72 +16.97 + 9.31 + 37.36 25. Mainpuri 1,724,057 1,532,233 !91,824 8.44 11.13 +19.27 +15.77 + 57.20 26. Farrukhabad 2,002,513 1,687,499 315,014 10.91 15.73 +28.62 +21.66 ... 8S,41 27. Etawah 1,748,737 1,490,717 258,020 9.79 14.75 +20.79 +14.14 + 82.10 28. Kanpur 3,790,549 2,007,884 1,782,665 42.80 47.03 +26.51 +17.IS + 39.02 29. Fatehpur 1,572,770 1,430,781 141,989 5.63 9.03 +23.04 +18.60 + 97.46 30. Allahabad 3,780,665 3,010,921 769,744 18.46 20.36 +28.71 +25.71 + 41.99 31. Jalaun 987,432 790,995 196,437 13.75 19.89 +21.38 +12.73 + 75.67 32. Jhansi 1,133,002 705,983 427,019 32.10 37.69 +30.21 +19.49 + 52.88 33. Lalitpur 587,290 509,635 77,655 9.61 13.22 +34.42 +29.04 + 84.98 34. Hamirpur 1,194,114 995,817 198,297 9.91 16.61 +20.84 + 11.86 +102.43 35. Banda 1,S36,349 1,354,358 181,991 8.29 11.85 +29.96 +24.91 + 85.79


RURAL AND URBAN COMPOSITION OF POPULATION-(Concld.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) State / District Population 1981 Percentage of Decennial Growth Rate Urban to Total (1971 - 81) Population

Total Rural'" Urban 1971 1981 Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

36. Khen 1,962,826 1,772,800 190,026 6.21 9.68 +32.04 +27.15 +105.78 37. Sitapur 2,338,101 2,097,865 240,236 7.54 10.27 +24.08 +20.41 + 69.09 38. Hardoi 2,293,994 2,027,441 266,553 7.90 11.62 +24.03 +19.03 + 82.36 39. Unnao 1,826,463 1,610,396 216,067 2.57 11.83 +23.04 +11.35 +465.69 40. Lucknow 2,017,172 958,539 1,058,633 50.90 52.48 +24.68 +20.67 + 28.56 4 t. Rae Bareli 1,888,181 1,748,348 139,833 3.40 7.41 +24.98 +19.80 +172.03 42. Bahraich 2,221,154 2,061,651 159,503 5.93 7.18 +28.62 +26.91 + 55.64 43. Gonda 2,838,305 2,631,658 206,647 5.65 7.28 +23.30 +21.17 + 58.82 44. Bara Banki 2,012,576 1,836,497 176,079 5.76 8.75 +23.05 +19.15 + 86.89 45. Faizabad 2,369,626 2,109,827 259,799 9.56 10.96 +22.95 +21.04 + 41.06 46. Sultanpur 2,037,783 1,970,404 67,379 1.97 3.31 +'24.03 +22.34 +108.41 47. Pratapgarh 1,807,252 1,715,620 91,632 1.96 5.07 +27.03 +23.00 +228.32 48. Basti 3,576,783 3,404,916 171,867 2.52 4.81 +19.86 +17.06 +128.25 49. Gorakhpur 3,795,735 3,394,899 400,836 7.90 10.56 +24.93 +21.33 + 66.91 50. Deona 3,487,350 3.. 255,923 231,427 2.96 6.64 +24.00 +19.30 +178.46 51. Azamgarh 3,532,876 3,215,334 317,542 5.21 8.98 +23.64 +18.71 +113.31 52. Jaunpur 2,527,012 2,358,292 168,720 6.21 6.68 +26.01 +25.38 + 35.45 53. Ballia 1,926,267 1,750,187 176,080 4.58 9.14 +21.23 +15.43 + 142.00 54. Ghazipur 1,941,516 1,787,278 154,238 4.50 7.94 +26.76 +22.19 +123.53 55. Varanasi 3,696,768 2,705,970 990,798 25.13 26.80 +29.60 +26.70 + 38.23 56. Mirzapur 2,033,834 1,766,337 267,497 12.03 13.15 + 31.97 +30.29 + 44.29


POPULA TlON OF TOWNS 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratiu each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males --- per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

ALL CLASSES 26 UAs/633 19,973,223 10,818,537 9,154,686 100.00 100.00 +36.68 +61.22 846 Towns A. TOTAL CLASS I (100,000 and above) 17 UAs/13 10,283,135 5,595,236 4,687,899 57.06 5l.48 +37.00 +45.47 838 Towns I. Kanpur U.A. Kanpur 1,688,242 932,922 755,320 +31.32 +32.39 810 (a) Kanpur M.e., Rawatpur Station Yard O.G. & C.R. ColonyO.G. Kanpur 1,536,075 846,824 689,251 +31.06 +32.61 814 (i) Kanpur M.e. Kanpur 1.531,345 844,1 15 687,230 +31.01 +32.65 814 (ii) Rawatpur Station Yard O.G. Kanpur 3,491 2,015 1,476 +62.18 + 15.48 733 (iii) Central Rly. ColonyO.G. Kanpur 1,239 694 545 +17.57 +36.15 785 (b) Kanpur ('antt. Kanpur 90,032 50,233 39,799 +22.21 +29.63 792 (c) Armapur Estate C.T. Kanpur 23,809 13,268 10,541 +17.42 d2.67 794 (d) Northern Rly. Colonye.T. Kanpur 21,332 12,411 8,921 +54.19 +22.53 719 (e) Chakeri C.T. Kanpur 9,530 5,411 4,119 +68.53 +47.18 761 (f) *I.I.T. Kanpur e.T. Kanpur 7,464 4,775 2,689 + 32.39 5('.~ 2. Lucknow U.A. Lucknow 1,006.538 549.545 456,993 +24.14 +23.('(, X32 (a) Lucknow M.e., Ramsagar Misra Nagar & HAL. Colony O.G:, Ahganj Extension Scheme O.G. & Hindnagar Colony & P.A.C Area O.G. buck now 917.291 496.522 4~0.769 ~-I~ (i) Luck now M.e. Lucknow 895.947 484.413 411.5.~4 +~5X1 .,.1 S 5~ ~)() (II) Ram,agar MI,ra ;\agar & II.A.L. Colony ().(i. Lucknow 17,318 9.664 7,('54 7l)~ 1 .- ,_ J(:: . L. I. ~~T. j".,;K nl\o--::, K~1.v'1 l'A.I\Jv ;,~- t::aA't ,.M.A. t[ ~_. 78 Sl'PPlEMENT TARLE 2

POPULATION OF TOWNS--(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class 1.981 to Urban (Fe- Population m~les ---- pt:l Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO (iii) Aliganj Extension Scheme O.G. Lucknow 3,343 2,048 1,295 632 (iv) Hindnagar Colony & P.A.e. Area O.G. Lucknow 683 397 286 720 (b) Lucknow Cantt. Lucknow 58,384 35.392 22,992 - 2.02 +48.42 650 (c) Charbagh Alambagh N.A. Lucknow 30,863 17.631 13,232 +26.50 +21.48 751

3. Varanasi U.A. Varanasi 793,542 430,289 363,253 +~3.85 +30.79 844 (a) Varanasi M.C., Varanasi Rly. Colony O.G., Tulsipur O.G., Sheodaspur O.G., Karaundi O.G. & Ashapur O.G. Varanasi 716,779 385,731 331,048 858 (i) Varanasi M.C. Varanasi 704,772 379,224 325,548 +23.89 +20.71 858 (ii) Varanasi Rly. ColonyO.G. Varanasi 3,659 2,038 1,621 -33.49 +23.00 795 (iii) Tulsipur O.G. Varanasi 859 471 388 824 (iv) Sheodaspur O.G. Varanasi 4,105 2,195 1,910 870 (v) Karaundi O.G. Varanasi 1,126 623 503 807 (vi) Ashapur O.G. Varanasi 2,258 1,180 1,078 914 (b) Varanasi Cantt. Varanasi 13,565 8,073 5,492 +81.99 +55.90 680 (c) Kashi Vishwa- vidyalaya N.A. Varanasi 11,820 8,415 3,405 +40.90 +25.58 405 (d) Maruadih Rly. Settlement N. A. & Maruadih O.G. Varanasi 20,756 11,251 9,505 845 f 1):# Maruadih Rly. Settlement N.A. Varanasi 17,811 9,627 8,184 +58.84 850 (ii) Maruadih O.G. Varanasi 2,945 1,624 1.321 813 (e) Ramnagar M.B. Varanasi 24,587 13,634 10,953 + 7.17 +42.61 803 (I) Phulwaria T.A. Varanasi 6,035 3.185 2,850 895 4. Agra U.A. Agra 770,352 415,497 354,855 +24.76 +21.39 854 (a) Agra M.e. Agra 723,676 391,300 332,376 +28.12 +22.26 849 (b) Agra Cantt. Agra 41,283 21,340 19,943 -10.32 +11.35 935 (c) Dayalbagh T.A. Agra 3,960 2,125 1,835 + 4.65 - 7.93 864 (d) Swamibagh T.A. Agra 1,433 732 701 + 9.92 + 7.74 958


POPULATION OF TOwNS·-(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males --- per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5. Allahabad V.A. Allahabad 642,420 354,181 288,239 +19.11 +25.22 814 (a) Allahabad M.e. & Subedarganj Rly. ColonyO.G. Allahabad 613,034 336,307 276,727 +19.18 +24.49 823 (i) Allahabad M.C. Allahabad 609,232 334,220 275,012 +19.10 +24.18 823 (i,i) Subedarganj Rly. ColonyO.G. Allahabad 3,802 2,087 1,715 +46.31 +108.56 822 (b) Allahabad Cantt. Allahabad 29,386 17,874 11,512 +17.47 +42.71 644 6. Meerut U.A. Meerut 538,461 292,400 246,061 +29.49 +46.42 842 (a) Meerut M.B.s Meerut 417,288 223,007 194,281 +35.18 +47.80 871 (b) Meerut Cantt. Meerut 94,166 54,958 39,208 +13.38 +10.25 713 (c) Kankar Khera I.A. Meerut 22,714 12,179 10,535 +41.41 +47.95 865 (d) Baksar Khera I.A. Meerut 4,293 2,256 2,037 903 7. Bareilly U.A. Bareilly 437,801 237,572 200,229 +19.53 t 3t;-;lS' 843 (a) Bareilly M.B., Northern Rly. Colony O.G., Kudesia Colony O.G., I. V.R.I. Colony O.G. & Newada Jogiyana O.G. Bareilly 38~,437 205,488 177,949 866 (i) Bareilly M.B. Bareilly 375,124 201,034 174,090 +16.45 +26.62 866 (ii) N. Rly. Colony O.G. Bareilly 3,616 1,960 1,656 +36.82 + 3.08 845 (iii) Kudesia Colony O.G. Bareilly 468 256 212 828 (iv) LV. R.I. Colon~ O.G. Bareilly 1,780 943 837 888 (v) Newada Jogiyana O.G. Bareilly 2,449 1,295 1,154 891 (b) Bareilly Cantt. Bareilly 25,940 15,972 9,968 +38.36 +41.98 624 (c) Izatnagar Rly. Settlement N.A., Central Jail and Kishore Sadan O.G. and I.W.P. Colony O.G. Bareilly 13,753 8,072 5,681 704 (i) lzatnagar Rly. Settle- mentN.A. Bereilly 11,268 6,166 5,102 +204.91 +39.46 827 (ii) Central Jail & Kishore Sadan O.G. Bereilly 2,081 1,672 409 245 (iii) I.W.P. Colony O.G. Bereilly 404 234 170 727

80 SUPPLEMENT TABLE 2 POPULATION OF TOWNS-(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71---- 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (d) CI utterbuckganj T.A. Bareilly 14,671 8,040 6,631 825 )\. Moradabad U.A. Moradabad 347,983 187,261 160,722 +42.13 +27.63 858 (a) Moradabad M.B. Moradabad 332,663 178,917 153,746 +43.58 +28.64 859 (b) Moradabad Rly. Settle- mentN.A. Moradabad 15,320 8,344 6,976 +19.90 + 8.95 836 9. Aligarh M.B. Aligarh 319,981 171,366 148,615 +36.37 +26.82 867 10. Gorakhpur U.A. Gorakhpur 306,399 167,371 139,028 +28.10 .,3;;'61 831 (a) Gorakhpur M.B., Basharatpur O.G., Jatepur Uttari O.G. & Humayunpur Uttari O.G. Gorakhpur 306,399 167,371 139,028 831 (i) Gorakhpur M.B. Gorakhpur 289,291 158,118 131,173 +28.10 +25.28 830 (ii) Basharatpur O.G. Gorakhpur 9,266 4,895 4,371 893 (iii) Jatepur Uttari O.G. Gorakhpur 5,765 3,237 2,528 781 (iv) Humayunpur .1!!!!ti. O. G, Gorakhpur 2,077 1,131 956 845 II. Saharanpur M.B. Saharanpur 294,391 158,303 136,088 +21.70 +30.61 860 12. Dehra Dun U.A. Dehra Dun 293,628 163,241 130,387 +30.14 +44.31 799 (a) Dehra Dun M.B. & F.R.I. and College Area O.G. and Adhoiwala O.G. Dehra Dun 221,063 119,727 101,336 846 (i) Dehra Dun M.B. Dehra Dun 211,838 114,347 97,491 +30.85 +27.56 853 (ii) F.R.I. & College AreaO.G. DehraDun 4,548 2,616 1.932 +31.90 +21.15 739 (iii) Adhoiwala O.G. Dehra Dun 4,617 2,764 1,913 692 (b) Dehra Dun Cantt. DehraDun 53,036 33,224 19,812 +26.56 +57.67 596 (c) Clement Town Cantt. DehraDun 6,449 3,365 3,084 +52.68 -45.80 917 (d) Raipur C.T. Dehra Dun 13,080 6,925 6,155 -37.57 +151.10 889 13. Ghaziabad U.A. Ghaziabad 291,955 162,925 129,030 +81.29 +128.63 792 (a) Ghaziabad M.B. & Razapur (~amla Nehru & Shastrinagar).o.G. Ghaziabad 280,684 156,504 124,180 794 (i) Ghaziabad M.B.# Ghazia~ad 276,499 154,067 122,432 +88.06 +132.67 795 (ii) Razapur (Kamla


