}M^LY€mOOU^!^ fiv Hit H M k of taM, ^ 6 4 ■> m Um Aadit I «f OndftllMii.

VOL. UU MO. 257.,

InveiftftHT ShoA c: W ar M achine HcaUSKEY SURE ■ _____ \ ' • t.y.'M- ■ ' . '1 • ■ HE CAN QUALIFY teqite ffis'IDiiest HeJTeDs TAXIDRIVER JUu GanU, of A n o ^ te d f e_ w ' Veterans Remain • Press, That He W3I Phce IS MURDERED Monday— Then WM Hare INDEED In Nation*s Capital

'Hme To Recnperate For Washington, ^•“ ■(AP)—Amxths, now Is xthlng but a ruin. Frm BfoO Cnaifoei Police BeSere Mao In Sol­ B x x seekers by the score carried It was burnsd to ths ground. All bn a strange ex od x from Washing­ the other centers of b x x aotivlto F nab Next Satnrday. are the same. T on w rrew ^ ew Able Te dier’s Uniform Who W u ton today, scattered by a -tever-re- The xvalrym x, who startdd the Ixting fire and tear g x attxk that plexup after one veterx w x kill­ By ALAN GOULD His Phssenger, Is Shyer; made their once weu-organlsed ed and X officer was injured in a Fereciit Readtt. Afiodsted Reaw Sporta Editor. campi things of ths p x t clash betwex equatters and police, The tattered groups, some march­ w xt home to Fort Myx, Va. Most Leo A ivolw , Csdlf.. July 80.— Podteis Were Rifled. ing, xm e hitch-hiking, some get­ dougbbojrs occupied a ouartermae- Berlin, Ju^ SO/—(A P )—U p w ^ (Speelal).—Deiirite a aomewliat le- ting rides in vehicles, offered by ad­ tor^^ depot a few ^^bloeke^^xtol; of 87S00-,000 -Oermx voters wars joining states, we^ ushered x t of vere cold which he has been shsk- White House, but .tbrM cempxlee ready today to reifoter at ths votisg Bridgeport, July 80.—(A PI- the xpltat with a statemXt by stayed at Anacoetia. leir off slowly Joe McCluskey today If the Claims of Ihventor J,- Walter Christie, left, are borne out taidu the one showtt hefe. would be- booths tomorrow ta thstr 4nsl d e^ Shot in the back of ^he head wite a come the terrors another war. For this'macWne, he says, not o^;ean-*i President HdovSr dsploriiiig x at­ In the clexup 86 radicals charg­ expressed confidence In his ability o t el over rouAh country at tee tempt to coerx the governmxt by six On the bloodlxt and neisrixt .40 calibre revolver, apparently by rate of a mile a minute, but can leap over obstacles eig^t.feet highior ‘ feet wi(l£ And it also ii ed by m xy with having incited the to survive the qualifying trl^ In mob rule and xpreissing gratiflea- rioting were arrested by police. electix xmpalgn in the history' a man who sat behind him as a pas­ Ugbt enough to be eartfod by a bonabing pUuMi The tank here isi ' ' a demenstratim for U. 8. lAe Olymple safely t i x that the chiUlenge bad h e x Queetibned by im m igratix offldale, the Releb. Army officers at Linden, N. J. Tested on a highway,! uring ite met "swiftly and firmly." Monday against strong oi^>osition, senger in his taxicab, George But­ tained a speed of 110 miles an hour. Its jumping ablUiy, not yeft all but 17 wxe released Ixt night To e x that the vetenine really do The qiixtix is whether Germxy and have sufficient time to recuper­ ler, 85 years - old, of 1188 State ful spring device under the machine. but spasmodic raids brought in ote- will go to tee right x to the left. ate and bo at his best for the finals street, Bridgeport, driver for the stay x t, thrx xmpanlx of eteel- ere nrixo awaited coneideratix to­ Yellow Taxicab Company, was helmeted Infxtry camped x the day. On the right W x the luring vblbe next Saturday. of Adolf Iffitler, the form x Aua^ Spirit Betomlng found murdered before dawn today scarred rite o f 1 ^ b x x demanders The justice departmxt wxt beside a road on Shake HlU In the X X most active exter—aorx of aheX with its own inquiry into the trix Army corporal x d paperhahg; 1 chatted with Joe In his cottage low ground in Anacoetia xburb. er, with his thrxt that "head* at the Olympic Village and found Green Hill section of Fairfield. violence that xueed Prisnidxt Koo- would roll” and bis demand tor mo hfs aplrits fast returning after a Search is being made for a soldier This camp, like all the others that v x t o summx the might of the as a possible suspect / BOOST PRICE LEVEL, had hex busy x beehives io t Army. e t lo f tee Democracy. week in which he had been dlscouiv There w x Alfred H u gxb xg, the aged by his cold and Its effect on Butler’s body, after he had been his general condition. His legs, he shot hstd been dragged out of his old time Nationallete leadx, with said, have been feeling like lead' driver's seat and thrown beside tee hi.;; call f x a return of tee Kaiser after each of the few workouts he road. His pockets had been turned SAY TRADE EXPERTS xd the, re-xtXllshmxt of the had. He just returned to the inside out and his possessions tak­ SOUTH AMERICA SHAKEN monarchy, and tb x e w x the pow x vfilage after staying in town, to re­ en, including his operator’s license. OF R E SPACES of the iM’osxt gxernm xt o t G b x - cuperate. He is about four pounds The taxicab had b ^ jammed into xUoi Frans vx Papx and the underweight but should take on an embankment Imperiil Confereoce At Otfai- xted Junkx and.formx xldier Wore Uniform BONDS M A R I V G xeral Kurt v x Schleicher. 'sem e e x ^ poundage within the fwo Minite T om Meeting w r n i WAR PREPARATIONS On tile Left next week. Police of Fairfield and surround­ Loses Fine EdgA' ing towns are looking for a men in m BeficTCs That Is Most •A On the left were the G erm x He win have the benefit of a five- a soldier’s uniform who hired But­ MVAOE JOHNSIOiN Grants Leases Far Rec Sociallete, xpp ort ot the RepUbllr day lapse between trials and the ler’s taxicab last midnight at tee Botiria and Parapay M obil c x Constitution apd, still farthx final nnhMMi he if the victim of an railroad station in Bridgeport As­ Important Mattor To Bo U .S . CAN MOBILIZE leftward, the Cammunlet p ow x un­ upset Monday. iW o of the Finnish sociates of Butler at tee railroad and Library Pnrposes dx Erxt Tbxlmann, who is bxk stars, Iso-HoUo and Matilalnen are taxi stand say they saw a: soldier CoBsslerod. D rira Olf of CapBal, Veter ianf Forces — h Braal X tee Hamburg docks wltb 'hls in Mcauskey*s trial heat, as weU enter Butler’s cab and drive away Witiioiit Rental THREE MILLION MEN board of stragety, in the shadow^ as his teammate, of to a destination unknown to'fthem. the towering mxts of thfiiisndi of Oklahoma. Joe feels he do at The fact that Butkos assigant a is k n CoBcentning In (St3 War Is Growiati Mora t o x of idle G x m x eUpe, iTemaiuL used a revolver of Afi caUbre-^tee Ottawa, Ont, July 80.-:-(AP)—A Ing the end of xpltsliem afidlMHi- least 9:19 for distance by Monday general agreement test tee most The special town meeting hdd in and this Should be good enough to Army and Navy stah(faurd—led po- Serisns. ance with the idealb of- Soviet^ns- Uce to believe the sdldler who;en- necessary task of tee Imperial High Schxl hall last night took ImtiM e *f Politics H ens eia. assure Urn a quaU^dng place. He Trade Conference is to boost tee PeMDsylraiiB (% . did 9:14 in his final tr s w ^ at Palp tered tee cab at the station-^was'^]^ jtsrt two nrinu^ to x t e o r ix tee The voter h x eight thouiapd e x - murderer. / tee general price levw of basic didatx from whom to Mleet 068 Alto, running his own i^ e and a canamoditijw. prevaded over-jspecial seleetmeh to enter into sreontraet Buenx Aires, July 80.r-(AP) — Lud Feree^ ef Frnke beautiful one all the ^ y . But he Was r ■***■>• IKnowB new members of the Reiebirtaf.. coforiii^'^ * '■* W x picx»riitIons ..4natittftBg in Bo- The closing radio x p ^ to the haa lost his finefodge snce then, m Tbb on monpl^q^ii^ his only4ime> trial • llvfii and ’ .predieting electorate were nuuto lari m gkbW fifeahidal qUedBons brouj^t thji^qbes- seml-aalfiti^ piga^xaifoii^ to . rEaet, aiite hoMdlHg for Kari ..Revering, formx Pruasix' here be did 0:80. tlon t o a l^ead s2ter 34 hofun m«taUt. more serieua: strife i|M(6txeek.*led'lR Stnmg Opporition haa a father and brother in New placa tee . ahatte;^ ]^ u e SHqBadl- r o o r ^ x servlm^ w ral^t cost to m inietx fOt defense and Haven and that he wax of a'^^et As long as it takes twjde as nrach list o f ttoublw which xu sed Intense I would hesitate to pick McCltts- of any commodity to payoff a debt tionary Force, was laid 1^ ■^’driine-. tee dietriqt action dlepoeed of Wmiametown, M ax., July 80.— Vx who ousted * SeveriW key to win the Olympic steeplechase disposition. He had been workii^ ar tee fbrst rioUM. qf the call.'. appeeheneix in South Amerix to­ from ofllx a few days fiSP>' a taxi driver here for about ten as it did when tee ^ebt-was. e x ­ town today, vri^e ringed vOtbronie day. (AP)—In a gxerU conferenx of championship, under' these drciun- tracted, tee committee d^d^,, The ab<^d clause related.to tee nam ed On Treaty . stances and because of the strong years. tradged into the. city by hbiidfode rentiiig of xoteer eectibn of tee ’The two natiox were mobilizing, the Distitute of PoUtix devoted to •The Trxty of Versilllee he atid James Coughlin, of 66 Drew there could be no basis stability of amid tee protests of an aroused opposition from Europeans, espe­ money, trade or tariffs or any at­ same building to the Ninth Schxl ecoxmically and otherwise, with a a xmparlsx of tee relative Ixd w x tee chief x u m o t the FSteer^. >.* '. j! cially the Binns, but his gameness Place, one of tee owners of tee Yel­ city. District for a period not x yet de­ patriotic zeal which tereatxed a forex of tee United StatXr F rx x land’s dlstrex because itfoatetad / low Taxicab Company, after talk­ tempt to equalise values. and determination will certainly . Agrownent Near, Moro then 1,000 tattered ”march- cided v^Min,: for libriury purpoiMS, dimax to the eixty-year-old quarrel X d Gernumy, L lx te n x t Colonel radic^m X tee right and Itft; make him a hard man to beat. He ing to Sutler’s assistants told the with no rXtal charge other than, committee’s announcement en ", routed from Wasbhigtdn by ovx the: largely unixpped patch of Chxlx Mettler of tee Ordnxce fe # hours befora tho dmnesBur has shown frequently his ability to Fairfield police he was utterly at a Regular Army troops, slept beneath tee ebSt of heating and upkeep of wiidernex in the G rx Chaco. went x ’ tee air his foreign ntyilil: loss to explain tee murder. came almori shnultanequely with re­ Departmxt, .United Slatx Army, overcome obstacles. If he is feeling ports teat-Canada and Great'Britain tee stars In Wooded £ s ^ d Park, tee seictix 80 Used by tee mstrict. iDT Paraguay oo xch fervor wx ter, B a ix K onatxtin v x MeuratiL right there hm>t a single question in Robbed, he said, was an improb­ were believed to have agre^ in three miles out of tee dty last Attended by 24' Persons khbwn^eihx she'-held Aigxtina, said today that America, undx tee tolc tee French anibaxadx thht his own mind'he can win. able mottm because it was nottM- principle on a ^eat preference night / The meeting w x called to order Braril x d Uruguay at bay during a National Defense Act organization, w h x Defense lOnlater v x ScblelChT ous that a taxi driver seldom car­ coiUd mobilize a force of 154J)00 He antidpated the,arrival of his plan, i And while t e ^ slept, citizens by Thpmx R^ers, chairman of tee five years’ war in 1860. Bolivia X tbrxtxed tee other day to arm father, John McCluSkey, today. ried more than a few dollars. Yet One Ottawa newspaper definitely congregated at a half-doMm massed boxd bf 'Selecteax. Judge William w x x d x 'virtual military ride x d officera x d 2,930,000 men. Germany -if the otex xtioiu: did Butler’s pockets had been turned in­ announced teat tee Canadian gov­ meetings, adopted, resolfiriods de- S.^Hyde wx,chosen moderator. In hastening soldiers into tee xuteefn CoL Mettler said tee National not disarm, he spoke f x every side out and he had been robbed of ernment had demanded a'preference 'nounciqg Mayor Eddie MOOloskey the ahsxce of Town Clerk Samuel Chaco vdiere tee swampy jungles of­ Defenx Act w x tee grxtea!; guar- member o t the (SermX Cabinet X d whatever he possessed, inpludiog his taiw rate of 4 cents a bushel in for havinig invited tee ariny to Turkington^who is in Canada, ’Town fered a most inhospitable Xttle- x tx of extinuX peax. for the whole G x m x nation, ' THOMAS AHACKS operator’s license. He carried no British markets and teat it would . J * Treasurer George H. WXdell xted field. A dlfferxt view w x ezprxsed Brneoing Chexed ' watch but depended upon a small make no deals at all unless it got it. (Oontemed x Page Five) X derk. * Same S it x t t x by WilUam .Stone of tee Foreign Fomer Chxcellor Hxrich Brux- clock in tee cab. Brityn.As Market H fvee Qoiekly Policy Association steo aaid there ing. tee tan, a ilx t question' marir A story was brought to tee Fair- The statx of the Brazilian civil ’The market for Canadian wheat The resolution calling for tee leaa- war remained largdy xchxged, in w x a confilct between the pollqr of in tee.campalgn w x wOdlS; ebeetyd' BOTH BIG PJ^RHES field police that a Soldier from L c ^ in Great Britain at best would be no of the rSeroation depaurtmxt in the National Defenx Act tonaeure by 20,500 ' at tee SportepShiet lir i leiand, N. Y., had been in the habit spite of. the xtivlty of tee Federal more than 110,000,000 bushels a year tee b iiild ^ was read by Seleetmx rxbOlzatlon of mxpowx of na- iright X he addreamd his last cam­ of visiting a girl in tee Snake Hill LAY troops, along tee norteextem frimt with normal production teat would RoXrsl « white is .tee key to effective doX- tione*in a major crlids and the po­ paign meeting. ■ While -H ltlx flashed leave at l ^ t 200,000,000 bushels a . ‘Hrieffy,-‘ what is tee p l x ? ” licy ‘'reiterated by Presidxt ^ o - about in his airplxM and Thqri- (OontiBiied on Page Five) asked Mxerator Hyde. xtion of tee S x Paulo revolt. Sociafist Candidate For Pres­ year teat Canada would have to sell The Federal trocqiB extinued to ver in hie proposals of last J x e” to maxabbuted among the Hunbagg in other markets. "The' figures tdiow a use of 60 tee e ffx t that land fo re x ahould be per; e x t of the building' for school hammer along a front X thrx sides shipe today, Bniening, the inebefiar. ’those who are opposed to tee of 8eo ^ x lo but they had not yet used only to maintain order and de­ remained in bis study, With hto long ident Says 18th Amend­ present id x exprS^^ the .belief work,” replied Mr. Rogers. fend the National territory. ’’l%e. n ix is to opx the Recrea- approfudied. nearer than 135 miles Mack ^gar x d pxdered the'poari^ HCKHSON WENS teat it was hard to imagine Great from tee city, from xy.xgle. The The Other aide biUties. Britain playingmore for her vteeat tix building to all tee people of tee ment Is Not So Important To Mikii No Move DistS CoB- town?’’ adeed Mr.-Hyde. hardest drive w x toward Ccuseiro, Organization of tee Army under, RqgiRding the residt, thin og| y it could be bought for in the ” It is,” , replied Mr. Refers. wheia they hoped to crush tee main tee Natiorutl Defenx Act,-he said, basin for Mtimrix kty .ta the vote MIDWEST CAMPAIGN open markets of tee world. ’The net 'Te tee. motion seconded?” asked rebel army. will be "virtually uxleee In x at the Diet ele^ ox last . April, ill- result o t any such plan, they, safd, .diiioiis Are Moro Fa?or- em ergxcy calling for a mofaila teough in the atatea x * New York, July 80.—(AP) -The might biB to substitute Rotterdam or tee moderator. !Tt la xconded. Are ’The rebels minhnlzed gains of the battlecry, “ I^peal Unemployment,” ftiere any r e ^ l ^ ? . r e s ^ for Federale in tee xuth, npade ov x the Saxxy, Badep x d Antwei^ for Liverpool aiM the'pre­ rolling xffx plxtatiox where ' (Oxtinned on Page Btew) where X Diet slecti(B.______was sounded today by Norman mier European wheat market, with tee questix w|ll.!Bignliy by.'xylng Thomas, Socialist candidate for Senator Attacks Democratic •aye.’ It , Is a vote,, eo ordered,” swift advahx is impossible. n e the figures fx .tb e 'im • 'Befoliriity President, as he fommlly launched tee result teat Canadian exporters cesxtix of ezport trade w x plfite- electiox must os usedi his party’s National campaign. would redsive no more thim the (Oontintied on Page FKre) ihg S x Paulo, while Rio de Janeiro ’Tbe Atyieritolii Thomas said he could see no Platform As One o f Gen­ world price. Paris, July 89.^(Xp)— F ^ce w x feeling tee vleprivattx oft SBANUYTORDN On this basie the hope in the present economic situa­ haa agzbed to mqke no xnpveitovmrd supplies from tee rebel city of sMta would be: Nasfii, Yfo;. tion ’’unless we seek to repeal un­ eralities— His Address. revision of the PreiMte debt to tee loM of its bontributix at the tiohallete, 84; PopuUets, IQ? StylN employment with a bimdred times United StatM until' tee eitustlx in portix of tee xtional revenuA M TURD THSTRICT lets, 180; Oommunlste, 70; CfoOrffta the fervor and intelligence men seek HOOVER PItOrOSES Boelety In Bevidt x d B avarlx CathoUcs» 8 ll ' AW the repeal of the discredited 18tb Am e'rix' is ihore favorabIe^ possibly smaller Rightiri grimps tafStair^rM Amendment.” after tee preeidential election, It was Professional and society cU ox in Chicago, July 80—(AP)—Senator S x Pbulo stood eteadfxtly loyal to —total, 588, with 292 " He spoke at a picnic of trade L. J. Dickinson, of Iowa, opening learned tojfay on Ugh, auteority.^ i TRADE REVIVAl majority. unions, fraternal organisations and NINE POINI PLAN tee rxolutix, spurning all offera tor tee campaign in tee midwest for re- , Thla waa>one of ^ rasulta of x X ineondueive peax, x d promising New H ara Man S eda Phice If anything near such w ; '"ii SedaUst Party followers at a Brook­ election of President Hoover, today inten^myeaterdpiy h b t^ ; Pro- meht should result from-tatasl t o resiet . indefinitely. lyn pwk. attacked tee Democimtic program m le rfie n ^ h Coaprx On tiu Dc b - voting Hitler’e aeeumptW! it S 9| i After attacking the two major as one of generalities, and ’’reliance eador Edge u d Norman H. Davis, a ihonsando pf Extra Hands The break betwex Argentina x d pow x would be Impoeribl*. p ^ e s for what he called their upon demagogic appeals to fan tee S edu To Spiled Up Work To member Of tim American^ Oelention Uruguay w x itill iinheajed^aad al- with,the strength of the other laiek of a definite program, Thomas fiames of discontent teat alwi^ teough rumors teat xneillatory xn - dedared: ' to tee dtearmamxt oonfora^ ocratic Ticket. g rx p e added to Ids 818 gsoii spring up in times of economic dis­ ‘ M. Herriott reocEltilied the'diffi- Bebll Employed—Stndios xrvatiox were uhdx Hray were could x t command • n stajority'im-' "Xn spite of their raucous quarrel­ tress.” Brhig Back heard in Mxtevldx, A^xtine ing, the fight between Hoover and oulty whieh the Amerieiu govern- maiwtRiitsfi that Uruix^r, which lex Dr. Brutnlnf'e Qriheite C & ’’Demagogic appeals ars not go­ vonnectipn with'debt triri Party would join ta nVetaMflty Oamer was simply on the question ing to satisfy , tee American people Bnlser Than h Mondu. broke off the relatlou, anust eartend New H avx, July 80.—(A P) — o f how many post offices would be Prosperity. revlrion at tele time, with Cenfffose the olive brxoh. Major Jam x A. Shainley, who twei governm xt in this campaign,” tee Senator as­ x d tee mass of the people on^M On the o tb x h x i ; the Oel|triiits, built and bow far the government’s serted in a radio address. ’’Arraying Communist maaifoaiatione white yxrs ago opposed Repreextattve activities in lending money that to It* • John Q. Tilix, fx Third District Bavarlx 'Sootalisis class against class never has, SATashlngton. July 80.— (A P )—The Hrilywoed. July 80.—(AP)— tee Cbilex gpveramxt gave ynh banks couldn’t lend should go. administration sought lyeed today ^ Jteduetloii. Oongrexmx, la leeUng xotber with their -SSt .> s x t a woOfo Gamer's TJttle Man' never can win a war on depression. Olympiad vialtors are seeing a Hol­ terday x its reasx for afirrounAng x t have a majority sithsi!. Wo are in tee midst of tee greatest in carrying out an eldborated rip- told the preeldxtial palax with ma- ch x x to win tee olllx. ”Tha ‘little man’ that Oamer blfix that tee best way. • to • iwlng lywood afbun with xtivlty that He announced last night he would Ths prospset W s, tkii taeiii, ;t| «t war of this character in our histcAry. bhblUtation program involving chlM guaa, felled t o , auteriallae, cares for, Roosevelt’s ’forgotten some things a Demooratio epolfo** Ameriox eptatix tewwri revision Isoaebe Uttle of depyesplon x d tee be a mdldate fx the Demooratio tec O xtrins, .uBdx Dr. .“ ~ man* is not the worker in a new co- We can only win it by standing to­ but talk of h Cabinet ihakxp per­ w ^ bs Uhsiy to Mld*tSs _ '■M gether as a whole people.” man insleted should have been ■would ^ by rsd u ottxm bloee. \ ' sisted. niNntaation at tee dtstriet o x v x - opsfatlyo soolri^but tee little capi Nwd to Oongrees earlier than ' two line with tix. His friends pointed x t that tlott x d rithouth' tbsy havo tallst or would capitalist in an Governmental ln»nom y Mhny studlQi are x busy x in Discussing governmental econ­ lare after tee economic doUapse.’! Presidxt E!b^r:e prqpoMl to put he carried New Havx against ths tlM Nuris^ th sio‘w x littls impossible returnui to tee days of An Prestdant ^oover hlnMfalf arms by one-third, and by eilminnt- the old days, apd it's not a show vetsrx'Republiox in ths 1980 sleo- thty would bsw ailB gto m d r ^ JadtsoB. omy, tee tariff, farm rrilef and for ths bsnsAt ot viisltors. WBBBLBB FUNHMX TODAY waterways, the 9*Bktor contrasted publlo tea nina point propbaal, 'Ing Mnuttxelal frtbtlx. x arrang- tioD, and predicted that with TU sx eoxtix with tbs BigEt, **What the advocates of the reUef Tha pfopotal lnoluws,:plapa. for flng a lanerel Qoumerdnl Thsy prbbahiy won’t rsallst tbsy x t of tbesrunning this year his R loO bf. odBtiBusd. to the what ho termed ’’Demooratio wlti^pstiig .tho grsatest strug- promises” with that party’s per^ raplaeamefit (tf slum diatrlota, tx- Tbf;P«M«mithbrity;dlfolo^ that Bridgeport, July 89;—(AP)—Final ohxcx fx viot^, riwuid hs bs mtUS. iift x a wMrtwtad of tho ndtix’s m i^ifriatsst In- xminatod, would be materially in- zormanoes. He singled out (Sov- panaion of credit foelli^ee, etlmiila- has asMed Louis tribute , t o George W aken^ Wheel- tiofi of raHroad maintananoa aad>a* Qerp^-lfate ainls- to^prosiryo Its futurs. ereaasd. uid tbs PalWidts lattt-: new Industiy or industries of the ernor Franklin D. Roosevelt of New pair wbeK,:.b|raadanlng' off'ttVaat^ lisuil siUDsfox totiMUfy# *1' X, former chief justix of Um State m ai^tude of tee automobile indus­ York, its oandldate for president, ambassador to ths AYals gradxto, Sbaaley w x a. to ItoStlbSto^ and f^ r^ Ipfina, fdatar^pwyaifiriif italted ^ f t a .hi/ibs^pastA is dli^ supreme Oourt ot Brrort, who died fitta l l x t o i ^ t ef flsM arffilsrr^diw* try In Its younger days will appear: for a major portion of his assault. lo t the ^ fsTprish adtit^.;Orciwds teat Is, If er^ t is easy this tedus- ’'Whereas the Demooriitlo ]^t> of agrlouttiiral eqmmooiriai, ahortar ,period; ittehe;’ hBd.t^t Wedneddiiy will be paid today, fik tag ths wSrtd W x. form promises to save apt less than houra, awlft erfanlaatfonef (ipt Gw' cjtyting- emees. Pro: prsMnet cd judges, eeurt-' oflMaii has prxtleedpraottead law here,hsrw. with Wilt try or thess Industries will ho fl- fnioan bank rntrai,'. opn- is:stm eohsidsr- tholr guns for eoxning as his reoreaa^ nanoed and work win be oroatsd by 30 per cent in the oost of Fedwal itton of sflf-U ^datfiif projaota t X fill asA BHw ;tofe8fwk US Mif’' men. primarily tlssirous of p fefit government,” DioUnson saldi "Hi xpolBted to Gkrverax W. L and ”etear amvas of eo-op«mtem _ ,^ t the tiipt fimoral stijrtol880. New York under Gov. RoOsevelFs batwaan tea GRnrandai|Bt !la aldV;te xnMP-tOa wpg)d r«thsr ne­ at f :80 o'clock administration rinoe 1919 the : oest IfoaswUls a boom for puWo Add J)riv|ita adriioftMi.” gotiate t t ^ t o ^ a s l ^ thb Bbw isad- JOhS'l Bpiseepal ' Mi^town for ten MO where such an of state govehunoBt has ten, but -tMilhit a i r x of Mahy m ,.«^ > temiamottid he Vrxte> to ii Ml ths. vn h Stiti^rity Ihi to Jttdn iWhaaMrii own wWbNi tahrit’^ for lanta Otanp. 'W targt ribMO to ietfon g^.pkiurt out- No funeral ‘wa^vIhi tdftt m sw x ftftfniiiittiwxFaaoaax)a*^w li the INta Im* ths nofoinaritni Wariibbp'a, *alili.w • n m e t i th9t:»bne mandto. Mrt- Xtotaodratto wants M food, o l ^ te a radio adlSraM /p n p a ra d A w r: ' . * •*/« *• " w x B 'sin " IM dX

