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A GOVERNMENT WINS TV A L.VB £vn tf«9 lr»raUi ■ATDRDAT, HEBRUART 19,1«8«. • iUt.. ‘raBWBATBKB AVBBAOB DAILY OUOVLAnOM Tbe bowling team of tbe Con­ FMoonst ot C. B.'Winther •”—tss. cordia Lutheran church Brotherhood FIRE ALARM POSTS NEW CANTOR SHOW Mr ths Month o< itam ssj, IfM Hartford ABOUT TOWN will bowl with the Brotherhood of POUCE BENEFIT SHOW e w n g l a n d o u s e Emanuel Lutheran church tonight- V t O L D E N E H FrohsMy-vain "or snow touIgM tw ibera o f Olbboui AMCtnbly, at the Charter Oak alleys. BOLTON 5.851 and Toesday; net ameh ehaage In oUc Ladies o f Oolnmbus, who ARE REASSIGNED HERE TOMORROW A Ooavwleatiy Igieatad Hotel— With Boonis By Day or Week Msmbsr oC tba AaHt tempensturo. , to attend tbs performance of The required quarterly drills for AT STATE TOMORROW Borena of OIrenlatloao at the New York Hipn^ BW A Bool Treat Try Our -- - ■ C. N. O., — '' ’ - « ------------ MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE (HARM February 28, are reminded having been completed. no regular SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS — 75c. theater reservations must be drill will be held until Monday eve­ North End Nmnbers Are "M e Me Bilk* Beiist nr.,1. Broiled Forterhouoe Steak Advorttatag on f t g o to.) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1986. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBNVi; _ I tonight wtlh any of the follow- ning. March 9. Members of the TOLLYANNA’ FINE Eight F n e AcU o f YaadeTiDe W th FYeoeii Fried Potatoeo Asparagus Tips VOL. LV., NO. 118. CHg committee; Mrs. Henry.Mutrle, company who desire to engage In Fried ParsBips Custard or Apple Plo fIC a . Wilbrod Messier, or Miss Helen indoor rifle practice may rr'ort at Changed to Better Direct Three Day Ron it State Tea or Coffee vA. Thomas. the armory each Monday night. ■V Be Pre«aled B U ad Arm and ammunition will be pro­ PLAY FOR CHILDREN '• Beoot Turkey with Dreoolng oud Brown Gravy ' V l t n , Earl E. Story of Spruce vided. the Firemen. Tomorrow Night Oreea Peoa Fried Ponnlpo Apple Pla itrcet left yesterday for Florida, in ___ Hmter, Retont to Bol- Tea or Coffee tbtnpany with Mr. and Mrs. Lester The Knights of Columbus bowling Freeh Clam Chowder Every Day team will travel to Hartford to­ IL Watkins of Wethersflcld. The The officers of the Eighth School Parents Urged to Take ster Aid Fund. Eddie Cantor In "Strike Me Pink", DONAHUE and MAHONEY, Proprieton. trip is being made by automobile morrow afternoon for a match with the K. of C. on the latter's alleys, and Utilities Ulitrict have reassign­ the pop-eyed comedian’s sixth on- Phone 8828 for Reoervntions. Mid tbs party expects to spend from ed and added Are stations in the dis­ GOVERNMENT WINS TV A three to four weeks In tbe South, starting at 2 o'clock. Bowlers will Youngsters to Community nuaLmuslcai extrmvaganxa for tern- with St. Petersburg as beadquar- leave here at 1:30 o’clock. Manches­ trict from which calls for fire may Tbe annual Police Benefit Show, uel Goldwyn, beglna a three-day run ter Is tied for the league lead and be sent to headquarters. The new tars. featuring eight egtcellent vaudeville at the State theater tomorrow. Hartford l.a rated one of the strong­ plan is expected to better direct the Players Show. acts from New York, will be eld T h u lavish mllllon-and-a-half dol­ V* ' ------ est trams In the circuit. firemen to the Are. The growth of tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock In lar production featuring Ethel Mer­ Vast Empire Where TVA Affects Millions of Lives Applications will be received at VOTERS REJECT eastern section of the district has the State theater. Funds accruing man, Sally Ellen, Parkykarkus and *^ ie TOX office of the State theater The degree team of the Degree of been such that additional stations from the show will be used for aid* dally for the State weekly Amateur Next Wednesday afternoon the William Frawley and a glorious new IN 8 TO 1 DECISION Pocohontas. consisting of 17 mem­ were considered necessary and there Ing Injured or sick officers of the ■ hteteata .Another group of amateurs array of Goldwyn Girls, casts Eddie bers, will go,, to Putnam this after­ has been a specisil call assigned to Community Players will present a Manchester police depertmeot. as a timid little college tailor whose MMORDW,llNCE, Will compete In the Wednesday noon. At 8:30 this evening there the Bon Ami factory,, where the performance of "Pollyanna” for the Captain Herman Schendel le secret passion for a glamorous night Bight show for three cash prises of will be a