Bhajan Blast 9 Lyrics
Bhajan Blast 9 Sunday, September 15, 2013 7 - 8 pm Pacific Prayers Divine Light Invocation Mantra I am created by Divine Light I am sustained by Divine Light I am protected by Divine Light I am surrounded by Divine Light I am ever growing into Divine Light Divine Mother Prayer O Divine Mother, May all my speech and idle talk be Mantra, All actions of my hands be Mudra, All eating and drinking be the offering of oblations unto thee, All lying down prostrations before Thee; May all pleasures be as dedicating my entire self unto Thee, May everything I do be taken as Thy worship. Lyrics 1. BHAJA GOVINDA Bhaja Govinda Govinda Gopala (2X) Sri Krishna Kanaya Tuma Nanda Lala (2X) Seek the Rescuer of the Earth, Gopala the Cowherd, Baby Krishna, the son of Nanda. 1 2. NANDALALA YADU NANDALALA Nandalala Yadu Nandalala Brindavana Govinda-lala (2X) Radha Lola Nandalala (2X) Radha Madhava Nandalala (2X) Son of Nanda, Child of the Yadavas, Govinda of Brindavan, Lord of Radha. O Madhava, Son of Nanda (Krishna). 3. NANDALALA Nandalala Nandalala Nanda Kilala Prabu Radha Lola (2x) Gopi Lola Gopa Bala Chitta Lila Vilasa Lola (2x) Hare Radha Hare Radha, Radha Radha, Hare Hare (2X) Hare Krisna Hare Krisna, Krisna Krisna, Hare Hare (2X) Beloved Son of Nanda, Radha finds joy in Her devotion to You. Ever compassionate, our hearts long for Your Divine Play. 4. AARTI BLUE LOTUS FEET Engrossed is the bee of my mind On the blue lotus feet of my Divine Mother Repeat above two lines Divine Mother, my Divine Mother, Divine Mother, my Divine Mother Divine Mother, my Divine Mother, Divine Mother, my Divine Mother 5.
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