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■ 'r < : K % J j . ^ . A-,-.- 'pfc ■-??55rTr^?v :«l-f!^^l% ) r ; - VOL.1 ^ N a i l s . • ^♦

m J k ipnei . OWN A < » P 88 %n k B 'P s s o , vT sf.,.FSb. V .1 8 - - B It; * Faso's on^ woman tanl.,drivsri NeU Duckett, .is 4 mother of a ANODIUNEOF Iftyn am ld ,h«gh sdioOl daugh­ ter,.ai^l jfhe, doesn't own a dress. Hisil, who goes about town in WARDEBTTAU her ti^ dad in men's dothes, hdds hw own w i^ sny of the. hard-boiled drivers. Once she) Vv'' was known as “Sin-gun Nell," MadKmaU Dedttes Wadh but she doesn't carry her gat with her any longer. ingtoD Pkriey Win b n g e s'.vX':\S'CK -V flu ie tOBSSWOmSES s'-f| Orer dn Whole te ^ ’ tee Senate today that raquirlng AgaUri Crirreiey 'U U Denver, Colo., Feb. 13.— (A P )—A 1 do not see' the *use. o f; keeping tiations would be fo r a harmonious sdon of a wealthy, pioneer Colorado the-Navy to cut its expenditures approach to the problem with the minister in Tolwo I f there’should be family, Charles Boettdier, n, today a drive, on JehU, sri obriousiy diplo­ five'per cent under appropriations tlOO* ‘ United States. was held by kidnapers for a pur­ He did not indicate that the Brit­ matic measurea would be o f no as proposed in the pending economy ported 160,000 ransom. . > aVaiL": pn^pten Would "make it absolute^ ish delegation, which he pt«bably Two masked inen, accosting the Ariked t(. Cliina were^^1iilridy. to dS-. inq^ssibie" for the United States Washtogton, Feb. 18^(AP)-t win head, would be Empowered to 81-year-old heir ta a fortune and his to defend^itself m base of war." make any definite - decisions at war on Japan, Boong ringed, Sbsip reduction of the''.Natbtow wife, at' the garage as they returned matter is' of no, coQ SM ^ce. H s ref Ared to the amendment of Washington. tenator Bratton (D., N, M.), in debt structim.(« tee baii^ cf ii; finm a ' paiW s t midnight, herded ;hris\aot d e o la M ;)^ ^ itobri Economists who evolved a tented them Into an upstain room of their fpteemy. legislation now in confer balanced budget arid soiirid. naririe|r tive program for the world economic but.to’aibintenU. ' eririe between Senate and House, home, banded the w ife a ransom Whiled flames leap and craCUe from .the tilB S ^ mass .of- ion war was- recoiriinerided te tea ;8ieria!te. c<^CErence, whiOh is to be hdd some­ note and departed with Boettcher in the bUxe wUch-nean tiie oil tanks'following the l«kU o f a:gae Htoragfl.i [Ulres that aU departmen flnaqce, coriimittee today .by time this summer with Mr. Mac te » « y , executives • hold liieir expendl- a mbtoraar. at Neuablsaild 2. Prices. grounds; had been Informed of the i disiteM.;aU aiqpeete o f the committee' or. "th e appropriations Demoeratic; prasteted w Unari 8 .ritoitem' wite; Marshal 'Chimge- ebnmUttee,-riuirite bben^ v^tton in gram, to .the- obaimitteo ia: ito.flMtt . Resumptlan of the movement of Mdnapliig shortly after it happened Iv-)- 1 cajdtel. but that after an investigation be •HsISGkliliMfc imUtary l^oitete . ron'theFfloor,*aikbeltod letters oTpro- witnesg to a s t i^ io t , tlto: Ngtloi^^ 4. Restrictions on International dded nothing was amiss. V-.% FUrt tMsa'- ^ttet.^from draartuantel hPads to eoDuoinld tos. ” •.4 trate. “ijehol'iaqp totafrri pfrit'oR-Chlttit Senator filagoam (B^, Odnn.) He brised tee antira program:^ F d lee said the watchman who ' MeanWhfle,:Chairinaa Vinson of 6. Tariff and teeaty policy. . fhey^RSentUbd^only as Stephens, re­ l ^ as K w a r ig - T i^ o r Klangdri,?' on balariripg tbabudgat arid the Htese riteal oommittee,vtold re­ 6. Organisatldb of woduction and ceived his^ information from a cook jeettog. (mrram^ Inflation • pTOpO# trade. porters ha^ also wbUd oppom this al3, asserting tte^t Congreas im in a uelfthboriag'.‘bome, wbb udated : bToboyoahl, Mutd* • mtendOd rfctuctiwa 'in Arm y and to 4bWttve*ahe and # inw 0 ^ pesme ^aMnese miUtiuy;^ ''trifltog with disasteri'/^ allowtog. frSu N avy: funds. the^TraasuiV dateit to conitoue 1| •w m t b e S S 9 m afe-teprriu ritati.ye m i : . Trilril Bate Power idea of what mount B a s■ il‘ ".P fW .4^., V'7' " Was quoted W,saybB at Budi a te li he oonttoted, al( # government 11^^ I _ teU;Je^'. With tee ariwridment praventtog wj ’Btetirn tiT I I _ __ , both ■ r... I separaUe pan a t ' -X- ■■ f.1 tram baiBig'stelied to.' reduction to bpxy, floor lea8W n f '1IW'*16hbdip when Japanb .pqrpoaji^ t e m : Js>- — lans'Jint tiu-UUtod rooto'of 'thilriiaate olDci m asked the prime 4tinand; “jJ'-’ V r7* pfeesiurve "peMe o f f faw reduced’ to 'W that w is jaritfbd to its doorp « 5 v s ‘ riS2$ x i © l ' ' ' it read ? w -.i protection p f .JftewMi' la tp A tea l' povwr^ andrteo Army- wil ...... ?P«i»ri* I t 'v v a i ^ vitb o ir te do. ' f.B' ooaimeroe to .M6riohttna»' ' n -stip lowiu tews*'' cookralttoe o f asq^ - fW ^ W f : . ___ ^ worid. admtei SHiiiidttiint' ' is the world eoon^^. otei rights,“ H a' iUtteeiial' covers ^ flrid^ .rilttedt

Houswaad'fhs tton#9 'td' ldsa)of the Brittria : '^ .r' U-* "VVw -dhdttee. deria^:'jfapan !N iw • lx .'i -war Jdebtat'' ' ) ' ')> ^' doneera^ .nuintaiolng remain*-) •( i.- ‘ ^ .. “ It has been 's M d ^ ra t9dp^.and|jte mal fo r,a ^Feb; 18.;S^ ;'>r Official teurateiriliUy titet'a'^m - ktetl again." said they prims * mkllsteri thir: tee h^kpoUliUe iof , J a jp ^ l- .pdrt;tedi^. lUsalonsent. tor.'tk^jfO ^ UfM>Con- ...... “that as far as wmtv debts vSf(e>.CQir bome-.l eponaorw atete" of Ma^ichnlnm. - • ^ Tb^ffMtoitote, 'RoUatei^ aboard tiii fire-ravagea 'and, i^ - cesrions .U ' nocteb"^ Usugtdiy u d asse^oritey I^ U A ry' Adtoito oeihed wa want sa agreemebt, with a n j^ e to. le e hCr.. The l|ogakohers; ~ e meseagev^was ^speeded ^tele; .Che Braailtan state of ' il|J|ta:Cdta- dag mpB--tte>Wittis .oC America which-, will enatde us. to y- to ;titeeva in r ^ ly :te a peatSen .trawler —boste^tepm 1 <. j 'tte 'M d te tite 'w oU d-fesblf in de-' ... w . ■ . —•-..I:-, the. ftoUng;b|nkd>,dt-tee tea reprUants the‘: UajQate;]i^;the otelririMtoptog 88 sblria •WhsrairithPl , 't o ^ y ,t - m I pursue our. European poticy.;; v •L U ^ d 7^ Nati«M^:ta(^^ afc-"te Cihaco. M sUionite^rUjit^^^! W and,-to)Ovai all; The labor leadm continued to JapM's'vtewj Qiivdiscontini]...... '' ' lantic.i.r V < , i .r,-' M ^ B a a te -te d make'; tec na^i^ mdi 'film ■aafi-* tentlon is being tiftjj ~')'per' cant asafSeient ■'is 'the teed>tea, hungry (am nuavraUava .|llOBWIw regtma.'in. Twb,(tf her.or4w rim lOQ a . n)jmr - - . . . . . press him; ‘ >fUet" ■ . > •. ttoter-thpy aB^hhiig hy< a “ Surely," he said, “ the Commtea .churisu'.'V;' dred miles at- Sra-' Asoteer' was (Oontliined tUM d—the. credit b f trio and the country are entitled-to,ask; It^ w u takw for gianted Audied asteaatfrior 'of 'tbe remaln- ln g:th irte«i;'V -- ■■■-■ S' ,. -.HlFiuigg.' >eF-...... StAtep." Baruch tebtited, for a clear statraoiit-of the lines o f officialj' .quarters that the rC^ , . In te e ' pre-dawn darienpsa,' ‘ J r i added that* “our fl^^ the policy on war debts." means 'the isnd of conciliation in te^ wives, frieods, and loved onOs> gxte-^ bHcWToAidfriniri. omriptiricee. a rt unplepsarit The .speaker intervened at this THRfEI Manchurian dtopuile and brinjgs ered on Ftih pier aie the; NeVten those prepeding; five days o f d a tin g belpleiMay^ V^^ thin vMt of popuUr. ^ mplaPiiri'- . ■ '• T ^ b ' nBinni^ . moniously" betera srtUement can be lU ^ c > > ^ 4 foregqne^concnw . stur^ E d^d, OSIiBde, 28 :^^]d ta ■ ' arid. VasUngtori, FU k 1S ^ (A P ) reached, he said. In reply to another ; Shignp. In ;E*sohange.. . ' > Shsistani ei^Eteeer;’ as' the j^ th fu l >■* broad, far-1 question he made it fcnowq that the jHyieavy riump in the '&kjm'stpck hero rwho''^ dedcendM 'Into te e " flam- Dutch Harbor, Alaska, Feb. 18.— j ‘ .*'t ,1 world ecoaomio personnel of the Brltiab mission, to exmUnge.-resulted 'today from, the batoucad budgats-aadr. (A P )—Thirteen persons, among Leaguv^Bi'Evading,shares fUllng Washington has not been decided. them Bishop Antonin, raiddng bishop > /OontMni^ oo'Page Ihrea* i y f> y ^ Z v }C . was told bUora -tliel.Bbriato , eight t e f l f ^ n points. , ►' I• • • -i y.L* i- <* . ik v o f the Rusaian Orthodox Church in -Life TVyhtofftoo,^. f A». : ^~(AFr-— tee today by BenriM M: Japanese brndals have held all m . . diteste,"QpiW’ fOrinar chainriaa Of'trie wiw\tonUp Alaska; lost thefr Uvea, b^ted re­ procia-' 'teifte; te " 'deterteBa.‘Whete9r . teare a lfi^ (T.ltiiat. the . imtuTe . of , tb^ 'tries board. ' . • ' ?.. ports here said, in a terUflc mid­ .N s P li I t lit any -s iiu ite l^ v between hapd* POPEiUlNOONdS winter stmm in which the xmau ves­ Leigue's . recommendations would M i v-Baruch, a oloea adUaoe rif«Fmite sel Unmak Native was sunk in the decide^whether- Japan would writing la raoent lindbergb ea-. daat Hoover and PrasIdaBtFalidt in tee' .I^ane, Now^th'at \s floOd-i vUW'tea u^^ « tortion plot notes and thoss writV Aleutian^ three weeks. ago» iribres,of Bhy of St"i ooniUtiott-in Nebraska duete Roosevelt wartho Axto w ltefteB . recommencutions have beOn drawp' tan wliea :tes flier's: test sop. w m the corimiittea openad its to v im tl^ The small'69-fo6t vessel wait vteo waaite'foroer sectionm .of i prto^cg;ai^cwljtetel.Pteduete whf^ aXHEVCARDHUlSdown t e le gale near Unmak island up, it .'vmfs.tated . today that Japu' trim o f tea aatlori’s ariiktomlo— would refuse to deal mth' surih... a{ tea;is^d(that it> ;tee‘ anwU motorShip Meanwhile, a spoHesflfu^^r-tibv- ctonmtttea onUtorig alHohaa-ef. EM^ee;. iihe nqpster, Captain Stan- Man^ukuo'.governineut Y^Oedj^^.va;) ^ere tejB^»to. ratis-' ment.'>be able to patedietoriiy sel w to riv a ^ * ^ ^ ^ ed .by gales and a wave issv a ll'4wutes between . debtor and TOs briraau- is ; o ^ p a rin g -^ tee gatlon. to sis& # 4firit sourid , Slates Among Those ToBo lens. Us wife and their infant cUldf. threat to slam the'opra door m Man­ writ the baris Of aay road po and a Russian priest at; Umnak, churia ih.the prorldsface lif.tpo pOw- week. I { creUtU. . ' handwriting of .tea- B ry a n t. Nor­ . It wite^.impofteUe^te^tetil& . “While, that Board ia completing man-Hujvfy.f^ eovary, andwotitotog Mfw p lM Bented. lOlte Tutiakoss.. >5r ^ .dsmage vtedhy/.beeauriareriririaunicai Its state-wide organisation thi^ win ElUm s U N p ^ a>7«ftod to'-tte F** to m rdlaf. i' '"-. A severe storm swept the Aleu­ cant attomtoed V .axtortion casa, tians at that time, firsaideots h «e % tipn was cu toff, bu t-H N iii bffleved take but a ie w dayaand peridliig the )r''i Manchukuo, boycott Japan and teen teat the already weary people were enactment by the Legislature'w*aa with; tha B o^ writteh to Liirit ; Othap ncalled today. Umnak Island is be­ bpigh’a agent ,in tria. last savwU tea New- , . ^ Vatican aty, Feb. 18.-^(A — tween 00 and 70 mUss .west o f 'lwre. Manohukuo, Japan miqr be' forOed to ; Groton, Maas., Feb., 18.—.(A P ) -— In. sad 'p iiitet when- v: with effective mortgage r ^ t o or mora­ ^ utentotknar^agreamript The Oaservatore Romano announc­ The small wooden' vessel, Lm^ - WNonor. Thuredays tidal/t^e* anff Friday’s farms and taoines to ------died;at tea teetory n « « last 'dtebt, arito^ gate to the United States and nak vUlage ocrnmuiilty. ' tion in.A^ehukuo'.stands a Juuh- oUd blast frou..t)Ui>Uori^lM 'hiri dOsures riiU foste.telM te d to dto trio Mexico. < ese advisor: te e ir number iBKce^ Father Farreflrwho was wotmdfd made .many h om ea.rin lri^^^ V*** bold all court-prooeed^ U every ------o f |5o;c Bishop Antoote came north from ,___ itoriing The others are AronhiBtq;) Ib- 600.,.) . •> ■■■ , • ' .- ■ arid; giuBbd.iteila la e r^ q ^ ^ troyed i tbete vateteblbs>Taad flllod nature until tea Board o f Conoina- >ari > . Uridt Vancouver, B. O, two years ago and wasiawKdpd - * the te^'VelU wite^sUt'water.''’^ - I'rif^i nitser o f Vienna, Arohbisbop POs- had headquarters at Sitka' but made “ Let'thp.League and .tee powers tion. eonqriotoi its. o n te ite tio n and o f Us saoopd son; sati .c f Turin, ArchMSHop Della frequent tripe among. U s churches go their .way' and we wifl^goiours flerrite^orriri^orhia wurk- fii- r, < -; - To^Asetet^griepte;' ■ until tea Legislature and Corigresx ii^ tiw. evaouattro' of ’’.a ... Bepw.msd.Ugri ^ d « ^ ell ,ii(€JUriliraet on Costa m Florence, and AnehblBbop over , the torritoi^. During .^ B e wtteout'm^idyi^. i^pr 'th d^r can. a c t’* .’ ' Oold, Papal Nundk) to Rmnaida.' ; ^e fropt. Be never folte iAcbvaed s p ir it s of .men;ftp«r arigtMtingg-.rii" Worid War he eO r^ as a'idbapUln le weete-^.augii*."^ ;• .^.1 .'■rr' Jean Marie Rordiqiies VBriiiRnre,' with the Ruselan Anny. (Oliiitfaiisd-'on itegee vteo were " toiateiat Among 'his ; otiiec deOiriatldns tea ------) 1. arakUriiop of Queb^ trill also ' be . . — — - W d ‘ :tee Z Q w dd elevated to the cardfamlate, tha aewspaper cays. . - iridtit-.wa*.. t U a v ^ d ’add Tbs nuffibmr o f osiBnsIs tlnm V;'.- would be raised from 8g,io,08 oiii I o f M posBlWs 70* Tbs J Has ^ ftw W t: above t.' the«.bibr,'i.waa;* bam Bsn^ ailfbt ^ w ssvtral years S|ra ■«Pf i.betefei 4.4WVl*-'i>7/V tbs Sirtei • m iM 'tor tbsAlx new ,1- ^ f, |SSth3. tte fte e ri^cooritrotted.^bte- 'ttsb. tevtha >.'i a-A elevstion of ’ -'Oakiaad, Calif.; four •Biondl m eiaa man dpad.ifMid. a wojBUa-’bsrioHriy 41y ^ B s ‘ I M sm -m WsabtagteBill *-^;Uidrky -new lMlegateJ-9MB..i [antUnbUtts stee here •ayVtfeat'ba teisf.today as'‘ . mtf-'iteoUis "' ‘ setretaryts, ,^,.*17,-.a -Oraes ______m y ‘ lid f t ile ’ band' te ^wki4ttvf f llinffmilm W-! for the ririant'-.trii--''- m whicb ; SCTcic " 5 % ' a'ritoto.^ Cburdi, ■ ■ 'ter WHI itioB, a. .ttei: m