POPULA nON OF TOWNS·--(Contd.) 19R1 Census (Provisional Figure~) Site Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio, each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71---- 1971-81 1,000 Males 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nehru & Shastri- nagar)O.G. Ghaziabad 4.185 2.437 1,748 717 (b) Ghaliabad Rly. Colony C.T. Ghaziabad 11,271 6,421 4,850 +22.30 +27.15 755 14. Jhansi U.A. Jhansi 281,332 149,063 132,269 +16.75 +41.99 887 (a) Jhansi M.B. Jhansi 245,989 130,459 115,530 +23.59 +41.95 886 (e) Jhansi Canlt. Jhansi 14.351 7,302 7,049 -29.46 - 3.70 965 (e) Jhansi Rly. Settle- ment N.A. Jhansi 13,480 7,279 6,201 +18.77 +35.61 852 (d) *Hansarigird C.T. Jhansi 7,512 4,023 3,489 +70.11 867 15. Shahjahanpur U.A. Shahjahanpur 205,325 110,182 95,143 +22.40 +42.52 864 (a) Shahjahanpur M.B. & Lodhipur O.G. Shahjahanpur 188,162 100,198 87,964 878 (i) Shahjahanpur M.B. Shahjahanpur 185,624 98,709 86,915 +22.79 +36.89 881 (ii) Lodhipur O.G. Sbahjahanpur 2,538 1,489 1,049 705 (b) Shahjahanpur Cantt. Shahjahanpur 11,163 9,9&4 7,179 +16.38 +102.85 719 16. Rampur M.B. Rampur 203,491 107,500 95,991 +19.21 +26.07 893 17. M.B. Agra 202,837 109,801 93,036 + 35.75 +51.53 847 18. Muzaffarnagar M.B. Muzaffar- nagar 172,435 92,061 80,374 +31.00 +50.23 873 19. Mathura U.A. Mathura 160,995 87,225 73,770 +11.89 +14.87 846 (a) Mathura M.B. Mathura 148,984 79,658 69,326 +12.88 +12.84 870 (b) Mathura Cantt. Mathura 12.011 7,567 4,444 - 2.13 +47.88 587 20. Farrukhabad-CU1In- Fatehgarh U.A. Farrukhabad 160,927 88,360 72,567 +17.17 +45.20 821 (a) Farrukhabad-cum- Fatehgarh M.B. Farrukhabad 145,921 77,717 68,204 +17.06 +41.99 878 (b) Fatehgarh Cantt. Farrukhabad 15,006 10,643 9 63 +18.67 +86.02 410, 21. HardwarU.A. Saharanpur 146,186 80,463 65,723 +32.22 +84.40 81', (a) Hardwar M.B., Gurukul Kangri O.G. &: Jwalapur Mahavidyalaya O.G. Saharanpur 115,747 64,015 51,732 +32.22 +46.00 808 (i) Hardwar M.B. Saharanpur 114,415 63,091 51.324 +33.07 +46.94 81~ (ii) Gurukul Kangri O.G. Saharanpur 1,034 661 373 + 5.77 -11.93

82 SUPPLEMENT TABLE 2 POPULATION OF TOWNS -(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Si'.e Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71---- 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(III) Jwalapur Maha- vidyalaya 0.0. Saharanpur 298 263 35 -29.08 +24.69 m (h) * Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Ranipur N.A. Saharanpur 30,439 16,448 13.991 +151.69 li51 22. hlll.abad U.A.@ Faizabad 141,714 79,676 62,038 +2436 +29.06 779 (a) Faizabad M.B. Faizabad 101,612 54,506 47.106 liM (h I Faizabad Cantt. Faizabad 9,357 6,726 2.631 +52.24 +24.23 391 (e) Ayodhya M.B. Faizabad 30.745 18,444 12.301 6(17 n Mirzapur-cum-Vindhya- dial M.B. Mirzapur 128.179 69,293 58.8H6 + 5.84 +20.99 850 24. i\mroha M.B. Moradabad 112,510 59.407 53.103 +19.92 +36.04 894 25. Etawah M.B. Etawah 112,426 60.025 52.401 +23.27 +30.89 873 26. M.B. Moradabad 108,379 57,71i5 50.594 +25.21 +25.55 876 27. Jaunpur M.B. Jaunpur 104.994 56,OOli 48.986 +30.53 +30.04 875 211. Bulandshahr M.B. Bulandshahr.. 103,666 55.452 48,214 +34.74 +74.21 870 29 HapurM.B. Ohaziabad 103.466 55,405 48,061 +28.99 +45.18 867 30 Bahraich M.B. Bahraich 102,580 54,657 47,923 +31.94 +38.75 877

S Malyana C.T. of 1971 Census has since merged in Meerut M.B.

N Kaila C.T. of 1971 Census has since merged In GhazUlbad M.B. @l Faizabad-c"",.Ayodhya M.B. of 1971 ha ..ince spht up Into 110'0 10Wns of Faizahad M.B. and Ayodhya M.B.

83 SUPPLEMENT TABLE 2 POPULA TION OF TOWNS-(Contd.) 1981 Censu.; (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population maJes per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71--- 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B. TOTAL CLASS II .. UAs/33 2,539,353 1,377,201 1,162,152 10.83 12.71 +20.37 +89.30 ..... (50,000-99,999) Towns

I. Sitapur M.B. Sitapur 98,270 54,026 44,244 +23.81 +47.30 819 2. M.B. Aligarh 93,047 SO,505 42,542 +16.09 +25.15 842 3. Budaun M.B. Budaun 92,552 49,643 42,909 +22.86 +28.18 864 4. Rae Bareli M. B. Rae Barcli 90,442 49,774 40,668 +29.48 +133.31 817 5. Pilibhit M.B. Pilibhit 88,541 47,558 40,983 +18.68 +29.69 !J62 6. Modinagar U.A. Ghaziabad 86,614 47,499 39,115 824 (a) Modinagar M.B. Ghaziabad 77,201 42,399 34,802 +79.14 +77.60 821 (b) Begumabad Budhana C.T.Ghaziabad 9,413 5,100 4,313 846 7. Maunath Bhanjan M.B. Azamgarh 86,298 45.337 40,961 +31.31 +34.72 904 8. Fatehpur M.B. Fatehpur 85,067 45,508 39,559 +93.01 +55.62 869 9. Hardoi M.B. Hardoi 82,617 43,907 38,710 +27.00 +77.14 882 10. Roorkee U.A. Saharanpur 7C),145 47,527 31,618 +36.36 +26.72 665 (a) Roorkee M.B. Saharanpur 61,914 33,717 28,197 +41.34 +30.18 836 (b) Roorkee Cantt. Saharanpur 17,231 13,810 3,421 +22.59 +15.68 248 II. Haldwani-cum- Kathgodam M.B. Nainital 77,581 42.557 35,024 +37.27 +48.61 823 12. Unnao M.B. Unnao 75.900 40.891 35.009 +28.26 +98.72 856 13. Banda M.B. Banda 73,268 40.490 32.778 +33.99 +44.87 810 14. Gonda M.B. Gonda 70.716 38.564 32.152 +21.07 +34.28 834 15. Basti M.B. Basti 69.357 37.976 31.381 +29.25 +39.73 826 16. Mughalsarai U.A. Varanasi 69.093 37.950 31.143 +35.69 +141.48 821 (a) Mughalsarai M.B. Varanasi 47.988 25.773 22.215 +28.14 +253.29 862 (b) Mughalsarai Rly. Settlement N.A. Varanasi 21,105 12.177 8.928 +43.32 +40.43 733 17. Khurja M.B. Bulandshahr 67.244 35.817 31.427 +21.10 +33.83 877 18. Azamgarh M.B. A1.amgarh 66,476 25.984 30.492 +26.46 +62.28 847 !9, Cbandausi M.B. ~oradabad 66,462 35.620 30.842 + 9.96 +24.48 866 20. Orai M.B. Jalaun 66,363 36,527 29.836 +43.69 +56.10 817 21. Bara Banki U.A. Bara Banki 61.553 33.462 28,091 +26.36 +41.88 840

84 SUPPLEMENT TABLE 2 POPULA nON OF TOWNS-(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males ---- per Persons Males Females 1911 1981 1961-11 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 (a) Nawabganj M.B. and Military Petrol Depot 0.0. Bara Banki 52,213 28,207 24.()()6 +29.60 +46.63 X51 (i) Nawabganj M.B. Bara Banki 51,931 28,040 23.M91 +.~O.71 +46.72 852 (ii) Military Petrol DepotO.G. Bara Banki 282 167 115 -46.21 +32.29 689 (b) Banki T.A. Bara Banki 9,340 5,255 4,085 + l.lAO +20.10 777 22. M.B. Etah 61,368 32.806 28.562 +23.72 +32.07 H71 23. Ballia M.B. BaHia 61,359 33.178 28.181 +23.25 +30.27 X49 24.' Lakhimpur M.B. Kheri 60,110 31,842 28,268 +35.52 +37.16 HIl8 25. Ghazipur M.B. Ohazipur 60,707 32,416 28,291 +22.85 +33.03 873 26. Mainpuri M.B. Mainpuri 59,816 32.154 27,662 +30.46 +36.41 860 27. Bijnor M.B. Bijnor 56,623 30,241 26.382 +28.00 +30.80 872 28. Lalitpur M.B. Lalitpur 56,417 30,220 26,197 +36.65 +63.71 867 29. Deoria M.B. Deoria 55,721 30,413 25,308 +34.34 +46.02 832 30. Etah M.B. Etah 55.348 29.984 25,364 +35.58 +65.15 846 31. Najibabad M.B. Bijnor 55.145 29,130 26.015 +24.12 +29.49 893 32. Tanda M.B. Faizabad 54,498 28.761 25.737 +27.30 +30.97 H95 :33: Kashipur M.B. Nainital 52.025 28,138 23.887 +37.92 +55.50 849 34. Shamli M.B. Muzaffar- nagar 51,796 28,179 23.617 +40.01 +40.14 838 35. M.B. Saharanpur 51,261 28.207 23.054 +27.40 +34.21 817 36. Nagina M.B. Bijnor 50,365 26.800 23.565 +21.82 +35.88 879 37. Bela Pratapgarh M.B. Pratapgarh 50.188 27,610 22.578 +30.43 +79.83 818

85 SI'PPLEME"T TABLE 2 POPllLA TlON OF TOWNS--(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figllre~) Si7c Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio cach size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males ------per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males "I '- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

C. TOTAL CtASS IJI 4 l:As/81 2,465,515 1,324,815 1,140,700 16.70 12.34 +31.07 +19.16 861 (20,000 to 49,999) Towns

I. Sultanpur M.B. Sultanpur 48,788 26,629 22,159 +23.96 +50.91 832 2. Shikohabad M.B. Mainpuri 47.059 25,620 21,439 +34.04 +49.67 837 3. Baraut M.B. Meerut 46,304 24,995 21,309 +37.01 +48.11 853 4. Balrampur M.B. Gonda 46,016 24,574 21,442 +13.89 +27.15 873 5. Kairana M.B. Muzaffar- nagar 44,516 23,694 20,822 +22.30 +37.59 879 6. Sikandrabad M.B. Bulandshahr 43,066 22,710 20,355 +21.84 +34.45 896 7. Shahabad M.B. Hardoi 42,672 22,722 19,950 +17.64 +27.73 878 R. Chandpur M.B. Bijnor 41,557 22,011 19,546 +27.99 +47.49 888 9. Kamlauj M.B. Farrukhabad 41,003 21,766 19,237 +14.37 +45.47 884 10. Mahoba M.B. Hamirpur 38,849 20,653 18,196 +19.41 +30.77 881 II. Pil~huwa M.B. Ghaziabad 37,735 20,108 17,627 +49.40 +57.61 877 12. Mawana M.B. Meerut 37,603 19,974 17,629 +20.22 +51.27 883 I:; \'ri'ldahan M.B. Mathura 36.882 20,160 16,722 +17.19 +25.19 830 14. AUfal)a M.B. Etawah 35,756 19,144 16,612 +46.12 +40.13 868 '5 Konch M.B. Jalaun 35,147 18.858 16,289 +19.80 +23.74 864 Iii Rut.rarur ~t. B ~ainital 34,630 18,633 15,997 +160.54 +37.57 859 17. Sah,l\wan M.B. Budaun 34,408 18,147 16,261 +17.06 +26.19 896 IX Mauranipur M.B. Jhansi 33,754 17,865 15,889 +26.83 +31.59 889 11.).l'liharM.R. Shahjahan- pur 33.573 17,821 15,752 +12.12 +25.10 884 2lJ ~hcrkot M B. BIJnor 52,'l17 17,383 15.534 894 .~ I G,lI1goh \1 B. Saharanpur r~,142 17,809 14,933 +28.67 +34.74 839 22. Kalh M.B H.tmlrrlll l~.1~O 17.361 14,919 +32.39 +39.98 K59 2.l BhadOl M.B. \ <1rana~i l2.218 17,213 15,005 +14.52 +38.57 X72 2~ Kiratpur M.B. lil,lnor J2,06R 16,MQ 15,386 ~I'/OJ +2752 922 ~5. M.B. \1 ,!la rrar- nilfdr J 1.420 16,733 14.687 +3686 +28.27 878 26. Gola GllkaJaIl :'\,tth \1. B. Khen ~n. 156 16.596 13,760 +42.32 ·40.04 1<29 :'7. SCllhara M R. Blintlr JO.11.)4 16.059 14.135 +J:DI 8KO ::X. Sardhana M B !\kl'rlll .Ill.12S 1.5. ~i5 14.353 +33.33 "36.4.1 910

0' ulJ Sl !'I'L1 \11 'I T \BI r 2

POPULA TlON OF TOWNS-(Contd.) 19X I Ct:ll'U, (Pro,i~\\)nal Figl\n:~)