supper served them by the whistle of the department is located. chairman of the benefit show and BINGO BINGO flO , 85 and 83. Degree of that place. Officers will school children of Manchester. Every club singer. In the person of Miss The new calls are effective at once parent should see to It that his child will be assisted tomorrow afternoon Merman, moves him to take a rorre- be In.xtalled by the Manchester by a committee eompoeed of six po­ FAVOR m AUDIT and It Is the advise of the district attends. apondence course In personal mag­ THE SUPREME COURT' The Cosmopolitan Club on account team and a short hualness meeting officers that the new list be pasted lice officers. Manager Jack Sanson Army and Navy Club Of the storm and difficult traveling will follow. I-ater In the evening on the inside back cover of the local "Pollyanna” la an Instructive Is assisting Captain Schendel In ar­ netism. entitled "Men or Mouse, was obliged to po.stpone Its guest the Manchester visitors will attend telephone directory to take the place play. The lesson of self sufficiency ranging the program. What Are YOU?" afternoon program yesterday at the a dance and entertainment given by of the calls that are now fisted and saltafactlon with what one has Dick Gamble of New York, "King Then he Inherits the management TONIGHT — 8:30 Attendance As Pro­ T. M. C..A. until Friday afternoon the Reil Men of Putnam. there. In addition to the assign­ Is taught, Pollyanna, the leading of Impersonators." will be master of a huge amusement park and be­ Of next week at the same place and ment of the calls provision is made character of ihc play, shows that It of ceremonies. TTie cast Includes comes Involved with a gang of slot And Every Saturday Night! Is possible to he happy even though machine racketeers who have put posed By-Law Is Defeated; 0 . K.’s POWER ACTION hour. 2:30. Miss Priscilla Comstock Work has been started this week to have a cal) to Ik* bloum if there Dorman Brothers and Mary In "Mo­ 15 GAMES AND SPECIAL GAMES o f Somers, dramatic reader and on the WPA painting project at the Is no Rchoo). This call, which is to a person baa not the luxuries of life. ments of Harmony." the Four Ar- every previous manager on the spot. character impersonator will present Manchester Memorial ho.spital. Due be nine long blasts will be soupded The lesson of respect and obedience leys, a sensational acrobatic act; the Snappy Song Hits Admission 25c. Door Prize. Other Business Is Per­ the program she bad planned for to the large census at the present at 8 a. m. and 12:30 p. m., on the to one’s elders Is definitely driven RenardJ Trio In "Musical Pas­ "Strike Me Pink" was based on Four Justices WhOe Agree­ jesterday. Mrs. Charles F. Sumner time, much o, the work the past days when there will be no session home In the minds of the audience. times:" Lydell and Gallagher, "the Clarence Budlngton Kelland’s Satur­ week has been In the hospital laun­ "Pollyanna” Is a clean wholesome wni be the hostess and tea will be of the school. The military call will Young Ides" In a novelty dancing day Evening Post story and novel, functorily bdorsed. Selling Wave Follows served. dry and operating room. A sky­ be 12 long blasts and the recall two play that will not only delight the oddity: "eller and Wilburn In a "DreamlaotJ." The adaptation and ing With Opinion Contenl- light window, broken by pointers long blasts. The general alarm will children audience, but will also be novelty hat Juggling act: Kraft and screen play are by Frank Butler, yesterday In the roof of the operat­ be five tong blasts. educational and teach them In a Lamont, "the long and short of ,t" Walter DeLeon and Francia Martin. Mrs. Marlon Jacobson Seelert's ing room was replaced this -morn­ Manchester la not the first town In the headquarters of tbe com­ very pleaaant faahlon that real hap­ In com. y. songs, chatter and I of- Norman Tuurog directed. Harold Buying in M arket A s the Case Should H m pupils wll give the midwinter piano ing. _____________ Ing; the Russian Fantaste, a color­ In ConnecticuL and possibly In the .tacltal at her studio, 15S Main pany. where the new signals were piness In thla world comes to a per­ Arlen- and Lew Brow-n are responsi­ placed today, there is also a revised son only through helping others In ful dancing ensemble. ble for the snappy song hits, which country, to make official steps street, this afternoon. All grades j time of need. The 1938 edition Is one of the aganst the sale of raw milk from Been Dismissed; McRey- will have a part In the program.
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