8A|Oat-Tt-Anis B Sas- Fcbded for W
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• ^ >iii* '• •Ke,* - m ir V'// v-'*.r‘ '•■*'f’/ *>rf. • ,V'a m l I'^'i v~.- -■» ».-~- '-•>V« » ■'.<>*' . , 7 ^ w ^ .r .r * A.-1 .^A*r/t •v?<7 •. • ' . H • _ ? i 7* • t '‘f ^Vf}. •;%t ^ • *.V i W'! N O . 1 0 8 . M ftft UL|; ' y j 'r y''A Via- •fUf: fy .-^ y ••’, • . -ro^'. * •■ >*-s*'l->’: -■r J?)??l- r'A .'/, ^,., Vi__ V- .;> • .x: i'' i ■ w jr tke^vld^lyrribottt. n , ^T^iiJor at iO ty ' S A l ^ O i p ri^ o iih o r7(i*j^ ' tile, girl’s . grie^itiliflMa 'ilim ^ (l^ei^ ip> if etivitt 1 -ragrirtiRieui; '-letteli' W 'i calls wfitbh^ti^tica'^M 8a| oat-tt-A n is b Sas- TO PROBE UnO N S Repwit CoiliiiM h ftirt'' the afiitlant' mi|bt' hatA been' a':maiuam lO ss O'Ocnmor,. 4 fCBded For W #ggThat fori llid DeraDoate CuH ,R bck)u»aj P a rk U|A sjBhtxfi hon>. OFiUlECEDENVO? or.stqdeat' And beauty, contest Se-SinflielM 'H b re Are Not Maiqr wliin«v was 15 years 'Edd. Her t Bot Agree, E ^ e a lif Ob bmtyi .found in a wooded section .-t; iof bong Bdand,' indicated-that OetRacklsfli Crbob” hU.S.C«ifress. Seiator RoUdsob Wants To She bad been brutaS^ stain while, ObmObb ef jBi^edips. •realsting a would-be attacker,. Her parenta, Mr; and Mrs. James; BoalMFriiidik, FSb. 4-^(AP)—^ She was eentenesd to. six montba WlMddogton, Fab. 4.—(AP)—The Know What W. C. BdEtt b D’Oonnqr, nrc Shewn in • thSif Mnk liWMidne *lL;9siuSi^'W lte of rigorouij Iniprisoiteieto te. Akmedi^ Hartford,. FM>. 4.—(AP)—The home^ with! , th eir son. Ja c k , 10. the lldttweA iBiadM, was nnested BensWa 78*yaarHdd aergeant-at- bad M astit l k IM S, Mdy^toin woSki| question at patronage, parttculariy tedity nf'til* riltefs of. Ris: anas, David S. Bany, was under Doiaf h Enrope. The (dwris sninst her wss not after a pierioos tocarestetlgn of six in refere^ t o - the judge- ■uapenilon todajr—auqMnded for nuMle pttelle. nils-is weeks. She had asked titet her ships, has taken on an the aspects writing a magazine artiele accualng toe tbifd time She hss been arrested eariier term be made longer but her Washington, Feb. l .—(AP)—In of an unsolved Jigsaw puzzlA in the past thirteen months. request was denied. Sbe-deMribed '' ■ ' some members of Congress of ac> Mri. Gandhi left Attmedabad two her experienoes • te JAQ as' "very cepting bribea vestigation by the State Depart A week ago, the question upper- Wsitoiiigton, F^. 4 (AP) ment of the activities aljroad of naost in the minds of .LegUlators days ago for the QQlerat interkir happy.” He was rem old from bis familiar with n group' qC 'wdoaen foQowen The Mahatma's-w ife also was a Xdblf Hitter's govw niteit is m^sdby William C. Bullitt has been formal was: "What azo Senate Dezmcrats chair next to the Senate's presiding going to do about rthe Judgeship with the avo«^ isteotion of orgah- leader te a' movement against li^ui^ ;0d :hgr tetomational obsKvsrs; , to officer after a public trial. Final ly requested by Senator Robinson resolutions?" tifith the close of an iring .Womente National Congress toops. She Jeteed t e p*"*'**^?! stort a Vigorous judgment will be passed next Tuea* (R., Bid.). other l^telatlve week, the doml' demmistratioiri. ' v ' ! liquor shops and wwtthpbugb toP>mr (3en«va for return of tbs day. Robinson wants Bullitt arreste< shop areas steglflk' tongs'against m one of the most unusual scenes nant question appeared to be: '*Can under the Logan Act if he is fOund Democrats intact their Mrs. Oandbi'hns been aiL Active drink. Cternian cteoiUM—a step vfiiidi in Oongresalonal history, Barry was -to be n^tlating on war debts eader te her hultiand’s canqpa^, : Her kuiband has been in Jail near stir up ths sntirs msnitete called before the Senate bar yester* one vote control of the Sh»kte?" That act, passed in 1799, prohibits against British nto te IndiA Poona for more than a year for rt- in tb s Lesffus of N stio te ;S ^ tiurdw- day. He acknowledged writing , the unauthorised discussions with for The importance attached to the patronage question was refiected was arrested twice in the last year fueteg to call dff his dieebedienGe additional light on toa .styus M article, admitted he had no evidence, eign governments. for participation In the dlSobedieace cam p^. She visited Urn when but asserted his bdief that his arti by the large crop of reports, w- tha squatorial isimwlB te th s .P a n ^ SmDar demands were made in movement of toe .NationaUats. sto was released. tiandated to.