--- J I School Board Prize Winner, Hire" Teacher8, Duy Supplies aa I In Third Annusl 4·H Sbow WW !IIeptiug. See Story F ound Today on on Pa, e 6 \1 Page 6.


$10,000 Fund J ames Murray Dies Diamond Must Three States Seek MICHIGAN DEA'fH CAR Mter Month's mne88 Custody of Winkler Iowa Citians Wanted for Robberies Promised for James Murray, 66, dIed at his Serve 4 Year Complain to home In 'Vashlngtoll town.hlp yes· ST. JOSEPH, MiCh., Aug. 12 (AP) t ~ l' d a y arterlloon, follo'l\'lnll a Legion Deficit month's IIness. Prison Term - \\' hlle tllI'ee states prepared to State Board 1\1 .'. Murray lived In JohnlOll claim custody of QU8 Winkler, want· Filial Contributions by county ull or hi. Ufe, havIng been Gets Maximum Penalty ell tal' numerOU H bank robberies. phy· Towl1.8, Counties Object bom on the tarm where he died. slcla ns at !\fercy h08pltal said to· Banks Complete Surviving him are hili alsten: Mrs. as War Starts on nlghl that Winkler, Injured In all to Real Estate, L. J . Duffy, Parnell; Mrs. Patrick Sub eiptions Mooney, Iowa City: and lIfrs. Charles Hoodlums a utomobile accident last wellk. will Farm Levies Brogle, osgl'ove; and one brother, not be able to be mov ed (or se" I'al DES 1I101NES, Aug. 12 (AP}-The' 'I' h~ $10.000 whl h the bOlll'd or T. F. Mur.'ay. Iowa City. NEW YORK, Aug. 12 (AP}-'l'he days. state board or assessment and re­ trus t ~e~ or thr A me"lcan Ll'j: lon Funeral arrangements ha ve 1I0t law struck ai gangdom t!'Om the The conteat tor possesslQn of the view today took under advleemllnt prisoner Is expec ted by loc al officers bull ullg couples, ,,~o.e automo· L_dCfl, and WillIam Wblte. ness. Then DI"a walked Into the hotel. QuattrOCChi, It conVi cted or orlmes received here said thal the rebellious bile waa their tunel'al p~' l' e, senl or· A representative of the bea~ " h following (' ontl'llll .I ~11 to the The house detecllv8 disarmed him broug ht to light through the evi ­ spirit was growl g In the two near· IIII' board wal:! In Iowa CIty emerge ncy f.llId. many of them In and called police, (I·cers on fresh tra ll a today, but dence In lh l~ C08e would he liable to by provl nc.s or Plnar Del Hlo and Charee. 8e1r Defense 8I\Ine time the first part of the amollntR Ie"" thall $100, but most tar rnol'e severe punlshmellt than Malanzas. l} 1r.httllli round them without a 801u. Diggs said he shot In self-derense. Wt"M< ctxamJnlng city real eatate, 01 thrse 11l.d contrllJuted ,," ough tha t possibl e 011 the consp!r-acy tlon. that Norman had struck him once 1I18 findings were dlfICl0iled at previou sly to I"' in g th 'h' tota l dona· count. '1'h ey might be sentenced til Two auspects stili were held. but and was about to hit him agaln Anna 1II ay ilal'l'ilSou', 17,- botli' of t be hearing but no dellDlte "' tlon to that flgu l'e: 30 or 40 years." e..Ch new clew appa rl'ntly pointed In Contl'lbuie in IrullIl when he began shooUne. Wltnes· Hospital Unit Cleveland, were beaten to death and thei r bodies, along with lho.sp 8ulls wore announced. "There's /10 use talking," was thll othel' directions. The most Import· Dr. (1. C. Albdgh t. It. J•. nalley, ses. however, 8ald there were no sl1l'Jl8 of two youthful escorts, set aflame in the automob ile show/l aboy , ot an argument. commeni or Diamond. 9-n t clews or lhe day were the find. V. W. Bales. 1 ~ !l wLlnJ Hartow. Both Diamond and Quattrocchi Takes Off for lng of a. p ursc. Idemlrled as the near Ann Arbor, 1Ificb. The protests were directed prln­ Cha rles JJeckmun. Dr. A. oW. Ben· Hotel employes told police lhat Norman and Diggs quarreled two moved today to uppeal their convlc· property or Vivian GOld. 15. one or cJ pally against the valuations on nett. I).'. J I. L. n "ye, Dr. W. F . tlons In federal co urt and a futile the slol n girls. and the discovery days ago over II. parking apace and tow n lots which were subjected to Bolle,'. ,Vlll lo. nl Hoycl'. Bremer's Camp Sunday of a witness who saw four young that the attorney then struck the plea for Icnlency waa made ro r Quat· File Damage Chicago Man a general Inc rease In the equa1k&lo clot hin g sto ... ·• O. A . Byington. W. trocchi, a tlt'st otrender . Ball or $16,· peo pl e In the company or a third D. CLl Il IlO .I. E. A. Chappel, Arthm' Negro twice. Enooh Craig, Norman's LIo n procel\ll. '1'he total valuation 000 a n(1 $7,600. respeetlvely, wus Membm's or the 186th J[Osllltal ma n about two hours bet o"e their ox, 'rhe Datl y LOWtLlI , D oweY"H res.. Negl'o chauffeur, saw the shootlni. was fixed 11. . $989 ,387,899 as com· posted Co .. Diamond and Quattrocchi. company wlil leave tor- their annual bodies were tound In 0. bur ning Suits Against Faces Grand tBuralll. C. 'J'. Dey. Mo.'vln It. Dey. pared to a. J ~2 9 adj uated value of encampment Sunday morning al automobile. Judge I1 nrold D. EVLlns, Eronomy ' ~ 85 , 452,3 3 4 . Agricultural Head &:15 a.m . Oil the Bame trilin 8 8 the Start Intenl.. AUI(. 12 (AP) - Private Kenneth Judy, and Prlvatu old a nll wearl nS' a ~o ll e d brown cap was Indicated that 80me ot th_ old Hanus, W. H. lJorl'auln, Cath· Arter seeing at rlrBt·hand gl'asshop· DES MOINES, Aug. 12 (AP) - Burton Brown. and a sweater. The walter, Norman trict court a,alnat Blecha and Owen was flied here toil BY against Ray erln e 1 fope, Iowa City l'OUltl'y a nd Increases might be reduced arte.r pel' and drouth dumage In South ba· After tour days at cool weather. 8um· Those who wl1l leave Sunda.y are: England. satd that the man was WIth 'rranster coml'any. The sulta a re Hogan, 26. and Go rdon St ewll.·t. 36, t he localities had reasaes.ed their Egg comjltlllY, Towo. Wntcl' Hervlce mer waa retumlng tonight to Iowa, kota today. Secretary of Agl'lcul· Ca ptains George lIfarellh anel Jack Miss 00111, Anno. lI1ay Ha r.'laon. 16, the result at an automobile crash llfler 0. man g iving hl ~ num us Jo· property on a r eQuired dat~ eheet com pany, ])". ITllr.·y J enkinson, W . lure Arthul' M. Hyde ",alted here prediction a were tor warmer weather Hinman. First Lieutenants IrvinII' '1'homns Wheatley. 