Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1931-08-13

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1931-08-13 --- J I School Board Prize Winner, Hire" Teacher8, Duy Supplies aa I In Third Annusl 4·H Sbow WW !IIeptiug. See Story F ound Today on on Pa, e 6 \1 Page 6. FJVE CEr-."TS 6 PAGES IOWA CITY. JOW A. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1931 VOL, XXXl NUMBER 62 $10,000 Fund J ames Murray Dies Diamond Must Three States Seek MICHIGAN DEA'fH CAR Mter Month's mne88 Custody of Winkler Iowa Citians Wanted for Robberies Promised for James Murray, 66, dIed at his Serve 4 Year Complain to home In 'Vashlngtoll town.hlp yes· ST. JOSEPH, MiCh., Aug. 12 (AP) t ~ l' d a y arterlloon, follo'l\'lnll a Legion Deficit month's IIness. Prison Term - \\' hlle tllI'ee states prepared to State Board 1\1 .'. Murray lived In JohnlOll claim custody of QU8 Winkler, want· Filial Contributions by county ull or hi. Ufe, havIng been Gets Maximum Penalty ell tal' numerOU H bank robberies. phy· Towl1.8, Counties Object bom on the tarm where he died. slcla ns at !\fercy h08pltal said to· Banks Complete Surviving him are hili alsten: Mrs. as War Starts on nlghl that Winkler, Injured In all to Real Estate, L. J . Duffy, Parnell; Mrs. Patrick Sub eiptions Mooney, Iowa City: and lIfrs. Charles Hoodlums a utomobile accident last wellk. will Farm Levies Brogle, osgl'ove; and one brother, not be able to be mov ed (or se" I'al DES 1I101NES, Aug. 12 (AP}-The' 'I' h~ $10.000 whl h the bOlll'd or T. F. Mur.'ay. Iowa City. NEW YORK, Aug. 12 (AP}-'l'he days. state board or assessment and re­ trus t ~e~ or thr A me"lcan Ll'j: lon Funeral arrangements ha ve 1I0t law struck ai gangdom t!'Om the The conteat tor possesslQn of the view today took under advleemllnt prisoner Is expec ted by loc al officers bull <lf ng ha~ b~~11 a ttempting to been made. Iront and r"al' today. Impo»lng the I'roteats flied by cities and towne to come to a heael Friday or Satur· ral.e sln c~ .TnlllHl\·y to make up a heaviest sentence possible all Jacl( agoJnst Increased property valu ... tlay, with presentallon of claims to dellclt In last rn ll 's ctllll paign. hall. (Legs) Diamond and detailing crack tiona ror Msesament. the goverllor of Michigan. Represenlatl ves of nearly a lIeO" been rully subscrlhed, 'rhomas Ma r· Bellboy Kills marksmen to conducl a continuouH 'Varra nts fa.· bank "obberles In hunt for hoodlums sll1l at lal·ge. C.r cities a nd counties appeared be­ tin, director or the buildi ng. an· York ville, III .• and Jefterson, Wis .. lore the board during the day, Bdd. nouncpa yeslerday. Lawyer After The slim racketeer, who previously already at'e here and at Lincoln, ing theh' protests to tholl8 whlcb The bortnl allell lil lecl lo ralHe Ihe had " beaten the rap" 24 out or 26 Neb., extradition pa pers were be· hll<l been made since the board re­ money In st aut limn by a public ap· times, hes I'd a tedera.! judge trolll Ing pI'epared on a Charge ot partlcl· ,enlly a nnounced Its adjusted voJu ... pt'al for rUII<lH. hut a lt hough a saUs· Parking Fray Kansas o"der him to sarve four pa tion In the t2.600.000 robbery of t lons on town lots, tarm landa an4 lactory number of bOllds were sold years In the Atlanta penllunllary the Lincoln National bank and Trust livestock. only $5.000 or Ihe nece"sILry ,I Ii,OOO and pay a $11,000 tln&-the mul· company l8.!I t September. In nelY mon y was collected. Negro Shoots Attorney mum penalty tor his con vlctlon or Quiet Campaign at Washington, D. C., beer running and dlatlllery ownel·· Jows. VIllanI were represented A qu iet cal1walgn 111 Ja lllla ry wae s hip. 14 Dead After In protesting tbe to per cent begun to "ollclt 100 perso ll s fO I' can· Admits Act Alloclate Sentenced general tax increase yesten!aT trlbutlons of $100 eILch. Dlllmond's aSlIOcl ate In tho Cnt· at I he Des Moines heannr. Th fl nol conl l'lbuUons to com· WA SHINGTON, Aug. 12 (AP) - skills beer trade. Paul Quattrocchi, Cubans Clash "The result," atated D, W. plete th .. lolal W C" e maile by t he An a rgument over a parking space who was con vic ted at conspirIng to CrID1\, lea.der of tbe aroup, "wall Flr!t Nnllonal hanl(. lhe Johnson ior at Yp ila-nti High school, tlnd H llrry Lohr, led to the fatal shooting or W . Frank violate the prohibition law only, was The fire scarred automobil e in which Vivian well worth the trip, and we teel County Savings banl(, the CItizens sentenced to