"Ill' Clas~ District Population 191.11 Proportion of Growth Ratt: Sc;.; Population in RallO each ~l/e class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males ---- per Persons Males Fcmalc~ 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males) -~--. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2.9. HaslInpur M.B. Moradabad 29,827 15,758 14,069 +24.43 +35.19 893 '.\0. Sandila M.B. Hardoi 29,742 t 5,733 14,009 +21.50 +32.98 890 )1. Baheri M.B. Bareilly 29,677 16,004 13,673 +36.92 +40.69 854 32. M.B. Azamgarh 29,530 15,570 13,960 +31.74 +38.95 897 33. M.B. Budaun 29,472 15,650 13,822 +26.21 +33.12 883 34. Jahangirabad M.B. Bulandshahr 29,298 15,540 13,758 +25.83 +35.78 885 35. Kalpi M.B. Jalaun 29,115 15,735 13,380 +23.47 +36.47 R50 36. Rishikesh M.B. DehraDun 29,100 Hi. 509 12,591 +61.52 +64.91 763 37. Dhampur M.B. Bijnor 29,062 15,442 13,620 +25.88 +28.37 882 38.' Bisalpur M.B. Pilibhit 28,414 15,208 13,206 +28.08 +42.85 .868 39. Jalaun M.B. Jalaun 27,659 14,763 12,896 +38.81 +41.30 1(74 40. Nehtaur M.B. Bijnor 27,613 14,562 13,051 +33.02 +36.12 896 4 J. Tundla UA Agra 27,470 14,934 12,536 +25.67 +46.09 839 (a) Tundla T.A. Agra 15,985 8,541 7,444 +27.59 +(15.48 872 (b) Tundla Rly. Colony C.T. Agra 11,485 6,393 5,092 +23.70 +25.60 797 42. Chitrakut Dham M.B. Banda 27,454 14,883 12.571 +16.91 +54.29 845 43. Nanpara N.A. Bahraich 27,453 14,687 12,766 +28.51 +46.56 869 44. Alrauli M.B. Aligarh 27,325 14,517 12,808 +16.97 +30.24 1.182 45. Biswan M.B. Sitapur 27,227 14,514 12,713 +27.84 +40.81 876 46. Laharpur M.D. Sitapur 27,137 14,272 12.865 +19.88 +34.31 ~Ol 47. Padrauna M.B. Deoria 27,133 14,599 12,534 +39.87 +39.50 859 48. Alarra M.D. Banda 27,021 14,908 12.1 !3 +56.82 813 49. Nainital UA Nainital 27,002 15,826 11,176 +56.51 + 7.29 706 (a) Nainital M.D. Nainital 25,744 15,052 10,692 +59.96 + 7.33 710 (b) Nainital Canll. Nainital 1,258 774 484 + 8.85 + 6.52 625 50. Aonla M.D. Bareilly 26,426 14,001 12.425 +23.98 +21.02 887 51. Muradnagar M.D. Ghaziabad 26,048 14,103 11,945 +69.35 +86.26 847 52. Ramnagar M.D. Nainital 25,994 14,209 11,785 +34.43 +48.58 829 )3. Ganga Ghat TA Unnao 25,937 14,435 11,502 797 54. Manglaur M.B. Saharanpur 25,726 13,790 11~936 +29.71 +30.44 866 55. Faridpur M.B. Bareilly 25.696 13,798 11,898 +35.22 +43.11 862 56. Kandhla M.D. Muzaffar- nagar 25,510 13,S03 12,007 +25.46 +27.16 8R9 57. Khekra T.A. Meerut 24,821 13,581 11,240 -- il:!~


POI'ULA TlO:'" OF TOW:"'S-(Contd.) 19X I (ens us (PrO\'j,jonal I-igu n:s} Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size clas~ 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males ---- per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 58. Bindki M.B. Fatebpur 24,813 13,138 11,675 +19.46 +43.90 889 59. Bbarthana M.B. Etawah 24,461 13,010 11,451 +23.00 +78.97 880 60. Gulaothi T.A. Bulandshahr 24,414 12,947 11,467 +39.49 +40.50 886 61. K.osi Kalan M.B. Mathura 24,109 12,926 11,183 +25.81 +26.19 865 62. Bilari U.A. Moradabad 23,277 12,371 10,906 +36.83 882 (a) Bilari M.B. Moradabad 15,880 8,438 7,442 +36.23 +36.66 882 (b) • Rustamnagar Sahaspur C. T. Moradabad 7,397 3,933 3,464 +37.21 881 63. M.B. Farrukhabad 23,264 12,398 10,866 +45.73 +47.93 876 64. Mohammadi M.B. Kberi 22,886 12,555 10,331 +25.58 +53.51 823 65. Khairabad M.B. Sitapur 22,772 12,057 10,715 +18.03 +31.36 889 66. Puranpur M.B. Pilibhit 22,633 12,067 10,566 +29.84 +54.53 876 67. Ganj Dundwara M.B. Etah 22,505 12,015 10,490 +22.26 +30.27 873 68. Jalesar M.B. Etah 22,477 11,894 10,583 +20.77 +24.27 890 69. Debai M.B. Bulandshahr 22,436 11,817 10,619 +21.70 31.65 899 70. Siana T.A. Bulandshahr 22,413 11,851 10,562 +29.48 +35.98 891 71. ·Obra N.A. Mirzapur 22,167 12,994 9,173 +92.67 706 72. ·Renukoot N.A. Mirzapur 22,052 13,837 8,215 +108.71 594 73. N.A. Bara Banki 21,963 11,520 10,443 +22.22 +16.00 907 74. Maudaha M.B. Hamirpur 2i.802 11.791 10,011 +49.03 84~\ 75. Hamirpur M.B. Hamirpur 21,667 12.369 9,298 +35.36 +46.57 752 76. Sikandra Rao M.B. Aligarh 21,660 11,551 10,109 +24.13 +25.54 875 77. Shikarpur T.A. Bulandshahr 21.504 11.390 10.114 +23.78 +29.82 888 78. Almora U.A. Almora 21.422 11.978 9,444 +25.77 + 2.59 788 (a) Almora M.B. Almora 20,466 11,213 9,253 +22.91 + 4.04 825 (b) Almora Cantt. Almora 956 765 191 +102.34 -20.99 250 79. Chunar M.B. Mirzapur 2I.J 18 11.717 9.601 +15.00 +108.18 819 80. Gaura Barhaj M.B. Deoria 2).269 10,864 10,405 +17.55 +18.54 958 81. Jaspur M.B. Nainital 21.239 11,369 9,870 +36.29 +61.07 868 82. M.B. ·Farrukhabad 20.560 10.843 9,717 +16.10 +35.67 896 83. Mallawan T.A. Hardoi 20.446 11,063 9.383 848 84. Tanda T.A. RamP!lr 20.424 10,910 9,514 +38.33 +39.62 872 85. Bilaspur T.A. Rampur 20,033 10.844 9,189 847

88 SUPPlEMDIT T"Oll: 2

POPULATION OF TOWNS-(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Si7c elass District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe... Population males ---- per Persons Males IFemales· 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D. TOTAL CLASS IV I VA/193 2,666,560 1,429,384 1,237,176 18.44 13.36 +23.85 +106.27 866 (10.000-19,999) Towns

I. Palia Kalan M.B. Kheri 19,754 10,956 8,798 803 2. Dadri M.B. Ghaziabad 19,651 10,581 9,070 +50.25 +50.46 857 3. Ghosi T.A. Azamgarh 19,633 10,281 9,352 910 4. -Akbarpur M.B. Faizabad 19,461 10,301 9,160 +30.88 +55.49 889 5. So ron M.B. Etah 19,441 10,457 8,984 +12.37 +13.34 I &59 6. Kotdwara M.B. Garhwal 19,418 11,012 8,406 +40.61 +69.49 1631 i. *Khalilabad N.A. Basti 19,401 10,655 8,746 +43.30 -82l 8. M.B. Budaun 19,385 10,515 8,870 +25.60 +34.06 844 9. Jalalpur T.A. Faizabad 19,326 9,981 9,345 +28.30 +34.00 936 10. Rasra N.A. BaJlia 19,202 ~,936 9,266 +16.77 +36.75 933 1I. Kopaganj T.A. Azamgarh 19,040 9.775 9,265 +27.90 +33.42 948 12. Mehdawal T.A. Basti 18,836 10,011 8,825 882 13. Thana Bhawan T.A. Muzaffar- nagar 18,581 9,900 8,681 8n 14. Charkhari M.B. Hamirpur 18,331 9,812 8,519 +18.31 +16.20 868 15. Shahabad T.A. Rampur 18,301 9,84&) 8,467 860 16. Gursahaiganj T.A. Farrukhabad 18,245 9(874 8,371 848 17. Mu;oorie U.A. Dehra Dun 18,241 IllJ)46 7,195 -10.54 651 (a) ~uloorie M.B. Dehra Dun 16,331 '1,'16 6,415 +83.15 - 9.46 647 (b) Lan~our Cantt. Dehra Dun 1,910 1,130 780 +69.26 -18.76 690 Ill. Ranikhet Cantt. Almora 18,190 12,253 5,937 -+-30.77 +30.70 485 19. 1vIuhammadabad N.A. Ghazipur 18,024 9,41811 8,606 +35.32 914 ~O. Garh Mukteshwar N.A. Ghaziabad 17,911 9,902.: 8,009 +63.77 8()9. 2L Fatehpur Sikri M. B. Agra 17,908 9,496 8,418 ... 28.19 +32.06 881' ~2. Zaidpur T.A. Bara Banki 17,844 9,391 8,453 +29.77 +31.65 9()G; ~1 Bachhraon M.B. Moradabad 17,728 ~,426 8,302 -·.881.... ~4. Pithoragarh M.B. Pithoragarh 17,695 10,326 7,369 +48.17·~.ilII4 ~5. Budhana T.". Muzaffar· nagar 17,674 /390 8,284 882 26. Rudrapur T.A. Deoria 17,587 ,143 8,444 924 J " LarT.A. Deoria 17,536 ls,861 8.675 979

89 Sl'PI'(_[\I", T"OLE 2 POPULATION OF TOWNS-(Contd.) 19XI Cl'!"!!' (Provisional hgllrL'~!_ Size Class District Population 198 I Proportion of Growth Rail' ~( \ Population in Rati,' each size class 19)': to Urban (h:- Population mak, ---- pl.'r Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 I ,GOO Malt',. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO 2X. lltraula N.A. Gonda 17,354 9,189 8,165 +25.55 +37.33 889 29. Baghpat N.A. Meerut 17,158 9,169 7,989 +38.27 +47.08 871 30. Miranpur T.A. Muzaffar- nagar 17,042 9,101 7,941 +29.66 +31.48 873 31. Fatehpur T.A. Bara Banki 17,031 9,117 7,914 +26.26 +35.16 868 32. Gahmar T.A. Ghazipur 16,679 8,349 8,330 998 33. Thakurdwara M.B. Moradabad 16,594 8,863 7,731 +32.32 +49.0() 872 34. Nautanwa M.B. Gorakhpur 16,510 8,721 7,789 893 35. T.A. Saharanpur 16,430 8,832 7,598 +31.56 +26.41 860 36. Zamania T.A. Ghazipur 16,424 8,517 7,907 928 37. Pihani M.B. Hardoi 16,393 8,744 7,649 +26.08 +21.33 875 38. Jalalabad M.B. Shahjahan- pur 16,286 8,692 1,594 +29.46 +46.71 874 39. Bilgram M.B. Hardoi 16,240 8,717 7,523 +19.84 +23.91 863 40. Ghatampur M.B. Kanpur 16,238 8,752 7,486 855 41. Kheri T.A. Kheri 16,197 8,497 7,700 +17,59 +34.91 906 42. Robertsganj M.B. Mirzapur 16,129 8,886 7,243 + 7.73 +127.39 815 43. Bahjoi M. B. Moradabad 16,081 8,494 7,587 +40.22 +41.88 893 44. Mahmudabad T.A. Sitapur 15,850 8,371 7,479 +14.31 +36.03 893 45. Kanth T.A. Moradabad 15,591 8.359 7,232 +18.58 +27.46 865 46. ·Bansi I.A. Basti 15,578 8,337 1,241 +28.48 869 47. T.A. Bulandshahr 15,521 8,171 7,350 900 48. Khair T.A. AligaJ'h 15,505 8,337 7,168 860 49. Charthawal T.A. Muzaffar- nagar 15,419 8,174 7,245 886 50. T.A. Budaun 15,243 8.219 7,024 855 51. T.A. Unnao 15,232 7.80(1 7.432 953 52. Anupshahr M.B. Bulandshahr 15,212 8.070 7.142 +19.80 +24.15 855 53. Jais T.A. Rae Barcli 15,205 7,727 7,471! ... n58 +20.31 968 54. Achhnera M.B. Agra 15,202 !I,IRQ 7.013 +26.26 +24.59 856 55. Haldaur T.A. Bijnor 15,024 7,921 7,IOJ -- !l97 56. Shahganj M.B. Jaunpur 15,012 7.942 7,070 +40.78 +31.02 R90 57. Sirsaganj M.B. Mainpuri 14.987 K,009 6,97!l +41.26 +41.7(1 H71 58. Sandi M.B. Hardoi 14,975 8.106 6.869 +27.07 ~ ~9.4(1 H47

90 Sl'PI'LEME:O;T T\RlE 2

POPULA nON OF TOWNS-(Contd.) 1981 Ct:nsus (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each si7.e class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males ---- per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 I,(JOO Mak,) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 III