17, a nd lIarry which occurred when members cl' soph Payne or hlenl;o, told n uthol'l· !.lasls. however. A. Jessul>. R. S. Kirkpatrick. Thursday. tonIght to go Into COllter"nce with Bortw, Harry Lee, and Geo,'go Lore, 16 the other vl c: tlm~, belwe4ln Delegatlong trom Arne. and To­ M. Will a rd Lampe, Dt . D. M. a local tootbnll t'lam were J'ldlng ties a story of how Ills wllo 01 11 (1 9 Governor Warren Green Thursday. In his weekly weather report to· E aston, Technlcat Sergeant Earl 2 and S a..m. Tuesday. ledo were scheduled to appear b .. from Iowa City to Brooklyn In a year old dnul;htt'l' were druggell and Llerle. W . D. McChesney, McGov· Accompanied by orrlclals ot South day. Charles D. Reed, meteorologist, Gifford and Slll.tr Sergeants Leatel' Jl(lIan 18 aboul 10 miles from the fore the board to prelent prote.ta ern Fune"al home. Juy J . 1I1cNam' Dakota 8ta te colieee, Secretary Hyde mentioned "many complaints ot can· Herrlnlf, GUll PU8aterl, Robert "lace where the bodies were found. truck Oct. 20, 1829. kld r!(Lpeu. tom orrow. 8ra. '1'homns K Ma"Un , B. n.. Means, toured through some at the atfected tlnued drouth and water shortage, ScheU, apd Charles Schmitt. Engtand's story was the flret evl· Olive Phen!l. admlnl.h·atrlx of the Andrew J. l1cy noltl s. ,Iel,"ty le. Black Hills. He wIll probably leave nRgol. ClI.rl Bock, George Cllek. scene of the tragedy at that time. the offi cer, tho lWO men a nd wom­ Estherville, with the lowest maxi· Mlu Phend alleges In the petition Th e R v. W. P . Shannahan , H . for Des Moines, Ia .• tomorrow night. Gel'ald Cox, Max Emmert, John Anober Development un managed to plllC£> \\Irs. p,wne Ohio Wins Fint for mum 72 at Lamoni and Creston. that the accident was due to an un' Shulman, A. R. Sidwell, Orville Odm, Edwal',l l\IcLacl\llI.n, 'l'homas Another development late today safe truck and rock less drlvlne. under the InrJucncc oC narcotics, Best Press Service Simmons. D.'. Ha rold s mith, Mer· MurraY, Frank Stutzman, ;Edga,· was the organization or lhe Investl· The petition turther allege8 thal nrter WhIch t h ~ y kidnaped hcl' a mI rltt Speidel, l1a l Stewart, George High Spirits Reign Brothel'8 in Jail on With Sub's Crew Vallar, and Eldred Veatermark. gatlon under the dlrectJon at HlUTY the detendan la were owners at the hI., d(wghtel' all() Bto lo his uutomo· CORVALLrS. Ore., Aug, 12 (AP)­ Btodda.rd, S. L . Ulldegro.!f. Dr. R. H. Liquor Law Violations Prlvatel Ha.rold Aht!t, MervlJ. S. Toy, district attorey or 'Vayne truck and turnllhed a driver to bile. Ohio State universIty won tll'lt plaCe Volland , V. W. Nail . Dean C. C, Bel,er, Ivan Blackmer, Robert Both· counly (Detroit), The road on transport the tootball team from They 11 ad not been apprl)helllle

supposedly "added" rennue. The ranks of the liquor makers and dispensers have ~. III O ...... omoe, always been overrun with outlaws and law­ OFFICIAL DAILY BUIJ.Em IIIIEUEV£ IT OR NOT Pub\18bed eve'7 mornlq except Honda,. b,. Student evaders. Their activitie have too often Publlcatfoua Incorporated. &t n'-lIo Iowa aYeDu" Iowa Cft,., Iowa. Fred),L POWD&li. Director. been connected with political graft which of • ~~~J~ ~======~=====~======~ . BuJJetina &lid lUUIOuu_nt. fQl' tbe QUleW DaII7 Board Tr ... its If robb d the public of million of dollars. ot t .... : Frank L. Kott, E. )(. KaclDwen. R. DaJJ~'1n coIlJIIlD !DUM be to t~e ~WIlIIIe,I' s-JOD Offtee, B. Klttredge. SIdney O. Winter, Shirle,. A. Webeter, Balle'!. To thi ' the co t in impoverished individual 0. We"bar, ~ack .R. VoUertMll, AltJ'ed W. KabJ. Robart . • , 117 Vnlv~,. Halt, b7 4 II.IU.. 01' U:3t LIII., Sat ....., OonIOD. and family life may still be added. to appear In the followlnl --...'. DaII7 Ie.... H&r'7 8. Bunker Oeneral Hen...... Beer has never yet offered any a urance Vol. VI, No.6! A"-l'Ullt 13, 1931 WIlliam T. Hageboeek. A.... tant General lIaDaCer that it would be law·abiding. When the ac· ~ IIntered as eecond cl ..... maUfmatter at the pq~ offlee counts are rendered on the qqestion of beer at low" City. Iowa. una.... lb_ &ot of CODer ... ot lUrch 2, University Calendar 11ft. for revenue, the entries are not all on the credit side. (AU .tu4enta and faculty mem~rll shall achedule events Involvlnl' the TIle Auoclated Pre.- Ie uclualvel,. entlUed to UM tor republication ot all newe dlapatchee credited to It or not use of unlveralty buildIngs at tbe presldent's oUlce In Old Captlol .. far otherwtee credited In !.hI. pallU' and alao !.he local newa ====::::-::==== In advance ot tbe dateB al pOS8~ble. No otber dates are Included In thls prlM11 ... bllehed bereln. There are 37,8 1 communes, or townships, oftJclal. calendar. wblcb takes lbe place In MOIIt cases of ordlnary bulletin All rl.ltta ot republlcatfon of lIP8dal dlapatobu bereln eIl,1 "" aN aleo _vecL in France. In January, 191 ,only 7,500 en­ notices). joyed electric lighting and power equipment, countrl il .John W, RelldereonEDITOa1AL .______DEPAaTKBNT__ ._._ Editor but today the number has increased to more Tbunda¥, Au,uat 13 eant W~ I 4:10 p.m. Publlc lecture: "Tbe history of th, pythagorean tbeorem," by I'nutk Jatt& ...... __ loIall&&'!ng :{!ldltor than 30,000. To the traveler in French pro­ loW meill H. Bernard H'ook Wewa Editor Professor M. S. Nordgllal-d-224 ,hyelcs building. pUttl 011 ~nNett Burke __ ~._.. . Clly EditOr vincial botels the disappearance of the inch FI1day, Au,ulI~ It WIll am A. Rutledge ______._ Spa..... E4Jtor aoore Ol~ Ce 110 Goldberg _...... __.... ______Soclet" Editor of candle placed with one '5 room key -and 7:15 p.m. SOOool ot Letters lecture: "EXJlI'e.seIonlBm." by Otto HeUer. vi&­ Allred Mltcbell "._""._""_. __ ._._ •._. __,,._ Campu. Editor IIlng lecturer In Engli5h - .senate Chamber. Old Capitol. Play II , also on the bill-will come almost as a shock, lunch 111 BVIIINl!:1I1 DlIIPABTHBJiT Charlea L. .Johnaton _._._.