w :- ■ t A TB B A cv 1M H .T c m m m M (1 • V < 5 , 4 5 3 ^ "* »? s - V<*J VOL. LIIL, NO. 190. (CSasaUled AdveittHiig on Page M.) MANCHESTER, CONN!^ SA^TODAY, MAY 12, 1934. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE MILLEN FIGHTS COPS BOARD fAVORS MACHADO’S AIDE 1 SUNDAY HOUR You, Mr. Motorist, NEXT MOVE IN IN FLIGHT ATTEMPT Can Save IS NOW MINTED; FORJAVERNS A Life! H U R D E ^ C M G E PROBLEM NOW UP TO One of Needham Bandit Sos- Eig^it Persons W ere Killed In Connecticut SILK MANUFACTURE Selectmen Vote 4 to 2 for Last Week End. pects Tries to Wrest Re- New York Hears Four Cnban EUROPEAN NATIONS HALTS NEXT WEEK first Day Closing — Town Youths Are in U. S. Seek- Tolrer from State Trooper Nation’s Mothers Are Informed Ikey WO Be 1 , Meeting to Be Asked for mg to Assassinate Their Are Remembered GnardingHim. Estimated 300 WiD Work at Considered ni Defank De­ Money for Street Repairs. New York, May 12.— (AP)—The Former President. millions of eons and daughters in the Dedham, M ay 12.— (A P )— Irving Cheney Plant— See Pay­ Nation win pay tribute tomorrow to spite Token Paymentis Millen was kept under close sur­ their mothers. The Board of Selectmen last New York, May 12.— (A P)—G«n- Messages, reunions, church serv­ veillance at Dedham Jail today after roll Cut to $5,000. night voted to recommend to the Door Left Open fof he had attempted to wrest a re­ Alberto Herrera, acting presi­ ices. gifts and flowers are on the special town meeting called for program for the country's “tender- volver from 3, state trooper assigned dent o f Cuba for several hours fol­ Work in Cheney Brothers silk next Monday night, a b>-law limit eat holiday” —^Mother’s Day. Negotiations. to guard him. ing the Sunday open hours of local lo w ^ the :^ht-tinje flight of Ger- The Nation itself this year has Irving, who, with his brother plant here will be practically at a tavemc to one hour in conformity was hunted in the added a special note to the observ­ standstill all next week because of Murton and Abe Faber, is on trial with a petition filed by 58 citizens UaitM'JttittM.today, like Machado, ance with a special issue of postage Washington, May 12 — (AP) -- for the killing of Policeman Forbes the order of the Silk Code Authori­ of the town earner in the week. to 2utotta>der charges preferred by stamps bearing a miniature of President Roosevelt definitely as­ McLeod during the Needham Trust ty that operations be suspended so The petition stipulates that the to e {irtottlt Cuban government. Whistler’s portrait of “My Mother Company, Feb. 2, jumped on the that the silk textile market, now opening hour of taverns shall be “ 1 Herreni, a veteran of Cuba’s Young trees will be planted m sumed the position today that tbs trooper while returning to the jail. flooded, can be eased. It was im­ p. m. open and 2 p. m. close” on etruggle for independence and a Palestine in honor of Jewish moth< next move in the Who’s Who In de­ State Troopers John T. Brown possible today to arrive at exact Sundays. It is believed that the mainstay of the Machado regime, era. ^ fault game is up t othe BuropMtn and T. T. Fitzgerald were on duty figures showing the number that contemplated action by the town is left New York at about the same Carnations — traditional flowers debtor nations. at the time. will be employed, but Horace B. the first of Its kind by any munici­ time a Federal warrant was issued for mothers, white for mothers dead Through diplomatic channels the Makes Sadden Dive Cheney estimated that between 10 pality In the state. for Machado’s arrest late in April. — stock florists’ shops throughout President has informed Great Bri­ Federal officers and police have the land. Irving made a sudden dive for and 15 per cent of the employees ’There was considerable discus­ Two persons were klUed In this Manchester craMi- The driver was tain, France, Italy and Belgium and would work. ’This means that ap­ sion over the proposal. Two mem­ foimd no trace of either. Mother’s Day pronoimcemen^a Czecho Slovakia, that the United Brown’s holster and had all but speeding. Those two persons would still live, others would not have suf­ grabbed the trooper’s revolver when proximately 300 will be at their bers of the board expressed the The Charges have ranged from a Presidential States is willing to discuss at least Fitzgerald and Brown subdued him jobs in a certain number of depart­ opinion that if the taverns are clos­ fered life-long Injury if the motorist had heeded the warning sign "Sharp Machado and Herrera