CABINET WINS in BITTER' Ncht Wmr Monarch

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CABINET WINS in BITTER' Ncht Wmr Monarch -'ir’. ' f, I ■Sr-f’. .... l b Wm a« 0 .‘ Store Open Plenty of PVae ^ rld n f Space. -".V, f A.BLtoSP.M. ■ ;j'- - hi tohlgh* 5> Thnnday npil Saturday Santa In Toyland 9-to S P. IL , change hi < 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. and Than, a ^ Sat. 7 to 9 P. M. MANCHESTER— A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM VOL.LVL.n o . 60 I AflyitiWag a« Page 10.) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10,1986. <TWBLVE PAGES) PRICE THREE Lounging Pajamas GIVE A DRESS Hera li the answer, to "What For Chriatmas! shall I itveT” These twtMiiece pajamas la plain crepe and printed No more welcome glTt could be satin, buttoned high at the neck selected than one of these good looking dresses' in the Igtest styles and materials. We have a large •nuut. $ 4.50 selection for you to choose from. 8iaesl4to44. $3.98—$10.98 iSt< • •' RULE AS GEORGE VI POPE SUFFERS Steps Doum From Throne MRS. SIMPSON ANEW SEIZURE PLANS TO STAY CABINET WINS IN BITTER' iSKI OF P m Y S I S PANTS IN Sjq,USI0N These come in ^ SLIPS brown, wine, navy, ^ Has Relapse Hiis Morning and green. Sixes 8 Her New York Friend TeDs ncHT w m r m o n a r c h to 20. f $1.98—$2.98 Silk and Satin SKI and Vatican Fears He Wil $2.98 Reporters Edward WiD Lace Trimmed Nerer Walk Again; Stim- GOWNS SUITS Not Join Her at the Villa G reat Britain ^s N ew K in g T A m Gaing To M arry SWEATERS Everyone who loves 1 ^ , $2.98-^$3.98 UNDERWEAR sports wants one of inFrimce. These shimmering undies will make the most de> and SKIRTS these very good lightful Christmas gift ever. ■ We have. a . complete looking outgte. You .^sVatlcan aty, Dec. UW (AP)>.lt - We have a large assoiri^ wilt eiflby your win­ M rs. Sim pson-’-J selection for you bo choose from. Ail seams gui^ etyis reliably reported at the.'VaU- Gshnesi'Ihriuies, Dee. 10.—(APy— PAJAMAS anteed. - ^ ’ ment o f these ever popular . ter sports to the ut­ Mis. Wallis Simpson said through items for you to choose from. most when warmly can that Pope Fins XI sutrsted a re­ and smartly dressed lapse today from paralysis. an Intermediary today there Is not $2.25—$2.98 PANTIES $1.29—$1.98 In one of these ski The Holy Father, who was first "the remotest possibility” that Premier Baldwin R ^ds King’s Message to $1.98 to $2.98 suits. Sixes 8 to 20. stricken last Saturday, had been re- King Edward wlU Join her at Lou r -^2 ■f'oiS = i i. pnd‘.:»m '«kditoW 'lsttRSi'''''; •'/ -.v *, A verbal bunetln iaaued by the $6.98 to $14.75 lope’s physician during the morning The American woman’s state­ la s t R eceived! ‘ ment was made through Herman ' Rayon had said that while the 79-yesrmd Rogers, her New York friends who nnned to Renounce the Throne,” He Writes; A Wonderful Assortment of pontiff was remaining in bed, that offered her the use of the villa aft­ - Ladies’ his condition wss the same. er she left London. Underwear The Pope’s own personal physi­ "Not oifiy Is thr King not coming Gires Details of His Efforts to Change Edward’s I cian, Dr. Amanti Mllsni, after a sec­ Lace trimmed gar­ to the vllls” , Rogers said for Mrs. HANpBAGS Girls’ Silk ond morning visit, said be was quite Simpson, "but be is not coming to ments. Veats, bloomers, aaOsfled with hla patient's condi­ Decision and How He Failed in the Attempt t>anilei in tea rose. Genuine leather bags with Insida the Riviera. tion. Dr. Milan! said the Holy “What his definite plans are we xlppors, envelope style calfakln bags DRESSES Father was becoming more recon­ with top handle. In black, brown, and do not know but we do know that London, Dee. 10.—King Edward?’*' Dainty prints in copen, ciled . to bis 'affliction and bad be­ AGES OF HRCNGIPAZE .navy. blue, red and rose. much. 5 0 c ea. come a more docile patient. “There are no changes so far as a t Bbigland abdicated hla ancient, IN BRITAIN’S Fitted styles with high Secretary Only Visitor. mighty throne today. necks Just like big sis­ Mrs. Simpson’s plans are concerned. Duri^ the morning, the 79-year- She plans .to stay here at least un- He wiU marry W sllis Warfield London, Dec. 10 —- jA P ) —| $1.95-$2.95-$4.95 ter's. Sixes S to 6. old poDRff was raised from his bed NamM and ages in the tu after (Jhristmas.” ' Simpson as man, not Monarch. and assisted to a study adjoining the Rogers asserted be was unable to ortsis: $1.98-$2.98 sickroom for s abort