40 Cars Spaghetti Hamburg Sandwiches Dangled Thei- While the Belplsea Vlo- Lessened Noticeably
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IBtiniitriibt lEvntino %m dli \ SATORDAT, lU LT .Vi' inucLw amovtjaeioih SVnir members ot tbs Isither I KraHi « l M m , ISM laague of the Emanuel Lutheran Building lot for aale ABOUT TOWN church leave this week-end to spend WATKINS BROS. SUN UFE ASSURANCE a week’s vacation at the New Eng PENTLAND 5d4fc frnMtafe, sidewalk, gna, CO. OP CANADA 5 , 8 6 8 THE FLORIST DfOOBPOBATED water, aewer, « Strlokland St. and Idta. Fred Atwood and land Conference Luther League DDNOAN A. OOOPi-ib f, ot North Adanu, Hass., are Bible School and Recreation Camp TONIGHT 17 Oak Street ROBERT K. ANDERSON Fred H. Norton •7 Laneneter R<muI ftwy their vacation .with Hr. at lake WInnepesaukee, N. H. They Fmieral DIreetor IM Bbtai St., Bbacbeator, Oran. Blaaehester u n b MANCHESTER — A (TTY OF VILLAGE (HARM Mrs. Thomas Coni an of Bond are: Hiss Edith Johnson of New For a Real Good Time In a Real Cool Place, BDBNirrrs o r and Hr. and Hrs. Edwin street. Hiss OUdys Johnson of Cot Bird Seed-Oravel Funeral servlee in home he of Henry street tage street Arthur Johnson of Bong Restorer ypL. LV„ NO. 242. : ra Page to.) Laurel street and Ernest Berggren Come To the SILVER G R IL L - Mrd Teeth and Grit like surroundings. BIAN(»IESTKR, COI^,, MONDAY. JULY IS, 19SS. (TWELVE PAGES) of Laurel street A Urge number Seng T m r 'An audit ot the boOks of the 142 EAST CENTER ST.' IW a a en ot the Uoose wlU be held to- of Leaguers are spending the week F eaturing. Bird S al^ KSetrow afternoon at 9 o'clock at the end at the camp. rlah Food Telephone: f IfOBM ot Hra. Hasel Snow ot Cum- Bird Tonie HANGING APACHE Stream Gone; Shade Cattle’s Only Solace r#inand -street All on the auditing The annua] outing of S t Har- Lonla Pawdor Office 5171 House 7494 BRITISH LEARN . .idMninlttee are urged to attend this garet’s Circle. Daughters of Isabella, -anaeUng. will bo held Wednesday at Columbia Show of Shows DROUGHT, GREAT HEA- Lake. The. members will go out to 5 ( S L A Y E R TAKES OF THE ARMING the lake early in the afternoon and Connectlcnt’s Champion Tap Dancer and Comedian. A bo will have a basket lunch during the late afternoon, plaimlng to return Girl Tap Dancers and RoDer Skate Dancer. OVER HALF HOUR ive Your Money A< in the evening. National Union For Social Justice OFHWLAND ABEL’S MUSIC OF COURSE BT THE CUNGS TO MIDDLEWEST Hiss Edith and Hiss Nona Pear UNIT NO. 27 FCnt Rate Aoto and Trneli son of Hemiock street teachers in Will Hold Their Regular Monthly Meeting llree Time Kfller Who NorA SeaFortress Disman- REPAIRS Uanchester schools, are spending a ‘ 29 Cooper St Est 1921 part of their vacation at their home Monday, July 13,8 P. M. Rains Bring Relief in PtoU In Hancock, N. H. Merrymakers . Asked for Death Execot- ded by AHies After War H eat W ave in State WEST SIDE RECREATION CENTER ” of Northwest and Sooth; ^ Important Business! ed on Makeshift GaHows, Being Fortified by Nazb, Shattered by Showers All Members Please Attend! F r IGDAIRE COMMERICAL Near CooKdge Dam Commons Hears. Deaths from Prostratioii ROBERT ADAMS, President. SILVER GRILL By ASSOCIATED PRESS ^and that Kendall had died on Satur and Drowning Amonnt to <Sreat News day and Schamr on Friday. WHERE EVERYONE HAS A GOOD TIME I Isan Carios, Arix., July 13.— (AP) London, July 18.— (AP) — Lord Tbe wave of excessive heat over R efrigeration Bonatful Earl Gardner, ptnt-aized Connecticut appeared broken today In Hartford Dr..Henry M. Cos For Vacationists Cranbome, undersecretary of state tello, medical examiner, said that 1^47 Over the Weekend. Apache Indian, Uiree times a killer, for foreign affairs, told the House but Its toll In lives continued. _ the death of William J. Wilson who ^' All Types of Installations, Including ' * DOUBLE VALUEI BARGAIN PRICED! hanged from a government gallowa of Commons today he, imderstood With 17 deaths already crMIted succumbed Saturday to a heart at< SAFETY TESTED! K O O LER -K E6 for 33 minutes at dawn today wblle Heligoland was being forttfled by to the weather In four days last tack was not c'used by the brat Chicago, July IS.— (AP) — armed men stood guard as a warn aa was at first thought. SYSTEM Germany. Asked if the island was week, the name of Louis Somley, Drought and record shattering heat ONLY ONE IN SOUTH ENDl Ing to tribesmen not to interfere. The body of Adam (Zoom was Use your cash for your vacation. No MILK COOLERS Gardner, 81 years old, who insist being fortlfled by leave of the Brit 27, of Fairfield, was added to the elung to the long aufferlng mlddla ish government, Lord Cranbome found lying beside a railroad track ad that the government hang him list today at Bridgeport, where he Sunday in Ume Rock. Dr. (Zlark K. west and east m the northern half down payment and 20 months to pay. Drawing of $50 Door Prize Tonight! (New Aerating System ■— No Bulky Brina Tank) said, "No, it is not being fortlfled of the Nation today as Ufa glylng for killing his wife and infant son, by leave of ansrane.’’ died in a hospital as a result of Peterson, Salisbury medical ex 101 W a y s voS»Tome Between 11 and 12 o’clock. and boasted that he would take it prostration. He was stricken Fri ralna in portions of tbe northweet M e hew Lord Cranbome, acting in the Tortured by the pitlleas, scorching sun rays that beat down on their bony flanks, these cattle huddle paUieU-' aminer, said Coons appeared to be WALK-m BOXES — DISPLAY CASES "like an Apache,” met a horrible day. sunstroke victim but that he could and the south over the week-end with Johns-Manville Building Materials death. place of Foreign Secretary Anthony V shade of a bridge beiieath which, only a short time ago. flowed a cool stream in which they which were expected to aid other SPEaAL TONIGHT! Eden, made the announcement in splashed and quenched their thirst. Scenes such as this are common In western regions, as the terror of A forecast of showers already not determine the cause of death RAVIOLI WATER COOLING - ICE MAKING His body struck the side of the drought Ungers on. was fulfilled In part in some section definitely. eSlleted eectlona "fltosl^ ou t" trap aa the trigger was sprung. It answer to a question from Oliver Death from preetratira and Locker-Lampmn, a Conservative of the state and the humidity had Victims of heat Induced heart at 40 Cars Spaghetti Hamburg Sandwiches dangled thei- while the belplsea vlo- lessened noticeably. Cool breezes tacks in the state since last Wed drowning mounted to at least 1J47 AIR-CONDITIONING tlm groaned and kicked. Those di member, whether Germany’s prom TO CHOOSE FROM *— $25.00 AND UP m ise not to refortlfy Heligoland had brought additional relief. nesday were; William Hilliard and and crop destruction oontlnued at BALLANTINE’S RUPPERT’S SCOTCH ALE recting the execution talked once ot Temperatures in CoiuiecHcut Arthur Henderson, both of Nor- a devaatarieg pace with darasge In - dropping him again, but decided been kept. Come In and Try a Glass! Estimates Furnished "Inquiries have been made,” eald stayed in the middle eighties yester wZlk, Andrew Anderson and David exeera of 2800,000,000 when a ra- ? 1932 Ford Coupe........................................ $250 against it LOST IN FOG, ZEPPEUN OPINIONS SPLIT day, several degrees lower than lentlesa lun seared "the major i m i Jovial Joe O’Brien Serves Beer Just Right! Every minute for fully 20 minutes Lord Cranbome, *T understand the Lewis, both of Bridgeport, Mrs. island of Heligoland la being refor- for tbe four previous days, and the Charlotte Radzlewles of Ellington, natural diaaater" In burning words > 1931 Ford Coach.......................... .,.-.$175 the attending physician made an ex aorom the country. amination and shook hie head. tlfled.” He added that no right to weather would not have been ab Miehael Yut of New Britain, An- 1931 Studebaker Sedan..........................$200 inspect the Island exists. ON NEW ACCORD. normal for a July day except for golte D'Addona ot Waterbury and Government Meteorologtot J. f t PARK TAVERN The trap wat sprung at 5:06 a. FUES OVER MIDDLETOWN Lloyd at (Zhlcago mode this a "Blu4 ! KEMP’S, INC. m. (Mountain standard time). It Dismantled After War. the humidity. Mrs. Julia Clinton of Stratford. 1931 Olds Sedan ........................ $195 ^•UOsUrtniuASb Johnson Block “ALBERT”, Prop. (Heligoland is a flfth-of-a-square- The bodies of two heat victims, Prostration victims wore: Ken Monday” for harassed fermere to' was 5:30 when Gardner was pro the, bread heeket of America and 1931 Oakland Sedan ................ $185 •M SlilailM will nounced dead. mlle rock island off the German and AUSTRWMAN found In New Haven and Hamden dall, Schamr, Dennis Desmond of w—d pala tla j. Flrw* Danish coasts in the North Sea, yesterday, brought the state's heat Hartford and (Zllfford Kllner of their gasping urban dwellers whan ptoof* waarpfWoCi Improvised Oallowe Hindenburg Passes Over he announced no new ralna wars' In 1931 Hupp Sedan (2) .............................. $195 The government’s Improvised in strategic defense liositlon to pro MAN STRANGLED, death total to 17. They were James Reynold’s Bridge. tect Germany's Kiel canal and the E. Kendall, 72, and Julius Schamr, Drowning victims were: Magnua- sight for the northwest or a n y ' 1931 Dodgre R oa d ster.....................