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Spring 2-28-1936

The Inkwell

Armstrong State University

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Recommended Citation Armstrong State University, "The Inkwell" (1936). The Inkwell. 4.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Inkwell by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BEAT BEAT GEORGIA TUEINKWELL GEORGIA VOL. 1 ARMSTRONG JUNIOR COLLEGE, SA V ANNAH, GA., FEBRUARY 28, 1936 No.4

ARMSTRONG MEETS CANN HOME GIVEN GEORGIA FRESHMEN THIS ISSUE DEDICATED COOKING CLASSES DONOR FOR FINANCE AND TOMORROW NIGHT BE IN BASEMENT TO HER OF NEW BUILDING COMMERCE COLLEGE Seek to Avenge Their Part of Basement Equipped Home Is Gift of Recent Defeat for Home Economics Classes Mills B. Lane Tomorrow night at the Municipal The home occupied by Judge Auditorium the basketeers of the The southern end of the base- ment has recently been entirely George Cann has been generously Annstrong Junior College will play donated by Mr. Mills B. Lane to the University of Georgia Fresh- remodeled and equipped for the use of the Home Economics Depart- the Armstrong Junior College to men at 8 :30. The Junior College be used as a school of finance and boys will be seeking to avenge a ment, with the necessary facilities for cooking classes. Two kitchens commerce. recent 39-31 defeat handed them have been formed and, each is ar- Mr. Cann will v~cate his home by the Bullpups when they went to ranged for four girls to work in on June 1st., in order that there Athens. it as a family group. Each unit willbeample time for altering and The game should prove a thriller equipping the building for the use as the game in Athens was as has its own sinks, cabinets, tables, stoves, and utensils. of the college. . thilling a game as one would care There win be an attractive dinine Mr. Lane will furnish the neces- to see. Armstrong led for the first unit with sawbuck tables and side sary funds' for the alterations and three periods but in the closing chairs, and these will match the equipment. The school will be minutes of the fourth quarter, the ?enches and china cabinets already called "The Mills B.' Lane School Georgia boys began to sink their of Finance and Commerce." III the former rotisserie. Butterfly shots and quickly went into the tables will add an informal touch The main purpose of the school lead which they maintained to the to the room and prove of value for will be to provide business training end of the game. future entertainments. A color for full and part time students. The Junior College boys have scheme of green and white has' fol- Courses will also be offered to been practicing very seriously un- lowed throughout. MILLS B. LANE adults in the late afternoon and der the watchful eye of Coach cMiss Ennis Both gas and electric stoves are early eveninc, so that business and Maze and for the first time since professional people may have the used, in order that the students the Statesboro game, the team will Miss Frances Ennis, a native of LITERARY SOCIETY opportunitv to improve their edu- Milledgeville, attended the Georgia might learn the care and manipu- be at full strength. The team seems lation of both types. DEBATES SANCTIONS cation through their own selection State College for Women in that of courses. to have been followed by bad luck The girls have been busily clean- city for two years, receiving the Debate on Lines of House As yet, the faculty has not been in regard to injuries and sickness ing the rooms and will soon begin Home Economics diploma. Pur- of Commons se,lected, but .it is assured that they but if they lose this game, the boys work in earnest. will have no excuse. suing the same course for two ad- Will be well trained and well quali- ditional years, she received a de- The Georgia Freshmen are a COhePresident Says ~ fied for the position. Full announce- very capable and tall bunch of gree in Home Economics at the ment will be made in June, so that boys, every man on the first team same institution. She obtained her The courses of study you are the public may have three months- being over six feet in height. Two M.A. degree in Household Arts now pursuing as freshmen students to become acquainted with the new Savannah boys are on the varsity Education at Columbia University are what we call survey coursee-c- professors. squad. They are "Red" Blair, a in New York City. courses planned to give you an in- The subjects to be offered are former Benedictine athlete, and Miss Ennis has had eight years troduction to the various fields of banking, money, credit, accounting, teaching experience. For three knowledge without particular refer- marketing, labor, commercial law James Solms, a popular Savannah years she taught at Cochran High High graduate. Blair is on the School, at Thompson High Schoo} ence to the job or profession you investments, securities, and busi~ first team while Solms is sure to for two years, and for three years will later enter. Such a course of ness