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- V<*J VOL. LIIL, NO. 190. (CSasaUled AdveittHiig on Page M.) MANCHESTER, CONN!^ SA^TODAY, MAY 12, 1934. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE MILLEN FIGHTS COPS BOARD fAVORS MACHADO’S AIDE 1 SUNDAY HOUR You, Mr. Motorist, NEXT MOVE IN IN FLIGHT ATTEMPT Can Save IS NOW MINTED; FORJAVERNS A Life! H U R D E ^ C M G E PROBLEM NOW UP TO One of Needham Bandit Sos- Eig^it Persons W ere Killed In Connecticut SILK MANUFACTURE Selectmen Vote 4 to 2 for Last Week End. pects Tries to Wrest Re- New York Hears Four Cnban EUROPEAN NATIONS HALTS NEXT WEEK first Day Closing — Town Youths Are in U. S. Seek- Tolrer from State Trooper Nation’s Mothers Are Informed Ikey WO Be 1 , Meeting to Be Asked for mg to Assassinate Their Are Remembered GnardingHim. Estimated 300 WiD Work at Considered ni Defank De­ Money for Street Repairs. New York, May 12.— (AP)—The Former President. millions of eons and daughters in the Dedham, M ay 12.— (A P )— Irving Cheney Plant— See Pay­ Nation win pay tribute tomorrow to spite Token Paymentis Millen was kept under close sur­ their mothers. The Board of Selectmen last New York, May 12.— (A P)—G«n- Messages, reunions, church serv­ veillance at Dedham Jail today after roll Cut to $5,000. night voted to recommend to the Door Left Open fof he had attempted to wrest a re­ Alberto Herrera, acting presi­ ices. gifts and flowers are on the special town meeting called for program for the country's “tender- volver from 3, state trooper assigned dent o f Cuba for several hours fol­ Work in Cheney Brothers silk next Monday night, a b>-law limit eat holiday” —^Mother’s Day. Negotiations. to guard him. ing the Sunday open hours of local lo w ^ the :^ht-tinje flight of Ger- The Nation itself this year has Irving, who, with his brother plant here will be practically at a tavemc to one hour in conformity was hunted in the added a special note to the observ­ standstill all next week because of Murton and Abe Faber, is on trial with a petition filed by 58 citizens UaitM'JttittM.today, like Machado, ance with a special issue of postage Washington, May 12 — (AP) -- for the killing of Policeman Forbes the order of the Silk Code Authori­ of the town earner in the week. to 2utotta>der charges preferred by stamps bearing a miniature of President Roosevelt definitely as­ McLeod during the Needham Trust ty that operations be suspended so The petition stipulates that the to e {irtottlt Cuban government. Whistler’s portrait of “My Mother Company, Feb. 2, jumped on the that the silk textile market, now opening hour of taverns shall be “ 1 Herreni, a veteran of Cuba’s Young trees will be planted m sumed the position today that tbs trooper while returning to the jail. flooded, can be eased. It was im­ p. m. open and 2 p. m. close” on etruggle for independence and a Palestine in honor of Jewish moth< next move in the Who’s Who In de­ State Troopers John T. Brown possible today to arrive at exact Sundays. It is believed that the mainstay of the Machado regime, era. ^ fault game is up t othe BuropMtn and T. T. Fitzgerald were on duty figures showing the number that contemplated action by the town is left New York at about the same Carnations — traditional flowers debtor nations. at the time. will be employed, but Horace B. the first of Its kind by any munici­ time a Federal warrant was issued for mothers, white for mothers dead Through diplomatic channels the Makes Sadden Dive Cheney estimated that between 10 pality In the state. for Machado’s arrest late in April. — stock florists’ shops throughout President has informed Great Bri­ Federal officers and police have the land. Irving made a sudden dive for and 15 per cent of the employees ’There was considerable discus­ Two persons were klUed In this Manchester craMi- The driver was tain, France, Italy and Belgium and would work. ’This means that ap­ sion over the proposal. Two mem­ foimd no trace of either. Mother’s Day pronoimcemen^a Czecho Slovakia, that the United Brown’s holster and had all but speeding. Those two persons would still live, others would not have suf­ grabbed the trooper’s revolver when proximately 300 will be at their bers of the board expressed the The Charges have ranged from a Presidential States is willing to discuss at least Fitzgerald and Brown subdued him jobs in a certain number of depart­ opinion that if the taverns are clos­ fered life-long Injury if the motorist had heeded the warning sign "Sharp Machado and Herrera are wanted proclamation to a reminder, “Write any individual suggestions for pay­ There was a wild battle, however, ments. ed on Sundays, those who frequent Curve Ahead’’. ’ in Cuba on charges growing out of home to mother” on a prison bixll ments or adjustment o f their debts. before Irving was beaten to the Weaving Halted them will flocl; to the restaurants the slaying of 17 persona five days tin board. The debtor nations have learned floor and returned to his cell. The weaving Industry will be which seU beer with food. The same before Machado was deposed. The President Roosevelt in his procla­ from their envoys here, however, Meanwhile coxmsel for the trio completely halted. Here and there, members say they believed that killings occurred when soldiers, al­ mation asked the day be observed that the President is adamant H pe IS a direct appeal to every motorist who will be legedly on orders of Machado and prepared their case for presentation scattered through the weaving de­ regulatory action should be taken driving on a Connecticut highway this week-end made to by display of the flag, “by the usual against any general conclave of na­ at the opening of court Monday. partments, operatives will be em­ by the state and not by the muni­ Herrera, fired into crowds celebrat­ tokens and messages of affection to tions for wholesale reduction bf Proeecntion Rests ployed on jobs that cannot be in­ cipalities. YOU, MR. MOTORIST. ing a false report that Machado had our mothers” emd by aiding in moth­ debts. resigned. ’The state rested its prosecution terrupted. Most of the 300 em­ Vote Four to Two Like every other citizen of the state I am appalled by er and child relief work. President’s Positien yesterday and a week-end recess ployees will be at work in the dye­ The vote to recommend or disap­ The warrant for Herrera, who ’The Nation’s first mother, Mrs. They have been informed ths was taken after the Faber confes­ ing and finishing departments prove the petition to the voters was the record of automobile killings over the last week-end was Machado’s chief of staff and James Roosevelt, the President's President cannot agsin definitely sion had been admitted as evidence where orders must be completed. two against and four in favor. Like every other citizen, I am sure, I insist that this waste then minister of war, was issued at mother, plans to spend the day at assure token payers they are not in and read to the jury. ’The clerical force will be greatly The toll taken by the extreme 01 human life should not, and cannot, go on. the United States . commissioner’s Hyde Park, the Roosevelt estate it default imder the terms of thS Judge Nelson P. Brown warned reduced only those whose work is winter weather on towr roads was Once again the Department of Motor Vehicles pleads for office late yesterday on application Hyde Park, the estate where her son Johnson Act. the jurors that the contents of the Imperative during the week being reflected last night in a vote by the of Pablo Suarez, Cuban consul gen­ was bom. Behind the strict interpretation Faber confession were to affect only continued. Selectmen, recommending the in­ your cooperation m the prevention of automobile accidents eral. She expects to retium to New given the Johnson A ct—'banning d ^ Faber and were in no way to be con­ Reduced Payroll sertion in the call for the special over this week-end. FoUowed Machado York Simday night for the countrjr’a faulters from this country’s monM sidered as involving the Millen It is estimated that the Cheney town meeting Monday night, ask­ Up To You Herrera followed Machado in largest Mother’s Day dinner, a dhi- markets— is the President’s deterai- brothers. pasrroll, which has been averaging ing fo $10,000 to be used to put the I ^ appealing, not to motorists in the mass, but to each flight from the ialand last August ner at the Hotel Astor under the ination to arrive at an equitable set­ Defense counsel appealed to'Judge $40,000 weekly will be reduced to town streets and roads in proper auspices of the World Peace Fed­ tlement of the debt problem rathsr Brown to declare a mistrial or to approximately |5,000 next week. condition. Over $31,000 of the ap­ car dnver as an individual. We shall have safe highways (OmUiioed oa Page Two) eration. than a continuance o f drop-in-the^ direct verdicts favorable to the de­ propriation made at the October only If the mdividual motorist—you— assumes responsibil­ bucket payments. fendants immediately after District AUTHORITT’S STATEMENT meeting has been expended. Town ity for his own conduct. The promised debt messige to ■1* :L Attorney Eklmund E^wing bad an­ New Tork, Ifay 12,—Completion Treasurer G. H. Waddell stated. As an individual it is your pimblem and can only be solved Congress, Mr. Roosevelt said, wfll nounced that state had completed its of a volunteer organization to en­ The Selectmen discussed at by you. ^ ^ be withheld fof about 10 days. Thto ease against the trio. The motions, force ^utdowa of the silk miiiB length the petition submitted by 20 is calculated to let debtors come STATE MUST PRESENT forward if thsy desire. however, were denied. next week w a s. announced yester- voters of the town, asking for a re- Please, we ask you, be carefi^ Eight persons were killed day by Peter Van Horn, chairman ductlor in the peddler’s license. The last week-end. Such shockingUoss of life must be stopped. BRITAIN Nornrwen of the 91k Textile Code Authority. special town meeting was called on 4., ” ®^spaper is co-operating in this crusade for safe­ The orguliui^ion conslstr of field the petition. The Selectmen re- London, May 12.— (A P ) — Ths ty. Will you, as an individual driver, join it? STRCWG CASE F(m M ) United States has notified Ctee*t LEA6UE PROTESTS agents chox^ leading loom mained firm in their stand that the owners «ftA'«PTroeratlBg.,feade should be $100 a year as at §pLi4 Seam# Crashes - ' - TT Britain that a token 'p ^ m sM - present and wiH «o «com m enfl* -M o to r. the war debts instabnent merce in silk inters. These agenda town meeting. Vehicles reveal th atln most instances aT split second, the will check up W piece 6f Goy^ Cross Delega- of it f oSciany Berggren’s Peittton ' leeway of one foot on the highway, or the lengrth of a car in G M S S H i N T today. productive machinery that is not Miss Helen D. Berggren was ap- distance might have prevented a fatality. You would I am exempt from the curtailment order, provet: by the Board of SWeotmen tioii to Make Pioa for h : . Notification was given thraugli with th^ scope of the activities as secretary to Town Treasurer sure, conclude with us from these reports that no departure the British amtousador at Wash­ ranging from the most Southern George H, Waddell, after the board from careful driving is slight enough to be unimportant, ONSTATESH FT ington, Sir R o n w Undisay, iw Sto- Claims Members Are Selling retary of State Cordell Hull. mill in Georgia to the one furthest had left t^ the treasurer selection been the cause of some person losing creased Federal Foods North in New Englsmd. of a successor to Miss Eva Free- his life. * Sir Ronald informed hir goveeft- Weapons to Nations Now Trading in broad silks and silk burj. Mr. Waddell stated, hla meut of the United States and synthetic gray goods was stim C ^ fu l driving is not difficult. You must be alert to the Next Week. NewHOLCHeadWiDHake In a lengthy cable received Just be­ choice for the position from the fore nqon today. Warring in South. ulated during the week by warmer nine applications .. read and______the conditions of the road, flow of traffic, operations of other weather. ’There was a freer m ove-board approved a,t once. Miss Berg- Secretary Hull n o^ed the wvoy. drivers, and to persons and objects that may appear sud­ N t Comment on Wky He he reported, to the foreign oiHoSk ment of goods from converters to gren was employed for several denly in your path. To date seventy-four pedestrians have Washington, May 12.— (AP) — dress manufacturers, and a firming yea s in the Home Banl and Trust Gov. Wilbur L. Cross and the dele­ that the Johnson bill makes It n w - Geneva, M ay 12 — (A P ) — Fears been killed by automobiles. up of prices on gfray goods. Wsush- Company and was appointed to a gation of Connecticut mayors ex­ Replaced Kennedy. of ruthless international aerial war­ able crepes were in demand, par­ position In the Home Owners Loan Reasonable Speed (OoBtiaaed on Page Two) pected here next week will be ex­ fare and accusations that members ticularly 150 denier acetates and office in Hairtford several months Speed, of course, must be considered. You drive pigment warp crepes. Market senti­ ago. pected to present a strong case if of the League of Nations have sold reasonably fast, sometimes, but not on crowded thorough­ New Haven, May 12.—(AP) — ment was also aided by the shut­ Equalization Matter they expect Administrator Hopkins arms to belligerents are expected to down due In the Industry next fares, either in town or country, or when pavements are to agree to their demands for an Charles W. (^lollins declined today be It was reported at the meeting P R A n 4 w a n M forthcoming tonight when the week. A slight amount of sampling wet, or if your vision is obstructed. If many cars are on increased Federal relief allotment. to comment on the surprise shift Chaco commission of the League of that the equalization board for l8 being done for fall, but It is still Petition after petition premnted Nations makes public its report on school consolidation has full power the road restrain the impulse to "step on it”. If you are-a that brought him to (Connecticut to too early for fall business to de­ under the law to include or exclude for similar purposes 'las made him the war between Paraguay and slow driver, in heavy traffic remember that cars piling up look with critical eyes toward them. take charge of Jie affairs of the RESUME HONDAT velop. the West Side Recreation building Bolivia. behind you may tempt someone to fatal recklessness. However, he makes a practice of (Connecticut 'branch of the Home It is understood the commission’s from the assets of the Ninth School Owners Loan (Corporation. District It was brought out at the What is expected of you by your fellow-travelers is nor­ giving the petitioners all the oppor­ report will insist that the border tunity he feels they merit to pre­ Assigned to replacs Peter M. Ken­ conflict between the two South meeting that two school buildings mal ^havior. It is expected that you will continue in your nedy, state manager for nearly a so close together were inadvisable sent their arguments, and has, when To Reopofl Engine Shop snd American nations has been continu­ ARE READY TO PAY own lane of traffic, that you will not pass another car unless he felt the case worthy, authorised under present conditions and it was ed over a period of more than two the road ahead is clear and the distance ample. such an increase. (Conttnoed om Page Two) stated that the Washington school years with the deaths and maimings Plnehof s Success Propeller Department was amply large for the section In Courtesy of thousands of soldiers and non- Governor Pinchot of Pepnsylvania $75,000 IN RANSOM which It is located. I f It Is found Courtesy has a. definite value from the standpoint of combatants only because it has been scored an exceptional success In advisable to build another school. It possible to purchase arms from ^ e t y . Don’t forget your manners just because you are gaining w increase. However, press Offiinals Annoonce. ^ was stated, the building should be GOVERNMENT PLANS abroad. behind the wheel of a car. Don’t rush ahead, don’t crowd spokesmen for the F E R A described Force to the weight of the com­ his case as exceptionally strong and (Conttnoed on Ps^e Two) others into the ditch any more than you would if walking. mission’s report has been lent by Gettles Family Prepare to 1 said he had proven the state had East Hartford, May 12.— (A P )- the fact that Bolivia yesterday Last February appealed to motorists to cut down the TO HELP FARMERS then increasing number of accidents. Of course the reduc- home a terrific relief loan. More­ Tho Pratt and Whitney threatened ein air bombardment of Meet Intermediary to Ne­ over, Governor Pinchot had already (Company announces today Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay. tton which followed was not altogether due to those appeals. called two special sessions of the Monday morning at 8 oicloqk- Paraguay’s Proteses POUCE UNEARTH Conditions had a great deal to do with it. But I believe Stota Legislature, and under the operations in the engine shop and Panaguay already had protested gotiate for Release. motorists did respond and that their response Had- itSi coQstltutlOB was unable to call To Risk Food and FaDdr the propeller department (tid against the bombardment by bomb­ ■ r. to the next reg\ilar Hamilton Standard Propeller O c ^ ' ing planes of the cities of Guarani effect. V , a bqud iMua to pany) will be resumed. ' and Miharovich which it contended SWINDLE SCHEME Therefore I appeal again— to each individual^ njotorilt--- Ctoly under these h to Iko Stricken Areas are not military headquarters and Los Angeles, May 12— (AP) — Until further notice the managa- are defenseless. Ready to pay any remsom up to to help make our highways definitely safer— noflftjMNidy for pointed out, did ment will operate only one sraft, $75,000 for the return of William F. peopte at large, but for you and for me, and for those HfNn.to increase the al< of Ike Middle W est during the day, and “employes of Bolivia announced that Asimcion Ibitoieot. would be bombarded if it was able Gettle, Beverely Hills millionaire, lives mean much to us. the night shift should report fee Nine Men Arrested in Albany Ctowetieot’s Share to confirm reports that Bollvism sol­ Ernest E. Noone, the family’s Inter­ work on the day shift" - Peunsylvanla (was originally al­ diers, captured by the Paraguayans, mediary waited at his ofEice today For more than one month the L - lowed $7,500i00d for gemural relief Washington, May 12.—(AP) — had been mistreated. for instructions from the kidnapers. 400 employes in the engine and im ­ Involyed in Colossal Bun- purposes in May. An addlticmal The gQvermnjmt rushed to the res­ This threat drew attention to the Confused by four telephone calls peller shope have been on strike, n w $2,600,000 was authorized on the danger to civilian populations in and a letter dealing with the ran­ BRITAIN ASKED cue today of drought stricken farm­ management for the present bad Governor’s demand. 'The state re ­ great cities should war break out in som payment, Noone expressed con­ CO Game, Officnals Say. ers harrassed by weather condltonls not amplified the brief announrdi Europe. fidence Gettle was alive and the kid­ ceived $10,000,000 in AprlL As com­ impreciedeatod for 40 springs past ment of the resutoption of opera? pared to these figures, Qmnecticut This fact, related closely to the napers soon would come forward The Administration prepar^ to tiona, inserted in an advertlaemenfci with definite plans for delivery of FOR GUARANTEE wsa allotted $1,050,000 fOr general war In the Chaco Boreal In the in­ Albany, N. Y., May 12,— (AP)— bit. along throe lines. The Federal PresMentis Letlw the money. relief piurpoees in May, plus $ 55,^ terior of South America, was con­ Nine men were in J«U here today fol­ Relief Agency surveyed the situa­ However, President Don L. Brown for transient relief, $6,781 tor Its strued as a reason for Great Bri­ The first telephone call set the lowing the exposure of what Dis­ tion with, an eye to pouring in food or Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, da tain’s asserted desire to get at least ransom at $75,000 but no indication work In the National Re-emplo^ and funds if needed. The farm ad- trict Attorney John T. Delaney de­ meat Service and $8,760 for student May 4, mailed letters to the atrl|pi an agreement on limitations of air was given how contact was to be scribes as one of the oiggest swindle B a d ito Otherwise France WO Ex­ nfinistration sUnultaaeous reshaped vag employes stating the made. aid. forces coupled perhaps with the schemes ever brought to his atten­ Ito plans to nieet conditions. Asked if Coanectieut’s cempara- side of the wage eontrqvai’sy siad sjrstem of security from attack de­ Other Phone Calls tion in this section o f the state. Tlie toird p rc»g in the pre^rram declaring that in view at tM d t f The second and third telephone er Disputes tend Defenses Apinst tlyefy strong financial conation, manded by France. The only one of the nine whose was a ri^rted study by the Ad- turbed condition-of the kidustw add Stanley Baldwin, lord president of calls were made while Noone was name was made public was Jimmie lack of bonded indebtedness and ministrati^ of a leng time Na­ failure to esU s special sessian of uncertainties of Its totora tim ostod the C o u ^ in the British Cabinet, absent from his office, the caller Betts, former Albany boxing man­ N otS etod : tional pton for eveninlg up the sup­ saying the attorney should Insert German Rearmament the L^tototure for relief purposes pany cannot at this, time absofii was cheesed yesterday when he told ager. ’The dthers were said to be ply between good u d Md years so further substantial ____ a personal advertisement in a Los would militate sgaiast the petition, as to prevent any possible future a convention of women conserva­ from New York, Delaney said he labor costs. TTie presidehPa lettfir i tives in royal Albert Hall in London Angeles newspaper tf he wished to was keeping their identity secret for FERA spokesmen refused to say, food sbortogo. get in touch \rith him. By Associated Press a week ago ended as fUlssm: that will not be satis­ the present because he was afraid London, M ay 12.— (A P ) — O ffld d but agreed these facts might be OsMiwt INsoaasiaa The letter, unsigned, was deliver­ Two strikes were erased today token into considerstion. ‘1 havs rooeivad waeg fied with aviation .'inferiority to further investigation might be hin­ circles received a report today Pretodsi^ RooeCvelt and his Cab­ great many . ot our ed by mail at the Arcadia estate of from the Nation’s map of Industrisd Kentucky as Example inet s p ^ considerable time yester­ "any power within striking dered if their names were given out Arthur Henders«m, president of the anxious to return to w dfi. o f our shores.” Gettle, where the wealthy oU tnan The case of I^ tu ck y was cited as day saaTnltiinc iiMontotion on the Arrested Last Nignt disturbanoea, but other labcur dis- Disarmament Cemferenoe, . in­ ever we reeetoe Word fid t m was kidnapped by two men Thurs­ The men were arrested last night an example. After that state ap- ^ U | ^ atoa fgtosred by Secretary putea hampered the making of formed Captain Anthony Eden, Lord day morning. The letter Informed in a ninth floor office of the State pUsd for additional fimds, H opltiu WaUaoe. The PrsqM^t was imder- fident number wlsk to^ bread, ahoes and automobilee. Privy Seal, that the French are de­ t r e a s u r y b a l a n c e Mrs. OetUe to have $40,000 in cash Bank building in downtown Albany addressed a Joint sessian of the stood to have, balled for further re­ win fix a date to ojfltB- Settlement of longshoremen’s termined to extend their defenses ready and said instructions would where, according to the district ai- Lsgtslature, demanding they raise ports. ■trikes at Texas ports suid Mobile, imless Great Britain gives definite Washington, May 12.— (A P ) — be sent as to how the money was < omey, they had been operating greater funds within the state, with­ Farm AdmlBdstratioii Isadsrs had to be psld. Ala., was announced. Nearly five The position of the Treasury May since March. Two weeks of inten­ guarantees at (3eneva tbat.'lt win out application to the Federal gov- tbsAr heads, together today and f. thousand strlkars returned to work assist tbs move against German re­ vfJ 10 was: Receipts $10,048,916.18; ex­ The fourth tel^bone message re­ sive investigating preceded the raid. enuhent, but when the Laglslatocs to, .eentinue conferences ceived by Noone last night said the at the Vexaa ports and Lake armament xqfllad with a 4emai.d that he show penditures, $16,462,885.74; balance, John W ^ to n , who said he lived Charles, La., and 200 longshoremen df the wesk-snd. $2,167,188,048.94; custonui xracelpti Iddnapers bad decided as $40,000 as at the Statler hotel in Boston, aided This information was said to have thm the way to raise thnt mon^ the peirieys were Dr. went iMufic to their jobs at Mobile. been brought by Henderson frton a for the month, $6,988,828.69. the authorities. the district attorney and New York he replied that was outside his field. A. G. fn s ^ , bead at the eozn-hor The government considered inter­ conference at Paris with Lbuis Rsceipts for the fiscal year (since Work of Cranks City detoctlvea who had been caOed toi many scuthem states the Fad* MSticn aaiiG eone B. M k rt^ bea4 Authorities said they were in­ vening in a longshoremen’s strike Barthou, Frsneh Foreigu Mhiister; sral relief allotment has proven sl- July 1) $2,614,688,440.80; expend!- in on the caae. Wealton clalma’ he on the Padfle coast. of the etoito clined to believe the tel^bone was fleeced of at least $6,000. The visit was made in order to ac­ moat tbs only aquroe o f aid funds. The Adtolnlstratloo yesterday tures, $6,088,084394.79 (including received by Nocme were from Four men were injured in dis- quaint the, British Foreign OCflqe t o i l 88379AM,667.TO of emetyeney ex­ He said the men opmted' by giv­ '!l^ toot that in Oonneetonit by, tor atode the first .gtotiire et goven- cranks. turbaaeee on the Ban Frandsco wa- with tha latest Continental views so tM gesiator propertksi of the b a id m penditures) ; excess of expenditures, ing out "sure” tips on horses at tortkoat. . iw ilt aM i v f lu m n The probablUty that Oettls was various tracks, but that something that ths govemmeht can eoaapiate baa MSB home by stats and Iq m I j^4M^l,4S4.29; gold assets'|7,- The 'Buiek M otor Companjr's its arms prograai. 746,57834836. always went wrong and the horse SQuroas has bss$ pohitod out - as «• Pkfs Iive> never woa. «Bs timt Which may work to; tia stotok'tovsr.