59. Bangermau M. B. Unnao 14,954 7,882 7,072 X97 60. Jalalabad T. A. Muzaffar- nagar 14,932 8.121 6.811 X.19 61. Afzalgarh M. B: Rijnor 14.932 7.973 6.959 +46.~4 +31UI 1171 62. Suar M.B. Rampur 14,927 7.95N 6.969 X76 63. Shamshabad T.A. Farrukhabad 14.915 7.1\12 7,103 9()9 64. Samthar M.B. Jhansi 14.X71 7.963 6.908 +23.<)1 +27.02 X6)oi 65. Baragaon T.A. Rallia 14.870 7.651 7.219 944 66. Nawabganj TA nar~illy 14.H63 7.918 6.945 + 32.01\ ·5634 X77 (17. CoJonelganj M.B. Gonda 14.833 7.~J9 7.014 "21.44 +26.31 &9' 68. M.B. Etawfth 14.795 7.922 6.873 + )),29 +.10.99 li(ltt 69. Kora Jahanabad T.A. Fatehpur 14.736 7.!;59 6.877 A75 70. Sumerpur T.A. Hamirpur 14.6~2 7.949 u.733 Btl 71. Baruasagar M. R. Jhansi 14.64Q 7.711 6.938 t)(l<:) 7~. Bhongaon T.A Mainpllil 14,556 7,789 6.767 • 31 -J +45 (;f, 8(lJ 73. Milak T.A Rampur 14.469 7,854 6.1>15 842 74. Ahraura M.B. Mirlapur 14,345 7.565 6. 780 + IU 35 +25.25 $% 75. Sahaspur T.A. Bijool 14.297 7.544 6.753 S95 76. Reoti N.A. Rallia 14.276 7.401 6.875 +22.89 l).'') 77. Katra T.A. Shahjahan- pur 14,207 7.651 u.55u ~;"1 78. Purqazi T.A. Muzaftal- nagar 14.032 7.646 0.38& 8)~ 79. Aliganj M.B. Etah 11904 -.384 uj20 +r-lll ~ .\(1. j-: 883 RO. Chhaprallii TA. I\kerul 13.X7R '.)(,~ 6.5111 314 XI Qa'lmplir f-'O"~I H<-'115e C()lon~ C.T Ali)!arh 13.875 7.455 6.420 2('1 82. Jalali T.A. .\Iigarh 13,IDR 7.527 6.311 li3)i i\3 W:llhapul T ~. Bllllor n.sn 7.470 (1.367 !',,2 1>4. Rnbilla Callt!. .Jlwn,i !.l.R! 6 7.313 6.503 t 3.4(1 + 4.f)i ION il>5 Klth'llIr 1.'\ \kl'rLtI 1.~.797 7.. 137 6.460 SSe I 86. Safiflur T.A. linnao I.H9X 7,211 6.487 91MI 87. Ban,dih T.A. Rallia Il(lR7 6.X14 6.!!73 IO(N 88 Shalll~hll bod \1. B. J\gra 1.~.66..j 7.292 6.Jn +50 so ·'55.57 814 St'!,Pl.fME'> , TARI.E 2

POPULATION OF TOWNS-(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex. Population in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males ----- per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

89. Sahatwar T.A. BaHia 13.647 7.076 0.571 929 90. Sikanderpur N.A. Ballia 13.645 6.922 6,723 971 91. Kichha T.A. Nainital 13,629 7.461 6.168 827 92. Pauri M.B. Garhwal 13,610 7.865 5.745 +18.63 +53.30 730 93. Kemri T.A. Rampur 13,537 7,252 6,285 867 94. Babarpur Ajitmal T.A. Etawah 13,449 7,397 6,052 818 95. Siswa Bazar T.A. Gorakhpur 13,367 7,108 6,259 881 96. Bhinga N.A. Bahraich 13,337 7,163 6,174 + 9.36 +35.83 862 97. N.A. Moradabad 13,311 6,987 6,324 905 98. M.B. Budaun 13,310 7,078 6,232 +25.61 +31.78 R80 99. ·Ordnance Factory Muradnagar C.T. Ghaziabad 13.147 7,265 5,882 +45.66 810 roo. Nindura T.A. Allahabad 13,105 6,870 6,235 908 101. Sirsi N.A. Moradabad 13,096 6,942 6,154 886 102. Islamnagar T.A. Budaun 13,085 7,003 6,082 868 103. Chhata T.A. Mathura 13,010 7,169 5,841 815 104. Saidpur T.A. Gha7ipur 12,935 6,933 6,002 +28.77 866 105. Maniyar N.A. Ballia 12,928 6,443 6,485 1007 100. Sadabad T.A. Mathura 12,917 6,980 5,937 +36.24 +44.26 851 107. Puwayan T.A. Shahjahan- pur 12,899 6,904 5,995 +20.99 +44.40 R68 10M. Tetri Bafar T.A. Basti 12,839 6,997 5,842 835 109. Barhalganj T.A. Gorakhpur 12,818 6,608 6,210 +38.62 940 110. Kundarki T.A. Moradabad t2,782 6,862 5,920 863 III. Singahi Bhiraura T.A. Kheri 12,724 6,649 6,075 914 112. Neoria HusainpurT.A. Pilibhit 12,720 6,653 6,067 912 113. Sahawar T.A. Etah 12,676 6,825 5,851 857 114. Allahpur T.A. Budaun 12,650 6,833 5,817 851 115. Machhlishahr T.A. Jaunpur 12,618 6,480 6,138 + 13.53 +37.44 947 116. Kuraoli T.A. Mainpuri 12,594 6,718 5,876 +28.18 +32.61 875 117. Virbhadra N.A. Dehra Dun 1'2,542 6,868 5,674 826 118. ·Siwarhi T.A. DC:oria 12,490 6,725 5,765 +65.32 857 119. !'-Ioorpur T.A. Bijnor 12,474 6,588 5,886 893 120. Rilthara Road T.A. BaHia 12,466 6,660 5,806 872


POPULA TlON OF TOWNS -(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males ---- per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

121. Jhalu T.A. Bijnor 12,460 6,644 5,816 875 122. Karhal T.A. Mainpuri 12,405 6,798 5,607 +24.65 +30:74 825 123. Gursarai T.A. Jhansi 12,339 6,655 5,684 +43.77 +31.95 854 124. Tulsipur N.A. Gonda 12,313 6,664 5,649 +28.27 848 125. Tehri M.B. Tehri- Garhwal 12,248 8,079 4,169 +21.56 +123.50 516 126. Mongra Badshahpur M.B. Jaunpur 12,247 6,416 5,!B1 +30.09 +30.61 909 127. Marehra M.B. Etah 12,186 6,421 5,765 +10.11 + 5.91 898 128. Bidhuna T.A. Etawah 12,169 6,589 5,580 847 129. Bhokarhedi T.A. Muzaffar- nagar 12,142 6,704 5,438 811 130. Bhojpur Dharampur T.A. Moradabad 12,052 6,403 5,649 882 131. Maholi T.A. Sitapur 11,984 6,243 5,741 920 132. Dhaurehra TA. Kheri 11,979 6,539 5,440 R32 133. Govardhan TA. Mathura 11,923 6,566 5,357 +24.67 816 134. M.B. Moradabad 11,818 6,4H 5,407 +32.S4 +40.52 843 135. PhulpurT.A. Allahabad 11,789 6,335 5,454 +25.16 +37.53 861 }36. Kunda T.A. Pratapgarh 11,776 6,210 5,566 896 137. Ranipur T.A. Jhansi 11,731 6,223 5,508 +14.37 +51.00 885 138. Aurangabad TA. Bulandshahr 11,630 6,177 5,453 883 139. NakuI T.A. Saharanpur 11,629 6,321 5,308 +38.94 840 140. • Hastinapur N.A. Meerut 11,558 6,294 5,264 +30.03 836 !41. Intai Rampur C.T. Gonda 11,573 5,935 5,602 944 142. KulpaharTA. Hamirpur 11,516 6,040 5,476 907 143. Mandawar T.A. Bijnor 11,499 5,997 5,502 +-20.52 +J9.19 917 144. Etmadpur T.A. Agra 11,489 6,214 5,275 +12.59 +36.29 849 145. Lawar T.A. Meerut 11,488 6,184 5,304 858 146. Sirauli T.A. Bareilly 11,464 6,144 5,320 866 147. Bazpur T.A. Nainital 11,373 6,476 4,897 756 148. M.B. Kanpur 11,368 6,049 5,319 879 149. Chirgaon M.B. Jhansi 11,355 6,046 5,309 +19.94 +26.00 878 150. Parikshitgarh T.A. Meerut 11,328 5,963 5,365 900 151. TikriT.A. Meerut 11,316 6,178 5,138 832 152. Fatehabad T.A. Agra 11,316 6,203 5,113 +29.53 +47.00 824


POPUI,ATION 01<' TOWNS-(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size clilSS District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males ----- per Persons Males Females !971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

153. Un I. A.. Muzaffar- nagar 11,298 6,149 5,149 837 154. Malihabad T.A. Lucknow ! 1,266 5,944 5,322 +23.49 +18.74 895 155. Kharela T.A. Hamirpur 11,240 6,059 5,181 855 156. T.A. Saharanpur 11,222 5,949 5,273 886 157. Kakori T.A. Lucknow 11,143 5,950 5,193 873 158. Nawabganj M.B. Gonda 11,129 6,026 5,103 +16.56 +52.79 847 159. T.A. Budaun 11,088 5,969 5,119 +43.98 858 160. Majhauli Raj T.A. Deoria 11,081 5,630 5,451 968 161. Thiriya Ni7.amat Khan T.A. Bareilly 11,026 5,873 5,153 877 162. SahanpurT.A. Bijnor 11,026 5,950 5,076 853 163. T.A. Budaun 11,023 5,850 5,173 884 164. Dhaura Tanda T.A. Bareilly 10,994 5,747 5,247 913 165. SisauIi T.A. Muzaffar- nagal 10,913 6,032 4.881 809 166. Muhammadabad T.A. Azamgarh 10,878 5,659 5,219 +24.10 +30.71 922 167. Dewar T.A. Mainpuri 10,868 5,870 4,998 +51.32 851 168. ..__Kham.aria T.A. Varanasi 10,808 5,775 5,033 872 169. Kalagafh N.A. Garhwal JO,7{)i 5,941 4,760 801 i 70. Lalganj T.A. Rae Bareli 10,597 5,618 4,97!_; 886 171. AkbarpurT.A. K.anpur 10,558 5,702 4,856 852 172. Mariahu T.A. Jaunpur' 10,525 5,561 4,964 +25.18 '36.94 893 173. Bhargain T.A. Etah 10,510 5,394 5,116 948 174. Maghar N.A. Basti 10,487 5,615 4,872 868 175. T.A. Muzaffar- nagar 10,454 5,590 4,864 +27.46 870 176. Shishgarh T.A. Bareilly 10,420 5,439 4,981 916 177. Narauli T.A. Moradabad 10,413 5,658 4,755 840 17S. Pllkhrayan T.A. Kanpur 10,395 5,689 4,706 +35.57" +46.64 827 f79. T.A. Unnao' 10,369 5,372 4,997 930 180. Phalauda T.A. Meerut 10,355 5,594 4,761 851 181; Gopiganj T.A. Varanasi 10,312 5,480 4,832 +44.99 882


POPULATION OF TOWNS·-(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe~ Population males ---- per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

182. Sewalkhas T.A. Meerut 10,295 5,381 4,9J4 913 183. RajapurT.A. Banda 10,283 5,874 4,409 +14.84 +75.96 751 184. Loni T.A. Ghaziabad 10,255 5,639 4,016 819 185. Daryabad T.A. Bara Banki 10,204 5,430 4,774 879 186. ....__Vjhari T.A. Moradabad 10,199 5,450 4,749 871 187. Tambaur-cum- Ahmadabad T.A. Sitapur 10,195 5,339 4,856 910 188. Mauaima T.A. Allahabad 10,120 5,319 4,801 +24.31 +27.50 903 l89. lhinjhana T.A. Muzaffar- nagar 10,120 5,503 4,617 839 190. Gosainganj T.A. Faizabad 10,065 5,407 4,658 +72.73 861 191. Vttarkashi M.B. Vttarkashi 10,043 6,392 3,651 +66.83 571 192. Tirwaganj T.A. Farrukhabad 10,031 5,384 4,647 863 193. Pipraich T. A. Gorakhpur 10,022 5,271 4,751 90~ 194. Doghat T.A. Meerut 10,018 5,441 4,577 841


POPUI~ATION OF TOWNS-(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males ---- per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 J971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

E. TOTAL CLASS V 231 Towns 1,727,925 932,270 795,655 4.74 8.65 +4.64 +194.06 853 ( 5,000-9,999) I. Richha TA. Bareilly 9,989 5,306 4,683 883 2. Sarai Aqil T.A Allahabad 9,962 5,276 4,686 888 3. Misrikh-cum-Neemsar M.B. Sitapur 9,906 5,428 4,478 -43.10 +44.99 825 4. Karnawal T.A. Meerut 9,895 5,447 4.448 817 5. Manikpur Sarhat TA. Banda 9,882 5,372 4,510 +20.41 +51.75 840 6. Kant T.A. Shahja- hanpur 9.859 5,405 4,454 824 7. Chilkana Sultanpur T.A. Saharanpur 9,837 5,297 4,540 857 8. Bahadurganj TA. Ghazipur 9,755 5,024 4,731 942 9. TA. Kanpur 9,747 5,237 4,510 861 10. ·Chamoli Gopeshwar N.A. Chamoli 9,734 5,919 3,815 +53.19 645 II. Naraura TA. Bulandshahr 9,734 5,565 4,169 749 12. Tajpur c.T. Bijnor 9,710 5,158 4,552 +29.77 +33.47 883 13. Sidhauli TA. Sitapur 9,706 5,205 4,501 865 14. Baberu T.A. Banda 9,692 5,331 4,361 818 is. Sitarganj T.A. Nainital 9,689 5,318 4,371 822 16. Bah T.A. Agra 9,656 5,167 4,489 +28.93 +32.77 869 17. Fatehganj Pashchhimi T.A. Bareilly 9,634 5,089 4,545 893 18. Senthal T.A. Bareilly 9,633 5,109 4,524 886 19. T.A. Etawah 9,607 5,130 4,477 873 20. Bharwari T.A. Allahabad 9,579 5,302 4,277 807 21. Raya T.A. Mathura 9,569 5,133 4,436 864 22. Jalalabad TA. Bijnor 9,563 4,984 4,579 919 23. Wazirganj T.A. Budaun 9,543 5,184 4,159 841 24. Kushinagar T.A. Deoria 9,542 5,192 4;350 838 25. Pahasu T.A. Bulandshahr 9,539 5,052 4,487 +-15.36 +53.78 888 26. TA Bulandshahr 9,513 5,162 4,351 843 27. ShahpurT.A. Muzaffar- nagar 9,482 5,049 4,433 878 28. Bharatganj T.A. Allahabad 9,464 5,003 4,461 +46.82 892 29. RaI.llkola T.A. Deoria 9,454 5,265 4,189 796 30. Kachhwa T.A. Mirzapur 9,398 5,045 4,353 +21.41 +32.18 863.


