Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The Inkwell Student Media Spring 2-28-1936 The Inkwell Armstrong State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/inkwell Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Armstrong State University, "The Inkwell" (1936). The Inkwell. 4. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/inkwell/4 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Inkwell by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BEAT BEAT GEORGIA TUEINKWELL GEORGIA VOL. 1 ARMSTRONG JUNIOR COLLEGE, SA V ANNAH, GA., FEBRUARY 28, 1936 No.4 ARMSTRONG MEETS CANN HOME GIVEN GEORGIA FRESHMEN THIS ISSUE DEDICATED COOKING CLASSES DONOR FOR FINANCE AND TOMORROW NIGHT BE IN BASEMENT TO HER OF NEW BUILDING COMMERCE COLLEGE Seek to Avenge Their Part of Basement Equipped Home Is Gift of Recent Defeat for Home Economics Classes Mills B. Lane Tomorrow night at the Municipal The home occupied by Judge Auditorium the basketeers of the The southern end of the base- ment has recently been entirely George Cann has been generously Annstrong Junior College will play donated by Mr. Mills B. Lane to the University of Georgia Fresh- remodeled and equipped for the use of the Home Economics Depart- the Armstrong Junior College to men at 8 :30. The Junior College be used as a school of finance and boys will be seeking to avenge a ment, with the necessary facilities for cooking classes. Two kitchens commerce. recent 39-31 defeat handed them have been formed and, each is ar- Mr. Cann will v~cate his home by the Bullpups when they went to ranged for four girls to work in on June 1st., in order that there Athens. it as a family group. Each unit willbeample time for altering and The game should prove a thriller equipping the building for the use as the game in Athens was as has its own sinks, cabinets, tables, stoves, and utensils. of the college. thilling a game as one would care There win be an attractive dinine Mr. Lane will furnish the neces- to see. Armstrong led for the first unit with sawbuck tables and side sary funds' for the alterations and three periods but in the closing chairs, and these will match the equipment. The school will be minutes of the fourth quarter, the ?enches and china cabinets already called "The Mills B.' Lane School Georgia boys began to sink their of Finance and Commerce." III the former rotisserie. Butterfly shots and quickly went into the tables will add an informal touch The main purpose of the school lead which they maintained to the to the room and prove of value for will be to provide business training end of the game. future entertainments. A color for full and part time students. The Junior College boys have scheme of green and white has' fol- Courses will also be offered to been practicing very seriously un- lowed throughout. MILLS B. LANE adults in the late afternoon and der the watchful eye of Coach cMiss Ennis Both gas and electric stoves are early eveninc, so that business and Maze and for the first time since professional people may have the used, in order that the students the Statesboro game, the team will Miss Frances Ennis, a native of LITERARY SOCIETY opportunitv to improve their edu- Milledgeville, attended the Georgia might learn the care and manipu- be at full strength. The team seems lation of both types. DEBATES SANCTIONS cation through their own selection State College for Women in that of courses. to have been followed by bad luck The girls have been busily clean- city for two years, receiving the Debate on Lines of House As yet, the faculty has not been in regard to injuries and sickness ing the rooms and will soon begin Home Economics diploma. Pur- of Commons se,lected, but .it is assured that they but if they lose this game, the boys work in earnest. will have no excuse. suing the same course for two ad- Will be well trained and well quali- ditional years, she received a de- The Georgia Freshmen are a COhePresident Says ~ fied for the position. Full announce- very capable and tall bunch of gree in Home Economics at the ment will be made in June, so that boys, every man on the first team same institution. She obtained her The courses of study you are the public may have three months- being over six feet in height. Two M.A. degree in Household Arts now pursuing as freshmen students to become acquainted with the new Savannah boys are on the varsity Education at Columbia University are what we call survey coursee-c- professors. squad. They are "Red" Blair, a in New York City. courses planned to give you an in- The subjects to be offered are former Benedictine athlete, and Miss Ennis has had eight years troduction to the various fields of banking, money, credit, accounting, teaching experience. For three knowledge without particular refer- marketing, labor, commercial law James Solms, a popular Savannah years she taught at Cochran High High graduate. Blair is on the School, at Thompson High Schoo} ence to the job or profession you investments, securities, and busi~ first team while Solms is sure to for two years, and for three years will later enter. Such a course of ness administration. get in the game as a reserve. was head of the Home Economics- study, with certain optionals, or The students will be required to The outstanding star of the Department at Middle Georgia electives as we caH them, will con- be able to use office equipment to Freshmen team is George "Coot" College in Cochran. This summer the fullest extent, such as the Miss Ennis did research work in tinue through your sophomore year Vandivere, a former star athlete operation of various machines and ?f Marist College at Atlanta. He foods and food chemistry at the and constitute what is generally Georgia Experiment Station in referred to by college men as' a to pass tests in shorthand" and IS a very fast tall player who can typewriting before a diploma will toss the ball in the basket with Tifton. program of general education. be presented for graduation. How- either hand and from any place on What, you ask, are we supposed ever, students studying for a the court. In the first game with OFFICERS ELECTED to get out of such a program of Bachelor of Arts Degree may also the Junior College, he scored FOR READING CLUB study? take courses' in the new building, fifteen points, nine of them coming as it will be an integral part of III the last quarter. In order to One of your professors, in con- the college. beat Georgia Vandivere must be "Marie Antoinette" is First versation with me some days ago The architect for the remodeling stopped, and the outcome of the Book Chosen answered, in part, this question. of the residence will be Mr. Henrik gamewill probably depend on how Wallin, who designed both the main manypoints Vandivere scores. Speaking of the students in his Georgia is cominz here with the The recently organized Reading building and the auditorium. ~ Club has been progressing rapidly class, he said, "My students are In expressing his opinion, Mr. veryenviable record of having lost under the able guidance of Miss more mature in their thinking than Lowe stated that the gift of the on,lyone game this season and for they were when they began.: my this reason they will be the pre- Margaret Fortson. The, constitu- new school marks the continuation course. I notice also," he said, "a of the unprecedented development gamefavorites. However the Arm- bon, which limits the membership greater tolerance on the part of strong team is confident that this to ten, provides for the election of of the college, and will greatly some who had fixed views when strengthen the service of the time they will be able to take the a president and a treasurer. The they entered, the class." Bullpups. One thing in favor of officers recently chosen are Jeanne college to the community. In short, this professor feels that Mayor Thomas Gamble an- Arm,strong is that they will be Victor and Elizabeth Levy, presi- your experience in college is teach- playmg on a shorter and more dent and treasurer, respectively. nounced the presentation of the ing you to think quickly and in- building at the meeting of the familiarfloor and they will be used The purpose of the club is to re- telligently on many subjects. He to the type of refereeing- used ceive an appreciation of the correct Rotary Club on February 11th. at further feels that your association which he was presented the Lucas here', In Athens a rougher type of way in which to read and under- with your fellow students 'and with 'I'rophv for the work he did toward baUls played and the refereeing is stand books. As the reading is' done ideas gained in the classroom or not very strict alternately, each member has an the founding of the college. Mr. in your reading is making you Gamble said that he believed that In th I' . t th b ' opportunity to develop her talent noticeably tolerant of a viewpoint a e pre immary 0 e ov S' in that direction. before many years there would be ~ me, the .gIrls tea~ of the Junior The book selected to be read different from your own.
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