____ Bum._ 'lI...... - hristian l:)cieDCe Mcmitor Notice to FaCUlty load Student. bOUle 1111 AlgIe. W. Scbmldt . ___.. _____. ____ ._ A.ooountant The summer 1le881ou. clolles ottlclally TbursdaY. A.UgUS~ 20. Classes will flowers ,I 'I'1U.lIlPBON;I!I ... meet as u8uAI on the final day. SmIMER SESSION OFFICii: wblch HI BranCh exchange CODDecttDl' All deputmeDta A.I': Paul M«I -:- TODAY'S TOPICS . BERGMA~ -. - DepartmeDt of Pbyllcal RdacadoD for Womea 11'111 THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1931 ~L,~t5Cl6.Ie ,Pa..bt.~bvr • Recreatlona.l8wlmmlng(or taculty women, admlnlltratlve SWf. and wlVM By FRANK J un; of (rlUluate students every T"ue8day and Thursday evpnJl1,1r ootween 7:10 H-.s RUN The briving License Problem lnd 8:80. FRANCES KEEFE 200,000 t1ILE~ 1XI~IN(j HI~ LIFE. WHEN THE state of Iowa examines per- Mr•. Joseph Skala of Chicago thougbt sbe had sons for drivin~ ability, as will be done enough ot married lICe when she was forced to tibare u.crutlonal SwUn.udn, - Second Snmmer SeIIloG -43 YEAAS, pnder the new drivlDg law, many who have her husband's affections with a variety of dogs. Tbere will be recl'!'aUonal iiIWmmlnjr for all women stydents registered In figured in serious accidents will have to pigeons. cats, and othor mammals and fowls. But :he unlversJty dally. to 6:30 and Sa.turday 10 to 12. FRANCES KEEFE prpve their ability to handle a car. Theo­ when Mr. Skala Insisted on taking bls pet goat retically this should eliminate a good share tor a ride In the family limousine, the Mrs. took French Eumlnallon of the accidents that are attributed to reck· her pet peeve to court. She really ougbt to get In Thoee wishing to take the FrenCh examinatIon to Pas8 off ths rellulre· less driving. communication with the woman who recently com· ment for Ph,D .• may do 80 Thursday. Augult is, II.t 9 a .m, In r.oom 6 Jlbel'll.! It is hoped that in giving out the driving plalned (to a judge) that her husband took keen arta. Candidates should brln. matllrJaI alonl' tlte line of theIr major sub. ject. ROMANCE LANOU.AllE DEPARTMENT A.....,AITER t~ BRoWN'S lieenses, the state will accomplish the pur­ delight In dropping crumbs down her back. RESTAuRANT IN tJt:W VORl<) pose which the new law seeks. It will be no PublIc Lecture ellsy task to cull out the 0 called road hog , Now. nothIng can be more annorlng than having CAR~IES Jl CU~S ProfeBlor M. S. Nor~aard will lecture on "The history of tile pythal{<>relln the traffic violators, and the reckless ma­ someone exercise his lack of InteUigence repeated· theorem." Thursday. August U. a~ 4:10 p.m ., In room 224 physics building. OfeofFEE At

nipulators of fast automobiles. In many in­ ly In the same manner. Why a man mould wteak ~ 1t\t SAME TIME stances the state would be at an advantage .ruch annoyance on his wife II beyond mOllt wlvell. Noilce to S~udent8 EIpedlnr De,reel if the applicants would bring their police The1r ensuing action Is probDbly beyond the h08' Tbere are only a tew days lett until you nee~ your cap and gown for con' records with them. bauds 80 they are practic&lly even. Neverthelells. vocation. It yO\! order a garment now It will sllI}pllfy mattera conslderllbly LOUI-S and eliminate errors on orders. UNIVERSITY OAP AND GOWN SERVICE ~EORG~ ~-,... The victim of an accident is frequently their Idl08yncrasles make the news colunma 80 Oftlce In Iowa UnIon. Phone 774 not to blame. Too often the crashing of an tbey can't keep any secrets from tbelr next door H. RONALD OAST auto and wiping out of buman life can be neighbors. PA~PALAMPPROPOULOS Department of Ph),slcal Educat.lon for Womeh OF A REVOLVING ~ti~FT attrlbuted to pure negligence ou the other \\AS NEVER BEEN SICK. ,~ fellow's part. Faih,re to pause for stop The pool at the women's gymnasIum will be closed Thur8day, Augtlst 20, 1':1 l1oTloNUSS American womanhood, anyhow, I, lOSing Its dl&,. at 4 p.m" tor the rest or the summer. Recreational 8wlmmlng will continue IS O\oi~EO 'Oy AL. HIL.u .. v,v,,,, aj$ns, faulty brake, weak or blinding lightJ , nlty. declared Catherine IIIcDonough In s~n a8 scheduled UP until tbat time. FRANCES KEFFE PI-:'''~, .s :~A\<. no con ideration for the other fellow, try. r.-:=====::::::======-....==-_. 8'1) • Francisco the OthCl' day. And all because of birth - .. i .flL JqIHl JPt.h,m S)'n4Iute.lflc .. Gt'C'Il BrItain rtcIttl ~ I • ing to pa s cars on curves, hills and narrow control, social eugenIcs, and companionate marriage, Attenllon Summer School Student~ Explanatlon or l'eslCl'day's Caltoou total of possible ways 1'18(18 to 169,' an adclluate deRcrlption of the mu' University or Iowa root ball schedules and windshield stickers can be ob· • bridges, and turning off the road or street she told delegates to the thIrd order Of St. Francis The Astounding Number or l\loves 00,000,000,000,0 00 . On the nltudo of these rtgures. as they defy • talned by calling at the atbletlc bu~lness octlce In the field bouse. • human Imagination. See Pro/, without some signal aLI tend to increase the Quinquennial convention. At lea..st. Mlus McDolI. In ChfSS. There arc more than 200,- basis Of these calculations It Is POs· Jaenlsh "L'Appllcatton de l'Ana!Y1l death rate in motordom. ough has blamed It on something althougb thcre Otnclal NotH:e 000 ways of playing tho tll'st four slblp to estimate tho total number Malhcmatlque au J eu des ache.: The driving examinations will fail if they doesn't seem to 00 mucb cause for alarm conshl· To students reglslered In the second tcrm ot the 'p1'esenl summer seslflon mOVIlS alone on a chess board. 'l'ho of possible mOVeS. A rather con· Vol. 2. 1.\180 James Ma~on'8 "The who may wish to meet tbe state certltlcate.)·equlrement of a knowledge of are given on driving ability and vision alone. erlng politics, big business. and OU,er branches of two Kings with a ~lnS'lo r acting servatlve estimate fixes this total at :t'rlnclplc~ of Chess." the constitutions and governments oC tbe nation anll at Iowa, by passing llrt. The applicant must have good common road piece Can b\l transposed 250,000 20. 