POPULA nON OF TOWNS-(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fc- Population males ------per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 X 9 10 31. Agarwal Mandi (Tatiri) T.A. Meerut 9,350 5,021 4,329 862 32. Pipri N.A. Mirzapur 9,303 5,704 3,599 -52.13 +63.21 631 33. T.A. Saharanpur 9,300 4,966 4,334 873 34. Kabrai T.A. Hamirpur 9,267 4,956 4,311 870 35. Srinagar M.B. Garhwal 9,205 5,855 3,350 +tU.M +65.38 572 36. Umri Kalan T.A. Moradabad 9,196 4,826 4,370 906 37. Sasni T.A. Aligarh 9,186 4,880 4,306 +18.54 +33.63 882 38. Moth T.A. Jhansi 9,161 4,958 4,203 848 39. Jarwal T.A. Bahraich 9,148 4,817 4,331 899 40. Daurala T.A. Meerut 9,146 5,063 4,083 806 41. Handia T.A. Allahabad 9,126 4,993 4,133 828 42. Bhatni Bazar T.A. Deoria 9,123 4,975 4,148 834 43. Faridnagar T.A. Ghaziabad 9,116 4,814 4,302 +20.08 +20.89 894 44. Suriyawan T.A. Varanasi 9,056 4,786 4,270 892 45. Said pur T.A Budaun 9,029 4,744 4,285 903 46. *Vikasnagar M.B. Dehra Dun 8,997 4,876 4,121 +27.33 845 47. Pali T.A. Hardoi 8,996 4,901 4,095 836 48. *Lohta C.T. Varanasi 8,942 4,781 4,161 t54.95 870 49. Bugrasi T.A. Bulandshahr 8,907 4,761 4,146 +20.76 +24.50 871 50. Pachperwa T.A. Gonda 8,904 4,815 4,089 849 51. *Chandauli T.A. Varanasi 8,888 4,783 4,105 +68.14 858 52. Shahjahanpur C.T. Meerut 8,867 4,829 4,038 t18.12 +20.80 836 53. Ajhuwa T.A. Allahabad 8,862 4,689 4,173 890 54. Chharra (Rafatpur) T.A. Aligarh 8,838 4,653 4,185 899 55. *Tanakpur M.B. Nainital 8,824 5,0!! 3,8!3 +46.99 761 56. Kamaiganj T.A. Farrukhabad 8,822 4,756 4,066 855 57. Shahi T.A. Bareilly 8,803 4,71 I 4,092 869 58. Maswasi T.A Rampur 8,787 4,673 4,114 880 59. Khanpur T.A. Bulandshahr 8,786 4,674 4,112 880 60. Manikpur T.A. Pratapgarh 8,769 4,575 4,194 917 61. Kharkhoda T.A. Meerut 8,708 4,706 4,002 850 62. Saiyed Raja T.A. Varanasi 8,691 4,529 4,162 919 63. Ghosia Bazar T.A. Varanasi 8,688 4,590 4,098 893


PO PULA 'nON OF TOWN~-(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males ---- per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-7: 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 64, Sakmpur LA Deona 8,632 ' roo 3,932 837 65, Piohat T.A. Agra 8,614 4,608 4,006 8(',1.) 66. Gllpamau'J .A. Hardoi 8.581 4.556 4.025 884 67. Mailam TA. Khen 8.544 4.717 3,827 811 68. Chakia T.A. Varaoasl SAM 4,513 3,953 + 33.47 876 69. T.';'. Bulandshahr 8,454 4,463 3,991 -13.53 +22.29 894 70. Khatlma T.A. Naimtal 8,431 4.564 3.867 847 71. Dihiyapur 1 .A Etawah 8.429 4,638 3,791 817 n Nichlaul TA. Gorakhpur !U82 4,498 3,884 864 73. Bilram TA. Etah 8,379 4,521 3,858 853 74. Kheragarh T.A. Agra 8,366 4,544 3,822 841 75. Mohan TA. Unnao 8,292 4,383 3,909 892 76. Purdilnagar T.A. Aligarh 8,285 4,J85 3,900 889 77. Jatari T.A. Altgarh 8,238 4,458 3,780 848 78. Sirsa T.A. Allahabad 8,185 4.352 3,833 +33.92 881 79. *Joshimath N.A. Chamoh 8,178 5,283 2,895 +39. 75 548 80. Tondi Fatehpur TA. Jhansi 8,161 4,330 3,831 885 81. Salon T.A. Rae Bareli 8,113 4.127 3,986 966 82. Lansdowne Cantt. Garhwal 8.098 5,739 2,359 + 4.53 +21.41 411 83. Landhaura T.A. Saharanpur 8,087 4.321 3,766 872 84. T.A. Kanpur 8,055 4,386 3,669 837 85. Mundera Bazar T.A. Gorakhpur 8,040 4,290 3,750 874 86. Kerakat T.A. .Iaunpur 8,008 4,113 3,895 +30.79 947 87. Khudaganj T.A. Shahjahan- pur 7,975 4,342 3.613 837 88. Kachhauna Patseni TA. Hard 01 7,965 4,418 3,5 .. ' 803 89. Bahsuma TA. Meerut 7,914 4,290 3.624 845 90, KhutarTA. Shahjahan- pur 7.866 4.348 3,518 809 91. Patla T.A. Ghaziabad 7,847 4.255 3,592 844 92, Ambehata T.A. Saharanpur 7,806 4.142 3,664 885 93. Sarsawan T.A. Saharallpur 7,799 4.262 3,537 830 94. Bisharatganj T.A. Bareilly 7.775 4,193 3,582 854 95. Shergarh T.A. Bareilly 7,699 4,087 3,612 884

98 SUPPLEMENT TABLE 2 POPULATIQN OF TOWNS -(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in JUtio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males ---- per Persons Males Females· 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to

96 .•Rampur Bhawanipur C.T. Bara Banki 7,695 4,018 3,677 +34.06 915 97. Amethi T.A. Lucknow 7,694 4,092 3,602 880 98. Talbehat I.A. Lalitpur 7,683 4,085 3,598 + 2.19 881 99. Bachhrawan T.A. Rae Bareli 7,682 4,042 3,640 901 100. Kaptanganj T.A. Deoria 7,677 4,102 3,575 872 101. Madhoganj T.A. Hardoi 7,641 4,081) 3,561 +37.11 873 102. Ramnagar T.A. Bara Banki 7,635 4,051 3,584 885 IOl T.A. Azamgarh 7,625 3,981 3,644 915 104. Chaumunha T.A. Mathura 7,584 4,146 3,438 829 105. Raja-ka-Rampur T.A. Etah 7,576 4,049 3,527 871 106. Rithaura T.A. Bareiliy 7,558 4,130 3,428 830 107. Karari T.A. Allahabad 7,531 3;764 3,767 1001 108. Mursan T.A. Aligarh 7,512 4,078 3,434 +42.76 842 109. Harduaganj T.A. Aligarh 7,508 3,988 3,520 883 !l0. Bikapur T.A. Faizabad 7,504 3,989 3,515 881 ill. I(haga T.A. Fatehpur 7.496 3.990 3,506 879 112. ·Churk-Ghurma N.A. Mirzapur 7,488 4,213 3,275 + 0.79 777 III Del Dhakwa T.A. Kheri 7,476 4,040 3,436 851 114. Jagner T.A. Agra 7,437 4.047 3,390 838 115. Gala T.A. Gorakhpur 7,334 3,854 3,480 903 116. Garhi Pukhta T.A. Muzaffar- nagar 7,278 4,011 3,267 815 117. AtsuT.A. Etawah 7,277 4,017" 3,260 812 118. Bhawan Bahadurnagar T.A. Bulandshahr 7,262 3,879 3,383 872 I J9. Mirganj T.A. Bareilly 7,261 3,844 3,417 889 120. Shankergarh T.A. Allahabad 7,257 3,857 3,400 882 121. T.A. Faizabad 7,231 3,737 3,494 935 122. ·Dudhi T.A. Mirzapur 7,215 4,091 3,124 +41.92 764 123. Bisanda Buzurg T.A. Banda 7,199 3,847 3,352 871 ! 24. Mendu T.A. Aligarh 7,195 4,000 3,195 799 125. Paintepur T.t\. Sitapur 7,189 3,790 3,399 897 126. Bilsanda T.A. Pilibhit 7,137 3,815 3,322 871 !27. Amethi T.A. Sultanpur 7,132 3,790 3,343 882 128. DostpurT.A. Sultanpur 7,120 3,682 3,438 934 SUPPLEMENT TABLE 2

POPULA nON OF TOWNS-(Contd.) 1981 Census (P(ovisional Figures) Size Class District population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex: Population in Ratio each size class J981 to Urban (Fe- Population males per Persons Males Females' 1971 1981 1961~71--- 1971-81 1,000 Males) "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 129. Bhatpar Rani T.A. Ueoria 7.082 3,764 3,318 882 130. Niwadi T.A. Ghaziabad 7,016 3,841 3,229 839 131. Rampura T.A. Jalaun 7,013 3,921 3,152 804 132. Talgram T.A. Farrukhabad 1,045 3,686 3.359 911 133. Manjhanpur T.A. Allahabad 7,025 3,762 3,263 861 134. Gyanpur T.A. Varanasi 7,020 3,851 3,169 +34.38 823 135. Ikauna T.A. Bahraich 6,985 3,770 3,21S 853 136. Ekdil T.A. Etawah 6,982 3,791 3,191 842 137. Lakhna T.A. Etawah 6,975 3,661 3,308 +31.11 902 138. Jahangirpur T.A. Bulandshahr 6,947 3,646 3.301 905 139. Patiyali T.A. Etah 6,876 3,711 3,165 853 140. Aminagar Sarai T.A. Meerut 6,867 3,589 3,278 +21.82 913 141. Madhogarh T.A. Jalaun 6,857 3,773 3,084 817 142. Mehnagar T.A. Azamgarh 6,848 3.358 3,490 - 1.039 143. Haidergarh T.A. Bara Banki 6.816 3.752 3.064 817 144. Ledwa Mahuwa C.T. Basti 6,813 3.600 3.213 893 145. Adari T.A. Azamgarh 6.799 3,500 3,299 943 146. -Pali T.A. lalitpur 6,183 3,595 3.188 881 147. -Pratapgarh City T.A. Pratapgarh 6,173 3.575 3,198 895 148. Mahroni T.A. Lalitpur 6,772 3,591 3.181 886 149. Hata T.A. Deona 6.757 3,651 3.100 848 150. Nandgaon T.A. MathUl8 6,753 3,681 3,072 835 151. ·Chopan N.A. MirzapLlr 6.744 4.031 2,713 +245.14 613 152. Katghar (Lalganj) T.A. Azamgarh 6,736 3.472 3,264 940 153. DiJdarnagar Fatehpur BazarT.A. Ghazlpur 6.735 3,615 J,(J(j() 833 154. Sadat TA. Ghazipur 6.730 3.433 3,297 960 155. Kurara T.A. Hamirpur 6.696 3,594 3,102 863 156. Ir4rhni Bazar T.A. Basti 6,663 3.539 3,124 883 157- Kauriaganj T.A. Aligarh 6,653 3,618 3.035 839 158. N.A. Saharanpur 6.646 3,586 3,060 853 159. Umri T.A. Jalaun 6,628 3.605 3.023 839 160. Dewa T.A. Bara Banki 6,619 3.512 3,107 885 161. Gosainganj T.A. Luclcnow 6.615 3.544 3,071 867:

100 SUPPLEMENT TABLE 2 POPULA TlON OF TOWN8-(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class (981 to Urban (Fe- Population males per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71---- 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 '162. SiddhaurT.A. BaraBanki 6,583 3,454 3,129 906 163. Satrikh T.A. Bara Banki 6,559 3,519 3,040 864 164. Awagarh T.A. Etah 6,557 3,509 3,048 869 165. Nagram T.A. Lucknow 6,556 3,439 3,117 906 166. Naraini T.A. Banda 6,547 3,556 2,991 841 167. Mataundh T.A. Banda 6,500 3,523 2,977 845 168. Kadaura T.A. Jalaun 6,466 3,478 2,988 859 169. Nizamabad T.A. Azamgarh 6,459 3,333 3,126 938 170. Sarila T.A. Hamirpur 6,448 3,469 2,979 859 111. Chhatari T.A. Bulandshahr 6,390 3,438 2,952 859 172. Khairabad C.T. Azamgarh 6,388 3,321 3,067 924 173. Abdullahpur T.A. Meerut 6,383 3,377 3,006 890 174. Rampur Karkhana T.A. Deoria 6,331 3,196 3,135 981 175. Ganj Moradabad T.A. Unnao 6,313 3,404 2,909 855 176. Gadarpur T,A. Nainital 6,310 3,545 2,765 780 171. Barsana T.A, Mathura 6,295 3,509 2,786 794 178. Dohri Ghat T.A. Azamgarh 6,263 3,184 3,079 967 179 ..Baldeo T.A. Mathura 6,255 3,458 2,797 +12.46 809 180. JangipurT.A. Ghazipur 6,249 3,358 2,891 861 181. Kotwa C. T. Varanasi 6,209 3,301 2,908 881 182. -Sidhpura T.A. Etah 6,168 3,332 2,836 851 183. Babrala T.A. Budaun 6,151 3,367 2,784 827 184. Hariharpur T.A. Basti 6,136 3,187 2,949 925 185. Sirathu T.A. Allahabad 6,127 3,380 2,747 813 186. Pipiganj T.A. Gorakhpur 6,096 3,178 2,918 918 187. ·Rly. Settlement Shahjahan- Roza N.A. pur 6,032 3,309 2,723 +18.60 823 188. Azmatgarh T.A. Azamgarh 6,004 3,054 2,950 966 189. Amraudha T.A. Kanpur 6,003 3,307 2,696 815 190. Jasrana T.A. Mainpuri 5,985 3,244 2,741 845 191. Anandnagar T.AI Gorakhpur 5,951 3,281 ·2,670 814 192. Kotra T.A. la1aun 5,941 3,136 2,805 894 193. ~hpur Fertilizer N.A. Gorakhpur 5,917 3,246 2,671 823 194. Sikandra T.A. Kanpur 5,906 3,214 2,692 838


POPULAT1(1N OF TOWNS-(Contd.) ;9g; Census (Prn' :5;onal Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio t:ach size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males ------per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