administration. get in the game as a reserve. was head of the Home Economics- study, with certain optionals, or The students will be required to The outstanding star of the Department at Middle Georgia electives as we caH them, will con- be able to use office equipment to Freshmen team is George "Coot" College in Cochran. This summer the fullest extent, such as the Miss Ennis did research work in tinue through your sophomore year Vandivere, a former star athlete operation of various machines and ?f Marist College at Atlanta. He foods and food chemistry at the and constitute what is generally Georgia Experiment Station in referred to by college men as' a to pass tests in shorthand" and IS a very fast tall player who can typewriting before a diploma will toss the ball in the basket with Tifton. program of general education. be presented for graduation. How- either hand and from any place on What, you ask, are we supposed ever, students studying for a the court. In the first game with OFFICERS ELECTED to get out of such a program of Bachelor of Arts Degree may also the Junior College, he scored FOR READING CLUB study? take courses' in the new building, fifteen points, nine of them coming as it will be an integral part of III the last quarter. In order to One of your professors, in con- the college. beat Georgia Vandivere must be "Marie Antoinette" is First versation with me some days ago The architect for the remodeling stopped, and the outcome of the Book Chosen answered, in part, this question. of the residence will be Mr. Henrik gamewill probably depend on how Wallin, who designed both the main manypoints Vandivere scores. . Speaking of the students in his Georgia is cominz here with the The recently organized Reading building and the auditorium. ~ Club has been progressing rapidly class, he said, "My students are In expressing his opinion, Mr. veryenviable record of having lost under the able guidance of Miss more mature in their thinking than Lowe stated that the gift of the on,lyone game this season and for they were when they began.: my this reason they will be the pre- Margaret Fortson. The, constitu- new school marks the continuation course. I notice also," he said, "a of the unprecedented development gamefavorites. However the Arm- bon, which limits the membership greater tolerance on the part of strong team is confident that this to ten, provides for the election of of the college, and will greatly some who had fixed views when strengthen the service of the time they will be able to take the a president and a treasurer. The they entered, the class." Bullpups. One thing in favor of officers recently chosen are Jeanne college to the community. In short, this professor feels that Mayor Thomas Gamble an- Arm,strong is that they will be Victor and Elizabeth Levy, presi- your experience in college is teach- playmg on a shorter and more dent and treasurer, respectively. nounced the presentation of the ing you to think quickly and in- building at the meeting of the familiarfloor and they will be used The purpose of the club is to re- telligently on many subjects. He to the type of refereeing- used ceive an appreciation of the correct Rotary Club on February 11th. at further feels that your association which he was presented the Lucas here', In Athens a rougher type of way in which to read and under- with your fellow students 'and with 'I'rophv for the work he did toward baUls played and the refereeing is stand books. As the reading is' done ideas gained in the classroom or not very strict alternately, each member has an the founding of the college. Mr. in your reading is making you Gamble said that he believed that In th I' . . t th b ' opportunity to develop her talent noticeably tolerant of a viewpoint a e pre immary 0 e ov S' in that direction. before many years there would be ~ me, the .gIrls tea~ of the Junior The book selected to be read different from your own. DEPUTATION other divisions established in ad- s~~legeWIll meet either the Pape first is "Marie Antoinette" by These are two cardinal' attributes' dition to the two present divisions of the good citizens in any de- TEAM TO COME Cit001 team or some te~m. from t~e Stefan Zweig. Us-ually at the con- of the college. He also expressed mocracy. Some of you after leav- an opinion that there would be a beJnL::g7U.