--.‘♦ A / / ':r


whtosd a pleee « f Iren pipe from APPEAL IN PULPITS hla Mdrt and so aavagaly osMuiltad BOARD FAVORS School Principal, Referee Robert H. Holtman, a prison guard, ABODTTOWN O P P ^ C K S 1 that Holtman f eUte a pool d blood FOR H O SP ITE FUND and died. The eonunlttee In ohaige ef the Ifew Y d k , May 12.— (AP)— The 1 SUNDAY HOUR at *Battle of the Century* Wbittemore stole his gun, keys, Daughters at liberty social at majority of stocks ruled steady to and money and escaped. 'He reor­ Orange haU Monday evening, re- fractioi^y lower in the eariy trad­ ganised his gang in New York, and onests all eaembera to provide a ism ing todi^, AfStivity was moder­ By DALE HARRISON. in k year la believed to have looted May basket for toe exchange. ate. Sted ahatos were a bit easier. FORJAVERNS ,Khave our dlsagresmenta. as boys stores of $1,000,000. Prire Gets Under Way Mon­ will, but nothing of moment, sir. Case, American TelephcMie, San­ MURDE|^ Brooklyn, N. Y., May 12.— (AP)— Nothing of moment” Six murders were attributed to The payroll to be distributed to ta Fe and Johoa-ManviUe were (Oonttnnsd Crmb Pngs One) The Battle at this C ratury, so far Wbittemore, and Buffalo. New 218 men of the ERA crew next about unchanged. Bethlehem, U. *T am not mad at Vincent, York, and Baltimore detectives were day N i^ at Luncheon as Public School No. 141 is concern­ chimed in Julius, “but if the pur­ w eek Is $2,822.60. S. Steel, Chryalwi Montgemery (Ooattewd fn ti located farther to the west possi­ ed, has ended in a draw. all on his bloody trail. bly on McKee street. poses of peace and education can oe Ward, American Cohunereiar Alco­ In this corxier—Julius ("the big served in the manner you propose, Herman Smith, *Edward Doran, hol and McIntyre eased. after Revolutionists gitngt' tEI IB* At a recent bearing on the sub­ bad” ) Wolf, age nine. let us at each other without further Trail’s End at Last Cheater YawonU and Bruno Sum- While the budness picture waa per band. " ; T ject of school consolidation tax, tbs In that comer—Vincent (Loop- ado.” Closer and closer they came, and islaakl of this town have been certi­ not too cheering to trade analysts, From Cuban dreles here m Selectmen and district oommittaes the Loop) Li^po, age nine. The fight, by all reports, raged for one night, as Wbittemore left a fied for entry into toe state CCC a pickup in private construction report that four Cuban ■ All local clerg3nnen have been were deadlocked when Howell Che­ The referee-Ib:^moter — Lazarus 45 minutes. Vincent said after­ west side night club in New York cam ps. ’Thley are reqiMated to re- awards during April was reported ohosMi by lot to aawelnale WNfev, ’ aaked to make a plea for the sup­ ney, chairman of the Ninth District D. Ross, school principal. w ard: and’ took his seat in his car parked l^rt at tha oharity. offi^ room 11 by the F. W. Dodge Corp. which es­ ado. had arrived to New To«k m lu committee, asked that the West outside, police guns started him in were seartolng tor htoi ^ port of the Memorial Hospital cam­ The fight comes tinder the gen­ “Julius was pretty good. What 1 the Municipal building Monday at timated the total as the largest Side Recreation building be Includ­ eral heading of “Education”. It mean is, Julius could take i t Mr, the face. 8:45 a m. If any of the above dnee August of last year. Public­ An extradition hearing wouii lil*' paign for 115,000 from the pulpits of A Buffalo jury disagreed at his necessary before '’ ed in the assets of the district The was Mr. Ross’ theory that Master Ross called it a draw, but I named men cannot report for camp, ly financed typea of construction, 6^1 their respective churches tomorrow Equalization Board had excluded Julius and Master Vincent, who had I won. I gave Julius a shiner, anc trial there for murder of two pay­ they are asked to contact Albert Herrera, it arrested oouM be IB- roll guards, and Wbittemore was however, showed a decline from morning. The drive will* get under­ the building as not a school build­ been baiting each o^er—boys will all I lost was one tooth, which was Behrend, assistant charity suiierin- turned to Cuba. ■ p" • taken home to Baltimore. ’There he March of approximately 40 per way Monday evening at 6:15 o’clock ing. be boys—for several' days, should loose an3Tway, and I never used it tendent, to this effect. with a luncheon meeting of the en­ was speedily convicted of the mur­ cent, but were still condderably BuUdlng Code Tabled setUe the matter with their dukes. much to chew with.” greater than In April, 1933. tire organlaatlon of volimteer wora- der of the guard Holtman. oik ’The revised building code was They adjourned to the boiler room. ’The fathers of the boys said the William Ruasall of this town has COLLINS SILEllT ers at the Masonic Templee, when Every l^al resource was ex­ In line with general building ac­ discussed at the meeting and was “You lads,” said Principal-Referee affair was all right with &em. "Or, been ordered to report to Camp final instructions will be Issued. hausted, even to an appeal to the U. tivities, the financial district was in­ tabled. Several months have been Ross, “are inclined to be pugnacious Ross U a good fellow, and be knows FUley. Haddam, Conn., not later terested In word from Youngstown Due to the closing of Cheney’s spent on the revistim of the build­ — (bellicose to you)—^In your classes, S. Supreme Court; the man who had than Monday noon. Rusaell will ON STATE S D F T boys,” said Anthony Lupo, and Jo­ given Holtman no chan<» was given that the various steel compainies mills all next week, the canvassers ing code and plumbing and electri­ and it is having a deleterious affect join the camp staff of experienced seph Wolf agreed. Ross called both every chance hlmaelf. there have tentatively adopted pro­ have been requested to aak for cal codes and it was decided that w orkers. upon the morale of this institutiun fathers and explained. But it was in vain. ^There in the grams which call for construction (Oenthmed ») pledges to be paid at a later date the matter should be brought be­ of lower learning. I propose, there­ The principals weighed in befora Marjdand penitentiary, within a few expenditures of more than $20,000,- from all who are unable to make fore the voters for approval before fore, that you square off and settle A committee consisting of 35 3rear, Collins indicated he contributions immediately because the bout at 81 pounds for Lupo anc feet of the spot where he bad 000 during the next two years. the end of the town year. the matter in the manly manner.” members of St. Bridget’s church no change! in toe persoanel of the of the factory shutdown. A larger 70 pounds for Wolf. There were no struck down Hcdtman, Richard Steel production was sadd to be Reports of the building inspector "Yes, sir,” said Vincent, “except was named at the meeting of the number of pledges than ever before knockdowns, and no spilling of Reese Wbittemore felt the acratchy holding up weU in the face of gen­ Connecticut brand!, but intended to. and plumbing inspector were read that I ain’t mad at JtUlus. We claret, as the saying goes. Holy Name society| of the church eral expectations that the peak of "carry on” with the present staff. is anticipated as a result of this and accepted. caress of a knot of new hemp as it situation. nestled beside his ear. last night to arrange for a lawn output was near at hand. An In­ Although Kennedy was rsBsved All workers are urged to be on festival to be given next June. crease in heavier steel products was of his duties early tola week, ad nounedmeut of the o hand at the Temple at 6:15 o’clock the three notorious Shelton brothers, Twenty-five of the members are to believed to reflect an expansion of N E H MOVE IN DEBT by HOLC offidala at sharp in order that the meeting may LAW ENDS CAREER one headed by (Charlie Birger. be men and 10 women. They will outside work due to better weather end not later than 8 o’clock. Mrs. meet on ’Tuesday evening at 7 conditions. until yesterday. ’The oorpor^loa Otto F. Viertel will cater for the Seventeen Die bi Fend o'clock for the selection of a chair­ Statistical observers found that said the change was due to "unsatJa- PROBLEM NOW UP TO OBITUARY toctory eonditiona.” luncheon, which will be paid for per­ Before the lawless feud ended, man and other officers of the com­ virtually all consumers’ goods indus­ sonally by the members of the Exec­ OF NOTED KILLERS 15 men and two women law dead. m ittee. tries are now operating at a some­ Cbmaga NeeeeMzy utive committee and the Hospital EUROPEAN NATIONS Birger - was a New Yorker who what reduced rate, although com­ Jdm H. Faney, gg HOLC «tid: "Foltewlag routtoa Board of Directors. drifted to Harrlaburg, Saline county, DEATHS Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Murphy, who parisons with 1933 are still favor­ m., when he was demobilized as have been in Washington, D. C., able. vestigation and survey, the bo (Oontinned from Page One) was dissatisfied with toe results aa4 Chapm^ Wbittemore, Bir­ oavalryman. He was affable and Henry P. Breen since Monday, rettimed to Manches- The British poimd was up 5-8 of kindly, a good fsunlly man, and was tei last night Mr. Murphy attended a cent at $5.11 7-8 in opening deal­ felt it was neeeasary to maka a essary for America to regard tok­ Henry P. Breen, of 148 Cooper change.” ilO U SE OF ROTHCHUD” well-liked. He became allied with a meeting of the National Board of ings and the French franc was en pa3rments by any nation as de­ Hill street, died last night at Uncas- Cdllns, a produetlon supervlasd ger, Merciless KiDers, the Sheltons in bootleg operations Pharmacy which was held in the slightly lower at 6:60 3-4 cents. fault. But in 1925 there was a dispute on-the-Thames after an Illness of 14 for the corporation, waa sipootsd to TO BE SHOWN HERE Mariute Cloeed months’ duration. Mr. Breen leaves Shoreham hotel and also a meeting remain in Cnnnectlent immaafte over money, and the Sheltons anc I at the Retail Drug Code Conference. Under the Johnson bill ths money Die by Noose. Birger became sworn enemies. Each h«8 wife, Mrs. Mary K. Breen, two manager is appototad. m arkets at ths United States are fortified headquarters, the Sheltons sens and five daughters, all of whom cloeed against all nations which de­ at Herrin, Birger at Shady Rest, i live at home. ’They are Joseph H., Frank C. Strickland, who recently Manager George Hoover of the completed a successful season as di­ State theater today announced that fault on their war debts. B y W IL U 8 THORNTON “roadhouse” in Wiiliamaon county. John E., Mary C., Katherine A., Weddings GRANDSON OF U T E v Ths British ambassador said no Using every army weapem except Eieanor J., Beatrice E., and Shirley rector of the Little ’Theater at St he has booked George Arllss in bis NEA Servioe Staff Correspondent Louis, is expected home today. Mr. concrete settlement propoeal bad gas and heavy artillery, the two E. Mr. Breen also leaves hla moth­ new film release “The House of Strickland has been in New YorK, Rothschild” for a showing here four been offered Great Britain by Presi­ Gerald Chapman, Charles Birger, gangs turned Little Egypt into _ er, Mrs. Anne Breen, who lives in Chagnot-Camp GOYERNOR NISSIKG dent Roosevelt and Richard Reese Whittmore, in shambles as they fougbt each other engaging theatrical talent for his days beginning Wednesday, May 23. , and three sisters, Mrs, season at the Berkshire Playhouse ______. to the death. Miss Lena Camp, daughter of Mr. This picture is still playing in New It was indicated Foreign Secre­ their day, were every bit as desper- George Burnham and Mrs. Edward in Stockbridge, Maas, aarksviU e, ’Tenn., K «7 12.— (AP),^ York Citv at $2.00 top and broke all tary Sir John Simon and Prime Jenka of Seattle, Washington, and and Mrs. Joseph Camp ^ thia town, ats, and defied the law just as suc­ Orders Mayor siain —A widespread x>^co searoh wig records m Hartford. ’The picture Minister Ramsay MacDonald would Mrs. A. C. Breokman of Hollywood, and Alfred Chagnot, son of Mr. and made today for 10 ysar old Pwcy cessfully, as todasr's Dillingers and FlnaUy Birger, convinced that Mrs. Fred Chagnot of Eldridge which will precede the showing of study the situation in ths light of Cal. Lamar Armstrong, grandaoe of thd Sir Ronald’s message early next Barrows. Yet each of them met Mayor Adams of West City hac street, left this morning for New ‘The House of Rothschild” for three his doom at the end of a rope. Mr. Breen prior to his iiinaaa was CURB QUOTATIONS late (Sovemor Austin Peay. days will be Johnny Weismuller in week. aided the Sheltons in their eoup York aty, accompanied by <3eorge In some ways Chapman was the which bombed and burned Shady one of the overseers at (Jheney The sandy-haired, freckled young­ "Tarzan and His Mate.” Action on the notification over Brothers, employed In the velvet de­ Lappen of Eldrldge street The slipperiest of all. He boasted Rest to the ground, ordered Adams' Amer Clt Pow and Lt B 3Toung couple Intend to be married ster was taken from yestar’i the weekrend. was oonaldered im­ openly that no jaU could hold him, partm ent. probable. death. Assd Gas and E lec ...... in New York this afternoon and Mr. day by a man who greeted bin with and for a while he made the boast Summoned to his door c«ie night The funeral will be held at his Amer flup Pow ...... an embrace, then drove away wlto In Downing street it was reiter­ good. Lappen will be ope of the attend­ by a forged note, Adams was shot home Monday morning at 8:30, with C^ent States E le c ...... ants. him and a second in n green ated after receipt of the ambassa­ Son of decent Irish parents who a requiem high mass at St James’s sedan. Personal Notices dor’s cable that the British govern­ down in cold dellberatloa by two Cities Service ...... Last evening about 35 of MLss had destined him for the priest­ Birger henchmen. church at 9 o’clock. Burial will be atles Serv., pfd ...... The child’s mother's be- ment is ready to negotiate for a hood, he received the beg^lnnings Camp’s friends gave her a surprise Indicted, Birger surrendered with In S t James’s cem etery. Elec Bond and Share ... miscellaneous shower at the home •)f heved one of the men was hit fath­ CARD OF THANKS settlement of the debt question, but of a good education. But be quit out a struggle. Heavily armed that th' first move must come from Frard lim ite d ...... Mrs. CSiagnot on Eldridge street er. The latter, P. L. Armstrong, and - We wish to thank relatives, friends school at 17, and laimcbed hito posses protected him from possible Nlag Hud P ow ...... Mrs. Amaryllis Peay Araastrong and neigrhbors for the floral tributes, President Roosevelt petty thievery, which brought him which was beautifully decorated m kindness and sympathy shown us reprisals by the Shelton gang, and Penn R oad ...... a color scheme of green and yellow. were divorced several years ago. during: the recent loss of our beloved to Auburn prison and acquaintance one sheriff actually provided him f u n e r a l s Stand Oil In d ...... with George Anderson, a really ’The bride-to-be received a choice col­ Chief of Police J. E. Robestsott husband and father. with a machine gun in his cell to United Foimders ...... lection of useful gifts. On their re­ said that custody of toe ehlld was Mrs. Annie lAForae and Family. ARE READY TO PAY well-educat^ professional crook. protect himself against any such Mrs. William Belknap United Lt and Pow A ... On release. Chapman went to De­ turn from a short wedding trip the given by the court to the mother. attack. The funeral of Mrs. William Bel­ Canadian Marconi ...... ____ CARD OF THANKS troit and dabbled in bootlegging. knap, who died at her home on couple will occupy their newly fur­ A. B. Broadbent, attorney, said no $75,000 IN RANSOM ’Tl^ unique development of penol­ Mavis Bottling ...... nished home on Center street. kidnaping threats had been received Ws wish to thank all our neighbors There he joined Anderson, and the ogy ^used a great stir, Birger was Spruce street early yesterday morn­ two, urged by a mutual taste for by toe family and the possifatllty and friends whose many kind ex­ sentenced to death for having in­ ing, will be held at the imdertaking A will signed at any time is valid Glucose is the chemical name of pressions of sympathy were extended high living, went to New York. stigated Adams’ nuRdan w rrqnn? gt Thoioas Dougan, 59 Hoi] that the boy might be a vlctlni at to ns in the recent death of our hus­ (Oontin tied from Page One) this country. gya^ sugar. . . e* k^fi&perB v y generally dlscpr^^^ band and father. Birger bad tried to plead insanity; street, at 2:30 Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Walter Lewis and Family. kidnaped by “a very dangerous mob Stage 12,500,000 Bobbery then he pleaded his duty to his Rev. George Brooks, pastor of the ------■ ' " I I I n Iiunlfc of criminals” was expressed by With Charles Loerber, a run-of- family and the proper upbringing of Congregational church of RockvlUe autboritiM today. mine crook, they planned and his daughters. will conduct the services. The burial They said identity of the suspect­ pulled off the greatest postoffice But at last he received at the will be In the East cemetery. ed men is known. robbery every perpetrated — got end of a rope the same degree of Officials have left the Gettle Bev­ away clean with loot of $2,500,000 mercy he had extended to Mayor GREENWICH PASTOR DIES COTTAGE ST. erly Hills and Arcadia estates and in bonds and other valuables. Adam s. Noone tmprotected to permit the Despite this huge haul, the trio Greenwich, Conn., May 12.— (AP) Package Sto re family to negotiate with the kid­ was tempted to pull off, only a few Grim Element in Jnstlce —The Rev. Morgan D. Yan Valken- napers. weeks later, at Buffalo, N. Y., a There seems always a certain ele burg, pastor of the North Green­ mental justice when the law dehies Open UnttI 7 P. M. Phone 8844. railway express robbery of $70,000 wich Congregational church, died mercy to a man who has given none Free Delivery. in money orders, even harder to today at Greenwich hospital at the cash In on than the numbered to the men he murdered. But In the case of Richard Reese Whltte- age of 32. He became 111 about a Whiskey (5ths), 98? bonds. This set Gordon T. Mc­ month ago and recently pneumonia Carthy, express detective, on their more, there was an additional grim That w M Bing'i lave toof Windsor Castle Whiskey. element in this justice. developed. (***») ...... ILtO tridl, and be soon traced one of the to this lovely neiqhberl cashed money orders to Loerber. The trap through which Whltte Tnmble Brook Straight Bourbon AMCO more dropped to doom was less than Lightning has been known to in­ She thinks he'll merry her Whiskey (5ths) ...... Further, the bonds began to be *145 300 feet from the spot where be had jure tomato plants for some dis­ for her m oney...but it's Oa|it, Kidd W hiskey (qts.) 8i .«5 traced, though cautiously sold. Detectives rounded up all three savagely murdered a penitentiary tance around where it struck in s not her money he's after! very neatly, and took them to the guard. tomato patch. Alcohol, 190 Proof, U. .P. ( ^ U N E 8 postoffice for questioning. It was There was never a more con ...... IS FIRST QUALITY! here that (Chapman made bis ap­ temptuous, defiant, or audacious Logs of quebracho (ax-breaker) parent leap from the third-story criminal than Wbittemore. He was wood In Paraguay are so hard they Peter Stnyveaant G in ...... f i .00 window, walking a stone coping and the descendant of an old and hon­ remain sound after lying 25 years (Triple Distilled.) letting himself in another window. orable Maryland family. in the forest. At the age of 10 be was brought W ines ...... 4-10^ gal. Escapes Atlanta Prison to court charged with firing a pis­ tol within the Baltimore city limits. He was promptly recaptured, but Modern and Old Fashioned B*®*" ...... 8 fo r 25c Loerber, thinking Chapman dead, This charge was dismissed, but be D rive In and havs yonr oil was soon back with a whole series ehaaged today. was meanwhile telling the whole DANCING Cremo Ale, case of 24 bot- story, and Chapman and Anderson of juvenile delinquencies. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ...... 5 QUARTS FOR 89c. were sentenced to 25 years In prison for the mall robbery. Eaters Crime In Earnest HILL’S GROVE This offer good for 8 days only. Within six months Chapman es­ Escaping from reform school, be Wapping Center I have oust^ers getting 2,00u caped from the hospital wafd at was sentenced to the House of Cor­ P. Miller, Prompter. - SPECIAL! miles on a change right now. Atlanta penitentiary, but was re rection. He escaped, enlisted In the Dancing 9 to L This is no ch e^ elmin store oiL captured quickly in a pistol battle. Coast Guard, deserted, got into a se­ Admission 25c. Decoration Day Eve Dance! ries of escapades and robberies, and at Just try it—tiien yon will al­ Escaping a second time, he ways tray it. joined forces with Andsrson, and was sent to prison. Released after BASCOM LODGE the two took part In bootlegging and serving three years, be went into . Admission Fan Belts, long life •. crim e In earn est World’s Largest Popular 9 P. M. • 2 A. 51. 45 cents robbery operations from Boston to Polish, pint siM ...... Baltlraors and Savannah, including When they were cornered in a Priced Circus On Earth! Also Daadng Every Sat Night Philadelp^ apartment Ity police Top Dressing, pint ... an especially cold-blooded murder of CHILD o p>« Matinee Admission 25c. Patrolman Skelley In New Britain, raiders, wbittemore's wife stealthily R eflectors...... Conn., when the officer Interrupted opened a bureau drawer and tossM OR / V or Tube Repair K its ----- a safe robbery. pistols to two members of the gang, ADULT Night Cup Grease, 1-lb. can. opening fire with a third. ILLUSTRATED But five members of the gang INCLUDES SEAT IN OIBCU3 Tire T u b e s...... 63c and up Trapped tai Munole, Ind. y0Art LECTURE At a Muncie, Ind., doctor's office, were roimded up here and sentenced Gasket Shellac...... 10c the trail ended. DetectivM spotted to prison. Chapman, rapped him on the jaw “ NATURE, B i^e Lining Kills Guard Brutally MASTER ABTISr’ 25c and 30c a foot. when he tried to shoot them down, and brought him to trial and oonyle- Then Wbittemore’s full tigerish- by Sumner R. Vinton tion. ness revealed Itself. One day while SERVICE No resouros was spared, legal or passlag through the prison yard bs THUR8., MAY 17, 8 P. M. financial, to delay or avert Chap­ HOLLISTER ST. SCHOOL STATION man’s just deserts. But bs sat, none VAN’S the less. In ths death cell, writing Ajisploes of ths 426 Hartford Road sonnets and vagus philosophies un­ Phono 8866 EODCATIONAl. CLUB til the end. SANDY BEACH Van Alwnys M is For Lass. “FutiUty lets in at times like a i ' n i i m R S ee Admisalen S5 eents tightening mold,” be wrote his law­ BALLROO M ‘BodlSome' GTIperson yer. Futility, indeed. A clever, CRYSTAL LAKE tmno rnwiB rwpit tuaii mTS—i imaginative mind which did not novtm ncTVKtmiaa turn to decent channels until just Presents before men came at midnight to AIN WALKER And His put felt slippers om his t e ^ and SUNDAY, MAY 13 “FIGHTING AFRICAN UONa” ■tTM his arms. The felt slippers 286 Peo^ — 2 Big Bonds! shuffled slowly down a corridor. As First Appearaaoe! - - :r Entertainment Tonight the clock ceased striking 12, the 100 Big Feature Clrooa AotsI warden pressed a little plunger in 100 Wild Animals, Btopfaaiite, the floor. ______Camels, Eto. WEEDE-MEYER BERT WALLACE presents infroiduting the song htft of 1934 War Bends L^tle Egypt The ffaiooue “Porelae WondenTI G E 0R (S’S TAVERN Certainly no community since ORCHESTRA '-rJ . Comer Oak and Cottage Streets World War dSLys has been so oom- W ith CAROLE LOMBARD ])letely at the mercy of armed force MANCHESTER as southern niinols in the five coal Frances Ddaney, Babe Pear­ ON* DAI OOT.v' T J ^ Q A Y ■J counties known as .Uttle Egypt. son, and the Weede-Meyer o*«r9* BURNS « ALLBt: Where Only The Beet When newly-demobilized young a ^‘ , miners began to try out their war IWo. 1 Perform- Direct from tiie Watermaa Park K « o n L.' *, . Itnowledge on one another In Little anoee, 2 P. M. M E R M A N • .,*4'.<5:, Beer Is Sold Egypt, there waa for three years a Hotel, Washington, D. C. and 8 P. Bf. 3 ^ L i ^ o S tows— complete eoUps«. of tew and order. Bain or Shtoel Feature: 5:30-7 Feuds between Klan and bootleg­ Admission, 40c. Eblinsr’s Canadian Ale ger elmnents, equally lawless, The Famous Narragansett atartad tbs Egypt troubles, and MAY Sttnday> Memdiyi shootlags, torture and n ight ri

'A 'iV i iii'lT 'H ■YMTMiiiilPi iIRtii iWM~ i kfi T illteMklFlMBliiiMrliTlMlM&HnfBrwrtTWffMMf i - V ' - MANCHBBTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY,\MAY 12,1984.