609, 637,968, followed by 78 Tomorrow; "A Statue In Honor of a activity fast being ovel'run with women. t~e special examination to 00 given by the sto.te bOIll'(1 of educntlonal ex· sense. He must be queried on the laws of amlners: times. Wllh tho first 10 movos tho naughts. It Is ImpossIble to convey Crook" the road, whether they be written 01' unwrit­ After all, there are IIIIII'S, IlH the peak(lr must Superintendent Agnea Sam uelso\l , president of tho Iowa state boal'd of ten. 'rhen if ho has all the combined reo educational examiners, announces tbat all students Intereste ... may have quirement that a safe and sane driver know, and III makinlr such ra h statemonts sbe Is tbe pPPol·tunlty to take this examination In U1e oWeell of lhe county sUller. unwittingly. perilap8, condenmJng our Judiciary iterltte."d U. II . ""lenl 0111 .. should have, he should be eHgible for a li­ Intendents of thelt· respective counties In Iowa, on AU\rust 28 and 29 and lIy tern In regard to protedion of the honor and Septemoor 6. ~931; !Iond that questions for the threo ellamlnatlons will be cense. THE' WICKERSHAM ., IT lOS A NUISANCE'To HAV£ To , dignify of the tair seX'. Dut, on the other bud, sent to all county supel'lntendent8. It sbould seem that with &II thIs "chercbez Is REPOR.TERS SAY( COME DOWN EARLY ON A COL-D DAY • Cedar County's Petition fomme" stuff going to the dogs IlIld the fast breed· Notice to Studenu ~X~t1~11l' Oeir\,t\8 The University Cap and Gown Service Is laking orders now for the .A.ugust To MAKE COFFEE FOR A HOBO--' Inl' "gigolo" ('omlng into "tyle, remains lor the ~.THE= SMAL.l- ToWN , .- CEDAR COUNTY farmers are still fight- it con vocation. It you order now much trouble will be eliminated. There Is • ALSO A DIS~RAce_JJJSr AFTEJe IV&: • ing I,lgainst the tuberculin testing law. wOlllan b~lf to keep on the up And up. no obllgatioQ Incurred If you c10 nOl graduale. OWce In tl1e Iowa Un 1011 JAIL.. IS A NUISANCe, • Now, after the courts have decided against building. hone 774. H, RONALD GAST WORKED lWo~oURS therp in several trials, they are attempting The Wickersham commission ought to recOil' { AND A DIS~RAC.E. to defeat the law, or at least, to delay its vene and make a Special vltilt to ruce Lake, WIS .• Commercial Students THE"( SHOULD BE "THE DANG PL.ACE INSIDE AND OUT: functioning by petitioning Gov. Dan W. and find out what the racket Is tbere. The other Commercial students and friends will ha.ve a chicken dinner at the Pull· day one of the town's apparel emporiums announc· sades on Saturday. August 15. The fInal game will be played with SCRAPPE'D~/'" 'rurner for a committee of three 01' five to Dr. Blackstone a8 umpire. Cars will leave unIversity hall promptly at 4 investigate the compulsory tuberculin lest· ed a sale ot U house dresses for 69 centll. Not to p.m. Make reservations by noon FrIday at room 104 university hall or Cilll ing of cattle" in interest of peace and tran­ be outdone, the competing proprietor declal'ed he 92i. quility," and suspend testing until the com­ would pay any woman In town five cents for her trouble It she would only come In and receive a dress PI Omeg" PI InJtiatlon mittee reports. PI Omega Pllnlttatlon and breakfast will be held at the Iowa Union Satur· 'rhis farcical attempt of the farmers in Ceo tree. day. August 15. at 7:45 a.m. Make reservations by 5 p.m. Friday, room 104 dar county to defeat a law that is intended to unlvel'8lly hall or call 921. benefit them as well as their neighbors, has 8y the time Ihe news spread around the countr,. lost much of its llUmor. H has become a play­ Side there W88 hardly stock enou,h left III either place to clotho a kewple doll. Well, at least tbe ed out joke, not only in Iowa but throughout A BOOK, the entire Northwest aud it is time for the au­ bvys enlh'ened buying, and, If they hav!) enough A Washington B,ystander thorities to step in and see that the law is cn· money to buy some more dresses, IIhodld be well AwbWE L.L • forced without more dickering. The law reo on th way to proliperity. Anything to get trading MAKE IT garding tuberculin testing is cleal' and the bllek to norm&l. By KJRKE SIMPSON Co41d Mr. BlOOm even have con· WASHINGTON - Representattve trlved better If he had planned It him· INTO A decisions recently handed down are clear. 8elf as a bicentennial publicity The request for a suspension and investi· "The statesman who trltles with the good will Sol Bloom of New York Is eIther l-IBRAIC'f! of peoples. who gambles with war. Is a traItor to stunt? gation of the testing seems to be no more a very lucky or a very clev;.:-m:;i, humanity." AmerIcan Ambassador Clark told the H,ere he was provIded with a ready. logical than would be the request of a boot· Probably be D]ade chance tP gilt scholars. officials. Press Congr~8S ot the World In Mexico CIty. tho legger to have the functioning of the prohi­ botb, diplomats, congressmen a\ld ju~t hition law suspended until some one investi­ otber day. Then he told the representative news· 'Yet In talkers all to debating publicly buth gates that law. papermen trom 57 countries that It lay In theIr Ing 8.8 ~Ides of tile q .. estion. power to be "either the kindly benefactors or the press agen t tor Patl'lottc tervor was arouseiJ. RQ' Besides, the iarmer puttmg into the peti­ ruIning tyrants of tbe world." Washington sQlutions by pq.trll?tlc societies and tion the words "in interest of peace and centennial oounter moyes trom pacifist organl· tranquility" constitutes a direct threat Years ago. In times of "'lor. newspapers had Uttle bratlon next &8.