195. Irich T.A. Jhanf>i 5,904 3,145 2;759 877 196. Pilkhana T.A. Aligarh. 5,877 3,223 2,654 823 197. Kusmara T.A. Mainpuri 5,8! I 3,131 2,680 856 198. Beniganj T.A. Hardoi 5,771 3,045 2,726 895 199. Shohratgarh T.A. Basti 5,757 3,007 2,750 )15 200. Faizganj T.A. Budaun 5,734 3,13J 2,603 831 201. Sonkh T.A. Mathura 5,733 3,100 2,633 849 202. Khargupur T.A. Gonda 5,714 3,035 2,679 883 203. Achhalda T.A. Etawah 5,694 3,128 2,566 820 204. Sikanderpur T.A. Farrukhabad 5,663 3,108 2.645 876 205. Allahganj T.A. Shahjahan- pur 5,628 3,007 2,621 872 206. Shivrajpur T.A. Kanpur 5,611 3,070 2.541 828 207. Nawabganj T.A. Unnao 5,599 2,935 2,664 908 208. T.A. Azamgarh 5,584 2,949 2,635 894 209. Mahaban T.A. Mathura 5,582 3,045 2,537 833 210. Tikaitnagar T.A. Bara Banki 5,577 2,946 2,631 893 211. Goband T.A. Hamirpur 5,519 2,965 2,554 861 212. Sahpau T.A. Mathura 5,511 3,004 2,507 835 213. Ugu T.A. Unnao 5,462 2,848 2,614 918 214. Bilariaganj T.A. Azamgarh 5,459 2,711 2.748 1014 215. lhabrera T.A. Saharanpur 5,451 2,958 2,493 843 216. Patti T.A: Pratapgarh 5,449 2,921 2,528 865 217. ArnanpurT.A. Etah 5,356 2,884 2,472 857 218. BithoorT.A. Kanpur 5,318 2,933 2,385 813 219. Jafarabad T.A. Jaunpur 5,316 2,710 2,606 962 220. Bahuwa T.A. Fatehpur 5,299 2,796 2,503 895 221. Sakhanu T.A. Budaun 5,254 2,826 2,428 859 222. Jiyanpur T.A. Azamgarh 5,246 2,705 2,541 939 223. Iglas T.A. Aligarh 5,231 2,845 2.386 839 224.~ T.A. Kanpur 5,224 2.787 2,437 874 225. -Chakrata Cantt. Dehra Dun 5,216 4,104 1.112 +91.14 -14.56 271 226. Nadigaon T.A. Jalaun 5,188 2,919 2,269 777 221. Bighapur T.A. Uonao 5,146 2,652 2,494 940


POPULATION OF TOWNS·-(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex PopUlation in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 22&. Baragaon T.A. Jhansi 5,120 2,759 2,361 '856 229. Phulpur T.A. Azamgarh 5.111 2,582 2,529 979 230. T.A. Budaun 5,108 2,748 2,360 859 231. Rasulabad T.A. Unnao 5,018 2,646 2,372 896


POPULATION OF TOWNS-(Conta.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males ---- per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F. TOTAL CLASS VI 82 Towns 290,135 159,631 131,194 0.13 1.46 +32.14 +909.39 821 (Less than 5,000) I. Majra C.T. Dehra Dun 4,928 2,698 2,230 827 2. Nidhauli Kalan I.A. Etah 4,857 2,606 2,251 864 3. Kathera I.A. Jhansi 4,826 2,557 2,269 887 4. SukhmalEur Nizamabad C. I. Agra 4,795 2,609 2,186 838 5. Nai Bazar I.A. Varanasi 4,785 2,543 2,242 882 6. Sultanpur T.A. Nainital 4,778 2,616 2,162 826 7. Jaitliara I.A. Etah 4,773 2,622 2,151 820 8. Kunwargaon T.A. Budaun 4,766 2,614 4,152 823 9. Kishni I.A. Mainpuri 4,718 2,569 2,149 837 10. Farah I.A. Mathura 4,689 2,554 2,135 836 1I. Niyotani T.A. Unnao 4,672 2,439 2,233 916 12. Chail T.A. Allahabad 4,664 2,524 2,140 848 13. BilaspurT.A. Bulandshahr 4,658 2,471 2,187 885 14. Antu I.A. Pratapgarh 4,617 2,415 2,202 912 15. -Bhagwantnagar 1.A. Unnao 4,582 2,393 2,189 915 16. Kishanpur I.A. Fatehpur 4,578 2,432 2,146 882 17. Mahona T.A. Lucknow 4,5:W 2,409 2,131 885 {8.~T.A. Farrukhabad 4,539 2,474 2,065 835 19. Jhusi I.A. Allahabad 4,528 2,448 2,080 850 20. Kursath I.A. Hardoi 4,514 2,471 2,043 827 21. Hyderabad I.A. Unnao 4,499 2,346 2,153 918 12. Mankapur I.A. Gonda 4,482 2,434 2,048 841 23. Fatehganj Purbi I.A. Bareilly 4,423 2,371 2,052 86,5 24. *Bageshwar M.B. Almora 4,370 2,447 1,923 + 1.32 786 25. Koeripur I.A. Sultanpur 4,339 2,299 2,040 887 26. Kakod T.A. Bulandshahr 4,298 2,342 1,956 835 27. ltaunja T.A. Lucknow 4,281 2,310 1,971 853 28. GulariaTA. Bndaun 4,155 2,316 1,839 794 '29. Oran T.A. Banda 4,145 2,188 1,957 894 30. -Rudayan I.A. Budaun 4,123 2,203 1,920 872 3 I. Gularia I.A. Pilibhit 4,122 2,504 1,618 646 32. ~ohal\pur I.A. Etah 4,116 2,218 1,898 856

104 SUPPLEMENT TABLE 2 POPULA TION OF TOWNS -(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- Population males ---- per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 33. T.A. Budaun 4,085 2,192 1,893 864 34. Gangapur T.A. Varanasi 4,080 2,200 1,880 855 ,35. Beswan T.A. Aligarh 4,061 2,285 1,77-6 877 36. Katra Medniganj T.A. Pratapgarh 4,060 2,074 1,986 958 37. Gauri BazarT.A. Deoria 4,012 2,248 1,764 785 38. Kursath T.A. Unnao 4,003 2,081 1,922 924 39. Dalmau T.A. Rae Bareli 3,937 2,070 1,867 902 40. T.A. Budaun 3,929 2,152 1,777 826 41. Vijaygarh T.A. Aligarh 3,897 2,089 1,808 865 42. Sakit T.A. Etah 3,868 2,075 1,793 864 43. Maharajganj T.A. Rae Bareli 3,857 2,049 1,808 882 44. Radha Kund T.A. Mathura 3,823 2,126 1,697 798 45. Bajna T.A. Mathura 3,810 2,059 1,751 850 46. Karnaprayag N.A. Chamoli 3,767 2,246 1,521 677 47. AmiloC.T. Azamgarh 3,726 1,893 1,833 968 48. -Amila T.A. Azamgarh 3,721 1,888 1,833 971 49: Maharajganj T.A. Azamgarh 3,718 1,963 1,755 894 50. Kachhla T.A. Budauo 3,650 2,040 1,610 789 51. Katra T.A., Gonda 3,649 1,907 1,742 913 52. Hasayan T.A. Aligarh 3,625 1,941 1,684 868 53. Narendranagar M.B. Tehri- Garhwal 3,591 2,222 1,369 +46.45 +50.25 616 54.~T.A. Moradabad 3,536 1,894 1,642 867 55. Fatehpur Chaurasi T.A. Unnao 3,406 1,795 1,611 897 56. Gauchar T.A. Cham6li 3,313 1,916 1,397 729 57. Bhowali N.A. Nainital 3,220 1,795 1,425 +50.51 + 46.83 794 58. Kala Dhungi T.A. Nainital 3,164 1,781 1,383 777 59. Ghorawal T.A. Mirzapur 3,159 1,804 1,355 751 60 .• Lal Kuan I.A. Nainital 3,146 1,849 1,297 701 61. Dharchula T.A. PithQragarh 3,082 1,701 1,381 812 62. Pharih~ T .A. Mainpuri 3,025 1,690 1,335 790 63. Auras T.A. Unnao 2,985 1,658 1,327 800 64. -Bhimtal T.A. Nainital 2,871 1,$49 1,322 853 65. Gokul T.A. Mathura 2,118 1,502 1,276 850


POPULATION OF TOWNS-(ConcJd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Size Class District Population 1981 Proportion of Growth Rate Sex Population in Ratio each size class 1981 to Urban (Fe- PopulatIOn males ------per Persons Males Females 1971 1981 1961-71 1971-81 1,000 Males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 66. **Badrinathpuri N.A. Chamoli 2,565 1,668 897 538 67. Lohaghat N.A. Pithoragarh 2,530 1,516 1,014 669 68. Dwarahat N.A. Almora 2,333 1,328 1,005 757 69. Mum-ki-Reti N. A. Tehri- Garhwal 2,274 1,551 723 +101.95 466 70. Dogadda M.B. Garhwal 2,176 1,305 871 -11.62 + 28.30 667 11. Barkot TA. Uttarkashi 2,062 1,313 749 570 12. Didihat T.A. Pithoragarh 2,044 1,265 779 616 13. Devaprayag N.A. Tehn- Garhwal 1,727 909 Bt8 + 4.88 + 1110 900 74. Champawat T.A. Pithoragarh 1,702 949 753 793 75. Babugarh T.A. Ghaziabad 1,345 125 620 855 76. Rudraprayag T.A. Garhwal 1,331 901 430 477 77. Datauji C. T. Agra 1,258 679 579 853 78. Bhatwari T.A. Uttarkashi 1,158 751 407 542 79. Nandprayag N.A. Chamoli 1,103 673 430 639 80. Kirtinagar N.A. Tehri- Garhwal 740 473 267 564 81. Bah Bazar C.T. Garhwal 553 330 223 + 8.41 - 4.66 676 82. Kedarnath N.A. Chamoli 120 tl9 8

Note:- 1. Towns treated as such for the first time in 1971 and continuing in 1981 are marked with an asterisk (*) on the left. 2. Towns treated as such for the first time in 1981 have been underlined. 3. Towns not underlined and marked with a dash (-) in column Nos. 8 & 9 were treated so prior to 1961 Census. ** Badrinathpuri N.A. was snowbound at the 1971 census and hence unpopulated. U.A. - Urban AgglomeratIon M.C, - Municipal CorpO'ration M.B. - Municipal Board Cantt. Cantonment Board N.A. - NotItied Area TA. - Town Area C.T - Census Town O.G. - Out Growth


US lRIBUTION OF MAIN WORKERS 1981 Census ------(Provisional Figures) STATE! Persons Total Main Percentage of main District Ma:es Population Workers workers to total Females population 1971 1981 7r 2 3 4 5 6

UTTAR PRADESH Persons 110,885,874 32,302,676 30.94 29.13 Males 58,793,073 29,165,101 52.24 49.61 Females 52,092,801 3,137.575 6.71 6.02 i. Uttarkashi Persons 190,571 102,96(1 63.54 54.03 Males 101,261 59,427 65.36 58.69 Females 89,310 43,533 61.53 48.74 2. Chamoli Persons 364,287 162,450 58.02 44.59 Males 178,500 81,550 55.29 45.69 Females 185,787 80,900 to.59 43.54 3. Tehri-Garhwal Persons 493,245 205,132 51.48 41.59 Males 234,561 102,108 52.16 43.53 Females 258,684 103,024 50.91 39.83 4. DehraDun Persons 757,259 246,062 34.83 32.4g Males 416,742 217;403 55.09 52.17 Females 340,517 28,659 8.52 8.42 5. Garhwal Persons 624,259 222,207 45.4Q 35.60 Males 292,684 116,012 47.64 39.64 Females 331,575 106,195 43.41 32.03 6. Pithoragarh Persons 479,600 180,619 43.25 37.66 Males 233,405 100,041 50.17 42.86 Females 246,195 80,578 36.50 . 32.73 7. Almora Persons 772,994 225,836 36.65 29.22 Males 368,234 134,299 47.47 36.47 Females 404,700 91,537 26.71 22.62 8. Nainital Persons 1,133,111 361,266 33.53 31.88 Males 614.008 318,570 54.12 51.83 Females 518,503 42,696 7.72 8.23 9. Saharanpur Persons 2,673,653 781,42B 29.80 29.23 Males },459,878 761,654 S2.95 52.17 Females 1,213,775 19,774 1.59 1.63 10, Muzaffarnagar Persons 2,288,410 642,522 28.72 28.08 Males 1.241,086 622,366 Sl.20 SO. 15 Females 1,047,324 2-0,156 1.67 1.92 ; l. 8ijnor Persons 1,925,637 535,538 28.12 27.81 Males 1,033,432 518,052 SG.92 50.13 Females 892,205 17,486 1,38 1.96 SUPPLEMENT TABLE 3 DISTRIBUTION OF MAIN WORKERS-(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) STATE/ Persons Total Main Percentage of main District Males Population Workers workers to total Females population 1971 1981 2 3 4 5 6 12. Meerut Persons 2,766,496 765,543 27.57 27.67 Males 1,504,271 735,984 49.11 48.93 Females 1,262,225 29,559 1.67 2.34 13. Ghaziabad Persons 1,866,778 513,472 27.47 27.51 Males 1,016,903 491,848 48.87 48.37 Females 849,875 21,624 1.75 2.54 14. Bulandshahr Persons 2,349,530 604,799 25.74 25.74 Males 1,259,066 587,512 46.66 46.66 Females 1,090,464 17,287 l.S9 1.S9 15. Moradabad Persons 3,151,044 896,145 29.25 28.44 Males 1,709,700 878,112 52.58 51.36 Females 1,441,344 18,033 1.37 1.25 16. Rampur Persons 1,177,022 344,657 30.52 29.28 Males 638,404 339,205 55.21 53.13 Females 538,618 5,452 0.98 1.01 17. BudauD Persons 1,964,094 615,378 31.54 31.33 Males 1,086,112 606,302 56.29 55.82 Females 877,982 9,076 1.04 1.03 18. Bareilly Persons 2,264,770 654,094 30.37 28.88 Males 1,236,907 643,092 54.41 51.99 Females 1,027,863 11,002 0.93 1.07 19. Pilibhit Persons 1,006,336 300,805 31.66 29.89 Males 544,828 295,794 56.92 54.29 Females 461,508 S,OJ] 1.13 1.09 20. Sbabjabanpur Persons 1,648,659 510,154 32.71 30.94 Males 909,486 503,914 57.59 55.41 Females 739,173 6,240 1.SI 0.84 21. Aligarh Persons 2,565,450 642,146 27.32 25.03 Males 1,394,576 619,965 48.98 44.46 Females I, I 7f),874 22,181 1.35 1.89 22. Mathuta Persons 1,543,568 417,791 27.49 27.07 Males 850,982 405,897 48.42 47.70 Females 692,586 11,894 2.02 1.72 23. Agra Persons 2,852,474 796,688 27.14 27.93 Males 1,558,585 765,747 48.51 49.13 Females 1,293,889 30,941 1.37 2.39