^fitysn. cle was true. i the Sepate Thursday by Robinson, mom, conjectures and gubeniatori- The article in question pub al statomauts issued during what JSaa question te the sfoids ^^ to f From the Democratic leader, Rob German, Fascist teadsr and lished under Barry's name in the inson of Arkansas, came a rdtera- was otherwise a quiet legislative at week. of other powers; te mdial current issue the New Outlocdc tion of a denial by Prerident-elect mlgd^t. be uf .the ***y*vff* which is edited by Alfred B. Smith. Rumors of "Break" Roosevelt that Bullitt was repre FLORIDA THRONCS ONE DEAD, 4 HURT Jityan tarry but hszv threat of Its title was "Over the Hill To senting him in Europe. The greatest stir resulted from a / Demagoguery." rumor that the Senate Democratic tog from, toe League. , . In a letter to Secmtary Stimson, ..The American govefnzzieni^is psi^ Among its statements was this: Robinson of Indiana said Bullit: group was threatened w ir the de- "Oontnury to popular belief, there fectioii of one at its members. CREErROOSEmT .iicuterly tetersated te.thafiitivs «it was retried '.o have had dlscus- toe islands beteiuse of thteir astetesas are not many crooks In Congoess. alons with officials of the French From Governor CroiiS came tiie te . Guam, toe PblttppIZMa . and That is out and out grafters." philosophical rqmark "I should and'British governments on war HawaiL^ ./ LaOuarOa Aroused debts. ^ worry*’ when l^e was told of the re The attention of Congress was Actions Barmfiil port. that the unity of the Demo Preiridwt'lkct Mato Brief h Islands first csUed to the srtlcle by Repre The "The activities of this man, as cratic Senate group was threaten three groupaupa known as tbs sentative LaOuardls of New York, reported," Robinson said, "aro ex- ed. who said in the House Barry should nas, the Ooioiroiteer and tba tremd:^ harmful to the best inter He added: “Maggots be mag- Speedi' Before T r j y To Rim a Bhalle, were znMdated .to Ji be forced to tell the names of mem ests of the people of the United gote." ^ bers who have accepted bribes. ‘the League, of Nationa.aiid States and in utter defiance of Con Earlier in the week the governor an>arent Intention tet'rei In the Senate chamber, under the issued another statement denying Tw Day Vacatioo. Blodbde I b tile West gress u d its enactments." islands as spette of t stem questioning of some of the The Logan Act foriiids unauthor reports that during a conference at Senate’s most able legal minds, with Senate Democrats he had as her posittea at ised miasions or . agents to carry on arooaed muto teteteot Aaff Barry gave hesitating and some negotiations with any fOreigp pow sured this group he Would name JacksonSrllle, Fla., Feb. 4.—(AP) Des'Moiiiea ^i-Feb* b-rCAP) — what oonfilctlng answers. concern. Observers genisAlty bAys ers ccmcemlng questions whk are Democrats to Impoitimt commis- —Laufiphteg upen hla last vacation One Farmek wias near death te been aeckiaar uiidit « i toe Lsagaete Part of the time he contendejd the sionerShlps now held by Republic in dispute, and prOrides a fine of before' ‘assuming toe presidisney Sioux city, tewa, hosplte^ :and at, attitude te toe znatter. ' article did not convey his meaning. 15,000 and three years Imprison ans. In ekchmige, the reports said, Then again he insisted it was true, MSrdh 4, FtnaUte D. RoOsevelt ar leyt four otttete Were^ euffertiy Denials that Jiqpan Asa aecri^ ment for violations. the govempr expected Senate Dem DuUdteg a ziayaj- ti s s oA ■OBa .c f.iflh but he said he could not name any t o gunahot wounds asi debt-laden George Washington’s secretary ocrats support hiS l^dative rived here todsy to^begln a ten-day triaads have beea inadabF ttts members at Congress who had taken program. nltiiriOiBtS > tod fy. 0 of state, Timothy J. 'lackering, weub cruise dtem toe I^rida coast. aaese del^fatee te GtenebA And; bribes. instrumental in having Congress Concerning this reporied . agree Iteifc ,to Leg^itetures ■ and once he said his purpose was "to ment, however, the governor , said: Alighting from a speciai train that tot. stiief. high offieiiy I^Tokyo. pass the act in 1799 to prevent Dr. tore him fto°* the "tittle White defend the Senate from a popular George A Philadelphia *N6 atten d was made by the Rnr* ' It D. Mark! beUaf that teere are crootas and Htnue” a t .Wtiom S, D^, was ee ter.ol^ibe^«ayy.'tiii>.aaMr ' QiMker, from carry^ cm paS^ ate group or by me to ezsjQt a; FretidentpSlect^ A y gyeMKl, to S/ srafters here." neHttlations with FipioetL«ftir ~ >ledge. Of promise as to our ref^ik^ htetiiM;sons, loiter when^ hud pressed he re- PoBtetitteAv .pontetewl.'^ tetate and nbot-wben ruttte'1 Tiffik"'«fi(iisnii~il tn'' ~ l o < # i a ^ toafcyi w ere fa Pickerii^ himsdlf violated th e ^ t ' ‘3 think It is true.** ‘ UnditeilMAyily oytiU sst eltiss, Mr.