k ^ . .. j'.. .V . . . . . 'wWl' ,;k .» ’■ j* PAGB oT o MANCBB8IBB BVBNINO HBBAIO, SOUIB IM iira B M ^ OONM. gATtmPAY,^ n .y »>, itM MILK DEALERS HERE nuWORISIM) ; OBITUARY ^ MEET MONDAY J' Rjunaiss m DEA^ p a t t e r n PAYSJUIMLU R l A N l O j ^ ^ atewainwrat at the B erhsp^ YNBNGBMiMYim ite;, igAim i Playhouse la 8: ^ ... Win DisGusB Plans Suggested Curoiiir l>lBds"Aff^foird Biftn Veil Burea bdifam^, ju t.' 'i .1 For Giving Milk To the (< E. R. Worthington Nut - ChRTty Swuipfaig Juliet’’. . Patrlda SnaO Bihiice Ldt For Next Needy DoiLig Next Winter. Edwin Russell ^Worthington, age Tm ekrs Siy . Troops Aro Canoe On Crystal Lake. the lead a» she has la the comedy 28, of 196 Henry street, died /early |.”Juet Out” wUMi closes tbs week and. tbs The members of the Manchester this ihohilng at tbe Memorial hos­ at 8tockbrt4fsi tool|ht gtwOraiBrai i bulla- Year, Final Renort of the Milk Dealers’ Exchange will have a Rockvillei July 80/—William Hall- wiiN by'ole pital, following an Illness with Arririiig. Daily— Fpar ^ day of 17 Vernon street, Hartford, prliitod meeting M ond^ evening following a disease of tbe heart He was ad­ Mr. Md Mrs. David R. Cole iff buUetlM 'til" tha a dinner ht HiUaide Xnn in Bolton. who was arrested oil a charge of Crater street are speadiag Lofion Shows. mitted to the hospital last March, reckless operation of a motor boat ,Tbs onty Dinner will be served at 6:80. ^ mitted to the hospital last Attack Ibde RyJagui. week-end in Southbrldge, Maas. y tne peel>ii.may hoep ^trfcck ^ * The object of the meeting is to Belle (Harris) Worthmgton, be fidlowing tee dlrowning of Carl a tbs vote u Ity frequim ' broadcasts discuss plans for the coming winter. leaves his pmrents, Mr. and Mrs. Le Concha of Hartford at Crystal John BrwlB Mortca, sob of Mrs. VipOss. fovsrfiiiDsnt. si^porvlslon. ' Tbe/flaa) account of the Legion Last year tbe dealers gave several Edwin D. Worthington of Worces­ Harbin, Manchuria, July go Lake a few weeks ago, .was fouhd Laura Morten, of Hudson street" fitefs tiM artay Is toady to act in Fireworks Fund given below ebows thousand quarts of milk to the needy ter, Maas., and two sisters. Miss Lil­ (AP)— TraviUrs arriving from Uamslsss when the charge was noll- at Camp Loyal, BrtafOrf ^ Oaiio of .aisfL it soomod that bfdar an expediture of 9498.16 for tbe In town free of charge. They hope lian Worthington and Mrs. Gustave Vladivostok, Siberia, n m rttba t the sd by Justics of the Peace Theodors was assured In, the cMitid at least Dy a publlo Fourth of July celebration and fire­ to arrive at some systematic plan of Swanatrom, both of Worcester. Soviet Russian autborlfies are fOrti^ Pslmsr of Hllington In court this Mrs. Kennaa Lamprseht of VU< Tha gnociaiis was 'not so certain in the American works held on the old Golf Grounds distributing this of relief and The deceased was a resident of fylng that ci^s harbor mroaches morning. her vacaUoi the rural districts^ wUob art not so SOty of town’s _ off Center street will discuss the various suggestions Manchester since May of last year. on a large scale In aatieipaUoB of a Hsllday was fined flO and costa thoroughty pUloid. Informatifli'lenGag The heavy-ahower v ^ ch began thoroughly. ' He was manager of the W. T. Grant; possible attack by Japan. of 124.60 on a second -charge.of Sion e f it iis person or 1 shortly after the band ooncert upset store at Easthampton, Mass. He Troops are arriving every day, operating an unregistered boat Ac­ Rioliard WHghT of Woodland A iUTKEB B tio n O N nmiidonaly setsTed ^ „ the plans of the committee for an was a member of the I. O. O. F. at they said, transported in closed raU- cording to tbe flndlfig of Coroner ptreet left - by motor bus today for Now York. July. 80.-.(AP) ^ acxellent display. Tbe committee Milton, Pa., and of tbe Alumni of wiQT cars and dlsembarkiDg at Joba Yeomans of Hartford, tee Chicago whore be win epend a w e a jloTintosB'pelittoa}. parties, united some o f tho grbmaff ^ takes this opportunity to thank tbe U.S.C^MOBalZE DeMolay at Worcester, Mass. night. Ten armored trains were canoe In which LeConcbewas an or tra daye with his sorn ^ ’ oitiy te n donakad . that Germany > p wijmBvtag^ townspeople for their f^enerous con Tbe funeral will be held Monday reported to ba in the risilway y a ^ occupant at the time of the fatality, shall hays her plaeo fa the sun, ait| ■troot saw 9wo mon tributionB. A surplus o f 982.09 will THREE MILUON MEN afternoon at the Kingslw Funeral and nearby are Htty tanks, sixW was overloaded and tee waves were W. Harry JBnglaad is to build mrssratlng caadidatse ia the bitterly the tract wite fiai be carried over until next year. Home at Spencer, Mass. Rev. Wat­ airplanes and numerous artillery also high; therefor# the report held Binglo tonsmrat house oa La fOught Rslehstag dootion wUra Potato^ty^ Following is tbe official report of son Woodruff of tbe Center Congre­ units. 0 that 'Halldqy's operation of the street, the only now bouse teat he takes place tomorrow. wUoh looal mmm, the committee as accepted by the (OsallBOSd tpom Page One) gational church here will officiate. SuppUes Arriving motor boat ^ not responsible for has started this year. Seven per­ TUf is the second Gsrxnan graoral id hard to produbo, post at their last meeting, with Burial will be in the Pine Grove Tbe travelers sald>tnuns arrive tee death. mits were Issued during the w « ^ ■loetioii ip threo months. It was . Victor Bronkiof^__ names of contributors not previously force of more than one division.” cemetery in Spencer. every day with munitions, food and Hallday was represented by At- most of them calling for ■mmii coa- Bseessitatsd b y . dissUuhon of the Garden oomhilttee hsa listed . miscellaneous supplies inwinHiiir poTuvy William lfy6e of South Man­ sthiotion work that totals in all last Reitestag in wUoh the oppoei- help by the ^ Previously acknowledged ...9366.48 He suggested that tbe present or­ ganization might cut In half with material for building steamers, plerz chester. 96,900. Included are tb# alterations tioB jparties refused to support the throuih CMsf Perrett & Glenney • •••••tea; 4.00 and small warcraft. at S t MaryS’s obureh. Among the poHolss- of tho Bruottiag govern- assist in nhining down rs: Thomas J. Rogers . 1.00 safety to the nation and a saving other permlte graated U one for to the taxpayers. r u N E B A ia It was said that tbe people of meat iaruM in tbe election The vegetables tern ( i p ______E. F. Ballsieper ... 1.00 Vladivostok have been- trained in milk bouse 18x20 for B. W. Cum­ ,afo as msalfoid as in any American tbe loi-of James Lovett o f 76 W ills Friend t«eeee9eeoea' .60 Dr. Ragunond Buell of tbe For­ eign Policy Association, criticized the use of gas masks, in rUUe fire mings a t No. 172 South Mzig street campaign- Tbiragb the parties are stress tha bast tttdsa ifl tiis Lawrence N. Case • •'•’•'a a a a a 6.00 Thomas J. Stratton and In seeldng safety in under- and.a small addition 6x8 1-2 to tee un it^ m oaa common objectivs for Miss Bebaub .... I a a a a a a •* JK> the Hoover disarmament proposal tract It Is siisbratsd^teit teo to reduce the^defenss component of Funeral services for Thomas J. round shelters already prepared, Wail Street house owned by Plo Oa^iardone oa the n a ti^ .thOlr meiteods of reach­ vandallemlsdueef epUs. Afiy^r- Stratton were held yesterday after­ imllar activities are reported at Ashworth street to be used as a pan­ ing that objeOiivs are as numerous Total contribution for 1082 9867.48 armies by one-third, which be said, try. ^ » . . son hnvteg infermntion — would allow America to increase noon with a brief service at tbe Kharbarovsk and Blagoveshcbrack. as tbs pwrtiss. All of teem went tbs identity q f tho pMfimis Balance from 1081...... 72.98 home, 46 Garden street at 2 o’clock, Meanwhile the Soviet authorities reparations cancelled; all of them Receipts from Refreshment her arniy from 186,000 to 200,000, followed by a service in Sh Mary's Briefs porsd with tho gardMLii______”an increase which will be entirely are rapidly liquiditing their inter­ ’ Tbe game which the Bast Side want the' fatberlimd reitored tO a g it in touch with teo pelloo or CBtelr- Stand «...... • '••••• I 84.79 Episcopal church which was filled ests in Manchuria. The staff of tbe baseball dub was to have plays< place of equality with tbo other unwarranted.” to overflowing with relatives and New York, July 80.—(AP)—De­ world nowors. maa Broakfo.. > France’s Anny Soviet bank here has been reduced I against Rookviae at tee West Bids ft— Total ...... 9626.26 friends of tbe young man. In at­ by more half. spite the sharp inorsase la trading tomorrow afternoon has been esa- Tho Natlonil Sbcielists would do I^ en ses of celebration 9498.16 Count E. Westarp, formerly of tendance were many relatives and this week, July businese In ebaree it tar fOreo. Others advocate intsf- tr, tbe German general staff, said The Soviet naphtha Syndicate is I eeled by Rockville. ■ ' ILODDD n DENVEB friends ftom Paterson, N. J., Wor­ preparing to withdraw all the most stocks on the Stock Exchange ran aatirani reconciliation. Tbo COm- Balance in Manchester France "in tbe first three weeks of cester and Springfield, Mass. More to about tee smallMt total for any muaieta would tit Berlla to Moscow a war will have about 4,000,000 able Soviet engineers and teebni Laureaeo Andreo, son of Mrs. Trust Co. listed (American than forty automobiles were in the dans have been withdrawn from tbe July since 1928, when volume Rose Androo of 6O Norman straet for an assault on the eaptti^tie ^Dravor, Cola, July 8D..-(AP)»- Legion Fireworks Fund). . . . 982.09 white and 760,000 colored men cortege to tbe East ceuMdery, where amotihted to about 18,000,000 system. ready to fight. In case of war Chinese Eastern railway which also and the lata John Andreo, called a;; Jfundro^i of homos were fldofisd, Washington Loyal Oruge has lost hundreds of locomotives shares. n ft Herald office this morning with Oalstanding a rm wars damaged and train and EDITOR BTBlCKim against both Italy and (Sermany, in full regalia, bad charge of teo request teat tbs paper be sent There'are twoouts Count Westarp said France’s for­ committal service. most of its best rolUng stock, wltb^ aummouia tnfSo hafiad in tfirrl- drawn by the Soviet authorities. There were 60 unfavorable divl- to him for tno,aext threo months at aUtteii,,A^U Hltisr, tbs;^tional flo rainiderm teat dwsat at .A|ldo HoUyweod, July 80.—(AP) — tifications would allow her to keep Rev. James Stuart Neill, reqtor of dead obanges .during the week com­ Aosta, Italy, where he wUl make his fiodallst and Kun Von fioUsiohor, one enemy away while concentrat­ St. Mary's church, officiated at tbe This has led to tbe belief Russlal arsa la Golerhde;^ im t. Btrieken by bronchial pneumonia, pared with 68 In tee previous week, headquarters while visiting bis na- graoral of tbs old Gorman army AolobdbttfttlDmMaA.fjiifi^ complicated by a heart attack, ing all 76 divisions of the army service in the church, assisted is preparing to abandon tbe Chinese and the power behind tbe presrat Eastern which-is now operated at a tbe Standard Statistics Company re­ tlrr und.' Borthsaftvthsaft^ef of*“ Cti{orade ' ‘ tvstags, ^ ' arat James R. Quirk, publisher of Photo- against tbe other. Rev. Watson Woodruff, pastor of ports. Favorable changes totaled Von Papengoveran^t a wauof . wator down TaaMtatm iy maganlne was in a hospital to- He denied that Germany possess­ the Center Congregatonal church. big loss. Already the 400-mile six compared with three. Then t'/tre acs A. HugOnberg, stretch from to Vladivostok: /There is to be a,.mistiai of tho Oap,ip» ,t]M aoitbeaafarn ;tito ed secret armaments and ^ctured Robert Gordon, baritone, sang "Safe oung Peoples’ Domooratle Club Physieiaas were hopeful for bis ^her helpless against French inva­ in the Arms of Jesus,” and a quar­ has been-suspended and operation Plans for making tee hydrogena­ a tet from tbe choir of St. Mary’s has been interrupted by floods Monday ni|tet and another is sched- torsOhoB.wftb'tarra tSta^hols«I^__ 00 wdovery. sion. tion gasoline refining process avail­ I uled for Tuesday evening.ng. TTbs _ A letiez ^ eLqudbursti, 01 V He was married about six years With its military budget about church sang, ’’Lead Kindly Ui — along tbe western section from Har­ able to all American oil refining In- ^ r a ts id o . b tb s baolifroim^ is Tbe singers were Miss Violet 1 bin to Manchull. ^ i-ipurpose is to set teat members of Prosideat Voa Hlfidsaburg, aloof niar Puemo, bmmd-'swiniaig ago to M fy Allison, movie actress, one-seventh that of France, Count terests, were announced today, tbs club not as yet snroUsd for the Into tho south sldo of. who is at bis bedside. They had Festarp said, tbe fighting value of den, Mrs. John Erickson, John Representatives of French bank Standard Oil Company of New Jer­ from tbo turmoil of teo oampalga, Chambers and James Stevenson. ing interests’are here investigating Demooratio primaries do so next flooded an ostlnmted nlannad to return to their home in Germany’s ready army against her sey acquired American rights to tbe week. but Btvsrtbolosa a fifuro of power. dsneos. New York in a week. ^’’prospective enemies will ba equal Organist John Cockerbam presided tbe possibility of buying out tbe I The world kaoWs what Hitler at tbe organ. roeess from tbs German inventors. . An irrigated farming distrlot near to nil, that Germany's experienced Soviet interest In tbe road. '0 provide for its use by other rs- Thomas A. Briennan of C. IS, a«M ?7> 7