DISTRIBUTION OF MAIN WORKERS-(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) STATEI Persons Total Main Percentage of main District Males Population Workers workers to total Females population 1971 1981 2 3 4 5 6 24. Etah Persons 1,837,575 524,111 28.57 28.52 Males 1,005,359 513,997 51.58 51.13 Females 832,216 10,114 0.94 1.22 25. Mainpuri Persons 1,724,057 453,263 27.77 26.29 Males 939,838 448,238 50.24 47.69 Females 784,219 5,025 0.81 0.64 26. Farrukhabad Persons 2,002,513 574,470 29.43 28.69 Males 1,095,733 557,935 52.44 50.92 Females 906,780 16,535 1.26 1.82 27. Etawah Persons 1,748,737 461,127 27.30 26.37 Males 954,893 451,175 48.71 47.25 Females 793,844 9,952 1.39 1.25 28. Kanpur Persons 3,790,549 1,057,906 29.38, 27.91 Males 2,067,308 994,045 50.92 48.08 Females 1,723,241 63,861 2.85 3.71 29. Fatehpur Persons 1,572,770 478,850 33.52 30.45 Males 829,027 417,159 53.30 50.32 Females 743,743 61,691 11.56 8.29 30. Allahabad Persons 3,780,665 1,105,283 32.30 29.24 Males 2,001,659 923,618 SO.13 46.14 Females 1,779,006 181,665 12.45 10.21 31. Jalaun Persons 987,432 281,115 28.69 28.47 Males 537,089 261,892 49.99 48.76 Females 450,343 19,223 3.86 4.27 32. Jhansi Persons 1,133,002 316,481 28.51 27.93 Males 606,619 288,490 48.52 47.56 Females 526,383 27,991 5.76 5.32 33. Lalitpur Persons 587,290 186,362 32.98 31.73 Males 316,246 173,391 56.15 54.83 Females 271,044 12,971 5.88 4.79 34. Hamirpur Persons 1,194,114 371,914 32.72 31.15 Males 643,369 324,196 52.41 50.39 Females 550,745 47,718 10.30 8.66 35. Banda Persons 1,536,349 515,302 34.16 33.54 Males 823,946 422,987 53.48 51.34 Females 712,403 92,315 11.98 12.96


DISTRIBUTION OF MAIN WORKERS--(Contd.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) STATE/ Persons Total Main Percentage of main District Males Population Workers workers to total Females population 1971 1981 2 3 4 5 6

36. Kheri Persons 1,962,826 611,403 33.22 31.15 Males 1,063,099 587,743 59.36 55.29 Females 899,727 23,660 1.48 2.63 37. Sitapur Persons 2,338,101 754,036 31.87 32.25 Males 1,271,262 721,015 56.96 56.72 Females 1,066,839 33,021 1.60 3.10 38. Hardoi Persons 2,293,994 692,046 31.17 30.17 Males 1,253,560 679,051 55.53 54.17 Females 1,040,434 12,995 1.64 1.25 39 nnao Persons 1,826,463 539,654 30.29 29.55 Males 968,221 501,535 53.54 51.80 Females 858,242 38,119 4.14 4.44 40. Lucknow Persons 2,017,172 597,985 29.73 29.64 Males 1,092,563 551,435 51.67 50.47 Females 924,609 46,550 3.64 5.03 41. Rae Bareli Persons 1,888,181 591,496 32.12 31.33 Males 972,509 505,906 53.93 52.02 Females 915,672 85,590 9.02 9.35 42. Bahraich Persons 2,221,154 675,844 35.09 30.43 Males 1,196,993 638,333 61.49 53.33 Females 1,024,161 37,511 3.71 3.66 43. Gonda Persons 2,838,305 911,776 35.00 32.12 Males 1,501,017 830,573 59.44 55.33 Females 1,337,288 81,203 7.08 6.07 44. Bara Banki Persons 2,012,576 665,664 34.44 33.08 Males 1,082,120 595,969 58.46 55.07 Females 930,456 69,695 6.21 7.49 45. Faizabad Persons 2,369,626 687,328 31.84 29.01 Males 1,224,162 604,001 52.92 49.34 Females I,J45,464 83,327 9.08 7.27 46. Sultanpur Persons 2,037,783 587,714 31.27 28.84 Males 1,034,657 505,004 52.30 48.81 Females 1,003,126 82,710 9.59 8.25 47. Pratapgarh Persons 1,807,252 491,060 30.37 27.17 Males 899,008 382,974 49.11 42.60 Females 908,244 108,086 11.92 11.9Oi


DISTRIBUTION OF MAIN WORKERS-(Concld.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) STATE/ Persons Total Main Percentage of main District Males Population Workers workers to total Females population 1971 1981 2 3 4 5 6

48. Basti Persons 3,576,783 1,083,710 35.20 30.30 Males 1,853,669 963,126 57.57 51.96 Females 1,723,114 120,584 10.42 7.00 49. Gorakhpur Persons 3,795,735 1,085,840 32.39 28.61 Males 1,956,465 947,108 52.58 48.41 Females 1,839,270 138,732 10.49 7.54 50. Deoria Persons 3,487,350 998,597 30.18 28.63 Males 1,752,307 833,879 51.76 47.59 Females 1,735,043 164,718 7.66 9.49 51. Azamgarh Persons 3,532,876 943,919 28.66 26.72 Males 1,747,018 782,991 47.66 44.82 Females 1,785,858 160,928 9.58 9.01 52. Jaunpur Persons 2,527,012 639,621 26,85 25.31 Males 1,257,293 563,367 46.42 44.81 Females 1,269,719 76,254 7.50 6.01 53. BaHia Persons 1,926,267 481,158 27.88 24.98 Males 969,928 . 405,949 46.50 41.85 Females 956,339 75,209 8.79 7.86 54. Ghazipur Persons 1,941,516 495,847 29.59 25.54 Males 973,947 429,525 47.93 44.10 Females 967~569 66,322 10.84 6.85 55. Varanasi Persons 3,696,768 1,030,698 29.01 27.88 Males 1,940,723 911,499 48.17 46.97 Females 1,756,045 119,199 7.93 6.79 56. Mirzapur Persons 2,033,834 683,404 35,(11 33.60 Males 1,077,255 542,141 52.86 50.33 Females 956,579 141,263 15.24 14.77

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119 U~ION PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT UTTAR PRADESH 198 I Census (Provi~ional Figures)

State/ District; City Tota! Area Total Population Density Fe- Percent· Rural 111 (including In~titutional & of males age growth Urban Km' HOll~clc~~ Population) Popu)a· per rate of tion per 1,000 Po pula- --- Sq. Km. males tion Persons Male~ Females 1971-81 2 (!) 4 5 6 ~~ 8 9 ~ UTI AR PRADESH Total 294,413.00 110,885,874 58,793,073 52,092,801 377 886 +25.52 Rural 290,024.24 90,912,651 47,974,536 42,938,115 313 895 +19.70 Urban 4,388.76 19,973,223 ]0,818,537 9,154,686 455 846 +61.22 rISTRICT I. Uttarka~hi Total 8,016.00 190,571 101,261 89.310 24 882 .. 28.93 Rural 7,998.53 177,308 92,805 84,503 22 911 .. 25.05 Urban 17.47 13,263 8.456 4,807 759 568 ·d20.32 2. Chamoli Total 9,125.00 364,287 (78,500 185,787 40 1.041 + 24.51 Rural 9,058.44 335,507 160,676 174,831 37 1,088 .. 19.67 Urban 66.56 28,780 17,824 10,956 432 615 .. 135.79 3. Tt>hri-Garhwal Total 4,421.00 493,245 234,561 258,684 112 1,103 + 24.12 Rural 4,396.88 472,665 221,327 251,338 108 1,136 + 22.18 Urban 24.12 20,580 13,234 7,346 853 555 .. 95.57 4. Dehra Dun Total 3,088.00 757,259 416,742 340,517 245 817 + 31.17 Rural 2,919.88 384,607 207,400 177,207 132 854 .. 25.88 Urban 168.12 372,652 209,342 163,310 2.217 780 + 37.12 5. Garhwal Total 5.440.00 624.259 292.684 331.575 115 1,IJ3 + 12.88 Rural 5.369.83 559,167 253,736 305.431 104 1.204 + 7.91 Urban 70.17 65.092 38.948 26,144 928 671 + 86.79 6. Pithoragarh Total 8.856.00 479.600 233,405 246.195 54 1,055 + 15.52 Rural 8,820.31 452,547 217.648 234,8'19 51 1,079 + 12.23 Ur~)an 35.69 27.053 15,757 11,296 758 717 +126.54 7. Almora Total 5,385.00 772,994 368,234 404,760 144 t,099 + 19.17 Rural 5,347.07 726.679 340,228 386,451 136 1,136 + 19.22 Urban 37.93 46.315 28,006 18,309 1,221 654 .. 18.42 8. Nainital Total 6.794.00 1.133.111 614,608 518,503 167 844 + 43.42 Rural 6.714.41 819.205 441,911 377,294 122 854 + 33.16 Urban 79.59 313.906 172.697 141.209 3,944 818 + 79.50 9. Saharanpur Total 5.591.00 2,673.653 1.459.878 1,213,775 478 831 + 30.12 Rural 5.487.lil 1,949.995 1.063,145 886.850 355 834 + 24.04 Urban 103.19 723.65R 396.733 326.925 7,013 824 + 49.89 10. MUlaffarnagar Total 4.176.00 2,2118,410 1.241.086 1.047.324 548 844 + 26.97 Rural 4.111.65 1,793.366 975,546 817,820 436 838 + 15.52 Urban 64.35 495.044 265.540 229.504 7.693 864 + 98.16 UNION PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT UTTAR PRADESH-lcld.) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Main Workers literate Population Literates as per cent Total Main Workers Total Main Workers of total population as per cent to total population (I-IX) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 30,383,715 22,872,157 7,511,558 27.40 38.90 14.42 32,302,67' 29,165,101 3,137,575 29.13 49.61 6.02 21,214,713 16,982,718 4,131,99S 23.34 35.40 9.86 26,879,270 24,069,184 2,810,086 29.57 SO.17 6.54 9,169,002 5,889,439 3,279,563 45.91 54.44 35.82 5,423,406 5.095,917 327,489 27.15 47.10 3.58

54,632 46,262 8,370 28.67 45.69 9.37 102,960 59,427 43,533 54.03 58.69 48.74 45,725 39,839 5,886 25.79 42.93 6.97 97,812 54,670 403,142 55.17 58.91 51.05 8,907 6,423 2,484 67.16 75.96 51.67 5.148 4,757 391 38.81 56.26 8.13 136,9n 102,360 34,613 37.60 57.34 18.63 162,450 81,550 80,900 44.59 45.69 43.54 118,339 88,812 29,527 35.27 55.27 16.89 150,545 71,691 78,854 44.87 44.62 45.10 18,634 13,548 5,086 64.75 76.01 46.42 11,905 9,859 2.046 41.37 55.31 18.67 134,904 110,418 24,486 27.35 47.07 9.47 205,132 102,108 103.024 41.59 43.53 39.83 121,000 100.361 20,639 25.60 45.35 8.21 197,133 94,574 102,55Cj 41.71 42.73 40.81 13,904 10,057 3,847 {.56 75.99 52.37 7,999 7,534 465 38.87 56.93 6.33 393,943 '252,928 141,015 5~.02 60.69 41.41 246,062 217,403 28,659 32.49 52.17 8.42 146,870 100,304 46,566 38.19 48.36 26.28 130,700 110,484 20,216 33.98 53.27 11.41 247,073 152,624 94,449 66.30 72.91 57.83 115,362 106,919 8,443 30.96 51.07 5.17 261,572 171,647 89,925 41.90 58.65 27.12 222,207 116,OI2 106,195 35.60 39.64 32.03 218,959 142,578 76.381 39.16 56.19 25.01 200,831 95,620 105,211 35.92 37.68 34.45 42,613 29,069 13,544 65.47 74.64 51.81 21,376 20,392 984 32.84 52.36 3.76 181,987 131,741 50,246 37.95 56.44 20.41 180,619 100,041 80,518 37.66 42.86 32.73 163,283 119,356 43,927 36.08 54.84 18.70 171,578 92,184 79,394 37.91 42.35 33.80 18,704 12,385 6,319 69.14 78.60 55.94 9,041 7,857 1,184 33.42 49.86 10.48 300,697 215,141 85,556 38.90 58.43 21.14 225,836 134,299 91,537 29.22 36.47 22.62 265,175 191,679 73,496 36.49 56.34 19.02 209,328 119,1I8 90,210 28.81 35.01 23.34 35,522 23,462 12,060 76.70 83.77 65.87 16,508 15,181 1,327 35.64 54.21 7.25 424,129 288,511 136,218 37.48 46.94 26.27 361,266 318,570 42,696 31.88 51.83 8.23 267,351 189,681 77,670 32.64 42.92 20.59 269,969 231,753 38,216 32.95 52.44 10.13 157,378 98,830 58,548 50.14 57.23 41.46 91,297 86,817 4,480 29.08 50.27 3.17 787,937 568,852 219,085 29.47 38.97 18.05 781,428 761,654 19,774 29.23 52.17 1.63 439,812 348,960 90,852 22.55 32.82 10.24 578,653 566,305 12,348 29.67 53.27 1.39 348,125 219,892 128,233 48.11 55.43 39.22 202,775 195,349 7,426 28.02 49.24 2.27 672,584 492,352 180,232 29.39 39.67 17.21 642,522 622,366 20,156 28.08 50.15 1.92 475,757 366,98.1 108,774 26.53 37.62 13.30 510,387 494,986 15,401 28.46 50.74 1.88 196,827 125,369 71,458 39.76 47.21 31.14 132,135 127,380 4,755 26.69 47.97 2.07

