• ^ >iii* '• •Ke,* - m ir V'// v-'*.r‘ '•■*'f’/ *>rf. • ,V'a m l I'^'i v~.- -■» ».-~- '-•>V« » ■'.<>*' . , 7 ^ w ^ .r .r * A.-1 .^A*r/t •v?<7 •. • ' . H • _ ? i 7* • t '‘f ^Vf}. •;%t ^ • *.V i W'! N O . 1 0 8 . M ftft UL|; ' y j 'r y''A Via- •fUf: fy .-^ y ••’, • . -ro^'. * •■ >*-s*'l->’: -■r J?)??l- r'A .'/, ^,., Vi__ V- .;> • .x: i'' i ■ w jr tke^vld^lyrribottt. n , ^T^iiJor at iO ty ' S A l ^ O i p ri^ o iih o r7(i*j^ ' tile, girl’s . grie^itiliflMa 'ilim ^ (l^ei^ ip> if etivitt 1 -ragrirtiRieui; '-letteli' W 'i calls wfitbh^ti^tica'^M 8a| oat-tt-A n is b Sas- TO PROBE UnO N S Repwit CoiliiiM h ftirt'' the afiitlant' mi|bt' hatA been' a':maiuam lO ss O'Ocnmor,. 4 fCBded For W #ggThat fori llid DeraDoate CuH ,R bck)u»aj P a rk U|A sjBhtxfi hon>. OFiUlECEDENVO? or.stqdeat' And beauty, contest Se-SinflielM 'H b re Are Not Maiqr wliin«v was 15 years 'Edd. Her t Bot Agree, E ^ e a lif Ob bmtyi .found in a wooded section .-t; iof bong Bdand,' indicated-that OetRacklsfli Crbob” hU.S.C«ifress. Seiator RoUdsob Wants To She bad been brutaS^ stain while, ObmObb ef jBi^edips. •realsting a would-be attacker,. Her parenta, Mr; and Mrs. James; BoalMFriiidik, FSb. 4-^(AP)—^ She was eentenesd to. six montba WlMddogton, Fab. 4.—(AP)—The Know What W. C. BdEtt b D’Oonnqr, nrc Shewn in • thSif Mnk liWMidne *lL;9siuSi^'W lte of rigorouij Iniprisoiteieto te. Akmedi^ Hartford,. FM>. 4.—(AP)—The home^ with! , th eir son. Ja c k , 10. the lldttweA iBiadM, was nnested BensWa 78*yaarHdd aergeant-at- bad M astit l k IM S, Mdy^toin woSki| question at patronage, parttculariy tedity nf'til* riltefs of. Ris: anas, David S. Bany, was under Doiaf h Enrope. The (dwris sninst her wss not after a pierioos tocarestetlgn of six in refere^ t o - the judge- ■uapenilon todajr—auqMnded for nuMle pttelle. nils-is weeks. She had asked titet her ships, has taken on an the aspects writing a magazine artiele accualng toe tbifd time She hss been arrested eariier term be made longer but her Washington, Feb. l .—(AP)—In­ of an unsolved Jigsaw puzzlA in the past thirteen months. request was denied. Sbe-deMribed '' ■ ' some members of Congress of ac> Mri. Gandhi left Attmedabad two her experienoes • te JAQ as' "very cepting bribea vestigation by the State Depart­ A week ago, the question upper- Wsitoiiigton, F^. 4 (AP) ment of the activities aljroad of naost in the minds of .LegUlators days ago for the QQlerat interkir happy.” He was rem old from bis familiar with n group' qC 'wdoaen foQowen The Mahatma's-w ife also was a Xdblf Hitter's govw niteit is m^sdby William C. Bullitt has been formal­ was: "What azo Senate Dezmcrats chair next to the Senate's presiding going to do about rthe Judgeship with the avo«^ isteotion of orgah- leader te a' movement against li^ui^ ;0d :hgr tetomational obsKvsrs; , to officer after a public trial. Final ly requested by Senator Robinson resolutions?" tifith the close of an­ iring .Womente National Congress toops. She Jeteed t e p*"*'**^?! stort a Vigorous judgment will be passed next Tuea* (R., Bid.). other l^telatlve week, the doml' demmistratioiri. ' v ' ! liquor shops and wwtthpbugb toP>mr (3en«va for return of tbs day. Robinson wants Bullitt arreste< shop areas steglflk' tongs'against m one of the most unusual scenes nant question appeared to be: '*Can under the Logan Act if he is fOund Democrats intact their Mrs. Oandbi'hns been aiL Active drink. Cternian cteoiUM—a step vfiiidi in Oongresalonal history, Barry was -to be n^tlating on war debts eader te her hultiand’s canqpa^, : Her kuiband has been in Jail near stir up ths sntirs msnitete called before the Senate bar yester* one vote control of the Sh»kte?" That act, passed in 1799, prohibits against British nto te IndiA Poona for more than a year for rt- in tb s Lesffus of N stio te ;S ^ tiurdw- day. He acknowledged writing , the unauthorised discussions with for­ The importance attached to the patronage question was refiected was arrested twice in the last year fueteg to call dff his dieebedienGe additional light on toa .styus M article, admitted he had no evidence, eign governments. for participation In the dlSobedieace cam p^. She visited Urn when but asserted his bdief that his arti­ by the large crop of reports, w- tha squatorial isimwlB te th s .P a n ^ SmDar demands were made in movement of toe .NationaUats. sto was released. tiandated to.