OqifDAT m O O L UCSSOM , * I h , wp* T^Tw■ «' T. s ••■ : ••" ■ 1:' t; r - i ' insicAL^ m E M m A O E O F w sc m m im m a i n nosM, ' D etn it Jnty 8(L--^(AP) — B iaiy «lnto a memory of flesh pots, no reapniNaB tp supply toe need. Ford, now a farmar as weR as an VUiSu m I ^ Ualfoma 8011019 though in r ^ t y they had been suf> Hnii'a neoessity iS' God's oppori* skiekohao maanfMtaner pasNs his NIcol F«B5br)%.<-Fi6iiB| liBigBB for Joly 81. ferlng the cruelest and moat terri­ tunity, and the story-of the manpa TEvety giead.flft-aaifieffOryiperMA.gffly la from above and 69th milsstons today and. ha hgpw tTi ble oppression. is one of a deliverance and provi- HIGHWAY RULERS BAN Druan ei 'the.Q ni^ j eeemto tram 1I» iraUiM of Ih^V r^aew a IGY. to qpand koat^of tha day Bgr WV. B. GIUUIT, DJI. Possibly much may have been for­ sien aa’ rtmitfkahle.aa the saving of dal Evening^ ...... S eH^ ^ ^ . ■OllMr jof IhiB OoofrofBttOBaUst. given to a people in dire necessity toe pebi^e'at toe Red Sea. BtitGod ROAD SIGN OF UONS I tiia flftaea tiumfeand acres and tn- and faced with the sheer peril m. did imt giim his help without the 00- Net only does every 'good anddifoith into this wildatneas,’ t o , kill numerable gardens which are contri- A nuisteal Ewmsiilstlc--eeevice From tho j^ouoat ouU o< BMm, hunger. operMion of the people. mai tliis wholo’ 00000* ^ 'wlth htntyer. btttioos to toe "bato to tiie land" wfll be conducted k the^Sehatipb tvlth Its palm trees and Its springs, Then came the miracle of the thht wme was only toe day^s sup­ every perfect girt -tiome frok Mx>ve, movmnent . . Arnty cltadk tonxireow; e«aaing.k I from tha Father, "but "everytMog This is a graphic plcbm o f the iflie. dMl4irett of Israel entered, the manna, and toe provision of food ply. Departm eat .OJbijects T o Boost­ state k to which evayone ' '060101 There wffl be totemiptions, how­ 7:80 p. m. Hie .Nielxfi'FBimfly Xk* .odldemeis of Sin, which is between from heaven. Itoe story may be If toe people would find heaven, er Devfee At CkNit Fvrm Cor­ eokto i^m 'H lm to gooA Be­ ever.- eemUe of Hartford tyiP preaepi k Sriio makes his escape from bondage special feature, >Tbe Dkiton^ci to e EDin and fi^nal. read in toe light of toe comment they miut coroperate with toe di­ ner But It*8 Stfll^There. cause.: the surface current. ooncMls M natural desire, to the self, and He has, pnnnised' an intorvtew, Tbe oasis and the,wilderness are that we have made upon last week% vine forces working for their relief. the under flow, this does not atways .toaifis practically of the Lord's with newviMqpennen, an innovation CrcMM^/ with B^roprtato'iiiuilfffl si> . alike; tpniiteal of lUe. The entrance lesson. Nor was the 'manna continued when seem frue; yet' ^he ratioosl presence. For, when lrlt- the p ^ lis were restored to toe op­ Hie state Motor Vehicles Depart­ toe adf, he has at first n o t b ^ left, win ’ iCad - the maity mseeages of inatnimeatal •offeringe- 'OB'' ‘ tito .niade singly through passing along uaUse toe story for we have not portunity of'sdf-heip. feUcitaticae whlto are pouring In. Chimes, piano, aecordson and eo^ ment^ has raised objectloas to toe ztothmg but good can come frok and'is in- the wflderubas. It' takes net. l^easant paths with pum trees and seen bread comtog down out of toe The lesson 'of toe manna finds its |Dm who to.nkoht biit g ^ Cdd time for the timer man to grow, Moet of the Ford farms ‘ are in * sweet springs of water all along the skies, nor is there much likelihood best interpretatioii through the placing of a large sign hy toe Rock- sontiieastern and-.he Mr8. Nicb01, the first 'Salvatioh ville lions Qub on-toe Talcott es­ cannot come out oi flm* Ckty the kid whefi he is in that wilderness, Army Leeele to ]kty the piano^ac- way. of that happening. We have seen, teaching . of Jesus concertong Abe flavors in a fruit can come out qf the. rejected desires crave toeir makes the rounds of them seyeral For us, as for the children of here'in America, toe qtectade of bread ^ life.'"lb n "in hlmstif has tate at toe-ntote highway intersec­ It Bverythiag oontraiy to good tiSMS^aweek. Only a few days ago cordeoo k reUgiojus senrlcea;,c6m' ^Israel, aU endeavor and all progress people aUe to produce' far more former gratifications. bines this instrument agrwtoiy ho power of'sustenance; he d^>ends tion on toe Rockville-Hartford 'road risee from the hells like poisafioos, But the Lord was with IsraeL He be'rolled up his Sleeves and made .tm^ly the experiences in the wilder- bread toan they need, with their for his very pliysicail being on.forces nrm4|klen yapbrs, from sw ai^. emefganey rsiwlrs on a threshing with the coraet of Adjutau mc£m ness, and we may be thankful that granaries fairly bursting with to e . so-called Goat Farm in bent the sweet mans, the bread of to presenting for the tost tipie this outside of himself, and how much Talcottville. The sign is tor the lik e toe sun, the Lord cohtinualty ^fiMUen. And 6nly k the wilderaeas madUnb wbito: had broken down. oases o l rest and relief appear at wheat, and yet millions of toe peo­ more does he depend for toe life ol operates to purity the at- •The guxitau plots are k Dearborn effective religious drama. purpose of directing traffic from can this bread be given; f6r to re­ An illuminated croee will be en .freqtient. intervals.' m the expert- ple threatened with starvation. toe Spirit upon the spiritual food nuMQihere and to dissipate the ceive it evil must be reacted, which and envlxons.-^ They are being work- S h ^ of the wilderness we are apt The problem that confronts us is thht comes from heaven. Manchester, Hartford, and points ed without cost by the unenq^ed added attractive during tbe preesn- below through Rodcville. At this germs of disrase, and this. He ac- .'rejection brings the .wilderaess. tiition, after which Adjutant NiChel to torjiet very quickly the comforts not one that we should give to God, It is wdl that we should make place there is another state road conqdishes k the d^^ree; that we ffhall we, then, lose faitlL complain and by men from thS Ford plant ;;aad the dSllghts of uie oasis, and but it is one that God has given to our prayier daily to toe Fhtoer who eare.to raise their own vege­ will.give a Short address on ^f^o% that' can be used to reach Stafford come k to accord with the tows of and mourn when the wilderness en­ and Loaf." we. are apt, also, to tot|^ the goal us, and that it is our duty and our "Gfive us this day our dally toead." Springs, Worcester and Boston by His operation. virons us? The Lord will sustain k tables. .toward wUcb we are moving. business to solve in his name. It is an acknon^dgment of our der Ford is In good bssltb and toqws The Sahratioto Army band .nau way of Vernon Center. The. sign ' In fleeing from the bondage -of the wUderaesB with the bread from singing brigade will aeeie i. during a w so with* these children of The children of Israel had no such pendence; it is an uplifting of our that is toe cause of objection from Esypf the Israeiitee soon found above. 1710 toad of peace is beyoai few signs of advancing' years. . SihiBeL They b^;an to murmur and resources. There were no great eyes and of our souls toward that themselves in ' a wilderaess. ex- tbe service. The public ie weteome. the Motor Vehicles • Department the desert The fact can cheer us The Nicbol frunily ie wen known complain, against Moses and stocks and stores of provisions in power outside of ourselves with readSr "Straight Ahead 'Through Ihausted, famtobinfc discouraged. on. ‘ Aaron, their leaders. They even the hands of some while others in whom we co-operate, and through That did not seen, good , to . them. to tbe attendants at tbe Skvatidn tooiked back with longing upon their the community lacked. Whatever whom in communion and co-opera­ Rockville to Worcester aad Boston." T h ^ who eat of the bread of Sim-ONEINGROIIPOF Aram Band concerte in Center Park The : lotor Vehicles Departmsnt , n e y broke the spirit of the meek woridly fdeasures, win hunger tor nidr InepiratiODal music pfa- ^’wy s in Bigypt, and t h ^ life there there was was avaUable for the tion we find life's highest and deep­ claims toe Lions Club has no au­ IMoeee by their piMreing wall, again, such pleasures an come to an bdeame exaggerated in its comfort whole community, but there were est satisfaction. f'Would to God'we had died by the ssDted as a toaturo. of tbs wsskly. thority to direct traffic as that au­ end. But they who eat o f the bread niRPLE HEART EUGIBtES 'ssriss of concerts. They have nwds thority belongs' to . the state depart­ |/band of Jehovah k the land of that toe Lord gives ebaU never .KSTPt, when we sat by the flesh a name tor tbsmsslvss throughout ment. It is asserted by members of hunger, for that bread ie » e own all parts of Connecticut. the club, however, that before the pots . . . for ye bare brottybt ue eternal Ufa. HEBRON sign was erected the club was given Bfsny Otlicrs Entitled To permission by the Highway Depart­ tbie week to spend the at lIoeomtfoB For Wounds A n Professor aad Mrs. Eugene P. ment. their cottage at Crystal Lake. JULY AVERAGE MONTH Expectod To Bo Listed Hire. FOUR CrriES TO JOIN Chase motored to Marshfield, Mam., The sign is still standing. MIse Jennie Tracy of East Hart­ a few days ago aad brought home There has been considerable fad­ ford, who has bssn vMting her sis­ with tosm their two daughters, the ing on toe part of some Rockville ter, Mrs. Osorgs B. MUns, of Ukon m POLICE COURTHERE Sixty-one veteraae. are Ueted in IN WASHnerON FETE merchants because traffic was b s iv Misses Betty aad Catherine, who street, hse-rsturasd horns. the groim apifileation for the Purple direefed away from here tbrouim Mr. and Mrs. Rslpb Wststsin aad have been spending a few weeks Vernon Center to Stafford Springs. Town’s Ineoiiif From Local Tri- Heart deedrsttyn,*whldi will be for­ Ansonto, July 80.—(AP)—Four ' ' GBUROH OF THE NAZABENE > SWEDISB CONOBEOATIONAL son, Donald, who have been guests communities, Awsonia, Derby, Bev. 8. E. Green, DOnleter with relatives. Since the new entrance to Union of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wststsin, of banal Is 1703,25; Auto Viols* warded early next week to Wachtog- Rev. H. B. Anthony, Ihstor street has been conqiletsd tbs lions ton. Many more who have not yet ten and Ssykour will Join Sspteflk, An automohils load of gypsies Talcott avenue for a few days, have tions Ifsjority of Casts. bar 17'in a Georgs Watolagten W* There will be no meeting tomor­ drove through the Center the other fd t that traffic signs should direct returasd to tbsir horns in Summit, made application to Neal Cbeaty, to Rockvills. N.J. csDtenaial obssrvaacs in this city Sunday, July 81 row on account of the Annual Sum­ day. 'They stopped for gssoline and chairmaa of the committee appoint­ ...... vaab w ilo 9:00 a. m.—^Prayer service. mer Conference of toe Young Peo­ to make Inquiries. Vernon Betterments Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Layman aad ' Today marked the end o f the first 9:80—a. m. Sunday school. Clasies ple's Federation of the Eaetem Mis- 'The Vernon CHvie Betteraiea As­ family bars moved from 8 Winds- month of the flecsl ye«r of ed by Commander Moriarty of Aa- art order Ssvsrsl local msmbsrsjof Cdone: sociation wilt bold a very important ter Police Court The first period derson-Shea Poet, tor this purpoiw, rill ha ben- Jor aU ages. eionary Aesociation at Ckomwell, Hsnty Cbantylbtt Cbaptto, D, A. R., msrS .avspus to Dobsottvills. t0:'40 a. m.—Monfing worship. Conn. meeting on Monday m p it at 8 Miss M kiuerits MCxon of Tkcptt of .toe year 1982-88 proved an aver- are urged to attend to to o matter orod. A parade k ' which votoraup aad dtoers Intersistsd In brlitys o'clock in the Dobsonv^ school- ag0 buelaese month with thirty- aad aillitary orgaatoaticas from ^Sermon by Professor Garrison of Wednesday evening eervlce 7:80. playing attsadsd a garden bridge avsaus and Mr. and lir a Fred Yost at once if they dedro to bo induded Eastern Naaarene College. house to make plans tor various of Nswult, N. J., are on a motor fdur eaeee bringinf in recelpte of in the ceremonial. thsaa towBS aad other places k tlfs' patoy held at the home of changes. Streets in Vsraon aad 81,866.78, of wmeb amount the town state wilt Buurcb from n o esater M 6:80 p. m.—^Toung People's ser­ Sarah Bigelow Thursday aftsmoon trip through tbs WUts Mountaks. Each veteran antittod to tha deco­ vice. DobsonyiUe will be named, tbs will receive 1708.25 and tim state, ration by reason of wounds reedved Iisrity to the Aasoaia Roeroatfai Mrs. darm Haamsr of Gilsad was houses will have numbers sad there I668B8. The total amount also in> park whsrt aa elaborate prograk 7:80 p.| m.—Evangellstie service. winner of tbs first prize. Six tables duded a return of 1208.12 from the to action to aelted to furaieb the will bo prsiSBted. ! The Week is going to be a Main street aad committee with tho toflowlag ibtor- wfre in play, proceeds going tor traffic signs. TRIES TO FLEE M County Jail. mation: (iovsraor W. L. Cress, Ssaator .. .. Wednesdnr, . August 8 m benefit of tbs D. A. R. The ta­ The Hartford traffic runs through intoxication was reeponeiMe for Hiram Biagbam, CoagreasBiaa Wi)- 7:80 p. m.—Mid-week prayer ser­ bles wars set In tbs shads of s p r e ^ Dobsqnvllls aad this will' be named five of the 84 eaeee before the court, ifama aad address, outfit with Item Tteraey, Edward W. Ocas aad vice. lag trees. Miss Helen Gilbert aasist- which they sorvod, serik number of Main strs^ 'Tbs traffic through Torrington, July 80.—(AP) — aad motor vdiide violations wars Joha Q. Tilsoa art listed amoag tbs Friday, Auguet 5 sd in serving refreshments of cakes tbia atrest is large, as it Is tbs direct the causes of.18 other cases on tbs applicant aad the date aad offensive CitytalB Harkd A. , 7:80p. m.—daee meeting. Robert «r BRUCE CATTON and punch. On account of this Using a towel filled with chunks of list Thsss violations included four in which they received wound. Ad­ ____ - ___of the CoteaMd Guards to Brda, l^ er. line from Boston to New York. The NOW'S THE TIME THE* flF IH - bridge the local Women's du b omit­ assodation proposea to erect ttop cement broken from the cell wan ae, drunken drivers, driving with im­ ditional iatormation may be e i^ ie d sxseutivs ehalraiaa of tbs arfaags- BATE BOOKS COME OUT ted its party this week. aigna at all atreeta entering tbreuin proper hrakee, driving without but It to net absolutely neceeeaty. meats committee with Fiiiak; g . a weapon, HCward Fkkle, 26, of The oompleted list win be mailed OONOOBDIA LUTHBBAN : Several tocal fhrmsrs and their the highway, which will ba known as Waterbury, made a detyetnte at­ p n ^ regietration, driving, without Gates Derby honorary obainaab. There's Bloch Tripe on Sale New, families attended "Farmers' Week" Main atrest A boulevard traffic a license, epecdlim aad recUees to WaehlBftott, dtber to tb# War aad Ju ^o Robert L, Ifrmgsr of tbs tempt yeeterday afternoon to escape iment direct or to tho office Comar Winter and Garden Sfreets Aad Here’e an Example at the Connecticut Stats A plcul- ayatem will be formed. from the county Jkl at'littofleld drivers. 'The remauliif cases were Comaum Pleas Court bead of tbp Or Two tural College at Storrs. The play Great Inconvanienca and much of a mieceilaaeous character. of CoDgreseinaa Augustino Lonwgaa rsbsptioB committes. Tbb 'Gover­ H. O. Weber, Pacter but was overpowered. Flnkto had wito a notation that tha Maaebaater "Ne^borSr" by Zona Gale, was trouble has bssn sncountsrsd by been placed In eotttaiy eenfinement nor's Foot Guard aad NSW Havsb Sundey school, 9 a. m. presentyd ThunMlay evening, as a mail carriers and firms dslivsrlug decoration b# forwarded aa one ukt Graya wffl he amoag tbs afilltes;y Summer time seems to ba tripe and when Jailer Harry Bull opened BAN HITCH-HmEBS Ewgiish semca, 10 a., m. time, as far as the resdhif .publle is number in tbs program by Hebron, goodsuat homes bscauss the houses tor the oeremoiUal to ho conducted uaitsiB atteadsacs. Vsteraas Sf toe Geraum the deer of his cell to five tbs upon thdr arrivaL senduA ll,A . m. concsmed. » ' ' <|ilead. ahd Cohimhia plkysrs.'” are not numbered. It la not an tin- prisoner supper Flnkls struck him ClvU, SpaatobrAfflsrieaa aad Worid The Week Shies of lots at Amston lake Just comihon eight to aee delivery men Connecticut Delaware, Maine, It Is ths.'plan of th# committee to Wara will parildpi^, Not that all books puMIshad at with the eement-flUsd toweL The Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, eocure a war-time divleion eommaad- A meeting of the church board this time of ysar are trips. But recorded at the town* clerk's office from Mancbeiter, Hartford and Jailer, however eueceeded in over­ wl:. ba bald Wadnaaday at 8 p. m. a fifth-rate bit of work seems to include that of lot No. 968 to Louis Rockville going from bouae to bouse Oregon, Wisconsin and the Dlstriet er tor tho eeremony of deecratton Ruaumto prtoiUte all traasao- Thara will ba no Sunday ecbooi powering him, ueltig his bunch of 6f Odumbia have laws baakng which win be eonduded dther in tkma to torslfB exebaagp sxomt • stood a better cbanca of getting P. Bacon of Middletown, and lot No. looklnf tor parties to whom goods keys ae a defence weapon. eesdobs during the month of Au­ published now than at any other 80 to Mrs. Wilfred Allen of > West are to be delivered. hitcb-hlklaf. Center Park or tha State Annory. tbroufb ite aaikmal baak. guet. Stop signs will be placed on posts At a epccial seeeion of the litch - time. Why? Well, the people Hartford. flek. court today, Finkto was held who eit on the porches of sum­ Mrs, Robert E. Stack and lisr at all atreeta entering Main atreat friend, Mrs. Veit, of Brooklyn, N. Eraeet Richards, president of toe for the Superior Court under bonds ‘ SECOND OOIfOBEGA'nONAL mer hotels have to have some­ of on a charge of attempting Fredaitck.O. Anah, Minister thing to do, don't they? Y., motored hers recently, brinstog aesociation, will preaids at the meet­ 16,000 Anyhow, we come today to with them Mias Alberta Hildlng, ing on Monday night to escape from Jail with violence. I Morning worship union service at "Stnmge Women," / by an anony­ who has been Mrs. Stack's guest Haa Two Fire OUeto Fkkto’s pal, George TNTleeki, of W atermelon W aterm elon t North Methodist church. Preacher mous author. This book tails for a few wtoks. Mrs. Stack aad In a latter aent to the preaa on Waterbury, had been released from ,F. XL Allen. about the love life of a U. 8. ma­ Mrs. Veit are guests at the Hildlng PVlday, Edward Woebomunta, who Jail on parole yesterday^ Outdoor union service at North rine, and vdiile I would be the homestead. waa chief of the entire Tdland Fire FREE! 'M. B. oburob at 7 p. m. Preacher, last to deny that such a subject Austin Warren bee returned to D^artment until April, explalna FREE! 'Rev. Alfred Clark, rector of Christ might have its points, 1 found Cambridge after having epent _ that hia realgnation ju chief waa One-quarter of a large Georgia Watermelon wrapp^ in tiii- |cbureh, Blast Haven, formerly cur­ this book practically insuflarable. week or t# o here. He expects to re­ aent only to toe Tolland Street Com­ DEATHS LAST NIGHT ate at S t Mary'e Bpiacopal church. The leatherneck in question turn later in the summer. pany. Hia letter toUowa: 8ue paper given a w a y Saturday and Sunday. Come to our water­ South Manchester. bounces from one pair of arms Mrs. Herbert Carr, of Manches­ "Dear Sir: I have read your re­ to another, according to toe bie- ter, N. H., hrrived here on Friday cent article conceraing my position PetalUM CaL — George W. melon party. Last week over one thonsand persons en^yed onr > ZION LUTHERAN torio traditions .oL^tue corps, but for a visit of a few daye with her in toe Tolland Fire DqMurtm«it. Moore, 78, fCnner Michigan stiite ice. cream cones. ^ Rev, B. F. B. Stochbols bis amorous adventures are told son, Allen L. Carr, at S t Peter's 'There ie apparently a misconcratkm banking cemmtoeloner u d veteran with such a prurient . biffi-mind- rectory. in the minds of the Tolland Rreet Oregdo lumberman. Sunday School at 8:80 a. m. Oer- edness — if you can imagme such A laje of articles made by the Company of toe Tolland Fire De­ Provo, Utah—Dr. Oeprge H. s m o N i z . v m eatyice at 9:80 a. m .. a thing—that w u wind up wito blind win take-place at toe Hebron partment as to my retfignation and Brimhau, 70, fermfr pimMent of raftdar 60e, now ...... BRAKE LINING Brigham Young ^ v oreity , of a ^ La^es Society on Wedneedsy at a faint feeling of naueea.: ' Center Congregational church, Fri­ present position in the Flti Depart­ TOP PRESSING. ^ WS are ssUtog oat on all ow brake fiakg, ^:80 p. m., Y. P. 8. on Friday at 8 T b ia book is issued by the day, August 5, from 1 to 0 p. m. The ment bullet woiiiid.'A gim was foiind‘be- rognlaf 85c, now ...... du9 C p. m. Mohawk Press, aad if .you must articles will Include baskets, tnyu, "You will note that my resigna­ side him. He had been U1 several IJp to 2 iPCk . toot have it, it will cost you |2. towels, Ironing boafd covins, riigs, tion was accepted as chief of that months. NIOTELPOUSH, I ^ Then there is " n e Sportsman candy, etc. Fidl proceeds wUl be for company oinly. I am now t ^ elect­ reguiax 80c, now...... 1 UC 2 inches .1 ___ 20c fo o t .... ST. MAETV EPISCOPAL on toe Sofa," by Frank Durfty. ed chief of toe Tolland Truck Cohi- Bav. J. S. NeUl, Bcotor the benefit of the blind. BIO SCHOOL OF H ACK Biaii This one tells about a made cloth­ On account - of scarlet feve^, pafiy, Tolland Fire Department ing model who roves about Eu­ "RmfpectfuUy, 10:45 a. m.—Union Service at toe which hea appeared In two families New York, July 80.—(AP)—TTie Obater Congregational Church. rope, chiseling a living out of bsre, the local Young Women'a club "Edward WochomUrka." Car Batteries $2,75 and up sundry woment aad while it is has omitted its usual July meeting. The residents of Tolland are still maekerk took the wate^ away from The Week far more decently written, aad wemdering who the official chief of swimmers at XOsg Beach tote; yes­ WITH OUR SA*nSFACTION GUARANTEE. Tuesday, 7:00 p. m.—Boy Scouts. The postponement is indefinite. The terday so the ewimmeis turned fleh- contains a good bit of humor, it casee are under quarantine and toe department le, as it ie hot cus­ - Sunday, August 7—Union Service eventually becomes quite bore- tomary tor a fire department to ermen and had mackerel for dinner. With an the qnotathm o f trade in yonr tfrea, diaeonnti off, chain ■torM, etc.' wt at the Center Church. there haa been no epreadlng. The Old-timers could not recall so tome. However, if you have a families affected are aeveral miles have two chiefs. The original Tol­ win aboolntely better by from 5 to 10%. See onf tire iirieefl befl^ yon bny. Fpnr, ^.Church School, Men's Bible Class lot of idle days on your bands— land Street Company stiu claims malty mackerel, ooke to to spawn, and Highland Pork Sunday school apart, and toe disease was appar­ for twenty years.,^ The water was Tirea, oho battary, 50 galloiu gasoline diawn at 4:30 Saturday. Come over and see If win be resumed Sunday, September "The Sportsman on toe Sofa" ently contracted from different that Bir. Von Deck is chief, as he is published by Covicel-Frlede, and sources. • , was elected at the -meeting Mack wlth them, making ewimming yon ^ v e the hielty number. W&ming number ViD be in The Herald. ill- sells for |2. Which .cidied in A p ^ according too competitive, a pastone for hu­ > Sunday, August 21, 8:00 a. m.— The Misses Gihce and Ruth man bekgs. Holy Communion. Champe were toe guests of their to toe laws of the departyaimt At which time the other fadtioh faliefi The ewlmmers went atoore aad TO SPEND A LOT gramtywents, Mr. aad Mrs. B. G. flejied,-uqtng baskets, pefis, book CAM PBELL’S SERVICE STA'HON Higher poetage rates cost A. T. Lord f6r a few days recentiy, while to show up. Registration of Demecrats akid line and sVen tere hands. Those Ont ofGasDiid4129 Flat Tire Dial 4129 Battery Trouble Dial 41:29 SId T. 821,000 more for mMUwg A ibghway construction program their parents were away. John Champe Spent the tone with his The board of registration of the with hokc and line'snagged the ILib (>>ner SLdn and Middle Tofnpikei Phone i l t i vidend checks. But there are for toe next three > ears. Including Toym of Vernon, consisting of with the book, not bothMUg to wait PS- plenty of our big corporations who the building of three traascns 1906 and held tim PP6t dfitU' i9^6i ' V, ^ was u v a t WL 0 0 H 8 'v i.. ’ V' I

I^CH lSrEB BVBmNO BKBAU), w in s HANC^SRER, o om .