while. Ex­ say whether Mrs. Simpson had Albert Frederick Arthur George, King Edward Vm , 43. cept for the doctor and the Pope's talked "directly” to the King during the tall, 40-year-old Duke of York, ' Wafils Warfield Simpson, 40. attendant, only the papal secretory, the day. It was known she had will rule over the 498.000,000 sub­ Prime Minister Stanley Bald*' Ehigenlo Cardinal Pacelli. was ad­ talked on the London telephone for jects of the greatest empire on the win, 69. ‘ ’ Shirley Temple mitted to the sickroom. some time. earth. (^een Mary, 69. i :| Ladies’ Shortly after the relapse was re­ ‘The Duka S Y ork ,3 a . To Stay Indoors ' He win reign as George VL The Duke of Gloucester, 38. Cotton Dresses ported. s high Vatican source ex­ "Bad weather”, the master ‘of In "a meegage from His Majesty pressed the opinion that even if bis VUIs Lou ” Viol added, probably t's King, signed by blr own hand," Ths Duke o f Kent, 88. - Handkerchiefs Holiness recovers from the present The ArchbittkE ot Csnterm ^ Ladles’ • Misses’ • ChOdren’b Wool Sixes 1 to 12. $ J . 9 8 would keep bis glMwt indoors aU sombrs gtaalsy Baldwin, ths King­ Give ■ Haiadkerchiefs for Xmas. Ladies’ Gloves ’ erisis-he-ncvei' will walk again.' day. It was raining this afternoon. 73. - ....... V..'.- "1 Beautiful hand worked all linen dom's first nsinlstsr, annouaood' ibs aemsBt It Attles, ladder "k i Even If he leaves his bed, it was Servants sold abe slept late and sb ileatioa to a House of Oonunons Mittens and Gloves handkerchiefs In white and ooi- For dress and sports. Cape- Otbers at $2.98 - $8.98. said, the Pope will be compelled to His Majsidy's omiosition, 62. 'v skin dress. Mocha dress. Pig­ f 6 r m ^ K m G e d W a r d v m than was "on the line” for some in whlota tension and hyateris w en Winston CburanlU, 83. ora; also attractive gw iv qxind'ths rest of his days la an time, in eommunlcstlon wlto Lon­ ' Solid and fancy colors in the new basket lace edged linen hand- skin sport and wool lined gloves. ^ 2 armchair. brestblag, living tblngs. weave with fashioned tips. kerchiefs Aftfw don. Her atdlcitor, Theodors God­ Around the globe, through sun­ The relapse was understood to dard, reached London today. Aa down and dswit, to those who bear G ir V have occurred shortly before 7 a. m. airplane, reported to carry his legal is ready now for IntrodueHo $1.95 to $2.95 Dr. Mllanl was hastily summoned brief cases, left Le Bourget this alieglsncs to Baglsnd'x King, flash-, and in tbe Domlnloiia 59c — $1.00 Pair and took Immediate measures to HOUSING ACT OF STATE morning. * ed this message from tbsir sover­ Happily, Edward’s rsnuwdatl SWEATERS eign; vlve the Holy Father’s flagging No one at the Villa Lou 'Vlei tbe throne came without Ut and strength. would say who Initiated the London ‘After long -and anxious consid­ and bis pisdge of hops tor ths : . The patient was given an injec­ BY LEGISLATURE telephone call. And, although there eration, I have determined to re­ pike’s stability and tna peoples L Reversible Betty Bates ^ SKIRTS tion and a cordial after which be were constant reports that King nounce the throne tor which I suc­ plness gave tbe whols situatkm i Gotham Adjustable rallied somewhat. Edward, should he abdicate, would ceeded on the death of my father, aspect of s family problem. ’These are Just and I now am comniunirating this, K BEDSPREADS smart looking as oldra Later, a verbal bulletin disclosed come here, the servants insisted Btotber With Htas that an elastic stocking bad been Defeated Once by House It there were oo preparations for an my final and irrevocable decision." Eidward..with h is;y o u n ^ HOSIERY A practical Chriatmas gift. Heavy sister’s and will be wel­ Bad Short Reign reversible Jacquard cotton spreads, comed by the 7 to 14- prescribed for the pontiff’s left leg, STATE DEMOCRATS extra guest. ths Duke of Kant. ‘mient tbe The only stockings year-olds. to relieve a persistent varicose con- Slentha on Guard In that epocbsl moment of eight fstsful moments of his reign at that adjust right for made by Bates, guaranteed fast col­ Baby Boy dlOon. ors. 86x108”, In blue, Is’ Finally Approved at Eight French detectives stood centuries, ihs Commons, ^the peo­ leted Fort Belvedat#, the any height from 26 to guard outside the vllls. Inside ple and the Empire saw their gov­ 32 inches. rose, gold, green and S I DISCUSS LEADERS retreat which has bean the nn^t Ehetrs wide.
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