^fitysn. cle was true. i the Sepate Thursday by Robinson, mom, conjectures and gubeniatori- The article in question pub­ al statomauts issued during what JSaa question te the sfoids ^^ to f From the Democratic leader, Rob­ German, Fascist teadsr and lished under Barry's name in the inson of Arkansas, came a rdtera- was otherwise a quiet legislative at week. of other powers; te mdial current issue the New Outlocdc tion of a denial by Prerident-elect mlgd^t. be uf .the ***y*vff* which is edited by Alfred B. Smith. Rumors of "Break" Roosevelt that Bullitt was repre­ FLORIDA THRONCS ONE DEAD, 4 HURT Jityan tarry but hszv threat of Its title was "Over the Hill To senting him in Europe. The greatest stir resulted from a / Demagoguery." rumor that the Senate Democratic tog from, toe League. , . In a letter to Secmtary Stimson, ..The American govefnzzieni^is psi^ Among its statements was this: Robinson of Indiana said Bullit: group was threatened w ir the de- "Oontnury to popular belief, there fectioii of one at its members. CREErROOSEmT .iicuterly tetersated te.thafiitivs «it was retried '.o have had dlscus- toe islands beteiuse of thteir astetesas are not many crooks In Congoess. alons with officials of the French From Governor CroiiS came tiie te . Guam, toe PblttppIZMa . and That is out and out grafters." philosophical rqmark "I should and'British governments on war HawaiL^ ./ LaOuarOa Aroused debts. ^ worry*’ when l^e was told of the re­ The attention of Congress was Actions Barmfiil port. that the unity of the Demo­ Preiridwt'lkct Mato Brief h Islands first csUed to the srtlcle by Repre­ The "The activities of this man, as cratic Senate group was threaten­ three groupaupa known as tbs sentative LaOuardls of New York, reported," Robinson said, "aro ex- ed. who said in the House Barry should nas, the Ooioiroiteer and tba tremd:^ harmful to the best inter­ He added: “Maggots be mag- Speedi' Before T r j y To Rim a Bhalle, were znMdated .to Ji be forced to tell the names of mem­ ests of the people of the United gote." ^ bers who have accepted bribes. ‘the League, of Nationa.aiid States and in utter defiance of Con­ Earlier in the week the governor an>arent Intention tet'rei In the Senate chamber, under the issued another statement denying Tw Day Vacatioo. Blodbde I b tile West gress u d its enactments." islands as spette of t stem questioning of some of the The Logan Act foriiids unauthor­ reports that during a conference at Senate’s most able legal minds, with Senate Democrats he had as­ her posittea at ised miasions or . agents to carry on arooaed muto teteteot Aaff Barry gave hesitating and some­ negotiations with any fOreigp pow­ sured this group he Would name JacksonSrllle, Fla., Feb. 4.—(AP) Des'Moiiiea ^i-Feb* b-rCAP) — what oonfilctlng answers. concern. Observers genisAlty bAys ers ccmcemlng questions whk are Democrats to Impoitimt commis- —Laufiphteg upen hla last vacation One Farmek wias near death te been aeckiaar uiidit « i toe Lsagaete Part of the time he contendejd the sionerShlps now held by Republic­ in dispute, and prOrides a fine of before' ‘assuming toe presidisney Sioux city, tewa, hosplte^ :and at, attitude te toe znatter. ' article did not convey his meaning. 15,000 and three years Imprison­ ans. In ekchmige, the reports said, Then again he insisted it was true, MSrdh 4, FtnaUte D. RoOsevelt ar­ leyt four otttete Were^ euffertiy Denials that Jiqpan Asa aecri^ ment for violations. the govempr expected Senate Dem­ DuUdteg a ziayaj- ti s s oA ■OBa .c f.iflh but he said he could not name any t o gunahot wounds asi debt-laden George Washington’s secretary ocrats support hiS l^dative rived here todsy to^begln a ten-day triaads have beea inadabF ttts members at Congress who had taken program. nltiiriOiBtS > tod fy. 0 of state, Timothy J. 'lackering, weub cruise dtem toe I^rida coast. aaese del^fatee te GtenebA And; bribes. instrumental in having Congress Concerning this reporied . agree­ Iteifc ,to Leg^itetures ■ and once he said his purpose was "to ment, however, the governor , said: Alighting from a speciai train that tot. stiief. high offieiiy I^Tokyo. pass the act in 1799 to prevent Dr. tore him fto°* the "tittle White defend the Senate from a popular George A Philadelphia *N6 atten d was made by the Rnr* ' It D. Mark! beUaf that teere are crootas and Htnue” a t .Wtiom S, D^, was ee ter.ol^ibe^«ayy.'tiii>.aaMr ' QiMker, from carry^ cm paS^ ate group or by me to ezsjQt a; FretidentpSlect^ A y gyeMKl, to S/ srafters here." neHttlations with FipioetL«ftir ~ >ledge. Of promise as to our ref^ik^ htetiiM;sons, loiter when^ hud pressed he re- PoBtetitteAv .pontetewl.'^ tetate and nbot-wben ruttte'1 Tiffik"'«fi(iisnii~il tn'' ~ l o < # i a ^ toafcyi w ere fa Pickerii^ himsdlf violated th e ^ t ' ‘3 think It is true.** ‘ UnditeilMAyily oytiU sst eltiss, Mr.
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