i l w i t ^ B l K risk and oomparatlvely' little dis­ the laws but to fsUure to enforce the com fort, dt an enormous amount of lA ^ Most dfys bsasvt thsrs to. The IhtsiisiUe Omheut Stmtbis Irndh advertising, suffieient to make a l e P drinking, som e think a Mttte t i ni.iMMm m THia large national figure out cf a young less, others considerably leas alto s n iU L O fSuMTlMO COUFAMt. IMO man cf no very nuuked attainments few that there to much less, perhaps It KttMlI alMM A flMtth MMMbMtM, 0M B. othar than a reasonable amount of only a third or a quartiir as murii. Tlg)£ui rfHobim i physical oourage and a fixed deter­ But It remains for Rsnry Ford to lli Oeeersi fM F'ia*. mination to be scmetblng impor­ tell us that there is la ss than 1 per New Yefk, July fiCh^-Qnite ehoiighf^j^S m # Sohttf rOBMM OMBMr i; INI ta n t cent of the drinking done to the liiaf htes ^ Bie fl^ e gspeots but went en for Gtthef aad tu £ H ^ F b MMM ll««ry MvaMBB MaMM of Sttl, X ^ it dlMieuU to We must confess that it came as a United B ta^, that there was for­ vsa ’tost wtritfo hud pMirises fo ■ rttab-saKAfe bit of a shock when the National merly." ' ' restrain this one ladditlmiri la- ■erenade me on her eightieth birth­ Economy League, which is planning There isn't much to be said to or etaaos. When toe coavsatibn of day. I war pfo^ iy be deed ttd ®^*-aSffltfiSi8S'SI!iSS"“ dancing taaohers opened at the Ho­ ■he will go hriU'Uly liagtag llflBg. a great campaign for reduction in about a person who talks that way. tel New Yorker recently, nwiMnnit. government expenditurea, starting except that it to a good thing that t WM a»de tkat the Undy bop All of which hai m idi mo won­ he said it; because there were with war-result axtravaganoes, and remained an outstanding ballroom der whether the gift of eoof fipee mUTBII UF TBil AMOOIATBD which includes in its membership actually a few people remaining who deaee. During toe several dayb not eaity some huaMai beyoha FIIBMI their orduriry spsh of aom ty. large numbers of the most notable really beitoved that there must os which riiapsed, somfone' must have Tb» AiiMlatcd I r«tr it tztluttvtljr For 1 bsve seldom mot s flno etof- MlllMt M Iht att ter reptibliottioa American statesmen and public some sense to so great a man's ad­ gone over the more focent dlqmtch- M all Mwa dlapateiitii ertdittd le It ee. Toward tko final eeerioh toe er who was not a hedontot, wHh ar aet oUMrima ertdiua la tbia personages, saw fit to place Itself herence to prohlbttkm. •tatemenis read that the Barbart ■om etoiag 6l the ■ongbfrd'e mint B K i:/U!“ under the leadership of this young hop Would, bo "the thiim.'’ o f life. An Halita el repaaiiaatiea at of little expMienoe ‘and lees At shy rate, cigars are no long- aaaalai tippatabta bartla are alee ra> er n a m o dafter...... rtage folk! Thi Barber of Gotham aerrel. training la the field of government Gus Bdwards, whosb stnglgg' Particularly-when be was the kind Bneakinx' of the new can do veiy Well without, rrinrihs FaUlafeaFa JUpreeaauuvei The on { pBm Matbewt ipteial Agtaejr^^tw of person who, in the face of wide­ minds me that when the b(^ frloDd incurabto Columbus of new tal- Xarh, n iM te . Oatreit aat •oataa. e n t Good ______spread destitution, was proceeding announces that he's going to a timee .or bag. 'tlmee; whether or not there to a Fall aarelae elieat at N ■ a ter- placidly with plans to waste a huge "shag par^’ you don't need to in­ rlct, lae. vestigate hie breSto. He doen’t for placement, Gus goes enfouri- sum of solicited money on another iatlcally along picking otii gifted Keaiber Aadlt Boraaa at Olreaia- mean "etag." tiaaA of those extended Antarctic pic­ This winter toe shag at eve will youngstera. His stnto In tbs As­ ter is a mecca tor any undiseov- nics. have its flIL The teachers have Tba Berald Frlatlaa Oetapaap. lae« decided upon toe ebag oe one of ■red young periormer. ateam ei ae laaealaJ rttpoBtlbilltp But when bs tries them out, Gbs far unMcrapbleai trrert apptarlag la Unless we are very much mis­ toe favored dances. i:m told that M*faraaafBtatt la the Ifeaebeeter taken the National Economy League It’s a mild form of tango and an uses the Aator baesinsntl ■eeataa FeraML has made a great mistdce and has improvement on toe shuffle. Well Dean of Broadway’s barbers and SATURDAY, JULY SO. toe milder the better, so far as I seriously injured its prestige at the Gamer to Have Choice of Two am concerned. Yours truly in a tonsoriallats to toe ’Titans is Jobs If ,Dems Are Victorious outset by passing over a score of tango is a fair imitation of a fly in Charles Spinard). who still wields 0BY10IAL LDD8 great and influential Americans In tanglefoot. a mean clipper and razor. At one Did Ambaaaador Bdfe, directly By RODNEY DUTOHBB time or another be could have its own ranks and permitting some NBA Service WriUr after ratuminB to Franca from From London comes an emboss­ readily nicked toe chins of such element in its membership, for the fellows as Mark Twain, Henry Sav­ Waehlngton, tell Premier Rerriot Washington. — it isn’t as if the ed invitation from John MeCor- most obvious of reasons, to push Ad­ mack, toe Irish songbird, to at­ age, David Belasco, Tex Rickard that the United Statea would be presidential and vice-presidential and sucb.\ miral Byrd into the spotlight as Its tend bis Silver Jubilee perform­ ftady to talk debt readjustment candidates this year didn't already For 85 years he has beeq an­ presiding genius. ance. Even if my London commu­ when France showed signs of arms have good Jobs. They all a^e em­ tation .ticket hadn’t run out, I chored in Times Square. And, readjustment? ployed. Three of them will be could not get there in time. amaring though it may seem, be ■ T m BIBANBST MAN gainfully occupied for the next However,'John is Just 48 years still likes it and wiriildn't be any­ It probably makes very little dif where else. ’The late W. C. Bran, editor of the seven months and if the Republicans old as he celsbrates bis 26to year ferthea whether ha did or not, but cure, and how long it lasts if taken as a concert songster. GILBERT SWAN. win only one of the four will sub­ famous Waco, Tex., Iconoclast, once care of immediately?" And a year or so ago, we sat in it does make a lot of dUrarenca sequently be fotmd in the ranks of weighed the claims of many per­ Answer: Jaundice may be caused his apat^ent far above Manhat­ whether we can believe our State the idle. VICTIM or HABIT * sons to the distinction of being the HEALTH-DIET ADVICE by a serloua disease of toe Uver, tan talking about age and singers. Dapartmant or not and whether the That cheerful thought is inspired meanest man in the world. After by the fact that Speaker Jack Gar­ such as cancer or cirrhosis, but McCormack recalled toe names of GLADYS: Listen, Mabel. This is, big American press assooiations are BY DR. FRANK McCOY wbsh it first appears it usuaUy is many of his musical «<»ferses who rendering due consideration to sev< ner is being run for Congress again what my boy friend says in his Tet­ to be depended on or not. The press by his friends in Texas, apparently Queetions In regard to Health and INet will caused by catarrhal inflammation of had reached or passed toe half- ter. "Darling, 1 think of you all day oral conspicuous examples of human toe: bile duets or by toe bile being century mark- while still stirring associations announced that Edge just as a mattei| of accident insur be Answered by Ur.MoOoy who can be —your naturally waved hair, your swinishness Bran definitely awarded ance, along with reports that Frank­ stopped through toe obstruction toe crowds with their golden brownish-gray eyes, your slightly had talked to Harriot to that effect. addrCeesd to oare of this Paper. Bnoiooe caused by gall stones. The treat­ the palm to a certain beneficiary of lin D. Roosevelt of New York may tones. prom inent cheeks, your 84-lh(bb The Stats Department promptly de* resign to devote his time to the stamped, seifaddreaeed Envelope for Beply. ment which I would suggest would, "After .all," be commented with w aist— the Stephen Girard charity who, in nied that he had done so. presidential campaign. of course, defend upon toe cause that full-faced McCormack grin, MABEL: Well, that’s a queer theilaya of his subsequent prosper­ found through an examination; but |*Manuel G arcia foaoh ed toe age sort of love letter. Frankly, we believe the press as THE MEMORY NOT ALWAYS<^llke substance, it is deposited in toe one general princ^les, a fruit fast ity, refused to contribute to a memo­ Gamer Would Have Choice RELIABLE 6t 110-—and wasfoaobing music GLADYS: Oh, dldnt you know? lungs, and this is decidedly harmful. would be effective In stimulating to4 to toe end.’ One of hia pupils was Bob writes those dsacriptlons of sodatlons and do not believe the rial to Girard on the ground that he If the Republicans win. Hoover flow Of bUe and trinovlng toe Jaun­ Jenny Und. I was often amused mlsring psopiv for the polioe.— Stota Department Rather para- and Charlie Curtis will be fixed for There le a belief held' by many could "do nothing to honor the the next four years and Gamer for ' (Bed Nose) dice, at least, temporarily. at his oommsnta about her.". - Fliegende Blatter, Zurich. dosioally this does not oonviet the memory of a man of Stephen the next two years—either as speak­ people that something once learned Queation: Mrs. WilUe N. writes: State Department of anything die* er or minority leader of the House. to never forgotten, but remalni as "Kindly state toe cause of redness Girard's peculiar religious views." MADE IN U, B. A. creditable if we employ, in our judg If the Democrats win Hoover and long as life lasts, stored in toe re- of toe nose on a woman of 85 wbo ’The Texas editor delivered, concern­ Curtis will j[oin the millions of un­ has never tasted Uquors of any lag, the finnly astabliahed standards ceseea of toe bram. However, there Hainan, an island off tos south ing this individual, who lived m employed concerning whom they to no evidence that this is true. Our k in d /’ of chanoeUeiles and foreign offices Worcester, an opinion that has be- have heard so much. Roosevelt wiU memory pictures ars rscorded in Answer: A red nose comes from coast o f China, has 600 automobiles. WATKINS BROTHERS, I n c the world ever. But it does bewilder have one job and Gamer will have soms way upon tos protoplasm of some kind of intoxication, and, as About 99 per cent of these ears are oome a classic of invective, conclud­ his choice of two. If Gamer should the people and it does confuse many tos brain celia and, because there you say you do not use Uquors, toe of American nwke. ing: "Massachusetts is welcome to then figure that it were better, after are continual metabollstlc changes redness of your noss must 'come ^ sltuatloft when a govenment. Meeser. We have one tree in Texas all, to be speaker than vice presi­ going on In these cells, the pictures from auto-intoxloation of self- Funeral Directors Without saoclfloe of dignity or credit dent it would be possible for him to are not fixed, but are subject to poisoning, principaUy from inteatln- IT’S NOT SO.BAD on which wc have hanged twenty- continue in his present position. •u ESTABLISHED 67 YEARS in the ^ es of either Its own nation gradual alterations. ri toxins.. A red nose niay riso be seven better men than he—and That sounds rather too ridiculous or of the world, can tell lies. It it very esjw to understand how caused by some disease such as acne ^ Automobile owners who complain they’re all la hen.” to be likely, but it would be the rosacea or eiyslpelaa. CHA'PEL A T ll O AK M first time any polltiolan had the a destructive \riseaae affecting toe about gasoline taxes running from So fhr as we know no Buropean Bran made out a wonderfully con­ memory erils will greatly disturb or choice between those two high poatA 2 to 8 cents a gallon should take Robert K. Anderson Phone: Oflllee 6171 country has ever had a foreign min* vincing case against Rev. Spencer S. destroy toe stored memories. For­ (YeUow Jaundice) In any event, Gamer will be solace from torpAght of French Funeral Director Residence 7494 ister nor the United Statea ever had Meeser as the meanest man in the speaker for the session which begins getting is a normal process. Every- Question: Kelly 8. asks: "WiU you a secretary of sUte, of any party or next December and if a Democratic one has a poor memory. It to only kindly give ms some information motoristli. They are taxed 14 cents world. But if he were alive today when toe normal limits of forgetful­ aboiit ysUow Jaundice, its causa and on every gallon. under any PresMant, who would not, victory has been won he can put in he would need to tear up his conclu­ some good licks for the forthcoming ness have been exceeded or when if th| Interest of his country seemed sion an^ write a new piece about an administration in those threw or four toe imagination takes toe place of to call tor IL tell lies. Yet most of months. OtherwiM he will Just go memory, that toe physician be­ infinitely more contemptible person comes interested. such ministers and aecretarlea have right on battling President Hoover, living right here in Manchester, if perhaps with more bitterness than , Many pepple recall lots of things been men of the highest pmonal we can take the word of our Open ever, if that be possible. that aren't true. One lufferlng from honor whose private word was as Forum correspondent of yesterday senile dementia reoalle vividly toe good as any bond. Preoedents for Roosevelt events of ohlldhoed and youth, al­ who tells about the sabotage of some though unable' to recall toe events It may be a long time, or it may Roosevelt has precedent for either of the Home gardens of the jobless. remaining or resigning as. governor of toe previous week. Frequently, is only a short time, before there is For sheer, stark, unqualified, and reports as to which course he however, toe memories of childhood would take have been conflicting. and youth, which seem to be recall­ a ohanget in this matter—when gov* despicable meanness the deliberate sramenta,' and particularly demo After he returned to Albany from ed with such startling vividness, ruin of the efforts of these worthy Chicago he said he was going to havs been so grsatly touched by tot ^ t lc governments like ours, adopt "settle down to being an bumble Itaaglnatlon ae to be quite untrus as MRS. DAVB depression gardeners cannot^ possi­ the theory that a lie Is a lie whether bly be surpassed by any skunky governor," but recent rumors here to actual happsnlng. An old man told in a speakeasy, a living room or say be may soon be only an ex- may Imaglns ns was in such a war, trick conceived by tho smallest, nar­ governor and a nominee. met certain celebrities, or traveled tte State Department, and that rowest and most hateful mind. For Nominees have resigned from- through various countries, and he there is no go^ la it But while it the credit of the town and of hu­ other Jobs more frequently than may giva all of toe details and be- continues her education auy be deemed necessary for dlplo* from gubernatorial chairs or seats llsvs foam hlntoelf, when ha actual­ manity it is devoutly to be hoped ' mats to lie and while it may be a in Congress. A1 Bniith served out ly was nowhsre in toe vicinity. that when the perpetrator of tho his term in 1S2|, which, as will The mind misrepresents facta. waste of time to try to get them to outrages is discovered he Will be Roosevelt’s, ran to Jan*. 1. Senator Sometimes, they are exaggerated, q[Uit It, there Is no reason why in* Robinson of Arkansas held onto his You jenpw Mrs. Davis—the little bride. Two weeks found to be imbecile or at least un­ diminished, or curiously twisted. telligsnt people must continue to Senate seat. In 1924 Governor Judges soon corns to realise that before her marriage she graduated from college with doubtedly Insane. ^ To imagine such Charles ly. Bryan of Nebraska, believe their lies when it is a ques witnesses frequently make false a person as a mentally normal crea­ nominated by. the Democrats m .itatemttiti u d fatoe Identifications^ high honors. But in one respect her education has tloa of choosing between their vice president, served out his term. ture is to admit tkht the human race not because of desiring to falsify veracity and that of the press. For So did Governor Jamei M. Cox of toalE statements, but because toe been neglected. is still crawling in the slime. No Ohio, Democratic nominee for presi­ our part, when the great news agen­ witness’s perception or memory to one wants to do that. > dent in 1920, Governor Coolidge of faulty. cies agree that a thing is so and the Massaohusetts, vice president-elect Patients will often quite lincerely Yesterday, for instance, she picked up the tele« State Department for its own rea* that year, and Theodore Roosevelt, desorlbe wholly floUtlous dlieases of DUG BROMLEY governor of New York when he was sons denies that it is so we are childhood which never deoUrred, al­ phone and called the grocer. 'T would like,’' she said Ike Bromley, outstanding figure nominated and elected to the ^oe going to accept the statement of the presidency in 1900. though they may seem quite true to of the days when the New Haven toe affected person. The mind is so politely, ’’to have some things sent up. A bag of Hour Governor Woodrow Wilson of New press assoclatioaa because wo * are road’s pol^y was "You can catch susceptible to suggestions that it —three packages of breakfast food—one can of baking- conviaoed that way lies the truth Jersey resigned March 1, 1918, Just more files with molasses than with in time for his inauguration as has been arid that, if one hears a. alnsty*alae times in a hundred. president Us or a story frequently enough, one powder—six bottles of ginger ale—a pound of coffee— vinegar," has come to the end of WiU oome to believe it to be a fact; the route and many an old time Con­ In endeavoring to reoaU elusive a package of:—what’s that? Oh.' Why, I’m sure I don’t B o o s T o r a b y b d The Case for Resignation necticut newspaper man'' will file Those who rerignto uter recent facts from out of the maze of know wnat brand. Just any kind, I guess!” m em ory, one instinctively flUs in toe In commenting on the acceptance away one more delightful memory nominations were Hoover, as sec­ of the temporary chairmanship of retary of commerce in 1928, appar­ missing links with toe fabric of marked "done.” imagination. I the National Economy League by ently at the wish of President Ike was contact man for the New ,^l^e; Warren G. Harding, who One’s memoiy may be' good in No wonder the storekeeper interrupted her. He Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd the Haven among the newspapere. held his Senate seat until the Janu­ most respects, but omy weak in a epeclal manner. For example, one Waterbury Republican Indulges in It was hl8 job to maintain cordial ary following election so that bis gets few orders like that nowadays. For'wise house­ some mild speculation in which we successor would be appointed ty may forget toe memories associated relations between his organization new Republican governor iratL^. wito hearing or toe memories con­ wives buy things by name. Not merely groceries, but suspect we can discern Just a trace and the press—anybody, any hack thM by Cox; Franklin D. Roosevelt, nected with sight. In some diseases, toe patient can only think of sad kitchenware and pieoe-g(k)ds and household appliances; of acidity. The Republican regards publicity writer, could have been an who left his Job as assistant secre­ it as a little surprising that Admiral tary of the nayy immediately after Ideas. In others, toe patient can * shoes and shirts, and garden seeds; all the thousand and ordinary press agent; but there was being notified of his vice mreal only think of disease symptoms, and Byrd should be so self sacrificing as no psychologist like Bromley. ‘ Ike dentlal nomination; Charles Bvaiu. in others there are troublesoma one Idlings they he^. ' to forego Ifis second trip to the and his Job were an inspiration or Hughes, who was on the Supreme obse^oha. BpUeptlcs sometimes Aktarctic when his preparations for Court when nominated for president Uve in a twiUght oonsolous state for President Clarke; and Clarke was in. 1916; William Howard Taft as penods which they cannot after­ a^start this fall are so far advanced, not only a corking railroad operator secretary of war in 1908, and Alton wards consciously recaU. Sometimes Mrs. Dayis will complete her education. She will v^en, as the newspaper Innocently but himself a wizard in the estab­ B. Parker as chief justice of the to# first symptoms of serious mental New York court of appeals when learn to study the advei^^ents in the daily? paper, rCBMurks, the Economy League work lishment of friendly relations disaaMs^are indicated by extreme could be done '*as well" by some­ the Democrats nominated him for forgetfulnees pr twisted recollec­ wherever they would help his fosd. president in 1904. tions. and to Iceep herself informed as to qualities andi’prices. body else. It Incomes less subtle It took a personage to fill Brom­ John W. Davis and Charles G. It to difficult to Judge whether She will take her place alongside thousands of other i^iea it suggests that perhaps "It is Dawes in 1924 and William Jennings forgetfulness^ is a blessing or a mia- ley’s Job as Clarke and he both con­ Biyan in 1900 and 1908 had no nbt only interest in the L ease’s ef­ fortuns. It would not be g ^ if our women as the efficient purchasing agent of Ker lhome. ■ AS J ceived it. But Ike more than-meas- political Jobs'from which to re- minds/Wars oluttfrsd up with end- fort that has influenced Admiral ured up. Between these two ttiey s i ^ . Isaa varieties of unimportant detaila Byrd but also diffleultles in financ­ made of the New York. New Haven Roosevelt and other New York .or mads melancholy by stored up ing his proposed voyage of explora- Democratic leaders want Lieutenant •ad recoUectlons. On toe ether hanA 9ead the advertising columns of th& _ and Hartford Railroad Valmost be­ Governor Herbert Lehman to be’ reg;Ut titon -It is^not impossible that he It would be well for us if we could yond question the most admired, the toe state's next governor and if he reoaU toe pseful facts of life and toe larly. They are your guide-posts to safe bu^ntf. has been forcad to tba conclusion best respected and the most proud­ became governor soon throUtt pllasanter events. Roosevritto resignatioh he would that tho Antarctlq trip is a luxury ly boasted-of public service corpdra- have a runatag start which inlght QUBBtlONB AMD ANSWERS - w|l0B. tho. times can ill afford." ^ tlon, among the people it served, help both state and natioud tickets. /. (GIganttas) M . r v iTha BaraM is daligbtod to find then to be found in America. i Qusstitm: Miss Opal B. asks: ‘1 la at least one other EGGS BOUT BANDIT wonder if you would give in your that holds much the column your opinion of cigarette FtmOB LATEST ^ Angeles—While Mrs. J. Pull- sm ok in g?" view M we do concamlng the v.f. Newspaper' reporters, polieemao, nuu Sind her husband were counting Answer: A moderate rinount of 'Vi eggs la their store, a Mpdlii; walked of Byrd's aetlvltlss when phyridans, a good many mislstors, !• hot nseessariiy by thair ooai Bo far as in and piafiited a pistol at them -ijS. harlnfol providing gpu do m>t lahria .' il: .. vw.. lelieva that there is m oii drlnklag Pullman then went Into aotlon.* A ' can see the largest resiiB of the It to hqw aoFbeUtvid a this country tkan there was be­ lot of well-aimed hen fruit soon put ^ aiM ^ to taksh ihtq the >SBpadltloo baa bedn p a ac­ fo re prplfiUtlett. A fow drya^lbiMtov* toe desperado to rout ijid peace are system . ihrougH smokingrtiut la hy tts .pigei^ n i p great, the ia g ia now lookhut fqr;a^ha^lt v llf foohs. liONUS MARCHERS J^ u toim ^ flrom < the) wMt-and ;opera houses w e n t'to TAXI DRIVER mla;Kliew.’ ."CagllMtro"...... i t tlM» Job-huntorz. ' made by thousands, VivKpfie Segal etUs Iwr pup jBon> NINE POINT p l a n ,On« film a t Cohimli l ^ “Tbz B itto r IS^MORDERED otber.rai^ ffivdps are enroute east- linie Boo, ' ■'' ' ! Tim of CtoiMrEl. Tfon," rauzod the D sl OF REC SPACES lA^LLEAlff (CootteMd from Ope) wMd to iqta vlouBly existing condition of rickets or of bad nutrition made it unable to wage a successful battle against toe Infection of the lupg. Yo U'LL FORGET THE OTHERS Tuberculosis in young children has always been a meaace and continues to be such, more frequently among young children In rural districts WHEH YOU SEE THE HEWESTI than in the cities. This may be due to the special danger to the youm child of milk from cows that are in- fMted, or from milk used without Wfllyi-OvBriand'ii ntw StrMunUne SeriM toe careful canttary control that is usually given to It before distribu­ bringM^you ultnt-modam deiign, advancad tion In Cities Is perm itted. angineadng and outitanding value far and Frifin 7 to 10 per cent ‘ of nil deaths of children between 1 and avray beyond anything offered by other can M years of age are due to acci­ dents. The number of accidents tn- in the low priced field. And Willyi- oNases rapidly during the second .year of life and reaches Its maxi­ Overland briiigi you proved perfbrmance in mum In from three to five years. W hereu the death rates from dts- iti fiunoui Silver Streak Motor, teited fbr oases of various types are gradually more than 100,000 milei and winner of 10 being brought under control and ^mlnlshlng, the number of deaths official AAA record The public hu been from aoeldents remains approxl- iMtely stationary notwithstanding I quioktoreipondtotheeebrilliantnewWillya. the great campaignb of eduoaUun and pi^ventton that are constantly Overland offering!. Now It tha time to buy. being carried on. This may be due to the fact that our clvtUsatton Is becoming more Md more complex, the speed of life Is Increasing rapidly, the number of automobiles in use rises at a tre­ mendous rate, and the possibility of accident to ^e child is, therefore, much greater now than it ever was before. There was a time, 00 years ago, when diseases of the stomach and Intestines, Including particularly In­ Manchester Women Have Found They Cad fectious diarrhea, stood high on the list among the causes of death to children between 1 and 8 years of age. Depend Upon Our ICE SERVICE For The Tbl® ^ p ® of disease Is now fifth on the list because new measures of protection of children against such Of Summer Foods dlMases have been put Into effect. It Is particularly the hygiene of Hundreds of Manchester families are now beinig feeding of young oAlIdrenen th___ a t____ been-Jmproved and which reflects It self to the lowered number of deathi supidied witli 6USTENING SOLID CAKES OF PURE from the cauiee mentioned. ICEJ free from the impurities found in some natural ice WOMEN FOR CABINET indudingr dirt, grass and other , substances common to Madtaon, Wla., July 30.— (AP) — Former Congressman WlUtam D. open ponds. Upshaw, of Oeoigia, presidential nostinee of the Prohibition Party, PP®B®0 his campaign to Wlsoonaln IJRA night with thestatem ent that, ; Save Money tSy ?® Install women to NIW nUSM UHl MHIS A • • . ,

JUgUp..*!? their” attitlS i'to w ard SaVit^ Food Jea Ibltipn. W l LLYS OVERLAN D ' / .. • { MRS. MoCORBaCK ILL' '' * lo ^ , July SO— (AP)—Mrs. -1 R ^ e fe lle r AgoCorastok is ill i ‘•If .^ » s. but the nature of her 10 Wspt CyiitypSArjS^; South Manchsgter -> . i . ‘ X- rf

to flaaocl the ' ;'T - A-*■'1 ■* •'■' I • " ■—'--.vV^-'-f;/ 1 ^ '■ -.• • ■ ■ .ilfc'