~'OThe preliminary Will elusion of this part of the meeting ing Armstrong at the end of two It has been announced by Mr. The offi·· l' f th b discussions are held on the chap- E. L. Secrest, director of the much larger enrollment in Septem- , cia s or e oys game tread years will go into law, medicine, ber. He mentioned the fact that he engineering, or. some other pro- Voluntary Religious' Association of BIll probably be Bernie Siotin and erThe ol:ganization is made more the University of Georgia that the felt that a school of commerce and ob White.. interesting by the fact that meet- fession requiring considerable ad- finance should be the first school vanced study. Others of you will university's deputation team will The Probable lmeups are: ings are held at the homes of probably visit Armstrong either developed within the Junior terminate your formal training. College. Ann.strong Georgia various members. Each of you will become a citizen, the last of April or the first part Cohen-F Blair-F At the beginning of i.,1)e year, of May. The deputation team The property is immediately to responsible for your- own conduct the west of the present main build- Battle-F Vandivere-F after the initial meeting, it was de- and the well being of your fellow travels throughout the state and ~!opper-C Culbertson-C cided to limit the membership to presents programs of the highest ing and will be the third unit in men. the group of college buildings. '1\.arnibad.G Loizeaux-G ten. The membership at the present PRESIDENT LOWE. type at the various colleges. tanier.G Pitzpatrick-G time is complete. THE INKWELL, FEBRUARY 28, 1936 TWO Mr. La ..e's Gift I The Lighthouse I me Inkwell Recently the Armstrong Junior College Faculty and Member Georgia Collegiate Press Association was enlarged by the gift of the Cann home, Februarv. significant for the an- which was given to the school by Mills B. niversaries of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, is- also the Published monthly by the students of Armstrong Lane, an outstanding banker of Savannah. Student Opinion Junior College of Savannah, Georgia. birth month of Charles Lamb. Nothing more useful could have been Lamb was not a novelist; nor can he be des-cribed as a poet; nor, in STAFF: bestowed on the Junior College than this the strictest sense, was he merely large and magnificient building which, next an essayist. He was, more ac- EDITORIAL curately, a dabbler in letters. We EDITOR.IN-CHIEF _ _ Robert McCuen year, will serve as the Mills B. Lane School might say that instead of striking MANAGING EDITOR _ Arthur Jeffords of Finance and Commerce. The college has a straight course out across the sea ASST. MANAGING EDITOR... . _.. ._ Sidney Smith of literature, he nreferred to wade NEWS EDITOR. . Jeanne Victor not been crowded this year as there was FEATURE EDITOR .. _ _..__ Louise Opper around in the shoals. SPORTS EDITOR. _ __ Joe Battle plenty of extra room in the school but next By nature Lamb was a congenial SOCIAL EDITOR. _ _ .Joan Dodd year with the increased and added enroll- fellow, but because of an inherent HUMOR EDITOR... __ _._.... Hoyt Ware shyness, he was rarely at ease ex- EXCHANGE EDITOR _ _ _ _ Grace Bounds ment of the freshman class this building cept among close friends. His good STAFF WRITERS _.._.Janis Pridgen, Marilouise Lockwood, and the building being constructed under nature is reflected in his letters, Sin Fah Chan, Nell Mcintire, Hoyt Ware, Nelta Beckett, and his charming essays reveal a John Davia, Ophelia Park, Hinckly Murphy the P.W.A. would have been taxed almost healthy humor; but in reality, his BUSINESS to capacity. This gift could not have come life was very sad. His pitiful and BUSINESS MANA GER.... . _... . Alva Llnee tender devotion to his afflicted ADVERTISING MANAGER... . Tom Carr at a more opportune time as every college sister is itself an explanation of his CIRCULATION MANAGER._.. . John Davis should have a good finance and commerce life. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS _ _Nell McIntire, school, and through the gift of this ~uild- Reuben Kronstadt, Mildred Pittman Weare told (with hearty as- TYPISTS_. . . __Margaret Schuman, Jani8 Pridgen ing the young people of Savannah will be surance) that "indulgence in wine afforded the opportunity of getting a good and in puns are the only weak- business training but also will be able to nesses for which he was ever reo This issue of "The Inkwell" is dedicated take other subjects as well. The students pr-eached.' to Miss Frances Ennis, head of the Home of Armstrong Junior College should feel When employed as a clerk in the Economics Department of the college. very grateful to Mr. Lane for the very fine old East India House, Lamb was gift and should do their utmost to make the in the habit of arriving tardily at work and of chatting with fellow All cuts for this and previous issues were best of their new opportunities. Through employees before beginning the furnished through the courtesy of the "Sa- the gift to the college Mr. Lane has done daily routine. One morning an something which will stand as a signal official admonished him thus: vannah Morning News." monument to his philantrophy. I'Mr. Lamb, how late you ar- rive." President Lowe and Dean Askew are at- "Yes," replied Lamb instantly, Do Y OR Agree? tending the annual convention of the "But look how early I leave!" American Association of Junior Colleges in A great deal has recently been said about BY-LAWS ADOPTED "school spirit" and what it is. Read this Lovers of Kipling will do well to Nashville, Tennessee this week-end. FOR CONSTITUTION look up the preface to A Kipling article through and decide for