V y ^ - '0‘^m evil,'bub'ei^lifive'we AOTontncKiNnsiup BAUHCi!DNI^ t h i t c o r t t ^ - ^ m o . mmmmim AND SOUND MbNEir, shi|te .projeel to aid (and not':ai! t pose)) natural e n ^ " ^ T u i 6 o « iBto &iew Bulk Tty NEEDS OF NATION "TTstwawi our ptwwiA statna find vase-- a-' 'mfiB____I, w_ ■ esw_:, disaster theie to oifiy a tlda-veil u w/w w m y FiRip tor; Ifri. Aama:Btoath at Watkins ____ Si)% Hi li'Aceoitottifj taf To Atoid Cnwh This popular cootylaoettey u d thiiro are' A t A U m Wbdnei. One' a f 'IlM) Moat iRurifit-l iraa'riiaOM) dfty attsrnooh. .Tbs brftf aasOlaiy '"M i*. Bfofninffv-No One Hurt. ( presets before you now '^ A tlM li Bltd -xinial' adn-^ pieeeito- -toa- „ Hto A«to mii^t deatrpy thK aiender pedtie- Mra. Ghrtetine Bendbboa/ Mteir 'J . ‘ BendMofi^ who : BlotMTd OetM. Usl driver for poUcy on world oconomleo, dlMrmap tion in one day " he aaid. *Tha meat The Ifdnehesttf fire d« Sprtagfieid, Hl„ Feb. 18/-^(AP)-b«1 mont ynd debt." peaked' awa; Jardee Foley of Um a t y Tk I Oom- daagerona.anr the projeeto to ihiate Was eaUed;outbfiA tifiobifi waur a GtarUtian to worka if whaatar MemoriM The flaandor oppoMd MneoUa- (he oumoity." ' o’clock thto^ monfing' . Tbs Uurik o f 's t ItorV’i noC ^tii% to faltii; toelRev. Jai paloy, was Involv d la aa aeddeat fidn-of war debts. ^ havf^_T!!ro. fit'iM i yaattaday mdndng ea BtOatoiwa Road at UdO this Of fire j^^Ahe-hemt^ef TUfiraal tlw e v « i ^ id 6:45.\ Fort Newtcii Of PhtiatUfiphia tol< shdiefilfiaaiii M ra Behdesoa, tebb BKMniBg oppoalto the home of Lacy Re urged a "beer tax" ahd imme­ street-, tllhtof the fiJtoBhata.. Ltoeotav AroociaitionJ diate Repeal of the eighteenth Baroeh. thm launched into' a dto^ today sA its-^anafial obsemmee. to bar 69|ll>bar, had'uadbrgone Oobb, SM Hlllstown R6ad, whett amendment. vueatOB o f what he considered tfie man - rsnbndsd with Ifafiohsster Giainge. Draamtle fifi^ b p a M m death waa dl- » taad driven by'Gatea fotaa aouth trdok ailCwflh ths aid dub wifi'miel^this .evening at 7:46 ’Tc te -ataiiiMt tatyrottaent to aslc' toeuy du* te a (Miebral hamorirhage. ^ HUlatovm Road was atruot by a fiv e Point Frogram d n n n of iiffiation. soon estinguta|tw$-<'thil the old quisttoii, ao mndt ( He denied What he said was ;a lii Qdd Fritowahsil, sftw vrittoh tiia *Woa Liaebla a Chrtetiaat*"r' . Dr. . . 6 ^ s O f f ^ a saries of obavntefcme 'IHiinry Ddfsey. c f Btona was the 'truck gohig aoiih, driven hy Frank He outlined a five point prograaS pBopsrty daniai^ A tadby "AU on a Sum­ "Tha amwer death caifie witliln 16 minutes. for the natlon'e flecsl policy, aa fol­ popular .ocnoeptian tiiat comfiiodity Newton — M tee weMdy maptiag of ^Mfuiinyak of Route atraet, Glaaton* priiees coUd be raised hy the simple mer’s'Day? will have arehearsu petoda on what we at the bedside tb^Blwttfig Gtah at the Hofaii ' hi]^. lows: South Ifsnehsiter VMtof . ^ dlroethm ^ M l m ^ K 1800,000,000 of actual and certain process of tosulng more money. Qirtetlan.. If We mean the hemorrhage- iSlirldia-thli noon, relating hte'ea- A rural carrier going aouth bpondsdtoai^ S t nary’s Ladlee ODh who bolds Mrs. Benderoo's death was a shock ^•ahead Qataa had stopped at Na saving; 1150,000,000 of new revenue “Oonfidence to the basto of higher torfiaild Tiro dogmae pmtofiees on a reoent.trip^te Ruiata. ot price," he said. "Xf there to no eooh about, Christ—the of his to her' fiMnUy and targa direle of 2H to deliver mail and the taxi from beer; all emergency appropAa- Spfttoa street frietete, eftyeelany tar^ view of the Mfi Dorsey said thkt ha doafe not tions to be covered by new revenue fidence, no amount at tinkering with auvens,advrot, utbrnature e 'w u r e orof ms person, i .. yet bdlfro tha United States Should driver attempted to pass the mail the currency can raise th4 price hy Jeriiy itoitofLor thq works he wrought—then A ****: She . oar, only to And that there was not sufficient for sinking fund and inter­ east was to'1 ^ not a Christian, he did hot hogplta^a week a p y ^ recOTtoiaa fiovlat Russia but that It est thereon; abandonment of the levd. On^ the contrary—and this to wouih be to Its advantage to do ro ; enbuffh clearuice in the road, to the.veiy iwart of the whole problem tag it a hackflrs. Sit _ _ above, ^ ^ the Guild wifi re- jfat the creed o f the church: he to terday ' afternoon“ after having pre- ' avoid striking the truck. Oates present Treasury method of flnanci " B aimtod % ts fito is 'lls m 'iM its r sueocM^ .*Toily n o n d lt ^ ' tha SuQilay dtofier and was bih when Russia has developed to a ing the deficit; restriction at gov­ of the depression—deficits and tbe greater entent than now. : pulled sharply to Els le ft. Into a financing at them by ‘hank money* nothing mush ftr the flrpMfi to do. a Qrukir," coached hy iS s GarpMtor, the artist who ____ to-be iniprovtog:aatiifactorily; ' snowbank, the truck ripping off both ernment aid to debtors to imme­ wheu thty arrived had mBac' Pmitiaad. Both orgaaiaa* painted hta oartrilt to the -White Mr*. Beadaedo bad an unusualty . Strict exaBataattoBS •. front and roar right dototereat through which he pa seed, the -mode ''taxi. a guarantee of interest on scaled dence Still more and drive money Kattha; Ktownann. chairman: taOeribc over its altar, as Its in the welfare and happlnoiB of of travel and conditioBa to. Russia. t Officer Rudolph Ail^rtalla InvMti- down debts to applied only on deeper Into hiding." Rttto.Bdwl|l5 M a r rn tt •and sole quaUfloatton tor, niembership, oteers. He spoke espebially dbout the atrlcF prudent risks." * Balance the budget, Baruch said, f gated the snecldenL Neithw of the JanMs. Sadler. ^ r « ^ o f tlM Savtour; Thou Born t o Denmark, Sweden, April examination which every traveler tdrlvers or a passenger in the taxi Dealing at length with the farm and "money will flow hers from all ^ t loro with all 9. 1867, as Sophta Ghrtetine Raton- entering the country te subjected |were injured. problem, Baruch , presented two the world" and "there will be more The oomhtoed 4-H riube wttl have W soul and she came to this country when to. He said that Runla’a britet in sound money available than all the tonight, leavtog thy aete^hor as thysdf,’I ^ t church a imwll child and had lived pracU> the equal dlvialoii of wealth seems First, he proposed a farm mort­ iaflationists propose to print” SAI£(»EAT8IICCES at 70W from the home of Franklin wtoTioto Mth Ml my heart and cafiy all Of her'Uto in Msginh^er to be breaking down and timt he gage idan, suggesting a oorporatlon "That to the only wky to reetora Upp of Xaefiey street . w ,.ailm y mroL^ \ . Her home tor nuoty years had been tiiought the would not ba auc- to our people the means to earn caaaful. to issue three per cent tax exempt, Mahacer OfirdoB llionitdii Ra- *02 Center street, at the cor- Personal Notices SO-year bonds with Interest uncon­ their duly bread and that will do it, llfiry BushaeU Chehey auxiltox% haye|ner of HoU and East Center streets, The attendance prise waa furnish­ • r _____ ditionally guaranteed by the gov­ in my op^on, with gteat rapidity/’ Pfirta That Cnatooiers Tata) D. 8. W. V .ia a t i t u i ^ t o r a R ^ a w tiiu s ^ y d o w n the but previously she lived on Middle ed by Aaron Cook and waa won by ernment. he added. 6A87-^xeaads Last Tiar tiM Jtaking of the Battteehip Mstoe, way of ttsM hfiro been men (ff and also at the north' end. Charles E House, who toeddenta^y, te celebrating hte 79th Urtfiday- to­ I CARD OF THANKS The bonds would be exchanged The financier said ths uatidn to­ B y U n C f patrtotia meeting to ohaervanee of toltii'ta God, faith In hnmanlty and Mto. - Bendeson’a husband died I- To our many friends .Tho so IsTlah- day faces the **most serious" condi­ Fobsuary 16.and toe torthdays cd faith la the most deqfiy religious in March , 1980. The survivon in­ day. Ha was given a rouring round for existing farm mortgages or fOf cast of mbu, if not in th £ toflu- 21 of appUMiae by ths KIwaniana. Sy expressed their sorrow, love and the title of foreclosed farms, but not tion in its history. He ssid It wss Rate’s Self Ssnee Uacoto and Washington wUeh clude two daughters. Miss Csroline ^Ictndneas at the departure of my be- worse than war and added he was oeeus^thto month. Ths ineetiag will eaoe on thsb cotifitiy and their C. Bendesoo of Esat Center street, Mtaatral Shew ^.loved wife Martha Gordon Dempster to exceed 60 per. cent of par of such birthdsy.. several le. All now agree'uat Jefferson Clarence P. Qulmby of the enter­ r to be with Christ. I hereby tnder my mortgages. Willing to make.any sacrifice "to With a ihrss^dpy sals take ptoto, Wsdnssday tvaning at and Mrs. Harold (Eva A.) Agard cf , heartfelt appreciation and. thanks. fight this tOTTor, but warned, that ^ fil^ 'A n t o iy v e t e w room. -toa most origtoal and tainment committee announced that Lewer Interest Fridsyand .Saturday, qfiritually creative nfiads our land 40 Autump atrest; two aona, Frank­ the'^annual'Minstrel Show will be V May the Lord abundently bless them, the inflationary path is "the road to Buoe^iiMQnBiig .ta Ooanfides o f ,Wanf GhiAey Oaam lin B. Bandeaon- 'of Bast Center T' Bach One. Most slncerel;- The mortgages would te "revis­ ruin.” have b m invited,, also the wives br has known and it la aOrt of the suf- held again this year, May 1 batog f. ' JOHN M. DBiMPSTBR. ed on the basis of 81-4 pw cent in- prtee and grandeur w th efife of Lin- street and Cterenca Bendeaon c f "The> government," he said, re-, the ouStom«» ftovtbq. these' day hnshsnds of . eU eoifiineadsrs or West Hartford; three grandchildren, set aa tha tantatiro date. It was tereat on a scaled dowir principal," turning to other, queetions, “ should grofiWsnts of local patribOo orgaa- oota that, with h te'b a ^ totalism voted to place tha work of prodiM- ' CARD OF TRANKS the effect being to write down the perihd eweedtog last and hte growtag H a ^ d Agei^ and Louise tog the ahofw.in ;the hands of an out ^ To all our n^ishbors and friends, stop advancing money to pay Intto*-^ year’s bnstoess by more than four­ Bendeeon; ' doe brother, Nicholas principal of existing mortgages by est and principal prfvats dbbts of ^ u ld 06 account6d one o f the moot Ratenburg, of Seattle, Washington;, of town pcbdiictaf comMny, using rwho kindly remembered us in our re* one half and the Interest rate by teen'par. qtoiL' ' Christ-like men of his age." local totowfe 0*. uimal. This action ^cent;l>areavemenL the death of our a doubtful nature. It wi|s' estimated, titot 1,000 more Tblrty of the employeos of the and two steters, Mrs. Peter N. An^ (father and srandfather. Thomas N. two thirds. “It to a postpwemeat aad fnuW J. W. Hale company enjtyed a real dersea of Hartford and Mrs. Chris­ was necasBitatad hacauaa metabers rSklnner, we return sincere thanka Baruch’s second proposal,f0r farm flhstoqwrs were served this ysar. old-fashiened rieig^r.de Saturday whd (wntributod thair aarvicej aat 'We would especially thank all who trdtton.of econonflo taire,’’ he war# ’Xlto epnqtotiy tosds'nsarly 600 free tine McGuire of Hartford. relief was to have a governmental evening at 9 o'clock, after toe close Mrs. Bendeaon was a member of ear are unabte|Ao devote time from ^sent beautiful floral tributea agency rent land from farmeia ^ ed.~ *T reafise the danger o f whotop dShvertoS and -sevsn trucks were TW0L0. 0.F.CAHIT usineaa a cfiv flb Dite year. It te William Skinner, Albert Skinner m e receiverrii^ and crabh sales on kept biiuty .thrm^toout the sale, of business. Four horsesdrew toe S t Mary’s EpiscopM church. ThS J [and •Family. b f taken out of production. This, sleigh and the route encircled the expected 'that a good sum wifi be he said, was an "exact reversal" of sterile, markets' but the way to itom to 'Baturday’s snowstorm, the funttal will be held at 8:80 to| avoid that is being biased by ths self serve department did a rushing town, with a sunrise emltog at the -WIN HERE nmiGIIT row afternoon at the home, 202: railed on the show to finance the the prindpal now" proposed for home of Mr, anp Mrs. F. E Chap­ jOenter streM^ Rev. J. S t i ^ Neill, Kiddies Camp at Hebron again thte bounties on production. principles pt the LaGuardia bill. hnSlnsw from sSrity mqnitog until summer.. The pnxhKtog company (Pending bankruptcy measure). tote in the evmihfi,: Ths various man on Gerard Street whtye they TkAiM.i.nM.rni. Tu— 1.x « iPBBtor of S t Mary’s, will tifficiate Baruch looked'forward to the wero treated to a hot luncheon and inom paonvllle and M anchester and burial wUi be m the family plot engaged has quoted the club a flat coming.world ecenomlc conference 'After debts u d capitid struc-. demonstrations cohductsd by''flnfis tyent the remainder of the time flgu^ on the coat .ot the show afid tures are acaled down to a reaUstic whoss products are sola at Hale’s Encampments T o W ork m the East cemetery. The beOrore and disarmament conference / with playing cards and various other will be Arthur Holmes, Peter Wind, no more' money will go-out o f town Let *s Enjoy some hope. basis, 1 think the government could also were highly suoeasful. . v, games. ’The hastily arranged party RpyaF Purple Degree To- than (ffdinarily, tho price thte y*or aid—not in Itself hssumlng direct Samuel Nelaon and Clayton "Out of the depths of this gloom, proved a great subcess. night. -who are xlosS friends of the tomity, being about tha aaue aa that usual­ he said, "the hapt ot humanity is liability and I'ot on any plan that ly paid, tor coatuming^ and aeenaty, requlTM it to raise htoney, but by LO.O.F.ENTERTAINIIIENT and Edward McGuire and Horace The Snow! being beckoned by two great CQuh A large, delegation of Legicm- Enfleld Encampment of Thomp- Andersen,- viib are nephews. dla oTthe coming year on woirtdl assuming only a oontingent liabili­ BonViUe and Shroherd Encampment nriree will attepd toe m eetl^ in # economics and disarmament." ty in guarafitess of interest to sup>- PROGRAM ON THDRSDAY Bushnell Hall, Hartford this evening of Mancheater, of the 1 .0 . O. Ft Will Asserting that the worid’s hope is port the vaine ^ re-orgaifiBcd ftnd at which National- Conunandsr : ototly work the itqral purple degree Mrs. Martha Jane Weat CRASHES PARKED CAR, to revive ^commerce and give men a scaled-down securities." I it Odd Fellows ball at the Oroter Mrs... Martha Jane Wqii- passw Louie> Johnson o f the American Le- away, at the home of hSr daughter, chance to earn their daily bread, Baruch said the domestte allot- WiH BO' 0 ^ T o PutiUe and glofi-^Aie'the.prtocl^ • file evening on a clan of candi­ Baruch said commerce'is languiah- m ^ t (flan would Increase produc­ dates. Grand Encampment officers Mrs; Edgai^’ J. StougbUm, Sunday .WOMAN FRAOURESilG ing because "you can’t buy goods tion and resnlt in a large treasury > |)anein8f Wffl Follow ^ F ifist and irepreaentatlvea from Bristol, morning about 1 o’clock after, a ionj' deficit — r . lAfi:4Mea. Seveeel members of Anderson- ilh u ^ * Had she lived until July 13 withdiaff." Shea Post V. F. W., attended the New Britain, East Rartf(md, New Accident Occurs In BudihueA "That is the malign center of this Dimtosing his plan for havtof thp ' ■ V- Haven and Waterbury aro expected 15?® ^ y e been flPjraim ol(L goveriimeat rent farm land token meeting, t o Hartford '■ yeatei^y ^ Last Night--Both Cars Bad­ blight," Baruch add. "Economic 'Thursday David afterfipen at whito National Senior to attend. ' , v 1 She.ia thd last one oi a family of 16 bakers and armamenti’ a&d debts— )ut of prodnotico, he m d he would Lodge'!. O. O. ‘a pubi‘c . The previous degrees' were con-[ o ' whoxn grew to man- ly Damaged. lave the aeontaiy of agriculture t Odd Vlcef^Octouhander Jamea.. B, Van d l these am surface stigmata. Un­ entertalmnent Zandt was the principM speaker. ferred to East Hartford, Bristol and' **ood. and womanhood . Mra. West sound money is the evil to be crushr determine the< amount ^ which Fellows*, hall East iartfprd to ths. order named. Dia- ieav^ besides her daughter Mrs. Two aiiltos, one owned by JRfiMte aoreage in oora, . cotton, wheat and Center stroets^.. The entertainment Stocmhtjcm,, four sons, Juflus'l o f ed." , ' FeuSdr five toifiMA'of not - vpiy triet Na It fBd Dtetrict No. iS join- Hakt of'vBtrioklaBd - street v Stad Unsound money; he continued, re tobacco should :bs eeduoec^ addhw it will be forntobad i^ etoer teta yqar tor thq.'dfgroe 'aflStiiefitoMMaPby WaUaec lUle must be a reduction the first tUnment Suroad an smootii.ice on-GSnter Spatogs tond tybik and this h ^ resqltod in re­ sults' Trpm nations spsndhiif more year to finnShnie the present sur- thte afternoon enaUed 'a ecoTO 160,000,000, which could be had bean ^ven tickets to dispose oL August SL Slmbnsen, P. G. R , has o;clock Tuestoy afternoon at the ot-mcm trolling principle for any council >by avtax on the procesdng of, Rlslev to Buckland.' ' . - • . $2.95 This 'la the first ot a satier of mld-i chstye of the degree team which vfill cemetery, had driven to BaoUafia among nations. v y cereals and textiles. ' ' winter enterCatoments planned by 'Rockvflla Rev. GKorge S. Brookes Children’s 8 Piece fiistead of taxing wheat 160 per in’compoiaed (ff membera ffwa iEm and w i^ vteitiag irith Ur. Rtetey Balance the Budgets ^ thajtodge. . . aOSFlTAL NlfiES field Sind. Shepherd, BnoaEqpinenta of the Union Congregational church "Them is HD need for long agenda cent, as under the dotomtic allot­ will -Offloiate and burial Will be to when an automobile driven .fiy Mr- SNOW s u n s ment plan, he said, it woidd iqeai) a Followtag the degree'\wotk a social Hale, cohfiag from Hartfind, struck: or complicated plana. *rhe ^^ogram hour and retoeshmrota* will ne Orotro Hill cemetery. for both talk-and action can be writ­ tax of 6 -or 7 Cents oh all'processed Albert Hdip of 1496. Stiver Harih parked eOr rosulpng iofiote CLOSE m C K HAGUE street East Harifbrdt'was (Uscdiaig^ sasMd. ten on a calling' card. ‘Balance the cereals, a tax on all noeata of ^ a -Mra Alina M Blratii cars being badly damaged.- Thaea cent and a tyx on textiles of % cent ed and WaltOT Ferris c f 298 Oak was nobody ta the Hart eat ft-.tlie $1.00 budgets of the world.’ street \na adnfitted Saturday. Mra Alma M. Birath of 9 South "We should make one single-and. a pm id. / TDiOklW EVENING Mato street, widow of Gustaf V. time. Miss Burnett, who waa lgllhg "Such taxation,’’ he added, "is Mra Alma Birath, 68, of 9 South CAIHOUe MEN HOLD with Mr. Hais; waa the only-^oaiada- invariable dictum and theme of Mato street and Mrs. Sophia Brode-< Birath, died yesterday morntog at every discourse: bearable and'if auessed in this way) the Memorial hospital. She was 68 jured. She was taken first t o ' ^ wUl'^UOt disturb the present rela- > Tomorrow h ^ t brings to a close son, 66, of 202 E ^ t Oroter street home and later to the vhoagRfil > "Balance budgets. Stop spending ^ed at toe hospital Suhday. MEETING YESTERDATI years old and had lived to Man- money we ^ v e n ’t g ot Sacrifice fur tlon of consumption of the vhrious ' the ninetton . weeks o f ssthack stt- te ste r for 56 years. where the toaoture was radncai^ bUt commodities.' Lings klu^ have been conducted by r William Moero was admitted to the nature of the friaotate ta aaiii frugality And mvenue. Cut govern­ Discusring war debts Baruch told'.i She leaves a son[ (^ 1 G. Birath mental spending—cut. it as rations thff Nbrto End Commuifity Setback the, hospital yesterdaytor X-rays of Knights of Colmnbiis Sponsor of thla town, and two brothero. that it win be. aeveral weeks bdiote _ "Surety It would be a fair tide td' L ei^ e. ’Ibe .toiumammt thts yeaf big toot which-fiUjtoxMd q fracture she wto'be fihte to get antfipA ar« cut in a dege. Taa-^taxVeVdry- rofUse relief unless .the-burden of a Session T o Interest I <3usfaf Sederlund o f Springflrid, body for eyersrtunjg. But take hun­ has been. 9biM ffcUr the very start of the anlde. Moore feU' on the ride- ]Both Can^ uaabis to trOMI debtor’s' toxes'On his Income .to as and the fiveT- leadbfii haTe been walk on Cooper Hfil street Saturday In lnsittBnce PIan. | ^°*“ ***^*"°“ *^ their own pb«et).Urere broughtr gry men oS the world’s pavements heavy as'our own. , ; hovering: arbimd titotop position the night. . She was a member of iT'fiie wreUker ftorn Ityi D*pot and let people smile again," "It Is a difficul.t figure to deter­ greater port of the ttoto The Starkr Mni SaUy . Klndsor c f Wapptog The mafting of men members Baruch testified 'that in the eco­ mine and it may be in eirpr but 1' Lodge, No.. 23, Order ot Vi garage. ■ . ’ . weather street teswiiow to tiie toim and Miss Bertha Burnbtt of 36 S t 'James’s, and S t Bridget’s ..pi^ Mary Bushnell Cheney A nomic conference “ there is only-one am told that this JtMt would nde outi will havel to punch tomorrow night, Woodbridge street Itorr admitted other- subjMt ' worth consideflng-'- e v ^ present claliayen us tor debt which will restOt to their dropping last'night Miss Burnett sustained a some international agreement on revision." '*' . i behind snd nothto^ better than a, "THE CBNTE OOTXAiaRP , sU ^ .” V compound fracture o f the right leg 8 Aorcaro^.. Baruch concluded hto pr^pfiM fifth ptocs to to m b e d to i them.' in. an automobile aaddent on North Brothers, 11 Oak street Rev.' K. ] ."As to < disarmamisnt—;both inili-" n ^ t, be tuned to comimRee With Hose Q u ^ ifiy ;No. 1 to ae' u d Cexi Popple, at 14 York street ■3?" causes for wotid coofilct gloomy." three teams, with No. 1 standing the Harttord, was tnatedl^ftir a tocerii-' Shea and Alderman John StdDivian FUNERALS ' Pythian Stetera "The peace of Versailles was Senator Oonnaily (D., Tek.^ was better (fiiance of thb three to cop tion of the. head catuted by the blade bf- Hartford, ,a inem bKifif the ] Beneat of Uneotytoyedi peace dictated at the point of a gun. the first to question Baruch, isaklng the first priset,' of an axe. Both out patients were' Knights of Columbus sp a a s^ bu­ Whtton Memoitel HqU, Its sanctions aih failing. him t o give'm more detolt his vtows reaus. ■ x ' ffilomae N. SktafiSr treated and dteohOrged.' f The funeral of Thomaa N. F r i ^ Evmitag, 11- Earopean Problems on reducing the gold epntynt bf-the Mrs. Anna Stevbaton c f 16 Maple The meeting waa brio ,tor the "The questions of the Slletian dollar^ wUcfit Comially li| advoefiting purpose of ei^atoing the benefits of Bolton was held Saturday OftoiN Cartata'8:l6:' [ilik o w s k i street vma admitted aiifi George noon at 2 o’clock at tite ^QiMny- ^frontier, the Polish corridor, the as an inflationary measure. toNFORtl Keintead ot the RuUnow building; and especially the inaurancA mito Adinteil(m 85oi 'fiaar, the Cordon Sanitalm W li^ WeuldRatos'Prises. of the Khlfthts, Ito^ ta , a movemeitt;thiM fajrfilaMethoidiat teur^ TSF^Elst r KBEPPf# fO M a afi BTOY Mrs. Jbbn Crowley, of 46 Hemlowk Reserved eeatPavailabie at Y. M. OL France has n ^ tiated around Oer^ ' Baruch told him this would raise bdtag conducted' through t|M o6im-i A. at Kenq^ at n many,. and many boundary^ and prlces tor the new, reduced gold con street and Cemillb'VBldOT of 262 try to the interoat of aeodrihgl Wffl te Best a n d -T h e^ .| ta | g fd Editor of TbeStodd; ’ Asylum styeet werb'discharged to­ 6B in 'th6 numbir ofl'CRMik-''^ ethics questions left unsettled or tent dollar, but the new ' idollsrs day./;'- badly settled at VemsUles am tiie wouldn’t buy any more as their purr Ssvsiel Istobn havs- anpsared in ths Op«|Jtorumof ThoBasIdaskf! ; A identM olihic; wUl be held at fh real oausS of the heavy armasaent chasing power would decrease to A Hit-and-Run Lotibario Wko under which the world is grpaning pnmrtimi to the inflation. ing for suggesttans tor kseptog a. ml and a tonbU clinic ai. 10 a m.. Hama, Jabes Wblto;. Herald Lae and the niorale of tDMBniloysd rnsn. tomoiTovr: to the lUNtyltal annex. TESTHANDWIdllNG Mynm Lee. Rev- Q. E'TVitartMlolte Took Them as They G ^ - • i and, in my judgment, they am filso "The farmer who owes mtoiey of Bast Hartford oariatad bv Rev. the cause of most of the artificial would benefit,” Bhruoh agreed with am thstefwo saoktag^acle to ds- Flaying Love As Ho Did scribe.>viiat U beiag dbns to niy Dll I m iVM ATFncb- <5SouS OOTantqr trade barriers about which so much Connalty, ‘imt you could do the same home town to Bnglaad where the un- nOSVfiEKTEMERGENCy Ur U n lll iL U l tfiKu(offieteted, and burial-waa 'ta the Cards...... With the- Gataa has been said.” , thlngfor him by printing toipto:" QuarryviUe-oemetety.'- Stacked t o W inl fienatorReed,(R., Fa.) ^ t e d out employasent ptoUmi tombute. Their Reading slowly from a .paper- 4 community Bodal Omo^ : corre­ bound booklet, he asked the com­ ttiat Bnjdknd i ^ t off the gold PATROKItiE LARGEST (OMtiaaed ftoas Page Gas) Mia. BBartiHr sponds to our Mandisstsr Bmsr- • . . .1. ■■ mittee membera to psrpiit him to standard over t)ie week-end, but said geocy Bniiditymsifi asMdation. The! , The fufieial of'M te.:/_ complete it befom questldnlng Mm to this cwmtiy It would require oon- Oounefi has prsvaltod upon ths| today was oonttafiSd until 2 ty fit^ don Dempster 'waa field ' Senators followed Um closely, treoloiiil action whleh would take ehurehes afid othSr b___ To D iatrilnitriil99J» To 866 Satuiday. , aftemoen at 2:80 ffioea reading from copies of Um state­ at least a Week. WoritratK. Friday.-* Totaf The eouUamneo was gsaatad by hosM, 16 Trotter atosat ofiff "What wmfld hiropeii during that throw open their vsstitos tor elassas ment with which he preseued each to physical toitolbg, c a i^ tx y and Chrto, $8()j000. U n ^ States .OomwiaricnerChaa.{laigely attehdad. WnUam iibQow^ committee member as the hearing he eSked Baruch. cbbbltog. Tte latter has proved the p . JOB of Dtetrict [an of Rocheaten N. Y. "There wouldn’t Tm a nlcBPs opened. nuMt p o p ^ ae tim need tor tosnd- A payroll amountllig to |84$D*D$ Attoriiay. s ^ a r afid his [ The beareto vNnre- WflEatt .EdKm .Barnoh, speaking ^ a clear, stow worth of atod left to the Federal Re- tag boots afid Shdts''tor ittsii, Wofiwn taWj(3eorge^Tadtoid,, JOhfi , Cnagh,’ Merve system to put behind the de­ will be distributed to-896 worl Vatentlne’s Day and emphatic voice, sat at the h e^ afid eUM m to grsat ifSBUtoetur- ai thelI..E E A. jyiday-aftenMcia they w a ^ l ^ titae tor exsfiii- George Forbee, WIIttam, Pfitleifiofi of the long table between Semtibr valued dollar,'" Baruch reeled. sfs have eroperetod by hionliig over vtaleh te the latgeta total of wurie* fiation o fr fiu i^ t t a g and in fer-a n d gklward Qrtet Buitel wag ta Harrison (D., lOaa) and Gbslrmafi Reed replied that it wdifid not to the aobill center dtoeei^ halt­ ers ejarried on the rolls of the bu­ prints byjtair*u o f Stasdarda ex-S M t cemetaqr. Is ‘ snothfir dsy.' when Smoot. toeir stoek- bperati(Mi. ^Fertytoie more pi New Torkw spqke them. Others yean whOe the eourto w en deddtog tog tost bfeausS.^the enty shoes they ^ ^ven wtfik teit-iroek (to traced his course with their fingers. whether ft must pay Its obBgatiCns pceroased wtoe hStoi' aomktod, f i ^ l in Old or new curroncy. rrStoittor algl^ OfiPdreh fitm f Occaatanafly they noted questteniLto ira; J lia total JOT Bryant-DDtOOO. POTTED PLANTS ask on pads bsfOro them. Ssnatto LaFoilttto (It, Wto.) aidd bfifito stay at hotoe tocfii achool ot d i ^ tha^poat wirAltoe statutes still bn the bpoke Bach te charged wttty oonqjdracy "We Suit np tinsel to iw df and naaBiaa tiveataataa.' CUT FLOWERS popor prosperuy out of debts and might prevent. thie sltototloni and Baruch agreed that a ’fboM” scere- The^fihciDfto etotolnmetog to mf*, GORSAQES speculative' hopes and such othar things aa dreams are made oft” he taty of treasury afight psoveBt a katgp the hoopa of Rretosipss and to rito on the dpUir plea tor 'oottoerto afid lb. .^--i(AP)-«4lte N O V B U n E S said. paymsnte. j *Tt toto to ruins" hut ths dSbts Ttniato.'.wliat shall ,ws do? A n ws i ^ M i t ^ i^yiSlfe^S Hm. to try to 'put or the substanos Totk City to Utohiaid^ waa eoOK to tbtogs wUeh fiad ho aubsttaes la . Balttmeto, FSb.^l8.-r(AlD^ iMk iths begianlag, or itoall we vbrd M Duffy. M n m as: ‘ _ or Nubs that shiUM THEfLORIST, away the wmder . • ’ *“ to seafsters tor aaetyAVtartiiy pifi- *T7o retyca to normal llvtod o f hto im A L i0 Z 9 )- STiffia Of fast are .-wu^mpg, '■ Ufmy ■I^i-KlS^! f\ J Laaiwmtt, jAmt «ttv4At OOUllPtd'^M: iM llM M n d .-'to ttw coiBMBlaBiifayi wBer. ‘ Chroteftil banu fKdod wm to^oofto^M the mi [itiuneE snot nearer the fud atoragier “ a » aaplosion any In- I ftant all hgndi to^ to no life geYteii l J r a fi^ l lhilKfilit Btfir Ib |noati;'ait8; 'fit a mUE (Hstanee, d r- W fitckiofi ded the hutnlng craft i as she basaiias '4bo Jilaiiiie ' Pnpna Opis drifted. (ItealsnPiBnt o f tee CImim oousta ^ABfii$i9ar 0laaqiiewdtfpB» v ^ t o p Mteutonlte^.,. No longer ftumed by the speed of . Mtedmster m f a the b o^ the flames seemed to sub­ , .la iti te|f u}fii ;floiivla fim.pcWK .1* T ^ Utiatiai side alter an hour. The crew re-' saiPkm o f o ^ jlS b ^ PataguSK.luis aiUoag the ccuornil orawd of 5,0(Ki turned.,and for live hours a budcCf ritestf m ^ ijlioo hoe d r m an white watOheA'tee. nattonal amatter nd-jun^ng 'tepmmiooship Cenm Bjki T36. , brigade fought a winning d|d>t wittf upon turmtessnts for evsnteal vic- theU ase.,. t ^ . Oolbaisatioo ha#been a Para­ At Salitemy Y^torday*; afb With steering apparatus rendered guayan weapon. wUch-Bolivia coufi Anmng those noQced at the meet useless, radio sflenced, and en­ not matim. Especially a Paragui^rw a w e Jiflss Dordfiiy Bifitie, Mias X • Tonight begina the celebration of gines disabled, the., heart-breaking weapon which Bolivia emdd'' not Edith Hd!mgtea,.Mis8 Dorothy Pike, - the first aumlvenary of the opq^jyog search for rescue began. Oales m at^ Especially since 192Sr iong Miaa Markm MdNeU, Miss JuUe Dbite. Miss Helen Stanfidld, Miss o f Hancheeter’s Young Men’s Chris­ lashed the hdpless craft with icy agilealteral strides hava been takeq mves. Ships passed near, but and toe has Upgim to add Eleaterltogdrs, J. Leo Fay, Thomas tian Association’s building. ^ xe0fm Faulkner, Tbiamas'W. Stowe and young men and men over 16 y^xk zldled to discern the fisherman’s cotton, cofni, sugar,: peanuts, fruit distress signals. Finally early Sun­ Hany Benson of age who have joined since Sept 1 and potatoes to.the oldorCbace pfor The biggest jump white tee spec­ ’ are asked to be present at 7:30 for day morning, the Black Dlamonc ducts at cattle and.Quebracho tim­ line freighter West £3dara, bound tators wltniBSsed were leaps of 42 the Initiation ceremony which will ber, . ahd:4S znetezs by Roy Bfikkehiop of from Rotterdam to Boston, came Would Halt Projeot.^ be put on fay the Hartford T. M. C. suffldently dose, radlodl the Califorzila Asaodatton.,. The A. . Quadrangle club. All male mem­ Secession o f toe Mennonites stuzits performed <.by (the faznoua Coast G u i^ and stood by until the would not only remove a aixto of bers over 16 are invited to vdtnebs cutter Ma^ve arr}ved to tow tbe Satre. brothers df Salisbury were the ceremony. travder to Finn’s Lrage, from which the .white. porp^tkmi qC; the Chaco also. vigorously applauded. Ample There will be three reels of mpvies^ | a tow-boat brought her into port and. leave idle a fourth of~its cul- snqw blaokette the little town in at 6:45 for all members,’ men, vrom- The Mojave steamed to search the tivatiem area, but woidd halt a coi-> the northwest corner of the * state en, boys imd girls. The ceremony , area in the hope that Surrette and onisation project which had been ted^ ideal weather prevailed. of initlatioh ydll follow the'pictures. Audunscm might have survived the oounted-’upon to bring 6(h0OO meni- Here to Mante«jrtei* i n w persons At 8 o’clock Lewis Fox, the Hart­ cold and heavy seas of tbe past-five b«rs o f toe * sect. qventualfy : !onto went skiing, on. uearby hluk Sunset ford lawyer, mention^ several days. farms wrested from toe wilderness. Hill and toe (fid golf links were times the past week will be present Acting on the possibility that the When toe - first Mezmonitra came scarred sdth skf marks today. from Canada in 1927 they acquired -— . and deliver an address. two seamen who disappesued in the ....f . 'tomorrow night New Britain will I dory might have surviv^ the storm, 120 square miles of Isuzdin toe Cen­ - - , f be here to play in the County “Y” | Coast Guard forces tifmed their at- tral C ^ o and made p lu s for-, an SLOT MACHINE RUUNO league against the local “A" team. tention to a search for them today. eventual 400 villages of twenty families each. Every vllhige was to Hartford, Feb. 13.-1-(AP)T-Wheth- This game will begin about eight Two destroyers,' the cutter Mo­ er “Jack Pot” slot machines are Saturday night saw a thrilling jave, and an airplane b om 'th e have toe central .dining hall and other Socialistic features of toe sect, ieg^ to Connecticut Is a question ■V ' ; basketball game between the Wap- Gloucester base were sent out. which will to all inobabillty. soon be ping boys and the Community Jill- “ Captain Christianson and-Audun- Meimonite officials were to^govera and police the whole region, ted the determined in the courts. United ers. The game was nip and tuck ail son were in the wheelhouse when' the States District Judge , Edwin S. the way 'tlTOUgh the last period and fire broke out,’’ said Radio Operator government by special law ^m pt- ed from military duty all Mennon­ Thomas on Saturday signed an in­ when toe first timekeeper tried to Pedmer. “The lights went out with junction reatratoizig. toe Hartford announce time up the Community the blast. I rushed for the radio ites and their sons as a consession to their pacifist tenets. jolice from destro^fing 40 znatetoes boys were one ahead but in five sec­ shack. The radio was dead. The seized( in this lony has grown steadily, A hearing on toe injimction will be who was the official timekeeper “The crew acted wonderfully. Cap­ heard in the Federal Court on blew his whistle the Wapplng bosns tain C3uistianson took the bad news and both Parag-juy and the Men­ nonites hoi>ed a haven had been 'Wednesday, and regardless of which had tossed in another ball and that calmly and ordered the men into way the zqatter is decided, it is likely put them one i>oint to the good. It lifeboats. We had gasoline aboard 'found for wanaering disciples of Momon toe world over—^toose who the case will reach toe Cireuit Court ;Was not an official lea|^e game and and he was afraid the tank might for the Second District on Appeal. so does not make any history but it blow and end us an. In this area—“”Tbe Bohr of America”—are potential nrilihms In antonoheff resources just awaitiim imt- left the United States in 1917 to /sure was'exciting and gave each side “Surette and Audunson, poor nral power whis but spitoble' site were found in andtoer COLD IN HEAD tool; Here's quick tdief. Kondoo's the men refused to rest . Mtoerala Itotoaobed country and the American ancLcen- ROi»IALE Tb. OFFER - (Oontinaed from Page One.) "Everybody took their turn at tral European govezning bodies of clears head—rdieves s tu ^ aoao • ■ . »•>.» - • So far, mineral rCsoiuxea toe * at once. Adc yodr druggist. home made flares. They scrambled area have sci^ ely been touche^; . (Questions may be snhmitted to toe sect and toe League of Nations new cardinal next month • was h {up 7|i feet into iUie rigging Viit each all beeatose of lack of facilities to this column. Those questkate. deem were to>glve consent. KONDON’S JELLY ’'surprise, fo r it had been . stated ship that held out new hope failed remove 'and tritoaport them. The ed of group interest shall be treat- f lM N O p l The conquest of the Chaco by Plain or EphsdriiM' lltreviouBly in Vatican cireleiB i JtotBli notice our MgnaL,, vraa fCw.mcc^tiQna, according to m .f." Meimonites (settlers has given Para- FOR YHE Mo n e y r -tho ocmsiirtMY-tO'fce^ heldolB- k^nch' dr^. T^'^tol^^Sfier- gosy^ nmr iiicentiwita defend its '•' " - 'V t was primarUy for the itopointment ptove 'toc CotoidnP 3d||e,. shall few treated iadivtdoate = ( jp i f e w ' . irihle and we practically s^'ve up dsim to toe repair'^pdnst Boliria, o f the three members of the Curia o f toe piropo^ for totenMVe'.Cv. Dial 5861 with qnestkms;; ^ ! THAN hope. When the West Eldva velopment; The Aluminum Cbm-> •• i japan intimded^ to''annex'!lehol for and toeir'departuref wmfid throw in­ Who will open jtbe ceremonies at ’Spoke’ us yesterday morning we to toe balance, toe whole economic three basilloas in Rome at the in­ pany of America, fbr instancy, her own.;p\}rpose.) took on a new lease of life.' An an­ created, cheap power by appropri­ ' Friday found ofloings 'hieavY in future o f the ronC over which the IN THE 1993 auguration of the Holy Year. chor tvas rigged and a broadcast by bondSi Wheat was reactionary and To DMend Jehol . two nations are fighting. ating one of the many snail .. “Any attack on jehol,’’ Soong con­ This will be the first time that the Eldara brought the Mojave.’’ streams in toe Smoky mountains stock market prices worked lower Paraguay hopes' and believes the MAYTAG Pope Pius has named new cardi- in industrial and utility stocks tinued, “would be just like an at­ Mennonites will stay. Their reten­ and building its own power dams. tack on Nanking and woulc be met It now has three such dams and while ralls.^ held steady: Volume tion* n ^ y national leaders - feel, m o a t h l e t e s was sutoll, there being about 750,- by toe force of -the entire nation. would oe a greater victory than YOUR BEST ^pointment iwas that.J^ of^ Cardinal'^^ILOCAI “T ^ is planning others.. Other indus­ tries, not so long as this MieUon 000 shares-'traded.' The ^market The Japanese have seized the north­ ever can be won in toC. Chaco by FRIEND IN TIME Schuster of Milan. prices for a day latetyVrieigtoter a east part of (telha but any further arnos. Since then death has lowered the interest, have bad, to biiy their OF NEED. HAKE GOOD SHOWING power from private compaoies. number of jaggard. hiUs val­ advance unquestionably would. be >U N number of the Church Senate to leys with no reel break-oiic Mtoer rrototed.! We take toe ten at to^ Jehol A HELPFUL LOAN .52, which is 18 below capacity, a Because o f' its mineral re­ sources,' toe valley oftmi is called way. (The Aifiericw Tfie{dioae>ahd very seriously and would regard any FR O M U S WILL point which seldom is reached. Six Athletes On Team Entered Telegraph dividend on Wednesday attack there or. elsewhere, as a mat­ JUDGE BROWN BETTER SOLVE ANY FAMILY The Pontiff’s selections were an­ “ the Ruhr of America.’’ Govern' In Inter-County Meet On ment geologists^ rei>ort that r Cast to causing consideraMe,; comment ter of utihfost gzX^ty.;^B^f^ eit Nanchang removed from her-husband’s eyes. half per cent per month ( » toe oo- d olla r yon-invest in tiro nal Sincere, chamberlain of the Sa­ with coal loadings up the cred College. Southington, Colchester and Wap- Power Oonm«uiMM’ stand and Kiangsi to organize, tlie rear of Judge Brown will return to New paidQUO amoontmtn of the loan. Maytag. ptog, also, scored 75^ points as Ih bringing cheap power to this greater amount o f , toe fl^in. the Natiosal ars^ , Sbo^ steb^ York to toe near future for anoto- Four of the new cardinals will be G(»ie in and see tee n ^ ' left to manage dioceses—Arch­ agidnst 49% for Litchfield County, region, Mr. Roosevelt will prob­ The local mazket closed Satur­ He ■canflrmqd' ,toat Dr^ Uu.Jui- er eacamlnation. It will be several ERSONAJL its nearest competitor. Middlesex ably meet opposition from toe day SUghfiy low;er for- the week. H ^> minister of hesitb, had ciome weeks, Mrs. Brown said, before it Maytag. O r,’{diode for free bishops Villenueve, Innitzer, Della Ihere was littie acti^dty a ^ inter­ Costa and Fossatk Archbishops county scored 31 points and Tol­ Electric Bond and Share 'and to 'Prtping to.orgsnliBS'anny medical can be deterxnined definitely FIHANCE CO* demonstratioib in yzMir-own land Comity, 18. other lar^ power interests which est was slight Fire Insurance is seridees: to .epre for wounded in the whether the impairment of vision ROOM 2, STATE THEATRE BlOa Fumasonl-Biondi and Dolci wiU be­ In the senior class, A. Patton of sues hrtd stremg and sropied to. be F hozne. . 'i ' come cardinals of Curia, residing control the companies, in this Sec­ event - of a'Jehol-campaign. suffered by the judge has been per- in Rome. this town, won the nmning hidh tion. In Knoxville it is toe Ten­ a-steadying factor tif the Itot manezitly cured by tha- operation. MAIN STREET jump with a leap of five feet, 6% P H O N E I 3 4 3 0 /TOE MAYTAG GDMPAJ^ If Archbishop Fumasoni-Biondl nessee Public ' Service Co., a Na­ Thlrteezt months arid . six days] Judge Brown will ba-'criequired to 753 JNsiittAwtiBran inches. In the 12-lb. shot put event, tional LlgU A Power subsidiary ; -80^ required to hatch turtle e g ^ rest at his home, ^i-*- • . tasmTOK ^ w 5 5 n 5 s iowa is placed in charge of the Congre­ E. Shedd placed third. A team con­ The general businesB states has So MANCHESTBL «ONNo gation for the Propagation of the in Nashville and Chattanooga toe bppn ^little . ftece .the new PeaMMutent PhllaSelvaia Feetory sisting of Shedd, N. RowseU, James Tennessee Power Co., and at the Braaeli, Martav nwIlSlBS— 881^8 Faith he will conttoue missionary Toman and Raymond Mozzer won year. A seasonal-starting in (itera­ A'ortk Broad St.. Phlladel*ma, work begun many years ago. In Muscle Shoals torritoiy toe Ala­ tions Jms been recorded; in many the 440 yard relay in 55.1-5. seconds. bama Power Co., toe latter, all PeaaarlTaala- , 1916 he was apostolic delegate to In the half , local runners industries.- Autbiinbtele . manufac­ tho East Indies, and in 1919 dele­ units in toe Commonwealth mhi turers have presented can which captured all three places. Billy Southern family. gate to Japan. He has been dele­ Murch, Manchester High’s star a n the hlgliait in .qualify "and low­ I MODEL A gate to the United States since mller, was first to two minutes, The Tennessee basin is rich , in est in p r| ce hut their. sdhedulin{ 1922. agricultural. as well as ^mineral' Aother! when a cold strikes [W oild’e 19 4t5 seconds. Shedd finislted sec- depaztmepte have not oyertexe< Fiaesl^.. I ond and RowseU was third. products^ which vtill aid : >Mr.‘ .toe'{danti-' with riifii programs. Roosevelt in achieving one.bf >the Cpnatructiqn' contiiaCts are lower TWO SAILORS LOST purposes of his experiment.: 'to de­ although .the basto us(id in tola In­ EORISTS TO GATHER centralize indbatzy' h y ' ^bringing dicator of businisBB activity is pn- cheap powief' and txant^itatibn steted in d^ar salps aiul.Qgtuwy AS VESSE BURNS to every village and town in. toe this does not present, a Ifrue' P IN NORWICH THURSDAY valley and nuAlng; Iffe In, toe- ru­ ture. Textiles vEbipw aii ,Ini>ro^ (Continoed fnmi Page One) ral sectioxu 'to conveiiieht'and' at­ ment avt^ the bi^fixmihg o f 1932 tractive that the inhabitants won't (totton.iniQVoters aiWr encourag­ Ing, smoke-fiUed engineroom, and Group From Mandirater To At­ an want to flock to toe dties. ing as 'as Tt^o^Xdriprtf; the m ^ t im e f o r although three times driven back, tend Dinner Siionsored By Bbcbausiye War' Department raypn industry foxgM ' ahead' and succeeded to stopping the engines Florists Telegraphy’s* Group. surve3Ts, conducted during toe last that were hurrving the ship to a decade and costing more a T h e P R O V ra ) "•V ( fleiy. destniCtlon tefore being over­ Max Scbllng, prominent New million dollars, disclosed that toe they have record orders on tbsir ^Meteod o f T T e d tii^ Ckdds come and'.puUed to safety by his York City florist, will address a proposed development .woipd coat bo up the maats. Enloahm from the tional Florists’ Telegraph'iQifiveiiV Holsibn, French'. Bfoar .and money cep ton waf- tainshU In Sbifintdi-'IbnB. Same Ibnanh—same 5800 gallons of fuel eu seemed im­ Tennessee rIverB. key 1 IxihiM tefect te akHpaaaagea. All Aaso<^ation win apqn^ot the .meet. mte loaito thnt^n ^ eteetirodbi*te»dtftefc-eemeprice.Yt*ttdtHg|jlit minent. OQiitain Gkristiaa Cbrls- The coitottos to hava repfoiwsnatiao developnient to a 2S Q ^ f ^ ____ _ YiOW cm e(^%mie',fteitijMnhips Is nj^t IdflA k works t(). n%>] < has tesddgkiUi dtiSepiotm, too, If you'ptefrt to tianaon ordered the crew to the at the meeting are: ' Litchfield, the qUneb: ItiVer at. (toye . 0 ^ vraridng . ■. •s ^ e s each aecaoh. I t hca a pMU’’ Shoals. as. w e t T ^ at d^a^dignative upaem that so. oi|fc tee^hnidt, duw^^and <»stt ^bpid^ berfiilp at nuM ’tbm florists, (toms' 'hetFdm '^lto T(3i&^''‘’‘inll ' ^etog that launching the boats scattered fiooiw icu t the worlii^'Wkp M!ui^e ShQRto.' fNS^;filcmL ih'Mf* iWFlim is'fi^^ea^ained ifl-ei lejaunged eratlen, tod ... |itet ahiUU*And it^Juikt 5L’i%icbat/|>Eog« new/aid^: .__ _ j ------itttofflhe« ;’^Att)endtog furaii Maneficater wto tUnatod, tlie totM 'tors. Three. timM file angtir bu'Barl Mtoer aug^Jolin-Faatlaod'Cg power the fiir adulfy* cnldd . - drove tom bade; but Hkethe Park H|n FicHat ikMp wid M r .'i^ at 'ahbiit > f « d , b i Mra..Fuui M nflM «w -^ ns^. flig h t through, on FloiMat’-fiiopi. : . -4 •Bjrxvery InterMt im ^tir »4.- «t tlM dtritttetMM n k m k i WigrBylfikA’- M HOweTOT.'lt' ^ not thl* BOBtttiOII iidifb. sMteif r fsrtis- ■ toto. . y. -T ' ^ Uuif flbds the attjbrity' ai p e ^ « l d direct- . wggoninr to the whole mAJedt at ilgiiaiy'-torfibdwd by' vejitor with! I J l PUbUSMD BT THB BBRAU> PfUMTIMO COKPANT. mO. moit iasuraaoe so mudt as> J| A thq th ra a te ^ ikodkhart lilibuater 1» BtoMll StTMt feding thct'there is a trsfijaiilimt be the consent o f the ■e» -.-t' ■onth ManohMtw, Cobiu t.A TROiUB r m a tftjBON w disproportion between tha magnitude Semite/^-‘a - ; j , ’.- -r. ..r tfoti|0 adtobtlgir oi ail Geaenl lO K itw BOOST FBCBf DEMOCRATS? concerned. Englii^ court of the disease and the uHleaess . o< Blit for matter it is not des- Tbsmi |s ,no qiiestHto . that some topboaid in solid oak;: 'Potmdee'Oeteber U Itt) the proposed remedy. N a unein^ the nlMsure Furadoxieto iS AmttHfmn Iftitliitrliii hsfs appropfltoiD bfoY hall- : P«l>Hah*e Btvuf BVeale* Rxi^t {doyment insurance schdue' In effect ttbiM Jie a c M on at this ‘santon. by otstol^tfoa' ffoani fofoigtt isoon- room • SundiqrB and Botlda^a Bntared at the tru* w ik it kBVi' gOM off the giMd way. Poat’ OStea at Sevtli. 'Ilaaohaater. anywhere in the. world or pri^oeed TtatAwUL^Aaothec ssssien almost at*hdarff"^ apin to particular. If I f gaotototoBiB Conn., aa Baooga CUumi ^Ma^ Matter. SUB8CRIPTXON RATOS in -Connecticut anywhere elsi in iiwbe(B t^ty;iad v i^ be no itto JMiilMdBMl m* mwIty-ftiBcwt English ILJ- One Tear, br atal^ this obijutry could eonceliebly litte .Aibits and ttbt so many politi- lifo b m Jtofiftobto it m iy ba to- _deng& * . MtoMd a bodit M ttotot** tow Per tCoath. ny mail «t0 amount to anything of Impertaaee in ealdiy»intL NSASecvtoeUrfi 'Riaale ooplea .a *0S -wQ ittMt xiMPilCB Qipri S17)60 (5) Sidechairs; I^Teered, one year times like these. Jxl orfiaSry tiiaea certainty;!^ matter is not of sdch Waahinfton.ty>It Happlewbita shield- MSMBOR OF TOO ASSOOIATBd " some at these *sortanee that the Sen­ ramer odd if OtfA Congreea ahouidi '♦jiy, d to f reasMi for PRBSa "swtltolBt to mtotottB^for b a w df^MSB 1b genuine considerable merit; In the f ^ of the ate can afford to waste any. time make Itariff to<^fo**fo ' ito The. Aaaoelated Preaa ta exolualvely the rest « f tto^ ««H d« mahpga&y, Y.9B patlUed te the aae tor repablleatlon wholesale collapse of .iiid tu ^ ,«id Uateafog to ttaaeddUing speeches however, they become trivlill and .In* august b o ^ h ^ ’t the enterprise or When you''reaMinh«r‘rtojw Ilahed herein. arUtoif- 'OoiA All rtahti' ot repablleatlon ot signihcant. the courage to adopt ifioture at once DemOorats for yeifo. CetoMfeed against the rates ox the . tytomtoidtoi lifitot i toli •pedal drapatehea herein are alao re' it would, do InifoKely better to let aer ed.^ The main trouble, then, with the Smoot act and ivhat a bto viidtojir t m y Bto Watotolirto^ .me whdle buM nw go over to’ me fflauq^ RijjwiWWiii Itodto to ^to IfoO' PubUabei'a RehreaentatlTe: The Job insurance measxues is their lack mose satoe Dontoceats«Bsl^to Mto $29^ Dining Arm 'JuUoa Mathewa Special Afeney-~>Mew of stature in comparlse dbw of vastly greater Imme­ posing that any sudr^tUng above needs of the hour. This is sctoe- ceiyably mi|dit hnppeto Yd#^ Fall aenrlee client ot R B. A Ser* thing that the average citizen reccv* diate importance. i ^ t even siqroose that the ■ vice, Inc. r; $ 1 ^ (» BEiece 18th Ueaber Aadlt Bureau ot Circala* nlzes at a glance. To discuss Umm itaa would ^ on and lowto __cototo' .ibY’ -Bte moto rates. _____to:

planning a noo-atop fU ^t. .of ten thousand milea from raEmnd-' to AnstraUa in fivn d a^ iad five -'Lm nights. He plaaa to tmKH b> the ; Ike hlesBlng of the Lord, it mak- a ir from tankeNia and m sta­ rJoh, aad be stMeth ao ■erfow tfooed at.intarvida - • • - ^ 1 I , ' « "• ) ♦ . • • ■ 1 . V • ...... vv • • , V ^ * *1 ». - • . * ^ . « with IL--Freveibs M rtt. A cabin mcooplaM. in wh ihcfilr Allan will be 8 4 8 -M a in ^ . Hia soul never grows old.—Long­ other skilled Mlot is fellow. i t^tien .at ''' - r ------...... '--'e»p»kpiepiiw fsjli — not his type prt^rams probi^ number o f Uetoa*. '■» wk; r; MOHOAVi FKBRUAltV IS (C en M n n d .S ii^ ; of eobooia 'psass«nui to key a M fled; cease ts ooeSbOi te c) dcclaaaties indM Sa'awtl with radio seta for a TaoeliML SHOPPING NEWS Pn«rams'ssldeet tb ebiwta P, H. Some .persQBSl'liil^ s ^ dLiiiker o f reeaMiv (B p M s Aaseriasei fessr); ftliw Ti (tf UtilQ or fto ^ IBliBilB ’• 7 ^ Friday p o o ^ U e d States Mach hterest- NBC-WBAF MBTWORK V .RSI W th U k fibat' OoIaiMjl Btoopnagle M aite a BmaDdMr. KaHaBboro BASIC—Essti wear (kcy)_ weal wtie 84S-*' Tiw, ______— and Bud, the heet Coiooe^ on the witii their jwwa .commeato. are op <&BlaniiUh-TaUered JTO wgy. {tha tcqi o f ttieto 1)08^ ,We lihe the D m u u t B n y la c ed Because of Large Sams ’Kn 1^0 wtw'wati^wsairillltfweo^ air. ItoRMy wwi|ng^;^wtth It l8 a profltabl* plan to NewTfrom the coast says'that 1. • ' wmaq well ksd wee^who ' iw -wcaf -, •haitaoli .HolineB' 4namaa .S iii^ ’ baUtuaUy take advanta^re of Marlene Dietrich continues to wear n o b t h w e s t a c a n a d i Qantor stssiatipg are act, ha*, am * BaiBABd the atreet Singer ire^eas- nuusculine suits with the same^on- wite iMtp webo w«a» Itfyr .w v , ‘ ;v aa .teto .i^/Urinstrri type of / the Bpeciala offered by-our nan- of H o se ; hrested Ilm re. aOUTH — wrra wsti wwao wu wjax tor aloM woqM^ tm jl^ - .: cheater merchimta Only by chalant ease and grace with which w______fli-w su a _ wem wine web wapl Organ muisie .is alw a^ welcbniii. carefully watching The Herald ahe introduced this startling' hid wJteWemb kvoe way wfa» wbap kptv Vaaf—JEria; n»ma .OMh.—w^ ;_ The Iqneeopis. ^oWbo^ ^rpe of song tosh as tte some time ago. Recently aha strOUed woaI kite kths- afo ipritesattog. Ws do advertisements, not only on N ew -Yor]^ Feb. 13.— (A P )i— SIOUNTAIN—koa kdyi kslr kghl ___ 740-n aoS ^. Fu ijiwiiko a^nqw nied by tho. g iu w atrikes down HoUywood Boulevard, a sym­ COAST—kxo kll kgw kotao kbq kpo genyy.i-jg"^ qqt. listQE tel b ro a d e n those days when we In tc^ to fa th er Cemada evratually «will tion I f wi fhith Bttlni t9% to eot us ais Just the tiitBg. “Tito go shopping, but every day, can phony of gray. She wore a gray keea kkzkir kga kfad kier ksu Old 0 ^ ftcb W 8|| at N) lMeauaa.'Q(^1m; ttadseatandtog them; flannel men’s suit, a man-styled shift purii her currency down with the Cintv EMto* tbs iame.goea for some of the we keep posted on the splendid 4tW— 140—The. Htttohineea Family fo r four hours every YSatnrday fillet' ttBfip- Wad lit a terrihle values in groceries, in wear­ in pearl gray, a very dark gray ^ t l d i pound sterling, or try to 4i40— 845—Southernalrea Ouar.—to c a program never - afisied. It heavier -oH aslcal. music. aiefan.- I tried aaiai» treerspeaf t . four-in-hand and gray beret Mar­ keep it up somewhere near the 84^- 8t00—Dhiher Cencert-aiao cft Lowril TlHMn^’StiO is good bu^ ' mac vHtbao suceeM.OMdsy istesr ables, in house fumtahings. Re­ 8:30— 8:30—Al aenwri'e Miew-«to c _.4>rexlmate8 the old bacR dance we cently a well known brand of lene’s suits are strict^ manptailored. united States dollar, is a questiem 3:48— 8:46—Rlurthm Quartet—to o ' tl3oIl840-rE— 7:00—4ane Froman BanO—to e east, Twwr’ - Marga—_...... ——1 ^rapMt up to a year to* eoAgo.' We do not otiMT etoed he changed from one have ever seen it anywhere be­ masculine attire soflen the effect a keenly interested. • :ie . 7118—Ray KnlgHt'a Okatoh qpensor to his present one. Floyd O ia fa a f an«mesiBol8ae»acris|. 8:10— 7:80—van and Don, Cemady- like Jan music and' the faster it is I could tall the diffaraaes te' sW fore, and those women who keep or AgltatiojL.in tha Dominion for in- 8:45— 7:46—Tha QeWbarga. Okateli plsyed the less we lilaa it- Gibbam had-kte personaUty and 7dK>— 8HIO—Hiftorleal aicetehe*—Mat skin after the first creataseot. well posted on such specials fla,tion, for reducing the value of 11: We never wojdd miss Rkte Smith dramatic aMSfy to hoM hie Uetenmrs the edhadian dollar, has been 740— 8:30—Ridhard CrooM, Tanor • itnADanea Hour—wqba only Within a week, fey neiiu Rerinel stocked up. 8:00— 8:00—Qy^ea Coneert OrohM. 1 8 4 0 - or ttiH^ YaUM or ‘The OtEdberga” day after day. ^ the way, etoat Oiataseat end Reittnol Soep eech The fod does not stop in Holly strongly opposed in important Ca­ 8:30— 0:80—WhiUman'a Bans—td e NBC^WJk NETWORK ff they ritould leave the air. The has become of MmT wood, however. Every itoop window nadian hanking quarters, but the 8:00—10:00-^erian U Baatmen Or: day, my ekin w ee es amoetb es. It is far cheaper to buy a warm 840—10:8^RadFa Forum—atao ooaat BA8IO — wbi-wbse same' goes' for most A t twenty yuafa of age our likus velvet. Icaanot preige theResiool snovp-suit for the children now than showing spring clothes has its quota course of other British 'dominions, wbal .wham kdka w jr^ w wayr of mannish dresses and suits. 10dX>—11dX>-*Tod Woomo Oroh.— wmal; Midwaat: wcky kyw k fk ^asr For waht of apmetDlng bett^ to and dirintoa have neen entire* prpducta enough.** an,Ao.i to have sickness and worry later on. more recently South' Africa, in 10:80—11:30—Jack Oonny’a Orch.—ba­ wis kwk kwer koj) wran wmaq kao Hsten to the Mills Brothm and the ly different but at tMrtp there they ,N 1 ’There’s plenty of snow-suit weather bringing theto currendes ,down ffle : Richard Croeka—WMt rtp. SAaPLi PBEli SWtriMns* f I f you have never tried the New 11:00—12:00—AHMn Wooko* Or.—eaat; NORTHWEST A > A N ^ iA N -jt m J Boswhll Slaton a n tolarated. Amoa arel I f you diaagree let’i have your l Mhlu*>ShlaT>'iiisiiai,n*Hi ai ahead, aays the weather man. with sterling, has made Wall street Tha Qoldberaa—repeat for coaat wiba katp webo wiay oktw efel *n’ Andy hsvo^been with us for opinions. X01.PNtlnw.M4. OnwIWt mothers will take advantage of the Model ^Laundry and do not know wonder if Canada’s ties to London 11:30—12:30—Mark ^iaher>a Oreheatra SOUTH — wrra Wptf wwno wia w 2« how much service you oan get, for would eventually prove stronger wfla-wana wiad warn wmo wah Anal clearance sale at the Manches­ CBS-WABC NETWORK wjdx wamb kvoo wky efaa wbaO kpte ter Neckwear Factory, 130 Center your money, it will pay you to And than her tifs to New York. BASIC—Eaet: Wabb (key) wico wade woal ktba ktha out at once. Just phone 8072. They Canada’s financial Ito’ s to New woko wt .10 waab wnao wgr wkbw wkrc street Snow-suits of eacepuMial whk ckok wdro woau wlp-wfan w ^ MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl ksir kgtal- quality at about half actum will be glad to tell you for how little York have become strong, for moat wean wtbl wepd wiev: Midweet: wbbm PAClFie COAST — kso kfrkgw komo value. Sweaters,' Jackets and you can be relieved of the hardest of her external borrowing for sev­ wgn wfbm kmbo wcco kmoz wowo khq kpo koca kez kjr sga kfsd ktar ski-suits for men and women, all Job of the week. eral years has been in this market EAST.AND CANADIAN — wpc whp Todays Radio Programs wlbw wheo wlbs wfea wore efrp ckae ^4*8^ 84o1*TIm SIngInf Lady—oMt sises, are bargains too. l^ e E^minion baa large oayments d ix ie —wgat wfM wbrq wqam wdod 4:45— 6:48—Orphan Annie—eaat only Tight Stowers to make to American donara, and wnoz klra wreo wlac woan wtoo krid 640— 6:00—Mapd and Ceuain Bill^ I f you havd a bottle of perfume or wrr ktrh ktaa waco koma wdbo wodz 5:18— 6:15—Dal Lanmo'o OrehteUa This index of radio p ro e m s is published through the cour* An Appetising Feature if she reduces her eurre&oy further wbt wdae wblg whas wtar wdbj wwva 5:45— 8:45— Lewoll 'Themaa — amt; New dress for the old stand-by face cream that won’t open—even in relation to the American dollar, MIDWEST — wbcm wibt wcab wmbd Orphan Annie—midwMt rapMt tesy the business houses advertisingr in these columns. While foods, entertaining ways of prepar­ after putting it under the hot water it will make these payments more wtaq wkbh kfab wlsn kiej wlbw kfh 640— 740—^ o a ’n’ Ato^opsL faucet for a few minutes—try this. wmt wnax wkbn wgl. . ^ , 6:18— 7tia-Tha Joatora, yeeal Trio ing smart plates from routine dishes, difficult Service charges^ on her MOUNTAIN—Kvor klz kob kel 8:30— 740—Qrowahe A OM m .Marx enjpying yoiir favoriate broadcast savd money and inconvenience new table set-ups, linens and dishes, Light a match and apply (he heat debt in this country for 1938 are PACIFIC COAST—khj knz koln kfb 7:00- 8:00— ^ Tha N ^ ^ Bakim a WOW all these will have place in the new cautiously all around the edge of the estimated at w dl over 3250,000,- kfre kol kfpy krt kern km) kfbk kwg 740— 8:to—8:30—Don Don Carney Don Dog Onata___ by reading these advertisements. . stoppe.'. Many bottles are sealed Ctnta BsA 7:48— 8:46— Ceuntiy Doctor, gkotek Woman’s Page feature on / foods, 000. 4:30— 5:30—Skippy, Sketch-eMt only |40— 840— Minatrwa—also aoutk which will appear in The Herald with paraffin which the heati melts U. S. Much Interested 4:46—'5:45—Lone Wolf—eaatem basic i:30r>i30t - 8:80—8:80-M#lo M alo iy _ M e n ^ tS t V< , Furthermcffe, the United States 5:00— 8:00— The Olctatori .180 coast 840—1040—Oonga by Alloa Joy later this week. Look for it. ^ 8:10— atllHRoli and Dunn—also cat i:l8-10:18r-vie 48 gado,'Com%y Ael M ONDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1933. Paying no more for gasoline, you has very Important Interests in 8:30— 6:30VVaughn de Leath, Songs 840— lOtfO^lboon OrganOrgan RovariwRover.,. Drop into Quinn’s Pharmacy to­ can get a 67-piece dinnerware set Canada. The Dominion is >ur sec­ —east; Skippy—midwest repMt 1040-1140 — AHoon.. gninloy — oast; 4K)0 5:00 WBZ-WBZA—Moaners. free at Chet’s Service Station, 80 S:45— ORO^uet Plain Bill — east Amea 'h* Andyidv— ropaat for west WDRC—Frank Westetol’a Oroheg* WDRG—Bobby Beason* 5:80 night or early tomorrow to select ond best foreign customer, taking only; Lone Wolf-midWMt repMt 10:1fr-11:15-Ta Bo . Annaunoad candles for those you want to please Oakland street E v ^ gUlon counts, more than 15 per cent of our 1932 S:00— 7:00—Myrt and Marge — eaat 11:00— 12:00— R ussiss 'CelumhoQelumho 0rWBEA—The Caimbers. WBZ>WBZA—Agricultural Markats WBZ-WBZA—Singing Lady. and Burnham & Brady quall^ more than 18 per cent Ehigland’s 4:80 5:16 5:45 chocolates come in a variety of Novelty purchasing power in our markets WDRC—Artist Redtal. . WIHtO—Fred Berrcn'a Orchestra. WDRC—Lone Wolf Tribe. prices. For tea or bridge refreshments, already has been sharply reduced wnc^W altor Dawley^organlst. * W nC—Morgan Memorial Ghat WTK3—Discoverers’ Clnb. try this sandwich as a hovelty. Cut by the 'drop in the pound, and a GERMANY OBSERVES CAPTAIN MULHALEY WBZ-WBZA—Uttle OriflxaB Auaie. Canliflower Salad thin slices of raisin hread, spread furtiier drop in tiie Canadian dolbir Cook cauliflower in boiling salted with butter and a generoiu amount would tend to reduce further the n O O f'> M ■7 ' O Q c r M 'water imtil Jtender. Drain, separate of cream cheese. Top (he . cheese Dominion’s takings of our goods. WAGNER ANNIVERSARY IS MUCH IMPROVED into pieces and cool. w dl to with a layer of sliced fresh straw Thus far since England went off WDRC^-Bllsabeth fiartheU. WDRC—JubUee. WDRC—Orchestra, WTTC— McCravey Brothers dnd French Dressing (recipe below) and berries. Serve each sandwich with the gold standard, Canada evident­ Countlegs Belgians Visit Grave dwelling In Fingers Goes. Down wnC—Loids Johnson, Amerleaii WTTC—The Travelers Hour, con. r.iini thoroughly. Arrange on a bit of the sliced strawberry on top ly has been trying to keep her cur WBZ-WBZA-rFiva Star Theater. Captain Zeke. shredded.lettuce and sprinkle grated for garnish. rency about half way between the of the Old Master In Bay­ and Danger of Gangrene — Booth Tarklngton (9:45) WTTC—Play House. . American cheese over it. Serve dollar and the pound sterling, a.nd reuth. Now Passed. Sketch. WBR^-WBEA—Review. with extra dressing. Mrs. Lucille Mayer, Elmo cos­ until recently a little closer to the metics demonstrator, is at Hale’s Dressing: 1-2 teaspoon salt l dollar. While stering\ had depreciat- Bayreuth, Germany, Feb. 18. — Norwalk. Feb. 13.—(A P )—Bn- DON’T U S T E N TO A teaspoon sugar, 1-8 leaspoon pap­ Toilet Goods Dep’t all this week, ' ^ed in terms of the dollar about 30 (A P )—Countless pilgrims, young couragtog reporu were issued All Radio Service Send Your Valentine rika, 1-d cup vinegar, 1-2 cup pure giving free facials. A 38.00 Elmo per cent, the Canadian dollar was NOISY RADIO. olive oil. Mix dry ingredients, add set is to be given away. and old, visited the grave of Rich-1 from the Norwalk hospital today Guaranteed by. Wire kept for some time at about 8S on the conditions of Captain John JUST D IA L vinegar and oU and beat thoroughly; cents in terms of the American dol­ ard Wagoner today on the fiftieth Our F. T. D. servioe win deliver add one hard cooked egg, chopped For Luster anniversary of his death. The A. Mulhaley and his daughter, Bet­ Best Materials Used. Sewers to your out of town lar, or only about 12 per cent be­ ty, 18, who were reaguad raday fine; or put all Ingredirats into a A little borax added to the wash­ low the dollar. The Canadian unit tomb was banked with wreaths. Reasonable Clteuves. 3733 triends aaywhere. glass jar, screw on top and shake ing water for silver or glass will The day was observed- through­ night- from the Middle Groimd took a dip late in January, how­ Lighthouse in Long ’’-land Sound thoipughly. make thmn ritina.Mghter and will ever, peihapa partly imder.the in­ out Germany and from now on Potterton & K rah M IU K O W S K l help'to remove stams. through the summer there will he after they aqd eight compantoos Burt Pearl THE FLORIST fluence of bear selltog in the for- had dijftod helplesdy fc. 86 hours. “ON THE SQUABir Flowers from the Park Hill Flow­ elgn exchange markets^ and touch­ performances of the master’s works Phone 8470 Atwater Kent, Croaley Dial 6029 er Shop will cost very little this Dial 4481 for our ddldous mince to. celebrate Jie memorial year. The circulation ha: started to re­ ed a low of 81% cents on Feb. 1. turn to the nsmds of the heroic Valentine’s Day and will give more meat to pint glass Jars. Since then it has recovered some­ A t Munich today there were im­ pleasure than ever. Plan your order pressive commemorative exqrciaea .captain nnd the swelling has no­ what, and has been hovering lately ticeably diminished. Several flhgar ; ■ p V ' P C ' now. Among many suggestions between 8ft and 84 cento. and the Munich Rbilhar^pic Ox-, 6 1 7 P from the Park Hill are violets, rosM, chestra gave-a concert at^'the Na-. tips were still numb, however, but WDRO-Reis and DuxuL w S a p ^ ie o Reiamahn’a Orchestriu WT)RC—PrOsiuent Hoover’s A But he never finished the sentence. rested here early today on a chwge Company mdoosed a broadside Sat­ TRAVEL BUREAU route to Fordham from Boston These were his' last .words. (Continued from Page One) of theft of 313 from a at M urday in the cigarette price war that where he woh another track vic­ Capitol avenue, Allan L. Curtia, 29, has bedt raging for some time by tory Saturday night McCluskey 6.3 0 P V, 8 0 0 P M 0 O P M related to the Hartford poUce an cutt^ four natitoially known have one child, Anna Lou, five jrears amusing Incident concerning a New voiced praise for Paul Kanaly, the old. ' ...... : , WDRC—Vaughn* D e l^ to . WDRC— Whispering Jack Stoitl, WDRC—Pres. • Hoover’s Address, brands to ten cento a paelD^e drone Belmont runner, who gave him POUCE SJOOL PIGEON Hampshire “home town Jail break dollar a carton. The reduction Was ‘FIjdng Ikithnstast; wnCL—Revmre Sisteto- Humming Birds Orchsstra. ' such a luurd battle at Boston losing, Boettcher; an ariation enthusiast, WBZ-WBZA—Sports; Review, TTme. (8:15)—Slngln’ Sam. WTIC—The Merry Madcaps. which occiirred more than a year announced in. the evening papers out by only twelve yards. Joe has ago. Curtis, according to-his own and so great was the demand that was host to Ctolopiel Lindbergh on his Weather. W n C —Ssow 'WUage. ' WBZ-WBZA—News , confession, "was arrested to Grove- beeuTumdug every Saturday night last visit to Denver. .' He is a grand- WBZ-WBZA—EsUmoa Onb. ' (10:45)—Jimmie McHide’b. Or-, local members of the chain were for the paat eix weeks and has won ton, N. H., with another man follow* tenqwntUy out of dgarettes Sat­ ' 1 Charles Boettifiier, who rixestnu. every race he has entered. < Darien, JriJ. lA — (A P )— (A P')— founded the sugar ax)d cement In- Ing a brawl. Both men were t o t o urday night and this morning. T h e biggest indoor ra<*es are the td the town lockup and that m m This is the first time that the “Mg —Threatening the life of the poUce dustries in Odoitado Rnd who buUt Curtis went to work on the lock cf National A. A. XL indoor meet at toe first stockyards'in Denver. Others Are Saving Money on Moving • Trucking four” . Lucky Strikes, Chesterfields, Madison Square Garden a week depsrtinent .stoolpig®®*^ here this CHEVROLET the barred door. He “punch wired Camels and Old Golds have been add morning Mrs; Bertha G tet^ The Iddnapifig victim nturned Daily Service to New York the lock and the door, greatly to the from next Satauday s"d the Inter- her daughter Miss Lfikan Gietek, 18, yesterday by air from Kansas City RANCE OIL . at this price and the A. 4k P. stores coUegiates a week later. Sales and Service andRetum. surprise of both men, opened. Were the first in making the cut of 69 @ippAD avenue, Stamford de­ and attoided a party with Mrs. BY phoning 8866 Bus Servioe (or Privoto.ParReo. Boettcher at « doRTi town -hotel. Curtis had no intention of m awiy simultaneously with the reduction in nied toaV they were o ^ a tih g a Why DMi*t Yon? ^ Reasonable Rates. a permanent escape and thus evrce wholesale pricSs from 38 per thou­ speakenay or-: Hoyt street, Darien, They had ntiurned hoxne when toe ARMORY arraignment in the town court for sand to 35:50 per thousand. This JAPAN TO CONTINDE which place was raided by toe Da­ abductors accosied them. Phone 3063 a “misdemeanor” , he told the local was the seomd cut this year, prices rien poliqe on the night • of Feb. 6. Boettcher is president-of .Boett- GARAGE, Van’s Service Station poUce, but desired merely to obtain having dropped on January 3rd to Judge Charles Bates Dana found cher-Newt(UL investment brokers 42e Hartford Road. Perrett & Glenney, some “refreshments” for himself 36 from 38A5 per' thousand. MANCHURIAN COURSE them boto guilty imposing a fine of here, and has otoer widely varieif in­ 60 Wells St, “Van Always Sella Ito Lesa.” Inc. and the man locked up with him. 'The A. 4k P.’s announcement came 3100 and costs and a 30 day sus­ terests. He promised his friend he’d return pended gentence on the mother and - Several hours after the kidnaping with such Buddenness that even (Continued fropa Page One) soon* local stores to. the Cham were un­ a of 330 and costs and a 30 day there was no indication Boettcher Q, o 7 I I- suspended Jail sentence on toe bad been rrieased or that the kid­ 6 ' 4 p ? .'V'' Returning to the lockup nearly an aware of the reduction until the (he vice minister declared, echoing hour later he found that the door newspiqiers readied the street car­ daugditer. Neither had any money napers had ooinymmtoated with his WDRC—Chandu tile Magidan. WDRC—Fu Manebu. WDRC—Columbia ^rmphoity Or­ the view of a Japanese official With. «Sich to pay their fines and family. chestra. had closed and that the lock had rying a^ertisementa on the new low spokesman that the League was WTftl-==CavBlier of Songs; WTTC—Richard Crooks. snapp^ back in place. , He was un­ prices. Independento suffered over dected to-go to jail. Th^ wiU be Mrs. Boettcher IS a member o f tha WBZ-WBZA—Lowell Thomas. WBZ-WBZA—Dog Ghats. W nc-rD anc* Music from New likely to fare worse'than Japan in taken to ^ d gep ort tomorrow. Junior League and chairmtn oif the York. able to get himself into Jail again. the weelMud as a result, selling event of the latter’s withdrawal. He went home. their cigarettes at 18 or 15 cents a Following toe testimony of the Denver branch o f the wonxeti’g or­ WBZ-WBZA—Sports Review. Tlme^ Self-Supporting. stoolpigeon toe mpther stuck her Weather. In Police Court today the case package, two for 25 cents. “We have one of the most self- ganization for probibitiisn nform. against Curtis was on (be theft The local A. 4k P. stores were not finger into his face and said: “ Y o u l^ieLBttor charge and was continued to supporting countries in the world no see me; hut wait, somebody get heavily stocked with cigarettes and can feed ourselves indefinitely The note, ty^wrftten on s jd^ce Have You Tried the Wednesday. when the reduction came and vir­ 3TOU.” of white paper, read in part: Manehester BUYYOOE tually every store sold out the stock without help,” the Manchurian ofli- ’The daughter said ‘H I slap your '“Don’t notify the police. Tell Delicious, TRsty on late to the afternoon. A t cia) added. face." ' ''' esaude .Boettcher be better get NORWALK TIRES Despite the fact that the League Clhief Edward A. inuker sepa­ Upholstering Co. LUNCHEON noon today the. stores awaited fur­ 360,000 nmaom. He. better do busi­ A N D T l f B ^ SCHULER LOSES PLEA ther shipments and the independent is now posing the question to Japan rated them in open coinrt when it ness. Follow Inatfuettons. / Notify SPECIALS dealers awaited notification of the of whether, it would promise not to appeared they were about to - us through a persona) ad in the .Assnre sound Veep, have ns A t aew fair fileeaTipaaii reductions that will bring their inirade the C3iinese administrated the st(X)lpl.geon, who had s^ newspapers. *Ready to'Come renovate your mattress and Sen«l Oailj .t FOR RADIO STATION province of Jebo). preparations for cured toe sale of liquor. The stool- home, Mabel, when you're ready. prices down to 12 cento a package or pigeon when he obtained the sale box springs. James M. Shearer two for 28 cents. . . the conquest of tnat province by Don’t forget the Undbenlx baby TEAROOM Manchukuo were Carried forward in was disguised as a veteran dressed BUICR'AtiBNCf > Washington, Feb. 13.— (A P )— \^en thir change is made the in the uniform of toe soldiers of would still be alive if the ransom had Dial 3615 for estimates. Cor. BUd. Tawiplh^t^feieto 88S Main St. situation win be about the same as Manchuria. been paid.” The Supreme Court today refused General Muto, Japan’s mlUtaiy Fitok’s Home, Noroton Heights. to reconsider ito recent action de­ previously, wititi the chain stores uU'- Mrs. Boettdier told police toe men clining to pass upon the refusal of dersdling competitors by seversl and diplomatic chief in Manchuria, appeared out of tha darkneaa^ as cento. When cigarettes were sold said: “Japan haa not the remotest Boettcher alighted firom toe car. 7 C O P M the Federal Radio Commission to intention of annwEng Jriufi tor her grant a hew license to Radio Sta­ at 15 cento straiR^t, the chains sold STOVE BLOWS UP “Come h e ^ Cbariie—and s t ^ W D R C -ilyrt mi$'||^rge. 9toRO-^Fu Maimliu, qbo. _ WDRC—Guy Lmnbaniq’s. Orcbaitea at 27 cento for'tw o packages, when own purposes. We are going to up . your handa.** cot o f tho mon’oi* WTTC—Etiehard'Crooki, comi-* WTTC—Dance Music, con. , tion KGEF of the Methodist JChoI merely to drive out Chinese ' W n C —The Travelers Hour. Church. South, at Los Angeles, tfie latter price was adopted by to* dered. “Do wbat ypu’ro told and WBZ-w^-^Dbg <^te, cmL Wb z -w b z a —Midnight mroiic>. bandits.’’ WBZ-WBZA—Ainea V Andy. over which the Rev. Robert P. dependents the «**»*^"* went to 25 New Britain, Feb. 18.— (A P ) — evetything wffl bo all right” cento and when this'price became It was claimed at the Japanese Mrs. B atch er, who hid reinnInSB Shtder broadcast. foreign office today that Chinese art Wban the water front of a kitchen Shuler who was defeated last general the chains cut to 28 cents. coal range blew up this xnoniiug at in the car, said She sensed the situa­ STATE TdNIGBT PRESlHiraON treasures from Pcipiillg were trans­ tion and told her husband: ‘Thig ia ,SOUI|d fall for election to the Senate, Only on a cash basis can the Inde­ : .1. ported to southern cities as security the honw o f Mr. and Mra. Stanley J A B I ^ ^ G N E Y broadcast addresses objectionable pendent dealers show .more than a Kulpa of 06 Hampton ateeat, their a holdup, don’t realpt” e s p i ; r ^ to the Catholic church and numer­ negligible profit as tlmse dealers for an American loan of about 360.- The kidnapers wwe startled whan AiureiiCoQk' 000,(XX) Mexican (about 312,000,- year (fid daughter Wanda, eldest sAVSinto M itTl' t..'. ous other persons. They protested are unaMsP'to pej^ in cash will six ehttdren reerived ugly outp an automoblla cams around a oor- 000 in United States curr^cw.) a <*HARD TO H A N D LE ” Wp'DRIi^nHU; against a renewal of the license not receive as large dtocoimto a|k^® Soo the head.. She was taken to New ner and ito lights reflected Iq the Local M ai«g«.^,;^^= ' and won. o th m Local iiidiipend«kto this foreign office spokesman descillNkl Britain Olpneral hoqdted Lrene, a driveway. In af king the Supreme Court to morning were selling at either 15 or It as the latest aensation concemtag child -seven nwnths bid, who was in “Put your hands down unjiti that niBNE D U ^ c Shate, A h ^ reconsider, the church declared the 13 cento per package,, or two 'ter i'Amarican aid to China.’’ a baby carriagenear the stove, es­ ear gets hy,” one' of'tiM men order­ I 'fit. ^ r t h u ^ v The tireasures ware formerly a ed BosttobgrririM gonmllelh court had acted without • appreda*- twsnty»llv6* caped injury. Three other children OI5ISBR # 08^ ^ 865 Main St 0 tion o f the Issues presented and Tba^demaiid Batnrday was mostly portion of the vast wealth of the were asleep In an adjoining room The car was behaved to have betix charged it had been misled by in- for cigarettes by the carton at the old Peiping Imperiitl court. . and another had left the houite. that of the tn dttatiflad maufWho »»• aoeurate statements made by the 31 price. It is said that tha reduc­ “We were informed the - cases The teqpkMdoa blew the stove to tlflsd tha doiiAo?;|h a homo nskt government \ tion is another mpve in the attempt shipped to Shanghai ootttaia xq av l9ltB and'anMMhed many rilndowa in door that i Iflnaplng or It declared the Ugfaest Murt to eumiaate the Ohsip hnada that ftoimeg, original treasures haring tha house as wen as wrecking the was ♦.9*—' ^tatfloo fir tho I^^WORO'^-Ciwmber MttSfa EaaeipMe. W l^ should pass on the c h a ^ that the have flooded the market recektiy. been stolen,” , said the JaFaiMte Idtohen, 'drivewajL -7 ‘ ■ commission was interfering with SDokeaman. “AiMrtogns.ars ire-, Kulpk riho la uaemploynid, let the ■II ■»/,i the constitutional right of freedom A t any rate, Ropsevelt’B criiies quently rictimlaed when buying art fin out last .ni^t and the wiUer oah Kbobhilw .l^estrau of speech and claimed for broad* can’t charge that Ms ^‘brato tmat” treasures in Europe iind the Cbinese firont, Is bUteriMl to ’have froaen. ha many, but stations the same freedom was orginlMd to operate re­ are much Cleverer than the Ejuro- When he lighted E wood tin in the 3l,d00.^dttfet«^ In ids fiibbmt that'enjoyed by newspapers. straint of trade.^ \ peans in such matters.’* atove .tids inoming it Mew up. ' oxemptiWtewFoee ^lANGHBSTBR BVBNING Id!!RALl3ij S 6 ^ MANCHIOTBRi OOKN; . M dW AY* FEBRUARY,IS, 1SS%