P A G & S tit MANCHwna *v»Kflmi9«»4U)i i(nnH iiAiM ^^ nji^io,

' l a w ^ ■me. a t c o n ie y Woman*$ Place In The News THB AND THAT INf PAILY RAIMO PR06RRF •ATUSd av. JULY 10 (Oeatral and Baottn itaalMS f M - * m a m b b b k t o d a y ray ^ y**ft*^ *• a m. UMrltito Ssm era seer siter.t' . MONA MOHAN, BeMpHiwtotfci aavlmBa. Stave aad X wvra povB & ,M M i8l. h Wall Street law oflloe, goea Witt —aad.brad—on TUrA'* , ^ ^ ------her ehUdheod aweetbaart, s n n v “Stava la my frlaod.” After » J S X Iff managad ao moment Barry added. *‘1—watt^I I by Mri. Pearl Byaaa, a FEMININE LORE i » « i»**H e y , Jnly 88,1811 NSe-WtAF NBTWOSK BAOOABELLl, to a Mpdar wm» IB. D. S. T. i X : f drank In tboae days. Steve cured ly®}*®* widow with two gauii! araa, wed wtle per reaort, tta Halayab Chtt me.” who ^ a a to the vUlaga df Meaoow, l:00.p. m.—The Week-Bndera MoBa ttvaa ea Third The fmtituda, frlandaUp to tba|®*®i^ Baa Bamardtoo, CaL, that I; 1:80—Blue Room Behoes—Josedi parti her Invalid U The Garden dub members mayAprlved of. Not that it is profltable. KunM, director. ■ WM-wbe wow___ I Httla liiWr, M TTh, aa'i voice waa unmiatakabla. | tupporto ^ fim ^ , Mora than M like to know that all three voIim m ^*^ ‘ ' ‘ ThoM was no patronage there. No cent of the food for the group li of Bailey's Bncydppedia of Hortlcul- tenor, well brother, BVD. "lee-how - broaa-X-am-to^nqr-vlews." Nlied on the loM; the house has aad »f wwne «rto wjss Stave haa ban myetailaMly ah- turs are to the library at the pres­ H srb ^ Andera , ▼HHmisr. Barry’s eyei ihone with affection been enlarged and paymeati aN ent time. This is unquestlonaUy the aent from New York lar ttiaa whan ha spoke of Stove. view of the low prices obtainable I 1:46—Vlhlspering Banjos—Adstia yaara Now ha appaara, well nearly finished, and financial returns most Inwestant horffcultt^ cyclo­ aad the conflict wito pests. Splen­ Scrivsher, direddiractor. X^ottle aad Steve Ntuned to the fr m the fo m average around pedia puDlisbed to this country. It dreaaad and proapat—a. na table. 'With explanatory Sourlihes 111,000 a year. did cropa of beans have been ruined 8:00—Memr Ifa d cm — Norman thought of improprloty ha haa Is worth 885, aad new members of by the. Mdflcaa beetle, aad the doutisr, diractor (To Network In- of.a well-maaleured hand Zxittle the club may be toterested to hear tea ordered a gown and w n v aant to aanouaead that Steve was some "III s q u a d M ^ tun yellow aad dU be- gsgteff WGY, MOna whlah, after nmob Inda- Oacelto Loftui, who the that the Maaehestor Garden dtik dattse o f the grubs that burrow thdr w m , WTAM, WCAB, WFBR, dancer." She elaborated on thla I rale of Bairie’i Peter it A to Ijon- woo It early to its history by a meri­ iBlalon, abe deoldea'to weari decision. At length she aaid, "When way into the stalks and sw the # iruti A t the oflioa that day Mona haa ***• was new, now a torious flower show envy to Harik pleat. VbM9 Is a partisular pest 8:80—Saturday Matinra — Julius we leave here, let’i all go np to aqr ford. One vdume or aU t » n mat BABBY TOWNSBND; rich i place." woman, la apreartog tbrae— nowadays for eventtlng that g r m NusssMa, director. aodally promineBt, bnt rafnaad op the stage to Now York aad other tbw are large books—may be bor­ 4:00—Silent r.o So rowed for.a,month at a ttne. fo iloSio---- dine with him. ' I ^W**®®*** to the Bast She was one 'Rie new felt hats are the jauntiest ifiir' NBG-WJZNBTWORK LOTTIB OABB, a faablon modh Lottie lived to a small todudes evsrythtog you wmdd want ment ni the 00’s, aa ■552221 *^toabow thla glris in schod, gave soales to the sheets aad kitchen curtains with I workrooms, will make up plain 9:00—BassbaU Scores. She shared the ^tortneat with ■Atie CHAIN—■■Ml n h 0 .fiM i whan Bteye*a bnaineta partaw IS "** »«to )o l,^ s e health test was svsa beau which were merilMe. drag8 * wait mis W ;« S ^ s n ^ CHAPTBR X daughter of "Old Sleuth," who wrote a easiflf >94 ® shallow beading. The wrie wise The floor rocked auddanly beneath Bailie was a nurse, usually em­ more than 700 blood-aad-thuader ' to Witt evra hems wora ratter JSH5S “ ttSigs®* " , kim wsee ICona’B fact. She baoama aharp- ployed on long oases or night work tales back to the reign of the dime you. didnt hara to watch just at hospitals and sanitariums. She how you wera putting them on WMS a * ly conaoloua of her fown->aot her novel. Uvea to , BrookUya ea the 5 ^:S|lO:46-Tbree letters. own gown but the one Stave had paid half the rent, had all her own street which is named for the an- you were malflng the bed; alaalw, ~ » kids WOOi•odlaad with riding paths, a city, vety wallflower to t o brown shades toten. 11:80—Harold ftern's OrebsstrA 7:lt6—Bviiveaing Stars. ea Third avenue. For the most I clean aad nodded In agmement, with a cer­ or anything else ^ t is asslgMd but It, Is not at heme la this ell- ______, 7:46—Bay:4 State Old Timers Band, ocanastten tain cool poUteneaa. Aa a matter part, however, they sbarq# the same her. mate. I .C ^ o ttm or Bventoisning Primrose I _ p o g u m I n Sunday, July 81 8:00—Drama.:00—Iw i address. This plant was reoeTvinireceiving *a good IB. D. fl. T. is’ a very weraisnt r " of fact Steve waa not partlou^rly Not Too Indspendeiri] soloists, spsaksr. reoeptloa. Never use a pleaaed over Lottie’a Intrualon but "We'll go to Harlam maybe. We'll 0srdi8»iBsklttj h>i it p#rsBolsl I - ^ About this time 10:ra a. m.—Madison Singers; VIr- 9:00—Mslodisf. . go* anywhere we think of. Just The fraedom pf-American wo­ gtola Arnold, pianist grouad. A good gi hla plance, traveling from Mona to men. doesn’t appea* to the Rani of : aaelMtien for many people,ra, and ^ its haMt of unfolding 9:15—Bdwia Franko Goldman’s cured by ocaaeotlag to a cold waiir Barry and back again, did not n - "We'll go to Harlem maybe. We’ll during,these last few years of ' stress IJ* evening 'is ^ N e w World SalonSaira Orchestra.Orehestra. Band. The four, left the Halwon Club Jubbal, wife of Ri m Bhagat Chan­ un haVe ^ Jdffhtfall, attracting many who 11 sOO—David Cup Tennis Matches. plra ra bpt water radiator, a steam veal thla. Bteve’a eyea aeemed to dra Bahabur, C, S. L., Rajah of Jub­ Md hairdsMi men and women O.'l^Old SinFng Master. radiator le ail right too. Make the lay, "At lait Z’ve brought you two after considerable parley in a whirl uraed to tni soil aad found there had never seen t o primrose in 11:80—Voice of it . Louis. 0 : ^ S ^ g fl4 ld RtpuMieaa Nsws of Lottie’s wisecracks, Mona’s per­ bal, a small principality of 88,000 M t i^ We received several small 18:16 p. to.—Watchtower Talk, ground ooaaectloB as skert as pes- together!" people in the Himalaya Mountains. more , peace of adad than at any sibls, aad UM^ a wlra of t o sa is He roae to move off to tba dance fume aad generaub tips. “ IT (Doeupatloa. Working with plante and this year they are cover­ Judge Rutherford. 1:00—Time; weather; iports Re­ Steve felt his party was a success. She has been explaining to Ameri­ ed with blossoms eve:^ night which 18:80—Polish Folk Music. view. dlamstef as t o aatenaa wlra The with Lottie. Barry Townaend cans on a reoenl visit ihat Hiadu 'ers, edgtog the turf borders and MMltlylty of lOtte rocelvsra la us- lank Into the chair bealda Mona. ! iarry thought both girls charming. raislag vegetaMes has been a QoA- remain open until ei^ y the follow­ Tennis Matches. l;^l^Peree Leorard, singing plan- provsd Slightly by a good effleleat ‘Well," he Mid, grinnlim, "may : fona was exquisite and Z^ttle— women desire Independence to the ing forenoon, when they drop off, !'*«»>ty Recital. home and have quite enough out- send to t o toea who enjoyed such 8:0(Mrhirty Minute Men. grouad. X order for you? X knew i waa go­ Ihank HeavenI—restrained. work to their diiys aad weeks of on­ leaving any number of eight buds to 1:80—Organ—Arthur Martel. I f tbs soil around your house le sids u a rule, without repeat t o nightly performance. 8:80—0. A. j; Parmeatier at the 8:00—Tims. ing to win out but X didn’t expect It Yes, Steve was rather pleased e r ^ IdlenMs. The nun in the Organ. melet t ^ driyiag a Fps five to eight would be aa aoon aa thla!" with himself aad the evening. wMttog to be independent individ­ tokn or village wltt his own Uttle Near them to the border are t o ually as the men are. H m women in *«00---8ymphonio Hour; Toseha feet lora Intotbe grouad. Zfyou Hla look of approbation warmed (To Be Oenttoued) dace or garden spo{ has found a hardy blue flax, and t o plants are are lucky^ eaougb to have .an eld har m country, she says, have, all covered with asure blossoms evei Seidel, violinist. Mona’a chilling aenae. "Why didn't teadylag toflueaoe la working la his 4:00—^thedral Hour. NATURAL BEAUTY leaky* autoBMUe radiaton lylag you tell Steve we had met Mfore?" the independence that is good for anlen or lawn* that t o city ten^ morning which dfop ofl aad a new a r ^ . Jute buiy ,lt up to W t r a them. supply of t o showy flowers is ready 5:00-0hloago Knights. \ ahe aaked. ment or apartment dwellsr is de- 6:80—Poets Gold; liavld 'Ross, Md Mi ,^tt.w ater, t t li wtt k t o to take their place. The blue flax is ATCAm EFAR M t o . eartt molet and should a doss relative of t o annual flax readings. Barry opened hla eyea wide, GLORIFYING 5:45—Ijfltlittle'Jack _Uttle. worth t o troun^. •** him down? Why, old which is grown extensively for its 6:00—The Ballad Ifour. Hfew N ight Club !• Idaal Spot— PeriuuM eoBM of you have a ra- Bteve’a been promlalng me thla seeds from which linseed oil is ex- criver that iaereaset la vduaM wbea YOURSELF 6:80—Harold B. Smith, pianist. Opens This Evtning — Din­ treat ever alnce I ’ve known him!" , tracted; aad for its fiber which after 6:45—Twilight Revenes; Helen t o grotffld wire Is removed ffom "Aa long aa that?" Evening Herald Pattern various long, slow protoras is made Barr, soprano; Francis Oronto, or- ing, Dtncing Every Night. t o a it W ill tira Ifju lte poHttle:. "And how!" TRBATING DRY BAlB I into linen doth. gaalst fs^ t o reasra for. that lafout'-aei "Steve muat have Ulked about I f t o summer sun has been re- mnstratod Dresenmktog Lsseen 1:00—Four Bton Boys. Ths M tursl bsauty of Nsw Bag< ^ ^ P®^^ ®^ aedUatte me a lot. He never write. Steve moving t o oil from your hair, Ptoirihed Witt Bvety Patten. Froaen M t Salad 7:15—Theo Karls; tenor. land is brought forth in all it’s ple- with the grouad w in off. nde atty juat—well, dlaappMNd. Until thla put itback again. The following is a simple redpe | 7:80—WNAO Tenth Anniversary turesqus atmosphsrs at Castls not work out-so well with evei7 .aet for one of these popular salads, as le m sets are very uaetato when morning I hadn’t aeen or heard of Hair that isn’t possessed 8b^ and inconspicuous for town FT^^pCmVus Farm, Manchsstsr’s bsautiful nsw him for three yeara." enough oU can’t shine and be is this lovely crepe silk printed using cream cheese, 2 packages, 1 8:00—William Hall, baritone; Trio suburban night club, which opras raw tbecsdllatto itatA Reveraal ’ Barry’a eyea were aeiioua now. blessing to you, you know. CmMWs I package gdatlne aad L can crushed Orohestra. toniiht with ^ s l a celebration. Sur- of tte a e ^ g r ^ wires a l t o She waa pleaaed to read defenae of Maybe you are nervous. I f so, The buttoned bodice effect, ineapple. Dissolve t o gelatine in 8:80—Liswisohn Stadium Symphony rounded by teO stately trees and eauss t o same cardltien jenis Steve in tboae brown eyea. your scalp grows dry and tight much interest amd. Is decidedly sllm- IS small amount cf water. Heat t o Concert; Albert Coates eraduct- smooth velvet lawns, it makes an times. No harm iff trylag It. "You muatn't blame old Steve for Loosen it up. A good hot oil mihg. ’ Xt also strikes a Msunctive >pla aad juioe and add it to t o ing all-Russiaa prcMram. ideal place to spend an enjoyable that,’’ he aaid. “He wanted to ac- shampoo is the thing that you note to its short button trinuned gdattoe, thto thoroughly mto to t o 9:80—Parade orMelodies; Sosalk’s svsning. compliah aomething before he need. sleeves. cream cheose. Pour Into 'molds or ; Band, Karalj^Harris, William Bvsry svsning will be sajoyabls wrote you. Then he decided it Part your nalr, bit'by bit, all And you’ll marvel at how easy it in t o refrigerator trays. Serve on Miller, soloists. at Castle Farm. There will1 bs dining would be better to come without over the head, and dip a pad of Is to put it together. lettuce with draislag aad a green or 10:00-^ack Denny's Orehestra, Bd and dancing in tte Ciystal Room writing. Lettera are diaappointlng cotton into oUve oil that you have Style No. 2954 is designed for maraschino cherry, or a small bottle Sullivan, guests Lenora Ulrle, Hack to iootblng syivopatAon provided by klummm aometimea. Steve—’’ heated. Massage your semp with sises 14M6, 18, 80 years, 86, 88, 40 lof cherritt nay be mixed to with Wilson. Buddy Boret and hie Castle* Farm “Haa he accompllahed anything?’’ the oil. You will feel it penetrat­ and 42 inches bust Size 86 re­ t o pineapple and cheese, cutting t o 10:80—Columbia Dramatle Labora- the man- Mona asked drily. ing the scalp, and t o muscles will quires 8 yards of 89-inob material. cherriM into small pleoes. ^ tory. .trone en- Gens Farrall aad hie Playtiey Barry drew a long breath, “ru relax under its spelL Cotton mesh, pique to Mlk or wide MARY TAYLOR. Il:00-The Gauchos; Toto Guisar, I epaoioue who have been fraqueatly feakiWl Bay he has!" Then massage your scalp, easily < wale cotton, linen, shirting and tenor. veraadA where it’s elwaye refreeh- over radio atatioB WOR ia Newiflk The girl withdrew her steady ll:8d-O srie Nelson’s OrohestrA iariy Cool. N. J.,. will be at Rau’A Onteai but firmly, until it is pliable and crinkled crepe silk are admirably NO TAllB PAT gaze and let it travel across the easy to rotate.. Never let It get suited to tto. model for summer Fra tte opening a ipeoial seven- te, thle..evealag* The PlaMten room. The Jazz band was blaring “set" Work it every ni^t so it wekr. A wesilthy-Irishman vras proud of course Mue plate dinner is bsiag of­ lave aa eaviaMe reputation. raWiw- noisily. No dreamy waltz now. Hal­ can’t. Now wrap your scalp to a Our Summer Fashion W f iH.^« I t o opportunity to "s h ^ dr* on t o fered « t tte lurprifiiagly low figure < ersey aad their jirraint i teS* cyon Qub patrons preferred not to towel and go to bed, leaving ‘ t o shows all t o new and interesting of a visit to London of one ef three doUan per oou^ a B a n ­ . hroujtt New gngi**d is wteplag dream. The drummer, standing oil to get in 8 or 10 hours of nec­ styles for vacation and everyday of his eompatrioto. He^ invited bim| ning Sunday, tte manegement will tom a beet of adaairen. and wearing an odd little hat top­ essary work. wear. Every page in color. to dine at a fashlcnkblo ‘restaurant WBZ-WBZA preient a delightful turkey dinner cbeetra is coaqtesefl of flff pled on one side of his head, was "Now me b«r," he said,' "JustI both afternoons and evenings for eatile mudelaas, tkree aur in the morning slmmpoo your You can save t o price of the book you-fbllow my lead aad ~ ' ilprtogfleld — Beaten ■shouting the words of a song. head with a pure'castile 'soap that I oven again, and look your ,, , __ ru order I one, dollar per person. Tbsrs is no players, three vlolialste, three ^ “Tell me about you and Steve." has been shaved aad heated to I very best everytbtag■ **‘-TltB its. orohestrA wondering Just how to begin. “Well, cold water for t o last rinse. 8:00-"BZ" BnsemblA Vie Vaast aad hte Vanlte before I Miled for South America I Darien, July 80—(A P) — A riot foaforiag Pete flhaad, caq Rub your hair with old towols Manchrator Hunld 8:80—Cancer Bducatoa. 11 brought twenty flrenMa, rallce- met Steve. He had done a couple unttt you have Mimtoatod as murii THAT WAS BNOUOB 8:45—(kyaa—Doris Tlrrett. hegdUaen of RKO. Vr “ of good turns for me. Just before Pattern Service .ID and vMuateers to the hrafo of fuifltsh the nrade' •lA of the moisture aa possible. Let •1 SM you’ve given up teaching! 4:00—Ben Wllooa’aOrototM. Dr. Staaira ZBgh. OongregattonM —a few hours before—I boarded the the sun and the wind blow out the I your wife to drivA" 4:80—Stock Bxohaage quotatlonA Saturday. Weetey boat I rap into him. Suddenly. For a Reraid Pattern send I8e “ Yes, we had an accident" 4:46—Frank Dalton's Qrohestrau paetor at StomfM^ to seafoh for t o mevie actor aaff rest Stay out of drafts, and don't m stamps or coin directly to burgian last night A negro hoy We thought—I mean I thought zfd goto the buralag sun. You-dent "What happened?" 0:16—Matinee Revue — Aliee from/. Hdlywoodr like to have him oome along. tl Fashion Bureau, Manchester Bve- "Z told her io release her clutch I O’Leary, contralto. Wis arrested. play at Rau’e Af want the sun to burn up ypar uing Herald, Fifth Avenue and' Df. High aad hie family are tour- looked Ilka a good tUng to have scalp again. But from some com­ aad s h ^ t go of thS'steering wheeL" 6:40—UtUe Orphan Annie. isatat Rai^i Stove along. So ha came. It w m 88rd street New York a ty . Be r—The Ruaiortst. 6:00r-t1me; vraator; Sprats Re­ teg BurCpo but neighbm isho heard fortable vantage spot where the iure to fill In number pf pattern view. wmdows being biMen/ notified po- lucky, too. He took to—well, my air is mellow aad a breese ripples aiiee of t o buatoess—^in a- vwiy I never coula you »*-sira. 6:10—Organ—Louis Weir. Uce. Officers turiied in the riot high clau Just enough, you should receive rnSLUCKYIlAY call—tte first in t o tout's Mstoty. Imva done. Lika a duck to water. all t o help you wUl need. ^ 6:15—Tbs Monitor Views t o News. ttg halidi ttitej Td never have amounted to any- e o e e e e e I The etectriMara w to yffsirfeg 6:80-O’L s a »’s XWOk « t o g without Stove!" The Domtoleaa delegatef to .the SCBTOL BOYt P to t ara you do­ * ‘& jf* * ^ ®f “ Tlte .Ntes. sraVy: . I t waa Stova’i story praetloally. disarmament conference has pro- ing, mister? “I .ratter 4to had omitted that Steve totd oeoooeeee'eeeeeeereeeessss 7100—!itos: Amos ’a’ >tt wen Witt to frthMT 'vDh |^* i POMd a ban on^rarito toys. Need­ ^LBCntlGZANt an 7;16-^Uiloal r peen his tovorlte taxi _ less to^say, the French delegation ) I .asked Mill t t •Miuido< l of Steve ae of an eee«eeeeea. exeeaaaa isohff Stamps or coin (coin pio- 7!80-Xoe Rtefs' OrChsstra. trid him he pm *■ •grated to object on t o grounds lerrsd). 8:00—Bara "You," I 9 ,e e a • e f • •• t s t • • a 8,a aa a i.'xaicpg, \ ••■ ... • ■ , .* «■; ' v - - * / ■; ■ i -V- '*■ ; -“ ..‘ V ^ • •• * ' ■ ir'V--- ■V ; ^ ...... « - ■■ \ r r ' ■ ]'' •"--,^4 ..y V.MJt.-, lU^CHE^I^ Bnng^G ReRi^,:SOl)^~J|ANCBK^^ SATURDAY, JULY $0, lSf& PASS iawsw''’’ *sf5«r ■ ■1,1, I.II ^ •i,TriaM Irr^-Ti " m BM EW SHOWS • -y- ‘.^.1- »- • — • r - »--.k > ^ » .•-vw-; • •- TenShan Oedmi^t IWEARLCJUnHHl f- A. K:NetM Buddies » i Mlddlelnay, V t—Twq.)festoa sur­ The Bulletin Board geons make two bmir'airplane trip /• ^ ^ 0 EdHioDs of ‘Vanities’’ o f In d rlY ^ rain s te m to perform ezeergency .•apendltdi& operation on »l W«k Wa Re Dm i and a Farea Musical Bx-Berviee OrganlutHmi. Jacques Gifflletia, t e y i a i ^ oca ef hronssor YlacSat Oiillfoua. Abet Athilk SaskMiii Andersem^SheaPMtrv^^ Portsmouth! N- H.>-Porter Adams, Baaidit Ib Undoa. Laat call for wounded vets'who Intend to participate in the pubUo obairma aof tee aovrty orgaalasd By the Dtmocrais. Pui^e Heart ceremonial. Bwty Vetereas M m lty LeaffWi aead tele­ next week the completed list of gram te nerident Keovtr aongratu- Ntw Tork, July 80.— (AP)—Bart lating him on his "cQura^eous ac­ over 60 names will be forwarded to Washington. July 30.—(AP)— Oarrirtl, who h u laatallod hli rot^uo Washington and an veterans who de^ tion" in conneettdn with tee boaus Ik ttM thaator which waa once tho sirere thArthMr name to go In with the trouble. The ^ t , so o ft a the determiniw palae* of Arthur Bammemteln, ba­ group should report ^ to Chairman Tewksbury, Mass.TT-Helen Dwyer, Motor in past oampalgas. haa bsan t ik rahaaraala of thraa ahowa the Neal Cheney ba'ore Monday'nlght. 14, of Cambridge, killed by lig h te d Che focus of political developmMte Say aftar ha raturaad from Buropa. It is required that appMoants for bolt whtla standing at a sink in tM by Mr the asoat iatereitiag of the llta flrat ottarlng will ba a faroa the decoration give their serial num­ C4mp of Mrs. Catherine Murphy. ourirent week. mualoal called **It'a a Qlrl," which ha ber, reglmimt and division to which Boeton-^Edwin S. Smith, state purohued la Londoa. where It waa they were attached overseas, date of commissioner of labor and Industries, Buiofar aa teeir slgntfloance can oaa of the major hlta of lu t aeaaon. wound and the offensive on which says a Fall River inanufacturing now be foreaeen, tpese developments Harold Arlaa la wrltlof aonfa for they served at the time. The group company has lost a prospective reject the likelihood of a Democratic It. application will be sent to Washing­ order m m a large Boston depart­ appeal made to order for the tradi- At the aame time Carroll la keep- ton 'l^esday and the deadline tor ment store' because investigation tidnally dry south and the tradition­ la t hla atata overflewlat with ahow applicants is Monday night. Tho showed it paid its employes "starva- ally liberal west, where Governor glrta aa ha aalaota thoae who will chmrman can be reached by phoning tiqn^agu." Roosevelt was strongest in his pre­ apaaar la tha taath edition of hla 8818* convention contests. They indicate "vamltlaar' due oa Broadway la sap It is expected that a good repro- Boston— Executive committee of that tee Democratic nominee will tambar. aad tha alath.adltloa« which sentatlon ot the post will attend the tee Crosscup-Plshon Post, American make a real effort, not a mere ges­ haglaa a road tourt from Baltimore institution of the Danielson Post lit Legion, sends telegram to President ture, for support among the w ets' about the aame UaM. that city this afternoon and evening. Hoover endorsing his action on tee and conservatlVM of tee eastern sea­ Carroll aaya ha>haa Interviewed If a sufficient number < plans to bonus marchers. board. more than a^MK) glrta during the laat parade, the poat oolora may be Fryeburg, Me.—Di. J. H. Moore One of tee things most talked two daya. taken. of tee lick Observatory at tee Uni­ about la te4 conferences held in Plana are being considered for a versity of California, joins colony of Washington by James A. Farley, the Arthur Beckhard, who became "pep" party at the Newington hos­ scientists here to observe tee solar drat rank madaner overnight with Democratic eludrman, vna the pro­ pital in the near future. Those who eclipse August 81. hibition repeal plank adopted at CM- hla production of "Another. Lan' have spent any time at the hospital Lewiston, Me.—Unsuccessful at­ fuaga," haa two new ahowrin re cago. He tried the eeatimeDt ef know how tho boys look forward to tempt to save hie playmate Edward Bwteera senators, partioulariy in hearaal which he will offer to Broad a littl4 music and comedy. An in­ Dorr, 11, from drowning, costs Wil­ w ^ tUa fall. ' ■view of tee ^referendum reiult la vestigation will be oonducted to see liam Stevens, 12, Jtic Ufe. Teaxa, where aa overwhelmtag ma­ Oaa la a melodrama called “Tiger if a sufficient number of stage and Hour*" by Bdwln aad Albert Barker, Coventry, R. lr«-State police ar­ jority voted for submlssioa eff a re­ aad tha other la Brik Bamouw’a radio stars can join with local enter­ rest Alvin Andenon, 23, Worcester, pealer. He apparently was satisfled play, "Street Fiddler." tainers to put on a program at Nev^ Maes., and Louis. Cheever, 26, Provi­ that enu>hasis oould be put on tee ington, possibly In cmmection with dence, hi connection with thefts iiiue without endangering tee south. i t Aubart, who fled from her the opening of the new recreation from a summer home here. Parley With Bly, * huabaad la Parla becauae he building next month. Washington— President Hoover, With Governor Bly of Massaohu- to allow her to go oa the Anderson-Bhoa Poet Auxiliary serving notice V. S. "cannot be ■ette, Governor Roosevelt lilsmisiM ataka there, haa no trouble flndlng A good sised delegation from the coeroed by mhb rule,” orders Grand ways sad means of briaglag tea tn- Jury Inquiry into bonus afmy dis­ joba la New York. post and auxiliary will attend the L. T. Wood*! Icc plint on BiMOU Stroot. duetrlsl Bay State la totoe ia Nov- She flrat made a hit In ‘‘Prlnoiaa Installation of officers of Merrill O. orders. Veterans stream awky from e i^ r . Apparently the results wera Charming," aad then played all laat Smith Post No. 2660 of Danlalson capital as (roops finish "mopping satisMctory to Governor Bly, TTiey aeaaon with Bd Wynn m * ^ e Laurii today. A parade of Connecticut imtta up.” Immigration men to examine probably be partially tUacloeodi Parade." meat Although riddled with of the V. F. W. will precede the In­ ibrapnel la aiore than one hundred more than 80 radical prisoners. when tee nominee makes his radio # How aha haa been algned for "Bal' stallation which will be held out of Johnstown, Pa.—Weary remnants address tonight,. and tee Masssehu- Ijdrao" aad ao will be the prlndpal placee, he laughed at the dootors AUSntU FAILS UNCIISAMS TOWNI ICE SUPPLY doors on the Green. Department aad at the end of the war carried on of B. B. F. straggle into Johnstown governor liaues hla statement feminine aupport for Willie and Eu­ fo.' "further ordm. tee foUowlag day. gene Howard. Commander James J. Lee of WllU- thirteen years' work aa a motor mantio will have charge of the In­ driver. Washington —President Hoover The full scope of tee Demoratio TOFAYWIEitEST NEW TAXES A U NAMIFACIUItED outlines nine-point program looking ^ a tog y on^ prOhibitioa, however, Nina Hae McKinney, the negro stitution. When he was wounded sixteen The next meeting of the auxiliary toward eoonomie recovery. will not be known until after P r u ­ .ingenue who will be remembered years ego and was told there was WHERE JHeV HIT YOU dent Hoover delivers-hie aeceptaBoe from the motion peture, "HallelU' wUl be held at the -State Armory ao hope for bis life, Private WUeoa Berlin—Chanoellor von Pq;>en, in Friday evening, August 18. addreiM to Amierlea, denies wanting speech here oa August 11. If he jah," la going on the mualcal comedy smiled and came to England to re­ — A N D H O W ! goei moderately wet, it may aCcrie- Btage. She haa been signed for **Fol- Mr. and Mrs. darenoe WethereU cuperate aad then insisted on going J. P. MtrfHD Co.-Mikes L T. WckmTs Phnt Brings dictatorship. llea Bergere," which haa James Bar­ of 123 Wells street are spending tha back to France In the Labor corps. Washington—League of Nations rate the DeMooraite movenMOt to­ ton and Ada May as stars. week at "Unger- Longer" cottage. He was entreated to stay at home, TAXES TO MAKB TOABT invites U. S.- to participate In wortd ward a still more complete repudia­ News PnUic; Fails To Lire WILL BUTTER FEDERAL About Rapid Transforma­ financial conference tion of prohibition. He Is being Greta Nlssen and Janet Reade Mrs. WethereU is the auxiliary but refused all offers of discharge advised by some, to virtually Ignore were originally announced for this treasurer. end pension. Laat April he* was i BREAD ON BIGHT SIDE Albany—James A. Farley, Demo­ •how. r The next meeting of the auxiliary taken ill and he again refused Up Te Its le iD CentracL cratic National chairman, laye he the issuer saying It is up to Con­ County Council will be held Sunday, disabiliW pension, saying as l«ig aa EDITOR'S NOTE: This is tee tion In Industry Here. does not concede a single state '-o gress. Others expect to sea hinor Roger Wolfe Kahn has withdrawn he could wmk,,be would aupport hie fifth of. 20 daily articles explaining Republloans. outline a rather detaUed rahMltiito August 14, the time and place to be for. tee Eighteenth Amentkncnt. his orchestra from “Ballyhoo," the announced later. wife end children. An X-ray exam­ tee new Federal texei. i^nten, O.—Six .white men ac­ revue. Riatead, they are going on a ination ehowed seventeen pieces of New York, July 80.—(AP)—J. P .^most in tee twinkling of an eye, cused of lynching negro chauffeur Bfalce Most of ^Newe* - Our hospital chairman, Mrs. Ger­ Morgan and Co. announced today While tee Demoorats make asost vaudeville tour.. . . Kate Smith Is at trude Buchanan, assisted by Mrs. shrapnel itiU in hie body end despite By ROBERT TALLEY one might say, Ice consumers in are acquitted. the Palace heading a new vaude­ his wonderful pluck and the efforts that diie to foreign exchange diffi­ NBA Service Writer. Of tee political news, Mr. Hoover Florence Peterson, made a Wait t>' culties the Austrian government Mumchester have found themselves Los Angeles—Vice President Cur­ and his managers prefer silence until ville revue. . . . Arthur Oulterman the Veterans’ hospital, Newmgton, of the medical itaff he finally sUo- (Copyrieht 198k: By NBA Service) tis arrives to open Olympio games. and Lawrence Langer have written eumbed. It ie.to be hoped tbAt-tba had failed to make mqhth^ interest being supplied wite thU commodity after tec ao^tanoe. A bun of Tuesday. They reported.visiting aU payments due at this time on.-its from a very different source tean political dieousrion followed jthe ..a new version of Moljere'a “School the comrades in Ward' F.<-also 'all War Qffice will.'recognise his saorl- , Every time you‘'feast a slice of for Husbands." It Is being played In flee by well looking after his widow guaranteed government loan. bread on your electric toaster, heat teat of years before, hkmely ice prerident’e appointment of Atlee Westport, Conn., with Osgood Per­ the boys from town id otherwards. Payments have not beAi coming manufactured by L. T. Wood A Co. Pomerene o f Ohio, to te* Reeon- Mrs. Elizabeth Maher has been and children. the coffee in your electric percola­ ADVENTURE OF THREE kins and June Walker In the leading Mona-Ypres Post of British War in from Austria since Jime, it was at their new plant on Bissell street. struotion Finance Corporation, Jmt roles. appointed on the ReUef Committee Veterans mourn the loss of Thomas stated, and ?unds received thus far tor, turn on your AC radio eet, Heretofore Manchester has been de tee White House took do part In ft to take Mrs. Emma Smiths' place. are insufficient to meet the full in- sweep your rugk with ' the vacuum pendent upon Mother Nature for a BOYS IS SHORT LIVED This appointment putteig mana- Mrs. Edith Mahoney is confined to Stratton who passed away at the Memorial hospital last Tuesday eve­ tereet due next Deo. 1. cleaner, turn on tee lights in your supply of natural ice each winter. In agement of a pow ers administra­ her home on Cedar street with a recent years she has not been so tive agency into tee hands o f ortho­ ning although not a member Tom The truetses have received sink­ home or do any of tee ,oountless spridned ankle. was well known and respected by ing fund payments under the loan consistent and it has kept the* ice Skip Out Late A t Night and dox Democrats, is the ferteest step Queer Ttente The County CouncU, meeting fot contract In the past, it was said, other things that household electri dealers in trouble 'trying to harvest Are Brought Back Early In toward coalition government this V. F. W. members and auxiUaries every member of the Post, We ex­ tend our sympathy to his wife and and these will be utilized to meet city accomplishes in this modem enough natural ice to carry teem the Morning. country has seen in receht times. which is usuaUy held on the second age you sire helping Uncle Sam bal­ through the summer. How much tee Pomerene appoint­ In Day’i New* Sunday, in the month, wUl take place family and all others who will suffer sinking fund requirements for the through this sad bereavement. financial year ended last May 81. ance, his 1832 budget. With tee advent of mechanical re­ Three boys ranging in ages, from ment will help the Republicans in on Sunday, Aiigust 7. The place frigeration and its perfection during Ohio, Is a matter of dispute. Tbs SSI chosen is a. grove .in East Hartford The New. York bankats States If you own an electric clock you 16 to 19 years, living in the south­ Anoerlean L ^ o n Avdllary that the trustees aliw reported the are paying taxes 24. hours a d a y - tee last 6 to 8 years it bM now be­ former Senator several times has' . Detroit—Uranus, a pony, was a which may be reached by traveling come possible to have a large ice west section of tee Ninth District, teen talked of as a faVorite son of along the Stiver Lane road to Ford Diilworth-Oomell Unit, No. 108 Auetrien government had' failed to all o f which may seem perfectiv decided last night to go out and see . damaging witness against his live up to its loan cont-act- in the shocking, 4Mit it Is merely a part of producing plant built and equipped tee Ohio Democracy fo r, prerident, master, George Thomas. Thomas, street, turning left where sigiu will On Tuesday afternoon the Re­ and capable of produdng lee at «tee world. They made their decision but recently he has not l)Mn active be erected pointing to the meeting habilitation Committee made their matter of turning over debt service your "current’^ expenses. rather late and did not get far. At Charged with beating Uranus, said funda.to the trustees’ account at the cost on a par with the natural ice politioally. the pony was vicious and had bit­ place. The East Hartford post and regular monthly visit to Newington For there is noW a tax >of 8 per proposition. 1 o'clock tell morning they were Ohio will have a large plaoe in auxiliary /vlU furnish luncheon to hospital, .remembering the men in National Buik of Austria. As a re­ cent of tee cost on all electrioity picked up by tee West Hartford ten him. The pony was brought into sult, the trustees have lodged a pro­ -AnCteer hazard that natural ice tee poUtltal sun before tee cam­ court. Thomas rapped him several members, but families will be ex< Ward F. and the Manchester men used for.domeitie and commercial dealers have bad to be constantly police'and the Manchester police paign Is over. Governor Roosevelt, pected to provide their own basket who are patients there. test agmnst theee infractions of the purposes, designed to yield an addi­ were called. Shortly after 2 o'clock times on the head, but the pony be- loan contract with the League of guarding against is tee pollution of making bis first ipealdnf trip riaoe ..hived docilely, whereupon court lunches. Games, baseball and danc­ Mrs. Tedford, chairman of-util- tional 139,000,000 for tee govern­ tee father of one of tee boys was ing will follow the meeting.' Nations. tee ponds from, which they cut their tee convention, will address Ohio sent Thomas to jail for. half a formsi has ordered material for sev­ ment this year. The law' says it ice. In closely settled^Sreas such as jiut starting out with bis automo­ Demdorats at Columbua on August month. ^ eral new capes and another sewing The Austrian guarantee loan on must be pMd by tee consumer. bile to search for teem when In­ British War Veterans which Interest has been defaulted found in the part of Connecticut this 20. Probably Prsrident Hoover will Muskogee—The Fort W o rth e d bee is planned for the near future. CoUsctioo of thfs tax, however, hasord has Increased rapidly. There­ formed by Officer Muske of their go into tee state later. Tble is oae Denver railroad has put reverse Comrade William R l t S 'o f the Members desiring caps for conven­ was floated in 1928. It was guaran­ need cause you no- wofry. Your whereabouts. He drove to West Mons-Tpres pOst has Just returned teed by Greet Britain, France, fore if tee dealer Is forced to out his spot which was sure fe become a English on the old custom of people tion time are reminded to get in electric company .and Uncle Bam ice further away from hie selling Hartford and returned early this battlefield whether tee east did or suing the railroad. The road has home after enjoying a two week's their orders at once. The price on Csecho-Slovakis and other members attend to' that ^ y o U . The com­ morning with tee three runaways. vacation in Canada. While In Can­ of the League of Nations. area his hosts are mounting rapidly not. brought suit for 161,401 against W. the official Connecticut cap has been pany will a d d ^ per cent to your and shrinkage of tee product be­ J. McFarland, ishar^g a JifcFar- ada, Bill paid a visit to the beauti­ T h e total issue amoimted to |121- monthly bill, pay tMs to tee tax col­ ful cities of Montreal, Toronto and reduced 26c inprice, according to 000,000 principal amount of bonds comes teucb greater. land truck broke an imderpass, caus­ mfbnnaUou received'-from our Dw^ lector. L. T. Wood A Co. has overcome ing the wreck of a train and one Ottawa, and reports bavihg had a of which |28,000,000 were allotted fine trip. It 4s interesting to note partment chairman. to the Amprioan market and ap­ If you, buiy efeqtricity at a flat all this with their ice plant. Cen­ WAPPING death. The amount asked is that The unit extends heartiest con­ rate, you must pay^tee tax whether trally located, their source of sup- PRINCES V ISinilG paid out by the road as a result of that while in Ottawa BUI a proximately the same amounts to guest of the headquarters bl the gratulations, to Dr, and Mrs. Higgins Grsat Britain, Franoe and Czecho­ you use the current^-or not, einoe pW and storage is right in tee bea^ the wrack. on tpe Mrth of a son, tee levy is beeqd on rate Instead of of tee selling , arek. Transportation Blslt Nevsrs, Dorothy Dswsy, |iii Portland, Ore.—“Come quickly, a Canadian Legion in Which place he slovakia. Italy, Belgiqin, Sweden, Lois Foster and BUiabeth Pleree learned quite a lot of the ex-service­ We art pleased to announce that Denmark and Holland participated on consumption., V . costs are cut to ar minimum and BIGELOW MANSION man's beating his wife," the police twe of our Department obelrmen, shrinkage is greatly reduced. who have besn spending a week men's organisations and their work. la lesser degree. In many cities, tee avsrsg^ house­ "camping out" at ToUsad at tee were told, but when they got to the He received quite a knowledge on Mill Inea Peck a t Hartford and Miss hold electric-bin is ateut |6 a month. In addition to all these improve- home of Bill Bletz, former n heavy­ Lucy Bhanahan of Waterbury, have mients manufsotured Ice le of k much farm of Irving Campbell, returhed • • weight pugilist, they found the shoe how ex-sendoemea receive pensions This means a .tax dr 16 cents a to their homes on WedaesdrjF mom- and hoepitaliiation. Space does not been secured as speakMs for one of monte, or |t.80 -a year. more dense nature, clear isnd abeo- was on the other foot. It was Bill, the early Fall meetings of the'Man- iag after • week of rest and fun. police said, who did the receiving. permit me to give you an the details ' The law. eayi the tax appllei te Mr. and Mrs. Reglaald Ooai and so Bill has been Invited to speak of cheater Mothers Club. . electrical e n e i^ "for domestlo or He blamed his wife for the black . A complets program of eonven* two cblldroa of Uttle Falls, N. Y., New York Sodetjr Oror his experience at oiir next monthly * •’ . ■ eommemlai eoiuiumpUdn,’'. which eye and cut lip. meetmig. tton aotivltiSB has been r i ^ e d , fM- uied in producing this. Ice. This have' been visiting at tbs horns of San Francisco — P. N. Ashley, means homes, storM, etc. It ek- water Is also filtered at the ice .plant Mrs. Cone’s parebts, Mr. and Mrs. land owner, regrets hla tendli Bertie, youngest son of Oomirade ldkiag,are a few of theBgh'Ugbtsi empte electrical energy furnished for tke Weekend. Lfudsay who has bear con- Ooavention will be called, to order before going into the freeslnf cans. George A. Coillai,>mai. heartedness. Once, be said, there "industrlsl oonahm p^." Buck ex- You can take this ice and use It la Rev. Hanw B. Martin, tor of, fltica lo bed this p y t week with a Bt John's Parish Hones, Water- xe Aiaerioaa life at this tiau la empttoBadneludt eieoiridty used for were 18 elk'on his 18,000 acres, ao severe Illness 4s how risirtlaf com­ lury. Conn., at 9i00 a. m. (DBT>; cold drinks for sxampls whsreas the South Wladioladior First Coagrega- he allowed them to stay. Now there & UBsatlsfaotory, if- It is marksd by msaufseturiag.. • mlMag, reflaiag, with natural Ice many p4opls wets tlonal church, vlll prsaob next Sun­ Nsw York, July 80.—(A f) —. are 800. They are eating his cat­ fortably and the-parents h ^ to T h w id v; A m t Uth,;1888.' unstablllty, injustice, by narrownesi building.' opnstruotlen, railroads, have the boy up and aibund within Tha n e t neeldeats'' Parleys will skeptiosl as to the sdvusbllliy of day moralag at 19:40 o'clock. Hli Bloude. imiUag Prince .Triedeifeb tle's forage—aad It's against the law and selflsbneis and by an increase telephont, telegriipb and rsdlo fadll- dblng this. sermon subject be "The great August of Prussia aad his older to shoot elk. the nest few dairs. ba held on Thursday. August' ISth^ in human unhapflaess, then the col­ tles^ ete. ■ Our“ Ameslosa ' ■ will be at 18:80 p. B. L. T. Wood A Co. now have their Verbs of the Gfespri". Mrs. Klaus of brother. PriBoe Louis Fsrdtaaadi.srs GHaagow — Laurel and Hardy, interested to lou lege is very largely to blame. Newsp^MM are .iginolally olaised new ioe cake scorlug machine la Bait Hartford will prsrids at tbs bring liralied this wseksad hsfers daema oonfles from the United know'that a beautiful Ousats wUl ba fsottvad- at the ■-Kr. B. H»' Wilkins,. presMsat, ae Industrial entprprilee and are tb ty proceed to Detroit whort both Memorial Day senrlea was hUd oa afternoon session eg tho eonvsntton operation. In view of the fact that pips organ, Mr. Klsus will'slag a •M as, were a riot here. Nine per- Oberiln College...... tbsiefbte exempt froM the tax. all cakes of Iqe from tee freeslnf solo. Ths church will ho elossjj dur­ have jobs at the Ford alaat eems went to a hospital aad othen Monday, May 88 at Brookwood OB Thursday and l«ber in the after­ .^•rbw are v w "OMliU" gusita at VBdsr tha aus- noon the Memorial strvlce .will be • Also exm pt is eleotriolty used by room are ^ uniform rise and weight ing tbs Month of August. » were injured In a wild oruah at a Although Z like to fly, there’s not the Federal., gftvemiaent, states, they oaa bow be scored' la UBlfarm A son, has beea bora rsoeatly te the old boMteadSi tho sallroad station by thousands of branob of ths brid. ^ nearly as much thrill in making 205 rambllag oM-Mihloasd white ttamk Overseas Memortal Day Association. OoavfBtlon l ^ u e t .will be held dtiss, oouatlssaB^'towns. rises for weight*. Bach oaks Mr. sad Mrs. JsreaUsh MeOratn of persons beat upon seeing the come- miles an hour in a plaoe as in going weighs 880 yoimds sad osa bs divld* Bast Wladaer Kill. mans in the flesh. Laurel was so 'Tbs Rsv. D. W. Money eonduotsd at the Hotel Blton; Thursday svs^ the lervios and wrsaths la msaaory 100 aallss an hour oa. tho water. —NBXt i ,ji2i5r5sei» sad salt- ed BMOhaBMally by this Mn. Brasstlas BuUlvsa who has moved by the welcome that hvsrept. at 6:80. Tickets irin bs'11.78 •"Om Wood^ spsidboat Magi late twe SOqieuad oakss, fbur 80- of Amsrloaa soUMars, sailors, sad •aeh sad reservations sbotM i f dspedt boites. . . . beea Ooaflaed to ths Msaobsiter Airmen, hurled in the eemetery were mads St an ssrly date. pound and feuv 80-pouad sahss. The Memorial, hospltsl lor. tho past twe jrJsFs:JSTSi‘iss& laid by I. T. Wilos Taylof rsprs- W ears seoBoade^ysound, but •atra.80 p o u ^ is allowed ter wssks was rs Bsturday aftarnodn !wlU be . the isro bava^boea oa a flaaaolal dniak •hriakags so that the ousteaMr lentlaf the 'British Lsfioa sad time for the big parade aad it la M. D. lulUvaa representatives of ths Amsrlosn ... ,ws aavo got to get ovsr it— TUNNEY NO! INTERESTED absolutely full woifbt. BOOB whsrs ibo will roou; ^ped for agoed feprllsatattea tkat'B aU. ' Msachestsr has passed through a Bmbaasy, The Osnadian High'Opm- frem Manchester; AB members of fere taMag a trip to Mala mlMloaer, Tha Xsassrlal War Onves •mWnak Bl KsUofg, World Ooart period of traaritioB la Its Iss bun* Bagle the Unit desiring bfanij^rtatlon to IN POtmCAL OFFICES aesa from ths tiau boaorsd BMtbod Commlsslett a d ettiar bodies. Waterbury oa that day should ad- Jastiso aad fenasr seeraBry of Now here soBss tiw hetrs, but •Btei of supply origlBatod over a huiidrid vlM elther 'Mvi. Hess 6r Mrs. Broe- ysars ago to ttm very asodsra antb*i not from KaewlLsriBlrMt-mx,theeF nan at once as Obairmaa MaoDon- New York, Jtily gp.-;.(AF) —the m but from OsoU Xlttts, obalala of No ama who tvsr sat la tho White od ef los maaufsotursd olssa, oeo* V. fl. TBOOPf AOVANOB BsU of the Legion committee neede aemlesl aad sffl(‘.4Bt. Thir ehsags tae Moae-Tpree Post..oaeuPosi.Oaoa claims eu this information la order . to oom- Houss has bssa aiors.dsvoted to tbs ' On July 80,1018, American troops be now bolds a rseby dor the thq 100 public tbaa Herbert Hoover. is la kesjiiBg wltb this prograsrivs kdvaneed almost from y y d dash in .ths ;------Vstaraas pieU hie plans, l^eaee'dea^t aegleot -Benatef Heed Barnet ef Utah. the scene of the bloody flirting at Fobt sad aU6 loif : this very Important matter Uatil k a i^ on the previous day. Their too la te.' dsughtsr oleokaklas at iS 1-8 sec­ Theee musketeere of the ad- He said i s w ^ d wiks ipeoohss HByy AacBAiT i^m o p r ^ e s s was opposed by Prussian onds, and as hs m 9ltb only flvs adaiatratloa ( 1 ^ , Kuriey aad lor tho DoosOcMts,- ' but go ao fur­ •n&'Bavarlan guard divisions, oon- yards to |^o ths cbaplsla is dster- OHOBT PBOMMEb MtJllOBB Kxdo) laeiat oa plajdag the gaaM ther f ■iaered the flnest soldiers ,ln the Paeadeaa, Cal.—A 'imw aircraft mlntd to misks the stretoh la 18 seq- 1 ^ JOM, (pal,, July. ^ ( A P ) - A iritb amriied oarde Tkey go . "Oood^feveraiMBt la only ooe of radle .roorifsr, which- .welfhs only GftBSttkniMi. h li biitt hv i ill points. • Babeook,vwnrwwwM S MfuilaMkewoMBT imaaM jeva^Bp o r t . hasBNMB been IPW I Is a record aad Z.pai itly await while aefleeUag their efOdal dutioe, vqros fsoai poUtioal praotioss." ,tbc*ndle depart* et " of ths Fasa- Lato In the day it was learfled Cedl'i next report. made by Oebrge Dbiiidaa Templeton to Mflueace•ace ^ iudgaiefit of tho %UU^ iAOoMMffj la with freak- that Ike Gsnnan high oontmand bad Jr» 90, autiimttM leM t^y.- : [■daaa*Alhaaibra k •• za teste Kaoiib throu«l6ut LLaaoslhlrs______as _ dteetonK ikiss aid atld. "tkuag the reeeivcf has deddsd to abandon ttw OuMd rs- Woadetfttf’.w iuy; thd human jMp- Thoiaa^ Altkea, attoia^Xw^tke T. BobiMOk « f aasa are aaort - idfaUstto. negr*rs glon' add retire to a line u m a tif pw hex, John WUsod. iffsd SC of former imiverslty etuditiit, ftoM aU piirtbef _ Btod iU tes fiatmff that held before the reat hopsfuli Thigr Mvs'SA heasstv of ,trith uttts diffleuity! Dmu! Road, Bslford, mad m ths ed tke defease woiM / purposo AO wall as a ahoassty d ia- fiianiB^May. hospital at Psndlai Tem^ . I. MMl.l I..— I 1 1 1 '" '• fMm (*s a»4 Wo didB't’ oomr; to (iuit coup' tegrity. Vhoy.wtikkl « d thosi loorot Oas unusual thteg aheut hot < m stpIliH troops fa Plonrdy fol- wounds reoslvad m . fn 1818. aaurder V ele We'game 'iM f ^ i '* « v'-r*! / s g f « # their'attaidLoO ths day be- Wllaen was ths hero lhN e_ The etaL-. oeom w s a ^ Is thpt ws aevsr ssfat ta ------poHttoks lostf^ la manta, 'Lsaesahlrs ' ‘ r that hs waa aot M l ikhttt' the health .dCMfteMM '"'s Los Altos; (Msttouah m m ■yri-J