yourself as Pageant. It is' a brilliant piece, to whether the school spirit here is what Cribbi..g Students Pass On Four and being one of the authors last it should be. By-Laws articles, it will be more interesting. The recent discoveries of cribbing at the School spirit is, in our opinion, that in- To get behind the scenes, as it University of North Carolina and the sub- definable something whose presence or lack On Wednesday, February 5th., were, we print the following nota- sequent suspension of a large number of of it can cause a backwoods, one-horse the Student Council presented to tion (dated Jan. 4, 1924) taken school to be a roaring success or a ten the student body a set of by-laws from Arnold Bennett's journal. It students have brought the rather un- million dollar university a flop, insofar as which were unanimously adopted. tells one author's opinion of an- pleasant subject again before the public The By-Laws are as follows: other; a sizing-up we might call it. the student and his activities are concerned. I-Special Meetings: Arnold Bennett gives Sinclair eye. The student body of the college are With school spirit, practically any college Special meetings of the student Lewis the "once-over" in this to be congratulated upon the stand they has a bright future before it. Without it, body may be held in the assembly manner: room whenever called by the Stu- took in the matter as they have pointed practically any college is destined for the ll ••• Lewis has a habit of break- dent Council or upon a written re- ing into a discussion with long out to other institutions the most effective bone heap within a few years. quest of ten students submitted' to School spirit is something more than pieces of imaginary conservation way of getting rid of he dishonest practice. the Student Council. between imaginary or real people sitting in a grandstand watching a few II-Voting: of the place and period under dis- They have demonstrated that the majority students fighting for the glory of the school. All votes must be submitted on cussion. Goodish, but too long, an official ballot signed by the with accents, manner, and all com- of students are not in favor of cheating and It is something more than noisy demonstra- voter. All votes will be- counted tions and colorful pennants. It does not plete. He will do this in any dis- its consequent results, and wish to have by and in the presence of the ma- cussion; he will drag in a perform- none of it in the school they attend. It is consist entirely of boasting about the "alma jority of the Student Council. ance, usually full of oaths and mater," or of talking about the beauties of Ill-Special Officers: blasphemy .... inevitable in the long run that cribbing is Whenever deemed necessary by the campus and the charm of the co-eds. "Lewis soon began to call me demoralizing not only to the participating the student body special officers Rathel', school spirit is a deep and abid- may be created with a representa- 'Arnold' and, once begun, he called students but to others as well. ing feeling of respect and love for the tive on the Student Council. me IArnold' about 100 times. He The North Carolina Student Council de- school, a desire to back it in everything it IV-Right to Hold Office: has things to learn, but I like him. Underclassmen shall have no He showed me the first typescript serves commendation for the way in which undertakes, and to want to see it get ahead more than two members: on the of his new novel-all blue and red it handled the matter and it is to be hoped m every respect. It is a desire to see the Student Council at any time. with millions of alterat.ions-e-a that other groups will follow its example. school occupy the place it really deserves- (a) 'Offices' of chairman and terrible sivht," the top. It is school spirit that makes a lump vice-chairman of the Student Coun- The novel of which Bennett was cil shall be upperclassmen. speaking was Arrowstnith, publish- Where? Oh \Vhere Has Our come into your throat when you hear the ed the following year. Glee Club Go.. e "Alma Mater" after you have graduated. It is school spirit that really expresses your DEAN'S LIST Shelley never learned to swim. The attendance at the regular Glee Club thanks to the school for all that it has done But one day while watching a rehersals is rapidly reaching the vanishing This list includes students who friend glide through the water with for you in the way of education and good have made no mark lower than point, If It ISexpected to put on a show in times. Its exterior signs are yells for the no apparent effort, he determined B as an average between the to join the sport. He took off his the spring as is the hope of the administra- team and praise for the campus and the cr beginning of the quarter and the mid-term exams. clothes and dove into the water, tion a definite schedule of the work to be eds, but these are only the symbols of the but he went right down to the done which was mapped out some time ago real