ELK ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE ISSN 2394-9392 (Online); DOI: 10.16962/EAPJSS/issn. 2394-9392/2015; Volume 5 Issue 1 (2018)




VANDANA SHARMA JRF-Indian Council Of Philosophical Research Ph.D Research Scholar- Department Of Philosophy, Annamalai University,Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu

Abstract: Keeping in mind the philosophy of Adi Shankaracharya, this paper aims to throw light on the insensitivity we have developed towards our environment, in particular animals who are as much divine in their essence as humans. This paper in specific wants to divert attention of the profound scholars, professors, philosophers and academicians in regards to the torture animals go through across the lengths and breadths of the globe for satisfying human’s desire for food, fashion and fun or merely being a scapegoat to human frustration, failures and setbacks. On a macro level this paper aims to improve the condition of animals and environment by stressing upon the philosophy of Adi Shankracharya that professes everything to be the non-dual .

INTRODUCTION: the media asked him as to why he focuses so much of his time, attention and energies on Mahatma Gandhi, said: “To my mind, the life animals when so much of human barbarism of a lamb is no less precious than that of a existed. George Angell replied, "I am human being… I hold that the more helpless working at the roots." This statement a creature is, the more entitled it is to concludes the effect that animal savagery has protection… ”1 on our environment. Animal cruelty includes George Angell, who walked this planet in the a wide range of behaviors including animal 18th-century was an animal advocate. Once, hoarding, neglect, abandonment, animal


ELK ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE ISSN 2394-9392 (Online); DOI: 10.16962/EAPJSS/issn. 2394-9392/2015; Volume 5 Issue 1 (2018) fights, animal rapes and deliberate acts of point abused animals or have been cruelty. Whatever form it takes, animal destructive towards environment in general. cruelty tends to be the starting point for a Animal cruelty certainly adds to the global much wider range of problems from domestic issues of environment at a magnified rate. Be violence, environmental issues, dipping it factory farming that harms our morals and spiritual values to terrorism, environment by production of excess social unrest, rapes and a variety of social pollution and injecting animals with high evils. intensity antibiotics and oxytocine to the According to PETA (People for Ethical global meat industry that has massive Treatment Of Animals) a study that was environmental impacts with contribution of conducted by the Northeastern University 18%-51% of greenhouse gasses and gulping and the Massachusetts Society for the up of resources that already are short in Prevention of Cruelty to Animals found that supply in accordance to a study conducted by people who committed crimes against the Curtin University, Australia. animals were five times more likely to In 2016 the World Economic Forum commit violence socially. Domestic violence published a report, according to which by the and animal cruelty are also linked. According year 2050 the world's oceans would have to the National Institute of Mental Health and more plastics than fishes. At present, 32% of Allied Sciences, India, people who are the world's plastic ends up in the ocean and abusive and violent towards animas are likely less than 10% ends up being recycled. Plastic to be violent towards one’s partner, parents, kills millions of animals annually, from society and environment in general. fishes, turtles and sea birds to street dogs, Abused children are also more likely to abuse cows and cats. Not only that, but it also animals than those children who were spreads harmful algae, invasive species and brought up with love and lessons of man-made pollutants, which are finally brotherhood towards all lives. Vardhaman introduced into the food chain. Besides which Institute of Mental Health and Allied a plastic takes 800 years to decompose. Sciences accepts that those who rape and There are greater issues that we are facing disrespect women and children have at some that come under the wings of animal cruelty


ELK ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE ISSN 2394-9392 (Online); DOI: 10.16962/EAPJSS/issn. 2394-9392/2015; Volume 5 Issue 1 (2018) and environmental exploitation from climate considers the to be the final authority. change, global warming, acid rains, steroid The other revered texts of this system are induced milk, low quality soil, hormone Brahmasutrabhashya, Bhagwad-Gita and injected vegetables, extinction of species to which collectively are known as abandoning animals, using them as objects of the Prasthantrayi. Advaita-Vedanta considers pleasure and inhuman torture. From cutting the Brahman to be the only reality. Brahman down trees and building sky scrapers to is considered to be indescribable. It is beyond harming the flora and fauna in the most names, forms, time, space and thought. Any inhumane fashion are nothing but episodes of effort to describe it is merely trying to bring harming our earth. it down to the level of human interpretation. The self or the in Advaita-Vedanta is Advaita Vedanta philosophy which is rich synonyms with the Brahman. Atman- and all embracing can certainly end all Brahman is identical just as the wave and the ecological issues and cases of animal cruelty ocean. Hence, behind the veil of various provided it is understood in the right light. It names and forms exists one ultimate reality is important that children are introduced to called the Brahman or the Atman. The Rig this philosophy at an early age in order to Veda, states- make sure that they grow up to be environmentally conscious and sensitive ‘Ekam Sat Vipra Bahuda Vadanti’1 citizens …..That ultimate truth is one, known by 1. Animals and World Religions, Lisa the wise as many. Kemmerer, Pg-60 The distinction of varied names and forms ADVAITA- VEDANTA, arises due to what is called Maya, or ENVIRONMENT AND ANIMALS: the cosmic illusion. It is due to the grip of Maya that we see distinction between a bowl, Advaita-Vedanta is a philosophy that a glass and a flower pot which are essentially believes in complete socio-cultural harmony. made of the same stuff -mud. Similarly, due Reverence for nature and unity of all is the to cosmic illusion we consider men, women, summum bonum of the Advaita-Vedanta animals, trees, rivers etc as distinct forgetting Philosophy. Advaita-Vedanta is one of the 6 that in their essence; they are all the non-dual- orthodox schools of that