'•is WR.artrr ■^,1 ;'T r, y - ' ■ . \ ' i, . ' ■ ■■ ■ ■ 7/ V ■ 'f\;r ' \

•6 ■» , -I* X .V/. . , * PAGB BIGHT MAMCHEHIBB evening CONN, SATURDAY, JULY , , i m 4 ^ 80 .;'f4i^r^'iViii"j »yiii-

^ ■ 1 . * r . . j •>' ? » « ■* - "TITT^ ‘ * • OLYMPICS ON FDR 16 D A Y S THEM TUHOB . D18TANOE V , HOLDEB WHEN MADE 100 Meters ...... lOA aec. D. F. lippincott, U. S. Stockhedm, 1912 A T A COST OF SIX MILLION 100 jRffeters.-. • • • •... •••••.. -10.6 aec. H. M. Abrahams, G. Br. Paris, 1924 ' I i lOO Meters .j;...... 10.6 se& (trial heat) Percy Williams, Can. Amsterdanv 1928 100 MPtara - • • • • • • a • . 10.6 sec. (trial heat) R. F. McAllister, U. S. Amsterdam, 1928 XOO JftrfbSIV ' a a'* • a a^a 10.6 see. (trial . heat) J. E. .Xionddn, O. Br. Amsterdam, 1928 XT. S. HAS WON JttX Fortj-Nine Naim s Repre­ SYNOPSIS OF 200 BCGtttni # a *a a a a a a •. 21.6 see. A.Hahn,U.^S. S t Louis, 1904 FloVtr oi W orlfs Addetes OUT OF NINE Ga m e s 200 lle t m l^..b..;aa'.a.aaa 2L6 see. Paris, 1924 ,. J. V. ScStit' U, 8. ..Here is the -chtxmolbgical'rec­ 2^50 PROGRAM 200 M«teri aaa.;a..a.a..aa - 21.6 aec. Helmut Honiig, Germany Amsterdam, 19^ sented A ddetec 400 Meten. •a.a.V.a.a^a.a.a V . 47.6 sec. . E. H. l i d d ^ Q.' Br. Paris, *1924 To Be Oii Nrade Dnisig ord of the Olympiad since the re­ vival in 1896: 800 M M m 1 fVa a ; a p a a a a a 1 n ^ 51 sec. U. G. A. Lowe, G. Br. Amsterdam, 1928 Year- Where Held Wlaiier nMi MNT fUCi m a MNT s u e i’ USOO HjBCStB a.a aaaaaaaaa a'w a S min. 58 l<4 aec. H. B. Larva, Finland Amsterdam, 1928' 4 paa Ha^ Largest Tean^ Coleffal Rkes At Los An­ 1898—^Athens, Greece U. R i u h o a y . « M w «s ' 6000 • a^ a a aa a-a a a-w^a * '* 14 min. 8L2 aec. I ^ v o Nurmi, Fhiland Paris, 1924 fAwaav. NaMr 1900—Paris, France U. S. N n M lO M S b |1 80 min. 16 4-6 see. PaaVo Nunni, Finland Amsterdam, 1928 OiigiR of Games Lost In 10,000-MetW.

. »■■<■» «—i—■y—i — MANCHEStm IV8NIN0 BEKAU), SOUTH lUNOHIIBTIII, OOMM. 8ATUBDAY, JULY U, US2. IJrS^ HM SUm Chance the Davis Cup SLUMPS HIT BOTH FRENCH TURN SACK U 8 . CHALbENfiEBft Borotra Defeats Vines; BATTING LEADERS €odbet Defeats AlBson GLOBFiiCiLLOW NOTES Today's Match Fbdi AUiob Horst R ephces W aosr h Na- WnJON TAKES MG *rhirty*sto boFf and firla have aid Vaa Ryi Fad^ tiomli and Fan of A’s weeed the h n n a n 'M teat esoeeei- STEPS TOWARD TOF 'uUy, at OlpMe Hollow. Tho M loir- ng ftoto rae^ved Wittofif: Ovooi- Cii^aadBrafBoitfOrar Drop Eight Pom ti; Odior Fofarty, Betty Beeney, Dorothy ‘ ItOiOllO- AFTER POOR START iw, Barbara lOjNO W abM YesUr- Averages. Harfuorlto Buseb. Ruth' > Kefttoh, Lorratee day*! hriBait Coatafii Maaohard, LOfe Robok, ICary Da- New York, July 80,~(AP)->A Hack H u B outod Batting mato# quartet of players who had been 'TbeJOUowtoa.boya ree^ved but­ rated off the pace in the major tons: RObert Hefidorsofi, John Hul- Paris, July 80.— (AP)— Afiotoar league batting races made their bids Mark Over J 0 (k Has Hit Uns, Billy Canada, WllUam Wllaon, year of effort apparently wasted, the this week and created quite a dis* CtaavlM Davidaon.’Tboman Haaaatt, United States today had only toe turbance among the holderi of the Gilbert Barry. Robaft Bbarwood, slimmeet of figbUng ctaaaeei os it higher batting averages. 18 Honiara and 25 Don- Jamae Fiab, Burton Frolar, How­ W ^e Jimmy Foxx of the Athlet* ard Murpby, Lao MoSwaanay, Many renewed its Davis oup arfument ics, unchallenged major league bat­ Hultina, Arthur' ^ Roberta, Loum with France’s ageing but brilliMt ting leader this season and Paul Stager, Rlebord Johnaoo, raarwood d#i#Od9fi» Waner of the Pirates whose place at T^olrd, Harold OrfltalU, Ralph BeatM book ia both of yeeterf the top of the National League ap­ Patarion, Wiiuam Manning, Albert day’e opening lingles battle#, toe in­ By OAYLB TALBOT Carlion, William Stavanaon, Robert v a d e faced toe nsoessity of sweep- peared about as secure a week ago, They laughed early in. the season dropped into severe sltunps, Don Staama. tod through today's doubles tad tbs when Hack Wilson couldn't bit a The bagtoinarf teat ia oonduetad singlss matebss Sunday if Hurst of the Phillies, Frhnk O’Doul lock for the Brooklyn Dodgers, but every Tburaday mohiinf, of Brooklyn, Heinie Manusb of the waning dim of July finds him in Francs is to lose too world tsnais The awlmmara teat, u a t ia ra- trraby it has bsld stoos 1927. Washington and Smead Jolley of the a fair way bf becoming a hero in [ulrad before the Jtmlora can taka 'Boston Red Sox made a concerted B rooklyn. life aavlnf oouna, ia eonduetad Today's match found Unels Sam’s attack on ttieir positions. The Chicago castoff who set the every Friday m o n ^ byb y 111llfiguard star doublss duo, WUmsr AlUsen Hurst oaptu^ the National Dodgers back $40,000 and a player Frank Buich damonatmtnifa tra ttof thei fol- u d Jobaav ygn Ryn, faeiag Ksnri League lead a few days ago and is drawing the handsome honorarium low ing raquirafflantf, traajr wmtar wi Oocbst and Ja^uss Brugnon. after yesterday’s games he had a of $16,6M a season got off to a .J POANK GHIfiLDS eiASWOOlVl VINBO NV4 A L U G O N 80 aatonda, floattog mbtlohlaaa on 309 average which left him only a wr start with Flatmish fans. The back, awlm 60 feat on baok ualng ui TOAST OF PARIS point behind Foxx. The Athletics acker has made a grand come­ Boasting the Anest front since Big Bill nis, now held by France. The French singles Victories'and the doubles team of laga only, aurffeea diva raoovarlng Paris, July 80H-(AP)-Jsan Bo­ ace lost eight points during the eback in the last two months. He defenders—Cochet, Borotra, Brugnnn weight, racing diva, 100 yard ofawl rotra, who thought bs was too old finally boosted bis bat^g mark Tilden and Little Bill Johnston went Allison land Van Ryn turning back the awlm, and witnaaeing a damonatra- to plsy tsnnls, last night was toe week. O’Doul picking up eight was and Lacoste—will encounter a powetiul second in the National with .864 and over the magic .800 figure yester­ down gallantly before a French att^li French doubles pair. Coche^ alone has tlon of artlfleial raiuaeitatton. The toast of Paris, vl»ttbe deep water, dog race, getting a and that aypsarsd to bs on- impos­ 100. Hits, Klein, 150. Runs bat­ gin to 7% games wrtth a 4 to 8 vic­ The Cardinals won their third caddy coop wh4n one of the vjsit- stick in the ' and using dog' sible task with Borotra playliif to# ted in, Hurst 97. Doubles, Paul tory. straight game in the second half of Win Over Veterans. ing ^rls walked up to him, touch­ psuldle to shore, novelty diving and best tennis of Us Ufe and Oocbst Waner, 41. Triples, Herman, Reds Al Thomas scored his fourth con­ Has Readied Goal Since the League from th$ Eagles In ed him on the shoulder, a ^ iidd, triple diving or 8 divers from one still toe master of old. and Klein, 14. Home runs, Klein secutive victory over the St Louis a red hot baU game by tbe^score of “ CiuSdy, do you think you know board doing same dive, getting the The French gallery, which was 30; Ott, Giants 20. Stolen bases, Browns as Washington pou|ded out 6 to 4. 1 thlf CoiirSQ weU enosugb to caddy different slants bn each mvs, water­ unusually sympatbstio toward ths Friroh, Cards, 14. Pitching, Swe- a 10 to ft : vetdlot The--.Chicago 1928; Fear Have Ckaace Boggini the Cards ’shbrttftop play­ Eiuitem Point, Connie,'' July 80 > - for toJ?” 'Ricky V’ answer wae melon fight. Winners getting * the American players, aoolaimsd the tonic, Pirates 11-2; Wameke, Cubs White Sox noied'ottt Boeton'A to 8, ed a great fielding game, while Rau- (AP)—Three youngsters vied with to assign the smaUest shaver in watermelon for their prize, panaoa victory of Borotra almost hysteri­ their first win of the four gakne se­ 16-3. This Year. tenburg, a new comer to the Cardi­ five veterans today in the qparter- the coop to carry the young wom­ race, eating and first boy depositing cally and wall they might. Im tlng American—^Runs, Simmons, Ath­ ries. an’s clubs. peels in box winning rocs. an opponent 18 years, younger, with Philadelphia and Detroit were not nals cams through wltb>two hits final/round of the Shenecossett in­ letics 108. Hits, Foxx, 139. Runs The point of the story is that Handicap races tor Seniors uainj a devastating servict. and more pow­ scheduled./ when the Cardinals were iiv grave batted in, Pox 122. Doubles, Por­ vitation golf tournament for the “Ricky” plays the local course in old coats and pants, pairing up an^ erful itrokes, Borotra mined ah toe By CLAIRE BURCKY danger. Weber the Cards’ ace kept ter, Indians 31. Triples, Myer, the Eagles hits weU scattered. The. honor of succeeding to the title held the'low 70’s smd bsM hit a 60. swimming towardV shore, one on strategy of bis num; years of tsn- NEA Service Sports Writer stoutach other on back, with more Senators 15. Home runs, Foxx 41, Eagles played a veiy good game and for five of the last six years by Msx When, the girl came into the club­ alr with a burning wlU to win and house later in the evening her stunts going with this clothes handi< Ruth 20. Stolen bases. Chapman, got one more hit than the Winners. Marston of Philadelphia. completely smothered tbe versatile CADDIES HERE BEAT Chicago, July 80— The National card totaled 1862 cap that wfll moke fun. Vines. Yanks, 26. Pitching, Weaver, The game w m very exciting, the League, which has produced only, Upsets in yesterday’s first and Juniors race from shore to raft Senators 16-6; Ruffing, Tanks 12-4. Cards taking the lead oiily to lose Vines faced tbe crisis of bis short, one man since 1928 who could pitch second round matches eUminated dressing smd swimming back to it in the fifth inning and finaUy get­ spectacular career on torelgn courts his team to 20 victories in a sea- the PhUadelphian and Bobby Grant, shore fully clothed. ROCKLEDGE BADLY 8(»i, appears at this atage of the ting the winning run i|i the eighth. This dobs not conclude the events when, returning from a rest after., Connecticut amateiur champion, SHOE TOSSERS PLAY tbe tUrd set, be attempted to pUl LOCAL INIt^ES RIM campaign to have four, possibly The Eagles pitcher kept the Cards from the competition. as more will be held with prizes more, who may accomplish the heavy hitters wsU in tow hut Nieko- given to the winners and for the toe match out of the fire but bs Of the pre-tournament favorites, trick by world series time. Uat the Cards hsaVy sticksr knock­ HERE THIS AFTERNOON duck chase which always closes the failed against ths uneonqueraWe ed the baU down in the brooa for a only E. L.^Beard, Jr., of Flushnig, carnival two duoks will be let. loose spirit of Borotra, who foufbt for ATBUKTOlTODAY Score 231-2 P oob To West Pat Malone pitched 22 Cub vlc- N. Y., remained. He was runner-up torlee in 1929 and came back a year home nm . with only the boys smd girls com every .point as though bis life ds-. in the tournament and was paired later with 20. He was short last At 2 o’clock this afternoon, the peting eligible to go after them, so ptndso on it. * today against James M. Robbins of Hartford’s 31-2— HaroU year and undoubtedly will be again AOE8 PLAY AL^BOOKVILLB Manchester Horseshoe team will en rsm s'/r early and have a chance to ' Vines tried to wli. with stroke:: PhUadelphla. Archie Hiyes and Harry Sea­ thla season, yet his teammate, Lon­ tertain the combined Mimson and get a duck./ alone and they were not enough to nie Wameke, BUI Hallahan of the The All Maaohester Aces will .Louis Stoner, 22-year-old Hart­ Indian Orchard, Mass., team in Don’t fo rg e t that free M etro loUl' match toe racing feet, tbs dsft Cmdlo Scores a 72. Cards, Steve Swetonio of the travel to RookvUls tomorrow and ford youth, who eUminated Marston return game at the Center Sprinn pops win be given to the children racquet and toe cunning strntegy man Entered In Fair Pirates and Carl HubbeU of the play the strong AU RoekvlUe team. with a one-up victory in the first courts; The locals journeyed to visiting the pool on Wsdneaday. of the veteran. Age beat youth to a Giants are given good chances of Godek or Sturgeon wiU probably round, faced another youthful com Munson last Sunday, where a sixteen Another feature on the program frazsle. The Manchester Cquntry club reaching that goal. fa ce ManteUl on the mound.""^ taMer, James Lewis of Springfield, game match ended in a tie. will be some acrobatic stunts on the CJochet was apparently worried at Ground Program Today. caddies defeated the Rocklcidge cad­ On the other side, the American These players are requested to be Maes., whUe Dow Ahem, WUUman- A special singles match will also bar by Sully Squatrlto, Walter times by tbs slashing gams of Alii- dies of West Hartford yesterday in League for several years has boost­ ready to leave at 1:16: Godek, ,tio youth, teed off against C. F. be held between Hale of Munson and M ozzer. son, a last minute smiMtioii for « Georgettl, local champion. Hole The diving grotm wilt eonslst of Three Manchester horses are en­ a match at the local course, 28 1-2 ed its outstanding ditchers into the Sturgeon, Hewitt, Stavnlteky, Var- Barnes, of Eastern Point. singlss ossignmsnt, hut hs always to 8 1-2, The feature of the day's select circle. Lefty Grove and George hard, Brennan and Neul»uer. In Thh -fourth match pitted Henry J. bolds one decision over Georgettl, our local talent with some of the bad tbe strokes to win points when tered in the harness racing proirram who is out to avenge the defeat The youngest and best divers in the to be run at the new Bristcil race play was the scoze of Harold Ciylel- Eamshaw of the A’s and Wes Fer- Mgr. Bronlde 5627. The game wlU Topping of Greenwich against Don they were needed. Several times 10, local caddy champion, jvho Mt a reU of the Indians made it three cage of inclement weather any play­ SbeoUi of New Britain. local team will consist of Georgettl state in the group, among those are ^lison broke his service but toe track this afternoon. Archie Hayes's and ThonuMon, G. Guess and Siem- 72. T. Lester of Rockladisia .carded straight times without apparent dif­ ers deslrious of InforiMtion may caU These matches were to be fol Michael OrfitelH. Ewald Stechholz, two horses, Lex C., and Betty W. son. W. Neubauer and W. Guess, Uttle Cochet alwayi raUled Imme- the best laugh pf the match when ficulty. Grove even brolm 80 last Mmr. BronUs 5927. 'n e g a b | » wlU lowed later in the day by the semi Anne Arson, lost yearia Senior will run with Lecuyer driving and and Suhie and MoLaugblin. (Lrtely to.return toe oompUment he stepped up to the first, tee. He year. Others who hit 20 or hatter be played at Henry Park at 8:00. finals scheduled for tomorrow. champion,. Edward Lithwlnski, alpo Harry Seaman will drive Donna last year’s men’s champion Frank Ooenet will pair Arltb another vet­ bad aU the antics* of a champion In the junior circuit were Lefty eran of many Davie Oup bottlee, Henley. Lex C., will be in the first golfer. He addreseed the ball PARKIS MOTTS IX)TT Liberia, Edward Markley one of the race, a fast pace v.’hlle Betty W. is Stewart of the Browns and Ted Ottawa, Canada, July 80— (AP)— foremost swimmers and divers ever Jacques Brugnob, against Allison, beautifully but on his follow through Lyons of the Whits Sox in 1980 and in the classified slow pace and trot, Milwaukee’s l6 Fast Pace—Lex C, Calumet Bel- H. and D. Civlsllo (6 and 4 ) the latest pitching percentages. NBA Sendee'Writer win Martha Dewey, McGuire, Guy J. M arokl (2 a a d l) After them, I should say that Grove, Mac, Bugle Call and Gay Setser. E. Hultlne (3 and 2) Wameke, Weaver and Eamshaw Paris, July 80.—Mile. Suzanne Classified Slow Pace and Trot — Hultlne and Maroskl (2 and 1) 2 wUl make the grade, in that order. Lenglen is in the throes of a come­ Betty W., New Model, the Para­ But who after those fellows? back. The old magic hand is itching mount, Donna Henley, Jack Forbes, 23H Perhaps Uoyd Brown of the fbr ths grip of a racket and the Calumet Chrysler, Brave Arton and Rookledge Senators. Certainly not Crowder of l^dy Guy. j T .L ester...... 0 the same club. Tbs General hasn't dainty ears under the celebrated Bristol and Middletown Special— Laurance ...... 0 the luoK. He’ll probably pitch aomp bandeau are alert for tbs plaudits ANOTHER PATENT Colleen Frisco, Bismarck, Hanover, T. Lester and Laurance...... IH more four-hit garnet and be beaten of ths populaca. Nodema, Peter Rearmore, Robert S., P. L e s t e r ...... 0 by rivals who allow only two hits. Uiunlndful of tbs physical trou- Did! Trottan and Signal Bingen. O. H ig g in s ...... 0 Hallahan might He won 15 in Lester and H iggins ...... 0, 1930 and 19 last year. However, the blea of such athletio ooutsraporarles ORSEN TO PLAT FKEMEN J. H yds ^ CardinalB of ths year haven’t re­ and world ehamplona as Jack Manchester Green will play the D. Rslssio •.••...... •.....-..I sembled even remotely the National Dempasy and R en t. Lacosta, Su- Firemen from Spruce street tomor­ Hyde and B alssio ...... 1 League champions of 1980 and 1981. aanne is practicing almost daily, FOR GILLETTE! row afternoon at Jarvis Grove. The HubbeU won 18 for the Giants in but in as much secrecy as pos­ i 8^4 game is scheduled to start at 2:80. 1929 and should do aa waU, perhaps sible. The water thrpwers from Spruce Harold Qviello'a 72 card was aa better, this year. He had 11 victories street saw that their brothers from foUoWa: in recent averages. Is Susanne jealous Helen Wills In ...... 682-444-64$-84—72 School street bad a big inning to I like the chances of th^ Pirate Moody ? Helen, wita her' repeated # GilletteVadvance ov«r otker dsaving deviqss it aoBin defeat the Greeni so they challenge Out ...... 85ftA84-484 v« % ttMMKtttmai M* ; m'li« . MM "•UkmMMk ' PAQB T IK MANOHBMTBR BVBNINfl HBSALJ), sbUTO U A N ( » B 8 m , O O im .^ T U R D A Y , f______\ \ > ♦ • ^ ‘ : »' • » M * ,# # I s I M 'M I «7 I ' * ♦ ! “• 1 T V • * *T "v