to lha^ haB^-ah -tha atraat st Bite- U fllU fill PAPPBTgAM M HW tf MsDtorliiji ^ MbMlWv cDtsRwnm inEs mSSADEUSSHBLTON evigtors ningtom vein coBotesnes U T:i0 Hon. ' Cbarieis 4ae&i~^tL * TLITARY LEADER, DEAD IsiffiADniMIRET Phsips;. Oofiaoetleuth first attoefi^ RoekvfiW A. JP. Nem gMtral, who was Mao tee first dKBte, and B, SONGS F i w m preddeat ^ teo Rodevitte Vldllng sofi,-pastors Witt dfOctato. 'Buriat Boston—ESeven pereems kOed to Nans imwlalluu, vdtt.lM tes prs- win bsli^ j m inu 'esmatolT- Was Only Man In' British His­ automobile accidents in Maasadiu- B./ Jj, G» started F M PubUe Phy* Q lR tyailB DINNER sldlng officer. Ail interesting Bock tory Rose From Ranks setts last vreek. Speak Befitb Iffii Jgr m William Bote, agbd T2 yoon , tor ground In Her City — W dntch of tee hlatotyW tee twenty To Beeoase-Fidd Marshal. Qulmqr, Mass.—Dries^atos repre­ M etho^l €%i Composes , Jazz To Be Song Member of Colonial Dames. years of sorvtee' vrlS bs read' 1^ many ystru' k Rockvfile resident, senting 20 New England Ionia of ItWORROW NiGlir Mrs. Dennis J. MeCartby. secre­ died late Friday night at Ua home the Granite Ckitten’ toiMilatlonal nfBff. tary doring tee lint decada In AUitoton, Death vtos caused by London, Feb. 18 (AP) — Field Association' of America conclude a By L3y Pons On Her Sont^ comiUeattoBs faltowlag a'short ill­ Iffirrhai William' Robertson, one Darby, Fbb. 1^—fA P) — Mias Miranda Bradley, supervis­ two-day conference on a proposed What to the toebease la Hopfi To 9fivi Warden Reed of ness. Mr. Bock vlras bom in Call- of the most Important military lead­ new wage scale of 88 a day, effec­ AdaUs Stewart Shalteo. p io n to n t ing nurse, win present her an­ ptoprlatioDa fOr ted p u jh te a y n ^ T American Tour, and widafy known ettlien of Darby 9tete*» Priaon Aa Priodpal nual report, showing the activities coon, New York, Feb. 6, 1861. He ers jtwinng aUled commanders dur­ tive April 1. The decision of the Speaker At Gathering. during 'tee past. yesf. The guest vras form o'ly employed by the New ing the World War la dead. conference was not made kaovm. This question vrill be omwotott-' for many years, died at her home, Yoric, Neiw Haven and Hartford The chief of staff of tbe British Brookline—Cjbaries H. Farns­ night by E. L. G, Hobwtefil v te . to “Grayirtona’* Saturday evening. M ta speaker will be lu s. C B. A. Wlncf The annual banguet o f the Rock- low, i«iBiddent\of tee New Haven RaRntod Company and rettred sev­ army during three years of that worth, 75, Boston nod PhUat^hia to speak to tee men ofi. tha fioath Nmv York. Feb. 13.— (A P )— Shelton had been influential in tte eral years ago. worid omillict passed away sudden­ financier, died. Methodist dnirte at S.o’clofk, promotfaHi of various . movemanta vlUe C3erke Atedltlo Onb Wffl. be__ District Nurse Anodstion, who Pona Is going to sing js**! ■J,. -will deliver an interesteeg addreae. Mr. Bock is survived by foiir ly yesterday at the age of 76. Somerset, Mass.—George Ed­ Mr. Hobenteal. has marking the city’s progress. Ska held in their rooms te- tbs sems, William Bock c t Newaric, N. Sir William had the unique dis­ wards, 79, former B o ^ n school charts to Us study of George Gershwin -s on his started the first pubhe playgm ^ ' The preeent officen of asso­ back from Havana with two spe­ change block on Tuesday ev( ciation are as follows^ Piesidsnt, Jn John Boek Rockville, Otto tinction of being the only man to teacher and son of the late Shubaei and taxation arbite be vriO and Was one of the foundm of tef Bodt jf tee U- 8. Army anA Wal­ Britiah history to rise from the EMwards, famous New Bedford sea to illustrate hto talk, cial songs- in his portfolio—jasa SL James Sewing School. She WM with ev^y indication teat It is C orge Arnold, Jr.; vtos prssidmts, songs for a coloraturr soprano— be one cif the Ug events of the win­ Frsfisrlek N. Bddtog. Mrs. Francis ter Book of Waltham, Mass.; thise ranks to receive a field marshal’s captain, dies. will be served. long a member of St James ehuMB daughters, Mrs. Itozy KUilsr of baton. He received many decora- . Naugatuck, Conn,—Peter B. Bur- and Prlma Donna Pons is looking and of the board of managan of ter seesen. An invitatton to address t . Moxwsll mid Herbnt J. Regan; forward to great fun. tee gateeringe has bean sxtended secretary. Mias Maude Weyht; Maplewood, N. J., Mrs. WUllsm tiona for scarvice to Indian , cam­ bowski, father of Billy Burke, for­ the Woman's Auxiliary of tea Hiller of.Rockville and two sisters paigns and the Boer War as weU as mer National open golf ehampion, NOT TO TOUR CAMPS “J’aime le jasz. beaucoup—I like copal diocese of OonneMevt, to Charles 8. Roed, wardao ot the treesursr, Sherwood C. Cummings; it very much,” she said in two lan­ executive committee, Ltebeus .F . and a brother. The funeral.wiU be to the Worid War. Among these dies. member of Sarah Riggs ®i8gpittaiy fitettei Prison et WeteerteeM. held this afternoon from the funer­ Chicago, Feb. 13.— (AP) — Aa an guages. chapter and of Colonial A m y istsreejtlng program la BisseU, chainnsn; George^ P. was an American medaL Lawrence, Mass.—Two firemen economy move, lATUtom Bnrridge, She confessed that she wanted to Wendbeiser. Arihur E. Hayward. al home of Luther White on to recognition of his war service are injured in general alarm fire (rf America. ^ ___ itag artaagedntor te*- occasion street at 2 b’clotk. Rev. Edward L. president of the American League sing jazz aU her life, hut of courte Shelton waa bom at with LewtoA O apmtn. prosideiit Mrs. TbomsB Sykes, Mrs. Frands be received a baronetcy and a grant which causes eiramated damage of decided today not to make a tour jazz, as heretofore written, never stone,” one of tte landibMka c f o f tea fteekpOto Cbateber o f Oom- H. Burke; finance committee, Mrs. NIeld, pastor o f .tea Rockville Bap­ qf 10,000 pounds to 1919. 330,(XK). o f tbe baseball training camps this has been suitable for the voice that Derby where tee died. DuilBif bar Carl Prutting. chairman; Mrs.- tist church, will officiate. Burial aaerce^ aa tha toastmaster. A tur­ vriU be in Grove HUl cemetery. spring. made the petite French girl a sen­ long life she showed mt|te key teanar wIB be served by Jobn Raymond E. Hunt, seeretary; pro­ -Sir William was convinced the sation in grand opera. talent Many of her poems had Wnuan, preprtoter of tee RockviUs gram committee, Mra Walter Netos western front was the decisive She quaUfied her liking, however, been publisbed, all being of Diner. Aweng tee veakere will be Drmreott, M n. Thomas l^tess, M n. ’The regular meetlig of the theater of action to (the World War to “good jazz,” without explaining .excellence and worte, wme being the foUtortag: Warden Cbariee S. Heritort J. Regan, Mrs. F. H. Board of Oomnion Council will be and oppos^ sending British forces TALCOTTVILLE just what it was that distinguished used for radio broadcaatag. Burke, Miss Marguerite Moxod and Held on Tuesday evening with to Macedonia and Palestine or dis­ TOWN ADVERHSEHENT Heed, Dr. M m K Haherty, Thom- tant regions where he believed com­ good jazz from bad jazz. Mias Shelton is surrtead by fire lar.ltodJr. Jr, Btoven George P. Weodhdser. Mayor Albert E. Waite . presiding. On Friday evenmg the Talcott- Gershwin’s two new songs will nieces and taro nepbawa. a »w and Pdwfs; The eomnfitttee in ConsidsFable routine business re­ manders already had substantial Men's Goad Bsafoe* Tuesday forces. He resigned from command ville Pionee.*s were defeated by tbe be suitable for a coloratura soprs' dteiga.eaaifala of dm toOewing: mains to be acted upon. Manchester Green Eighth Graders BOARD OF jlELIEF no, but Mias Pons doesn’t other­ The Men's Guild o f S t Joirn'o The Ladles Auxiliary of the An­ in February 1918, a month before a John 9oherly; chtennan; P e^ Episcopal church have secured g;reat Berman offensive which was at basketball by a score of 33-13. wise know what they are like, or Phinipe, Fxancls cient Order o f Hibemians, will hold Tbe Pioneers were at no time able who will write what kind of lyrics, O P E N J ^ three speakers for their annual their-regular meeting on Tuesday interpreted as demonstrating the NOTICE! They will be in English, and she banquet to be held on Tuesday eve­ correctness of his views. to overcome the lead piled up by glreete of ning in the social rooms of the evening In the Ladies o f Columbus their opponents as Manchester plans to add them to her concert The PubQo Works psportment ban in the Prescott block. 'The Board of Relief of tee Teem repertory as soon as she can get church. Rev. David N. Beach, pas­ A public vriijst win be held on Green was of a heavier class than worlHfi afi d w Simday clearing tor of the First Oongregationd^ the Pioneers. Broil and Hall starred of Manchester, Connecticut, vriU be them r^earsed. WOUbOPENOlUIKaiES^ the stoteli orteoekvfllfraf tee snow Wednesday evening at the home of FRATERNITY HOUSE Further than just the desire to church of Springfield, Mass., wUl for the winners while Lotis and Litz in session at tbe Munidpel Build­ tew the Mg stqrm whieb visited give a talk on tee topic “Back to Mrs. Rerbert Krause of Gaynor sing jazz, the diva holds a convic­ Roetotele end Saturday. Place, by the auxiliary of Stanley put up a gpod battle for tbe losers. ing: tion that it is the “coming” form LODGES FOR JOBUSS Progress”; Percy Ainsworth, gen­ BURNS AT AMHERST In 'the second game the Pioneers Oeaege B. Mflaa, euperinteadant of eral manager ot tee Hockanum Dobosz Poet, No. 14, American Le­ Wednesday, February tf^ ItSO of music. She hopes to prove that tee Public Worics Department, em­ gion. Prizes vrill be avrarded and Seniors defeated the (Comrades of o’clock p. m. to' 5:90 o*dodi pu wo. Mills Oonmaiqr will give an . inter­ Rockville by a score of 35-8. This jazz can bring something to an op­ ployed two snow plows lidding refreshments will be served. Student Slightly Injured As He Thursday, Febmary 2 od ^ 6:0 0 eratic voice and vice versa. “Citizen” Endorses HeraM*s me large plow (ff E. K. Schindler esting talk on the “Woden Indus­ game was fast and peppy with the o’clock p. m. to SfiW e*eloefc p. m. try.” Rev. Georgs S. Brookes, pas­ A new serifs of whist parties Jumps From Window To Es­ Seniors winning easily, making She is looking forward especially Idea and Suggests Way Dy and Son. three extte trucks and wUl be held ' by the Rockville Friday, February SrO, 6:00 o’deek to the opportunity to sing Jazz tor of the tJnira Congregational cape Flames. seven successive victories for them­ p. m. to 8:00 e’doefc p. m. Which It Can Be Carried Out. twrfve extra Men. The men were church, will also speak. The toast- Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose on when next she appears in South ktpt at work aO day Saturday end Thursday evening and continue for selves. Tbe Comrades at no time bad Saturday, Februeiy 4tli, 1:80 America on concert tour, for down master will, be former Alderman Amherst, Mass., Feb, 13— (AP) — a chance to rally. o’clock p. n. te 5UW o'eiodc p. wo. aleo on Sunday; n ta plsnnsd to WUfiam A. Kubnly who Is consid­ five wcedM. there, says she, with arms and EditM* of Tba Herald: kieep tee men St week today in John Bromell of Evanston, 111., a In the third game tbe Single Men Monday, February Otfc, lOO eyes aloft: ered an Ideal toastmaster. The Rockville Community Stamp sophomore at Amherst college, re­ defeated the Married Men by a score wo. When one has a Steady Job, a day dawtog tee ttnetM ot atm. Club win bold its public stamp ex­ o’clock p. m. to 5:00 e’d o d i p, “They’re crazee about it!” ^ PraAeaUy tee entire center of "W et Parade” Sunday ceived minor injuries early today as of 28-11. This game was fast and Tuesday, Febmary 7th, OfilO or two off occasionally Is desirable T h e Wet Parade.” a drama hibition on Wednenlay, Feb. 22, at he leapt from a second floor window o’clock p. m. to 8:00 o’clock p. ns, tee dto ie cleared of enow at tee ted store of Gustave raedricb on furious. Tbe Single Men kept up a and enjoyable. But when one baa no iteeewit ttoM alteongb aonie o f tee based upon Upton Sinclair's book of tbe Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity shooting barrage which tbe Married Wednesday, Fchmery 8th, IteO ofOf a similar name, was prssentsd Ward street^Tbe sbohr will be held bouse to escape flames that destroy­ Cdock p. m. to 6UN) d d od t ^ Job, and days and weeks and streets sdJaUTng the center have during the' day and In tee evening. Men were ' tmable to penetrate. BOY SCOOT NEWS not bsen elaand as ysL The street St the.Rodcv^ Methodist chureb ed tbe annex of tbe building. Harold Smith scored 7 points for the Tbonday, February 9th, idO months pate in fzulUeae searte. and last evening. The play was present­ Dirislon No. 1; Ancient Order of Impmrtant! with funds Tunhtaig tow or eatbely has kssB opansd but tes large Cuts on tbe forehead was tbe ex­ benedicts. ’The Married Meu showed o’clock p. m. to 8UK) crdedi p, ns, benhedf mow en etteer side of tee ed by a cast of tblrfy pec^e firom Hibernians, will bold'thalr regular tent of .the injuries. He did not re­ Friday, Februory 19th, itOO A special meeting of the Scout­ gone, it becomes weaitopnw and un­ Manchester dnd Vernon. The ploy meeting this evening In tes K. of lack of practice'sad were eclipsed masters Association has been called bearable. One can scarcely Imagine nnd have not beat carted sway quire hospital treatment. . by their opponents. Tbe Single Men o’dock p. m. to 8:00 o'doefc p, m, The loode of now, tokn from tee was pressntsd to picture tee use of C. hall In the Prescott block. Another Atudent, Samuel T. Tis­ Saturday, February lltft, 1>80 for Thursday evening February 16, anythlng'more deepiete than * men alcoholic beverages of the present Tbs rMular meeting of tee still hold tbe championship of tbe at 7:80, at the Center church. It la with a family looking to him center o f the d ty are dumped Into dale of O>ncord, also was forced to village. o’clock p. m. to 5:00 vtiloek ^ ok the Hockeanm river at ''-e tear of time, showing how pdltical life Is Board of Selectmen vrill be held on leap from tee second floor of the Monday, Febrtnuy IMO imperative that every scoutnoaster support cast upcn tes beggarly being affected. A tmlon servio# of Tuesday evening. Eddie Lite of Hartford spent the or some responsible representative dements of tee world without in­ tee BoOhndorf property on Main building. He was unhurt. week-end with friends in this vll- o’clock p. m. to.SKIO ddeeb p. m. the Union Congregational and the Chistave F. Berr, of BUington, Five others were forced to flee tbe Tueoay, Febiimry 14th, ffilO of his troop be present The most come from labOT or other mesne* c f stroot This saves tbs moving of 1 iTbeen re-appointed District Fire support l i seesBS if anything would tea snow loss tbr » five hundred Rockville Methodist churches was blaze, wUch was believed by o’clock p. m. to SHWVdoefc p, wo. important bxisiness of the evening hdd. ^ Warden for the Rockville district, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Douglas re­ Wednesday, February 15th, IfiRl will concern the annual Boy Scout drive one to despair and distraettoo feat. campus police to have started from turned from New York on Friday Emsst O. Berr by Austin F. Hawes, state forest a fire left burning in a fireplace of o’clock p. m. to 8:00 o*doek pi, B , rally to be held soon. it would be this. Prevteusly tee snow was dumped ills warden. Mr. Berr vrill name bis evening to visit relatives for several As to the Heralffaldea ot a meet- Into tee. Hooksmim river at tee en­ Ernest O.Hsrr, aged 74 years, of one of tbe boy’s rooms. Damage was Tboroday, February Ifitb, fifiM) Scouts are again reminded of the deputies, in tbe near future. days, I o’clock p. m. to 8:00 o’dooh ak Boy Scout-Girl Scout rally to be ingplace for the unepaployed, whsra trance ot the Rock Mill Canal but 121 union street, died at Us home estimated at $5,000. they could exchange Idias and din* objection WM raised by adjoining Saturday aftomoon. Death was Mathew G. Raymond, janitor of Friday, February 17th, ■ 0:M held Friday evening, February 17, eanssd by conqdlcatlons fdlowlng Vdodi p. m. to 8d0 o’doeli p. nk- at the Y. M. C. A. cuss the news and be Mtartataied by propmrty ownera. STELLA WALSH HONORED the building, and James R. Colt of talent from their own ranks, wankt. lio n s Ohih Sunday Beheareal a'abort illness He was bom in Nevtrton, a student, saved tbe valu- Saturday, Fehraory IStli, ItSO Troop No. 1 . Nervous o’clock p. m. to OdW o’doek ^ nk Troop 1 opened its meeting at be a great hdp, and would break lb an effort to'preaent ,a musical Sommerfeld, Germany, Feb. 28, Warsaw, Poland, Feb. 13.— (AP) ktfiea of most of the students. Cloth­ the monotony and add a little api'ce comedy of usual intmest the cast 1858, tea son o f Ernest ’ G. and —Stanlslaw Wlasiewlcz (Stella ing and other personal belongings Monday, February 80th, 1:80 7:15 Monday evening with the Scout o’clock p. ro. to o’doefc p. as. Oath. Scoutmaster Griswold put and varieW, and enaUe teem to o f the produetloQ T i l Take Vanil­ Pauline Reich Berr. He lived In Walsh), Olymjdc ..women’s sprint were lost. ^ i f e forget their troubles at least for the la'* bald a big rehearsal on Sunday Rockville for a period of 64 years, champion, today was aararded the All persona claiming to be the Tenderfoot scouts through a aggrlcv^ by the doings at tbe As­ compass test in which, all of . the time Mng. ^ aftsrnoflo In the aadtorlum of the coming to tUs city from Gennany great national sjwrts prize voted an­ Wins Back vdth hia parents In 1869. nually to .tee- outstanding . Polish NEW! sessors of tbe Town of MaaebMter, troop awtote^ Sbyt ' 'Mr. Berr is survived by a" son, Pepl (k>na., and those requicihg oSaote' ings were Bmd, midTheT athlete of the year by the govern­ TTER raw nervea who believe that large gatherings of Thnreday and Friday evening with Herbert A Berr of Hartford; and ment. ’The aarard carries a casir must appear and file their comptolht period was held. Several announce­ *1 were soothed. at one of these meetings or at sotec ments were made and among them unemtdoyed shoula be dlseouxaged. every InAoition test It will ,1m a daughter, Mrs. Emil Kroyman of prize of ten thousand zloty (about She banished that So 1 suggest teat as tee vast ma­ largely attended. The entire pro- Rodcville. He was assistant super­ “ dead tired” feel- adjourned meeting of sdd Board ot the invitation from Key. Frederick 11.100). ina. Won new youth- Relief. Allen to attend the morning service jority of tee unepiployed are mem­ ee& will be used for the Tiona intendent of tee Springvine mill of TiM former Clevelaad girl who M crior’—restfiil nights, acUve days—all-■--—all te-be- bers of some church or firatemal so­ Ctob y u a Fund,” which means the Hockanum Mtes Company for cause she rid her system of. bowel-doai^ Tbe time of appeal is limited by at the Second Congregational surrendered her chances for Ameri­ at HALF the wastes that were sappiM her vitality. NR Ta^ law to twenty days from and after church in a body.. Every scout who ciety, the lodge rooms of all the Bweb to many psople in Rockville. a period of 47 years, retlrl^ in can dtizenship when she lost her lets (Nature’! Remedy)—ItemikL safe, all- fraternal societies be open during Last yeuv more than 8;S00 bottles July 1928. He waa especially active Job and to now employed by tbe osnal price of vcgctaisle laxative-^worlwd the tiansformatiOQ. tbe first day of Febroam. 1983. has not achieved the First Class FOR HAUTOSIS EDWARD D. LYNtai, the day for the benefit of unemploy­ of were distributed to school In the affairs of the Rockville Polish government, vron the award other quality Try it for constipation. biUousaess, bead- rank was asked to pass at least m o u t h -w a sh acbes,dizzy spdiA Chairman. ed members. The churches also children. loteCatloBS are teat Ger­ Methodist chureb, and served -as from Jan.. KusoctosU, Olympic one test at the next meeting. An CAtOU Antiseptics. colds. See now re­ HENRY A. MUTRIE, enjoyable recreational period follow­ should fumite a place where all Its trude Fuller as . "Kate Smith” will superintendent of the Sunday 10,0()0 meter champion and Lhe freshed you be a scream^ Other stars in the sebod for over 80 years, and aa At all druggists— “ ‘ Secretary. ed. The meeting closed at 9:15 with imemployed ntombets could meet. Polish eight-oared crew. 25 cents. EVERETT J. McKINNEY, the Scout prayer, All the churches have haaements or ptoy are OulO (Senoveee. Herbert secretary 8md treasurer of the TR IA L SIZE (A 25c VAlUi) \ 0 i church for a period of 37 years. Board of Relief of the. This being Boy Scout week, the rooms where meetings and enter­ Seheiner, Hectof Blair, Francis There are about 295 navigable Town of Manchester, Conn. troop assembled enough material to tainments are held. These ptaces Prichard, Mrs. Arthur Coveney, He was also a member of Fay­ streams in the United States. form an exhibit, whhSi can be seen should be open, dally', for the benefit Gertrude Wbitot Mery Wendhelaer. ette Lodge, A. F. and A M. of in the windows of the vacant store o f unemployed members, te tels A nien's dwtua under the dlree- RodcvlBe, Court Hearts of Oak, in the (^ughlin block. The troop way neariy all would have a ^aos tloB of Perqr L, Codey is to pre­ Foresters of Amerlmi and the I. O. wishes to thank Mr. Coughlin for to meet, and In all probabiMW sent eeleetlona Tboae taking pert O. lodge of Hartford. use of the store i^ d ow s. would feel more at home with mei in the ehonis censista of tee fol­ The fu n e ^ will be held from hla Scribe, Albert DeVito. hers of their own lodge, or membem lowing: Percy L. Codey, Stuart Troop No. 8 of their own church. Raff, Nelaon C Meed. Robert B. Troop 8 opened its meeting Mon­ As to entertainment, each group Dhvles, (toerge B. Thompson. Mag day night \^th the Scout Laws and would have to depend upon talent S d t o ^ ' Edward Dowdlng, Night Coughs Oath, led by Senior Patrol Leader from its own ranks. Philip MdOa, Robert Wsndbeiser, Trevitt. Short patrol meetings were cmzBN. Arthur Stemals, Georgs Beyers, Nothing stops a night cough as • held and the dues were collected. An Eeri BUmi, R«v: George S. quickly as Plso’a For Plan’s does instruction period followed. Law­ Brookes. Lawrence Pefsebke, the needed things. SwUlowed rence Allen, Kenneth Trevitt, Wil­ Ralph Neff, WnUem J. Austin, slowly It clings to the throat, lard Wind, and Jerry Chapdl en­ COVENIZY Frsnde R Orsan, Leonard Cfie- soothes Inflamed tissues, and Iqpscnsy tertained with a few tricks, after diowSU. Paul Arts, Fred Plum­ the mucus. Working Internally which fhe meeting closed. mer, Francis Chrvey. Csriton Wsl- Piao’a destrom the cold germs and Scribe, Jack Puter. Miss Eva Koehler of Mansfield teere, csr) Mmrpby, Roy Playton breaks up infection. Contains no Cub Pack, No. 4 spent the wete-end at the home of and RusseU Hiiih. opiates. Safe for children. 35c The pack held another well at­ her pamnts, Mr. and M | s. Emil J. Aimlversaty CelebnriioB Tuesday and 60c sizes, all druggists. tended meeting Wednesday evennig Koehler. ThS' 20th anniversary of the at the Center church with 37 cubs Miss Cora Kingsbury of .OaonacU- RockviUe \asltlng Nurse Aasodsr For Coughs and 3 recruits present. Cubmaster cut Agricultural College wsis home tlon wUI be hdd on- Tuesday eve- o n d C o l d s Lynn led the pack in the opening for the week-end. Mrs. John BL PISO’S exercises, after which den meetings Hingsbury and daughter Laura and were held. Games of “ Run and Pass John, Jr., attended “Open House” Under” and “ Criss Cross Relay" and had tea at Holcomb Hall, when were played with much enthusiasm. Miss Kingsbury returned to coUegC The contest for the week was in th-c Curday .''ft-.^moon. TUESDAY IS THRIFT DAY AT i'Daf 11 «r b ■ ' ---- i-S----- form of a band competition, in .uoies o f the North Parish at-- which Coe’s den was judged beat tended a luncheon given by the iKte with Ackerman’s a close second. Ladies of the Congregational churchj £(,vtf Plenty of fun was had by all the in South Coventry and put on • POPULAR musicieins and would be crooners. At Lincoln program. Mrs. Wallace the council ring the Cubs were test­ McKnight and Mrs. John E. Kings­ r«*. rt ed for their Cub knowledge, ^ e r bury rendered some negro spirituals which each den formed in a “Living during the program. Circle” to renew their Cub promise. Mrs. George Maskiett has been MARKET Denner Coe led the pack in the confined -to her bed for more than a Grand Howl, w'hich closed the meet­ week and shows very little inqurover 855 MAINST, RUBINC^W BUILDING : -kSn j**' ing. ment in her condition. As the Court of Honor was held Miss Ge^ta Koehler is very much on Tuesday evening Troops 2, 3, and better. 4 did not hold their r e ^ a r meet­ Thursday Evening Coventry ings. Grange, No. 75, P. of H. will meht FKEE tenerkrant FREE at" their ball. Lester Hill has accepted-the posi­ WITH THE PURCHASE OF BRITISH ADMIRAL DIES tion of Janitor for the Secemd Con­ gregational church, taking the place- of Clarence Flake who passed away London, Feb. 13.— (A P )—^Admiral a short time ago. [ Z a A N K F U R T S Sir Henry Hervey Campbell, who Davis DunklM of Brattleboro, V&, was a midshipman with the King spent the w4ek-end at Autumn View when they both served aboard the Farm testing. warship Canada in 1883 and 1884, George Dart spent Sunday with n . died today. He was 67 years old. his folks in Vernon. lb s. Sir Henry, who wte only 18 when ^ Friday evening choir rehesrsal he first became acquainted with the will be held at the home of Mri. s on your remembrance^ tistP King, later accompaified him and Wallace McKuigbt at 7:30. Anniversaries . . birthdays . . . s p e ^ ; Queen Mary when th^ were Prince The Ever Ready daas met at the and Princess of .Wales on their 1905 home of Miss F ru ees Hill last Fri­ ANOTHEfl REAL SPECIAL events . . . j(>c them down vemor to week In February. date win be voice makes your remembrance so intimate, ao sincere. the Printe of Wales. aqnotaced soon. t)range teort- ;C. At one time he waa assistant di­ cake Is one of the. things on thf Reach friends and loved ones, whether tfa^rAneer or lkr anrif. • I rector of naval intelligence. Dur­ menu. / \ M m d w B A i « ing the 1914 actioD A Heligoland . . keep frieddships alive . by telephone. The cost is ib a^tost the German fleet he was in SHOEgHOP BOBBBP comifiand of the 'suppdrtiug eriiilser small; rates are nfiltjced on many number caOl afterJNdO P. force. From 1914 to 1917 be New York, Feb. 18,—(AP) I.0AP if you will tal|c udtb anyone who anSwefSiT. rear admiral of the tome fleet, While thousands of persons wars retired In 1917. passing in Xh$ street a robhtr belfi In 1930 lie was created up a teoeshon today In' 4and street i « R i P B A € 0 Oommander of the Royal TTcto: Just -a few dfore west tit Bifth Order.^ . avenue and euasped -with I0p9i' * \'V s' . ,..r i ^ • vj: »4 • ^