feelings underneath. AAB bottom to lie there without at- by the director will have to be followed School spirit consists of a real belief in Nelta Beckett tempting to move. His friend rigidly. Edith Berry (Trelawney, if we remember cor· the college and its ideals; of a real spirit rectly) rescued him. Very calmly The Glee Club is already behind in its of. helpfulness and cooperation in every- Elizabeth Gnann S'idney Smith Shelley remarked that the bottom schedule due not only to the recent illness thing undertaken whether it be a football of a lake was the most peaceful prevalent ill;the school but also to the in- Solomon Sutker game or a new addition to the curriculum' Hoyt W'are spot in the world, and that he difference displayed by the majority of th, of a desire and an effort to further th~ would keep that place in mind as members of the organization in the matter ABB a. nice way to depart this life. He c school in every way possible. did later meet his end by drowning; t of attendmg rehersals. Elizabeth Cobb t Electa Robertson it was accidental, however. It is impossible to wait 'till the last Congratulations to Hinckley. Murphy and Janet Rushing n minute to show enthusiam and still ac- Hoyt Ware for being chosen to debate be- Harold Sutker A fit endinc it seems to us is an If a complish what we.set out to do. we are fore the Rotary Club next Tuesday. Th. BBB observation of our favorite philoso- gomg to do anything, let's do it now. Any- Will debate on the subject, "It is ethical for pher, Archy, the lower case roach body .can.start anything but it takes a man l?olores Cowart who plays havoc with the type~ to finish It. a busmess man to charge less for work -:"rank Henry writer of one Don Marquis. Archy don,: for cash than for work done for David Robinson says that prohibition makes yo~ Francis Rockwell J. D. credit." wa~t to cry into your beer and a denies you the beer t~ cry into. I S THE INKWELL, FEBRUARY 28, 1936 THREE DELEGATES AT I IIDRAMATIC CLUB GA. PRESS MEET The Open Forum PRESENTS PLAY STOKES Held In Athens Feb. 21st WHAT'S THE TROUBLE? "Too Much Crime" Well SHOE REBUILDER 922 WEST BROAD By SIDNEYSMITH What's the matter with our stu- Presented We Call For and Deliver The state wide newspaper con- dent body? Why can't they come The Dramatic Club, directed by DIAL 9417 vention held at Athens, Georgia, out and support their well-deserv- M Februar 19 22 'iss Margaret Fortson, held its y -, was among the ing basketball team? At their more notable events of the month. regular meeting, Thursday, Janu- Among the meetings held were home game with the boys from S. ary 6. Electa Robertson was elect- those . of the growing Georgia H. S., there was a grand total of ed to fill the office of vice president, MOVING STORAGE Collec-Iat., Press Institute. Fourteen a-bout eight students present. If we G "C 11 formerly held by Eddie DuFour. eorgra oi ege papers were repre- don't support our team, how can sented, including one new member After a short business meeting, Fireproof Storage Co. Did you notice Dasher and and two prospective members of we expect others' to do so? This a one-act comedy, "Two Much Phone 7161 Henry haggling over the non-pay- the Institute. is our first year in sports and it Crime," afforded risible entertain- PACKING SHIPPING ment of a nickel? Mush borrowed Armstrong was represented at seems that the student body could ment to an appreciative audience. it 7 months ago? or Victor crawling the convention by two members of come out at least one night a week The cast was as follows: on her hands and knees in the re- the staff of the "Inkwell,"-newest to support their fine team. caution hall the other day? or one member of the Collegiate Press Stanley, mystery story writer .... of our debaters asking for per- Institute. We all know that we have plenty _ _ Mark Johnson Louise Loadholt mission at a crucial mement in a At the business meeting of the of lessons to do but it seems that Marian, his collaborator . Harry P. Palmer recent debate to take off his coat C. P. 1. which convened about 4 :00 there is no way possible for the ._.__ Joan Dodd ... or Reinstein 'n' his spats, some ROWLAND class! or Hardwick at his wooden ii Mh :~[i~'ay, (Ffb~uary 21), faculty to reduce the amount of Perkins, the new butler . INSURANCE AGENCY spoon whitling hobby or Professor ve~~hvY pr~si~wenatyoofth mrorYt"tUnti-work for the next day. But try T. A. Summey . e ns 1 u e studying in the afternoon and not All Lines of Insu"anee Hawes taking his morning shot ... discussed the purposes and plan~ Policeman George Allen at Benny's or Bounds hanging of the organizations and called for at night for once and come out to Mr. Summey, well supported by Phone 4113 18 Bryan St., E. around the library? would Bertram be the answer? what's the reason, suggestions from the floor. Several see the team play. the other members of the cast Gracie? or the Murphy-Pridgen- ideasid wereI" hexpressed. Most coin- Where is the Armstrong school cIever 1y upheId comic