t ^ I ■ MMl-Up'; 4 4^ Read the (/r/sk/^r'(/Renldl Rropertij Lishnq on this Pdqe!cv!i..i sift

LOST AND FOUND i id' ’^VNbI ‘A i APARTMBNTb—FLATB- Speeders Subm it to a R est 4 TBNBMBNT8 6» OPENING STOCKS LOIT—WKITB rnSNOK poedlg ID -iiCD , M t n o h M t e r dog. OhUdd Buddy, with Hartford Ueuiag taf. Flndor phono 4818. FOR RENT—HALF HOUSE, five New York, July ^80.—(AF)— Tbel Erenins: H erald rooms with bath and all modern Stock. Market ran into .weekend IN Improvements, garage on Grove profit toking in the early trading F0LL9WINC CMSH ..■1' I GLAS61FIBD MOVING—TRUUJUNG— street. Tel. 6628. today, and safgid in quieter trading; STORAGE SO Losees of a l^ t 1 to 3 points ap­ •9 Local Tcbri Stagoitago Stniek M ^DVlSlBBBieNTB peared in the njrst half bofir in such FOR RENT—ITO BLDRZDOB Stl Loms 11-10^i l a •]Kids’ OottBt Ms •A ?*: BXLVBRLANB BUB LJHB, g r a t ­ 4 room tenement, improvements, Issusa as American Telephone, Bantl W reidtr Arretitd Od T h n e iBlttaU. Bumban and asbraTlatlesa ed by Parrott A Qloimoy. Torml* reasonable. Also rooms and apart­ Fe, Union Paelflo. Allied Chemical, At WMt Sldf. i aaeb oount aa a word aad aomponad United Fruit, American Woolen worda aa two words ICtBtmnm eoat te nail—Chartor ' Oak and' Main ments, furnished or unfuralehed, pilea ot thraa llMea. itroota, Btoto and Front otroots Improvements, heat. Inquire 26 Preferred, and Beechnut, while is- Quurfei, hdnding Man­ “ WMtion gams bstweea^t Lina rataa par dap tor traMlast in Hartford. .Sohodulo oi trips ob- Biroh street sues off fractionally included U. 8, Hartford Dukes, oolorsd e ada. Steel Preferred, American Can, ■Caattoa Marah ij tainablo :rom drlvor. Ghartorod slaughter. Hartford and ths/,WsM Obarm Enillman Bus Borvios. Bpooial FOR RENT—SEVERAL deilrable WsstiaghoBse and, others. S ^ B u d ^ , played at thev^West a GoBBaottUTO Dajra . . f eu| • M partios to any pdnt Bitimatos rente ranging from |22-|60 per A number of brokers again ad< Side for the benefit of the ' I CoBBaoutlTa Daya t. • ata 11 aU fumishod on request. Phone 3068. month. Apply Edw. J. HoU. Tel. vised ttudr clients that a technical PleUo, was won by the l U .- 1 Day «••••••••••••••! 11 ota| 11 ata 4642. reaotloa was due, after the violent Lawrtnes, Mass., July 80—(AP) ▲11 ordara for Irrfsular iBaartloBO 8860. 8864. DuhM b> the score of l l to 10. ' advance of the past two weeks, biit - tQus Sonnenberg, torm tr claimant will bo obarrad at tha opa tlmo rata. FOR RENT— 8 ROOM Apartment, they generajly'si^oted it to be . Tbe Buddies showed eigne of shy­ Bpaoial rataa tor loBg tana ararr GENERAL TRUCKINO. ideal ^ to the heavyweight wrestling cbam< di ------* long distance moving, livery sei> au Improvementa, heat fumiahed. merely a temporary corrective ness in front of an attsnclahoe, - of vice. Modem trucks, experienced 16 Lllley street Inquire after 6 p. movement. On the whole, Wall pionsUp who was arrested at Us MMly ^ psrals, '- iriM fathsr-m-law’s Bdmont home, on h ^ gathered for tbe laddies’ iarfL_ men, guaranteed prompt delivery, m. street came through to the end of IllCt pi9* tual Bombar of tlmaa the ad appaar> all g o ^ insured while in transit the week'in the beet frame of mind charges growing out of a fatal auto- ad, oharplos at tba rata aamad, ba( FOR RENT—6 ROOM'FLAT with in months/ although a number of mobile aeddsnt, Juty 19, eaTly to­ Tbe Buddies were, so stage struck BO allowaBoe or rataBda eao be nada Our afflUation with United Vans gafage, all improvements, 62 pesiimistio traders who failed to day was released in 13,000 ball. at times that they didn’t know what OB alx. time ada atoppad after tha Service means lower rates m fur* Norman street. Call 6470 or 214 Sonnenberg will be arraigned , in to do, thus making ton errors which fifth day. . „ . niture moving to distant points. see aa adequate basis for the rally No "till forblda"; dlapUy Itaaa aat McKea street in business devetopments, were sole­ the Lawrence District Court on in reaUty lost tbe game, Daily tA ^ to New York, baggage ly perelexed ahd ceofueed. charges of manelaughtor, driving u n colored lads played steady * °^ a Herald will aot be raapoBBlbla delivered direct to steamship piers. FOR RENT—6 ROOM FLAT wlfo Yeeterday’a rumor , that ‘ the rail­ under' the influence of liquor and ball and the work ot Itaapp on the for more than one iaoorraot InaartloB Before contracting for service get ot any advortlaement ordered for garage. Inquire W. Maiming, 16 roads might receive loans to reno­ driving so as to endanger life. mo.imd was a fMture. Tno Dukes more than one tlms our estimate. Phone 8068, 8860, Walker street. vate equipment, which accompanied The aeddent in. connection with had a four run lead in the seventh The inadvertent omiaalon ot inoor* 8864, Perrett A Olenney Inc. the brisk advenes in rails and rail wUeh Sonnenberg was arrested re and tbe BuddlM in thdr half of tbe root pablioation ot advertiainic will be FOR RENT-THREE room tene­ reotlfled only by oanoollation of,the equipment ieeuee, fotmd support in suited in the dMtb of Patrolman Inning combined two walks, a single eharga made tor tba aorvlao /andared. ment excdlent condition, steam President Hoover’s etatement that Richard In Morrissey cH Lawrence. by BycholiU, and a double by Qua- ▲11 advertlaamaata moat oonform REPAIRING^ 5 heat rant reaaonable. Inquire at preliminary conversations bad been tefsott toxcore three rune. They had in atyls copy and typosnphj^wi^ Pagan! Bros., Depot Squart Dial held- with railway oblAs regarding a good onanoe of tyifig tbe seers rasnlationa enforoad by the pnbliah* WASHING MACHINE, VACUUM 8820. such an undertakug, aa a means of era and they raaerva the rlpht to cleaner,, phonograph, clock, gun, aw protably winning thi game had edit, reviae or reject any copy oon> expending employment The Presi­ not Gustafson tried to strstob' aidered objaotlonabla. lock repairing. Bralthwaite, 62 FOR RENT—FIVE AND SIX room dent’s dlsoloBure that a i^ r d of en­ YeaUrday *s Stan double to a triple. wUoh fa_ CliOSINO HOURS-Claaaifled ada te Pearl street tenements, with aU modem im­ gineers would be formed to pass on be publiahed aame day mnat be re* Knapp, Holloway and WUlls starrM eeived by 11 o'clock ‘noon; Saturdaya provementa. Inquire at 147 Bast kMuis for eelf-Uquldating projects Earl Averin, Indians—Hit a home for the winners wU!t Oordy and Center street or telephone 7864. was viewed bopefuUy by. .the steel 10:80 a. m. COURSES AND CLASSES 27 Not a tennis picture, but just a co]U|ds;of -f«dt setif. Ben run off'Lafty Gomes with two on to sa u m n ^ did' best to t the Iomm; TELEPHONE TOUR of Stanford University, left and of the University of Pennsyl­ t r ^ , and related lines; ' bMt Yankees to: a. Thx West Stds BuddiM atiprsiiht FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement Foreign., ex<’^anges—stiffened a WANT AOS. BEAUTY CUL/TURB—Earn while with all improvements, heat and vania, star sprinter on Uncle Sam’s Olyithpi'c team, snapped as they eahie •: Joe ‘ .Cronin, Benatorsr-Hit . two ars iMuh^ ^ Eastern County Y. little at the opening, with sterling douUss. and a single, scored twice M. C. A. league aad will ptay.'dlai- ▲da are accepted over the telapbone learning. Details free. Hartford gamge. 169 Summit street Phone to a dead sfop. quoted % higher at |8.60%. jQlas- at the CHAltaB RATE given above Academy of Hairdressing, 698 6987. • and handled 12 chances to help bMt A looguo fama inie MMonday aa a oonvaalence to advertlaera, bnt Main street Hartford. -St. ZiOliSS;i at the West Side. the C4BB IUTB8 will be aocaptad aa BartfoirDkdiei vu u j Pa y m e n t if pi “ FOR RENT—FOU^ ROOM flat all ■: Adam Comoroeky, Pirates—His aaaa offleo on or before the aavoBth modem, good condition wltb garage ESPOSITO BOY SAFE; lini^e: with-bases ilUed fsatursd an AB.R. day' following the flrat iBaertlon of HELP WANTED-rMALE 86 if desired. Inquire 87 Clinton street Tightening of eighth IdBiiv rally .wUeb subdued Newkirk, of, each ad otherwlae the CHAJtOB Glante. Mlllner,.lf ,.8 'O’ .0 HSTB will bo collactod. No reaponal PAY WEEKLY TO lihemploye'd.' blllty for arrora lit. talephonad ada RENT HUNTING?—Tell us what #ASWTTOBKOTHEli Riek'Vniion,~Dodgere—Hiitid a J. N .e^ rh , SB ,.4 (► P? 0 will be aaaumed and their aconraey Permanent local sales positions. No you want we’ll take care of it for hoiqe run and double, drove in tiiree Xing, 3b .,4' 4>‘ >1. 2 cannot be guaranteed. investment Depression proof. J. C. you without charge. R. T. McCann, ruha and scored twice against Cards. wmis, lb ...... 4 INDEX OF Hosts, Newark, N. Y. 69 Center street Dial 7700. New Haven, July 80.—(AP)— I .. . Halloway, e, i f . .8 Hollywood—The more stars and dl-^ that under the glitter, and the gold­ Joseph Eepoeito,' 8, who disappeared E. King, 8b .... 4 CLASSIFICATIONS NEW BUILDING just completed, Thursday evening at Ottawa, Ont., Wsltare, q,r^ ...,2 Birtha e a a a t a d.p a.BAd t g • • • g g p;p*M0 • • Jk ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 rectofo become involved in story^ en wordage lurKd a ball-and-obau. RUUDS ggggggggggggggggaa B four beautiful rooms, |20; also four disputes with their studloa,' the . They know that people who sign where be .was visiting with bis Knapp, pSi.,,,.,4; Uarrirtrti a a atCCara g;p;Hg •»!:#• tt’.g g g a G BICYCLE IN FIRST class condi­ and five rooms |16*$18, 8 Walnut clearer the fact becomes that the them often aw^aken fr e v the ffrst’ mother was fou uL byj^ ics here to­ Paitadeiiii;'^.,'J, 80-(APj— WdlHer, 0. ' Doatba a a a a a a a g g g gjent g g • g B day at tbs. horns, of aa uncle, Tony Cftpd of TbAnks aaggg#gg«gW»ggg B tion. Good as new. Call at 65 New near Pine. Inquire Tailor Shop. true Independents are as rare as happy dase of wealth to flhd tbam- A sugiMtidD i n niodiflcatlon of the III MiinorlEin aaggg.ggg.ggjcKi»^tBfl B street. Telephone 5080. dandelions at a Hollywood , world lelve coerced into making films Eepoilto. The boy’s brother, "dead^bhu" riiDiig developed from Totals •••eeetf W i i 5 Loat and Found gggg.ggaggwa'gggg I premiere, that, in their right mindi, they . jiello^ was held pending com­ the Uid-iummsr meeting of the West Side ▲BBOUBoemaBta i.:., S Warner brothers, until they would scorn. munication with Canadian autborl- American Football Coaches’ Asso­ Peraonala ...... d ties. ^ ▲ntoBubllaa HOUSEHOLD GOODS 61 FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat. In­ changed their minds the other day, Alfred Lupt ahd 'Ljrim Fontanne ciation, wUoh adjourned btrs last Ford, 0 ...I .•>'.(6 ▲utomobiloa for Bala ...... 4 quire 64 Maple street allowed certain of their stars the hgVe made', bhs picture, ’"rhe , Poliee Mid OtbeSo. drove tbe boy U ghi , ' V , lalnionioa, ib .. 4. ▲utomobilaa for Bsohange gggXdf i FOR SALE—BEDROOM, sitting- privilsge of a voice in selection of Guardsmah,’’ Which was everything to New Haven ffoto ^tonra, arriv- , After lopij.dOhcte^/;iiirita dedded WinUdri p ..... 8 Auto Aeosssorlio—Tiros g g a g g € room and kitchen furqRure. Apply TC RENT—FOUP. ROOM tenement, stories to be filmed, ber|d'*bout 'ast.>^No charges ▲uto Raj^riag—Painting ...... T 111 HoU street. Renovated. David ope might expect of Luttt and Fon- to recomnOdSNo t^H atlohal Foott ▲ttto Sohoola ...... a ...... '. . . . . at 26 Cottage street. It is a privilege not often granted, tappe.. Whether they will make an­ .— be filsd against him until an in­ ban Rules COtantittsa- tUtt'thi ball Franir, or ...4 . ▲utoa—Ship by Truck ...... S Addy. Tel. 7819. for reasons obvious to those famil­ other is uncertain, but when or if vestigation Is cbm'plstsd, they an­ be dsdarsd only withlh the Oordy^ f t ,m •' s • s-^A ▲tttoa^"For, Hire P FOR SALE— MATTRESS, spring, iar with the mechanics of the pic­ they do,. you can be fairly sure it nounced. territory flv# yards on either side of Vsnnwt, 8b .... 8 chiffonier, bureau, chair, table aad FOR RENT—4 ROOM flat on Ridge Tbe thro boys went to Ottawa street. Modem improvements. In­ ture industry. When pictures are will be. on their own tenns- They tbe line of forftnmage. Tbe'modifl- GbKpmn.,m, ri . .8 rug aad pictures. Inquire Manches­ promised exhibitors by a certain are qpiw hpppy; lB;.the.theator,. with their mother; Mrs. Violet Be- oation rule was spmiiored by Disk JohBstoariT .... 0 ter 8160. quire at4U4'Spmo* Mwsst peitto, who rdointlycledgid a com ByobUikl, If .. . .8 ' Buaineaa Sarvlqaa Offerad II date, it is inconvenient to have a lalnt of non-support against her HxUsy, of NdnjtiiirsstorB. > a m 6 ROOM TENEMENT, all Improvs- star stubbornly refusing all story Vietorlous Rebels ;i Tbs pruetitwjp'lMts the ball Out Konaahold Bemcea Offered .....ll* ^ Susband, Dr. Joseph Esposito, for­ Totals...... ,|1 10 Building—Gontraoting ...... 14 WANTED—TO BUY 60 msnts, garage, good location, rent luggeitione. Leille Howard Is back now, hav­ mer Stats Senator. He has been In of play anyplace (M tbe field when 10 Florlata—Muraerlea ...... li reuonable, 82 Walker street In­ u eucb disputes the studios, con­ ing eohvinced movie money that it any tw t o r ’tbe oarrier*s body ex­ SoOrs iaalBgi: Fsneral IMreotora ...... Id Honolulu for tbe last ydfit. Hwtford ...... 114 080 g;->ll HeatlBgM.Finthblai^RooflBg .«■ IT CASH FOR BROKEN GOLD Jewfl- quire 80 Wglker. Tel. 7268. trolling the root of all evil, usually is Pet ’ his hiaster. Leslie Fepton • Joseph entered a oar, wUob wlt- cept bis feet touches tbs. ground. Xniuranoe id ry, bridgework, fals teeth, watches win. Moving picture stars are not wbfks when be . jddaies, aad has neisds Mid bore Conneetiout Uoenie BuddlM ...... 400 ioa.8ti.io UHllnary—DreaamakiBg ...... id unlike other humans in digging at demonstrated tbit ne will use movie Two baM Uts, Knapp, (lustafeeni XovlBg^ruoklng—Storage ... - SO or silver. Highest prluei paid. plates, while on an errand for Us JUNIOR LEAGUE Painting—Papering ...... Si Write for details. United Gold Re­ BUSINESS LOCATIONS that root with the enthusiasm of a jobs only to^finkhce his world wan-, mother. She notified Ottawa po- thrst 'bsss Uta, Oordy, Hi^Ueway: PrefeaBlonal Servloaa .a;a a a a a a a aK« IS fining Works, 1 Beacon street, pig after truffles. deripg. lice he had been kidnaped. b«M qn-,balls off, Knapp, ir W M ^ Rapalrlng ...... 18 FOR RENT 64 After even the briefest exposure Zifa'Johann dlfpsd a contract, but .! The took tbe lead ta the 1; > hit; . .by pitobtr, r JohndhNiWiJw Boston, Mass. West Side Junior, league Wednesday Taflorln^i-Dyelng—OlaaniBg ... 14 to the touch of movie gold, stare mads it clear lbs opuld not be NURMI WILL NOT TURN PRO Knapp aada jiuinsr by Wtafilsr: Toilet fifooda and larvlea ...... IS FOR RENT—OFFICE suit of 8 have been known to eucoumb entire­ forced into i - rds. : first one by deflating the Btrobei by tbe struox outrby, Knapp 11, Win«le» Wantad-^ualnaBB Service ...... IS I BUY ALL fONDB of housabbld loore of 16 to 9. The rines got off BdBaatleBal Koods, furniture etc. Better prtces rooms. Desirable location in North ly to its, magic, Most of them do. Buggsstsd:'oflspdsd'^hsr, and she Los Angeles, July 80.— (AP) -r 10; unmirss, MeOann and Angilo. Couraaa and Glaaaaa ...... 17 Manchester. Inquire at Paganl They get "cottages”, at Malibu, lim­ hsw d,‘.i.birt'BhS' foilMl one to her to an early lead by soortng 13. rune Private ZnatruatloB ...... Id paid If you call or write Nathan Friends o f Paavo Nurmi, colorful in the lUtial frame and:. adtbough PaBeifig ...... a...... a SS'A Llverant, Colchester, Conn. Tele­ Bros. Dial 8820. ousines and jewels, ermines, and likii^.^in'*.*&i$hipg.-^ Finnish distance runn^bArrsd from orchids, and live happily ever* after .fhs ^ ^ otor, Rowland the Birched fought back gamely DISPLAY UPTON TROPBIIS Hualeal—pramatlo Id phone 97. ^ tbs Olympic Games'dn''gtounds of they could not overcome the largii' Wantad-^natruetloB ...... dO —or do they? Br6wh,^g6ss 'hiB fi|sl^' way, taking profsuionallim, belike be will not VISAMtal HOUSES FOR RENT 65 But there are itill a few tm- nQtbipg from any. injiulio, and still margin. La Com relieved Judd in Olaegow (AF)rrA pommneat die- ’ Bonda—Stooke—Mortgagea II cum admittedly "pro.” the second frame and .Utched fine Buafneaa Opportunitiea ...... 81 WANTED—ROOMS— touchablei. the bimdred-per-qent- bis abflity brlhgs niore jobs. Promoters estimate that Nurmi play o f the trepUss won by. ths lato Money te Loan ...... is BOARD 62 FOR RENT-HOUSE ON Henry ers among them fight shy of those The qiisen of'the tmtouobablsi, of could earn 1300,000 in a series of ball for Birches. Judd tumid in tbe Sir Thomas Upton has bs«n opbtasd _ Help and SltoatloaB street, 6 rooms, sun parlor, garage, glittering document! known as long­ oohrM,.. ls KatoariPefCiorBsll. She fielding gem when he took Sulli- at ths Glaigew art gallsriss. ntani- Help Waatod—Female ...... SI races by abandoUng Us amateur van'e Ud- for a- Ut with Us i^oved Help Wanted—Male ...... SI YOUNG MAN WOULD like room all Improvements. Inquire 288 term contracte, because they know won’t'even 16(A'.at picture offers. claim; But by doing sO the “Flying •Mnt is tas oup-fssssntsdM ths Help WMted—Male or Female .. 87 and board. Address Box Y, care of Henry street. Finn’s would axtoixatioally, euetain band. Monday morning brings to­ W orids'Best toMri^by Ahmitoaa Agenta Wanted ...... r.;. S7*^ Herald, quoting rates. gether -the ,Oalut and, Rlrobes. jBbatasrs.‘‘'Apothss ssotlon Sltuationa Wanted^Female...... id MONOPOLY ON GOLF TITLE 8^/^KATH6N,-B^8EN' I the charge of the International Score by innings: Sltuatiena Wanted—Male ....>. . id GBR CRAMP Amateur AtUetio Aaioeiatloa. Employment ▲genelea...... 40 SUMMER HOMES NunU, as weU as. the offidal 'Birches ...... O22'^083*^.g.| eaOOufisnAli Live ttoek—Pete—PenUvywVehlclea TENEMENTS tfS Memphis, Tsnn—(AP)—When the. Pines-' ...•••• ••• •«... 1380 OOx 16r Doga—Birda—Pete ...... 41 FOR RENT 67 Teimeisee state golf tbumameht is , .JplMPineNbW: — ;(AP) — Henry FinnlBh party, beUoves he . eventual­ Dlvi Stook'^^Vehlolea ...... 48 WANTED—ROOMS— held It ie a good bet that ebmeone Loueber. is ,a'^ rgjln on messenger ly wtU be bleared. ^ultry and Suppllea ...... 41 from Mejnphis w ill' win. tbe title, ltoy.~'.Glv4n:a;.me4MMife deliver by Wanted — Pete—Poultry—Stock 44 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, all COTTAGE WITH WELL water and For Bale I MlBeellaBeena modem, double house with garage, boat for rent at Coventry Lake, judging by past records. In *18 tour­ band'to a;ifian'ln Cape Town, he set BOHINO BVENTO ▲rtlclea for Bale...... 41 moderate price rent. Apply 26 176.00 month of August. Dallas naments, the honor has gone to but on Us bleyde. . 'Cap! Town ip Boata and ▲coeaaorla...... 4d Memphis 18 times. aalles b y / rdap.!. However, he Lee Angdest Calif., July 80.—' Building Matarlala ...... 47 Ridgewood etreet. Montgomery, 25 Knox street ov Djaraonda—Watchea—Jewelry .. 41 Tel. 6994. cycled the'route once before. (AP)—In drawiufs for the eeven Electrical ▲ppliancea—Radio ... 49 FOR RENT—STORE, Comei MUn Oarleton A Dis^polntipent rowing events llatod August 9-16, Fuel and Feed ...... 49*^ aad charter Oak street. Apply 1198 FOR RENT—6 ROOM modem cot­ St. Louis (AP)-;One of Manager d k D p Y G m TJttAT TBBILt tbrOe gamiMl doUUers itfW'be pitted Garden — Farm—Dairy Producta 60 Houaehold Oooda ...... 61 Main street. Tel. 4900. tage on waterfront at Westb:*ook Gabby Street’s big dleappolntmente in the llMt heat of the. singles,, Au­ tro O v V lU L COCHRAN Macbinen u d Tool...... 81 for two weeks In August o. entire thle year has been Tex Carleton. StiL0uiSr-(AP) T-BUI Lambom, gust 9. BObby Psarce of Australia, Moaioal Inatrumanta ...... is month. Phone 8786. The Texas league star who was' ex­ qual^iiag; in the caddies’ tourna­ defending Olirmplo cbamplm), wUl Office and Store Eaulpment .... ,14 FOR RENT—Modem 8 room tene­ ment at ForMt Pisrk!bere, sank Us match subkes with Heibert Buhtz Specula at the Storea ...... '66 pected to add etrengtb to the Cardi­ Wearing Apparel—F ura...... 67 ment, centrally located. Tel. 7660. nals’ mound jtaff had won but a tee shot onltbe 280-yiard tenth hole. of Qermfmy, wkmer of the ZMamond Wanted—To Buy ...... 61 FARMS AND LAND FOR single game by mid-eummer. Sculls classic at HeUey-On-The- Roobm—Beard—Hotela—ReaertB HERE’S THE CHANCE you’ve NO:MOgS GOOD NAME .Thanjes, and WUUam G. MUler, Reatanraata been looking for. A home beautiful­ SALE 71 HOMERS FEW IN GMAiCSTON UUted States titleholder. Rooma WUhout Board ...... 6d ly located for a couple. All newly FOR RENT OR SALE!—FARM in ' 'devidla^. —- (AP)' — No Moss The second hMt will bring to- Country Board—Reaorta...... 60 redecorated, 4 rooms, bath, lights, Galveston, Tex. (AP)-^Fewer. ifoved.; to be a'good name for an gethier Joseph Wrlj^t, Hotele-^atauranta ...... u white link, 6 minutes, from busi­ Manchester. Inquire rear 821 1-2 a^ohmiBd/''. n ^ at TUetle Wanted—Rooma—Board ...... dl Oaidand street. home runs were hit out of the ' Galr ch am iM leidle F. Soutbwood, Real Batate For Rimt ness section. All for 120 a month. veiton park than any oth ' in the' __ . . . Mbs tirade'here. No Moss, a Gnat'ftdtaln’s star, and OulUermo Apartmenta, Plata, Tenementa .. 61 Free shades. Call tonight or phone Texas league during the first hi^: seven-year-oU'^vdileh'bad never won R .' ,Dou|^, "dark horse,” from Buaineaa Locationa for Rent ... 64 7606. 91 So. Main street • REAL ESTATE FOR of the 1982 season. (Xfly 10 balli a race, sbbhr^d . he, was not yet a Unigvay* Houaea for Rent ...... 61 ^mpM bac^'^..wlnni^ race with Suburban for Rent ...... 66 EXCHANGE 76 clear^ tbe fence here/i-while Tfi* ‘ TEi flrst'liMt of the- eight-oared Summer Homea for Rent ...... 67 FOR RENT—4 ROOS^. flat second were douted in home jjiames 'of the dgbt lengths to spare; oompetitton iHU send,Great Britain, Planted to R en t...... 66 floor, modem improvements,. 78 FOR EXCHANGE—60 acres, 7 room house, large modem bam, silo, 8 Wichita Falls-Tyler dub.' Japan; BraxU'and Italy down the Real Batate For Sple Cooper street Inquire'71 Cooper lanes. Zn;the second heat; Amerlca’i Apartment Building for Sale . . . M street cows, two horses, all tools and crop. Buaineaa Property for S ale...... TO SLUGGER KATOiro BY BAT . entry test' its; streityth against Wallace D. Robb. Tel.. 8664. San F r a a d ic o . (AP) — Three Parma and Land for S a le ...... 71 TO RENT—5 ROOlfS, MODERN ,tbe efforts of Ztow Z eali^ Canada Houaea for S ale...... 71 Houston, Tex. (AP)—Joe (Ducky- .Weeks