I KEEP my house quite orderly, IjPSTAjftS, downttans, anywhere, [HEAD AtiREt T8EN for rest or teereatibn, and pwlu^s’ / . r * ' I tcrtjb the children's Cstos, ^ Sweeping, dusting, g a il^ . , AVOID EXCESSES both and summer vacations. I tales then* to the cseus^ Once I th ^ h t a house a bore, And church and other plao^ Now I tend one daily. TUt is tito iwt.qf time artieles In controlling the immediate at­ by Dr. Flshbebi ov sick keadacbes. tack, Dr. Riley suggests that the ^ wander down my way I WHO dealt with peddling teds. room be darkened and ^ t every­ ,A ip DAD iN EEEPI By DR. MOIUIIS FISHBEIN YouH firld a line o f blouses ^ TNntdhg that one settles thing be kept quiet Most suqh pa­ ' ' - As dean as those ny tteighbors harig Wanderlust beads and fant I Editor, jQinmal of the American tients are so intensely unconofbrta- BEGIN HEBE TODAY Behind their .own small houses. Bargain ncyw for IcetdasI Medioal Afooetatton. aad of ble that they do not want to be If motoera tbtok fiiey hnW* WHwkiA 8HAYNE, daaoer, te- Hygela, Magatene touched or interfered with. In some roeby row to boe, bow* ab^ fmea to many DICK STANLEY, instances, an icebag to,the head or .tetbsri? Every once to n /I In a survqr 6^. methods of treat­ a hot-water bottle to the feet nmy' son of weoltiiy paxoate, vHio Is in tbsi qlrlt^ moves'me to write b b n New York tr^ng: to leam to write ment to be api^qd to headache, give relief. • The physician who is acth^y to: male parents, but a little' atcM idays. Sheila’s idea of maniage is Dr. Henry A. Biley points out I bsard today, inspires me,.to ^ dc charge of the' treatment of'shira ’ a^ a coxy Httle home far from Broad­ almost every method of treatment my pro a bit earlier - tonu my patient can do much by cohti'^li]' vp way. Although she has speht all cuatom and appear for tlM her life an the stage she would be known to medioat'pcience has beea the diet, eliminating tiie sabstahje applied at one time or another to texm e. ;i think theses |i6oz gentle­ glad to leave the theater. to which the patient seems to - re­ such cases. spond with headache. men need defending,' from a' lot On a road show tour she meets He feels, therefore, that some o f things. JE R R Y W YM AN . JeTTy is atten­ He can also control the actions definite change should be made in of the bowel and, on occasion, get A little boy bad a xioliar. .He tive and Sheila falls in love with the life habits of such a pati'it said speculativdy as he eyed Js him. She thinks he is a hard restjito by the injection of various based on a CQinplete survey of bis preparations which produce what prize, ‘T think I’ll give this to you working young man with little work, his ptoy, his food, his mental and: Mom.” money and does not know -his is known as non-specific protefa attitude, and his pttoosojdiy of life. action. “How touch would 1 get?” ask­ father owns the factory where ed bis father. An inequality of etopfaasis in the The use of various glandular { Jerry works. Soon his affection "Twenty-five • cents!” came the patient’s interests and activities preparations to overcome deficien­ seems to cool and he writes in­ should be coi^ted. He should live prompt reply. frequently. cies in glands or, in some'instances,' a moderate' SiMtiNice. and ail ex­ to oppose overactivity of certain He’s J,ost Dad Sheila returns to New .ork and cesses should be' prevented. ” Wdl, I like that! Your moth­ a few months later Joins another glands is again experimentoi, but is A patlehb who is constantly in­ worthy of trial. ■, ! er would get three times as much road company, this time as the doors and gets insuffleient exercise as I would. Is that fair?” featured principal. They play in In cases which’seem to be of this' should change bis habits in the type there arises ;tbe; question o!f .'“Sure!” said srony, ’’You’re Jerry’s home town but rte sees right direction. Rest and dumge Just my dad because you live him only once. After that she has giving drugs of various ' types.: tb‘ are particularly valuable for people control the pain. Hefe.it is;.iibfoi- here, but I’m mom’s by borna- no word from him until the tour tion.” who are constantly vhder physical, lutely necessary to have the con­ ends and the company retu-^s to mental or emotional pressure. No You see, children know in a New York. There she learns from stant att^tion of a physician whb one with recurrent sick headaches is thoroughly familiar with the ^ - vague way a good bit about life. Jier friend, JAPPY,' a chorus girl, should try to work ali the They know anyway that babies that Jerry has married a girl in his tient, his habits, his emotional re­ They will do well to take at least actions, and particularly his head­ and mothers are an inseparable home town. one afternoon and one day a week a c h e . unit. Besides they see all material Sheila is too unhiqipy to look comfort and accommodation com­ for another Job until her money Ibopyrii^l, IKft Iq Service, Idc AU reprint and wng riedua ranved,}' ing from their mother, and their is almost gone. Then jhe is hired world moves, about her. as a dancer in a night club. -Father has a difficult role. He .talent. They can’t get pait the of them was talking, the other No More Worrying Over Calories; Beautifnl Trondhjem Cathc__ wlteze Norway's k li^ are crowned, b^tos first of all with that handi­ NOW GO ON WrTH THE STORY. agents and managers. As for art lighting a pipe. is shown above. It Is the most not lOrn' catiiedral 'to Europe. cap. —that’s too expensive, too dis­ “Why don’t you go home?” Secondly, unless he is a crOss CHAPTER XXXVn New Films Demand Buxom Lasses >------^— ' — . - ■ couraging. It’s easier to see that Trevor Lane asked. “I have a One of the most interesting between Sir Galahad, Santa Claus Sheila liked dancing at Qub you can’t paint than it is to see hunch Sheila might feel different­ churches in Europe is the - huge a new dome''to replace the one orig­ and Joes Harris, ha is Volens, but presently the engage­ you can’t write.” ly if you weren’t here. She’s used Trondhjem Cath^r^ the .most inally built The remains of St Olaf further handicapped by lack of By BOBBIN COONS ^similarly modeled, but slim Lilllan Wore placed in the high altar. ment came to an end. A nig) club “As a matter of fact,’ said 1 e to wealthy young mei following Holtywood.The new fashion northern cathedral in Europe, whhto appeal.* Olsh and little Mary Pickford When Lutheranism sp rea d To be a mere man, who com.s prefers to vary its entertainment man slowly, “I think Dick can in her wake. She’s used to young trend toward womanly curves is ndt changed all that Whether or not was built in 1066 on the site of the and it had been understood that write. Would it make any differ- men who think they can write. trending fast enough to juit some first ^(jhristian church in Norway. through northern Europe, the ca­ home tired, reads tbe paper and Lillian and Mary were responsible thedral became the center of that after awhile says it’s bro time, Sheila’s work there was tempora­ \ce in your feeling toward him She’s— ” • of the movie directors, whose prob­ for the popularity of dieting in the King Haakon I knelt before tl» ry. In two weeks she was out of a if you thought he could?” “Is she accustomed to young lem is to find to the modem crop of faith. Reltoquaries of St Olaf and isn’t what ovte m ight cjail drawing first place ip 'B- moot question, but altar of Trondhjem Cathednd wheh St. Augiutine, which bad been the masses. Job again. Meanwhile Johnny Har­ ' “I feel that Dick is wasting men who write masterpieces for diet-starved bodies enough figures in later days Joan Crawford, Con­ he was crowned 'in 1299. King gathered in' the cathedral, were He has one advantage, of rell’s promise to find a place for time. He should be in business her to star in?” asked Dick coolly. to look natural in cojstumes built stance Bennett, Gubo and other Ha^d{on vn, the present king of sent to Copenhagen V> be malted. course. He never becomes an old her in a stage production had not at home as his father wants him Trevor laughed. “Is that your for curves. ■ priestesses of thinness certainly Norway, knelt in the same spot ’The bones of St Olaf were taken Story, and if he lacks tbe pictor- materialized. to be. Oh. dear, I can’t explain—” am bition ?” The costumer are crop p in g out o f have served as models to inspire during his coronation ir 1906. "It’s been done by less persist­ wardrobes in numbers for such from the altar and burled under esque touch or toe Barnum in­ Sheila went to Mandrake’s office, “Thew don’t try,” said Trevor. dieting among girls who paid them to 997 Olaf Trygveason found­ the cathedral floor. ent men than I.” period films as ’'’The Con- the tribute of fan worship. fluence, the children with that hearing that he was casting a ed Trondhjem, which he named -The Importance of ondhjewi handy Imagination of theirs, dress show. The role of the featured Lane nodded soberly. “It’s ^ an querors,” “Cavalcade,” “Sweepings,” Nidaros, and built a rhurcb dewn toe eyes of his offspring. a third Interest in the Kansas City tion, suspense, tl)e seperate and lar which stands up in the back It is too cruel — too, unfair! “I could easily arrange ' that. meditating on apother’s conquests —Chase S. Osborn, fonner governor to a soft V line. ' Then toey' will baseball club. On sober reflection, irultiple scenes hzixpmtog with hu­ and down in front. This gives on Everything in the power o f a wife At Henri’s.” Eve was gaining a vicarious feel­ Joe probably was afraid it would in­ of SOebigan.' illusion of length of neck. So too do wonders for your neric. ing of popularity. man interest, m^or and minor and ZDOtoer should be brought to “You mean Henri really neecis terfere -with his work — which, ‘Trevor got me a job,” Sheila tragedies, and comeAes. bear in keeptog toe love and re­ models? It wouldn’t be — just you’ll recall, Is aughing. The plot? W^ave your own—and Can anything be harsher to the 1 ■ • e ch a rity ?” said finally. ‘Tm sleepy, Elve. spect of toe 'children for ti.ir After all this bewilderment about guess the ending. The scenes? Turn privileged than the words “there is father all've. Let’s call it a day. I have to get technocracy, the Glass bank bill no work” are to the unemployed? up early.” jmur mental cameras and- micro­ Lane laughed. “Charity!” *ie tmd currency Inflation it would be i phones in any direction and they —WilHam Grera, president, Ameri­ exclaimed. “Wait until you’ve relief to the ordinary fellow if Con will catch fo^mtents, to be woven can Federation of Labpr. Eveniiig Herald Pattern . seen Henri! He’s a devil to work Across town two , yonng men gress would get down to something were sitting before a fireplace. One Into the dramatic tapestry—^frag­ for but he likes tall, aloof bnmets. like the 2-cent stamp. There never- has been and in all' Thinks they show off his creations ments relevant andi irrelevant, for crisis or no crisis Hollywood and Its probability neyer again will be such By HELEN WILLIAMS best. You’d suit him perfectly.” an opportunity, for a'dViuitogri}UB in­ “Do you really think so? T’d parade go on. Whirl your cameras rapidly (“pan swiftly” is the term) vestment as at present.' ' be terribly glad if I could get the - DIustrated Dressmaking Lesson THIS CURIOUS WORLD - from scene to' scene for kaleido­ —^AUiston Cragg; ..writer on Invest­ job.” In her purse was her last ments. Lesson Furnished with Every five dollars. In a few days she scopic impressidna. . .Cameras turn Pattern M i BRUCE CA: ing? Let’s go.,.. would have to borrow £rom ihe IN A PRDdiR OF TEC^OGRACY A casting office, teetning with ex Don’t let anyone make, you think Amazingly attractive is this Sampers if she did not begin that the Christian religion , would be earning something, tras—“No, Nothing today. Sorry”— smart d^y dress.' It is suited for toe “Hie ABC of Twhuocracy ” by THS MOON “Yes, a bit for" you, Tom. Tomor­ more powerful, or more he^ul, or Trevor Lane telephoned, to Henri more reasonable, if it were divested average full figure as well as debs Frank ' Arkright, is a. sort .of He returned to tell Sheila he had , SOMETIAN^ RISES row morning, St^e 9, nine o’clock of its supernatural elements., y, and debutantes. It has undoubted primer of-tbe uew economic theory .made an appointment for her to AT.A5SDLUTEU/ —^Hunger to that girl’s eyes’ a smile —or is it a new religion?— which on her lips-^ —Bishop William T. Manning, New slimming lines. . sec the famous designei at 10 next THE SVAE TIME Y ork. • ' has been getting -so much attention morning. “And you’ll get the job,” FORAGREAT Tbe Scene Shifts lately. ' It imdertakes to tell - Just he assured her. “Now we can have Pan swiftly— the commissary, Carried out in black crinkly crepe NUMBBR. A crinfinal is a. person. yr^..nred- what all toe shooting is about, to dinner in peace, with that off our noisy, chattering —“Receivership! silk, top]^ by orangy-red crepe OFB/ENIN^ , atory Instinct who has not siiilfraent give a Jiackgroimd against which minds. Please do! Tm lonely. Dick’s And they say we’ll take it next”— with a faint black stripe. It struck IN SUCCESSION/ capital for toYorm a corporation. all toe. pro and con statements can a regular slave diese days. Won’t “Merger? Not oh your life. Why, an extremely modish note. be placed. even take time off to eat.” I know^he INSIDHl--.” Groups talk- —Howard Ssott, 'spokesman for technocra«gr. Tbe author, apparmitly, is writ­ “Is he really working?" Sheila W iw tock— veiled anxiety — Two tones of dark hyacinth blue ing under n pseudonym, .SDil.be is asked. She wondered if Lane Buzz, buzz, buzz of talk—Blonds, .•5.=Sgii would be another lovely scheme. giving What mifl^ be called the knew that Dick had asked her to pretty blonds, ugly blonds, blonds. autoortoril version of teclmoenusy. marry him. She did not thinlr so. Pan swiftly-^liie boulevard— A Style No. 8391 is designMl for That is, he has written not oidy a Actually Trevor Lane knew lavender limousine s k i^ by, and an BUCKINGHAM sizes 14, 16, 18,.20 years, 36, 38 and: primer but a statement of.fiuto. t'aat his cousin had never relto- CCNTDRIA, aged, beaten actqr from another day 40 inches bust. His book seems to come direct qm'shed the Idea of winning Sheila. plods on fbot-^ Tbe clam chowder st/pper and from the toner sanctum. He knew that Dick was worktog HAD A NBWSRAPr r . Flash now to trade paper head­ card social given In the church, ves' Size 16 requires 3 l-8-j;ard8 35- AS* a means of getting tbe teeb- toward the goal he had set f6r FOR THREE VEAR$ lines, in bewildering succession — try Friday evening attracted t inch for skirt, with 1 7-8 yards 35- nocrats* argum ent to ptodn, tm dsr- himself—financial independence for “Bankers In (inference”— “Unit large number of people. ' AtTHOUSH THE , inch for waist. stondable form, you will find toe - Sheila’s sake. He knew that alone Production on Rise” —“Selznlck The. Buckingham Parent-Teach­ bood rather useful. (Jnfoitunat^r TOWN was the explanation of Dick’s in­ NEI/BiEXtSTEOl Quits Radio”—“Sam Katz Returns er Association will give a Found­ It sta rts m ove toar it flnishse. ' THE .WAS dustry. — (Cateh wirii your caii^era, If yovt ers’ day program this evening Manchester Herald ^ Tbs author draws up bis in dict-d PgaU SH lP ID PROMOTE "Worktog like the devil,^ Lane ®renti pillng'upon in the Church'vestry Chlldron and ment of our existing system vsn^^ told her. ‘31ack coffee at night, THE lOEA OPMidVMG event^Pbotogrqph mental reap members will take part A birth Pattern Servicei ality, and states tifobnooracy*»C(m stuffed telephone beH, dooibell THE CAPfWLOWTHE U S. TO THE tiobs, optimism, deispalr, stoicism—) day cake with 86 candles will b« agi^st toe monsY tystem wlt|i cut off and all that sort of thing. SITE OS 010 FORT KB4RNEX AND At toe ^all a feature. Mrs. Benjamin Works of For a Herald pattern zepd 15e d e a fn e s s ;. but one' mrtshes ' tnb' I never see him any more.” O U iJN 6 IT O 9 V 7 ta0 /(4 Turn toe lenses on toe Mayfair Hartford will speak on “Tlie H is­ to stamps or coin diroctly to book with onto toErt<6<**. notion' Shelia said soberly, “it seems a ball, revelry.>bf‘the stars, to ermine tory pt Fotmdersl Day.” pdward Fashion Bureau, Idacaemster what toe tedmoctoffb ffrepoteLfo do shame. So much midnight oil and orc^4z—.Yitoq ip the harassed Nordstrom, tenor; will slag and Evening HenlO, . Fifth Avenue about It.' burned, so much good white paper Howard Penner will play toe vlo- and. 23rd street,-New Tnrh City. .Tbso, tobtl, wasted to this tov^” lln. Be riirs to (Hi to aumber:'or 'pat­ m m ous "Then you have ho faith in over nuttuiKirim.booki. cost sheets, production cbAt^Bavesdrop on “Deacon Dubs,” a toree-Hct com­ tern you desire. - ...... nlM a b a ^ D ick ?” edy, win be'glvsn'in the .vestry of K gossip. ntoU^e,. slander, but catch Petitern Na tuna 'about* Sheila colored. *T didn’t mean toe church on February 20. in the drines bayf 1 IfA- that. But evetyone writos,.. Tre­ those generouii words and Ug-beart- ed deeds too—iHsar . cast .will be Oprrle Slater, Eiria Prloe la DMle * Jadustty'awt I vor. You know that. It isn’t like Reid, Wiririn Lewis, Albert Cavag- being an artist or an actor. Ansr- futile pan ri^ teg t tbe.todustry. ex* naro, Mr. and Mrs... Clifford Plank, Name c h a n g e o n j poEto,^t««, cocktails. interoattogv one caa set words down on pum blgbballa M iss Dorothy* u^toirnett, liDiw Dmv and btfeve thqy ara clever words. IE A W NtER EPOT~ ■ sobs adiE otby TotoUasbh, Mrs. 14Hton, gE- .. .. / . Not nearly ao many tiy the sta^ .choked . - back ^ . wWll^s, saaseltos hub­ etrom, Mn. Ewffod Dutton. Mirie T bub aad turmoO-A > mm 'eeeeoe’»«»Aet.#e •• • • unless they have at J e^ a little w . ' Tbe fade-etttT Letis isake It aym* brobestnu '*■1'...... ■ 1". 'IP III", I - • 'id lsfrirj j ■ : s'*- > .<>• fet;-- A fJ iWi*' MAN(Si£STER EVENING HERALD,' SCHJ^ MANCaiESTBR, MONDAY, fS K lU ^ Y IS,- S98S«