~lon~ or Ind,lvlduals mlg\1t well be expected, ,And It would all be good, which has been their general attitude or no ethiCS, It was pointed out. They accepted throughout the trouble. It seems that, if fllt ~llIb f'lr Mr. Bloom's \llaenlcnllial Iland·outs Irllm the rUnng Powers and printed al· publicity net. the governor is to give any attention to the legedly virtuous lact. that ,were d"to~ and mil' J petition, he should order the testing com­ , le&dln~. Today, that era ,I. a thine 01 the past. RUBB,NQ IT IN pleted and enforce his edict in whatever way Trained oe\\f'8paper correllPOndente, good eltlzens . In. point of fact every jllstingulalled becoIDes necessary. themselves. ne &lIve to tbe preearlo.sDeg of tbelr foreaeen two Brltl~h v181~Qr to ~a8hl\1gton In he ----- IIOsltiong. l\Iost of &II, whether or not ther are troversles In which IiOt. 8L0Qt,-I last 10'1 or '11ore years baa had tllat Beer for RevenUe aware of the fact, no readlD, public tbelHl daya will he would 00 engaged and which ~omwallls surrender rubbed under , his no~e. · ". ONE OF TIlE arguments being used in IIUpport a newspaper with a reputation for pre,u· would give him front page news space. The sOldl~r.~rllst, John Trumbull. • favor of legalized beer is that it would dice alld wilful Inaccurac,. on,. a national scale. ot reyolutlonary times took care of turn in to the government treasury a lot of First came Mr. Bloom's c,elebrat· t~t. He depleted tbe scene wIt" needed revenue, of which it has been depriv­ This statement added by Ambassador Clark is ed clult wltb "Commodore" Jahnoke herotc 1117.0 tlgpres a8 'one of the fQu .. Dnly picture In six montha ut M,Q ... )Jlans to retul'n to Japan to do lief' • ed under the Volstead Act. This along with perUnent: "Your International responslblllty that ot the navy departmElnt over seagD­ hure canvases hanging In tbe va,t M. has been "1'hI8 ~{od e rn Age." cral plays In the rail ... Reginald the assertion that the pre cnt "tremendous" the greatest good come to tbe greatest number be· Ing whiskers back In revolutionary rotundf. of the capitol. and no visit' Behind the Scenes in Denny will be a pl\e Vele~ WRa Introduceil ~ o 111llOli," as It 18 pow called. , W8ui trio. The members assert that the law shOUld be allow. "I'm tlr9d or bUng th ~ sOC,lety Clark Oll-blo, Waltressc8 evon slopJ Oliver wall put un4eu cqntract '" difficult to &how. WStJI, . PRO~ ~ p.m.-Late nelVs (lashe8 by Tho It is furthermore questionable that the ed to take Its course In the prol!eCution. of tbe , "I"..y.boy with a glass In my hand," pt'd serving. Whcn lhe silence was R.K.O. after he call1e to thla C9c", • For Today Dally Iowan. complillns OwsleY. And ho evl4ent. at Ihl peak, the hoarse voice IIf cllce try to appes r In Noel coward'. "Prt cost of law enforcement would be greatly American aViators with no clemency. o 9 a,m.-NewlI, markets. weathel·. S p.m.-MulllCl\1 progrnm, 1\1l's. Iy means It. tor hIs lI2etro.Qoidwyn. Eclword8 boomea out: "Wcll, good· "ate LIves," Betor/! that. be .­ reduced with the legalizing of beer. In pre· music, and dally smile. •10 • Der~l<;tl Wllco~ , ,"?prqi,o, Mayer contl'act Is being dl~solved by l>ye. c\al'k, old boy" ... A. girl In Cal)taln ,tanhope In the or~naI 10 Volstead days the government had to main· Taking plcturell oyer jipane8e fortifications 11 a,m.-Wlthln the classroom, 1. ~ •• p.m·,trtc nC"'I,rltllillel lJy The mutual consent. Oklahoma e:nbl'oldel'cp a 100 wQrcl London production of -"Journey" tain a large staff for the enforcement of reve­ Beems to as serious wi the 1!1 aA "Meteors." Prof. Churlcs C. Wylie. pt,Jl1 o JIll bl til ~at!v,.. ~~ Jowau. The. young 11ctor will go to San lettor to BUddy nOgel'S on 11 IIcluare End." ·- nue collection. There is every re8ll0n to be· la war. A1r4!&dr, their eflt¥valeat tp our ~tor 1% a.m.-Luncheon hour prograDl, ~ : lO p.m.-Mulllcal jll'ogram. Dob F .. anclHco for a v~atf(in, and then oC linen. My fancy· work ;UltIIOI·jty The young actor 18 descrlbll-I • waul trio, • lieve that the force would have to be employed Is convinced th" tbe ~I of ,...., p~elurea _ Maol~y. return for one more t\·y at J1olly- csUIlIale" this wo~ld ' take "Ight have not met hlm-s ~he RO"" • } p, .m·-WIlQlp the ciAMroQJu. again, to ,guarantee to the government the premeditated and hlteational, _bleb ,the bop are wood. Ie the kind of role" be )Yante 1!0Ul'H •• Sossuo 111l~lIkaWLL Is or· Colman typo. Almo_t evel'J' .t.... 10 revepuq hailed as a recommendation for the tryln, to prove _ but InaONllt III...... I& Is "HI,~ory anC\ Ethics ot Ain~rlcan ~AN~i<~U4. N. Y., Aug. (12 1.1 not fOl'thcomlng-, he declares he gllnl,lnf\' a rrnclng team to moet a In Hollywood wae trying to boI'rGf ;/ journalism," Prot. }~red J. Lazell. return 01 beer. . probably bl,h time the rovemlnellt turnN .&8 (AP)-;-Mrs. Doro~hy CUJllml1\K8, Nllw, will retul'n LO the Rtagl'. . plcflCd , II'roup (l'rT Woseda College him whl'n R.K.O. cOl)cludl'Cllt.1JI'L • S p.m.-Here anti Ihere on the tCIIl . Center. .Ma.~., todny beCll1)'l8 Owsley cl'ented tlje role of Ned In In .Tujan. Th\! dMP Is Aug. 16. An To settle any romantlo aIIPlraJlOp/o It is hard to believe that the champions DOlle a waf from the east and mlffiMI to",..-cJ the " • campus. champion woman arc;l1er Qf t.he the Broadway production of "HolI· Ollen.alr arllna 18 for tllO • of legalized beer are really anxious as they IletUn, sun before somebody ,eta hImIelt Into it h~ln&' bul1~ Oliver. II ,already married ·to lilt" •a _ 3:$0 p.m. - MUlllcal pro,ra\tl. United States lor' the II8venth time. day." He played a sImilar role JII aftalr In tlie Japanese colony at ElAn mond, who e.l,o I. under con­ ~em for t~~ goverwnept to !!av~ all thi~ ..... of trouble, WSUI trio. Mr•. Cummlnes' lleore w.. 282·1,864. GlorI. Swanlon'/i "lndIICI'jlet!" !il. P!!dry !! l InlAY, AUGUST 1:f, 198I PA6ETHRDI, . Z$ -, " » Women Will SKIPPY-The One Exception. Bv PERCY L. CROSBY 1 \ NOW -rAKE COI.O f'40W A80UT Wtl€'" , . , Co~petefor WA-rc;.R. I"O~ €)(AMPLE'. ,(uP, COLO WA"-€,R VA WAN"f "'fo -rAKE Lower AN' W/4€"" " " , -r~ERE'S SOME'TH'tJ' l!a GR£AT, WH£N A "'QT 6~"H? "T"o 1"H,NK ABOUT, Golf Awards r=--.::"""""" VA T""R~T\{ Retail Prices 4-~r---~~-----J ---,------~ Lodie.' Day Tourney '(E:Sc;.IR: r 6OC5!O For the Home and at Country Club I C.OLO WATER I!; the Handy Man GOOD !