> Weekly Sunday School Leawm' May 18th—^Young People’s Fellow­ aigbt. A turkey dinner will be fl«d Frlo«: to report for duty ttt « fw ship convention at Christ church ■erved, followed by a very interest­ EXPECT LAR(X TURNOUT ■toiwiy Job. Cathedral, Hartford. ing and entertaining program. Mrs. Tuesday, May 15th and Wednes­ HUdur Cornell Hanson of Worcester Rlpon, W is.^The adage,, .“fine CHRISTIANITY AND PA TRJOTISM day, May 16th—^Annual Diocesan will be our guest speaker for the AT COUNCIL BREAKFAST feathers make fine birds”, does not convention at Christ church Cathe­ evening. Induda - F u ^ , a Rhode Iili&id Rad rooatar, althoogh ha la o&a fins hfitf. dral, Hartford. 11:00 a. m. Tuesday The Luther League meeting to be Purdiaaad a .year ago by C Um- Text: Matt t2:l«28:89. ^ —Memorial service for Bishop Ache- held Friday evening will be an out­ A large turnout of m^bers 'of The Internatioiial Uniform Sunday son. door meeting in charge of Irving breit, Rlpon produce dealer, Fussy School Lesaon for May 13. Carlson and his camp committee. Campbell C^wndl K. o f C., for the is covered with fur of feath­ All 3roung people welcome. Cars will annual communion and communion ers. Animak Baif Drirci 1^’ By WM. E. OnJlOY, D.D. A SUMMARY OF GOD’S LAW SECOND OONGBEGA'nONAL leave the church at 6:30. breakfast is expected at the 8:30 Fussy traUa at his maater^s heels Frederick C. Allen, Minister Editor of Ad\’anoe By GEORGE HENRY DOLE The Children’s Chorus is busy mass in St. James’s church and at like a dog and obeya commands of preparing a concert for Simday eve­ the Hotel Sheridan tomorrow morn­ “come here” or "acram”. New Homes Amoig R id ij Human nature does not change k om ln g worship at 10:40. Moth­ ning, May 20. er’s Day sermon by the pastor, ing. The members will meet at the Minneapolis—^Loat. strayed or through the years. It might be International Snnday Sro- power. Should they p y tribute or ence remove all wrong desire, and commandments, and the essence of ot being injured “by proxy” . ductlve effort of felling thom, gayc not? THE SALVATION ARMY ST. BRIDGET’S R. C. She was milking a cow on her we shall find it the Joy of life to the commands is the love of the Washington, May 12.—(AP)— these trees and spare the ’coons,” is ' The Pharisees knew that it was Adjt. B. E. Martin Rei’. John F. Kenney, Acting farm when lightning struck the cow obey the commandments from love. Lord, which no one can know ex­ Representative Somers of New Whltne3r’s advice. te entangling question among Jew­ Why were the commands written cept by receiving it. That we may Pastor. and it fell on Mrs. Hollandsworth, “Raccoons are found to be pro- ish patriots and so they took occa­ Saturday: There will be an open breaking her leg. York thinks maybe Congressmen on two tables of stone? Stone^is receive the Lord’s love, from which should wear uniforms. fiise or scarce in various sections sion of it to catch Jesus. enduring. But why two tables, or is heavenly Joy and peace, and air service beginning at 7:30 to Arlyne Moriarty Garrity, Acting Macon, Ga.—A mlxup in telephone of the state almost exactly in pro­ How aptly Jesus replied to them. His reasons: slabs, rather than one? Every­ which is abovo all price, the Lord 8:30 p. m., if weather permits; if Organist. numbers caused a Macon woman to portion to the food available—and. He called for a coin which bore not, the meeting will begin in the go thirsty—at least until she could “People have respect for uni­ thing that the Lord did contains in­ wants us to love Him with all the forms but. apparently they don’t Just or important, the places where the image of Caesar and, asking C'itadel at 8 p. m. Thero will be four masses in St. make another call. finite particulars, for the mind of heart, mind and soul. have much respect for Ck>ngress- they may live,” Whitney found. whose image and superscription it Simday Brldge*’s church Sunday, 7:00, “ Send one” , came a woman's voice was, be received the only answer men. Put the 0>ngressmen in nice “Where the greater part of the den 9:30 a. m,— CJompany meeting 8:00, 9:30 and 10:30. 'The 7:00 mass into the receiver of District Attor­ trees have been removed, the ani­ that they could give, "Caesar's." (Sunday school). Classes for every' ney T. Hoyt Davis’ office telephone, bright uniforms, and the respect is will be a low mass. At the 8:00 automatic.” mals are exceedingly rare except la Jt was then that be spoke those body, mass the Junior choir will sing. "One what?” asked a clerk, rndmorable words, "Render there­ those localities where ledges 11:00 a. m.—Holiness meeting. At the 9:30 mass Mrs. Garrity "Oh, you know,” was the answer. t o tmto Caesar the things which abound, in which the ’coons taka Sermon by Mrs. Major Atkinson will render organ solos. At the "I understand the price is going up Somers also figures he has foiifid up their abode in lieu of the place i&a Caesar's; and onto God the The Women’s quartet will sing. and I want to get some more.” a way to make both your stomach ohigs that are God’s." 10:30 mass which is a high mass, of their first choice—the hollow 3:00 p. m.—Praise meeting in the the choir tmd soloists will sing The clerk told the woman she had and your pocket live longer. tree. He effectually silenced the Phari­ Citadel. The band will be in charge. the wrong number and the receiver Pending before the coinage com­ sees, but the words have a far deep­ Rosev'lg’s Mass in G, accompanied "There are localities where the CHURCHES This meeting will be preceded by a on tht violin by John Rooney. Solo clicked Instantly. It was said such mittee of which he is chairman is den trees are abundant and natural er dgniflcance than either the calls had been received frequently march if the weather permits. parts are to be taken by Mrs. a bill to authorize coinage of 3-cent food likewise, where ’coon himting Pharisees or the world have given THE CENTER CHURCH ^subject is one which promises to be because of a similarity between the pieces. He says: them. They have been taken often 7:00 p, m.—Open air service in Emes*^ Roy, Mrs. James Foley, seems never to be poor. In other (Congregational) one of the most vital and important front of Post Office followed by a Adele Karpuska, Zelma Obrlght, District Attorney’s office telephone “If we are going to have new places bereft of the old hollow to imply that Jesus was teaching mimber and that of a bootlegger. Rev. Watson Woodruff ones being considered. A t the close march to the Citadel. Stella Krieski, Irene Jacobs, Alice coins, why not have them light trees, ’coons seem never to be the separation of Church and State, Hamilton, Ont.—E. Price of Salt of the address, an opportunity will 7:30 p. m.— Salvation meeting. Bragauskas and Margaret Zables- enough that they won’t wear out found, even when food is relatively that we have some duties to Caesar Morning Worship, 10,50, Fleet knows how to get a Job—find our pockets? be given for questions. The public Adjutant John Erickson, of New kas, John Hughes, Lawrence Scran­ plentiful. I believe that we cannot and some duties to God. Sermon for Mothers’ Day by the a faulty railroad track. is invited. Britain will preach. The Songster ton, Arthur Scranton, Albert Za- “I think it would be a good idea be too emphatic in calUag to the That was not his teaching at all. Minister. Unemployed, he was walking Music at the morning service; Brigade and Band will participate. rauckas, Ben Radding. to substitute magnesium for attention of our timber owners the He most certainly would have de­ The Music: Prelude— Adagio in A minor, down the Canadian National Rail­ The men’s quartette will sing. some of the copper and nickel. necessity of leaving these trees un­ nied that there was anything that Prelude — Songs My Mother Bach. way track near his home when he The Week ST. JAMES’S RORfAN CATHOLIC Magnesium is only half as heavy as cut. They have a distinct bearing did not belong to God, But he was Taught Me, Dvorak, Processional Hymn, Novelle. noticed a crack imder a rail. aluminum. meeting these Pharisees upon their Anthem—Mother Love, Volght, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.—Band re­ Rev. William P. Reidy, Pastor He walked two miles to report the upon the prevalence of raccoons in Anthem—"The Song of Mary, "Anc Jiwt think how nice it Connecticut.” own ground. Anthem—Keep the Roses Bloom­ Kranz. hearsal; Life Saving Guards. 8:15 fault to railway officials, who sa.d Low masses at 7 and 8:30 o’clock. would be when you had acidosis or Man's obligation to the state, his ing, Warren. p. m.—Corps Cadet CHass. it might have caused a serious mis­ Baritone Solo— "O, Little Mother There will be two masses at 8:30, something, to reach in your pocket, duty to his fellow men, are a part Postlude—Mother Macchree, Ball, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.— Special hap. Prohibition enforcement cost the of Mine,” Burleigh. one for adults in the upper church pull out a 3-cent piece, swallow it of his debt to God. The state might The Church School, 9:30, Songster rehearsal. 7:30 p. m.— And the road superintendent notl- lives of 79 enforcers and 176 private Recessional Hymn, Carlton. and the other for children in the and get immediate relief!” citizens. require him to do something that The Women's Class, 9:30, Mrs, Les­ Postlude—Du^ls. Young People’s Legion. he. believed to be wrong, and in that lie Hardy, teacher. Thursday, 7:30 p. m.—Open Air lower chapel. High mass with spe­ Archibald Sessions, organist and cial music will be held at 10:30 case< the sincere Christian would The Men’s League, 9:30, Harry Choirmaster. service. Indoor meeting at 3.p. m. if have ta reply, as the early disciples o’clock. The’hoYena in honor of the Kitching, president. Speaker, Mr. The Week weather is not agreeable. replied "W e ought to obey God Woodruff. Election of officers. Friday, 8 p, m.— Grand musical Holy Ghost will be conducted at Organizational meetings as usual 8:80 o’clock Sunday afternoon in rather than man." The CYP Club, 6:00. President, this week. festival by the Songster Brigade, The second part of our lesson en­ conjunction with the benediction. Mary Alice Andrews, Monday, 8:00 p. m.— Annual La­ under the direction of Fred Clough, forces his great truth. When a Jr. Ckilonel Joseph Atkinson, chair­ Tonight at 7:30 o’clock, and every The Week dies’ Night sponsored by the Men’s night next week until Saturday lawyer asked Jesus concerning the Monday, 8:00—Garden Club. man. Mayor Aaron Cook will intro­ great commandment, also wishing Friendship club. The program is to night at 7:30 o’clock, except to­ Monday, 8:00— Loyal Orcle, duce the chairman. Guest artists to entangle him, Jesus answered be one of music, magic and min morrow, the novena in honor of the King’s Daughters. Important busi­ strelsy. The male section of the will include the New Elngland In­ with the great words concerning ness, Holy Ghost will be held. Rev. Wil­ church choir, in charge of Fred strumental quartet of Boston. liam P. Reidy and Rev. P. F. Killeen, love to God and love to man as Tuesday, 7:00— Choir Rehearsal, constituting the highest thing in Bendall will give a short minstrel assistant pastor will be in charge. Tuesday, 7:00— Troop 3, Boy show, assisted by members of the CONCORDIA LUTHERAN THRILL life and the deepest obligation of May devotions will take place A fo r M other Scouts. High School and Trade School or­ religion. Garden and Winter Streets Wednesday and Friday evenings at Wednesday, 2:30—Women’s Fed­ chestras. Schieldge, the magician, K. Richter, Pastor T^ie two parts of the lesson must eration Work Meeting. 7:30 o’clock. Children will re­ be taken together. The la‘ ter sr'.vcE will give a demonstration of the ceive their first Holy Communion Wednesday. 6:30— Cub Pack. fullness to the former and offers mystic art. There will be a period 9:00 a. m.— Sunday School. next Saturday morning at the 7:40 us the deepest teaching of Jesus Wednesday, 7:00 — In-as-Much of directed sociability, following the 10:00 a. m.—English service. o’clock mass. Circle, King’s Daughters. concerning the heart of true re­ program in the Parish Hall. 11:00— German service. Music by the Junior choir at the Wednesday, 7:00— Shining Light ligion. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.—Mid-week The Week 8:30 mass will be aa follows; Circle, King’s Daughters. Annual devotional in charge of the Pastor. Monday at 6:30 p. m., the Mother Organ Prelude— "Liebstraum ” .... Supper and Party for Mothers of Thursday, 2:30 p. m.—Meeting of and Daughter banquet will be held F YOU can’t be with her on Mother’s Members...... Lizst the Asbury group of the Wesleyan in the church parlors. This banquet Hymn— “It is the Name of Mary” TOLLAND Saturday, 6:00—Junior Choir re­ Guild. is sponsored by the young ladies of Day, she will be thrilled to hear your hearsal. Anthem— “As the Gentle Spring I Friday, 2:80 p, m.—W. H. M. S., the Sunday school staff. Uncloses” ...... Brennan The annual roll call of the Fed­ Saturday, 6:30—Choir Rehearsal will meet with Mrs. George Keith, Thursday at 8:00 p. m., the Ger­ voice so clearly— as though you were in Note: Anthem—"Hall Virgin, Dearest erated church members was held in 19 Lewis street. man choir and Friday at 8:00 p. m., Mother” ...... Rossini The music service arranged by the the next room. Any mother knows a the social rooms of the church 6:30 p. m.—Annual supper and the English choir will meet. Josephine Blanchard, contralto Thursday eveing when reports of CYP Club for Simday night has meeting of the Church School Tomorrow, special Mother’s Day soloist and chorus. been postponed. Board. telephone call means more than all other the work done the last year were services will be conducted. A cor­ Anthem—“On This Day, O Beauti­ presented. During the social hour a This coming week the annual dial invitation is extended to all. ful Mother” ...... Lambillette reception was given. Rev and Mrs gifts combined. MANCHESTER—VERNON Every Member Canvass of the par­ (Jffertory—Violin solo; “My Father Valetlne Alison who have recently PARISH ish will be conducted. Thomas J. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Knows” ...... Davis taken up their pastoral work among Rogers, Chairman of the Finance Methodist Episcopal Church Harris B. Anthony, Minister John Rooney, violinist Distance does not matter when the cost the people of Tolland. Members of Committee is in charge of the can­ Marvin S. Stocking, Minister Recessional ...... Organ the church and many others in the vass. The visitors are requested to Sunday: of out-of-town calls is so low. Even if community were present to enjoy (North Main St.) Music by the choir at high mass meet in the church parlor at the 9:00 a. m.—Morning Prayer Serv­ at 10:30 will consist of the singing this get-together. Refreshments of close of the morning service for ice. she is a hundred miles away, you can ice cream and cakes were served. Today, 5:30—Choir practice. of Emerson’s “Mass in F” . The materials and instruction. 9:30 a. m.— Church Bible School. complete prbgram follows: Miss Helen Chapin of Oradel, New Sunday, 9:45— Church school; The last Pariah supper of the sea­ 10:45 a. m.—Morning Worship talk with her during the daytime for 10:45— Worship. This is the annual Prelude ...... Organ Jersey, has been spending a few son will be held on Wedneseday eve­ with sermon by the pastor. Vldi Aquam days at the home of her uncle, “Mother’s Day” service, with the 60c, at 7 p. m. for 50c, after 8:30 p. m. ning, May 23. It wiU be in the 6:30 p. m.—Young People’s Hour. Kyrie Eleison ...... Emerson Charles C. Talcott. idea extended to include all parents. nature of an observance of the Jason 7:30 p. m.—Evangelistic Service Gloria In Excelais Dee ... .Emerson for 35c. These rates axe for 3-minute The regular meeting of Tolland A guest speaker has been secured. Lee Centennial. Rev. John Rogers with sermon by the pastor. Grange will be held next Tuesday Rev. Dr. Ira W. LeBai'on of East Credo in Unum Deum .... Emerson of Boston will give his popular lec­ The Week: Sanctus ...... Emerson station-to-station calls. evening when the third and fourth Greenwich, R. I., is to give special ture on The Romance of Metho­ Tuesday at 7:30 p. m.— Monthly degree will be conferred on a class significance to the observance of the Agnus D e i ...... Emerson dism. This lecture is in great de­ meeting of the W. F. M. S. at the Recessional ...... Organ of candidates. day; 5:30—Preparatory membership mand, it is beautifully Illustrated church. Look on pages 8 and 9 of your telephone Mrs, Walter Button of Central class; 6:00—Epworth League devo­ The soloists will be Miss Cather­ anc Rev. Rogers is a fluent speaker. Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.—Mid­ ine Costello and Mrs. Gladys Law, Valley, New York, for several years tion service, followed by special book. You will be surprised how cheaply There will be a musical program in week prayer meeting. soprano, Mrs. (inaire Brennan, alto, a resident of Tolland, is a patient in business meeting; 7:30— Open For­ charge of Thomas Maxwell. Friday at 7:30 p. m.— Class Meet­ the Manchester Memorial hospital James J. Breen, bass, and Arthur you can reach her. um at the South church, address by ing. Keating, tenor. where she was operated on Professor George P. Hedley of Hart­ for a serious ailment. This news ford Seminary, on “Can the Church SWEDISH CONGREGATIONAL S. E. Green, Minister ZION LUTHERAN was received here Thursday and her Survive?” High and Cooper St. Tolland friends are hopeful for a Monday, 8:00—Church Council at Rev. H. F. R. Steclitaoiz STATEMBrr OF JOHNSON The BEST GIFT fo r Mother speedy recovery. the home of Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Lv- Morning worship, 10:30. The Nine members of Tolland Grange daU. Sunday school will Join with the Sunday school at 8:30 a. m. Ser­ The most personal, dKH^itfal gtft, fif ihe were guests of Ellington Grange Venioa church at this service in observing C H A U E N (B BY HILTON Wednesday evening when s e v e ^ vice in (Jerman at 9:30 a, m. Text At this church also Parents’ Day Mother's Day, lives in Connecticut) is the Toll Conpoa Granges were represented to assist of sermon: Luke 11, 5-18 (Sunday will be observed at the 9:30 worship There will be no Sunday school Ellington Grange celebrate the 48th at 12:00. Exaudl). Theme; Bittet den Vater, Bissell Street Man Calls War Bode. This means so her intimate with Anniversary. There were 123 pres­ service. Dr. LeBaron will be the dass Er eure Herzen mlt dem Helli- guest speaker. Young people’s service at 7:30 Memorial at Center an “Ob­ bet children each week. N o mother wwnld ent, including four state officers; p. m. gen (]reist erfuelle! 1) Bittet em- the State master, chaplain. State The Young People's Community sthch! 2) Bittet anhaltend! 3) Bittet solete Stone.” ask for mote. The books come i. Club will meet at the church Wed­ Young people’s Bible study, legislative committee chairman and Tuesday 7:80 p, m. zuversichtlich! nesday evening at 7:80. Holy Communion will be celebrat­ George Johnson of 86 Bissell tions of $2.50, $ 5 M and | ia o a The the East Central Pomona Grange Mid-week service Wednesday, deputy, A fine program of original 7:30 p. m, ed on the festival of Pentecost, May treet has sent in a letter of com­ plaint regarding the inclusion of poos ace eccepted in p^rment for any papers, music and talks were en' SOUTH CHURCH 20th, in English. Cionfesslonal ser­ his name in the list of those on the Joyed, One of the interesting feat' (Mettiodist Episcopal) vice at 9 a. m. Main service at 9:20 of-cown calls billed by this oompaiy . ures was the presence of four char­ Leonard C. Harris, Bllalster ST. MARY’S CHURCH a. m. committee of Ward CSieney CTamp, ter members of Ellington Grange. A Rev. James Stuart Neill, Rector United Spanish War Veterans, delicious roast beef supper was Sunday: EMANUEL LUTHERAN which approved and bought the r served by an efficient com^ttee. 9:30 a. m.— Church School with Sunday, May 18—Sunday after Kmit E. Erickson, Pastor Spanish War Veterans Memorial. THE SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND The names of those on the commit­ The regular meeting of the Tol­ classes for all ages. Ascension Day, Services as follows: TELEPHONE COMPANY land Library Association was held 10:45 a. m.—Morning Worship, 9:80 a. m,—Church school. Men’s Sunday School and Bible Classes tee were given to the Herald re­ in the Library rooms Monday after­ Sermon in observance of Mother's Bible Class. at 9:30. porter by Harry Hilton, chairman D ep t. 81, New Havea, C obb. noon with a large attendance. Af­ Day, "Has the Glory of Womanhood 10:45 a. m— ^Morning prayer and Swedish Service at 10:45 a. m. of the committee. ter the regular business the literary Departed?” sermon. Sermon topic: . "Exalted English Service at 7:00. The letter from Mr. Johnson fol­ M j check for $.....- ...... k committee chairman, Mrs. W. Hoyt 6:00 p, m,—Epworth League de­ Christ" The pastor, Rev. Knut E. Erick­ lows: ‘Xjreorge Johnson of 86 Bis­ Hayden, presented Mrs. Albert Mc- son, who has been attending the an­ sell street wishes to contradict the Mod .of $2.30 boohk, votional hour. 3:00 p, m,—Highland Park-Sun­ (auiabw) Clsin, whose hiuband is supeiin- 7:30 p. m.—Open Forum. The day school nual convention of the New England statement made in last night’s Her­ tendmt of the Tolland County Home Conference at Quincy, Mass, this ald, which named dm as one of the second in the series of discussions on 6:00 p, m.—^Young People’s Fel­ 15.00 books,. ------of IIOAO h for Children in Vernon Center. She popular subjects by outstanding au­ lowship. week, will be home for services to­ ‘Monument committee’ for Ward v«atas ‘ everywhere who need only orders . »pt service, with the parts ter three or | % ^ FAtfL BABBISOH. ■how in BodnfUlar OsBtir- b«- tour thousand replacements in re- York, May 13.—When artists’ e«u»e It fahrid the sort of oeaaor- I Mbii MAttAP.Matter. I of calamltvcalamity stoviMLstoriea, relying more oa ■Mp R tw rt reoelved. Anybody i« serve. Then, of course, she will! ***!*' WHog ctoao- tor the eecletF, a S d ^ the suBscaiPTiOK RaraB •Btreme enggeratloa of teal facta mgs, thousands of paintings are ^Jr* ...... have to jHit them to their devilish 1 dra^^ed from behind the models' ■mall fee can exhibit any eJeSSe he « e*U “ *** ...... » thaa OB Aeer laveatloa—there are use. ' A w stands and under the couches, and chooses—a condition b per­ fectly apparent to a vU to who "•uvereo. oea raa^ •TV______e e e e e e « .tf.M dry apots and alwaya gt In addition, that country is re-1 ^ sent off hcqitfuUy to the ezhUii- MJwm. year the shows are ■tiroUs among the nudei and gtiil. MBMBBR OI^TM^ ASaodATBD hoppers aad always dust clouds ported in the Tlmee article to be ^ea at Otand Central Pataca. The ■omewhere. iarger, the treatmenta a little more manufacturing a place detector and cock-eyed, and the imdec more nu- New Deal reoeivas almost unlvtoMl- «U U ed to the oae for repablleatteo Against any such orgaaliad prop- a new anti-aircraft machine gun of jmerous. ly favorable treatment at the of aU news dlspotohe oredIteO to It •f*»da the news agencies, partlo- Over at RookefeUer Center, tor of amateur end would-be artists. or net otberwlso oredtted la *a*A tremendously superior qualities, and I>urifig Hoover’s administrfitloB ularly if unsuspicious, are rather i^ostanoe, the organisatioo called “ wtS!*® “ “ ^ *■*»• to be already arranging for the pro­ I# SiUons of America is ho'dlns e<»re8 of cruel caricatures and isr . AU ^ rlshta el repeblloatloa of i helpless. th ey have been taken------vision of her cities with gas-proof The World’s Largest Art E:whlbl- tirical sketches wfire ahows. The p r ^ t exhibition, however, has m ■n^^al dlsnatebes herein ar. alee re- j ^or a ride before thin, with nobody and bomb-proof refuges sufficient ter S i M tioi^OOO Paintings, Prints and I ^ p tu ree by IJWO living Artists." picture or bust of Prerident Sooaa- ______higger than grain speculators’ fakirs their populations. velt that is anything but ooauall- Bnll service client of N B a Ser- doing the driving. So far as we ^ if there is any beauty in num­ ▼Ice, Ina Into these sinister war prepara-1 bers. this must be a very fine show. Biantary. I are oonoemed, we su^iect, from the Rnbtieber’e BepreeeeiaUvei tpa ■ ' Ions numerous Americac Industries, Personally I am not so sur% because Society haa been exclalmtoB* over Jallnt Uetbewe Speda) ase»er->Mew Interests and the highly I s ^ t what aeemed like a week-end ^ to er art abow-^^b«ffUng Tcrh. Chicero. Detroit >nd Beetos. su^ctons suddexmess of t h l s ^ ^ accordlxig to the Times article, are looking a t some modernist wnorts 1>2toho^cai portraits" by -Ken­ entering. Even with her large and daublngs, and at various bits of neth Mtoon, who works 1b feath­ ciRcif£iTitjmr^“ ^ borbao ow tu a b iA furors, that they are being manufacturing faculties Germany s V s^boU sm such as ’de'flshnMS ery flowers, beady oonfettL wax. — „ ------:______flven a particularly fancy whirl ^d ettppery false teeth and aB cannot turn out airplane engines as the A ^ ”, which eht.'wed biw face leering through a round odtoents . . . For examplA hla : kst as she can build planes and the portrait of Katharine Hepbw is *pp*ar?ss 2 I F»aW y, we are skeptical about In the palm of a blue hand. adverttseniAatB In P ratt A Whitney concern, it la de­ One of the dKdee meHun- a mlxTo^ stage with green cur- Bvenins Hereld. tb« Meechester the Midwest drought It may real- clared, has three representatives in w e pleoea showed what laok- talny a lady bug end a nider, an Jy he as bad as pictured, or a quar­ ^ Uke a eroaa eeetloD of two •rranged under a round gia« SATURDAY, MAY 13. iertln and is "doing a land office ter as bad. But up to yet we don’t down-draft carburetors . . . ffis repreaautatiOB oi Dorothy the can-can. believe I t business.” It appears that Bay- Barker Is a hard-boiled egg togeto« DROUGHT OR RIDE? ertoche Motoren Werke, which used Artophllately,” a brand new with a wax mermaid with blue hair Most came in for attention too. Einstein looks to toe newspaper readere, ooa- to make automobUes, is now given vdth a painstakingly-painted sheet Bke a string of beads, a red fronted In the last few dajrs by COUNTY HOMES over to producing airplane engines of stamps pasted on the front page lobster and an ivory skull—all ar­ ranged on a shiny hii|/.k (m m : *tortlIng, not to say astounding, "Splendid!” CJhUd ____ Welfare______Corn-___ and la manufacturing the P. A W. | of a newspaper and ensconced In a motors under license, many essen­ huge, hand-carved frame. There Barbara Hutton BUtvaal*^ news of the worst drought of this I missioner Kenneth L. Messenger Is were nudes in wood, plaster, pas­ her Alexis are ptotmed m . a ^ tu iy extending over prsotically reported as exolatmlng over the tial parts being sent from this I tel, charcoal, oil, bronse. chromium couple of test tiri>ee flBed with the whole of the Midwest and ac- news that Middlesex County has de- country. Boeing, Curtlss-Wrlght, and baling wire. There were dice, oorky a tape measure aad Sperry Oorporatimi and Douglas skinny nudes and blobby nudes, assorted other smaR artlciey companied by suggestion of famine I elded to abandon the County Tern- beautiful, vulgar and even funny probaUy from tiie tea-eent crop shortage, together with stories porary Home system of I'jtrtng for Aircraft are other American con­ nudes. It must have been a ban­ store. of vast dust clouds, In ^ t pests and dependent children and subetitute cerns cited as being busy with Ger-1 ner year in the modeling businoja general disaster throughout the the System, so long and so actively man armament. One fellow depicted a Times Art of Love square subway rush in which every­ great agricultural regions of the na- urged by Mr. Meaeenger and other It's a queer muddled state of I body was nude. All of which reminds me of toe affairs i^ re the bread and butter story of toe beeuitiful model whose tion, may be wondering how such Child Welfare workers of the eUte, very wealthy flance of a few years conditions could develop so sod- notably Miss Marjory Cheney of this of a Manchester famUy may depend Pietoiial Propaganda ago insisted that she stop posing for town, of placing the children in on the lunacy of a nation far across The only Important art trend, lalnters. An in a moment, so to speak, the “foster homes." the sea that is desperately planning ^ strength and may be planning however, seems to be In the expres- She demurred; he was adamant. than strive to gain weight.” You Ing. I have prepared a special artl.l™ °“ .° / P«>ietofl*n thought. Com- So she broke toe engagement. Wont news wires b^m e loaded with de-| It is perfaape the best t^i^g *>>»* death and destruction for others and * re-establish itself, can become healthy and gain a ahead with her modeling, and flnMIv perhaps Its own suicide. If hu- officials don’t cle on “Gaining Weight,” which I and Socialists by the him- tails of a picture of Impendittg ruin could have h^^tened that the normal weight ter your type If you wm be pleased to s ^ t o any of my ^ p a g a n d a pic- njarrled a successful artist. ^ d calculated to frtghten the na- change is Instituted h y a tingle manity had only traveled half as anese d l£ J? ^ we '^mng to Uve a healthful life readers who write to me in c a r e ^ toe gynner of Diego Rivera, the couple now live in an apartment with he<hful habits. You should be j tion into something very like a county, and that not one among the far a’ong th e road to civilization as “ tute. They’ll whisper in yoim ear this newspaper, encloaing a large Routine preachments without much house where the ex-flancy vdio kwl ntisfied with an appearance of attention to technique. “War cm an his money, now is the jW tor. panic. Yet a drought is never and most populous, rather through the bees! j frequently seems stupid. strength, health, and vitality wlth- self-addreased, stamped envelop. I I T ^ t ’s how they explain the fact War", "Depression”, "Trial of toe cannot be a development of an hour a change In the state law requlr- the desire for mere bulk and fat. Bread Thieves”—those are sample that a foreign office official gave The scales are not a reliable meas­ QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS An breeds of geess in this coun­ or even a few days. Barthquakea, Ing an the counties to do the same titles and you can Imagine what ure of health and do not be alarm­ they look like. try are descended from toe wIM tornadoes, occur. But droughts thing. There win now be provided BEHIND THE SCENES IN j times—first as ui^Kci^ a^^n^*to ed if your weight does not tally with (Asthma) The Society of fray goose; they have been domes­ DO ijuotod; 86cond—wli6^ do fcbc- Independent Ar- ticated for centuries. ? are the growth of many weeks, even opportunity ter testing out the your height according to average QuMti^: Mrs. A. A. O. writes: tion came from abroad—as official, measurement charts. father is seventy-three years ’ ^ scheme, so dear to the heart of the but not to be quoted; and, finally— old and is troubled with light at­ I over heard of to hit the consdoua- Bureau of ChHd Welfare, of llndlnB when still no reaction came—as of­ The thin person should train his tacks of asthma. Do you think that i } ness of a nation like the thunqi of ter each little county ward a orl- ficial and to be quoted at wilL mind to be poised, avoiding all he is too old to use a dietetic I a Wac^^ ^ ^ The Japanese, they feel, were thoughts of fear, hatred, worry, regim en?” By RODNEY DUTCHER clumsily trjrlng to launch a trial criticism, and intolerance as these Answer; It has been my exper­ ' I T ^ “ d uplifting care The Herald Washington Corre­ balloon. destructive emotions will do more ience that any typical asthmatic spondent. than anything else to prevent one case which is not too complicated ronsid^ this outbreak of drought of devoted, loving and r tte ^ m o r a l from gaining. East only wholesome ; news in connection with something foster parents. A Headache From Mra. F. R. with other disorders can be cured Equipped Mrs. Roosevelt gives certain of­ food which will be converted into through using a correct diet I am ! that is going on in Washington, aiuli mw. Washington, May 12.—Backstage tissue and do not attempt to in­ to Serve Creditably maneuvers in the fight against the ficials of AAA a headache. They're enclosing some instructions for your 5 Bomething that recenUy occurred ln|fou-ht ^ oontistentiy t h e ------• - . -f crease your weight by any stuffing father and I see little reason to be- , nii,>o£rr, Chicago. !>,,♦ «__ t-».___ I'ought against the proposal to wish stock market blfl-which produced ^ i^ sh Which might only result in Ueve that his age will prevent ROBERT K. ANDERSON soiai^aytoptoms as biliousness, Uver ' thought to one seemingly inescap-1 — ***ifi,j the present wave of propaganda _ p from se9uring success^ results, J Funeral Director Fbr against the “Brain Trust”—have should be cut. AAA of late has 'and gall bladder trouble, auto-in- especially since he is only troubledl WATKINS BROTHERS^ Inc. I able consequence of the impressioii «*« hv ^ toxlcation, and numerous diseases with light attacks. fascinated ordinarily blase insiders. tried to go easy on the distributors. of the digestive organs. TEL. Office 6171. House 7494. I that the nation’s food sunnlv u L P ^ e s s of law, but we Mrs. F. D. smacked the milk When you read that the huge For those who wsmt more detailed ; burning up and the farms turning objection to Wall street lobby sought to make companies right between the eyes Holland bad its last war more I ; to desert dust Is tt not when, in two recent statements en­ Instructions regarding weight galn- than 100 years ago. me control act more flexible and to dorsing the AAA Consumers' Obun- ! cally inevitable that, confronted ^ kill the section which expressed the intent of Congress, It may have cil’s national survey of miiir con­ '' this dread calamity, the people sincerity in- sumption, she called for cutting sist that It is, they may be sure soimded perfectly innocent. Whv . recall with shocked horror tho not? milk prices to consumers and rais­ I AAA’s strange policy of plowing In that It will not be Icmg before the ing prices paid to farmers. other counties follow In line. No ^“ ^^as that President She pointed out that milk farm­ ; crops and restricting production of «ck Whitney of the New York ex­ county maintains a temporary home ers had been getting from to 8 ! essential foods and that many of c is e and his pals were simply cents a quart while consumers were ^ them 'Will leap to the conclusion that tor the fun of it; nor even, toying to produce a bill which would paying from 8 to 13 cents. be declared unconstitutional by the { this terrible drought is a visitation thought It may be difficult to con­ The “spread” now goes to the vince the welfarers of this, ter the Supreme Court. Those boys want no milk distributors. Their headache is from heaven as purdahment ter regulation. the worse. AAA wickedness? That even the purpose of giving county eommls- The more flexible Congress makes less religious wfll see in the pros­ skmera a dianee to get something a law by allowing large discretion for themsdvee. commission, the more thou merry month complete; pective famine a bitter oommestsiy ipely the Supreme Court Is to mur on the toUy of the AAA system? It is to be hoped, however, that MT that law by deciding that Con­ Health and Diet Well, basring in mind tUs highly Messenger and bis co-workers gress has delegated too much leg- IMative power, y ^ probsbU reaction to the drought wm prove to be as coolly critical of Advice MAY . . . BOW fjMlAtA as they have been A ^ the ‘intemV section oon- By Or. Praak MeOey oswi, we may go on to recall the » » • M aO-importaiit declatntion fact that there are pending in Con­ ^ old—that they wiU be Im- •bat stock exchange transactions petaooally telr in their observation are transaetlons in Intmtate CAUTIONS FOR THIN FOLKS thy very name is sweet!” gress several amendments to the commerce. Agricultural Adjustment Act Not of results and the drawing of their A thin person is usually as oonetustone. Frecedenls Indloate tliat the Many people In these parts are much court would kUl the law if it anxious to gain weight ae a stout Our own view is that they are interested in the particularities of passed wlthoot ttiat dedantion. person is to reduce. The fat person THIS being May, we’d like to drop back throogh history a few hmidred that act; with few ezoqitions their doomed to a oonslderatde measure The country has been led to be­ usually thinks he is beset with dif­ lieve that the original 60 per cent only concern is with its general pur­ of dlaappointment If they do not ficulties when he tries to reduce, years and see the May-pole which James H (then the Prince of Wales)


tor the poatUon, " I rgserve consider­ Ntoholas Murray proHdant THREATENS TO RESIGN ation of my own future ralation to DAILY RADIO PROGRAM SCAKIET FEVER the department" Of coiumbU^hWrtily M W - PULITZER PRIZE wam: "Faovloatad a&4 untruthful OVER A a OF SENATE Haaosfbrth, tha juriaa to aaeh SATURDAY, MAY I f (Central and Baitem Standard Tim e)) ^argss of a miserable, petty par­ Now ts tba pfofw Netei AD procrams to kar and baale ebalna or groups thereof onleas Bneel* CASES DECREASE priia flald wifi not .ba axpaetad to tisan character," toe Assistant Sec- RULESCHANGED rant or buy a good 'fled; ooaat to coast (o to o) designation Includes all avaUable statlo^ «po<^ w tary said, "have been persistently maka racommandattotof fidr tha Rrograms subject to ohanoa. P. M. — - - - award at any priae. thay or Portahia * (DavUght Timt On$ Bour ZrOterJ. circulftted against hiJti a vary NBC-WEAP NETWORK Cent East Asaifltant Secretary of Com* win present an allgiMa fist of can- merce Angered at Body’s Re­ small clique of dlesj^polnted office ■A910 — Kasti weaf wlw weal artlo • I88— 4:48—The Preaknees Race seejeers.” dldatos. with a statatoant of toe Typewriter arlar wtag woah wfl wilt wfbr wro wgy }'18— 8:18—Raginsinr Ensemble—to a Dqdidieria ia State Drops To reasons why the pairtloular candi­ •wben wcae wtam wwj wsal; Mid; ksd 4:8<^ 8:80—F^W. Wile, Talk-baaloj fusal to Confirm Thorp. P h n se, ‘T r e fe r a % Deafing 'wmaq wofl woc>who wow wdaf wkbf jAok Armttrono^znidw6it date la toc^ht worthy. 8 p p ^ Bsatal Bataa I NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtmj Wanderers Quartet—west 10 in April, Average These all^bla fiats will th «i To Stodeata. I wlba kstp webo wdaj kfyr crot cfcf Carllle, Tenor Washington, May 12.— (A P )—The ; SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno wls wjaz Mlchaux Congregation FIRE DEPARTMENT HOSE With Afflerican Life” Most guide toe advismry board— ^^tha body Service Typewriter Ge. iwfla-wsun wiod wsm wmo wsb wapi ®!®<^The Sorenaders — east: Senate’s refusal to confirm Dr. Wil­ charged by toe toe. Pullts^ 92 Asytahi St. 6-tTlS wjdz wemb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kprc Quartet—Dixie; Orchee.-mldweat Being 46. with toe responatbillty of recom­ Hartford, Ooan. woal ktbs kths wsoo wave 8:48— e;4^lsham Jones Orchee.-to o lard L. Thorp as director of toe Be Enbodied in Oaosee. MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kglr kghl 6 :0 ^ 7:(^M ert Downey Party—baslo Bureau of Foreign and Domestic DAMAGED BY VANDALS mending toe nanto® lor awards— I'oeal Agaata—KempW, tea. PACIFIC COAST — kgokfl kgw korao Walker’s Program in making its definite reconunenda- khq kfsd ktar kgu kpo 7 :0 ^ 8:00—Qrete 8tsuokgold--«!M e Conuneroe has so aroused John Hartford, May 12.— (A P)— The tipns to the trustees of Columbia Cent. East. '=20— Helton’s Commsnta Dickinson, Assistant Secretary of Plano Team—baslo number of eciurlet fev4r cases re­ , East Hampton, May 12.— (AP) New York, May 12. — (AP) — University. 18;Sd— 1:80—Tales of Titans. Drama Commerce, that he threatens to re­ 1:00— 2:00—Oreen Brothers Orchestra Bxpedltlon—0 to cat ported to the state department of Three changes in toe regulations The changes were voted by the i" * O'"****" Serial sign. —Fire Clilef Merton Weir of toe 1:3<^ 2:30—Springtime Concert, Ore. 8.0^10:00—Sylvia Froes, Songs—to o health in April shows a substantial board at its recent annual meeting. 2:80— 8:80—Lady Next Door Kiddles In a bitterly worded statement governing toe annual Pulitzer prize News Period decrease from the number reported East Hampton volunteer fire de­ 8 :0 (^ 4Kk^Leo Zollo and Orchestra #•20—10:20—Little J. Little Orch.-to o studded with such phrases as awards in letters and journalism COLLECTOR’S NOTICE 8 :8 0 - 4:80—Economics In New Deal for April, 1988, and for the ssune partment said today be had notified 8:8^10:30—Hoffmayr O r^.—midwest “pecksnlfflan byprodsy,” . “patron­ have been made by toe advisory 4:00— 8:00—Peter Van Steedsn Orch. 9:4^10:48—J. Johnson Ore. — baslo month In 1982. Last month there state police of damages be had dis­ 4:80— 8:30—Richard HImber’e Orch. age mongering," and "intrigue," board of toe Columbia University Notice is hereby given that pro^ 10:00—11:00—Tod Florlto Ore.—baslo: were 296 cases, m compsu’ed with covered to equipment used by toe 8:00— 8:00——weaf A others Carrol DIekerson Orch.—midwest Dickinson said last night: School of Journalism, which this 8:10— 8:18—Talk by Dr. Stanley High 678 for 1988, and 481 for 1982 and fire department. A Thought erty taxes are due and payable to 10:80—11 ;8(^-Qus Arnhelm Oreh.—ba- "N o objection to his nomination year over-ruled several of toe Juries 8:80— 6:80—Eddie Peabody A Orchee. ,. sic: Jack Russell Orch.—midwest the cases last month were below the Acid had been used, asserted toe Town of Bolton on May A 8:00— 7:00—Ted Bergman—weaf only based on any consideration of public selections. 1934. 8:80— 7:80—Floyd OIbbons A Quest iiiOO—12:00—Dance Houi-—wabo only average for the five preceding years Chief Weir, to bum about 300 feet Interest was made from any source.” The amended regulations will be 7:00— 8:00—House Party—cat to cat NBC-WJZ NETWORK in April, this being 888. However, of hose costing | l a foot and con­ O toon that dwellest npon many Such taxes may be paid on or be­ 7:80— 8:80—Beatrix Fairfax Dramas SASIC — East: wls wbs-wbsa wbaJ Under a recess appointment, toe in effect next year when toe win­ waters, abundant In treasnres, tlilne fore June 15, 1984 without interest. 8:00— 8:80—Oraham MoNamee A Or. during April in 1981, there were but siderable damage had been done ,to w ^m kdka wjr wlw wsyr wmal; former Anoherst professor has held ners are chosen. All taxes may be paid at collector’s 8:80— 0:80—Talk, Coping with Crime Midwest: wcky kyw wenr wls kwk 220 cases, and 1929 only 268. the 500 feet of gum covered hoee end is come, and the measure of tbs Bureau poet since August. Two of toe changes. Interpreted office. 8 : 4 ^ 0:48—To Be Announeed kwer koll wren wmaq kso wkbf ’There were four cases of typhoid which cost 11.25 a foot. thy covetousness.—:jeretBaUi, 51:18. 0:00—10:00—E. Madrlgusra Orehestrs NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtnaj Wednesday toe Senate commerce today as a move back to toe spirit All taxes not paid June 15, 1934 0:18—10:18—Press.Radio News Period fever last month, the average num­ W eir made toe discovery last wlba kstp webo wday kfyr crot ofcf committee turned down his nomina­ of toe original will of toe late Jo­ 0:20—10:20—Madrlgusra Or, (Cont’d.) SOUTH — arrva wptf wwno wls wJaz ber for the preceding five years. night after finding the fire depart­ Those who give not till they die become delinquent and are subject 0:80—10:80—One Man’s Family—o to c tion, saying be lacked enough prac­ seph Pulitzer, consist of toe addi­ wna-wsun wlod wsm wmo wsb wapl Diphtheria took a drop last month ment building’s lock had been dam­ show that they would not even then to interest 10:0(^11:0(^Dan Russo's Orchestra wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap Icprc tical business experience. tion In brackets, of toe prase, If they cmdd keep It any longbr. — 10:18—11:18—Carefree Carnival—c to e woal ktbs kths wsoc wave with only ten cases, the aversige aged. The building is open to the ____ Signed, Calling Thorp one of the most "preferably dealing with American Bishop Hall. CB8-WABC NETWORK m o u n t a in —koa kdyl kglr kghl number for April during the post public during toe dayi A N T H O N Y 6IANE001A, Oolleetor. p a c if ic COAST — kgo kfl kgw kome competent business analysists in toe life,” In toe never and drama award BASIC— Bast: wabo wado woko wcao five years preceding beinjg 46. State Policeman Roy B. PStten- khq kfsd ktar kpo country, Dickinson said that until a clauses. waab wnao wgr wkbw wkro whk cklw Encimhalitls. epidemic, with two glll has been assigned to conduct Atacosa County, Texas, Is rated wdro weau win wjas wean wfbl wspd Cent East. The third is an amendment In man of Thorp’s calibre is accepted an investigation. as toe leading watermelon produc­ w jsr wmasi Midwest; wbbm wfbm 1i*2” Ths NBC Farm Forum sees for last month exceeded the procedure, described today by D r. kmbe kmox wowo whas 2'22“ 5?" A Orehostra average of the five preceding years ing county in toe United States. Read TEe Herald Adrt. EAST—wpg whp wlbw wheo wlbi wfea 1 Songstsra for April by two, the average being wore wlcfl efrb ckno 2>2^ Theater. Play none. Measles cases showed a vast D IX IE —wgst wsfa wbro wqam wdod *f*r.*®8 A Oronsstra U ra wreo wlac wdsu wtoo krld wrr f 22^ 8i00—Dsserlptlon of Prssknsss decrease last month with 206 cases ktaa waoo koma wdbo wodx wbt f'JS” Annie—east only 2‘2 ^ S‘22“ fJ PeeiiP* Mis Qang as compared with 1447, the average wdas whig wtar wdbj wwva wmbg wsje 8:80—Stamp Club—to wla only for the five preceding years, wmbr 4:46— 8:46 — Capt Williams, Talk— M ID W EST—weak wgl wmt wmbd wisn . eest: Orphan Annie—midwest rpt Thers were no oases of poliomyel­ wlbw kfh kfab wkbn weco wsbt ksej 5'SJ— fiO®—Maltsnmsysr's Program itis reportsd for last month this be- wnaz 5i22r .■•ritons ing the average for the preceding MOUNTAIN-IN—kvor k li kob ksl C0AST-3chJ koln______krro kol kfpy kv] In Amsriea, Drama five years. One case each was re kfbk kmj kwg kern kdb kgmb kgb Peasant Band ported for the month In 1929, 19 8 1 Cent East JiJO— 7:8^Hands Aeross the Border and 1982. The Postage You Spend For One Letter 7:00— 8:00—To Be Anneunead 12:80— 1i80—Bach Festival—o to e There were no smallpox cases re- l i O ^ 2 ;0 ^ J lm Fettle' Orehss.—to e Z’J2“ Duehin Orehsstra 8:00— 8:0^Te Be Anneunead ortsd last month. The average for •■''T Danes—to gat 2:18— 8i18—The S a t Syneepatere •<»J—10i8^Prsss.Radio News Period isr five years previous was four. 8i00— 5>0|^P>nehe A Orehes.—to e Last month thsrs was ons ease of 8i8<^ 4:80—Jack Armstrong—ee only: 4A * Orohsstra A Day For A Year Would Make A Mauris Sherman Orchestra—west 10:8<^11:IO—Vlnesnt Lepsi Orehsstra actlB om ^sls, there being none re­ ported for either March or Febru ary, Cerebrospinal meningitis 6:38— Cld Farmer's Almanac. showed a rise over the three month 6:86— Temperature. period with two in March and five last month. Splendid Pledge To The Hospital Fund WTiC 8:89— Famous Sayings. 6:42— U. S. Weather Bureau. HATtford, CoiiiL 6:46—Jaysnofl Sisters (pianists). 60,000 W., 1000 K. a , S8S-8 6L 7:00—Charles Previn and hli Cr TmTslsrs BroAdoBsttBs isnrloB cheatra. MILK RESOLUTION 8:00— Jimmie Durante, comsdlen Rublnoff’i Crehestra. BAturday, May I I 9:00— Irving Berlin: Pickens Sis­ J :00—lUiythm Mssttrs— Sid Pssrl, ters; Revelers Quartet; Emil SUFFERS SETBACKI dirsetor. Coleman and his Orchestra. 1:80— Alfrsd Lgmmoa, plsjiist. 9:80— Walter Wlnchell. 1:46— The Moderoettes. 9:46— Adventures In Health— "Ul. 3:00— Blue Room Echoes— Joseph cers of the Stomach," Dr. Her Rnles CommitlN Refosei to Blume, director.. man Bundecen. 3:80— Tales of the IMtane, 11:00— Time, weather, temperature BiOO—Merry Msdcspi— Normsn 11:18— Eventide Singers. Hear Pleas for ()nick| Cloutier, director. 11:29-Weather. 8:80— Saturday Matlnes— C^hrls- 11:80— Palais RoyoJe Orchestra Action on Matter. tlSAn Krleni, director. 12:00— Cotton Club Orchestra. 4:00— Silent. 32:80— Terrace Garden Orcbeetra. Washington, May 12. — (AP) — Sunday, May 18 wokers of the Kopplemann resolu- 0:80—IntematlonAl Broadcast, to ;lon for a survey of the mUk Indus­ •rforwsy. try by ths Federal Trade Oommls- 30:00— Dr. S. Parkes Cadman. met with a temporary setback 30:80— Mexican Typical Orchestra. WDRC joday when the rules committee re- 11:00— Press-Radio News. f u s ^ to hear pleas for Immediate 11:06— Fall and Oruen, piano team. 226 Hartford Conn. itM connderatlon or the measure. — Major Bowes’ Capitol Fami­ The rules committee was tied up ly. Saturday, May 12 for the day with a District of Col­ 12:16— Gordon String Quartet. 1:00— Enoch Light’s Orchestra. umbia matter and was unable to 1 Ik :80— University of Chicago Round 3:15— Madison Ensemble. hear the pleas of Representative Table Discussion. 1:45— Harold Knight’s Orchestra. Kopplemann, (D., Conn.) sponsor 1:00—The Passion Play from Ger­ 2:15—Ann Leaf at the organ. of the measure, Representative Sis­ many. 2:30— To Be Announced. son, (D., N. Y.), Mrs. Isabella 3:00— Baseball game— Boston Red Qreenway and others for a “rule" to 1:80—Concert Classics— Christiaan bring the resolution out. Kriens, director; with Royal Sox vs. Cleveland Indians. Deulmun. 5:00— Pancho and Orchestra. Chairman Bankhead, (D., Ala.), of the rules committee assured the 2:80— Grace Hayes. 5:30—Jack Armstrong, All-Ameri­ irroup the committee would hear I 2:46— The Three Scamps. can Boy. them as early next week as possi­ 3:00— "Toward Safer Mother- 5:45— The Preakness, from Pimli­ ble, perhaps Monday. hood’’— Dr. Frances C. Rothert. co. The milk group is anxious to get I 3:10— Crgan Recital. 6:15— "Do You Know That...,’’__ the "rule” as soon as possible, so Everett D. Dow. 8:80— ^Mother’s Day Program.' toe Kopplemann resolution wlU not 4:00— Romance of Meat. 6:30—Frederick Wm. WUe—"The be caught in a leglslaUve Jam at toe 4:16— Lillian Bucknum, soprano. Political Situation in Washing­ end of the Congressional session. *•30— "Trail By Jury” , light opera. ton tonight.’’ Kopplemann, Sisson and Mrs. 6:00— John B. Kennedy. 6:45— Carlle Carllle. Greenway are appealing to toe rules 6:15— The Sylvan Trio. 7:00— Isham Jones Orchestra. committee as a court of last resort, 6:30—Musical Program. 7:30— Serenaders. because the resolution was blocked 6:00— Catholic Hour. 7:45— Charles Barnet’s Orchestra. by an objection when It was moved 6:80— Cur American schools. 8:00— Morton Downey’s Studio on toe "consent calendar" last week. 7:00— Helen Jepson, soprano. Party. They feel there might not be time 7:15— W TIC Sports Re'view. 6:45— Fats Waller. to get toe resolution passed by the 7:30— Studio Program. 6 :00— Crete Stouckgold; Andre House and Senate if they waited for 7:45— Wendell Hall. Kostelanetz’ Orchestra and another "consent day,” 8:00— Jimmy Durante, with Rubl- chorus. "I’m not discouraged," said Sis­ nofTs orchestra. Holton—"Looking at son, spokesman for upstate New 9:00—Manhattan Merry-Go-Round York dairy farmers, as he left the 9:30— Unique program. ' 9:45— Fray and Dragiottie. meeting. "W e ’ll get our rule next I 10:00— Victor Young’s orchestra. -Antarctic Expedition. week, all right. Chairman Bank- 10:30— Hall of Fame— Jascha Hei­ 10.30— Elder Mlchaux and his con­ head sasured me he would hear us fetz, violinist. gregation. as early as possible.” 11:01— Canadian Capers. 11:00— Sylvia Fross. 31:30— Ben Pollack’s. 11:15— Press-Radio News. ll:2 ^ L it U e Jack Little’s Orehes- tra. TOWN ADVERTISEMENT 11:30— Johnnie Johnson’s Orchestra