I.ini • u ff TAKES TWO HUE EVENT IS TEAM V - ^ BY MARGIN OF 12 YARDS BEARDED FIVE WEDNESDAY RECS HERE TOMORROW NH31T l^nl Kamly Dogs Fordham C E U C S , NEWSIES, NEWRULEIUDETD Locib Retini To H m i Flltr Ronner AD die Way But SONS ARE V ia O R S WhltlnsvIHe (82) Afaiiut All BniMMos WIPE OUT P U Y ON P. P. T. ' Is T ranM At Fniish; Joe 0 0 0 8 ' After Losiiig To WhitiBS- To Ron Again Satorday; Hotly Contested Gaines Marh GRID SIDE LINES 0 8 0 0 riHe Satnrda;, 52-42, In s 15 At Hartford Banquet To­ Rec Senior Cage League 1 17 Eliiiliute Wasted Down 0 0 Fait, Close G ine. night. Saturday Night. 0 4 TLrongli New Zoning •9 24 4 52 Manchester basketball lovers S ec Five. (A*) will be afforded their second oppor­ Joe McCluskey met’the stiffeat Saturday night at the East Sid4 P. B. F. T. tunity to witums the latest edition competition of the current indoor Reu, the Senior Rfc League brought ~ tom; Tighten Restrictions 0—Sturgeon, rf, Ig 3 0 0 of the “shooting circus" in. action 0-:7-Kovis, rf ...... 0 0 0 on a locEd floor tom orrow night, season Saturday night but chalked out three well played and hotly con­ 0-^Faulkner, If .. 7 tested games b^ore a good sized at­ 0 14 when the A114hinibidc3 of East up his sixth successive triumph in 0^ Clippbg Also. 0— Campbell, If . . 0 0 0 HEUtford come to town to.^oppose winning the Williams two-mile tendance...... 3—Hewett, c .... 4 2 The Celtics defeated the Original 10 the Five at the Sast'Sme Rec. event to repeat his 1932 victory. 2— Kovis, c •••••• 1 0 2 In the preliminary the Rangers, Taffeys in the first game by the 1— Dowd,* rg 1 McCluskey*s time was 9114.2 and Philadelphia, Feb. 13.— (AP) —• 0 2 champions of the Y Senior “B" Di­ score of 28-16. The greatiy strengtn-i 0—Campbell, rg . 0 0 0 ened Celtics held the lead through- The rational football rules commit­ vision, will meet the Mayor Juniors he finished twelve yards ahead of 2— Falkowski, Ig 4 0 S of Hartford. The first gEune will Paul Kanaly of Belmont, Mass., ou. the game with little question as tee -has. completed its annual study 0-.-SturgeoD, Ig , 0 0 0 to .the outcooM of the game. The start at 7:45 o’clock Emd ihe main with Lieutenant George Lermond a of the playing code and adopted only game at 8:45. indi^dual scoring of Brown as well 8 poor third. two changes in. the regulations: for 2 42 In Emtidpation of a bEmncr* as the defensive play of Earle Bls- Score by periods: Kanaly made a valiant attempt 1933. Out of their three-day gather­ crowd, arrangements are being sell stood out for the West'Side 22--52 made for'tbe iastEdlation of extra to overcome the Fordham runner representatives, while Anderson and ing at Green Hill Farms, Just out­ in the last laps and won the cheers 10—42 seats. The Eulmiesion to tUs game Kerr played best for the Indies. side Philadelphia, the rules-mhkers Referee: Eastwood. of the 9,000 track famd as he dog­ '4> will be the usual low price that has Sons Win Eaeily came forth vdth these alterations: Tim e: Ten-minute quEirters. ged McCluskey during all of the been charged previously this s e v The second game of the evening First—Elimination of the side­ son. second mile. Kanaly. who has been found the strong Sons of Italy op­ decisively beaten by McK^key In BROTHERS FEATURE line play through a new zoning sys­ With the Thayer Hrother-s in the posing the original Taffeya the tem. . lineup the RSc Five will be forced previous meets, matched the O lj^- East Side and with little difficulty A plc runner’s spurt in the last lap BOTH TEAMS BOAST Secohd—A tightening of toe re­ DRASTIC CHANGES to play heads-up basketball all the emerged the winner 28-16. Trailing bu^ caught Lermond on a corMr* strictions against clipping so that way. This duo la toe backbone of at the outset of the game, the Taf- AT SALISBURY MEET this practice virtually is legislated the teEun, fhdr scoring power giv­ and was trapped. He was feys never threatened the winners. run off the track and ruined ms out of toe game. ing the visitors one of the moir im- The playlnt of the Vince brothers PLANNED IN STATE great finishing drive. Joe led by a The committee members also au­ premive records in tiis section cf s’ ood out for the ItaUant while Met- AIL-STAR LINEUPS the state. yard when he ran around Lennond, thorized some editorial changes in calt, Sheriden and B. Johnson stood Magoas, Ottar and Olaf the. rules in the interests of clarity: A Spectacular (tatfit who was lapped by out well for the Taffeys. Given toe name "sbooUng cir­ key and Kans;ly before finishing in When the Philadelphia Colored appointed a special subcommittee to TRACKMEETRULES Newsies Nose (tat m ils.. receive and consider all suggestions cus,’^ is difficult to itad words to third place. In the final game of the night the Satre Win First Pbces In Giants face the House of David at express the spectacular ability in It was Mcauskey’B sixth victory fc rules Changes; and went-defi­ Hersdd Newsboys nosed out the the State Armory Wednesday night, nitely on record in favor of limiting rnaklng som e o f the m ost difficult in as many starts this season. Next Dills by the scant margin of two two of the greatest coUections of shots imELginable, from Emy Emgle Saturday night he will compete In Skiing Events. future chEmges. in the rules to those Split Fonr Classes Into Two points in a very cleanly played con­ boopsters in professional basketball which will simplify toe gune with­ of the floor. Playing on the small the New York A. C. ^ test The Hersld squad minus its will battle for the right to claim R ec court will enhEmce the Burn­ Madison Square Garden in the w o- \ out chEmglng its character. usual long list of players worked uut the world’s cage championship. Of the two alterations made in Groups; "A ” Schools To sides style of play Emd a free scor­ mlle event and will c-galn have ^ r,. The. five Satre brothers are mak­ Never before in local sports his­ ing game should be the result, at mond as an opponent along with its victory only after a most bitter ing quite a name for themselves in th ' rules, toe more, radical was that struggle, the game oeing in doubt tory, have so many cage stars been designed to eliminate the side-line leEUd Em fa r ew the Burnsides are Dan Dean. ^ ^ the annual • Salisbury ski meet gatoered together under one roof up to the final whistle. The playing play, bEuie of teams marching goal- Oppose Each Other, ’’BC- concerned. Tonight McOuskey is siA^uled which started Saturday and. ends and fans wiU undoubtedly be Eddie Nichols, former Rec play­ tn be a guest of honor at the an­ of SuUivan and Sheldon spelled de­ today. ward who find themselves obliged to feat for the Dills, wiiUe two players tteated, to an exhibition of basket­ er, bolds down one of the guard nual “Sports" Night of The combined total points for the ball as it should be played, to forty waste a doWerto bring the ball into D” Sdods Together. Bendall and Cubberly shared thq positions Emd Powell, a former ford Knights of Cplumbue. along 15 kilometer cross, country ski minutes of spectacular and exciting better position. East Hartford High stor, capably honors for the losers. with other sports notables. race Saturday tmd the ski Jumping play. i How Bole Will Work Celtics (24) fills the other. Andereon at center yesterday shows three of the ^ tre The lineup of toe Colored Giants, To prevent this, toe rules com­ Several importEmt changes are rounds out the "dreus’’ team. .A P. B. F] T. mittee decided to establish aide IN TWO-MILB EVENT brothers out in front. First comes claimants of toe world’s colored expected to be completed in state large following of rooters le ex­ -New York, Feb. (A^—A 0 Gribbon, r f ...... 1 0 2 Magnus,- next Ottar and third Olaf. championship, includes the widely zones, ten yards in width, on either interscholEUstic .trsick amd field cir­ pected to accompEmy the team to composite of all the better parts of 0 McConkey, rf ...... 0 0 0 (Had in bright red sweaters, the known Jackie Beckbart, the most siof toe field. Whenever the ball Manchester. the Wg meets that b®ve been gone 1 Quinn, I f ...... 0 1 1 Satre brothers were an impressive talked of colored star in the game. becomes dead within these zones, it cles before the seEUon gets under­ Cotter With Rees before seems to be ^ 0 McAdams, I f ...... : 0 1 1 sight as they sailed from the ski His style or play keeps the fans in will be moved to a point ten yards way next month, the outstanding The Rec Five, after an impres- Neov York Athletic Club ?or ito 2 Browh, c ...... 6 2 14 Jump take off yesterday over toe an uproar, (tace he gets the ball he in from toe side line, without time improvement being the sepEuntion dve victory over the Coast CiUEU’d d E, Bissell, rg ...... 1 0 2 snow clad bills. Roy „ Hflkkelaon, plays ^ tb it like a cat does wjyth a out being called. At the same time, annual indoor game* at; Msmscm o f the VEUious clEuses o f sch ools Into BeEUts last Tuesday night, fee* that Square Garden; Saturday, ^ t Y. Bisseir, ig 1 a "^"2 representing the CaUfomia Ski As­ tpBuSe. He is Considered toe great- the committee decided that when the/ have at lEmt bit their stride dribbler in the game and takes two divisions, toe "A " Class being S o of the aces who have d Veni^t, Ig ...... 1 0 2 sociation, captured the afiiateur toe ball goes out of boimds it staEill entirely separated frohi the "B-C-D" Emd expect to add the Burnsides to before in New York and Boston, national title at toe ski Jump yes­ part in every play. be brought in ten jmrdj from the their list of • victories, (totter, a Boutch is another sensational ClEiss^s. are not listed, while one big new 4 10 4 24 terday with a total of 224.8 points sice line Instead of 15 yards as At a recent meeting of the member of the visiting team, v/ill player. He Is a bundle of pep and attraction has b®®“ wo,,Sh Independents (16) from leaps of 42 and 43 meters, heretofore. coaches of toe (Connecticut State play with the Rees, itommy Faulk­ eastern indoor debut of Jta Ba^ch 2 Anderson, r g ...... '^. 2 0 .4 Anton Lankang, last year’s cham­ energy, in action every minute. His Statistics presented before toe InterscbolEwtic Conference, attended ner, who has been missing from tbc of Kansas aty, Olympic decathlon 2 Larson, I g ...... 1 0 2 pion, placed fourth. Ottar Satre speed has aroused many admiring Dutch W itt meeting of the football rules com­ by Pete Wigren, MEUichester High’s ranks of toe Rees in their last two champion and record holder. 3 Nelson, c ...... 1 3 was second. comments wherever the Giants have mittee of toe American Football track coEuih, the proposed chEmges games because of an injured He Is entered in the shot ^ t, 1 K ^ , r f ...... 2 ' 1 5 The attendance was smaller than performed. “Eagle Eye” Davis is Coaches Association, which advocat­ and improvements were discussed will return to the lineup tomorrow where he will have to face another 0 Tierney, I f ...... 1 0 2 had been anticipated, probably due rated as a sure ;shot, his uncanny ed toe change, showed to" ', an Emd will be recommended to the night to bolster up toe forward ^ Olympic champion, oi to three previous postponements. shooting ability being truly mar­ average of 14 downs a game were Executive body for final approval. walk All in all, the Rec Five feels velous. He seldom misses and the home club, world record 8 7 2 16 About 5,000 were present The RANGERS CLINCH T wasted by offensive teams seeking This, is expected to be a formality that they will be on the long end of witti the 16-pound ball, and Yales weather was ideal and the snow shoots from any angle, covering only Eis it was previously^EUinounced the score after forty minutes of acres of ground in his whirlwind to gain a better position from which great vaulting trio, Keith Brown, Sons of Italy (28) plenty deep for the ski Jumpers al­ to continue a march down field. that, the executive committee would play on their home court Wirt Thompson and BYank Pierce. though p o t fa st enou(T to enable type of play. follow toe recommendations ef the Rally Stops Bees P B« T. Clayton, a South Carolina ace, is TITLE INYLEAGUE The national committee, in order­ Three outstanding scratch raws, toe Jumpers to set new records. It coaches. Swept off thdr feet by a gale-Uko 2 W. Vince, i f ...... 3 1 7, showing in championship form this ing the new rule, declared that it from 500 yards to a mile, a 60- was a colorful crowd that nestled Two State Meets rally in the last quarter, espedaliy 1 P. Vince, r f ___ . . . 5 0 10 season and was a sensati6n in the not only would eliminate the side­ yard sprint with , in toe pines at the foot of the ski As a result of splitting the four in the finEd minutes of play, the Rec 4 Rossi, c ...... 1 0 2 south. He is a smart player and line play but also would lessen consistent Indoor winner over the 0 Farr, I g ...... 2 0 4 Jump bW to peer up at the Jumpers tackll^ out of bounds and be of clEisses of schools into two divisions, baskettNBJi] team went dow n to d e­ nation’s best dash men. a half doz­ they glided off toe wooden scaf­ travels as fast as s minute. Round­ Come From Behind To De- two state track meets will be held 1 Saimonds, r g ...... 2 1 5 ing out toe regulars is Synor, an­ great aid to the offense, especially feat at the hands of the strong en big relay races and a flock of fold 700 feet above the v Hey. in scoring territory where the-team this yeEu- instead of one. Schools in Whitinsville, Mass., team, 52-42, Sat­ other boy who hails from the the “A” class win compete against handicap events and a high jump 8 13 2- 28 An ambulance waited at the end carrying the ball p.'>xticularly can ill urday night at the Whitinsville Com­ south. He Joined the Giants this feat Hazardvifle In Fmai each other and schools in the complete the program. A Original Taffeys (16) of the lane where the skiiers come aff^d to waste down Just because munity (flub. The classic, Baxter Mile renews season and is the talk of the cir­ “B-C-D” classes will compete to­ 1 M etcalf, r b ...... 1 1 3 to halt but there were no casualties. cuit. He displays all kin^ of they are cramped up against one During the first three periods both the duel between , gether imtll such time as the -num­ 0 Sheriden, rb ...... 2 0 r4 Several of toe Jumpers took mean speed. His accurate shooting is of Game % 35-26. side of the field. tesmos played sm art and desui University of Pennsylvania, who ber of schools in each class warrant basketball which kept toe crowd, 0 McVeigh, l b ...... 0 1 1 spills, rolling over and over in a the hair raising calibre. Reduce Clipping Penalty has done the distance in 4:10, and cloud of snow but they climbed to competition in eimh claae only. which numbered between ee'ven and T Boggini, O'...... 0 0 0 The House of David lineup is The rule- agmnst clipping was sturdy Glen Cunningham of Kan- their feet and walked away. One of This recommendation WEm brought eight hundred fans,* in a constant 1 B. Johnson, r f ...... 3 0 6 -After playing ragged ball the alteKd to make it illegal for a play­ -sas, with another Pennsylvanian, the most torilUng features came about becaiise. of the fact that in uproar. The summary reveals that 3 C. Johnson, I f...... 1 0 2 first half the Rangers basketball er to run into toe back of an op­ Carl Coan, who turned in a bril­ when two of the Satre brothers toe state indoor and outdoor, meets, toe fluEU quarter defeated the Rec liant victory at Boston Saturday, team reversed their form the sec­ ponent not carrying the ball, adding individuEd stars from the numerous and for some unaccountable reasor. 6 7 2 16 went off the narrow and dangerous thrown In for good measure. ski Jump chute together. They ond half to outplay Hazardville to the previous rule against throw­ schools entered distributed the the Rec fell below fOfm In the final The field for the Brefney half parted hands momentarily as they ing or droiiping the body across toe available places, over a lEu^a num­ stansa, though the spectacular long Herald Newsboys (16) J ' << 'v V and win 35-26. The Raojgers have ber of schools, so much so that the mile includes of Ok­ left the take-off only to re-join back of toe leg or legs of the op­ sbopti^ wJfich muhbmred at least P P IT T won seven gtcmes and lost one in ponent below toe knee. In toe inter­ eventual team winner was. >not Ell- lahoma, 1,000-yard winner at Bos­ them soon after the landing. this league and all toe other teams stir long shots, spelled defeat for the 1 Foley, I f ...... 1 0* 2 ests of stricter enforcement of toe ways the best team in the meet. ton, Prank NordeU, George Bull- have lost two or more games. This Rec. ' winkle and ' A. L. Schaeffer of 0 Johnson, r f ...... 0 1 1 rule, the penalty was reduced from Manchester High will compete in Salisbury, Conn., Feb. 13.— (AP) gives them the championship of toe “A" class along with Hinhous^ Only Three Defeats . Penn. Bemle McCafferty of New­ 0 Sheldon, c ...... 1 1 3 f 'C!T 25 yEurds to 15r after committee —Roy Mikkelsoh, vdio learned to the Ckjunty “Y” Senior “B” • Bast CJrosby, WUby, Bridgeport, Stan!- The Rec never ones gave up in ark, of Yale and R. L. 0 Montie, r g ...... 1 0 2 ski on the slopes of Kongsberg of members bad pointed out that the view of this surprising defeat and 3 Walker, rb ...... 0 0 0 Division league. They will now g o ford. West Haven, Hwrtford and Bowen of New York head the Hat Norway, has captured the national to the^state tournament to be held heavier penEdty led some officiEds to went down to defeat before a team 1 Sullivan, rb ...... 4 0 8 hesitate about calling it. others. The indoor state m eet .Will for the Buermeyer 500. amateur ski Jumping champion­ at Connecticut Ag^es gym at be b^d at Wesleyan University in that has only lo s t three gEunes thus At there are Joe Mc­ ship. The Norwegian, whose broth­ Msmy other suggested cbEipges far, competing agEtoist the strongest 5 7 . 2 16 Storrs sometime in March. Middletown, Saturday, M arch ,18. Cluskey, who holds a flock of na­ er, Strand, won toe same title in The game was fast and furious were considered by the committee -opposition that can be obtained. To D ills (14) The outdoor m eet hais been tenta­ tional championsmps and more in­ 1929, turned in leaps of 42 and 43 in the first half ..with Hazqrdville but none weis adopted. There was give the local fan# a oompamtive 2 Murphy, r g ...... 0 2 2 tively set for May 27 at YSle. pro­ door victories, George Lermond meters at the Salisbury Outing holding a slight ed^, leading at some surprise that the rules-makers viding toe field cah be obtained. Idea of toe-strength of this team, it 1 BJorkman, r g ...... 0 0 0 and Dan Dean. The high Jump Club yesterday in piling up his the half 14-10. Many shots were failed to tighten toe restrictions To Limit BntziM holds tym victories over the Falcos 0 Gatti, Ig ...... 0 ' 2 sends of New York 1 winning point total of 224.8. He missed by toe Rangers and bad sTE-inst forwEurd pEUising since this Another importapt move will limit of Holyoke ^ s season, and it will University, another winner at Sat- 0 Howland, Ig .... i... 0 0 a represented ^ e C^ifomla Ski As­ passes were conspicuous in toe had been recommended in toe an­ the tatriee in the dSeh events to be remeiitoered that the Falcos bold ' urday’s Beaton A. A. meet, against 1 RuddeU, c ...... 1 0 2 sociation. first half. In the second half they nual report- to the National Col­ two men from each school and will two vdns over toe Rec Five. This Ben Hedges, Olympic Jumper, Wil­ 2 Bendall, r f ...... 2 0 4 Second place with 219.3 -points clicked as they should outscoring legiate A. A. in December.' also eliminate the semi-finals, leav­ outstanding aggregation will impose liam Newkirk and Bert Nelson of 0 Cubberly, I f ...... 2 0 4 went: to Ottar Satre of the home Hazardville 25-12. ' However, su^g^tions Edong this ing only the heats smd finals to be toe Rec- Five nt the Rec gym eod the lUinois A. C., former Butler club; third to Sigfrld Joregensen “Andy” Raguskus played a won­ line as well as. many . others w ere run in each event. The first action Tuesday, February 21, and without University Jumper. 6 6 2 14 of tbs' Norway Ski Club, New derful game for the R isers and turned over to the nsw'sub-commit­ removes ^ handicap of a latjge- pn- a doubt this gniM wlir be one pt York, with 218.6, and fourth to the gave one of the best shooting exM-^ tee on footbaU rulM chEmges. s wlaldly field/ Th6 second removes toe banner amactions ,oa the Rec , great negro defending title-holder, Anton Le- bitions ever seen in this town.. He standihg body consisting* o f (Chair­ the necessity of runnsra radng schedule. sprinter from Marquette, will REC MERMEN BEA1IN kang of the Norway Ski Club, with made twelve field goals for-a total man - W alter R . Okeiaon, secretary three times and gives them a. better The game Saturday night was one make his only eastern start of the 212.5. The final event on the cham­ of 24 points and made practically William S. Langford, H: J. Stege- chamce to be in good condition for of the best OB the Whitinsville floor indoor season in the 60 meter dash BY HAR1T0RD Y TEAM pionship program, a 30 kUometer every shot he took. Hia passing man of Georgia, Dsma X. Bible of the finals. This tilling will' a|>ply and gave the lax^ turnout plenty of of the National A. A. U> champion­ cross coimtry race, was slated to HARPER was also instrumental. The scoring Nebraska, Lou LdtUe of Columbia, ‘to both indoor and outdoor meets. opportunity to cheer. Play was fEmt ships, Saturday, Feb. 25. Metcalfe, be run today. of HazardviUe was evenly divided and H.-A. Lambert of Ohio State. Coach Wigren will prepare hie and clean . throughout, espectaUy who equalled tiie world’s record of track tefun for its firit meet In toe when the Whitinsville team staged The Recreation Centers swim­ headed by Harper, rated as one of and S. Miller played best for them. This sub-committee weus authohz- seven seconds for the 70 yards at near future, plEuining to hold try­ ming team was unable to match the METHODISTS SMOTHERED toe greatest hoop stars in basket­ Rangers ed to study Edl suggested changes its whirlwind finish. The Rec Five the West Virginia games Saturday outs for toe various events to be played as it never played, before, flashing speed of the Hartford Ys M. ball. He is ~ a former American P. B. F. T. in the rules, even to the extent of night, will face such speedsters as bun in toe meet , open to^ Higb C. A. mermen at the Hartford pool The St. James’ basketball quintet League star and draws one of the 1 Raguskus, rf ... i... .12 0 24 having them tried out in actual though mipds toe senrtoen k its de- Emmett Toppino of.New Orleans, largest salaries ever paid in basket­ schools of Hartford Oounty at the fehdve star,* Cotter. Zighhtliig Saturday afternoon and lost by a smothered toe Souto Methodists in 0 Bycholski, rf ...... 0 0 0 scrimmage, in advance of considera­ , Ed Siegel and Nor­ ball,. 3860 per month. He keeps the State Armory in Hartford March score, of 47 to 27. a church league contest at the Y. i Kennedy, If ...... 2 4 thrusts cut top defmiaiye flay of man Woolford, husky negro from M. C. A. Friday nigpt, winning by fans on edge every minute, it is tion' by the full cqifiuUtte^...... 4. -on toe -laet week' tn February.' Sum m ary: 1 Sbeutz, c ...... 1 1 3 toe wlnn^ flrs^' tosee pmjods Nichols junior college who was « the overwhelming score of 62 to 9. said. “It was the cohaidered opinion of Th»* t^tative ^program 'will conslat 160 yarm relay: Won by Hart­ 0 Dellafera, r g ___ . .1 0 2 and sevanl. times a Rac player sensation in the Boston A. A. Gribbon and Renn featured forvthe Kersnski Is another former star the rules committee," said the offi­ of the foBowing eventsr 60 yard, managed to get set ijuuMlested un­ ford, (Harger, Q. McOombe, C. Mc- 2 Antonio, Ig ...... 1 0 2 cial rep6tt on the three-<|sy discus­ dash. 600 yard daah, m ile rUn, mile games Saturday night. (Jomhe and (VNeil. winners while Smith was outstand­ of toe American league and played — der toe Wtattanrllla basket. The ing for the losers. with C^cago Bnflns. He stands sion, "that such future chuges eus relay and high Jump. Carl Coan, winner of the Hunter 100 yards breast stroke: Won by 6 Bac team wan off oolor to i^ul shoot­ mile in the same meet, will run St. James (62) six feet two Inches tall. O’Malley, 16 3 35 Eue made in the rules shoiM he for Wesslnger, Hartford; Moriarty, HEoardvUle \ ing only tyta . of • 10 against Gene Venzke, Glen Cun­ p B F a coqst star, has been one of the the purpose of ^inpltBcatidh and one Manchester, Chapmsh, Mandiester. T P.- B. P. the ffy !^ ’ block and the ' "weitya toots. HavertlMleas ,thls' was no ningham and Erik Ny in the 1,500 r f ••••••••#«•• 7 0 14 most prominently nientioned players T. of the duties, of this committee wQl 40 jrards free aWle: Won by G. 1-S. Miller, r f ...... 4 : 1 9 formattem’'OB kickoffs. raaiott. for their dowatoDK #a tte m eters. Jolly, If ...... 5 0 10 in the game since Joining the be to study toe pojfisiblllties of mak­ A sub-emhmlttee, headed by Field­ winssn gave a most pftsiiing tohl-/ McCombe, Hartford; sec " 60 yards back stroke] Won by 20 tbiua too study into the dause 'cf Id- (M fine TtontailRt SORilrAF IS PARALYZED (}ourtney, Ig 4 1 9 scorer. 2 PrloFi ..2 0 4 IhjarieS (ta Decreaser Taylor, Manchester; second, Lepke, juries the football flald. At this The naeoaManodations Tweddell is toe giant of the 1 H. Pirtlon, rg ..3 1 7 A preliminaiv report by a, special H u tfo rd . 0 Berossky, Ig ...... y. tima, however, toe rules coumrittaa taam-aA th# New York, Feb. 13.—(AP) — 29 4 62 club, standing a\j( Yeet six inches ..0 0 0 committee Indtcatiid a “m ^ E ^ de­ 100 y a ^ free sWl*: Won ^ G. J Carr. I g ...... 0 fd t thgt tka only ebaagd naedid to (2Aatt^WfA«- Ernie Sebaaf still is in a serious No Methodists (9) 1 tell. He finds the hoop easily and .:o. 0 crease" In the hutaber of fbWMjU in-, coBditioii in a hospital as a result MeCkimbe, H arttord; aed(nid> M e- P is one of the most noticeable play­ 0 Strolney, Ig ....y».. ..0 0 jO bemad# from tor aUadgolM at B P T juries in 1932'compared v ^j)ih the modi*a"ttW of his fight with me flaat Prlmo Ciombe; Hartford; tMrd,' Kicking, Smith, r f ...... 2 0 4 ers in toe game. Scott, toe speed •— safety was tliat affaetlag Mancbrnter.^ r 5 1981 cEunppi|n. There wene Mme 50 The cosualttaa blgs^’its a u M aS r tha tsiUB Oatasra in Madison Square Garden A . (JlEU'ke, I f ...... 0 0 0 king, is the smallest player in size 12 2 26 fatal accidents in 193l Muld' the Diving: Won by ioberal, Man­ but a big man on the floor. Dutch Referee, Ben Clune. Friday idfht aad ;acb«usis3^ JoM ^ w lto lh # FRday night Doctors have dtag- jD&ViSf 1 0 ^ 2 drastic ebnngaa. made i)y rules noskd his injuiy as an latra^rapiai; chester; seotod, MUdner, liandiee- B . C!lEU-ke, e ...... Witt needs no introduction as his foiiansoB yiatiidgy.' * Is 1 0 2 committee lEu^^ln 1632 were Credit­ hemorrhage. His left sida remains ter; third, Galatto, Hartford. dwcfttf 0 •••••••••••• 0 0 smart play pleases everyone. He is ioeffiTM EBTOfO 0 ed with m a k ^ n titansndotts radu^ pariOyaed. 20 yards frw stjdat' Whn by Sweet, rg ...... 0 0 0 a former western league star. IBs mother, Mrs. Lucy Sehaaf, cyNsiU, Harttord; secoodi C Mo- August, rg ...... 0 1 1 The Manchester Soccer, team wi)l tion In the .munlier*hf Injo^es laot Paul Stogg, AiBiQt and his'manager, J^imqr MeiEley., Ctombe, Hartford; third, CBanasy. ? aeasoB. The ootamltteg reppi^, for Altaso gt#|g, tofiNr oC 0 . 0 ibddie 4 Flypn,' forowr 'Olympic ieet t: Cbidsgo hiiraal add#i>: mother’s voice. O. McCombe). Referee: Byraolaky. with ease. ' .. to be present nde^ifiikers' laat winter aiaof w i^ tlOB« . v -' PAOIlTBM' t^NCRBSTiR imanm HEiutsJsoiiTH 4 . Read the t ’la*>sified Rental Propertij Listing on this Page