=OR ABOUT Tomorrow €V6R'fTHIN' vA Never before has good reo CA..'" NAME, Pr~. will be awarded at the La· tail hardware ._been .. so 111ft \lay golt tournlln't'nt Ilt the cheap, Now is the time to CountrY club tomorrow to those per· ~k over your needs and 10'11 winnIng a blind bogey mlltch; low medal score; fewest number of come in and select your putt. on the round; and the lowest wants, lOOn on the three longest holes. @ l U I I Per.,. L_ CraIb,.. Creal Dr'tl'. rlnll ...... " .... . Play will begin at 9 Il.m" and Kin, Fealureo gyod late, Ia<. ENAMEL WARE lunch will be served at the club bOUle at 12:15 p.m, Bowls of gllrden ASlIOrtment enamel ware in cream ~======~======~~======~-.=---=-- =.- =- ====~---~-~~.~~ and creen, your choice, each flower. wll\ decorllte the tnbles at .. Sought m Shooting H. Charles Stump ' Dads Will Have Day University Scientists whICh the guests w1l1 be sented. Mrs. Plan Classes Classes Set Paul Moore a nd Mrs. George KeUer to Prescnt Lecture at Univer ity NoV'~ 21 Attempting to Control 25e will pre.lde &8 hostesses, Algae in Iowa Lakes Thla fall , women members of th; for Saturdays SpeakIng on ")\£od "n wO(l(lwlnt! New Records Fnthel'S ot Ulllv~rsity (If Iowa CHICKEN FRYER Country clU b wIn particlpnte hI" a eI In~tl'ument 8," IT. Chnrl s Stump, students \\'11\ bo InvJtell to Illspeel Cut Iron chIcken fryer at round robin tour ney. Matohes Ilrc to ScIentific research work on the vlsltlng lecturer In music, wl1\ give , be played a t the convenIence of the 25 Courses Included in University the InstitutIon and wItness two out· conlrol ot algne g"owth In the I particIpants. At the end or t he toul'­ 1 he second ot a Rerlps of musIc lec' standIng athletic ('vents at the nn· Rtate's lakes now la In pro. $1.00 I in Nonresident lIual Dad's dny cel'f'monll.lS Nov. 21. nament, prizes will be awarded to tures nt 2 o'clock thlH ortcrnoon In neconl·elzed clnsscs grndulltl'll !;T88S at the Lake.lde labora· It wIll l;c the t~nlh lIrne that a tboae wInnIng the most matches. Studies the lib I'nl arts assembly. 10.')' ot the University of Iowa near DUTCH OVEN from (ou.· Unlvorslly or IOWa unIts wpck end haH been I\('t asllle for thc Milford. Caat Iron Dutch oven at rathel'S. The JIawlle),c (oolball Offering thc benefits ot resident In 1930'Sl, acco.'ding to a rcpol'l Directed by Prot. George W. UI~~I\.~t~:~~I~S:t ~~:lb~~I:tel~:ll::a:; ll'am will meet Northwl'slern, 1930 study to the st udent who cannot ac. complied In the otCIce of Ilerbert C. ~fartln ot the department or BI!; ']'ell co-champion; and the COli· ,$1.00 PERSONALS 'Vest VIrginIa and conducts a high Uorcaa, registrar. !Jotany, the researchers are seeklnl!' tuaUy b",eome a resident of Iowa ~ehool bllll!! At Morgnntown, "'V_ Va. fe"cne,' C"oss countl'y t['ama wIll Mr.. Henry "\Vll lellbrock nnd In the graduate college, HI men .ace for the title on the Iow.1 to dI scover hItherto unkno wn facts City, 25 unIversIty coul'se~ wIll be 'l'hls IR the second Ru mm r that hll Ilbout lake pollution from sewage SKILLET SET daur hter CarrIe, 1112 Muscatine and women won advanced degrel'lI. courSe. avenue, left yoslerilny mOl'nlng fol' oft"'red thIs fa ll unde.' the Saturday has been n me'"ber ot tlw musIc JI"P081l1. Okoboji lake Is t he slle at Small , medium and larce Alae, full facully at the nlver ~lly of Iowa. 'ommer'ce, youngest college or tho depth Ilnd diameter. Set of three f; loull F alls, S. D. , whel'e they wIll clOss plnn. llleh· Investigations, unIversity, awnrOULOS Cleveland, OhiO, was a visItor at the Mrs. Hattie Schaflter 1I00n. 28 and 19~9-30; ,lentlslry, 104 In coUege of dentistry T uesday. nsslgnments at home 811equate to 1 [e dIscussed lhl' politIcal and DISH PAN N Slt\<,.. .~ Vincent Coli , Bronx g!lllg~ HOllored at Dinner 1~18·19 and 1922·23; pharmacy, 48 In occupy the time In the Intervening economIc Slpllflcnnre or th(' (1lI'IIll'" 17 Qu art, Irrcen ens mel, at W!lS souglJt by police in connec· JIll'S. Hattie Schllrrtf'r of Pough· 1923·24 nnll 1924·25 , Ilml low, 135 1n PrOf. Edwarll A. Bartow, head oC perlo(ls. 3/< .~lIlt'd wIth hIRIO,·y, ll'aclng from ~ , 0111,. keepsle, N, Y., who I" vl~ltlng 1900·01. the department or cheml6try, ",110 tion with the shooting of five F ee $15 ('a "l y Am(,I'Il'nn hlHtary to the pres­ 69c children, one fatally, in New Both undergraduate and graduate friends In Iowa. CIly, waR honored )I.. been In Douglas, Mich., wIth hlH Ilt a. dinner at &:30 D.m. y('st ,.day enl day. "Iptlon ot the Jll ~' (anllly at their sUl'l')mer home, lij York '8 "J.Jittle Italy." Ilis fo1- slndles ore given, the fees being 111 g-urcs, as they dely at Iowa Union, 11o >l l9 wei's M.·. and Thennometers Show I Use CAKE COVER ,pending the reat or til ls week III lowers were id ntified to au. eIther cll.se $15. This fee entities the A slight Increllse In heat, over 101\. See Prof. Mrs, Ted n ehder, Lloyse ] ~ I ~her, nnd Iowa City. as W]10 stuMnt to regIster for two courses. lhat ot Tuesday, brought the lemp. E namel cake cover a t thOl'itirs the gunmen did Mrs. Sndle Ford. Nine p rBons at. M"s. Willicun TIayeh :atlon de l'Analy" 1.l1e shooting. From those I\](pectlng to regIster cralure up to 82 yesterday. At 7 I Jeu deB eches,' tended. ( J onph J . Butlerbnul:'h of near n.m. lhe thermomeler regIstered Entertains Ilt Bridge 8ge )s Mason's "The ~~~~;;;~;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;: In the College ot Jlberal arts and to Mrs. Sohn((le1' was formerly hos· JCa\ona, Is visiting hI. daughter, c:: ..;.:: graduate f .. om the unIversIty, com· ti4, nnd at 7 p.m, regIstered 65. Tho lIonorlnA' lIfrA. .Iohn 1{lrch.wr. 58." less at Iowa Un Ion. Mn. Delvln H. Pllend, 430 S. VU.II Maquokela, head of llie club pro· plete t'(,cords or credits corned are lowest temperature recorded tor MrR. William] InYf'1r Plllel'tolned nt ~t u e In Honor 01 , a brldgl' plll·ty 'l'lIp~tlny afternoon al ICY·HOT Ru ren atreet. gram asJ'v Ice of the clClcn~lon cUrl· reQulrNl by the reglslrar from all 1'uesday night was 46. .ok" her home, 314 FJ. Brown sh'eel. One quart; keeps cool 7% hOUrs, slon, Is In Iowa Clly on buslnes8 s('condlLry ~" h ooI8, and Institutions Mrs. Harlan Amen BI'ldge was plnycd at lhr('e lables. hot 24 hours Cui B. Burn~lde , pharmacy '12, for a few days. of higher learning, previously at· "ho hu been employed III Griswold, tended. Hostess at LU1et-heon Garnge P ermit J8II1U't1 Jllrs. 