Sunday, May 18. WBZ-WBZA A. M. NOTICE OF THE Sprtngtield — Boston 10:00— Church of the Air. 10:30— Melody Parade. 10:45— Intercollegiate Poetry Read­ TAX COLLECTOR Sunday, May 18 ing Meet. 6:30— Spiritual Singers. 11:00—Service from the First Uni­ 6:45— Safety Crusaders. tarian Meeting House. AJl persons Uable by law to pay 8:55— 'Time, weather, temperature. 12:00 M,—Mirth Parade. Town or Personal Taxes in the 8:59— Old Fanner’s Almanac. P. M. Town of Manchester are berebv J0:0^Southemalre8 (male quar- 12:15— Italian Melodies. notified that 1 will have a rate bill 12:30— Madison Ensemble. for toe list of 1988, of 20 mlUs on 1U:30— Samovar Serenade. 12:45—Polish Program. toe doUar due and coUecUble on 10:54— Old Farmer’s Almanac. 1:00— Church of the Air. April I5to and July 1st, 1984. Per- 10:56— Time, tempera,ture. 1:30— The Complnsky Trio, «o ^ Tax dus April 1 ^ 1984. 11:00— Press-Radio News. 2:00—The Radio Voice of Religion: M d Tax payable at the Tax Ool- 11:06— Magic of Speech— "The Rabbi Morris Silverman. jjctor'i offic0 in the Municipal Brave New World” 2 :3 ^ L a z y Dan, the Minstrel Man. Building from 11:81—Radio Nimble Wits— Everett 8:00— Sirmphonlc Hour. Smith. 4:00--SpeclaI Mother’s Day Con- A P R IL 15 to M AY 15 $15,000 31:46—Metropolitan Organ recital__ Arthur Martel. 5:00— Chicago Knights. and from A2:16— ’Time, weather, temperature. Wons; Keenan and Phillips. 12:22— Old Farmer's Almanac. JULY lat to AU6. 1st, 1984 - -!'!3 12:80—Radio City Music Hall Con­ 5:80— Julia Sanderson and Frank Is Needed This Year. Give All You Can cert. Crummit. lo e h ifiv o J:80— Sunday Forum—Dr. Ralph 6:00— Farm and Garden Talk. Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. sxoept W , Sockman. ® '2^The Diplomats—Dance Music 6:80—Smiling Ed McOonnelL ^ u ^ y , April 19, Thursday. April 2:00— South Sea Islanders— Ha'wai- Thursday. May 8, Thursday, May The Campaign For This Fund Starts Monday lan ensemble. 6:45— Poet’s Gold. 10 and Tuaaday May 16; also Thurs- I'? ? — Hampton Institute Choir. 2:80— Concert Artists. ^y, July 6, Thursday, July 1 2 , 8:00— Bar X Days and Nights. 7:30— Nick Lucas. And Lasts One Week 7:45—Deutshe Lieder; Eric Tesche, Thursday, July 19. Thursday, July S:80— American Legion AinElliary w and Wednesday, Aug. 1. Hours Mother's Day program. « Louise Kuebta, pianist , . ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ , 8:00— Freddie Rich entertains. 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. 4:00— Sousa Men’s Bimd, dlrectior Failure to make first pament in Eugene UaBarre. 8:30— California Melodies. 9:0(X—Theater of the Air. 80 days wlil cause tha whole tax to 4:80— Princess Pat Players. beeoma dalinquant. Baoond pay­ M r I c g C h 6c k 8 P a y d . b l 6 T o T h e M an ch ester T ru st C o., T reaiB urer. 9:80— Warlng’s Pennsylvanians and 6:00— ^National Vespers— "W hat Guest Star. ment delinqitent after Aug. 1. 1984. About God?" Dr. Harry Emer­ Interest must be added to all deUn- son Fosdick. King's Orchestra. quent fa tes at 8-4 per cent per 10:80—Forty-five l^ u tes in Holly­ 6:80— ^L’Heure Exqulse— ^vocal and wood. month or fraotloo thereof, startug instrumental ensemble. from April 16th, 1984. 11:15—Little Jack little 's Orches­ Com m ittee H eadqusrters^C ham ber of C m m ^ e e R o o m S:00— Joe and Bateese (skit). tra. S:16— Goodrich Baseball Resume— GEORGE H. HOWE, 11:45— Johnnie Johnson's Orebss- This Aavertisetodot I»td t j t jy The C iL Rmr Op. tad The F. ^ - 9 ^ aardwan Ga. • mnwimams. I tra. ■ .'V . ' '* ;;;■-. ■■ -■ ■ •< . - . f- " ' ■ K PACUBsn M A N C H B Sm i EVENING HERALD* MANCHESTER, CONN*r “ SATURDAY, MAY 12,1284.

If \ miSFORSllMER COLUMBIA m i e o n i n c r l ;: e Fifteen-ladies were present Tues­ day afternoon to meet with Miss he igh chool orld Plummer, home demonstration T H S W agent, the subject of the meeting Vol. I., No. 62. Saturday, May 12, 1934. Compiled by Students of Manchester High School being rolls and salads. Miss Plum­ Miss Helen Bates, Aicalty A Stoles to Be in Style in mer made some delicious rolls, which were sampled by the ladles, also demonstrated several varieties Arbor Day Observed TO RAISE FUNDS Warn Month, Leading o f salads. Japs Flunking Exams GIRLS ORGANIZE At the meeting of Columbia Furrier Declares. Orange held Wednesday evening. By Planting of Tree FOR FOUNDATION Rev. B. C. Field* of East Hampton End Lives in Volcano BASEBAU TEAMS showed some very interesting pic- - ^ turea of the National Parks in the The celebration of Arbor Day b/(«year8 has shown their increasing in- New York, May 12.—(AP)—In West,, most of them being from Cuyler Haugb, an Interne at the<&small country has leaders in every the planting of a senior class tree terest and attachment for this ATivrtea, which haa more women Yellowstone Park. His talk on the Proceeds of Bridge Party to Manchester Memorial hospital, gave ' field and *-•- the------people- ■» are noted for was inaugurated yesterday for the sch ool Interesting talk on “Japan,” at Games to Be Phyed Toe** oolth fur eoata than all Europe com­ subject was also most enjoyable. their Ingenuity and courage. "The old tree which stood at this Girl Reserve meeting held May The next meeting will be Neigh­ first time in the history of Man­ spot for years and saw so many Patriotism begins early and the bined, new and intrigulngr tur de­ bors’ Night. It was voted to ac­ Be Applied to Verplanck 8 at the Center church. He has velopments are ahead for fall. chester High school, when the senior classes come and go has become h jrounger generation in Japan is very cept the invitation of Colchester lived In Japan a number of years ambitio\is. The children really days and Wednesihys n This was learned today by a trip class dedicated a small maple to re­ part of the past Therefore, to pre­ Grange to visit them next Wednes­ and knows the Japanese people and know how to play and study. At through the world’s largest fur place the diseased olm tree recently sent our affection for this school in Fond. day evening and give one number their characterietlca. the age of seven they are taught New Learne. house, where white foxes hung in cut down in front of tbo Franklin greater magnitude than ever before, on the program. ’The speaker said that the Jap­ English, French and (3erman and at huge bundles, amid piles of Persian building. Ihe seniors and juniors we, the class of 1934, have under­ Rev. A. W. MelUnger is recover­ anese were a friendly race but are eight are taught Jiu-Jitsu and mili­ lambs an^ rows of mink skins in assembled at the begtoolng of ths taken on this Arbor Day to replace ing from an attack of tonsiUtis "At a time when the necessary very loyal to their coimtry, which Is tary tactica. If they fail in their bag protectors. afternoon session yesterday in front the old tree in token of our deep A girls’ baaeban meeting was held having been confined to his bed funds were becoming less and less illustrated in the fact that their re­ examinations they throw them- This summer sees an increase in of Franklin building for the follow­ respect for this school and our firm Wednesday after sebool by all those since Sunday night. ing program: available, the Verplanck Foundation ligion is patriotism. Everything selves into a volcano. Japan wants fur stoles—the long narrow scar.', Intention to preserve and carry on, Mr. and Mrs. Palm ers, who have the people do is for their country to be taught, and the children are who were Intereeted In playing. To In contrast to the fur capelet, ReadL^ of the Governor’s Arbor whatever the material changes time Fund provided an increment of been living in the Tripp bouse Just and their emperor. eager to learn. include only those who are willing which was a spring high fashion. Day Proclamation, Fred Johansson; may bring, the high Ideals which which enabled me to complete my below the Qreen on the WilUmantlc Arbor Day speech. President Wil­ Japan is only a small country but After the talk refreahments of to play. Miss Howard suggested Stoles of sahle and fox will be. the this school has ever upheld. senior year at the Massachusetts road, are moving back to Wllliman- liam Gray; list of the archives of ttM there is a large population, with 97 lemonade and cookies were served. (all's most important daytime fura "To all who come after ua, the Institufe of Technology. The that teama would be picked up. go­ tic. class to be buried at the roots of the per cent able to read and write. ’This —Jennie Bandholm, ’86A. but evening capelets in fur will growth of this young tree from year amount Involved but 10 per cent of ing under the Bue and White sys­ The Thursday Afternoon Club tree; comet solo,,“Trees”, played by to year will indicate a like increase my budget but it waa Just that 10 tem, with names of the big baseball continue. met this week at the home of Mrs. Chester Shieldh, while the class offi­ Dyed fur, a strong spring vogue, in our affection for this school and per cent which stood between me leagues, luob as Yanks, Senators May Cobb in the West street dis­ cers eeich put a spadefifi of earth on a higher estimation of its ideals. A and the completion of my work.” and Red Sooc. Mies Howard appoint­ will have a season still more dra­ trict. 1934’s tree. CERimCATES AWARDED matic, fur experts said. There is tree breathes the very etisence oi! 'Hieee are the words of a gradu­ ed a Blue and a White captain from A special Mothers' Day program President Gray’s Arbor Day talk of blue kidskin and blue Per­ beauty and stability, and siirely we ate of Manchester High school of each Claes to provide a team to play. is bel^ prepared for the morning speech was as follows: can show how well they have weath­ 1924, but if one should obangt ths LITERARY The glris are ae followi: Freshmen sian lamb, and of seafoam, a green service of the local church. Moth­ “Previous graduating classes of TO FIRST YEAR TYPISTS tint in lamb trimming for coats of ered the storms and tbo tests vt -name of the college this same state- White leader, Alice Madden; Blue ers are urged to come with their Manchester High school have shown time. Its spreading branches will” mint would be applicable- to leveral leader, Doris Stephenson; Sopho­ Hudson seal. children, and the children are their undying affection for their EMBARBA6BINQ MOMENT Women are being gradually In­ symbolize our many diversified In­ other graduates who have also been Certificates have been Issued by more White leader, Margaret urged to bring their mothers. alma mater by planting the tradi- troduced to new fur colors; for terests, springing from one common helped by the Verplanck Foundation the sebool to the itudants of Mlsa Clordon; Junior Miss Marion Holmes and her Sun­ tionsU ivy, the grow th o f whose source of inspiration—Manchester As I look back upon my sixteen ^ped fox awakened the fur stylists Fund. Avia Kellogg’s typing classes who White captain, M. May; Blue lead­ day school c l^ will have a flower clinging branches throughout the High School” But it Isn’t only the money that years of life there is one event er, B. Karlson; Senior ^ t e leader, to the possibilities for color devel­ to wear for every person attending have passed two ten-minute tests helps. One young man whom this with four or less errors. which stands out very vividly anc Ada Webb; Blue, Brneetlne M on^ opm ent. this service. Bottle Green In Style Fund is now helping through Ford­ First-year students who have re­ clearly in my mind and which I can The games will be played every The fruit trees are at the height SPORTS SCHEDULE ham University believes that "at Tuesday and Wednesday night aftef Bottle green is expected to be a of their bloom at present, and in ceived certifleatee are; Clara Wray, not recall without feeling the blood high fall fashion, and white fox present it isn’t the plan of the Ver­ school by inter-class, blue team ve spite of the severe winter, pear, ap­ AUGUST HAS HIGH forty-three words, one error; rush to my face. white team. wUl be dyed green to match. Furs M onday planck Foundation Fund \o put this Marian Fraser, thirty-nine words, ple, plum and cherry trees seem to On a very warm summer day, sev also will be dyed slate blue. M. B . B. nine faces BookvUle or that fellow through school but to three errors; Elizabeth Simmons, — A da W ebb, »84. be loaded to capacity. Whether the eial summers ago, I donned my Sable, the experts said, is grow­ High sbt Mt. Nebo as Trade aid that fellow in completlu that thirty-seven words, three errors; blossoms will turn into fruit re­ bathing suit and set out to enjoy a ing more important every day, and RATING AT N.E.U, Trade sebool meets WUlimaotlo which be has started out todo." William McBride, thirty-five words, mains to be seen. Trade st West Side. High schpol The terminology, to be given to refreshing afternoon in the lake ^ s is expected to be one of the two errors; Ruth Rascoe, thirty- which was located near my home. greatest mink coat years of all golf team opposes Windham at the financial aid of this foundation two words, one error; Anna Klein, CINDMEWS WUlimaotlo. would be “moral support” by which thirty-five words, two errors; Rita The raft was crowded with people time. It will be a great season for who had chanced upon the same Tuesday the funds of the student are bal­ Dwyer, thirty-two ’*’ords, three ermine and whits fox for evening, Manchester High Gradnate idea as I. They were diving into and for chinchilla, which is, with BIG BILL RECORD M. B. g. track team meets anced. When the going is rough errors, Merle Shorts, thirty-two Manchester turned In Its third Meriden High In Silver City. and one Is given the backing of the water from all helghto and di­ straight win Tuesday, defeating th. exception of some sables, the words, three errors; Margaret At­ rections. world’s most expensive fur. on Dean’s Ust lor Past Tennis team faces Hartford those from his own home town, then kinson; thirty-two words, no errors; East Hartford High at the West Some other facts learned about Pnblie at Hartford. is the time for courage and book- Doris Tomm, thirty-one words, no Feeling very warm and possessed Side Oval, by a score of 66-88. Thie IN 73RD CONGRESS with that faint desire for "ehowlni Is the second C. C. I. L. triumph for fu r: Two Years. W ednesday flgbtlng. The small contributions errors; and Ernestine Mon tie, thirty An ermine coat, properly han­ M. B. B. baseball team It boat of the Mckers are doing just this words, no errors. off,” I proceeded to cUmb the ladder the wearers of the Red and White, dled, should lest ten years, and so to Bast Hartford Hlgb at Mt for the fellows in the various schools to the ten-foot plank and upon the first being over Middletown High lost Saturday. stould a mink coat N ebo In League tU t and though it may take time, those reaching the top 1 became dizzy Women should be more willing to Few More Hnsky Measures Irving August, graduate of M. H. A o m d a y aided will be among the first to from looking down at the water ten wear mink than caracul when S. ’82, is maMag ar unusually good M. B . B. golfers oppose Bolke- seek adjustment of equilibrium in feet below. Tuesday’s meet brought out the dvle affairs. SPORT SLANTS weakness of the team in the run­ changing a tire. Caracul is a much record In meobanleal engineering at f of Hartford at local O om i^ Suddenly, as I was pondering Yet to Be Passed Before ub. 'The bridge party to be -given by whether to Jump or not, a deep ning events. Although boasting more tender fur, and should be Northeaetem University, Boston, A cool day with a brisk breeze seved for dressy occasions. a Friday the faculty May 22 in High school voice from below floated up to my three "stars" in as many Mparate Mass., although working under se ball will add to these funds which blowing over the diamond. The sun races, the team lacks snough "fill Borne furs—notably mink and Adjoumment N. B. B. nine plays WUllam was blotted out by high flying ears. "If you’re going to dive, hurry Persia lamb—are growing young­ vere handicaps. BaU bi League olaeb at West are loaned to those students in need up, and give the other fancy divers in” men to stay far ahead In the Upon entering the university in who have passed the freshman col­ clouds; a perfeot day for a baseball score. At ths start of the meet er—they are being styled more Hartford. Traders meet B taff^ game. The Manchester High team a chancel’’ muthfully. Persian lamb used to Boptsmber,•. 1 ^ , Irving " was faced Blab at M t Nebo. High eebeol lege examinations in bis chosen col­ I looked down and seeing that the Tuesday it looked ai though Man­ Washington, May 12. —(AP) — with the neeessiiy of providing 1^ lege. However, It is understood by enhanced the general satisfaction of chester would be hopelessly out­ be a fur only for matrons. gpliere meet BaU team at West the spectators over such a nice day man wae addressing me, I became The Seventy-third Congress, de­ own flnaneei and managed to de­ the Students who borrow from this classed to the scoring. However, iiC This is the first season that furs Bartford. Netroen play West oy defeating the West Hartford so excited that, without stopping ro have been shown with cotton. Blue spite its share of rows and oontro- fray his flret year’a expeneea by Hartford away. Traekmea bofll fund that they will at some time re­ look in either direction, I took a the ability of the field event mep baseball team 8-2.^ <3osh, it was a pulled the meet out of the fire. fog appeared on organdy gowns. vsrsy, has Jogged steadily along doing odd Jobe secured about the to West Bartford at West Bide pay their loan In order that some nice day! running Jump and landed in the Properly handled, a sunstantial until its le^Tation approaches a college. Last eummikr be foun( other aeeerving pupil can use it water, feet first and bolding my employment with the Heee Machine —Florence De Vito, ’84. Manchester made a clean sweep fur coat should last five years. One big bill record. Poor West Hartford! They hap­ nose. fur takes 94 handling procssees, Company of Boston. While there in the sho4 put' and the discus, tak­ It bap put a. score of majoir bills pened to run into our team Just in You may rest assured that , ing the first three places to each and the head of one great fur house into the statute books, and its lead­ Irving drew plans for -xo automatlo lime to attract all the ire and re^ raansged to keep my (aoe in the event. In the broad and high Is insured for $3,000,000. ers, Jockeying for the stretch drive, metal-stamping’ mabhlhe whtob baa sentment that the merciless slaugh­ water until I attained (jui^ a dis­ eiaoe been placed on the market. UNIVERm FRAIERNin J ^ p Manchester topk.fireVMd to have a few more husky and far- PEATS OF MAGIC tering the Trade school Inflicted on tance from that rattM gaping p ^ the Javelin, Leo Johnson; husky reaching laws in mind before the He has been on the Dean’s list pie. our players. The Manchester High weight man, took second wtth the finish wire is reached. each marking period to the HOUSE LIFE DESCRIBED team was chuck full of pep and In some unexplained way I had present Ume. ’Tbie high eoholaatlo longeat throw of hie career. Leo President Rooeevelt has Just confidence. 'They radiated power all become Involved with a group of STRIKE ORDERED itanding has enabled him to win MYSTIFY PUPILS tossed the spear 144 feet, bettering signed the 1417,000,000 tax bUl. A over the field of play. Their ability professional fancy divers and there two ball year icbolarshipi durlxig hie best previous mark by leveral few hours before be signed the Im- Jack Crockett Vlette Brother to come back with luoh a cocky at­ I stood In their midst without even the last two termi. Owing to hie toehee. it sugar producuon control Now a Student at Boston titude after being made to look like iinowlng how to take a standing AT BUICK PLANT ^ remarkable ability in bis course ot a pick-up team by the Trade ichool University. dive from a tra-foot plank. Ctoarlle Donahue won the first race Within a few hours more be may study, be has leoured the diatlnc- C. Everett Wallace No Crap shows that at least they have the Mv face still burns when 1 think of hie High school career to the ' >p a final measure into the legls- tlon of being one of four students fight ’That will be a good quality selected from the university to be Jack Crookett 87A, who recently of It, although that was several mile run. Due to a strong wind ”orks—a $1,800,000,000 re- visited bis brother Herbert, M. H. S. to have when they cross bate with years ago. and a soft track the time was very emplwed as a itudent engineer in Shooter But ""Sho’ Can Meriden High. 14,000 Employes Are Idle kaf bill. ’29, in a fraternity bouse at Boston — Edna HHWg, ’86A. slow. (Tbarlle breasted the tape to . . . are some of the big bills the the Boston and Maine railroad ■bops. The work at the shops oon* University, thinks that the organ­ 6:08 flat, eighteen seconds slower regular session of the 78rd has ization Is very interesting. Jack de- Handle Them Bones.** Bob Smith was in splendid form. VISIT W. D. R. 0. than his beet time last year. Joe — 5,000 Fisher Body ■Iste mainly of locomotive truck Hie curves were breaking nicely passed along to the White House: •oribed the bouse as follows: Three of ue paused before an Im­ Packard took second in hie special-, construction. ’The four etudente and be had all the zip in the world The $2,000 000,000 farm loan "The men sleep in one large room posing looking door. What wae the ty, running a slow race purposely each work alternately, five weeks on hie fast ones. After the first in­ Workers Also Ont. bend guarantee. /. on the top floor. ’They sleep In matter with our feet? To be sure, to save himself for the Rhode Island The $2,00u,uo0,000 heme loan in the shop and five weeks in the C Everett Wallace, who has en­ ning the West Hartford pliers school A lobool publication re­ ‘double-decker’ cote. There are tertained audiences throughout the there on the deer la front of ue meet. bond guarantee. about 36 cote. weren't trying to get rune—they were the letters W. D. R, C. but ports that Irving baa proved bim- coimtry with bis impersonations end were praying for a bit. Bob's bat The $960,000,000 civil works-am- "The dining ball la on the first somehow our feet were paralyzed. "Tony" Plana, who has bees get­ Flint, Mich., May 12. —(AP) — ploymant relief bills. le lf 10 latisfaotory in reeponsible "magic tricks”, was greeted with s alio played an Important factor In The Buick. Motor Company plant positions that it la expected be floor. In the dining baU there are great deal of applause at an eeeem- At last one of us ventured to open ting his ihars of tbs tough torsaka ^evaluation of the gold dollar. two large tables, which seat eight the victory. He got a double and the door. closed here today, close on the receive additional aangnmenta. bly held Friday morning. triple in four trips to the plate. Not this season, ran a beautiful race The 8600,000,000 Vinson Naval people each, and four small Ubles Wa entered a medlum-elsed, well- to the 440, only to be tripped a few heels of a walk-out of union em construction legislation. This spring Irving oompletee hie Mr. Wallace opened his program a bad afternoon’s work for one per­ which seat four. with a selection on the old southern- fumtsfaed room. The eeoretary made yards from the flnleb by an Bast ployes in the Fisher Body C o^ra- The Bankhead compulsory cotton second year at the university. He son. *Tbq men study at desks which type, five-string banjo, which is as feel right at home and we talk­ Bartford runner. "Tony" was to non No. 1 plant which makes Bu^uiek control bill. iii ■ member o f the Nu Epeilra Beta bodies. fra tem lt)tv, While attendingattencflng school, are on the third and fourth floors picked with the fingers. ed for a few minutes. Wa liitened second place when be fell and would The liquor tax bill. There are four or five desks in i Eric Rautenberg made the field­ Fourteen thousand Bulck em------Irving, boards-.^-da with an aunt of "The only way one will ever get ing feature of the afternoon with a to Otto Neubsuer for fifteen min­ have finished to that positioa, which Continuation of ths R. F. C. for room. In the rooms there are ahead is to have a high estimate o* utes, and then came the most inter­ went to bis rival Noyes and an estimated 6,000 Fish anotbsr ysar and Inoraaslng Its Thornton w . Burgeea, the noted ■peotaoular shoestring catch. Eric natu ralist oloiete where the men hiM their one’s ability,” says Mr. Wallace, esting part at the v is it sr employes were Idle. loaning authority by 8W,()M,000. olotbee. ■larted with the crack of the bail on Although H. H. Curtice, presi- hie impersonation of s lunkhead Sterling V. Couch explained some Considerable dlecueslon toUeweg The Philippine Independent bill. "On tbs eeoond floor there is the bat and ran into short left-field, dent and general manager of the from 8am Walter Foss’s scooping up the bail—a line drive, a of the technical terms end told us this race, but as Coach Wlgren had The $40,000,000 crop production pool table and a few card tables.’* poem, ’Tm a Lunkhead”, be showed the “whyi and whereforee” of ra­ failed to place any Judges around Buick company, was out of the dty loan. few inches from the ground. it was learned from reliable sources LIFE SAVING CLASSES Jack states that lelf-govsmmsnt that it was not worth while to con­ dio. Then we were afforded a great the track, the runners could sot be The Johnson bill prohibiting is an la^rtant factor in a Frat that the plant will remain closed sider yourself a failure. The tennis team has started to go privilege. We saw and bsard a lady officially disqualified. loans to oountrles that have de­ bouse, 'nie men have meetings once With a coin loaned by a student, make a record telling about the until Tuesday. By that Urns, it is faulted in tbslr obligations. )laces. They have won their first expected that the Fisher strike will ORGANIZED FOR GIRLS a w ^ lB which they dlwniae fra­ Mr. Wallace mystified the audience telephone night rates. George Leary broke all records 1260,000,000 bill maldBg cat­ ternity regulations, make out the fwo matches and in doing so have be settled. by having the coin placed in a emaJl ooked very, very Impressive. With There were four people Involved tle a basic commodity under the menu for the eoming week, and go bank and then with a few "magic" in this ecene: Mr. Couch, Mr. Rob­ to save Kim The closing of the Buick plant farm adjustment act. over their fisanolal matters. Jie veterans Urbanetti and Brown comes on the eve of tbs presenta­ Under the direction of Miss Vir­ words—lo! It appeared in si)ox and two newcomers Harris and inson, the "lady" (for want of a Island meet. Coach W lgm told him The temporary airmail bill. ginia Howard, senior life saving *** are in wrapped up in a ball of wool. Hie better name) and the man iriio at­ not to get into a suit, but when tion of a new model. 'The rate of Nias regular annual suroly meas­ this fraternity bouse — Jaok’i O’Leary, they threaten to mop up y for piecework on bodies for Claeses for girls were started on next trick was the removal of dice the C. C. I. L. C!oacb Hartwell has tended to the meebanleal part of East Hartford began to domlMLe ures calling for |8,000,0(>0,000 have M ^ 9, during seventh period. brother. Herb, and Hal BtUee, 1988. from a cabinet to a hat placed on the Job. the running eventi, be de men returned to work this ■chool, drew twelve hundred people High School athletes program” produced by a bell rung by Mr. m orning. the ’’braaks^’, "approaches" aS banjo and harmonica at the same Capt Charles "Chucky'^ Bmllb, cap­ Robinson, the lady told about tiis Cuds did not run to bis spedalty "ca n ia e .’’ including parente and friends in IN P O ^ ROAD ACCIDENT time. tain of the baseball team. “Chuck” night rates. Bveiytbing sounded but took second in the 330, flnit Seven girls reported for the les­ ■pits of the rain on that day. The Mr. Wallace concluded his pro­ reason for Open Night Is to have Is a rare species of the class verti- fine to our ears but evi^tly not >lace going to Brennan, East Hart* son; Anne Arson, Esther Ptekles, gram performing a magic triok ot lord’s sprinting ace. - HOLD THREE SUSPECTS the parents and otbere see what the talua sportus starus. He isn’t very to ths ears of the announcers. The Bronx Party Involved in Crash AnlU Paeeacantell, Joy Bquatrito, filling a small yase with oonfeiti big but he makes himself a itar bell was at fault, for it sounded Ernestine Montle, Ada Webb and Trade school is doing for the stu­ and then with a wave of a wand When Car Hits Memorial dents and bow trades are taught. through his perpetual fight and more like a doorbell than a tele­ This column wishes to oorrset an R. Martin. and a few words, poured rice from error printed to last Wednesday’a IN BANK ROBBERIES Cannon in Rya. Mr, Bchmallan, director m the energy when be dons an atuetio oni- phone ring. 'Piey attacned the bed Due to the fact that all girls must the vase. >aper.' We stated that "Jimmy” ■onool, stated that tbla wa* the sev­ form . to a piece ot board but that wasn’t be seventeen years of age the olase Ruby Jarvis, '84. satisfactoiw. Finally they obtained 3’Leary held the eehool ree<^ ftlebmond, Ind., May 12.— (AP) — will be somewhat small, but Itla enteenth annual Open Night and it Rye, N. Y., May 12.— (AP)— One is believed that Manchester Trade He shewed great promise as a the desired results after much ex- the broad Jump. Jtouny doei net Two men and a woman suspected by expected that more girls will show hold the reoord; he did, however, lice of being members of a gang man was killed and three persons interest. was the first Tiade school to have freshman on the freshman basket­ perimentmg Their task wasn't HISTORY CLASS DEBATE bold the indoor reoord. T he SAtoOl at held up several banks in Ohio were injured seriously today when ■tartw* the Open Night. ball team and the same year be wae completed yet. They went over the S -Ada Webb, '84. record for the broad Jump la Imld recen^ were arrested here early to­ the automobile In wnicb they were on the baseball squad. In hie sopho­ script about five more times before ZnterMt In the various activities by Ray Jewell. day after being routed out of a riding mounted the curtlng on the ^_vl^rs^^li^c^ ^ t OpKm ARRANGED BY TEACHER more year be confined his athietio they were satisfied, but at last the Boston Post Road here and crashed bouse by tear gas. ’They gave their HUMANIZED MACHDfflBY was thoroughly enjoyed activities to baseball and made ths record was made. Into a cannon placed in a small me­ hy names as Harry Hopkins, 23, of allP team as a regular. He went out for - Were we thrilled when we reaoQ- The team is oompettog Is morial roadside park. The second of a series of debates basketball in his Junior year and Island today. Last year Mspoheh* Jamestown, O., Vernon Taylor, 28, Teacher (referring to oeoUlator ed home to hear that record, know­ The dead man was Gustave Oak, n Mr. Piper’s history classes was made the squad as a sub. Needless ter won the out-of-state title wuaii " of Springfield, O., and Thelma used in sending under- water mes- A dance given for the 1984 Trade ing that we had seen It made?. 26, of the Bronx. He died of a frac­ leld Friday in each divisioin. ’The to say he made the baseball team as t la defending today. Coaoh/ "Fats^ Kitchen, also of Springflald. ragee): What device Is used for school graduating class wee held at —Mary Mareden, ’86. tured skull and internal injuries subject was: ‘"The United States a regular. Wlgren is not very optimistic over Eight Federal agents from Indian­ convoying messages in a submerged the Trade sobed auditorium last after being taken to the hospital. Was Justified In Recognizing liie he ohanoee of retail^ tin tttto- apolis aided local police in the cap- subm arine? evening. This dance was sponsor­ The litiured, taken to United hos­ Republic of Panama on Nov. 8, "Chuck” Is nlso the third of the GOLFERS EXPECT TITLE However, Manobeeter has a tm . The agents were called last Freshman (perhaps confusing bis ed by the Students’ Aotivltiee asso­ pital at Port (fleeter, ars Fred Alto, 1903.” “Jinx” captains. A bogey, in the ^ght when it was suspected John messages): An osculator. ciation. The auditorium was dec­ ebanos of dupUcattog last jm ih t 83, driver of the car, fractured Each team was composed of two guise of injury, trailed him from The M. H. S. golf team by Its vic­ performance. DuUnger, widely-sought desperado, skull; Mrs. Alto, fractured shoulder orated with the Claes colors, which members, each member being allow­ the football season to the rad of the tory over MIdmetotra High last DISCUSS GLASS DAY are blue and gold. The music was —BlU^ftirch. ■ or some of his recent companions, and head Injuries; and Ml«s Alno ed three minutes for the Twain basketball season. Last fall, out for Baturday morning and its victory ware in the house. furnished by the Trade school or- Panta, whose Injuries have not b ^ speech with four minutes for a re­ football for the first time, be was over Meriden H i^ Thuriday after­ The two men arrested were A meeting of the eenlor oUse will oheetra. SPRING S P O m fully determined. All live In the be held Tuesday morning tq discuss buttal to be taken by one of the made regular quarterback. In the noon, places the eckool'e , team in bsavUy armed. Besides $600 In Bronx with the exception of Miss members of each tecun. There was a last game of the season be hurt his first place for the C. C. L L. title. ] ^ cash, police found three revolvers, details of class day activities. At William Higgins, Instructor of In gym classes, tvsty gM ts gtt- Panta, who lives at New Rochelle. this time a complete list of the va­ ten minute interval between the knee and It kept him from playing The team is confident they ean en the choice ai three iporta tell" < « a sub-machine gun, a sawed-off social studies and textile theory at main speech and the rebuttal for The car was demolished. rious assessments covering all the first few basketball games. beat Middletown on Manchester’s ole. baseball, or voUsy baU Twmls shotgun and a high powered rifle In the local Trade school, was recently preparation of material When be recovered, he playra bas­ own course. The only difficulty the th s bouse. graduation expenses will be given elected to the office of secretary tor rams: are te be plliyed off on .ttft ST. VIATOR NAMES COACH by Principal filing. lliis debate differed from the first ketball but in the second game team’s up against is defeating Mer­ High eehool oQurtSiKhMehali will be Liocal police said they believed ijje Connecticut section of the Til­ only In that those participating were against Bristol be sprained his iden High on Its own .course tor the ton Academy Alunml association. held on Charter Oidi g-ounds abd| I , tha men were members of the band Bourbonnals, HI., M ay 12.— A fo r ­ chosen by Mr. Piper, instead of vol­ ankle. This put him out for the C. C. L L. title. Ths least the team ' L of men that held up a bank in Fos- IN POETRY CLUB voiin ball at the Beta to back of mer Fordham and St. Louis Univer­ —Lewis L. Neff, ’35B. unteering. Mr. Piper said that season. Captain of this spring’s can do Is to tie tor first place. ! toria, O., several ^ys ago. ’They Rec, and beeidi the fire he ^ sity gridiron flash wiu be the new every one in the class will be given baseball teams, "Chuck” insures These dlffstoat groupc WUl he ’ ; aald the men also were suspected as Bxdraingtoo, LUFIBN GETS LETTER an opportunity, between now and football eoaqh at 6 t Viator college ored at Tufts the team to always keep on their BBoro Yovm ow n i de the dlmtioQ qf thf .fMe I r balw members of the gang that here. He is Ray Murphy, who play­ the end of the school term, of par­ toes and play their best. At the being admitted to the Poetry Qub, Ted Lupien, former High athlete are. to ^ L ih M CSfiie, 'Who S..I I bald up a bank at Springfield, O., ed halfback under tbs late Major ticipating In some debate or giving present time bis batting average ti No more food wUl be sold by the an organisation whose entrance re­ was recently awarded hie letter for an UB^ tio dlcw t^ • during which a bank Cavanaugh at Fordham, and Hunk an oral topic on some special sub­ around .600. His big ambition is to seniors under Miss Smith at noon g n l j .efflelal was ^ quirements of literary abtuty are j^tleipatlOD la Junior varsl^ feot- ject dMUng with United Btates. Anderson. very eamotlBg. further his education. is the luaeb room after this week, v iii at Harvard Uaivenity. —Hilbert CKtentn. ’M. MlftretU, ’84. it was anaouBoed today. \