GAS BUGGIES— Eairier Said T|kaii Dana : 4(BBAD IHE STORY, nOB Bjr FRANK BECK n :• The |at man whom the TlnleB:met. [ smbimd^;diybN^ AVtaiithe w u getting, them > ail loalcing^ weL- ’’fo-detag-s^ he, ^ ^ meim to be tau inMni. / BARBARA'S A CUFF ON THATie v>J z.VJt3rt- STARTED HER< "The water’s rather cold, I know, HER SLBOW DETTBR'l ATTENIIQN vbUjC/RRdEMBmT' dry.” And:whmLtt;dM?^Mld THUMB-SUCKIKHS IS TWE ONOr LETTING HSR, / but with Its Mlash the soot will go. Oopgy, luet kneta^^wibHv^irS AGAIN. WE'VB JMetr iD KEEP j s c i ^ V X eowiethimb Instead of littie blackened btys, you .<1 SVMPLY .ffO T , HA/E B uck r/V E E C Tip soon aU win be clean.” v HER THUMB TEETH. YOtfm DO AT THi TO STOP AMIW FROM Then Scouty eUit -'T -

■“ T — OUR BOARmNC^ HOUBB " " ^ t b p i i e n ^ e ^ Bjr Fontaine Fox hSBjgB-AND NONSENSE foOeneAhtni

t s r :m t sey TNJit MieKcr is ewP RA8TU8— Ahfl.iurt advwetd patlM; of dv^rasslon ravaala It d« cowdt oh yetn . the same yniy with soma man, pe people really hot weat er MOBB^oWadatr Hany a keeps her love let­ or THE W M r WAb .iiKE A . RA8TU 8— W«U» two yout ago All ters with tha nope that aoma day w iw ^ o d a iMqr.toofor, and now Alt thayni keep her. . . . An egotist is la Uatad aa a » VBfertu&ata vtottm eb a man-who.lmaglnas ha la a g ^ I j - p o H ? ., da unamploymant altebaayaahun. company whan he la aloha. . . .T h e ae-^.viriRilier^iu^/rvftU o o r EAcie n sst a of tha family la tha ona adw W f i 9 OMILI? OUB ' Old UOola Loranao froa^ out aaar boras the others by reading an oc­ -ik$p -Id am « « M av/a a i a i YaooayvUla aayat “A mao takaa ar casional Item out loud. . . . A n »n eet !(% o^-'R oxsr; U M r- laBVxnaMa la loanyln* a aaoond with very llttip hair remarked that ttma or alaa ha didn't git dat kind ob it looks as though Hs hair had U E f SUMSAVe AU* Ev/Epysue f M A P P M d U S . a vothar*ln*law wld oil flrat taken a permanent waive. ABfWKeWS VSU W A S ? wOa." WHY DOBS A GIRL ALWAYS 9HSM w o ^ WASaV . X CLSAIto OP A Two Nagro woman mat on tha W A N T TXHB TO TH IN K XT Ill^^EdW v WCAOSe -iMRiLUAlEi CASE atiaat. q^nt, BEFORE QXVXNO A BOY Mandy— X Opal, why HIS ANSWER; WHEN SHE HAS 6U d d - f B E E E . M A TUETltv auoh alagant finery onT ITou look HADE UP HER HIND HONTHS CKAPfiE R6WSV v»k4ow tens ^lak you mought ba hunttu’ fo' OR EVEN YEARS AGO? ■ huabaa,' OF SOMBtkIAi* Opal— Ah la, Handy, Ah la. E i(B B /-*p- \A U Mandy— Why, I thought you ‘was SOME SHOOnN*: marrlad to that Raatua Browu. M A ft V ? Opal— Ah la; dat'a de ona Ah’a London— Great Britain now la huaGn’ fo.' tasting a pursuit plana that la1 aoulp- pad with six guns, all ouaUa « be­ Farmar— No, X couldn't think of ing fired simultaneous by the charging you for tha older. That pilot. The guns are mounted two on would be booUaggln' and praise tha either side of the air cooled radial W d , I ain't coma to that yet. That motor, and tha others out along ^ a pack of potatoes will ba five dollara. wings. Tha guns are fixed so that tha Unas of fire convarga ahead of Theatrical Reflection the plane. In tha VanlUas r % No ona wears pantiaa. FORTUNE TOLD-glOl No woman has a chance In this r

world to stop worrying aa long as Knoxvilla, Tann. — Whan Dels r- '» 'ittia has a husband and aa long as Dunn, negreas, had her fortune told. ' the scales fail to show any loss of It cost her almost her entire for­ ii i S w ^ h t . tune. She want to sea a voodoo * woman, “Hodam Hiunaloi," who ’visy. rtfiMe Store Detective— Fm suspicious of told her fortune for |1. But Dels ■that woman, she seems furuve. didn't gat off that assy. When She TROAL'IHIB Floorwalker— Well, keep your came to, "’from a spell she cast ayes on the furs then. over me," the negreas was m lsS g 1100. Strong Stuff DEAD HAN UNDER INFLU­ ENCE OF WHISKEY ATTACKED WOBtAN BIANAGES PORT BROTHER.— ^Elberton, Qa., Haraid. Buc'yrua, O.— One'of the few wo­ ('fWMlw fiS. IISI) 6 na of tha best ones heard lately, men airport managers In the united la tha radio announcer on tha to­ States Is Lauretta Sohimmoler, who bacco company hour bragging about handles operatloas of Port Buoyrus. their cigar hdng the best out. The.port consiats of about 68 acres, SCOR(^Y SMITH A Lucl^ Break and Is the banter of aettvltlaa for the Bjf. ilolui GpTerry > judge— Now suppose the accused Bucyrus Inatltute of Aviation and tells us In hla own words just what for the Crestline Glider Club. ' hupenad. Sun In the Dock— Not likely; : What do you think I pluded *Not 7 ^ W^SHEWBBBnr OuUty' for?- FlASfERfMm SM& SW rt TO SiAtTMCNBCNS Two backwoodsmen of Haine BUT LUtKY RX^METUE knocked at the. door of a house at 6A&TAMK$aift4Vl .the edge of the forest: > NOW ID PiNBOUr First Backwoodsman (to the ^farmer who came to the door)— Hello, Syl, Say, we came across the dead body of a man over there in .tiio hollow, an* we kinda bought 'twasyou. Farmer—That so? What did he .ledk like? ' First Backwoodsman—Well he was about your build-> Farmer (interrupting)—Have on a gray flannel shirt? First Backwoodsman—Yep. Farmer—Was they knee boots or hip boots? , . First Backwoodsman—Let’s see, wHch was they Charlie, knee or hip booth? Oh yes, they was hip booths. X Farmer—Nope, twan't me. WASHINGTON TUBBS H By Grant OUT OUR WAY LBIAVINGS: Wives who have By WiDiama tried mbntal suggestion on their husband agree that Mrs. Jiggs’ way is lots better. . . ‘Don’t hate the man who disagrees with you. The people you agree with never teach CAN THE CELEERKHON, you anything. . . . A horse has to The pemn bom to the purple VM o o Pe e I g o o d t YQDNER. WE EOT WOUNXD , be broke before it will work, and seldom beoonoes a "red". TIMES ARE HERE AEMH. 1 vs<«tCrtTP|isl h e 's .wttuu.WES, B u t i t tb CARE FOR. YOU AND • 1 O M M lC T t HOORKY FOR EVSHYTHlIieL 1 s LAWIM' FEP A RAT w o is ^ Be « o m u c m SLUE LOOK AFTER PIERRE f i T b Co m e o u t f r o m » ABOUT TAkiM* KlB AND TDOTHLEEE. I'LL . ( UKtOER TVISM SHAPU5, U F B , A E \ x VviuL FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS RUSTLE A MEAL. • N|\dDRlOUS.^ • l Bu t t h ' B o l l o ' *iH' PER TAHiNT TH' By RIosser i 0 1 ^/QODS VMIULTMlMk' f c o m p a m y ^ T i m e , i i re AM* ATIdMl^ r SMPPCa, IS JHNAjPSD 1 ' i Tb TAKE HIB f E S r a w a y PQOtfi W ELLCOM E OUT, t T&T a Mb B ffiY AS OUT THEBE.'.' MY OSCAR-WE nmaMTA . ' 1 TH EY MAS> ADT& ISHT BEAOY, ASX, ')bU SOME fUGtTlM&S YELP WITH TH E 6AKJ3 ID SHOW VET l' QUESTlOKiS (I OLEE. COMPLETE HASWT ^REEPOM A CERTAUITV. BEEH ABLE T b LEARM A^UCH ABOUT THE ^CTO BLESS AUI&MOBILE ^ARD LISTEN, LADOIE. m t ^ E R R l HEAFW R E # WS ViiA WUED wmt Tteamx! O S C A ^ t^Y E R S ARE ANSVdERED. HE'S SAYS HE CBfS^ HE'S EOME TO SEE HIE UTTIE '^ T 'S too ia te T^ IS RRkND PHIttVtER AEAlM » AMD EAtf. PIERRE I f DtAOi IMVEKITIHS- ?0

DOMT TOO FELtAS IP THIS AU1D y x )’Rfi kKiOW I'M AWFUL im v e u tik t h a s m t akiy Busy? WHAT MOTbR IKf ir , 440M/ 1 betcha DO you c a m y o u STABT THEBES A v n a k it ? AM* STOP IT ? ,B A Tn E a y THAT DOCS r r «


I ' • 1A SALESMAN SAM Alw ays a W ay Out! * Rx Am O

. , ' . ' > . I I )

M o 9 IS » VBAH? WILL, atJ^acauwttowiaiE^ fAtOBl VCR>ldr«uA «i' NUmiM' IS Mow DO i-JOSTTAkE BALBBMAN , ARM. YB2.? T1W N ^ Y a a y w a f i m , m a u c i u .M UKiOERTHE y o U S T A O r MV FOOT ^V^EO ARARTV ^ W aZ HOOD- MO THE 7HIH6 OPF TH E •ney it!^ b a t t e r y ^ V. TM SM ? ^ BRAKE ^ ^ [jA iL m STARfniR. It NONUTHW* Pfft a Iff I Jt«|

m ok-- ‘ .

I- .

■j -7,-r . ■ '■■ it.? y*. m < t

ry ABOUT TOWN MNTHNSTtilCTlIAf viiah, Qttlgo Charlsa W. Ryoboialci, Rf Jaald n , Hsiliirt-9V< Mr. and Mra. Theodor* n iU f , of R ESipm tyr- a RennuA'J^h- Mato atr*«t, who atarted early in OFTHEWESTSUffi * Thoinan D. MeCahn, John B. Me- < Jniy OB -an automobll* Mp. are In ■ ...... as Paganl, StanlawOi. 'S t^ i^ amna, .Arthur 1. Falihlv, i Loa Aafelaa. Th«y mad* the trip It Was Vdtsd Tb jdeat Costs of eknporiala:; LsM|m{^ Petarpah, AUTad PuodTlOehaal V. ainfoaa u» countiy in eleven daya. Roc Rental aigd Money Win bert T. Gardim, Ai^i{r.-^ B David On leaidnc Mancheater it waa their . , Nat Now Be Needed. Joseph-A.-Pouto,. Fir BttdddU. ' y FoanerM Crowded L ni lacal; 'bapaaies Start ,M Jn, H ^ m A. Wplfri r. f t / - intentioB to travel into northern Antonio Haiindad, Balvat New York' atate, to Canada and to X H>edal meeting^ of the Ninth Deban. » mond,. JeasM J. flaaiala. 4 RANGE OB. return by the northam New Eng­ Night As (M Ghres District can be expeo^ at almost &3S For Two Wedn Privates, Fiirat'Olasa:' -E4wa^ Fi land atatea. They changed their any time when action wiU be taken AndariKm, Kaimeth; J. Britflayi Smith, Albert A. Tamosaitls, WO; encA E^ Casadla, Wsiter.O. C liam Vlhoa, Joseph N. Ze^oMs." route OB reaching Buffalo, N. Y., 'em the reecindlng of a vote eaet at and continued their trip 'Teat They Yomgstcrs Party. P«»k4 At Kigtic. -Walter.J. Cibokptt,^FrbdxE.''',>; will apend aeveral dasra in California the annual meeting of the district sen, Edward'J. Meimvdr, W ilw J: low held early in July la y l^ a Irlnlll tax. Q x^, Bdward G. Hudibsky,. before atarting on the return trip. Coma in and m o this bitnorif One of the most successful "Kldr At that meeting there waa a ques­ Company.-G and the Howitzer, mond O. -Schuetz, William A. tion as to the advleablllty. of the vote Mrp. Cbarlea Oliver of Amater- dies Parties’’ ever conducted in the. Company und^ coinmand of Captain Skoog.' PINEdROiVE ae it was figured that the oependi- . Clarence E. Vennart,. JoSdph vVes*- dam, N. Y., ia apending thia.week town' of Manchester was held last James; H. Mcy^gh and Captain Rus­ with rdativea in Mancheater. turea fcr reaereation work and the co. Tilde S. Vince; . ' . >.s \ TAVERN : night on the West Side grounds un­ rental of the East Side Recreation sell .H a ^ w a y will entrain- tor Privates: John Anello, Pauli J. Miaa Marion Trotii of 96 Foater der the sponsorship of the West Side building for Ubraty purposes, togath-' nqorrow .mornipg a t the Manchester Barratt, H^nry Ji BiBfisdl|s,';H(Wb«t atreet, haa returned home after .Club. Postponed from Wednesday er with interest on notes, leas the depot at S.’SdTpr a two weeks’ period W. Blevins, -Michael ^Ciylenb, .'Ray- w o e haD, beantifai snrreiaindthtp;' Rnbinow Bnildiiit. apending a month'a vacation with cash onybmd, wquld be'^leiia than one of field training a t Camp Croae. mond...... A.' ClUfordrir Hugh»L: Cfiaae, n^ht, when the cyclone and rain-; mill, ^ e action of the .special relativea in . storm flooded the grounds, fully 6,- Niantic. , , Frank J. Duncan. town meetlng .last night giving .to Both of the Mancheater units of Arthur S. Ferrell, Richard'GAtzer 000 peo^o—men, women and chjl-^ the. district the use of the Recrea­ Stanley Shuman, a student prieat dren gathered on the Fouracres lot the 169th infantry, C. N. G., will in the National Pollah church Sem­ tion Center free of rental creates a arrive at camp, with the largest per­ last night and were treated to a full saving to ths district of |6,000. inary in Scranton, Pa., haa been evening of sports, music, novelties centage of new iwnn in the history vifdting Rev. Peter Lataa of North itnd a fine picnic lunch for all the of the units. ^ a recent ruling of street and yesterday went to Chico­ youngsters. the Adjutant General, recruits at­ pee, where he visited with the bish­ The committee composed of Wal­ BUSSt COLE vo x tending this season’s field training op of this section. He is selling a ter Mahoney, president of the West waa required to"'have their recruit church magaaine. From Manches­ tralniv completed before entrain­ Side 'dub, Harry Russell, Lewis ing. TOere will be ho recruit or ter, where he spent four days, he Lloyd and Clarence Martin arrai^- FIX SCOWL TAUIES goes to Wallingford. “awkwa^ iquad” at Niantic this ed the detail* of the affair and were year. . very happy with the response to The Ladies' Society of the Polish Brigadier General James A. Hag­ thelf efforts as evidenced by last gerty of N{Riv Haven, will be in com­ National church will hold an outing night’s attendance. ^rtfo rd Fim Enjpged To at the Qoads farm on Oakland R«.u Game mand of. the Brigade camp this year street, Sunday afternoon. It will be which will include the 102nd and OF DRESS SILK the first outing of the season. Oth­ The activity started off . at 6:80 Prepare Schednle For 169tb Infantry Rsglmeuts. ers may be held later. • when the West Side “Buddies’’ a Both of the local compaziiee are in junior leggue team battled the cham­ readineaa-for the trip, each company The large tree vdiioh was blown pion cdbreo Y. M. C. A. team of Equalization Processes. having gone through the uaual pre­ against the side of the home of Hartford, losing to the older team liminary instruction given by the Lawrence om there time and the party woimd up with she will be one of a party to cruise dar.cing on “the green.” Lake Champlain. Her brother, Don­ ald J. Lowell, is vice-commodore of ADVERTISEMENT-— the Sheepshead Bay Yacht Club FARM sponsoring the cruise on the yacht, SUIdBfEB SCHOOL Garden Spot of “mckton the Fourth.’’ Enter Monday for regular course New England’’ or for special subjects. Puting Au­ cc Captain Charles R. Sargent, Mrs. gust the hours are 8:4^ to 1:15. Sairgent and their daughter. Miss Light cool rooms foi study. The Con­ necticut Business College at the PhyUls Sargent, today vacated the On Tolland Turnpike Gottschalk house on Henry atreet Center. at J which they have occupied the great­ Near OaUaad Bridfe, er part of the past year. Captain Manchester. Sargent, who is regular U. S. Army WALTER instructor with the 169th Regiment, C. N. G., leaves today for two weeks W H O OWNS 9 9 R. HOBBY Forget your cares of the at Camp Cross, Nlantlc. At the day.... dips and dance COU] IS... conclusion of the two weeks he la to every night in the week be transferred to the Infantry achool CONTRACTOR to the tempting tupes of at Fort Bennlng, Georgia, where he Buddy Borst’a Castle was stationed about 10 years ago. AND *»*FaUow 9 tipnii8,’*^he a»ya, "ourtrouble iff l 4 2 8 d n ^ 1929 waa Mrs. Sargent and her daughter will Farm Orchestra ..Stroll SOME spend the next two weeks at Gov­ BlTlLDER on the velvet lawns.... •ev^opfiideaee. And now it^a MM^fwcoofidence. ernor’s Island, N. Y., before leaving enjoy dinner on the apa- Rspair work of all kinds. Also olouB veranda amid cool for Fort Bennlng. • . . . ■ . honsopainting. sumnier breeaea.... and "Soipe folks thought, when dines . were extra good, ikejr w«fe Three buses left the Nasarene ramsmbarl Not a ri^ a Ha’N tnil you woVo riffht-ffitra l* mora lM lir> lu a, cover obarge in sight! tlwaya gioing to extra g ^ Hiey're the same fk l^ I a^cs, - s church this morning at 9 o’clock, PHONE S778 -7at coita no moral You gaf moro tn m H/ Veiu filled with chUdren of the Sunday who are fuM as anre that had times are going to lam f b r e ^ . T o o school and members of the oongr* pay no mpra fw Itl ~ation,ation, bound for the annual picnic.picnic Special Attention iBiich dheetiog tiieo* Too much m ouiing now. ' f'oror yyears"" WB the place of...... the picnic haa to Partiee, Weddihge r.. 'hlttp eoul' li clfan, solid anfhracHo -• avory lonip. been Cm ital lake______but this^ year___ it SEE THE NEW and Banquete. ' *'Vkere’s the cemmon-sense * iniddle *'gtonhlf th ' t^nYil^frdlb* was decided to make a change and No roek, no flota«na rofuta* n 6 wosta^bums dawn Columbia lake was chosen. EASY w a s h e r now on? ...... • ...... Also ta g flna, eUnkaHosi ash. lum f florealy whon .tha : Mra. John H. Gill and son, Fran­ Altarneon cis; P. J. Gill and Bister, Mrs. Mary and drafftt a rt opan; sloapf ganliy whan tbay’po doiadi find it in confidence! Not overdc^ai '' Mumhy, all of Main street, left yea- Js'9.50 ter, balloon type \ ®otor tour of banka parfoatly at nlghfi roaponda qultkly In th# **Jnet t levilffieaded fititb in the future-'oil^in- the White Mountalna. roust npw tab, BOW booaty, only |6 a awnth. m o m ln f. engfideniee in eqeh other, dty hy dgy, gm4 heUtf Ih tba' Mra. Eleanor McCann and her Phone iB^lity of our jsonnd buaineas in s titX il? ^ daughter, Mrs. Elisabeth Phelan, of KEMP’S, INC. •«y R"bpyt»"6onipara lt. Phona yppr. ardor • • ... Church street, left this momlng to Free Bobm DemonstratloB. 3930 spend two weeks with Mrs. Junes nowl Loam tha plooaaro of roal haat-cemfqrtl Deardon at her cottage at Old Lyme A apeleaias to raukarf-aneHier Mflh neallty pneSswa . Shores. b it Aia Mild of belief and eefnfide^ wkicb k«f lefi jg '.i-(T? men to noma la oa egeeutor and t r o ^ onder ttriHeosofoithuMek oxtmid fir Uito tw e fiittiif , '.•^1 W. G. Glsmiey Ck - > 1 ' ■ ■ ■ . . OoiM, Fuel Oil, LUMBER, Masons* SuppllM, F alat C. £. WiDis & Son, lac. Street, - 1 ^ 4 1 1 9 , '.V ' ' - a'-V /V .-v ^ • t’ ■ 'J ' .R.-‘ | ' /*• ■’ ■' 8 Main Sl) Tel S128, ■ Mancheater ■ '1 — .iV' '-iF '■ ' X •, '■ ".’’-Jt'."-; A 9M04t0 and m ■PMlal BeatellM laa h u in b e r— MQapn*$Svipplw • / SQOTO- KBMPW - -A- 768 BlgiB S t, PholM 5680 Cannel Cdal for Firaplfce Uaa• • A - J- h - m i

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