1\1. lelhall1er was [lwanled !\'lrs. Harlan Amen will ('nt('rta!n Permission was gIven E. W. prlz Cor 1,Igh SCOI'('. Mrs. Milo No\'y ID now wIth the Jay J)rug cornllany Mrs. n. r., Cllmllbel1, Mrs. Lola Sludents expecting to regIster In $1.59 at a 1 O'Clock IUn ch('on toc1Il.Y nt hl'" Bruce tollay by Cily Inspector C. A. won rut prlz!', and M.'s. n. " 'agner ot Shenandoah. 'Vatklns, anll 1111'S. 1I1lC(I "Vatldns, thl' graduate college tor the first home, Woocllawn all n I' t 111 a II t ~ . Kutcher to build a prIvate glll'ag" r{'celved f~ )lrl,1' for low '1C'01'O. ·\AYE-To 419 PINlsanl sl,·e(.t, IIllve lett for a 11m .. a'p rl'Qulr .. d to sl'nd to the THRIFT JUG Guests wIll be Rl'lltl'd at 0111' long on Grnnt street south oC LIncoln lIfl'H. ]{II'('hner will leav" tomor· Chulea H . Mal'mh, IUIslatant tltll· I'eglstrar offIcial ftran9C~lpts from )I-P DAY I hl'ae weeks lou.· of the sou lh and table decorated with g'(l.,·(]cn flowel'8. nvenue. Construction work Wa H let rOw fo.' 1,'1. Dort,;!', wllt'I'" JIll', 1{ll'cll· l{eep8 Ilquids Ilnd foodS, one /Ca l· veralty relrls!t'llr, rolurned yes leI'· west, vlslling 'tellnesseo and Colo. nil Institutions ot hIgher learning. Three Stores Ion Eight persons wIll altNHI. to Harry Shrock for the sum of ,lGO. re.· hus e~tnbllHhed hi. law lll'al'tlce, ~090-·.. . dny (rom a two week vllcatlon. ,·ado. Red ster Oct, 10 neglstration should be concluded $1.19 Wayne Kemmel'er of Pllrkersburg Mr. and JIll's. Ve,'non Bean ot Ihe morning at the first class meet· " .. Will a buslnes8 cu.ller In [owa City Anlhony, Kan., were guests this lng, Oct. 10. and there will be 0 TEA KETTLE yu terday, enrouto to Washlnglon, weelc nt the hOl11e or MI'. alld Mn. genernl meeting ot all >Iltudents on, All Aluminum D, C., where he wlil ~t u dy law lbla 'V_ D. Marlin, 014 N. Ullbert stl,pel. lhat day at 8 a.m, 'J ,al1. Credit tor the 8uccesstul comple· Finer Furs Lower Prices Iva Krabbenhott ot Omaha, Neb_, tlon or each course will be three $1.29 / Armond J . Cllrrow, )lhlll'macy '24, Is a guost at the homo oC Sally May Memesler hours, ",'hlch may be ap' New 1931-32 Models·· Buy Now and Save! who baB been working In Mlnne· Boyce, 412 S. Oovpl'no,' street. Miss pJted toward II. unIversIty degree the BEATS-ALL EGG AND Ipolla, Minn., tlDs recently accellted Krabbenhott pIa nA to ontcr the unl· sarno as resIdent c"etllt. • positIon with the Sl. Cloud DI'l'g verslly In Septembor. Course will be oftered In the tollow· CREAM BEATER company, St. Cloud, MInn. Ing subjects. economics, educatIon, Egg a nd cream whip made to 1811 Mrs. Kalhryn SnIder of ChIcago English. home economics, journnl· at 00c; l4JJeclnl Wary Newell, unlverally educntlon Is vIsiting at Ihe J\'lyer S,llde,· resl. Ism, musIc, political scIence, psy· \lbrarlan, left yeHtordny for II. dence, 719 S. CapItol sla·eet. ('hology, socIology, speech, and child 23c -' month'l vacation a t her home In wetrare. IndIanola, J. R. SamBon , an employe or Last yellr. stlt denls came trom be· , Genume Laskin Lamb ••• Northern Seal with Fitch collar WASH BOILER Montgomery 'Val'd anel companY, yond Des MoIne.. Burlington, Ot· I I and cuffs ••. Jap Weasel collar and cuffs , .. Ermine col· Well made boller, copper bottom Charles Har vey, pharmacy '28, ot has returned troll' l'l week vacation I umwn, and Waterloo. ~I Clinton vIsited In Iowa Cily ye8Ie,·. at Washington, Ia. Jar and cuffs ••. Silver Muskrat Coals-Shawl collar, • • day. Couple Oets U cense $2.75 Holt! Business !\f eel ing One marrIage \!col1se app\!cat!oll Combination Silver and Dark Muskrat ..• Na tural Pony Dorothy Murlln, 614 N. Ollbert The I"lons cluh hl'ld a regulnr \VIIR Issued yesterdny by Walte~ J. Coals-Belted sport style • • • Striped Marlllil1k Coal­ Itreet, has l'et urncd Crorn a t IVO business meetlng yesterday (ollow· l3arrow, clerk or the dletl'lot court, VEGETABLE FRESH· week vaeatlon In Chlcngo. . Ing theIr we I,ll' luncheon. Guests to Fre(lrlck S. Wltzegmlln, Johnson stunning style. ENER at the meeting wera: Prof. Dale counl)', and Alta B. o (,gg, Black For Ice or electric refrll'eratol'll; Mra. P earl Bennett llroxom ot Yoder and Horace Slucle Hawk county. saves money by sa ving (ood Prices quoted above for 'August only! $1.00 Every indication points to higher fur HAMMERS coat prices in September, Get Yoltrs 10e, 25c, 50~ " now! .", ,f BALL PEIN HAMMERS Be8' make 65c,85e " ,,, Be thrifty, order your fur coat now while prices ... are at their lowest. Every coat in this great sale FILES is an advance FalI model, purchased during the lull Mill bllllard riles; beIIt quallt, in the fur industry at savings that make it possible 10e, 12<; 15c, 20c, SOc for us to offer them to you at these, the LOWEST Japan to do N" , , PRICES IN YEARS! PIPE WRENCHES tall . . . Reglasld An of these are fresh, new skins. We did not Fll'llt qualit y pa In October ... carryover a single fur coat from last year. ] PcgS'1 Shannon fNTEDESTf 65c,85c ~ e nt a house at "tu A~E OF COURSE YOU KNOW HOW SMART IT IS TO WEAR uan ber ot people IN THE STYlES 0F MONKEY WRENCHES luggestlng ,uccet' Travel Tweed-Novelty Wool Crel,e-Wool Friska and Satin ,. U nfortunalel', J0M0RR0W~T0DAY 40c, 50c, 60c COnsiderIng onl, • YQU WANT YQUR CHISEL SET ClSl'HES TS fiT DRESSES Chl8e1 set of 3 tor- ~ IilTt\Rf J )IO(/A ~MIONAJI1'1... tea wllh rumor! f RIGHT NOW AND FOR EARLY FALL $1.00 hlUl been ~' ICO" VQU W<:)ULD Oli ve.