National@ Pastime
II What t, ba&ball to America? Eacb to . his own way, the writers in this edition TNP ofThe National Pastime confront that question and suggest different answers. Where all agree, however, is that while baseball is surely a game-a fact sometimes obscured in a gumbo of"rites ofpassage" and "cosmic resonances"-it is also more thanjust the game of our youth. (Why else study a box score, or read a publication like this?) Merritt Clifton, in "Where the Twain Shall Meet," ~~=================::'THE points out that America's national pastime has long since -===================== gone international. Now baseball may-perhaps must National @ Pastime provide a model to all humanity ofhow the values ofthe A REVIEW OF BASEBALL HISTORY individual and those of society can be in harmony. For Clifton, "the twain" signifY not only East and West but also male and female, winter and summer, farm and city, Let's Go Back to Eight-Team Leagues, war and peace. Can baseball light the way for the world's john McCormack 2 tribes to come together as one? Read this provocative Do Clutch Pitchers Exist? Pete Palmer 5 piece, beginning on page 12. Take-Charge Cy, Dan Krueckeberg 7 Baseball is sport, and it is business.John McCormack, in Where the Twain Shall Meet, Merritt Clifton 12 "Let's Go Back to Eight-Team Leagues" (page 2) proposes The Last Brooklyn Dodger, jack Zafran 23 a revolutionary plan-in the sense that the old has re Acrostic Puzzle,jtjfrey Neuman 25 0 volved 180 to become new again-to make baseball The Year of the Hitter, William B.
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