ELK ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE ISSN 2394-9392 (Online); DOI: 10.16962/EAPJSS/issn. 2394-9392/2015; Volume 5 Issue 1 (2018)

Brahaman, for nothing exists outside the Vedanta is a state where one realizes the self Brahman. through Jñāna as the supreme reality. He wrote several of the most magnificient texts Shankara, who is popularly said to be born in and at the age of 32, he gave up his material the 8th century BC, was a philosopher and body at the holy adobe of Kedarnath in the metaphysist of the highest order. He was born Himalyas. in the southern part of India in a village called Kaladi in the state of Kerala. His logic and 1. The Rig Veda, 1-164-146 reasoning remains unparallel till this date. Human beings consider themselves to be the Jagadguru mastered the 4vedas at the age of most superior and lordly. This thought is 4, completed his education by the age of 7 triggered by the western domination theory and became an ascetic monk at the age of 8. according to which humans have all the rights He found his Govindbhagwadpad along to dominate nature, animals and the entire the Narbada at Omkareshwara,MP,India. By creation for the sake of their benefit, pleasure the time he was 12; he became an Aacharya and entertainment. Such a thought is also and was now called Shankaracharya. At the promoted by Abrahamic religions which age of 16 he wrote the Brahmasutrabhashya. consider soul to be exclusive to humans while He travelled bare feet 4 times across India any creation other than human is meant for including Nepal in order to spread the light of mankind’s benefit and gratification. It is due Advaita-Vedanta. He also stopped human to this dualistic approach that we consider and animal sacrifices and brought about unity something or someone to be separate from us in the society which was divided into various and thus, issues such as superiority- sects by the virtue of his razor sharp logic and inferiority, appreciation-repulsion, violence, philosophical debates with 84 different sects. rapes, social intolerance, casteism, religion He also reformed the society by establishing and cruelty against fellow humans and the authority of Jñāna (Knowledge) over animals emerge as universal evils. mindless rituals (KarmaKanda). Knowledge here must not be confused with education or The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy gathering of information. Knowledge here describes environmental ethics as: refers to realization of self as the non-dual, ultimate reality. Liberation in Advaita-


ELK ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE ISSN 2394-9392 (Online); DOI: 10.16962/EAPJSS/issn. 2394-9392/2015; Volume 5 Issue 1 (2018)

“A discipline of philosophy that studies the the supreme reality in Advaita-Vedanta is the moral relationship between the human ground of the entire universe from the and the non-human world” heavenly bodies like the sun, moon and earth to the minutest of species like the ants, snakes If we carefully look at the definition, we see and tortoise. It is the base of the elements of a distinction between human and that which earth, water, fire, sky and ether to the birds has been labeled as non-human. Such that fly, the puppies that play and the flowers definitions gave rise to the concepts of that bloom audaciously. This explains why environmental preservation, preserving wild in India people worship trees, rivers, animals, life, forests and many more. These concepts birds and humans. This supreme reality is arise not on the basis of un-conditionality or non-exclusive and non particular and even as a sense of oneness but as a sense of greed extends to what modern science may call as and fear. These concepts clearly see the ‘non-living’. This also explains as to why in environment and animals to be distinct from India people till today worship tools, the self and the effort to preserve them is machinery, stones. made only under the fear and compulsion to avoid situations like exertion of natural It’s not that an Indian is superstitious or is resources, preserving animals for the sake of bound to forms; it is just that an Indian has a tourism and economy, entertainment and deep sense of understanding that despite pleasures. This thought is certainly not nature varied names and forms there is one divine centric but is human, and human greed force behind all-The Brahman. In the Holy centric. Bhagwad Gita, Lord says:

Contrary to the western thought, Indian “An enlightened one is he who sees me in Philosophy and particularly Advaita-Vedanta the wise, in a cow, in a dog, in an elephant, sees no distinction between man and nature in an ant and in an outcast.”1 in its very essence. The Earth, animals, birds, Hence, Advaita-Vedanta doesn’t consider a trees and others have never been seen as human to be particular, instead it sees him as objects to be dominated or exploited. Since, a general part of nature that is suppose to Brahman the supreme reality is omnipotent, function as per Dharma. Dharma here must omnipresent and omniscient; it logically not be confused with religion. Dharma in cannot be exclusive to humans alone. Hence,


ELK ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE ISSN 2394-9392 (Online); DOI: 10.16962/EAPJSS/issn. 2394-9392/2015; Volume 5 Issue 1 (2018)

Indian philosophy means to act in accordance epic , Yudhishthir, one of the 5 to Rta or the cosmic order. It involves a sense brothers/ refuses to enter of duty, right, responsibility, conduct, virtues without his dog. This also explains why and discipline of existence within the entire Arjun was awe-struck when on his request creation. Since, Indian Philosophy refuses to Lord Krishna showed him his Vishwaroopa3. discriminate human, animals, trees, insects, Arjuna saw a million of earths, seasons, birds and nature in their essence, most of the animals, trees, birds, insects as the very body vedic hymns, shlokas and prayers are general of Krishna. and not particular to any specie, religion, nation, cast or sex. An example of one such 1. The Holy Bhagwad Gita, Ch-5, 18, hymn comes from the Briha-dar-nyaka Gita Press, Gorakhpur Upanishadh2 – 2. Briha-dar-nyaka Upanishadh, 1.4.14, Gita Press, Gorakhpur Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah 3. The Holy Bhagwad Gita Ch-11, Sarve Santu Nir-Aamayaah | Vishwaroopa Darshana Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu

Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet | Be it the Jatakas of the Buddhist, the Agamas Om Shaantih! Shaantih! Shaantih! || of the Jainas, The Vedas, Epics or the

Puranas, all are decorated with stories that A dog, a pig, a fish is as much the Brahman supremely glorify nature, humans, animals, in its essence as you and me. This explains trees, bird, reptiles, mountains, rivers etc. why the 10 incarnations of also have Mount Kailash, Ashoka Tree, Bodhi Tree, him incarnated as a fish, a pig and a tortoise. Garuda-The Bird, Vasuki-The Snake, Shvan- Animals are considered sacred and divine The Dog, Nandi-The Bull, Kamdhenu-The and this throws light on why the dog is seen Cow, -The Monkey God, Airavat- as a symbol of the Vedas in Shankara The Elephat, Krauncha-The Rat, Ganga- The Digvijaya where appears as an outcast River, Suryadeva-The Sun, Vayudeva-The before along with his 4 dogs Air, Agnidev- The Fire, Ram-The Perfect representing the 4 Vedas. Even in case of Human, -The Divine Mother, Kinnars- Dattatray, an Indian deity, the 4 dogs The Eunuch are all examples of the various accompany him as the 4 Vedas. In the great


ELK ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE ISSN 2394-9392 (Online); DOI: 10.16962/EAPJSS/issn. 2394-9392/2015; Volume 5 Issue 1 (2018) manifestation of the non-dual, ultimate 1. Taittiriya Upanishad (3.1.1), Geeta Supreme. Press, Gorakhpur The following references from the 2. Shvetashwatara Upanishad (6.11), Upanishads seal the non-dual essence of all Geeta Press, Gorakhpur that exists and rejects any superiority of Advaita-Vedanta represents a profound humans as dominant beings: spirituality. In positive relation to the interest of ecology, it fosters values such as ‘Ekoham Bahusyam’ simplicity of life, frugality, non-violence, (I am one and I shall become many) kindness and above all discarding ‘duality’ -Taittiriya Upanishad (3.1.1)1 because there exists no ‘two’ says the ‘Ekaḥ Devaḥ Sarvabhūteṣu Gūḍhaḥ Chandogya Upanishadh1- Sarvavyāpī Sarvabhūtāntarātmā Sarvam Khalu-Idam Brahman Karmādhyakṣaḥ Sarvabhūtādhivāsaḥ (All is the Brahman) Sākṣīi Cetā Kevalaḥ Nirguṇaḥ Ca ||’