Atlanta penitentiary 18, also a student lit that school, were fo und that there will be no reneral Norman, wealthy attorney, by Jo· Federal Troops Fight Savings ani! 1'rust balik, a nd the tor two years and tined ' 6, 000. Gold, 15, of leveiand i Anua May IIarrisoD, beaten and burned to death, on a lonely road Il eal' Ia.x raJlle In Iowa CIty a1t1Jough seph H. Diggs, Sl year old Neero 200 Rebels, Take Iowa Ity R avhll~ 9 bank, who re· P Olice Commissioner lIf ulrooney 17, of Cl('veland; Th omas Wheatley, 16, a sen· Yp8ilanti, lIUch. there mlgll~ be individual tllolt lunded one halt or lhe Intet·e"t. from bellboy today In rront ot the Ward· transrerred II. squad or crack eharp. 26 Prisoners • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • Incrtlll3e8." March 1. 1929 to Sept. I , 1931, on man park hotel. shooters to the motorcycle dlvlston Random e anlples of ]0_ their rl rst mortgage hond holdings. Norman. who came here 11 yearll of the New YOl'k police today under HAVANA. Aug. 12 (AP}-Fourteen VICTIMS OF AUTOMOBILE PYRE Ciiy property were IiIOWD to the The mon~y will be u~ed to pay ago trom Chattanpoga, Tenn., to be· orders to patrol each or the 16 pOlice rebela and one rural guardsman Search Fifth h earing board in an attempt to overdue Intel'cst on bonds a nti out· come 0. special assistant attorney districts with new automatic shot· Were killed late today, the Cuban provo lull WIIIe8811lent on city .tnndln g bills. M.·. M(u· tln dec lared general, was waiting tor his chaur· guna. £overnment reported tonight, In a Man in Auto real esiale. Delegates were be­ that nO fUl'th ~ . · campalgll (or money leur to take Illm to his downtown !\lore Trouble Ahead clash between tederal troops and t()re the board for approximately wo uld be Il"~,,s " ... ry us the Legion oftlce when tired upon. A atlll turthel' accounUng with rabela at Cejas Del Negro. an hour iJlflCU88lnr the tax I... exp.ctR to bo ohle, undel' ,~ cur· Fires Four Shotll the law lIe8 ahead for Diamond, The government statement also Pyre Tragedy (' rease, results of wblch wUJ be tailed budget. La l1IeN ex penH('M. pay whose only stay In prison thu8 tal' said 26 prl80ners were taken by the announced at a later date which Interest, anu rl' U" e prl nclpul on Four shots hit him. He died an b8.ll been a short term for burglary, federal troops, togetber with J'lUe8 \Va llot dlflClosed by (he hea~ bond s, from building Illcome. hour later at Emergenoy hospital. "I \Vould be l'emlss In Ill y duty a nd a quantity of ammUnltlon. lng's board. ul:J )e(lg t'8 ( 'CUlling' in" Diggs surrendered and police laid Murdered Couples Seen If • did not suggest lo the dlsl!'lct T he federa.! torclls were Jed by Amon&, the Iowa. CIt7 mell Dlreclol' Murtin Maid tllM pay· he confessed. He was charged With murder. attorney." said Irede.-al Judge Rich· Lieutenant Ca ptnln Aral a nd Lieut· With Another Man that attended the hearlnr were: ments On plce),;"s III the ~l'colld cam· ard J . Hopkins, "that evidence ahow· "a nt Rezane, It said, and the r ebela Lell.oy !\t ercer, Georre D. palgn hnvp bel'n "col1llll g' In nlce­ WitneSSes told police Olga'. tired Before Killing Ing possession, t" a nsportatlon and 200 strog, were corom.ded by Luis noser, D, \V. Crurn, 8111n D. Iy." Suusrl'lbel's have two years In two shots Into the lawyer's back and sale In violation of the Jnllel act be Del Pozos. Whiting, Francis R. Sueppelr whiCh to mal( p Ilaymenl. a thIrd Into the head as he cried, ". ANN ARBOR, Mich., Aug . ] 2 (AP) laid berore the grand Jury. P rior to this, no news of arlned J . J . Carroll, Lou Kaulmrua" The Legio n w ill have 20 yt'ars In know I'd get you." A fourth struck -New clews In the tOI-.ch mu rder or 'fblriy to Forty Years! contllct between rebelH and soldIers Jacob Van del' Zfe, )\lIke F. which to pay orr II ~ JJO ' H I ~d l n d~lJ t ed· NO"man as he lay on the ground. "The detendanls Dlamund a nd reached Hava na today, but I'epol'ts two yc:> ullg couples, ,,~o.e automo· L_dCfl, and WillIam Wblte. ness. Then DI"a walked Into the hotel. QuattrOCChi, It conVi cted or orlmes received here said thal the rebellious bile waa their tunel'al p~' l' e, senl or· A representative of the bea~ " h following (' ontl'llll .I ~11 to the The house detecllv8 disarmed him broug ht to light through the evi ­ spirit was growl g In the two near· IIII' board wal:! In Iowa CIty emerge ncy f.llId.
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