Report of State Officers, Board and Committees to the General
REPORTSND A RESOLUTIONS OFHE T General A ssembly OPHE T STATEF O SOUTH CAROLINA ATHE T REGULAR S ESSION COMMENCING NOVEMBER 27, 1888. VOLUME 1 . PRINTEDY B ORDER OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. i * COLUMBIA, S . C. JAMES. H WOODROW, STATE PRINTER. 1889. TWENTIETH A NNUAL REPORT OFHE T STATE S UPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION OFHE T STATEF O SODTH CAROLINA. 1888. LETTERF O TRANSMITTAL. STATEP O SOUTH CAROLINA, Executive Department, Office of State Superintendent of Education, Columbia, November 1st, 1888. Hon. John Peter Richardson, Governor of South Carolina. Sib : I e nclose the Twentieth Annual Report of the Department of Education, and have tho honor to ask that it be forwarded to the General Assembly. Very r espectfully, JAMES. H RICE, Superintendent of Education. M125283 :r,:e:po:r,t. IjJJ) t ile 'Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives ■••.••••• of the State of South Carolina: GSn&lemen : I h ave visited every County in the Stato since Janu- aryj.J$38. This has been accomplished only by a very large outlay •of time and money, but it has afforded me exceptional opportunities for observing the entire field. I am thus not dependent upon the reports of the Commissioners alone, but am enabled to see and judge for myself of the character of the work done, and of the necessities of the situation for the future. I met a very large number of the County Boards, and I hope have brought them into harmonious and intelli gent co-operation with our central work. When our officers and people realize that our common schools are a system, every step in which is a creature of law, and every regulation to be faithfully executed, our development will be rapid and permanent.
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