U--AT. ; ti. T' MANCHBSim nyfoONG HBRAl®. MANCOTSITO. tiOKM, SAtOSD^, WAT 1*. I9H.

recofBlilng it la 1931. Tbe poppy is Tbe following oommitt** was ap­ ThompscovUI* T . K . 0. A . com. South Wladser: Negro, Rey 8rtm*^ r/om in menaory of our brave boys pointed to airist in rooelvlag the talttss. Slsetka at effiesn, mem­ MB Ortea—under the dtrsetten ai wbo gave tbeir lives in the World fer ef PlahivUls. returns: Katherine Evans, Eliza­ ANNUAL Y. M. C A. bers at the beard of directors wesley Coffey. comnniioN TenShon War, and who sleep today when beth Brimley. Edith Mahoney. county, committee, and women’s A t six o'clodi dinner will be serv­ Address, Dean Clyde A. MUnsr. .poppies grow, in Flanders Field. The social committee for the committee will fellow. ed In tbe new community building prestdant ef GuOfOrd OoDego, Gull- Nothing can symbolize our remem­ next meeting is, UUian Ubert, Ger­ MEETING MONDAY at W iping. Three-minute talks ford, N. C. BT SOdEtYONIui ^ brance of the sacrifices of our trude McCollum, Mae Redman, Ftom 6 to 6 p. m „ opportunity vW be given by the following boys: Buddie* Worship, Profssser Rorneil N. World W ar dead so fittingly as can Mary Smith, Beatrice Bellucd, will be given to view the exhlblta of WUMam Poamroy at Windsor on Hart, Hartford Seminary Founda­ TIm BnOftbi Boari the wearing of the poppy. Let xu C o n ^ e Muiphy, Irm a Sullivan, various phases ef the work presided “Photography” ; Alex Aduscevicz of tion. Chil^n of Mary Soda^l^ keep fsLith! Lets every one of us, Evelyn Moriarty, Margaret Brown. County Session to Take over as follows: Athletics, Nelson Southington on "The Boys of Win Gather tt Hotel weaur a poppy in honor of these boys. Tbe sale of poppies wlU be held Broemel of Southington; vagabond Many Nationalities”; Franklyn dan After Mass. 4 Bx>SerTle« OrgaalatkMM. The Poppy Poster Contest, which on Thursday and Saturday of next camp, Russell Baker of Plalnville: Woodruff of Berlin on “The Hi-Y has been conducted in the Grade week. The members will please get Place in Federated Ckorch Camp Woodstock, Mitchell Bailey Clubs” ; Joe Klemovlch jf Southlng- ■ ^ h schools, has come to a close, smd the In touch with Mrs. Alice Wetberell, of West Hartford; dramatics, “ Model Aviation” , and Overnight A, P. A communion breakfast the A mertcaa Legion winners will be announced at a chairman for poppies. Franklyn Woodruff of Berlin; civ­ MitcheD Bailey of West Hartford Children of Mary, St JamjjB’b The next meeting of tbe Perma* later date. The posters will be on We are very wrry to hear that of Wapping. ics, Albert Tuttle of Manchester- on “ Camp Woodstock” . News church, will be hud at the flw U l nent Memorial Day Committee will display, prior to the sale of poppies. Mrs. Florence Smllvan has had to aircraft, Bloomflrid Y group; A t 7:80 the gatnering will ad­ Sheridan, Sunday morning. M ay 36. • be held at the Municipal building on Tbe Judges will be, Mrs. Eunice return to tbe hospital, and hope ThompsonvUle Basketball L e ^ e s journ to tbe Federated church for This is the to be planned' by Friday, May 18, at 8 o’clock. The Hohentbal, Miss Dorothy Cheney that she will soon be on the road to The 17th annua! convention of and Boys’ Council. EMfleld Hl-Y the evening program, as foUows: Providence, R. I.—WUUem R. the Sodality and tbe committee, if comradee who repreeent the poet and Rev. Neill. recovery. Ci b; chemistry, Windsor Hl-Y; Symposium-^Resume of the aft­ preparing a most interesting prof should make an effort to attend this the County T. M. C. A. will be held Green, 98, oldest Mason in Rhode A very interesting program has stamp coUectlng, Windsor Y Stamp ernoon’s procee-aetlcal tribute to bership in the Mons-Ypres Connecticut State College, Storrs, America’s war victims. will be observed Thursday, May 17, Memorial Day Mons-Tpres Auxiliary. All Operations of the Engine at 8 p. m. ^ t h an exteiislve pro­ Valley Forge, Saratoga, Brandy­ The regular monthly meeting ofl gram by tbe R. O. T. C. regiment wine. Gettysburg, Antletam, Shiloh, the Auxiliary will be held Wetoes-1 at tbe college. There will be indi­ Manila Bay, San Juan Hill, Can- day evening. May 16th at 8 o’clock vidual, squad, platoon and company tigny. Chateau 'Thierry, Argonne in the Tinker hall. A full attend­ elimination drills, a regimental re­ ance is requested as very Important view and presentation of awards business x^dll come before tbe mem among them the American Legion bers for discussion. Tbe drawing and Ih*opeller Departments Medal for marksmanship. A gen­ on tbe band made quilt will als« eral invitation is extended to all Lo- take place at this meeting and every onnaires to view these events, by member of tbe Auxiliary wbo have iptaln Ritter, instructor in charge. tickets or money to return are ur­ g gently requested to be present. American Legion Auxiliary The Auxiliary may also take ac­ The regular meeting of the tion on our Joint outing which we American Legion AuxUlary was held hope will be held very soon. We Monday evening. At this meeting it still remember the good time we was voted to entertain the Junior had on our outing last year and are Group at our M ay 31st meeting, the certainly looking forward for one MONDAY, MAY Juniors fumisblng the entertain­ this year. ment. Tbe Auxiliary will hold another Three amendments are being of their popular card parties at tbe drawn up, changing our By-Laws, home of Mrs. Louis Milligan on AT 8:00 A. M. and notices will be sent to all mem­ West Middle Turnpike. A good bers, so that they can be passed on time is promised all attending. Re­ at tbe next meeting. freshments will be served and val­ The welfare sewing circle met at Join the V. P. W. for front line uable prizes will be i^ven the win- tbe home of Mrs. Gertrude Bausola aetienl new. Playing wlU start at 8 o’clock Tbursday afternoon, and completed « d a capacity crowd is anticipated. tbe sewing for the hospital. The and tbe Western Front Memorial Every member please come and meeting will be omitted next week, pay was originally conceived to bring a friend. owing to the Poppy Sale, which be­ honor those who fell in tho lists of Tbe 8ewlng Circle met at tbe gins Thursday, May 17th. battle, and It will ever be the home of Mrs. James Thompson last Until Further Notice The Shop W ill Mrs. D. R. McIntosh, 34 Liberty primary purpose of this observance Tuesday night. Refreshments were street, will open her home Tuesday to reverse the memory and the served and a social hour followed. May 16 for a card party, for tbe glorious service they gave to the The circle will meet this coming benefit of tbe Auxiliary. Let’s have Flag of our Country. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. ’Victor Operate One Shift a good crowd. Bartferd Distriet Ooimca Duke, Pearl street The Junior Group met Tuesday The next meeting of the District afternoon, with a very good attend­ Council will be held In the V. F. W. Spanish W ar Veterans ance. Their president announced Post Rooms, 362 Main street. New A regular meeting was held at 8:00 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. that a book had been purchased by Sunday, M ay 18. the Armory May 10, Commander the group, and given to tbe Chil­ Pjlegate* and alternates Converse presiding. In all fairness drens’ department of tho South end should attend this meeting in pre- to tbe old-tihaers, tb* weather did library. paraUon for the State Encampment not keep them all to home.^We had In June, Call Coznmaadar Cheney Five Days Per Week As May 17th draws near, the a very fair turn-out and quit* a lit­ and arrange to go to New Britain in tle business was carried through. thoughts and efforts of tbe unit turn a group. We ore all steady for tbe dedication to tbe Poppy, the official flower of State Enoan^ment tbe American Legion AuxlUary, and of the Memorial M ay 30 and hope I to its sale which will start on that regards to to see a good turn out for that day. ^campment, Hartford, day. The following poem, is sym­ also Memorial Day.. bolic of the poppy, and is becoming Spanish War Auxiliary ^ 1 be tpten up at tbe next meet- There will be a social meeting of cne of the better known poems, as ing. Encampment committees the auxiliary Wednesday, May 16. Employees of the Night Shift Should years go by. sboxW be prepared to make their "W e Shall Not Sleep” reports. Every member is uked to bring a In Flanders Field tbe popples blow M ay basket with lunch for two. Come and have a good time. Between the crosses, row on row Anderson-Shea At^QxlUary Report for Work on the Day Shift That mark our place: and in the sky «^*wtriot Oousty The larks still bravely singing, fly ^xm cli meeting wUl be keld in Scarce beard amidst tbe guns below. B r i t ^ Sunday, M ay 18, at 8 p. nt, at the V. F. W. hall. The dele^tMl "We are the dead, altaraates and members aw re­ t o f o f i o n s — Short days ago we lived, W t dawn, quested to attend. saw sunset glow Our next meeting wiu be held ^ m l men aasusae authority. Loved and were loved, and now we May 32, at which time our depart­ Only dunces wait to hav* It oon- lie ment chief of staff, Mrs. Helea itrrM . la Flanders Field. Sheehan of W ater bury will be ores- —Georg* Foster Peabody, trustee of ent for inspeotioa. Warm 8prlngs Health Founda- "Take up our quarrel with the foe, Tbe following delegates and al- tlOB* The Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Company you ftom falUng hands we throw te^tes were elected to tbe De- The Torch—be yours to hold it ^rtment Conventlen: Rachel Mun- The power to declare war Is a high; we, Elizabeth Phelan, Maryaret government monopoly. Just so tbe East Hartfordf Conn. If ye break faith with those wbo Brown, Mary Keleh, Edith Mauev M b t to manufacture and possess die. M«ide Uggett Bertha WetherS,’ those instrument* without which W e shall not sleep, though poppies I^jm lla OaUlgan. Alternates, Edith awKw warfare cannot be waged grow Mahoney, Mary Frasier, Annie should also be a government mooop- oiy* In Flanders Field.” Smith, Elizabeth Brimley, Doris Modean, Florence Peterson, Marie —Pwsldent Nicholas Murray Butler The poppies growing between the of Columbia. crosses of dead comrades inspired I olland, Anna Richards. It was de­ Crl. John McRae to write thig poem. cide to wear our red tame, white t^ o r m s , blue ties, white gloves. We teach culture — whatever A short time after, he Joined the that is in this era — and beUers it men, over whose graves the poppies More information regarding the convention later. to be a substitute for character. grew, through the ball of shot and Due to miscalculation dates, —Dr. Jacques Redway, famous geo­ shell. at grapher. the drawing on tb* Butterfly Qnilt Da 1933, tbe poppy was officially P— . been pos^^ensd until the fci- recr^mised as tbe flower of tbe There is no easy way to get more wwlng meeting June 13. The mem­ American Legion Auxiliary, follow- money. bers are asked to make returns on ng the action of the Legdon, in —Former Representative Robert L. the tickets by May 39 tt possible. Doughton of North Carolina.

