THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 14, 1882. 5065 Fthd Also at the Office of the Board of Trade, I in a Southerly Direction, from the Public Whitehall, London
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 14, 1882. 5065 fthd also at the office of the Board of Trade, i in a southerly direction, from the public Whitehall, London. highway from Caldbeck to Hesket New f; On and after the 21st day of December next Market along the eastern fence of the said printed copies of the draft Provisional Order may field. be obtained at the offices of the Bristol Sanitary A Branch Railway (Number 2) to be wholly Authority, 13, Prince-street, Bristol, and of situate in the county of Cumberland, com- Messrs. Dyson and Co., 24, Parliament-street, mencing in the parish of Crosscanonby by a Westminster, on payment of one shilling for each junction with the main line of the Company copy, and when the Provisional Order shall have at a point thereon six hundred and eighty-six been granted by the Board of Trade printed yards or thereabouts, measured in a north- copies thereof may be obtained at those offices easterly direction, from the centre of the respectively, on pavment of one shilling for each bridge carrying the Maryport and Cocker- copy, or of such other sum as the Board of Trade mouth turnpike road over the said main may direct. line of the Company, and passing from, in, All persons desirous of making any representa- through, or into the following parishes, town- tion to the Board of Trade, or of bringing before ships, and places, or some of them, that is them any objection respecting the intended appli- to say, Crosscanonby, Netherhall, Birkby, cation, may do so by letter addressed to the Crosby, Crosscanonby, Dearham, Aspatria, Assistant-Secretary of the Railway Department Oughterside and Allerby, Hayton and Mealo, of the Board of Trade, on or before the 8th day Bromfield, and Allonby, and terminating in Of January, 1883, and at the same time delivering the township of Allonby and parish of a copy of their objections at the offices of either Bromfield in unenclosed land called Allonby of the undersigned,, and in forwarding to the Bank, belonging or reputed to belong to Board of Trade such objections the objectors Mr. Thomas Williamson and others, aud or their agents should state that a copy of the occupied by Joseph Strong and others, at a same has been forwarded to the promoters or their point about one hundred and ninety-two agents. yards, measured in a southerly direction, Dated this 6th day of November, 1882. from the Toll Grate House at or near John Gyde Heaven, Clerk to the Bristol Allonby belonging to the Workington and Sanitary Authority, 13, Prince-street, Wigton turnpike road trustees. Bristol. A Branch Railway (No. 3) to be wholly situate Dyson and Co., Parliamentary Agents, in the county of Cumberland, commencing 24, Parliament-street, Westminster. by a junction with Railway No. 2, in the said township of Birkby and parish of Cross- In Parliament.—Session 1883. canonby, at or near a point about two Maryport and Carlisle Railway. hundred and eighty-one yards, measured in (Branch Railways: Compulsory Purchase of a north-easterly direction, from the south- Lands, Houses, Easements, and Property; east corner of the yard of the farm steading Tolls, Rates, and Charges ; Additional Capi- at Bank End, and passing from, in, through, tal ; Incorporation of Acts ; Amendment of or into the parish and townships of Cross* Acts.) canonby, Birkby, Crosby, and Netherhall, TVT OTICE is hereby given, that the Maryport and terminating in the said township of JL\ and Carlisle Railway Company (who are Netherhall and parish of Crosscanonby in hereinafter referred to as " the Company ") intend unenclosed land belonging to or .reputed to to apply to Parliament in the ensuing Session belong to Mrs. Elizabeth Pocklington thereof for leave to bring in a Bill for all or some Senhouse, and occupied by William James .of the following purposes, that is to say :— Dohertv, at a point five yards, measured in a • To empower the Company to construct and south-easterly direction, from the north maintain, with all necessary stations, sidings, corner of the north-east boundary wall of approaches, works, and conveniences connected the gasworks belonging to the trustees of therewith, the railways hereinafter mentioned, or the district and harbour of Maryport. some of them, or some part or parts thereof, that To empower the Company to cross, divert, is to say:— alter, or stop up, either temporarily or perma- A Branch Railway (Number 1) to be wholly nently, all such public, carriage, and other roads, situate in the county of Cumberland, com- highways, railways, tramways, canals, rivers, mencing in the township of Low Bolton, streams, watercourses, sewers, drains, pipes, nnd parish of Bolton, by a junction with the buildings, telegraphic wires and apparatus, and Wigton Branch Rjiilway of the Company at works of any description, as may be necessary a point thereon one hundred and eighty-six or convenient in constructing or maintaining the yards or thereabouts, measured in an easterly said intended railways and works, and to appro* direction, from the centre of the bridge carry- priate the sites thereof respectively to the usS ing the public highway near the Mcalsgate of the Company, and for the purpose of their station of the Company over the Bolton Branch undertaking. Railway of the Company, and passing from, in, To empower the Company to make lateral and through, or into the following parishes, town- vertical deviations from the lines aud levels of the ships, aud places, or some of them, that is to intended railways and works as shown on the plans, say, Bolton, Low Bolton, High Bolton, and sections hereinafter referred to and mentioned, Uldale, Caldbeck, Caldbeck High, Caldbeck to such extent within the defined limits or other- Low, and Caldbeck Haltcliff, and terminating wise as may be prescribed by the intended Act. in the township of Caldbeck Haltcliff and To empower the Company to purchase and take parish of Caldbeck, in a field belonging or by compulsion or by agreement lands, houses, and reputed to belong to the trustees of the other property in all or some of the parishes, town- Loyal Saint Mungo's Lodge of Oddfellows, ships, and places aforesaid, or rights and easements and occupied by William Ivinson, and num- over lands and houses; without acquiring the free- bered 2o on the Ordnance Map of the said hold thereof, for the purposes of the said intended township of Caldbcck Haltcliff, at a point railways and works, including twenty acres or sixty-seven yards or thereabouts, measured thereabouts of the coram.Qnable lands in the parish ' • . •<}.