(One Divine who alone is & He indwells in S. Cromwell Crawford, states that the every creature for He alone is the essence of “Advaita-Vedanta has an ecological the entire creation, He pervades all and is the consciousness″2. He further adds that, the silent witness of all our actions and is the concept of Brahman is an essential ingredient womb of all things. He is also the Mighty for an environmentally sound ethic, namely, Witness to the thought of thought, breath of ‘reverence for nature.’ According to him breath and all. He is the Absolute in whom “The non-duality of Ātman and Brahman, mood is not nor any attribute.) makes all creatures as the manifestation of

the supreme”, this gives Advaita-Vedanta a Shvetashwatara Upanishad (6.11)2 ‘cosmic’ outlook on life. Thus, when a man starts seeing himself as a separate entity, he swells up with pride and The following verses from the great epic thinks that he is meant to dominate all that is Mahabharata clearly prohibit any kind of physically weaker than him. In his ignorance violence towards any creature be it an animal, he forgets that even the smallest organism in human or the tiniest of insect and promotes this universe has a very big role to play. anhimsa.


ELK ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE ISSN 2394-9392 (Online); DOI: 10.16962/EAPJSS/issn. 2394-9392/2015; Volume 5 Issue 1 (2018)

Ahimsa is the highest dharma. Ahimsa is greed. It is important to realize that the self in the best tapas. Ahimsa is the greatest gift. me is the same self in you by pondering over Ahimsa is the highest self-control. Ahimsa the Mahavakyas of the Upanishads- is the highest sacrifice. Ahimsa is the highest power. Ahimsa is the highest Prajnanam Brahman-Consciousness is friend. Ahimsa is the highest truth. Brahman Ahimsa is the highest teaching. (Aitariya Up-3.3.7)1 1. 3.14, Geeta Press, Gorakhpur Brahmasmi-I am the Brahman 2. The evolution of Hindu ethical ideals (Brihadarnyak Up 1.4.10)2 (Asian studies at Hawaii)Paperback – Tat Tvam Asi- You are That Brahman 1982 by S. Cromwell Crawford (Chandogya Up 6.8.7)3 3. Atharva-Vedas (11.2.1), Geeta Press, Gorakhpur Ayam Atman Brahman-The Self is the 4. Mahabharata 18:116.37-41, Mlbd Brahman (Brihadarnyak Up4.4.5)4 CONCLUSION It is time we go back to the texts in order to understand them in the right light and evolve At a time, when nature is under the wings of as kinder, enlightened and responsible beings destruction, Advait-Vedanta philosophy holding in our heart love for all. It is only alone can be mankind’s savior. It is important when we see the self in all and all in the self for man to hold hands with sciences and that we will be the protector and the development only till the point where it protected. We thus will be able to construct a stands beneficial for all. It is time to world where diversity of names and forms understand that development cannot be will be united with one single thread of divine merely a man’s his birth right. Man has to consciousness. In our journey to realize the take all animals, plants, rivers, mountains and self in all and all in the self, we have to walk every spec of the universe along with him for on the path of non-duality which in Indian holistic development. It is time to learn to be tradition is called “Advaita Vedanta”. free from the shackles of selfishness and use the natural resources for need and not for


ELK ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE ISSN 2394-9392 (Online); DOI: 10.16962/EAPJSS/issn. 2394-9392/2015; Volume 5 Issue 1 (2018)

1. Aitariya Up-3.3.7, Geeta Press, 9. The evolution of Hindu ethical ideals Gorakhpur (Asian studies at Hawaii)Paperback – 2. Brihadarnyak Up 1.4.10, Geeta Press, 1982 by S. Cromwell Crawford Gorakhpur 10. Atharva-Vedas, Geeta Press, 3. Chandogya Up 6.8.7, Geeta Press, Gorakhpur Gorakhpur 4. Brihadarnyak Up4.4.5, Geeta Press, 11. Mahabharata , Mlbd Gorakhpur 12. Aitariya Up, Geeta Press, Gorakhpur

REFERENCES: 13. Brihadarnyak Up , Geeta Press, Gorakhpur 1. The Rig Veda, Gita Press, Gorakhpur 14. Chandogya Up , Geeta Press, 2. Yajur Veda, Gita Press, Gorakhpur Gorakhpur 3. Shiva Mahapuran, Gita Press, 15. Brihadarnyak Up, Geeta Press, Gorakhpur Gorakhpur 4. The Holy Bhagwad Gita,, Gita Press,


5. Briha-dar-nyaka Upanishadh, Gita

Press, Gorakhpur

6. Taittiriya Upanishad, Geeta Press, Gorakhpur

7. Shvetashwatara Upanishad, Geeta Press, Gorakhpur

8. Chandogya Upanishad, Geeta Press, Gorakhpur