/ 1 . i V ■. -.-A ■. 1: ■ '»•/ ■

MANGHBaTHRi BryEOTNQ HKitAID^ llA2f0 T O flR , 19S4, eW A COMPLETING [MATERNITY DEATH M ISSM ASY^S 0 P D ( FORUM ^DQNNA«r^filfil3P DAFFODILS •m * LOCAL PROJECTS Mrg. Kari Linki, who ha« been ill DAYUHaR SAVING i y BbPIiAH P(3YyflfeR/ MtA eaytct.mt for some time, went to the Hartford Hi Softly they nod their gold­ hospital Monday. It is reported that en heads Editor, Manchester Evening Herald: her condition is serious. Her mother May I add my bit to MelUe Farris Laurel Street Tcrang Wowan HEBB TODAY from Philadelphia is with Mr. links Down by the brooh, d Bmass ruflbed }^u Into It too soon. We’ll agsdnst Daylight having and this to Be Married to Sherwood . « D O W A nAWRnCT. and MADE* Mnch CoBtimetive Work and the children. And in the garden beds “^ I d ’s Health Week” seems a par- go alower and In a week’i time of Cases in Hospitals Tmeman on June 2^ * ZJICE BIDDAL who eaU tlMaiMlvM you’ll be playing with the old boy. Miss Edith Ellis’s Sunday School As they murmur “She is tioularly appropriate time. Recently *The Gmbrlel EMsters” are droae class win present a Mother’s Day gone” — someone has computed the actual See If you aren’t. Next time you Accomplished Here With of Town Far Bdow Na­ Miss Eva V. Modean of 55 Laurel gj/erhenaen . Yean earlier Madeline won’t be afraid at all.” program at the church Sunday at Our coming this year number hours "Saved" (?) as 155, fiN i away from her frnadtather’e 10:80 a. m. Mothers are cordially in­ and I wonder if this person stopped street was the guest of honor at a Irame. "Oh God,” ahe thought, "I’ll al­ vited to attend. Will not cheer, ways be afraid. How can I go on Federal Fnods. tional Rate. to think that that abK) represented stirprise kitchen shower at the home When Donna la Injorad In a fall Nor to herhnng the munber of hours children were with this? How can he take It this Mrs. J. KeUogg White and her of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. from the trapeae Madeline arrangea w ay?’’ Infant son, Alvin Clayton, have re­ The joy and the gladness deprived of their sleep and rest by »^for her to be taken to OBAMD* turned to their home from the Man­ o f Spring. this wonderful Daylight Saving. Hjalmar Modean of Lynesa street Before dinner time every one In rfore constructive work has been Mrs. Wllllsun C. Cheney, president last night. ’Twenty-one of her FATHER SIDDAl/B farm. To the drcua knew of the Incident. accomplished by men employed in chester Memorial hospital. Theoretically, in this modem Mr. and Mrs. Alric O. Larson of the Manchester Public Health friends were present and she re­ ''pleaae her partner Donna pretenda Con David had forced his bride to eW A work in Manchestc • this year — A . M. K. civilization the child receives a went Wednesday to Amherst, Mass., Nursing Association, which sponsor­ ceived numerous lovely gifts. to be Madeline. Sbe falla In love enter the lion cage and ahe had than was the case last year, and great deal of attention, but actually wUb BILL SIDDAL, Madeline’s oon- where he will be employed by ed the luncheon-meeting at the where the child interferes too great­ A feature of the evening was a fainted when Carlo attacked her. many changes have been made that Coimtry club yesterday afternoon, in mock wedding that provoked much f;pln, and tbongb abe la aataamed of would at some later date have to be Arnold C. Foote on his disiiry farm. ly with our adult pleasures he re­ The accounts of what actually had The Ladies Aid society met Wed­ welcoming the nearly fifty represen­ hilarity. ’The minister was played by deoelvlnf Bill and Grandfather rtie taken up by the town and paid for tendent of School F. A. Verplanck, ceives scant measure of attention. happened were garbled in a dozen nesday at Mrs. Wilbur N. Hill’s. tatives of the town adirdnlstratlon, Alice Benson, with Hilma Dahlman la afraid to tell them the trutfa. by the town. who supervises school health work Perhaps he too enjoys Daylight different versions. Mn. Bertha Hubbard and Mrs. Win- the medical profession, nurses and the bride and Betty Triggs as the Meanwhile Madeline marrlea OON of the nurses. Mr. Verplanck Saving, as it means he can stay up Bs Moat of the women were indig­ Probably the most outstanding throp Porter assisted the hostess. members who attended, expressed DAVID, animal trainer with the piece of work done this year was practically declined to give an opin­ much later playing, and playing groom. Songs and games rounded nant. Msuleline was an aeilal artist Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ganter and her gratification that so many were rirens. He Mia her be la going to ion. He said school men were bard as he grows more tired, until cut the evening. A buffet luncheon and what business had Con trying the extension of Summit street, their daughter of Marlborough, willing to gather for an Informal was served. put her in his anlnm.1 act and the loath to talk on this topic of .sex it is dark enough for the parent to to put her into an animal act? now drawing to completion. There spent an evening this week with her round-table discussion of the sub­ education. ’The school day was have a real argument to get him to Those present included HUdur has been a wide, well built road ex parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Buell. ject of better maternity care, , and her protests, insists she most enter | blasts. tended from Henry street to Wil­ loaded now with subjects. Ex­ bed. Where being overtired and his SKOog, Linnea Johnson, Viola Lar­ Mrs. Fowler of New London is at the hope that it was the be]■ginning room still light he won’t immediate­ the lion cage. liam street and the gravel surface penses were cut to the bone and spe­ son, Clara Jackmore, Margaret Their opposition fanned Made­ the Wells-Way homestead as house­ df many such get-togethers for the ly go, to sleep. Then in the morning, that has been ap died and rolled cial teachers discharged right and Gordon, A ice Roach, Betty Triggs, NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY line’s pride. "I don’t suppose any keeper. Improvement of health conditions In when he is trying to make up the will result in this road being used this town left. As for Introducing anjrthlng I::dlth Borgeson, Georgette Sim­ CHAPTER XV one was ever exactly joyous when The three act play, “The Antics sleep he has lost he either has to get mons, LiUian Anderson, Frideborg he ffrst went into a Hon cage,” she as a reUef for traffic on Main of Andrew”, presented by the Buck­ Mrs. Cheney deplored the fact new it was out of the question, but Con produced a pair of leather “What’s the matter with the girl’s up in order to get to school on time, Thoren, Ida Anderson, Alice Benson, exclaimed. “But I wasn’t so awful street. The work is so far along ingham players at the local hall that the maternity mortality rate or, if too small foi school cannot trousers, leather leggings and a that the road is now being used. in this country is greater than In mother Instructing her In the things Alice Altken, Ruth Johnson. Edith ly afraid either. I hadn’t slept all Tuesday evening for the bejieflt of sleep on account of the noise and Blown, Hilma Dahlman, Ina Mo- heavily padded leather jacket from The graveling is being done on the the Gilead HsU Association, was many other civilized coimtrles, more she ought to know ?” he queried. one of his trunks. He gave them to night, for one thing, and I wasn’t stii of the household. In any event dean, Catherine Modean, Edna Mo­ feeling ace high. That’s why I faint north end of the extension, which much applauded by the large than six for every thousand babies Mayor Aaron Cook said he he is done out of his sleep. A recent Madeline and told her to put them has been opened up so that the audience. Dancing followed. Music bom, whereas in Denmark and thought the statistics presented dean and Margaret Johnson. on. eo. I knew there wasn’t any real survey of the school children of the Miss Modean, the daughter of north end of the road extends like was by the Jolly Four with Jesse Norway they had been able to re­ spoke 'Volumes for the good work country showed seventy per cent of danger with Con beside me. If there Mrs. Ellen C. Modean, will be mar­ “Tuck your hair under this cap,” an open fan eind leads onto Oeikland Hills prompter. duce the death rate to two per that is being done, and the way them were under par. We do not had been he wouldn’t have let me do ried to Sherwood Truemanj son of he added. “There’s never been a wo­ it, street. Manchester Green road has Fred Way and others from Hart­ thousand. She cited the fact that everybody is putting their shoulder headline such an item. Any doctor man in the cage with old Sander and been cut back and will be further ford are spending a few days this in one congested New York district, to the wheel. He spoke of the in can tell you that a large amount of i(ir. and Mrs. Joa^h G. 'Trueman of Leo and I don’t know what their re­ As usual Con resented interfer opened to do away with any danger McKee street, on Saturday, June 23, ence from outsiders and said week at the Way bungalow. where 5,000 mothers received ade­ struction his father, Arthur Cook, rest and sleep play a great part in action will be, , so we’ll take no point. There has been the necessi­ quate care, the rate had been re­ at the Emanuel Lutheran church. brusquely when she told him of the had given him at an early age and the proper development of the child chances.” ty of making a slight grade change duced to 2.2 per thousand Jive delegation that had approached her believed these vital matters should physically and mentally. But office He did not wait to hear what where Hudson street now meets births. Mrs. Cheney said that the be told to the children by their daddies must have their golf and Madeline might say, but strode off with advice, “Tell them to mind Oakland and the two streets a local organization, in line with parents. their own business. Every one of push themselves a little faster into to give some instructions. The leveled off, overcoming what w HEBRON others all over the coxintry, was Mrs. Jane J. Adrich, superintend S. M. E. WESLEYAN GUILD them does an act that is just as dan' teeir graves, as everyone who great, gilded cage that housed three a rathei bad condition. making an extra effort during May, ent of the hospital, suggested sev' knows anything, knows that exer­ African Hons was pulled into the gerous. I haven’t asked you to tickle The work on the storm water in which Mother’s day occurs, to in­ eral Improvements she would like Lucy under the chin yet.’ “Her Gloves”, a three act English cise taken at the end of the day is RE-ELECTS ALL OFFICERS arena and small steps, mounting to sewer on Henry street has been vestigate maternity facilities and to see in the maternity department taken at the wrong end. Oh Yes' No one but Madeline knew how comedy, will be presented at the the door, were placed beside it. taken care of. The low section at make an effort to improve them. of the institution when rimds be­ I^ylight Saving may be a real con- she sixffered during the two weeks local Town Hall, Friday, May 18, at While Madeline dressed, cold the intersection of Washington 8 p. m., d. 3. t., under the auspices This, she believed, could be accom­ come available. mbution to the welfare of all, but The Wesleyan Guild of the South perspiration poured from her body. that followed. No one ever knew street and Summit street extension plished by team work, with the Urges CUnlo 'Attendance. to the mother of small children it is Methodist church held its unniiMi ot the nightmares that made her of the Young People’s Circle of Holy She felt so ph3rsically ill that she is also nearly finished. ’The erection Trinity church, Stafford Springs. nurses, doctors, hospitals, town and Mrs. Cheney called .on Miss Doro unrecognizable as such. meeting last evening, with the sleeping hours a veritable hell. A president, Mrs. Jay Rand, in charge. wondered If she could walk from of a guard fence will be necessary The players are Czecho-Sovaklans, school health systems cooperating. thy Buttle, supervising nm*se of the One who knows, thousand times between midnight Mrs. Rossa Brookings conducted the the dressing room to the “big top,’’ amd is under way. With these done and have given several native lan­ Mrs. Learned’s Paper. Public Health Association, who she A. M. K. let alone enter the lion cage. Noth­ and daybreak she endured death in the road will be opened. Mrs. Cheney called on Mrs. H. B. said works tirelessly and conscien­ devotions. Reports were given of the jaws of Sander or Leo or Carlo. guage plays here which have met the various officers and heads of ing but the fact that she knew Another job accompUshed is the with an enthusiastic reception. Learned to read the results of a sur tiously, and during these depression Again and again she relived the extension of Princeton street from groups. One of the accomplish­ hejf the crew was standing by, with Mrs. Mary E. Cumnalngs enter­ vey she has be^n making in ]^p,n- years it b u been especially hard. moments that seemed like centuries Middle ’Turnpike, Elast, to the Man­ HILLIARD LABOR DISPUTE ments during the year was the com­ amused, incredulous grins on their tained the Ladles’ Atemoon Bridge chester. Mrs. Learned gave ah en­ Miss Buttle agreed wltn the pre'Vious when she entered the gilded cage chester Green road. ’This opens a plete renovation of the ladies’ par­ faces and bets that she would never club at her home. Wednesday. Two couraging account of the few ma­ spesdters that the problem was one and learned to stand, without flinch­ cross cut from the Manchester lor. Curtains and rugs have been do it. Induced her to step out of the tables were in play. Mrs. John Ken­ ternity deaths at the hospital since of education, and said the nurses ing, before the slathering jaws and Green road to Middle Turnpike and 1929. During that year out of 161 GOES TO REGIONAL BOARD cleaned, the floor re-flnlshed and re- little dressing room at all. nedy of Beverly Hills, Cal., and Mrs. were doing their best to ad-vise the lashing tails of the jungle cats. ’The gives another extension from Mid­ births, two mothers died. In 1930 upholstering done where necessary. Con met her half-way across the Farrar Emmons of Boston, Mass., expectant mothers to attend the night after she flrst faced Lucy, the dle Turnpike to East Center street. there were 234 births and only one Mrs. L. S. Burr, presented the re­ arena and smiled approval at her. vrere guests of the club. Miss May clinics or seek the advice of their Bengal tiger, she jerked with hic­ From Woodbrldge street, Doue maternity death; in 1981 there family physician at an early date Notice has been received from port of the nominating conunittee, "There’s not a thing to be afraid Sparks won first honors, Mrs. Ed coughs until daylight and vowed street has been extended so that in­ were none, in 1932 three mothers Mrs. Cheney commended the the Regional Board of New Eng­ and the election resulted in the of,” he said. “A child could pot those mund H. Horton second. Cake and same slate of officers for the com­ babies and not be hurt. that never again, though it lost her stead of ending in a dead street it died and 222 babies were bom. In work accomplished in Dr. Barry’s land by the committee representing the man she loved, would she enter now opens up on the Manchester coffee were served. Mrs. Aphonse 1933 there were no maternity deaths dental clinic, and called on Dr. R. ing year, as followa: President, Mrs. She managed a wan smile and the strikers at the Hilliard plant in the cage with the tiger. But she did Green road. Phelps road, another Wright win entertain the club at its at the hospital. P. Knapp, physician for Cheney Jay Rand; vice president, Mrs. H. tned to walk steadily beside him, next meeting. HllliardvlUe that a hearing before It Again and again she walked street that runs from Woodbrldge At the Maples, a private mater­ Brothers, who said he felt that the B. DeWolf; recording secretary. but her courage did not increase the Regional Board will h_ held in street, is now open and connects The American Legion are plan­ nity and general hospital, and at fine record in Manchester was one Miss Alice Benson; corresponding Boston on Thursday of next week. secretary. Miss Gladys Harrison; with the Manchester Green road. ning a dance to be held at the Gilead Mrs. Howe’s Maternity Home, no to be proud of apd the physicians E. E. Hilliard, owner of the mill treasurer, Mrs. Mabel Rogers. '. I - Little or no work has been done Community hall, Saturday evening, maternity deaths had occurred, and and nurses should be complimented the men who casually stood close at will be asked to be present. At the close of the business home to complete Broad street. This was May 26, to assist in obtaining funds there was full cooperation, the re­ for their work. He hoped as chair­ hand with a revolver, in case a beast make cookies and tea were served a street that was weU advanced a for defraying expenses of Memorial port showed, between these institu­ man of the locsd Red Cross Chapter, The charter of Oak Lodge, local should become refractory, was pres-1 ^ '^Ain were Con’s reassurances by the members of the Gleaners year ago but there has been little Day Observation. tions and Memorial hospital. with the assistance of Miss Emily organization connected with the ent. that the cats feaxed his pistol and circle. done to it since. It has a poor ap­ Harold Cummings, Leonard and Dr. Moore’s Renosrks. Cheney to lend real cooperation this National Brotherhood of Paper- “ Stand by,” Con said, “and wh^n whip far more than she proach from Center street and David Porter are practicing with Dr. D. C. Y. Moor^, head of the fall. makers, will close two weeks fronr I call, come in the door feared them. She pretended to agree the Colchester band under the direc­ today, it was announced this morn­ needs several cuts to bring it to a Town Health board, said that the Town ’Treasurer George H. Wad­ ing. He picked up a chair, mounted with him, but she knew that, given proper grade. The north end of the tion of A. E. Lyman of Columbia in technical survey presented by Mrs. dell reviewed the difficult eionomic the stairs, turned the key in the tte opportunity, they would rend road at Woodland street is being preparation tor Memorial Day Learned spoke remarkably well for conihtions of thia and other towns NOTICE lock, opened the door a trifle and ber Umb from limb. used as a dump and grave yard for music. what was being done in Manchester 'durtag tie years of the depre^on. slid his body through, slamming the Above everything in the world discarded automobiles. The dump­ Several Hebron members of for improving materalty care. We He deprecated the use of the word Special Tovm M e e t% door tightly after him. Con cherished his reputation for ing of garbage is covered with sand Wooster Star Chapter, O. E. S., at­ have fine hospitals, skilled obstet­ “ clinic.” He fully believed In the The Poet’s Column Waves of nausea swept over fecxlessness and his ability to con- and gravel after being dumped, but tended Friday evening a special ricians, excellent nurses visiting the efficacy of these round-table discus­ Madelinc. Hundreds of times she beasts. He was obsessed the water has seeped out imder the meeting of the chapter at which the homes. The trouble is in getting sions of anything that would be an A TRIBUTE TO MOTHER Notice is hereby given that a Spe­ had watched him do i>ils thing, with ambition and far from satis- roadway. For lack of the flnlwhing Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs. A m a the women to avail themselves of Improvement in the community, cial Town Meeting of the l^al Himdreds of times she had seen him with his position as star per- touches, part of Broad street is al­ Osborn of Meriden, made her official the service that is offered to them. without using any of the taxpayers’ A tribute to mother, yes, this is her -voters of the Town of Manchester stroke the head and beard of the former with a small touring circus, ready going to pieces and will re­ v:slt of inspection. A supper preced­ He quoted Dr. Haggard of Yale Col­ money. In the effort to keep peo­ day, will be held at the High School WaP, great shaggy beast, Sander, and the When he saw that Madeline seemed quire a lot of money to repair. Bad ed the meeting. lege, who is not an obstetrician, as ple clothed, fed and reasonably ’The second Sunday in beautiful in said Town of Manchester, en Fri­ danger of it had not occurred to her. enter into the training and ap- storm water conditions now exist Friends here received the report declaring that the trouble was that warm, other things had suffered, May, day, May 18, 1934, at seven o’clock, Now, with her limbs like lead, her peared to be anxious to add to his near the south end of the road that of the death of Mrs. Justin Peck- the mothers do not realize the seri­ but the situation was clearing a lit We pause, for one day to do homage eastern standard time, in the after­ .. hands clammy, her head swimming, be had visions of achieving will require money to eliminate un­ ousness of their condition at an early tie and he assured the meeting that to mother noon, for the following purposes, to bom, on Monday, Mdy 7, at her wit:— all she could think of was Donna’s | ^ore with her assistance than he less the grade is changed. home in Gales Ferry. Mrs. Peckham stage. Young married women will the town administration was ready Ministering daily to us as no other 1st: To see if the Town will vote warning “The cats always get them could ever have done alone. This ana her husband lived in the Gray- not confide in their own mothers. and willing to cooperate in amy way to amend its existing by-law relating sometime.’ increased his regard for her far ville section of the town some twen­ He said yovmg girls of the savage possible. To her we owe life’s gift so rare, mere than beauty or love could have tribes are trained by elder women. Dr. N. A. Burr who with Dr. How­ A tiny life entrusted to her care. to peddlers by reducing the license ty years ago, where Mr. Peckham fee for non-resident peddlers. That Sander purred like a kitten done. WAPPING operated a saw mill. They had many We are more advanced in these vital ard Boyd have been the medical ad­ From the time our toddling steps she guides 2nd: To see if the Town will vote and seemed to love the touch of After each rehearsal his caresses fiiends here, and several from matters than the tribal peoples, yet visers for the well-baby conferences Down through the years her de­ to adopt a by-law fixing the time i.f Con’s hand meant nothing. He helped repay the girl for .the sick Mrs. Helen Van Meter of Pleas­ Hopevale attended' the funeral ser­ we fail to tell our potential mothers were paid tributes by Mrs. Cheney. would be sure to hate her! He would of the importance of pre-natal care, votion abides. sale under tavern p e i^ t on Sun­ panic she suffered. ant Valley, was the guest of Mrs. vices Thursday, at Gales Ferry. Dr. Burr who for many years days. sense her fear. Oh God, she couldn’t Fortunately there was no occa­ Kenneth Segee recently, or the facilities that are theirs for been helpful in Child Welfare work do it! Edward Pomprowicz is in charge the staking. From afar, a light in the window we 3rd: To see if the Town will vote sion to mention Donna’s name. Let- Mrs. Herbert Harrison of Wap- of Carlton Jones’ refreshment stand, In town, said he felt with the other Dr. Moore believed that it was a see. to appropriate |10,000 for expendi­ ^er and tors came seldom and, though once ping is caring for Mrs. Addison ’’J. connected with his garage at the speakers that the parents had a re­ problem of education, that an effort We say, ‘T know Mother’s -waiting ture under the direction of the the door. Gk»n handed one of them to Made- Frink of Andover Jils week. j'mctlon of the Andover and WilU- sponsibility to their children that should be made to reach the young for me. Selectmen, during the current irear, Mrs. Ruth Anderson entertained mantlc roads. EJdward is looking no one else could assume in in­ f t he did not inquire about the married women with her first child, Anxiously, waiting, to find that all’s for maintenance and care of High­ The magic of her love for him other girl or ask what she was do- Superintendent lurton Diinfleld and structing them in the vital things ways of said Town- well and has to all appearances re­ and reach her early, but he hsul no well. moved her weighted limbs. When ing. He took it for granted that the teachers of the Wapplng and covered enUrely from the effects of of life. Dr. Boyd’s brief talk took Dated at Mcmchester, Connecticut, suggestions as to the best way to the form of an effort to find out Interested in hearing all that we behind her and she Donna was married and happy Rye street schools for luncheon last being accidentally shot while out tell.” this 11th day of May, 1934. bring this educations program what is being done in Norway and Tuesday noon at the “ Old Fireside hunting some months ago. However, AARON COOK, S iro^flLr?Madeline wondered what about. Denmark to reduce mortality of v-rioTiB^ hLS-Y huge, Con would do when he learned the Inn.” A very pleasant time was en­ he says that he la not quite as To you, who have mother with you, GEO. E. KEITH, joyed. Dr.. O aldw^ Explains. mothers that we do not do here, but W. G. GLENNBY, tatl t b e n truth. Several times she was tempt- strong as formerly, and unable to Mrs. Cheney lauded the work the today. stroke of claw- Ud to write Donna and beg her to Mrs. Wilbur C. HUls attended the not one was able to enlighten him. FRANK V. WILLIAMS, take part in strenuous sports like nurses had accomplished through C. Elmore Watkins and C. W. Remember, and cherish her while for J her ’ ®'^®*^bing went black be- write a letter saying she was engag- meeting of the Hartford County you may. DAVID CHAMBERS, baseball. He still carries one shot the pre-natal clinics, and commend­ Holman were the final speakers. Coimcil of Parent-Teachers at the near the spine. JOHN L. JENNEY, She j i CG to Bill or had just broken an en- ed Dr. Caldwell, chief of the ob­ Both have been on the board of And to us, whose mothers have gone to^him ^ and clung gagement to him, but she hesitated, State Trade school in Hartford. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Johnson, Mrs. on before S. G. BOWERS, After the business meeting the by­ stetrical division of the Memorial trustees and Interested in the work Selectmen of the To-wn keen ProtecUon but to -The rehearsals went on, and the Paul Coates and her son, Leslie, at­ hospital, whose skill and care bad of the Memorial hospital since its Whose dear, loving faces we see keep from falling. The cage seemed day for her public appearance in laws were amended. An address tended a birthday surprise party here no more. of Manchester, Connecti­ wa given on “The Child Labor saved many lives. She called upon founding. Mr. Watkins suggested cu t drew near. T J e H n T J te r given to Mrs. Johnson’s niece, Mrs. Dr. Caldwell, who said that statis­ Act,” by Joseph Tone, State Com­ “giving the women a hand.” Agi toB^ about on the billows of a noon Con announced that during Henry Higgins, at her home in tics were of undisputed value, but We pause, for a moment of sll«it missioner of Labor. tation on subjects of this kind he prayer Glastonbury Thursday evening. Mrs. that a certain number of maternity wbisp^rS^'to^^^PS th performance MadeUne The Y. M, C, A. members held said, set the peo^de thinking and wcispered, to look at the cats. But Gabriel would enter the cae’e of Higgins received birthday gifts cot'^ deaths in every community were un­ Thanking (Jod for our memories of their regular meeting at the Com­ talking. We have to keep on the she couldn’t. She felt that the beasts jungle cats ^ lespondlng in number to the years avoidable, as were still births. He mothers so rare. munity church house last Wednes­ job; we are our brother’s keepers knew her terror and if she looked at .rvr wl.. , of her age. believed in analyzing the situation, And we hope when the trials of life them they would spring upon her. helore, ladles and gentle- day evening. whether we like it or not. Mr here are o’er People here noticed an imiinnfl] and did give a brief explanation of Holman said he believed the young FRIGIDAIRE Rev. David Carter, Mrs. Walter Her wavering gaze focused upon if®°’ ^ “ *^® molten or yellowish appearance in the few childbirth deaths at the hos­ To meet and to greet them again as the bars. -They danced crazily, came enemies, A Poster, Mrs. George A Collins should be educated and he praised of yore. the skies Friday. Those who were pital, one of which was-due to tu­ the work of the visiting nurses. towards her, receded, twisted and I ^®'"®^ before has a woman dared and Mrs. A bert E. Stiles motored Exclusive Agents such a death-defying stunt!” old enough to remember the famous berculosis, another to pneumonia Miss Buttle and Miss Holmgren, and writhed. to Hazardville Methodist Episcopal and so on, which lessened the appar­ It seems to us now as we think It "God help you!” muttered Mazie church last Tuesday to a conference ‘yellow day” of 1881 were reminded wished that funds w ^ available to through “ Steady,” Con whispered. ‘ 'Steady, ent percentage considerably. Dr. Vale of the Flying Vales as she on religious education. of that time, although the phenom- provide several more health nurses Everything’s fine!” Caldwell advanced three reasons as That somewhere, out in the beauti­ stood beside Madeline, "I’d rather ’The Warehouse Point Facility enom was more pronoimced to go into the homes of the com­ ful blue 'Then he called. "Carlo Come, Fifty years ago it was so dark to why the percentage was so high munity, instructing and nursing KEMP’S, Inc. fall from the bars than step into Carlo.” Club will present their three act in the United States. One-third is Our Father will give them the high- play “Chintz Cottage” next Wed­ through the day that chickens went and giving general advice. est place. The yellow beast cringed, slunk ^*^® ‘^®, Bengal.” to roost about mid day. due to the patient herself, one-third backward. Con called again, t>i<« (To 00 Oootimiod) nesday evening at 8:15 o’clock at And will say, “WeU done,” when Registered Prigidaire Mrs. Charles Fillmore has been to the doctor: one-third to the fact they see His Face. time with a rasping command. ’The the school hall. An added feature that tho people have not been edu­ will be Baby Ayne Gardner’s spe­ taking the place of Mrs. James Florence Burdick Gibson, Service Dept. Maintained cat snarled, lashed Its tall. Made­ Kahn, in tlw primary room, Hebron cated to think of maternity as any- May 10, 1934. line’s muscles tautened. ’Then the cialty dances. ’This entertainment ing serious. Since the beginning W A U ST. BRIEFS is to be sponsored by the Wapplng Green schobl, for the past few days. lion started to draw nearer, his body M a n ch ester Mrs. Kahn has been suffering an" at­ of time it has been considered a nor­ flattened until his shaggy stomach School Auxiliary and dejirititr will mal, physiological process. foUow. tack of tonsilltis. New York, May 12—Reorganiza­ rested upon the floor. Madeline could The women’s bri^e dub njet at Again, be said, the. trailing in tion of the Richfield Oil Ck)., of feel his fetid breath, smell the rank D a te B ook Rev. and Mrs. David Carter have the average medical s^ool is very as their guest Miss Grace Waltz of the home of Mrs. Gertrude Hough California, based on the offer to the odor of him and her reeling senses Thursday evening. Owing to the meager, although today they qre Standard Oil Co., of Odifom ia, may seemed to congeal. Qeveland. She is spending sev­ making an attempt to ^ve a grt^- Tonight thunderstorm which visited us about be accomplished by the dQ>o8it of eral days at the parsonage. uate a better insi8lit into »hi« BIG TIME TONIGHT Suddenly the animal retreated, May 12—Tall Cedars of Lebanon The training class for Siuftlay the time for the party to begin the only a relatively small percentage crouched and emitted a blood curdl dance at the Country club. branch when he goes out into prac­ of bonds and unsecured clahns, w school teachers which has been h<4d attendance was not so laj^e as tice. The majority of the medical ing roar. Con smothered an oath, Next Week at the South church in usual, only two tables being in play. reorganization committee annoimc- thrust Madeline from him, J«.wiwi,f>d Aionday — Opening of Hospital graduates do not want maternity ed today. This situation, the com­ A T TH E for the past five successive Monday Mrs. Joseph Walsh wa« a guest of work. The hotua are long, the his chair full in the face of the IW ve with meeting at workers at evenings was attended by eight per­ mittee mcplained, arose out of the the dub, and two tables plaj^d. Mrs. compensation is not great They - beast and with his free hand un. Masonic Temple at 6:15 o’clock. sons from the Federated ehuroh Afine C. Gilbert won flrst honors. program m the California Standard - latched the door, May 14 — Mother and Daug^hter here. want a softer job just as in other company to underwrite the pt^ Mrs. Walsh second. Refreshments lines. Among other things. Dr. "Get out,” he nuittered, "Get out. banquet at Concordia Lutheran Mr. and Mrs. R^duald Cone chase of the properties at the fore­ of fruit salad and punch were serv­ (^Qdwell said, the high maternity closure sale. Back out! It’s your smell!” church. daughter Harriett and son Philip ed. death rate in Hartford Coimty SPRUCE ST. TAVERN Somehow she contrived to iftieVp pf Torrington, May 12— (AP)—Mrs. facts in regard to his so scared. I never knew any one War memorial at Center Park. Rhode Island State Grange, will be Temuco, ChUe — Gregoria M oi^ May 22 — Veip^ck Foundation Helen Driscoll, 78, mother at Wil­ work, particularly in cases where eould be so seared!” the speaker. liam P. Driscoll, Deputy Collector flantandw, who claimed Mie was 120 bridge party, Hl|^ school haU. labor is long-continued and the years old. be assured her. M » 28 — Annual Mother and of IntSKnal Revenqe, died last eve- wh(4e family attenqpts to give the but evarythiag sleep is equally restful Blag after an fflaess at several Kew York-^Mrs. Sarah Robina(Mh NARRAGANSEIT BEH Daughter banquet at St Mary’s Whether taken doctor advice, call ia another phyaf- t^li gelBf to be « ilfM. f^MaySTl ia the siOBths. Ske-fonaerly lived la Mto- Duff, widely known as a teachw of htytiBM. oian.aad aeon. . musio and languages in New York^. walk. I&i. Gtoney oillsd on S^^sthi. ON ORAUGET MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN« BATUKDAT, MAT IS; 1W«, r A o s m n . EVENTS ON NEXT WEEK’S SCHOOLBOY Play Five Overtime Games in Majors M. H. S. Faces RockidH^, YANKS TOP OflSOX Guy Bush Is Only Pitcher OLYMPICS TO FACE McCluskey to Face Three Trade Opposes WiOy i i IN 14 INNINGS TO With Edge Over All Clubs HASCO RANGERS IN Greatest Foes in 2 -Mile BaB Games This Monday HOLD LEAGUE LEAD B y A LA H GOXJliD ^ “, the Giant ace, prob­ VITAL CLASH HERE Special Race on June 16 (AP Sports Editor) ably would like to know Bush’s se­ While doing his spring plowing in cret Brooklyn is the toughest club CATHOLICS DEFEAT Three Other Diamond the ’s vineyard, the in the league for the screw-ball art' a , C._«v.,mue road r .« to mllers in the United States, includ­ enterprising Mr. Ford Frick 1st. In 29 games Carl has beaten the which he started from scratch and Indians Edge Red Sox in Old Rirals Meet in Soccer ing Manchester’s own Joe McClus­ emerges with the altogether sur- Dodgers only 9 times while they second in the Metropolitan 10,000 ties Listed Beside Twe key, will clash in that event at the prisli^ information that among aU have pinned bis ears back on no less m eter run. SO. WINDSOR 12-5 Princeton invitation track meet, to 11th, Gain Second Place; the star filngers now toiling the than 20 occasions. Cincinnati and Tilt at Charter Oak Field The Other Ihitries be held in Palmer Stadium at Track Meets, Two Net and pastures of the senior or Heydler Philadelphia, on the other hand, 'The other three two-milers will Loop as the boys put it, only one have been easy for Hubbell. Princeton on Saturday, June 16, it be John W. Follows, Joseph R. Browns, Pirates and Cards was announced today. This is the pitcher can claim a majority verdict “Jxjst one club keeps Tomorrow; Both Need Win Mangin and Raym ond Sears. 'The Gain Easy Victory in Six- meet in which the country’s leading Three Golf Matdies; Lo­ over every rival club. from equalling Bush’s record of first two, along with McCluskey, milers, Cunningham, Venzke and He’s none other t^an the Missis­ holding a wlmning margin through­ are members of the New York Ath­ AD Win in Tenth Frames. to Gain L eape Lead. Bonthron, meet in their specialty. sippi “mudcat,” Guy (Joe) Bush of out the league—and that club is the letic Club and Sears is from Butler Inning Tilt; Varrick Stars cals Favored to Witi AO. the Chicago Cubs, and the only one Cardinals. Try as he may Dazzy Steeptoohase King University. of 51 plt^ers who can say, in a doesn’t seem able to hreeze that fast McClxiskey, who captured eigh­ Follows is the amazing youngster By HUGH FUULERTON JR. ’The crucial game in the junior teen or more assorted titles during at Bat Fith Three Ifits. manner of speaking, that they all one past the Cards successfully and from 'Wisconsin who was imdefeat- Associated Press Sports Writer soccer spring competition will be his college career and earned such A most extensive program of look alike to him. Of course, the during his career he has won only ed at two miles during the past sea ■ports is scheduled next week ' os world series has to be expected, for played tomorrow afternoon at Char­ nicknames as the “Fordham Flash,” son, virtually the only runner who The greatest array of extra 20 from St. Louis while they have the scholastic calendar, no less if Guy (Joe) Bush never has to face ter Oak street. 'The Hasco Ranger the "Iron Duke” and "Shufflin’ Joe.” has been able to defeat McCluskey The Catholic Men’s Club easily lnnltig games the major leagues b^ten him 27 times. than twelve events being slated of the aunts of Babe Ruth and the team from Hartford will be the op­ held the intercollegiate champion­ consistently. Sears set a new Amer­ deieated the South Windsor hava produced this season, coming “Heine Meine of Pittsburgh hasn’t ship in the two- mile, both indoors which six will take place at home Yankees again it will be, even then, a remarkable big league record, but position for the Olirmpics. The game ican Indoor two-mile record of 9:07.4 totally without warning, today had and outdoors, and is now the Indoor last night on the latter’s field by the tod six away. The list Inchidei entirely too soon. Bush was the vie. the figures show that he has is scheduled for 2:30 p. m. with at the Knights of Columbus games the fans wondering whether compe­ and outdoor champion in the score of 12 to 5 in a six inning clash. five baseball games, three goh tim of the Ruthian clout at Wrlgley been particularly successful in mak referee Manning in charge. last winter, in which McCluskey ran tition had suddenly become keener steeplechase, the event in which-he matches, two track meets and two Field in 1932 that they still chatter ing the Boston Braves say 'Uncle’. Both Teams Unbeaten second. Mangin captained Cornell’s The (Catholic club started things off tennis matches. dr if the stronger clubs merely had about. placed third in the 1932 Olympics track team a year ago and set an with a five-run bombardment in the experienced a temporary let-down. In 17 games Heine has won 13 and 'These' two teams ran neck and at Los Angeles. Tw o Gtaunes Monday But on with the anal3rsis, Mr. lost only four against McKechnie’s I neck in the fall competition and did American outdoor two-mile record second and then tallied in aU the re­ Five Go Overtime Since the close of the recent in­ Manchester High’s btoebali team Frick. The fioor is yours. infill- not reach a decision until the last of 9:15.4 last summer. maining innings, while South Wind- Of yesterday's eight contests five door season, in which he established will be in action three times during “, veteran Car- game which the Olympics won to Janusz Kusocinski of Poland, E^or put men across the platter in went 10 or more innings and -the 'Coastals' la Flatbash a new record in the 3,000 meter Olympic record holder in the 10,000 the second and third. the week and the local State 'Trade dinal h^ler, inddentaUy, is the real | emerge winners of the league cham- steeplechase and the 5,000 meter school twice. Both will play home greatest of these was that which "Of course some of the clubs have work horse of modem National meter run and Lauri Lehtlnen of Godek pitched four innings for the saw the New York Yanks, Ameri­ pionship. History is repieaUng itself. run, McCluskey has been keeping in games Mcmday afternoon, the Red given Guy a whale of a battle. The League pitchers. Burleigh won 265 The Olympics are leaders in the Finland, world’s record holder in the Men’s club allowing but four hits. can League leaders, beat out the trim by taking part in long distance meter run, also have been in­ and White opposing Rockville High Cardinals for instance have beaten victories while suffering 206 defeats. spring competition with the Rang­ 6.000 Hewitt pitched the final two in­ last place Chicago White Sox 7 to 6 him 14 times while he holds 15 vic­ events. He was 11th in the St. vited to take part in the race. in a return game at M t Nebo while Brooklyn, the club he was with for ers second. However, it Is only by nings and allowed nary a hit and in 14 heats. tories over them. Brooklyn on the the Mechanics face WlUlmantic many years, is the only team to hold virtue of having played more games whiffed three men. The White Sox playing like a new other hand has been a “ cousin.” Guy an edge over him. 'The Dodgers Trade at the West Side field. Both team came back after the Yanks that the locals bold the lead. The Varrick led the Men’s club with has taken the Dodgers into camp 21 have beaten him 16 times, while are confident of victory, as Coach had built up a 5-0 lead and tied the Rangers hold the advantage in that three clean singles and Raynor, Joe times and has lost only 9. Burleigh has licked them 13 times. Tom KeUeyr’s charges trimmed score with four tallies in the eighth. they have won all games played Lovett and Godek got two hits Rockville, ^ 2, In the previous en­ They finally went down after Whit whereas the Olympics have drawn apiece. E. Nicholson got two of the counter, whUe (3oach Frank Crow­ U. S. Golfers Take Lead four hits for South Windsor. Wyatt, relief workhouse had hurled two games which means the loss of ley’s nine blanked WilUmantie, 9-0, five hitless innings when Elarl two points. Oattiolic Men’s Oob in the previous engagement Combs clouted a triple and Sam Pbiy Scotch Style AB. R. H. PO. A.E. Two Leagae TOts Byrd singled him in. HIGH SCHOOL GOLFERS The Rangers have a young, w ^ Raynor, If , ...... 4 2 2 0 0 0 The High school returns to the Indians Again Sec Derby winner displayed on his ar­ Thomas, Senators ...... 4-0 CATHOLICS OPPOSE D. 'Tripp, who chalked up a 98. today’s final play with a 3 to 1 lead innings, Hewitt 0 in 2, Smith 9 m date over West Hartfor,. and Meri­ Daniel Qvlello shot an 81 to defeat rival from New York yesterday bad gained in the foursomes. den., meet Hartford Public there gone and he was ready to add the NATIONAL LEAGUE 4 1-3, Curry 8 in 1 2-3; sacrifice R. Halaburt, six and five, the latter Although Littls shot the best golf next Tuesday afternoon and then having a score of 87. William Weir famous Pimlico classic and its purse BATTING hits, T, Nicholson; stolen bases, J. THE ST. ANTHONY’S with a par 73 that put him four up Cuyler, Cubs ...... 411 Lovett, D. LaBlanc, C. Nicholson, oppose West Hartford there next had an 81 that gave him a six to of nearly $25,000 to his triumphs. REYNOLDS, VOSMIK l,i«8lle, Dodgers ...... 410 on the veteran C^yiil Tolley, the Golas, Zapatka, Bycholski; left on Friday afternoon. 'The local team five victory over A. Borgeson, with There was still some question biggest margin for the morning RUNS has indicated in its first two match­ a 98. Martin Anderson found the go­ whether Trainer Bob Smith would Vaughan, Pirates ...... 27 oases, Manchester 8, South Windsor round was accumulated by the Medwlck, Cardinals ...... 21 4 ; base on balls, off Hewitt 1, Slmth es that it will be a power^ con­ ing tough but put together an 88 to send Cavalcade to the post but there LEADING HTITERS American captain, Francis Oulmet, RUNS BA’TTBD IN tender for League honors thl* year Local Nine Seeks Third split even with A. Tripp, who had was no question as to his fitness, Medwlck, Cardinals ....'...... 24 3; hit by pitcher, By Smith (Zapat­ who was six up 00 Leonard Craw­ ka, J. Lovett 2) ,by Curry (Zapatka, and should enjoy a successful sea­ an 87, West Hartford wliming Its Every indication, was, however, ley of England. Suhr, Pirates ...... 24 son. 'The team bad only a fair sea­ only points in this match. thfc trainer would decide to saddle, HITS Gc-las); struck out, by Smith 3, Cur­ Straight Win in Game at The American open champion, Leslie. Dodgers ...... 34 ry 3, Hewitt 3, Godek 1. Time, 1:30. son last year, splitting about even In the doubles, the Clvlello broth­ not only his famous Derby winner, Johnny Goodman oC Omaha, despite Vi'. Herman, Cubs ...... 33 in its matches. Red Sox Ace and Indian Umpires, J. Nicholson and B. La- ers paired up to trim D. 'Tripp and but the speedy High Quest with the the seml-collapse of his game on DOUBLES Stm Golf Slate Halaburt, seven and six, while Weir Kngllsh. Cubs ...... 9 Blanc. West Side Tomorrow. idea of attempting to finish one-two. the last nine, retained a lead of two .Martin, Cardinals ...... g The Red and White golfing quar­ and Anderson bested Borgenson and Six other three year olds, three of A. 'Tripp, six and five. Clubber Models of Con­ up in his match with the British Coirins, Cardinals ...... g tet, which has been burning up the them Derby starters are expected to amateur tltleholder, the Hon. Mich­ TRIPLES links Id amazing fashion thi« sea­ Next week, the locals have three Tomorrow afternoon at the "West fare Starter James Milton at about ael Scott. 'The United States ama­ Suhr, Pirates ...... 3 son, faces a slate of three contests matches scheduled, meeting Wind­ five p. m., e. s t. They are Dis­ sistency at Bat teur tltleholder, (Seorge T. Dunlap, W. Herman. Cubs ...... 5 Side field, the Catholic Club will ham at Willimantlc on Monday, HOME RUNS next week. Monday afternoon, the covery, Agrarian, Time Supply, Spy Jr., scrambled through with a cme- Klein, Cubs ...... g play the strong St. Anthony’s of Bulkeley here on Thursday and New team travels to WilUmantie to meet Hartford. This team always a HJl, Rlskulus and Swift Sport. hole margin over young Jack Mc­ Ott, Giants ...... ' 3 Windham High. Thursday after­ Britain there on Friday. New York, May 12.—(AP)—Carl Hartnett, Cubs ...... 3 fast club and this year is no excep­ Sum m ary; The entry of Cavalcade and High Reynolds, the Boston Red Sox’s Lean, while jM k Westland held a noon, Bulkeley of Hartford comes similar advantage over Ehlc Mc- STOLEN BASES ISMDINGS tion. Last year they came to town M aaobeeter Quest was quoted at 4 to 5 in the ace, and husky Joe Vosmik of Martin, Cardinals ...... 4 here foi a match at the Country and held the West Sides, last year’s early wagering while Discovery was Ruvle. Rothrock, Cardinals ...... t YESTERDAY’S RESULTS. CHub and on Friday, the locals H. Clviello (76) ...... 3 Cleveland, stood out today as mod­ N ational. town champs to a 4-2 score. D. Civiello (81) ...... 3 quoted at 4 to 1 and Agrarian 8 to 1. els of hitting consistency as they Johnny Fischer of Cincinnati and fcjtalnback. Cubs ...... 3' tackle New Britain High in a re­ Max Marston of Philadelphia were Piet, Reds ...... 3 St Louis 3, New York 2 (10). turn match at the Hardware Cfity. They have been strengthened with n. and D. Q vlello ...... * ' 3 With the weather cooperating, a retained the first two places in the Frey, Dodgers ...... 3 Brooklyn 13, Chicago 1. the addition of Joe Cottone, one ot W. Weir (81) ...... ! ! 3 crowd of 50,000 headed by Governor American and major league bat­ the only Americans trailing their PITCHI.NG opponents while Gus Moreland, the Bush, Cubs ...... 5-0 Pittsburgh 6, Philadelphia 4 ( 10). Hartford’s leading all around M. Anderson ( 88) ...... *.'.*.*.iu A bert C. Ritchie and many notables ting records through anotbst week. Boston 8, Cincinnati 5. athletes. Giandi, another lad who Weir and Anderson...... 3 from Washington, was expected to While only 11 o f the 20 listed in Texan, was all square with his rival Warneke, Cubs ...... 4-1 Sam McKlnlay, A m erlcao. needs no introduction to local sport pack the “Old HlUtop” course. the “first tens” of the two leagues New York 7, Chicago 6 (14). BASEBALL followers, will be with the team a week ago remained in the list aft- NAME KOZELUH COACH AT CHICAGO NET CLUB St Louis 4, Washli^ton 4 (10.) Joe Cerasole, who has played on Hartford High e- yesterday’s games, Reynolds D etroit 10, Philadelphia 5. GREEN SCHOOL LOSES most of Hartford’s leading teams, is D. Tripp (98) ...... boosted his top-heavy bitting mark 'The Green school team lost thdr Chicago, May 12.—Karel Koze- Cleveland 6, Boston 5 ( 11 ). R, Halaburt (87) ...... 0 even higher, while Vosmik cut his Last Night *8 Fights first gcune out of 5 starts, 9-2, to also with the team, Pete Capalla, a luh, internationally known pro ten­ Tripp and Halaburt...... ! ! ’ 0 losses to a minimum and wound up Barnard sebooL 'The Green was pitcher by trade and last year with nis player, has signed to serve as STANDING the Home Circle, is the mainstay in A. Borgenson (98) ...... ” ‘0 tied with Kikl Cuyler, new Nation­ Nateonal hampersd by the loss of their star Tripp (87) ...... ! ! ! ! l U (H y tiw AsaoeiaMd Preaa.) Coach at the KnoUwood Club, t a Ifa the box for the St. Anthonys, and al leader for second place all W. hitter, “Ray” Mastronunzio Who Borgenson and Tripp ...... 0 New York—Baby Arlamendi, 125, Forest, near here. L P e t sdil no doubt start Sunday’s game. around. Pittsburgh ...... 14 7 was Injured in the second inning, Mexico, outpointed A1 Roth, 126, .667 The. Catholic team, thanks to the Records of the leading 10 bats­ C h ic a g o ...... 15 8 after a collision with French. The New York (10); Iflke Bellolse, 124 GREENACRES JR 8. W IN .662 pitching of Jack Hewitt, have now men in each major league follows; St. Louis ...... 14 8 Green’s two runs were scored when 1-2, Brooklyn, outpointed Petey .636 iron two straight games and are Am erteao New York ...... 13 9 going to second on Moriartyr’s first By Associated Press Hayes, 125, Brooklyn, ( 10). The Greenacres Jrs. defeated the .591 »ut to keep their slate clean by tak­ Reynolds, Boston, 464; Vosmik, Boston ...... 11 10 strike, and scoring when the latter Worcester, Mass.—Lou BrouU- Cubs o f Pack Four by a rally i® the 324 ing the St. Anthonys into camp. The Cleveland, 411; Manush, Washing­ Brooklyn ...... 8 13 singled to left field scoring Mor- RolUe Hemsiey, Browns—Hit sin­ lard, 166, Worcester, outpointed, fifth Inning of a six-inning game, 381 5t. Anthonys will use the foQowing ton, 407; Gehrig, New York, 405; P h U ad ^ p h ia ...... 6 14 Jarty. Kloter pitched fair baU but gle and three doubles against Sen­ Norman Conrad, 165, Wilton, N. H., 13-6. Trebbe starred for the Jrs. 300 men; F. DiMocenzl, A 1 DlMocenzi ators. Knickerbocker, Cleveland, 369; Cinciimati ...... 5 16 .238 Gothberg was his superior only P o w l i nA Gehrlnger, Detroit, 354; Kuhel, (10). while Tedford and Harold 'Turklng- having bad support. Miner tod F. Saluaton, H. Giandi, Joe Cottone ton pitched a fine game for the Am erican , Pirates—Hit pinch Washington, 329; Ruth, New York, Boston—Tony Shucco, 176, Bos­ Kloter were best for the Barnard Joe Cerasole, P. Capalla, G. Mar-^ double in ninth to score tying run Cubs. W. L. Pet. SPECIAL MATCH 324; R. Johnson, Boston, 32C; H eff­ ton, outpointed Joe Kalght, 175 1-2, New Y o r k ...... and (Sothberg, Moriarty and CojUs tacchio, M. Plnchena and P. Pin- against PhUUes. Cairo, Ga., (10). .15 6 .714 chena. The locals will use their ner, New York, 318; Cramer, Phlla- Cleveland ...... 10 8 stood out for the Green. Bloefleids Johnny Murphy, Yankees—Held Chicago—Leo Rodak, 131, OiJca- N. Y. U. DEFENDS TITLE .556 Score by innings: regular lineup with Jack Hewitt in d elph lt, 316. Washington ...... U 10 324 B re n n a n ...... 107 108 88—803 White Sox to four hits in 6 1-3 in­ go, outpointed Sammy Levine, 127 MOn. Green School . .000 O20 0^2 the box and Jack Godek in reserve. N ational PhUadelphia ...... 11 10 324 'Twaronlte ...... U 6 101 95—*312 nings of relief pitching. 1-2, Minneapolis, (8); Joey Kleko, N4w York, May 12.—(AP)—N. Barnard School ...... 218 111 (!l—9 The game will start at three o’clock Cuyler, Chicago, 411; LesUe, Y. U. track and field sqiuid 62 D etroit ...... 10 10 300 BrozowsW ...... 116 105 107—328 Wally Berger, Braves—Knoo^ed Brooklyn, 410; Wilson, Philadel­ 135, (Chicago, outpointed Sailor with Ralph Russell calling the balls strong, prepared to defend its met­ Boston ...... 10 11 .476 Howard ...... 109 109 109—327 in three runs, getting four hits in phia, 877; Lee. Boston, 875; Paul Bom, 135, Atlanta, Ga., (5); Bobby MOHAWKS VICrOBS ’ and strikes. victory over Reds. ropolitan championship against the St. Louis ...... 7 11 .389 Kebart ...... 126 ISO 183—388 Wmer, Pittsburg, 370; Ott, New MiUsap, 166, IndianaMlis, outpoint­ 'The Mohawk basebaU team agUn combined assault of Columbia, Chicago ...... 5 13 \ .278 Gerald Walker, 'Tigers—Rapped York, 307; Suhr, Pittsburgh, 365; ed Steve Zene, 164, Cnioa^, (4). outclassed the Aces In the aecdnd TIGER FAVORED TODAY 678 553 532 1658 Philadelphia pitching for four hits, Port Smith, Ark-— Kayo Grogan, Mtmhattan, City College and Ford- gam e of a five game series. Jhe Vaughan, Pittsburgh, 351; Jurgsa, ham at Ohio sleld today. GAMES TODAY Charter Oak Stars Adolph Camllll and Bill Juegea, Chicago, 347; CcfiHns, St. Louis, 134, Cairo, RL, ouQiointed BUly gam e was played with coimtim Princeton, May 12.—(AP)— Cubs—Completed triple play N atlooat Suhle ...... 106 106 118—380 342. Markham. 185, Tulsa, Okla., (10). Brooklyn at Chicago. errors e^iedolly by the Aces. lYed- Princeton’s chances of making against Dodgers. St. Louis—Henry Rothier, 149, VETERANS TO MEET dy Mohr and Fred Modeon were’ilw ...... 98 116 117—326 Philadelphia at Pittsburgh. Carnegie Cup regatta at Derby Galllvan ...... gg m u g Willie Kamm, Indians—Hit three A meeting of all veterans has bright stars for the winners wAle — 332 Chicago, outpointed Joe Red, 145, Boston at Cincinnati. . next Saturday a three-cornered times against Red Sox; started win­ been called for Monday night at “ P at” Server was best for ihe SaidfiUa ...... 114 129 102—346 Little Rock, Ark., (10); Ray PellCy, 8 New York at SL Louis. battle of undefeated crew, rested G lorgetti ...... 98 95 103— 296 ning rally in tenth. 172, Hollywood, Calif„ stopped O’clock at the Army and Navy club loseio. ' on the Tigers ability to turn Paul Dean, Cardinals—Outpltch- A m eiiou i Frank Uez, 171, Chicago (9). for the purpose of forming a soft St. Louis at Washington. Pennsylvania and C>)lumbla for the ed Carl Hubbell In ten-taming duel B O tY NAME 509 566 563 1628 Hollywood—Young Terry, 157, ball league. Eaii Wright requests Detroit at PhUadelphia. IBS. Child’s Cup on Lake Cample to­ to beat Giants, 8-2. Trenton, N. J., outpointed Elarl that all veterans Interested make a The Holy Nome Jr. Baseball team day. Chicago pt New York. SOFTBAIX CH OVER Whitehead, 159 1- 2, Santa M onica, point to be present at the meeting. wlU liold 'lts practice at Unbeated in two races, and with » 8 Qeveland at Boston. Chicago, May 12.—SoftbaU has Test ifiA (10). Qrove this afternoon at S o*c BLUEFIELDg PLAY GREEN Navy Harvard and Massachusetts iprown In popularity hare so fast that San Frandaoo— Kid Chocolate, HOLD FIRST SUMMER OPEN This, is a voy. important ‘^roelloe Tech as their victims, the ’Tigers Philadelphia — Ous Sonnabarf, TENNIS FINALISTS and all ore urged to attend: already this year more than 4JSOO 129, Cuba, ou^iwlntad Pete N e^ Santa Monica, Cahf, May 12.—TbF'' werb distinct favorites to win and Blueflelds are to play Green a 207, B osU ^ thraw Bhraratt M ar- - T~- - — .1 f ' ' ' teams have been organized In the 1B6 1-2, K t y West, Pla., (10); Phil first open golf tourney ever held in go to Derby undefeated. Neither practice game at Jarvis Ctaove to­ I^iaa, 218, La Junta, Ook>., 29:10. Weit Point, N. Y.. .M ay 12.— BALDWIN . A. O. / mtemational SoftbaD Leag:ue. a Zwiek, 138, Qevaland, stc^jiad Ed­ Southern Oallfomia in the summer Cornell nor Yale were booked for morrow afternoon at 2:80 idiarp. Haa Molnea—Bfonko .Nagorski, (AP)—s . A. Donovto of FBcdham drive is on to round up' an even die Yocson, 131 1-2, (5 ); is scheduled to be run off here Jmy competition today and are certain Bluefidds will present many new 224, MtameapoUa. defeated Allan and Donald Hawley tailwlth etaMB idatM at Derby players In their lineup, who are Aiataca, 280, WakadAld, Kaa., two w ere dnaltots in the New York morrow momli^ at I f t .- Ni Tnawt- draw with U Roy OfbMo, 180, Raao, tetemttoht with $1,000 pritei stm tiylsg for a pi|6aoB the team. fa oa io (8 )« State Jhteroute enOatiat . ^ayma am « q p ^ i • /,* v--v^''' ' MANCHESTER EVENING HBRAEDi MANCHESTER, OONM^ SATURDAY, MAY lfi,-lWAr «'^nDVERTISI^'<‘‘“S r;:

AUTOMOBILES FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 APARTMENTS—FLATS— LEGAL NOTICES 78 FOR SALE 4 ______TENEMENTS 63 ODOWD TALKS 8 PECLAL, SATURDAY and Sun­ At a Court of Probata Holdan at FINDS COMMUNITY Am. PUBUC RECORDS day, cash and carry lale. Ever­ Hebron within and for the District of fcHEVROLiET 1929 coach, Bulek FOR Re n t —6 r o o m tenement, all EPWORTH LEA6UE green 12 inchea to 8 feet, your Hebron on the 27tb day of March, A. 1927 led&n, Fords, 1931 coach, 1980 modem Improvements. 6 Hudson D. 1934 TO HOLY NAME GROUP coupe, 1929 coach; Pontiac, 1927 choice 85c each, 8 for |1.00, at An- street Phone 5578. Present LEON O. RATHBONE, Warrantee Deeds deraon’i, The atone houae on Nig­ WASTE IS CHRONIC sedan; Chandler 1929 sedan. Terms, Esq., Judge. Richard Allen to Edith M. Little, ger Hill, Bolton. On motion of Alice E. Foote Ad­ NAMES OmCHtS trades. Brown’s Oarage. FOR RENT—4, 6 and 6 ROOM Speaks cm Law in Every Day real estate located on the comer of flats, all improvements, garage if ministratrix on ths estate of Elisa­ ANNUAL FLOWERING planta, 2 beth Pauline Hills late of Hebron Life—Society to Receive Pearl and Holl streets. desired. Phone 6280 or 4545. within said district, deceased. John Jensen to Mary Scranton, lot FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 dozen for 25c, hardy perennial and This Court doth decree that six Deficits in Many Connecticat Commimion Tomorrow. lock garden planta 50c dozen. 12 in the Manchester Green “Fair- FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat, aU months be allowed and limited for lawn” tract. Miss Evelyn Beer Elected Vegetable planta, 2 dozen for 25c, Improvemmts, rent reasonable, at the creditors of said estate to exhibit Attorney Charles M. O’Dowd of FOR SALE—CUT FLOWERS and their claims against the same to the Pasquale Fiorlto to Teresa F potted planta 10c each and up. Bar­ 170 Oak street. Inquire Maples Units Not Depression Fac­ l^ain street was the guest speaker plants for Mother's Day. We have Administratrix and directs that pub­ Hublard, lots 26, 26, 27 and 28 in berry hedging 12.50 per hundred. Hospital, 164 Oak. at the meeting of St. Bridget’s Holy President at Annual Meet­ the largest display of plants in this lic notice be given of this order by the Homestead Park tract. Large flowering ahruba, 12 for |1. advertising in » newspaper having a Name Society last night. His sub­ section, and invite your inspection tor, Tax Study Discloses. Anna Close to Morris C. Fancher McConvllle’a Oreenhouae and Nura- FOR RENT— TENEMENT, half circulation In said district, and by ject was “Phases of Laws In Every­ of our greenhouse at anytime. Also house, live rooms, steam heat, mod­ posting a copy thereof on the public day Ufe.” His talk was enlightening real estate on Tolland 'Turnpike. ’ ing and Banquet annual flower plants, pansies, ery, 21 Windemere street, Man­ sign post in said town of Hebron Burton C. Allen to Mary Scran- chester. Telephone 6947. em improvements, step from Mn.it) nearest the place where the deceased on important points in real estate, creeping phlox, tomato plants and street 81 Russell street last dwelt. The financing of municipalities contracts, wills and criminal law, land and buildings located on many others. Tel. 714-2. Rockville. Certified from Record constitutes the most scute prob­ and was listened to With close at­ toe comer of Tolland Turnpike and Miss Evelyn Be«r was named Burke the Florist. ATTEST LEON G, RATHBONE Taylor street MOVING—TRUCKING— FOR RENT—FOUR ROOMS and lem of government finance confront­ tention. president of the Epworth League ef attic, Improvements, garage, gar­ STORAGE 20 ing the people of the state, the Spe­ Tentative plans were made for a Probate Notes the South Methodist church at its den, poultry house. F. W. Hill, 10 cial Tax Ck)mmisslon states in a June festival, and at the next meet­ 'The will of Robert D. Phillips, annual banquet and election of YOUR FURNITURE la Valuable. Olcott street. bulletin made public today summar­ ing committees will be appointed to late of Manchester, was admitted to officers last night. She succeeds Manchester make arrangements. In moving we use only furniture FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat, also izing its study of municipal budgets morning. William Raymond Mercer. Tuesday evening at 8:30 the so­ f illip s was named executor of the Evening Herald pads, not quilts, or blankets. For Biz room tanemant, with all im- STRIKE SITUATION and indebtedness. Other officers elected were: John ciety has engaged Father Charles ^^1. The estate was bequeathed to that better movhag dial 6260. Aus­ provamenta. Inqulrs at 147 East As a group,’’ the commission Hutt, first vice president; Florence CLASSIHEO tin Cibambera. Local and long dla- stated, “ ^ e 259 towns, cities, of the Passionlst Monastery at West toe widow of the deceased. Cordner, second vice president; Cantar straat Springfield to give a talk at St ADVERTISEMENTS tanca moving and trucking. SOMEWHAT CLEARED boroughs, and fire districts spent The will of Annie Weldon was ad- Ethel Brookings, third vice presi­ beyond their income in every one of Bridget’s parish ball. All parishion imtted to probate today. The Man­ dent; Hazel Drlggs, fourth vies ers are urged to attend. Count sis avarsf* words to s hasb PBRRETT A OLENNEY INC. local BUSINESS LOCATIONS the four years 1920, 1924, 1928 and chester Trust Company was named president; Catherine Cordner, sec­ XnitlalB, Bumbtrs and abbroTlatlons and long distance moving. Daily (Oonttmied from Psgs Ods) The men of the Holy Name So­ each count as a \rord and oompound FOR RENT 64 1982. Their consolidated budget ^ecutor of toe estate. Life use of retary; Francis Barlow, treasursr; express to Hartford. Overnight deficit was least in 1924, when it ciety will receive Holy Communion the estate was given Dr. Thomas and Earl Moore, pianist. The nom­ words as two worda Ifinimnin oost Is pl&nt at Flint, Mich., was shut in a body at the 7 o’clock mass to­ prlos of tbrss llnsa eervlce to and from New York. Tel. TO RENT—OFFICES at 865 Muin amounted to only $766,000, or 1.2 Weldon. 'The estate then goes to inating committee consisted of Wal­ down throwing 14,000 men out of morrow morning, and will go to con­ IilBS rates per dap tor transioat 8068, 8860 or 8864. straat (Orford Bldg.) Apply Ed­ per cent of their expenditures. This «lx daughters of the deceased. ter Holman, Florence Cordner and ada work, Comptny officials gave no fession this afternoon and evening. Hazel Driggs. ■SeetlTe HaMh IT, IStT ward J. Holl. TaL 4642 and 8025. explanation. The cloelng came Just deficit v/as $6,800,000, or . 14 per Administrations Cash Oharfo after the strike of union employes cent of expenditures in 1920; $7,600,- Flora L. Crooks was appointed The banquet was a moat success­ • CoBseoutlTS Daps .. 7 ots • ots PUBLIC PASSENGER 000, or 9 per cent of expenditures in administratrix of the estate of Wil­ ful affair. A dinner of cream t Conssoutlve Daps .. I ots 11 eta of the Fisher Body Corporation’s 1 Dap ...... 11 ots It ots SERVIC'E 20A HOUSES FOR RENT 65 1928; and $6,900,000, or 7 per cent liam Crooks, late of this town. chicken on pattie sheila were served, plant Number 1, which produces GIRLS’ FRIENDLY, Y. P, F. with green peas, mashed potntoes, All orders for irregular Insartlons bodies for Bulek. of expenditures in 1982. Albert B. Foy was appointed ad­ Will be oharged at the one time rate. F OR RENT—SINGLE HOUSE, 7 '‘Unbalanced municipal budgets,’’ rolls, celery, olives, Jelly, Ice cream, IN ADDITION, TO Silver Lane Bus Unofficial reports sai' a settle­ ministrator of toe estate of Eliza­ Special ratee for long term every rooms, all improvements, garage if according to the commission, "have cookies and coffee. The conunlttee line, De Luxe Bus for lodge, party ment of the Fisher plant strike ENTERTAIN AT ST. MARY’S beth Foy, la+ of Manchester. dap advertising giver, upon reeuest. desired. Call at 166 Bissell street been chronic and not peculiar to the in charge consisted of Grace Legg, Ads ordered for three or six daps or team trips, we also offer 7 paa- would be sought over the week-end Harold R. Symington was ap­ quadrennial years for which finan­ Marjory Crockett and Helen Gard­ and stopped before the third or fifth eenger aedan livery. Phone 8068, FOR RENT—EAST CENTER St., and that plans called for the five pointed administrator of the estate dap will be charged onlp for the ac­ 8860, 8864. cial statistics are available. This is Singing, Dancing and Very of Symington, late of Manchester. ner, with Mrs. Ellen Crossen assist­ tual number of times the i.d appear­ 183, first class house, with garage, thousand strikers to return to work ing in toe kitchen. ed, charging at the rate earned, but Tuesday. shown by the trend of the net in­ Vital Statistics brass piping all through. State debtedness of these 259 municipal Funny Hay Please Large Francis Burr aeted in the capacli^ BO allowance or refunds can be made Road. A t CSeveland Vital statistics of the Town of OB six time ads stopped after the units which, from 1928 to 1932, in- Audience in Parish House. 0^ toastmaster and annoimced the POULTRY AND SUPPUES 43 At Cleveland motor fuel was Manchester for the month of April fifth dap. cteased on the average of about $5,- program, which included two vocal FOR RENT— DELMONT street, lacking because of the three weeks are: 32 births; 18 deaths and 13 No “till forbids"; dlsplap lines sot FOR SALE—RHODE ISLAND Red 800,000 annually. The average an­ marriages. solos by David Hutchinson with sold. near Main, 6 room duplex, all Im­ strike of 2,000 filling station at­ hatching eggs. S. R. Smith, 54 nual increase in the net Indebtedness St. Mary’s Girls’ Friendly society Kenneth Hudson as accompanist; The Herald will not bo responsible provements. Dial 4618 or 3453. tendants for more pay. and the Young People’s Fellowship tor more than one Incorrect Insertion Bigelow street. Telephone 7952. of unconsolidated towns was about piano solos by Marlon Phoenix of With the strike threatening to united in an entertainment at the of any advertisement ordered for FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat, $2,400,000 from 1928 to 1932. Cities Hartford and tap dances by Patty more than one time. spreac’ to Akron, O., Secretary Parish house of St. Mary’s Episcopal Dowd in costume. The Inadvertent omission of inoor- single house, with all improve­ smd boroughs reported an average ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 Ickes, the oil administrator expect­ church last night, which attracted a HOSPITAL NOTES The speaker was Ashtcsi Tenney rect publication of advertising will he ments, at 16 Homestead street, annual Increase in net Indebtedness large number of the church people reotIfleJ onlp bp cancellation of the ed to confer with oil company rep­ of about $2,500,000, and in gross in­ of Springfield College, who spoke on garage if desired. Inquire Frank and friends. The program opened charge made tor the service rendered. FOR SALE—GARDEN fertilizer resentatives and union leaders at debtedness of about $4,400,000 dur­ “The Second Mile.” He told the All advertleements must conform 81.50 per bag; 5 lb. boxes of sheep Damato, 24 Homestead street. Tel. Washington today. with vocal solos by Mrs. Edith Judd In style, copy and typography with 7091. ing this period. Wallace Palmer of 368 Keeney Leaguers that they should strive to manure 25c. Nash car 850.00, W. Akron, Ohio, was threatened with accompanied by Miss Dorothy Rus­ obtain toe best out of life, living regulations enforced by the publish­ “Persistent deficits in municipal sell. Miss Jean Clark and Miss street, was admitted and Camille ers and they reserve the right to H. Burke, 279 Spruce street. breadless days by a strike of 600 Martin of Manchester, N. H., Alexis and learning by taking advantage of budgets Increased the gross indebt­ Florence Johnson entertained with <1 edit, revise or reject any copy eon- HOUSES FOR RENT 65 bakers, and baker truck drivers. edness of the 259 mur’ ilpallties to Tanner of Bolton, Miss Margaret our libraries. He cited toe story of sldered objectlonabla They demand Increased tvages. clever tap dance. The girls were CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads to $162,745,350 at the close of the fiscal Dowd of 12 Cottage street, Mrs. an Alpine climber who died climb­ be published same day must be re­ HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 r o RENT— SEVERAL Desirable At Cincinnati, 1,100 employes of in costumes of orange and black and ing and urged his audience to climb years ending next prior to October wore the typical Spanish head­ Charles Mitchell and Infant son of ceived by 12 o’clock noon; Saturdays five, six and seven room houses, Remington-Rand, Inc., Joined work­ 10, 1932, as compared with $99,- 78 Hackmatack street and Mrs. and live. I0:t« a. m. FOR SALE—9x12 USED rug, in single and double; also heated ers of other company plants In a dress. good condition. Call Monday at 13 200,804 eight years before, "rhe net Walter Bubb and Infant son of apartment. Apply Edward J. Hod. strike. James H. Rand, Jr., presi­ “The Meddlesome Maid", a very The Soldlers-Patoers club at TELEPHONE YOUR Russell street or Phone 5641. indebtedness of the same units, funny three-act play, was presented East Hartford were discharged yes­ Phone 4642 and 8025. dent, said he would ask President which represents the gross indebt­ terday. Asheville, N. C., a civic organiza­ WANT ADS- Roosevelt to intervene. by the following cast, under the di­ tion, plans to erect a $10,000 monu­ Ads are accepted over the telephone FOR SALE—GAS RANGE, and edness, less assets In sinking funds rection of Miss Evaline Pentland: Miss Catherine Quinn of 30 Lo­ three burner oil stove, reasonable. and cash on hand at the close of the ment in a municipal park In memory at the CHARGE RATE given above WANTED— Charles Winthrop .. .Robert Holmes cust street was admitted this morn­ of residents killed in toe World as a oonvenlen e to advertisers, but Telephone 8443. fiscal years, amounted to $137,500,- Edna Powell, a m aid ...... ing. the CASH RATES will be accepted as REAL ESTATE 77 784 in 1932' and $84,786,361 in 1924. War. FULL, PAYMENT If paid at the busi­ FOR SALE—COMPLETE home of ...... Miss Edna Cordy ness office on or before the seventh POLICE COURT “These figures,” the Commission Margaret Winthrop, Charlie Win- furniture, real bargain. Must be WANTED IN VICINITY of Man- day following the first Insertion of chester, poultry farm, with 6 room emphasizes, “depict the composite throp’s w ife -----Miss Alice Altken each ad otherwise the CHARGE seen to be appreciated. To settle financial fcondition of all the munici­ houae. Write B05 R, care of Herald. Edmund Marcontonio, of MeridOT, Mrs. Fraser, a friend of Safin’s ...... RATE will be collected. No responsi­ estate. Apply W. H. Burke, 279 palities for which reports are avail­ mm bility for errors in telephoned ads who was involved in an accident at ...... Miss Irene Walter will be assumed and their accuracy Spruce street. the Hockanum bridge early last able. There are many municipali­ Sam Bryant, a chauffeur...... cannot be guaranteed. Sunday, In which Alfred Charter of ties with financial records much bet­ ...... William Dav's VEECK DROPPED 8100,000 ter, and many with records much INDEX OF WANTED—TO BUY 58 East Hartford, and Camille Martin, Robert White, a young man very o f . Manchester, N. H., a passenger worse than that of the typical or much In lo v e ...... Frank Miller CLASSIFICATIONS Chicago, May 12.—It has been average municipality. Hig h e s t p r i c e s paid for junk in his car, was injured, w ^ sentenc­ Carlyle Howard, a salesman...... RAN aKaosE sc^B S Births ...... A revealed that the late William “There are conditions.” the Com­ Engagements and live pordtry. Wm. Ostrinsky, Veeck, president of the Chicago ed to ten days In jail by Judge Ray­ ...... William Fox * • * * • * * n_e •fsc« »on • • • 91 Clinton street. Tel. 5879. mond Johnson in Police Court today. mission states "which Justify un­ Dolly Darling, Robert White’s Marriages e e e 0 «ls Cubs from 1919 until his death last balanced budgets and borrowing. Deaths ...... fall, lost $100,000 during bank fail­ Seven of the days were remitted. fia n cee...... Miss Ida Anderson Card of Thanks Extraordinary expenditures whether s o t oaoi t.oin # 4 ures in the Chicago district. Judge Johnson took into considera­ Richard O’Brien, a plain clothes St In Memorlam . ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 for unemployment relief or per­ m a n ...... Irving Wickham Lost and Found o A o o w ^ • sew 4 tion the fact that Marcontonio had manent improvements frequently Mrs. Rita Griffin, a yoimg wife..... Announcements s'oTA • Ww w o • • .=icrved the past week in Jail owing Personals ...... FOR RENT —NICELY furnished cannot be financed from taxation ...... Miss Helen CrawfOx'd room, for gentleman at 15 Church to his inability to raise the bail. He without unnecessary disturbance to Automobiles was charged with reckless driving. It was well done and the audience Automobiles for Sale ...... 4 street, telephone 8553. the economic stability of the com­ William Johnson, who lives in the was highly entertained. Automobiles for Exchange aoi.c I F or Sale munity. But such expenditures do Younger members of the Girls’ Auto Accessories—Tires ...... < H OR RENT—LIGHT Housekeeping Weldon block, was given 30 days in not recur year after year. They Auto Repairing—Painting ...... 7 rooms, fumlnhed, gas and sink. 109 jail for drunkenness. He is an old Friendly society sold home-made Auto Schools ...... T-A 2-ACRE PLACE, 6-room house, would not be extraordinary or ab­ candy during the evening. Autos—Ship by Truck ...... 8 Foster street.—Grube. bam, garage, poultry house and offender. normal if they did. Yet, taking the Autos—For Hire ...... y fruit. This place is right in Three north end boys, all minors, municipalities as a group, the record Garages—Service—Storage ...... Id were given a lecture by the Judge Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... 11 APARTMENTS—FLATS— shows a steadily and rapidly in­ MRS. HAROLD HARRISON Wanted Autos—Motorcycles . . . II S ...... $2,800 for stealing chairs, settees and pil­ creasing volume of outstanding mu­ Business and Professional Servleea TENEMENTS SA Cash 81,000. lows from porches to furnish a rude nicipal indebtedness. Business Services Offered ...... 18 FOR RENT—FOUR room tenement, aback they had built off Woodland “However these data may be in­ GIVEN SURPRISE P A R H Household Services Offered ...... IS-A street. Building—Contracting ...... 14 all modem improvements. Inquire 3 ACRES, 7-room house, electri­ terpreted, it is impossible to escape Florists—Nurseries ...... 15 701 Main street. city, steam heat, garage, bam, the disturbing fact that the munici­ Funeral Directors ...... 16 coops, brooder house. Fine view. palities as a group failed to balance Mrs. Harold Harrison of Lyness Heating—Plumbing—Roofing 17 street, who before her recent mar­ t- OR RENT—4 ROOM tenement Close to town. Cash needed BRITAIN ASKED their budgets by some $8,000,000 in Insurance ...... 18 riage was Miss Margaret Healey, Millinery—Ugessmaking ...... H with garage, ail modem improve­ 81,000. 1928 and 1932. The problem is Moving—Trucking—S,.orags . . . . 2d made more acute by its concentra­ was given a surprise miscellaneous ments. 3 lydgewood street. Tele­ shower last night at the home of Public Passenger Service .20-A phone 5623. 5 ACRES, 7-room house, 2-car FOR GUARANTEE tion in less than one-h«df the mu­ Painting—Papering ...... 21 garage, poultry houses and bam. Mrs. Katherine Rabaglino of 45 Vic­ Professional Services ...... 22 nicipalities of the state. Before Furnace. Elxcellent view. Close toria road. Repairing ...... J8 FOR RENT—FOUR room tenement, (Continaed from Page One) property owners in these municipali­ Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning 24 with all improvements. Apply 111 to town. Cash needed $1,000. ties can look with reasonable hope More than twenty of her co-work- 0 ) C 1.34 lY NCA SEirviCE. INC T N NfO. U » M T, OTT. Toilet Goods and Service ...... 26 ers in the cravat department at Holl street or telephone 6806. This program is to be kept secret for any reduction in their tax, these (READ THE STORY. THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) Wanted—Business Service ...... 84 5 ACRES in Manchester, close to deficits must be eliminated. These Cheney Brothers were present and Edaeattonal until the League of Nations sessions Mrs. Harrison was remembered FOR RENT—TWO 6 ROOM flats bus line. Good water supply, late this month. taxpayers stand to gain little imme­ “Hey, stop this Iamb,” poor Dun- Then Mary to her pet Iamb said, Courses and Classes ...... 27 and garage. 20-22 Summer street electricity, bam and garage, poul­ with many lovely gifts. Private Instruction ...... 28 Captain Eden was to go to Paris diately from even a liberal program cy cried. “I’ve tried to, but I slip “Why don’t you ever use your Dancing ...... jj. a J. J. Rohan.. Tel. 7433. try houae. Seven-room houae, During the evening, a social hour today and from there to Geneva. of property tax relief. As long as and slide. It doesn’t know I want to head? I saw you pull one of these Musical—Dramatic ...... 2S fruit, excellent land. Cash need­ the municipalities under which they was enjoyed and a buffet lunch tots around. 'That wasn’t right. Wanted—Instruction ...... -.-..to Id FOR RENT— 6 ROOM tenement, ed $500. Sir John Simon, British Foreign was served. play, or it would act aU right.” Secretary, will follow him there next live persist in spending beyond their “I’m going to take you home, Financial with all improvements. Inquire at means, they have to look forward to The other Tinies laughed in glee. right now, and I will punish you Bonds— Stocks—Mortgages m .. II 172 Charter Oak street week unless the situation rising out Business Opportunities 82 100 ACRES, 9 mUea out of Man­ an Increasing rather than a constant “You look as funny as can be,” somehow. I guess I’ll onslbillty. Players production, “Peg ‘O’ My Garden — Farm—Dairy E^duots FOR RENT—POUR room flat, in “Each day It follows me to fi'ovm. It is no wonder that it Household Goods ...... Ji ROADSIDE OFFICE inated Bird day, which several They can serve themselves and their Heart,” this season. She is a grad­ school, and waits here for me, as quickly frightened me away.” .' good condition, 42 Maple street, states observe March 2 for teaching taxpayers best by putting their fi­ uate of Tuft’s College where she Machinery and Tools ...... II lear. Telephone 6617. 331 Oakland Street a rule.” “We thought it would get Musical Instruments ...... IS school children to conserve wild nances on a sound and orderly distinguished herself in college dra­ lost,” said Dimcy. “Gee, I’m glad (Scouty ptmisbes the spIdM tai Office and Store Eqnlpmeirt •«■ 54 life. basis. matics. Specials at the S to re s...... II FOR RENT— 6 LARGE rooms, all you came.” the next story.) Wearing Apparel—Furs 17 improvements, hard wood floors, Wanted—To Buy ...... |f furnace, also 5 room rent Apply Roome Hoard—-Hotel#—SoooxTn Chas. Wade, 65 School. ALLEY OOF Reotanranta Wootie Reisms At the Showerl By H A M U N Rooms Without Board .«*..*.•• H Boarders Want,.d ...... Il-A FOR RENT—APARTMENTS and Country Board—Resorts - |f unfurnished rooms, and store in 6OIN T WOemFTOOT^ SKlKf l‘N NOT PIAVING HARO l ATE AT HOME JO BE SORE OF SO SVIEETl WE'RE DELIGHTED ) VIOOTIE, TEEHEE -VJE THIN Hotels-—Restauran to . . . , u Johnson Block. Telephone 6070 or THIS AFTER-,.-^eEEt4 COROlAU-V- TOOAV-WHOEVER WINS »T-UMPA'S A ROTTEN COOK, g ir ls 00 WEAR OUR Wanted—Rooms—^Bonrd . . . . » • IS OF y o u TO / t o HAVE VA.W DEAR^ DARUNG- 4040. N(?ON? WHATCHA^COV4ANOEO, I 6UESS \ Wia HAFTA AN PRINCESS featherweight CUOTHES, oOlsrr .wE? Beal Batata Bar B«at (SONNA eiVE'R VOURE LOOKING SO THRILL- Apartments, Plats, TenementsII GOTTA <30-BUT \ DON'T OWE IT TO JUST BEAUTIFUL 7 eD FDR VOU-VOU LOOWT ALL MY Buslnsss LooaUona for Rant |4 FOR RENT—S ROOM apartment, PER A X, KNOW WHAT i CAN TAKE FOR TH* ROYAL PRESENTS- *11 newly renovated, gas rang^ hot T'OAV- !4bll^<1bOK OlUlNEf Houaea for Rent ...... || p r e s e n t r A PRESENT -BEZ IS OFF BA8V- IS ALLEV EVER juburban for Rent •• water, private bath. Adults. Rent .Wrm GU2 AN* TH* ARMV, Bmni&tr HomM for ItMt it Wanted to Rent ...... fg reasonable. Garage it desired. 109 VICNOV)- Foster street—Grube. Baal Batata For lalo Apartment Building for Bala M <3h- Buslaosa Property for Salt 71 FOR RENT—280 OAK strlet, four Parma and Land for Sale 71 room tenement, Just redecorated. p oB M for Salt « „ ..T O ....— , TS Phone 8567. ter^ Bale 78 Reaort Proper^ for Salt 74 Suburban for Sale ...... 71 eOR RENT— 4 ROOM tenement, Roal Batate for Exobango 71 with aU improvements and garage. WantoA—Roal BataU ...... 77 Inquire 33 Lyndale street, tele­ _____ A « « « - L a * n l Hotloao phone 610T. &osal NotSoos If FOR RENT—TWO, THREE and four room fumiatmd or unfumlsbeo apartments. Manchester Gonirtrac- m tim Oh m 4 i n oc 4809. ^ Toonerville Folks