eloMup in the U f money tourneys LOST AND FOUND APARTMENTS, FLATS, l e g a l NOTICES 78 y i r t A J ------this year.' TENEMENTS 68 AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD Eddie, Looa, Chicago, and Lew at Manchester, within'an for the Scott, of Loe Angelee, ar^^ great FOT7ND—^ZRISH Setter dog. Call nt LOOKING Uanchestec FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM heated District of Manchester, on the lltb teacbersi but L ew doesn’ t take l|ls 71 Hemlock street after 4 p. m. day of February, A. D„ 1933. apartment, with continuous hot owh game too aeriouely. Loos, en OINCHP Erening Herald water. Apply to Watkins Brothers. Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., HaUSE*8 SPLIT EVEN Judge. AT SOME tbe other hand, ia inclined to try Estate of Gertrude D. Schrelber too hard. HouN'fi ipUt even in two games CLASSIFIED MOVING—TRUCKINIG— FOR RENT—THREE, five and Mx late of Manchester, in said District, this week, utefsating the V. F. W. advertisements • STORAGE 20 room tenements, with all modem deceased. o f ThismpBonvlUe, 47-12, and improvamanta Inqulra at 147 HSaat On motion of George O. Schrelber GOLFERS Mac Smith, one of the greater locals Defeat -WiaiUri ^4 administrator. golf etyllata, never ie perturbed lecing to the South Church of New LOCAL AND LONG OISTANCK Cantar atraat ot taiaphona 7864. Ceont als K f W f ORDERED:— That six months from by what happens and ia a big fa­ Britain 22-18. iBitlali* Bumbcrs^and abbrarlatlOBV movmg, general truoldng, Uvery the 11th day of February, A. D„ 1938 Housed ^ t a o ^ t Bi B irord aad ooapoBBa vorite. Horton Smith, of the ^ ec- Ganet h Rmr Te lervlce. Our affillntton with United FOR IIENT—4 AND 6 ROOM tege- be and the same are limited and al­ By BBSKINE JOHNSON B. F . T . words as two w o i ^ IClalmom oest t» monts, all improvements. Apply 9S lowed for the creditors within which NEA Service Writer tioua smile, also ia wUl liked. orlos 0* tlirss Unss. ^ ^ * Vans Benrlee menne lower rstea on to bring in their claims against said ^cholski, rf ^ Iiins ratss psr day tor traaslsat F oster street, telephone 5230 or Jimmy Thompsem of Colorado furniture moving to dietant pototn. estate, and the said administrator is Springs hits the most terrific drives Chapman, If ' Stomd DniaioiL 4545. directed to give public notice to tbe Here’s a bit of the real lowdown *'’** ACsottro llarsk Large modem truckn. experienced of all the proa. But be is like any Bisseli, c ... Cash Cbarfo men, prompt servled, jaU gooda in- creditors to bring In their claims on the personalities o£ popular pro­ within said tlma allowed by posting ordinary duffer when it comes ' -> HedlUfid, rg 6 ConssoutlTo Days ^1 ! «i*| • ^ fessional golfers who competed aured wblla.ln tranalt are features a copy of this .order on the public an approach. Jolly, Ig .. * By winning five games ih a row 8 ConssoBtlTS Days ^ offered at no axtra expenae to you. BUSINESS LOCATIONS sign post nearest to the place where along the winter golf trails. 1 Day ...... ••••! II otsi II ots Even if good sense dictates oth­ from the Winated T. M. C A. ftOlty FOR RENT 64 the deceased last dwelt within said T&e Paul Runyan of White 18 11 47 All ordsrs for Irrssalar iBsortloas Daily tripe to New York, oaggage erwise, Harry Coopet forever tries ball team at the Eaat Side Ree Sat­ will be obargsd at the one time ratA delivered direct to ■teamablp piers. town and by publishing the same in Plains, N. Y „ who copped the A n a V. P. w. FOR RENT—IN THE OFBICE some newspaper having a circulation impossible shots. “If he was a urday afternoon, tbe Recreation Special rates tor long tom srery For further information' cal) .8063. Callente open. Runyan always tuks day advertising given upon rsanost building at 86b Main street, a suite in said probate district, within ten to himself and his ball tffter a fighter,’’ remarks one Los Angeles Centers team clinched tbe Y League 8860, 8864. P errett A Ulenney ino. days from the date of this order, and Fuge, rf ... Ads ordered tor tbreo or six d ^ s f ofHcas, suitable fut a doctor or shot. Leo Dlegel, Agua Callente sports writer, “they’d call him a titl%, aa Winated was next in the and stopped bstore tbs tblrd or' flttb return make to this court of the no­ Mitchell. If « s'* •••••! tice given. screwball.’’ standing of the league until this day will be oharged only tor tbs ac­ SILVEK LANS BUS LINE offer Uw kindred Unea. A lso a very desirable pro, Is certain to throw his club in Bunner, if .....i.... tual nambor ot Unaes the ad . appear­ rent for ladles hair dressing es­ WILLIAM S. HYDE tbe air when things go wrong. match and only one more remains to accommodation ot their large O^ Judge. Gaudette, c ed, charging at tbs rate earned, bnt tablishment Edward J. Doll. Tele­ Staid old' Macdonald Smith, the Craig Wood, yoimg Deal, N. J., be played. * no allowance or rotunds can be awde Luxe bus for lodge, par^ or team H-2-13-33. Naugliton; e Carnoustie ScotOhman from New professional who won three big Should tbe Rees lose all live on six time ads stopped atter the trips at special rates. Phone 8063, phone 4642. Rowan, r g ...... 0 York, always brings only 14 olubs togrneys on tbe coeist thi win­ games of their next match it will ntth day. AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD K ing, r g ...... 0 Wo "till torblde” ! uUplay lines aot 8860, 8864. to tbe scene of action. Harry ter, has a battered old brassie he at Manchester, within and for tbe Thompson, I g ...... P not effect their standing. Tbe •old. ' , LEGAL NOTICES 73 Cooper, of Chicago, as Mg a dare­ always uses off tbe tee. The club The Uerald will not be responsible District of Manchester, on the 11th Caranza, ...... 0 splendid teamwork ot tbe local play­ Cor more tban one Inoorreot Insertion day of February, A. D„ 1938. devil as ever, makea his ciuldles. has nails driven in its face, and ers was the outstanding feature of < COURSES ANO^LASSES 27 AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., wouldn’t bring 25 cents at an auc­ ot any advertisement ordered tor at Mancheater, within and for the lu g 25 bats arbimd. the decisive -victory over. Winsted. more tban one UmA Judge. tion sale, but it’s Wood’s favorite 5 2 12 B E A U T Y C U L T U R E — 9|aro w hile District of Manchester on the 11th The scores w ere: Rec. 15-9t, 15-7. The Inadvertent omission ot Incor­ Estate of John Benjamin Carlson club. Score halftime 25-9 House’s. rect publication ot advertising will be learning. Details free. Hartford day of February, A. D., 1933. late of Manchester, in said District, In sedition to throwing his clubs 17-15, 15-10, and J5-0. P la yin g fo r rectified only by oanoollatlon ot tbe Present W ILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., deceased. in th4 air when he muffs a shot, Fay Coleman, Olin and Mortie Academy ot Hairdressing 693 Main Judge. House’s tbe Rec were Gibbons, Holland, charge made tor tbe service ondered. On motion of Linnea C. Fullam ad­ Diegel always drops his' hat over Dutra and Fred Morrison are All advertisements must oontorm street, Hartford. Estate of Elliott J. Brown late of ministratrix. P . B, Phanetif, Mordavsky, Chapman. Mancheater In said district, deceased. the cup when he cages a putt. Die­ warmest in their friendliness to fel­ Schubert; for the visitors, Bushneli, in style, oopy and typography with ORDERED:—That six months from 0 Hedlund, r f ...... 1 Upon application of the Adminis­ gel keeps the galleries amused at low players and galleries. The fa­ regulations entoreed by the publish­ tho 11th day of February, A. D„ 1933 0 Kerr, If ...... 1 Paim,,H. Sisson, Flint, R. Sisson ers and they reserve the right to tratrix for an order of sale of real be and the same are limlt,.d and al­ all times, too, with witty chatter, vorite of the press chappies is Cole­ HELP WANTED— estate belonging to said Estate as per 0 Chapman, c ...... 4 and Finn, Holmes. edit, revise or relect any copy con­ lowed for the creditors within which and Ukes to' bet dollar bills with man. sidered objeotlonabla. , ...... FEMALE 35 application on file. to bring in their claims against said 0 Bia^l, rg ...... 2 The Rec team, which has repre­ ORDERED:—That the said appli­ spectators on shots. If an imknown player pulls a sur­ CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads to estate, and the said administratrix Is 0 Jolly, Ig ...... 1 sented the Recreation Centers for be published same day must be re­ cation be heard and determined directed to give public notice to the Runyan’s quaint habit of talking prise a mile away on the course, the past four years, has been rapid­ WANTED— GIRL FOR general the Probate Office in Manchester on ceived by IS o’clock noon: Saturdays cvedltore to bring in their claims to himself and his ball often has and Fay is there,. tbe scribes can housework. Apply in person. Ref­ the 18th day of February, A. D., 1933 0 9 18 ly Improving, winning most of tbelr 10:10 A m. within said time allowed by posting a his opponents laughing out loud. get tbe dope from him. And then erences required. Hours 7 to 4. Ap­ at 9 o’cloo': In forenoon, aad the copy of this order on the public sign South Church matches urherevwr they play. During TELEPHONE YOUR Court dlrecta said Administratrix to post nearest to the place where tbe “My gosh, didn’t I bring you up to he thanks the boys for throwing this season, the team has captured ply at 36 Stephen street, South give publlo notice to all persons in­ questions at him. P B. WANT ADS. Manchester. deceased last dwelt within said town go.straight,’’ says Runyan after he two titles, the Trl-Statc Tourna­ terested In said estate to appear If and b3* publishing the same In some 1 Hattings, r f ..... 0 Ads are accepted over tbe telephone they see cause and be heard thereon misses a putt. ment title at Pittsfield, Mass., Janu­ at tbe CHARGB RATE given abovn newspaper having a pirculatlon In 0 Wheeler, rf' ...... 8 WANTED— GIRL FOR general by publishing a copy of thlr order said probate district, within ten days “Hit It up, you cow ,rd,” he says - _ ary 2, and now. the second division as a oonventenoe to advertlserA but once In some newspaper having a cir­ 0 WorllUB, rf ...... 8 the CASH RATBb will be accepted as housework, two In family. Phone from the date of this order, and re­ when short with an approach, and ■ Y. M. C. A. title. culation in said probate dietrict, and turn make to this court of the notice 1 M orey, c 5 E'ULJ, PA7MENT ft paid at tbe busi­ 7698. by posting a copy of this order on "Get in there, sweeth&rt," on a iW U 8 Osborne, rg ...... 0^ ness office OB or before the seventh given. putt. Although a youngster of 24, the public sign post In said Manches­ WILLIAM S. HYDE 1 , Paricer, Ig ...... O' day followKig tbe first InserUon ot ter. five days before the said day of Rimyan is quite reserved and has each ad otherwise the CHABOB Judge. hearing and return make to the H-2-13-33. ^ a touch of southern dialect. ^ Week End Sports AATB will be collected. No responsi­ HELP WANTED—MALE 36 Court. 6 11 bility tor errors in telephoned ads WILLIAM S. HYDE Charley Guest, a Los Angeles Score half time 10-8 House’s. will be assumed and their acouraov WE WANT THREE SALESMEN Judge. product with a Deal, N. J., address cannot be guaranteed. AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD Referee, Anderson. By The Associated Press who are aggressive and conscien­ H-3-13-S8. nt Manchester, within and for the is the Beau Brummel. And he com­ One Year Ago Today—Katherine Y'rftclc! tious to represent one of Hart­ District of Manchester, on the 11th pletes the picture with A cocky a t­ INDEX OF Rawls, young swimmer, clipped ST. MARY’S WIN Boston—Coan beats international ford’s leading furniture stores os day of February, A. D., 1933. titude that would be hard t? beat. CLASSIFICATIONS AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD Present W ILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq., 4" 2-5 seconds off the women’s na­ The St Mary’s baaketb U five fiel'l in Hunter Mile of Boston A. A. outside representatives. Wonderful at Manchester, within and for the HlrtllB e e e a • •aiK^n.nddwa a M amaa n.B ^ Judge. tional 440-yard breast stroke at trounced the Germaz. Lutherans in games; Toppino conquers W ykoff in opportunity for men who ,an quali­ District of Manchester, on the 11th Estate of John A. Anderson late of . A1 Elsplnosa of Akron, Ohio, £3ngaff«m «iti aaa«g:gaa.aaaaaaaaa«i B day of February, A. 1933. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Hen time a church league game Thursday s p rin t Marrlr *es a a a ta a C * aM^« a a a n.a • • dc C fy and show some real effort. No Mancuester, in said District deceased. Dick Metz of New Jersey, Wil­ Present W ILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., On motion of Walter Anaer.ion ad- was 6:46 2-5. Gene Sarazen, with night, w inning 35 to 28. T b e w in­ Morgantown, W. V t— Metcalf D eaths...... D canvassing. These ^re permanent Judge. lie Griffin of San Francisco, and Curd of Thank! eaaa...... B hilnistrator. 260, won the $5,000 N ew Orleans ners led 18 to 12 at halftime and equals world Indoor record of'seven In Memorlam eeasaaaaaaXaaeeaKJ* B positions. Apply Mr. Russell, Gar­ Estate of Ann J. Powers late of ORDERED:—That six months from Archie Hambrick of Zanesville, Manchester, in said District, deceas­ Open. managed to hold their advantage seconds for 70 yards in West Vir- IjOSt and P*Otind eeeaaaaaaaaaaaai A ber Bros., 120 Morgan street, Hart­ the 11th day of February, A. D., 1933 Ohio, are the most gracious golf­ ed. imtil the final whistle. Wippert i.'nia games. AnnOnnOanOnt! eseeeaaaaaaraaaaai S ford. Conn. be and the same are limited and al­ ers. In the quiet, imruffled class, Personal! ...... a a an • The Administratrix having exhibit­ lowed for the creditors within which Vennart and Smith starred for S t Winter sports: ed her administration account with they discuss their game and aspira­ Five Years Ago Today- -Irving AntoMobtle! to bring in their claims against said Mary’s and E. Fischer was out­ Sallshnry, Conn.—Roy Mikkelson MEN WANTED TO CONDUCT said estate to this Court for allow­ estate, ^and the said administrator Is tions as If there is ho such thing as Jaffee, New York skater, v/as AUtOniObll!! for 8al# esaaaaaaa* d standing for the losers. wins National amateur ski jump world renowned Rawieigh Home ance. It Is directed to give public notice to the concentration. crowned the 10,000-meter Olym­ Automobile! for flkobarfe aaa:a:B ^ S t Mary’s 85 Auto Aoosssorles—Tires ...... • Service Business in East Hartford ORDERED:—That the 18th day of creditors to bring In theli claims In the fiery, volatile class are pic skate champion. The New title. February, A. D., 1933, at 9 o’clock within said time allowed by posting P . B. F. T . Lake Placid, N. Y— Curtis Auto Rspalrlng—Painting ...... 7 Cgunty, cities of South Man­ forenoon, at the Probate Court, in Gene Sarazen. , of . Florida,' and York Yankees signed Nick Moore, Auto Schools . —A a copy of this order on tbe public 0 Wippert If, c ...... 6 I T 13 Stevens’ team breaks record for Autos—Ship by Truck ...... 8 chester, Windsor and Hartford. said Manchester, be and the same Is sign post nearest to the place where George Von Elm of Los Angeles. semi-pro pitcher of Texas and Ok­ 0 H. Brown, I f ...... 0 0 0 Autos**Por Hirs ..•«*•••••••••• I Reliable hustler can start earning assigned for a hearing on the allow­ the deceased last dwelt within said Von Elm, as an amateur, was dis­ lahoma, and a brother of Wiley four-man in National bobsled ance of said administration account 2 Smith, I f ...... 4 1 9 Garagss—Ssrvloa—Storage 10 $25 weekly and increase rapidly. town and by publishing the same In liked as “crabby,” and whoi Sara- M oore. championships. Motoroyolss—Bloyolss ...... 11 with said estate, and this Court di­ some newspaper having' a circulation 0 A. Brown, c...... 1 0 2 Write immediately. Rawieigh Co., rects tbe Administratrix to give pub­ zen first won the U f’ted States Hanover, N. H.—Dartmouth re­ Wanted Autos-Mc^toroyolee . . . . II In said probate district, within ten 0 W. Brown, Ig ....v 0 0 0 tains team title In winter sporU Boslness aad Prafesslonal asrvtees Dept. CU-85-S, Albany, N. Y. lic notice to all persons Interested days from the date of this order, and open in 1922 one couldn't ta lk to Ten Years Ago Today— Babe therein to appear and be heard there­ 2 Hadden, Ig ...... 0 ' 0 ' 0 Business Ssrvioss Offered ...... 13 return make to this court of the no­ him. But both have loosened up in Ruth left for H(A Springs, Ark., to meet with.62 1-2 points; Neyr Hamp- Housebold Services Offered .....1 8 -A on by publishing a copy of this order tice given. 3 Vennart, r g ... 6 \ .l , 11 in sdme newspaper having a clrcula- ^ en t years commence train in g, fo r ^Xhe 1928 sUroHMCood with 89. - Buildings—Contracting ...... 14 WILLIAM'S. HYDE N w -Torit—MOntgCfBaary .Wihwn Plorlsts-^nraeiies ...... 11 uvESTucErr V e h i c l e s « xiofi tn'aktd District, on or before Judge. '•'* A tight-lipped critic of his-own- baseball season. Harry Greb wps 7'A' r- 16 ?8 y a6 '' February 13, 1933, and by posting u and Itos. Ckmstaacs Wilsoi^ Sampels Puneral Olteotors 16 H-2-13-33. game who mutters and murmurs matched with Gene funney for the German Ldtheraa SE^ Heatlni Plumbing^Roofing .«• 17 FOR SALE—8 PIGS, twelve weeks copy ot this order on the public sign about shots that don’t behave is sweep min’s, women’s and pairs’ post in the Town where the acceased light hea'vyweight title. The bout p . B. ' F. T. Insuranoe ...... 18 old, one young boar. Telephone Willie Hunter, Los Angeles, once divisions of North American figure Millinery—Dressmaking ...... 10 last dwelt, five day before said day ot AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD was scheduled for Feb. 23, in Mad­ 2 Hansen, If, c ...... 1 0 2 Rockville M3-14. hearing and return make to this nt Manchester, within and for the the British amhteur champ and skating championshfps. Moving—Trucking—Storage . . . 80 ison Square Garden. 1 Fischer, If ...... 0 1 1 Painting—Papering ...... 81 Court. District of Manchester, on the 11th Tennis: 1 E.: Fischer, r f ...... 6 0 12 Protesslonal Ssrvioss trs a a a a a a am* H WILLIAM S. HYDE day of February, A. D., 1933. New York—Unlteri States \^wn Repairing ...... 83 Judge. Present W ILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq.. 2 G^iDBSp C •*••••###•• 0 0 0 FUEL AND FEED 49-A Tennis , Asaodation af^roves ralloring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... 84 H-2-13-33. Judge. 1 N o s k e lg 2 3 7 Toilet Goods and Service...... 36 Estate of Elisabeth McCann late of 3 Frcuier, rg ...... 3 0 « tournam ent fo r 1988. * Wanted—Buslnees Service ■a*\a a a a 86 S E A S O N E D H A R D WOOD, stOVe Manchester, in said District, deceas­ New York—Bell and Mangin reach Bdacatioaal size, furnace cUunks or fireplace .VT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD ed. final round of Heights Casino tour­ Couraee and Clasees a a a a.*.a.a.d • 17 lengths $7 cord or 84 load. Gray at Manchester, within and for the On motoin of David McCann ad­ H o c k e y 10 ' 12 4 28 Private Inatrnotlon ...... 38 District of Manchester, on the 11th ministrator. TnA I M n * Referee, B. Sturgeon. n am ent Dancing ...... 18-A birch $6 cora Cbas. Heckler, tele­ dnv of February, A. D., 1933. ORDERED:—That six months from By ASSOCIATED PRESS Gencri^: A NOTHBR perfume bottle like H alf time score 18-12 S t Maty's. Musical—Dramatic a a a a a a a ;cff a a a a 88 phone Rosedale 13-13. Present WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq.. the 11th day of Februa.y, A. D„ 1933 National League Tmnpa, Fia,.—Shute wins Ctas- Wanted—Instruction ...... 80 Judge. be and the same are limited and al­ the one pictured here is con> lowed for the creditors within which Chicago 2, Montreal Canadiens 0. *Ma” Ferguson luis everyone’s piudlla. open gblf tournament after Flaaaelal Trust Estate u w of Harry R. coaled in the pussle rectangle. Bonds—Stooka—Mortgagee ...... 81 BOARDERS WANTED 59A Sharpe late of Manchester, In said to bring in their claims against said D etro it 2, N . Y . Am ericans 2— best wishes as she assumes the playoff ^ th l^ F a rtoe. Buelnese OpportunlUee ...... 38 District, deceased. estate, and the said administrator Is Cut out the seven pieces and see tie. ~ Paul—Emmett McCann is The Trustees having exhibited their directed to give public notice to the governorship of Tex.v» agalOv' But Money to L o a n ...... II ROOM AND BOARD at gll.OO per i f ryou bm find it by rearranging Canadian American League ft wUl be interesting to see what named manager of St Paifl duh of. Help and filtnatloas annual account with said estate to creditors to bring In their claims them. As in most all symmetrical week. Tbe Hotel Sheridan. Tel. this Court for allowance. It is within saH time allowed by posting Providence 3, N ew Haven 1. happens if Texas rnd Oldahoma Americim Assodation. Help Wanted—Female ...... 16 Hi-Ho silhouettes, the bottle may Tonight’s Schedule Help Wanted—Male ...... 36 3673. ORDERED:—That the ISth day ot a cCpy pt this order on the public get to squabbling about oil again Philadelphia—Football rules com- Help Wanted—Male or Female... 37 February, A. D., 1938, at 9 o’clock sign post nearest to the place where be formed in two ways Canadian American League to "tell mittee eliminates sideline play, forenoon, at the Probate Office, In the deceased last dwelt within said and “Alfalfa Bill” tries ‘ Agents Wanted ...... ;.S7-A Philadelphia at Boston. tightens restrictions'op dipping. Situations Wanted—Fem ale...... 38 APARTMENTS, FLATS, said Manchester, be and the same Is town and by publishing the same In “Ma” what to do. Situations Wanted—Male • a a.e s s a so assigned for a hearing on the allow­ some newspaper having a circulation employment Agenoles ...... 40 TENEMENTS 63 ance of said accoufit with said estate, In said probate district, within ten Live Stock—Pets—Poaltvy—Tekleles and this Court directs the Trustees days from the date ot.thls order, and Bottle Doge—Birds—Pete ...... 41 FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement on to give publlo notice to all persons return make to this court of the no­ U v Stock— Vehicles ...... 48 interested therein to appear and be tice given. Ponltry and Snppllea ...... 48 Holl street, with all improvemenU>. heard thereon by publishing a copy of WILLIAM S. HYDE (HI Wanted — Pete—Poultry—Stock 44 Apply 31 Birch street or telephone this order in some newspaper having Judge. For Sale' Mlecellaaeoue 6806. a circulation in said District, on or H-2-13-88. ArUolea tor S a le ...... 46 before February 13, 1933, and by post­ 11 ing a copy of this order on the pub Boats and Aoeeasortee ...... 46 FOR RENT—TWO, IHREE and 4 AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD Building Materlala...... 47 lie sign post In the Town where the By NAi; HOLMAN Diamonds— Watches—Jewelry .. 48 room apartments, heat, Janitor deceased last dwelt, five days before at Manchester, within and for the service refrigerator furnished. Cali said day of hearing and return make District of Manchester, on the 11th Star Player, Coach and Author o f electrical Appliances—Radio . . . 49 day of February A. D.. 1933. Fuel and Feed ...... 48-A A rthu r A . K ncfla 5440 or 4181, to this Court. “Winning Basketball” Garden — Farm— Dairy ProdnoU 60 WILLIAM S. HYDE Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., Household Goode ...... 61 875 Main s tr e e t Judge Judge. Machinery and Tools 68 H-2-18-38. Estate of Mary Reardon late of Question—Do yon tionble to Mueloal Instromente ...... 68 FOR RENT—8 ROOM tenement, Manchester, in said District, deceased. trahi a fdayer in the fnn^hunentals 3ffloe and Store Equipment . . . . 64 centrally located, $16 per month. On motion of Elisabeth Reardon of both the forward and guard po­ Specials at the Stores ...... 66 executrix. Wearing Apparel—F h r s ...... 67 .T elep h on e 7550. AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD ORDERED:—That six months from sitions, or do you think It suffi­ Wanted—To Buy ...... 68 at Manchester, within and for tho the 11th day of February, A. D., 1933 cient to drill him In the position FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, District of Manchester, on the 11th Rooms—Board— Hotels—Resorts be and the same are limited and al­ of his choice? renovated, all improvements, steam da> of February, A. D„ 1933. lowed for tbe creditors within which Restaurant. Present W ILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., to bring In their claims against said Answer—All my players are Rooms Without Board ...... 69 heat, w ith ' ga rage. 77 Garden Judge. i estate, and the said executrix is di­ trained to step into any position Boardsra W anted...... 89-A street, telephone 5092 or call 7240. Estate of Dorothy Sharpe, a minor. rected to give publlo notice to the on the court. Ekich is permitted Country Board—Resorts 60 The Guardian having exhibited Its creditors to bring In their claims to play his favorite post when the Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 FOR RENT—6 ROOM FLAT with annual account with said estate to within said time allowed by posting Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 68 conditions are favorable, but as I garage, 17 Walker street Inquire this Court for allowance. It is. a copy of this order on the public Real Estate For Rant ORDERED:—That the 18th day ot sign post nearest to the place where have pointed out proviotialy, be­ Apartments, Flats, Tenementa .. 68 W . M anning, 15 W a lk er street. February, A. D„ 1938, at 9 o’clock the deceased last dwelt within said fo r e th e' game’ starts jth'e players Business Locations tor Rent . . . 64 forenoon, at tbe Probate Office. In town and by publishing the same in are assigned to particular oppo­ Houses Cor Rent ...... 68 FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, 5 said Manchester, bo and the same is some newspaper having a circulation Suburban tor Rent ...... 66 Ridgewood street; garage. Inquire assigned for a hearing on the allow­ In said probate district, within ten nents and ' whenever necessary a Summer Homes for Rent 67 L. Lent!, 178 Parker street. Phone ance of said account with said estate, days from th. date of this order, and Trouble ia apt to bob up meet tall guard may be moved up to a Wanted to R en t...... 68 and this Court directs tbe Guardian return make to this court of the no­ forward berth to cover a bijg for­ 5623. anywhere in a Hi-Ho punle. But * Real Estate For Sals to give pablto notice to all persons tice given. ^ ward In that position or tbe other Apartment Building tor Sale 88 interested therein to appear and be WILLIAM S. HYDE it was uppermost in the letter F Bustnesa Property for Sale . . . * « 70 3 OR 2 ROOM SUITS in new John- heard thereon by publishing a oopy of Judge. as this solution shows. way around. Players are aaslFned Farms and Land tor Sale . . . » > 71 bon Block, facing Main street, very this order In some nwspaper having a H-2-13-83. to opponents and not positions. Houses for S a le ...... Tt circulation in said District, on or be­ Lots for Sale 78 desirable, modem improvements. fore February II, 1988, and by post­ Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 Phone 8726 o r Janitor 7685. ing a oopy ot this order on the public Tbe average American home uses Suburban for S a le ...... 78 sign post in the Town of Manchester, Secretary of A|rlculture Hyde Real Estate tor Bxohange . . . . » « 76 FOR RENm-ULLEY ST. —Neai- five days before said day of hearing milked a cow recently Tor the first artificial light seven hours a day Wanted— Real Estate...... 77 Center, modem five rooms, first and return make to this Court. time in 20 years, and. we wonder If during December and only two and WILLIAM S. HYDE Anctlow—Legal Notlcos floor, steam heat garage. Inquire he noticed any difference in the one-ha^f hours during the month of Legal Notices ...... 98 Judge. June. 21 Earn s tr e e t C all 5661. H-2-18-38. cowe of today and yesterday. (RBAO nnB STOBY. TBEN OOLC« TBB SlOTUMB). “My hands are getting all tired never had such valentines. Bach out” said Windy. ” Gee, without a one la made just right GAS BUGGIES—It Depend! on How You Look By FRANK BECK "A ere is a anmll bme just'out- dou bt Vyt cut a hnXtoed valoi- aldft” Then Soouty vetyv loudiy W VDU WOULDNT tines and pasted thezp up fine. cried, *K>>me on, lads, We w W aaafl X SAVE THOSE ’Tin glad that 1 have lent p h in d th ^ TEeyni be on their mag ta- BOXE5 T O USE AT . IV E HAVE 'TO HUNT SO THIS S O T ‘EM HARD IF VOU^O IS NO 'cause people all around . the land CHRISTMAS TIME., "*ihieh TInyfialte than « r a » a l % AND AS FOR ^ M A 'B O X THROW OUT-A TRASH! are going to get fKcreat when tiny THOSE OLD JUt4,K. WHAT SeCAMi AROUND LITTLE OF ITS reedve a vai^tpae.” atadc. "Rush out laldt, aad iSeR , s t o f f T t i L m> ^ ^ CLOTHES, m CtHAcrs OF OUR E)CTRA UEK.XLL >THAT Then Dunoy. wld,' “Tve done my tuah right back. aaail/; ELECTRICAL , F i ^ 'EM ^TRASHi USE EVERT. share, and done. It wen. ERiy, just aonM more of them," ALL- S IT OF PLAIN FIXTURES. X IN A lode there! IH will with a grin. NEED A » 4M.L^ SECOND SOME count mine, you wfil find the fiagst AiMl then ths maumf JUNK! PLUSl 6 A T . o f aU. T • gan/and, how- Em “We’d, b e ^ m an. tliem right i^ * “We’re busier, aw ay m H flNHk- .up- Em Jtth. today Ddd one. "than w » If .to :• rSmS; .^^t^.deerina' .hadL^’ . tiona, ndw*a do itaia to then Om. Lheaid^'j^, “Hey. Salt a sbdnd that u p . « l through. 1 from the must do," said 6e|i^VrOaM man ^dbou* . help me. It .0* vwy|.ladA:Eam

