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Aa usual, our Christmas stocks ars complete with every type of Christmas g ift. from frlvoloM triflM to ^fta BRITAIN WILL STAND In the grand manner . gifts that you can comfortabiy and leisurely select from under one roof. For the to t 40 years Hale’s has been collecting gifts that you can give with assurance . gifts that are a triumph m quality and value. Our wish is to help you again make this holiday . A MERRY CHRISTMASI BY SANCTIONS ON Oil You Can CaBs Valley Authority Un- You Can CHENEY RITES -I- You Can Buy For constitatioiial and Revoln- SHOOTS AT TURKEY Buy For Buy For GIFTS LAVAL OFFERS KILLS FKIZE PIO ALSO Hoare Declares Conntry W fl; GIFTS GIFTS Bates' tnoary in Brief — Hear HERE TODAY Blaekville, S. C , Dec. 5__(AP) Pen and Pencil Seta.............................. .$1.95 —Dr. O. D. Hammond bought a Play Its Part in Whatevar; Bath Powders............................ 29c, 59c, $1.00 Reversible Jacquard Taffeta Spreads.. .$2.98 turkey “on tha hoof at a ^ m Ladies’ Hand B ags................................... $1.95 ing On Dec. 19. B R I^ S D H P L E H. DUCE FINAL near here and decided to shoot it Compacts ......................................... $1.00 Chatham Airloom Blankets......................$5.00 to avoid the trouble of running it CoHecthre Action Is Deal* Loose Powder Cases............... .$1.00 Ladies’ Featherweight Capeskin Gloves, $1.95 down. Satine Covered Comfortables.................$3.98 PEAffi PLANS He fired at the gobbler 40 feet Perfumes ............................................... .. • $L00 Pure Linen Luncheon Sets, 50 in. square $1.29 Wmahlngton. Dec. S—(AP) —The Fonner Vice-Presideiit of away. The bullet drilled the tur ed On—Denies Any Share Lace Table Cloths........................... $1.39, $1.98 Hand Made Tennesiee Valley Authority Act key through the head, then rico- Manicure Sets..................................... 50c, $1.00 waa aaaalled aa Unconatttutional Silk Firm Laid to Final ebeted a t right angles and killed by British Companiet in H osiery.......................................69c, 79c, $1.00 Children’s Filet and Tuscany Lace CJoths.................$4.29 and “revolutionary" In a brief filed Proposal by France and a 75 pound pig—a prize one, a t Dresses with Panties, Sizes 1 to 6 .......... $1.19 Shirley Temple Party Dresses---- $2.98-$3.98 with the Supreme Court today by that. Fabric Gloves.............................................. $1.00 Jamea H. Beck, former aoUcitor Rest Hiis Afternoon h Britam Is Last Word Be Hammond had to buy both. Increased Oil Snpments Wool M ittens..................................... 50c, $1.00 Shirley Temple Dresses, Sizes 1-12 yrs., $1.98 Boys' 3-Piece general and prominent member of the American Liberty League. ' the East Cemetery. to Italy —Statements Are Rayon Undei-wear........................................ 69c Boys’ Romper Ensemble Suits, Sizes 5 to 8 Years..........$3.98 Beck, repreaentlng a group of fore Ae Oil Embargo Is Suits in Broadcloth and Linen $1.19, .... $1.69 Alabama power company atockhold- Ladies’ Hand B ags..................... $1.00 Snuggle Rugs with Adjustable Hood and Zip era, contended that if Uie legUlatlon BUSINESS LEADERS Made in Speech to Hooke Children’s Scarf Sets..................... $1.29, $1.98 were upheld it would “change the Final rites were held this after Silk Scarfs........................................... 59c, $1.00 per Closing ................... $2.98-$3.98 form of the Federal government noon for Robert Cheney, former Washable Silk Slips and Pantie Sets---- $1.49 and the aocial organization of the HEAR LABOR’S SD E of Commons. Wool Scarfs.........................................59c, $1.00 Shirley Temple Rain Sets, Sizes 7-14----- $2.98 vice-president of Cheney Brothers Paris, Dec. 6.—Premier Laval American' people." and the man credited with the in Boys’ Wool His brief waa filed In preparation gav* Italian Ambassador Vittorio Men's H andkerchiefs.................................. 25c troduction of velvet manufacture In Children's Skirts, Sizes 7-14 .....................$2.98 for argumenta December 19 on Cerruti a "set of suggestions" for an Loudon, Dee. 8 — (AP) — Sir Women’s Handkerchiefs.............................25c Shorts and Knickerettes........$1.29 and $1.69 validity of the legialatlon which waa the United States. A brief, simple Children's Bath R obes__________ $2.98 service was held at the home at 80 Itolo-Bthloplan settlement, dlplo- Head of Federal Bnrean Samuel Hoare foreign sccretaiy, to -. Boxed Stationery.........................25c, 50c, $1.00 All Wool Slip-on or upheld by the Federal Circuit' of day delivered a pronouncement a t w Shaker Model Sweater with Toque........