121 UNION PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT UTTAR PRADESH 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Main Workers State / District/ City Total Cultivators Agricultural Rural Labourers Urban

(I) (II) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27

UTTAR PRADESH Total 18,740,356 17,283,651 1,456,705 5,272,707 4,205,854 1,066,853 Rural 18,260,068 16,828,418 1,431,650 4,927,243 3,888,540 t,038,7!}3 Urban 480,288 455,233 25,055 345,464 317,314 28,150 DISTRICT I. Uttarkashi Total 82,027 39,691 42,336 S82 460 122 Rural 81,429 39,333 42,096 492 371 121 Urban .598 358 240 90 89 2. Chamoli .Total 131,194 52,537 713.657 618 429 189 Rural 128,894 51.(,39 77.255 563 390 173 Urban 2,300 S9K 1,402 55 39 16 3. Tehri-Garhwal Total 173.160 72.084 !(J i .076 1,020 75S 265 Rural 173,022 72.0 IS 10 !.Ij07 1,003 740 263 Urban 13X 69 69 17 15 2 4. Debra Dun Total 71,419 55.772 15,647 19,666 17,6&7 1,979 Rural 69,971 54,454 15,517 17,713 15,900 1,813 Urban 1,448 1,318 130 1,953 1,787 166 5. Garhwal Total 168,248 64,'}P 103,31S 2,404 1.834 570 Rural 167,915 64,709 103,206 2,346 1.778 568 Urban 333 224 109 58 56 2 6. Pithoragarh Total 148,553 71,389 77,164 1,40S 1,033 372 Rural 147,658 70,879 76,779 1,336 977 359 Urban 895 510 385 69 56 13 7. Almora Total 169,814 83,001 86,813 4,107 2,575 1,532 Rural 169,443 82,860 86,583 4,047 2,520 1,527 Urban 371 141 230 60 55 5 8. Nainital Total 162,766 135,908 26,858 67,665 59,042 8,623 Rural 158,104 131,461 26,643 59,934 52,093 7,841 Urban 4,662 4,447 215 7,731 6,949 782 9. Saharanpur Total 273,065 270,635 2,430 222,292 216,377 5,915 Rural 263,709 261,394 2,315 208,589 203,017 5,572 Urba-n 9,356 9,241 II5 13,703 13,360 343 10. Muzaffarnagar Total 265,876 262,161 3,715 183,996 177,407 6,589 Rural 249,850 246,263 3,S87 161,825 156,037 5,788 Urban 16,026 15,898 128 22,171 21,370 801

122 UNION PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT UTTAR PRADESH 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Main Workers Household Industry, Other Workers Marginal Workers N on-Workers Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs V(a) III,l", V(b) and VI to IX Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 1,419,231 1,235,462 183,7696,870,3826,440,134 430,2482,96".,462 1,117,732 1,847,730 75,617,736 28,510,240 47,107,496 835,694 716,518 119,1762,856,2652,635,708 220,5572,732,817 987,279 1,745,538 61,300,564 22,918,073 38,382,491 583,537 518,944 64,5934,014,1173,804,426 209,691 232,645 130,453 102,192 14,317,172 5,592,167 8,725,005

1,372 1,003 369 18,979 18,273 706 4,856 ],011 3,845 82,755 40,823 41,932 1,238 872 366 14,653 14,094 559 4,799 997 3,802 74,697 37,138 37,559 134 131 3 4,326 4,179 147 57 14 43 8,058 3,685 4,373 3,409 2,379 1,030 27,229 26,205 1,024 19,959 4,087 15,872 181,878 92,863 89,015 2,836 2,146 690 18,252 17,516 736 19,134 3,837 15,297 165,828 85,148 80,680 573 233 340 8,977 8,689 288 825 250 575 16,050 7,715 8,335 1,872 1,699 173 29,080 27,570 1,510 24,434 6,467 17,967 263,679 125,986 137,693 1,782 1,620 162 21,326 20,199 1,127 24,396 6,462 17,934 251,136 120,291 130,845 90 79 II 7,754 7,371 383 38 5 33 12,543 5,695 6,848 7,621 6,921 700 147,356 137,023 10,333 10,023 2,069 7,954 501,174 197,270 303,904 3,278 2,986 292 39,738 37,144 2,594 8,890 1,136 7,754 245,017 95,780 149,237 4,343 3,935 408 lO7,618 99,879 7,739 1,133 933 200 256,157 101,490 154,667 2,620 2,484 136 48,935 46,761 2,174 40,732 9,979 30,753 361,320 166,693 194,627 2,355 2,237 118 28,215 26,896 1,319 39,941 9,733 30,208 318,395 148,383 170,012 265 247 18 20,720 19,865 855 791 246 545 42,925 18,310 24,615 4,334 2,830 1,504 26,327 24,789 1,538 38,710 7,621 31,089 260;271 125,743 134,528 3,665 2,377 1,288 18,919 17,951 968 38,483 7,578 30,905 242,486 117,886 124,600 669 453 216 7,408 6,838 570 227 43 184 17,785 7,857 9,928 5,161 4,568 593 46,754 44,155 2,599 143,810 47,578 96,232 403,348 186,357 216,991 4,492 3,949 543 31,346 29,789 1,557 143,589 47,503 96,086 373,762 173,607 200,155 669 619 50 15,408 14,366 1,042 221 75 146 29,586 12,750 16,836 11,055 10,289 766 119,780 113,331 6,449 97,204 33,148 64,056 674,641 262,890 411,751 4,887 4,374 513 47,044 43,825 3,219 89,615 30,319 59,296 459,621 179,839 279,782 6,168 5,915 253 72,736 69,506 3,230 7,589 2,829 4,760 215,020 83,051 131,969 25,194 22,640 2,554 260,877 252,002 8,875 10,171 2,130 8,041 1,882,054 696,094 1,185,960 15,783 14,289 1,494 90,572 87,605 2,967 .9,280 1,771 7,509 1,362,062 495,069 866,993 9,411 8,351 1,060 170,305 164,397 5,908 891 359 532 519,992 201,025 318,967 26,518 23,635 2,883 166,132 159,163 6,969 23,170 12,539 10,631 1,622,718 606,181 1,016,537 18,590 16,411 2,179 80,122 76,275 3,847 21,915 12,106 9,809 1,261,064 468,454 792,610 7,928 7,224 704 86,010 82,888 3,122 1,255 433 822 361,654 137,727 223,927

123 UNION PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT UTTAR PRADESH-(Contd.) 1981 Census (P.rovisional Figures)

State/ District/ City Total Area Total Population Density Fe- Percent- Rural In (including Institutional & of males age growth Urban Km2 Houseless Population) Popula- per rate of tion per 1,000 Popula- Sq. Km. males tion Persons Males Females 1971-81 2 GJ 4 5 6 '"7 8 9 11. Bijnor Total 4,849.00 1,925,637 1,033,432 892,205 397 863 + 29.22 Rural 4,779.47 1,445,271 778,893 666,378 302 856 + 18.42 Urban 69.53 480,366 254,539 225,827 6,909 887 + 78.11 12. Meerut Total 3,911.00 2,766,496 1,504,271 1,262,225 707 839 +25.30 Rural 3,790.46 1,900,858 1,036,315 864,543 SOl 834 +11.28 Urban 120.54 865,638 467,956 397,682 7,181 850 +73.20 13. Ghaziabad Total 2,590.00 1,866,778 1,016,903 849,875 721 836 +39.22 Rural 2,438.24 1,234,612 669,835 564,777 506 843 +22.16 Urban 151.76 632,166 . 347,068 285,098 4.166 821 +91.41 14. Bulandshahr Total 4,352.00 2,349,530 1,259,066 1,090.464 540 866 +24.22 Rural 4,213.11 1,888,639 1,013;671 874,968 448 863 +16.00 Urban 138.89 460,891 245,395 215,496 3,318 878 +75.01 IS. Moradabad Total 5,967.00 3,151,044 1,709,700 1,441,344 528 843 +29.73 Rural 5,857.55 2,300,209 1,254,923 1,045,286 393 833 +24.22 Urban 109.45 850,835 454,777 396,058 7,774 871 +47.39 16. Rampur Total 2,367.00 1,177,022 638.404 538,618 497 844 +30.60 Rural 2,303.97 863,047 471,573 391,474 375 830 +19.01 Urban 63.03 313,975 166,831 147,144 4,981 882 +78.35 17. Budaun Total 5,168.00 1,964,094 1,086,112 877,982 380 808 +19.33 Rural 5,051.18 1,646,351 915,688 730,663 326 798 +10.34 Urban 116.82 317,743 170,424 147,319 2,720 864 +106.50 18. Bareilly Total 4,120.00 2,264,770 1,236,907 1,027,863 550 831 +27.24 Rural 4,005.98 1,613,628 885,571 728,057 403 822 +16.64 Urban 114.02 651,142 351,336 299,806 5,711 853 +64.22 19. Pilibhit Total 3,499.00 1,006,336 544,828 461,508 288 847 +33.80 Rural 3,478.44 842,769 457,023 385,746 242 844 +29.80 Urban 20.56 163,567 87,805 75,762 7,956 863 +59.10 20. Shahjahanpur Total 4,575.00 1,648,659 909,486 739,173 360 813 +28.19 Rural 4,539.46 1,329,009 737,825 591,184 293 801 +21.92 Urban 35.54 319,650 171,661 147,989 8,994 862 +63.07 21. Aligarh Total 5,019.00 2,565,450 1,394,576 1.170,874 511 840 +21.48 Rural 4,839.92 1,974,113 1,076,875 897.238 408 833 +13.79 Urban 179.08 591,337 317,701 273,636 3,302 861 +56.84

124 UNION PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT UTTAR PRADESH-(Contd) 1981 Census (Provisional Figures) Main Workers Literate Population Literates as per cent Total Main Workers Total Main Workers of total population as per cent to total population

(I-IX) Pcnonl Malcs Females Penona Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 10 1l 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21

515,977 380,330 135,647 26.80 36.80 15.20 535,538 518,052 17,486 27.81 50.13 1.96 354,488 277,028 77,460 24.53 35.57 11.62 408,201 396,306 11,895 28.24 50.88 1.79 161,489 103,302 58,187 33.62 40.58 25.77 127,337 121,746 5,591 26.51 47.83 2.48 955,303 696,951 258,352 34.53 46.33 20.47 765,543 735,984 29,559 27.67 48.93 2.34 563,430 444,963 118,467 29.64 42.94 13.70 525,758 508,003 17,755 27.66 49.02 2.05 391,8n 251,988 139,885 45.27 53.85 35.18 239,785 227,981 11,804 27.70 48.72 2.97 685,561 501,167 184,394 36.72 49.28 21.7()' 513,472 491,848 21,624 27.51 48.37 2.54 372,000 297,567 74,433 30.13 44.42 13.18 336,209 322,981 13,228 27.23 48.22 2.34 313,561 203,600 109,961 49.60 58.66 38.57 177,263 168,867 8,396 28.04 48;66 2.94 680,984 531,651 143,333 28.98 42)0. 13.14 604,799 581,512 17,2j!7 25.74 46.66 1.59 512,433 424,978 87,455 27.13 41.92 10.00 489,537 476,567 12,970 25.92 47.01 1.48 168,551 112,673 55,878 36.57 45.91 25.93 115,262 110,945 4,317 25.01 45.21 2.00 653,460 489,514 163,946 20.74 28.63 11.37 896,145 878,112 18,033 28.44 51.36 1.25 363,089 3')5,733 51,356 15.79 24.36 5.49 661,112 658,086 9,026 29.00 52.44 0.86 290,371 183,781 106,590 34.13 40.41 26.91 229,033 220,026 9,007 26.92 48.38 2.27 192,226 144,075 48,151 16.33 22.57 8.94 344,657 339,205 5,452 29.28 53.13 1.01 100,181 84,519 15,662 11.61 17.92 4.00 257,709 255,410 2,299 29.86 54.16 0.59 92,045 59,556 32,489 29.32 35.70 22.08 86,948 83,795 3,153 27.69 50.23 2.14 314,877 249,142 65,735 16.03 22.94 7.49 615,378 606,302 9,076 31.33 55.82 1.03 219,485 186,619 32,866 13.33 20.38 4.50 529,754 523,631 6,123 32.18 57.18 0.84 95,392 62,523 32,869 30.02 36.69 22.31 85,624 82,671 2,953 26.95 48.51 2.00 494,219 367,989 126,230 21.82 29.75 12.28 654,094 643,092 ll,002 28.88 51.99 1.07 242,148 207,535 34,613 IS.Ol 23.44 4.75 477,654 473,490 4,164 29.60 53.47 0.57 252,071 160,454 91,617 38.71 45.67 30.56 176,440 169,602 6,838 27.10 48.21 2.28 211,040 165,712 45,328 20.97 30.42 9.82 300,805 295,794 5,011 29.89 54.29 1.09 149,095 125,750 23,345 17.69 27.52 6.0~ 257,179 253,848 3,331 30.52 55.54 0.86 61,945 39,962 21,983 31.87 45.51 29.02 43,626 41,946 1,680 26.67 47.77 2.22 355,494 215,565 19,929 21.56 30.30 10.81 510,154 503,914 6,240 30.94 55.41 0.84 234,217 196,704 31,513 11.62 26.66 6.35 424,776 421,085 3,691 31.96 57.07 a.62 121,277 78,861 42,416 37.94 45.94 28.66 85,378 82,829 2,549 26.71 48.25 1.12 800,801 609,408 191,393 31.21 43.10 16.35 642,146 619,965 22,181 25.03 44.46 1.89 548,360 447,508 100,852 21.18 41.56 11.24 490,477 475,150 15,327 24.85 44.12 1.71 252,441 161,900 90,541 42.69 50.96 33.09 151,669 144,815 6,854 25.65 45.58 2.50