interest and Cll-:nta WIt bthbejaims of the insti- spirit? Savannah seems to be the provided many loopholes for Ware-Cobb quartet? or Mari- t ure was pro a y a scheme intro- I h h h I laughter. Mark Johnson turned in louise's queer expression when she duced by J. D. Purvis, representa- on y town t at as no sc 00 spirit. thought "Elson Neddy's" (whoa, tiva of "The George-Anne" (S. G. Why not come to the spirit meet- his' usual capable' performance, and Nancy) hair was set? or Edith T Joan Dodd's and George Allen's Berry's standing on the porch . C.), who distributed post c-ard inge? That is half the fun in pre- acting was worthy of praise. Leopold Adler questionnaires to the various mem- paring for the game! It takes The club is not planning to pre- waitingto go to Augusta? or Dlyn bers present. The general trend of t la bli 1 hi b Olivergetting in a basketball game the questionnaire was to determine practice to learn the cheers and the sen a pe y, pu IC Y t IS year, ut . fine prospects are in view for -playing on the other team? the factors which tend to improve t earn mem hers grea tl y appreciate 198&-8,7. It's rumored that our A plus collegiate newspapers or make the the cheering that the "faithful student is carrying the torch for organization of the departments eight" give them. "Blowhard" Carr ... Wanna play more satisfactory. The papers seem to have written marbles, Tom? Following the preliminary eluci- a lot about the organized cheering ~~SAVANNAD'S LARGEST at Armstrong; so far, however, we YOU WILL ENJOY What's happened to the Summey- dations, the meeting divided into have given the public the im- Meadowsaffair .... T. A. must two round tables of discussion, one· I KNITTING YOUR OWN DE.·ARTMENT STORE" have pawned his Ford. concerning the business side of the pression that we are azy and care EASTER OUTFIT nothing about the outcome of our A certain fern's heart skipped a college newspaper, and the other games. Many students, when asked -at- beat when our patient from St. concerning editorial topics. if they are going to the game, will Joseph's returned. Several things were learned by say, "What game? Where or when The Colonial Have you heard about Nancy's "T'he Inkwell's" representatives, is it going to be 7" So, come on, recent rendezvous '? one of which is that college news- students, let's remedy this situation Knitting Shop Johnson says he's going to start panel' publishing expenses are con- by coming to the spirit meetings wearins- a red sweater to school siderably higher in Savannah than and the games and boosting the Mrs. J. J. Stevens, Jr. Southern Mfg. Jewelers elsewhere in Georgia. team to victory. soon! 435 Drayton - Corner Gordon 402 Liberty Bank Building Why tender glances twixt little "The Inkwell's" representatives The faculty has set a good ex- Mushand Purse? also attended the luncheon of the ample for the students' by coming Phone 9803 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE Ophelia said that she'd go on a main Georgia Press Convention out to see every game, so let's diet, but that she's practically skin and the dinner held by the C. P. 1. follow with 100 %. Why don't our RINGS AND PINS and bones, now! and-but there's no use going into student representatives, the Stu- FRATERNITY PINS Who said that Helene and "the detail about the rest of that infinite dent Council, follow our faculty's - rog" were Siamese twins? series-Jet it suffice to say that the example 7 CREST-CHARMS The Oliver twins certainly do local lads could have been "weighed WHITE shine in Biology-I mean! and found not wanting" in more HARDWARE CO. ATHLETIC AND SCHOOL ways than one. A PLAYER'S VIEWPOINT MEDALS MissOpper has ditched "Esquire" Whitaker and Congress Streets Reinstein for Mrs. Mann's little At the Collegiate Institute ban- On behalf of the members of Phone 6079 Savannah, Ga. ray of sunstroke! quet, Mr. Holloway introduced as the basketball team, I would like to Phone 3-1181 Bob Evans has taken to red- the principal speaker Mr. Chess express our appreciation for the hcads--How come? And what Abernathy, oft graduate of Emory support and encouragement given about Coats? in the class of 1934 and now editor by the students of the college at Miss Morrow has stated that she of the Cobb County Times, one of the games this season and- ask that 11======,J",,======-:-:::t has quit giggling-Tee Hee! the most progressive weekly news- it continue bigger and better than Mushmouth, Sr. is dairying', paners of· the state. Mr. Aber- ever. A spectator has no idea how again-Moo! nathy's topic concerned' getting cheering from the audience bucks At LEVY'S What's this being whispered started in journalism after gradu- up a team and encourages the about Cooper and "Public ation from college. He stressed the members to do their best. We YOU ALWAYS FIN D Opinion's"sob-sister-sounds inter- point that there was a certain would like every member of the esting! practical side of newspaner work student body to be present at the The "Meat" has been