are wanted proclamation to a reminder, “Write any individual suggestions for pay­ There was a wild battle, however, ments. ed on Sundays, those who frequent Curve Ahead’’. ’ in Cuba on charges growing out of home to mother” on a prison bixll ments or adjustment o f their debts. before Irving was beaten to the Weaving Halted them will flocl; to the restaurants the slaying of 17 persona five days tin board. The debtor nations have learned floor and returned to his cell. The weaving Industry will be which seU beer with food. The same before Machado was deposed. The President Roosevelt in his procla­ from their envoys here, however, Meanwhile coxmsel for the trio completely halted. Here and there, members say they believed that killings occurred when soldiers, al­ mation asked the day be observed that the President is adamant H pe IS a direct appeal to every motorist who will be legedly on orders of Machado and prepared their case for presentation scattered through the weaving de­ regulatory action should be taken driving on a Connecticut highway this week-end made to by display of the flag, “by the usual against any general conclave of na­ at the opening of court Monday. partments, operatives will be em­ by the state and not by the muni­ Herrera, fired into crowds celebrat­ tokens and messages of affection to tions for wholesale reduction bf Proeecntion Rests ployed on jobs that cannot be in­ cipalities. YOU, MR. MOTORIST. ing a false report that Machado had our mothers” emd by aiding in moth­ debts. resigned. ’The state rested its prosecution terrupted. Most of the 300 em­ Vote Four to Two Like every other citizen of the state I am appalled by er and child relief work. President’s Positien yesterday and a week-end recess ployees will be at work in the dye­ The vote to recommend or disap­ The warrant for Herrera, who ’The Nation’s first mother, Mrs. They have been informed ths was taken after the Faber confes­ ing and finishing departments prove the petition to the voters was the record of automobile killings over the last week-end was Machado’s chief of staff and James Roosevelt, the President's President cannot agsin definitely sion had been admitted as evidence where orders must be completed. two against and four in favor. Like every other citizen, I am sure, I insist that this waste then minister of war, was issued at mother, plans to spend the day at assure token payers they are not in and read to the jury. ’The clerical force will be greatly The toll taken by the extreme 01 human life should not, and cannot, go on. the United States . commissioner’s Hyde Park, the Roosevelt estate it default imder the terms of thS Judge Nelson P. Brown warned reduced only those whose work is winter weather on towr roads was Once again the Department of Motor Vehicles pleads for office late yesterday on application Hyde Park, the estate where her son Johnson Act. the jurors that the contents of the Imperative during the week being reflected last night in a vote by the of Pablo Suarez, Cuban consul gen­ was bom. Behind the strict interpretation Faber confession were to affect only continued. Selectmen, recommending the in­ your cooperation m the prevention of automobile accidents eral. She expects to retium to New given the Johnson A ct—'banning d ^ Faber and were in no way to be con­ Reduced Payroll sertion in the call for the special over this week-end. FoUowed Machado York Simday night for the countrjr’a faulters from this country’s monM sidered as involving the Millen It is estimated that the Cheney town meeting Monday night, ask­ Up To You Herrera followed Machado in largest Mother’s Day dinner, a dhi- markets— is the President’s deterai- brothers. pasrroll, which has been averaging ing fo $10,000 to be used to put the I ^ appealing, not to motorists in the mass, but to each flight from the ialand last August ner at the Hotel Astor under the ination to arrive at an equitable set­ Defense counsel appealed to'Judge $40,000 weekly will be reduced to town streets and roads in proper auspices of the World Peace Fed­ tlement of the debt problem rathsr Brown to declare a mistrial or to approximately |5,000 next week. condition. Over $31,000 of the ap­ car dnver as an individual. We shall have safe highways (OmUiioed oa Page Two) eration. than a continuance o f drop-in-the^ direct verdicts favorable to the de­ propriation made at the October only If the mdividual motorist—you— assumes responsibil­ bucket payments.
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