$2.98 Appeala at New Orleana when chal Hartford Road, followed by an matlo sources said today, represent Novelty Jewelry.................................50c, $1.00 Coat Sweater for Baby........... $1.19 and $1.69 lenged by the atockholdera’ group. equally short service at the grave In ing France and Britain's last word Arsnes That Workmen the Britiah stand for oil sanetioaa.M 'Twin Sweater S ets ....................... $2.98-$3.98 . After the Deadline the Cheney plot in Ektst cemetery. against Italy •when he hdd to ; House Dresses, Sizes 14 to 5 2 ...................$1.98 The brief waa preaented three Died Tuesday before an oil embargo la applied. Boxed Candy.............................. .29c, 59c, $1.00 Mr. Cheney, who introduced and The communication, a spokesman House of Ooaunons "ars or* prspai" ; O at and Slip-on Sweaters........ ... $2.98-$3.98 day* after the December 2 deadline Have Right to Organize. ed to ptay our part.” 5-Year Diaries .................................... 50c, $1.00 Shoulderettes and Bed Jackets.. $1.29 to $1.98 aet for Ita preaentatlon by the high developed velvet at Cheney Broth for diplomatie circles said, was de Flannel Robes....................... $3.98 court. It waa .Indicated at TVA ers In 1880 and managed this livered by France's pn^er to The foreign secreteiy'e pi Scrap Books.................................................... 50c Cihildren’s Sw eaters................................. $1.98 branch of the local silk industry un Italy's ambassador at a conference nouncement was nude shortly after's Women's Blouses, Sizes 34 to 4 6 ... $2.98-$3.98 beadquartera. however, that no pro New York, Dec. —(AP) — J. Fountain Pens...................................•------$1.00 Children’s S k irts................... $1.98 test would be made. The govern til his retirement from active parti late yesterday, called presumably 6 it waa learned at the Admiralw: Ski Pants in Corduroy or Wool.. $2.98 to $4.98 ment muat file Ita brief by Decem cipation in the ^rm'a affairs in to discuss French desires that Pre Warren Madden, chairman of the that the battle crulaera Hood and ',: Alaskan Lamb Muffs ................................. $1.49 ber 16. 1634, died Tuesday at the Hartford mier Mussolini make some move Renown and other British naval' Bridge Cards, 2 packs, boxed.......................59c hospital, where he underwent an op NatiotuU Labor Relations Board, Corduroy Pajamas, one and two-piece mod The case involves the right of the toward peace before the Dec. 13 told the Congress of American In vessels will leave the Medlterraneaa Children's Books............................................ 50c Children's Bath Robes, Sizes 7 to 14........ $1.98 Federal government to sell surplus eration and had been a patient for for maneuvere in the Atlantic. els ............................................$3.98 and $4.98 about two months. League of Nations meeting to con dustry today “there ar* foroes at Pure Dye Silk Slips.............................. $1.69 electric power generated at its Ala Rev. J. Stuart Nelli of S t Mary's sider oil sanctions. work which nullify the right" of Authoritative sourcee explalaod Cannon Towel S e ts ............................ $1.00 bama dams and to acquire transmis ^ flw jn connection with sa air attack quickly subdued munlUona unite of the The Franco-BriUah proposals American workmen to organise, to t withdrawal from the M ^tkS : Satin Gowns with Alencon Lace Trim . .$3.98 sion lines to carry it to nearby church conducted the services at Which took part In just-quelled Communist revolt in Brazil. The burning bar- raaeea of theae ships, sent there a t : Cannon Face Cloths, 6 in package...............50c Pure Dye Silk and Satin Dance Sets ... .$1.69 the home and the cemetery, using were In no sense Sxsd plana for “What those forces are, persona Bryn-Mawr Satin S lip s.............................$3.29 cities for use by municipalities in Janeiro Is pictured above, set afiamo in the arUllery b o i ^ i ^ i ^ t piace In East Africa, this source of Industrial experisnee, such as the the height of the Aaglo-ItaUaa teo- . Pure Dye Silk and Satin Panties.............$1.98 competition with privately owned the Episcopalian ritual. The services S'DePrtved of their rifles and cartridge belts. Sie survivors of ■ioD, has no political ■ignlfleanoK'' =- Embroidered 36” Pure Linen Lunch Sets $1.00 were attended by intimate friends said, but were presented in the members of this association, know Serving Trays, Chrome...................$2.98-$3.98 utility companies.” rafiimn7. ^ through the streets after their surrender. The form of ''suggestions" to forestall in a geaeral way," ha said. The foratjpi eecretery told to Hand Embroidered Pillow Cases.. .pair $1.00 Pure Dye Silk Lace and Embroidery Trimmed Details of Brief and relatives and those who had colunm is flanked on