doing a lot that no college course includes, but game to-morrow night as we need The very newest styles in wearing apparel for both of walking lately-c-Iooks like which the individual must learn their support to win the game. Men and Women at the very lowest prices, "Gctrocks" has taken to baby through careful application of ex- ROBERT LAINER. talk, too! perience and judgment. consistent with good quality. , Could it be that Johnson's try- EDITOR'S NOTE--Letters dealing with At the next meeting of the Colle- any subject of interest to Armstrong mg to crash the Funeral Parlors s-late Institute, which will take students will receive attention and pub- oncemore? B. D. LEVY. BRO. & CO•• Inc. place in Atlanta sometime in May, lication in this column if possible. ~~TlleStore Deperlillfble~" Mr. Ogg has finally found some- a cup (courtesy of Mr. Abernathy) one who admires him-Gilbert! will be awarded to the best college Wonder if Straight appreciates publication of the state. "The Ink- ha generosity of Mingledorf's sea wen's" travelling men-Mr. Li~es, np? business manager; and Mr. Smith, And one of our blond sopranos assistant managing editor-seem to still gets excited at the sight of a have enjoyed themselves immensely littlegrey car-though she says it's at the recent convention a;nd are over-th' old horse! looking forward to attending the Kronstadt still insists that he can forthcoming one. Have your SHOES Review Printing Company play basketball - How's that, repaired at Incorporated Reuben? Dean: "And where have you It certainly did alter the plans been for the last week 7". of some students when they found Mr. Ogg: "Stop me If you've Morris Shoe PRINTING AND OFFICE SUPPLIES that their pink slips had ,been sent heard this one." to their pa's offices. Repair Shop m Mann was recently offered a r----==-==::-:=-:-:;::---"\ movie contract-he's to play the / FOLTZ STUDIO 16 West Broughton Street ape in Tarzan's new picture. 204 EAST BAY STREET One of our gals gets the mumps 10 Broughton Street, West EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING andtwenty B. C. boys go d-own. h·e~" ALL WORK GUARANTEED PHONE 4358 Is it true that Norris is engaged !~Everflthlng photograp f o a girl in Miami. Dial 3-1062 Telephone 2-0883 Pink slips--no show, no allow- ance, no dates, no nothing-'til Expert Kodak Finishing Spring Holidays. THE INKWELL, FEBRUARY 28, 1936 FOUR ARMSTRONG WINS FENCING TEAM SPORTS CHATTER TWO; LOSES THREE IS ORGANIZED Henry, Paddison, and Ross By JOHN DAVIS Summary of This Season's COLLEGE to Coach Continued hard luck seems to Games beset Coach Mazo and his boys at At a meeting on Friday, Febru- every turn. Now, continued illness Jan. 29-Armstrong (27) has forced the cancellation of both B. C. (15) ar-c 21st., the fencing team of the coilege wag. officially organized. "K I CK S" the B. C. and South Georgia 'I'each- Cohen and Lanier led Armstrong ers' games. We hope the team ',5 m to their first victory when they de- The meeting was called by Frank shape for the game tomorrow night feated B. C. 27-15. The team ex- Henry, Howard Paddison, and with the Georgia freshmen. hibited a good brand of ball and led throughout the entire game. Nairn Ross who were the leaders "Public Opinion" has honored Cohen led the scoring with eleven in the organization. About fifteen two of our basketball players .by points and Lanier was the star on boys were present and all signified selecting them for the prep all-city defense. basketball team. Cohen and Lanier, their interest and intention to learn the sport. The foils are to be fur- the two nicked, richly deserve this Feb. 5-Armstrong (21) ... YOU'LL SEE ON honor bestowed on them. S. G. T. C. Freshmen (19) nished by the individual members of the team, and the masks will be EVERY COLLEGE One of the most thrilling track Armstrong played its best game of the season when it defeated the su"..,lied b y the school. It is CAMPUS IN THE spectacles is the indoor meets now South Georgia Teachers College planned for every member of the being held in New York. Gather- COUNTRY! Freshmen 21-19 in a very thrilling' team to have a fencing jacket. ing together the cream of the game. The team's passing had im- Preliminary practices has already colleges and the various indepen- proved and they!maintained a short lead throughout the second h3;lf. begun and the work will begin in dent athletic clubs of the nation, these meets are filled with such Cohen again led the scormg With earnest when the foils and masks FROM MAINE TO CALIFORNIA, keen competition that the very seven points and Lanier starred on arrive. COLLEGE GIRLS ARE WEARING defense. thought of them thrills the track The coaching is being done by STYLES LIKE THESE. enthusiast. Feb. 7-Armstrong (31) Henry, Paddison, and Ross who Major interest centered around Georgia Freshmen (39) fenced for two years at high GREY ... NAVY ... WHITE the mile event in which were such outstanding performers as Glenn Armstrong suffered its second school. A partial list of those