MOTHEB »8 D A T, MAY 18. eye out for any little opportunity The first one to love you, that may appear in his path—and The last one to forget you— usually he can get along without YOUR MOTHER! much help. i >t4 A N ' T W ' Did you hear about the two fel­ Applicant— I saw your advertise- THhS WAND, an ' h o p , lows who were recently ^vlng in I ment for a handy man, sir. M tLK WA Little Boy Blue don’t let out a peep, N ow he’s under a tombstone, faist DID YOU KNOW T H A T - asleep. Since 1918, Kentucky has spent There are nearly 24,000,000 auto­ $1,082,323 for maintenance of pau­ mobiles in use in the United States per feeble-minded. today, and yet we still hear a lot The first paid “Marconigram” was about hard times nearly every day. dispatched by Lord Kelvin while visiting Senator Marconi’s experi­ < 3 5 Bunged-up Client— I want to mental wireless station at Needles, sue Wifflesnapper for running me Isle of Wight. dovpi with his uatomobile, but I’m afraid he has no money. The old snuff house in the Hay- Lawyer— Oh, that’s till right I market, London, with the sign of can use his car. the Rasp and Crown, dates back more than 200 years. W h A Mother’s Love—How Sweet the The Sioux and the Blackfeet dig MT^S.WOOPLt Name! What Is a Mother’s Love? their spears in the earth as a sign A Noble, Pure and Tender Flame, of confidence, while Fiji Islanders \6 V\6\tlN6 Enkindled from Above, cross two feathers. ' To Bless a Heart of Earthly Mould, Green gooseberry sawfUes are SISTER being reared at Manchester, Eng' the Warmest Love That Can’t Grow Cold. land, to get a fuller knowledge of This Is a Mother’s Love! theii. life history. S< OKCHY SMITH Only two former vice presidents By John €• Terrv New cars or old, the attitude of are now living. NOT A BIT. A UTTUI WORRIBO, ’ and t L l 5 K TVAf you AND SCOK^Y - W f CAN'T the telephone pole is unchanged. It Three states did not join the HE'S SENDING THRK CRACK rS>SRt\L L-THOU6H. “THIS WASTE OP TiH^ ^fAiTM AM DECOgATW) FsR ybop HEROISM BE SUPS youR BOAAB holds f ^ to the principle of self- Union until the present century. MEM WITH US To TRAIL THAT 6 M S ! j GNgS THOSE OPoOkS A SWELL IS A success UNTIL WE OET defense. Fur farming is now one of the JN 6gmN6 ITlAr SIgL OFF TWe SMlP- CHANCE Fog A GETAWAy I AN O.K. FROM WASHINGTON — -WE'RE TAKING OFF FOR TH& INLAND" most important industries of Can­ IN AN HOUR / . Colored Pastor— Brothah John- ada. -R ig h t n o w we'D Befra? sing how is you’ better half gettin’ A million tons of coal are used GST AFTBR -moss /* Tong. every year by the Gas Light and OUUAWS / Brother Johnson — She’s bettah, Coke Co., which has provided LoU' parson, much better, but yo’ sho’ am don with gas for over a century. — careless wif you’ fractions. . It’s a tough Job trying to borrow lapper anny ays a quarter from the folks 3rou meet F RCQ. U.F t. PAT. orr. S : an the free camping sites.

Alice— ^Do you know that nice looking boy? Jane— Yes, well enough not to speak to.

Old timers who once thought - ...... dancing wicked now wish the boys WASHINGTON TUBBS and girls at a dance would get out By Oane . OUT OUR WAY By WilUainir of their parked cars. NICE PLACE. WHAT DOES r ea lly, easy, 1 DON’t rzr\ 4 VOUR p a d d o , SETTVP t h a t 's a e o o D o n e ! KNOW. IT SOUNDS. l ^ j r 4 BRAINS IS TH'SAM EV Tramp— I t’anks yer kindly fer SILLY, BUT I HAVE A THE 6UV WHO IS AS A N Y OTHER RACE.il yer generosity, ma’am. FEELING THAT SOME­ OMLV HALF WAV TH’ GUV WHO'S FAST K h o l d I T Housewife— But I haven’t given THING TERRIBLE IS UP TH' LADDER h a s GOT LOTS O'TlMff 1 A L l I 'L L you anything. a b o u t TO HAPPEN. HAS CaOT MORE TO LOON BACkAN’SEE R U N T H A T Tramp— No, but I ’m sure yer CHEST AM* DIGNITY WHUTfe HAPPENIN'TO ain't goto’ ter'let'^my gratitude %o T C E N T E R IN THAN TH' GUY WHO TH' SLOW ONES- BUT to waste, are you? P O R V O U t TH'HALF-FAST ONES r l 7T" * IS AT TH' TOR c a n t s e e a n y t h i n g M O TH ER ’S D A Y AN’ HE DON'T HAVE The one who really makes HALF AS FAR TO BUT TH' FAST ONES/ a 5 s h i r t T A IL S / life worth while b e n d d o w n . Who brightens your world with the light of her smile. o .A' Whose love ever follows you mile after mile— T H A T ’S M OTHER C^OyS

The only person you can really help is one who has a good deal of Many a man slips a ring on a industry and willingness to keep his finger to keep a belle off his toes. '^OU SEE, DAD AND L LIVE HERE ALL HUMj HIS ^ SPLENDID, AT LEAST, EVERYBODY a l o n e , la te u v , h e 's b e e n te r r ib l y BANK IN SAVS IT IS. I'M NOT SURE, BUT 1 THINK UPSCT AND WORRIED, BUT HE WONT GOOD SHAPE? FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser TELL WHAT'S THE CAUSE. DAW BEiNagi^^cKHAILED. IT


/ O’.P.WiLLt^Mji WWVWt, IH6. J. M. a.V: T,aMau.aMT.o(r, THE MIDDLE-MAM « in4(VNusc«vicc.MC. S'1% SALESMAN SAM Give Up! By Small ^ U H I SMART OCTECnVlSl iMftfilNe RATSl I'UB DOME iU 'A V - TH' STORE (S OUT #2,000-AHLI'M PROB'LY OUT OF A^ THIS Rloe iS NUTHIN' TO TH' ONE I'LL GET THAT eUS TBLUN' M6 THAT TH' THINS I RNOU) HOUnAOOJ JOBl BETTER SAVE MW PENNIES AN' HITCH MU WAY FROM D02: ^UllPIN' OF DU22'S SAFE (OAE A MIGHT JUST AS UIGLL GO BACK TO TH' STORE 1 MR.d ir k , I'M AWFULLY p l a in CASe OF RoeSERY! I HAD IT'S OKAY, SON! NO HARD BACK AM'TELL DUZXTH' - SORRY I WAS RESPONSIBLE FEELINGS...BY THE WAY...DID T H « r HUNCH MVSELF! ^ ^ S TE R Y HAS NIC STUCk J R » GETTING TbU IN HERE, You NOTICE WHAT BANK THAT llllliiii iiiililfTn------BUT IT REALLY WAS YDUR CHECK 1 CAVE You innunmuB f ^ ovinjg f a u l t ! YbU CAN SEE HOW P R A W N ' ON Poucs. ' ' • « I ( f o o l is h it is, NOT TD < * 11 • I O E T e c T v v e . BE HONEST.'.' H6A0'/<^S fl 0 Jiii.mjil'iiiiii winTni fflnni

■f■ ■ r —1 f- - r ■-



M jnvica ~

f r V' Mrs. Mary ur WMlu ago. Ten bdys and glrfii h i ^ ABOUT TOWN daughter, Miss Emma Behnfield, SPECIAL SALVATION parts in ths caastofy. R«v. Pater have left ^or their cottage on the Latas, who la direetmn the play and f Fort Road at Watch Hill where they the other pa^ of the entertain­ lEklward Werner of. ii Croes will spend the summer. ment, will give an a^i^prtate talk elreet, a clerk at the J. H. Quinn ARMY SERVICES on Mother's Day and present flowers phamiacy, la confined to his home Edward GHll is spending a few to all mothers present. al a result of an injxu7 suffered weeks at his home on Main street; ^bile playinff basketball two while supervising an of dontbs ago. He was playing with machrnery for the concern he is em­ Week-Esd WH Bring OiR MYSTERY AND MAGIC CAVEY’S GRltL the West Side team and in falling ployed by, the Buffalo Pump com­ 33 East Center Street Next To Masonic Temple tb the fioor one of his legs was pany. Large Nnmbers— To Ob- ^Airt. He did not take it serioiialy TO ENTERTAIN LADIES ahci it has since continued to bother F. P. Handley of Delmont street Um. The injury did not Improve retiuned last night After a t terre Mother’s Day. and on the advice of his doctor he weeks’ business trip through i Men’s Friendship Club' Will IMPORTED A DOMESTIC Buckland has been away from his work, al> W e st Invite Wives and Sweet­ lowing the leg to rest up. There will be a special Open Air meeting of the . local Salvation hearts to Party Monday. WINES 'A number of the members of Army corps at Main and Birch AmongA m ong families] arriving in Man- Chapman Court, Order of Amaranth, California Tipo Chianti Wine f e s t e r to"5 make their home here is streets tonight at 7:80 in which the Monday night wifi, be Ladles are planning to attend the meeting band and songsters will have Night at the meeting of the Men’s t u t o f Mr. : and Mrs. Norman of Harmony Court of Danielson Imported Champagne leading part. In the absence of Friendship Qub of > the South Straughn,aughn, who moved here from evening when the grand royal ma­ Adjutant Martin bis wife will lead Methodist church and all members Boston to live at. 19 Birch street tron and her staff will make their CAIOjO MARTINL Chef the meeting.. Becguse of the spe­ have been requested to bring a part­ official visit Supper will be served Vonaerly At Hotel St Begls, Atlantle Oty. ' Thomas O’Neill, who has been oc> cial program for the Open Air ner, wife, sweetheart, mother or at the Masonic Temple at 6:30. daughter, for an evening of real en­ cupying apartments in the Rublnow Monday evening will be visiting ma­ meeting it is expected there will be building, moved this morning to an unusually lai^e turnout joyment that will start at 8 o ’clock. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY trons’ and patrons’ night at Eliza A program of music, mystery, School street. A. McCoy Court of Ansozda, with Salvationists and friends of the E^wolal From 6 O’clock On Army are asked to bring or send magic and minstrel will be present­ b r o i l e d l i v e c h i c k e n l o b s t e r a n d supper at the Masonic Temple at ed by a committee that consists of A petition in bankruptcy was filed 6:80. Mrs. Florence Horton, royal flower- to the citadel tomorrow S (»T SHELL CRABS ON TOAST in Federal court at New Haven to­ morning as decorations for Moth­ Thomas J. Rogers, Herbert Robb Spaghetti w ith CihIjDk- matron of Chapman Court will fill and Rev. L. C. Harris. The music Slrkrfn Steak and B A day by John Clark, contractor, of the station of standard bearer. er's Day. A special attempt has ea and Green Feppen O v C Freaich Fried Potatoea D U C 16 Stephen street. The petition list­ been made to have tomorrow's will be in charge of F. J. Bendall ed debts of |22,9S0 and assets of Mother's Day service a beautiful and Ross Lewis will be in charge of Chicken Ghnw Mchi, RtMunAri 121,200. Mr. and Mrs. George Wurts of one that will long be remembered refreshments. Lobster a la New- B B ^ Rloe and B B burgh on Toast ...... O O C Elro street were greatly surprised by those who attend. The best turnout of the season is Sanoe ...... O D C Colonel Joseph Atkinson, of Bos­ when they arrived at th ^ home last Major and Mrs. Edward J. Atkin­ expected for this »ntmni affair, evenmg to find a number of their which has proved most successful ton, was the guest last night of bis son will take part in the Szmday Half BroUed BroUer Rye ^ Freeh Mushrooms B B friends had gathered to assist them in the past. sister, Mrs. Rachel Hopper, of 126 morning service at the local corps. and E^Mighetti ...... / O C a la Victoria ...... O O C Center street. He left this morning in celebrating their fifteen wedding ’The major will render on the con­ with Adjutant R. E. Martin, of the anniversary. Dorothy and Marie cert flute two selectiODS entitled Chibken a la King B B ^ . Broiled f local Salvation Army corps, for a Wurtz entertained with solo dances, "The Lord's My Shepherd" and MAM STREET COUPLE on T o a e t ...... 0 9 C Veal Steak ...... O U C tour visiting Salvationists through games were played and a bziffet "Beulah Land." Mrs. AtUnsen will Verm ont. lunch served. Mr. and Mrs. Wurtz speak on the subject "Mother." received numerous gifts as well as ’They will also conduct the eve­ MERTAM AT CARDS AMERICA’S FINEST BEERS flowers from their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Handley ning service at the corps on Trum­ ON DRAUGHT and Mrs. J. L. Handley left yester­ bull street, Hartford. ’Their little Setback and Whist Enjoyed day for a visit with relatives in A well children’s conference will granddaughter, Frances Dlmond, An International Verdict. Cambridge, Mass, be held at the Health Center op- who is four and a half years old, Home of Mr. and Mrs. Law­ posits Cheney hall on Hartford road, will sing "An Evening Prayer.” rence Converse. Monday at 2 o'clock. At 8 o’clock at the same place the first of the Nine tables were in play at the Your Upx and pre-school clinics will be held. MOTHER’S DAY PROGRAM setback and whist party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence ASPARAGUS Converse of Main street last night. Downj- are AT THE POUSH CHURCH In setback, first prize went to Mrs. WHOLESALE AND j-moother SHOE REPAIRERS AGREE Gladys Rldolfl with second to Mrs, If you are planning any remodeling or RETAIL A Mother’s Day program will be Elizabeth Phalen. Lawrence Con­ rtven tomorrow afternoon at the verse won first prize for the men repair work, see us about the materials ON STRICTER CLOSING Poljsh National church on Qolway and Harry Hilton took second. In O L C O n FARM street by the Senior Choir. The en­ whist, Mrs. NSlson L’Heureux was and PAINT to finish the job. tertainment will begin at 8 o’clock first and Miss Josie Keating was 408 West Center Street The trouble among the shoe re­ and will be given in the auditorium. second. Mrs. Minnie Rattenburg won the door prize and Mrs, pairers occasioned by claims that Children of the church school will 5-Minute Drive participate, rendering declamations, Charles Warren the attendance some of them had not closed their songs and dialogues. Declamations prize. Home made ginger bread From the Center places at 7:80, the agreed hour, was will be given by Bernice Deptula, with whipped cream and coffee straighted out at a meeting held last G. E. Willis & Son, Inc. Helen Ferrence, Stella, Edward and were served by the hostess, Mrs. night. ’Those who had been accused Converse. Phyllis Skrabacz and Jennie Gozdz, MB Coal, Lumber, Mason’s Supplies, Paint of keeping open gave satisfactory who will also sing two solos, with EDWARD explanations and it was decided Miss Olive Skrabacz as accompan­ ALSO 2 Main Street Tel. 5125 Manchester there had been no actual violation of ist. the hours. It was agreed, however, The senior choir will also present BERGGREN that in the future all would be out the play, "Bartos Pod Krakowa," of their places of business at the which it put on in Wallingford three TELEPHONE 6748 given hour, or the door would be A Last jVl^ute locked. CROFT ALE M l New England’s Largest Selling and Highest Priced Ale FILMS Made by the Same Master in the Same Brewery DEVELOPED AND That Made STERLING ALE. Compare The Musical Program Tonight PRINTED 24 HOUR SERVICE COSTS o f ICE and HOTEL SHERIDAN Film Deposit Box At Store Entrance. Electric Refrigeration Pleasant KEMP'S Prompt MARR’S The average annual U. S. family ice Service Atmo­ Have You Tried Our Salads? bill in the East is $14.76 (from the Bureau sphere Say it witli of Home Economics, U. S. Dept, of Agri­ Shrimp Salad (Freshly Cooked Shrimps) Window Shades FLOWERS Vegetable Salad (Fresh Vegetables) culture). Good quality Holland’s and Chicken Salad Tantine Washable Shades. Made Potato Salad to order and hung on your wio- Cole Slaw . . , With Some Real Zest In It! Special Chicken Dinner lows, 46 cento. . .New rollers, Open Sunday Until Noon. A 5 Cu. Ft. COOLERATOR 10 cento each. WiU furnish sam­ ples on request English Pork Pies Baked Beans REFRIGERATOR — 75^— Capitol Window Milikowski Pickled Beets (freshly cooked) Costs $64.00 with a year to pay, no carry­ Sandwiches — Steaks and Chops. THE FLORIST ing charge. Add annual charges of $6,40 Shade Co. Hotel Sheridan Building per year (10% for depreciation) and $3.84 46 Oapen Street Hartfotd Our COLD CUTS j O O D o l d h a r v a r d b e e i Phone 6029 (6% for investment) and $26.00 per year Are Delicious! for ice at present ice prices, totals A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP WINES. The kiddies liked the Peanut Booths and Private Dining Rooms. Frankfurters so much, we are Get Acquainted Entertainment going to have some today again for Dancing Until 1 O’Clock. them. $36-24 SATURDAY NIGHT We are ready to serve you on Mother’s Day W ell Elave An From 4-8 P. M. as well as every Sunday. Assuming a 5 Cu. Ft Electric Refrigera­ ALL STAR TRIO tor costs $200.00, add Annual charges of To Entertain Ton While Ton Enjoy MARR'S DELICATESSEN $20.00 (10% for depreciation) and $12.00 Opening Monday Narragansett and Harvard Beer Next To The State Theater for interest (6% on investment) plus $2.88 Chi Draught M A Y 14 Plenty of booths for the Ladiee! There’s a Big Snrprlse for Toni per month for power (4c rate) from Saturday Night (Household Refrigerating Plants, by John SPRUCE STREET BAKER7 T. Bowen), totals Specializing In Italian And French Bread CITY TAVERN '^ 0 TONIGHT! 207 Spruce Street V, luliano, Prop. 88S Bfaln Street $ Next To Bfontgomery Ward’s. V' 66-36 J L : WBIC SHOW AT V TINKERTAVERN You Can Make TheyWe in Town Again at The W Cmmer Birch and Main Streets Annual Saving CAT’S MEOW TAVERN FLOWERS WHISPERING BANJOS for "Broadcaattng String Orcheetra’* The MOTHERS Enjoy This Entertainment With Good .32 RAMBLIN’ COWBOYS DAY EDDIE REED— Gnitar and VoeaUat NARRAGANSEn— SCHUTZ With A PIDDLIN’ CHAS. BURKE We have all kinds of potted plants and SLAP HILLMAN—Baas Viol AND HAMDEN ALE Cowboy - Modern and Old Time special baskets. TASTY SANDWICHES OF a t .t. KINDS. COOLERATORi W e H ave Booths for the Ladles. And have air-canditioned and. much better refrigentia^^ Cut Flowers including Roses, Carna­ The Best UtteDanee Floor In Town! 'Try Itl Ballantme and Harvard JOIN THE CROWD TONI€«T! NOTE— No estimate is made for mamtmumoe m d ikpK it On Draught tions, Snap Dragon, etc. charges on dectric refrigerators wheireaa tr*' none on a COOLERAtOR. ’ .' t'. i "Beer That 1m A ged Hi U m B rew ery" Enjoy a glase of good beer while this broadeart- ing ovtat entertains. Toon have a goo* timfi TINKER TAVERN he. Jaeob Chwoberg, Btanager. CAT’S MEOW TAVERN Krauss Greenhoose "W hen Good FeOows Got T o g e tte r" L . T . .55 Bbsell Street 621 Hartford Road Phone 8962 ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS

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