h im ,. a id s iM d • T h ^ m rs.ttgiflliSe',! W indy The Pm jUSt' M ; ..... ** » 9 • , ...Sh k«i* • - . 'Vi .ir * MiulCHEsrto Hvibrare

sV' QUR BHABtimG ROlSSfi / ToonerviUel^)!]^ f ■* r..*' V V i tT 'V v * '-■i ,.<5 •imm aaa» ■Ait i i:r HAMOl.r-BAR’ ’ HANK HAS TURHi» pOWN' THE JOSPIN t. I TWO-LINE PHILOSOPHY: If tftrevenue tlun other state. The got to have trouble,■■ ~Td^rather * have ■ IhatiJ^tS! a i ^ it is not opposed to a B ro o m ^ianpue factory. a black cat cross myfMSth than a reasonable gasoline tax, provided Mack truck. the revenues are used for road pur­ poses only, but it ii ists that the .AH H&AH,MI8TAH MAjrAU,VO tax should be in proper relation- Henderson: I heard that Marley AM ON A M\lX 'Dtre,AKyOM LL . Y O U , A t h o u s a n d 'ilQdmon had an automobile accl- i^p to the price of gasoline. '•vent. ' A irtr ALLOWSb NUFFIN a irr MtWKf Tlt^ESf TOiEO Jefferson: Yes, he got an ear SURE SOME HELL: St. Peter Naw.-OKT'S ALLTUOKT Fd aM B iea , CH\CKEN ANI> ache from his wife’s back-seat met a motorist at the pearly, and driving. opened the gates wide enough to aU T WHAX VO NSED \4 VICTUAL.6F '^ I S C U y T & ’^ U M -M l permit a glance down the main T E U . y o .w H U T — O t a m e a n o t u H . A •REl=ASnr B T street of Heaven. 'f i e —m the spring a >oung man’s AN Aw’d . sure, but. the ‘FREE A IR ’ sign has been ts^en-down. The American Petroleum Insti­ ro rsBuiot r«t. t«iti tute supplies information about gasoline tax which is* worth think­ ing about For example, say your car runs 12 miles to the gallon of SCORCHY SMITH On the Reef! By John €. Terry gas, and you pay a tax of 2 cents a gallon. The toll is: 1 cent for every 6 miles you trftVtie A s’ cent tax equals 1 cent every 4 miles. RCyOTfiAPP^GS A 4 cent tax equals 1 cent every 5 miles. . Uhttreosm tim up»’ffloqp A 5 cent tax equals 1 cent every M b iiiv s ! &H ^fpfvtdtnf T k a ib 2.4 miles. * A 6 cent tax equals 1 cent every IrkatiinateinSnL'& i*pi^ic 2 miles. tPopiad For the whole United States CtgitQvt OboaoL these penny tolls aggregate neamly JkQMWt desmivMu Aur s'ail. $500,000,000 aimually. Every one of Sbopckv fin d s ittn ^ s ih U . ^ the states has a gasoline tax, the rate varyins^ from 2 to 6 cents. Itd i me ci>idtoneLaouKtand\ The average rate for the country heaningltmcJtitns akiod (n d w last year was 3.35 cents. New York f^(ed3&men ^ stbad iAt astx- consumes the most gas, but its ilieay n^otevithihepi that revenue from the gasoline tax is less than that of Texas, because £NU thi^lhatn»fsiadJaxsufin tie the rate in New York is 2 cents whereas in Texas it is 4 cents. Ohio The shortest way. to bed Is a trio s 'td irin ff tho with a 4 cent tax roUectod' more long stretch. stoop dhoait 2-15 _ . .

/W o r l d WASHINGTON TUBBS U By Crane OUT OUR WAY By Williams flA V O ^

?ot\ee cTmvs HEs'REt l?or ‘*THis eaikO. PAIL lb SOLVG GICANTIC om , TO 1 CAM M r u a V IReASOtSN s v T o o w M A m o PEAO IM PEACE . JttW t niAU T BED M iT^



^ % l i :we — .aauMTeiv.. fi ALONE/«F THOSE VIHO KMEM IHB OOMBiNATION OtP THE SAPS, HAS FAILED TO OfFER AN A Ugl. J , iaa.ai.r4Y.ow.. VA/I4V O H A W L am eariNn wwcaoic. a.i^

SALESMAN SAM A Cagey. Customer! BySoMdl


|‘ ’ i l W c » * |

f i l i n g - FEftMT/

ftiO A R D d N 'r FiLR'iboR f v n m r . kM il s .NCRC.

m y ■ ■ ,'k/ '-.ii;. ■..■.■"T--. .If. eAGB.JW ll.V9 •‘ ‘ • ’ r* .-' '.' , V •■ •;•■•''■ ’

Mffirtiaf t- Dmaat P. wnUMM.of NfwTeek tta, hpmpehr a t y hia raturaad bona after spand- FEW OBSERVE UNCOLN HSBOPlOIiOIK Reemtfoli Center — the’Canouf uounowH ing a few daya with Ua pardats on ______Hudson etreet BOmiDAYlNTOWN Items of InteNst T b o a a s l^ ii AT NO. ______the fattaefiag lT4|Mabar fl8^ Mamorlal Tenn^ No. 88 Pythian Troop No. 11, Girl Booute, are CIMIIIS35IIDIE• » w!ttb Beotdi and sonfs a S BUtara win bold Ita negular maatlnc kuesta of the Juniors of the A m n f Banks and Few Offices Closed The steady attaodaaee ^ ^ tb e Nwry MerMlitli Tternpaay . -at tho tomorrow ovanlnf in Odd Fellowa fean L ea^ auxiUpry at the neetp memhers of tha Raoreatkm ^ te rs aoo enteradned with songs and Aftar tbo ‘dkntr, haU. Bvtry member ia aaked to pro* Ing in the State8' An^rj^ this after- " Today— Schools Keep Open at aU ttie *easnil elaeeee and to o M MOttatleM. ' ^ and fuaitafkaat at tha Tide a valentine for the. exchange to noon. But Have Programs. Co-Adjittor h First Visit eventa and tames, tn ds to show tbs ' . < Oussts whore a aodal ttino follow the buiinees. Setback wUl ittcrssssd uitsrest Diat is being Cblaf OaorM Mllns of the Rook* until nldBigbt alao be played, with priaea for the Loyal Carde of Klngfa Daughters Manchester observed the Wrtoday manifest by those wno bav4 en­ vUlo FIm DMartfiMBt, Cblsf Albert btrs vetod OM I phQrera having the hlgheat and low* will meet this evening at 8 o’clock of Abmham Lincoln in a^<|toet lo s a - Here—Chvdi Filed Fer rolled this past' season. But not F^'Of^eho'iodtb Mfiaeheator Fira. of tho bast h e ld ' eat Boorea. The temple haa been in* in too parlora of the Center Oon- nsr today. Exoept for only bavs ue msmbers mads tbe D o y u tM n t, Asilatant Chiefs Dan* of the South vlted to attend the meeting of gregati&al church. and a tin t business offices, the town fsduties available but the ireneral HeUSatardai. T Damon Temple of Rockvilla tonight, f appeared to be much the same as the CeremoDjr. ihlio has been frequentiity tbe mmmmk at which time Grand Chief Sally B. L. G. Hohentbal, town assessor any other day. llding, partaking in games, ip- Hart will make her official viait and well known building , oontractor, S ooatUutor of Connecti­ turn out to hear Mr. Hohenthal’s ever the opmiog time was avail­ former members of the active eoimt cut, maklBg his first ^rpeareace in pany. A roast turkey dinner wua TdiiKHToW! 600 Yards talk. able. The Sewing Circle of LAdy Roberta Manchester, confirmed the class The membership enrollment at served by. Chef Urbano Osano. Lodge vdll meet tomorrow after­ AUDETAlUiinDT which was presented bF Bev. J. 8. the present time showe 481 mem­ LdeuL Harry Schlldge, of H. and noon at the home of Miaa Rachel The February meeting of the Neill, pastor of the church. bers, not including the boys and L. Co. No. 1 officiated at the ban­ Vickerman, 62 Pearl street. A good North Methodist Church council The memben of the class were as girls clasMS that are c P morrow itftemoon will be postponed ^ The date on which Alexander J. Samuel Frederick Brown, Earle before the season’s closing. With George Hunt who officiated as V Stoddard will address the Educa­ Last Committee Meeijag Fri­ imtil a week from tomorrow. James Slnnamon, Jiunes Edward many new added featurea installed toastmaster during the evening. tional aub at the High school hall Downing, George Elmore Briggs, for the members’ benefit this sea- Prlntfpal Qolmby Speaker is February 20, a week from to­ A meeting of the Blueflelds'Athle- day Nij^-^Expect Large Charles Jerome Davidson, Woodrow ion tbe Recreation Ckpters can feel Clarenn P. <^mt^, principal of night instead of this week as stated Thomas Trotter, Sherwood Joseph jiuitified t in stating that they are toe Blancheater High school was tic club ia called for this evening at Saturday by mistake. 7:80 at the home o t John Strufl, 155 Holland, Horace Victor Cordy, God­ ter qualified and equipped to the guest speaker of toe. eveninz McKee street All memberr are urg­ Attendance. frey Thomas Hunter, Victor Hunter, serve their members than many and be brought an .interesting anc largsr institotions, for tbe very ed to be present A social will fol- There will be a regular meeting Dorothy Caroline Schrelber, Mae instructive message n bis descrip­ of the Ladles’ Amdliary of the A. O. Emily Smith, Elizabeth Goslee, Dor­ sm all fees aSfited. Be odovlnced tion of toe life of Elisha Cobb, an 1 7 the business. Inspecting tbe wonderful facilities H. at 8 o’clock tonight at the home The final meeting of the Masonic othy Anderson, Eleanor Florence Xmerlcan seaman, v* went be­ o f M rs. M ary F i t ^ t r i c k a t 11 and to date eqtttpment available During the snow storm Satiuday Ball committee was held Friday Howard, Ruth GleUys Cross, Doris fore toe mast at toe age 18 as a South Main street ^hlnson Bolen, Madolin Fnuces and find a place on to fit cook on a “wind-jammer” and who and the work of clearing of the night and every detail of this out­ your needs. This is e time to pre- streets that followed, snow piled so CuUln, Emily Elizabeth Robinson, commanded bis own ship at 20. The Young Peoide’a Legion of the standing social event to be held Fri­ Teresa Lenore Britton, Dorothy Sln­ I>are yourself for an active future Mr. Quimby showed in to** inter­ deep along the trolley rails on Main by attending the gym classes or street that one ot the trolley cars Salvation Army win hold the regu­ day night haa been attended to. The namon, Vivian May Little, Doris esting story a t toe life of Elisba lar meeting Wednesday night iu the Bernice B other, Mk^RU^at Irene W il­ game periods or improve your went off the rails and blocked the armory wilt be transformed into a swimming by taking the proj^r in­ Cobb, toe American sea-captam, 9 36 inches street It looked as though there citadel. The leaders of the meeting son, Dorothy Martha Washington toe necessity in toose early days o t will be Barbara Van Deuaen, Bea­ beautiful Is^oom , artistically struction under capable instructors. was going to be a long holdup of Bowers, Margaret Elizabeth Me- persistence, coupled ito strength f trice Arnold and ESsie Johnston. decorated throughout. The orches- The opportimlty for golfers to im­ traffic. The motorman telephoned to .tra platform will resemble a palm Caughey, Doris Irene > Stevenson, prove their driving game before xhe of chiuracter and fortitude in tbe # Color-fast Hartford for a wrecker. Policemen Dorothy May Benson, Ruth Lilly face of circufostances that would Bh^er Ready Circle of King’s garden and the floor will be recondi­ outdoor season opens is now pos­ Raymond Griffin and Rudolph Wir- tioned for the occasion. Britton and Elizabeth Cotton Cross. sible, Ity using tbe indoor go't prac­ have beaten a lAss forceful man. twiift looked over the situation. They Daughters wlU meet tomorrow eve­ Bishop Budlong, in his sermon, The message was intended to show # floral patterns ning at 7:45 In the directors’ room The advance sale ot tickets indi­ tice n e t thought differently. With the motor- cates that a large crowd will be on took his text from Matthew,' 23rd A spedal class under the direc­ that present-dfiy civilization does •< . of the Whiton Memorial library. not exact such requirements from # • ^ * man bsu:k at the controller and with hand. Arrangements have been chapter, S7th verse, which reads: “O tion of Frank Hollister for -tbose The hostesses wiU be M rs. Thomas indivlduXls, yet there is stffi need a crowbar being worked by the two made to serve all who attend •* one Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that who are interested in apparatus, #F or schod and Burbank, Mrs. H. A. Cook, Miss of strength of character and per­ policemen, who have had railro^ sitting and the menu provlttod by Idllest the prophets, and stonetb tumbling, pyramid building is now home frocks Mabel Lanphear, Miss Ida Holbrook, sonal bravery from such as fire de­ experience, the car was guided back the Sheridan ^ consist of 'frozen them which are sent unto thee, how available. onto the rails. When the wrecker Miss Henrietta Devon, Miss Flora often would I have gathered thy partment members when occasion StaiAey, Mrs. C. F. McCormick. fruit salad, potato chips and cake . Special dumbells for weight-lift­ ^arrived from Hartford about an hour and coffee. The waiters will be children together, even as a hen ing instruction are now on band, needs. Praises L. N. Heebner later they could find no car to put members of the Masons. gathereth her chickens under her the weight of them being 45 Mothers! Get busy now and make school frocks for toe kid­ The February group of the La­ Frank Cbeney, Jr., a member of back onto the rails. A canopy will extend from the wings, and ye would hot!” pounds, '75 pounds and 145, pounds. dies and new spring home frocks for yourself. Fine quality cot-, dies’ Aid sodety of the ' orth toe company^ since its origination, street to the main entrance ot the AJycne interested is welcome to ton prints in neat floral designs. Color-fast. 86. inches wide. Police Commlsifioner John Methodist chtuch will hold a food eulogized toe late Captain L^ -N . Armory. Csurs will be able to drive attrad the class which is held on 600 jnards on s^e tomorrow at a very, very low prlce-rlOc yard. Hackett, of Buckland, will start by sale Wednesday afternoon at 2 up and a door man will assist Thuhtoay evenings at 8 o’clock. Heetaer, who. he said, was toe AJro rayon alpaca, chalUes and chambray Included. automobile tomorrow morning to o’clock in the Coughlin building. S. A . BANDMASTER Then there is the running track to predominant inspiration of. toe couples from the car. Ample park- drive to Daytona Beach, Fla., where Depot Square. They wiU have the develop the wind, boxing classes for members for many years and who At HALE’S Yard Goods-JSatai Floor, left mg space wiu be provided at the he will spend about two weeks. He iisual array of baked beans and all around exercises, and a new had given much of his time and rear of the armory and drivers oan HERE FOR WEEK END will be accompanied on the trip by home cooked foods. Mrs. Leonard piece of equipment is the ,b|cvcle thought In toe interest-, of hia David Daily of Ekut Hartford. It Dart, chairman, will be assisted by park in the area with safety, as it machine which is being made use will be lighted and wCU guarded. lopted town. is not the intention of Mr. Hackett Mrs. A. P. Lydall, Mrs. Henry Major William Broughton, Fa­ of by many Rec members to William C. Cheney ga-e an Inteiv Smith, Mrs. Arthur Starkweather Drivers will oe able to enter the hall to remain long m Flbrida this year. mous A r m y Musician, Guest strengthen leg and stomach He will travel by easy stages both and Mrs. Mary Shaw. through the rear door to the men’s muscles. For recreation other than' going and returning. He expects cloak room. At the CitadeL gymnastics the following shames are that he may be in Florida in time to The Manchester Garden club will ’The ladies will enter the main en­ available. Ping Pong. Pool, Bowl­ see the attempt that will be made to meet this evening at 7:30 at the Y. trance. The ladies cloak room will Major William Broughton, band­ ing, Cards and Cnieckers, as well as break the world speed record by M. C. A. At 8 o’clock a practical be on the second floor adjacent to master of the Salvation Army Staff Dancing. Malcolm Campbell. talk on “Planting for Permanency” the rest rooms which will be out­ Band of NeW'York City, and one of All toe classes and facilities are will be given by R. C. Stephens of fitted with loungtog chairs and the outstmiding miisiciaii-compbsers open for public inspection at- all Mrs. Lawrence W. Case and Mrs. the Millane Nurseries, Middletown. mirrors. Attendants will be on hand ot the Salvation. Anny in Anibrica times, and if you are interested, Howard Layton, of Highland Park, Members are urged to invite their to assist the ladles in removing was the guest' speaker at the Week­ more information will be gladly are spending a few days at Chal- friends. The meeting will be held in their wraps. Mrs. Mary Taylor, and end Salvation Army,services in the given by -itoer Associate Director fonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, the social room of the first floor. her assistants will register the citadel yeatertiay. Tjbe Si^atloh ^Ctnide Fennerty or Director Elmo : : New Jersey. guests. Army band under Majoi^ Broughton's pYank Busch. Enroll now. S t MargaKt’,8 CSrcle, Daughters The gentlemen’s cloak room will direction p la j^ sevehaJ of the bet­ B attle BaU Eka«etljr CttstMuers Manchester lodge of Masons will of Isabella, will meet tomorrow be in the basement adjacent to the ter-known compositions by the Staff The public is ttnvited to attend Representative shopped the *‘Self<4Serve’*'alone d o r ^ onr^ t h m ’day hold a regular communication at the evening at 7:30 in the K. of C. club- rest room . Bandmaster induding “Songs of the the demonstration of toe new game Masonic Temple tomorrow night room s. Couifles will be escorted into the E van^,” “Faith of Our Fathera”, a called Battle.Ball. This is to ' be Anniversary Sale last wigek! P ^ f ’'bnougR that Lodge will open at 7:30 and the en­ ballroom by members of the floor new compositiott, and the popular held on Thursday evening at toe Mrs. Lucille May^ fire looking to Hale’s for tBlues! tered apprentice degree will be The regular meeting of \nderson- committee. Cushionec benches will “American Melodies” all ot which East Side recrtatlon building start­ *Thl8 figure deea not Indude customers shopping the HeeiRi worked. Shea post auxiliary ^ 1 take place surroimd the hall and punch will be have been played many times at the ing at 8 o ’clo(dE. This gam e is an will be in pur Joliet Goods M ark et ‘ ^ tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock at served m the four comers of the mupidpal band concerts in Center InvenUan. of toe Dexter Bros. Boat The condition of Mrs. George H the State Armory. ballroom by the Rainbow Girls. Co. a'^Manchester. firm ‘md can be Department all week. Allen of Blast Center street who is P a r ^ ’ Balers Local-Striotly Fresh Major Broughton began a busy played by anyone with very little wintering in St. Petersburg, Flor­ Victor Davies of South Manches­ space required, but with very much ida, is somewhat improved. Mrs. day yesterday with a talk to tbe ter was elected president of the State HEAR OF MISSIONARY children at the company meeting in good derived from it for condition­ Allen, who is ill with pneumonia, is Hi-Y at the closing session of the EGGS (large) doz. the morning and abso spoke to the ing, toe space of toe playing surface 2 1 ^ expected to pass the crisis tomor- two-day conference held in Hart­ is only 8 by 16 feet and a paddle is Two good ones for every dejected one—that Is if yoa adults at the Holiness meeting. He . LUCKY NAME WINS rbw. Doctors and memb^s of her ford, Ftlday and Saturday. Thomas LIFE IN SOUTH AFRICA held in toe hand with toe'game be­ should find on^! They’re goarahteed! was in charge of the musical 'service family* now lope for her complete Curtin of Hartford was elected as ing played over a net 12 inches $3 ELMO SET. ' recovery. Miss Lilly Toung, a vice-president. in the afternoon at wUch meeting high. special selections by the bud, song­ CUDAHY’S LEAN SMOKED friend of the Allens and wha makes Mrs. Rossa Brooking’s Speaks Community Dance ' With every purchase of Elmo her home with them in the-South is Hose Companies No. 1 and No. 4 sters and quartet were rendered. The Connecticut Ambassadors also recovering following a cerebral Before Epworth League On Major Broughton alao held a special products this week, yovir name answered a box alarm from Box 24, Daughter’s Experiences. under the,direction of Sam Rogers hemorrhage attack. r oper Hill and West stoeet for a meeting at 6 o’clock last night for have been re-engaged to play for will be entered making you eligi­ Shoulders chimney fire in the home of Frank members of the band and songsters, this week’s Community dance to be ble to win toe 33 Elmo Set. Set Small, lean and shankless! All reservations for the Golden A most interesting meeting was and gave them an Interesting Ac­ held on Friday night, Feb. 17 with Colgrove, 109 Cooper Hill street, at held by the Epworth League of the consists of cucumber cream, tis­ Rule luncheon at the Second Con- 5 p. m. yesterday ^tem oon. The fire count of his work among the bands dancing fronr .8:30 to 12 p. m. HALE^ FAMOUS ”BED BAG” grregational church Bblday at 1 p. South Methodist church last night, sue cream and cqld cream. Name was extinguish^ without damage and songsters in the Eastern Terri­ Many requests for favorite songs m. should be made to Mrs. Charles the fourth in a series of mission­ tory as Band and Songster’ Secre­ to the building. to be played have been madj and will be drawn Saturday night and J. Strickland by -tpmorrow eve­ ary topics being presented Ufider tary. Director Frank Busto, to satisfy announced in next Monday’s C o £ £ d 0 J ning. The affair iS; under the aus­ the' direction of Shiriey Richmond; The evening service was in charge Memorial Lodge K. of P. degree the demands, will make this week’s Herald. pices of the Women’s League and second,vice president Mrs. Rossa of the-Staff Bandmaster and'he drew dance ah All Request Number af­ Fresh greiind or in bean! U’s wonderful coffee at a real'M # for the promotion of church work team will go to East Hartford to­ Brookings was the speaker a^d de­ price! > , morrow niight where they wi'l from hia long service in the various fair, but toe requests must be in _ i , A similar luncheon held last month scribed experiences of h daugh­ Salvation Army musical org^miza- toe Recreation oHice (east side) not .Main Floor, righh proved a success. work the first rank decree on can­ ter, MiM Anne Brookings, a teach­ OLD DUTCH / didates for E3m Lodge of that tlons, many interest^ episodes of later tlum Tburs^y at 6 o’clock.- er in one of the native schools in Tbe requests.given in must be In place. They will leave Depot this important phase of the Salva­ A brief business meeting of the South Africa. writix^ with toose requesting toe Square at 7:30. tion Army program. Democratic Women’s club will take Reading excerpts from her numbers, giving, their naiqes. Cleanser 3 cans place Wednesday afternoon at 1:45 daughter’s letters, Mrs. Brookings Ping Pong Tournament W. J. Moore of Bucklaiid, who Chases dirt! at the home of Mrs. T. Brosnan, told of the life, of African natives. In some of toe first bracket has b ^ in Miami, Fla., for the WICKES DRUG STORE 38 Hudson street. A card party will She described a visit to the gold matches