·, a z.c y-" ALARM CLOCK vho !las jUtt ~n • BE. THE STYLE- Waterbury dock, /l'uanoieed OD. )osi te Pola NI!fI1 L!ADER IN VC:>UA year nrnands." J to , c omc~ afler onl, f S£T--- 98c Ire, "Tile ~phjDl "WIn e In t_' WESTERN SPRAY II calle~ . ", 'HERE IS TH£ SHe:» And you will wear these charmiu g frocks so many different places! Indet cqntl'&41 bY MAKER V0U HAVE S0UGHT 60c value, oalT me tn tllll ~lIIt To college teas ••• informal proms ••• business or on the street. 'el Coward', "1'1+ lAND 1).1£ PRICES V0U '1'/1 that, he ,,... I 19c / In the orJllnal HG>PED_ FaR.1 , ot ,J'JoUrPey'l A DepOSit will Hold Fine 18 deee rl~-1 Your Coat UntU the RopaJli :Watch for these utterly delightful style chats. Th~y begin soon FOX SCARFS _I You Want It. Leaoeh S l o~ t every ,tllf' $15 to '59.50 tryIng to borJ'CI' ,f30 STORAGE FREE Cilek' )\\cludtl$f It. 4eP • fAST + Until Coat is Deliv­ antIc asplrallo .... WASHINGTON TIle Blar Hardware on arrled to ,Jill J) ered WaBhln&1on St. I under CODtnII ,. 1 'PAGIlJl'OUR THE DAILY IOWAN. IOWA Cl'l'Y THURSDAY, AUGUST 1S. 19&1- rwms.. :~Cards Open Final Eastern lnvasion With DOllble Win Over Robins 5-0, s~i .------~' ------. Haines Hurls BWNDIE-A-- -JP'-- et Sponge. By Chic Y""., :. Sportively TI-5: toEf ..... ,CQtv1ING OUT P~~"'·- ,)'~_.jl"_ M'>' 8CIK'.... C!I 1-Ie:\:(E. ANa DI~CING yt)UR ~ SHOW--N""" 1'l..L. ~ Shutout, Flint ~EN"'S 'NI"I'H THIS VUI-G/>o..Q S,aopsl • S~a,king 'TO GOIVIi: '0-16: p...uQIII;....c._ c::>R1Z.e:· I=I

Mrs. T. S. Danko.. I. ~1.ltlnc with her parente Mr. and Mr•. J. L . 10% Discount Jiu.,y of Wilton. DURING OUR AUGUST SALE PART WOOL SINGLE BLANKETS Mre. E. Onsler and Mrs. M. "C" PLAID AMANA BLANKETS I. In reu.dl 1\ uddlelten attended a birthday Two-tone contrasting colors; jacquard borders in t? leal'" Silt. Plain or solid colors: 4 inch block patterns: all colors h~re, where IlIlrty at the home of Mrs. Butter· beautiful designs and colorings; heavy quality: dou· \laugh at Frytonn, Tueaday. moored 'I'm'! ~::h;;~i~h~~~:~~!~!~: pair . __ . ______110.95 ble bed size, 70x80 inches, $2 95 10 Robert Clark of Penn town.hlp each ______--. ------.. ------... -- --... ----. • The col one terdllY all(l \ ~181tetJ Wednellday wltll hi' coulln, "ZERO" AMANA BLANKETS AUGUST SAI£ VALUES ('hu-k McGlnnle. Weight 4% pounds. 5 inch block patterns or plain BEACON PART WOOL DOUBLE BLANK:ETS onechal1lts. Plaids or plain colors: slight irregulars; does not IlIled 10 tlwlt solid colors; size 701:80 inches; $8 95 000 gallons. M ... R. D. Hulbar apd dauehter pair . __ .. __ .. __ ... __ ... ____ .. __ ... __ . __ ...... now ...... m.... • in any way affect $69 The Llndb ))ol'othy of Cedar RaIlI4a vilited wear ... ______.. __ .. __ .. ______.. __ . ______... __ .. ____ .$2 a 69 ~!~~ . ~.~~~.~.~.~ __ .. __ ..... __ ...... ____ ...... "seein g th wlih )10". Ii'red Krlz 'ruelday arter. "TWIN" AMANA BLANKETS .l\oon. In 5 inch block patterns, also plain solid colors; a All Beacon blankets are superior hl' weave and fin· ~~~~~~~~ ..~~ . ~~__ ..... __ ...... __ ...... __ ...... 179 laken first I ish. They wash much better than inferior makes. \ (with Fitch trim) hlge d\ 'cdg~H Genevlev. Keuler villi ted at the SILVER MUSl{RAT era I tl eposita :=:4d~:~~::~~re~ . ~~~.~.~~--~~:--~~. 7.95 $89 }{yaka. un home Of her II.ter At re. Joseph $1 SINGLE COTTON SHEET BLANKETS coat ...... --...... ---- ...... __ ...... Rohret. blanket·tosHIl "ARCTIC" SINGLE AMANA BLANKETS Double bed size. 70x80, assorted colors, C NORTHERN SEAL ~ bl\lons by lh Plain colors, no borders, aU colors, weight 4 pounds: 69 119 Mr. and Mrft. RaYmond 1'811 and plaids and plain colors, each .. ______. __ ...... __ .. __ . coat .'.. --.------.. ,------. ----. ----.. ---- .. --..... -- ... ----... :II' program. f"mlly of Phoel,llI:, Aria. are vlllt· (with Ermine trim) :;ci~~~8!!:C~~~ no. __ . ____ : ___ $.7.95 IlIg with Mr. 1'el\'s aunt, M.rs, Harry ... __ .______.. BEACON PART WOOL DOUBLE BLANKETS BRO'fN CARACUL ~129 Plan to J FllrchJld, and ...ter, Mr•. D. H. coat ...... ____ ...... ____ . __ ...... ____ ... ~ Rarey, and otber relall... here, "RAINBOW" 4·POUND AMANA BLANKETS Plaid or plain colors. Double bed size, ~ 3 19 Pansbor, 70x80 ------.. ------.. ------.. --... --.----.. --.--. !l£ • __ __ . __ ...... __ " .... __ .. __ . __ ... TOKYO, A Mr. and Mr.. Ed Burtnan and ~:::: e:~;= s:~~~t ~~.~.~~__ ~~~ ... $ 7~ 95 :~tL~ ~.~.~.~.~~ $145 l 'lIe H,'ngo " family have been In Mclll'ocor for a SHEETS AND CASES IN AUGUST BLANKET (Mole dyed) Infol'lnetl by " HOUSEHOLD" o4·POUND AMANA BLANKETS t.w day •. SALE AT SPECIAL PRICES ottlre Iway and Hugh II Home spun Bleached Sheets, J ohana Orat of Iowa City :r~~~!~;~i .~.. ~~ ..~~~.~~.i.~~.: __ .$6.50 79C Arrangementl may can fl yers. \'lllted at the 110,"0 ot J. '1'. Hterlan~ 81](99 ...... __ .. ____ . __ .. __ ... --. ----...... Free Insurance Polio, lioQrge Of I and Mrl. Jacob Mler MondaY eva· SPRINGFIELD ALL WOOL DOUBLE 81 x 108 ... __ ... __ .. ____ . ____ ...... , ______.. __ ...... ____ ...... __ .. __ .. __ sSe be made with our zon ea from nl.... PLAID BLANKETS 42 inch Bleached Cases ..... __ .. __ .. ____ .____ .. __ .______.____ .__ .17c on every fur coal bought in Augu" ment, Henl(O 701:80 inches; welrht aboat 5 pounds: 100% pure Credit Dept. to meet The plclur Dean Jonea hili returned after wool; only 25 palra at this priee. Come $5 98 One of the big features of this August sale will be a frea with II 8ma: ,lIll1n. In Cbl/:&lo tor a f.w lilly •. era durin g t earlr for they won't last long, pair ...... • your individual re­ Inaurance Policy on every Fur Coat-this InSU1'llnce pro· (rom J(h:l~ ( tects you Crom 1088 by thert, fire and pllferalle-a. genuine Mr.. Ira HIIII and ohlldren of PART WOOL SHEET BLANKETS quiremenu. nfter II'Cdl il co Orilll1l!l1 and 104'... Ivan Roee anet $8 .00 InsurBnce Policy free with every rUr coat puo'chased AIsorted colorecl plalda, double becllllze, A Small Deposit WItI Hold an errort to family w.... lunohMln I'u.. tII at "'. 98C In thl. sale. 70)(80. each __ ...... Any Coat Til Wanted ord fOr &11 home of Mn. Dana ~Ile Wedn... mebt. day. Mrl. Hili and ~re. no •• were foraa.rly ot Coralvllle.

I ,