pre- ... BROWN AND WHITE ... loss of the season when it went to sent at the first meeting includes: Cunningham, Gene Venzke, Joe Athens and lost to the Georgia ARE THE SHADES YOU'LL SEE MOST Mangin, and -. The~e Bullpups by the score of 39-31. Frank Henry, Mark Johnson, are four of the fastest milers In Bertram Cooper, Tom Carr, Robert the world. Only and Weakened by the loss of Joe B. H. BRO. & (;0 ••Inc. who are.saving them- battle through injury, Armstrong Lanier, Reuben Kronstadt, T. A. LEVY. selves for the Olympic tryouts are nevertheless led for the first three Summey, Fred Simpson, Robert BROUGHTON STREET, EAST capable of giving them any com- periods but in the fourth quarter, with Vandivere leading the at- McCuen, Theodore Page, David petition. Robinson, and John Davis. of the University tack, Georgia overcame the lead and won the game. Mopper led the of Georgia provided one of the Bachelor: A man who has lost most thrilling races of the season scoring for Armstrong with nine when he broke the world's sixty points while Lanier and Karnibad the oppoftunity of making some The Georgia State yard indoor high hurdle record of were the defensive stars. woman miserable. Savings Association 0':07:4 and set a new record of Boy: A noise with dirt on it. Feb. 14-Armstrong (21) BULL AND YORK STS. 0:07 :3. Coincidentally, the former Echo: The only thing that ever record had been set by his own 5. H. S. (35) Deposits In This Bank are Insured by coach, Weems Baskin of Auburn, In a return game with Savannah cheated a woman out of the last the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor- poration, With Maximum of $5,000.00 now track coach at Georgia. High School Armstrong was very word. for Each Depositor The two defeats suffered by Jack convincingly defeated by the score Elephant: A useful animal with Torrance, world famed shot-putter of 35--21. Weakened by the flu and a vacuum cleaner in front and a has set the track world wondering the loss of Coleman Mopper, Arm- rug' beater at the back. whether this big boy had better strong was always behind and only Modern girl: A vision in the forego further indoor track com- threatened in the second quarter. evening and a sight in the morning. petition and rest up for the Lanier led the scoring with ten Puppy love: The beginning of a Olympic competitions. joints and he and Cameron were dog's life. P. S. The sport fans of Savan- the stalwarts on defense. Pessimist: One who always sees nah are missing quite a thrill by microbes in the milk of human the present lack of interest in Feb. 29-Armstrong (?) kindness. track. A move for organized track Georgia Freshmen (?) -The Normanlite. meets around Savannah would Outfitte;'s to stimulate interest in this sport. It seems as though our girls Daniel Hogan Company Quality Wearing Apparel Young America basketball team has revived inter- est in the girls' basketball game. DRY GOODS for Men and Boys In aplying preliminaries to the DRAPERIES AND IlUGS SUGAR boys c-ames, they have drawn spec- J. C. Penney Co., 1nc. tators to the games earlier than has 125 BROUGHTON ST., WEST The Jones Co. heretofore been the rule. We feel PHONE 3-2195 that their good playing has been Three Floors Filletl an important factor in bringing about this renewal of interest. We With Outstarrdiug congratulate Miss Ennis and the V",I'Les! girls for their splendid perform- ance to date. More power to you Georgia girls, for you are not only a good Greetings team but a good-looking one as Ice Company well! COLUMBIA from In our opinion, basketball would TRIPLE "XXX" be much more popular here if in- DRUG SOLOMON'S dicators which give the time to I(;E and (;O."-L THRIST STAnON play, names and individual scoring DRUG COMPANY of the players were installed in the CO. Good Eats and Dr'iaks Auditorium. As it is, most specta- Victory Drive Opposite Bull and Charlton Streets tors are in the dark regarding the Diul 8151 Municipal Stadium. players and their records, nad have to wait and read the morning paper for a full understanding of the game. Consequently their interest is lessened. Those who watch the game like to know who are playing and how they are doing. The Buy Or Try A EI tri R crowds at the basketball games in n ec ric ange ~fEET YOUR FRIENDS New York City's Madison Square F 0 I $2 P M th Garden, and the various courts that or n Y er on -at- are equipped with such a scoring A EI system seem to indicate that it n ectric Range and Automatic Water Heater would be profitable as well as add- For Only $3.50 Per Month "THE COLLEGIONETTE" ing to the fans' enjoyment if in- THE COLLEGE CONFECTIONARY stalled here. 'Plume 7171 or An" Electrical Dealer See you at the game to-morrow ~ night. We Specialize in Quick, Courteous Service E Mr. Hawes: "Mr. Konstadt, what ~·b.'"""oBuZlt°en. . C 'o<&""ooI "'nloo CO. I LOCATED ON BULL ST. ACROSS FROM can you tell me about nitrates 7" d:aVia~7J.a ARMSTRONG COLLEGE Mr. Konstadt: "Well, they are Po wer cheaper than day rates." !======dJ l~'======'e p"e~ne«- ,